Member's Expenditures Report

Wednesday, April 1, 2015 to Thursday, March 31, 2016

Expenditure by Member

Nantel, Pierre
Member Status Constituency name Constituency size Number of electors
Nantel, Pierre Active Longueuil—Saint-Hubert 56  km² 85,972

Member's Expenditures Report
Member's Budgets ($) Member's Budgets ($) Resources Provided by the House ($) Travel Points Total ($)
Reg. Spec. U.S.A.
1-Employees' salaries  206,105.60  -    206,105.60
2-Service Contracts  1,128.68  -    1,128.68
3-Travel  -  -    -
Member 60.00 2,125.45 6.0 1.0 - 2,185.45
Designated traveller - -   -
Dependants - -   -
Employees 2,330.50 1,956.21 8.0 1.0 - 4,286.71
Member's accommodation expenses 639.31 -   639.31
Member's per diem expenses 2,208.95 -   2,208.95
Member's secondary residence expenses 9,315.68 -   9,315.68
4-Hospitality  4,293.49  -    4,293.49
5-Gifts  178.96  -    178.96
6-Advertising  22,076.05  -    22,076.05
7-Printing  -  -    -
Householders - 6,090.00   6,090.00
Ten percenters - 5,405.37   5,405.37
Other printing related expenses 1,746.14 -   1,746.14
8-Offices  -  -    -
Constituency office leases, insurance and utilities 37,357.62 -   37,357.62
Furniture, furnishing and equipment purchases 1,214.53 -   1,214.53
Equipment rentals 244.70 -   244.70
Informatics and telecommunication equipment purchases - -   -
Telecommunication services 4,403.90 4,906.70   9,310.60
Repairs and maintenance 269.43 -   269.43
Postage and courier services 909.01 -   909.01
Materials and supplies 1,625.08 1,145.74   2,770.82
Training 410.00 -   410.00
STATUS: Active - Member throughout fiscal year; DE - Deceased; NR - Not re-elected; NE - Newly elected; NSR - Not seeking re-election; RS - Resigned; NEB - Newly elected in by-election