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OGGO Committee Report

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Mr. Pierre-Luc Dussault
Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

Dear Mr. Dussault:

Pursuant to House of Commons Standing Order 109, on behalf of the Government of Canada, I am pleased to provide the Government Response to the Fifth Report of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates entitled, “Open Data: The Way of the Future.”

Open data is an important priority for the Government as it increases transparency and spurs innovation and economic growth. Through its open data initiative, the Government has established foundational elements that enable the effective delivery of federal open data. Our work with other Canadian governments and with our international colleagues in the G8 and the Open Government Partnership aims to foster consistency and standardization of open data services to the benefit of citizens around the world.

The Government welcomes the recommendations outlined in the Standing Committee’s report for improving open data and open data services. They are consistent with feedback received through recent public consultations and will inform the implementation of activities within the next version of Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government. To be published this fall, the Action Plan will include mandatory policies for driving the effective release of open data, initiatives to encourage Canadians to unlock the value of open data, and collaborative activities with other jurisdictions to align open data services.

The Government is committed to ensuring Canada remains a world leader in the delivery of open data and open data services. I would like to thank you and the members of the Standing Committee again for your important work.



The Honourable Tony Clement, P.C., M.P.
President of the Treasury Board