The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Babbar Khalsa Society
Charitable organization status, alleged Punjab terrorists connections,
o.q., 12192-3, 13237
Baby boomers see Youth
Bachand, Claude (BQ--Saint-Jean)
- >>Aboriginal land claims, 3422-6, 3432, 5117-21, 5258-9, 5706-7, 7529,
8267-70, 15617-22
>>>M. on supply (Duncan), 17392-7
>>Aboriginal peoples, 5119, 5276, 5758-9, 7529-30, 8366-9, 8952-4, 9700-5, 11512-4, 17393
>>>o.q., 5575, 5663, 9533
>>>S.O. 31, 2968
>>Aboriginal self-government, 5759-60, 7529-32, 12783
>>>o.q., 385
>>Agricultural research, 11396-7
>>Agriculture, 11396-7
>>Air transportation, 4027
>>Airports, 3590, 4027-8
>>Akwesasne Indian Reserve, o.q., 1424
>>Bloc Québécois, 181-2
>>British Columbia Treaty Commission Act (Bill C-107), 15616-22, 16886-91
>>Budget, Feb. 22/94, M. for approval (P. Martin), 1747
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1994 (Bill C-17), 3022-4
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1995 (Bill C-76), 11395-7
>>Budget, M. (Gagliano), 8365-9
>>Canada Employment Centres, petition, 15838
>>Canada Petroleum Resources Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25), 4081-2
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 3023
>>Copps, references, 205
>>Cruise missile testing, M. (Collenette), 405-6, 441-2
>>Dairy products/industry, 11397
>>Defence equipment, 405-6, 441-2, 3023
>>>M. on supply (Jacob), 16628-30
>>Defence expenditures, 1747, 3022-4, 16629
>>Defence industry, 3023, 3961
>>>M. on supply (Ménard), 3961
>>>o.q., 6442
>>Defence, o.q., 12070-1
>>Deficit, 182
>>Education, 12783-5
>>Fruit and vegetables, 11396
>>Government programs and services, 8365
>>>Petitions, 10520, 12727-8
>>Gun control/guns, o.q., 1066, 4949
>>Housing, M. (Taylor), 8201-2
>>Human development, S.O. 31, 13000
>>Hydro-electric power, S.O. 31, 11481
>>Indian reserves, o.q., 5576
>>Innu, o.q., 300, 6222
>>Kanesatake Band Council, 4091
>>>o.q., 1685, 3880, 11142-3, 13475
>>>S.O. 31, 985
>>Kanesatake Indian Reserve, 4091
>>>o.q., 1613-4, 2437, 4949, 5216, 11059-60, 11296, 11407
>>Kilger, references, 181
>>Members of Parliament, 5757-8
>>Military colleges, 3022-4, 16629-30
>>>o.q., 2042, 2217-8, 2288-9, 3572, 3957, 4348, 7231, 7634, 7929, 8038, 8478, 8547, 8751-2, 8938, 9059
>>>S.O. 31, 1719, 1913-4, 2926, 4983, 7176, 9817
>>Mohawk people, o.q., 4060
>>National debt, 8365
>>National Solidarity Day for the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada Act (Bill C-244), 11512-4
>>National unity
>>>o.q., 17038-9, 17082
>>>S.O. 31, 17133
>>Northern Canada, 205, 5276, 8369
>>>M., 5461-3
>>>o.q., 8249-50
>>Northern Flood Agreement, 5276-7
>>Oil and natural gas exploration, 4081-2, 5120
>>Oka, Que., 12781-4
>>>o.q., 12798
>>Pearson International Airport Agreements Act (Bill C-22), 3590-1, 4027-8
>>Pictou Landing Indian Band Agreement Act (Bill C-60), 8952-4, 9700-5
>>Ports, 10566
>>Poverty, 205
>>Procedure, speeches, 16628
>>Quebec, 181, 7176, 11395, 15618-22
>>>M. on supply (M. Bernier), 12781-5
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), S.O. 31, 14989
>>RCMP, o.q., 16836
>>>Maiden speech, 181
>>>Speaking in Inuktitut, 5461
>>Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, o.q., 9471
>>Sacred assembly, S.O. 31, 17572
>>Sahtu Dene and Métis Land Claim Settlement Act (Bill C-16), 3422-6, 3432, 5258-60
>>Search and rescue, o.q., 640-1
>>Singer Sewing Machine Company of Canada Ltd., o.q., 13127, 14229
>>Split Lake Cree Agreement, 5276-8
>>Split Lake Cree First Nation Flooded Land Act (Bill C-36), 5276-8
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jackson), 181-2, 205
>>Tobacco/cigarette smuggling, S.O. 31, 148
>>Unemployment, 5276, 5278, 12781
>>Venture capital, 12781
>>West Coast Ports Operations Act, 1995 (Bill C-74), 10566
>>Yukon First Nations Land Claims Settlement Act (Bill C-33), 5117-21, 5706-7
>>Yukon First Nations Self-Government Act (Bill C-34), 4718-22, 5757-60
>>Yukon Surface Rights Board Act (Bill C-55), 7529-32, 8267-70
Bachand, Eugene see Justice Department--Legal agents
Back, Frédéric
Film, Le fleuve aux grandes eaux, Oscar nomination, S.O. 31, 1231
Back-to-work legislation see Labour disputes
Bacon, Lise see Senate
Bad-Zwich, Germany see World War II--Lincoln and Welland Regiment
Badanai, Pte Phillip see Bosnia-Herzegovina--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping troops
Baden, Ont. see Castle Kilbride
Baden-Powell Day see Scouting
Bader-Johnson, Patricia see Quebec--Racial tensions
Baffin Island, N.W.T. see Whales--Bowhead whales
Bagpipes see World Pipe Band Championships
Baha'is see Iran
Bahamas see Marine Atlantic Inc.--Ships
Baie Comeau policy see Publishing industry--Canadian control
Bail see Extradition--Drake; Justice system; Sexual offenders--Accused
Baird Commission see Royal Commission on New Reproductive Technologies (Baird)
Baker, George S. (L--Gander--Grand Falls)
- >>Canada-United States Tax Convention Act, 1984 (amdt.)(Bill S-9), 15459-62,
>>Corporations, 15499
>>Excise Tax Act and Excise Act (amdt.)(Bill C-90), 15499
>>>Bills, Government, Senate, 15219-20, 15459
>>>Divisions, recorded, 5434, 15504-5
>>Senate, 15219-20
Bakopanos, Eleni (L--Saint-Denis)
- >>Albania
>>>o.q., 6779
>>>S.O. 31, 4053, 13121
>>American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association, S.O. 31, 7175
>>Armenia, 11380
>>Asia Minor, 11380
>>Auditor General Act (amdt.--reports)(Bill C-207), 5187-9
>>Bakopanos, references, 362
>>Bell Canada, o.q., 11680
>>Bloc Québécois, S.O. 31, 12592
>>Bosnia-Herzegovina, 362-3
>>>M. (Collenette), 17169-71
>>Budget, Feb. 22/94, M. for approval (P. Martin), 1791
>>Budget, Feb. 27/95, 11421
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1995 (Bill C-76), 11421-3
>>Budget, M. (Gagliano), 8503
>>Business, 11422
>>Canada Assistance Plan, 12044
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 11423, 16529
>>>M. on supply (Bouchard), 12044-6
>>Child support payments, M. (Gaffney), 3551-3
>>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee, reports, 12603, 13054, 14409-10, 17352
>>Constitutional reform, S.O. 31, 16660-1
>>Crime prevention, 4894
>>Crimes against humanity, M. (Assadourian), 11380-1
>>Cultural industry, 8028
>>Cyprus, 11380-1, 17171
>>>S.O. 31, 3094, 9599
>>Defence industry, M. on supply (Ménard), 3975-6
>>Deficit, 8503, 11421-2
>>Department of Canadian Heritage Act (Bill C-53), 6844-6, 8027-8
>>Department of Human Resources Development Act (Bill C-96), 16528-30
>>Discrimination and racism, 6844-5
>>>S.O. 31, 2428, 6251-2
>>Divorce, 3552
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, o.q., 5100
>>Economy, 11422
>>Employment equity, 10602
>>Employment Equity Act (Bill C-64), 8988-90
>>Employment, o.q., 11813
>>Environment, S.O. 31, 3563-4
>>Federalism, S.O. 31, 16900
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, 5188
>>Government programs and services, 11422, 16529
>>>o.q., 10474
>>Greek Independence Day, S.O. 31, 2736, 7624
>>Gun control/guns, S.O. 31, 3229, 12780
>>Harb, references, 8035
>>Health care, M. on supply (Manning), 11859
>>Housing, o.q., 5430
>>Human resource development, 16528-30
>>Human Resources Development Department, 16528-9
>>Immigrants, 6015-8, 6022
>>>M. (Hanger), 7071-2
>>Immigration, 6016-9
>>>M. (Lee), 6288-9
>>Immigration Act (amdt.), Citizenship Act (amdt.) and Customs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-44), 9214-7
>>Immigration and Refugee Board. M. (Hanger), 17740-2
>>Income tax, 3552
>>Infrastructure program
>>>o.q., 9148
>>>S.O. 31, 4817
>>Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports, 16670
>>International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, S.O. 31, 10782
>>International Women's Day, S.O. 31, 10381-2
>>International Year of the Family, S.O. 31, 936
>>Job creation, 1791, 3975-6
>>>o.q., 3884
>>>S.O. 31, 8167
>>Liberal Party, 7175
>>Lobbyists, 4035
>>Mother's Day, S.O. 3991
>>Multiculturalism, 6844-5
>>>S.O. 31, 8473-4
>>National Child Day, S.O. 31, 8034-5
>>National Defence Department, S.O. 31, 14311
>>National Heritage Day, S.O. 31, 1606-7
>>National Literacy Action Day, S.O. 31, 9723
>>National parks, 8028
>>National Police Week, S.O. 31, 4268
>>National Volunteer Week, S.O. 31, 3325
>>NATO, 363, 17169-70
>>Old age pensions, 1791
>>Orthodox Church, S.O. 31, 3646
>>Parti Québécois, S.O. 31, 15210
>>Peacekeeping, M. (Ouellet), 362-3
>>Pearson International Airport Agreements Act (Bill C-22), 4035-7
>>Poverty, 11423
>>>o.q., 13371
>>>Committee reports, 12603
>>>Decorum, 13463
>>>Private Members' Motions, 14544
>>>Speeches, 12080
>>Protection of Personal Information Obtained by Certain Corporations Act (Bill C-315), 17615-6
>>Prud'homme, Hon. Senator Marcel, S.O. 31, 1179
>>Quebec, 10632, 12044-6
>>>M. (J. Chrétien), 17291
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 8842-4
>>>S.O. 31, 8993-4, 10071, 13172, 14014-5, 14640, 14919, 16187, 16960
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), 8843
>>>S.O. 31, 15521, 16061, 16140
>>Railways, S.O. 31, 10893
>>>Acting Speaker, 13463
>>>First female Member of Greek descent, 362
>>>Maiden speech, 362
>>Refugees, 6016-7
>>>o.q., 2001
>>Saint-Denis constituency, 362
>>Senate, S.O. 31, 6555
>>Skiing, S.O. 31, 2284
>>Small business, 10632
>>Social security system
>>>M. (L. Axworthy), 808-9
>>>S.O. 31, 6896
>>Status of Women Canada, 10631-2
>>Taxation, 11422
>>Telecommunications, o.q., 11680
>>Training programs, S.O. 31, 15177
>>Turkey, 11381
>>Unemployment insurance, 1791, 10601
>>Unitel Communications Inc., o.q., 11680
>>Veterans' benefits, 11422-3
>>Volunteers, S.O. 31, 4984
>>Welfare, 12043-4
>>Women, 10630-1
>>>M. on supply (C. Gagnon), 10601-2, 10630-2
>>>o.q., 17280
>>>S.O. 31, 8694, 13371
>>World AIDS Day, S.O. 31, 17078-9
>>World War II, S.O. 31, 4857
>>Young Offenders Act, 4894
>>Young Offenders Act (amdt.) and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 4894
>>Youth Services Canada Program, 16529-30
Bola and District Lions Club
50th anniversary, tribute, S.O. 31, 11981
Balabagan, Sarah see United Arab Emirates
Balcer-McIsaac commission see Members of Parliament--Pensions
Baldwin, Robert see Holidays; Responsible government in Canada
Political instability, 274
>>See also Bosnia-Herzegovina;
Yugoslavia (former)
Ballantyne Terminal see Vancouver, B.C.--Port
Ballistic missiles see Defence research
Bands see Canadian Armed Forces; World Pipe Band Championships
Banff National Park
Airstrip, closure proposal, S.O. 31, 7310
>>Sunshine Village Corporation, Goat's Eye Ski Run, environmental assessment,
1254-5, 1339-41
>>>o.q., 1238, 10717
>>>Petitions, 3284, 4712
>>>S.O. 31, 7723
>>Trans-Canada Highway, twinning, delays, environmental concerns, 14901
>>See also Economic G-7 Summit (1995)--Canada hosting
Banff Television Festival see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--French television network
Cyclone tragedy, S.O. 31, 3829
>>Development assistance, 2300
>>See also CIDA--Projects
Banja Luka see Bosnia-Herzegovina--War crimes
Bank Act see Financial Institutions Laws Amendment Act (Bill C-100)
Bank of Canada
Bonin, Bernard, Deputy Governor see Quebec--Separation/sovereignty, Economic
>>Financial accountability, 9754
>>>o.q., 15878
>>>Appointment, 42, 199
>>>Crow, John, farewell functions, costs, S.O. 31, 2619
>>>Thiessen, Gordon, replacing John Crow, 654
>>Mandate, pre-budget review, o.q., 9064
>>See also Financial institutions--Payment clearing and settlement system;
Income tax--Exemptions;
Interest rates--Bank of Canada rate--Reducing;
Monetary policy--Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney);
National debt;
Old age pensions--Benefits;
Bank of Montreal
Employment programs, Catalyst Award, S.O. 31, 2848
>>See also Small business--Capital access, Ombudsman
Banking code of conduct see Banks and banking
Consumers debts, legislation, 16922-30
>>>See also Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Companies' Creditors Arrangement
Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-109)
>>Preferred creditors, payment of claims, priority, 5126-35, 7213-20, 8777-83
>>>$9,000 limit, proposing, 5128-9, 5131, 5133, 7213, 7215-7
>>>Crown priority, 5130, 5134
>>>See also Bankruptcy Act (amdt.--priority of claims)(Bill C-237)
>>Trustees, liability, code of ethics, 16922, 16924-5
>>See also Assault;
Environment--Contaminated properties/buildings;
GST--Small business--Tax refunds;
Radio stations--Private;
Route Canada Inc.;
Small business;
Student loans
Bankruptcy Act
Reform, 1003
>>>S.O. 31, 2479
Bankruptcy Act (amdt.--priority of claims)(Bill C-237)--de Savoye
First reading, 3163
>>Second reading, 5126-35, 7213-20,
>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 5135, 7220
>>>Agreed to, on recorded division, 8857-8
>>Government Operations Standing Committee referral, 8858
>>See also Bankruptcies--Preferred creditors
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--order of discharge)(Bill
First reading, 11995-6
>>Second reading, 17457-66
>>>Dropped to bottom of Order Paper, 17466
>>See also Assault--Damages
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act and
Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-109)--Minister of Industry (Manley)
First reading, 16783
>>Second reading, 16922-30
>>See also Environment--Contaminated properties/buildings
Banks and banking
Banking code of conduct, developing, 1777
>>>See also Small business--Capital access
>>Chartered banks, reserve requirements, re-instating, o.q., 15295
>>Cheques, clearance, delay, o.q., 16029-30
>>Community investment strategy, government establishing, 17694
>>Competition, 6152, 16882
>>Deposits, savings, 1785-6
>>International banking centres, Montreal, Toronto, designation, 482-3
>>>o.q., 4989
>>Loan portfolios, small business, percentage, 2145
>>Loans, cost to borrowers, information, standards, o.q., 17441
>>Ombudsman see Small business--Capital access
>>Profits, 9050-1, 11265, 11426, 16517
>>>Excessive profits tax, imposing, S.O. 31, 17433
>>>o.q., 8753-4, 17282
>>>S.O. 31, 8692-3, 8992, 17135
>>>See also National debt--Reducing, Surtax
>>Regional banks, establishing, 6923
>>Service charges, fees
>>>Increase, o.q., 17440
>>>See also Banks and banking--Taxation
>>Taxation, 17726, 17747
>>>o.q., 8754, 9146, 10467-8
>>>Service charges, relationship, 17694
>>>Tax havens, Caribbean, 17682
>>See also Canada Student Loans Program;
Central banks;
Credit cards--Interest rates;
Employment equity--Private sector;
Farm improvement loans--Banks reluctance to lend--Lending institutions
Film and video industry--Loan Guarantee Program;
Financial institutions;
Job creation--Social job fund;
National debt;
Political parties--Funding;
Small business;
Small Business Loans Act;
Venture capital--Investment funds