The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Conflict resolution see International relations
Congregation of Notre-Dame-du-Bon-Conseil
Chicoutimi, Que., centenary celebrations, S.O. 31, 2035
Congress of Union retirees see Health insurance (Medicare)--Saving
Connaught Laboratories see Blood; Health--Influenza vaccines
Connolly, Mike see Waterloo constituency
Connors, Randy see Blood--HIV contaminated, Victims
Conscientious objection act
Taxation for defence expenditures, petitions, 15564, 17347-8
1940, imposed on Quebec, 8842, 8844
Consecutive sentence see Justice system--Sentencing
Conseil de la langue française see Francophones--Language of work
Conseil de la langue française du Québec
President, Hon. Marcel Masse, former Progressive Conservative Minister,
appointment, S.O. 31, 13123-4
Conseil du patronat du Quebec see Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)
Conservation see Fisheries; Fisheries, Atlantic; Oceans--Canadian jurisdiction; Wildlife
Conservation officers see Police--Killed in line of duty
Constituencies see Members of Parliament
Constituent assemblies see Constitutional reform
1867, Quebec not consulted, 8842, 8844
>>Amending formula
>>>Constitutional conference, required before April 1997, 17002-3, 17020,
17050, 17057-8, 17519-20, 17529-30, 17570, 17584
>>>Lacking in 1867, 17570-1
>>>Outlined, categories, etc., 17001, 17013-4, 17019-20
>>>Proposals, historical background, 17014, 17029, 17093
>>>Victoria formula, o.q., 16066
>>>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, position, o.q., 17576
>>>>See also Constitutional reform--Regional veto proposal
>>>See also Constitutional reform--Quebec right of veto--Referendums--Regional
veto proposal
>>Amendments, national referendum, need, o.q., 15874-5
>>Bloc Québécois preoccupation, Liberal Party position, 4963-4
>>>o.q., 100-1
>>Debating/discussing, federalists role, 12051-2
>>Federal government not respecting, 8820-1
>>Federal-provincial powers, division, 1826
>>>Provincial powers, increasing, 17525, 17559
>>>Sections 91 and 92, constitutional reform priority, 17098
>>>Special cabinet committee, Agriculture Minister Goodale chairing, mandate,
o.q., 16481
>>>Transfer from federal to provincial governments, mechanism, 6941
>>>See also Federal-provincial relations--Federal government infringing on
provincial jurisdiction
>>Language rights, provincial jurisdiction, legislation see Language
Jurisdiction Act (Bill C-225)
>>Liberal Party, election promises, 4310, 5404
>>"Notwithstanding" clause see Constitution Act, 1982--Amending
>>Patriation in 1982
>>>Anniversary, 3153
>>>Consultation, lack, Jean Chrétien role, Quebec position, 8790, 8815-6,
8818-9, 8844
>>>>o.q., 14641-2, 15599
>>>Lalonde, Hon. Marc statement, S.O. 31, 15636-7
>>>Lincoln position, 1207
>>>Quebec opposition, etc., 8796, 8815,
8833, 8836, 17006, 17014, 17553-4,
17559, 17563, 17585, 17594, 17648
>>>>o.q., 15398-9, 15924, 16241
>>>Quebec powers, decrease, 17014
>>>Supreme Court of Canada ruling, 8816, 8818
>>>Trudeau, Pierre, Chrétien, Jean, roles, 17571
>>Peace, order and good government powers of federal government, abolishing,
>>Preamble, supremacy of God, recognition, 13774
>>Property rights, entrenching, 1193, 16300
>>>See also Constitution Act, 1982
>>Public consultations in 1992, 647
>>Quebec, exclusion, 4920-1, 4960-1, 11263
>>Reform Party, Manning, priority, S.O. 31, 5092-3
>>Residual powers, transferring to provinces, 17525
>>Universal rights, entrenching, 2697
>>See also British Columbia--Railway;
Equalization payments--Entrenching;
Guns/gun control--Legislation (Bill C-68), Aboriginal communities;
House of Commons--Seats, Capping;
Housing--Social, Federal government role;
Justice system--Extreme drunkeness defence;
New Brunswick--Official languages policy/bilingualism;
Official languages policy/bilingualism;
Prince Edward Island--Fixed link to New Brunswick;
Quebec--Distinct society--Separation/sovereignty, Legislation;
Trade--Interprovincial, Federal-provincial jurisdiction;
Training programs--Jurisdiction, overlap;
Unemployment insurance--Federal government jurisdiction
Constitution Act see Natural resources--Federal declaratory power; Trade--Interprovincial trade, Internal trade agreement
Constitution Act, 1982
>>>"Notwithstanding" clause, section 33, deleting, M. (Allmand), 2697-704,
dropped from Order Paper, 2704
>>>Property rights, entrenching, M. (M. Scott), 10024-33
>>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 10033
>>>>Human Rights and the Status of Disabled Persons Standing Committee, leave
to move, unanimous consent, denied, 10032
>>Quebec, position, 16976-8
>>See also Aboriginal land claims
Constitution Amendment, 1993 (Prince Edward Island)
English/French versions, discrepancy, 1348-9, 1365, 1401
>>M. (Dingwall), 1343-75, 1390-414,
agreed to, on recorded division, 1459-60
>>Process, correctness, authority, section 43/section 38, 1365, 1369, 1392,
1396, 1402, 1406
>>Wording, long-term implications, 1366, 1396-7
>>See also Prince Edward Island--Fixed link with New Brunswick
Constitutional Act (1791) see Responsible government in Canada
Constitutional Amendments Act (Bill C-110)--Minister of Justice (Rock)
First reading, 16969
>>Second reading, 17000-31, 17043-63, 17076-8, 17093-101
>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3)
>>>>Notice, 17057
>>>>Agreed to, on recorded division, 17075-6
>>>Agreed to, on recorded division, 17175-6
>>Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 17176
>>>Reported, without amdt., 17347
>>Report stage, 17515-35, 17547-72, 17583-604
>>>>(S. Harper), 17515, negatived, on recorded division, 17601-2
>>>>(Rock), 17515, agreed to, on recorded division, 17602-3
>>>Concurrence, M. (Rock), agreed to, on recorded division, 17603-4
>>Report stage and third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(3)
>>>Notice, 17522
>>>M. (Gagliano), agreed to, on recorded division, 17545-6
>>Third reading, 17638-52, agreed to, on recorded division, 17651-2, passed
>>Senate passage, 17759
>>Royal Assent, 17759, Chap. 1, S.C. 1996
>>See also Constitutional reform--Regional veto proposal
Constitutional Court
Establishing, 1982 proposal, 17012
Constitutional reform
Aboriginal issues
>>>Government ignoring, o.q., 17503
>>>See also, National unity--Post-sovereignty referendum strategy, Indian
Affairs and Northern Development Department memo
>>Administrative changes, o.q., 16319, 16663-4
>>Bloc Québécois/Bouchard position, 1212, 4918-9, 4923, 12511
>>>See also Constitutional reform--Meech Lake Accord--Negotiations
>>Castonguay-Dobbie commission, 17586
>>Charlottetown Accord
>>>Centralization, federal powers, provincial administration, 12811
>>>See also Constitutional reform--Negotiations--Regional veto proposal;
National unity--Post-sovereignty referendum strategy, Chrétien, J.;
Quebec--Distinct society
>>Charlottetown Accord, Referendum, Oct. 26/92, 32, 35, 1368, 1603-4, 1641,
1646-7, 3723-4, 3726, 4448, 4915, 4970, 12014-5, 12202-3
>>>Chrétien, J., role, 17010
>>>Failure, civil war threat, Sen. Gigantès statement, 5015-6
>>>Grey, D., position, o.q., 16067
>>>McLaughlin, position, 200
>>>Mills, D., position, 3730
>>>Quebec government costs, reimbursing, 4381-2, 6377, 6389, 7442, 12769,
>>>>o.q., 572, 3882, 5730, 5899-900, 6034-5, 6085, 6137, 6254-6, 6337-8,
6382-8, 6440-1
>>>>S.O. 31, 5937, 6079-81, 6329, 6381, 6511
>>>Rejection, 8804, 8851, 17022
>>>>Parti Québécois role, position, 8793, 8845, 8850, 17057
>>>>Quebec/English Canada positions, 8790-2, 8850, 17015, 17586
>>>>Reform Party, role, o.q., 15873
>>>See also Chief Electoral Officer--Reports;
>>Chrétien, Jean, 1990 statement, 8808
>>>See also Constitutional reform--Regional veto proposal
>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, sovereignty referendum proposals
>>>Credibility, o.q., 16066
>>>Free vote in Parliament, o.q., 17037
>>>o.q., 16663-4
>>>Negative effect, S.O. 31, 17271
>>>Quebec Liberal Party general council resolutions, o.q., 16829-30, 16832
>>>Quebec public opinion, S.O. 31, 17435
>>>S.O. 31, 16829
>>>See also Constitutional reform--Regional veto proposal;
National unity--Post-sovereignty referendum strategy;
Quebec--Distinct society
>>Consultations, constituent assemblies, use, o.q., 16144
>>Decentralization, 16454-6, 16527
>>>Federal government plan, o.q., 16664-5
>>Discussion, 54
>>Economic conditions, relationship, 17641
>>Federal government, other provinces, providing proposals to Quebec, 17526
>>Government addressing, 1349, 1366-7, 1408
>>Government ignoring, 14741
>>History, 201, 4964
>>Liberal Party position, 35, 4964-5,
5003, 5007, 12511
>>Meech Lake Accord, rejection, 4920, 4961-2, 4970, 6465, 8804, 8845, 8849,
8851, 17015, 17585-6
>>>Bloc Québécois creation, relationship, 8836-7, 8846
>>>Bouchard position, 16976-8, 17057
>>>Bouchard resignation from Cabinet, relationship, , 17010-1
>>>Carstairs, Sharon, role, 13296, 17586
>>>Charest, Jean, Charest report, role, 8790, 8836
>>>Chrétien, J., role, 13223-4, 13296,
17010, 17015, 17586
>>>>o.q., 14529, 15642-4
>>>>S.O. 31, 15697
>>>Harper, Elijah, role, 3462, 8790
>>>Parti Québécois role, position, 8791, 8793, 8850
>>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, relationship, S.O. 31, 14446-7
>>>Quebec separatists position, 17093-4, 17098-9
>>>>o.q., 14529, 15642
>>>Wells, Clyde, role, 8790, 17015, 17586
>>>See also Constitutional reform--Negotiations--Regional veto proposal;
National unity--Post-sovereignty referendum strategy, Chrétien
>>Need for, priority, economic issues, relationship, o.q., 16436-7
>>>Behind closed doors, political deals, Charlottetown and Meech Lake Accords,
etc., 17047-9, 17052
>>>Bouchard, as Quebec Premier, refusal to participate, 17026, 17563, 17570,
>>>>o.q., 16663, 16775, 16830, 16832
>>>>S.O. 31, 16660-1
>>>Parti Québécois government participation, 17045, 17055
>>>>o.q., 15808, 16030
>>Ouellet position, 50
>>Priority, public opinion, Quebec, etc., 17571
>>Process, difficulty, impossibility, 17011-3, 17586
>>Proposals, failure, historical background, etc., 170114-6, 17018, 17527
>>Provincial veto see Constitutional reform--Quebec right of veto--Regional
veto proposal
>>Quebec consent, Prime Minister Chrétien speech, Verdun, Que.
>>>o.q., 15808, 16663-4
>>>S.O. 31, 15802, 15804
>>Quebec demands, government response, 17006
>>Quebec five conditions, 1823, 4920, 4961-2 , 17015
>>>Robillard, Labour Minister, abandoning, S.O. 31, 12364-5
>>Quebec Liberal Party position, 17053, 17549
>>Quebec right of veto, federal government/referendum "no" side position,
17000, 17004, 17021, 17024, 17029, 17043, 17045-6, 17050, 17052, 17054-5,
17059-60, 17093-4, 17517, 17522, 17534-5, 17547, 17549-51, 17553-4, 17559,
17562-4, 17567-72, 17585-6, 17588-9, 17591-3, 17596, 17598-9, 17601, 17642-3,
17645, 17647-8, 17650, 17744
>>>Historical background, lack, René Lévesque role, etc., 16972-3, 17003-4,
17015, 17055-6, 17549, 17563-4, 17568, 17589
>>>o.q., 15599, 15604, 15641, 15643-4, 15805, 15922, 16026, 16065-6, 16191,
16240-1, 16434, 16734-5, 16830, 16962, 17705-6
>>>S.O. 31, 15598, 15639, 16773-4, 17700
>>>Special Cabinet committee position, o.q., 16776
>>>See also Constitutional reform--Regional veto proposal;
Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--No campaign, Right of veto
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum, No vote, impact, S.O. 31, 15804, 15963, 15966
>>>National, need, 1369, 1396-7, 4931-2, 4940
>>>>o.q., 15807
>>>Regional, federal government holding, o.q., 16241
>>>Requiring, Reform Party position, 17006, 17008, 17516, 17566, 17643, 17647
>>>See also Constitutional reform--Regional veto proposal
>>Reform Party position, 1193, 4672, 4909-10, 4931-2, 4940-1
>>>20 point plan, 16420-1, 17024, 17560, 17600
>>>>S.O. 31, 15804, 15964, 16141
>>>Agenda, vague, 4964
>>>Decentralization of power to provinces, 17024
>>>o.q., 5726
>>Regional veto proposal, Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia, Atlantic and
Prairies, 16985, 17000-8, 17011, 17012-5, 17019-24, 17029, 17043-60, 17076-7, 17093-6,
17098-9, 17515-35, 17547-72, 17583-601, 17641-50
>>>Aboriginal peoples rights, etc., relationship, 17516, 17527-8, 17559
>>>Alberta status, 17007, 17019, 17023, 17043, 17054, 17518-9, 17528, 17549,
17555, 17563, 17588-9, 17599
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 17005, 17012, 17045, 17050-2, 17055, 17099, 17519,
17531, 17558, 17563, 17600, 17643
>>>British Columbia Liberal Party leader position, 17645
>>>British Columbia status, 17002, 17007, 17019, 17023-4, 17043-4, 17046-7,
17054, 17058-9, 17515-9, 17523-4, 17527-8, 17532-3, 17547-8, 17550-1, 17553-5,
17558-9, 17561, 17565, 17567-8, 17570-1, 17584, 17588-9, 17594-5, 17597-600,
17643, 17645, 17648, 17726
>>>>o.q., 16908, 16963-4, 16968-9, 17437-8
>>>>S.O. 31, 16957-8
>>>Charlottetown/Meech Lake Accords, relationship, 17548, 17550, 17558,
17561-2, 17569, 17642, 17644
>>>Chrétien, J., 1990 position, 17029
>>>Consent of provinces representing 90% of population required, 17516, 17519,
17525, 17532, 17534, 17556, 17589, 17599, 17645
>>>Constitutional amending formula, relationship, 17000-3, 17006, 17008,
17013-4, 17019-21, 17023-4, 17029, 17043-4, 17046, 17049, 17058, 17076-7,
17516, 17519, 17522, 17532-4, 17554, 17558-9, 17568, 17585, 17588, 17594,
17599, 17644-5, 17647
>>>Constitutional amendment not required or involved, 17000, 17002, 17004-6,
17011, 17013, 17019-21, 17023-4, 17029, 17046, 17048-9, 17052-4, 17056, 17060,
17098-9, 17519-20, 17531, 17555, 17559, 17563, 17569, 17584, 17589, 17650
>>>Defining veto/consent, 17001, 17020, 17043-5, 17054
>>>Federal government lending veto, 17000-1, 17003, 17006, 17013-4, 17020-1,
17023-4, 17029, 17045-6, 17048-9, 17054, 17058, 17076, 17093, 17517, 17527-8,
17531, 17533-4, 17562, 17564, 17596-7, 17650
>>>Federal government not bound, future unilateral withdrawal of veto
possible, 17004, 17014, 17029, 17054, 17076, 17522, 17549, 17553, 17558-9,
17562-4, 17568, 17586, 17599, 17642
>>>Future constitutional changes, Quebec`s historical demands, etc., impact,
17005, 17054-6, 17058-60, 17519, 17521-2, 17525, 17531-2, 17553, 17559, 17569,
17586-7, 17589, 17597, 17641-2, 17644-5
>>>Historical background, 17642
>>>Legality, constitutionality, 17002, 17006, 17519, 17528, 17533-4, 17645-6
>>>Legislation (Bill C-110)
>>>>Complexity, 17005
>>>>Consultations, o.q., 17437
>>>>Expediting, closure, Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee study,
lack of consultations, etc., 17516-9, 17528, 17556, 17584-5, 17588, 17600-1,
17646-7, 17649
>>>>National unity, impact, 17583-4, 17600
>>>>Terminology, replacing "majority" of provinces with "two-thirds", 17515-6,
>>>>Withdrawal, 17585, 17588, 17592
>>>>>o.q., 17437
>>>>See also Constitutional Amendments Act (Bill C-110)
>>>New provinces, potential, impact, 17583-4
>>>>o.q., 16957
>>>Ontario, status, 17588, 17648
>>>Provincial equality principle, 17006-7, 17054, 17560, 17562-3
>>>>o.q., 16903-5
>>>Provincial legislatures/Quebec National Assembly exercising veto,
referendums alternative, etc. 17007-8, 17023-4, 17046-9, 17054, 17517, 17522,
17527-9, 17533-5, 17551, 17556, 17562, 17566, 17568-9, 17571-2, 17588,
17596-7, 17599
>>>>o.q., 17239
>>>Provinces positions, 17516-7, 17533, 17548-9, 17559, 17565-6, 17597-8,
>>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, relationship, 17020
>>>Quebec separatists, appeasing, 17095-6, 17533-4, 17550-1, 17557, 17562,
17600, 17645
>>>Reform Party position, 17005, 17008, 17019, 17043-4, 17050, 17054, 17529,
17531, 17549, 17558, 17560, 17566, 17599, 17647
>>>>o.q., 16963-5, 17497, 17628-9
>>>S.O. 31, 17435, 17493
>>>Regions, defining, 17007, 17517, 17520, 17527, 17533, 17554, 17558,
17562-3, 17567
>>>Saskatchewan status, 17043-4
>>>Unanimity requirement, lacking, 17004
>>>United States presidential veto, comparison, 17552
>>>Victoria formula, comparison, 17001, 17004, 17007, 17014-5, 17023, 17029,
17046, 17049, 17058, 17099, 17548, 17552, 17642
>>>>o.q., 16964
>>>Western provinces responses, 17047, 17052, 17054
>>>Western region, effect, 17076-7
>>>Western separatism, relationship, 17046, 17561
>>>See also National unity--Post-sovereignty referendum strategy, Chrétien, J.
>>"Shared sovereignty" concept, Charest position, S.O. 31, 6633
>>Special interest groups/individual rights, Reform Party position, 4930-1
>>Status quo not acceptable, Foreign Affairs Minister Ouellet statement, o.q.,
>>Transfer of powers to provinces, o.q., 16144-5
>>See also Constitution--Federal-provincial powers;
National unity;
Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--Results
Construction industry see Housing; Mortgages--Insurance, CMHC program
Consular services see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department
Consumer and Corporate Affairs and Government Operations Standing Committee (3rd Sess., 34th Parl.) see Government--Decision making process, Lobbyists; Lobbyists--Registration
Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (amdt.--nutritional value of food)(Bill
First reading, 677
>>See also Food--Nutritional value
Confidence, restoring, Feb. 22/94 budget, impact, 1785
>>Interests, protection, 6117, 6154-5, 6169
>>Protection laws, reforming, 1776
>>Safety see Milk--Production stimulant
>>See also Gasoline/automotive fuels--Additives, MMT;
World Consumer Rights Day
Consumers Paper Corporation
Tissue paper plant, Redcliffe, Alta., subsidy, S.O. 31, 1550
Consumption tax see Tax reform
Contact lenses
Costs, short/medium/long term use, Bausch and Lomb advertising,
o.q., 8884
Contaminated properties/buildings see Environment
Contemplacion, Flor see Singapore
Contented culture see Ontario
Contiguous zone see Oceans--Canadian jurisdiction
Continental shelf see Oceans--Canadian jurisdiction;
Contingency reserves see Government information
Contingent liability see Mortgages--Insurance, CMHC program
Continuous learning see Employment
Contraband see Excise Act; Smuggling
Contraband detection kits see Border crossings
Contract workers see Unemployment insurance--Eligibility
Contracting out see Canadian Armed Forces; Defence equipment--Maintenance; Government programs and services; Public Service; Transportation--Services
Contractors Protection Act (Bill C-356)--Marchand
First reading, 16399
>>See also Whistleblowing--Government contractors
Contracts see Canada Post Corporation; Government contracts
Contraventions Act
Federal statutes enforcement, ticketing program, local administration,
federal-provincial negotiations, o.q., 13132
>>Proclamation, delay, S.O. 31, 3873
>>See also Waterways--Safety
Contraventions Act (Amdt.)(Bill C-114)--Minister of Justice (Rock)
First reading, 17504