The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 38th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Mills, Bob (CPC--Red Deer)
- >>Agriculture, 116(4:1640), 7449(119:1745)
>>Air pollution, 7548(120:1540-5)
>>>o.q., 6825(111:1455), 7187(116:1455)
>>Alternative/renewable/green energy, 117(4:1640-5)
>>Augustine, references, 116(4:1640)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7449(119:1745), 7547-8(120:1545), 7549(120:1555)
>>Automobiles/motor vehicles, M. on supply (Cullen, Nathan), 3657-9(59:1540-55)
>>Barley, 7449(119:1745)
>>Budget 2005, 7547-8(120:1340-5)
>>>M. for approval (Goodale), 4045-7(66:1520-35)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 5048-50(81:1740-55), 7241-3(116:2205-20)
>>Canada, 7548(120:1545)
>>Canadian passports, 5049(81:1740)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 5007(80:2225), 5014(80:2315)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 4550-1(74:1255-300)
>>Clean Air Day, S.O. 31, 6726(110:1400), 6817(111:1410)
>>Coal, 7549(120:1555)
>>Conservative Party of Canada, 116(4:1640)
>>Contaminated sites, 7548(120:1545)
>>Department of Canadian Heritage Act and Parks Canada Agency Act (amdt.)(Bill C-7), 754-6(15:1055-1110), 1824-8(31:1545-1615)
>>DNA identification/evidence, 5007(80:2225)
>>Drug trafficking, 5007(80:2225)
>>EnCana Corporation, S.O. 31, 9180(143:1410)
>>Energy, 7548(120:1545)
>>Environment, 117(4:1640-5), 4045-7(66:1520-35), 5048-9(81:1740), 5050(81:1755), 6434(105:1740), 7548(120:1540-5)
>>>o.q., 785(15:1450), 6825(111:1455)
>>Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee, M. (Mills), 4663-7(76:1010-35)
>>Environmental performance, o.q., 785(15:1450)
>>Finance Standing Committee, House take note, M. (Valeri), 2868-9(46:1550-5)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 5007(80:2225)
>>Fisheries, M. on supply (Kamp), 2541-2(42:1635-50)
>>Fishing tackle, petitions, 5669(91:1725)
>>Great Lakes, 116(4:1640)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 116-7(4:1640), 118(4:1650-5), 177(5:1050), 2868-9(46:1550-5), 4045-6(66:1520-5), 5049-50(81:1740-5), 5050(81:1755), 6434(105:1740), 7549(120:1555)
>>>M. (Faille), 5481-2(89:1130-40)
>>>o.q., 187-8(5:1150), 2848(46:1440), 2976(48:1450-55), 3233(52:1500), 3276(53:1450), 3449(56:1430), 3523(57:1445-50), 3565(58:1420-25), 3755(61:1435-40), 3647(59:1435-40), 4626-7(75:1455), 7187(116:1500), 10037(156:1435)
>>>qu., 5271(85:1320)
>>>r.o., 5535(89:1810)
>>>S.O. 31, 5205(84:1405)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--public transit costs)(Bill C-306), 7434-5(105:1740-5)
>>Justice system, 5007(80:2225)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 5048-9(81:1740)
>>>S.O. 31, 9579(149:1405)
>>Marijuana, 5007(80:2225)
>>Marriage, 4550-1(74:1255-300)
>>>Petitions, 5668(91:1725)
>>Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (amdt.)(Bill C-15), 1049-51(20:1055-1100)
>>National debt, 4045(66:1520), 7547(120:1540)
>>National parks, 117(4:1640)
>>National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, 4663-7(76:1010-35), 4950-1(80:1500)
>>>o.q., 4814(78:1440)
>>Privilege, contempt of Parliament (Mills), 4950-1(80:1500)
>>Public transit, 6434(105:1740-5)
>>Red Deer constituency, 116(4:1640)
>>References see Migratory birds
>>Remembrance Day/Veterans Week, S.O. 31, 1149(21:1405)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 4045(66:1520)
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 5007-8(80:2225-30), 5014(80:2320)
>>>S.O. 31, 4194(68:1415)
>>Sydney tar ponds, 4045(66:1520), 6434(105:1740)
>>Tax reductions, 4045(66:1520)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 116-8(4:1640-55), 177(5:1050)
>>Victims of crime, 5007(80:2225)
>>Volleyball, S.O. 31, 4622(75:1422)
>>Water, 7548(120:1545)
>>Wind energy, 117(4:1640-5)
Milton Chamber of Commerce Community Awards
2004 recipients, tribute, S.O. 31, 5401(87:1405)
Milton Farmers' Market
May to October, 33 year tradition, S.O. 31, 7613(121:1405)
Milton, ON
Mayor, Gordon Krantz, 25th anniversary, accomplishments, recognizing, S.O.
31, 5645(91:1405)
>>See also Canadian National Railway Company (CNR)--Intermodal terminal
Mimeau, Richard see Liberal Party--Corruption
Mine Free World Summit see Land mines (anti-personnel mines)
Mines/mining industry
Abandoned mines, Lorado and Gunnar uranium mines, Uranium City, SK,
unconfined radioactive tailing, leeching into water system, cleanup, federal
government assistance
>>>o.q., 2527(42:1455), 3100(50:1135), 3398(55:1145)
>>>S.O. 31, 717(14:1100)
>>Atlas Stainless Steels smelter, Sorel-Tracy, QC, closure, job losses,
pensions, etc., petition, 3896(64:1010)
>>Canadian mining companies operating abroad, social and environmental
liability, code of conduct, voluntary/compulsory compliance, o.q.,
8802(138:1455), 9588(149:1455-500)
>>Contaminates sites, clean-up, 7728(122:1530)
>>Developing countries see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing
Committee--Reports, Fourteenth
>>Exploration and development, competitive environment, 9038-9(141:1645)
>>>Investment tax credit program, continuing, S.O. 31, 1722(30:1400)
>>>Super flow-through share program, extending
>>>>o.q., 9819(152:1445)
>>>>S.O. 31, 9735(151:1415)
>>>>See also Diamond mining industry--Tax provisions
>>Geoscience sector
>>>Funding, relationship, 2946(47:1615), 9013(141:1350), 9014(141:1355)
>>>Research, exploration investment, supporting, S.O. 31, 9991(155:1410)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions reduction, carbon dioxide sequestering, oil and gas
industry factor, 5870(95:1340)
>>Nunavut, mineral exploration, job creation, economic development, etc., S.O.
31, 3223(52:1405)
>>Tulsequah Chief mine, northwestern British Columbia, reopening, delaying
until environmental sustainability issue addressed, S.O. 31, 3826(62:1415)
>>See also Bell-Allard mine;
Coal mining industry;
Diamond mining industry;
Equalization payments;
Gold mining industry;
Lac D'Amiante mine;
Older workers--Lay-offs, Training programs;
Quebec Mining Week;
Voisey's Bay nickel mining project
Minguy, Jean
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) officer, death in boating accident,
condolences, etc., S.O. 31, 6891(112:1400)
Mini-budget see Economic and Fiscal Update 2005 (November 14, 2005)
Mining Day on the Hill
Economic role of industry, S.O. 31, 9989(155:1400)
Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation see Veterans
Ministerial permits see Immigration/immigrants
Ministerial responsibility see Cabinet ministers
Minmetals see Noranda Inc.
Minna, Hon. Maria (Lib.--Beaches--East York)
- >>Afghanistan, Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri),
>>Alternative/renewable/green energy, 2947-8(47:1625)
>>Arts/culture/heritage, 2948(47:1630)
>>As Prime Minister Awards, S.O. 31, 1917-8(32:1415)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7357(117:2405)
>>Breast cancer, S.O. 31, 6891(112:1405)
>>Bremen Partnership Award, S.O. 31, 213(6:1405)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 7247-8(116:2010-25), 7228(116:2030-5)
>>Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB), 2947(47:1625)
>>Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal, S.O. 31, 2447(41:1410)
>>Caregivers, 1963(33:1055)
>>Child care, 572(11:1545), 1963(33:1050), 2947(47:1625), 5466(88:1255)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 3533-5(57:1550-1605)
>>Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 1962-3(33:1050-55), 6642-3(109:1225-330)
>>Energy conservation/efficiency, 9305(145:1210)
>>Energy Costs Assistance Measures Act (Bill C-66), 9303-7(145:1155-225)
>>Energy prices, 9303(145:1155), 9305-6(145:1210-5), 9306(145:1220)
>>Finance Standing Committee
>>>House take note, M. (Valeri), 2947-8(47:1625-30)
>>>M. (Hill), 5466(88:1255)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 2947-8(47:1625), 9304-5(145:1205)
>>Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 2948(47:1630), 5466(88:1255)
>>Housing, 9304(145:1155), 9307(145:1225)
>>>o.q., 5580(90:1440), 7623(121:1500), 9999(155:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 597(12:1400)
>>Human Resources Development Department (Social Development) estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration, 6459-61(105:2040-55)
>>Hunter, Bob, 9304(145:1200)
>>Immigration/immigrants, 2948(47:1630)
>>Members of Parliament, 5889(95:1545)
>>Municipalities, 2948(47:1630)
>>>S.O. 31, 7369(118:1115)
>>Oil and oil products, 9304(145:1200)
>>Privilege, rights of Members breached (Chong), M. (Chong), 5889(95:1545)
>>Procedure, language, inappropriate/improper, 7357(117:0005)
>>Public transit, 9305(145:1205-10)
>>Senior citizens, 1963(33:1055)
>>>S.O. 31, 3928(64:1405)
>>Social Development Department, 1962-3(33:1050), 6643(109:1230)
>>Social economy, 1963(33:1055)
>>Social programs, 1963(33:1050-55)
>>Solar energy, 9304(145:1200-5)
>>Terry Fox Marathon of Hope, S.O. 31, 4941(80:1405)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 572(11:1545)
>>Trucking industry, 9305(145:1210)
>>Tsunami (Asia, December 2004), S.O. 31, 2925(47:1400)
>>Ukraine, M. to Adjourn under S.O. 52 (Wrzesnewskyj), 1868-9(31:2135-40)
>>Wind energy, 9304(145:1200)
>>Women, 2948(47:1630)
>>World Teachers' Day, 8431(132:1405)
Minority government see Parliament
Minority language see Child care--National program; Television stations/networks
Minority language communities see Education, post-secondary; Judges--Minorities; Official languages policy (bilingualism); Quebec separation/sovereignty
Mint see Royal Canadian Mint
Mirabel International Airport see Montréal-Mirabel International Airport
Mirabel international trade zone
Quebec provincial government establishing, federal government supporting,
etc., 1911-2(32:1330)
Mirabel, QC see Bell Helicopter Textron
Miramichi constituency
Boundary change, 2614-5(43:1205)
>>See also Electoral Boundaries Commissions;
Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (Bill C-36)
Miss Canada Galaxy
Winner, Sherylynn Butt, congratulating, S.O. 31, 8794(138:1405)
Miss World Canada pageant
Paniyuk-Dean, Ashley, first Inuk, Nunavut contestant, S.O. 31, 598(12:1405)
Missing persons
Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories, search and rescue, community efforts,
>>See also DNA identification/evidence
Mississauga Chinese Business Association see Crime prevention--Awareness
Mississauga Citizen of the Year see Dheer, Jake
Mississauga, ON see Public transit--Toronto, ON-Mississauga, ON
Mitchell, Hon. Andy (Lib.--Parry Sound--Muskoka; Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food; Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and Minister of State (Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario) effective June 28, 2005)
- >>Agricultural Marketing Programs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-69), 9147(143:1005)
>>Agricultural Policy Framework (APF), 3063(49:1600)
>>Agriculture, 160(4:2250), 3016-7(49:1040-5), 3018(49:1050-5), 3024(49:1140), 3030(49:1215), 3041(49:1340), 3042(49:1350), 3059(49:1535), 3065(49:1615), 3067(49:1630), 3070(49:1700), 4161(67:2020), 6802(110:2305)
>>>o.q., 3986-7(65:1130), 3988(65:1140), 4198(68:1445), 4320(70:1140), 6084(100:1455), 7431(119:1455-1500), 7721(122:1445), 9661(150:1450), 9741(151:1445)
>>Agri-food sector, 3066-7(49:1630)
>>Avian flu (Asian bird flu), o.q., 9251(144:1440), 9326(145:1445)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), 3017(49:1050), 3021(49:1115), 3027(49:1200), 4151(67:1905), 4159(67:2005), 4164-8(67:2040-110), 4179-80(67:2235), 4185-6(67:2325)
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 129-30(4:1900-05), 130-3(4:1915-30), 134-5(4:1945), 137(4:2000), 139-40(4:2015-20), 141(4:2030-5), 142-3(4:2045), 147-8(4:2115), 149(4:2125), 152(4:2150), 159(4:2240), 160-1(4:2250-5), 169(4:2400)
>>>M. on supply (Gaudet), 2172(37:1055), 2174-8(37:1105-35), 2180(37:1150), 2184(37:1215), 2220(37:1625), 2224(37:1655), 2227(37:1715)
>>>o.q., 30-1(3:1440-45), 561(11:1435), 783(15:1440), 837(16:1455), 908(17:1450), 909(17:1500), 955(18:1145), 957(18:1155), 1081(20:1435-40), 1157(21:1445-50), 1226-8(22:1440-55), 1548-9(27:1430-35), 1550(27:1450), 1601(28:1150), 1603(28:1200), 1648-9(27:1420-25), 1726-7(30:1420-25), 1816(31:1450-55), 1970(33:1135), 2028(34:1435), 2029(34:1440), 2253-4(38:1120-25), 2103(35:1420), 2104-5(35:1425), 2110(35:1455), 2125(36:1420), 2128(36:1440), 2129-30(36:1450), 2205(37:1435), 2209(37:1500), 2256(38:1135), 3102(50:1150), 3875(63:1450), 3986(65:1125-30), 4035(66:1420), 4037(66:1430-5), 4041(66:1450-5), 4111-2(67:1415-20), 4115-6(67:1440), 4119(67:1500), 4318-9(70:1135), 4493(73:1435), 4627(75:1500), 4629(75:1505), 6083-4(100:1450), 6233(102:1435-40), 6235(102:1450), 6285(103:1130), 7430(119:1445-50), 8097(126:1450)
>>Canada Grain Act and Canada Transportation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-40), 4324(70:1205), 5189(84:1205)
>>Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program, 4161(67:2020), 4185-6(67:2325)
>>>M. on supply (Finley), 3013-4(49:1015), 3016-20(49:1040-1105), 3021(49:1115), 3024(49:1140), 3027-8(49:1200), 3030(49:1215), 3036(49:1300), 3038-9(49:1320), 3041(49:1340), 3042(49:1350), 3059(49:1535), 3060-1(49:1545), 3063(49:1600), 3064-5(49:1615), 3066-7(49:1630), 3068-9(49:1645), 3070(49:1700)
>>>o.q., 2261(38:1200), 2387(40:1455), 3987(65:1130), 3988(65:1135), 5029(81:1505), 6939(113:1155), 8272-3(129:1150-5), 9741(151:1450)
>>>qu., 9592(149:1515)
>>>r.o., 9535(148:1220)
>>Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), o.q., 6563(107:1455-1500)
>>Canadian Food Inspection Agency Enforcement Act (Bill C-27), 1975-2(33:1200)
>>Canadian Wheat Board, 3039(49:1320)
>>Colbex Inc., o.q., 10000(155:1500)
>>Corn industry, o.q., 3100(50:1140)
>>Dairy industry, 2193(37:1320), 6771-2(110:1925-35), 6772-3(110:1940-5)
>>>o.q., 5882(95:1450-5), 5931(96:1455), 6010(99:1445), 6825(111:1500), 9587(149:1450), 9817(152:1435)
>>Easter, references, 3017(49:1045)
>>Faculté de médecine vétérinaire de Saint-Hyacinthe, o.q., 2454(41:1455)
>>Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loans Act program, o.q., 4320(70:1140), 4571(74:1500)
>>Farm Income Payment Program, o.q., 4631(75:1515)
>>Farmers, o.q., 8143-4(127:1435)
>>Fisheries, o.q., 3991(65:1155), 6663(109:1450)
>>Flowers (fresh cut), o.q., 2258(38:1145)
>>Forest industry, o.q., 6611(108:1155)
>>Gem, AB 4-H Club, 132(4:1925)
>>Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), o.q., 5213(84:1450), 7816-7(123:1450)
>>Grain industry, o.q., 4200-1(68:1455)
>>Hog production, o.q., 561(11:1435), 2028(34:1435)
>>Livestock industry, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Ritz), 4151(67:1905), 4159(67:2005), 4161(67:2020), 4164-8(67:2040-2110), 4179-80(67:2235), 4185(67:2325)
>>Mackenzie Valley pipeline, o.q., 3452(56:1450)
>>Milk, 3021(49:1115), 3041(49:1340), 3042(49:1350)
>>>o.q., 4748(77:1450)
>>Nappan Experimental Farm, o.q., 6938-9(113:1155)
>>Parliament, 3013(49:1015), 3018(49:1050-5)
>>References see Agriculture; Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)--Trade dispute, Border; Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program--Deposit requirement; Union des producteurs agricoles
>>Rural Canada, 3024(49:1140)
>>>o.q., 6011-2(99:1455)
>>Slaughterhouses (abattoirs), 6802(110:2305)
>>>o.q., 4319(70:1140), 7539(120:1440-5)
>>Spirit Drinks Trade Act (Bill S-38), 8525(133:1620), 9447(147:1010)
>>Strahl, references, 129(4:1900)
>>Sugar, o.q., 9188(143:1455)
>>Supply management, 3028(49:1200)
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Bélanger), 6771-3(110:1925-45), 6780-1(110:2040), 6786-7(110:2120), 6798-9(110:2240), 6802(110:2305), 6805(110:2325)
>>>M. on supply (Bellavance), 9962-4(155:1040-55), 9965-6(155:1105-10)
>>>o.q., 5881(95:1450), 7283(117:1455), 8913(140:1450), 9405(146:1450), 9587(149:1450), 9995-6(155:1435)
>>Tobacco farmers, o.q., 488(10:1440)
>>Union des producteurs agricoles, 2174(37:1105), 2178(37:1135), 2194(37:1330), 2213(37:1525), 2220(37:1625)
>>Wheat, 3018-9(49:1100)
>>World Trade Organization (WTO), 3019-20(49:1100-5), 6799(110:2240)
>>>o.q., 9996(155:1450)
Mitchell Creek see Highways and roads--Ontario, South Frontenac Township, ON
Mitterling, Matthew see Volunteers
Mobil Oil see Oil and gas exploration--Ocean Ranger
Mobile gun system se Canadian Forces--Military equipment, Stryker mobile gun system
Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act see Divorce Act, Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Act and Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (amdt.)(Bill C-300)
Modernization of Investigative Techniques Act (Bill C-74)--Minister of
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (McLellan)
First reading, 9621(150:1000)
Mohawk Nation of Akwesasne
Criminal activity, cross-border smuggling, etc., 6970(114:1250)
>>See also Student exchange--Qarmartalik School;
Tobacco--Illegal trafficking of cigarettes
Mohawk territory see Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
Moments of silence see Afghanistan--Canadian Forces role, Woodfield, Pte Braun Scott; Canadian Forces--Submarines, HMCS Chicoutimi; House of Commons proceedings; National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women; Pargeter, Louise; Procedure; Remembrance Day/Veterans Week--Veterans; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Mayerthorpe, AB detachment; Tsunami (Asia, December 2004)
MON 863 see Genetically modified corn
Mondial des cultures
Festival, Drummondville QC, S.O. 31, 7810(123:1410)
Money see Currency
Money laundering
International, terrorism, relationship, 1501(26:1715)
>>See also Organized crime;
Tax havens--Organized crime
Mongrain-Samson, Françoise
Quebec Farm Women's Federation, Abitibi-Témiscamingue region 2005 female
farmer of the year award recipient, tribute, S.O. 31, 9991(155:1410)
Monitoring the Canadian Grain Handling and Transportation System--Annual Report: 2003-2004 Crop Year see Grain transportation--Report
Monopoly power see Agriculture--Corporate concentration; Canadian Wheat Board
Mont Garceau ski resort
Saint-Donat, QC, fortieth anniversary, tribute, S.O. 31, 3694(60:1110)
Mont-Mégantic, QC see Astronomy
Mont Tremblant ski resort
Infrastructure program, federal grants and loans, Intrawest Corporation
donations to Liberal party, kickback allegations, o.q., 4949(80:1450-55)
Montée Saint-François Institution (penitentiary)
Information session re programs, etc., S.O. 31, 9813-4(152:1415)
Monterrey pledge see Foreign aid---Doubling by 2010-11
Montmagny--L'Islet--Kamouraska--Rivière-du-Loup constituency see Income tax--Gaspé Peninsula
Montmagny, QC see Whirlpool Canada
Montreal Arab World Festival
Sabbah, Soraida, Palestinian, attending documentary film presentation, delay
issuing visitor's visa, o.q., 957(18:1155)
Montreal Children's Hospital
Fundraising walk, Monika Nelis Dupont's family involvement, S.O. 31,
Montreal Conference on Climate see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Conference
Montreal Grand Prix
Venue, o.q., 6823-4(111:1445-50)
Montréal-Mirabel International Airport
Bombardier Inc. receiving expropriated land, possibility, 1889(32:1040),
1890(32:1050), 1892-3(32:1100-5), 1894-5(32:1115-20), 1896(32:1135),
1905(32:1240), 1911(32:1330), 1912(32:1335), 1929(32:1520-5), 1930(32:1530),
>>>o.q., 1971(33:1135-40), 1973(33:1150), 2030-1(34:1445-50), 2130-1(36:1455),
>>Construction, expropriation, history, future, Liberal and Progressive
Conservative governments policies, Aéroports de Montréal role, etc.,
505-6(10:1630), 506(10:1640), 507(10:1650), 1885-914(32:1010-400),
1927-32(32:1505-45), 1933-44(32:1555-715),
3296(53:1710), 5431-2(87:1730-5),
5436(87:1805), 8419-20(131:1730-5)
>>>o.q., 1005-6(19:1430), 1272(23:1130), 1327-8(24:1420-5), 1329(24:1435),
1482(26:1455), 1655-6(29:1500), 2449-50(41:1425)
>>>S.O. 31, 899(17:1400)
>>Expropriated land, selling back to farmers and families land expropriated
from, 2211(37:1515), 3012(49:1010)
>>>House of Commons voting in favour
>>>>Liberal government (Martin), ignoring House decision, 7639(121:1705),
8592(135:1240), 8864(139:1220)
>>>>o.q., 2131(36:1455-500), 2209(37:1500)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 1885-914(32:1010-400), 1926-32(32:1505-45),
1932-44(32:1555-720), agreed to, on recorded division, 2111-2(35:1500-15)
>>Municipal taxes paid by federal government, reduction, o.q., 3651(59:1500)
>>Passenger traffic, transfer to Trudeau International Airport (Montreal, QC),
o.q., 952(18:1130), 1482(26:1455)
>>See also Airports--Rent paid to federal government, Aéroports de Montréal
Montreal, QC
Community Economic Development Corporations, funding, increasing,
>>West island, community caring, voluntary organizations, etc., 242-3(6:1730)
>>See also Air Canada;
Canadian Forces--Flight training;
Capital punishment--World Congress Against the Death Penalty;
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety;
Cooperative Association of Family Economy of the North;
Health care--Private for-profit delivery;
Hospitals--Clostridium difficile bacterium--Montreal, QC;
Housing--Affordable housing, Quebec;
Italian Canadians;
Marine transportation security (ports, etc.)--Ports police;
Murder--Firget, Claude; Palliative care--Government role;
Public transit;
Street racing;
Tsunami (Asia, December 2004)--Relief efforts;
Ubisoft Entertainment;
VIA Rail Canada Inc.--Quebec City, QC-Montreal, QC service;
World Aquatic Championships, 2005
Montréal-Trudeau International Airport
Dorval International Airport, original name, reverting to, petitions,
>>See also Airports--Rent paid to federal government, Aéroports de Montréal;
Montréal-Mirabel International Airport--Passenger traffic
Mooney, Leah see A&E Television Network--Essay contest
Moore, James (CPC--Port Moody--Westwood--Port Coquitlam)
- >>Age of consent (sexual relations), 339(7:1720), 340(7:1725)
>>>Petitions, 8615(135:1510)
>>Agriculture, 9236(144:1305)
>>Air Canada, 9456-8(147:1135-40), 9460-1(147:1200-5)
>>Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 9456-61(147:1135-1205)
>>Air transportation, 9459(147:1150-5), 10221(159:1600)
>>>o.q., 3834(62:1500)
>>Air transportation security, o.q., 9586-7(149:1450)
>>Airlines, 2918(47:1300), 9459(147:1150), 10218-9(159:1545), 10219-20(159:1550), 10220-1(159:1555-1600)
>>>o.q., 4369(70:1445), 4370(71:1450)
>>Airports, 2915(47:1245), 2917(47:1250), 4030(66:1355), 4127-8(67:1550-5), 4129-30(67:1605), 9458(147:1145), 9459(147:1150), 10219(159:1545-50)
>>>o.q., 3570(58:1455), 3933(64:1430), 4041(66:1455)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7419-20(119:1345-50), 7442-3(119:1655-700)
>>Autism, petitions, 3281(53:1520)
>>Bicycles, 8084-5(125:2315)
>>Boats, 10217(159:1530)
>>Bombardier Inc., 2916(47:1250)
>>Border, Canadian, 4129(67:1605), 9235(144:1300)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), o.q., 4116(67:1440)
>>Budget 2005, 2915-6(47:1245)
>>>M. for approval (Goodale), 4030(66:1355), 4126(76:1545), 4127-9(67:1550-5), 4129-30(76:1605)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 7235(116:2120)
>>Budget surplus, 2915(47:1245)
>>Cabinet Ministers, 2915(47:1245)
>>Canada Economic Development (Economic Development Agency for the Regions of Quebec), 1264-5(23:1040)
>>Canada Education Savings Act (Bill C-5), 374(8:1325)
>>Canada Post Corporation, o.q. 29(3:1435)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, o.q., 9103(142:1435)
>>Canada's Pacific Gateway Council, 9231(144:1235), 9233-5(144:1250-5), 9427(146:1715)
>>Canadian Forces, 4126(67:1545)
>>>M. (Moore, J.), 71(4:1125)
>>>o.q., 485-6(10:1430), 563-4(11:1450)
>>Canadian National Railway Company (CNR), 9231(144:1235)
>>>o.q., 8227(128:1500)
>>Child care, M. on supply (Ambrose), 7115(115:1725-45), 7117(115:1745)
>>Child pornography, 339-40(7:1720-5), 1486(26:1520)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 339(7:1720), 340(7:1725)
>>Children, 340(7:1725)
>>China, petitions, 3281(53:1520)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 7886(123:2405)
>>Coffin, Paul, o.q., 8096(126:1445)
>>Conservative Party of Canada, 5114(82:1535)
>>Crime, S.O. 31, 5278(85:1410)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--child pornography)(Bill C-292), 1486(26:1520)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--weapons trafficking)(Bill C-291), 1486(26:1520)
>>Criminal Code (protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 339-40(7:1720-25)
>>Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec Act (Bill C-9), 1263-6(23:1035-55)
>>Election promises, 2916(47:1245)
>>Ferry service, o.q., 4041(66:1450)
>>Festivals, o.q.,1923(32:1445)
>>Finance Standing Committee, House take note, M. (Valeri), 2915-7(47:1245-55), 2918(47:1300)
>>Firearms, 1486(26:1520)
>>Firearms Act (amdt.--criteria for firearms licences)(Bill C-289), 1486(26:1520)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 1486(26:1520), 2566(42:1935), 2917(47:1255)
>>>S.O. 31, 9320-1(145:1410)
>>Firefighters, S.O., 31, 3345(54:1405)
>>Gasoline prices, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Crête), 8084-6(125:2315-20), 8086-7(125:2330)
>>Gasoline taxes, 8086(125:2320), 8086-7(125:2330)
>>Gaspésia paper mill, o.q., 1409(25:1445)
>>Government contracts, o.q., 1155(21:1435), 5580(90:1440)
>>Government expenditures, 2916(47:1245)
>>Government polling, 2566(42:1935)
>>Governor General, estimates, M. (Alcock), 2566(42:1935), 2578(42:2100)
>>Grain transportation, 9236(144:1305), 10223(159:1615)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 4126(67:1545)
>>Health care, 1799-1800(30:2315-30), 2916(47:1245)
>>Health Department, estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration, 1799-800(30:2315-20)
>>Highways and roads, 9233(144:1245)
>>>o.q., 10039(156:1445)
>>Immigration/immigrants, 2917(47:1255)
>>Impaired driving, S.O. 31, 2969(48:1415)
>>Income tax, 2917(47:1255)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--public transit costs)(Bill C-306), 8173-4(127:1840-5)
>>Internationaux du Sports de Montréal, o.q., 3274-5(53:1440)
>>Jetsgo Corporation, o.q., 4369(71:1445), 4370(71:1450)
>>Kilgour, references, o.q., 5025(81:1435-40)
>>Kwikwetlem First Nations lands, S.O. 31, 9912(154:1400)
>>Lapierre, Jean, references, 5114(82:1535)
>>>o.q., 5327(86:1425), 5407-8(87:1440), 5720(92:1450), 5878(95:1430)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 5112(82:1520-5), 5114-5(82:1535-40)
>>>o.q., 3049(49:1430)
>>Liberal Party, 5113(82:1525-30)
>>>o.q., 5025(81:1435-40), 5878(95:1430), 5931(96:1450), 9405(146:1450-5), 9480(147:1430), 10111-2(157:1435)
>>>S.O. 31, 4871(79:1415)
>>Marine transportation security (ports, etc.), 2916(47:1250), 9232(144:1240)
>>>o.q., 4114(67:1430)
>>Marriage, 3715-7(60:1330-45), 3722-3(60:1420)
>>Martin, Right Hon. Paul, references, o.q., 5453-4(88:1130)
>>Montréal-Mirabel International Airport,<
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 1928(32:1520), 1935-6(32:1610-5), 1937(32:1625)
>>>o.q., 1005(19:1430), 1971(33:1135)
>>Municipalities, 2915(47:1245), 4128(67:1555), 4129(67:1605)
>>National Defence Department, o.q., 4197(68:1435)
>>National unity, 5114(82:1530-5)
>>Official Languages Act, 9845(152:1745)
>>Official Languages Act (amdt.--promotion of English and French)(Bill S-3), 9845(152:1745-50)
>>Official languages policy (bilingualism), 9845(152:1745-50)
>>Offshore oil and gas revenues/royalties, 5114(82:1535)
>>Oil and gas industry, 8086(125:2330)
>>Pacific Gateway Act (Bill C-68), 9231-5(144:1235-300), 9236(144:1305), 9423-4(146:1655), 9427(146:1715)
>>Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network), 9231-2(144:1235-40), 9235(144:1300), 9423-4(146:1655)
>>Personal Watercraft Act (Bill S-12), 10217(159:1530)
>>Ports/harbours, 2916-7(47:1245-50), 9232-3(144:1240-50)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 7886(123:2400)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 839(16:1505), 10001(155:1505)
>>>Member' remarks, 1928(32:1520)
>>>Motions, 71(4:1125)
>>Public transit, 8085(125:2315), 8173-4(127:1840-5)
>>Quebec, 1263(23:1035), 1265-6(23:1045-55)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 5114(82:1530)
>>Rail transportation/railways, 2916(47:1250), 9234(144:1250), 10220(159:1555)
>>Regional and rural development, 1263-4(23:1035-40), 1266(23:1050)
>>Sexual abuse/assault/exploitation
>>>o.q., 1277-8(23:1155)
>>>Petitions, 3281(53:1520), 8615(135:1505), 8916-7(140:1510), 9110(142:1515), 9748(151:1530)
>>>S.O. 31, 1151(21:1410), 4110(67:1410)
>>Skilled trades and technology workforce, 374(8:1325)
>>Smith, David, references, o.q., 8855(139:1130)
>>Sponsorship program
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 5112-5(82:1520-40)
>>>o.q., 98(4:1430), 183-4(5:1130), 315(7:1430), 385(8:1430), 602-3(12:1430), 782-3(15:1430), 831(16:1420-5), 2127(36:1435), 2383(40:1430), 3049(49:1430), 3153(51:1440), 3227-8(52:1430-5), 3349(54:1420), 4446(72:1430), 4745-6(77:1440), 4872(79:1420), 4946-7(80:1435-40), 5105(82:1440), 5282-3(85:1435), 9324(145:1435), 10162(158:1130), 10209(159:1440)
>>Sudan, petitions, 1280(23:1210)
>>Telecommunications Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 3171-2(51:1640-45)
>>Telemarketing, 3171-2(51:1640-45)
>>Terry Fox Marathon of Hope, S.O. 31, 4942(80:1410)
>>Tinga, Linda, S.O. 31, 9320-1(145:1410)
>>Toronto Pearson International Airport, o.q., 2934(47:1450-5), 9252(144:1450), 9660(150:1440), 9817(152:1430)
>>Trade with United States, o.q., 4273-4(69:1450)
>>Transportation, 2915(47:1245), 2917(47:1250), 4127-9(67:1550-5), 4129-30(67:1605), 9235(144:1300), 10197-8(159:1345), 10218(159:1545), 10220(159:1550-5), 10222(159:1610)
>>>S.O. 31, 7273(117:1400)
>>Transportation Amendment Act (Bill C-44), 10197-8(159:1345), 10218-21(159:1545-1605), 10222(159:1610), 10223(159:1615)
>>Trucking industry, 8085-6(125:2315)
>>VIA Rail Canada Inc., 9235(144:1300), 10221(159:1600)
>>>o.q., 1731(30:1450), 9918(154:1425-30), 9994(155:1430)
>>Violent crime, 1486(26:1520)
>>Western alienation, 9234-5(144:1255)
>>World Aquatic Championships, 2005, o.q.. 2846(46:1440-45)
Moore, Rob (CPC--Fundy Royal)
- >>Age of consent (sexual relations), 325(7:1530)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7351-2(117:2315-30)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 299-301(6:2430-40)
>>>M. on supply (Gaudet), 2197-8(37:1350-5), 2211(37:1510)
>>British Columbia, 7420(119:1345-50)
>>Budget 2005, 7351-2(117:2315-25), 7418-9(119:1345-50), 7442(119:1655)
>>Budget surplus, 7352(117:2320), 7443(19:1700)
>>Canadian Forces, S.O. 31, 94-5(4:1410), 7366-7(118:1100)
>>Canadian Guernsey Association, S.O. 31, 5277(85:1405)
>>Child care, 7351(117:2320), 7352(117:2325), 10101(157:1325)
>>Child pornography, 324-5(7:1525-30), 1029(19:1715)
>>>o.q., 319(7:1450-5)
>>Child protection legislation (Bill C-2), 8786(138:1315), 8788(138:1330)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 325(7:1530)
>>Children, 325(7:1530)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 3764-8(61:1530-1600), 5494-5(89:1310-20), 7821-3(123:1515-25)
>>Colombia, petitions, 3995(65:1225)
>>Conservative Party of Canada, 7352(117:2330), 7420(119:1350), 7443(119:1655)
>>Corporate income tax, 7418(119:1345)
>>Courts, 4261(69:1330)
>>Crime, 8788(138:1330), 8808(138:1540)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--street racing)(Bill C-65), 8786-8(138:1315-30), 8808(138:1540)
>>Criminal Code, DNA Identification Act and National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-13), 1029-30(19:1715-20)
>>Criminal Code (protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 324-5(7:1525-30)
>>Courts, 324(7:1525)
>>Definition of Marriage Act (Bill C-268), 1279(23:1205), 3715-7(60:1330-45), 3722(60:1420)
>>DNA identification/evidence, 1029-30(19:1715-20)
>>Education, S.O. 31, 7274(117:1400)
>>Equalization payments
>>>M. on supply (Lukiwski), 4454-5(72:1515-25)
>>>o.q., 3397(55:1140)
>>Fairweather, Gordon, S.O. 31, 1221-2(22:1415)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 7351(117:2320)
>>Firefighters, S.O. 31, 9654(150:1405)
>>Goods and Services Tax (GST), 10101(157:1325)
>>Government expenditures, 7418-9(119:1345)
>>Home heating fuel, o.q., 8556(134:1130)
>>Impaired driving, 8787(138:1325)
>>Judges, 10101(157:1330)
>>>o.q., 9106(142:1455)
>>Justice system, 1029-30(19:1715-20)
>>Liberal government (Martin), M. on supply (Harper), 10100-3(157:1325-40)
>>Liberal Party, 10103(157:1340)
>>Marine transportation, petition, 9111(142:1520), 9748(151:1530)
>>Marriage, 1279(23:1205), 3764-8(61:1530-1600), 5494-5(89:1310-20), 7821-3(123:1515-25)
>>>o.q., 2610(43:1135), 2765(45:1440), 5158(83:1155), 6935-6(113:1135-40)
>>Martin, Right Hon. Paul, references, 7351(117:2315)
>>Members of Parliament, o.q., 8556(134:1130)
>>National debt, 7443(119:1655-700)
>>Offshore oil and gas revenue/royalties, 4454-5(72:1515-20)
>>>o.q., 951-2(18:1125)
>>Old Age Security (OAS), 7351(117:2320)
>>Organized crime, 4261-3(69:1330-45)
>>Parole, o.q., 2315(39:1455)
>>Procedure, Bills, Private Members' Public, 3717(60:1340-5)
>>Proceeds of crime, M. on supply (Marceau), 4261-3(69:1330-45)
>>Public Service, o.q., 8556(134:1130)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 8808(138:1540)
>>Sex offender registry, 1029(19:1715), 8786(138:1315), 8788(138:1330)
>>Sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 8788(138:1325)
>>Sponsorship program, 10101-2(157:1330)
>>Street racing, 8786-8(138:1315-25)
>>Supply management, 10101(157:1325)
>>>M-163 (Gaudet), 5173-4(83:1330-5)
>>Tax reductions, 7351(117:2320), 10102(157:1335)
>>Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act (Bill C-14), 997-8(19:1340-5)
>>Violence against women, petitions, 8916-7(140:1510)
>>Voyeurism, 324(7:1525)
Moose Jaw, SK see Canadian Forces--Snowbirds aerobatic team
Morality see Sexual relations--Marriage
Moreau, Gilles see Laval Police Department
Morgan, Gwyn see EnCana Corporation
Morgan, John
Royal Canadian Air Farce actor/entertainer, tribute, S.O. 31,
Morguard Corporation see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--Board of Directors
Morocco see Immigration/immigrants--El Ouardi, Saadia
Morris, Michael see Special Olympics--2005 winter games
Morselli, Joe see Liberal Party--Corruption--Donations
Repayment before maturity, mortgages and hypothec loans, interest
provisions, etc., 959(18:1210)
>>See also Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC);
Interest Act (amdt.--interest payable on repayment of a mortgage loan before
maturity)(Bill C-244)
Morton, Ross see Olympics and Paralympics 2004 Summer Games--Paralympians
Moscow see Russian Federation
Moses, Ted see Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)--Grand Chief
Mosques see Harmony Movement Award
Mothers see Memorial Cross
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
Niagara region, ON branch, establishment, S.O. 31, 6602(108:1105)
Motions for Production of Papers
Banks and financial institutions, Consumer Measures Committee of Industry
Department documents re non-banks, payday loans, etc. (Wasylycia-Leis), deemed
adopted, 9748(151:1530)
>>Canadian Forces
>>>Chemical weapons/agents, Agents Orange and Purple, United States testing at
CFB Gagetown, deaths, veterans disability pensions, civilians compensation,
etc. (Thompson, Greg), transferred for debate, 8730(137:1520)
>>>Submarines, United Kingdom used submarines purchased,
HMCS Chicoutimi, fire, injuries, damage, adrift in North Atlantic, safety
factor, etc., incident reports (Casey), deemed adopted, 6131-2(101:1525-30)
>>Canadian Grain Commission, administration, reports (Ritz), ordered,
>>Fisheries, Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy, reports by Donald Savoie for
Fisheries and Oceans Department, motion for the production of papers, agreed
to, 6132(101:1530)
>>National Defence Department, Marshall, David, letter to deputy minister
(Poilievre), deemed adopted, 7190(116:1515)
>>Winnipeg, MB, Infrastructure, money used for roads, bridges, federal
government denying, documents, (LeBlanc), transferred for debate,
Motivated Young People for a Strong Canada see Youth
Motor Vehicle Safety Act (amdt.--vehicle immobilizers)(Bill C-355)--Warawa
First reading, 4502(73:1530)
>>See also Auto theft--Ignition immobilizers
Motor vehicles see Automobiles/motor vehicles
Motorcycle gangs see Organized crime
Mountain pine beetle see Forest industry--British Columbia, Lodgepole pine forests
Mousquiri national Atom hockey tournament see Lefebvre, Sylvain
Mouvement des caisses Desjardins see Canada Career Week
Mouvement pour les arts et les lettres see Arts/culture/heritage
MuchMusic Aboriginal Youth Scholarships
Establishment, Brent Wesley winner, S.O. 31, 1543(27:1405)
Mudslides see Vancouver, BC
Mugabe, Robert see Zimbabwe
Mugging see Robbery--Thompson
Mujahedin-E-Khalq (MEK)(terrorist group)
Iranian organization, Canada designating as terrorist group, 6440(105:1825)
Mukasarasi, Godeliève see John Humphrey Freedom Award
Mukash, Matthew see Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)--Grand Chief
Mulroney, Right Hon. Brian see Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney)
Constitutional recognition, 10063(156:1850)
>>Diversity factor, etc., 10062(156:1845), 10063(156:1850), 10066-7(156:1925)
>>Ethnocultural communities, injustices, redress requests, government
response, 3726-7(61:1115), 3732(61:1155), 3733(61:1200-5),
10061-2(156:1845-50), 10064(156:1855)
>>>See also Air India;
Chinese Canadians--Head taxes and exclusionary legislation;
Italian Canadians--World War II designation as enemy aliens;
Japanese Canadians--World War II internment;
Ukrainian Canadians--World War I internment
>>Global Centre for Pluralism, establishing, federal funding, o.q.,
>>Policy, 226(6:1525), 243(6:1735)
>>>Discrimination and racism, combatting, 1459-60(25:2105-15),
3727-8(61:1115-25), 3732-3(61:1155-200),
4588-9(74:1700-5), 5187-8(84:1155)
>>>Government commitment, measures, etc., 171-2(5:1000-5), 3727-8(61:1115-25),
3732-3(61:1155-200), 4588-9(74:1700-5), 4184-5(84:1125-30)
>>>Harper position, Canadian Centre on Minority Affairs, condemning, o.q.,
>>>Liberal government (Martin), position, o.q., 786(15:1455-500)
>>>Role, benefits, 2412-3(40:1750-5)
>>Recognizing, S.O. 31, 7423(119:1405), 7715-6(122:1410)
>>See also Citizenship;
Ethnic communities;
Harmony Movement Award;
Immigration/immigrants--Quebec policy;
Marriage--Same-sex couples;
Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network)--Ethnocultural
Sikh Canadians;
Terrorism--Canadian incidents;
Toronto--Danforth constituency--Diversity
Multilateralism see International relations--Canadian role; National Missile Defence system (NMD)(United States)--Canadian participation
Multiple sclerosis
May, MS awareness month, carnation campaign, S.O. 31, 5574(90:1405)
>>Super-Cities Walk for MS, participation, raising awareness, S.O. 31,
Municipal police see Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Provincial and municipal police role
Municipal taxes see Montréal-Mirabel International Airport; Property taxes; Vancouver, BC--Federal government waterfront property
Municipal waste
Landfill sites, methane, converting to electricity, greenhouse gas
emissions reduction role, 3091(50:1045), 4065(66:1750)
Budget 2005 measures, expenditures, etc., 2941(47:1535), 3921(64:1315),
3958(64:1720-5), 4028(66:1335), 4097(67:1240), 4217(68:1635), 4929(80:1230),
4956-8(80:1545-50), 5142(83:1025), 5466(88:1300), 6034(99:1735),
>>>Budget 2005 agreement with New Democratic Party, relationship,
7341(17:2200), 5694(92:1150), 7703(122:1245), 7736(122:1630-5), 7739(122:1650)
>>>Environmental initiatives, 6019(99:1540)
>>>Provincial jurisdiction, intrusion, 6033(99:1725)
>>>See also Municipalities--Green Municipal Funds--Infrastructure program,
Agreements--Infrastructure program, Gas tax revenues--New Deal for Canada's
Cities and Communities
>>Communities initiative, 242(6:1730)
>>Conservative Party of Canada position, 6105(100:1725)
>>Elections see Edmonton, AB
>>Federal environmental regulations, waterworks retrofitting, funding,
>>>o.q., 3988(65:1140)
>>Federal government co-operation, etc., 7527(123:1330), 7528(120:1335)
>>Federation of Canadian Municipalities report, "Our Place in the World",
importance, S.O. 31, 2199(37:1405)
>>Goods and Services Tax (GST) relief, 16(2:1645), 17(2:1700), 21(2:1725),
44-5(3:1625), 200(5:1315), 237(6:1650), 525(11:1025), 539(11:1210),
576(11:1610-5), 876(17:1055), 934(17:1805), 2840(46:1350), 2944(47:1600),
2948(47:1630), 3090(50:1040), 3109(50:1235), 3111(50:1250), 3887(63:1620),
3921(64:1315), 3943(64:1530), 4065(66:1750), 4209(68:1545), 4415(72:1045),
4428(72:1225), 4936(80:1325), 4970(80:1725), 5466(88:1300), 6063(100:1230),
6104(100:1720), 6356(104:1705), 6361(104:1745)
>>>Budget 2005 agreement with New Democratic Party, relationship,
6034(99:1735), 7520(120:1240)
>>>Conservative Party position, 7520(120:1240)
>>>o.q., 221(6:1450-55), 602(12:1425), 608(12:1500)
>>>School boards, other public institutions, extending to, 3111(50:1250)
>>Green infrastructure, value, S.O. 31, 1000(19:1400)
>>>Durham region, S.O. 31, 1267(23:1100)
>>Green Municipal Funds
>>>Budget 2005 measures, 3891(63:1700), 4209(68:1540), 4913(80:1030),
>>>>S.O. 31, 4312(70:1100)
>>>See also Contaminated sites--Brownfields
>>Importance, 535(11:1135), 576-7(11:1620)
>>>Government commitment, 477-8(10:1340)
>>>Throne Speech statement, 10(2:1630)
>>Infrastructure program, federal government funding, 114(4:1620),
626(12:1700), 2876(46:1655), 4415(72:1045), 4458(72:1545), 5443(88:1025),
5468(88:1315), 6090(100:1535-40), 6104(100:1720-5), 6200(102:1035)
>>>>Renewing, Budget 2005 statement, 3887(63:1620), 4210(68:1555),
4963(80:1630-5), 6097(100:1630), 6346(104:1545)
>>>>S.O. 31, 7369(118:1115)
>>>Conservative Party policy, 4935(80:1320), 4957(80:1550), 6201(102:1040-5)
>>>>S.O. 31, 5206(84:1410)
>>>Environmental role, 5864(95:1255)
>>>Gas tax revenues, 37(3:1530), 86(4:1310), 125(4:1745), 539(11:1210),
615(12:1540), 633(12:1800), 885(17:1200), 934(17:1805), 2867-8(46:1550),
2903-4(47:1115-20), 2913(47:1245), 2948(47:1630), 2953(47:1710),
3090(50:1040), 3109(50:1235), 3111(50:1250), 4128(67:1555), 4129(67:1605),
4415(72:1045), 4428(72:1225), 5052(81:1805), 6233(102:1440), 6246(102:1610),
6662-3(109:1445), 6837(111:1620), 7015(114:1830), 7261(117:1235),
7500(119:2355), 7672(121:2215), 8065(125:2045-50), 8067(125:2110),
8071(125:2140), 8074(125:2200-5), 8088(125:2345), 9113(142:1535),
9297(145:1115), 9299(145:1125)
>>>>Alberta, agreement, o.q., 6012(99:1455)
>>>>Allocation, formula, 617(12:1600), 5041(81:1650)
>>>>>o.q., 2977(48:1500), 5456(88:1150)
>>>>>qu., 4205-6(68:1520)
>>>>British Columbia, agreement, 5463(88:1235), 5466(88:1300)
>>>>>o.q., 5211(84:1440), 6012(99:1455)
>>>>Budget 2005 measure, 2943-4(47:1555-600), 3887(63:1620), 3891(63:1700),
3927(64:1355), 3943(64:1525), 3945(64:1545), 4021(66:1245), 4023(66:1300),
4065(66:1750), 4077(67:1030), 4209(68:1545), 4210-1(68:1555), 4913(80:1030),
4917(80:1100), 4958(80:1555), 4970(80:1725), 5039(81:1635), 5040-1(81:1645-50),
5441(88:1005), 5446(88:1040), 5446(88:1050), 5466-7(88:1300), 5868(95:1330),
5958(98:1015), 6020(99:1550), 6024(99:1615-20), 6046(100:1020),
6047(100:1025-30), 6063(100:1230), 6087(100:1515), 6096(100:1620),
6104(100:1720), 6139-40(101:1620-5), 6147(101:1705-10), 6199(102:1025),
>>>>>Budget 2005 agreement with New Democratic Party, relationship,
5853(95:1130), 5864(95:1255), 5865(95:1305), 5993(99:1250), 5995(99:1305),
6248(102:1620), 7287(117:1525), 7290(117:1545), 7294(117:1620),
7316(117:1855), 7527(120:1330), 7774(122:2220)
>>>>>Legislation, passage, necessity, 7015(114:1835), 7410(119:1240-5)
>>>>>>o.q., 5334(86:1505)
>>>>>>S.O. 31, 6655-6(109:1405)
>>>>Conservative Party position, 5468(88:1315), 6030(99:1705), 6148(101:1720),
6212(102:1205), 7528(120:1335)
>>>>Details, omission, 89(4:1335)
>>>>Formula, population/kilometres basis, 6064(100:1240), 6215(102:1235)
>>>>Glengarry--Prescott--Russell constituency, S.O. 31, 7533(120:1410)
>>>>Greenhouse gas emissions reduction, Kyoto Protocol, relationship,
>>>>Implementation delay, 7291-2(117:1600)
>>>>Large cities subsidized by rural and smaller communities, 7520(120:1240),
>>>>Manitoba, S.O. 31, 8505-6(133:1415), 9914(154:1405)
>>>>New Brunswick agreement, o.q., 10165(158:1140)
>>>>Nova Scotia agreement, o.q., 8012(125:1455)
>>>>o.q., 784(15:1445), 2761(45:1415), 3568(58:1440), 7535(120:1420),
7619(121:1435), 8005-6(125:1420-5), 8096(126:1440-5)
>>>>Ontario, negotiations/agreement, 5046(81:1725), 6020(99:1550),
>>>>>o.q., 5334(86:1505), 6082(100:1445), 7429(119:1440-45)
>>>>Ottawa ON, share, S.O. 31, 7423(119:1405)
>>>>Prince Edward Island agreement, o.q., 10165(158:1140)
>>>>Priorities, cities determining, o.q., 6334-5(104:1435-40)
>>>>Provincial jurisdiction factor, 7525(120:1315)
>>>>Quebec agreement
>>>>>o.q., 7621(121:1445)
>>>>>S.O. 31, 8218(128:1405)
>>>>Quebec, jurisdiction, 4920(80:1120), 6207-8(102:1130-5)
>>>>>o.q., 2978(48:1505), 3454(56:1455), 3524(57:1450), 6412(105:1450-55),
6733(110:1435), 8607(135:1420)
>>>>Rural communities, small towns, impact, 7298-9(117:1650-5)
>>>>S.O. 31, 2378(40:1400)
>>>>Sustainable infrastructure, devoting 50% to, 3891(63:1700)
>>>>Throne Speech statement, 10(2:1630), 17(2:1700), 21(2:1725), 44-5(3:1625),
52-3(3:1725), 73-4(4:1140), 111(4:1600), 115(4:1625), 171(5:1000), 173(5:1020),
235(6:1635), 237-8(6:1650-5), 537(11:1150), 7127(115:1845)
>>>>>o.q., 97-8(4:1425-30), 103(4:1500)
>>>>Toronto, ON, 6020(99:1550)
>>>>Transfer to provinces for distribution, 116(4:1635)
>>>>Transit authorities, Ontario, o.q., 784(15:1445)
>>>>Windsor, ON, agreement, qu., 8020(125:1525)
>>>>Winnipeg, MB, needs, restrictions, o.q., 6334(104:1435)
>>>Jurisdiction, 8607(135:1420-25)
>>>Long-term commitment, Throne Speech statement, 10(2:1630), 19(2:1710),
115(4:1625), 567-8(11:1510), 570(11:1530), 584(11:1710)
>>>o.q., 1278(23:1200)
>>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney) record, 5468-9(88:1315)
>>>Projects, priorities, Conservative Party position, 125(4:1750)
>>>Provincial jurisdiction, intrusion, 48(3:1650), 73-4(4:1140),
581-2(11:1650-5), 2836(46:1315), 3898(64:1025), 4091-2(67:1155-1200)
>>>Quebec, 3977-8(65:1035), 6204(102:1105), 6208(102:1135)
>>>Since 1994, 2840(46:1350)
>>>See also Herring Cove, NS
>>Infrastructure renewal see Nanaimo, BC
>>National debt, reduction, federal government priority, impact,
883-4(17:1150), 933-4(17:1805)
>>New Deal for Canada's Cities and Communities, federal commitment,
125(4:1740), 576-7(11:1620), 3887-8(63:1620-5), 2849(46:1300),
2903-4(47:1115-20), 2943(47:1555), 5990(99:1220), 6104-5(100:1725),
>>>Brant constituency benefits, 227(6:1530)
>>>Budget 2004 measures, 3883(63:1545)
>>>Budget 2005, relationship, 4028(66:1335-40), 4428(72:1225), 5463(88:1235),
5468(88:1310), 5834(94:1740), 7520(120:1240)
>>>Large/small, managing, equitable treatment, o.q., 221(6:1450-55)
>>>>S.O. 31, 3094(50:1100)
>>>Priorities, o.q., 6662-3(109:1445)
>>>Suzuki, Dr. David, position, o.q., 5813(94:1455)
>>>Throne Speech statement, 10(2:1630), 21(2:1725), 570(11:1530-5),
>>>Winnipeg, MB, eligibility, qu., 9592(149:1515)
>>Property taxes, excessive, 615(12:1540)
>>Public administration awards see Victoriaville, QC
>>Quebec, provincial government funding cutbacks, repayments required, etc.,
>>Transit see Municipalities--Infrastructure program
>>Urban strategy, Throne speech statement, 11(2:1630)
>>See also Boats--Personal watercraft;
Brampton, ON;
Budget 2005--Pre-budget consultations;
Budget deficit--Reduction;
Budget process--Pre-budget consultations;
Federal-provincial/territorial-municipal relations;
First Nations/Indians--Fiscal management system;
Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental);
Foreign aid;
Halifax Chamber of Commerce/2004 HRM Economic Summit;
Immigration/immigrants--Settlement and integration services;
Quebec separation/sovereignty;
Search and rescue--Heavy Urban Search and Rescue (HUSAR) teams;
Sports--Amateur sport organizations;
Water--Drinking water
Beckles, Amon, victim, 18 year old killed at Toronto, ON church
>>>o.q., 9920(154:1440)
>>>S.O. 31, 9912(154:1400)
>>Bolyantu, Brian, victim, killed by United States citizen, border crossing
factor, 6973(114:1320)
>>Calgary, AB case, five-year-old girl victim, treatment of killer's/victim's
family, 8805-6(138:1515)
>>Cambridge, ON case, machete killing, sentence, house arrest, o.q.,
>>Candir, Aysegul, victim, Bramalea Secondary School teacher, family violence
factor, condolences, etc., S.O. 31, 2759(45:1405)
>>Charafeddine, Mohammed, killed by United States citizen, border crossing
factor, 6973(114:1320)
>>Firearms, use, 5358(86:1845)
>>>Black youth victims, gangs factor, etc., S.O. 31, 9990(155:1405)
>>>Firearms registry, relationship, 2566(42:1935), 2581-3(42:2135-40)
>>>o.q., 8560(134:1155)
>>>Toronto, ON, government response, etc., 8930(140:1650), 8932(140:1705)
>>>>o.q., 8910-1(140:1435-40), 9992(155:1415)
>>First degree murder, parole officers, firefighters, including,
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--murder of parole officer or
firefighter)(Bill C-438)
>>Forget, Claude, conviction for murder of Montreal, QC police officer, Walter
Filipas, parole application, o.q., 3935(64:1440), 5333(86:1500)
>>Hayart, Philippe, Manitoba, victim, o.q., 8612(135:1450)
>>Howard, Clayton Kempton, victim, sentencing killer, petitions, 2348(40:1020)
>>Jones, Holly, victim
>>>Remembrance, S.O. 31, 5804(94:1405)
>>>See also Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Child pornography;
DNA identification/evidence--National DNA databank
>>Lemisky, Janis, victim, Enrico Grossi confession ruled inadmissible plea
bargain, parole, etc., S.O. 31, 1476(26:1415)
>>Naglingniq, Jennifer, Nunavut grade 8 student, victim, S.O. 31,
>>>Decline, 8932(140:1705)
>>>Increase, o.q., 8512(133:1445)
>>Second degree murder re spousal abuse, sentencing, petitions, 2729(45:1005)
>>>Faint hope clause, Criminal Code section 745, eliminating, 5015(80:2325)
>>>See also Murder--Cambridge, ON case
>>Sex trade workers, women, victims
>>>Edmonton, AB, 6302(103:1325)
>>>S.O. 31, 5925(96:1415)
>>Sikhs, Mewa Singh Bains and Shingara Singh Thandi, Bear Creek Park, Surrey,
BC, July 18 and 19, 2005 attacks by young offenders, S.O. 31, 8090(126:1410)
>>Suzack, Clinton, conviction for murder of police officer, transfer to "club
fed" prison, o.q., 3935(64:1440)
>>Van Gogh, Theo, victim, Dutch filmmaker, Amsterdam, Netherlands, S.O. 31,
>>Walker, Albert, United Kingdom conviction, return to Canada to serve
sentence, o.q., 3989090(65:1145)
>>See also Cadman--References;
Capital punishment;
Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation;
Colombia--Massé, Jocelyn;
Dangerous offenders--Sharpe, Lawrence David;
DNA identification/evidence--Doherty, James--Holland, Muriel--Jones,
Holly--Manning, Tara--Murderers
India--Khalra, Jaswant Singh;
Iraq--CARE International head of operations Margaret Hassan;
Latimer, Robert;
Milgaard, David;
Organized crime--Desrochers, Daniel;
Parole--Life imprisonment;
Public safety occupations;
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Mayerthorpe, AB detachment;
Sexual assault/abuse/exploitation--Fisher, Larry;
Sri Lanka--Sivaram, Dharmeratnam;
Truscott, Steven;
Victims of crime--McLaughlin, Jack;
Walk Against Violence
Murmansk, Russia see World War II--Merchant Navy
Murphy, Emily see "Famous Five" (Emily Murphy, Nellie Letitia McClung, Irene Marryat Parlby, Louise Crummy McKinney and Henrietta Muir Edwards)
Murphy, Cpl Jamie Brendan see Afghanistan--Canadian Forces role
Murphy, John see Yarmouth Fire Department--Volunteer firefighters
Murphy, Hon. Shawn (Lib.--Charlottetown)
- >>Agriculture, 174-5(5:10-30), 7686(121:2400-5)
>>Aquaculture, 2889(46:1835)
>>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), 6093(100:1555)
>>Atlantic Food and Horticulture Research Centre, 7686(121:2400)
>>Atlantic provinces, 3954(64:1650), 7290(117:1545-50)
>>Auditor General of Canada, 5833(94:1730)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 6257(102:1725), 7289-92(117:1545-600), 7299(117:1655), 7301(117:1715), 7325-6(117:2005), 7332(117:2050), 7336(117:2125), 7465(119:1930), 7469(119:2000), 7472(119:2020), 7484(119:2150), 7491(119:2225), 7677(121:2255), 7683-4(121:2345)
>>Bankruptcy, 6883(112:1300), 7469(119:2000)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), 175(5:1030)
>>Budget 2005, 5834(94:1740), 5835(94:1755), 6094(100:1605-10), 6096-7(100:1625-30), 6257(102:1725), 7289(117:1545), 7291(117:1555-600), 7299(117:1655), 7301(117:1715), 7332(117:2050), 7336(117:2125), 7484(119:2150), 7491(119:2255), 7677(121:2255), 7684(121:2345)
>>>M. for approval (Goodale), 3947(64:1600), 3953-5(64:1645-700)
>>>M. (Hearn), 6358(104:1730)
>>Budget deficit, 6097(100:1625), 6098(100:1635-40), 7291(117:1600), 7299(117:1655), 7336(117:2125), 7472(119:2020)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 6087(100:1515), 6093(100:1555), 6094(100:1605-10), 6096-7(100:1625-30), 6098(100:1635-40)
>>Budget surplus, 890(17:1240), 2951(47:1700), 5835(94:1755), 7289(117:1545), 7684(121:2345)
>>Bryenton, Marlene, S.O. 31, 9733(151:1400)
>>Canada Day Poster Challenge, S.O. 31, 6115(101:1400)
>>Canada Pension Plan, 3954(64:1650)
>>Caregivers, 6642(109:1220)
>>Charlottetown, PEI, S.O. 31, 4559-60(74:1400), 4868(79:1400)
>>Child care, 173-4(5:1020), 6097(100:1630), 7290(117:1545)
>>Child pornography, 338(7:1715)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 338(7:1715)
>>Children, 338(7:1715), 5834(94:1745)
>>Conservative Party of Canada, 5832-3(94:1730), 5833-4(94:1740), 5835(94:1755-800), 7291(117:1600)
>>Courts, 338(7:1715-20)
>>Credit cards, 6087(100:1515)
>>Criminal Code, DNA Identification Act and National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-13), 1024-5(19:1640-5)
>>Criminal Code (protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 338-9(7:1715-20)
>>Culinary Olympics, S.O. 31, 946-7(18:1100)
>>Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 6642(109:1220)
>>DNA identification/evidence, 1024-5(19:1640-5)
>>Dollar exchange rate, 6087(100:1515)
>>Economic strategy, 174(5:1020-5)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 5835(94:1755), 7325-6(117:2005), 7465(119:1930), 7484(119:2150), 7684(121:2345)
>>Employment insurance, 6884(112:1310), 7290(117:1550)
>>Environment, 3954(64:1650)
>>Equalization payments, 891-2(17:1250), 1210-2(22:1250-305), 7291(117:1550)
>>>S.O. 31, 899(17:1355)
>>Finance Standing Committee, House take note, M. (Valeri), 2886(46:1810), 2951(47:1700)
>>First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Act (Bill C-54), 8525(133:1620)
>>Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental), 7296(117:1545)
>>>M. on supply (Loubier), 886(17:1210), 890(17:1240), 891-2(17:1250-5), 892-3(17:1305)
>>Fisheries, 636-7(12:1820-30), 2888-90(46:1835), 3557-8(57:1920-25), 3954(64:1650), 3955(64:1700), 6269(102:1920-30), 7383(118:1240), 7385-9(118:1250-1320)
>>>M. on supply (Kamp), 2490-6(42:1025-1120), 2503(42:1210), 2507(42:1240-45), 2515(42:1340), 2536(42:1540), 2537-8(42:1600), 2554(42:1810)
>>>o.q., 3759(61:1455), 5509(89:1450), 5722(92:1500), 7377(118:1155)
>>Fisheries Act (amdt.--terms and conditions of permissions, leases and licences)(Bill C-52), 6679(109:1645)
>>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, Reports, Second, 7247(117:1005)
>>>M. (Hearn), 7383(118:1240), 7385-9(118:1250-1320)
>>General Motors of Canada Limited, 6882(112:1250)
>>Greater Charlottetown Area Chamber of Commerce, S.O. 31, 10202(159:1400)
>>Health care, 173(5:1015), 7290-1(117:1550)
>>Health research, 7290(117:1550)
>>Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act (Bill S-14), 5917-8(95:1950)
>>Inflation, 3947(64:1600)
>>Interest rates, 5835(94:1755)
>>Job losses, 6882-3(112:1250-1305)
>>Labour force, 6869(112:1105)
>>Lebanon, S.O. 31, 3562(58:1410)
>>Lighthouses, 5679(91:1910), 5680(91:1915), 5917-8(95:1950)
>>Literacy, 6883(112:1255)
>>MacDonald, George, S.O. 31, 7086(115:1405)
>>Marathon, S.O. 31, 379-80(8:1400)
>>Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (amdt.)(Bill C-15), 1231-2(45:1015-25)
>>Milliken, references, 173(5:1015)
>>Municipalities, 173(5:1020), 5834(94:1740), 6091(100:1540), 6097(100:1630), 7290(117:1545), 7292(117:1600)
>>National debt, 2951(47:1700), 5835(94:1755), 7472(119:2020), 7484(119:2150)
>>Offshore oil and gas revenue/royalties, 6358(104:1730)
>>>M. on supply (Harper),1210-2(22:1250-305)
>>Oil and gas revenues, 8525(133:1620)
>>Older workers, 6881-3(112:1245-1305)
>>Older Workers Pilot Projects Initiative, 6884(112:1310)
>>Pensions, 6884(112:1310)
>>Ottawa--Orléans constituency, 532(11:1115)
>>Pope John Paul II, S.O. 31, 4622(75:1425)
>>Ports/harbours, 3954-5(64:1655)
>>Poultry industry, 173(5:1015)
>>Prince Edward Island, S.O. 31, 7421(119:1400)
>>Privacy Commissioner, 5832-4(94:1730-45), 5836(94:1800)
>>Privy Council Office, M. (Alcock), 7144(115:2055)
>>Procedure, Members' remarks, 6422(105:1605)
>>Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA), M. on supply (Lessard), 6869(112:1105), 6881-4(112:1245-310)
>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), 7144(115:2055)
>>Public Accounts Standing Committee, M. (Williams), 5832-6(94:1730-800)
>>Public transit, 7332(117:2050)
>>Regional and rural development, 174(5:1020)
>>Remembrance Day/Veterans Week, S.O. 31, 9522(148:1105)
>>Retirement, 6883(112:1300)
>>Sable Island, o.q., 2666(44:1455)
>>Sponsorship program, M. on supply (Lunn), 6422(105:1600), 6424-7(105:1620-50)
>>Throne Speech, Address in reply, M. (Silva), 173-5(5:1015-30), 532(11:1115)
>>Unemployment, 5835(94:1755)
>>University of Prince Edward Island, S.O. 31, 93(4:1400), 2656(44:1400), 6327(104:1355)
>>Voyeurism, 338-9(7:1715-20)
>>Wind energy, 3954(64:1650), 7290(117:1550)
>>World War II, S.O. 31, 5805(94:1410)
Murphy, Tim see Grewal, Gurmant--References, Liberal government (Martin) attempt to "buy" vote
Murray, Glen see National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
Musée du Bronze d'Inverness
10th anniversary, congratulating, S.O. 31, 9398(146:1410)
Funding, distribution formula, o.q., 3703(60:1200)
>>>Ontario/Quebec/Nova Scotia, 5918-20(95:1955-2005)
>>Small town museums, funding, 7013(114:1820)
>>See also Arts/culture/heritage;
Canadian Museum for Human Rights;
Canadian War Museum;
Lighthouses--Port Greville, NS;
Musée du Bronze d'Inverness;
New Brunswick Potato Museum and Learning Centre;
Olivier Soapery;
St. Catharines Museum;
Ukrainian Canadians--World War I internment
Mushkegowuk Cree First Nations see Contaminated sites
Bands see Philippine Heritage Band
>>Music in Canada Coalition, support, S.O. 31, 1809(31:1410)
>>Quebec annual solo and small ensemble competition, participation,
commemorating, S.O. 31, 5019-20(81:1405)
>>See also Copyright
Music industry
Copyright laws, 5437(87:1810-5)
>>>World Intellectual Property Organization treaty, ratifying, o.q.,
>>Funding, Foundation to Assist Canadian Talent on Records (FACTOR) role,
>>See also East Coast Music Awards;
Grammy Awards
Music instruction
Tuition/education credit, 1279(23:1210), 9046-53(141:1810-1905)
>>>Accountability, 9046(141:1810-15)
>>>See also Income Tax Act (amdt.--tuition credit and education credit)(Bill
Musicals see Strike
Musicians/composers see Cusson, Michel
Muslim countries see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, First
Muslim holy month observances see Ramadan
Muslims see Ahmadiyya community
Musqueam First Nation
Government expenditures, r.o., 8564(134:1215)
Mutual aid see Emergencies/disasters
Myanmar (Burma)
Aung San Suu Kyi, National League for Democracy leader, imprisonment, etc.
>>>o.q., 9108(142:1505)
>>>S.O. 31, 8906(140:1410)
>>Canada Pension Plan Investment Board investments, S.O. 31, 8906(140:1410)
>>Human rights violations, Canadian government response, United Nations role,
economic sanctions, etc., 5661-4(91:1545-620)
>>>o.q., 9108(142:1505)
>>>S.O. 31, 7424(119:1415), 8906(140:1410)
>>>See also Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing
Committee--Reports, Second
Myers, Lynn (Lib.--Kitchener--Wilmot--Wellesley--Woolwich; Lib.--Kitchener--Conestoga)
- >>Agricultural Supply Management Recognition and Promotion Act (Bill
C-264), 1191(22:1015)
>>Agriculture, S.O. 31, 5960(98:1105)
>>Autism, petitions, 10048(156:1625)
>>Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations Act (Bill C-21), 1702-3(30:1125-30)
>>Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-19), 1373-4(25:1040-5)
>>Diabetes, o.q., 9741(151:1450)
>>Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec Act (Bill C-9), 3895(64:1005)
>>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (Bill C-302), 2034(34:1505)
>>Industry, 1373-4(25:1040-5)
>>Industry, Natural Resources, Science and Technology Standing Committee, 3895(64:1005), 10044(156:1510)
>>Interparliamentary delegations, 4203(68:1515), 5659(91:1535), 6291(103:1205)
>>Kalkat, LGen H.R.S., S.O. 31, 1721-2(30:1400)
>>Kitchener--Wilmot--Wellesly--Woolwich constituency, 2034(34:1505)
>>Not-for-profit organizations (non-governmental federally incorporated), 1702-3(30:1125-30)
>>Oktoberfest, S.O. 31, 8504(133:1405)
>>Supply management, M. on supply (Bellavance), 9978-80(155:1250-1300)
>>Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada (TMMC) Inc., o.q., 7931(124:1445)
Myrol, Cst Brock see Royal Canadian Mounted Police--Mayerthorpe, AB detachment
Mystery Shopper Program see Post offices/postal outlets--Victoriaville, QC