The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 38th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Babin, Roland see Volunteers
Baby foods see Trans fats (trans fatty acids)
Bachand, Claude (BQ--Saint-Jean)
- >>Afghanistan, 653(13:1140)
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 9695(150:1915), 9698(150:1935), 9699-700(150:1940-5), 9700-1(150:1955-2000)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7670(121:2155)
>>Bachand, references, 652(13:1135)
>>Border, Canadian
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 8949-50(140:1910-20), 8951(140:1925-30)
>>>o.q., 2666(44:1435)
>>Budget 2005, 7670(121:2155)
>>Canadian Forces
>>>M. on supply (O'Connor), 649-53(13:1115-40)
>>>o.q., 102(4:1450-5), 217(6:1430), 218(6:1435), 318(7:1450), 4115(67:1435), 4447(72:1435), 6735(110:1450), 7093-4(115:1450), 7183(116:1435), 7541(120:1455), 9589(149:1500), 9923(154:1455)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 5429-30(87:1715-20)
>>Department of International Trade Act (Bill C-31), 3181-3(51:1750-810). 3184(51:1815-20)
>>Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Act (Bill C-6), 1503-4(26:1730-45), 1505-6(26:1750-5)
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 3181-3(51:1750-810), 3184(51:1815-20)
>>Haiti, 650(13:1120), 652(13:1135-40)
>>Iraq, 651(13:1125-30)
>>>o.q., 3232(52:1455)
>>Marriage, 5429-30(87:1715-20)
>>Members of Parliament, 5429-30(87:1715-20)
>>National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, 2285(39:1115)
>>National Defence Department and Canadian Forces Ombudsman, o.q., 7428(119:1435)
>>National Missile Defence system (NMD)(United States), 651(13:1125)
>>>o.q., 32-3(3:1455), 2126(36:1425-30), 2931(47:1430-5), 3351(54:1435), 3873(63:1435), 7283(117:1450-5)
>>>Petitions, 3455(56:1510)
>>>S.O. 31, 900(17:1405)
>>Nurses, 2285(39:1115)
>>O'Brien, Lawrence, references, 2853(46:1510)
>>Quebec, 651(13:1125-30), 652(13:1135)
>>References, father, World War II veteran, 652(13:1135)
>>Remembrance Day/Veterans week, statement by Minister (Graham), 9409-10(146:1520)
>>Remote sensing satellites, 2364-5(40:1210), 2375(40:1340), 2376-7(40:1350-5), 2395-8(40:1545-605)
>>Remote Sensing Space Systems Act (Bill C-25), 2364-5(40:1210), 2375(40:1340), 2376-7(40:1350-5), 2395-8(40:1545-605)
>>Russian Federation, S.O. 31, 381(8:1410)
>>Rwanda, 653(13:1140)
>>Telecommunications Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 8763-4(138:1005-10), 8922-6(140:1550-1620)
>>Telemarketing, 8763-4(138:1005-10), 8922-6(140:1550-1620)
>>Trade, 3182-3(51:1755-810), 3184(51:1820)
>>War memorials, M-190 (Savoy), 2285-6(39:1115-20)
>>Women, 2285(39:1115), 9410(146:1520)
>>World War II, S.O. 31, 5573(90:1400)
Bachir, Salah see Toronto, ON--Pride Week Parade
Background checks see Air transportation safety--Airport employees; Marine transportation security (ports, etc.)--Workers
Badges see Air transportation security--Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA); Border, Canadian--Border/customs officers, Uniforms
Bagnell, Hon. Larry (Lib.--Yukon)
- >>Aboriginal claims/land claims, 2840(46:1355), 7414(119:1310)
>>Aboriginal education and training, 2021(34:1355), 9956-7(154:1925)
>>Aboriginal health care, 76(4:1200), 1797-8(30:2255-2305), 2040-1(34:1540)
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 76(4:1200), 2840(46:1355), 4963(80:1635), 5871-2(95:1355), 6249(102:1625), 7414(119:1310), 9956(154:1425), 9957(154:1930)
>>>o.q., 9956(154:1925), 9957(154:1930)
>>Aboriginal self-government, 9469(147:1310), 9470(147:1315)
>>Afghanistan, Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 9707(150:2040), 9709(150:2055), 9710(150:2105), 9714(150:2140), 9724-5(150:2255-300)
>>Agriculture, 5871(95:1350), 6100(100:1650), 6802-3(110:2305-10), 7140(115:2025), 7755(122:1845)
>>Airports, 10189(159:1245)
>>Alternative/renewable/green energy, 2726(44:2200), 2839(46:1350), 5869(95:1335), 8050(125:1855), 8069(125:2120), 8077(125:2230)
>>Arctic, 649(13:1115)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 5867-72(95:1325-55), 6248-9(102:1625), 6254(102:1700), 7414(119:1310), 7463(119:1915), 7471-2(119:2020), 7474(119:2035), 7480(119:2120), 7489(119:2235), 7497(119:2335), 7544(120:1520), 7569(120:1830), 7573-4(120:1855), 7657-8(121:2020), 7669(120:2150), 7772-3(122:2215), 7775(122:2230)
>>Autism, petitions, 3280(53:1515)
>>Auto theft, 7647(121:1855-900)
>>Automobile industry, 2840(46:1355), 4963(80:1635), 5869(95:1335)
>>Automobiles/motor vehicles, M. on supply (Cullen, Nathan), 3614(59:1050), 3622(59:1135), 3626-7(59:1215), 3632(59:1255), 3637(59:1340), 3665-7(59:1640-55)
>>Avro Arrow, 649(13:1115)
>>Bagnell, references, 7755(122:1845), 7758(12:1910)
>>Bankruptcy, 7758(122:1905), 8454-5(132:1640-5)
>>Border, Canadian, Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 8977-8(140:2235-45), 8980(140:2300), 8982(140:2315), 8983(140:2320), 8984(140:2325)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 167-8(4:2350)
>>Budget 2005, 5530(89:1735), 5867-8(95:1325-30), 5870(95:1335-40), 5871(95:1350), 6113-4(100:1835-40), 6249(102:1625), 6254(102:1700), 7141(115:2025), 7414(119:1310), 7474(119:2035), 7480(119:2120), 7489(119:2235), 7497(119:2335), 7544(120:1520), 7572-3(120:1855), 7657-8(121:2020), 7669(121:2150), 7698(122:1210), 7740(122:1705), 7756-7(122:1850-900), 7772-3(122:2215)
>>>M. (Hearn), 6359-61(104:1730-45), 6362(104:1755), 6363(104:1800)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 4961-4(80:1620-40), 6100(100:1650), 6946(113:1240), 6951(113:1320)
>>Budget surplus, 2865(46:1530)
>>Canada-Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable, 2840(46:1355), 9956(154:1925), 9957(154:1930)
>>Canada Corps, 76(4:1200), 2840(46:1350)
>>Canada Forest Service, 2699(44:1840)
>>Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology, 6371(105:1005)
>>Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation, 4962(80:1625)
>>Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 464-5(10:1155-1205)
>>Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund, 6360(104:1735-40)
>>Canada-United States relations, 1953(32:1825)
>>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, 7463(119:1915), 10144-5(157:1820-5)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Valeri), 9057(141:1925), 9085(141:2255), 9093(141:2350)
>>Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program, M. on supply (Finley), 3072(49:1715)
>>Canadian Coast Guard, 464(10:1155), 465(10:1205)
>>Canadian Environment Week, S.O. 31, 6892(112:1405)
>>Canadian Forces, 2839(46:1350), 4963(80:1630)
>>>M. on supply (O'Connor), 649(13:1115)
>>Caregivers, 76(4:1200)
>>Chief Public Health Officer, 1775(30:2015)
>>Child care, 2839(46:1345), 4962(80:1625), 7015(114:1835)
>>Child pornography, 332(7:1630)
>>Child poverty, 2864-5(46:1525), 4964(80:1640)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 332(7:1630), 8031(125:1620)
>>Children, 332(7:1630)
>>Citizenship, 10237(159:1820)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 7850(123:1840-5), 7852(123:1900), 7863(123:2015), 7870(123:2105), 7880(123:2310), 7908-10(124:1210-5), 7910(124:1225), 7945(124:1625), 7951(124:1715), 7970(124:1930)
>>Coal, 5870(95:1340)
>>Conservative Party of Canada, 7497(119:2335), 7753(122:1830)
>>Contaminated sites, 4963(80:1635)
>>Corporate income tax, 7471(119:2020)
>>Courts, 332(7:1630)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals)(Bill C-50), 9601(149:1610), 9611-3(149:1740-50), 9614(149:1755)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 332-3(7:1630)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--theft of a motor vehicle)(Bill C-293), 7647(121:1855-900)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--trafficking in persons)(Bill C-49), 7992-3(125:1245), 7996-7(125:1315), 8000(125:1345), 8030-3 (125:1615-40)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--vehicle identification number)(Bill C-64), 8866(139:1235-40)
>>Criminal Code and Cultural Property Export and Import Act (amdt.)(Bill S-37), 8996-9003(141:1130-1220), 9007(141:1255), 9903-4(154:1245), 9907-12(154:1315-55)
>>Criminal Code, DNA Identification Act and National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-13), 1018-20(19:1600-5)
>>Cruelty to animals, 9601(149:1610), 9611(149:1740), 9611-33(149:1740-50)
>>Cultural property, 8996-9003(141:1130-1220), 9007(141:1255), 9903-4(154:1245), 9907-12(154:1315-55)
>>Dairy industry, 6800-1(110:2250-5)
>>Democratic reform, 464-5(10:1155), 2864(46:1525), 7708(122:1325), 7733(122:1610)
>>Department of Canadian Heritage Act and Parks Canada Agency Act (amdt.)(Bill C-7), 764-8(15:1225-50), 771(15:1315), 776(15:1355), 1828(31:1615)
>>Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 1632(29:1225)
>>Devils Lake, North Dakota, 5317-8(85:1905-10)
>>Diamond mining industry, 9008-11(141:1310-20), 9011-2(141:1330), 9013-4(141:1355), 9029(141:1525), 9032(141:1550-5), 9033(141:1600), 9034(141:1615), 9035(141:1620), 9039(141:1650), 9042-3(141:1725), 9759-60(151:1645), 9930(154:1535), 9933(154:1600), 10169-71(158:1220-35)
>>DNA identification/evidence, 1018-20(19:1600-5)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 2840(46:1355), 3303(53:1830)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Valeri), 9384(145:2155), 9396(145:2325)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 5868(95:1325), 7757(122:1855)
>>Education, post-secondary, 76(4:1200), 2840(46:1355)
>>Elections, 5871(95:1350), 10189(159:1245)
>>Energy conservation/efficiency, 5868(95:1330), 5869(95:1335), 8077(125:2230)
>>Energy Costs Assistance Measures Act (Bill C-66), 9292-3(145:1040)
>>Environment, 4963(80:1630), 5868-70(95:1325-40), 6951(113:1320), 9283-4(144:1830-40)
>>Equalization payments, 2039-41(34:1530-45), 2839(46:1345), 4961(80:1620)
>>>M. on supply (Lukiwski), 4470(72:1810)
>>Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Act (amdt.)(Bill S-36), 9008-12(141:1310-30), 9013-4(141:1355), 9029(141:1525), 9032(141:1550-5), 9033(141:1600), 9034(141:1615), 9035(141:1620), 9039(141:1650), 9042-3(141:1725), 9930(154:1535), 9933(154:1600), 10169-1(156:1220-35)
>>Export Development Canada (EDC), 7463(119:1915)
>>Family farms, M-225 (Poirier-Rivard), 10174-5(158:1300-5)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.--fiscal equalization payments to the provinces and funding to the territories)(Bill C-24), 2017(34:1325), 2021(34:1355), 2039-41(34:1530-45), 2042(34:1555-600), 2043(34:1605)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.) and Diagnostic and Medical Equipment Funding Act (Bill C-39), 3325(54:1125), 3327(54:1140), 3684-6(60:1005-15)
>>Fetal alcohol syndrome, 76(4:1200)
>>Finance Standing Committee, House take note, M. (Valeri), 2839-40(46:1345-55), 2864-5(46:1525-30)
>>Fire Prevention Week, S.O. 31, 8551(134:1105)
>>Firearms, 9614(149:1755)
>>First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Act (Bill C-54), 9467-8(147:1255-305), 9469-70(147:1310-5)
>>First Nations/Indians, 9469(147:1310)
>>Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental), 75(4:1155), 2017(34:1325), 7414(119:1310), 7996(125:1315)
>>Fisheries, M. on supply (Kamp), 2493(42:1045-50), 2498-9(42:1140)
>>Fisheries Act (amdt.--terms and conditions of permissions, leases and licences)(Bill C-52), 7035-8(114:2120-45)
>>Foreign aid, 4962(80:1620-5), 6100(100:1650), 7463(119:1915)
>>Forest industry, 2344(39:1840-5), 10144(157:1820)
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 2699(44:1840), 2701(44:1855), 2704(44:1920), 27010(44:2005), 2717(44:2055), 2719-21(44:2110-25), 2723-4(44:2140-5), 2726(44:2200), 2727-8(44:2210-5)
>>>o.q., 2258(38:1150), 4321-2(70:1150)
>>Forestry, 2719(44:2110), 2727-8(44:2210)
>>Gasoline prices, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Crête), 8050-1(125:1855), 8059(125:2000), 8069(125:2120), 8077-8(125:2230), 8079(125:2240), 8082(125:2300), 8084(125:2315), 8086(125:2325)
>>Gasoline taxes, 8086(125:2325)
>>Genetically modified food, 1798(30:2300-05)
>>Government expenditures, 7757(122:1855)
>>Government programs, 7474(119:2035)
>>Green Municipal Funds, 10169(158:1205)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 76(4:1200), 2710(44:2005), 2719(44:2110), 2723(44:2140), 2724(44:2145), 2839(46:1350), 5868-70(95:1330-40), 6946(113:1240), 7414(119:1310), 8069(125:2120)
>>Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 2839(46:1350), 4962(80:1630)
>>Health care, 76(4:1155-200), 77(4:1210), 1796-7(30:2255), 2839(46:1345)
>>Health care funding, 3325(54:1125), 3327(54:1140), 4961(80:1620), 3684-6(60:1005-15)
>>Health Department, estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration, 1775(30:2015), 1796-8(30:2255-305)
>>Hepatitis C, Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 1142-4(20:2235-45), 1146(20:2305)
>>Highways and roads, 77(4:1210)
>>Hill, references, 649(13:1115)
>>Home heating fuel, 8059(125:2000)
>>Homelessness, 76(4:1200), 2865(46:1525)
>>House of Commons proceedings, 2864(46:1525), 5871(95:1350)
>>>M. (Valeri), 7698-9(122:1210), 7708(122:1325), 7733(122:1610), 7736(122:1630), 7740(122:1705), 7753(122:1830), 7755-8(122:1845-910)
>>Housing, 76(4:1200), 2865(46:1525), 7755(122:1845)
>>Income tax, 4326(70:1210-5), 4327(70:1225)
>>Infrastructure, 6359-60(104:1730-40), 6362(104:1755)
>>Internment of Persons of Ukrainian Origin Recognition Act (Bill C-331), 10061(156:1845), 10066-7(156:1925)
>>International relations, 2840(46:1350-5)
>>Interprovincial trade, 76(4:1200)
>>Iraq, 5871(95:1350), 7758(122:1905), 8866(139:1240)
>>Jewellery industry, 9011(141:1325)
>>Job creation, 2865(46:1530)
>>Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement, 7740(122:1705)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 2839-40(46:1345-55), 2864-5(46:1525-30), 7138-40(115:2015-20)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 10100(157:1320)
>>Marijuana, 9614(149:1755)
>>Marine transportation, 464-5(10:1155)
>>Marine transportation security, 465(10:1205)
>>Marriage, 7755-6(122:1850), 7758(122:1910), 7850(123:1840-5), 7852(123:1900), 7863(123:2015), 7870(123:2105), 7908-10(124:1210-5), 7910(124:1225), 7945(124:1625), 7951(124:1715), 7970(124:1930), 7992(125:1245)
>>>Petitions, 4755(77:1555)
>>Members of Parliament, 7698(122:1210), 10238(159:1820)
>>Methamphetamine/crystal meth, 7992(125:1245)
>>Millennium Scholarships, 2021(34:1355), 2840(46:1355)
>>Milliken, references, 8030(125:1615)
>>Mines/mining industry, 5870(95:1340)
>>Multiculturalism, 10061(156:1845), 10066-7(156:1925)
>>Municipalities, 2840(46:1350), 4963(80:1630-5), 5868(95:1330), 6361(104:1745), 7015(114:1835), 7736(122:1630)
>>Museums, 5918-20(95:2000-05)
>>National Child Benefit, 2865(46:1525)
>>National debt, 75(4:1155), 2865(46:1530)
>>National Forest Week, S.O. 31, 5502(89:1410)
>>National historic sites, 765-8(15:1230-50)
>>National Missile Defence system (NMD)(United States), 7758(122:1905)
>>>Petitions, 3280(53:1515)
>>National parks, 76(4:1200), 767(15:1245), 771(15:1315), 776(15:1355), 1828(31:1615)
>>Northern Canada, 75-6(4:1155-200), 2864(46:1525)
>>Nuclear reactors, o.q., 7816(123:1445)
>>Nuclear Waste Management Organization, 9532(148:1205)
>>Offshore oil and gas revenue/royalties, 6363(104:1800)
>>Oil and gas exploration, 8983(140:2320), 9085(141:2255)
>>Oil and gas industry, 4661-2(75:1855-1900), 8084(125:2315), 8086(125:2325)
>>Oil and gas revenues, 9467-8(133:1255-1305), 9469(147:1315)
>>Oil and oil products, 9292-3(145:1040)
>>Oliver, Cecil, S.O. 31, 6978(114:1355)
>>Pacific Gateway Act (Bill C-68), 9265(144:1615), 9753(151:1600), 9759-60(151:1645)
>>Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network), 9753(151:1600)
>>Parliament, 8866(139:1235-40)
>>Parliament Buildings, S.O. 31, 7810(123:1410)
>>Patent Act (amdt.)(Bill C-272), 3303(53:1830)
>>Penitentiaries, 6113(100:1835), 6114(100:1840)
>>Petitions, 4324(70:1200)
>>Petro-Canada, 2840(46:1355)
>>Polio, 2840(46:1350)
>>Post offices/postal outlets, 9284-5(144:1845-50)
>>Privy Council Office, M. (Alcock), 7138-41(115:2015-25)
>>>Clock, 3072(49:1715)
>>>Decorum, 7569(120:1830)
>>>Members' remarks, 7019(114:1905), 7756(122:1855), 7775(122:2230), 7850(123:1840), 7880(123:2310)
>>>Private Members' Business, 4292(69:1715)
>>>Question and comment period, 988(19:1220), 9707(150:2040)
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 5530(89:1735)
>>Proceeds of crime, 7992(125:1245)
>>Productivity, 6359(104:1730)
>>Public transit, 5868(95:1330), 7757(122:1900), 8050(125:1855)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 5871(95:1350)
>>Rail transportation/railways, 10193(159:1310), 10237(159:1820)
>>References, engagement to Melissa Craig, 7755(122:1845), 7758(122:1910)
>>Regional and rural development, 7472(119:2020)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 7140(115:2025), 7993(125:1245)
>>Rural Canada, 77(4:1210), 2840(46:1350)
>>Saint-Jean Baptiste Day, 7758(122:1910)
>>Search and rescue, 10147-8(157:1840-45)
>>Senior citizens, 76(4:1200), 2839(46:1350), 2865(46:1525), 4962(80:1625-30)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 7992-3(125:1245), 7996(125:1315), 8031(125:1620-5), 8032(125:1640)
>>Small and medium business, 7471(119:2020)
>>Statistics Act (amdt.)(Bill S-18), 7015(114:1835), 7019(114:1905)
>>Student loans, 2840(46:1355)
>>Students, 76(4:1200)
>>Sudan, 2840(46:1350)
>>Supply management, Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Bélanger), 6800-1(110:2250-5), 6802(110:2305-10)
>>Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2004 (Bill S-17), 4325-6(70:1210-5), 4327(70:1225)
>>Tax reductions, 77(4:1200), 2864-5(46:1525), 4327(70:1225), 7414(119:1310), 7471(119:2020), 7669(121:2150)
>>Tax treaties, 4325-6(70:1210-5)
>>Territories, 2040-1(34:1535-45), 9014(141:1355)
>>Terrorism, 1953(32:1825-30)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 75-7(4:1155-210)
>>Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act (Bill C-14), 847(16:1610), 984-6(19:1155-200), 986-7(19:1210), 988(19:1220), 2300(39:1320)
>>Tourism industry, 8980(140:2300)
>>Trade, 7463(119:1915), 9265(144:1615)
>>Trafficking in persons (human trafficking), 7996-7(125:1315), 8000(125:1345), 8030-2(125:1615-40)
>>Transportation, 464(10:1155)
>>Transportation Amendment Act (Bill C-44), 10189(152:1245), 10193(159:1310), 10237-8(159:1820)
>>Tsunami (Asia, December 2004), 2839(46:1345), 2865(46:1530)
>>Ukraine, M. to Adjourn under S.O. 52 (Wrzesnewskyj), 1881-2(31:2315-20)
>>Ukrainian Canadians, 10061(156:1845), 10067(156:1925)
>>United States, 1953(32:1830)
>>Voisey's Bay nickel mining project, o.q., 6124(101:1450)
>>Voluntary sector, 76(4:1200)
>>Voyeurism, 332-3(7:1630)
>>Wage Earner Protection Program Act (Bill C-55), 8454-5(132:1650-5)
>>Western Economic Diversification Department, 2724(44:2145)
>>Whitehorse General Hospital, 77(4:1210)
>>Wind energy, 2939(46:1350), 4962(80:1630)
>>World Trade Organization (WTO), 6801(110:2255), 6802-3(110:2310)
>>Young Leaders in Rural Canada Awards, S.O. 31, 10157(158:1100)
Bagotville, QC see Canadian Forces--CFB Bagotville
Baie-Comeau--Hauterive see Société du port ferroviaire de Baie-Comeau--Hauterive
Bail (judicial interim release)
Reform, 8721(137:1425)
>>Violent offences, not releasing accused, 3401(55:1200)
>>>See also Criminal Code (bail for persons charged with violent offences),
Extradition Act and Youth Criminal Justice Act (amdt.)(Bill C-327)
Bailey, Roy
Former Member of Parliament, tribute, 278(6:2205)
Bain-Atoe, Dr. Gemma see Grenada--Hurricane Ivan, Medical clinic
Bains, Mewa Singh see Murder--Sikhs
Bains, Navdeep (Lib.--Mississauga--Brampton South)
- >>Access to Information Act, M. on supply (Lukiwski), 9643-6(150:1240-55)
>>Air India
>>>M. on supply (Grewal, Gurmant), 4799-801(78:1250-300)
>>>S.O. 31, 7714(122:1405)
>>Autism, petitions, 6128(101:1515), 10048(156:1620)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7555-8(120:1650-705)
>>Blindness/visual impairment, S.O. 31, 1014(19:1525)
>>Brampton, ON, S.O. 31, 2970(48:1420)
>>Budget 2005, 6140(101:1625-30), 7555-8(120:1650-705)
>>>S.O. 31, 3930(64:1415), 6930(113:1105)
>>Budget deficit, 7556(120:1650-5)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 6139-40(101:1620-30), 6141(101:1635)
>>Budget surplus, 6141(101:1635)
>>Canada Elections Act (amdt.--voter and candidate age)(Bill C-261), 6852-3(111:1845-50)
>>Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation, S.O. 31, 717(14:1100)
>>Canada Post Corporation, qu., 9623(150:1005)
>>Canadian Forces, 525-6(11:1025-30)
>>Child care, 525(11:1025), 6140(101:1625), 6141(101:1635)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 4394-5(71:1710-5)
>>Democratic process, 6852-3(111:1845-50)
>>Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 1707-10(30:1200-20)
>>Developing countries, o.q., 3053(49:1455)
>>Dheer, Jake, S.O. 31, 6890(112:1400)
>>Diabetes, S.O. 31, 2021(34:1400)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 524(11:1020), 7556(120:1650)
>>Education, post-secondary, 525(11:1020), 7556(120:1650-5)
>>Electoral reform, 6853(111:1850)
>>Elections, 6852-3(111:1845-50)
>>Employment insurance
>>>M. on supply (Godin), 6572-3(107:1600-5), 6574(107:1610-5)
>>>Petitions, 6940(113:1205)
>>Environment, 6140(101:1625), 7556(120:1650), 7557(120:1655)
>>Foreign aid, 7556(120:1650), 7557(120:1655)
>>Government expenditures, 7556(120:1650)
>>Government finances, 6139(101:1620)
>>Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 525(11:1020), 6140(101:1625)
>>Health care, 525(11:1020), 6139(101:1620)
>>HIV/AIDS, S.O. 31, 830(16:1415)
>>Housing, 7556(120:1630-5)
>>Immigration/immigrants, petitions, 3879(63:1515)
>>India, petitions, 6196-7(102:1010)
>>Infrastructure, S.O. 31, 6404-5(105:1410)
>>Justice system, o.q., 1410(25:1455)
>>Kaur, Dr. Inderjit, S.O. 31, 9813(152:1415)
>>Marriage, 4394-5(71:1710-5)
>>>o.q., 3230(52:1445)
>>Municipalities, 525(11:1025), 6139-40(101:1620-5)
>>>o.q., 7429(119:1440)
>>National debt, 7556(120:1650)
>>Occupational health and safety
>>>Petition, 5850(95:1115)
>>>S.O. 31, 8092(126:1420)
>>Old Age Security, petitions, 9590(149:1510)
>>Orders in Council, 9147(143:1005)
>>Pacific Gateway Act (Bill C-68), 9255(144:1300)
>>Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network), 9235(144:1300)
>>Peace, o.q., 4201(68:1500)
>>Pearson Peace Medal, o.q., 4201(68:1500)
>>Peel Regional Police, S.O. 31, 9318-9(145:1400)
>>Public safety and emergency preparedness, 4799(78:1250)
>>Public transit, 7557(120:1655)
>>Rail transportation/railways, 9235(144:1300)
>>Randhawa, Jaswant Singh, S.O. 31, 8391(131:1405)
>>Senior citizens, S.O. 31, 3930(64:1415)
>>Social security payments (United States), 6140(101:1630)
>>Sikhism, S.O. 31, 5099(82:1405)
>>Skilled trades and technology workforce, 524(11:1020)
>>Soccer, S.O. 31, 8673-4(136:1405)
>>Student debt, 526(11:1035)
>>>o.q., 1817-8(31:1500)
>>>Petitions, 6371(105:1005)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 524-5(11:1020-5), 526(11:1035)
>>Toronto Pearson International Airport, o.q., 7818(123:1455)
>>Transportation, 9235(144:1300)
>>Unemployment, 6574(107:1610)
>>Veterans, M-193 (Harrison), 2630-1(43:1340-5)
>>Victoria Cross, S.O. 31, 3694(60:1110)
>>Volunteers, S.O. 31, 5923(96:1405)
Bait car auto thief see Auto theft--Osbourne, Robert
Bakeries see Bread
Bakker, Don see Sex tourism
Bakopanos, Hon. Eleni (Lib.--Ahuntsic)
- >>Agriculture, 71(4:1125), 5046(81:1720)
>>Armenian genocide, S.O. 31, 5325(86:1415)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), M. on supply (Gaudet), 2222(37:1640)
>>Budget 2005, M. for approval (Goodale), 4106(67:1345), 4131(67:1620), 4137-8(67:1705)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 5044-6(81:1710-25), 6134-7(101:1550-605)
>>Canada Child Tax Benefit, o.q., 10111(157:1430)
>>Canada Post Corporation, 6290-1(103:1200)
>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, S.O. 31, 5099(82:1410-5)
>>Canadian Forces, M. (Moore, J.), 71(4:1125)
>>Canadian Islamic Congress, S.O. 31, 10032(156:1405)
>>Caregivers, 6504(106:1725)
>>Child care, 1508-9(26:1815-20), 4904-5(79:1835-40), 5044-5(81:1710-5), 6134-5(101:1550), 6135-6(101:1555), 6136-7(101:1600-5), 6440-1(105:1830-35), 6502-3(106:1715-20)
>>>M. on supply (Ambrose), 7083(115:1355)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 3488(57:1035), 3499(57:1205), 3501(57:1225), 3503(57:1240), 3506-8(57:1300-15), 3511-2(57:1340), 3530(57:1530), 3538(57:1630), 3539-40(57:1640)
>>>o.q., 6012(99:1500), 6288(103:1150), 8798(138:1430)
>>Child poverty, 5046(81:1720)
>>>o.q., 431(9:1125), 10111(157:1430)
>>Citizenship Week, S.O. 31, 672(13:1405)
>>Cooperative Association of Family Economy of the North, S.O. 31, 3869(63:1410)
>>Corporate income tax, 3214(52:1300)
>>Crime, 1502(26:1725)
>>Cyprus, S.O. 31, 4267(69:1410-5)
>>Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Act (Bill C-6), 1501-2(26:1720-5), 1503(26:1730)
>>Department of Social Development (Bill C-22), 1738-42(30:1535-600), 1744(30:1610), 1979-80(33:1225-30), 1984-5(33:1305-10), 6501-4(106:1710-25)
>>Dufort, Patrice, S.O. 31, 1150(21:1410)
>>Elections, 7378(118:1200-5), 7432-3(119:1505), 7543(120:1510)
>>Employment insurance, 6905(112:1525), 6907(112:1545), 6910(112:1600)
>>Entraide Bois-de-Boulogne, S.O. 31, 1543(27:1405)
>>Excise Tax Act (amdt.--elimination of excise tax on jewellery)(Bill C-259), 1989-91(33:1350-5)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Martin, Pat), 2087(35:1225), 2091(35:1255)
>>Foreign credentials, 4131(67:1620)
>>Gagliano, Hon. Alfonso, 5128(82:1725)
>>Globalization, 6919(112:1705)
>>Greece, S.O. 31, 4560(74:1405)
>>Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America, S.O. 31, 5149(83:1105)
>>Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 6136(101:1555), 8883-6(140:1120-35)
>>Hadjis, Dimitrios, S.O. 31, 4696(76:1400)
>>Hadjis, Evangelos, S.O. 31, 8089(126:1405)
>>Child care, M. on supply (Ambrose), 7078(115:1310), 7103(115:1605), 7106(115:1625), 7108-13(115:1640-1715), 7121-2(115:1820)
>>Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 1984(33:1305), 5045(81:1715), 6503(106:1720)
>>Human Resources Development Department (Social Development) estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration, 6456-7(105:1210-25)
>>Immigration/immigrants, 2456(41:1505)
>>International Women's Day, S.O. 31, 4109(67:1405)
>>Jewellery industry, 1989-91(33:1350-5)
>>Job creation, 6909(112:1555), 6914(112:1630)
>>Lowry, Mark, S.O. 31, 9245(144:1405)
>>Members of Parliament, 9513-5(148:1000-1015), 9551-2(148:1420)
>>National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, S.O. 31, 2604(43:1105)
>>Old Age Security Act (Bill C-301)(amdt.--monthly guaranteed income supplement), 8883-6(140:1120-35)
>>Older workers, 6865(112:1035), 6908-9(112:1550-1600), 6916(112:1645)
>>Ouellet, Hon. André, 6290-1(103:1200)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--members who cross the floor)(Bill C-251), 10060(156:1820)
>>Personal information, 1740-1(30:1550)
>>Petitions, 6291(103:1205)
>>Pontian Greek Genocide Remembrance Day, S.O. 31, 6280(103:1105)
>>Poverty, 1985(33:1305)
>>>False/misleading statements (Bakopanos), 7432-3(119:1505), 7543(120:1510)
>>>Freedom of speech (Bakopanos), 5814(94:1500-5), 5934(96:1510)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper (Bakopanos), 6290-1(103:1200)
>>Privilege, prima facie, false/misleading statements, M. (Coderre), 9513-5(148:1000-1015), 9551-2(148:1420)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 10117-8(157:1505-10)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 10060(156:1820)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 958(18:1200-5), 2937(47:1505), 3499(57:1205), 9109(142:1510)
>>>Members' remarks, 71(4:1125), 2461(41:1535), 5883(95:1500), 6912(112:1620), 7378(118:1200-5), 9193(143:1530), 9551-2(148:1420), 10117-8(157:1505-10)
>>>Oral questions, 2456(41:1505)
>>>Questions on the Order Paper, 6292(103:1210)
>>Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA), M. on supply (Lessard), 6865(112:1035), 6905(112:1525), 6907(112:1545), 6908-10(112:1550-600), 6912(112:1620), 6914(112:1630), 6916(112:1645), 6919(112:1705)
>>Public safety and emergency preparedness, 1501-2(26:1720-5), 1503(26:1730)
>>Quarantine Act (Bill C-12), 5733-4(92:1630-35), 5738-41(92:1710-25)
>>References, speaking in Greek, 4561(74:1405), 6280(103:1105), 8089(126:1405)
>>Registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs), 6136(101:1555)
>>Salamis, Right Reverend Father Nicholas, S.O. 31, 8718(137:1410)
>>Senior citizens, 70(4:1120), 6136(101:1555), 10117(157:1505), 6503(106:1720)
>>Social Development Department, 1741-2(30:1555-1600), 6501-2(106:1705-15)
>>Social economy, 69-70(4:1110-20), 5045(81:1720), 6135(101:1550), 6136(101:1600)
>>Social policy, 1742(30:1600), 1979(33:1225)
>>Social programs, 979(33:1225), 1979(33:1230), 5044(81:1710), 5046(81:1725)
>>Sponsorship program, M. on supply (Duceppe), 5118(82:1605), 5128(82:1720-5)
>>Taxation, 1990(33:1350)
>>Terrorism, 1501(26:1720)
>>Textile and clothing industry, 2087(35:1225), 2091(35:1255), 6908(112:1550)
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M., 2807-9(45:2005-20), 2810-1(45:2030)
>>>M-164 (Crete), 6511-3(106:1835-45)
>>>M. on supply (Paquette), 3213-4(52:1250-300), 3215(52:1305), 3235-6(52:1525), 3242(52:1610), 3245(52:1630)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 69-71(4:1110-25)
>>Tibet, S.O. 31, 5401(87:1405)
>>Training, 6905(112:1525)
>>Tsunami (Asia, December 2004), S.O. 31, 3269(53:1405-10)
>>Ukraine, M. to Adjourn under S.O. 52 (Wrzesnewskyj), 1879-81(31:2305-10)
>>Universal Children's Day , S.O. 31, 1724(30:1410)
>>Zwack, Dr. Peter, S.O. 31, 9653(150:1405)
Balaclava, Battle of see Victoria Cross--Dunn, Alexander
Balaican, Alina see Immigration/immigrants--Sgro
Bali see Terrorism
Balkan states
Ethnic cleansing, 5682(92:1010), 5683(92:1015)
Ballard Power Systems
Capital requirements, etc., 5902(95:1715)
Ballast water
Control and Management, 9443(147:1005)
>>See also Canadian Ballast Water Management Act (Bill C-434)
Balloch, Howard see China--Canadian Ambassador
Balmoral Trout Festival
Success, S.O. 31, 7178(116:1405)
Baltic Sea see Canadian Forces--Leblanc, LS Robert
Banff Film and Television Festival see Government aircraft--Scherrer
Banff National Park
Facilities, deterioration, fee increase, S.O. 31, 5324(86:1410)
Bank Act see Financial Institutions Legislation Amendment Act (Bill C-57)
Bank Act (amdt.--bank fees)(Bill C-375)--Paradis
First reading, 5660-1(91:1540-5)
>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Fees
Bank Act (amdt.--bank mergers)(Bill C-249)--Martin, Pat
First reading, 959(18:1210)
>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Mergers, Restricting
Bank Act (amdt.--branch closures)(Bill C-316)--Wasylycia-Leis
First reading, 2669(44:1515)
>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Branch closures
Bank of Canada
Budget, management, value for money audit, Auditor General conducting,
>>See also Inflation
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, overview, etc., 8199(128:1145), 8232(128:1540)
>>Business bankruptcy, decrease, 8190(128:1035), 8207(128:1235),
>>Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act, overview, etc., 8199(128:1145),
8232(128:1540), 8235(128:1600), 8239(128:1625), 8449(132:1550), 8455(132:1640)
>>Contract workers, severance/termination pay under collective agreement or
legislation, priority, 9590(149:1510)
>>>See also Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--additional claims)(Bill
>>>Repayment, balance of priorities, 2276-7(38:1350-5), 5744(92:1750)
>>>Secured/unsecured, 8450(132:1600)
>>Cross-border bankruptcy, 8419-9(131:1715)
>>>United Nations Commission on International Trade Laws model law, adopting,
8207(128:1240), 8215(128:1345-50), 8419(131:1715)
>>Dominion Bridge Lachine plant, 5749(92:1830)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction factor, 8419(131:1715)
>>>See also Bankruptcy--Workers' pensions
>>Impact on communities, 5744(92:1750), 5747(92:1815)
>>Impact on individuals, 8448(132:1545)
>>Income tax debt factor, restricting automatic discharge, etc.,
8189(128:1025), 8196(128:1120), 8200(128:1150), 8237(128:1615), 8242(128:1650)
>>Insolvency legislation, modernizing, improving administration, fairness,
transparency, etc., 8167(127:1725), 8199-200(128:1145-50), 8201(128:1155),
8206-7(128:1235-40), 8208(128:1250), 8215-6(128:1345-50), 8236(128:1605),
8245(128:1725), 8417-8(131:1700), 8418-9(131:1710), 8448(132:1545),
8450(132:1600), 8454-5(132:1640-5)
>>>Consultation process, 8187(128:1010), 8207(128:1240), 8208(128:1250),
8216(125:1350), 8448(132:1545), 8455(132:1645)
>>>See also Wage Earner Protection Program Act (Bill C-55)
>>Investor/lender rights, protection, 5746(92:1800), 5748(92:1820)
>>Kootenay--Columbia constituency 1993 case, Abbott role, 8445-6(132:1530)
>>Legislation, review, 2280(38:1420)
>>Numbers, 2273(38:1330), 5750(92:1840)
>>Personal bankruptcy, increase, 8190(128:1035), 8200(128:1150),
8207(128:1235), 8232(128:1540)
>>Personal Insolvency Task Force (PITF) recommendations re reforms,
>>Quebec Civil Code, relationship, 8211(128:1310), 8419(131:1715)
>>Registered education savings plans (RESPs), relationship, 8190(128:1030)
>>Registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs), exempting from seizure,
8190(128:1030), 8200(128:1155), 8232(128:1540-5), 8236(128:1605),
8242(128:1655), 8420(131:1720), 8444(132:1520), 8455(132:1640)
>>Restructuring alternative, encouraging, etc., 8199(128:1145),
8207(128:1235), 8214-5(128:1340-5), 8216(128:1350), 8232(128:1540),
8233(128:1545-50), 8234(128:1550-5), 8235(128:1600), 8420(131:1720),
8449(132:1550), 8455(132:1640)
>>Surplus income provisions, 8200(128:1155)
>>Unsecured small creditors, trades people, suppliers, protecting,
2276(38:1350), 2277(38:1400), 2280(38:1420), 8446(132:1535)
>>Wage earner protection program, establishing, 2280(38:1415), 5745(92:1755),
5749(92:1825), 5749-50(92:1835), 8167(127:1725-30), 8186-7(128:1005-15),
8188-91(128:1020-35), 8191-4(128:1045-105),
8202-5(128:1205-25), 8207-8(128:1240-50),
8212(128:1320), 8215-6(128:1345-55), 8232(128:1540), 8234(128:1545-55),
8233(128:1600), 8235-8(128:1600-25), 8239(128:1630-5), 8240(128:1640),
8241-2(128:1645-50), 8243(128:1700-10), 8244-5(128:1715-30), 8418(131:1700-5),
8419(131:1710-5), 8420(131:1720-5), 8444(132:1520), 8446-8(132:1530-50),
8449-54(132:1555-635), 8455(132:1640)
>>>Budget 2005 agreement with New Democratic Party, relationship,
5864(95:1300), 7445(119:1715), 7468-70(119:1950-2005), 7680(121:2320),
7757-8(122:1905), 7774(122:2220), 8203(128:1210), 8239(128:1630)
>>>Collective agreements, protecting, 8187(128:1010), 8196(128:1120),
8197-8(128:1130), 8215(128:1345), 8236(128:1605), 8237(128:1615),
8239(128:1630-5), 8241-2(128:1650), 8451(132:1615), 8455(132:1640)
>>>Conservative Party position, 8189-91(128:1025-35), 8205(128:125),
>>>Cost of program, $30-$50 million, 8167(127:1725), 8188(128:1020),
8189(128:1025), 8193(128:1050), 8203(128:1210), 8209(128:1255),
8236(128:1610), 8238(128:1625), 8245(128:1725), 8420(131:1725), 8450(132:1605)
>>>Current system, impact of bankruptcies on workers, 8167(127:1725),
8186(128:1005), 8188(128:1020), 8192(128:1050), 8195(128:1115),
8211(128:1310), 8235(128:1600), 8236(128:1610), 8237(128:1615), 8418(131:1705)
>>>Employment insurance account, funding from, 8232(128:1540), 8243(128:1705),
8244(128:1715), 8245(128:1720), 8447(132:1540)
>>>Employment length requirement, three months, 8196(128:1115),
8235(128:1600), 8238(128:1625)
>>>Government assuming workers claims, 8167(127:1725), 8187(128:1005),
8187(128:1015), 8188(128:1020), 8189-90(128:1030), 8192-3(128:1050),
8195(128:1115), 8203(128:1210), 8232(128:1540), 8236(128:1610),
8241(128:1650), 8245(128:1720), 8448(132:1545), 8450(132:1605)
>>>Guaranteed payment of unpaid wages up to $3,000, by government,
8167(127:1725), 8186-7(128:1005), 8187(128:1015), 8188(128:1020),
8189(128:1025), 8191(128:1045), 8192-3(128:1050-5), 8194(128:1105),
8195(128:1115), 8209(128:1255-300), 8210(128:1305-10), 8232(128:1540),
8233(128:1550), 8235(128:1600), 8237(128:1610), 8237-8(128:1620-5),
8239(128:1630-5), 8241(128:1650), 8243(128:1705), 8245(128:1720-30),
8418(131:1705), 8420(131:1720), 8446(132:1530-5), 8447(128:1545),
8448(132:1545), 8450(132:1605)
>>>Labour legislation regulatory procedures, relationship, 8187(128:1010)
>>>Limited superiority for unpaid wages, up to $2,000, 8167(127:1730),
8186-7(128:1005), 8187(128:1015), 8188(128:1020), 8189-90(128:1025),
8193(128:1050), 8195(128:1115), 8205(128:1225), 8207(128:1240),
8232(128:1540), 8233(128:1545), 8234(128:1550), 8237(128:1610),
8238(128:1625), 8241(128:1650), 8245(128:1720), 8420(131:1720),
8444(132:1520), 8447(132:1535-40), 8448(132:1545), 8450(132:1610)
>>>o.q., 5719(92:1445)
>>>Ontario legislation, repealed by Progressive Conservative government
(Harris/Eaves), 8189(128:1025), 8195(128:1115),
8197(128:1130), 8199(128:1140)
>>>Other countries legislation, 8167(127:1725), 8188-9(128:1025),
8193(128:1050), 8194(128:1110), 8207(128:1240)
>>>Retroactivity, 8207(128:1245), 8208(128:1250)
>>>Separate fund, establishing, 8234(128:1550)
>>>Severance pay, protecting, 8192(128:1045-50), 8209(128:1255),
>>>Small business interests, investment factor, etc., balancing,
8187(128:1010), 8188(128:1020), 8189-90(128:1030), 8203-4(128:1215),
8238(128:1625), 8245(128:1720), 8419(131:1710), 8420(131:1720-5),
8444(132:1520), 8446(132:1535), 8447(132:1540-5), 8452(132:1620)
>>>See also Employment insurance--Wage earner fund;
Wage Earner Protection Program Act (Bill C-55)
>>Workers' employment insurance eligibility/payments factor, 8194(128:1105),
8210(128:1305), 8211(128:1310), 8450(132:1605), 8451(132:1610),
8452(132:1625), 8453(132:1630)
>>Workers' pensions, protecting, 2274(38:1330), 2277-8(38:1400-5),
2280(38:1415), 5744(92:1750), 5746-8(92:1800-20), 5749-50(92:1835-40),
7758(122:1905), 8187(128:1005-10), 8193(128:1055), 8194(128:1105),
8195(128:1110-5), 8196-7(128:1130), 8198-9(128:1140), 8202(128:1205),
8208(128:1245-50), 8210(128:1305), 8211(128:1310), 8212(128:1320),
8216(128:1355), 8236(128:1610), 8237(128:1615), 8239(128:1630), 8240(128:1640),
8241(128:1645), 8242(128:1655-700), 8419(131:1710-5), 8446(132:1530),
8447(132:1540), 8448(132:1545), 8449(132:1555), 8451(132:1610),
>>>Canadian Steel Foundries, Montreal, QC, unfunded, 2278(38:1405)
>>>Cold Metal Products, Hamilton, ON, 2003 bankruptcy, underfunded, impact,
>>>General Chemical Canada Ltd., unfunded liability, 8202(128:1205)
>>>Legislation, government commitment, 535-6(11:1140), 1336(24:1520)
>>>>o.q., 957-8(18:1200), 2766(45:1445), 8325(130:1430)
>>>Provincial jurisdiction factor, 8198-9(128:1140)
>>>St. Anne Nackawic pulp mill, unfunded liability, 6883(112:1300)
>>>See also Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Canada Business Corporations
Act, the Employment Insurance Act and the Employment Insurance Regulations
(amdt.)(Bill C-281)
>>Workers' wages, priority over other creditors, 498(10:1540), 1336(24:1520),
2274-81(38:1330-425), 5744(92:1750), 5745-9(92:1800-25), 5750(92:1840)
>>>Bankruptcy laws, reform, o.q., 836(16:1450)
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 5746(92:1800)
>>>International comparisons, 2278(38:1405), 5749(92:1825)
>>>o.q., 4317-8(70:1125-30)
>>>Previous legislative attempts, 2275-6(38:1345-50), 5750(92:1840)
>>>Public opinion, 2274(38:1355)
>>>Steel industry, relationship, S.O. 31, 3389-90(55:1100)
>>>See also Bankruptcy--Wage earner protection program;
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--unpaid wages to rank first in priority
in distribution)(Bill C-223);
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Canada Business Corporations Act, the
Employment Insurance Act and the Employment Insurance Regulations (amdt.)(Bill
>>Workers' wages, settlement
>>>Not regarded as income for employment insurance purposes, 2275(38:1335)
>>>Shortfall, suing company directors, expediting process, 2275(38:1335-40),
2277(38:1350-5), 2279-80(38:1410-5)
>>>See also Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Canada Business Corporations
Act, the Employment Insurance Act and the Employment Insurance Regulations
(amdt.)(Bill C-281)
>>See also Airlines;
Education, post-secondary--Tuition fees;
Interest rates--Increase;
Jetsgo Corporation--Cessation of operations;
Privacy Commissioner--Radwanski, George;
Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA)--Reinstatement/reactivation;
Student loans
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act see Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--student loans)(Bill C-236)--McDonough
First reading, 612(12:1525)
>>Second reading, 4000-7(65:1300-1405), 4767-75(77:1730-1825), negatived on
recorded division, 5030-1(81:1505-25)
>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 4007(65:1405)
>>See also Student loans--Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--unpaid wages to rank first in priority
in distribution)(Bill C-223)--Martin, Pat
First reading, 498(10:1540)
>>See also Bankruptcy--Workers' wages, priority over other creditors
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Canada Business Corporations Act, the
Employment Insurance Act and the Employment Insurance Regulations (amdt.)(Bill
C-281)--Martin, Pat
First reading, 1336(24:1520)
>>Second reading, 2273-81(38:1330-430), 5743-51(92:1750-845), agreed to, on
division, 5751(92:1845)
>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 2281(38:1430)
>>Industry, Natural Resources, Science and Technology Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 5751(92:1845)
>>>Reported, 9411(146:1530)
>>See also Bankruptcy--Workers' wages, priority over other creditors
Banks and financial institutions
Boards of directors, role, due diligence defence, 8456-7(132:1655),
8477(133:1030), 8479(133:1040-5), 8481(133:1100-5), 8482(133:1110),
8487(133:1150), 8488(133:1155-1200), 10054(156:1705)
>>Branch closures
>>>Impact, etc., 2444(40:2135), 2445(40:2140), 2446(40:2150)
>>>Mergers, relationship, 8484(133:1125), 8484-5(133:1130-5),
>>>Public consultations, requiring, 2669(44:1515)
>>>>See also Bank Act (amdt.--branch closures)(Bill C-316)
>>Competition, increasing, 2901(47:1100)
>>Consumer Measures Committee of Industry Department documents re non-banks,
payday loans, etc., M. for Production of Papers (Wasylycia-Leis), deemed
adopted, 9748(151:1530)
>>Consumer protection, 8486(133:1140), 8489(133:1205-10)
>>>Independent watchdog, establishing, 8487(133:1150)
>>Equity shares, $1 billion level, public float requirement exemption, impact
on cooperatives, 8457(132:1705), 8458(132:1710-5), 8459(132:1720),
8479(133:1045), 8487(133:1145), 10055(156:1715)
>>Fees, service charges, regulating, 5660-1(91:1540-5)
>>>See also Bank Act (amdt.--bank fees)(Bill C-375)
>>Financial services sector
>>>Economic importance, 8455-6(132:1650), 8481(133:1105), 8488(133:1155),
8489(133:1205), 10053(156:1705)
>>>Legislation, 2437(40:2030)
>>Financial statements, monitoring, 8478(133:1040)
>>Governance, regulatory framework, 8455-60(132:1650-1725), 8481-3(133:1110-20)
>>>Canada Business Corporations Act, relationship, 8456(132:1655),
8482(133:1115), 8483(133:1120), 10054(156:1710)
>>>Electronic communications/documents, 8457(132:1700), 8459(132:1720),
8478-9(133:1040), 10054(156:1705)
>>>>Privacy, confidentiality issues, 8484(133:1125-30), 10054-5(156:1715)
>>>Legislation, Financial Institutions Legislation Amendment Act (Bill C-57)
>>>>Bloc Québécois position, 8478(133:1040), 8479(133:1045), 8480(133:1050),
>>>>Budget 2005 commitment, 10053(156:1705)
>>>>Conservative Party of Canada position, 8460(132:1700), 8476(133:1020),
>>>>Introduction, delay, 8480-1(133:1055-1100), 8485(133:1135), 8488(133:1150)
>>>>New Democratic Party position, 8485(133:1135), 8488(133:1150),
>>>Review process, 8458(132:1705), 8489-90(133:1210), 10053(156:1705)
>>>See also Insurance industry
>>Government, relationship with, 8460(132:1725)
>>>r.o., 9927(154:1515)
>>Loans, rollover loans, exorbitant interest rates, banning, o.q.,
>>Low income Canadians, equal access to services, payday lenders factor, etc.,
S.O. 31, 7423(119:1410)
>>>Budget 2005 not addressing, 3900(64:1035)
>>>Guidelines, new, government adopting, 8483-4(133:1120-5)
>>>>o.q., 1973-4(33:1150)
>>>Restricting, requiring Parliamentary approval, 959(18:1210)
>>>>See also Bank Act (amdt.--bank mergers)(Bill C-249)
>>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Branch closures
>>Profits, 2444(40:2135), 2445(40:2140), 2446(40:2145)
>>Shareholder rights, 8456(132:1650)
>>>Electronic participation/communication, 8457(132:1700), 8459(132:1720),
8487(133:1145), 10054(156:1705)
>>Small business lending, 8485(133:1135), 8490(133:1215)
>>>Amount paid, 2439(40:2055), 2445(40:2140)
>>>Evasion, 2444(40:2135)
>>>See also Tax havens
>>See also Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du Québec;
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC);
Organized crime--Extent
Banting, Sir Frederick
Achievements, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's Greatest Canadian
nominee, S.O. 31, 1542(27:1400), 1593(28:1105)
>>Banting homestead, historic site, preserving, S.O. 31, 1964(33:1100),
Banting Memorial High School see Diabetes
Banville, Melanie see Olympics and Paralympics 2004 Summer Games (Athens, Greece)
Banville, Dr. Rock
Defender of workers' rights, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 6981(114:1410)
Banwait, Nidhan Singh
Community leader, Etobicoke North constituency, death, tribute, S.O. 31,
Baptists see Budget 2005--New Democratic Party
Barbados see Banks and financial institutions--Tax avoidance; CSL International--Tax havens; Income tax
Bargaining agents see Public Service--Code of conduct
Baril, Gilles see Hydro Québec
Baril, Joseph Maurice Gérard see Canadian Air Transport Security Authority
Malt barley, closed market, Canadian Wheat Board factor, 7449(119:1745)
Barnes, Hon. Sue (Lib.--London West)
- >>Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee,
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 815(15:1900), 850-1(16:1735-40), 994(19:1310), 1608(28:1235), 2597(43:1015)
>>>o.q., 9922(154:1450)
>>Aboriginal self-government, 8492-3(133:1230)
>>Age of consent (sexual relations), 7958-9(124:1805-15)
>>Banting, Sir Frederick, S.O. 31, 1593(28:1105)
>>Canada-Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable, 1184(21:1830)
>>Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation, S.O. 31, 2250(38:1105)
>>Child protection legislation (Bill C-2), 7958-9(124:1805-15)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 7959(124:1810)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 7964-8(124:1840-1910)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--prohibited sexual acts)(Bill C-313), 7958-9(124:1805-20)
>>Criminal Code, DNA Identification Act and National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-13), 1027-9(19:1705-15)
>>DNA identification/evidence, 1027-9(19:1705-15)
>>First Nations Commercial and Industrial Development Act (Bill C-71), 9853-5(153:1000-5), 9874(153:1215), 9876(153:1230)
>>First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act (Bill C-20), 1608-9(28:1235-40), 2595-9(43:1005-30)
>>First Nations/Indians, 1608-9(28:1235-40), 2596-9(43:1005-30), 9853-5(153:1000-5), 9874(153:1215), 9876(153:1230)
>>>o.q., 9997(155:1445), 9998(155:1450), 10000(155:1500)
>>First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Act (Bill C-54), 8491-4(133:1215-35), 8498(133:1325), 9474(147:1350)
>>Fort McKay First Nation, 9853(153:1000)
>>Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement, 2261(38:1205)
>>Hockey, S.O. 31, 2758(45:1400)
>>Immigration/immigrants, 2636-7(44:1125-30)
>>Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (amdt.--sponsorship of relative)(Bill C-272), 2636-7(44:1125-30)
>>Inuvialuit Final Agreement, 2261(38:1205)
>>London Police Service, S.O. 31, 8904(140:1400)
>>Mackenzie Valley pipeline, 1436-7(25:1830-5)
>>Marriage, 7964-8(124:1840-1910)
>>Oil and gas revenues, 8491-2(133:1215-25), 8493-4(133:1235), 8498(133:1325), 9474(147:1350)
>>Orcas, petitions, 9110(142:1515)
>>Peguis First Nation, o.q., 9867(153:1135)
>>>Bills, Government, 2595(43:1005)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 993(19:1305)
>>>Members' remarks, 9872(153:1205)
>>Sahtu Dene and Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement, 2261(38:1205)
>>Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act (Bill C-14), 850-1(16:1630-5), 854(16:1700), 858-61(16:1735-55), 864(16:1820), 964-5(18:1255-300), 968(18:1320), 972-3(18:1350), 984(19:1150), 993(19:1305), 994(19:1310), 996(19:1325), 2168-9(37:1025), 2325(39:1610), 2327(39:1625), 2329(39:1640), 2332(29:1705), 2333-4(39:1715-20), 2335-6(39:1730-40)
>>Violence against women, 825-6(15:1900-5), 1184(21:1835), 1185(21:1840)
>>>o.q., 9866(153:1130), 9872(153:1200), 9998(155:1450)
Barrera, Jorge see Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group--Canada Section
East Nepean Eagles, Little League World Series winner, tribute, S.O. 31,
>>Thunder Bay Border Cats, Northwood League championship, congratulating, S.O.
31, 8001(125:1355)
>>Westfort Internationals Baseball Club, Canadian Little League champions,
congratulating, S.O. 31, 8673(136:1400)
>>See also Canada Summer Games, 2009--Men's softball
Basford, Hon. Stanley Ronald
Former Member of Parliament, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 3045(49:1405)
Basic necessities of life see Poverty
Nash, Steve, Canadian, National Basketball Association (NBA) most valuable
player award, 5889(95:1550), 5892(95:1610)
Bastarache, Monique
Prime Minister's award for Teaching Excellence, recipient, congratulating,
S.O. 31, 5205(84:1405)
Bastille Day see France
Battagello, Roy
Windsor, ON city councillor, teacher, athlete, death tribute, S.O. 31,
Batters, Dave (CPC--Palliser)
- >>Age of consent (sexual relations), 9768(151:1750)
>>Air transportation security, o.q., 2310(39:1430)
>>Airports, 10185-6(159:1215)
>>>o.q., 2257(38:1140), 3934-5(64:1440)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7459-61(119:1850-900), 7462(119:1905)
>>Border, Canadian, o.q., 4568(74:1450)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), 2161-3(36:1915-25), 3070(49:1700), 4167-8(67:2110)
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 156-7(4:2225)
>>>o.q., 1272(23:1145)
>>>S.O. 31, 177-8(5:1055)
>>Budget 2005, 7459-60(119:1850-5), 7461(119:1900), 7462(119:1905)
>>Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), 7462(119:1905)
>>>o.q., 3758(61:1455), 9253(144:1455)
>>Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program, 2161-3(36:1915-25), 7459(119:1850)
>>>M. on supply, (Finley), 3069-71(49:1650-1705)
>>>Petitions, 6014(99:1510)
>>Canadian Forces, 4658(75:1830), 4659(75:1840)
>>>o.q., 2665(44:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 2658(44:1410)
>>Canadian Professional Police Association, 4695(76:1355)
>>Child care, 7459(119:1850)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, o.q., 8800(138:1440)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 4695(76:1355-1400), 4706-7(76:1505), 7970-2(124:1930-4)
>>Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.--trafficking in a controlled drug or substance within five hundred metres of an elementary school or a high school)(Bill C-248), 9767-9(151:1745-55)
>>Corner Gas, S.O. 31, 4809(78:1405)
>>Crime, 8693(136:1620), 8695(136:1630)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--street racing)(Bill C-65), 8693-5(136:1620-30)
>>Democratic deficit, 7460(119:1850), 10190(159:1250)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, Committee take note, M. (Valeri), 9361(145:1850), 9365(145:1925), 9371(145:2010), 9374(145:2035), 9377(145:2055), 9382-4(145:2135-55), 9389(145:2230)
>>Diefenbaker, Right Hon. John G., S.O. 31, 2250(38:1100)
>>Drug trafficking, 9767-9(151:1745-55)
>>Equalization payments, 7461(119:1855), 7462(119:1905)
>>>o.q., 9600(150:1445)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 7459(119:1850), 8694(136:1625), 8695(136:1630), 9768(151:1750)
>>Gouk, references, 10190(159:1250)
>>Government expenditures, 7460(119:1850)
>>Government programs, 7460(119:1855)
>>Grain transportation, 10186(159:1215), 10190(159:1250)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 1506(26:1800)
>>>S.O. 31, 5962(98:1115)
>>Liberal Party, o.q., 10115(157:1455)
>>Livestock industry, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Ritz), 4167-8(67:2110)
>>Marijuana, 9768(151:1750)
>>Marriage, 4695(76:1355-1400), 4706-7(76:1505), 7970-2(124:1930-4)
>>>Petitions, 3574(58:1515), 4900-1(79:1815), 6014(99:1510)
>>Members of Parliament, 9569-73(149:1255-325)
>>Methamphetamine/crystal meth, 8694(136:1625-30), 9768(151:1745-50)
>>>o.q., 3354(54:1450), 6824(111:1450-5), 8800(138:1440)
>>Natural health products, petitions, 5568(90:1320)
>>Offshore oil and gas revenues/royalties, o.q., 4040(66:1450)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--members who cross the floor)(Bill C-251), 9896(154:1140)
>>Post offices/postal outlets, petition, 7509(120:1130)
>>Privilege, prima facie, false/misleading statements, M. (Coderre), 9569-73(149:1255-325)
>>Procedure, petitions, 10050(156:1630-5)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), S.O. 31, 8504(133:1405)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 8695(136:1630)
>>Sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 8695(136:1630)
>>Sponsorship program, 1506-7(26:1800-10)
>>>o.q., 722(14:1130)
>>Street racing, 8693-4(136:1615-25)
>>Tax reductions, 7461(119:1900)
>>Transportation Amendment Act (Bill C-44), 10185-6(159:1215), 10190(159:1250)
>>Volpe, references, o.q., 8513(133:1450)
>>Youth justice system, 8694(136:1625)
Battle of Balaclava see Victoria Cross--Dunn, Alexander
Battle of Dieppe see World War II
Battle of Normandy see World War II--D-Day
Battle of Ortona see World War II
Battle of Ridgway see Fenians
Battle of the Atlantic see World War II
Battle of the Somme see World War I
Battle of Trafalgar
Anniversary, 200th, S.O. 31, 9099-100(142:1415)
Battle of Vimy Ridge see World War I
Battle River constituency
Renaming Westlock--St. Paul constituency, 2138(36:1550), 2165(37:1005)
>>>See also Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (Bill C-304)
>>See also Government grants and contributions
Battlefields see Veterans--Route of Honour
Battlefields, Plains of Abraham see Historic/heritage buildings, sites and monuments
Bazinet, Francis see Winchester Memorial Hospital
BC Progress Board see Rail transportation/railways--Double tracking
BCP see Sponsorship program--Funding, Unity Reserve Fund; Canadian Tourism Commission--Advertising contract
Beach Solar Laundromat see Solar energy
Beaches--East York constituency se Tsunami (Asia, December 2004)--Relief efforts
Beacon project see General Motors of Canada Limited
Bear attack see Perry, Dr. Jacqueline
Bear Creek Park see Murder--Sikhs
Beardy, Kathleen
11-year-old girl, suicide, aboriginal family/inner-city living conditions,
Beauce constituency
Drouin re-election, thanking constituents, 114(4:1625)
Beaudoin, André see Olympics and Paralympics 2004 Summer Games (Athens, Greece)--Paralympians
Beaumier, Colleen (Lib.--Brampton West)
- >>Pakistan, S.O. 31, 10032-3(156:1410)
>>Parliament of Canada Act and Salaries Act (amdt.)(Bill C-30), 4519(73:1805)
>>Procedure, divisions, recorded, 4519(73:1805)
Beaumont-Hamel see World War I--Battle of the Somme
Beauport--Limoilou constituency see Papiers Stadacona Ltée
Beauséjour constituency see Aboriginal peoples/communities
Beaver aircraft see Aircraft accidents--Campbell River
Beckles, Amon see Murder
Bécu, Johanne
Meritorious Service Cross, Civil Division, recipient for work with mental
health community, congratulating, S.O. 31, 6327-8(104:1400)
Bédard, Myriam see VIA Rail Canada Inc.--Pelletier
Beef industry
Carleton County spring show and sale, congratulations, S.O. 31,
>>Processing facilities
>>>Lack, 7496(119:2325)
>>>Producer owned, establishing, 1234(22:1545)
>>See also Biodiesel energy;
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE);
Master Breeder Award
Beef products
Imports, Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) interference, allegations,
>>International markets, petitions, 4073(67:1005), 10047(156:1630)