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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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Discipline see Children--Physical discipline

Discrimination and racism

    >>Attitude of intolerance, 13789-90
    >>Causes, 13929-30, 15308
    >>Combatting/eliminating, 1514-5, 2011, 2016-7, 6429, 6432, 6446, 6448-9, 6844-5, 6863, 9119-22, 9131, 10593, 10620-1, 15165-6, 15316
    >>Eliminating, 6429, 6432, 6446, 6448-9
    >>>B'Nai Brith Canada role, tribute, S.O. 31, 12714
    >>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Canadian Human Rights Act, Multiculturalism Act and Canadian Race Relations Foundation, role, 9066-7, 10594
    >>>Government involvement, Reform Party position, 10619-22, 15435-6
    >>>Marchi, campaign experience, 5195
    >>>>S.O. 31, 1991, 2428
    >>>S.O. 31, 11055
    >>>Throne Speech proposal, 11, 582
    >>Government past actions, redressing, compensation claims, refusal
    >>>Bloc Québécois position, 9066-7
    >>>Letter, tabled, 9065
    >>>Statement by Minister (Finestone), 9065-7
    >>Interests of society, criteria, government position, o.q., 5346
    >>Legislation see Canadian Race Relations Foundation Act (Bill C-63)(2nd Sess., 34th Parl.)
    >>Montreal, Que., high school student, wearing Islamic garb, sent home, S.O. 31, 6251-2
    >>Reverse discrimination, 6448
    >>Sexism, eliminating, 2011
    >>Toronto, Ont. school system, S.O. 31, 9055
    >>See also Black Canadians--Nova Scotia; Canadian Airborne Regiment--Hazing video; Canadian Armed Forces; Employment equity--Reverse discrimination; Filipino Canadians; Hockey--Olympics, Quebec representation; Immigrants--Financial guarantees; International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination; Members of Parliament--Language; Métis--Census; Multiculturalism; National Action Committee on the Status of Women--Membership; Public Service--Salaries, Regional rates of pay; Reform Party--"Racist"; Schindler's List; Sexual orientation; Special interest groups; Ukraine--Anti-semitism allegations; Unemployment insurance--Training programs; White supremacists


    >>Contagious/infectious see Ebola virus; Fire-fighters; Canada Health Act (amdt.--conditions for contributions)(Bill C-284); Tuberculosis
    >>Control, public health surveillance, maintaining, S.O. 31, 9997
    >>Research, funding, qu., 5825
    >>See also Children--Deaths

Dismantling the Crow: Curbing the Imports see Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee--Reports, presented, Ninth

Disney Corporation see RCMP--Image

Disposable lighters see instead Lighters, disposable

Dissenting reports see Human Resources Development Standing Committee--Reports, First; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Thirteenth

Distillery industry see Alcohol

Distinct society see British Columbia; Quebec

Distortion adjustment program see Trade

Dividends see Corporations--Income tax; Income tax

Divisions, recorded

    >>Aboriginal land claims, British Columbia, M. on supply (Duncan), negatived 17537-8
    >>Access to Information Act, Parliament and Crown agencies, applying to, M. (B. Mills), negatived, 10857
    >>Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act (Bill C-88), second reading,
    >>>Amdt. (E. Harper), negatived, 14180-1
    >>>Agreed to, 16276-7
    >>Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act (Bill C-61)
    >>>Report stage motions
    >>>>(Hermanson), negatived, 16048-54
    >>>>(Landry), negatived, 16051-2
    >>>>Concurrence, as further amended, M. (Goodale), agreed to, 16054
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 16107-8
    >>Agriculture, jurisdiction, reassigning, federal-provincial-industry negotiating, M. (Kerpan), negatived, 12332-3
    >>Alternative Fuels Act (Bill S-7)
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, agreed to, 14182-3
    >>>>Motions (Morrison), negatived, 14181-2
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 14183
    >>Appropriation Act No. 1, 1994-95 (Bill C-20)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 2649-50
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 2650-1
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 2651-2
    >>Appropriation Act No. 1, 1995-96 (Bill C-80)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 10926-7
    >>>Report stage concurrence, agreed to, 10927-8
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 10928
    >>Appropriation Act No. 2, 1994-95 (Bill C-39)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 5056
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed, to, 5056
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 5056
    >>Appropriation Act No. 2, 1995-1996 (Bill C-97)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 13440-1
    >>>Report stage concurrence, agreed to, 13442
    >>>Third reading, 13442
    >>Appropriation Act No. 3, 1993-94 (Bill C-19), third reading, agreed to, 2647-8
    >>Appropriation Act No. 3, 1994-95 (Bill C-63)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 8854-5
    >>>Report stage concurrence, agreed to, 8855
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 8856
    >>Appropriation Act No. 3, 1995-96 (Bill C-116), third reading, agreed to, 17539-40
    >>Appropriation Act No. 4, 1994-95 (Bill C-79)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 10924
    >>>Report stage concurrence, agreed to, 10925
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 10925-6
    >>Auditor General Act (amdt.)(Bill C-83)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 14635
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>M. (Guay), negatived, 16573
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Copps), agreed to, 16642-3
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 16931-2
    >>Borrowing Authority Act, 1994-95 (Bill C-14)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 2032-3
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 2694-5
    >>Borrowing Authority Act, 1995-96 (Bill C-73)
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (P. Martin), agreed to, 10705-6
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 11170
    >>Bankruptcy Act (amdt.--priority of claims)(Bill C-237), second reading, agreed to, 8857-8
    >>Budget, budgetary policy, public input, House to take note, M. (Gagliano), agreed to, 8512
    >>Budget, Feb. 22/94
    >>>Ineffective, M. on supply (R. Speaker), negatived, 2321-2
    >>>M. for approval (P. Martin), agreed to, 2696
    >>>>Amdt. (Loubier), negatived, 2075-6
    >>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (R. Speaker), negatived, 2031-2
    >>Budget, Feb. 27/95, M. for approval (P. Martin), agreed to, 10546-7
    >>>Amdt. (Loubier), negatived, 10502-3
    >>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Manning), negatived, 10224
    >>Budget Implementation Act (Bill C-17)
    >>>Second reading
    >>>>Agreed to, 3258-9
    >>>>Amdt. (Lalonde), negatived, 2952-3
    >>>>Question be now put, M. (Milliken), agreed to, 3258-9
    >>>Report stage motions
    >>>>(Breitkreuz, G.), negatived, 4617
    >>>>(Crête), negatived, 4617
    >>>>(Harper, S.), negatived, 4614-5
    >>>>(Lalonde), negatived, 4617
    >>>>(Loubier), negatived, 4614-5, 4617
    >>>>(Solberg), negatived, 4616
    >>>>(Tremblay, S.), negatived, 4616
    >>>>(Williams), negatived, 4613-4
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (P. Martin), agreed to, 4618
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 4679-80
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1995 (Bill C-76)
    >>>Second reading
    >>>>Amdt. (Loubier), negatived, 11781-2
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3), M. (Gagliano), agreed to, 11819-20
    >>>>Agreed to, 11831-2
    >>>Report stage and third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(3), M. (H. Gray), agreed to, 13216-7
    >>>Report stage motions
    >>>>(Allmand), negatived, 13272-4
    >>>>(Godin), negatived, 13280-1
    >>>>(Grubel), negatived, 13278-80
    >>>>(Loubier), negatived, 13269-71, 13277-8
    >>>>(Martin, P.), agreed to, 13271-2, 13276-7
    >>>>(Speaker, R.), negatived, 13267-9, 13274-6
    >>>>Concurrence, as further amended, M. (P. Martin), agreed to, 13281-2
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 13348-9
    >>Business Development Bank of Canada Act (Bill C-91)
    >>>Industry Standing Committee referral, forthwith, M. (Manley), agreed to, 13030-2
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, as amended, agreed to, 14407
    >>>>>(Manley), agreed to, 14397-8, 14404-5
    >>>>>>Agreed to, 14405-6
    >>>>>>Negatived, 14399-404, 14406-7
    >>>>>>Agreed to, 14403
    >>>>>>Negatived, 14398-402, 14404
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 14407
    >>>Third reading
    >>>>Amdt. (Milliken), agreed to, 14466
    >>>>Agreed to, 14468-9
    >>Canada Elections Act (amdt.--reimbursement of election expenses)(Bill C-319), second reading, agreed to, 12745-6
    >>Canada Grain Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51)
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>>(Althouse), negatived, 8729-31
    >>>>>(Benoit), negatived, 8730-1
    >>>>>(Chrétien, J-G), negatived, 8728
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Goodale), agreed to, 8731-2
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 9025-6
    >>Canada Health and Social Transfer, programs, national standards, M. on supply (Bouchard), negatived, 12091-2
    >>>Amdt. (Ablonczy), negatived, 12090-1
    >>Canada Labour Code and Public Service Staff Relations Act (amdt.--scabs and essential services)(Bill C-317), second reading, negatived, 16643-4
    >>Canada Student Financial Assistance Act (Bill C-28)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 4419
    >>>Report stage motions
    >>>>(Dubé), negatived, 5433-4
    >>>>(Crête), negatived, 5434
    >>>>(Lalonde), negatived, 5434-5
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (L. Axworthy), agreed to, 5435-6
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 5598-9
    >>Canada Student Loans Program, repayment provisions, income contingent plan, M. (Manning), amdt. (Valeri), agreed to, 10814-5
    >>Canada Transportation Act (Bill C-101), Transport Standing Committee, referral forthwith, M. (Young), agreed to, 15137-8
    >>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, funding, M. on supply (S. Tremblay), negatived, 10813-4
    >>>Amdt. (Hanrahan), negatived, 10811-3
    >>Canadian Dairy Commission Act (amdt.)(Bill C-86)
    >>>Report stage motions
    >>>>(Benoit), negatived, 14178-9
    >>Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-56)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 7534-5
    >>>Report stage motions
    >>>>(Gilmour), negatived, 8732
    >>>>(Taylor), negatived, 8732
    >>>>>Amdt. (Guay), negatived, 8732
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Copps), agreed to, 8733-4
    >>>Third reading, agree to, 9026-7
    >>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50)
    >>>Report stage motions
    >>>>(Althouse), negatived, 7597-8
    >>>>(Benoit), negatived, 7596-7, 7599-600
    >>>>(Chrétien, J-G), negatived, 7595-6, 7598
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Goodale), agreed to, 7600-1
    >>CN Commercialization Act (Bill C-89)
    >>>Transport Standing Committee, referral forthwith, M. (Young), agreed to, 12632-3
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>>(Guimond), negatived, 14168-71
    >>>>>(Mercier), negatived, 14168-9
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Young), agreed to, 14171-2
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 14171-2
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 14296-7
    >>Conflict of interest, code of conduct, Members of Parliament, Senators and senior officials, Special Joint Committee, establishing
    >>>M. (H. Gray), agreed to, 14177-8
    >>>>Amdt. (Bélisle), 11971, negatived, 12092-3
    >>Constitution Amendment, 1993 (Prince Edward Island), M. (Dingwall), agreed to, 1459-60
    >>Constitutional Amendments Act (Bill C-110)
    >>>Second reading
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3), agreed to, 17075-6
    >>>>Agreed to, 17175-6
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>>(S. Harper), negatived, 17601-2
    >>>>>(Rock), agreed to, 17602-3
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Rock), agreed to, 17603-4
    >>>Report stage and third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(3), agreed to, 17545-6
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 17651-2
    >>Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Bill C-7), second reading
    >>>Agreed to, 3263-4
    >>>Order for second reading discharged, bill withdrawn and subject-matter referred to Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Bridgman), negatived, 3263-4
    >>Corrections and Conditional Release Act, Criminal Code, Criminal Records Act, Prisons and Reformatories Act and Transfer of Offenders Act (amdt.)(Bill C-45)
    >>>Report stage motions
    >>>>(P. Gagon), agreed to, 14843-4
    >>>>(Thompson), negatived, 14842-5
    >>>>Concurrence, with further amdts., M. (H. Gray), agreed to, 14845-6
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 14845-6
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-226), second reading, agreed to, 9034; revised division, agreed to, 9334-5
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--sentencing)(Bill C-41)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 6885-6
    >>>Report stage and third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(2), M. (Gagliano), agreed to, 13448-9
    >>>Report stage motions
    >>>>(McTeague), negatived, 13838-40
    >>>>(Ramsay), negatived, 13834-7, 13850-1
    >>>>(Robinson), negatived, 13841-2
    >>>>(Rock), agreed to, as amended, on recorded division, 13848; agreed to, 13849-52
    >>>>>Amdt. (Keyes), agreed to, 13847-8
    >>>>(Skoke), negatived, 13837-8, 13844-5
    >>>>(Venne), negatived, 13835-6, 13840-1, 13846, 13848-9
    >>>>(Wappel), negatived, 13842-4; agreed to, 13845-6
    >>>>Concurrence, as further amended, M. (Rock), agreed to, 13852-3
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 13978-9
    >>CSIS, informant Grant Bristow, use, Security Intelligence Review Committee, report, The Heritage Front Affair, M. for Papers (Richardson), agreed to, 9103-4
    >>Cultural Property Export and Import Act, Income Tax Act and Tax Court of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-93)
    >>Second reading
    >>>Amdt. (Solberg), negatived, 15135-6
    >>>Agreed to, 15202
    >>Third reading, agreed to, 15828-9
    >>Defence policy, review, Canada's Defence Policy Review Special Joint Committee, establishing, M. (Collenette), agreed to, 1728-9
    >>Department of Agriculture Act (amdt.)(Bill C-49), report stage motion (Easter), negatived, 6879-80
    >>Department of Canadian Heritage Act (Bill C-53)
    >>>Second reading
    >>>>Amdt. (S. Tremblay), negatived, 7833-4
    >>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (I. McClelland), negatived, 7535-6
    >>>>Agreed to, 8151-2
    >>>Report stage, 9072-89
    >>>>>(Brown, J.), negatived, 9106-12
    >>>>>(Gagnon, C.), negatived, 9105-6
    >>>>>(Tremblay, S.), negatived, 9104-10
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Dupuy), agreed to, 9112-3
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 9158-9
    >>Department of Citizenship and Immigration Act (Bill C-35), third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(2), agreed to, 5696-8
    >>Department of Health Act (Bill C-95)
    >>>Second reading
    >>>M. (Picard), 16152, negatived, 16279
    >>>Agreed to, 16386-7
    >>Department of Human Resources Development Act (Bill C-96)
    >>>Second reading
    >>>>Amdt. (Lalonde), negatived, 16641-2
    >>>>Agreed to, 16931
    >>Department of Industry Act (Bill C-46)
    >>>Second reading
    >>>>Amdt. (Rocheleau), negatived, 7258-9
    >>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (I. McClelland), negatived, 6880-1
    >>>>Agreed to, 7260
    >>>Report stage motions
    >>>>(Leroux, G.), negatived, 8722-6
    >>>>(Schmidt), negatived, 8723-5
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Manley), agreed to, 8726-7
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 8856
    >>Department of Labour Act (amdt.)(Bill C-30), third reading, agreed to, 5601
    >>Department of Natural Resources Act (Bill C-48)
    >>>Second reading
    >>>>Amdt. (Canuel), negatived, 6881-2
    >>>>Agreed to, 6882-3
    >>>Report stage motions
    >>>>(Canuel), negatived, 8147-50
    >>>>(Deshaies), negatived, 8148-9
    >>>>Concurrence, as amended, M. (A. McLellan), agreed to, 8150-1
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 8209-10
    >>Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (Bill C-52)
    >>>Second reading
    >>>>Agreed to, 7261
    >>>>Amdt. (J-P Marchand), negatived, 6883-4
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>>(Chamberlain), agreed to, 16937-9
    >>>>>(Epp), negatived, 16936-7
    >>>>>>Amdt. (Marchand), negatived, 16935-6
    >>>>>(Marchand), negatived, 16939-41
    >>>>>(Milliken), 16846-51, agreed to, 16939-40
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Dingwall), agreed to, 16941
    >>Electoral boundaries, legislation, preparation, Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee referral
    >>>M. (Gray), agreed to, 3262
    >>>>Amdt. (Abbott), agreed to, 3260-1
    >>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act, 1995 (Bill C-69)
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>>(Hermanson), negatived, 11166-7
    >>>>>(Langlois), negatived, 11167-8
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (H. Gray), agreed to, 11169-70
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 11782-4
    >>>Senate amdts., concurrence/rejection, M. (H. Gray), agreed to, 14295-6
    >>>>Amdt. (Hermanson), negatived, 14294
    >>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Ablonczy), negatived, 14166-7
    >>>>Closure, M. (Gagliano), agreed to, 14258-60
    >>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Suspension Act, 1994 (Bill C-18)
    >>>Second reading
    >>>>Agreed to, 2772-3
    >>>>Amdt., six months hence, M. (S. Harper), negatived, 2771-2
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3), M. (Robichaud), agreed to, 2709-11
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Motions (Hermanson), negatived, 2949-51
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (H. Gray), agreed to, 2951-2
    >>>Third reading
    >>>>Agreed to, 2998-9
    >>>>Amdt., three months hence, M. (S. Harper), negatived, 2997-8
    >>Employment Equity Act (Bill C-64)
    >>>Human Rights and the Status of Disabled Persons Standing Committee referral, forthwith, M. (L. Axworthy), agreed to, 9032
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>>(McClelland), negatived, 15234-5
    >>>>>(Ménard), negatived, 15235-8
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (L. Axworthy), agreed to, 15238-9
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 15238-9
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 15503-4
    >>Employment equity, discriminatory, cancelling, M. on supply (Strahl), negatived, 13028-9
    >>Employment Insurance Act (Bill C-111), Human Resources Development Standing Committee, referral forthwith, M. (L. Axworthy), agreed to, 17540-1
    >>>1994-1995, interim supply, concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to, 2648-9
    >>>1994-1995, main
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to, 5056
    >>>>Industry, vote 10 (Industry and Science Development Program), concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to, 5056
    >>>>Parliament, vote 1 (Senate), concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to, 5052-3
    >>>>Parliament, vote 5 (House of Commons), concurrence, M. (Eggleton), amdt. (R. White), negatived, 5053-4
    >>>>Transport, vote 30 (VIA Rail Canada Inc.), concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to, 5055-6
    >>>1994-1995, supplementary (A), concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to, 5056
    >>>1994-1995, supplementary (B), concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to, 8852-3
    >>>1994-1995, supplementary (C), concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to, 8853-4
    >>>1994-1995, supplementary (D), concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to, 10923-4
    >>1995-1996, interim supply, concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to, 10926
    >>>1995-1996, main
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to, 13439-40
    >>>>Human Resources Development, vote 10 (Employment and Immigration), concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to, 13431-2
    >>>>Parliament, vote 1 (Senate), concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to, 13435-6
    >>>>Parliament, vote 5 (House of Commons), concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to, 13433-4
    >>>>Votes (Grouped), concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to, 13435-6
    >>>>Votes (Motions Nos. 4 to 21, 23 to 29, 31 to 33, 35 to 44, 46 to 50, 52 and 53), concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to, 13436-8
    >>>>Votes (Motions Nos. 22, 30, 34, 45, 51, 54 to 59), concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to, 13438-9
    >>Excise Act, Ways and Means motion, concurrence, M. (Peters), agreed to, 12423-4
    >>Excise Act, Excise Tax Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-32)
    >>>Report stage, motion, (Brien), negatived, 5600
    >>>Third reading,
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(2), M. (Robichaud), agreed to, 5696
    >>>>Agreed to, 5753-4
    >>Excise Tax Act, Ways and Means motion, concurrence, M. (Peters), agreed to, 12423-4
    >>Excise Tax Act and Excise Act (amdt.)(Bill C-90)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 14846-7
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 15508-9
    >>Excise Tax Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-103)
    >>>Ways and Means motion, concurrence, M. (Anderson), agreed to, 14396-7
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 14847
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (P. Martin), agreed to, 16056
    >>Financial Administration Act (amdt.--exempted crown corporations)(Bill C-263), Second reading, negatived, 11792-3
    >>Financial Institutions Laws Amendment Act (Bill C-100), second reading, agreed to, 16933-5
    >>Firearms Act (Bill C-68)
    >>>Second reading
    >>>>Agreed to, 11556-7
    >>>>Amdt. (G. Breitkreuz), negatived, 11555-6
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(3), M. (Gagliano), agreed to, 11538-9
    >>>Report stage and third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(2), M. (Gagliano), agreed to, 13446-7
    >>>Report stage motions
    >>>>(Bellehumeur), negatived, 13666-7
    >>>>(G. Breitkreuz), negatived, 13656-7, 13662-3
    >>>>(Brien), negatived, 13667
    >>>>(Crête), negatived, 13667
    >>>>(Hubbard), negatived, 13662-3
    >>>>(Meredith), negatived, 13662-3, 13668
    >>>>(Mitchell), negatived, 13651-2, 13661
    >>>>(Murphy), negatived, 13660-1, 13669-70, 13679
    >>>>(Ramsay), negatived, 13661-3, 13667-8, 13673-4
    >>>>(Riis), negatived, 13657-8
    >>>>(Rock), agreed to, 13658-61, 13663-6, 13668-9, 13671-2, 13674-5, 13677-80
    >>>>(St. Denis), negatived, 13652-6, 13662-3, 13667, 13678-9
    >>>>(Venne), negatived, 13668, 13672-3
    >>>>Concurrence, with further amdt., M. (Rock), agreed to, on recorded division, 13680-1
    >>>Third reading
    >>>>Agreed to, 13759-60
    >>>>Amdt. (Ramsay), negatived, 13757-8
    >>Foreign affairs policy, review, Canada's Foreign Affairs Policy Review Special Joint Committee establishing, M. (Ouellet), amdt. (B. Mills), negatived, 2386-7
    >>Government Organization Act (Federal Agencies)(Bill C-65)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 9631-2
    >>>Report stage motions
    >>>>(Bélisle), negatived, 14407
    >>>>(Bellemare), agreed to, 14408
    >>>>(Epp), negatived, 14408
    >>>>(Fillion), negatived, 14407
    >>>>(Godin), negatived, 14407
    >>>>(Laurin), negatived, 14407
    >>>>(Marchand), negatived, 14407
    >>>>(Rocheleau), negatived, 14407
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, 14408
    >>Grain Export Protection Act (Bill C-262), second reading, negatived, 10696-7
    >>Immigrants, AIDS/HIV infected persons, medical testing, M. (Hanger), negatived, 7403
    >>Immigration Act (amdt.), Citizenship Act (amdt.) and Customs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-44)
    >>>Second reading
    >>>>Agreed to, 6225-6
    >>>>Amdt. (Mayfield), negatived, 6004-5
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>>(Debien), negatived, 9029-30
    >>>>>(Nunez), negatived, 9027-31
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Marchi), agreed to, 9031-2
    >>>Third reading, 9307-8
    >>Income Tax Act and Income Tax Application Rules (amdt.)(Bill C-59)
    >>>Ways and Means motion, M. for concurrence (Anderson), agreed to, 8176-7
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 8727
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Motion (Lalonde), negatived, 9634-5
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (P. Martin), agreed to, 9635
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 9930-1
    >>Income Tax Act and Income Tax Application Rules (amdt.)(Bill C-70)
    >>>Ways and Means motion, concurrence, M. (Peters), agreed to, 9697-8
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 12331-2
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Marchi), agreed to, 13906-7
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 14176
    >>Industry Standing Committee, second report, M. for concurrence (Schmidt), agreed to, 12648-9
    >>Law Commission of Canada Act (Bill C-106), second reading, agreed to, 15726-7
    >>Lobbyists Registration Act (amdt.)(Bill C-43)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 11792
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Concurrence, agreed to, 11792
    >>>>>(Bellehumeur), negatived, 11790-1
    >>>>>>Agreed to, 11787-9
    >>>>>>Negatived, 11784-92
    >>>>>(Manley), agreed to, 11786-7, 11791
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 12327-8
    >>Maintenance of Railway Operations Act, 1995 (Bill C-77)
    >>>Second reading
    >>>>Time allocation under S.O. 78(2), M. (Gagliano), agreed to, 10838-9
    >>>>Agreed to, 10846-7
    >>>Human Resources Development Standing Committee, time allocation under S.O. 78(2), M. (Gagliano), agreed to, division, 10847-8
    >>>Report stage and third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(2), M. (Gagliano), agreed to, 10981
    >>>Report stage motions
    >>>>(Lalonde), negatived, 11009-11
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Robillard), agreed to, 11011-2
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 11024
    >>Manganese-based Fuel Additives Act (Bill C-94)
    >>>Second reading
    >>>>Amdt. (Ablonczy), negatived, 14846-7
    >>>>Amdt. , six months' hence (Gouk), negatived, 14908-9
    >>>>Agreed to, 15133-4
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Motion (Steckle), agreed to, 16056-7
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Copps), agreed to, 16056-7
    >>>Third reading
    >>>>Amdt. (K. Martin), negatived, 16640-1
    >>>>Amdt. (Sauvageau), negatived, 16942-3
    >>Manpower, development policy, Quebec, unemployment insurance reform overlap, M. (Lalonde), negatived, 17259-60
    >>>Amdt. ((Johnston), negatived, 17258-9
    >>Members of Parliament, pensions, reform/review (D. Grey), negatived, 8144-5
    >>Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-85)
    >>>Second reading
    >>>>Amdt. (D. Grey), negatived, 12326
    >>>>Debate be now adjourned, M. (Hanger), negatived, 12436
    >>>>Question be now put, M. (Boudria), agreed to, 12630-1
    >>>>Agreed to, 12631-2
    >>>Report stage and third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(2), M. (Gagliano), agreed to, 13449-50
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>>(Harper), negatived, 14174-5
    >>>>>(Plamondon), negatived, 14173-4
    >>>>>(Silye), negatived, 14172-5
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Eggleton), agreed to, 14175-6
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 14465-6
    >>Members, paired, 132, 257, 1094, 1460, 2030-3, 2076, 2322, 2385-7, 2648-52, 2695-6, 2711-2, 2950-3, 2998-9, 3259-60, 3264, 3839, 4139, 4226, 4370, 4419, 4614-8, 4680, 4972-3, 5053, 5054, 5056, 5311, 5313-4, 5403, 5598-601, 5665, 5694-7, 5713-6, 5764, 5773, 6005, 6225, 6880-4, 6886, 7536-8, 7590, 7596-9, 7601, 7834-6, 8145, 8148-52, 8177, 8210, 8382-4, 8511, 8723-33, 8852, 8857-8, 8969, 9026-35, 9104-12, 9159, 9631-3, 9635, 9698, 9931, 10224, 10503, 10547, 10697, 10706, 10812, 10814, 10839, 10847-8, 10857, 10923-4, 10982, 11010-2, 11024, 11539, 11556-7, 11782, 11791, 11793, 11820, 11832, 12092, 12327-8, 12331, 12337, 12436, 12631-3, 13029, 13033, 13217, 13268-82, 13349, 13432, 13434, 13436, 13440, 13447, 13449-50, 13637, 13652-61, 13663-5, 13667-71, 13673-5, 13678-81, 13758-9, 13835-53, 13979, 14167, 14169-73, 14175-7, 14178-9, 14181-2, 14184, 14259, 14294, 14296-7, 14397-408, 14466, 14469, 14508, 14847, 14908, 15134-7, 15204, 15509, 15727, 16049-53, 16056-7, 16108, 16277-8, 16386, 16641-2, 16931, 16933, 16935, 16943-6, 17076, 17176, 17258-60, 17289, 17536-8, 17540, 17546, 17602-4, 17652-4
    >>National Defence Department, senior officials, accountability, inquiry, M. on supply (Frazer), negatived, 10922-3
    >>National Housing Act (amdt.)(Bill C-108),
    >>>Second reading
    >>>>Amdt. (T. White), negatived, 16277-8
    >>>>Agreed to, 16385-6
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Dingwall), agreed to on recorded division, 16932-3
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 17652-3
    >>National Patriot Day, establishing, M. (Bergeron), agreed to, 9035-6
    >>National unity, M. on supply (Manning), agreed to, 4973
    >>>Amdt. (Robichaud), agreed to, 4972
    >>Oceans Act (Bill C-98), second reading
    >>>Amdt. (Y. Bernier), negatived, 15136-7
    >>>Agreed to, 15203-4
    >>Official Languages Act, amending, territorial bilingualism, M. on supply (Ringma), negatived, 3259-60
    >>Old Age Security Act, Canada Pension Plan, Children's Special Allowances Act, Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-54)
    >>>Second reading
    >>>>Amdt. (Dumas), negatived, 7536-7
    >>>>Agreed to, 7835-6
    >>>Report stage motions
    >>>>(Dumas, Lalonde), negatived, 12634-5
    >>>>(L. Axworthy), agreed to, 12635-6
    >>>>(Lalonde), negatived, 12636
    >>>>(Dumas, Ablonczy), negatived, 12636-7
    >>>>>Amdts. (Dumas), negatived, 12326-7
    >>>>>Amdt. (Lalonde), negatived, 12636
    >>>>M. (Dumas), negatived, 12637-8
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (L. Axworthy), agreed to, 12638-9
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 14408
    >>Peacekeeping Act (Bill C-295), second reading, negatived, 14183-4
    >>Pearson International Airport Agreements Act (Bill C-22)
    >>>Second reading
    >>>>Amdt. (Bouchard), negatived, 4138-9
    >>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Ed Harper), negatived, 3838-9
    >>>>Agreed to, 4225-6
    >>>Report stage motions
    >>>>(Gouk), negatived, 5312-3
    >>>>(Guimond), negatived, 5313
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Young), agreed to, 5313-4
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 5402-3
    >>Political parties, donations, individual, $5,000 limit/year
    >>>M. (Plamondon), negatived, 6227-8
    >>>>Amdt. (Assad), negatived, 6226-7
    >>>Adjournments, House do now adjourn, M. (Hermanson), negatived, 4722-3
    >>>>Be now adjourned, M. (Milliken), agreed to, 8968-9
    >>>>Member be now heard, M. (Hermanson), negatived, 12336-7
    >>>Sittings of the House, extending hours beyond normal hour of adjournment, June 12-23/95, under S.O. 27(1), M. (H. Gray), agreed to, 13636-7
    >>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, report, fifty-first (Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act), concurrence, M. (H. Gray), agreed to, 9630-1
    >>Protection of Personal Information Obtained by Certain Corporations Act (Bill C-315), second reading, negatived, 17653-4
    >>Public Service Staff Relations Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (amdt.)(Bill C-58), second reading, agreed to, 8145-6
    >>Publishing industry, Canadian control, Baie Comeau policy, renewal, M. on supply (Bouchard), negatived, 2385-6
    >>>Amdt. (J. Brown), negatived, 2384-5
    >>>Distinct society, M. (J. Chrétien), agreed to, 17536-7
    >>>>Amdt. (Manning), negatived, 17535-6
    >>>>Closure, under S.O. 57, notice, 17250, M. (H. Gray), agreed to, 17288-9
    >>>Financial demands, M. on supply (M. Bernier), negatived, 13029-30
    >>>Separation/sovereignty, legislation, draft bill, consultation process, Premier Parizeau announcement, legitimacy M. on supply (Duceppe), negatived, 8851-2
    >>Rail passenger service, high speed train, Quebec City, Que.-Windsor, Ont., M. (Laurin), negatived, 4417-9
    >>Recall Act (Bill C-210), second reading, negatived, 7538-9
    >>Regulations Act (Bill C-84), Government Operations Standing Committee, referral forthwith, M. (Rock), agreed to, division, 15138
    >>Royal Canadian Mint Act (amdt.)(Bill C-82)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 13032-3
    >>>Third reading, M. (Dingwall), agreed to, 14407
    >>Sahtu Dene and Metis Land Claim Settlement Act (Bill C-16)
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 5310-2
    >>Same-sex couples, legal recognition, M. (Ménard), negatived, 14508
    >>Small Business Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-99)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 16055-6
    >>>Report stage,
    >>>>Motions (Rocheleau), negatived, 16940-1, 16943
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Manley), agreed to, 16943-4
    >>Social security system, reform, Human Resources Development Standing Committee referral, M. (L. Axworthy), agreed to, 1093-4
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply
    >>>M. (Jackson), agreed to, 750-1
    >>>>Amdt. (Bouchard), negatived, 256-7
    >>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Manning), negatived, 131-2
    >>Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.--excepted employment)(Bill C-218), second reading, negatived, 7589-90
    >>Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.--jury service)(Bill C-216)
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Arseneault), agreed to, 8734
    >>>Third reading, amdt. (Hanrahan), negatived, 8856-7
    >>Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act (Bill C-67)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 9632-3
    >>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Collenette), agreed to, 12330-1
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 12634
    >>West Coast Ports Operations Act, 1995 (Bill C-74), second reading, agreed to, 10558-9
    >>Witness Protection Program Act (Bill C-78), report stage
    >>>Ms. (Hanger), negatived, 16946
    >>>Concurrence, agreed to, 16946
    >>Women, economic equality, M. on supply (C. Gagnon), agreed to, 2030-1
    >>>Amdt. (Jennings), negatived, 2029-30
    >>World Trade Organization Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-57)
    >>>Report stage motions
    >>>>(Bergeron), negatived, 8381-2
    >>>>(Debien), negatived, 8382-3
    >>>>(N. Leblanc), negatived, 8382-3
    >>>>(Paré), negatived, 8382-3
    >>>>(Taylor), negatived, 8382-3
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Maclaren), agreed to, 8383-4
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 8511-2
    >>Young Offenders Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-37)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 5664-5
    >>>>Amdt. (Venne), negatived, 5597-8
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Motions (Rock), agreed to, 9634
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Rock), agreed to, 9634
    >>Young offenders, age limits, M. on supply (Forseth), negatived, 4369-70
    >>Yukon First Nations Land Claims Settlement Act (Bill C-33)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 5310-2
    >>>Report stage and third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(2), agreed to, 5694-5
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Motions (Duncan), negatived, 5713-5
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Irwin), agreed to, 5715-6
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 5773
    >>Yukon First Nations Self-Government Act (Bill C-34)
    >>>Second reading, agreed to, 5310-1
    >>>Report stage and third reading, time allocation under S.O. 78(2), agreed to, 5693-4
    >>>Report stage
    >>>>Motions (Chatters), negatived, 5702-4
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Irwin), agreed to, 5704
    >>>Third reading, agreed to, 5764
    >>Yukon Surface Rights Board Act (Bill C-55), second reading, agreed to, 7834-5
    >>See also Procedure