The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 38th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Thiessen, Gerry see Canadian Real Estate Association
Thompson, Greg (CPC--New Brunswick Southwest)
- >>Aquaculture, 7268(117:1320)
>>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)
>>>o.q., 727(14:1155-200)
>>>r.o., 3704(60:1210)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7265(117:1300), 7267-8(117:1320-5), 7269(117:1330-40)
>>Autism, S.O. 31, 8137(127:1400)
>>Border, Canadian
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 8954(140:1945), 8957-8(140:2010-5), 8959(140:2020), 8960(140:2030), 8968-9(140:2135), 8971(140:2155), 8981(140:2305), 8984(140:2325)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Thompson, Greg), 8645(136:1000)
>>Budget 2005, 7265(117:1300), 7267-8(117:1320-5), 7269(117:1335-40)
>>Budget deficit, 7268(117:1325)
>>Byrne, references, 1210(22:1250)
>>Canada Steamship Lines (CSL), 1209(22:1235)
>>Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group, 2037(34:1515-20)
>>Canadian Forces, 7934(124:1505), 8181-2(127:1935), 8182(127:1945), 9413(146:1535)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Thompson, Greg), 7821(123:1510)
>>>o.q., 7093(115:1450), 7430(119:1450), 7623(121:1500), 7722(122:1450), 7932(124:1450), 9744(151:1505)
>>Canadian Heritage Department, estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration, 450(25:2000)
>>Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 1792(30:2215)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 5588-9(90:1535-40)
>>Corporate income tax, 7269(117:1330)
>>Equalization payments, 911(17:1510), 2051-2(34:1710-5)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.--fiscal equalization payments to the provinces and funding to the territories)(Bill C-24), 2051-2(34:1710-5)
>>Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental), M. on supply (Loubier), 892(17:1300), 897-8(17:1345-55), 911(17:1505-10)
>>Fisheries, 961(18:1220-25)
>>>qu., 2855(46:1525)
>>>r.o., 1338(24:1530)
>>Fisheries Act (amdt.--terms and conditions of permissions, leases and licences)(Bill C-52), 7032-5(114:2100-20)
>>Goods and Services Tax (GST), 1209(22:1235)
>>Government buildings, qu., 2855(46:1525)
>>Health Department, estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration, 1792(30:2215-20)
>>Health Standing Committee
>>>M. (Fletcher), 4652-4(75:1745-55), 4657-8(75:1820-25)
>>>M. (Merrifield), 1168-9(21:1620-25), 1178-9(21:1745-50)
>>Heart Month, S.O. 31, 3824(62:1405)
>>Hepatitis C, 1168-9(21:1620-25), 1792(30:2215-20), 4652-4(75:1745-55), 4657-8(75:1820-25)
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 1130(20:2055), 1132(20:2110), 1134-6(20:2120-40)
>>Interparliamentary delegations, 2730(45:1010), 5659(91:1535), 6485(106:1510), 9959(155:1000), 10215(159:1515)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 898(17:1350)
>>Marine transportation, 8714-5(136:1915-25), 9258(144:1520), 9413(146:1540), 9618-9(149:1830-5), 9749(151:1530-5), 10051(156:1635)
>>>o.q., 958(18:1200), 8147(127:1455), 9106(142:1455), 9106(142:1455)
>>>Petitions, 1820(31:1515), 2035(34:1510), 3879(63:1515), 4754(77:1555), 5667(91:1720), 5702(92:1245), 6130(101:1525), 8361(131:1105), 8444(132:1515), 8475(133:1015), 8729(137:1515), 9148(143:1010), 9257(144:1515), 9412(146:1535), 9747(151:1525), 9780(152:1010), 9959(155:1005), 10049(156:1630), 10074(157:1020)
>>>r.o., 2863(46:1525)
>>>S.O. 31, 1723(30:1405)
>>Marriage, 5588-9(90:1535-40)
>>>Petitions, 4754(77:1550), 6130(101:1525)
>>Media, 1450(25:2000)
>>National debt, 7268(117:1325)
>>National Energy Program (1980s), 1209(22:1235)
>>NB Power, 7268(117:1320)
>>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 1209(22:1235)
>>Offshore oil and gas revenue/royalties, 897-8(17:1345), 911(17:1505), 2052(34:1715)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 1208-10(22:1235-50)
>>Privilege, false/misleading statements (Thompson, G.), 2037(34:1515-20)
>>>Interparliamentary delegations, 2730(45:1010)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 898(17:1355), 1179(21:1750)
>>>Members' remarks, 892(17:1255), 1179(21:1745), 7269(117:1340), 7934(124:1505), 8405(131:1525), 8958(140:2015)
>>>Private Members' Motions for Production of Papers, 9413(146:1535), 10051(156:1635)
>>>Question and comment period, 9152(143:1045)
>>>Questions on the Order Paper, 613(12:1535), 961(18:1220-5), 9258(144:1520), 9413(146:1540), 9749(151:1530-5), 9781(152:1015), 9960(155:1010), 10050(156:1635)
>>>Quorum, 7019(114:1905)
>>References see Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group--Canada Section
>>Statistics Act (amdt.)(Bill S-18), 7019(114:1905)
>>Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act (Bill C-14), 988(19:1220), 993-4(19:1305-10)
>>United States, S.O. 31, 2024(34:1415)
Thompson, Myron (CPC--Wild Rose)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 988(19:1220), 993-4(19:1305-10)
>>Age of consent (sexual relations), 338(7:1705), 1279(23:1205), 7408(119:1230), 7948(124:1645), 7953-4(124:1730-40), 8622(135:1555), 8865(139:1225)
>>>o.q., 8856(139:1135)
>>>S.O. 31, 7423-4(119:1410)
>>Agriculture, 172(5:1010), 3915(64:1235), 3921-2(64:1320), 3949(64:1615), 5045(81:1720), 5870-1(95:1345), 5992(99:1240), 6070-1(100:1325-35), 6072(100:1340), 7409(119:1230), 9152(143:1045)
>>>o.q., 6084(100:1455)
>>Alberta, 7409(119:1230)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 5870-1(95:1345), 5895(95:1630), 5992(99:1240), 7336-7(117:2130), 7350(117:2315), 7404-5(119:1200), 7408-9(119:1225-35), 7410(119:1240)
>>Autism, petitions, 3402(55:1205-10)
>>Auto theft, 8863(139:1210-5), 8864-5(139:1220-5)
>>Bail (judicial interim release), 3401(55:1200)
>>Banff National Park, S.O. 31, 5324(86:1410)
>>Border, Canadian, 6995-6(114:1540), 7408(119:1225)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 135(4:1950), 146(4:2105), 256(6:1910), 257-9(6:1920-30), 271(6:2110)
>>>S.O. 31, 93(4:1400), 380-1(8:1405)
>>>Petitions, 640(13:1010)
>>Bread, petitions, 3403(55:1210-5)
>>Budget 2005, 7350(117:2315), 7404-5(119:1200), 7408-9(119:1225-35)
>>>M. for approval (Goodale), 3915(64:1235), 3921-2(64:1320), 3949(64:1615)
>>Budget deficit, 7410(119:1240)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 5045(81:1720), 6070-1(100:1325-35), 6072(100:1340), 6102(100:1705)
>>Budget surplus, 9152(143:1045)
>>Cadman, references, 8805(138:1515)
>>Canada Border Services Agency Act (Bill C-26), 6995-6(114:1540)
>>Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), 1279(23:1205)
>>>o.q., 607(12:1455)
>>Canada-United States relations, 3372(54:1715)
>>Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program, M. on supply (Finley), 3071(49:1700)
>>Canadian Wheat Board, 8625(135:1620), 8806(138:1520)
>>Cancer, 8864(139:1225)
>>>S.O. 31, 1002(19:1415)
>>Child care, 5870(95:1345), 6102(100:1705)
>>Child custody, 7953(124:1730)
>>Child pornography, 336-8(7:1700-10), 612(12:1525), 7408(119:1225), 7948(124:1645), 7953(124:1730)
>>>o.q., 3876(63:1450), 5813(94:1455)
>>>Petitions, 3403(55:1210)
>>Child poverty, 5045(81:1720)
>>Child prostitution, 338(7:1705)
>>Child protection legislation (Bill C-2), 8693(136:1615), 8864(139:1215-20)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 337(7:1700-5), 8806(138:1520), 8807(138:1530)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 3592(58:1730), 5395-7(87:1325-30), 7852-4(123:1900-20), 7947-8(124:1645)
>>Coffin, Paul, 8625(135:1620)
>>Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-17), 1089-90(20:1535-45)
>>Corporate income tax, 7404(119:1200)
>>Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--dependence on alcohol or drugs)(Bill C-328), 3401(55:1205)
>>Crime, 8701(136:1715), 8807(138:1530)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--age of consent)(Bill C-267), 1279(23:1205)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--arrest without warrant)(Bill C-329), 3401(55:1205), 9684-6(150:1800-20)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--dangerous offender)(Bill C-298), 1604(28:1205)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--failure to stop at scene of accident)(Bill C-275), 7309-11(117:1815-25)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--impaired driving)(Bill C-16), 1107-9(20:1755-800)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--prohibited sexual acts)(Bill C-313), 7953-4(124:1730-40)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children)(Bill C-238), 612(12:1525)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--sentencing principles)(Bill C-299), 16044(28:1205)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--street racing)(Bill C-65), 8647(136:1020), 8692-3(136:1615), 8701(136:1715), 8805-7(138:1515-30)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--trafficking in persons)(Bill C-49), 8039-40(125:1740), 8621-2(135:1555), 8625(135:1620)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--vehicle identification number)(Bill C-64), 8863-5(139:1210-30), 8866-7(139:1235-40)
>>Criminal Code (bail for persons charged with violent offences), Extradition Act and Youth Criminal Justice Act (amdt.)(Bill C-327), 3401(55:1200)
>>Criminal Code (protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 336-8(7:1700-10)
>>Criminals/offenders, o.q., 2664(44:1445), 5332(86:1500)
>>Dangerous offenders, 1604(28:1205)
>>Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Act (amdt.)(Bill C-32), 3372(54:1715)
>>Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 6507(106:1815)
>>DNA identification/evidence, o.q., 3701(60:1150), 3936(64:1445)
>>Drug and substance abuse, 7408(119:1230)
>>Drug trafficking, 8039(125:1740)
>>Education, post-secondary, 5870(95:1345), 7337(117:2130)
>>Employment, 202(5:1330)
>>Estimates, 5348-9(86:1700)
>>Firearms, 8864(139:1220)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 1108(20:1800), 7409(119:1230)
>>First Nations/Indians, 7404-5(119:1200), 7409(119:1235), 7853(123:1910), 7948(124:1645), 7954(124:1735)
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, 8864(139:1220-5)
>>Fraud, 8866(138:1520)
>>Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels), M-253 (Benoit), 7982(125:1125)
>>Government, 7410(119:1240)
>>Government appointments, 8866(139:1240)
>>Government contracts, r.o., 9594(149:1515)
>>Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee, M. (Benoit), 5348-9(86:1700)
>>Harper, references, 7409(119:1235)
>>Hepatitis C, 8692(136:1615), 8863-4(139:1215), 8864(139:1225), 8866(139:1235), 8867(139:1240), 9152(143:1045)
>>Home heating fuel, S.O. 31, 8139(127:1415)
>>Horses, o.q., 3278(53:1500)
>>House of Commons, 8692-3(136:1615), 8863-5(139:1215-30), 8866(139:1235), 8867(139:1240)
>>Impaired driving, 1107-9(20:1755-800)
>>Iraq, 8866(139:1240)
>>Kashechewan First Nation, 9152(143:1045)
>>Liberal government (Martin), 8865(139:1230), 8866(139:1235)
>>>S.O. 31, 3825(62:1410)
>>Liberal governments, 7337(117:2130)
>>Marijuana, 1089-90(20:1535-45), 1108-9(20:1755-800)
>>>S.O. 31, 8851-2(139:1110)
>>Marriage, 3592(58:1730), 5395-7(87:1325-30), 7852-4(123:1900-20), 7947-8(124:1645)
>>>Petitions, 3456(56:1510), 4503(73:1535), 4755(77:1600)
>>Members of Parliament, 9503(147:1740), 9549(148:1350), 9564(149:1215)
>>Montréal-Mirabel International Airport, 8864(139:1220)
>>Morgan, John, S.O. 31, 1594(28:1110)
>>Murder, 8805-6(138:1515)
>>National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, 8864(139:1220)
>>Parole, 3401(55:1205), 9684-6(150:1800-15)
>>>o.q., 5332(86:1500)
>>Penitentiaries, 7408(119:1225)
>>Penitentiary inmates, 337(7:1705), 7468(119:1230), 8807(138:1530)
>>Privilege, prima facie, false/misleading statements, M. (Coderre), 9503(147:1740), 9549(148:1350), 9564(149:1215)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 6507(106:1815)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 993(19:1305-10)
>>>Members' remarks, 9503(147:1740)
>>>Petitions, 640(13:1010), 3403(55:1215)
>>Prostitution, 7409(119:1230)
>>Rail transportation/railways, S.O. 31, 7807-8(123:1355)
>>References, son serving in United States Army, Iraq posting, etc., S.O. 31, 2102(35:1415)
>>Rights, 7953-4(124:1730-5)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 7408(119:1225)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 1604(28:1205), 8625(135:1620)
>>>o.q., 5770(93:1155)
>>>S.O. 31, 5712(92:1400)
>>Skiing, S.O. 31, 3224(52:1410)
>>Standard of living, 7408(19:1225)
>>Stinson, references, S.O. 31, 10107(157:1405)
>>Street racing, 8647(136:1020), 8692(136:1615), 8701(136:1715), 8806(138:1515), 8806-7(138:1525)
>>Taxation, 7404(119:1200)
>>Thompson, M., references, S.O. 31, 2102(35:1415)
>>Throne Speech, Address in reply, M. (Silva), 172(5:1010), 202(5:1330)
>>Tourism industry, 5895(95:1630)
>>Traffic accidents, 7309-11(117:1815-25)
>>Trafficking in persons (human trafficking), 8621-2(135:1555)
>>Unanticipated Surpluses Act (Bill C-67), 9152(143:1045)
>>United States, S.O. 31, 1415(35:1415)
>>Victims of crime, 7310-1(117:1820-5), 8805-6(138:1515-25)
>>Youth, S.O. 31, 9017(141:1410)
Thompson, Ruby see Robbery
Thomson, Hugh see Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)
Thomson, Shirley L. see Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board
Thorkelson, Ruth
Deputy Chief of Staff, Prime Minister's Office, lobbyist activities, o.q.,
>>See also Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC);
Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC)
Thornhill, ON see Gallanough Resource Centre; Historic/heritage buildings, sites and monuments; Holy Trinity Anglican Church
Threats see Family violence
Throne Speech
Address in Reply
>>>Amendments, government accepting, 2831(46:1245), 7638(121:1700-5),
>>>Bloc Québécois subamendment, 115(4:1630), 122(4:1725), 123(4:1735),
617-8(12:1600), 619(12:1615-20), 629(12:1725-30), 630(12:1730),
5531(89:1740), 5536(89:1815)
>>>>Blondin-Andrew position, 84-5(4:1305)
>>>>Broadbent position, 91-2(4:1350-5)
>>>>Crowder position, 89-90(4:1340)
>>>>Non-confidence motion, 116(4:1640)
>>>>Savage position, 87-8(4:1325)
>>>Conservative Party amendment, 618(12:1600)
>>>Debate, adjournment, M. (Harper), agreed to, 21(2:1725)
>>>Debate, empty rhetoric, 174(5:1030)
>>>Embossing and presenting to Governor General, M. (Valeri), agreed to,
>>>Harper speech, criticism, 78(4:1215)
>>>M. (Silva), 14-21(2:1640-725), 35-56(3:1510-755), 60-92(4:1005-355),
104-28(4:1505-805), 171-7(5:1000-1055),
223-46(6:1510-755), 522-54(11:1005-355),
614-35(12:1535-1815), agreed to, as amended, by unanimous consent, 635(12:1815)
>>>>Amdt. (Harper), 42(3:1600), as amended, agreed to, by unanimous consent,
>>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Duceppe), 50(3:1700), agreed to, as amended, 128(4:1805)
>>>>>>Amdt. (Duceppe), agreed to, by unanimous consent, 127-8(4:1805)
>>>>>Amdt. to amdt., as amended (Harper), 457(10:1100-5), agreed to, by
unanimous consent, 457-8(10:1105-10)
>>Authorship, all parties role proposed, 78(4:1215)
>>Balance between fiscal responsibility and social development, 171(5:1000)
>>Belief in unlimited potential of Canadians, 14(2:1640), 17(2:1655)
>>Consideration later this day, M. (Paul Martin), agreed to, 12-3(2:1630)
>>Government ignoring message of electorate, S.O. 31, 26(3:1415)
>>Government promises broken, 7300-1(117:1705-10), 7335(117:2110)
>>Governor General Adrienne Clarkson reading, 7-13(2:1630)
>>Guiding principles, 171(5:1000)
>>Message summoning Members to hear, Usher of the Black Rod delivering,
>>Missing/omitted items, 17(2:1650), 20-1(2:1715-20), 38(3:1530), 41(3:1550),
63-4(4:1030-5), 82(4:1240), 88(4:1325), 109(4:1540), 112(4:1605), 116(4:1640),
192(5:1220), 199-200(5:1305-10), 241(6:1715-20)
>>>S.O. 31, 311(7:1410), 555-6(11:1405)
>>Privy Council Office, role, 7125(115:1830)
>>Recycled, 108(4:1530), 109(4:1540), 116(4:1640), 119(4:1655), 124(4:1740),
126(4:1750), 230(6:1555-600), 240(6:1710)
>>Speaker tabling copy, 7(2:1630)
>>Vision, direction, lack, 79(4:1225), 116(4:1640), 238(6:1655)
>>See also Aboriginal health--Chronic diseases;
Aboriginal health care--Canada-Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable;
Aboriginal peoples/communities--Economic and social conditions--Throne Speech
Alternative/renewable/green energy;
Border, Canadian--Canada-United States co-operation, Smart border action plan;
Budget 2005;
Canada-Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable--Goals established;
Canada Corps--Mandate;
Canadian Forces;
Chief Public Health Officer;
Child care--Early learning;
Child pornography;
Disabled and handicapped persons;
Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Affordable;
Economic strategy--Five point strategy;
Economy/economic conditions;
Education, post-secondary;
Electoral reform;
Energy conservation/efficiency--Research and development;
Entrepreneurs/entrepreneurship--Venture capital;
Environmental indicators--Assessment process;
Fetal alcohol syndrome--Aboriginal peoples/communities;
Fisheries--Atlantic--Management plan;
Foreign policy--Defence--International policy statement;
G-20 countries--Government initiating meeting to address international issues;
Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions--Purchases;
Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing;
Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS);
Hate crimes;
Health care--passim;
Health care funding--passim;
Health care providers--Foreign credentials--Shortages;
Home care--Family;
Home care services--Access;
Housing ;
International institutions--Role;
International relations--Canadian role--Failed institutions of governance and
Laval--Les-Îles constituency;
National Child Benefit--Establishment;
National debt--Reduction;
National parks--Ecological integrity;
National security--Comprehensive national security policy--United States;
National unity; Northern Canada;
Oceans Action Plan--Marine--Management;
Official languages policy (Bilingualism) ;
Pan-Canadian Public Health Network--Role;
Regional and rural development--Strategy;
Science and technology;
Senior citizens--Guaranteed annual income--New Horizons program--Throne Speech
Skilled trades and technology workforce--Workplace Skills Strategy;
Suicide--Aboriginal peoples/communities;
Sustainable development--passim;
Trade--Rules-based system;
Voluntary organizations;
Wind energy--Wind Power Production Incentive
Thunder Bay Bombers see Hockey
Thunder Bay Border Cats see Baseball
Thunder Bay Law Association
Anniversary, 100th, S.O. 31, 5324(86:1410)
Thunder Bay, ON see Canadian Coast Guard--Search and rescue role; Italian Society, Principe di Piedmonte; Martial arts; Television stations--CKPR
Thunder Bay Police Youth Corps
Anniversary, 12th, S.O. 31, 7087(115:1415)
Thunder Bay Public Library
35th anniversary, recognition, congratulating, S.O. 31, 3562(58:1405)
Thunder Bay--Rainy River constituency
Festivals, celebrating, S.O. 31, 7422(119:1405)
Thunder Bay--Rainy River constituency see Tourism industry
Thundersky, Raven see Housing--Insulation
Thymus cancer see Brideau, Paul
Tiananmen Square see China--Human rights violations
Chinese occupation, human rights violations
>>>Anniversary, 46th, Dalai Lama statement, etc., S.O. 31, 4264(69:1400),
4265(69:1400), 4266-7(69:1410)
>>>Martin, Right Hon. Paul, Prime Minister, raising during January 2005 China visit,
>>>>o.q., 2933-4(47:1445-50)
>>>Negotiations between Tibet and China, Canadian position
>>>>o.q., 3104(50:1155)
>>>>Petitions, 7441(119:1650)
>>>>S.O. 31, 482(10:1410), 5279(85:1410), 5400(87:1400), 5402(87:1410)
>>>Petitions, 9748(151:1530)
>>>Quebec film, What Remains of Us, award winning documentary, S.O. 31,
>>>Railway to Tibet, Canadian corporations involvement, etc.
>>>>o.q., 5458(88:1200)
>>>>S.O. 31, 5403(87:1410)
>>Dalai Lama
>>>Canadian visit, anniversary, S.O. 31, 5279(85:1410), 5400(87:1400),
5401(87:1405), 5402-3(87:1410)
>>>See also Tibet--Chinese occupation
>>Rinpoche, Tenzin Delek, Buddhist lama, death sentence, human rights factor
>>>o.q., 2110(35:1455), 2131(36:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 2024-5(34:1415), 2099(35:1400), 2121(36:1400)
>>See also China--Canadian delegation visit
Tibetan New Year (Losar)
Celebrations, best wishes, etc., S.O. 31, 3346(54:1405)
Tibetan Youth Day
Tibetan Youth Congress, Toronto chapter, celebrating, S.O. 31,
Tidal and wave energy projects
Funding, emission reduction goals, qu., 4236(69:1010)
Tied aid see Foreign aid
Tilson, David (CPC--Dufferin--Caledon)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 995(19:1320)
>>Access to information, 7064(115:1130), 8668-9(150:1540-50), 9670(150:1600)
>>Access to Information Act, M. on supply (Lukiwski), 9667-9(150:1530-50), 9670(150:1555-600), 9671(150:1605)
>>Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee, 5845(95:1005), 7435(119:1525), 9925(154:1505)
>>>M. (Lukiwski), 7064(115:1130), 7072(115:1235), 7074-5(115:1250)
>>>M. (Tilson), 7435-8(119:1525-50)
>>Agriculture, 553(11:1340), 3022(49:1120), 3033(49:1240)
>>Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, M. (Ritz), 5377(87:1105)
>>ALS Month Act (Bill C-384), 5936-7(96:1530)
>>Alternative/renewable/green energy, S.O. 31, 3867(63:1405)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7337-9(117:2135-50)
>>Auto theft, 8815(138:1635), 8941(140:1825)
>>Automobiles/motor vehicles, M. on supply (Cullen, Nathan), 3629-30(59:1240)
>>Avian flu (Asian bird flu), 5377(87:1105)
>>>r.o., 10075(157:1020)
>>Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada, S.O. 31, 3516-7(57:1410)
>>Border, Canadian, 5048(81:1735)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), 553(11:1345)
>>Budget 2005, 7337-9(117:2135-45)
>>>M. for approval (Goodale), 3917(64:1245), 4090(67:1150), 4215-6(68:1625)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 5048(81:1735), 6064(100:1240)
>>Budget surplus, 3917(64:1245), 9197(143:1600)
>>Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program, M. on supply (Finley), 3021-2(49:1120), 3033(49:1240)
>>Capital Hill Experience, S.O. 31, 4941-2(80:1405)
>>Census, 7004(114:1650), 7009(114:1750), 7011-2(114:1810), 7013(114:1820), 7016-8(114:1840-55)
>>Chief Electoral Officer, 7435(119:1530)
>>Child care, 7339(117:2145-50)
>>>M. on supply (Harper), 3494-5(57:1135), 3537(57:1620)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 5485-6(89:1205-10)
>>Coffin, Paul, 8112(126:1650)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--trafficking in persons)(Bill C-49), 8112(126:1650)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--vehicle identification number)(Bill C-64), 8815(138:1635), 8941(140:1825)
>>Criminal Code and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.--proceeds of crime)(Bill C-53), 8117(126:1725)
>>Davis Inlet, 7338(117:2140)
>>Dufferin--Caledon constituency, 552(11:1340)
>>Education, post-secondary, 7338(117:2135)
>>Energy conservation/efficiency, 7338(117:2135)
>>Environment, 7337-8(117:2135)
>>Ethics Commissioner, 7435(119:1530)
>>Family farms, M-225 (Poirier-Rivard), 8824(138:1745)
>>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.) and Diagnostic and Medical Equipment Funding Act (Bill C-39), 3324(54:1120)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 7338(117:2140)
>>Foreign aid, 7338(117:2135)
>>Government computers, o.q., 3650(59:1455)
>>Government expenditures, 4216(68:1625), 7338(117:2140)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 553-4(11:1345-55)
>>Health care funding, 3324(54:1120)
>>Income tax, 9199(143:1620)
>>Information Commissioner, 7072(115:1235), 7074-5(115:1250), 7437-8(119:1540-50), 9667(150:1530), 9668(150:1535)
>>>o.q., 7431(119:1455), 7541(120:1455)
>>Legislation, 7018(114:1855)
>>Lynch-Staunton, Hon. Senator John, references, S.O. 31, 6981(114:1410)
>>Marijuana, o.q., 1409(25:1450)
>>Marriage, 5485-6(89:1205-10)
>>>Petitions, 4754(77:1550), 5975(98:1230)
>>Municipalities, 6064(100:1240)
>>Officers of Parliament, 7435-8(119:1525-50), 9671(150:1605)
>>Orangeville Farmers` Market, S.O. 31, 5803(94:1400)
>>Pacific Gateway Act (Bill C-68), 9761(151:1700)
>>>Members' remarks, 7064(115:1130)
>>>Notice of Motion, 7435(119:1525)
>>>Quorum, 987(19:1215), 9761(151:1700)
>>Proceeds of crime, 8117(126:1725)
>>Public transit, 7338(117:2135)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 7338(117:2140)
>>References see Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee
>>Rotary Club of Orangeville, S.O. 31, 211(6:1355)
>>Rural Canada, 553-4(11:1345-55)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 8112(126:1650)
>>Sgro, references, o.q., 2764(45:1430)
>>Sponsorship program, 9667-8(150:1530-5), 9676(150:1600)
>>Statistics Act (amdt.)(Bill S-18), 7004(114:1650), 7009(114:1750), 7011-2(114:1810), 7013(114:1820), 7016-8(114:1840-55)
>>"Taste of Autumn", S.O. 31, 8089(126:1400)
>>Textile and clothing industry, M. on supply (Paquette), 3193(52:1030), 3205(52:1200), 3212(52:1245)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 552-4(11:1340-55)
>>Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act (Bill C-14), 981(19:1120), 987(19:1215), 995-6(19:1320-5)
>>Toronto Pearson International Airport, S.O. 31, 9914(154:1405)
>>Trafficking in persons (human trafficking), 8112(126:1650)
>>Unanticipated Surpluses Act (Bill C-67), 9197(143:1600), 9199(143:1620)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (amdt.--publication of information)(Bill C-453), 10072(157:1000)
>>Youth justice system, 10072(157:1010)
Tim Hortons
Marketing Magazine Marketer of the Year award, S.O. 31, 3445(56:1405)
>>See also Remembrance Day/Veterans Week--Coins
Time of Change, A Time for Change, A see National Defence Department and Canadian Forces Ombudsman--Annual Report for 2004-2005
Tin, Queenie see Chan--References, Trade mission to China
Tinga, Linda
Port Moody, BC resident, shot by stray bullet, S.O. 31, 9320-1(145:1410)
Tinsley, Peter A. see Military Police Complaints Commission
TISP see Transitional Industry Support Program (TISP)
Tlicho First Nation
Economic development, business partnerships, ATCO Frontec, 837-8(16:1555),
850-1(16:1735-40), 940(18:1010), 943-4(18:1030-40), 967(18:1315),
2296(39:1245), 2322(39:1540-5)
>>>See also Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Agreement
>>Education, importance, 837(16:1550-5), 838(16:1600), 851(16:1740),
939-40(18:1000-10), 966-7(18:1305-10), 2296(39:1245)
>>>See also Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Agreement
>>See also Northwest Territories--Legislature;
Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Agreement
Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act (Bill C-14)--Minister of Indian
Affairs and Northern Development (Scott)
Ways and Means motion, notice, tabled, 439(9:1210), concurrence, agreed to,
on recorded division, 495-6(10:1520)
>>First reading, 521(11:100)
>>Second reading, 836-57(16:1545-1825), 939-46(18:1000-55),
962-77(18:1225-430); 979-99(19:1100-355),
1015-8(19:1530-600), agreed to, on
recorded division, 1111-2(20:1850-900)
>>Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 1112(20:1900)
>>>Reported, without amdt., 2168-9(37:1025)
>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 2295(39:1235)
>>Third reading, 2295-304(39:1240-400), 2319-36(39:1525-740), agreed to, on
recorded division, 2391-2(40:1525-35), passed.
>>Royal Assent, 3381(55:1000)
Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Agreement
Access to information provisions, 989-90(19:1235), 991(19:1245),
>>Accountability, ensuring, 837(16:1550), 855(16:1810), 975-6(18:1420),
981-2(19:1125-30), 2329(39:1640-5)
>>Citizenship/electoral system, 842(16:1625), 970(18:1335-40), 972(18:1345),
973(18:1400), 980(19:1105-10), 989(19:1235), 992(19:1255), 994(19:1315),
996(19:1320), 998(19:1340-5), 1016(19:1540), 1017(19:1550), 2299(39:1310),
2301(39:1325), 2322(39:1540), 2326(39:1615), 2328(39:1630-5), 2329(39:1640-5)
>>Conservative Party position, 5846(95:1010)
>>Diamond mines, royalties, 964-5(18:1245-55), 2322(39:1545), 2324(39:1600),
>>Economic development, promoting, 846(16:1655), 850-2(16:1735-45),
941(18:1015), 967-8(18:1315-25), 974(18:1405), 2296(39:1250), 2303(39:1350),
>>Educational services, improving, 2323(39:1555)
>>Finality, lack, 841(16:1615), 854(16:1800), 942-3(18:1030), 965(18:1300-5),
969(18:1325-30), 971(18:1340), 974(18:1400-5), 976(18:1425), 979(19:1100),
983(19:1140), 985(19:1155), 989(19:1235), 994-5(19:1315-20),
997(19:1335), 998(19:1345), 1015-6(19:1530-5), 1017(19:1545-50),
2299-300(39:1310-20), 2324(39:1605), 2326(39:1615), 2328(39:1630),
>>>o.q., 1009(19:1450)
>>Firearms and ammunition, legal authority, 853(16:1755), 981(19:1115),
986(19:1205-10), 991(19:1240)
>>Gender equality/matrimonial property provisions, 838(16:1600),
843(16:1640), 849-50(16:1730), 973(18:1400), 994-5(19:1315-20),
2329(39:1640-5), 2332(39:1705)
>>Government structure, 837(16:1550)
>>Historical background, 2302(39:1335-40)
>>Implementation, resources, 837(16:1550), 845(16:1650), 966(18:1305),
967(18:1315), 982(19:1135), 2298(39:1300), 2324(39:1600)
>>>o.q., 1008(19:1445)
>>Indian Act, application, 837(16:1550), 2296(39:1250), 2324(39:1605),
2326(39:1615), 2328(39:1630)
>>Intoxicants, control, 991(19:1240)
>>Land block, size, 853(16:1800), 963(18:1240), 2298(39:1300), 2303(39:1345),
2304(39:1355), 2322(39:1540), 2324(39:1600), 2325(39:1615), 2328(39:1630),
2329(39:1650), 2333(39:1715)
>>Languages, English and Tlicho, 845(16:1655), 942(18:1030)
>>>o.q., 1007(19:1440)
>>Legal issues, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, jurisdictional
paramountcy, international autonomy, relationship, 837(16:1550),
840-4(16:1610-40), 845(16:1650), 847(16:1710), 848-50(16:1720-30),
852-4(16:1750-1805), 855-7(16:1815-25), 942(18:1025), 944-5(18:1040-5),
946(18:1055), 962-3(18:1230-45), 969-72(18:1325-50), 973-4(18:1355-1405),
975(18:1410-5), 976-7(18:1425), 980-6(19:1105-1210), 989-93(19:1230-1300),
994-7(19:1315-35), 998(19:1345), 1015(19:1530), 1016(19:1540),
1017-8(19:1550), 2296-301(39:1250-1325), 2323(39:1550-5), 2324(39:1600-5),
2325-7(39:1610-30), 2328(39:1630), 2329(39:1635), 2330-3(39:1645-1715),
>>>Cabinet framework document (1995), relationship, 2298(39:1300-5),
2301(39:1325-30), 2323(39:1550), 2327(39:1620), 2329(39:1635)
>>>Inherent rights policy, relationship, 2326(39:1615), 2330(39:1645),
2331(39:1650-1700), 2332(39:1710)
>>>Kanesatake reserve, comparison, 983(19:1145), 990(19:1240)
>>>o.q., 1007(19:1440)
>>>Precedence for other agreements, 2327(39:1630), 2334-5(39:1725)
>>Legislation, Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act (Bill C-14)
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 843(16:1635), 844-5(16:1645-50), 846(16:1700),
940(18:1015), 942(18:1030)
>>>Conservative Party of Canada position, 847(16:1705-10), 849(16:1725),
852(16:1750), 942(18:1030), 969(18:1325-30), 972(18:1345), 976(18:1425),
979-81(19:1100-15), 987(19:1210), 995(19:1320), 2298-300(39:1300-20),
2325(39:1610), 2330(39:1645), 2334(39:1720), 2335(39:1730), 2620(43:1230)
>>>Legislative process, use of Ways and Means motion, 840(16:1615),
968-9(18:1325), 847(16:1710), 970(18:1330), 972-3(18:1350-5), 1017(19:1545),
2330(39:1645-50), 2332(39:1705)
>>>New Democratic Party position, 847(16:1705), 848(16:1715), 2302(39:1345)
>>>S.O. 31, 3391(55:1105)
>>Mackenzie Valley pipeline, relationship, 997(19:1335), 2303-4(39:1350-5)
>>Natural resource rights, 837(16:1550), 845(16:1650), 997(19:1330-5),
2304(39:1355), 2320(39:1525), 2322(39:1540), 2324(39:1600-5), 2326(39:1615)
>>Negotiation process, consultations/ratification vote, 836(16:1545),
838(16:1600), 839-40(16:1610), 846-7(16:1700-5), 850(16:1735), 851(16:1740),
940(18:1015), 941-2(18:1025), 945(18:1050-5), 987-8(19:1210-20),
2295-6(39:1240-5), 2302-3(39:1330-45), 2320-1(39:1525-35), 2322-3(39:1540-50),
2323(39:1600), 2325-6(39:1615), 2330(39:1645), 2333-4(39:1715-20),
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, relationship, 846(16:1700), 942(18:1025)
>>Taxation provisions, 954-5(18:1250-1300), 972(18:1350), 974(18:1405),
985(19:1155), 995(19:1320), 2300(39:1315), 2324(39:1600), 2332(39:1710),
>>Tlicho leadership, elders, contribution, 2295(39:1240), 2297(39:1300),
2301(39:1330), 2302(39:1340)
>>Traditional principles, relationship, 939-40(18:1000-10), 966-7(18:1305-10),
2295(39:1240), 2297(39:1250), 2302(39:1335)
Children under 19, sale to, offence, 7788(123:1130)
>>Federal tobacco control strategy, funds, 1774(30:2005), 1796(30:2250)
>>Illegal trafficking of cigarettes, Mohawk Nation of Akwesasne, government
response, o.q., 4275(69:1455-500)
>>World Health Organization treaty, Framework Convention on Tobacco Control,
ratification, 1776(30:2020)
>>>o.q., 1549(27:1440), 2257(38:1140)
>>>S.O. 31, 3446(56:1415)
>>See also Cigarettes;
Health Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth--Reports, Twelfth;
Kanesatake First Nation--Smuggling;
Marijuana--Alcohol/tobacco use;
Tobacco farmers
Reduced production, compensation, 2953(47:1710), 3015(49:1030),
3040(49:1330), 10178(158:1315)
>>>o.q., 488(10:1440), 3398-9(55:1150)
>>>Quebec, 3706-8(60:1220-35)
>>>S.O. 31, 480-1(10:1405), 4315(70:1115)
Tobacco industry
Canada Pension Plan, alleged investment, 1529(27:1225), 1576(27:1740)
>>Dosanjh, Health Minister, lawsuit filed when Premier of British Columbia,
Imperial Tobacco court case, present position, 1771-2(30:1945-50)
>>>o.q., 836(16:1450-5)
>>Government support in court case, 1097(20:1630)
>>See also Canada Pension Plan Investment Board--Investment policy
"Tobacco issues related to compliance with the Tobacco Act, cigarette smuggling and combating tobacco use" see Health Standing Committee--Reports, Twelfth
Tobogganing see Bravery--Wood, Peter
Toews, Miriam see Governor General's Literary Awards
Toews, Vic (CPC--Provencher)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 578(11:1630)
>>Age of consent (sexual relations), 8711(136:1850)
>>>S.O. 31, 8217(128:1400)
>>Agriculture, 6786(110:2120), 6788(110:2130)
>>Air India, M. on supply (Grewal, Gurmant), 4818-20(78:1505-25)
>>Anti-Semitism, o.q., 5027(81:1450), 5107(82:1445), 5212(84:1445)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7478-80(119:2110-25)
>>Auto theft, 8812-5(138:1610-40)
>>Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), 4159(67:2005)
>>Budget 2005, 7478-9(119:2110), 7479-80(119:2120-5)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 6215(102:1235)
>>Cadman, references, 8690(136:1550)
>>Canada Grain Act and Canada Transportation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-40), 5234(84:1735), 5238(84:1810)
>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, statement by Minister (Cotler), 5068-9(82:1010-5)
>>Canadian Wheat Board, 5238(84:1810)
>>Child care, 53(3:1730)
>>Child pornography, o.q., 5813(84:1455)
>>Child prostitution, o.q., 9483(147:1450)
>>Child protection legislation (Bill C-2), 8693(136:1615)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, o.q., 2108(35:1445), 9483(147:1450)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 4537-9(74:1125-35), 5274-5(85:1340-5), 7805-7(123:1340-55), 7824(123:1540)
>>Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-17), 1098-9(20:1640)
>>Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.--trafficking in a controlled drug or substance within five hundred metres of an elementary school or a high school)(Bill C-248), 8711-2(136:1850-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals)(Bill C-50), 9597(149:1535), 9597-8(149:1545-50), 9599(149:1555-600)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--impaired driving)(Bill C-16), 1100-2(20:1700-10)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--mental disorder)(Bill C-10), 711-2(14:1020-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--street racing)(Bill C-65), 8686-7(136:1520-5), 8689-92(136:1550-610), 8693(136:1615)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--trafficking in persons)(Bill C-49), 7990-4(125:1225-50)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--vehicle identification number)(Bill C-64), 8812-5(138:1610-40)
>>Criminal Code and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.--proceeds of crime)(Bill C-53), 8159-61(127:1620-4)
>>Criminal Code, DNA Identification Act and National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-13), 1020-1(19:1610-5)
>>Criminals/offenders, 711-2(14:1020-5)
>>Cruelty to animals, 9597(149:1535), 9597-8(149:1545-50), 9599(149:1600)
>>Devils Lake, North Dakota, 7479(119:2115)
>>>M. (Smith, J.), 7597(120:2155), 7601-3(120:2225-40)
>>DNA identification/evidence, 1020-1(19:1610-5), 7991(125:1230), 7993(125:1250), 9935-6(154:1620-5)
>>>o.q., 5882(95:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 5804(94:1405)
>>DNA Identification Legislation Amendment Act (Bill C-72), 9935-6(154:1620-5)
>>Drug trafficking, 8711-2(136:1850-5), 8723(137:1440), 8812(138:1610), 9598(149:1550), 9599(149:1555)
>>>o.q., 9588(149:1455)
>>Equalization payments, M. on supply (Lukiwski), 4429(72:1235)
>>Ethnic communities, o.q., 4947(80:1440), 5106(82:1445-50)
>>Firearms, 7994(125:1250)
>>Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), 1101(20:1705), 4998(80:2115), 7480(119:2120), 7994(125:1250), 8686(136:1520)
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, M. (Lalonde), 5664(91:1615)
>>Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels), 9598(149:1545)
>>Groupaction Communications, o.q., 4873-4(79:1430-5)
>>Impaired driving, 1021(19:1615), 1100-2(20:1700-10)
>>Judges, o.q., 2130(36:1455), 5407(87:1440), 5655(91:1500), 5718(92:1440), 6080(100:1430), 6121(101:1430)
>>Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Standing Committee, M. (Paradis), 5565-6(90:1300-15)
>>Justice system, 8686-7(136:1525), 8690(136:1550)
>>>o.q., 8682(136:1450), 8723(137:1440)
>>Liberal Party, o.q., 5407(87:1440)
>>Livestock industry, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Ritz), 4159(67:2005)
>>Manitoba, 4847(79:1115)
>>Marijuana, 1098-9(20:1640), 7991-2(125:1235)
>>>o.q., 1082-3(20:1445), 1158(21:1455), 1409(25:1450), 8007(125:1430)
>>Marriage, 4537-9(74:1125-35), 5274-5(85:1340-5), 7805-7(123:1340-55), 7824(123:1540)
>>>o.q., 2521(42:1420), 2608-9(43:1130), 6664(109:1455), 6736(110:1455), 6899-900(112:1450), 6987(114:1445)
>>Methamphetamine/crystal meth, 7993(125:1245)
>>>o.q., 8723(137:1440)
>>Municipalities, 6215(102:1235)
>>Murder, o.q., 8512(133:1445)
>>Myanmar (Burma), 5664(91:1615)
>>National debt, 7479(119:2110-5)
>>Natural resources, 1217-8(22:1350)
>>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 7479(119:2115)
>>Official Languages Act, 4847-8(79:1115-20)
>>Official Languages Act (amdt.--promotion of English and French)(Bill S-3), 4846-8(79:1115-20)
>>Offshore oil and gas revenue/royalties, M. on supply (Harper), 1217-8(22:1350)
>>Organized crime, 8160(127:1625-30)
>>Parliament, 711(14:1020), 7478-9(119:2110)
>>Parole, 7993(125:1250)
>>Penitentiary inmates, o.q., 8682(136:1450)
>>Police, 8686(136:1525)
>>Privilege, rights of Members breached (Ratansi), 1163(21:1530)
>>Proceeds of crime, 8159-61(127:1620-40)
>>Provencher constituency, 4847(79:1115)
>>>Violation of provincial election financing laws, o.q.,4874(79:1435), 5106-7(82:1445-50), 5154(83:1130)
>>>See also Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 1021(19:1615), 1101(20:1705), 5565-6(90:1300-15)
>>>Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 4996-7(80:2105-10), 4998(80:2115-20), 4999(80:2125)
>>>S.O. 31, 1808(31:1405)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 7991(125:1235), 7992(125:1240) 7993(125:1245), 8691(136:1600-5), 8693(136:1615), 9599(149:1555)
>>>o.q., 8095(126:1435), 8144(127:1440), 9186-7(143:1445)
>>Sex offender registry, 7991(125:1230), 7992(125:1240)
>>Sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 9598(149:1550)
>>>o.q., 9588(149:1455)
>>Sponsorship program, o.q., 904(17:1430), 4565(74:1430), 4813(78:1430), 4873(79:1430), 5506(89:1430), 6482(106:1450), 7181(116:1420)
>>Street racing, 8690-2(136:1550-605), 8693(136:1615)
>>Supply management, Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Bélanger), 6785-8(110:2110-30)
>>Supreme Court of Canada, o.q., 30(3:1440), 4705(76:1455)
>>Terrorism, 1163(21:1530)
>>Throne Speech, Address in reply, M. (Silva), 53(3:1730), 578(11:1630)
>>Trafficking in persons (human trafficking), 7990-2(125:1225-40)
>>>o.q., 5883(95:1455)
>>Ukraine, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Wrzesnewskyj), 1855-6(31:1945-50)
>>Veterans, o.q., 5882(95:1455)
>>Violent crime, 4996-7(80:2105)
>>>o.q., 8007(125:1430), 10211(159:1450)
>>World Trade Organization (WTO), 5234(84:1735)
>>Youth justice system, 8691(136:1600), 8692(136:1610)
Toft, Karl see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation
President Gnassingbe Eyadéma, death, replacement. military role, etc.,
Francophonie response, o.q., 3399(55:1150)
Tolérance zéro see Impaired driving
Tom W. Bonner Prize
Nuclear physics, John Hardy and Ian Towner, recipients, congratulations,
S.O. 31, 9178(143:1400)
"Tomorrow Starts Today" program see Arts/culture/heritage
Tonks, Alan (Lib.--York South--Weston)
- >>Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee, M.
(Prentice), 4898-9(79:1750-805)
>>Aboriginal education and training, 4898-9(79:1750-805)
>>Alcoholic beverages, 3128-9(51:1145-50)
>>Aircraft/aerospace industry, o.q., 2524-5(42:1440)
>>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill C-48), 7561(120:1725)
>>Automobiles/motor vehicles
>>>M. on supply (Cullen, Nathan), 3663-5(59:1625-40)
>>>o.q., 2315(39:1500)
>>Bankruptcy, 8198(128:1140)
>>Budget 2005, 5165(83:1245), 7561(120:1725)
>>>o.q., 6009(99:1445)
>>Budget deficit, 5164(83:1235)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 5165-6(83:1235-40), 5167(83:1245-50), 6050(100:1055)
>>Canada Labour Code, 4841(78:1810)
>>Canada Labour Code (amdt.--replacement workers)(Bill C-263), 4841(78:1810)
>>Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations Act (Bill C-21), 1704-5(30:1140-5), 1757(30:1815)
>>Canadian Automobile Association (CAA), S.O. 31, 1076(20:1405)
>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 244(6:1740)
>>Chinese Canadians, 5187-8(84:1155-200)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 4388-9(71:1630-40), 7884(123:2355), 7920-1(124:1330-45)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--mental disorder)(Bill C-10), 733-5(14:1250-5)
>>Criminals/offenders, 733-5(14:1250-5)
>>Democratic deficit, 244(6:1740)
>>Department of Canadian Heritage Act and Parks Canada Agency Act (amdt.)(Bill C-7), 1587-8(28:1020-30), 1957-60(33:1000-30)
>>Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act (Bill C-23), 1714-8(30:1255-325)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 5610(90:1815-20)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 244(6:1735)
>>Education, post-secondary, 7561(120:1725)
>>Elections, 91(4:1350)
>>Electoral reform, 91(4:1350)
>>Environment, 5164(83:1235-40), 7561(120:1725)
>>Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee, 1976(33:1205), 2318(39:1515), 4527(74:1010), 5037(81:1625), 5161(83:1210), 7968(124:1910)
>>Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental), o.q., 6009(99:1445)
>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--warning labels regarding the consumption of alcohol)(Bill C-206), 3128-9(51:1145-50)
>>Foreign aid, 6050(100:1055)
>>Genome Canada, S.O. 31, 1914-5(32:1400)
>>Global warming
>>>o.q., 1333-4(24:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 1323(24:1400)
>>Goodall, Jane, S.O. 31, 481(10:1405)
>>Government operations, o.q., 3935(63:1440)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 5165(83:1250)
>>>o.q., 3569(58:1450)
>>Health care, 244(6:1740)
>>House of Commons, M-228 (Lee), 6312(104:1205)
>>Housing, 7561(120:1725)
>>Human Resources and Skills Development Department, o.q., 8147(127:1500)
>>Hurricanes, S.O. 31, 380(8:1400)
>>Immigrants of Chinese Origin Exclusionary Measures Recognition Act (Bill C-333), 5187-8(84:1155-200)
>>Infrastructure, o.q., 1480-1(26:1445)
>>Kodak Canada Inc., S.O. 31, 2603-4(43:1105)
>>Marriage, 4388-9(71:1630-40), 7920-1(124:1330-45)
>>>Petitions, 4900(79:1810)
>>Members of Parliament, 6312(104:1205)
>>Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (amdt.)(Bill C-15), 1061-3(20:1220-25), 2318(39:1515), 1236(45:1120)
>>Multiculturalism, 5187-8(84:1155)
>>Municipalities, 617(12:1600)
>>>o.q., 103(4:1500), 784(15:1445), 2977(48:1500), 5334(86:1505), 6662(109:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 2199(37:1405)
>>Natural health products, petitions, 5668(91:1720)
>>National debt, 244(6:1735)
>>Not-for-profit organizations (non-governmental federally incorporated), 1704-5(30:1140-5)
>>Patent Act (amdt.)(Bill C-274), 5610(90:1815-20)
>>>Committee reports, 7968(124:1910)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 1757(30:1815), 7884(123:2355)
>>Quarantine Act (Bill C-12), 746(14:1420-5), 5737-8(92:1700)
>>Rail transportation/railways, S.O. 31, 1151(21:1415)
>>Regional and rural development, 87(4:1320)
>>Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 746(14:1420)
>>Shipbuilding industry, 245(6:1750)
>>Somalia, o.q., 2129(36:1445)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 87(4:1320), 91(4:1350), 244-5(6:1735-50), 617(12:1600)
>>Tsubouchi, Kiyoshi Thomas, S.O. 31, 9318(145:1400)
>>Veterans, M-193 (Harrison), 4733-4(76:1815-25)
>>Victoria Cross, 2290(39:1150-5)
>>>o.q., 1603(28:1200)
>>>S.O. 31, 1644(29:1400)
>>Wage Earner Protection Program Act (Bill C-55), 8198(128:1140)
>>War memorials, M-190 (Savoy), 2289-90(39:1150)
>>Water exports, o.q., 838(16:1500)
Income tax deduction. tools provided as employment requirement, 497(10:1530)
>>>See also Income Tax Act (amdt.--deductibility of expenses of tools provided
as a requirement of employment)(Bill C-218)
Top Aces Consulting Inc. see Canadian Forces--Flight training
Topham, Cpl Fred see Victoria Cross
Toque Tuesday see Homelessness-Combatting
Torngat Mountains National Park
Establishment, Lawrence O'Brien, role, 7192(115:1520), 7193(115:1530)
Torokvei, Thomas
Philanthropist, business, etc., death, tribute, S.O. 31, 4032(66:1405)
Toronto Board of Health see Cocaine--Crack cocaine
Toronto--Danforth constituency
Diversity, multiculturalism, etc., 50-1(3:1710)
>>Re-naming Danforth--East York--Riverdale constituency, 6696(110:1010)
>>>See also Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (Bill C-403)
Toronto French Book Fair
Recognizing, S.O. 31, 8390(131:1400)
Toronto Island Airports see Toronto, ON--Waterfront development
Toronto, ON
Centre of Canada, 513(10:1740), 514(10:1745)
>>Pride Week Parade, Grand Marshall Salah Bachir, community service
recognition, S.O. 31, 7809(123:1405)
>>Urban sprawl, government measures, 3091(50:1040)
>>Waterfront development, 9487(147:1505), 9488(147:1520)
>>>Toronto Port Authority and Toronto Island Airport factors, 10195(159:1325)
>>>>S.O. 31, 5150(83:1110), 6229(102:1415), 6728(110:1410)
>>See also Air pollution--Smog, Increase;
Cooling systems--Deep lake water cooling;
Drug trafficking--Violence;
Metropolitan Community Church;
Municipalities--Infrastructure, Gas tax revenues;
Murder--Beckles, Amon--Firearms;
Public transit--Greenhouse gas emissions reduction
factor--Toronto, ON projects--Toronto-ON-Mississauga;
Russian Federation--Terrorist siege of school in Breslan;
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS);
Violent crime;
War memorials--Jewish war veterans memorial;
Wind energy
Toronto Pearson International Airport
Costs, taxation, rent, factors, o.q., 2934-5(47:1450-5), 9252-3(144:1450),
9660(150:1440), 9816-7(152:1430)
>>Taxis, dispute, Greater Toronto Airport Authority role, etc.
>>>o.q., 7818(123:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 2758-9(45:1405), 7614(121:1405), 9914(154:1405)
>>See also Air transportation security--Airport security;
Airports--Rent paid to federal government
Toronto Police Service
Blair, William, Chief, appointment, S.O. 31, 5574(90:1405)
>>Fantino, Julian, Chief
>>>Retirement, S.O. 31, 3983-4(65:1110)
>>>See also Bravery--Wood, Peter;
Crime--Toronto, ON;
Refugees--Assault by Toronto, ON police officer
Toronto Port Authority see Toronto, ON--Waterfront development
Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) see Public transit
Torsney, Paddy (Lib.--Burlington)
- >>Authorization to the Minister of Finance to Make Certain Payments Act (Bill
C-48), 7516(120:1205)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43), 6062-4(100:1230-45)
>>Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 55-6(3:1740-50), 6063(100:1235)
>>Child care, 54(3:1740), 6063(100:1230)
>>Civil Marriage Act (Bill C-38), 7937-8(124:1525-30), 7938-9(124:1540)
>>Developing countries, 55(3:1745)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 6062(100:1230)
>>Edwards, Lt Ralph, S.O. 31, 7531(120:1400)
>>Environment, 17(2:1655)
>>Fisheries, M. on supply (Kamp), 2552(42:1755)
>>Foreign aid, 55-6(3:1740-5), 6063(100:1230-5)
>>>o.q., 2664(44:1450)
>>Foreign policy, 6063-4(100:1235-40)
>>Forest industry, 6064(100:1245)
>>Gasoline prices, M-165 (Lévesque), 3419(55:1415-20), 3420(55:1425)
>>Gennum Corporation, S.O. 31, 1269(23:1110)
>>Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), 55(3:1740), 56(3:1755)
>>Hepatitis C, Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Valeri), 1131-4(20:2100-20)
>>HIV/AIDS, 55(3:1740-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 1593(28:1105)
>>Hurricanes, 55(3:1745)
>>International Women's Day, S.O. 4031(66:1400)
>>Internment of Persons of Ukrainian Origin Recognition Act (Bill C-331), 4588-9(74:1700-5)
>>Interparliamentary delegations, 869(17:1005), 1604(28:1200), 3895(64:1000), 9925-6(154:1510)
>>Marriage, 7937-8(124:1525-30), 7938-9(124:1540)
>>>Petitions, 9746(151:1520)
>>Martial arts, petitions, 9546(151:1520)
>>Multiculturalism, 4588-9(74:1700-5)
>>Multiple sclerosis , S.O. 31, 5574(90:1405)
>>Municipalities, 6063(100:1230), 6064(100:1240)
>>Niagara escarpment, petitions, 9546(151:1520)
>>>Interparliamentary delegations, 9925(154:1505)
>>>Members' remarks, 7512(120:1205)
>>Regional development banks (international), 7188(116:1505)
>>Senior citizens, 55(3:1740)
>>Speech and hearing disorders, S.O. 31, 6075(100:1405)
>>Sudan, 55(3:1745)
>>Teachers, S.O. 31, 427(9:1100)
>>Telecommunications Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 3165-7(51:1555-1605)
>>Telemarketing, 3165-7(51:1555-1605)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Silva), 17(2:1655), 54-6(3:1740-55)
>>Trans fats (trans fatty acids), M. on supply (Martin, Pat), 1570-4(27:1700-25)
>>Tsunami Asia, December 2004), o.q., 3399(55:1150)
>>Ukrainian Canadians, 4588-9(74:1700-5)
>>Vietnam, o.q., 3262-3(52:1920-5)
Canadians tortured abroad
>>>Compensation, right to seek, lack, o.q., 7723(122:1455)
>>>United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour remarks,
government position, etc., o.q., 8855(139:1125), 8861(139:1155)
>>See also Airports--United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) "prison
planes" landing at Canadian airports;
Arar, Maher;
China--Human rights violations, Falun Gong practitioners;
Iran--Kazemi, Zahra
"Tory Tornados" see Members of Parliament--Hockey tournament
Totem Hill Inc. see Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department--Constitutional, legal and treaty obligations
Tour du Grand Montreal see Cycling
Tourism industry
Adventure tourism, whitewater rafting, sea kayaking, etc., insurance
requirements, exempting from, 2487(42:1000)
>>>See also Marine Liability Act (amdt.--adventure tourism)(Bill C-314)
>>Budget 2005 measures, omission, 6240(102:1525)
>>Foreign workers, 5896(95:1635), government regulating, 5895(95:1630)
>>Season, extending, pilot project, Saguenay--Lac-Saint-Jean Tourism
Association role, etc.
>>>o.q., 2612(43:1150), 2768(45:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 1964(33:1100)
>>Taiwanese tourists, 5981(99:1110), 5982(99:1120)
>>Thunder Bay--Rainy River constituency, United States visitors, decline,
>>United States visitors, decline, gasoline price increases, relationship,
>>Windsor, ON region, United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks,
impact, 8976(140:2235)
>>Yukon Territory/Alaska, cross-border car rental restrictions, 8980(140:2300)
>>See also Aquaculture--Salmon farm sites, Boston Legal television
Border, Canadian--United States security concerns, Western Hemisphere Travel
Canada-United States relations--Anti-American remarks;
Canadian Tourism Commission;
Dominican Republic;
Kenora constituency--Development opportunities;
La Jolie Rochelle campground;
Lighthouses--Peggy's Cove, NS;
Newfoundland and Labrador;
Olivier Soapery;
Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network);
Prince Edward Island;
Quebec Central Railway;
Rail transportation/railways--Rocky Mountaineer;
Rodd Hotels and Resorts;
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)--Toronto area;
Vancouver, BC;
Visitors to Canada
Tourny, France see Maison Simons (La)
Towner, Ian see Tom W. Bonner Prize
Toxic/hazardous substances see Canadian Forces--Submarines, Peridite; Fisheries--Resources; United States space program--NASA booster rocket
Toxic/hazardous waste
Incinerator, Belledune, NB, Bennett Environmental Inc. project,
environmental threat, court decision, appeal, 6952(113:1325)
>>>o.q., 31(3:1445), 189(5:1200)
>>>S.O. 31, 2380(40:1410)
>>Sawdust, designation, impact on sawmill owners, 9614(149:1755)
>>See also Canada Steamship Lines (CSL)--Ferbec;
Sanitec Canada
Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada (TMMC) Inc.
Southern Ontario assembly plant, new, constructing, o.q., 7931(124:1445)
Tracadie firing range see Canadian Forces--Chemical weapons/agents, Agents Orange and Purple
Tractors see Agriculture
Asia, with, 9267-8(144:1630-5)
>>>Competition, cheap labour, impact, 9237(144:1310-5), 9265(144:1610),
>>>See also Ports/harbours--Vancouver, BC
>>Asia-Pacific region, with see Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal
transportation network)
>>Budget 2005 agreement with New Democratic Party ignoring, 7462(119:1905)
>>CAN-Trade initiative, 10135(157:1725)
>>>See also Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network)
>>China, with, 5984(99:1145), 9265(144:1615), 9269-70(144:1645),
9271(144:1700), 9760-1(151:1650-5)
>>>Canadian trade mission, o.q., 3702(60:1155)
>>>Human rights, relationship, 3176(51:1750), 3182(51:1755-800),
3387(55:1040), 3406(55:1255), 3412(55:1320), 9240(144:1330-5),
9274(144:1725-30), 9275(144:1735)
>>>See also Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network);
Textile and clothing industry--Crisis
>>Conservative Party position, 7462-4(119:1905-15)
>>Disputes with other countries
>>>Government paying exporters legal fees, providing loan guarantees,
5068(82:1025), 8748-54(137:1730-810), 8755-6(137:1820-5),
10133-7(157:1720-40), 10138(157:1745), 10139(157:1800), 10140-1(157:1805-15)
>>>>Legislation (Bill C-364)
>>>>>Royal recommendation requirement, 8747-8(137:1725-30), 10133(157:1720),
>>>>>See also Trade Compensation Act (Bill C-364)
>>>Government role, measures, 8751-2(137:1750-5), 10134(157:1720-5)
>>Emerging markets, with, 3175(51:1705), 3290-1(53:1620-30), 3293(53:1645),
>>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee report,
>>>>See also Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing
Committee--Reports, Fifteenth;
Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network)
>>>Small and medium business role, o.q., 9922-3(154:1455)
>>European Union (EU), with
>>>Framework agreement, etc., 3175(51:1705)
>>>See also European Union (EU)--France referendum on constitution
>>France, with, Franco-Manitoban trade delegation visit, S.O. 31,
>>Good governance, relationship, 3184(51:1815)
>>Government priority, resources, lack, S.O. 31, 25(3:1410)
>>Government responsibility, neglect, 2352-3(40:1040)
>>Human rights, relationship, establishment of separate International Trade
Department factor, 3176(51:1715), 3182-3(51:1755-810), 3184(51:1820),
3289(53:1615-20), 3292-3(53:1635-45), 3294(53:1655), 3297-8(53:1720-5),
3357-8(54:1510-5), 3361(54:1540), 3362-3(54:1545-55), 3365-7(54:1615-35),
3368(54:1640), 3369(54:1645), 3371-2(54:1705), 3384-5(55:1020-5),
3386-7(55:1040), 3388-9(55:1050-5), 3405-6(55:1230-5) 3407-8(55:1240-50),
3411-2(55:1315-20), 3462(56:1600-5), 3463(56:1610-5), 3464(56:1620),
3465(56:1630), 3467(56:1650), 3468(56:1655-700), 9280(144:1815)
>>>See also Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Department--Reorganization, Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
>>Importance, economic role, 19(2:1710), 86(4:1310), 197-8(5:1255),
3174(51:1655-700), 8751(137:1750)
>>>Government policies factor, 7569(120:1825)
>>India, with, 9265(144:1615), 9269(144:1645), 9279(144:1805)
>>>Free trade agreement, negotiating, S.O. 31, 9735(151:1415)
>>International competitiveness, productivity, decline, relationship,
>>>S.O. 31, 381(8:1405)
>>International trade rules see Infrastructure--Government funded projects
>>Japan, with, 9262-3(144:1550), 9279(144:1805), 9760-1(151:1650-5)
>>Job losses factor, fair trade, wages and working conditions factors,
Canadian companies using offshore labour, International Trade Minister
Peterson position, etc., 3287-8(53:1605-10), 3289(53:1615-20), 3362(54:1545),
3364(54:1605), 9268-70(144:1640-50), 9271(144:1655-1700), 9273(144:1715-20),
9280(144:1815), 9763(151:1710)
>>>o.q., 3272-3(53:1430), 3395(55:1130)
>>>See also Trade--Asia
>>Liberalization, reducing/eliminating subsidies, 3179(51:1735),
>>Mexico, with
>>>Maquiladoras, Canadian companies involvement, 3176(51:1715),
3292(53:1635), 3361-2(54:1540-5)
>>>Partnership, 3175(51:1705)
>>>See also North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
>>Policy, review see Foreign Affairs and International Trade
>>Rules-based system
>>>Importance, 8752(137:1755), 10139(157:1800)
>>>Throne Speech statement, 9(2:1630)
>>South Korea, with, 9262(144:1550)
>>Taiwan, with, 5981(99:1110), 5982(99:1120), 5983(99:1130), 5984(99:1145)
>>Taxation policy, relationship, 3179(51:1740), 3180(51:1750)
>>Ukraine, with, political considerations factor, 3412(55:1320)
>>See also Border, Canadian--Infrastructure, Economic impact--Security
concerns, Economic impact;
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE);
Canadian International Trade Tribunal;
China--Economic competition with Canada;
Diamond mining industry--Conflict diamonds;
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department;
Foreign policy--Defence;
Footwear industry;
Free trade;
International Trade Department;
Interprovincial trade;
Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network)--CAN-Trade
Remote sensing satellites--Regulation, International co-operation factor;
Textile and clothing industry--Crisis;
Trans fats (trans fatty acids)