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ENVI Committee Report

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Mr. Mark Warawa, M.P
The Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development
House of Commons
Ottawa ON  K1A 0A6

Dear Colleague:

The Government of Canada would like to thank the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development (the Standing Committee) for its work on the statutory review of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.  The review provided an important opportunity to hear from stakeholders on a key piece of environmental legislation.

I have reviewed the recommendations put forward by the Standing Committee in its report “Statutory Review of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act: Protecting the Environment, Managing our Resources.”  I was very pleased to see that many of the Standing Committee’s recommendations are aligned with the Responsible Resource Development initiative, proposed in the Economic Action Plan 2012. Responsible Resource Development is about making the review process more predictable and timely, reducing duplication and regulatory burden, providing more effective environmental protection, and enhancing consultations with Aboriginal peoples.

As you are aware, the Minister of Finance introduced Bill C-38,  the Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act on April 26, 2012.  Included in this bill is a proposed Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 that will achieve the goal of one project, one review, in a clearly defined time period. 

The Government believes that the Standing Committee’s recommendations are addressed through this proposed legislation, and therefore does not intend to take any additional action to address the Standing Committee’s recommendations.  Therefore, pursuant to Standing Order 109, I am tabling this letter in Parliament as the Government’s response to the Standing Committee’s report.

Thank you again for the work accomplished by the Standing Committee in relation to the statutory review of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.


The Honourable Peter Kent, P.C., M.P.