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The Debates are the report—transcribed, edited, and corrected—of what is said in the House. The Journals are the official record of the decisions and other transactions of the House. The Order Paper and Notice Paper contains the listing of all items that may be brought forward on a particular sitting day, and notices for upcoming items.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009 (No. 121)


The complete list of questions on the Order Paper is available for consultation at the Table in the Chamber and on the Internet. Those questions not appearing in the list have been answered, withdrawn or made into orders for return.
Q-75 — March 4, 2009 — Ms. Sgro (York West) — With respect to investing in research and innovation, specifically regarding York University in Toronto, Ontario: (a) what is the government's plan to ensure that Canadian research and development remain an example to the rest of the world; (b) what is the government prepared to do to ensure that the best and brightest remain in Canada; (c) what research grants will the government be making available this year, both at York University and across Canada; (d) what new programs will the government undertake to assist students; (e) what will the government's response be to the issue of rising tuition; (f) what specific steps will the government take to invest in research and development, to improve the lives of Canadians, and to partner to help Canadian industries grow in these difficult economic times; and (g) what future investments is the government planning in colleges and universities?
Q-322 — June 9, 2009 — Mrs. Hughes (Algoma—Manitoulin—Kapuskasing) — With regard to the May 2009 reactor shutdown of the National Research Universal (NRU) reactor at Chalk River: (a) when was Atomic Energy of Canada Limited headquarters first made aware of leaks at the reactor; (b) when was the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission first made aware of the reactor shutdown; (c) what levels of tritium and other nuclear products were discovered in ground and water samples following the leak; (d) what levels of ambient radiation were detected in air samples; (e) what is the future expected lifespan of the NRU reactor; (f) what major improvements and safety enhancements have been made over the last five years to the NRU reactor; and (g) what is the expected restart date of the reactor?
Q-4642 — October 15, 2009 — Ms. Bennett (St. Paul's) — With respect to the Advisory Committee on Health Delivery and Human Resources (ACHDHR): (a) what are the most recent developments with the ACHDHR; (b) who are the current members of the ACHDHR; (c) how often is the ACHDHR meeting; (d) what is the current mandate of the ACHDHR and how is it being addressed; (e) what are the current goals and objectives of the ACHDHR; (f) how is the ACHDHR addressing the Framework for Collaborative Pan-Canadian Health Human Resources Planning that was released in 2005; (g) how is the ACHDHR tracking health delivery and health human resource targets for rural communities, the aging demographic, family medicine shortages and all other specialties, as well as aboriginal communities; (h) what reports has the ACHDHR recently issued; and (i) when will the ACHDHR be issuing a next report?
Q-4652 — October 15, 2009 — Mr. Murphy (Moncton—Riverview—Dieppe) — With regard to seniors’ pensions and benefits provided by the government: (a) what is the government doing to assure a proper level of compensation for retired seniors dependent on government support; (b) is the pension amount in line with seniors needs and increases in the costs of living; (c) what is being done to ensure that an increase in one area of government support is not clawed back or eliminated by a decrease in another area of government support; (d) what are the benchmarks used in determining the levels of support needed by a senior citizen; (e) are these benchmarks different from region to region and, if so, how are the differences determined; (f) is the government planning pension reforms, and if so, what will the reforms entail, when will they be made known, when will they be implemented, and will they adequately support the number of qualified seniors; (g) has the government predicted how many people will become qualified for these programs in the future and, if so, what projections has the government made in this regard; and (h) what increases does the government predict for contributors to these programs over the next ten years?
Q-4662 — October 19, 2009 — Mr. Julian (Burnaby—New Westminster) — With regard to the Flathead River region: (a) why does the government consider British Columbia resource extraction pollution threats to the Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park are an acceptable development risk; (b) why, since 2005, does the Canadian government refuse the United States administration requests for a reference to the International Joint Commission (IJC) on Flathead River concerns; (c) for which transboundary rivers have IJC reference requests been accepted or refused; and (d) by department, what transboundary impacts have been identified in the environmental assessments of proposed resource development in the Flathead River region, including but not limited to, (i) as cumulative effects, (ii) toward water quality and quantity as the IJC described and recommended in its 1988 Report on the Flathead, (iii) on fisheries and habitats, (iv) on migratory and endangered species?
Q-4672 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Proulx (Hull—Aylmer) — With regard to the distribution of jobs in the government and all federal public agencies in the National Capital Region: (a) how many jobs were there in 2009 on the Quebec side of the National Capital Region; and (b) how many jobs were there in 2009 on the Ontario side of the National Capital Region?
Q-4682 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Proulx (Hull—Aylmer) — With regard to economic stimulus projects in the Pontiac constituency: (a) what projects have been announced; (b) what amounts have been allocated; and (c) when did the projects begin?
Q-4692 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Proulx (Hull—Aylmer) — With regard to economic stimulus projects in the constituency of Hull—Aylmer: (a) what projects have been announced; (b) what amounts have been allocated; and (c) when did the projects begin?
Q-4702 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Proulx (Hull—Aylmer) — With regard to economic stimulus projects in the constituency of Gatineau: (a) what projects have been announced; (b) what amounts have been allocated; and (c) when did the projects begin?
Q-4712 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Dosanjh (Vancouver South) — With regard to Afghan detainees: (a) when did the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of National Defence receive each of the following documents: KANDH-0029, KANDH-0032, KBGR-0118, KBGR-0121, KBGR-0160, KBGR-0258, KBGR-0263, KBGR-0265, KBGR-0267, KBGR-0269, KGBR-0271, KBGR-0274, KBGR-0275, KBGR-0291, KBGR-0292, KBGR-0302 and KBGR-0321; (b) what actions were taken or instructions given in response to these documents; (c) did the offices of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of National Defence receive copies of each of the listed documents and, if so, when; (d) what actions were taken or instructions given by the offices of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of National Defence in response to these documents; (e) were briefing notes prepared or was a briefing given for either Minister with regards to these documents and, if so, when; (f) did the Office of the Prime Minister or the Privy Council Office receive copies of these documents and, if so, when; and (g) were briefing notes prepared, or was a briefing given to the Prime Minister regarding the documents and, if so, when?
Q-4722 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Dosanjh (Vancouver South) — With regard to the withholding of information by the government under section 38 of the Evidence Act for reasons of national security: (a) what criteria or guidelines are used to determine whether a piece of information would have an impact on national security; (b) how does the government define “impact on national security”; (c) who in the government is responsible for determining which pieces of information will be subject to section 38; (d) do the Ministers of Justice, National Defence or Foreign Affairs or the Prime Minister or their offices have an input on what information will be withheld on national security grounds; (e) what role does the Department of Justice play in redacting or suppressing information under Section 38 of the Evidence Act; (f) what role does the Privy Council Office play in reviewing or further redacting information that could have an impact on national security; (g) what role does the Prime Minister’s Office play in the decision to withhold information on national security grounds; and (h) what role does the Prime Minister’s Office play in reviewing or further redacting information judged to be a risk to national security?
Q-4732 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Dosanjh (Vancouver South) — With regard to reports that Canadian soldiers witnessed Afghan children being sexually abused by members of the Afghan National Police or the Afghan National Army: (a) were any complaints or reports filed with either the Canadian Forces, Military Police, Department of National Defence, or Department of Foreign Affairs alleging that children were being abused; (b) when were these complaints or reports filed; (c) what actions were taken to address these complaints or reports; (d) when was the Minister of National Defence or his office informed of the existence of these complaints or reports; (e) what instructions were given by the Minister of National Defence or his office with regard to these complaints or reports, and when; (f) when did the Minister of National Defence first receive a briefing on this issue; (g) when were briefing notes first written by either the Minister’s staff, the Department of National Defence, the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Canadian Forces, or the Military Police; (h) were the Canadian Forces or Military Police ever instructed not to report incidents of child sexual abuse and, if so, when; (i) were the Canadian Forces or Military Police ever instructed not to intervene or prevent incidents of child sexual abuse if they witnessed them and, if so, when; and (j) when were the Canadian Forces and Military Police explicitly instructed to report or prevent such incidents?
Q-4742 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Dosanjh (Vancouver South) — With regard to the mission in Afghanistan: (a) what contingencies have been developed in the event that the Canadian military mission is extended beyond 2011; (b) what ministerial resources have been devoted to this effort; (c) what major material purchases have been acquired to facilitate such contingency; and (d) what measures have been taken to prepare our human resources in the Armed Forces for the contingency of extension?
Q-4752 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. McCallum (Markham—Unionville) — With respect to the Department of Finance, for all contracts under $10,000 signed between December 1, 2008 and October 19, 2009, what is the: (a) vendor name; (b) contract reference number; (c) contract date; (d) description of work; (e) delivery date; (f) original contract value; and (g) final contract value if different from the original?
Q-4772 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. McCallum (Markham—Unionville) — With respect to section 3.7 of the Treasury Board’s Policies and Guidelines for Ministers’ Offices, between October 19, 2007 and October 19, 2009 what is the total amount of funds dispersed from the Consolidated Revenue Fund to pay for: (a) severance pay for departing exempt staff of the combined Cabinet including the Prime Minister’s Office, all Ministers’ offices and all Ministers of States’ offices; and (b) separation pay for departing exempt staff of the combined Cabinet including the Prime Minister’s Office, all Ministers’ offices and all Ministers of States’ offices?
Q-4782 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Cotler (Mount Royal) — With respect to the prosecution, under the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act, of alleged perpetrators of such crimes, does the government intend: (a) to improve the rate of war crimes prosecution in Canada; and (b) to double the budget of the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Program of the Department of Justice, in order to facilitate increased prosecutions thereunder?
Q-4792 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Cotler (Mount Royal) — With respect to the Iranian leadership’s comments concerning Israel and Jews, does the government: (a) recognize that Iran has committed the crime of incitement to genocide under international legal instruments; (b) intend to act to combat Iranian incitement to genocide; (c) intend to refer Iran to the United Nations Security Council for discussion and action regarding its state-sanctioned incitement to genocide; and (d) intend to initiate before the International Court of Justice an interstate complaint against Iran?
Q-4802 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Cotler (Mount Royal) — With respect to international legal violations of the rights of privacy, association and bodily integrity of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) people, will the government: (a) condemn deprivation of such rights on the basis of sexual orientation as breaches of international law; (b) assist the United States Secretary of State’s initiative, announced on September 11, 2009, to seek out partners at the United Nations to document human rights abuses against LGBT communities worldwide; (c) challenge states that are found to deny fundamental rights and freedoms on the basis of sexual orientation; (d) develop and implement a program, modeled on the United Kingdom Foreign & Commonwealth Office’s LGBT Toolkit, whereby Canada’s foreign missions would urge decriminalization of homosexuality in countries where it is penalized by death or imprisonment; and (e) address, through the ongoing Justice Undertakings for Social Transformation Program of the Department of Justice, the criminalization of homosexuals, and the impunity of their assailants, in Jamaica?
Q-4812 — October 20, 2009 — Ms. Ratansi (Don Valley East) — With respect to ministers' office expenses within the National Capital Region: (a) what has been the total amount spent on taxis for each fiscal year from 2005-2006 up to and including the current fiscal year for each minister's office; (b) how many employees at each minister's office have access to taxi vouchers; and (c) what is the overtime cost for each minister's driver for each fiscal year from 2005-2006 up to and including the current fiscal year?
Q-4822 — October 20, 2009 — Ms. Ratansi (Don Valley East) — With regard to the government's Economic Action Plan, for each of the project announcements in the constituency of Don Valley East: (a) what was (i) the date of the announcement, (ii) the amount of stimulus spending announced, (iii) the department which announced it; and (b) was there a public event associated with the announcement and, if so, what was the cost of that event?
Q-4842 — October 20, 2009 — Ms. Neville (Winnipeg South Centre) — With regard to the decommissioned Kapyong Barracks in Winnipeg, Manitoba: (a) how many homes are on the base; (b) how many homes are empty on the base; (c) how many of those empty homes are habitable; (d) how many of the homes are rented out; (e) how many members of the military occupy homes on the base; (f) how many RCMP officers occupy homes on the base; (g) how many military personnel occupy homes on the base; (h) how many contract workers have homes on the base; (i) who else occupies the homes on the base; (j) what are the annual approximate costs of repairs to the homes on the base; (k) what are the maintenance costs to the homes on the base; (l) what is the annual cost to maintain all the homes on the base and what is the cost of maintaining the empty homes on the base; (m) what is the maintenance cost of the other buildings on the site; (n) which buildings are occupied, who occupies them and for what purpose; (o) which buildings are empty; (p) has a Treasury Board submission been developed for the transfer of the homes on the base to Canada Lands; and (q) has the government initiated a consultation process with affected First Nations regarding the transfer of the houses and, if so, who is conducting the consultations, what form are they taking, and with whom are the consultations taking place?
Q-4852 — October 20, 2009 — Ms. Coady (St. John's South—Mount Pearl) — With regards to government advertising, how much money has the government spent on television and radio advertising since August 15, 2008, giving particulars of (i) how much has been spent by each department or agency of government, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-4862 — October 20, 2009 — Ms. Coady (St. John's South—Mount Pearl) — With respect to the Treasury Board, for all contracts under $10,000 signed between January 1 and October 21, 2009, what is: (a) the vendor name; (b) the contract reference number; (c) the contract date; (d) the description of work, (e) the delivery date; (f) the original contract value; and (g) the final contract value if different from the original contract value?
Q-4872 — October 20, 2009 — Ms. Coady (St. John's South—Mount Pearl) — With respect to Canada Health Infoway, for all contracts under $10,000 signed between January 1, 2001 and October 21, 2009, what is: (a) the vendor name; (b) the contract reference number; (c) the contract date; (d) the description of work, (e) the delivery date; (f) the original contract value; and (g) the final contract value if different from the original contract value?
Q-4882 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Bagnell (Yukon) — With regards to government advertising in Yukon, Nunavut and Northwest Territories on “Canada’s Economic Action Plan”: (a) how much has the government spent on radio, in each territory indicating the station, date and time the commercial aired, amount spent, and ownership of the station; (b) how much has the government spent on television in each territory, indicating the station, date and time the commercial aired, amount spent, and ownership of the station; (c) how much has the government spent on newspapers in each territory, indicating the date and page of the newspaper ad, name of the newspaper, ownership, amount of advertising space purchased, and if a higher rate was paid for preferential placement of the ads; (d) how much has the government spent on magazines in each territory, indicating the date and page of the magazine ad, name of the magazine, ownership, amount of advertising purchased, and if a higher rate was paid for preferential placement; (e) how much has the government spent on media websites in each territory, indicating what website advertising was purchased by the government, amount, length and terms of the website advertising, and owner of the website; (f) how much has the government spent on billboards, in each territory, indicating the amount of money spent on billboard advertising, locations of the billboards, duration of the billboard ad, and ownership of the billboard company; (g) what are the names of the companies responsible for purchasing the Government of Canada advertising in the territories, the ownership of the companies, commission to be paid for the work done, and length and terms of the contract; and (h) was this contract sole sourced or open bid, and what were the dates of the contract posting on the government website?
Q-4892 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Bagnell (Yukon) — Since January 2006 to present, what are the dates, times, locations of Cabinet and committees of Cabinet meetings?
Q-4902 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Brison (Kings—Hants) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between September 1 and 30, 2006 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-4912 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Brison (Kings—Hants) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between August 1 and 31 2006 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-4922 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Brison (Kings—Hants) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between July 1 and 31, 2006 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-4932 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Brison (Kings—Hants) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between June 1 and 30, 2006 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-4942 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Cuzner (Cape Breton—Canso) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between May 1 and 31, 2006 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-4952 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Cuzner (Cape Breton—Canso) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between April 1 and 30, 2006 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-4962 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Cuzner (Cape Breton—Canso) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between March 1 and 31, 2006 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-4972 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Cuzner (Cape Breton—Canso) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between February 1 and 28, 2006 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-4982 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Bains (Mississauga—Brampton South) — With regards to the government’s Small Business programs, namely BizPal, Canada Business, the Canada Small Business Financing program, the Small Business Internship program, the Paperwork Burden Reduction Initiative, the SME Financing Data Initiative and the Industrial Research Assistance Program, what are for each: (a) the total program costs and breakdown of all expenditures for each fiscal year since 2004-2005; (b) the total projected costs for the next 10 years; (c) the total number of employees (full-time, part-time and contract) assigned to each program; (d) the performance indicators used to measure the program’s success and the results of any performance assessments made since fiscal 2004-2005; and (e) the total number of businesses helped by each program, including total numbers as well as the detailed breakdown listing them by name, location and whether they are recognized as a small business by the government’s definition?
Q-4992 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Bains (Mississauga—Brampton South) — With regards to Industry Canada’s use of contracts for each fiscal year, since 2004-2005: (a) what are the total number of contracts awarded, their value, contact persons and the names of those organizations that received contracts all broken down by both province and constituency, and whether the contracts are for goods or services; (b) in detail, what each contract was awarded for; (c) was the contract tendered or sole-sourced; (d) in the case of a sole-source contract was it approved by a minister and, if so, which minister approved it; and (e) in the case of a tendered contract, what are the number of tenders put forward and the length of the tender period?
Q-5002 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Bains (Mississauga—Brampton South) — With regard to the government’s spending on tourism initiatives what are: (a) all programs government-wide that have a tourism component including those administered by agencies and crown corporations; (b) the total costs for each of these programs, and the breakdown of all expenditures for each fiscal year since 2004-2005; (c) the projected costs for the next 10 years; (d) the total number of employees (full-time, part-time and contract) assigned to each program; (e) the performance indicators used to measure the program’s success and the results of any performance assessments made since fiscal 2004-2005; and (f) the total number of businesses helped by each program, including total numbers as well as the detailed breakdown listing them by name, location and whether they are recognized as a small business by the government’s definition?
Q-5011-2 — October 20, 2009 — Mr. Bains (Mississauga—Brampton South) — With regards to the relationship between the Cabinet and the Crown, could the government indicate: (a) the number and frequency of meetings held between the Prime Minister and the Governor General as per her constitutional rights to be consulted, to encourage and warn, broken down by year since 2004-2005; (b) the number and frequency of meetings held between the Prime Minister and the Queen as per her constitutional rights to be consulted, to encourage and warn, broken down by year since 2004-2005; (c) a listing of all meetings held between the staff of the Prime Minister and the other members of cabinet and the Governor General’s staff, including dates and purpose, broken down by minister and year since 2004-2005; and (d) a listing of all meetings held between the staff of the Prime Minister and the other members of Cabinet and the Queen’s staff, including dates and purpose, broken down by minister and year since 2004-2005?
Q-5022 — October 21, 2009 — Mr. Volpe (Eglinton—Lawrence) — With respect to the case of Ms. Suaad Hagi Mohamud: (a) what are the details of every official communication held within the Government of Canada concerning this matter, itemized by the date and department of each initiated communication; and (b) what are the details of every communication held between the Government of Canada and the Government of Kenya?
Q-5032 — October 21, 2009 — Mr. Volpe (Eglinton—Lawrence) — Within the constituency of Eglinton—Lawrence, what was the total amount of government funding since fiscal year 2005-2006 up to and including the current fiscal year, itemized according to (i) the date the money was received in the riding, (ii) the dollar amount of the expenditure, (iii) the program from which the funding came, (iv) the ministry responsible, (v) the designated recipient?
Q-5042 — October 21, 2009 — Mr. Volpe (Eglinton—Lawrence) — With regard to the government's Economic Action Plan, for each announcement in the constituency of Eglinton—Lawrence: (a) what was (i) the date of announcement, (ii) the amount of stimulus spending announced, (iii) the department which announced it; and (b) was there a public event associated with the announcement and, if so, what was the cost of that event and which elected officials, if any, were invited to appear?
Q-5052 — October 21, 2009 — Mr. Volpe (Eglinton—Lawrence) — With respect to temporary resident permits (TRP), since January 2006, how many requests were granted and refused itemized according to (i) the month, (ii) the name of the representative that made the request, (iii) the country of origin of the intended TRP recipients, (iv) the current location and status of each TRP recipient?
Q-5062 — October 21, 2009 — Ms. Minna (Beaches—East York) — With regard to the Fair Wages and Hours of Labour Act (FWHLA): (a) how many complaints were received from January 1, 2004 to October 20, 2009; (b) what is the number of complaints in (a) that required investigation; (c) what is the annual budget to carry out investigations of complaints received under the Act; (d) how many inspectors are employed to carry out these investigations; (e) are third party complaints allowed under the Act and, if so, how many complaints in (a) were made by third party individuals; (f) how many complaints in (a) were made by employees of the company they are making the complaint against; (g) how many complaints in (e) were investigated; (h) how many investigations of (b) resulted in a monetary payment from employer to employee; (i) what was the timeline of each of the investigations of (h); (j) how many investigations are currently ongoing; (k) after the 60-day holdback mentioned in the Act is over, is there any way to recuperate unpaid wages for the employees or to have the company found in violation pay penalties; and (l) who, or what department is responsible for ensuring these payments are made?
Q-5072 — October 21, 2009 — Ms. Leslie (Halifax) — With regard to the recommendations contained in the report entitled “Spiralling out of Control, Lessons Learned from a Boy in Trouble - Report of the Nunn Commission of Inquiry”, released in December 2006 by the Minister of Justice, what is the current status of any action that the government has taken to meet these recommendations?
Q-5082 — October 21, 2009 — Mr. Savage (Dartmouth—Cole Harbour) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between February 1 and 28, 2007 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5092 — October 21, 2009 — Mr. Savage (Dartmouth—Cole Harbour) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between March 1 and 31, 2007 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5102 — October 21, 2009 — Mr. Savage (Dartmouth—Cole Harbour) — With respect to the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development, for all contracts under $10,000 signed between December 1, 2008 and October 19, 2009, what is: (a) the vendor name; (b) the contract reference number; (c) the contract date; (d) the description of work, (e) the delivery date; (f) the original contract value; and (g) the final contract value if different from the original contract value?
Q-5112 — October 21, 2009 — Mr. Regan (Halifax West) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between October 1 and 31, 2006 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5122 — October 21, 2009 — Mr. Regan (Halifax West) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between November 1 and 30, 2006 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5132 — October 21, 2009 — Mr. Regan (Halifax West) — With regard to Natural Resources Canada, what are the specific details of travel and hospitality claims from January 1 to June 30, 2009 for (i) the Minister, (ii) exempt political staffers?
Q-5142 — October 21, 2009 — Mr. Regan (Halifax West) — With regard to the government's Economic Action Plan, for each announcement in the constituency of Halifax West: (a) what was (i) the date of announcement, (ii) the amount of stimulus spending announced, (iii) the department which announced it; and (b) was there a public event associated with the announcement and, if so, what was the cost of that event and which elected officials, if any, were invited to appear?
Q-5152 — October 21, 2009 — Mr. Valeriote (Guelph) — With regard to the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario): (a) what is the date that FedDev Ontario was created through order in council; (b) what is the total amount of money to be allocated from the Agency’s 2009-2010 funds for the Agency’s 2009-2010 operating expenses, and how much has been spent to date; (c) what happens to funds allocated either to programs or operating expenses that were not spent by the Agency during the fiscal year ending March 31, 2010; (d) on what dates did the Agency, and each of FedDev Ontario’s regional offices in Ottawa, Toronto, Kitchener, Peterborough and Stratford begin incurring operating expenses; (e) what is the number of staff hired to date and expected to be hired in 2009-2010 for each of FedDev Ontario’s offices in Ottawa, Toronto, Kitchener, Peterborough and Stratford; (f) what dollar amount of the Agency’s operating expenses in fiscal year 2009-2010 will be spent on staff salaries for those staff employed at each of the Ottawa, Toronto, Peterborough, Kitchener, and Stratford offices; (g) what is the number of staff hired in 2009-2010 for FedDev Ontario’s call center in Toronto; (h) what total dollar amount of the Agency’s operating expenses will be paid to staff in salary for FedDev Ontario’s call center in Toronto; (i) what is the total operating expense for FedDev Ontario’s call centre in Toronto; (j) what is the median annual income of an Agency employee; (k) what is the annual income of the Agency’s president; and (l) what is the annual income of the Agency’s vice president-infrastructure.
Q-5162 — October 21, 2009 — Mr. Valeriote (Guelph) — With regard to the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario): (a) what are the terms, cost, and length of the leases signed at each of the Agency’s offices in Kitchener, Peterborough, and Stratford; (b) what is the total operating budget for each of FedDev Ontario’s offices in Ottawa, Toronto, Kitchener, Peterborough and Stratford; (c) what is the total dollar amount from the Agency’s 2009-2010 funds to be spent on the cost of administering the core Southern Ontario Development Program; (d) what role, if any, did the Agency play in administering each of the Community Adjustment Fund, the Recreational Infrastructure Canada Program, the Economic Development Initiative, the Community Futures Program, the Eastern Ontario Development Program, the Ontario Potable Water Program, the Building Canada Fund, the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Program, the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Program, the Canada-Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund, the Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund top up, in fiscal year 2009-2010, and at what total operating cost to the Agency; and (e) what is the current relationship between FedDev Ontario and all existing Economic Stimulus Programming, Industry Canada Programming, and Infrastructure Canada Programming for Ontario stated by FedDev Ontario to be transferred to the Agency with particular reference to the sharing of operating or administration costs for these programs, and will this relationship change in subsequent fiscal years?
Q-5172 — October 21, 2009 — Mr. Valeriote (Guelph) — With regard to the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario): (a) at which offices are the Agency’s 2009-2010 Southern Ontario Development Program’s applications being received and processed, and will this arrangement change in subsequent fiscal years; (b) was the $50 million transferred to the Business Development Bank of Canada by FedDev Ontario this year administered by the Business Development Bank of Canada; (c) was the $27.5 million transferred from FedDev Ontario to the National Research Industrial Assistance Program this year administered by the National Research Industrial Assistance Program; (d) what will be the Agency’s total funding allocation to the Agency’s core Southern Ontario Development Program in fiscal year 2010-2011, and each subsequent fiscal year according to the government’s five year $1 billion commitment to the Agency in budget 2009; (e) will all of the Agency’s funding through the Southern Ontario Development program in 2010-2011 and each subsequent year be made available for applications; (f) what proportion of the operating or administrative costs will the Agency assume in administering each of the Community Adjustment Fund, the Recreational Infrastructure Canada Program, the Economic Development Initiative, the Community Futures Program, the Eastern Ontario Development Program, the Ontario Potable Water Program, the Building Canada Fund, the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Program, the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Program, the Canada-Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund, the Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund top up, in fiscal year 2010-2011, at what total operating cost to the Agency; and (g) what amount of the funds from the programs established before the Agency’s creation but stated by FedDev Ontario to be administered by the Agency in the future as outlined in question (f), count toward the total of the government’s five year $1 billion commitment to the Agency in budget 2009?
Q-5182 — October 21, 2009 — Mr. Valeriote (Guelph) — With regard to the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario): (a) what is the government’s long term strategy for the development and distribution of funds from the Agency’s Southern Ontario Development Program; (b) which Southern Ontario business associations, not for profit organizations, post-secondary institutions and municipalities were consulted in advance of the Agency’s launch in August 2009 to ensure its objectives, plans, and priorities were in line with Southern Ontario’s economic needs, and on what dates; (c) what is the Minister’s long term consultation strategy for the aforementioned Southern Ontario stakeholders; and (d) will the Agency employ any specific strategy or program to address those industries and regions of southern Ontario most impacted by the recession?
Q-5192 — October 21, 2009 — Mrs. Mendes (Brossard—La Prairie) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between January 1 and 31, 2007 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5202 — October 21, 2009 — Mrs. Mendes (Brossard—La Prairie) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between December 1 and 31, 2006 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5212 — October 21, 2009 — Mr. McTeague (Pickering—Scarborough East) — With regard to the Economic Action Plan advertising campaign: (a) what is the total cost to the government of the GO Train advertisements which are wrapped around the outside of GO Trains in Ontario; (b) what contractors were used to produce and purchase this advertising; and (c) was the contract sole sourced or was there an open bidding process for the creative and ad purchasing contract?
Q-5222 — October 21, 2009 — Mr. Murphy (Charlottetown) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between July 1 and 31, 2007 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5232 — October 21, 2009 — Mr. Murphy (Charlottetown) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between June 1 and 30, 2007 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5242 — October 21, 2009 — Mr. Murphy (Charlottetown) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between May 1 and 31, 2007 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5252 — October 21, 2009 — Mr. Murphy (Charlottetown) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between April 1 and 30, 2007 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5262 — October 21, 2009 — Ms. Murray (Vancouver Quadra) — With respect to the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games: (a) since fiscal year 2006-2007 and beyond, how much money has the federal government allocated to the games and what is the total amount; (b) to what entities has the federal government allocated funds and for what purpose; (c) in what amounts have those funds been distributed and on what dates; (d) how much money is being spent on the “Canada Pavilion” and to whom is its construction and preparation being contracted; (e) what are the requests for proposals that the government invited contractors to bid on; (f) who was invited to bid on government requests for proposals; (g) who submitted bids related to government requests for proposals; (h) who adjudicated the bids related to government requests for proposals and based on what criteria; (i) who successfully bid for government requests for proposals, for what amount were the contracts and what was the purpose of the contacts; (j) how much money has been allocated for promoting bilingualism and French translation, on what dates was it distributed and for what purposes; (k) what is the government’s plan to address the H1N1 influenza pandemic before and during the games; (l) how much money is being spent in regard to an H1N1 plan at the games; (m) what is the lead department or agency in charge of overseeing and executing a plan related to H1N1 influenza at the games; and (n) how much money has the government spent on including aboriginal communities in the games and for what initiatives?
Q-5272 — October 21, 2009 — Ms. Murray (Vancouver Quadra) — With respect to the sockeye salmon crisis affecting the Fraser River in British Columbia: (a) what is the government’s plan to address the decline of 9 million sockeye salmon in the Fraser River; (b) how much money is the government spending on this plan; (c) what entities have received government money, when and for what purposes; (d) what information does the government have regarding potential causes of the decline; (e) which stakeholders did the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans meet with in Vancouver during the month of October 2009; and (f) what were the recommendations, work plan, and proposed dates of action that came about as a result of October 2009 meetings in Vancouver between stakeholders and the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans?
Q-5282 — October 21, 2009 — Ms. Murray (Vancouver Quadra) — With respect to the United Nations Climate Change Conference, in Copenhagen, occurring between December 7 and 18, 2009: (a) what government officials, including parliamentarians, will be attending the conference; (b) who has been invited to join the Canadian delegation; (c) who will be participating in the Canadian delegation; (d) what is the total cost to the government for participation in the conference, including but not limited to delegate fees, accommodation, travel, hospitality and per diems of the Minister, departmental staff, personal and political assistants and all other staff paid by the government; (e) how has the government met Canada’s commitments under the 1997 Kyoto Protocol; and (f) has the government drafted a plan for addressing climate change and, if so, where can it be found?
Q-5302 — October 22, 2009 — Ms. Sgro (York West) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between December 1 and 31, 2007 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5312 — October 22, 2009 — Ms. Sgro (York West) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between January 1 and 31, 2008 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5322 — October 22, 2009 — Ms. Sgro (York West) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between February 1 and 29, 2008 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5332 — October 22, 2009 — Mr. Martin (Esquimalt—Juan de Fuca) — With regard to government magazine advertising: (a) how much has the government spent on promoting Canada’s Economic Action Plan through advertising in British Columbia; and (b) when was each advertisement published, and in which magazine?
Q-5342 — October 22, 2009 — Mr. Martin (Esquimalt—Juan de Fuca) — With regard to government radio advertising: (a) how much has the government spent on promoting Canada’s Economic Action Plan through advertising in British Columbia; and (b) when was each advertisement aired, and on which radio station?
Q-5351-2 — October 22, 2009 — Mr. Bagnell (Yukon) — With regard to the Northern Residents Tax Deduction Program (NRTDP): (a) what is its estimated current cost (foregone revenue) to the government; (b) what is the number of individuals that benefit from the NRTDP, as well as its cost, by province and territory; (c) what is the medium and mean benefit claimed by individuals and households; (d) what is the distribution of benefits by income class (high, middle, and low); (e) what is the distribution of benefits by male and female individuals and heads of household; and (f) what is the distribution of benefits between aboriginal and non-aboriginal individuals and households?
Q-5362 — October 22, 2009 — Mr. LeBlanc (Beauséjour) — With regard to government television advertising: (a) how much has the government spent on promoting Canada’s Economic Action Plan through advertising in New Brunswick; and (b) when was each advertisement aired, and on which television station?
Q-5372 — October 22, 2009 — Mr. LeBlanc (Beauséjour) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between March 1 and 31, 2008 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5392 — October 22, 2009 — Mrs. Crombie (Mississauga—Streetsville) — With regard to government magazine advertising: (a) how much has the government spent on promoting Canada’s Economic Action Plan through advertising in Alberta; and (b) when was each advertisement published, and in which magazine?
Q-5402 — October 22, 2009 — Mrs. Crombie (Mississauga—Streetsville) — With regard to government television advertising: (a) how much has the government spent on promoting Canada’s Economic Action Plan through advertising in Quebec; and (b) when was each advertisement aired, and on which station?
Q-5412 — October 22, 2009 — Mrs. Crombie (Mississauga—Streetsville) — With regard to government newspaper advertising: (a) how much has the government spent on promoting Canada’s Economic Action Plan through advertising in Nova Scotia; and (b) when was each advertisement published, and in which newspaper?
Q-5422 — October 22, 2009 — Mrs. Crombie (Mississauga—Streetsville) — With regard to government radio advertising: (a) how much has the government spent on promoting Canada’s Economic Action Plan through advertising in Alberta; and (b) when was each advertisement aired, and on which radio station?
Q-5432 — October 22, 2009 — Mr. Silva (Davenport) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between July 1 and 31, 2008 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5442 — October 22, 2009 — Mr. Silva (Davenport) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between June 1 and 30, 2008 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5452 — October 22, 2009 — Mr. Silva (Davenport) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between May 1 and 31, 2008 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5462 — October 22, 2009 — Mr. Silva (Davenport) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between April 1 and 30, 2008 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5472 — October 22, 2009 — Ms. Coady (St. John's South—Mount Pearl) — With regard to Secure Channel: (a) what problems have occurred with its operation; (b) what were the costs associated with each of these problems; (c) were any of the costs covered as an administration cost drawn from the employment insurance fund; and (d) has a cost analysis of Secure Channel been completed and, if so, will it be made public?
Q-5482 — October 23, 2009 — Mr. Rae (Toronto Centre) — With regard to the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, how much money did the department spend of its annual budget in 2007, 2008 and 2009 on: (a) all staff salaries for workers in Canada, including departmental headquarters and Ministerial staff; (b) all Canadian staff salaries posted outside of Canada; and (c) all salaries for locally-engaged staff at all Canadian embassies and consulates?
Q-5492 — October 23, 2009 — Mr. Rae (Toronto Centre) — With regard to the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, how much money did the department spend of its annual budget in 2007, 2008 and 2009 on: (a) language training for Canadian diplomats posted outside of Canada; (b) all telecommunications devices for all Canadian embassies and consulates; and (c) moving, storage, housing and educational costs for all Canadian diplomats and their families posted outside of Canada?
Q-5502 — October 23, 2009 — Mr. Dewar (Ottawa Centre) — With regard to the transfer of Afghan detainees: (a) which office is providing direction and instruction to government lawyers at the Department of Justice during the Military Police Complaints Commission hearings; (b) are all provisions of the supplemental transfer agreement being followed by Afghan government officials; (c) are Canadian authorities informed in advance of the release of prisoners who were transferred by Canadian authorities to Afghan authorities; (d) what have been the results of all detainee monitoring since May 2007; and (e) how many allegations of torture have been reported since May 2007?
Q-5512 — October 23, 2009 — Mr. St-Cyr (Jeanne-Le Ber) — With respect to identifying stowaways planning to claim refugee status in Canada: (a) what is the government policy on exchanging information with countries where these potential claimants say they face persecution; and (b) in the case of the 76 stowaways on the Ocean Lady, (i) what type of information has been exchanged between Canadian and Sri Lankan authorities, (ii) what steps has the government taken to ensure this exchange of information poses no threat to the potential refugee claimants or their families?
Q-5522 — October 23, 2009 — Mr. Dewar (Ottawa Centre) — With regard to Canada’s mission in Afghanistan: (a) what is the number of casualties on an annual basis and in total since 2002 to present suffered by the (i) Afghanistan National Army (ANA), (ii) Afghanistan National Police (ANP), (iii) insurgents; (b) what is the percentage of members who have been absent without leave from the (i) ANA, (ii) ANP; (c) what protocols exist to ensure that the ANA and the ANP members trained by NATO do not escape the forces and join the insurgency; (d) what type of weapons have been donated by the Government of Canada, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the International Security Assistance Force to the (i) ANA, (ii) ANP; (e) what protocols exist to ensure the security of the weapons from falling into the hands of the insurgents; and (f) has any such weapon ever been confiscated from an insurgent?
Q-5532 — October 23, 2009 — Mr. Dewar (Ottawa Centre) — With regard to Canada’s mission in Afghanistan, what particular diplomatic engagement has Canada had with the governments of: (a) Pakistan; (b) India; (c) China; (d) Tajikistan; (e) Turkmenistan; (f) Uzbekistan; (g) Iran; (h) Russia; (i) Saudi Arabia; and (j) Turkey?
Q-5542 — October 23, 2009 — Mr. Rodriguez (Honoré-Mercier) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between April 1 and 30, 2009 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5552 — October 23, 2009 — Mr. Rodriguez (Honoré-Mercier) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between March 1 and 31, 2009 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5562 — October 23, 2009 — Mr. Rodriguez (Honoré-Mercier) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between February 1 and 28, 2009 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5572 — October 23, 2009 — Mr. Rodriguez (Honoré-Mercier) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between January 1 and 31, 2009 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5592 — October 26, 2009 — Ms. Fry (Vancouver Centre) — With regard to the disappearance of nine million sockeye salmon in British Columbia this year: (a) has the government taken into account the warning by the West Coast Regional Department before cutting the funding for the stock assessments by 50 percent over the last few years; and (b) does the government have plans to immediately strike an independent blue-ribbon scientific panel with a short mandate and, if so, speedily commit to implementing the panel’s recommendations?
Q-5602 — October 26, 2009 — Ms. Fry (Vancouver Centre) — With regard to the proposed changes to Employment Insurance premiums, what is the full breakdown in cost to businesses, including small and medium enterprises, in British Columbia, for both employers and employees as a result of the new Employment Insurance premiums, broken down into cost to employees alone on a wage sliding scale, as well as the cost to employers alone?
Q-5612 — October 26, 2009 — Ms. Fry (Vancouver Centre) — With regard to promises made in Budgets 2006 and 2007 concerning the mountain pine beetle infestation in British Columbia, after consultations between the government and communities affected by the mountain pine beetle, what is the detailed account of how much of the $200 million promised in Budget 2006, and the added $200 million in Budget 2007 has been disbursed, broken down by (i) department, (ii) community, including aboriginal groups?
Q-5622 — October 26, 2009 — Ms. Fry (Vancouver Centre) — In detail, what are the transportation and hospitality expenses for the Chief Government Whip and Minister of State, the honourable Gordon O’Connor, and his entire exempt staff for the past 18 months, including a detailed account of the locations where Mr. O’Connor was picked up and dropped off by the driver?
Q-5632 — October 26, 2009 — Mr. McCallum (Markham—Unionville) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between October 1 and 26, 2009 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5642 — October 26, 2009 — Mr. Holland (Ajax—Pickering) — With regard to Correctional Services Canada (CSC): (a) what cost has been associated with the implementation of bills C-2, (passed in 39th Parliament, second Session), C-14, C-15, C-36, C-25, C-42, C-43, C-52 and C-53 (from the current session); (b) what is the inflow of inmates anticipated, broken down annually, over the next 15 years; (c) what are the budgeted annual costs for CSC, broken down by subject, over the next 15 years; (d) are there any additional costs anticipated in the next 15 years that CSC has not accounted for in their annual budget projections and, if so, what are they and how much will they cost; (e) what plans does CSC have to alter existing facilities to meet the needs of inmates and staff over the next 15 years, what is the timeline and what costs are associated with these projects; (f) are there any plans within the next 15 year to close down any of existing federal institutions; (g) what plans does CSC have regarding building new super prisons (multi-level facilities), and what is the timeline and anticipated cost; (h) what plans does CSC have to convert existing facilities into super prisons, what is the timeline and anticipated cost; (i) does CSC plan to enter into agreement with the province of Newfoundland and Labrador to build a joint provincial – federal correctional institution and, if so, what is the timeline and how much will the federal government contribute and, if not, on what grounds is the government making such a decision; (j) what is the annual breakdown over the past 15 years of CSC staff, by professional category and cost; (k) what is the projected annual breakdown for CSC staff over the next 15 years, including new hiring, broken down annually, by professional category and cost; (l) what is the annual breakdown of federal inmates over the past 15 years, including federal inmates housed in provincial and territorial institutions, broken down by sex, institution, and security level (super max, max, medium, minimum); (m) what is the projected annual breakdown of federal inmates over the next 15 years, including federal inmates housed in provincial and territorial institutions, broken down by sex, security level and institution; (n) what are the annual costs per federal inmate in the past 15 years, broken down by sex, security level, and intuition; and (o) what are the anticipated annual costs per federal inmate over the next 15 years, broken down by sex, security level, and institution?
Q-5652 — October 26, 2009 — Mr. Holland (Ajax—Pickering) — With regard to Correctional Services Canada's (CSC) prison farm program: (a) what is the plan for the prison farm lands over the next 15 years, broken down annually, and what is the anticipated cost to CSC to manage the lands, and is any profit anticipated and, if so, what is it; (b) is CSC planning on renting out these lands and, if so, what sort of process will be put into place to decide who the tenants will be, and how much is CSC anticipating it will make annually on the rental of these lands; (c) how many inmates have participated in the prison farm program over the past 15 years, broken down annually and by institution, and how many of these participants have gone on to work in agricultural or related sectors; (d) what, if any, studies, documentation or advice did CSC rely on in their decision to terminate the prison farms program, when was it received and who provided it; (e) what, if any, studies, documentation or advice did CSC receive showing the psychological, social, financial, environmental and health benefits of the prison farm program, when was it received and who provided it; and (f) what is CSC doing to replace the food that was provided through the prison farm program, and what is the annual cost to CSC of outsourcing this food, as compared to the food derived through the prison farm program over the next five years?
Q-5662 — October 26, 2009 — Mr. Holland (Ajax—Pickering) — With regard to GRK Fasteners: (a) on what grounds are duties, under the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA), applied; (b) on what grounds was their petition to the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) for a SIMA exempt status denied; (c) given that GRK’s request for exemption is based on the fact that all of their products are patented, is the CITT no longer recognizing that patents make a product unique; (d) was the fact that there are no domestic manufacturers able to provide GRK with the type of product they require taken into account when the CITT made their decision and, if so, why is the SIMA duty still imposed on them and, if not, why not; and (e) does the Canada Border Services Agency or any other department or agency have reason to believe that GRK Fasteners has ever engaged in product dumping and, if so, what evidence do they possess and, if not, how then can an anti-dumping duty be applied to GRK?
Q-5672 — October 26, 2009 — Mr. Holland (Ajax—Pickering) — With regard to the Pickering Lands: (a) what is the status of the Needs Assessment Study for a potential Pickering Airport which Transport Canada (TC) commissioned the Greater Toronto Airport Authority (GTAA) to complete, will it be released to the public and when and, if it has been completed, what are its primary recommendations; (b) has the minister responsible for TC arrived at an official government position with regard to the proposal by the GTAA to develop an airport on Pickering Lands; (c) what are the current policies in the management of Pickering Lands, with regard to maintenance of buildings, including structures that are more than 100 years old, re-rental policies of homes and business structures once tenants move out; (d) with regard to Bentley House, what is the status of the GTAA’s tenancy and, if the GTAA vacates the premises, will the building be leased out to another business or organization; (e) is the application by Durham West Arts Centre to secure a lease, at little cost, to occupy Bentley House receiving serious consideration; (f) what factors are important in any application by a business or organization interested in leasing Bentley House; and (g) what is the announcement date for TC’s decision with regard to the GTAA’s airport development proposal?
Q-5682 — October 27, 2009 — Mr. Goodale (Wascana) — With regard to government magazine advertising: (a) how much has the government spent on promoting Canada’s Economic Action Plan through advertising in Saskatchewan; and (b) when was each advertisement published, and in which magazine?
Q-5692 — October 27, 2009 — Mr. Goodale (Wascana) — With regard to government radio advertising: (a) how much has the government spent on promoting Canada’s Economic Action Plan through advertising in Saskatchewan; and (b) when was each advertisement aired, and on which radio station?
Q-5702 — October 27, 2009 — Mr. Goodale (Wascana) — With regard to government newspaper advertising: (a) how much has the government spent on promoting Canada’s Economic Action Plan through advertising in Saskatchewan; and (b) when was each advertisement published, and in which newspaper?
Q-5712 — October 27, 2009 — Mr. Goodale (Wascana) — With regard to government television advertising: (a) how much has the government spent on promoting Canada’s Economic Action Plan through advertising in Saskatchewan; and (b) when was each advertisement aired, and on which station?
Q-5722 — October 27, 2009 — Mr. Dhaliwal (Newton—North Delta) — With respect to the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games, what discussions regarding the reservation of tickets for purchase by Members of Parliament have occurred (i) within the department of Canadian Heritage, (ii) between the department of Canadian Heritage and the Privy Council Office?
Q-5732 — October 27, 2009 — Mr. Dhaliwal (Newton—North Delta) — With respect to contracts under $10,000 granted by the Department of Citizenship and Immigration between January 1 and October 21, 2009, what are the: (a) vendors names; (b) contracts' reference numbers; (c) dates of the contracts; (d) descriptions of the services provided; (e) delivery dates; (f) original contracts' values; and (g) final contracts' values if different from the original contracts' values?
Q-5742 — October 27, 2009 — Mr. Dhaliwal (Newton—North Delta) — With respect to contracts under $10,000 granted by Sport Canada between January 1 and October 21, 2009, what are the: (a) vendors names; (b) contracts' reference numbers; (c) dates of the contracts; (d) descriptions of the services provided; (e) delivery dates; (f) original contracts' values; and (g) final contracts' values if different from the original contracts' values?
Q-5752 — October 27, 2009 — Mr. Dhaliwal (Newton—North Delta) — With respect to the Community Futures Program (CFP): (a) which CFP projects have received funding since 2006 within (i) Manitoba, (ii) Saskatchewan, (iii) Alberta; and (b) which of these projects have repaid any loans they received within (i) Manitoba, (ii) Saskatchewan, (iii) Alberta?
Q-5762 — October 29, 2009 — Ms. Crowder (Nanaimo—Cowichan) — With regard to fisheries and in light of the Supreme Court of British Columbia’s ruling that fish farms are a fishery and therefore must be regulated by the federal government: (a) when will the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans introduce legislation to regulate the fish farm fishery; (b) what is Canada’s commitment to sustainable aquaculture development; (c) what action is the Minister taking to protect wild fisheries like the Fraser River sockeye salmon; (d) what plans are there to transition from open net pen salmon farms to closed containment; (e) what sustainability improvements for salmon aquaculture are being contemplated; and (f) when will the Minister convene an emergency summit with all key stakeholder groups to discuss low returns on the Fraser River?
Q-5772 — October 29, 2009 — Mr. Murphy (Moncton—Riverview—Dieppe) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between May 1 and 31, 2009 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of the government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5782 — October 29, 2009 — Mr. Murphy (Moncton—Riverview—Dieppe) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between December 1 and 31, 2008 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of the government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5792 — October 29, 2009 — Mr. Murphy (Moncton—Riverview—Dieppe) — With regard to government advertising, how much money did the government spend on television and radio advertising between November 1 and 30, 2008 inclusive, giving particulars of (i) how much each department or agency of the government spent on such advertising, (ii) the subject and nature of each advertisement, (iii) the broadcast outlet on which each ad was broadcast, giving the name and location of the station, (iv) the dates on which the advertisements aired?
Q-5802 — October 29, 2009 — Ms. Bennett (St. Paul's) — With respect to the Listeriosis Investigative Review: (a) what is the status of each of the 75 recommendations made by Ms. Weatherill; (b) who did Ms. Weatherill interview; (c) were any of those interviewed provided with any or all of the report prior to its completion by the investigator; (d) what are the names of all consultants as well as all seconded staff from any other federal department or agency who assisted the investigator; and (e) what was the total cost of the investigation including the cost of staff, contracts, travel and rents?
Q-5812 — October 29, 2009 — Ms. Bennett (St. Paul's) — With respect to the recommendations of the Trans Fat Task Force final report, TRANSforming the Food Supply, and the government’s ensuing two year voluntary trans fat reduction period, that ended in June 2009: (a) what is the status of the release of the final round of trans fat monitoring data which was due in June 2009; (b) what is the government’s official response to the two year voluntary reduction period; and (c) what does the government plan to do regarding its stated commitment, from June 2007, to develop trans fat regulations?
Q-5832 — October 30, 2009 — Mr. MacAulay (Cardigan) — With respect to the Enabling Accessibility Fund, since March 2009 to present: (a) how many applications were successful and received funding under this program, and how many were rejected; (b) with respect to successful applications, what was the location and value of each project, broken down by province and federal electoral district; (c) what is the total cost of administering the program thus far; (d) how much funding is left; (e) how many major projects under this program will or went to expand existing centres; (f) what is the value of the successful major projects' applications that went towards (i) the construction of new centres, (ii) the expanding of existing centres; (g) how many of the successful Small Projects Enabling Accessibility Funding applications went towards (i) renovating buildings, (ii) modifying vehicles, (iii) making information and communications more accessible; and (h) what is the value of the successful Small Projects Enabling Accessibility Funding applications that went towards (i) renovating buildings, (ii) modifying vehicles, (iii) making information and communication more accessible?
Q-5842 — November 2, 2009 — Mr. Rae (Toronto Centre) — With regard to the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, how many people did the Department employ in 2007, 2008 and 2009 in the following categories: (a) Canadian citizens employed by the Department in general; (b) Canadian diplomats stationed outside of Canada; (c) locally-engaged non-Canadian staff outside of Canada; and (d) all staff at the Departmental headquarters in Ottawa?
Q-5852 — November 2, 2009 — Mr. Clarke (Desnethé--Missinippi--Churchill River) — With respect to the use of government owned fleet of Challenger jets from January 1, 2000 until January 28, 2006: (a) how many times has the fleet been used; (b) what are the names and titles of the passengers present on each flight manifest; (c) who authorized each flight; (d) what were all of the departure points and destinations of these aircrafts; (e) what were the total operational costs associated with each of these flights; and (f) what were the total food and beverage costs associated with each flight?
Q-5862 — November 4, 2009 — Mr. Dryden (York Centre) — With regard to government magazine advertising: (a) how much has the government spent on promoting Canada’s Economic Action Plan through advertising in Newfoundland and Labrador; and (b) when was each advertisement published, and in which magazine?
Q-5872 — November 4, 2009 — Mr. Dryden (York Centre) — With regard to government magazine advertising: (a) how much has the government spent on promoting Canada’s Economic Action Plan through advertising in New Brunswick; and (b) when was each advertisement published, and in which magazine?
Q-5882 — November 4, 2009 — Mr. Dryden (York Centre) — With regard to government magazine advertising: (a) how much has the government spent on promoting Canada’s Economic Action Plan through advertising in Manitoba; and (b) when was each advertisement published, and in which magazine?
Q-5892 — November 4, 2009 — Ms. Chow (Trinity—Spadina) — With regard to temporary resident visa applications for both the applicant and the applicant’s Canadian host, what is the breakdown of the following admissibility criteria: (a) minimum salary range; (b) minimum income; and (c) property value in order to be granted a temporary visitor visa in the following visa office (i) Accra, (ii) Beijing, (iii) Chandigarh, (iv) Colombo, (v) Damascus, (vi) Harare, (vii) Havana, (viii) Hong Kong, (ix) Islamabad, (x) Lagos, (xi) Manila, (xii) New Delhi, (xiii) Port-au-Prince, (xiv) Shanghai, (xv) Tehran?
Q-5902 — November 5, 2009 — Mr. LeBlanc (Beauséjour) — Regarding the press conference held by the honourable Minister of Justice on October 20, 2009, at 11:00 a.m., at the Lord Elgin Hotel, what was the total cost breakdown?
Q-5912 — November 5, 2009 — Mr. LeBlanc (Beauséjour) — With regard to inmates who served at least one day of a term of imprisonment at Dorchester Penitentiary since 1990, what is the recidivism rate, broken down by year, for those who: (a) participated in the prison farm program; (b) did not participate in the prison farm program but in a different vocational program offered by CORCAN; and (c) did not participate in any program offered by CORCAN?
Q-5922 — November 5, 2009 — Ms. Neville (Winnipeg South Centre) — With regard to the Treasury Board and the Department of Finance: (a) what process is in place for gender based analysis on departmental policies in each department; (b) what measures are put in place to ensure gender based analysis is done on legislation in each department; (c) if a policy or legislation does not achieve gender parity through a gender based analysis what measures, if any, are taken to ensure the policy or legislation is gender appropriate in each department; (d) what measures are taken to ensure gender parity in policies or legislation in each department; (e) are gender based analysis on any policy or legislation conducted in each department and, if so, what is the content of those analysis; (f) how many staff are dedicated to do gender based analysis in each department; (g) to whom do staff in (f) report to in each department; and (h) what direction does each department give to staff on gender based analysis?
Q-5932 — November 12, 2009 — Ms. Minna (Beaches—East York) — With regard to the Labour Mobility Chapter of the Agreement on Internal Trade: (a) what actions has the government taken to ease the mobility of workers across provinces; (b) which occupations are specified in the Agreement for mobility of workers; (c) are the changes that came into effect April 1, 2009 permanent or temporary; (d) how many occupations will still require additional testing in order to move between provinces, and what are those occupations; (e) who was consulted regarding the changes that came into effect on April 1, 2009; and (f) has any province been found in violation of this Agreement between January 1, 2009 and November 5, 2009 and, if so, have any fines or penalties been imposed?
Q-5942 — November 12, 2009 — Ms. Minna (Beaches—East York) — With regard to the Employment Insurance (EI) program: (a) how many individuals applied for EI between September 1, 2008 and November 5, 2009; (b) what percentage of those were women, and what percentage of those women were denied EI; (c) what percentage of (a) were part-time workers and what percentage were full-time workers; (d) what percentage of (a) were the result of (i) job loss, (ii) parental leave, (iii) compassionate leave, (iv) maternity leave; and (e) how many individuals in (b) will receive extended benefits under the legislative changes proposed in Bill C-50, An Act to Amend the Employment Insurance Act?
Q-5952 — November 12, 2009 — Ms. Minna (Beaches—East York) — With regard to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program: (a) how many applications were approved for each year from 2005 to 2009; (b) how many violations were made in each of the years in (a) by (i) employers, (ii) workers; (c) what penalties were imposed for those violations; (d) what actions has the government taken to allow organized unions to employ a temporary foreign worker if the employer for which they came to Canada to work was found in violation or fired the worker; (e) what mechanism is in place for the government to protect the workers' rights once they have arrived in Canada; and (f) will employers that have been found in violation in the past be included on the black-list the government proposed on October 9, 2009?
Q-5962 — November 16, 2009 — Mr. McGuinty (Ottawa South) — With respect to funding for aid in the Horn of Africa Countries (Eritrea, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Somalia): (a) what is the government spending on development aid in each of the Horn of Africa countries, broken down by state, province, district and urban area; (b) what role is Canada taking in the training of security forces in each of the Horn of Africa countries, broken down by state, province, district and urban area; (c) what support, logistical or otherwise, is Canada providing to African Union forces; (d) what institutional and capacity building projects funded by Canada, directly or indirectly, are underway or under consideration in each of the Horn of Africa countries, broken down by state, province, district and urban area; (e) what are the overall Canadian aid levels or aid flows for each of the Horn of Africa countries, broken down by state, province, district and urban area; and (f) exhaustively, what bilateral and multilateral aid is provided by Canada in either the United Nations or any United Nations agencies or regional development banks such as the African Development Bank, including trust funds, for each of the Horn of Africa countries, broken down by state, province, district and urban area?
Q-5972 — November 16, 2009 — Mr. Davies (Vancouver Kingsway) — With respect to deaths related to actions by members of the RCMP: (a) for each of the last 20 years, how many deaths were in relation to (i) individuals being held in RCMP custody, (ii) inadvertent actions against bystanders, (iii) individuals being arrested by the RCMP, (iv) individuals fleeing RCMP custody; (b) in relation to these deaths, broken down by year and within each category, how many resulted in charges being laid against RCMP officers or officials; and (c) of these charges laid, broken down by year and within each category, how many charges (i) were dropped before prosecution, (ii) were prosecuted but did not result in a conviction, (iii) were prosecuted and did result in a conviction?
Q-5982 — November 17, 2009 — Ms. Chow (Trinity—Spadina) — With regard to the Toronto Port Authority (TPA), on a yearly basis and since its inception: (a) what amounts were incurred by the TPA on (i) public relations, (ii) lobbying; and (b) what is the breakdown of legal fees incurred by the TPA for (i) the TPA, (ii) senior executives, (iii) employees, with the justification for each legal fee amount spent?
Q-5992 — November 17, 2009 — Ms. Chow (Trinity—Spadina) — How much has the Toronto Port Authority spent, on a yearly basis, at the Harbour Sixty Steakhouse, broken down by (i) board members, staff and chief executive officer, (ii) meal, (iii) purpose or function, (iv) names of individuals or group representatives?
Q-6002 — November 18, 2009 — Mr. Garneau (Westmount—Ville-Marie) — With regard to the protection of intellectual property rights: (a) what measures is the government planning to implement in order to comply with the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement; and (b) when will these measures be presented?
Q-6012 — November 18, 2009 — Mr. Garneau (Westmount—Ville-Marie) — With regard to research and development (R&D): (a) what specific obligations, if any, did the government establish for General Motors and Chrysler to perform R&D activity in Canada when it agreed to provide each company with a financial rescue package in the spring of 2009; (b) what undertaking did each company provide to perform R&D in Canada; and (c) what percentage does their Canadian R&D activity represent with respect to their total R&D activity?
Q-6022 — November 18, 2009 — Mr. Garneau (Westmount—Ville-Marie) — With respect to the Strategic Aerospace and Defense Initiative (SADI): (a) what funds have been provided by Industry Canada annually from SADI since the inception of the program; and (b) what funds have been announced but not yet allocated at this time?
Q-6032 — November 18, 2009 — Mr. Reid (Lanark—Frontenac—Lennox and Addington) — With regard to the public reports which are issued by or on behalf of the RCMP, in which information is made public as to what took place each time a taser is fired or otherwise used to control a member of the public, both in the case of the incident of Adam Dormer, who was tasered on July 21 2007, and in all other cases since January 1, 2001: (a) what changes have been made, from time to time, with regard to the types of information being released, both in terms of types of information being withheld, which had previously been made public, and types of information being made public, which had previously been withheld; (b) what instructions were given to the individuals who prepared these reports, regarding the types of information which ought to be withheld or made public; (c) who issued any such instructions, and with whom did the instructions originate; and (d) has additional information been collected, which is not being released, on any of the following topics, (i) related injuries which took place during the tasering incident, (ii) the duration of the shocks, (iii) whether the individual who was tasered had been armed, (iv) whether the individual who was tasered was violent, combative or posed a risk of death or grievous bodily harm, (v) what alternative measures the police tried before resorting to a taser, (vi) whether the individual who was tasered was first given a verbal warning, (vii) whether the individual who was tasered had already been handcuffed or otherwise restrained?
Q-6042 — November 19, 2009 — Mrs. Mendes (Brossard—La Prairie) — Within the constituency of Roberval—Lac-Saint-Jean, what was the total amount of government funding since fiscal year 2005-2006 up to and including the current fiscal year, itemized according to (i) the date the money was received in the riding, (ii) the dollar amount of the expenditure, (iii) the program from which the funding came, (iv) the ministry responsible, (v) the designated recipient?
Q-6052 — November 19, 2009 — Mrs. Mendes (Brossard—La Prairie) — With respect to contracts under $10,000 granted by the Economic Development Agency for the Regions of Quebec since January 1, 2008, what are: (a) the names of the contractors; (b) the amounts of the contracts; (c) the dates of the contracts; (d) the dates of completion; and (e) the descriptions of the services provided?
Q-6062 — November 19, 2009 — Mr. D'Amours (Madawaska—Restigouche) — With regard to Service Canada offices in the riding of Madawaska—Restigouche, specifically Edmunston, Saint-Quentin, Campbellton and Dalhousie: (a) how many positions were there in each of these offices in 2006; (b) how many people held these positions; (c) how many positions were there in these offices as of November 18, 2009; and (d) how many people held these positions as of November 18, 2009?
Q-6082 — November 19, 2009 — Mr. D'Amours (Madawaska—Restigouche) — With regard to the Community Adjustment Fund of the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, up until November 18, 2009: (a) what amount has been allocated to each Atlantic province; (b) which projects have benefited from this funding, by province; (c) how much have these projects received, by province; and (d) in which city and constituency are these projects being carried out?
Q-6092 — November 19, 2009 — Mr. D'Amours (Madawaska—Restigouche) — With regard to the transitional measures for Employment Insurance economic regions: (a) will the economic regions change after April 10, 2010; and (b) will the transitional measures for the economic regions be completely eliminated after April 10, 2010?
Q-6102 — November 19, 2009 — Mrs. Simson (Scarborough Southwest) — With regard to the government's Economic Action Plan, for each announcement in the constituency of Scarborough Southwest: (a) what was (i) the date of announcement, (ii) the amount of stimulus spending announced, (iii) the department which announced it; and (b) was there a public event associated with the announcement and, if so, what was the cost of that event and which elected officials, if any, were invited to appear?
Q-6112 — November 19, 2009 — Mrs. Simson (Scarborough Southwest) — With respect to Canadian citizenship, from August 2007 to present: (a) what is the total number of permanent residents that became Canadian citizens each month; and (b) what were the dates of each citizenship ceremony, (i) what city did the ceremonies take place in, (ii) how many people were sworn in at each ceremony?
Q-6122 — November 19, 2009 — Mrs. Simson (Scarborough Southwest) — With regard to the Report of the administration of the Firearms Act for the year 2008: (a) what date was the report received by Public Safety Canada; (b) what date was the report received by the Minister’s office; (c) what date did the Minister of Public Safety receive the report; (d) who made the decision on which day the report was to be tabled in the House of Commons; (e) how many days was the report in the hands of the government before it was tabled; (f) did any other departments receive the report before it was table and, if so, what date was it received; and (g) was the report, or a briefing note on the report, given to any Members of Parliament before it was tabled and, if so, to whom and on what date?
Q-6132 — November 19, 2009 — Mrs. Simson (Scarborough Southwest) — With regard to applications for permanent residence processed by the Canadian High Commission in Nairobi: (a) how many spousal sponsorships, parental sponsorships and independent applicant cases have been received since the 2007-2008 fiscal year up to and including the current; (b) how many of the spousal sponsorships, parental sponsorships and independent applicants since the 2007-2009 fiscal year cases (i) were accepted, (ii) are still in process, (iii) have been refused, and for what reason; (c) what is the current length of time required to process the applications for (i) spousal sponsorships, (ii) parental sponsorships, (iii) independent applicants; (d) how many cases are in backlog and are or were the subject of enhanced security background checks; (e) how many staff are employed to process applications; and (f) what additional resources have been allocated to process the case backlog?
Q-6142 — November 19, 2009 — Mr. Julian (Burnaby—New Westminster) — With regard to the report entitled “Violence against organized unionized workers and teachers in Colombia 2000-2008”, produced by the Conflict Analysis Resource Centre and funded by the Global Fund for Peace and Security of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade: (a) what are the statistical findings, conclusions and recommendations of the report on (i) the torture, threats, killings of workers and citizens, including the chronological breakdown, (ii) the types of crimes and violence; (b) what were the judicial procedures enacted in each case; (c) who were those responsible for the reported crimes, violence and threats identified; (d) what were the convictions that resulted from related judicial procedures; and (e) why was the report not released by the government?
Q-6152 — November 19, 2009 — Ms. Foote (Random—Burin—St. George's) — With regard to the March 2008 agreement between the government and the Federation of Newfoundland Indians to establish a non-reserve Mi'kmaq band in the province: (a) how many Mi'kmaq have submitted their applications through the Qalipu First Nations Enrolment Committee; (b) how many Mi'kmaq have had their applications reviewed through the Qalipu First Nations Enrolment Committee; (c) have the Mi’kmaq requested and been granted an extension to the November 30th deadline; (d) how many enrolment offices are open in Newfoundland and Labrador; and (e) has the Minister requested additional branch offices to be open to enable those who wish to register to do so?
Q-6162 — November 23, 2009 — Mr. Dewar (Ottawa Centre) — With regard to Canada’s transfer of detainees to Afghan authorities, what are the names and positions of individuals who received the original or copies of the following documents: KANDH-0029; KANDH-0032; IDR-0512; correspondence between Richard Colvin and CEFCOM-J9 and CEFCOM-J3 from August 21 to September 19, 2006; KBGR-0118; KBGR-0121; KBGR-0160; KBGR-0258; "Detainee Diplomatic Contingency Plan", approved by Margaret Bloodworth, National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister, April 2007; KBGR-0261; KBGR-0263; KBGR-0265; KBGR-0267; KBGR-0269; KBGR-0271; May 3, 2007 unnumbered detainee report; May 4, 2007 additional unnumbered detainee report; KBGR-0274; KBGR-0275; KBGR-0291; KBGR-0292; June 21, 2007, KBGR on detainees; KBGR-0302; and KBGR-0321?
Q-6172 — November 23, 2009 — Mr. Harris (St. John's East) — With regard to search and rescue (SAR) operations: (a) how many SAR operation reports have been produced since 1980 by the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre in Halifax in accordance with chapter nine of the National Search and Rescue Manual; (b) since 1980, what incidents warranted a SAR operation report; (c) what have been the lessons learned, conclusions and recommendations from each report and what recommendations were adopted from each report; (d) what have been the details of the SAR operation from each report, including summary of significant decisions and timelines; (e) what is the criteria for warranting a SAR operation report; (f) what are the other methods of documenting SAR operations in the Atlantic region that have been used since 1980; and (g) what are the names of the comprehensive studies conducted by the Canadian Forces in 2003 and 2005 on the location of search and rescue assets, as referred to by the Parliamentary Secretary for the Minister of Defence on October 21, 2009, during Adjournment Proceedings in the House of Commons?
Q-6182 — November 23, 2009 — Mr. Scarpaleggia (Lac-Saint-Louis) — With respect to Ste. Anne's Hospital and veterans: (a) what is the hospital’s capacity in 2009 in terms of the total number of veterans who can be cared for on a full-time basis at any one time; (b) what was this capacity in each of the last 10 years; (c) what general and specialized care is offered to veterans at the hospital; (d) can the hospital accommodate patients suffering from every stage of Alzheimer's disease; (e) what are the eligibility criteria for admission to the hospital; (f) are veterans of Allied Forces who are now Canadian citizens eligible for admission to Ste-Anne's Hospital and, if so, do Canadian Forces veterans have priority over them; (g) how many Canadian and Allied Forces veterans, respectively, are currently under full-time care at the hospital; (h) how many Canadian and Allied Forces veterans, respectively, have been under full-time care at the hospital in each of the last 10 years; (i) is there currently a waiting list for admission to the hospital; and (j) how many Canadian and Allied Forces veterans, respectively, live in southwestern Quebec?
Q-6192 — November 24, 2009 — Mrs. Jennings (Notre-Dame-de-Grâce—Lachine) — With regard to the Airport Soundscape Consultative Committee for Montreal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport, of which Transport Canada is a member, and as a follow-up to the October 5, 2009 letter from the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities to the honourable Member from Notre-Dame-de-Grâce—Lachine: (a) what have been the exact measures implemented over the last 15 years by this Committee designed to minimize aircraft noise around Montreal’s airports; and (b) what impact have these measures had on minimizing aircraft noise around Montreal’s airports?
Q-6202 — November 24, 2009 — Mr. McTeague (Pickering—Scarborough East) — With regard to the provision of consular affairs, for the fiscal years 2005-2006 to 2008-2009: (a) what are all foreign missions operated by the government; and (b) what is the number of staff members tasked with the provision of consular services in each mission?
Q-6212 — November 24, 2009 — Mr. McTeague (Pickering—Scarborough East) — With respect to the use of the government owned fleet of Challenger jets since February 2006 and for each use of the aircraft: (a) what are the names and titles of the passengers present on the flight manifest; (b) what were all the departure and arrival points of the aircraft; (c) who requested access to the fleet; and (d) who authorized the flight?
Q-6222 — November 25, 2009 — Mr. McGuinty (Ottawa South) — With respect to consular services for Canadians abroad: (a) how many Canadians travel abroad every year without international health coverage; (b) is the government considering forcing Canadians to have health care coverage when they travel abroad; (c) how many consular assistance cases in the past 10 years are health-care related, broken down by country, detailing the total number of cases on any subject and indicating how many were health or medical issues; (d) how many of these cases as broken down in question (c) involved medical evacuations; (e) what were the specific costs of those medical evacuations, broken down by country; (f) what coverage is provided for Canadian government officials and their families when they are working abroad, and what exactly does that coverage entail (medical evacuations, hospitalization, etc.), broken down by country; (g) what is the cost of the coverage that is provided for these Canadian government officials and their families, broken down by country of service; (h) what company or companies are providing that coverage, by country; and (i) what criteria are considered in the selection of these providers, by country?
Q-6232 — November 25, 2009 — Mr. Bélanger (Ottawa—Vanier) — With respect to French-language training, for each of the fiscal years from 2005-2006 through 2008-2009: (a) how much was spent by the government on language training for new immigrants in each province and territory; and (b) what are the names of the third parties who received money for language training for new immigrants in each province and territory, and how much did each one receive?
Q-6242 — November 25, 2009 — Mr. Bélanger (Ottawa—Vanier) — With respect to English-language training, for each of the fiscal years from 2005-2006 through 2008-2009: (a) how much was spent by the government on language training for new immigrants in each province and territory; and (b) what are the names of the third parties who received money for language training for new immigrants in each province and territory, and how much did each one receive?
Q-6252 — November 25, 2009 — Mr. Bagnell (Yukon) — With regard to the proposed new Arctic Research Station: (a) what has been done to date in the creation of this research station; (b) where will it be located; (c) what is the cost for this new facility; (d) who is doing the design, architectural and construction work; (e) what will be the annual operating and research budget for the facility; (f) how many people will staff the facility with regard to (i) operating, (ii) research; (g) when will the facility open; and (h) who will head up the facility?
Q-6262 — November 26, 2009 — Mr. McCallum (Markham—Unionville) — With respect to the second year of the Treasury Board’s four-year cycle to review program spending and performance across the government and ensure value for money: (a) which 21 departments and agencies participated in the exercise and how much did each department or agency contribute towards the (i) $349 million identified for 2009-2010, (ii) $449 million identified for 2010–2011, (iii) $586 million identified for 2011–2012; and (b) for each of the participating departments and agencies, among what programs or services were the savings identified and in what amounts?
Q-6272 — November 26, 2009 — Mr. D'Amours (Madawaska—Restigouche) — With regard to the Community Development Trust Fund, up until November 18, 2009: (a) what amount has been allocated to each Atlantic province; (b) which projects have benefited from this funding, by province; (c) how much have these projects received, by province; (d) in which city and constituency are these projects being carried out?
Q-6282 — November 26, 2009 — Mrs. Jennings (Notre-Dame-de-Grâce—Lachine) — With regard to the vaccine for influenza A (H1N1): (a) what contractual agreements exist between the government and GlaxoSmithKline for the production of this vaccine; and (b) what contractual agreements exist between the federal government and any provincial government for the distribution of the vaccine?
Q-6292 — November 26, 2009 — Mrs. Jennings (Notre-Dame-de-Grâce—Lachine) — With regard to canola and canola-related products manufactured in Canada: (a) do these products contain any genetic use restriction technologies (GURT), also known as “terminator technologies”; and (b) have these products ever in the past contained any genetic use restriction technologies?
Q-6302 — November 26, 2009 — Mrs. Jennings (Notre-Dame-de-Grâce—Lachine) — With respect to the allegations of torture of Afghan detainees: (a) what briefing materials have been prepared on this issue, since January 2006, by (i) the Department of Foreign Affairs, (ii) the Department of National Defence; and (b) what briefing materials have been prepared on this issue for members of the Conservative caucus, since January 2006, in preparation for meetings of (i) the Special Committee on the Canadian Mission in Afghanistan, (ii) the Standing Committee on National Defence?
Q-6312 — November 27, 2009 — Mr. Cullen (Skeena—Bulkley Valley) — With regard to Canada's supply of fossil fuels: (a) what are Natural Resources Canada's estimates of Canada's total fossil fuel supplies recoverable under present economic conditions; (b) what are the government's estimates of international supplies of recoverable fossil fuels; (c) what are the government's estimates for the peaking of Canadian fossil fuel production; and (d) what are the government's estimates for the peaking of international fossil fuel production?

1 Requires Oral Answer
2 Response requested within 45 days