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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Bill C-7)--Minister of Health (Marleau)

    >>First reading, 804
    >>Second reading, 1561-3, 1565-80, 3210-27, 3239-47
    >>>Order for second reading discharged, bill withdrawn and subject-matter referred to Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Bridgman), 3214, negatived, on recorded division, 3263-4
    >>>Agreed to, on recorded division, 3263-4
    >>Health Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 3263
    >>>Reported, with amdts., 15813
    >>Report stage, 15947-50
    >>>Motion (G. Hill), 15947-50, negatived, on division, 15949-50
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Marleau), 15950, agreed to, on division, 15950
    >>Third reading, 15950-63, 15976-88, agreed to, on division, 15988, passed.
    >>See also Drug abuse--Legislation; Drug trafficking--Combatting; Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Legislation

Controlled substances see Drugs and pharmaceuticals

Convenience stores see Tobacco/cigarette smuggling--Small business

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species see Wildlife--Endangered species

Convention on Psychotropic Substances (1971) see Drug trafficking--Combatting

Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction see Chemical and biological weapons

Conventional weapons see Defence equipment

Coolidge, Calvin see United States

Coon-Come, Matthew see Quebec--Parti-Québécois government

Co-op education programs see Training--Apprenticeship programs

Co-operative Commonwealth Federation see Health insurance (Medicare)--Saskatchewan

Co-operative education see Education--Business studies

Co-operative Energy Corporation

    >>Annual report (1992), tabled, 2180

Co-operative federalism see Federalism

Co-operatives see Farm improvement loans; Hogs--Saskatchewan co-operative

Cooperative Credit Associations Act see Financial Institutions Laws Amendment Act (Bill C-100)

Copenhagen, Denmark see World Summit for Social Development

Copps, Hon. Sheila (L--Hamilton East; Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Environment; Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Canadian Heritage as of January 25, 1996)

    >>Aboriginal Head-Start Program, developing, 205
    >>Aboriginal land claims, Squamish band, o.q., 10617
    >>Aboriginal self-government, implementing, o.q., 2482-3
    >>Acadians, self-determination, o.q., 4577
    >>Acid rain, sulphur dioxide emissions, statement by Minister, 5347-8
    >>Advisory Council on the Status of Women, o.q., 10612-3
    >>Air pollution
    >>>Carbon dioxide emissions (greenhouse gases), 16372
    >>>>o.q., 7686-7, 7691, 9783, 9950, 10952-3, 11194, 11297
    >>>Carcinogenic emissions, o.q., 13130
    >>>Emission standards, o.q., 6903-4
    >>>Regulations, 205
    >>Appendices to Hansard, 9334
    >>>Broughton Island, 1251-2
    >>>Russian oil spill, countermeasures, o.q., 8752-3
    >>Auditor General Act (amdt.)(Bill C-83), 14509-12
    >>Banff National Park, Sunshine Village Corporation, 1254-5
    >>>o.q., 1238, 10717
    >>Bank of Canada, Governor, 654
    >>BHP Minerals Canada Ltd., diamond mine development proposal, o.q., 8882
    >>Bloc Québécois, 17019-20
    >>>Canadian Armed Forces peacekeepers taken hostage, o.q., 13174-5
    >>>Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping troops, o.q., 13174-5
    >>>Ceasefire, negotiations, o.q., 4863
    >>>Sarajevo, o.q., 1236
    >>>United States NATO aircraft, o.q. 13175
    >>Bouchard, references, o.q., 4822, 8630
    >>British Columbia, Lt. Governor, o.q., 9532
    >>Brunswick Mining and Smelting, o.q., 12721-2
    >>Cabinet ministers
    >>>Administrative tribunals, o.q., 7506-7, 7509
    >>>Integrity and ethics, o.q., 7629
    >>>Ethnic diversity, 4959-60
    >>>Two founding nations, peoples, 17009, 17011
    >>Canada Health Act, reform, o.q., 3878
    >>Canada Health and Social Transfer, health care, post-secondary education and Canada Assistance Plan funding, o.q., 10192
    >>Canada Wildlife Act (amdt.)(Bill C-24), 3447, 3887, 5240
    >>Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-56), 7105, 7403-6
    >>Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (Bill C-13)(3rd Sess., 34th Parl.)
    >>>Amendment process, 204
    >>>Charest role, 8895
    >>>Proclamation, 204, 7141
    >>>>qu., 1619
    >>Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (Bill C-78)(2nd Sess., 34th Parl.), Bouchard role, 7404, 8895
    >>Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, establishing, 8895
    >>Canadian Environmental Protection Act
    >>>PCBs sections, o.q., 10076
    >>>Review, 204, 16372
    >>>>M., 5141-3
    >>>>o.q., 14230
    >>Canadian Pension Commission, o.q., 8941
    >>Carbon tax, introducing, o.q., 6853
    >>Child abuse, Lac Barriére Indian Reserve, o.q., 12191
    >>Child care
    >>>Government commitment, 206, 651
    >>>>o.q., 1103-4
    >>>National program, o.q., 3395
    >>>Public opinion, o.q., 1103
    >>Child support payments
    >>>Avoidance, o.q., 10953
    >>>Income for recipient, o.q., 3951
    >>Children, 651
    >>>Human rights violations, o.q., 4865, 8883
    >>>Prime Minister Chrétien trade mission, o.q., 6436-7, 7630, 7688
    >>Chrétien, J., references, 7505, 7509
    >>Cod, fish stocks, collapse, o.q., 2295
    >>Communications Security Establishment
    >>>Accountability, o.q., 7103
    >>>Electronic eavesdropping, o.q., 6981, 7095-8, 7102
    >>Conflict of interest
    >>>Dupuy, Canadian Heritage Minister, o.q., 13474, 13478-9, 13526-7, 14084-5
    >>>Martin, Finance Minister P., o.q., 2481, 2485
    >>Constitutional Amendments Act (Bill C-110), 17008-11
    >>Constitutional reform
    >>>Charlottetown Accord, o.q., 6338, 6440-1
    >>>Chrétien proposals, o.q., 17037
    >>>Meech Lake Accord, 17010-1
    >>>Negotiations, o.q., 16830
    >>>Quebec right of veto, o.q., 16191, 16241, 16734
    >>>Reform Party, o.q., 5726
    >>>Regional veto proposal, o.q., 16965, 16968-9, 17437-8, 17497
    >>>Transfer of powers to provinces, o.q., 16145
    >>Court Challenges Program, restoring, o.q., 7184
    >>>Commissioners, o.q., 9532
    >>>Licence applications, o.q., 7510
    >>Cruise missile testing, o.q., 943
    >>Defence equipment, helicopters, o.q., 13174-5
    >>Defence, low-level flight training, Labrador, o.q., 6223, 6335, 9780, 10955, 12288
    >>>Elimination, o.q., 15968
    >>>Reduction, o.q., 1552, 6774, 7628
    >>Divorce Act (amdt.--granting of access to, or custody of, a child to a grandparent)(Bill C-232), 12219
    >>Drug trafficking, cocaine, o.q., 1552
    >>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, Legislation, Bill C-91 (3rd Sess., 34th Parl.), o.q., 7628-9, 7685
    >>Dupuy, references, o.q., 7510
    >>Economic G-7 Summit (1995), o.q., 13474-5
    >>Economic recovery
    >>>Government position/action, 4958
    >>>>o.q., 3953
    >>>Quebec independence, 4958
    >>>Growth, 4958
    >>>Post industrial economy, 651
    >>Education, drop out rate, 652
    >>Education, post-secondary, tuition fees, o.q., 7102-3
    >>>Advertising, o.q., 941
    >>>Expenses, o.q., 14084-5
    >>Employment equity, legislation, o.q., 13528-9
    >>Employment, women, 651
    >>>Earth Day, statement by Minister, 3396-8
    >>>Economy, relationship, 8895
    >>>Ecosystems, 5141
    >>>Environment and Sustainable Development Commissioner, 7141, 14509-12
    >>>Environmental assessment and review process, 204, 1252, 7404-6, 8893-5
    >>>>o.q., 10718, 14885-6, 14928, 15182, 15216, 15602, 15974, 16837
    >>>>Statement by Minister, 6598-9
    >>>Environmental Auditor General, 204, 2362, 14509-10
    >>>Federal government centralization attitude, o.q., 14995
    >>>Federal-provincial projects, o.q., 14995
    >>>Global warming, 202
    >>>>o.q., 11299, 14724
    >>>Green Plan for a Health Environment, o.q., 12290
    >>>International role, 13184-5
    >>>Members of Parliament, 202-3
    >>>OECD, Environmental Performance Review of Canada
    >>>>Statement by Minister, 16372-3
    >>>>Tabled, 16371
    >>>Ozone layer, 202, 7140
    >>>Protection, 204, 1253, 15049-50, 16372
    >>>>Statement by Minister, 15049-50
    >>>Public opinion/action, 202-3
    >>>Regulations, 204, 1253
    >>>Research and development, 203
    >>>Sound practices, economic instruments and incentives, task force report, tabled, 9113
    >>>Statement by Minister, 1431-3
    >>>Technology, 203, 13185
    >>>>qu., 5528
    >>>Toxic substances, 15050
    >>>>Toxic Substances Management Policy, 7140-1
    >>>>>Tabled, 13188
    >>>>>Statement by Minister, 6177-8, 13183-5
    >>Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee, reports,
    >>>First, g.r., tabled, 6906
    >>Environment Department
    >>>Budget, o.q., 12290
    >>>Deputy minister, qu., 14547-8
    >>>Pacific environment centre, o.q., 9064
    >>>Regulatory impact analysis statements, qu., 5266-7
    >>Environmental industry
    >>>Capital, 203
    >>>Environmental technologies, 652, 654
    >>>>o.q., 6141
    >>>Government encouraging, 2362
    >>>Job creation, 204
    >>>Sectoral consultation, 203
    >>>>Statement by Minister, 158-9
    >>Estimates, scrutiny, o.q., 1611
    >>Ethics Counsellor, appointment, o.q., 2000, 7504-5, 13479
    >>Euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, o.q., 1554
    >>Exports, promotion, o.q., 6333-4
    >>Family, 651
    >>Federal-provincial relations
    >>>Administrative decentralization, o.q., 16831
    >>>Changing, o.q., 15967
    >>>Federal government impinging on provincial jurisdiction, 655
    >>Federalism, status quo, o.q., 3274
    >>Fisheries, Atlantic, foreign overfishing, o.q., 4773
    >>Fisheries, environmental degradation, 202
    >>Fishermen, income support, o.q., 1310-1
    >>Foreign policy, sustainable development, 204
    >>Forest fires, o.q., 13180
    >>>British Columbia, o.q., 11298
    >>>Clayoquot Sound, 1252
    >>>Sustainable development, o.q., 5160
    >>Francophones outside Quebec, rights, 4957
    >>Fraser, Hon. John, Environment Ambassador, 204, 1251
    >>Fraser River, B.C., clean-up, 203
    >>Gasoline/automotive fuel
    >>>Additives, MMT, 14598-602
    >>>>o.q., 10956, 11761, 12253, 12844, 13480
    >>>Alternative fuels, 14602
    >>>Blended, ethanol, o.q., 1184-5
    >>>Prices, o.q., 13480
    >>Government contracts, o.q., 12843
    >>Government departments, boards agencies and commissions, sustainable development, 14510-1
    >>Government expenditures
    >>>Accountability, 1253
    >>>>M. on supply (Williams), 1251-6
    >>>Controls, o.q., 1611
    >>>Estimates, 1994-1995, supplementary (B), o.q., 7631
    >>>Previous governments, o.q., 6440-1
    >>>Reducing, o.q., 1998, 2974, 7180
    >>>Statutory expenditures, o.q., 1611
    >>Government programs and services
    >>>Federal-provincial duplication, o.q., 3387-8
    >>>National standards, o.q., 15646
    >>Great Lakes
    >>>Chlorine levels, 7140-2
    >>>>o.q., 1238-9
    >>>Clean-up, 203, 1251, 7139-40
    >>>>o.q., 15186
    >>>Collingwood Harbour, 7140
    >>>Water quality
    >>>>o.q., 1503-4, 1557, 12845
    >>>>Statement by Minister, 7139-42
    >>>Abolishing, o.q., 5575, 5659, 15968
    >>>Reform Party position, o.q., 5575
    >>>Replacing, o.q., 1233-4, 2480-1
    >>Hamilton, Ont., 17010
    >>Harbours, wharves and breakwaters, Hamilton, Ont., 205
    >>Hazardous waste
    >>>Export, o.q., 16194
    >>>Storage areas, clean-up, 13183-4
    >>>>o.q., 12537-8, 13179-80
    >>Health care
    >>>Core services, o.q., 12194
    >>>Cut-backs, o.q., 3705-6
    >>>Funding, o.q., 3878, 4994
    >>>Midwifery, o.q., 3878
    >>>Private clinics, o.q., 14612
    >>>System, o.q., 4001
    >>>Two-tier system, o.q. 3879-80
    >>>User fees, o.q., 3878, 3880
    >>>Women's issues, 201
    >>Health Department, Canada Health Act, o.q., 3705
    >>Hibernia development project
    >>>Contract, o.q., 8631
    >>>Cost overruns, o.q., 942-3, 3388-9
    >>>Environmental protection measures, qu., 3312
    >>House of Commons
    >>>Decorum, o.q., 2482
    >>>Fraser, John, 1251
    >>>Votes, o.q., 942
    >>Human Resources Investment Fund, employment and job creation programs, o.q., 15646
    >>Immigrants, 650
    >>Immigration, family reunification, o.q., 3279
    >>Income tax, tax shelters/loopholes, o.q., 1611-2
    >>Indian Act, abolition, o.q., 2483
    >>Information highway, strategy, 203
    >>Infrastructure program
    >>>Implementing, 654
    >>>Job creation component, 4958
    >>>Sewage and water treatment facilities, 203
    >>Interest rates, Bank of Canada rate, o.q., 9952
    >>International financial institutions, sustainable development considerations, o.q., 12290-1
    >>International Joint Commission, report, g.r., tabled, 7139
    >>International Water Day, National Capital's Celebration, statement by Minister, 2361-2
    >>Irving Whale, Magdalen Islands, 1218-9, 1253, 10519
    >>>o.q., 155, 4826, 6562, 7037-8, 10514, 10615-6, 13181, 14648, 14996, 15971, 16193, 16741, 16779-80
    >>>Sidescan Sonar Survey, tabled, 10616
    >>>Statement by Minister, 2488-90
    >>Israel, Rabin, Yitzkak, Prime Minister, 16249
    >>Job creation
    >>>115,000 since February 1994, o.q., 3994-5, 3998
    >>>Government commitment, o.q., 946
    >>>Government expenditures, o.q., 7180
    >>>Liberal Party, 4958-9
    >>>>o.q., 7180
    >>>Overtime, o.q., 3955
    >>>Quebec, o.q., 3994-5, 3998
    >>Kanesatake Band Council
    >>>Economic development funds, o.q., 4824
    >>>Elections, o.q., 13475-6
    >>Kanesatake Indian Reserve
    >>>Native cemetery, o.q., 4578
    >>>Non-native land, purchase, o.q., 3391
    >>Kilgour, references, 201
    >>Kingston, Ont.
    >>>Bilingual designation, o.q., 4859
    >>>French-language high school, o.q., 4577, 4821
    >>Labour disputes, strike replacements, o.q. 9474
    >>Labour force, 65,000 rejoining, o.q., 3994-5
    >>Lake Champlain, ecological disaster, 13185
    >>Lake Superior, pollution, 13184
    >>Laurier Club, $1000 membership fee, o.q., 7689, 7692
    >>Liberal Party, election promises, 203, 206
    >>>o.q., 946
    >>Lincoln, references, 203
    >>Manganese-based Fuel Additives Act (Bill C-94), 12850, 14138, 14598-602, 16057, 16269
    >>Members of Parliament
    >>>Baby boomers and younger, 650
    >>>Employees, o.q., 2001
    >>>Freedom of speech, o.q., 6332
    >>>Pensions, o.q., 643-4, 1994, 2483, 7809, 7932, 9782, 12190
    >>>Visible minorities, 201
    >>>Women, 201
    >>Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 (Bill C-23), 3447, 3776
    >>Military colleges, Collège militaire royal, Saint-Jean, Que., o.q., 4820, 4859
    >>Mohawk people, smugglers, o.q., 1552
    >>Murder, defence, o.q., 1237
    >>Myanmar, non-governmental organizations, o.q., 5158-9
    >>>Chile, o.q., 8942
    >>>Environmental Commission, 204, 206
    >>>>o.q., 234, 1309-10, 2857, 3103, 3392-3
    >>National Capital Region, environment, o.q., 13529
    >>National Forum on Health
    >>>Provincial governments involvement, o.q., 6981-3
    >>>Terms of reference, o.q., 4994
    >>National identity, culture, 4957
    >>National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
    >>>Chairman, 1432
    >>>Membership, 1432
    >>>Objectives, 1432
    >>National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy Act, proclamation, 1432
    >>National unity
    >>>Government commitment, 4956
    >>>M. on supply (Manning), 4956-60
    >>>Post-sovereignty referendum strategy, o.q., 16965, 16968-9
    >>>Preserving, 17009-10
    >>>Reform Party position, 16831, 17009-10
    >>>Restoring, 1254
    >>Niagara River remedial action plan, o.q., 13477
    >>Northern Canada, food chain degradation, 205
    >>Nova Scotia, Sydney tar ponds, o.q., 9533, 9607
    >>Official languages policy/bilingualism, territorial bilingualism, 4959
    >>Oil spills, tanker safety, o.q., 1068-9
    >>Old age pensions, high income recipients, o.q., 10193
    >>Oldman River dam project, environmental assessment, o.q., 1559
    >>Olympics, 2002 Winter Games, Quebec City, Que., bid, o.q., 3392
    >>Order in Council appointments
    >>>Patronage, o.q., 9532
    >>>Salaries, o.q., 1616
    >>Patronage, o.q., 8941
    >>Pay equity, Canadian Human Rights Commission, o.q., 2001
    >>>Disposal, o.q., 12721, 13532
    >>>Storage sites, o.q., 12537-8
    >>>United States Environmental Protection Agency hearings, o.q., 14089
    >>Pearson International Airport, Terminals 1 and 2, o.q., 11187, 11189-90, 14766
    >>Pedophilia, committed abroad by Canadians, o.q., 1558
    >>Penitentiaries, 1-900 telephone numbers, o.q., 6441-2
    >>Pesticides, toxic substances policy, o.q. 6440
    >>Petro-Canada, Fredericton, N.B., o.q., 8831, 9149
    >>Political parties, fundraising, o.q., 14084-5
    >>Pollution, organic pollutants, 13184-5
    >>Ports, ice protection system, qu., 9696-7
    >>Post offices, closures, o.q., 1559
    >>>Children, 651-2
    >>>Social security system, relationship, 652
    >>>(Bouchard) misleading/false statements, 10519
    >>>(Hart) rights of Members breached, 7562
    >>Privy Council, Clerk, Jocelyne Bourgon, 3105
    >>>Appendices to Hansard, M., 9334
    >>>Decorum, 7506
    >>>Documents, tabling, 13188
    >>>Exhibits/displays, 6982
    >>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 3885, 15649
    >>>Minister's remarks, 13481
    >>>Oral questions, 7507
    >>>Points of order/questions of privilege, 3105
    >>>Speaker of the House of Commons, election, 8251
    >>Program for Older Worker Adjustment, businesses with less than 100 employees, o.q., 1556
    >>Public Accounts Standing Committee, mandate, 1256
    >>Public Service, political activities, o.q., 10902
    >>Pulp and paper industry, regulations
    >>>o.q., 4001
    >>>qu., 5266
    >>>Aboriginal peoples, o.q., 4578
    >>>Culture, o.q., 17436
    >>>Distinct society, 17009-10
    >>>>o.q., 16189, 16965, 17436
    >>>Federalist option, 4960
    >>>>o.q., 3274
    >>>French language, culture, 17009
    >>>Separation/sovereignty, 4957, 17009
    >>>>o.q., 8696-7, 8747-8, 16141-3, 16189, 16242-3, 17036, 17496
    >>Quebec sovereignty referendum
    >>>Federal government conducting, o.q., 8697
    >>>No campaign, 17008-9
    >>>>o.q., 15647, 15967-8, 16144-5
    >>>Results, o.q., 15523-4, 16142-3, 16145, 16190-1, 16242
    >>>Wording, o.q., 8696
    >>Radio stations, Télémedia licence application, o.q., 7504-8
    >>Rail passenger service, high speed service, o.q., 495
    >>Railways, workers, o.q., 7235
    >>Rainy Hollow, B.C., DDT clean-up, o.q., 6219
    >>References, 205
    >>>Credibility, lack, S.O. 31, 16187
    >>>Ignorance and incompetence, 16272-5
    >>>See also Air pollution--Carbon dioxide emissions; Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment--Co-operative role; Environment--Environmental assessment and review process, Federal-provincial duplication GST--Abolishing; Hansard; Gasoline/automotive fuels--Additives; Health care--System; Irving Whale--Salvage; Members of Parliament--Pensions, Survey; Mohawk people--Bloc Québécois; Quebec--Separation/sovereignty, Reform Party position; Quebec sovereignty referendum--Results, "No side"; Reform Party--"Rednecks"; Société pour vaincre la pollution--Financial status; Television, cable--Rates; World War ll--D-Day, Wreath-laying ceremony
    >>Reform Party
    >>>Election platform, o.q., 7180
    >>>Fund raising, o.q., 7692, 13474, 13478-9
    >>>Justice critic, o.q., 13480, 14085
    >>>Policy, 4956-7
    >>>"Rednecks". o.q., 2482
    >>Refugees, women, o.q., 9330
    >>Retirement, 651
    >>Russia, World War II, o.q., 12488
    >>Rwanda, civil war, o.q., 3279, 3950
    >>Same-sex couples, spousal privileges, o.q., 3393
    >>Senate, vacancies, o.q., 8250
    >>Sexual orientation, Canadian Human Rights Act, o.q., 6333
    >>Ships, double hulls, o.q., 4584, 4861, 4948, 4993, 6564
    >>Smuggling, Kanesatake/Kahnawake/Akwesasne reserves, o.q., 1551-2, 1614
    >>Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, grants, o.q., 4990
    >>Social security system
    >>>M. (L. Axworthy), 650-5
    >>>Reform, o.q., 3096-7, 3952, 4945, 6331, 6774, 15968, 15971
    >>Somalia, Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operations, o.q., 12250-1, 12372
    >>St. Lawrence River
    >>>Beluga whales, o.q., 1312
    >>>Chemical wastes, o.q., 1312
    >>>Chlorine levels, o.q., 1238-9
    >>>Clean-up, action plan, 203, 1251
    >>>>o.q., 2293, 6219, 6437
    >>>Dredging, Massena, NY, o.q., 7561
    >>>Water quality, o.q., 1557
    >>Standing committees, vice-chairs, o.q., 1555
    >>Stoney Reserve, logging, o.q., 16779-80
    >>Sustainable development
    >>>Benefits, 202-3
    >>>Government commitment, 14509-12
    >>>Hamilton, Ont., 15049
    >>>Policies, 8895
    >>>Promoting, 1432, 14510
    >>>Statement by Minister, 6907-11
    >>>Tax barriers, 2362
    >>>Middle class, o.q., 1611
    >>>Total tax load, o.q., 1553
    >>Television, cable, rates, 7504-6, 7562
    >>Television, direct to home satellite transmission, o.q., 12287
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jackson), 201-6
    >>Tobacco/cigarette smuggling
    >>>Bosnia-Herzegovina, comparison, o.q., 1551-2
    >>>Government action, o.q., 937-8
    >>>Government strategy, Feb. 8/94 announcement, o.q., 1065, 1067, 1233, 1551-2
    >>>Mohawk people, o.q., 937-8, 1552
    >>>Scope, o.q., 937-8
    >>Toronto Club, Prime Minister, o.q., 4822
    >>>Human rights, linking, o.q., 4865
    >>>Interprovincial trade barriers, 654
    >>>>o.q., 4946-7, 5724
    >>Training programs, 650-1
    >>>Rate, o.q., 3998-9, 7180
    >>>Youth, 651-2
    >>Unemployment insurance
    >>>Benefit rate, o.q., 1993
    >>>Privatization, o.q., 493
    >>>Quebec sovereignty referendum, o.q., 15968
    >>>Reform, o.q., 2484
    >>>Training tax, o.q., 493-4
    >>>Human rights, o.q., 8882-3
    >>>Quan, Tran Thieu, o.q., 17441-2
    >>Waste management/recycling, federal-provincial environment ministers meeting, o.q., 5518
    >>Water pollution, marine spill response capability, qu., 3312
    >>Water quality
    >>>Airborn toxins, 7141
    >>>National guidelines, 7140
    >>Western Canada Wilderness Committee, funding, o.q., 11298
    >>Wetlands, protection, 5142
    >>Wheat, durum wheat, o.q., 3390-1
    >>Wilderness areas, protected areas, o.q., 6856
    >>>Conservation and protection, o.q., 15048
    >>>Endangered species, 16372
    >>>>o.q., 7936, 12253, 15000, 15186
    >>Winnipeg, Man., National Hockey League arena, o.q., 12838-40
    >>Winnipeg River, Busan-52 pesticide, o.q., 2438
    >>>Centres and shelters, o.q., 8702
    >>>Excision, o.q., 6438
    >>World War II
    >>>D-Day, 50th anniversary, 4957
    >>>>Statement by Minister, 4867-8
    >>>V-E Day, 50th anniversary, statement by Minister, 12283
    >>Youth, 650, 652-3