The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Collingwood, Ont. see Great Lakes; Railways--Branch line abandonment
Collins, Bernie (L--Souris--Moose Mountain)
- >>Aboriginal Head-Start Program, 1827
>>Aboriginal self-government, 1250
>>Abortion, petition, 7238
>>Agriculture, 6493
>>>M. (Goodale), 4172-6
>>Budget, Feb. 22/94, M. for approval (P. Martin), 1826-8
>>Budget, M. (P. Martin), 728-31
>>Canada Elections Act (amdt.--registration of political parties)(Bill C-229), 6247-8
>>Canada Grain Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51), 6489-90, 6493
>>Canada Student Loans Program, 835-6
>>Canada Transportation Act (Bill C-101), 15118
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 730-1, 1828
>>Canadian Human Rights Act, petition, 7238
>>Canadian Potato Marketing Act (Bill C-266), 9172
>>Canadian Race Relations Foundation Act, 1827
>>Canadian Wheat Board, petitions, 8646, 11685
>>Capital gains tax, 1826-7
>>Centre of Excellence for Women's Health, 1827
>>Climate change, S.O. 31, 6436
>>Corporations, 1827
>>Court Challenges Program, 1827
>>Crop insurance, 1827
>>Curling, S.O. 31, 2665
>>Defence equipment, 1827
>>Defence industry, 836
>>Deficit, 1827
>>Department of Canadian Heritage Act (Bill C-53), 7870
>>Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (Bill C-52), 7251-2
>>Economic recovery, 1827
>>Environment, S.O. 31, 5936
>>Estimates, M. (Eggleton), 5009-10
>>Euthanasia, petitions, 7238, 8646, 11685, 12905, 14819
>>Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-75), 11693-5, 11698
>>Farmers, 1828
>>Farms, o.q., 4994
>>Firearms Act (Bill C-68), 10424-5, 11089-90
>>Football, S.O. 31, 7849
>>Government, 1826
>>Government expenditures, 1827
>>>M. on supply (Williams), 1250
>>Government programs and services, 7251-2
>>Grain elevators, 6489-90
>>Grain Export Protection Act (Bill C-262), 10695-6
>>Grain industry, 6489, 11693
>>Grain transportation, 1827, 4172-4, 10695-6
>>>o.q., 10834
>>Gross Revenue Insurance Plan, 1827, 4175-6
>>GST, 729
>>Gun control/guns, 10424-5, 11089-90
>>>Petitions, 7238, 8646, 8945, 11685
>>Health care, 1827
>>Hockey, S.O. 31, 17623
>>Hogs, 11693-4
>>Home Buyers Plan, 1827
>>House of Commons, 5009-10
>>Immigration Enforcement Improvement Act (Bill C-316), 12870-1
>>Income tax, o.q., 3769
>>Infrastructure program, 1827-8
>>Justice system, M. on supply (Meredith), 2419-20
>>Last Mountain Lake, S.O. 31, 8239
>>Law Reform Commission of Canada, 1827
>>Liberal Party, 1826
>>McCullough, Edward George, S.O. 31, 5652
>>Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 (Bill C-23), 3784-6
>>Murphy, references, 4172
>>Net Income Stabilization Account, 1827
>>Parole, petitions, 1243, 7238, 8970
>>Postal rates, petitions, 3447-8, 8945
>>Potatoes, 9172
>>Procedure, petitions, 12905
>>Public Service, 1827
>>Railways, 15118
>>>o.q., 10834
>>>S.O. 31, 10785
>>References, maiden speech, 728
>>Same-sex couples, petition, 8646
>>Schools, 836-7
>>Sexual orientation, petitions, 8646, 13240
>>Social security system, 1827
>>>M. (L. Axworthy), 835-7
>>Souris--Moose Mountain constituency, 728
>>Stevenson, Theresa, S.O. 31, 6897
>>Taxation, 729, 1827
>>Transportation, 15118
>>Ukrainian Canadians, petition, 12295
>>Unemployment insurance, 835, 1827
>>United Way, S.O. 31, 15965-6
>>Waterfowl, 3784-5
>>Western Grain Transportation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-66), 9554-6
>>Wheat, o.q., 14722-3
>>Young offenders, 2419-20, 5382-3, 5390
>>Young Offenders Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 5382-3, 5390
>>Youth, 5382
>>Youth Internship Program, 1827
>>Youth Services Corps, 1827
Collver, Roger see Economy--Collver system
Colosio, Luis Donaldo see Mexico
Colouring contest see House of Commons--Pages
Columbia see Defence equipment--Exports; Refugees
Columbia River Treaty Permanent Engineering Board
Annual reports
>>>1992-1993, tabled, 5162
>>>1993-1994, tabled, 14409
Columbia River wetlands see Migratory birds--Breeding grounds--Habitat; Wildlife--Habitat
Comfort Maple
Restorative surgery, S.O. 31, 8339
Commemoration of the birthplace of Confederation Act (Bill C-292)--Proud
First reading, 8525
>>Second reading, order discharged and bill withdrawn, by unanimous consent,
>>See also Charlottetown, P.E.I.
Commemorative stamps see Postage stamps
Commercialization see Canadian National Railways--Privatization; Railways--Short line operations
Commercialization of Research in Canada, The see Research and development
Commission of Inquiry into the Deployment of Canadian Forces in Somalia
Establishment, order in council, tabled, 10751
Commission on Environmental Co-operation see Environmental Co-operation Agreement
Commission on Resources and the Environment see Vancouver Island, B.C.
Commission sales jobs see Employment
Commission to Review Allowances of Members of Parliament see Lapointe Commission
Committee of the Whole House
Bills referred
>>>Appropriation Act No. 1, 1994-95 (Bill C-20), 2650
>>>Appropriation Act No. 2, 1994-95 (Bill C-39), 5056
>>>Appropriation Act No. 3, 1993-94 (Bill C-19), 2646
>>>Criminal Code and Young Offenders Act (amdt.--forensic DNA analysis)(Bill
C-104), 14495
>>>Customs Tariff (amdt.)(Bill C-5), 1547
>>>Excise Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-13), 3290
>>>Income Tax Amendments Revision Act (Bill C-15), 3294
>>>Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 1994 (Bill C-40), 5596
>>>National Library Act (amdt.)(Bill C-26), 4511
>>>Railway Safety Act (amdt.)(Bill C-21), 3913
>>>West Coast Port Operations Act, 1994 (Bill C-10), 1082
>>>West Coast Port Operations Act, 1995 (Bill C-74), 10559
>>See also Assistant Deputy Chairman of Committees of the Whole House;
Deputy Chairman of Committees of the Whole House
Effectiveness, 4445, 12451-2, 12456, 12462-3, 12857
>>Expenditures, 12201
>>Free votes, 1006
>>>o.q., 1555
>>Government members, role, 12478-9
>>Legislation, initiating/preparation, 2520, 3202, 12477-8
>>Mandates, powers, structure, amending, 551, 1165, 5048, 5498
>>Policy writing role, 1015
>>Reports see Procedure
>>Subcommittees see Subcommittees
>>Subpoena power, 3548, 5286, 5288, 5357, 6272, 6282, 12478
>>>See also Pearson International Airport--Terminals 1 and 2, Transport
Standing Committee
>>Travel, criticism, 12465
>>>See also Canada's Defence Policy Review Special Joint Committee--Senate
>>>Summoning, precedents, 5357, 12478
>>>Sworn testimony, 3547-8
>>See also Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)--Appointments;
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--President, Selection process;
Euthanasia--Senate committee report;
Government appointments--Review;
Government expenditures--Estimates;
House of Commons--Printing services;
Lighthouses--Ad hoc Parliamentary committee on light stations;
National Archives of Canada Advisory Board--Appointments;
Procedure--Oral question period;
REform Party--Critics;
Special Committees;
Special Joint Committees;
Standing Committees;
Standing Joint Committees
Commodity price support systems see Agriculture--Assistance programs
Canada's role, 2256
>>Caribbean nations, relationship, 2282
>>Membership, African nations, percentage, 2281
Commonwealth Day
S.O. 31, 10379
>>Statement by Minister (Ouellet), 2224-5
>>Statement by Minister (Stewart, C.), 10392-3
Commonwealth Games, 1994, Victoria, B.C.
Boxing, Strange, Michael, gold medalist, S.O. 31, 5937
>>Canada hosting, 2224-5, 6417
>>Heal's rifle range, shooting facilities, removal, petition, 6783
>>National Revenue Department officials and staff, travel costs, $250,000
expenditure, justification, o.q., 11812-3
>>Opening, Queen Elizabeth II, 9
>>Team Canada performance, S.O. 31, 588, 6082
>>Wrestling, Selwyn Tam, gold medalist, S.O. 31, 6252
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association see Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports
Government role, 7640-1
>>Technologies, improvements see Trade
>>See also Telecommunications
Communications Security Establishment
Accountability, 6344-5
>>>o.q., 7033, 7099, 7103, 7315
>>>S.O. 31, 7362
>>Activities, 11101-2
>>>Privacy Commissioner audit, o.q., 7179, 7229
>>Database, Privacy Act exemption, o.q., 7179
>>Electronic eavesdropping
>>>British government ministers, former Prime Minister Thatcher request,
allegations, o.q., 7097
>>>Canadian citizens, o.q., 7031, 7095-6, 7100-2, 7178-9, 16777-8
>>>"French problem" section, o.q., 7179
>>>Inter-departmental group, technology development, studying, mandate, o.q.,
>>>Quebec elected officials, o.q., 6980-1, 7095-6, 7098, 7229, 7314, 7508
>>>Trading partners, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, targeting, o.q., 16541
>>History, Best Kept Secret, Bryden, author, 6345
>>Information security program (INFOSEC), telecommunications security advice,
selling to private sector, o.q., 14084
>>Ministerial responsibility, o.q., 7031-2
>>Operations, 6345-6
>>>Security Intelligence Review Committee reviewing, M. (Lee), 7836-44,
dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 7844; 9036-45,
dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 9045; 10815-20,
agreed to, 10820
>>>>Amdt. (Langlois), 7840, withdrawn, 10818
>>>>Amdt. (Lee), agreed to, 10818
>>Role, mandate, o.q., 7314
>>Telecommunications, electronic surveillance devices, government contracts,
o.q., 722
Communities see Social security system--Reform
Communities in Bloom
National municipal beautification competition,
>>>Brantford, Ont., participation, S.O. 31, 14219
>>>Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont., prettiest small town in Ontario, S.O. 31, 15175
>>>Quesnel, B.C., originality in floral plant award, S.O. 31, 15096
Community Academic Services Program see Literacy--Adult education
Community Action Program for Children see Children
Community Futures Program see Small business
Community investment strategy see Banks and banking
Community mailboxes see Postal service
Community policing see RCMP--Burnaby, B.C.
Community safety see Crime--Prevention
"Community Spirit 95" see Small business--Guelph-Wellington constituency; Women see Women--Violence against
Comox--Alberni constituency
References, 564
Comox Lake Junior Secondary School see National unity--Cultural exchanges
Compact airborne spectographic imager (CASI) see Oceans industries
Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act see Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-109)
Definition, The Doubter's Companion, John Ralston Saul, author, 8238
>>Laws and regulations, reform, 1776
>>See also Banks and banking;
Canadian National Railways--Privatization/commercialization;
Defence equipment--Procurement policy, Canadian content requirements;
Financial institutions;
Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions--Move management
Health care;
Regional development;
Science and technology;
Small Business Loans Act
Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-347)--McTeague
First reading, 14411
Competitiveness see Agricultural products--Manufacturing companies; Agriculture--Regulations, Compliance agreements; Business; Canadian National Railways--Privatization/commercialization; Corporations--Income tax; Customs Tariff--Legislation--Review; Telecommunications--Industry; Trade
Composting see Environment; National Composting Awareness Week
CompuService see Internet
Computer software see Defence equipment
Computer technology
Computers, business and government recycling to schools, 2088-9, 3559
>>>Industry Department allocating, S.O. 31, 7847
>>>Nova Knowledge participation, 2088
>>Network, S.O. 31, 7310
>>See also Canada Pension Plan--Overpayments;
Hate propaganda;
House of Commons;
Computers see Computer technology; Manitoba HVDC Research Centre; Nuclear reactors--Safety
Comuzzi, Joe (L--Thunder Bay--Nipigon)
- >>Airports, 3531
>>Borrowing Authority Act, 1994-95 (Bill C-14), 1931
>>Bosnia-Herzegovina, 336-7
>>>S.O. 31, 9324
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1994 (Bill C-17), 2886
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 337
>>Churchill, Man., qu., 14329
>>Easter Seal Society, S.O. 31, 2350
>>Euthanasia, petition, 7237
>>Fisheries, 5617
>>Forestry, S.O. 31, 20
>>Gerrard, references, 1931
>>Grain transportation, 672
>>>o.q., 154-5, 2626
>>Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports, 5617, 14187
>>Kilgour, references, 336
>>Mifflin, references, 337
>>Ouellet, references, 336
>>Peacekeeping, M. (Ouellet), 336-7
>>Pearson International Airport Agreements Act (Bill C-22), 3530-4
>>>Divisions, recorded, 4139, 12649
>>>Question and comment period, 2576
>>Small business, 1931
>>St. Lawrence Seaway
>>>M. (Pomerleau), 2392-3
>>>o.q., 3278
>>Sunshine Foundation of Canada, S.O. 31, 14221
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jackson), 183
>>Thunder Bay, Ont., 183
>>Transportation, S.O. 31, 3436
>>Unemployment insurance, 2886
>>World Nordic Games, o.q., 2936
>>Young Offenders Act, petition, 7564
Concordia incident see Fisheries, Atlantic--Illegal fishing/poaching
Concurrent sentence see Justice system--Sentencing, Consecutive
Conditional discharge see Justice system--Discharge
Conditional sentence see Justice System--Sentencing, Alternatives
Confectionery Manufacturers Association
S.O. 31, 7176
127th anniversary, S.O. 31, 5655
>>Criticism, 633
>>Evolution, Upper and Lower Canada, 2985
>>Historical development, central Canada/regions, family analogy, 17587-8
>>Indivisible, government affirming, petition, 17637
>>McGee, Thomas D'Arcy, vision, 4922-3
>>National debt and deficit, weakening, 2102
>>Nova Scotia sovereignists in House of Commons, 13485
>>>Economic benefits, 1044, 1205, 2694
>>>Terms of Union, 1392, 2716-7
>>See also British Columbia--Railway;
National unity;
Prince Edward Island--Fixed link to New Brunswick, Constitution;
Confederation (1949) see Manufacturing industries--Newfoundland; Newfoundland
Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN) see Labour unions--Quebec; Quebec--Economy
Confederation Life Insurance Company
Collapse, 16790, 16821, 16841
>>>Bell Canada employees, investigation, requesting, petition, 16698
>>>Liquidation of assets, o.q., 16738-9
>>>Superintendent of Financial Institutions scrutiny, 12645-6, 16813
Confederation of National Trade Unions
Quebec, convention, S.O. 31, 4050
Conference Board of Canada see Business--Confidence; Economy--Growth; Job creation--Quebec
Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE)
Strengthening, 283
>>Summit, Dec. 1-2/94, Budapest, Hungary, 2256
>>>o.q., 8599
>>See also Bosnia-Herzegovina--Peace process
Confidence convention see Government; House of Commons
Confidential information see Customs Tariff--Access to Information Act
Confidentiality see Financial institutions--Deposit insurance; Immigrants--Criminals, Vietnam
Conflict of interest
Anderson, David, National Revenue Minister, Federal Court action,
allegation, 671-2
>>>o.q., 102-3, 151-2
>>Arms length relationship, criteria, 5218
>>>o.q., 4772
>>Code of conduct, Members of Parliament, Senators and senior officials, 3489,
3582, 3717, 3746, 4030, 5532, 5536, 7410
>>>Boudria, Don, Liberal whip, position, criticism, 14046-8, 14052
>>>Definition, 14048-50, 14052
>>>Guidelines, clarifying, tabling, o.q., 7372-3, 7505-6
>>>Historical background/previous legislative proposals, 11968-9, 11979,
11998-99, 14043-6, 14049-50
>>>Liberal governments, former, record, 14042, 14045-8
>>>Liberal Party election promise, 3489, 4046, 5503, 11969, 12453-4, 12458,
12493-5, 14046, 14048-9, 14051
>>>>S.O. 31, 5424, 7363
>>>o.q., 7372, 12677-8
>>>Registry of members' interests proposal, 14043
>>>Smoke screen, S.O. 31, 13523
>>>Special Joint Committee, establishing, 11923, 12021, 12024, 12502-4
>>>>M. (H. Gray), 11965-80, 11998-2015, 14042-53, agreed to, on recorded
division, 14177-8
>>>>>Senate, not including, 14042-3, 14052-3
>>>>>>Amdt. (Bélisle), 11971, 11977-80, 11998-2015, negatived on recorded
division, 12092-3
>>>>o.q., 12538
>>>Statement by Minister (J. Chrétien), 5395-400
>>>United States legislation, comparison, 3489
>>>See also Canadian Museum of Civilization--Board of directors;
Liberal Party--Fund-raising;
>>Dupuy, Michel, Canadian Heritage Minister, September 1994 $2000 a person
Liberal Party fundraising dinner, lobbyist Richard Gervais organizing,
government contracts awarded later, 13893, 14006,
14046, 14049
>>>Bureau, Andre, Harold Greenberg, Astral Broadcasting Group, invitations,
o.q., 13804-5
>>>Canadian Tennis Association, government grants, relationship, o.q., 13473
>>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, responsibility, o.q., 13592-3
>>>Ethics Counsellor Howard Wilson investigation, 14051
>>>>o.q., 13478-9, 13526, 13592, 14085
>>>Fundraising guidelines, clarifying, o.q., 14084
>>>La Salle, Roch, 1987 case, comparison, o.q., 13323-4, 13368, 13370
>>>List of invitees, o.q., 14018
>>>List of participants, 13474-5
>>>>o.q., 13368-70, 13593-4, 13720-1, 13913-4
>>>>Tabled, 13481
>>>Manning, Preston, Windsor Club private dinner attendance, comparison, o.q.,
>>>o.q., 13235, 13322-6, 13368-71, 13594, 13805, 14314
>>>RCMP investigation request, o.q., 13370
>>>Resignation requests, o.q., 13368-70, 13473, 13594, 13914, 14314
>>>Saucier, Guylaine, donation, appointment as Chairman of Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation, relationship, o.q., 13526-7
>>>S.O. 31, 13363, 14082
>>Kirkby, G., Aboriginal Affairs Standing Committee Chair
>>>Aboriginal adoption ceremony, Bird family of Montreal Lake Indian Band,
allegation, 12601-2
>>>>o.q., 12541
>>>Spouse, Mary Anne Kirkby, Assembly of First Nations, Director of
>>>>o.q., 3574
>>>>S.O. 31, 3436
>>Martin, Finance Minister, business holdings, impartiality, impeding, o.q.,
2481, 2485
>>See also Cabinet ministers--Quebec;
Canada Post Corporation--Contracts--Outside furniture;
Canadian Museum of Nature;
Ethics Counsellor;
Fraser River Sockeye Review Board;
Parks Canada--Director of mountain parks;
Pearson International Airport--Maintenance;
Public Service;
Seagram Company Ltd.--MCA studios;
Television--Direct to home satellite transmission