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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 38th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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38th Parliament, 1st Session   (October 4, 2004 - November 29, 2005)  Latest Session
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Trade agreements

    >>Canadian government enforcing provisions, adequacy, etc., 8749(137:1735)
    >>Conservative Party position, 3218(52:1330)
    >>Humane, social and environmental considerations, including, 9028-9(141:1520)
    >>See also Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute; Canadian Forces--Military equipment, Combat boots; Canadian International Trade Tribunal; Free trade; Free Trade Area of the Americas; North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); Spirit drinks; Textile and clothing industry--Crisis; Trade--India

Trade barriers see Developing countries

Trade Compensation Act (Bill C-364)--Jean

    >>First reading, 5068(82:1025)
    >>Second reading, 8748-56(137:1730-830), 10133-41(157:1715-815)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 8756(137:1830)
    >>See also Trade--Disputes with other countries

Trade secrets see Access to Information Act--Exemptions, Commercial information

Trade with United States

    >>Canadian/United States governments policy differences, relationship, 9092-3(141:2340-50), 10077(157:1035)
    >>>o.q., 4444(72:1415)
    >>Consulates role, additional, etc., 3174-5(51:1705)
    >>Disputes, 3899(64:1035), 4178-80(67:2225-40), 9088-9(141:2320), 9416(146:1600), 9419-20(146:1625)
    >>>Martin, Right Hon. Paul, Prime Minister, discussing with United States President George W. Bush during March 2005 Texas meeting, o.q., 4490-1(73:1420), 4491(73:1425)
    >>>United States Byrd amendment, World Trade Organization (WTO), relationship, etc., 4179(67:2225), 8755-6(137:1825)
    >>>>o.q., 437(9:1200), 2104(35:1420)
    >>>United States President George W. Bush 2004 Canadian visit, discussions, etc.
    >>>>o.q., 1731(30:1450)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 2102(35:1410-5)
    >>>See also Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)--Trade dispute; Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute; Livestock industry--Crisis
    >>Dependence, diversification alternative, 3178(51:1730), 9415-6(146:1550-5), 9423(146:1650-5)
    >>Importance, etc., 3359-60(54:1520-35), 3899(64:1035)
    >>>o.q., 4198(68:1445), 4268-9(69:1415-20)
    >>>S.O. 31, 2100(35:1400), 2101(35:1405)
    >>Improving, government measures, o.q., 2107(35:1440), 3525(57:1500)
    >>Partnership for prosperity and security role, 3175(51:1705)
    >>Relationship, decline, 197-9(5:1255-300), 546(11:1255)
    >>United States budget and current account deficits, relationship, 3887(63:1615), 3899(64:1035)
    >>United States Congress representatives, Minister of International Trade Peterson meeting with, o.q., 1156(21:1445)
    >>United States protectionism, combatting, 3174-5(51:1705)
    >>>Plan, lack, 88(4:1330)
    >>Washington, DC, advocacy day, March 2005, t-shirts made in Mexico, o.q., 4273-4(69:1450)
    >>See also Border, Canadian--Canada-United States co-operation, Smart border action plan--Delays--United States security concerns, Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)--Beef industry, Exports; Canada-United States relations--Anti-American remarks; Canada-United States softwood lumber dispute; Devils Lake, North Dakota--Inter-basin transfer; Marijuana--Decriminalization; North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); Rail transportation/railways--Double tracking; United States--Presidential election

Trade zones see International trade zones

Trademarks see Spirit drinks

Trades see Training

Traffic accidents

    >>Failure to stop at scene, hit and run, injuries, deaths, criminal intent factor, increasing sentences, etc., Carley's law, 1334-5(24:1510), 1105(20:1735), 4140-7(67:1755-855), 7303-11(117:1730-825), 8563(134:1205-10)
    >>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, relationship, mental factor, mens rea/guilty mind, 4142-3(67:1815), 4146(67:1840), 7306-7(117:1750-5), 7309-10(117:1810-20)
    >>>Impaired driving factor, 1105(20:1735), 4140(67:1755), 4141(67:1805), 7305(117:1745), 7306(117:1750), 7307(117:1800), 7309(117:1815)
    >>>Petitions, 960(18:1215), 5850(95:1115), 6014(99:1510)
    >>>Regan, Carley, death, Paul Wettlaufer conviction, sentence, 1334-5(24:1510), 4140(67:1755), 4145(67:1835), 4146(67:1840), 7305(117:1740), 7307-8(117:1800-5), 7309-10(117:1815-20)
    >>>S.O. 31, 1475(26:1415)
    >>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--failure to stop at scene of accident)(Bill C-275); Criminal Code (amdt.--failure to stop at scene of accident)(Bill C-427)
    >>Road safety vision and priorities, federal-provincial/territorial program, 5366-7(86:1945)
    >>See also Impaired driving--Drug and/or alcohol impairment, Impact; Windsor Wildcats women's hockey team

Traffic Injury Research Foundation see Impaired driving--Drug and/or alcohol impairment, Extent

Trafficking in persons (human trafficking)

Trail, B.C. see Teck Cominco Ltd.

Trailer Park Boys see Liberal government (Martin)


    >>Budget 2005 agreement with New Democratic Party, 7486-7(119:2210), 7657(121:2015), 7773(122:2220)
    >>Federal intrusion into provincial jurisdiction, 1997 agreement with Quebec, relationship, 48(3:1650), 917(17:1555)
    >>Labour training and education, importance, 2901(47:1100)
    >>Manpower training, funds transfer to Quebec, 232(6:1610), 916(17:1550), 6905(112:1525-30)
    >>Program contracts, Human Resources and Skills Development Department funding, directing to Liberal Party friendly organizations, o.q., 4947-8(80:1440-5)
    >>Skills training, seasonal workers, fisheries, etc., 6545(107:1300), 6547(107:1315-20)
    >>Trades, role, increasing, etc., 7569(120:1825)
    >>See also Aboriginal education and training; Canadian Coast Guard--Personnel; Construction industry--Workers; Emergency response workers--Funding--Volunteers; Firefighters; Health care providers; Labour market training; Older workers--Lay-offs; Public Service--Ethics; Textile and clothing industry--Crisis

Traitors see Members of Parliament

Tranquille, Henri

    >>Quebec bookseller, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 9915(154:1410)

Trans-Canada Highway

    >>Federal-provincial jurisdiction factor, S.O. 31, 556(11:1410)

Trans fats (trans fatty acids)

Transfer payments to provinces

Transgender and Transsexual Day of Remembrance

    >>Deaths due to hatred and prejudice, commemorating, S.O. 31, 1594(28:1110)

Transitional Industry Support Program (TISP) see Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)

Transparency International see Liberal government (Martin)--Ethics rating

Transport Department

    >>Estimates, 2005-2006, supplementary (A) see Transport Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth
    >>Personnel, competence, engineers, 466(10:1210)
    >>See also Avalanche airbag system (ABS); Canadian Coast Guard; Highways and roads--Ontario, South Frontenac Township, ON; Marine transportation; Marine transportation safety; Sable Island--Environmental and scientific research role; Water pollution--Oil spills

Transport Minister see Lapierre, Hon. Jean--References

Transport Standing Committee

    >>Bills referred see Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47); Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3); International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4)
    >>Certificates of Nomination referred see Atlantic Pilotage Authority--Soucie, Anne C., part-time Chair; Blue Water Bridge Authority--Elash, Dan M., President and Chief Executive Officer; Canadian Air Transport Security Authority--Baril, Joseph Maurice Gérard, Chair; Great Lakes Pilotage Authority--Ducharme, Brian Charles, part-time Chairman; Laurentian Pilotage Authority--Champagne, Gilles, part-time Chairman, Pacific Pilotage Authority--Gardiner, David K., part-time Chairman; Ridley Terminals Inc.--Tarr, Michael John, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer; VIA Rail Canada Inc.--Côté, Paul, President and Chief Executive Officer
    >>Reports, presented
    >>>First (International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act (Bill C-4)), 1163(21:1535)
    >>>Second (Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3)), 2615(43:1205)
    >>>Third (proposed disposal of the federal grain hopper car fleet), 3760(61:1505)
    >>>Fourth (Air Liberalization and the Canadian Airports System), 6195(102:1000)
    >>>Fifth (failure of Minister of Transport to appear before committee), 7687(122:1005)
    >>>Sixth (Transport Department estimates, 2005-2006, supplementary (A)), 9745(151:1515)
    >>Travel, authority
    >>>Ms. (LeBlanc), agreed to, 4047(66:1535), 8817(138:1650)
    >>>M. (Redman), agreed to, 3243(52:1620)
    >>See also Airports--Rent aid to federal government; Democratic deficit; Marine transportation--Transport Department responsibilities


    >>British Columbia, 4077(67:1025-30), 10195(159:1325), 10196(159:1330)
    >>>Conservative Party policies, S.O. 31, 7273(117:1400)
    >>>New Democratic Party policies, 9242-3(144:1350-5), 10198(159:1345)
    >>Budget 2005 measures, 4056-7(66:1640-5), 4127-30(67:1550-1605)
    >>>Budget 2005 agreement with New Democratic Party, 5989(99:1210)
    >>Economic role, 464(10:1155)
    >>Government reforms to system, 464(10:1155)
    >>Infrastructure, government investment, lack/need, 2915(47:1245), 2917(47:1250), 9240(144:1330), 10195(159:1325)
    >>>Conservative Party of Canada position, 10221-2(159:1605-10)
    >>>Gateways and trade corridors policy, 9267(144:1625), 9752(151:1545-50)
    >>>See also Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network); St. Lawrence River--Gateway strategy
    >>>Trucking industry, etc., 510(10:1710)
    >>>See also Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network)
    >>Legislation, Transportation Amendment Act (Bill C-44)
    >>>Bloc Québécois position, 10191(159:1255), 10225(159:1630), 10226(159:1640), 10226(159:1645), 10234-5(159:1755-1800)
    >>>Clause 19 see Airlines--Foreign airlines, Domestic service
    >>>Clause 28 see Air transportation--Consumer complaints process
    >>>Clause 30 see Airlines--Air fare advertisements
    >>>Clause 32 see Rail transportation/railways--Communities
    >>>Clause 42 see Rail transportation/railways--Freight rates
    >>>Conservative Party of Canada position, 9235(144:1300), 10186(159:1220)
    >>>Legislative process/drafting, 10191(159:1255), 10194(159:1320), 10197(159:1335), 10218(159:1545), 10220(159:1550-5), 10221(159:1605), 10230(159:1720-5), 10231(159:1725)
    >>>New Democratic Party position, 10197-8(159:1345)
    >>Mergers and acquisitions, review process, 10223-4(159:1615-20)
    >>Policy, stakeholder cooperation, importance, 9236(144:1305)
    >>Tanker transport see Marine transportation--Oil tanker
    >>See also Disabled and handicapped persons; Grain transportation; Public transit; School boards--Goods and Services Tax (GST) on transportation costs

Transportation Amendment Act (Bill C-44)--Minister of Transport (Lapierre, Jean)

Transportation Safety Board see Walsh, Jim

Transsexual and transgendered persons see Canadian Human Rights Act


    >>Income tax deduction for travel within Canada, petitions, 10216-7(159:1525)
    >>See also Cabinet Ministers

Travel allowance see Members of Parliament; Public service

Travel documents see Border, Canadian--United States security concerns/measures, Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative

Treason see Parole--Life imprisonment; Riel, Louis

Treasury Board

    >>Guidelines see Privacy Commissioner--Radwanski, George; Sponsorship program
    >>Policies see Public Service--Wrongdoings, disclosure
    >>President, role/responsibilities, 3472-3(56:1735), 3477(56:1810-5)
    >>>Reorganization, 3473(56:1735)
    >>>See also Government contracts; Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions--Accountability--Internal audits; Privacy Commissioner--Radwanski, George
    >>See also Canada Post Corporation--Feeney


    >>Signing/concluding, House of Commons participation, 4855(79:1220)
    >>See also Aboriginal and treaty rights; International agreements; Tax treaties

Treaties Act (Bill C-260)--Roy

    >>First reading, 1164(21:1540)
    >>Second reading, 6150-7(101:1800-900), 7644-51(122:1730-830), negatived on recorded division, 8169-70(127:1805-15)
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 6157(101:1900)
    >>See also International agreements--Treaties

Tremblay, Christian see Canadian Forces--Submarines, HMCS Chicoutimi

Tri Link Resources Ltd. see White Bear First Nation

Trial see Courts passim

Trillium Health Centre see Etobicoke Rotary Club

Trinity United Church (Thorold, ON)

    >>Gothic revival/regency gothic style church, heritage designation, S.O. 31, 9014(141:1400)

Trois-Pistoles, QC see Ports/harbours--Les Escoumins, QC wharf

Trois-Rivières, QC

    >>Events and promotion, international recognition, S.O. 31, 8263(129:1105)

Trost, Bradley (CPC--Saskatoon--Humboldt)

Trotter, Al see World War II--Prisoners of war

Trout see Fisheries--Salmon, Atlantic

Trucking industry

    >>Driving hours, restricting, safety factor, o.q., 2209(37:1455-500)
    >>Environmental impact, 9305(145:1210)
    >>Gasoline price increase, impact, income tax credit for independent truckers, etc., 8047-9(125:1830-40), 8082-3(125:2300), 8084-6(125:2310-5), 8089(125:2345)
    >>See also Border, Canadian; Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE); Transportation--Intermodality

Trudeau International Airport see Montréal-Trudeau International Airport

Trudeau, Right Hon. Pierre Elliott see Historic/heritage buildings, sites and monuments--Thornhill, ON

Truscott, Steven

    >>Murder conviction, wrongful conviction possibility, 1035(19:1805)
    >>>Kaufman, Justice Fred, report, releasing to public, o.q., 7930-1(124:1440-5)

Trust accounts see Child care--Funding

Trust and Loan Companies Act see Financial Institutions Legislation Amendment Act (Bill C-57)

Trust funds see Cabinet Ministers; Corruption--Nova Scotia; Hepatitis C--Tainted blood recipients, re-1986/post-1990 victims only; Liberal Party--Donations, Alleged kickbacks from sponsorship program contracts; Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund

Tsubouchi, Kiyoshi Thomas

    >>World War II Japanese Canadian internee, death, S.O. 31, 9318(145:1400)

Tsunami (Asia, December 2004)

    >>Martin, Right Hon. Paul, Prime Minister, visit to affected regions, S.O. 31, 3045-6(49:1410)
    >>Moment of silence, 2844(46:1415)
    >>Relief efforts, fund raising
    >>>Beaches--East York constituency, S.O. 31, 2925(47:1400)
    >>>Canadian health care industry, medical supplies provided, S.O. 31, 3642(59:1405)
    >>>Canadian moratorium on countries debt, 6039(99:1815)
    >>>Canadians, 2830(46:1240), 2839(46:1345), 2865(46:1530), 2949-50(47:1650), 3885(63:1600), 6039(99:1815), 6067(100:1300), 7774(122:2220)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 2967(48:1405), 3147(51:1405)
    >>>Carroll, International Cooperation Minister, vacation, relationship, o.q., 2935(47:1455)
    >>>Claresholm, AB concert, S.O. 31, 3224(52:1410)
    >>>Durham region, ON, S.O. 31, 2841(46:1405)
    >>>Government funds, 3882(63:1540), 2910(47:1205), 3369-70(54:1650), 3371(54:1705), 3372(54:1710), 3388(55:1050), 3460(56:1550), 3463(56:1610), 4913(80:1030)
    >>>>Accountability, grants factor, o.q., 4042(66:1500)
    >>>>Budget 2005 measure, 3885(63:1600)
    >>>>Matching funds
    >>>>>Payment delay, o.q., 4118(67:1455)
    >>>>>Spent on other programs, Auditor General's 2005 report findings, o.q., 10167(158:1155)
    >>>>>See also Tsunami (Asia, December 2004)--Sri Lanka, Canadian Rotary Committee for International Development Schools Reawaken Project
    >>>>o.q., 3399(55:1150)
    >>>>Payment delay, o.q., 4042(66:1455)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 2841(46:1405), 2925(47:1400), 3147(51:1405), 8793(138:1400)
    >>>Ineffectiveness, lack of planning factor, 7313(117:1830)
    >>>Kitchener, ON concert, S.O. 31, 3348(54:1415)
    >>>Montreal, QC Sri Lankan community, S.O. 31, 3269(53:1405-10)
    >>>Newton--North Delta constituency S.O. 31, 2843-4(46:1415)
    >>>Pitt Meadows--Maple Ridge--Mission constituency, S.O. 31, 2968(48:1410)
    >>>Scarborough--Rouge River constituency, S.O. 31, 4265(69:1405)
    >>>See also Oxfam Québec--Eastern Townships, QC fund raising
    >>Sri Lanka
    >>>Accountability, 5640(90:2155)
    >>>Aid flow blocked, Sri Lanka conflict/Tamil Tigers factor, etc., 9720(150:2225)
    >>>>o.q., 3399(55:1150), 7376-7(118:1150-5)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 8793(138:1400)
    >>>Aid misspent, corruption allegations, S.O. 31, 3445(56:1405)
    >>>Canadian Forces Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) role, 2909(47:1200), 2914(47:1235), 2953(47:1710), 3372(54:1710)
    >>>>o.q., 2851(46:1500), 3149(51:1415), 3152(51:1430)
    >>>Canadian Rotary Committee for International Development Schools Reawaken Project, government matching funds denied, S.O. 31, 9989(155:1400)
    >>>Relief Aid International, McMaster University organization, housing project, etc., S.O. 31, 6928(113:1055), 8550-1(134:1100)
    >>Thailand, Canadians in Thailand
    >>>Lafond, Mathieu, death in Thailand, delay returning body DNA identification factor, o.q., 3278(53:1500)
    >>>Treatment by Canadian Embassy, 3407(55:1235-40)
    >>See also Immigration/immigrants


    >>Monitoring system, North American east coast, developing, o.q., 4324(70:1200)

Tsuu T'Ina First Nation see First Nations/Indians--Commercial and industrial development, Legislation

TTC see Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)

Tuberculosis see Bovine Tuberculosis (BTb)

Tuition fees see Education, post-secondary; Music instruction; Students--Post-Secondary

Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories see Missing persons

Tulsequah Chief mine see Mines/mining industry


    >>Freedom of expression, World Summit on the Information Society, petitions, 9780(152:1010), 9781(152:1015)
    >>See also Child abduction--Malette, Tina Lynn

Tunisian Canadians see Al Qaeda (terrorist group)

Tunnels see Border, Canadian--Windsor, ON crossing, Customs costs

Turgeon, Mélanie see Skiing

Turks and Caicos Islands

    >>Canadian relations with, o.q., 6413(105:1455)

Turnaround Achievement Awards see Education

Tweed, Merv (CPC--Brandon--Souris)

Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory see First Nations Technical Institute

Tyler, D.V. see Housing--British Columbia, Leaking condominiums