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Facsimile (fax) transmissions see Advertising; Reform Party--Let the People Speak
Fairclough, Right Hon. Ellen Louks
Order of Canada recipient, promotion, S.O. 31, 10263
Fairweather, Gordon see Immigration and Refugee Board--Appointments, Advisory committee
Fairy Lake see New Market, Ont.
Falcon Star Group see Pearson International Airport--Terminal 3
Falconbridge Limited see Quebec--Separation/sovereignty, Economic impact
Falcons see Wildlife--Endangered species
Definition, changing, 651, 660, 3310, 13816
>>>Government programs, alternative definitions, o.q., 5305-6
>>>Opposing, petitions, 8299, 10081, 10112, 10958, 11997, 14096-7, 14411
>>>o.q., 5210, 5212
>>>Same-sex couples, including, 3309, 5913, 12480
>>>>Petition, 14189
>>>See also Immigration--Family reunification
>>Government policies, impact, 17486
>>Grandparents, role, importance, 1967-8, 12216, 12219, 12221, 13077-83,
14475-82, 15829-33
>>>Recognition, 12083-12100
>>>S.O. 31, 5889
>>>See also Grandparent's Day Act (Bill C-259);
Grandparents' Day Act (Bill C-274)
>>Inherent rights, protection, 5912
>>Low-income see Low-income families
>>Nuclear family, support and protection, auditor general for the family
proposal, 11815, 16388-97
>>>Legislation see Auditor General for the Family Act (Bill C-322)
>>Nurturing, sustaining, role of women, value, government not recognizing,
>>Policies, supportive, 6705
>>Reform Party task force on the family, S.O. 31, 5093-4, 5208
>>Role, importance, 15411, 15413
>>>Reform Party position, 11420, 13899
>>Single-parent see Single-parent families
>>Taxation affecting, 5381, 10585-6
>>>o.q., 13919
>>>Petitions, 12851-2, 13057, 13240, 13444-5, 13683, 14189
>>>S.O. 31, 5337, 13911, 14222
>>Traditional values, stressing, 500, 1966-7
>>>S.O. 31, 5151, 5206-7, 5511, 5654
>>>See also Homosexuality
>>Tribute, S.O. 31, 5150
>>See also International Day of Families;
International Year of the Family;
Members of Parliament;
National Family Week;
Social security system;
United Nations International Day of Families;
World Conference on Women (Beijing China, September 1995)--Results;
Young offenders
Family allowances
Elimination, 627
>>Quebec, control, 6624-5
Family compact see Telecommunications--Liberal Party family compact
Family debt
Disposable income, relationship, 16515, 16517-8
>>Increase, 16515
Family farms see Farms
Family income
Cost of living increase, impact, 16515
>>Decline, 11420, 15299, 16496
>>Increase, child poverty, relationship, o.q., 16782
>>Regional differences, 1046
>>Taxation burden, 2135
>>>S.O. 31, 9416
>>See also Social security system--Payments
Family income supplement see Unemployment insurance
Family policy see Unemployment insurance
Family reunification see Immigration
Family trusts see Private family trusts
Family violence
Awareness, 9985
>>Causes, factors, economic conditions, 3051
>>Combatting, 515, 9985-6
>>>Health Department initiatives, non-renewal, qu., 14551
>>>Public forums, o.q., 9906
>>>S.O. 31, 13171
>>Coquitlam, B.C., murders, S.O. 31, 15595
>>Kasonde family tragedy, S.O. 31, 12893
>>Muriel McQueen Fergusson Foundation, research centre, S.O. 31, 4574
>>Reducing, gun control, relationship, 10372, 10378-9, 10398, 10406, 10412,
11109, 13572, 13686
>>>S.O. 31, 7682
>>Shelters, housing, 1439-40, 1451,
>>>Project Haven and Project Next Step, programs, funding, 3075-6,
>>>Quebec, 3076
>>>St. Boniface constituency, government grant, 220
>>S.O. 31, 1231, 2349-50, 6253
>>See also Unemployment--Suicide
Farion, Scott see Murder
Farm chemicals
Imports, smuggling into Canada, 16094
Farm credit
Interest rates, 3622
Farm Credit Corporation
Abolishing, 6924-5
>>Board of Directors, Joan Meyer, appointment, Liberal Party connections,
o.q., 9330-1
>>Dealings with farmers, 3626, 4175
>>Financial services, mandate, 4175, 4190
>>>o.q., 1997-8
>>Funding, 3641-2
>>Land leases, increase, Western Grain Transportation Act, elimination,
impact, o.q., 16738
>>Loans, banks refusing, 6922-3
>>Mortgages, long-term, 4171
>>See also Farm improvement loans--Duplication of federal programs;
Grain transportation--Freight rates, Western Grain Transportation Act
Farm debt
Increase, 3625-6
>>Quebec, 3627
Farm Debt Review Board
Effectiveness, 871, 3641
Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill
C-75)--Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food (Goodale)
First reading, 10668
>>Second reading, 11669-71, 11688-99
>>>Agreed to, 11699
>>Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee
>>>Referral 11699
>>>Reported, without amdt., 12544
>>Report stage, without amdt., concurrence, M. (Rock), 13163, agreed to
>>Third reading, 13163-70, 13190-2, agreed to 13192, passed.
>>Royal Assent, 13938, Chap. 13, S.C. 1995
>>See also Farm improvement loans--Government guarantees
Farm improvement loans
Administrative terms, fees, 11689-90, 11693-4, 11697-8
>>Banks reluctance to lend, relationship, 11699
>>>$3 million ceiling, 13163
>>>Eligibility, 11669, 11689-90, 11698-9
>>>Federal programs, Farm Credit Corporation, 11671, 11688-9, 11691-2,
11694-7, 13166, 13168-9, 13190-1
>>>Federal-provincial, Quebec, etc., 11670-1, 11688, 11690-1, 11695-7,
>>Environmental impact assessment of projects, 11697
>>Farmers, $250,000 ceiling, 13163
>>Government guarantees, cap, increasing from $1.5 billion to $3 billion,
11276, 11669-70, 11692-9, 13163-70, 13190-2, 17607
>>>Legislation see Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loans Act
(amdt.)(Bill C-75)
>>Interest rates, 11689, 11697-8
>>Lending institutions, banks, credit unions, caisses populaires, 11669,
11689, 11698, 13163-4, 13168
>>Private sector role, encroaching, 11691-2
>>Provincial distribution, Saskatchewan, Quebec, Alberta, etc., 11669-70,
11688-90, 13164, 13169, 13190-2
>>Registration fee, increasing, 13164
>>Risk, repayment/loss rate, 11670, 11688, 11691, 11693-5, 11698
>>Role, purpose, 11669-70, 11689,
>>Small business loans program, merging, 13169, 13190-1
>>Statistics, number/value, increase, 11669-71, 11688, 11693, 11695, 11698
>>See also Agriculture--Organic;
Hogs--Saskatchewan co-operative
Farm income
Alternative sources, equity funds, 13329
>>Budget, Feb. 27/95 budget measures, impact, 11267, 11270, 13334
>>>S.O. 31, 10142-3, 10145
>>>See also Farm income--"Whole farm concept"
>>Canada Transportation Act (Bill C-101), impact, S.O. 31, 16138
>>Crow benefit elimination, impact, 11276, 11443
>>Decline, 3613, 6094
>>Net income stabilization account and crop insurance program, environmental
assessment, consultants' reports, tabled, 14023
>>Non-farming activities/employment supplementing, 537, 2840-1, 3626, 4102-3,
4121, 4125, 4171
>>Quebec, 4120
>>Support programs, 3619, 3630, 3640-1, 4095, 4104-5, 4108, 4118, 4148-50
>>"Whole farm concept", 4095, 11267
>>>Stabilization program, development, Feb. 27/95 budget statement, 10097,
11395, 11827
>>See also Gross Revenue Insurance Program;
Net Income Stabilization Account
Farm machinery and equipment
Exports, GATT Uruguay Round agreement, benefits, 8418-9
Farm products see Agricultural products
Farm properties see Capital gains tax--Lifetime $500,000 exemption
Assistance programs, direct income payments, 8449-51
>>Atlantic provinces, donations, S.O. 31, 4576
>>Bankruptcies, 537
>>Budget, Feb. 27/95, impact, 11386-8, 11502-3
>>>S.O. 31, 10142-3
>>Financial crisis, 871-2, 4102, 6925
>>Financial security, 4095, 4148
>>Freedom of choice, 4152
>>Frustration, 4103, 4151, 4175
>>Government attitude, condemning, S.O. 31, 8875
>>Government commitment, 6486
>>Input costs, increase, 11268
>>Loans see Farm Credit Corporation;
Farm improvement loans
>>Public image, 4125
>>Regulatory burden, reducing, 1829
>>Retirement security, RRSPs, 1833
>>Subsidy programs, reductions, 1828-9
>>Training, 3628
>>Women, S.O. 31, 2168
>>>Assistance, 6918
>>>RRSPs, 3677
>>See also Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee;
Canadian National Railways--Privatization/commercialization;
Capital gains tax--$100,000;
Gun control/guns--Regulations;
Members of Parliament;
World Trade Organization
Debt settlement sale, capital gains provisions, amending, o.q., 7691-2
>>Family farms
>>>Farm Credit Corporation, evictions, stop order, requesting, o.q., 1997-8
>>>Transfers, intergenerational, 3613
>>>Viability, maintaining, 1770, 4157
>>Intergenerational transfers, 6923-4
>>Number, decline, 3612-3, 3615-6,
>>Operations, diversification, grain subsidy funds, use, 9936-7
>>Whole farm support concept, national safety net system, establishing,
Liberal Party election promise, "red book", government-producers consultations,
3619, 3626, 4186-7, 5047
>>>o.q., 4994
>>See also Gillette Farm;
Orleans Island, Que.
Fashion industry
Designs, computer assisted systems, 1816
1994 World Senior Championships, Summerside, P.E.I., S.O. 31, 1178
Fauna see instead Flora and fauna
Fax see Facsimile (fax) transmissions
FBDB see Federal Business Development Bank
FDA see Food and Drug Administration
FEARO see Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office
February 1995 By-elections: Another Step Forward, The see Chief Electoral Officer--Reports
Federal Buildings Initiative see Government accommodation/buildings
Federal Bureau of Regional Development see Industrial park museum--Theme park
Federal Business Bulletin see Government contracts--Opportunities
Federal Business Development Bank (FBDB)
50th anniversary, S.O. 31, 6380
>>Advertising, qu., 12421-2
>>Changes, need, 6168
>>Counsellor Assistance for Small Enterprise
>>>Cost-recovery, introduction, 13397
>>>Expanding, 1987
>>Finance Department, relationship, 1289
>>Loan guarantees, 6763
>>Mandate, reviewing, 1948, 1987-8,
6118, 6789, 12645, 13141-3, 13405
>>Name change
>>>Legislation see Business Development Bank of Canada Act (Bill C-91)
>>>See also Business Development Bank of Canada
>>See also Eastern Europe--Democratic and economic reform, Romania;
Small business--Capital, access
Federal Court of Appeal see Child support payments--Income for recipient, Thibaudeau case; RCMP--Uniforms
Federal Court of Canada see Bilingualism bonus--RCMP eligibility; Canadian Heritage Department--Pitawanakwat, Mary; Members of Parliament--Pensions; Prince Edward Island--Fixed link to New Brunswick, Environmental impact; Public Service--RCMP status; Refugees--Hugo
Federal declaratory power see Natural resources
Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office (FEARO)
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency replacing, 8653
Federal fleet see Gasoline/automotive fuels--Alternative fuels
Federal institutions see Federalism
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service see Labour relations
Federal Office of Regional Development-Quebec (FORD-Q)
Budget cut-backs, 4735, 4743, 4754, 13429
>>>o.q., 6904
>>Effectiveness, Auditor General's report, 1994-1995, 16625
>>>o.q., 16615-6, 16667
>>Financial assistance per riding, qu., 11573-4
>>Funds, 9979-80
>>Loans, repayment, enforcement, o.q., 16667
>>Mandate, performance, 4735, 4758-9, 4761, 4763-6, 4780, 4792, 4797, 13100,
13103, 13429-31
>>>S.O. 31, 13472
>>Ministerial responsibility, Finance Minister P. Martin effectiveness, o.q.,
>>See also Regional development--Atlantic provinces--Loans--Quebec;
Small business--Quebec
Federal Post-Secondary Education and Health Contributions Act see Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements and Federal Post-Secondary Education and Health Contributions Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3)
Federal-provincial fiscal arrangements
Jurisdiction, o.q., 10467, 16191-2
>>Legislation, 1039, 1041, 1045, 1056, 1118, 1129
>>>See also Aboriginal peoples--Government grants;
Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements and Federal
Post-Secondary Education and Health Contributions Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3)
>>Quebec, $333 million bill, federal government refusal to recognize, o.q.,
>>See also Transfer payments to provinces
Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements and Federal Post-Secondary
Education and Health Contributions Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3)--Minister of Finance
(P. Martin)
First reading, 259
>>Second reading, 1036-59, 1109-37
>>>Agreed to, 1137
>>Finance Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 1137
>>>Reported, without amdts., 1760-1
>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (P. Martin), agreed to, on division, 2077
>>Third reading, 2077-82
>>>Agreed to, on division, 2082, passed.
>>Royal Assent, 2759. Chap. 2, S.C. 1994
>>See also Equalization payments passim;
Federal-provincial fiscal arrangements
Federal-provincial relations
Administrative decentralization
>>>Agreements, Quebec, etc., 17099
>>>Atlantic provinces position, S.O. 31, 16829
>>>Federal government plan, o.q., 16664-5
>>>Implementation, o.q., 16831
>>>S.O. 31, 16829
>>>Special Cabinet committee (Massé) mandate, membership, 16864-5
>>>>o.q., 16663-4, 16776
>>Balance of powers, 16427, 17049-50
>>Changing, government action, o.q., 15967
>>Decentralization, 16429
>>Duplication and overlap, reducing, 15929, 16793
>>>Agreements, o.q., 16614
>>>Governments role, reducing, 17094-5
>>>Quebec, 16820, 16825-6, 16840
>>>Quebec proposal to take full jurisdiction for health, post-secondary
education and social assistance in exchange for tax points, 17718-9
>>>S.O. 31, 16060
>>Equality of provinces, 8850-1
>>>o.q., 16027
>>Federal disallowance powers re provincial legislation, 8805
>>>See also Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--Second referendum
>>Federal government infringing on provincial jurisdiction, 655, 4310, 4931,
12046-8, 13244, 13246, 13248-9, 13256, 13258, 13335-6, 16416-7, 16700, 16723-4,
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 13107-11, 13250
>>>Legislative agenda, 16717
>>>>Condemning, M. on supply (G. Leroux), 13089-120, 13133-51
>>>o.q., 4387-8
>>Federal government position/attitude, o.q., 17234-5
>>Federal-provincial meetings, negotiations, 12801-3
>>Improving, 1190-1, 8218
>>Mulitlateral discussion, Quebec withdrawal, 126456-7
>>New direction, 13346-7
>>Premiers conference, 1887, Quebec Premier Honoré Mercier role, 17568-9
>>Quebec attitude, 12810-1
>>Quebec, with, 13408-11
>>>Breakdown, o.q., 3883
>>>Parti Québécois, responsibility, 10803-4
>>>S.O. 31, 14080-1
>>Reform, 16495
>>See also other subject headings
Federal spending power
Defining clearly, 17099
>>See also National debt;
Training programs--Jurisdiction, overlap
Benefits, 4740-1
>>Budget, Feb. 27/95, impact, 10133-4, 10155-6, 11305-7
>>Centralized/decentralized, 11334, 13140-1
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 13089-95, 13098-103, 13105-6, 13109, 13119,
13133-7, 13145-7, 16825, 16840
>>>Lévesque, René, former Quebec Premier, remarks, 13138-9
>>>OECD, comparison, 13092
>>>Parizeau, Jacques, Quebec Premier, remarks, 13134
>>>Reform Party position, 13096-7, 17209-10
>>Co-operative federalism, 8444, 13112-3, 17012
>>>Liberal government (Chrétien) position, 16422
>>Compromise, George-Étienne Cartier/John A. Macdonald, 17524
>>Decentralized, 8849, 12083, 12086, 13114
>>>Quebec Liberal Party position, 12078
>>>S.O. 31, 16357, 16360
>>Effectiveness, 12802-3, 17529
>>>Government commitment, Throne Speech proposal, 11, 88, 513-4
>>>Lévesque, René, former Quebec Premier, scorpion analogy, 13136
>>>Quebec, impact, 50, 482-4, 4917-8
>>>S.O. 31, 3153, 9772, 11185
>>Federal institutions, accountability, representation, increasing, o.q.,
>>Flexible federalism, 12056, 12085, 12802-3, 12815, 13114, 16447-8, 16714,
>>>Finance Minister P. Martin characterization, S.O. 31, 10186
>>>Imperial federalism replacing, 11593
>>>See also Canada Health and Social Transfer
>>Genius, 6837-8
>>Government position, criticism, S.O. 31, 6511
>>Liberal government (Pearson), co-operative federalism, government policy,
similarities, 4965
>>Liberal Prime Ministers, Trudeau, Chrétien, positions, 17530-1
>>National government, strong, importance, 17532
>>Promotion programs, costs, 2090
>>Reform, failure, 12086-7
>>Reform Party, "new vision", 4908-9, 4921-2, 16420-1, 17209
>>>20-point proposal, 16553-4
>>>>S.O. 31, 16187
>>Renewal, 16524
>>Renewal of federalism, Prime Minister Chrétien proposed resolution
>>>o.q., 16901-3
>>>S.O. 31, 16900-1
>>>See also Quebec--Distinct society
>>Royal commissions addressing, 605-6
>>Rural areas, impact, 1134-5
>>Stability, United States WWII study, 13114
>>Status quo, 4908-9, 4959
>>>Government position, 9310-1
>>>>o.q., 3274
>>Transfer payments to provinces, importance, 11331
>>See also Artists;
National debt;