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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 38th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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38th Parliament, 1st Session   (October 4, 2004 - November 29, 2005)  Latest Session
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Beer see Excise duties and taxes

Begin, Albert

    >>100th birthday, celebrating, S.O. 31, 9990(155:1405)

Beijing, China see Immigration/immigrants--China

Bélanger, Hon. Mauril (Lib.--Ottawa--Vanier; Deputy Leader of the Government in the House of Commons, Minister responsible for Official Languages, Minister responsible for Democratic Reform and Associate Minister of National Defence; Minister for Internal Trade, Deputy Leader of the Government in the House of Commons, Minister responsible for Official Languages and Associate Minister of National Defence effective May 17, 2005)


    >>Constitutional federation style see Constitution

Belgium community

    >>Le Club Belge, Manitoba, contribution, 100th anniversary, congratulations, S.O. 31, 3346(54:1405)

Bélisle, Pierre see Government contracts--Justice Department

Béliveau, Michael see Sponsorship program, Gomery Inquiry Commission

Bell-Allard mine (Matagami, QC)

    >>Closure, job losses, economic impact, S.O. 31, 2100(35:1400)

"Bell Bundles" see Bell Canada

Bell Canada

    >>"Bell Bundles" telecommunications service package, unsatisfied customers, resolution, need, S.O. 31, 947(18:1100)
    >>Bell Subco, labour dispute, use of replacement workers, Human Resources and Skills Development Department job bank advertising, o.q., 7621(121:1450)
    >>See also Pay equity

Bell, Don (Lib.--North Vancouver)

    >>Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, M. (Ritz), 5539(89:1905)
    >>Aircraft/aerospace industry, 501-2(10:1605-10), 503(10:1615)
    >>Autism, petitions, 10219(159:1540)
    >>British Columbia Ferry Services Inc., S.O. 31, 3270(53:1415)
    >>British Columbia Legislative Assembly, S.O. 31, 8906(140:1410)
    >>Budget 2005, 2784(45:1650)
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 2004, No. 2 (Bill C-33), 2784(45:1650)
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 6089-90(100:1535)
    >>Budget surplus, 2784(45:1650), 9172-3(143:1315)
    >>Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act (amdt.--profits distributed to provinces)(Bill C-363), 8299-300(130:1150-55)
    >>Canada's Pacific Gateway Council, 9275(144:1735)
    >>Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute, Committee take note, M. (Valeri), 9076(141:2140-5)
    >>Child care, o.q., 8330(130:1505)
    >>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 8036(125:1710)
    >>Chinese Canadians, 3732(61:1155), 3733(61:1200-5)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--street racing)(Bill C-65), 8805(138:1510)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--trafficking in persons)(Bill C-49), 8036-7(125:1710-15)
    >>Environment, o.q., 6824(111:1455)
    >>Excise Tax Act (amdt.--elimination of excise tax on jewellery)(Bill C-259), 6770(110:1925)
    >>Families, S.O. 31, 9654(150:1405)
    >>Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental), 6089(100:1535)
    >>Fisheries, o.q., 7284(117:1500)
    >>Hate crimes, S.O. 31, 6555(107:1410)
    >>Hepatitis C
    >>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 1126-8(20:2025-45)
    >>>o.q., 5331(86:1450)
    >>Highways and roads, 9668(144:1640)
    >>Immigrants of Chinese Origin Exclusionary Measures Recognition Act (Bill C-333), 3732-3(61:1155-205)
    >>Immigration/immigrants, 3732(61:1155)
    >>International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4), 501-3(10:1605-15)
    >>Japanese Canadians, 3732-3(61:1155-200)
    >>Jewellery industry, 6770(110:1925)
    >>Multiculturalism, 3732-3(61:1155-205)
    >>Municipalities, 6090(100:1535)
    >>>o.q., 6012(99:1455)
    >>Norouz, S.O. 31, 4266(69:1405)
    >>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 9076(141:2145)
    >>North Shore Rescue, S.O. 31, 8217(128:1400)
    >>Olympics and Paralympics 2010 Winter Games (Vancouver-Whistler, Canada), S.O. 31, 3750(61:1405)
    >>Pacific Gateway Act (Bill C-68), 9265-7(144:1615-25), 9267-8(144:1635-40), 9275(144:1735)
    >>Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network), 9265-7(144:1615-20), 9267-8(144:1635-40), 9275(144:1735)
    >>Ports/harbours, 9268(144:1635)
    >>Procedure, divisions, recorded, 5030(81:1520), 5539(89:1905)
    >>Quarantine Act (Bill C-12), 5741-3(92:1730-45)
    >>Sports, o.q., 1007(19:1440)
    >>Street racing, 8805(138:1510)
    >>TELUS Communications, o.q., 8099(126:1500)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 203-4(5:1335-40)
    >>Trade, 9267-8(144:1635)
    >>Trafficking in persons (human trafficking), 8036(125:1710-5)
    >>Transportation, 9267(144:1625)
    >>Unanticipated Surpluses Act (Bill C-67), 9172-3(143:1315)
    >>Vancouver, BC.
    >>>o.q., 6084(100:1455)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3146(51:1400)
    >>War memorials, M-190 (Savoy), 3857(62:1820)

Bell Helicopter Textron

    >>Mirabel, QC plant, project announcement, job creation, o.q., 3876(63:1455)

Bell, Jeff see Public Service--Wrongdoings, whistle blowers, Legislation, Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee

Bellavance, André (BQ--Richmond--Arthabaska)

    >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 3953(64:1640)
    >>Aboriginal self-government, 941(18:1015-20), 942(18:1025), 1616(28:1340), 1617(28:1345), 2616(43:1210)
    >>Asbestos, 7379(118:1205)
    >>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), 192-3(5:1220-5)
    >>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 281-3(6:2225-35)
    >>>M. on supply (Gaudet), 2184(37:1220), 2220-3(37:1630-45)
    >>Budget 2005, M. for approval (Goodale), 3953(64:1640)
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 5171(83:1315)
    >>Budget surplus, 922(17:1625)
    >>Canada Steamship Lines (CSL), 4332-3(70:1305)
    >>Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act and Special Import Measures Act (amdt.)(Bill C-430), 8985(141:1000)
    >>Cascades, S.O. 31, 1269(23:1110)
    >>Chevrier, Marielle, S.O. 31, 902(17:1415)
    >>Cleary, references, 940(18:1015)
    >>Cree of Northern Quebec, o.q., 2614(43:1200)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--mental disorder)(Bill C-10), 735-6(14:1300-5)
    >>Criminals/offenders, 735-6(14:1300-5)
    >>Dairy industry, 1761(30:1840), 5177-8(83:1400-5), 6792-4(110:2155-210)
    >>>o.q., 9587(149:1450), 9817(152:1435)
    >>Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Act (amdt.)(Bill C-32), 3405-8(55:1230-50)
    >>Department of Social Development Act (Bill C-22), 1979(33:1230), 1981-2(33:1245)
    >>Dumas, Steve, S.O. 31, 3982(65:1105)
    >>Employment insurance, 191-2(5:1215)
    >>Equalization payments, 923(17:1640)
    >>Farmers, o.q., 8143(127:1435)
    >>First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act (Bill C-20), 1616-7(28:1340-5), 2616-8(43:1210-20)
    >>First Nations/Indians, 1616-7(28:1340-5), 2616-8(43:1210-20)
    >>Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental), 191(5:1215)
    >>>M. on supply (Loubier), 921-3(17:1625-30), 923-4(17:1640)
    >>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 3405-8(55:1230-50)
    >>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, 7379(118:1205)
    >>Foreign aid, 3407(55:1240)
    >>Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), 8532(133:1715)
    >>Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels), M-253 (Benoit), 7984-5(125:1135-40)
    >>Government contracts, o.q., 5458(88:1155)
    >>Governor General's Literary Awards, S.O. 31, 3517(57:1410)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)
    >>>M. (Faille), 7392-4(118:1345-55)
    >>>o.q., 5155-6(83:1150)
    >>Grewal, G., references, o.q., 6935(113:1135)
    >>Holstein Québec, S.O. 31, 3093(50:1100)
    >>Impaired driving, S.O. 31, 312(7:1410)
    >>Imports, 8985(141:1000)
    >>International agreements, 8533(133:1720-5)
    >>Lefebvre, Sylvain, S.O. 31, 3692(60:1105)
    >>Logilys, S.O. 31, 7276(117:1415)
    >>Maurice, Normand, S.O. 31, 2925(47:1400)
    >>Members of Parliament, 203(5:1335)
    >>Montréal-Mirabel International Airport, 5436(87:1805)
    >>Music, S.O. 31, 5019-20(81:1405)
    >>National Missile Defence system (NMD)(United States), 3407(55:1240)
    >>>o.q., 2255-6(38:1130)
    >>North Vancouver constituency, 203-4(5:1335-40)
    >>Older workers, 6914-6(112:1635-40), 6916-7(112:1650)
    >>Paré, Yvon, S.O. 31, 4740(77:1405)
    >>Parrainage civique des Bois-francs, S.O. 31, 278(85:1405)
    >>Penitentiaries, 5169(83:1315)
    >>Peru, o.q., 2314(39:1455), 2388(40:1455)
    >>Post offices/postal outlets, S.O. 31, 2252(38:1115)
    >>>Committee reports, 7379(118:1205)
    >>>Supply motions, 10017(155:1700)
    >>Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA)
    >>>M. on supply (Lessard), 6914-7(112:1635-50)
    >>>o.q., 6413(105:1500), 6612(108:1200)
    >>Property rights, M-227 (Breitkreuz), 5433(87:1745), 5435-6(87:1800-5)
    >>Red Cross, S.O. 31, 1594(28:1110)
    >>References see Remembrance Day/Veterans Week--Canadian flag
    >>Richmond--Arthabaska constituency, 191(5:1215)
    >>Saint-François Forestry Cooperative, S.O. 31, 9915(154:1415)
    >>Shermag Inc., 6915-6(112:1640)
    >>>o.q., 6413(105:1500), 6612(108:1200)
    >>Species at risk, 5433(87:1745), 5435-6(87:1800-5)
    >>Spirit drinks, 8531-2(133:1710-5), 8533(133:1720)
    >>Spirit Drinks Trade Act (Bill S-38), 8531-4(133:1710-25)
    >>Social policy, 1979(33:1230), 1981(33:1245)
    >>Sponsorship program, o.q., 5766(93:1135)
    >>Sugar, 8533(133:1720-5)
    >>Supply management, 2222(37:1640)
    >>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Bélanger), 6791-4(110:2155-2210)
    >>>M-163 (Gaudet), 1761(30:1840), 5176-8(83:1400-10)
    >>>M. on supply (Bellavance), 9958-62(155:1010-40), 10015(155:1700)
    >>>o.q., 8913(140:1450), 9587(149:1450), 9995-6(155:1435)
    >>Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2004 (Bill S-17), 4332-3(70:1300-10)
    >>Tax havens, 4332-3(70:1300-10)
    >>Textile and clothing industry, 6915(112:1640)
    >>>Committee of the Whole take note, M., 2803-5(45:1925), 2813(45:2035)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 191-3(5:1215-25)
    >>Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act (Bill C-14), 940-1(18:1015-20), 942-3(18:1025-30)
    >>Trade, 3405-6(55:1230-5), 3407-8(55:1245-50)
    >>Trans fats (trans fatty acids), 8533(133:1715)
    >>Tsunami (Asia, December 2004), 3407(55:1235-40)
    >>Union des producteurs agricoles, 2220-1(37:1630)
    >>Usinet Inc., S.O. 31, 5804(94:1405)
    >>Veterans, M-193 (Harrison), 2627-9(43:1325-30)
    >>Victoriaville, QC, S.O. 31, 717(14:1100)
    >>Violence against women, o.q., 4118(67:1450)
    >>Woman Farmer of the Year, S.O. 31, 9178(143:1400)
    >>World Food Day 2005, S.O. 31, 8604(135:1405)

Belledune, NB see Toxic/hazardous waste--Incinerator

Belleville, ON see Eastern Ontario

Bellevue Hospital see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Memorial soapstone carving

Bennett, Hon. Carolyn (Lib.--St. Paul's; Minister of State (Public Health))

    >>Angola, o.q., 6898(112:1445)
    >>Avian flu (Asian bird flu), o.q., 4275-6(69:1500)
    >>Blood, o.q., 2936(47:1500)
    >>Breast implants, o.q., 8270(129:1140-45)
    >>Canada Grain Act and Canada Transportation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-40), 5189-92(84:1205-25)
    >>Canadian Wheat Board, 5191(84:1215)
    >>Chief Public Health Officer, 1781(30:2055)
    >>Children, o.q., 8915(140:1500)
    >>Chronic disease, 1785(30:2125)
    >>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 4707-8(76:1510-20)
    >>Democratic deficit, 5624(90:1955)
    >>Democratic process, Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Bélanger), 5622-5(90:1945-2000)
    >>Democratic reform, 5623(90:1945)
    >>Disability Tax Credit, 5624(90:1945)
    >>Doctors/physicians, o.q., 6612(108:1155)
    >>Dominican Republic, o.q., 2613(43:1155)
    >>Drug and substance abuse, o.q., 1277(23:1155)
    >>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, o.q., 612(108:1200)
    >>Elections, 5623(90:1945)
    >>Electoral reform, 5625(90:2000)
    >>Emergency response workers, o.q., 8270(129:1140)
    >>Finance Standing Committee, House take note, M. (Valeri), 2825(46:1200)
    >>Grain industry, 5189-92(84:1205-25)
    >>Government policies, 5623-4(90:1950)
    >>Grain transportation, 5190(84:1210)
    >>Health, o.q., 3992(65:1200)
    >>Health care
    >>>M. on supply (Fletcher), 6718-20(110:1255-1310)
    >>>o.q., 5154(83:1145)
    >>Health Department, estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration, 1780-1(30:2050-5), 1785(30:2125), 1791(30:2210)
    >>Hepatitis C, 6410(105:1440)
    >>Infectious disease, 736(14:1310)
    >>>o.q., 8397(131:1440-45)
    >>Influenza, o.q., 3104(50:1155)
    >>Marijuana, o.q., 1277(23:1155)
    >>Marriage, 4707-8(76:1510-20)
    >>>Petitions, 6015(99:1515)
    >>Members of Parliament, 5623(90:1945-50), 5625(90:2000))
    >>Nurses, 1791(30:2210)
    >>Parliament, 5623(90:1950)
    >>Politicians, 5622-3(90:1945)
    >>Procedure, divisions, recorded, 5884(95:1505)
    >>Public health, 736(14:1310), 1781(30:2050-50)
    >>>o.q., 1483-4(26:1505), 3649(59:1450)
    >>Public Health Agency of Canada, 1781(30:2050), 1785(30:2125)
    >>Quarantine Act (Bill C-12), 736-7(14:1310-5)
    >>School health, 1791(30:2210)
    >>Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), o.q., 727(14:1155)
    >>Trans fats (trans fatty acids), M. on supply (Martin, Pat), 1516-20(27:1045-1110)

Bennett, Doug

    >>Doug and the Slugs, lead singer, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 1000(19:1400)

Bennett Environmental Inc. see Toxic/hazardous waste--Incinerator

Benny Farm see Housing--Affordable housing, Quebec

Benoit, Leon (CPC--Vegreville--Wainwright)

Bereaved Families of Ontario

    >>20th anniversary, recognizing, S.O. 31, 9398(146:1410)

Bergan, Bill see Firefighters, Deaths in line of duty, Saskatchewan firefighters

Bergeron, Gisèle see Woman Farmer of the Year

Bergeron, Stéphane (BQ--Verchères--Les Patriotes; resigned November 9, 2005)

    >>Acadia, o.q., 3877(63:1500), 6589-90(107:1815), 6590-1(107:1825)
    >>Bankruptcy, 8211(128:1310), 8212(128:1320)
    >>Bergeron, references, 8211(128:1315), 8212-3(128:1325), 8213-4(128:1335)
    >>Budget surplus, 209(5:1420), 1230(22:1510)
    >>Canada Elections Act (amdt.--appointment of returning officers)(Bill C-312), 5786-7(94:1155-205)
    >>Canada Elections Act (amdt.--voter and candidate age)(Bill C-261), 2957(47:1740), 6849-50(111:1825-35)
    >>Child care
    >>>o.q., 3393-4(55:1120), 3698(60:1135), 3987(65:1135), 5812-3(94:1450)
    >>>S.O. 31, 3824(62:1405)
    >>Committees, Parliamentary, 1387(25:1215)
    >>Constitution, 3553(57:1850)
    >>Dalphond-Guiral, Madeleine, S.O. 31, 1152(21:1415)
    >>Democratic process, 6849(111:1825)
    >>Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Act (Bill C-6), 1387-8(25:1215-25)
    >>Desjardins Securities, o.q., 726(14:1150)
    >>Electoral reform, 2957(47:1740), 5786(94:1155)
    >>Elections, 2957(47:1740), 5786-7(94:1155-205), 6849-50(111:1825-30)
    >>Equalization payments, 1231(22:1510), 1231(22:1520)
    >>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.) and Diagnostic and Medical Equipment Funding Act (Bill C-39), 3689-91(60:1035-55)
    >>Federal-provincial/territorial jurisdiction, 20(2:1720), 1388(25:1200), 2483(41:1820)
    >>>o.q., 29(3:1435)
    >>Federalism, 21(2:1720), 208(5:1410), 2483(41:1820), 2484(41:1825)
    >>>o.q., 29(3:1435)
    >>Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental), 208-9(5:1415), 210(5:1425), 2483(41:1820)
    >>Fossil fuel industry, 1231(22:1515)
    >>Gendron, Édith, 20(2:1720)
    >>Goods and Services Tax (GST), 1232(22:1520)
    >>Government expenditures, 1232(22:1525)
    >>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 1231(22:1515)
    >>>o.q., 2256(38:1135)
    >>Grewal, G., references, o.q., 6608(108:1135)
    >>Health care, 1218(22:1355), 1230(22:1510), 2483(41:1820)
    >>>o.q., 3351(54:1430-35)
    >>Health care funding, 1230(22:1510), 3689-91(60:1035-55)
    >>House of Commons proceedings, 2136(36:1535)
    >>Hydro-electric power, 1232(22:1525)
    >>International agreements, 3862(62:1900), 3863(62:1910)
    >>Judges, 5786(94:1155)
    >>Landry, Bernard, S.O. 31, 6729(110:1410)
    >>Legislation, M-194 (Reid), 3553-4(57:1845-50)
    >>National Missile Defence system (NDM)(United States), 20(2:1720)
    >>National unity, 20(2:1720)
    >>Official Languages Act, 3672(59:1730-5)
    >>Official Languages Act (amdt.--promotion of English and French)(Bill S-3), 3672-3(59:1730-40)
    >>Offshore oil and gas revenue/royalties, M. on supply (Harper), 1218(22:1350-5), 1230-2(22:1510-25)
    >>Parental leave, o.q., 1080(20:1430)
    >>Privilege, rights of Members breached (Davies), 2136(36:1535)
    >>Privy Council Office, M. (Alcock), 7133-4(115:1935-40)
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 7696(122:1145)
    >>>Speeches, allotted time, 3860(62:1850)
    >>Public safety and emergency preparedness, 1387-8(25:1215-25)
    >>Quebec, 3553-4(57:1850)
    >>>o.q., 1814(31:1440)
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 20(2:1720), 8214(128:1335)
    >>>Resignation, 9555(149:1100)
    >>>>Thanks to House of Commons and political staff and supporters, 8211(128:1315)
    >>>>Tributes, 8212-4(128:1320-40)
    >>>>See also House of Commons vacancies--Verchères--Les Patriotes constituency
    >>>See also Ordre de la Pléiade
    >>Scrabble, S.O. 31, 3095(50:1110)
    >>Senate, 5787(94:1200)
    >>Sponsorship program, 7133-4(115:1935-40)
    >>Student loans, 8211(128:1310)
    >>Tardif, Guy , S.O. 31, 6403(105:1400)
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 20-1(2:1720), 208-10(5:1410-25)
    >>Transfer payments to provinces, 1230(22:1510)
    >>Wage Earner Protection Program Act (Bill C-55), 8210-40(128:1310-25)
    >>War memorials, M-190 (Savoy), 3860(62:1850)

Berkeley Springs international water tasting contest see Water--Drinking water

Bernardo, Paul see Films--Murders

Bernier, Suzie

    >>Community supporter, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 9319(145:1405)

Bernie's Bavarian Bakery see Bread--Yeast-free

Berton, Pierre

Bérubé, Mélanie

    >>Clinical nurse specialist, Florence 2005-Relève award, winner, congratulating, S.O. 31, 6552-3(107:1400)

Beslan, Russia see Russian Federation--Terrorist kidnapping of children in school in Beslan

Betancourt, Ingrid see Colombia

Bethlehem Walk

    >>Parksville, BC, Parksville Fellowship Baptist Church Christmas event, S.O. 31, 2760(45:1410)

Bevilacqua, Hon. Maurizio (Lib.--Vaughan)

    >>Age of consent (sexual relations), petitions, 2671(44:1530)
    >>Berton, Pierre, S.O. 31, 2251(38:1105)
    >>Canada's Pacific Gateway Council, 9756(151:1620)
    >>First Nations Commercial and Industrial Development Act (Bill C-71), 9875-6(153:1220-5), 9876-7(153:1235)
    >>Iannuzzi, Daniel Andrew, S.O. 31, 1645-6(29:1405)
    >>Income, 9757-8(151:1630-5)
    >>Pacific Gateway Act (Bill C-68), 9756-7(151:1620-30), 9758(151:1635)
    >>Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network), 9756-7(151:1620-5)
    >>Pornography, petitions, 2671(44:1530)

Bezan, James (CPC--Selkirk--Interlake)

Bibliographie de l'île Jésus see Laval, QC


    >>Imports, customs duty, Canadian International Trade Tribunal recommendation, Canadian jobs factor, 9276(144:1740), 10005(155:1550)
    >>>o.q., 8800-1(138:1445), 9867(153:1135)
    >>>Petitions, 9111(142:1520)
    >>>S.O. 31, 8907(140:1415)
    >>>Use increasing, 8084-5(125:2315)
    >>See also Energy conservation/efficiency--British Columbia

Biennale internationale du lin de Portneuf see Textile arts

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada

    >>Bowl for Kids' sake, fundraiser, S.O. 31, 390-1(55:1105)
    >>Child and youth mentoring organization, tribute, S.O. 31, 3148(51:1410), 3515(57:1400), 3516-7(57:1410), 3748(61:1355)

Biggar, SK see Canadian National Railways (CNR)

Bigras, Bernard (BQ--Rosemont--Petite-Patrie)

Bilingualism see Official languages policy (bilingualism)

Bill C-35 (3rd Sess., 37th Parl.) see DNA identification/evidence--Legislation

Bill C-250 (3rd Sess, 37th Parl.) see Hate propaganda/speech--Sexual orientation

Bill of rights for seniors see Senior citizens

Bills, House of Commons (Royal Assent denoted by *)(See also individual bills by title)

    >>Government, Public
    >>>C-1.\Oaths of Office (Pro Forma)--Prime Minister (Paul Martin)
    >>>*C-2\Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)--Minister of Justice (Cotler)
    >>>*C-3.\Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)--Minister of Transport (Lapierre, J.)
    >>>*C-4.\ International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act--Minister of Transport (Lapierre, J.)
    >>>*C-5.\Canada Education Savings Act--Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development (Volpe)
    >>>*C-6.\Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Act--Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (McLellan)
    >>>*C-7.\Department of Canadian Heritage Act and Parks Canada Agency Act (amdt.)--Minister of the Environment (Dion)
    >>>*C-8.\Financial Administration Act, the Canada School of Public Service Act and the Official Languages Act (amdt.)--President of the Treasury Board (Alcock)
    >>>*C-9.\Economic Development Agency for the Regions of Quebec Act--Minister of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec (Saada)
    >>>*C-10.\Criminal Code (amdt.--mental disorder)--Minister of Justice (Cotler)
    >>>*C-11.\Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act--President of the Treasury Board (Alcock)
    >>>*C-12.\Quarantine Act--Minister of Health (Dosanjh)
    >>>*C-13.\Criminal Code, DNA Identification Act and National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-13)--Minister of Justice (Cotler)
    >>>*C-14.\Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act--Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Scott)
    >>>*C-15.\Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (amdt.)--Minister of the Environment (Dion)
    >>>C-16.\Criminal Code (amdt.--impaired driving)--Minister of Justice (Cotler)
    >>>C-17.\Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)--Minister of Justice (Cotler)
    >>>*C-18.\Telefilm Canada Act (amdt.)--Minister of Canadian Heritage (Frulla)
    >>>C-19.\Competition Act (amdt.)--Minister of Industry (Emerson)
    >>>*C-20.\First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act--Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Scott)
    >>>C-21.\Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations Act--Minister of Industry (Emerson)
    >>>*C-22.\Department of Social Development--Minister of Social Development (Dryden)
    >>>*C-23.\Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act--Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development (Volpe)
    >>>*C-24.\Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.--fiscal equalization payments to the provinces and funding to the territories)--Minister of Finance (Goodale)
    >>>*C-25.\Remote Sensing Space Systems Act--Minister of Foreign Affairs (Pettigrew)
    >>>*C-26.\Canada Border Services Agency Act--Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (McLellan)
    >>>C-27.\Canadian Food Inspection Agency Enforcement Act--Minister of Health (Dosanjh)
    >>>*C-28.\Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)--Minister of Health (Dosanjh)
    >>>*C-29.\Patent Act (amdt.)--Minister of Industry (Emerson)
    >>>*C-30.\Parliament of Canada Act and Salaries Act (amdt.)--Leader of the Government in the House of Commons (Valeri)
    >>>C-31.\Department of International Trade Act--Minister of Industry (Peterson)
    >>>C-32.\Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Act (amdt.)--Minister of Foreign Affairs (Pettigrew)
    >>>*C-33.\Budget Implementation Act, 2004, No. 2--Minister of Finance (Goodale)
    >>>*C-34.\Appropriation Act No. 2, 2004-2005--President of the Treasury Board (Alcock)
    >>>*C-35.\Appropriation Act No. 3, 2004-2005--President of the Treasury Board (Alcock)
    >>>*C-36.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act--Deputy Leader of the Government in the House of Commons (Bélanger)
    >>>*C-37.\Telecommunications Act (amdt.)--Minister of Industry (Emerson)
    >>>*C-38.\Civil Marriage Act--Minister of Justice (Cotler)
    >>>*C-39.\Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.) and Diagnostic and Medical Equipment Funding Act--Minister of Finance (Goodale)
    >>>*C-40.\Canada Grain Act and Canada Transportation Act (amdt.)--Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food (Mitchell)
    >>>*C-41.\Appropriation Act No. 4, 2004-2005--President of the Treasury Board (Alcock)
    >>>*C-42.\Appropriation Act No. 1, 2005-2006--President of the Treasury Board (Alcock)
    >>>*C-43.\Budget Implementation Act, 2005--Minister of Finance (Goodale)
    >>>C-44.\Transportation Amendment Act--Minister of Transport (Lapierre, J.)
    >>>*C-45.\Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act--Minister of Veterans Affairs (Guarnieri)
    >>>C-46.\Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)--Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (McLellan)
    >>>C-47.\Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)--Minister of Transport (Lapierre, J.)
    >>>*C-48.\Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act--Minister of Finance (Goodale)
    >>>*C-49.\Criminal Code (amdt.--trafficking in persons)--Minister of Justice (Cotler)
    >>>C-50.\Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals)--Minister of Justice (Cotler)
    >>>C-51.\Judges Act and Federal Courts Act (amdt.)--Minister of Justice (Cotler)
    >>>C-52.\Fisheries Act (amdt.--terms and conditions of permissions, leases and licences)--Minister of Fisheries and Oceans (Regan)
    >>>*C-53.\Criminal Code and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.--proceeds of crime)--Minister of Justice (Cotler)
    >>>*C-54.\First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Act--Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Scott)
    >>>*C-55.\Wage Earner Protection Program Act--Minister of Industry (Emerson)
    >>>*C-56.\Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement Act--Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Scott)
    >>>*C-57.\Financial Institutions Legislation Amendment Act--Minister of Finance (Goodale)
    >>>*C-58.\Appropriation Act No. 2, 2005-2006--President of the Treasury Board (Alcock)
    >>>C-59.\Investment Canada Act (amdt.)--Minister of Industry (Emerson)
    >>>C-60.\Copyright Act (amdt.)--Minister of Canadian Heritage (Frulla)
    >>>C-61.\Canada Marine Act (amdt.)--Minister of Transport (Lapierre, J.)
    >>>C-62.\Aeronautics Act (amdt.)--Minister of Transport (Lapierre, J.)
    >>>C-63.\Canada Elections Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.)--Deputy Leader of the Government in the House of Commons (Bélanger)
    >>>C-64.\Criminal Code (amdt.--vehicle identification number)--Minister of Justice (Cotler)
    >>>C-65.\Criminal Code (amdt.--street racing)--Minister of Justice (Cotler)
    >>>*C-66.\Energy Costs Assistance Measures Act--Minister of Finance (Goodale)
    >>>C-67.\Unanticipated Surpluses Act--Minister of Finance (Goodale)
    >>>C-68.\Pacific Gateway Act--Minister of Transport (Lapierre, J.)
    >>>C-69.\Agricultural Marketing Programs Act (amdt.)--Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food (Mitchell)
    >>>C-70.\Criminal Code (amdt.--conditional sentence of imprisonment)--Minister of Justice (Cotler)
    >>>*C-71.\First Nations Commercial and Industrial Development Act--Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Scott)
    >>>C-72.\DNA Identification Legislation Amendment Act--Minister of Justice (Cotler)
    >>>C-73.\Telecommunications Act (amdt.)(No. 2)--Minister of Industry (Emerson)
    >>>C-74.\Modernization of Investigative Techniques Act--Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (McLellan)
    >>>C-75.\Public Health Agency of Canada Act--Minister of Health (Dosanjh)
    >>>C-76.\Citizenship Act (amdt.--adoption)--Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (Volpe)
    >>>C-77.\Citizenship Act (amdt.--prohibitions)--Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (Volpe)
    >>>C-78.\Emergency Management Act--Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (McLellan)
    >>>C-79.\Canada Elections Act (amdt.--third party election advertising)--Deputy Leader of the Government in the House of Commons (Bélanger)
    >>>C-80.\Income Tax Reductions Implementation Act--Minister of Finance (Goodale)
    >>>C-81.\National Security Committee of Parliamentarians Act--Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (McLellan)
    >>>C-82.\Criminal Code (amdt.--firearms)--Minister of Justice (Cotler)
    >>>C-83.\Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--drug export restrictions)--Minister of Health (Dosanjh)
    >>Private Members' Bills
    >>>C-201.\Access to Information Act (amdt.)--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-202.\Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal and Book of Remembrance Act--Stoffer
    >>>C-203.\VIA Rail Commercialization Act--Gouk
    >>>C-204.\Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--elimination of statutory release)--Gouk
    >>>C-205.\Criminal Code (amdt.--eliminating conditional sentencing for violent offenders)--Gouk
    >>>C-206.\Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--warning labels regarding the consumption of alcohol)--Szabo
    >>>C-207.\Public Safety Officers Compensation Act--Szabo
    >>>C-208.\Divorce Act (amdt.--marriage counselling required before divorce granted)--Szabo
    >>>C-209.\Canadian Safe Drinking Water Act--Stoffer
    >>>C-210.\Remembrance Day National Flag Act--Stoffer
    >>>C-211.\Canadian Bill of Rights (amdt.--right to housing)--Stoffer
    >>>C-212.\Nuclear Amendment Act, 2004--Chatters--withdrawn
    >>>C-213.\Marriage Act--Chatters
    >>>C-214.\Income Tax Act and Income Tax Regulations (amdt.)--Chatters
    >>>C-215.\Criminal Code (amdt.--consecutive sentences for use of firearm in commission of offence)--Kramp
    >>>C-216.\Louis Riel Act--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-217.\Canada Pension Plan (amdt.--early pension entitlement for police officers and firefighters)--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-218.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--deductibility of expenses of tools provided as a requirement of employment)--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-219.\Canada Business Corporations Act (amdt.--qualification of auditor)--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-220.\Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--trans fatty acids)--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-221.\Canada Water Export Prohibition Act--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-222.\Canada Business Corporations Act (amdt.--annual financial statements)--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-223.\Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--unpaid wages to rank first in priority in distribution)--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-224.\Referendum Act (amdt.)--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-225.\Business Development Bank of Canada and the Canada Student Loans Act (amdt.)--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-226.\Proportional Representation Review Act--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-227.\Labour Market Training Act--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-228.\Pension Ombudsman Act--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-229.\Energy Price Commission Act--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-230.\Criminal Code (amdt.--street racing)--Cadman
    >>>C-231.\Workers Mourning Day Act (amdt.--national flag to be flown at half-mast)--Stoffer
    >>>C-232.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--herbal remedies)--Stoffer
    >>>C-233.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--community service group membership dues)--Stoffer
    >>>C-234.\Overseas Memorial Sites Student Visits Assistance Act--Stoffer
    >>>C-235.\Recognition and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Act and Constitution Act, 1867 (amdt.)--Breitkreuz
    >>>C-236.\Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--student loans)--McDonough
    >>>C-237.\Canada Student Financial Assistance Act (amdt.--qualifying period for disability relief)--McDonough
    >>>C-238.\Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children)--Thompson, M.
    >>>C-239.\Excise Tax Act (amdt.--literacy materials)--Wasylycia-Leis
    >>>C-240.\DNA Identification Act (amdt.--establishment of indexes)--Lunn
    >>>C-241.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction for volunteer emergency service)--Casson
    >>>C-242.\Criminal Code (amdt.--proceeds of crime)--Marceau
    >>>C-243.\Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--establishment of the Office of Victims Ombudsman of Canada)--Bonin--order for second reading discharged and bill withdrawn
    >>>C-244.\Interest Act (amdt.--interest payable on repayment of a mortgage loan before maturity)--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-245.\Divorce Act (amdt.--shared parenting)--Hill
    >>>C-246.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--child adoption expenses)--Hill
    >>>C-247.\First Nations Veterans Compensation Act--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-248.\Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.--trafficking in a controlled drug or substance within five hundred metres of an elementary school or a high school)--Hill
    >>>C-249.\Bank Act (amdt.--bank mergers)--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-250.\Family Farm Cost-of-Production Protection Act--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-251.\Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--members who cross the floor)--Stoffer
    >>>C-252.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--physical activity and amateur sport fees)--Stoffer
    >>>C-253.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--expenses incurred by caregivers)--Stoffer
    >>>C-254.\Internet Child Pornography Prevention Act--Stoffer
    >>>C-255.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--volunteers)--Stoffer
    >>>C-256.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--compassionate care benefits for care-givers)--Stoffer
    >>>C-257.\Criminal Code (amdt.--conditional sentences)--Hill
    >>>C-258.\Youth Criminal Justice Act (amdt.--breach of conditions of an order)--Lunn
    >>>*C-259.\Excise Tax Act (amdt.--elimination of excise tax on jewellery)--Duncan
    >>>C-260.\Treaties Act--Roy
    >>>C-261.\Canada Elections Act (amdt.--voter and candidate age)--Holland
    >>>C-262.\National Veterans Funeral Honours Act--Gallant
    >>>C-263.\Canada Labour Code (amdt.--replacement workers)--Clavet
    >>>C-264.\Agricultural Supply Management Recognition and Promotion Act--Myers
    >>>C-265.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--exemption from taxation of 50% of United States social security payments to Canadian residents)--Watson
    >>>C-266.\Memorial Cross Act--Stoffer
    >>>C-267.\Criminal Code (amdt.--age of consent)--Thompson, M.
    >>>C-268.\Definition of Marriage Act--Moore, R.
    >>>C-269.\Supreme Court Act (amdt.--constitutional validity of an Act)--Chatters
    >>>C-270.\Witness Protection Program Act (amdt.--protection of spouses whose life is in danger)--Hill
    >>>C-271.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--tuition and education credit)--Chatters
    >>>C-272.\Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (amdt.--sponsorship of relative)--Siksay
    >>>C-273.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction for volunteer emergency service)--Cuzner
    >>>C-274.\Patent Act (amdt.)--Masse
    >>>C-275.\Criminal Code (amdt.--failure to stop at scene of accident)--Harris
    >>>C-276.\Access to Information Act (amdt.--Crown corporations and Canadian Wheat Board)--Harrison
    >>>C-277.\Auditor General Act (amdt.--audit of accounts)--Sauvageau
    >>>C-278.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--improvement of the employment insurance system)--Brunelle
    >>>C-279.\Canadian Bill of Rights (amdt.--protection for property rights)--Reid
    >>>C-280.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and premium rate setting)--Asselin
    >>>C-281.\Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Canada Business Corporations Act, the Employment Insurance Act and the Employment Insurance Regulations--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-282.\Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--export permits)--Khan--order for 2nd reading discharged and bill withdrawn
    >>>C-283.\Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (amdt.)--Grewal, G.
    >>>C-284.\Drug Supply Act--Stoffer
    >>>C-285.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--exclusion of income received by an athlete from a non-profit club, society or association)--Anderson, David (Cyprus Hills--Grasslands)
    >>>C-286.\Carrie's Guardian Angel Law--Hanger
    >>>C-287.\Criminal Code (amdt.--vehicle identification number)--Cadman
    >>>C-288.\Whistle Blower Rights and Protection Act--Grewal, G
    >>>C-289.\Firearms Act (amdt.--criteria for firearms licences)--Moore, J.
    >>>C-290.\Criminal Code (amdt.--consecutive sentences)--Moore, J.
    >>>C-291.\Criminal Code (amdt.--weapons trafficking)--Moore, J.
    >>>C-292.\Criminal Code (amdt.--child pornography)--Moore, J.
    >>>C-293.\Criminal Code (amdt.--theft of a motor vehicle)--Warawa
    >>>C-294.\Criminal Code (amdt.--destruction or desecration of national flag)--Warawa
    >>>C-295.\Holidays Act (amdt.--Remembrance Day)--Mark
    >>>C-296.\Elimination of Racial Profiling Act--Davies
    >>>C-297.\Canada Elections Act (amdt.--candidate selection)--Cadman
    >>>C-298.\Criminal Code (amdt.--dangerous offender)--Thompson, M.
    >>>C-299.\Criminal Code (amdt.--sentencing principles)--Thompson, M.
    >>>C-300.\Divorce Act, Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Act and Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (amdt.)--Siksay
    >>>C-301.\Old Age Security Act (amdt.--monthly guaranteed income supplement)--Gagnon, M.
    >>>*C-302.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act--Myers
    >>>C-303.\Criminal Code (amdt.--child pornography, child prostitution and child corruption)--Marceau
    >>>*C-304.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act--Reynolds
    >>>C-305.\Excise Tax Act (amdt.--children's diapers)--St-Hilaire
    >>>C-306.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--public transit costs)--St-Hilaire
    >>>C-307.\Criminal Code (amdt.--to prevent health care practitioners from being coerced into taking part in medical procedures that offend the practitioners religion or belief that human life is inviolable)--Vellacott
    >>>C-308.\Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Criminal Code (amdt.--truth in sentencing)--Vellacott
    >>>C-309.\Divorce Act (amdt.--custody of grandchildren)--MacKay
    >>>C-310.\Criminal Code (amdt.--persons acting to preserve and maintain public health and safety)--Chatters
    >>>C-311.\Canada Seat Belt Act--Chatters
    >>>C-312.\Canada Elections Act (amdt.--appointment of returning officers)--Guimond
    >>>C-313.\Criminal Code (amdt.--prohibited sexual acts)--Hanger--Casson
    >>>C-314.\Marine Liability Act (amdt.--adventure tourism)--Gallant
    >>>C-315.\Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (amdt.--deportation of refugee claimants)--Lunn
    >>>C-316.\Bank Act (amdt.--branch closures)--Wasylycia-Leis
    >>>C-317.\Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--mandatory labelling of genetically modified foods)--Wasylycia-Leis
    >>>C-318.\Canada Elections Act (amdt.--military dependents)--Wasylycia-Leis
    >>>C-319.\Excise Tax Act (amdt.--feminine hygiene products)--Wasylycia-Leis
    >>>C-320.\Pension Ombudsman Act--Wasylycia-Leis
    >>>C-321.\Do-Not-Call Registry Act--Pacetti
    >>>C-322.\Broadcasting Act (amdt.--decisions and orders)--Pacetti
    >>>C-323.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act--Maloney
    >>>C-324.\Canada Elections Act (amdt.--public information program)--Chatters
    >>>C-325.\Divorce Act (amdt.--right of spouses' parents to access to or custody of child)--Chatters
    >>>C-326.\Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (amdt.)--Paquette
    >>>C-327.\Criminal Code (bail for persons charged with violent offences), Extradition Act and Youth Criminal Justice Act (amdt.)--Thompson, M.
    >>>C-328.\Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--dependence on alcohol or drugs)--Thompson, M.
    >>>C-329.\Criminal Code (amdt.--arrest without warrant)--Thompson, M.
    >>>C-330.\Injured Military Members Compensation Act (amdt.--amendment to the short title)--Hanger
    >>>*C-331.\Internment of Persons of Ukrainian Origin Recognition Act--Mark
    >>>C-332.\Crown Liability and Proceedings Act (amdt.--no claim by inmate)--Hanger
    >>>C-333.\Chinese Canadian Recognition and Restitution Act--Mark--order for second reading discharged and bill withdrawn
    >>>C-333.\Immigrants of Chinese Origin Exclusionary Measures Recognition Act--Oda
    >>>C-334.\Divorce Act (amdt.--child of the marriage)--Gallaway
    >>>C-335.\Parliament of Canada Act (amdt--oath or solemn affirmation)--Preston
    >>>C-336.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act--Forseth
    >>>C-337.\Canada Elections Act (amdt.--telephone, fax and Internet service to campaign offices)--Chatters
    >>>C-338.\Nuclear Energy Act (amdt.--change of responsible minister)--Chatters
    >>>C-339.\Criminal Code (amdt.--order of prohibition)--MacKay
    >>>C-340.\Criminal Code (amdt.--breach of a conditional sentence order)--MacKay
    >>>C-341.\Criminal Code (amdt.--recruitment of children and swarming)--MacKay
    >>>C-342.\Criminal Code (amdt.--interference with a peace officers protective equipment)--MacKay
    >>>C-343.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--capital gains exemption on disposition of fishing property)--MacAulay
    >>>C-344.\Criminal Code (amdt.--review of parole ineligibility)--MacKay
    >>>C-345.\Homeowners Freedom from Double Taxation Act--Epp
    >>>C-346.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--elimination of waiting period and repayment of premiums)--Epp
    >>>C-347.\Canada Evidence Act (amdt.--interpretation of numerical dates)--Epp
    >>>C-348.\Older Adult Justice Act--St. Amand
    >>>C-349.\Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.--substances used in the production of methamphetamine)--Merrifield
    >>>C-350.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--amounts not included in earnings)--Godin
    >>>C-351.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--no interest payable by claimants on benefit repayments or penalties)--Godin
    >>>C-352.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--training entitlements)--Godin
    >>>C-353.\Canada Pension Plan and the Canada Pension Plan Regulations (amdt.)--Casey
    >>>C-354.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--transfer of fishing property)--Keddy
    >>>C-355.\Motor Vehicle Safety Act (amdt.--vehicle immobilizers)--Warawa
    >>>C-356.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act--Stoffer
    >>>C-357.\Taiwan Affairs Act--Abbott
    >>>C-358.\National Ovarian Cancer Month Act--Skelton
    >>>C-359.\Criminal Code (amdt.--personal identity theft)--Lukiwski
    >>>C-360.\Workplace Psychological Harassment Prevention Act--Bourgeois
    >>>C-361.\Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal interest rate)--Julian
    >>>C-362.\Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (amdt.--marriage after the age of sixty years)--Schmidt
    >>>C-363.\Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act (amdt.--profits distributed to provinces)--Simard, Christian
    >>>C-364.\Trade Compensation Act--Jean
    >>>C-365.\Telecommunications Act (amdt.--Voice over Internet Protocol)--Pacetti
    >>>C-366.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act--Simms--withdrawn
    >>>C-367.\State Immunity Act and Criminal Code (amdt.--terrorist activity)--Day
    >>>C-368.\Italian-Canadian Recognition and Restitution Act--Pacetti
    >>>C-369.\Criminal Code (amdt.--legal duty outside Canada)--Broadbent
    >>>C-370.\Pest Control Products Act (amdt.--prohibition of use of chemical pesticides for non-essential purposes)--Catterall
    >>>C-371.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--benefit period increase for regional rate of unemployment)--Godin
    >>>C-372.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--change of title to Unemployment Insurance Act)--Godin
    >>>C-373.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--qualification for and entitlement to benefits)--Godin
    >>>C-374.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--percentage of insurable earnings payable to claimant)--Godin
    >>>C-375.\Bank Act (amdt.--bank fees)--Paradis
    >>>C-376.\Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act (amdt.--approval of a proposal)--Benoit
    >>>C-377.\Farm Income Protection Act (amdt.--crop damage by gophers)--Benoit
    >>>C-378.\Criminal Code (amdt.--violent crimes)--Hanger
    >>>C-379.\Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--foods labelling)--Wappel
    >>>C-380.\Canada Labour Code (amdt.--pregnant or nursing employees)--Vincent
    >>>C-381.\Agricultural Pest Control Products Replacement Act--Benoit
    >>>C-382.\Criminal Code (amdt.--search and seizure)--Benoit
    >>>C-383.\Members of the House of Commons Recall Act--Poilievre
    >>>C-384.\ALS Month Act--Tilson
    >>>C-385.\Criminal Code (amdt.--hate propaganda)--Wrzesnewskyj
    >>>C-386.\Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (amdt.--appointment of permanent members)--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-387.\Competition Act (amdt.--investigations by Commissioner and class proceedings)--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-388.\Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 (amdt.--protection of the assets)--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-389.\Credit Ombudsman Act--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-390.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--increase on benefits)--Mark
    >>>C-391.\Heritage Hunting and Fishing Protection Act--Mark
    >>>C-392.\Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt--gender identity)--Siksay
    >>>C-393.\Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.)--Brown, Gord
    >>>C-394.\State Immunity Act and Criminal Code (amdt.--terrorist activity)--Day
    >>>C-395.\Income Tax (amdt.--child care expenses)--St. Hilaire
    >>>C-396.\Broadcasting Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.--closed-captioned programming)--St-Hilaire
    >>>C-397.\Conscientious Objection Act--Siksay
    >>>C-398.\Education Benefits Act--Wrzesnewskyj
    >>>C-399.\Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Prisons and Reformatories Act (amdt.--conditional release)--Sorenson
    >>>C-400.\Criminal Code (amdt.--elimination of conditional sentencing)--Sorenson
    >>>C-401.\Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--sexual assault on child--dangerous offenders)--Sorenson
    >>>C-402.\Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--indictable offence committed while on conditional release)--Sorenson
    >>>C-403.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act--Layton
    >>>C-404.\Chief Actuary Act--Ablonczy
    >>>C-405.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--foreign property rule)--Hiebert
    >>>C-406.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act--Goodyear
    >>>C-407.\Criminal Code (amdt.--right to die with dignity)--Lalonde
    >>>C-408.\Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.-change of political affiliation)--Preston
    >>>C-409.\Fugitives from Justice in Other Countries Act--MacKay
    >>>C-410.\Criminal Code (amdt.--sex crimes and violent crimes)--MacKay
    >>>C-411.\Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Criminal Code (amdt.--minimum security level of incarceration for first third of sentence)--MacKay
    >>>C-412.\Criminal Code (amdt.--keeping child pornography in a manner that is not reasonably secure from access by others)--MacKay
    >>>C-413.\Survivor Education Benefits Act--Mackay
    >>>C-414.\Canada Health Act--Poilievre
    >>>C-415.\Sale of Medals Prohibition Act--Stoffer
    >>>C-416.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act--Bonin
    >>>C-417.\Public Service Employment Act (amdt.--area of selection)--Casey
    >>>C-418.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--vitamins)--Jaffer
    >>>C-419.\Breast Implant Registry Act--Wasylycia-Leis
    >>>C-420.\Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)--Carrie
    >>>C-421.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--single qualification period and benefit period increase for workers 45 years of age or more)--Godin
    >>>C-422.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--length of benefit period)--Godin
    >>>C-423.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--removal of waiting period)--Godin
    >>>C-424.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--establishment of Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund)--Godin
    >>>C-425.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--pregnancy benefit)--Godin
    >>>C-426.\Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.--growing or producing cannabis)--Chamberlain
    >>>C-427.\Criminal Code (amdt.--failure to stop at scene of accident)--White
    >>>C-428.\Protection and Maintenance of Orders, Decorations and Medals for Future Generations Act--Hinton
    >>>C-429.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act--Lauzon
    >>>C-430.\Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act and Special Import Measures Act (amdt.)--Bellavance
    >>>C-431.\Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)--Merrifield
    >>>C-432.\Canada Pension Plan (amdt.--arrears of benefits)--Martin, T.
    >>>C-433.\Firearms Act (amdt.--registration of handguns)--Breitkreuz
    >>>C-434.\Canadian Ballast Water Management Act--Van Loan
    >>>C-435.\Excise Tax Act (amdt--no GST on books and pamphlets)--McDonough
    >>>C-436.\Hazardous Products Act (amdt.--prohibited product--hooks)--McDonough
    >>>C-437.\Employment Insurance Act and Canada Labour Code (amdt.)--Ritz
    >>>C-438.\Criminal Code (amdt.--murder of parole officer or firefighter)--MacKay
    >>>C-439.\National Appreciation Day Act--Kramp
    >>>C-440.\Canadian Products Promotion Act--Guay
    >>>C-441.\Canadian Forces Superannuation Act and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.--elimination of deduction from annuity)--Stoffer
    >>>C-442.\Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--additional claims)--Desjarlais
    >>>C-443.\Parliament of Canada Act and Canada Elections Act (amdt.)--Hearn
    >>>C-444.\National Capital Act (amdt.--Gatineau Park)--Broadbent
    >>>C-445.\Income Tax (amdt.--female presumption in child care)--Chatters
    >>>C-446.\Development Assistance Conditions and Accountability Act--Desjarlais
    >>>C-447.\Criminal Code (amdt.--use of hand-held cellular telephone while operating a motor vehicle)--Pacetti
    >>>C-448.\Excise Tax Act (amdt.--motor vehicle fuel)--Bezan
    >>>C-449.\Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (amdt.--sponsorship of relative)--Siksay
    >>>C-450.\Alternative Fuels Act (amdt.)--Silva
    >>>C-451.\Excise Tax Act, 2001 (amdt.--wine exemption)--Allison
    >>>C-452.\Blood Samples Act--Kamp
    >>>C-453.\Youth Criminal Justice Act (amdt.--publication of information)--Tilson
    >>>C-454.\Canadian Autism Day Act--Stoffer
    >>>C-455.\Criminal Code (amdt.--blood alcohol content)--Warawa
    >>>C-456.\Criminal Code (amdt.--parental responsibility)--Poilievre
    >>>C-457.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act--Guergis
    >>>C-458.\Excise Tax Act (amdt.--no excise tax on fuel for farmers and fishermen)--Bezan
    >>>C-459.\Canada Health Act (amdt.--Autism Spectrum Disorder)--Stoffer
    >>>C-460.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--definition of "Gaspé Peninsula")--Crête
    >>>C-461.\Canada Labour Code (amdt.--replacement workers)--Kamp
    >>>C-462.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--travel expenses)--Pacetti
    >>>C-463.\Excise Tax Act (amdt.--rebate on goods and services tax on new homes)--Hiebert
    >>>C-464.\Governor General Appointment and Dismissal Act--Reid
    >>Senate passage, message from Senate, 4523(73:1840), 5414(87:1525), 5957(98:1000), 6238(102:1510), 7946(124:1630), 10168(158:1200)