The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Mergers see Railways
Merit principle see Employment equity
Meritorious Service Cross (Military Division) see Hoppe, Sergeant Thomas
Merville, B.C. see Postal service
Messengers see House of Commons
Metal mining liquid effluent regulations see Mining industry
Météo Media see Television, cable--French language channels
Methadone see Drug addicts
Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether see Gasoline/automotive fuels--Additives, MMT
Methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl see MMT
Métis land claims see Aboriginal land claims--Sahtu; Sahtu Dene and Métis Land Claim Settlement Act (Bill C-16)
Métis organizations
Government grants, financial statements, deficit position, qu., 9696
Métis Society of Saskatchewan
Census, racially based, 6456
>>Expenditures, funding arrangements, etc., irregularities, Deloitte & Touche
draft audit, o.q., 3048-9, 3161-2, 3333-4, 7233
>>LeClair, Marc, relationship, o.q., 3334
>>Programs, Canadian Heritage Department funding, 6455-6
>>See also Saskatchewan Métis Nation
Chiapas, Zapatista National Liberation Army, truce, Mexican government,
proposing, S.O. 31, 9648
>>Colosio, Luis Donaldo, presidential candidate, assassination
>>>o.q., 2743
>>>S.O. 31, 2735
>>Elections, Aug. 21/94, democracy, strengthening, NAFTA, role, S.O. 31, 6080
>>Human rights, o.q., 15705-6
>>Model forest, Canada funding, NAFTA agreement, o.q., 1688-9
>>See also Canada Council--Visiting foreign artists program;
Migratory birds--Species protection;
Organization of American States--Summit;
Trade--Human rights;
Waterfowl--North American Waterfowl Management Plan
Mexico City see Canada Expo 1994 Trade Fair
Meyer, Joan see Farm Credit Corporation--Board of Directors
Miami, FL see Organization of American States--Summit
MICC see Mortgage Insurance Company of Canada
Michael Smith Award see Education, post-secondary, Science and technology promotion
Michelin Tires Canada Limited
Nova Scotia plant, S.O. 31, 3040
Michigan, U.S.A. see Air pollution--Emission standards; Border crossings--Manitoulin Island; Trade--United States
Micro business loans see Small business--Capital, access, Business Development Bank of Canada
MicroCell 1-2-1
Personal communications system, S.O. 31, 9142
Microfilm see Publishing industry--Publications
Middle class see Taxation
Middle East
Infrastructure, rebuilding, Canadian companies role, 17543-4
>>>o.q., 14818
>>Israel-Jordan peace accord, S.O. 31, 7306
>>Israel-Palestine Liberation Organization, self-government agreement
>>>Negotiations, S.O. 31, 635
>>>Peacekeeping operations, Canadian participation, S.O. 31, 1912
>>>Prime Minister Rabin/PLO Chairman Arafat, Nobel Peace Prize nomination,
S.O. 31, 380
>>>S.O. 31, 3947-8, 3991-2
>>>West Bank, Palestinian autonomy agreement, Sept. 24/95, S.O. 31, 14806
>>Peace process
>>>Canadian role, participation, 2260
>>>o.q., 16244
>>>Refugees, relationship, o.q., 16244
>>>S.O. 31, 6896, 7224
>>>See also Israel--Rabin, Yitzhak
>>Soldiers missing in action, S.O. 31, 1098-9
>>See also Israel
Midland, Ont. see Industrial Research and Development Institute
Midwifery see Health care
Mifflin, Hon. Fred (L--Bonavista--Trinity--Conception; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of National Defence and Minister of Veterans Affairs from December 6, 1993 to Janurary 24, 1996; Minister of Fisheries and Oceans as of January 25, 1996)
- >>Aboriginal land claims, 10824
>>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, 15061
>>Atlantic Groundfish Strategy, 4535-8, 15060-1
>>Bonavista--Trinity--Conception constituency, 2764-5
>>Bosnia-Herzegovina, 305-6, 5986, 8961, 15606
>>>M. (Collenette), 11236-8
>>>M. (Collenette), 17126-7, 17131-2, 17147, 17150-1, 17159, 17163, 17173
>>>M. (Ouellet), 3355-6
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (B. Mills), 12943-5
>>>o.q., 11344, 13527, 15044, 15600, 16832-3
>>Canada's Defence Policy Special Joint Committee, 16595
>>>M., 5731
>>Canadian Airborne Regiment, 16655, 17419-20
>>>o.q. 15215
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 1485-6, 1491-2, 1530, 5584, 6292, 10822, 10873-5, 10879-83, 10891, 11533, 16589, 16625, 17268-9
>>>o.q., 6259, 9002, 12375, 15290, 15293, 15701-2, 16834
>>>qu., 4620, 5826, 11414-5, 11998
>>>Reserve units, The Special Commission on the Restructuring to the Reserves, tabled, 16283
>>>S.O. 31, 7093
>>Cod, 1335
>>Communications Security Establishment, M. (Lee), 10816-8
>>Criminal Code, 1333
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--force) and Coastal Fisheries Protection Act (amdt.--force)(Bill C-8), 1333-7
>>Croatia, o.q., 11344
>>Cruise missile testing, 1416-7
>>Defence equipment, 1524
>>>M. on supply (Jacob), 16588-90, 16594-8, 16624-5
>>>o.q., 10713, 10950, 11344
>>>qu., 5827, 16197
>>Defence expenditures, 10906, 16589, 16625
>>Defence industry, 1524, 1526, 16625
>>Defence policy, 10866, 16596
>>>M. (Collenette), 1482-7, 1491-2, 1524, 1526, 1530
>>>o.q., 2485
>>Defence research, qu., 13815
>>Department of Labour Act (amdt.)(Bill C-30), 4535-9
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, 9312-4
>>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Suspension Act, 1994 (Bill C-18), 2764-5
>>Euthanasia, petitions, 11846, 12118
>>Fisheries, 1334-7, 15060
>>Fisheries, Atlantic, 1225, 4535-8
>>>S.O. 31, 3699
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, 1217-8, 17423
>>Government expenditures, 1224
>>Grain transportation, 7969
>>Granger, Hon. Charles R., S.O. 31, 11933
>>Homemakers magazine, o.q., 15644
>>House of Commons, 358
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--medical expenses--disabled senior citizens)(Bill C-282), 9312-4
>>Information highway, 3792
>>International Development Week, 1995, S.O. 31, 6770
>>International relations, 291
>>Intervenor Funding Act (Bill C-339), 16351-2
>>Marine research, 15060
>>MIL Davie Inc., 3266-7
>>Multiple Sclerosis, 10821
>>National Defence Department, 5138-9, 11533, 13796-7, 16596-7, 17423
>>>M. on supply (Frazer), 10865-6, 10873-5, 10879-83, 10887, 10890-1, 10906, 10910
>>>o.q., 6257-8, 15213, 15605
>>National security, 1484-5
>>National Veterans Week, S.O. 31, 16359
>>Newfoundland, 4536-7
>>>S.O. 31, 7926
>>Oceans Act (Bill C-98), 15060-1
>>Peacekeeping, 1484, 17131
>>>M. (Ouellet), 288, 290-2, 305-6
>>>M. (Ouellet), 5986-7
>>Peacekeeping Act (Bill C-295), 11915-6
>>Police, 1333-4
>>Political parties, M. (Plamondon), 2511-2
>>>Debate, 2751
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 15606
>>>Question and comment period, 1487, 17124
>>>Sittings of the House, 282, 358
>>>Speeches, 288, 358, 398, 16588
>>Public Accounts Standing Committee, 1225
>>References, 337
>>Rwanda, o.q., 4862
>>Search and rescue, 1216
>>Small business, 207-8
>>>M. (Gagliano), 7757-8
>>Somalia, 10866, 10887, 10910, 16655, 17419
>>>o.q., 10715, 14320, 15213, 15341-2
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jackson), 207-8
>>Tobacco/cigarettes, 1955
>>Turkey, o.q., 10950
>>Unemployment, 4536
>>Unemployment insurance, 4538
>>Veterans, 12299
>>Veterans' benefits, 7891-2; 12298-9, 12307-10
>>Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act (Bill C-67), 12298-9, 12303-4, 12307-10
>>VIA Rail Canada Inc., 7968-9
>>Westray coal mine, 17419
>>Wheat, 16658
>>Women, S.O. 31, 15477
Migrant workers
Seasonal employment, S.O. 31, 2736
Migration see Regional disparities--Equalization payments, Alternative
Migratory birds
Biodiversity, maintaining, 3788, 5228
>>Breeding grounds
>>>Access, restricting during breeding season, 3777
>>>Columbia River wetlands, 3779
>>>Expanding, 5230
>>>Nisutlin River Delta, Yukon, designation, 3787
>>Canada geese, migratory flyways, changing, 3788-90
>>Conservation enforcement officers
>>>Aboriginal games wardens, 5235
>>>Designation, process, simplification, 3777, 3782, 5230-3
>>>Powers, expanding, 5239
>>>Skills training, 5231-2
>>Definition, updating, legislation (Bill C-23), 3777, 3781, 5239
>>Eggs, harvesting, aboriginal treaty rights, 3783-4, 5228-9, 5234, 5237
>>Endangered species
>>>List, bobwhite, king rail and Acadian flycatcher, additions, 5230
>>>Recovery, strategy, 3784
>>Extinction, threat, 3778, 5233-4,
>>Flyways, 3784
>>>Agricultural lands, crop damage, 3789-91
>>>Canadian Wildlife Service Latin America Program, 3777, 3784-5
>>>Columbia River wetlands, 3779
>>>Destruction, 5230, 5239
>>>Preservation, forest industry, co-operation, 3780
>>>Protection, 5238
>>>Snow goose, Cap-Tourmente, Que., preservation, 3787
>>>Songbirds, tree harvesting, impact, 3784, 5230
>>>Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network, 3785
>>>Closed season, aboriginal treaty rights, 3783-4, 5228-30, 5234-7
>>>Regulating, 3776, 3780-1, 5228, 5233
>>Legislation (Bill C-23), passage, government pushing, 5234-6
>>Names, french translations, 5232
>>National heritage, relationship, 3781, 5231
>>Poaching, penalties, increased fines and jail sentences, 3777-8, 3781-2,
3787-8, 5229, 5231, 5233-5, 5237-9
>>>Decline, deforestation impact, 3778
>>>Monitoring, 3784
>>>Passenger pigeons, decline, 3788
>>>Pesticides and herbicides, use, impact, 3788
>>>Sustainable levels, maintaining, 3777, 3784, 5228, 5233
>>Sanctuaries, establishment, 3776, 3781, 5228, 5233
>>>Glengarry--Prescott--Russell constituency, 3790
>>Sea birds, commercial fisheries, impact, 3784
>>Species protection, Canada-United States Migratory Bird Convention, 3784
>>>Aboriginal peoples, partnership, 3784, 5229
>>>Amending, procedures, 3784, 5230, 5238
>>>>Parliament review, lack, 5234-5
>>>Birdquest program, 3785
>>>Canadian Wildlife Service, role, 3784-5
>>>Embryos, sperm and tissue cultures, including, 3778, 3781, 5229, 5231, 5239
>>>Environment Department mandate, 5233
>>>Federal-provincial-territorial co-operation, 3777, 3782, 3785-6, 5230, 5233
>>>Joint projects, 3785
>>>Mexico, Central and South America, including, 3782, 5233
>>>Public opinion, 3788
>>>Regulations, consultations, lack, 5232
>>>Updating, legislation (Bill C-23), consultations, 3776-8, 3783, 5228-9,
5231, 5237, 5239
>>>Violations, penalties, increases, 3777
>>Swans, trumpeter, tundra and whistling, 3779, 3787
>>Trafficking and commercialization, prohibition, 3776, 3784, 5231, 5233, 5235
>>>International conventions, need, 3779
>>>Penalties, 3777, 3781-2, 3788, 5228-9, 5231, 5234-5, 5237-9
>>>Southeast Asia, 3778-9
>>>World Wide Fund for Nature study, 3778
Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 (Bill C-23)--Minister of the
Environment (Copps)
First reading, 3447
>>Second reading, 3776-91
>>>Agreed to, 3791
>>Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 3791
>>>Reported, with amdts., 4907
>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Copps), agreed to, 5227
>>Third reading, 5227-40
>>>Agreed to, 5240, passed.
>>Royal Assent, 5781. Chap. 22, S.C. 1994
>>See also Migratory birds--Definition--Species protection;
MIL Davie Inc.
Business plan
>>>$135 million additional funding, General Investment Corporation approval,
o.q., 3996-7, 4059, 4131-2, 5213, 5305, 10389-90
>>>Government approving, 3964-5
>>Lauzon, Que., shipyard, 605, 3054,
3339, 3963, 4068, 4489
>>>Closure, report, recommending, o.q., 8630-1
>>>Lay-offs, 13410, 17451-2
>>>>o.q., 7805
>>>o.q., 385-6, 1428-9, 3651, 3763-4, 3996-7, 5305, 7805-7, 8697-8, 11985
>>>S.O. 31, 19, 786, 2037, 2969, 7803-4
>>SMART ships, development/construction contract, requesting, 1949, 3039,
3265-7, 3475-6, 3906, 3930-1, 3962-4, 3977-8, 4068, 4489, 4794, 6120
>>>o.q., 2485, 2931, 3763-4, 3881, 4059, 4131-2, 5213, 10389
>>See also Hibernia development project--Contracts;
Magdalen Islands--Ferry service;
Unemployment insurance--Budget, Feb. 22/94
Miles, Johnny
Marathon runner, award winner, 90th birthday, S.O. 31, 15917-8
Military Colleges
Collège militaire royal, Saint-Jean, Que., closure, Budget, Feb. 22/94,
measure, 1745-6, 1759, 1764, 1790, 1792, 1904, 1926, 1949-50, 2049, 2051, 2091,
2158-9, 2276, 3022-4, 3054, 3072, 3479, 3481-2, 3908, 3977, 6461, 6464, 7620,
7637, 10316-7, 10532, 10906-7, 16584
>>>Bloc Québécois proposal
>>>>Defence expenditures, reduction, position, "hypocritical", Finance
Minister P. Martin remarks, o.q., 2737
>>>>o.q., 2353-4
>>>Castonguay Committee recommendations, o.q., 4820
>>>CFB Chilliwack, B.C., school, move to Saint-Jean, Que., 16584
>>>Civilian use, conversion to post-secondary educational institution,
transition period, o.q., 8171-2, 8478, 8547-8, 9059
>>>Cost savings, hasty calculations, o.q., 8169-70
>>>Decision, reversing, S.O. 31, 7176
>>>Economic diversification assistance, 6692
>>>>o.q., 6561
>>>Facilities, leasing, $1 per year, Quebec government, negotiations, o.q.,
2217-8, 2288-90, 2353, 3957, 6855, 8751-2
>>>Federal-provincial agreement, o.q., 7231, 7804-5, 8116-7
>>>>Smereka, Saint-Jean mayor, proposal
>>>>>o.q., 8995-6, 9059
>>>>>S.O. 31, 8994
>>>>Transition period, o.q., 7929
>>>Financial compensation, 16630
>>>Moratorium, requesting, o.q., 2544-5, 7804-5, 7854-5
>>>Official languages policy/bilingualism, 16629-30
>>>o.q., 1727-8, 1796-7, 2042, 2124, 2174, 2217-8, 2434, 3572, 4348, 4465-6,
4858-9, 4866, 6855, 7726-7, 8938, 10073, 15872
>>>Royal Military College, Kingston, Ont., alternative, francophones
in the Canadian Armed Forces, implications, 1924-5, 3072
>>>>Commandant, COL Marcel Parisien, opinion, o.q., 8115-6
>>>>o.q., 1796-7, 1853-5, 1915-6, 1994-5, 7983, 12796
>>>Saint-Honoré gliding school, transfer to, study, o.q., 8883-4
>>>S.O. 31, 1719, 1850, 1913-4, 2214, 2285, 2926, 7028, 9053-4, 9817
>>>Students, debating competition win, S.O. 31, 2926
>>>Teaching staff, relocation, o.q., 4988
>>>Université de Sherbrooke proposal, o.q., 4988
>>>See also Defence equipment--Armoured personnel carriers
>>Officer cadet training, costs, comparison, S.O. 31, 4983
>>Royal Military College, Kingston, Ont.
>>>Additional cadets, accommodating, o.q., 7805
>>>Commandant, BGen Charles Émond, transfer from Collège militaire royal,
Saint-Jean, Que., 3480
>>>>o.q., 3572
>>>Facilities, additional constructing, o.q., 8038, 8115-7
>>>Fully bilingual teaching institution, 10906-7, 16584-5
>>>>Action plan, 3479-81
>>>>Information, Internet access, English only, o.q., 12540
>>>>o.q., 1797, 2672, 3572, 7314, 7634, 7929, 12540
>>>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Officer training;
>>>Officer cadets
>>>>Francophones/anglophones, percentage, 3480
>>>>Second languages training, 3480
>>>Reorganization, costs, o.q., 1856
>>>Site, francophones considering, o.q., 4578
>>>Students, staff, transfer, welcome, S.O 31, 4574-5
>>Royal Roads Military College, Victoria, B.C., closure, Feb. 22/94 Budget
measure, 1745, 1764, 14126, 16630
>>>Financial compensation, 16630
>>>o.q., 1796, 2175, 8553, 8943
>>>Property development, S.O. 31, 17081
>>>Property disposal, S.O. 31, 12713
Military decorations and medals
Delays in establishing, 12555
Military/paramilitary weapons see Gun control/guns
Military Training Assistance Program see Canadian Armed Forces--Foreign countries
Militia see Canadian Armed Forces
And cream export levies, replacing with pooling of market returns from
different classes, national milk-pricing system, 11449, 11492, 12667-70,
12682-12701, 12730-45, 14062-7, 14178-9, 14190-209
>>>Jurisdiction, 14062-7
>>>Legislation see Canadian Dairy Commission Act (amdt.)(Bill C-86)
>>Bovine somatotropin hormone, production stimulant, use
>>>Consumer safety, Health Department testing, 13283
>>>>o.q., 1311, 1687, 2544, 11530, 12418, 14087-8
>>>>Petitions, 13445, 15989, 16547
>>>Director of the Bureau of Veterinary Drugs, lobbying activities, 8785-6,
>>>>o.q., 8635, 8700, 8750-1, 8831, 12372
>>>Importation, possible illegal use, o.q., 12596, 13528-30, 13597, 13915
>>>Imported products produced with, Health Department authorizing, S.O. 31,
>>>Labelling, o.q., 14455
>>>Legislation permitting, not approving, petitions, 11996, 12852, 13088,
13288, 13443-4
>>>Moratorium, Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee recommendation,
implementing, 3629, 3635-6, 5720, 12739, 13282-3
>>>>o.q., 3162, 5307-8, 10953-4, 12418, 12679-80, 13530, 13725, 13810, 13916,
14019-20, 14314, 14455
>>>>S.O. 31, 2785, 7307, 12671, 14449
>>>Petitions, 4833, 7238, 9477, 10197, 11447, 11685, 13288, 14097, 14327-8,
14413, 14415, 14652, 14958, 15139, 15349, 15443, 16108, 16999, 17092, 17287,
>>>Products, labelling, petitions, 11996, 12852, 13443-4
>>>S.O. 31, 3563, 7724
>>>Study, S.O. 31, 13041-2
>>>See also Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee--Reports, First
>>Exports see Milk--And cream--Quebec producers
>>Industrial milk producers
>>>Quebec, foreign competition, GATT agreement, compensation lack, 13066
>>>Subsidies, 30% reduction, 1995-1997, Feb. 27/95 budget measure, 10097,
11449-50, 11469-75, 11492, 11690, 12684, 12693-4, 14194-5
>>>>Compensation, lack, western grain farmers, comparison, 10104, 11450, 11460,
11471-3, 11475, 11505-6, 13066, 13070-1, 13298, 14678-9
>>Pool see Milk--And cream export levies
>>Pricing, 11475
>>Quebec producers, exports, 3615, 4102, 4111, 4113, 4187, 11469-70, 12683
>>Quotas, 4146-7, 12669-70
>>>Inequities, Saskatchewan/Quebec, 8452
>>See also Agricultural products--Tariffs;
Dairy products/industry;
Milk marketing boards
GATT, Uruguay Round agreement, impact review, United States legislation,
adopting, 8231, 8233
Milk-pricing system, national see Milk--And cream
Miller, Colleen see Rowing