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Message from the Speaker

Honourable Greg Fergus, M.P. Speaker of the House of Commons
Hon. Greg Fergus, M.P.
Speaker of the House of Commons

Each year, the Report to Canadians showcases the work of the House of Commons. While adapting to changing times, Members of Parliament serve their constituents and preserve parliamentary democracy with the support of the House of Commons Administration. The Administration ensures that Members of Parliament have the support they need to represent and serve Canadians. As well, the House of Commons Administration has improved procedures and communications to be more transparent.

More than ever, we want to communicate openly so that Canadians can follow and participate in the work of the House and its Members. Accessibility is a big part of this effort. For example, certain seats in the House galleries now have a live transcription system so that people who are deaf or hard of hearing can better follow proceedings in both official languages. We also made changes to allow Members to participate in House and committee proceedings in person or remotely. An electronic voting application also allows them to vote remotely when necessary. These measures were put in place during the pandemic, but they are now permanent features. They allow Members more flexibility so that they can work efficiently either from their constituencies or from Parliament Hill.

Our work wouldn’t be possible without the support of the House Administration. It is with great professionalism that it anticipates and responds to the needs of Members. I hope that you’ll find this report informative and that you’ll have the opportunity to visit the House of Commons in the coming months.

Hon. Greg Fergus, M.P.

Signature of the Honourable Greg Fergus, M.P. Speaker of the House of Commons.