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The Debates are the report—transcribed, edited, and corrected—of what is said in the House. The Journals are the official record of the decisions and other transactions of the House. The Order Paper and Notice Paper contains the listing of all items that may be brought forward on a particular sitting day, and notices for upcoming items.

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Notice Paper

No. 168

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

10:00 a.m.

Introduction of Government Bills

Introduction of Private Members' Bills

Notices of Motions (Routine Proceedings)


Q-10052 — February 2, 2015 — Ms. Murray (Vancouver Quadra) — With regard to military base CFB Petawawa: since 2007, (i) what are the names and ridings of Members of Parliament who have visited the base, (ii) what are the dates when the Members visited, (iii) what were the purposes of the visits, (iv) what were the costs associated with each Members' visit?
Q-10062 — February 2, 2015 — Mr. Garneau (Westmount—Ville-Marie) — With regard to contracts under $10 000 granted by Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada since April 1, 2014: what are the (a) vendors' names; (b) contracts' reference numbers; (c) dates of the contracts; (d) descriptions of the services provided; (e) delivery dates; (f) original contracts' values; and (g) final contracts' values if different from the original contracts' values?
Q-10072 — February 2, 2015 — Ms. Bennett (St. Paul's) — With regard to contracts under $10 000 granted by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada since March 27, 2014: what are the (a) vendors' names; (b) contracts' reference numbers; (c) dates of the contracts; (d) descriptions of the services provided; (e) delivery dates; (f) original contracts' values; and (g) final contracts' values if different from the original contracts' values?
Q-10082 — February 2, 2015 — Mr. Regan (Halifax West) — With regard to natural resources: what are the names, titles, and file numbers of any reports, memoranda, briefing notes, dockets, or studies, which have been written, produced, or submitted to any department, agency, or crown corporation since January 1, 2011, pertaining to the economic risks or potential economic risks related to or deriving from (i) changes in ownership of natural resource projects or developments in Canada, (ii) foreign ownership of natural resource projects or developments in Canada, (iii) state-owned corporation investment in or ownership of natural resource development in Canada?
Q-10092 — February 2, 2015 — Mr. Regan (Halifax West) — With respect to government advertising: (a) for each television advertisement that was aired during the annual championship game of the National Football League, otherwise known as Super Bowl XLIX, which occurred on Sunday, February 1, 2015, and was televised in Canada on the CTV television network, what is the (i) identification number, name, or ADV number, (ii) number of times each advertisement was aired during the broadcast, including the pre-game programming, beginning at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, specifying the total number of times and the total length of time for each individual advertisement, (iii) total cost to air each advertisement, (iv) criteria used to select each of the advertisement placements; (b) did any government advertising run on any other Canadian television outlet during the same time-period that the Super Bowl aired on CTV Network; (c) if the answer in (b) is affirmative, what was the total cost to air each advertisement, broken down by the outlet on which it aired, and what criteria were used to select each of the advertisement placements; and (d) if the answer in (b) is negative, were advertisements specifically withheld during the Super Bowl game?
Q-10102 — February 2, 2015 — Mr. MacAulay (Cardigan) — With regard to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans' Small Craft Harbours program, what is the amount and percentage of all lapsed spending, broken down by year from 2006 to 2013?

Notices of Motions for the Production of Papers

Business of Supply

Opposition Motion
February 2, 2015 — Ms. Nash (Parkdale—High Park) — That the House call on the government to take immediate action to build a balanced economy, support the middle class and encourage manufacturing and small business job creation by: (a) extending the accelerated capital cost allowance by two years; (b) reducing the small business income tax rate from 11% to 10% immediately, and then to 9% when finances permit; and (c) introducing an Innovation Tax Credit to support investment in machinery, equipment and property to further innovation and increase productivity.

Government Business

Private Members' Notices of Motions

M-561 — February 2, 2015 — Mr. Larose (Repentigny) — That, in the opinion of the House: (a) the introduction of omnibus budget implementation bills is undemocratic, does not give Parliament enough time for review, and prevents Members from fulfilling their parliamentary responsibility to their constituents; (b) any omnibus budget implementation bill that proposes substantial amendments should be divided among the appropriate committees; and (c) omnibus budget implementation bills should be studied exclusively by the Standing Committee on Finance only if the proposed amendments are minor, technical or corrective.

Private Members' Business

C-586 — January 26, 2015 — Mr. Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) — Consideration at report stage of Bill C-586, An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act and the Parliament of Canada Act (candidacy and caucus reforms), as reported by the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs with amendments.
Pursuant to Standing Order 86(3), jointly seconded by:
Mr. Stewart (Burnaby—Douglas) — April 8, 2014
Committee Report — presented on Monday, January 26, 2015, Sessional Paper No. 8510-412-170.
Report and third reading stages — limited to 2 sitting days, pursuant to Standing Order 98(2).
Motion for third reading — may be made in the same sitting, pursuant to Standing Order 98(2).
C-518 — January 26, 2015 — Mr. Williamson (New Brunswick Southwest) — Resuming consideration at report stage of Bill C-518, An Act to amend the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (withdrawal allowance), as reported by the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs with amendments.
Resuming debate on the motions in Group No. 1.
Committee Report — presented on Wednesday, November 5, 2014, Sessional Paper No. 8510-412-133.
Report and third reading stages — limited to 2 sitting days, pursuant to Standing Order 98(2).
Motion for third reading — may be made in the same sitting, pursuant to Standing Order 98(2).
Report stage motions — see “Report Stage of Bills” in today's Notice Paper.
Debate — 1 hour remaining, pursuant to Standing Order 98(2).
Voting — not later than the expiry of the time provided for debate, pursuant to Standing Order 98(4).
To be added to the business of the House on a day fixed by the Speaker, pursuant to Standing Order 30(7) — January 28, 2015
Designated day — Tuesday, February 3, 2015, immediately after the scheduled Private Members' Business for that day.

2 Response requested within 45 days