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OGGO Committee Report

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As a result of their deliberations, committees may make recommendations which they include in their reports for the consideration of the House of Commons or the Government. In relation to this study, the Committee recommends that:

Recommendation 1

The Government of Canada regularly update its policy and directive on government communications and advertising and ensure it remains relevant to address the challenges associated with continually evolving communications.

Recommendation 2

The Government of Canada increase advertising purchasing for weekly, multicultural and community newspapers and other local media, so that the government meets the stated directive that communications are responsive to the diverse information needs of the public.

Recommendation 3

The Government of Canada ensure that the medium of government advertising appropriately reflects the target audience.

Recommendation 4

The Government of Canada explore having departments and agencies establish performance indicators to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising activities for all advertising campaigns, similar to those in private industry, involving both traditional media and digital media, and that the results of these evaluations be publicly reported through its annual report on advertising.

Recommendation 5

The Government of Canada regularly assess and review its definition of the term "non-partisan communications" and update it as required.

Recommendation 6

The Government of Canada require that, where possible, all advertising campaigns be reviewed by a third party during by-elections to ensure non-partisan advertising.

Recommendation 7

The Government of Canada review its threshold, which requires that advertising campaigns above $500,000 be reviewed by a third party, in order to take into account the average budget of digital campaigns.

Recommendation 8

The Government of Canada establish what requirements should apply to any site accessed through a “first click” – the hyperlink that users first click on in advertising in digital media and in featured links to the Internet in traditional media.

Recommendation 9

The Government of Canada continue the practice of having the evaluation of government advertising campaigns performed by a competent external authority.

Recommendation 10

The Government of Canada create an online repository for government digital advertising campaigns and activities, including those on social media platforms, to ensure that Canadians have access to these campaigns and activities.