CHPC Committee Report
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"That this committee undertake a full investigation of the role for a public broadcaster in the 21st century, an examination of the various services including the adequacy of regional programming and an examination of the issues posed by new media; the study will gather public input from stakeholders and deliver a report to the Minister advising her of our findings; this undertaking shall commence upon the return of the House in January 2007."([319])
A. The Role of the CBC/Radio-Canada as a Public Broadcaster in the 21st Century
The overall mandate of CBC/Radio as Canada's public broadcaster is set out as follows in section 3(1)(m) of the Broadcasting Act, 1991:
Mandate of the
CBC/Radio-Canada as set out in the Broadcasting Act
(1991, c.
11, B-9.01, [Assented to on 1 February 1991)
- be predominantly and distinctively Canadian,
- reflect Canada and its regions to national and regional audiences, while serving the special needs of those regions,
- actively contribute to the flow and exchange of cultural expression,
- be in English and in French, reflecting the different needs and circumstances of each official language community, including the particular needs and circumstances of English and French linguistic minorities,
- strive to be of equivalent quality in English and in French,
- contribute to shared national consciousness and identity,
- be made available throughout Canada by the most appropriate and efficient means and resources become available for the purpose, and
- reflect the multicultural and multiracial nature of Canada
- Explain how, since 1991, and to what degree CBC/Radio-Canada has carried out each part of its statutory mandate as stated above.
- List the principal changes that have occurred in the broadcasting sector in Canada and the impact these changes have had on each component of CBC/Radio-Canada's statutory mandate.
- Explain, where applicable, how the wording of each component of the CBC/Radio-Canada mandate should be modified.
- Does the governance structure of CBC/Radio-Canada continue to satisfy the needs of the Corporation and to address the new realities of the broadcasting sector in Canada? If not, what changes would need to be made?
- Would the Corporation be better able to carry out its mandate if stronger partnerships were forged between it and private broadcasters? If so, explain how.
B. Financial Portrait of CBC/Radio-Canada: Issues and Challenges
- Is CBC/Radio-Canada able to carry out its statutory mandate with the parliamentary appropriations and funding it currently receives?
- Which services offered by the Corporation have represented a greater financial burden in recent years?
- How can CBC/Radio-Canada diversify its revenue sources and increase its earnings?
C. Services Provided by CBC/Radio-Canada
- List the challenges facing the various CBC/Radio-Canada services, specifically:
- English- and French-language radio, including broadcasting in Northern Canada and Radio Canada International;
- English- and French-language satellite radio services;
- English- and French-language television, including continuous news channels (RDI, Newsworld) and partnerships with private broadcasters;
- Internet services;
- new communications and information platforms.
- How and to what extent should CBC/Radio-Canada programming be re-examined, in particular:
- news and current affairs programming;
- sports programming;
- arts and cultural programming;
- children's and youth programming.
- Does the programming provided by the various CBC/Radio-Canada services adequately account for and reflect Canada's regional and linguistic diversity?
D. The Emergence of New Media and the Future of CBC/Radio-Canada
- How and to what extent does the emergence of new media affect the way in which CBC/Radio-Canada carries out its mandate as Canada's national public broadcaster?
- Which technological changes pose a special challenge to CBC/Radio-Canada? Conversely, which changes have made the Corporation better able to carry out its mandate?
- Will the growing number of new communications and information platforms prompt the Corporation to re-evaluate some of the services it provides to Canadians?
- How and to what extent has the emergence of new media had financial implications for CBC/Radio-Canada's overall budget?
- Would it be to the advantage of CBC/Radio-Canada if the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) were to regulate the new media sector? If so, what approach should the CRTC take?
- Explain how new media help CBC/Radio-Canada better reflect the country's regional diversity, while meeting the special needs of the regions.
- How have public broadcasters in other countries been affected by new media?
[319] Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, 39th Parliament, 1st Session, November 20, 2006 (1725).