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Message from the Speaker

Official portrait of the Speaker of the House of Commons
Hon. Anthony Rota, M.P.
Speaker of the House of Commons

As Speaker of the House of Commons and head of the House of Commons Administration, I am proud to present the Report to Canadians 2021 for fiscal year 2020–2021.

This annual report allows us to share important information about the day-to-day work of our elected officials, both on Parliament Hill and in their ridings. The 2020–2021 fiscal year has been an exceptional one, marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the past 12 months, Members of Parliament have adapted—more than ever before—to a changing work environment while providing ongoing support to their constituents.

The introduction of hybrid proceedings and voting was a significant change. The Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, which is responsible for, among other things, reviewing the rules and practices of the House and its committees, examined this matter at length. Issues such as providing access to simultaneous interpretation and ensuring that all Members could participate in proceedings and voting were critical. To determine how best to provide the House with a safe and effective way to work remotely, the Administration reached out to industry leaders, national and international security partners, and several of its counterparts to share information and advice. The Report to Canadians 2021 details the many steps that went into making hybrid House proceedings possible.

While these changes were being made to allow the House to function during the pandemic, Members' work in their ridings continued. Notably, Members were very busy helping constituents navigate the various programs put in place to support Canadians during the pandemic. They also continued to provide assistance and advice to their constituents with respect to accessing federal programs and services; advocating for local residents; maintaining their community involvement; and communicating the needs of their region to the government. Members worked from home more often, which gave them the opportunity to be more present in their ridings over the past few months and to have more direct—yet appropriately distanced—contact with their constituents.

The new reality to which the House and its Members have had to adjust is nevertheless well established. We were patient: we knew that the first steps of a virtual parliament would be works in progress and that things would not work perfectly the first time. But we also knew that we would learn from our mistakes and that everyone would improve the process over time. While it has been challenging, the past year has allowed the House of Commons to demonstrate its agility and to continue to support a strong democracy.

In a sense, the following pages tell the story of this extraordinary year. Thank you for taking an interest in the workings of the House of Commons and for taking the time to learn more about your parliamentary democracy.

Hon. Anthony Rota, M.P.

Signature of the Speaker of the House of Commons