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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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Gold reserves

    >>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), selling, S.O. 31, 3700

Goldenberg, Eddie see Television--Direct to home satellite transmission

Goldmann Sachs and Moody see Quebec--Credit rating


    >>Dunhill Cup, Dave Barr, Rick Gibson, Ray Stewart, winners, S.O. 31, 6848

Good government theme see Government

Goodale, Hon. Ralph E. (L--Regina--Wascana; Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food)

    >>Advance Payment for Crops Act, interest free provisions, o.q., 1725
    >>Agricultural products
    >>>Exports, 11453
    >>>>o.q., 11489-90
    >>>Tariffs, o.q., 7692, 9779
    >>>Uses, non-food, 6078
    >>Agricultural research, 75, 4098, 6076
    >>>Facilities, o.q., 15528
    >>>Funding, voluntary check-off, 6185-8
    >>>Joint venture funding, 11452
    >>>Agri-Food, 73-4, 4094-6
    >>>>o.q., 15528
    >>>Assistance programs, 75, 77, 11452
    >>>>o.q., 1106, 13917
    >>>Export subsidies, 73
    >>>Exports, 6077
    >>>Future, five elements, 6078
    >>>Government commitment, M., 4094-100, 4153-4
    >>>Government expenditures, 11454
    >>>Importance, 73, 6076-7
    >>>Policy, 4099, 15848
    >>>Promotion, 4096-7, 6077
    >>>Regulations, 9545, 15840-1, 15882-3 , 16081-2
    >>>Subsidies, M. on supply (J-G Chrétien), 11450-5
    >>>Supply management, 4097
    >>>>o.q., 13373
    >>Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act (Bill C-61), 8645, 9483, 9545, 15840-1, 15848-9, 15857-9, 15865, 15882-3, 16081-2
    >>Agriculture and Agri-Food Department
    >>>Expenditures, 11451-2
    >>>Inspection services, 15848-9
    >>>Mandate, 6076
    >>>Market and Industry Services branch, 74
    >>Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, report, g.r., tabled, 12544, 16489
    >>Agriculture Department, personnel administration, qu., 2366-7
    >>Apples, United States producers, dumping, o.q., 2295
    >>>Canadian exports to South Korea, o.q., 7689
    >>>Continental market, 76
    >>>>o.q., 1429, 2221
    >>>Plant breeding research, 6185, 6187-8
    >>Beef, imported boneless, o.q., 4471
    >>Canada Grain Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51), 6001, 6477-80, 8731, 8865
    >>Canadian Dairy Commission Act (amdt.)(Bill C-86), 11944, 14179, 14190
    >>Canadian Grain Commission, 6477
    >>Canadian Wheat Board
    >>>Advisory Board, 8784
    >>>>o.q., 8701
    >>>Board of Directors, o.q., 7988-9, 8638
    >>>Commissioners, o.q., 17143
    >>>Effectiveness, o.q., 10473
    >>>Financial accountability, qu., 10012
    >>>Government position, o.q., 6985
    >>>Jurisdiction, o.q., 2222
    >>>Monopoly status, o.q., 2624-5, 17441
    >>Canadian Wheat Board Act, amending, o.q., 5900
    >>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-50), 5822, 6185-8, 7571, 7573-5, 7578-81, 7600
    >>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-92), 12761, 13450-2, 14484
    >>Cattle, disease, o.q., 945, 1108
    >>Churchill, Man., port, qu., 14329
    >>Customs Act and Customs Tariff (amdt.)(Bill C-102), 14726
    >>Dairy products/industry
    >>>Milk marketing board subsidy cheques, o.q., 994
    >>>Quebec, o.q., 15529
    >>>Subsidies, 11452-3
    >>>>o.q., 13327-8
    >>>GDP percentage, 11451
    >>>Reduction, 11451
    >>Department of Agriculture Act (amdt.)(Bill C-49), 5822, 6076-8, 6880, 6914
    >>Department of Natural Resources Act (Bill C-48), 5822
    >>Economic development, government initiatives, o.q., 16482
    >>Environment, protection, 4098
    >>Explosives Act (amdt.)(Bill C-71), 15276
    >>Farm Credit Corporation
    >>>Board of Directors, o.q., 9331
    >>>Financial services, o.q., 1997-8
    >>>Land leases, o.q., 16738
    >>Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-75), 10668
    >>Farm income
    >>>Safety net, 4095
    >>>Whole farm concept, 4095
    >>Farmers, financial security, 4095
    >>>Family farms, o.q., 1997-8
    >>>Whole farm concept, national safety net, o.q., 4994
    >>>Health and quality standards, 16081
    >>>Product labelling, o.q., 1558
    >>>Safety, ensuring, 4098
    >>>Article Xl, 73, 76
    >>>Uruguay Round agreement, 73-4, 76, 4095
    >>Freight rates, subsidies, 11453
    >>Goodale, references, 4094
    >>>Contaminated, defining, 6478
    >>>Drying, standards, 6478
    >>>Exports, o.q., 5900, 16148, 16488, 17441
    >>>Farmers, o.q., 6222
    >>>Management system, o.q., 6140, 13532
    >>>Marketing, o.q., 6987, 7986-7
    >>>Producers, financial protection, 6479
    >>>Sales, documents, electronic transmission, 6478
    >>Grain elevators
    >>>Licences, 6478-9
    >>>Maximum elevator tariff, eliminating, 4995, 6478
    >>>Process elevators, weigh-overs, eliminating, 6478
    >>Grain handling, weekend unloading, 4995
    >>Grain industry, competitiveness, 6478
    >>Grain transportation
    >>>Delivery system, problems, government addressing, 4097, 6077
    >>>>o.q., 4991, 9150, 9828-9
    >>>>Statement by Minister, 4994-5
    >>>Expediting, o.q., 4394
    >>>Exports, 4995
    >>>Freight rates, subsidies, 4995, 11453, 11455
    >>>>o.q., 155, 4827, 5096-7, 5154, 5156-7, 7811, 7990-1, 9828-9, 10193-4, 10270, 10716-7, 11411, 15186
    >>>Interprovincial, 6478
    >>>Rail strike, o.q., 10834
    >>>Railway cars, 4994-5
    >>>>o.q., 5899, 6221-2, 17042, 17088-9
    >>>Railways, 4153-4
    >>>Regulations, o.q., 10270
    >>>Severe winter weather conditions, 4994
    >>>West coast grain handlers strike, 4994-5
    >>Gross Revenue Insurance Program, Replacing, o.q., 6562
    >>>Countervailing duties, o.q., 7733
    >>>Pseudorabies virus, o.q., 7733
    >>Ice cream/yogurt, o.q., 29, 232-3
    >>Income Tax Act, Income Tax Application Rules, Canada Pension Plan, Canada Business Corporations Act, Excise Tax Act, Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-27), 4411, 4416
    >>Infrastructure program, Montreal, Qué., o.q., 6083-4
    >>International Credit Union Day, statement by Minister, 15533-4
    >>Job creation
    >>>Government initiatives, o.q., 16482
    >>>Social security system reform, o.q., 6083
    >>Liberal Party, 6185
    >>Martin, P., references, 4094
    >>>Bovine somatotropin hormone, o.q., 5307-8, 12418, 12679-80, 13528-9, 13725, 13810, 13916
    >>>Quotas, 15527
    >>National Co-op Week, statement by Minister, 7039-40, 15533-4
    >>National unity, Post-sovereignty referendum, o.q., 17705-6
    >>Neil, Douglas, references, 1805
    >>Parent, references, 72
    >>Pesticides, availability, 4098
    >>Ports, British Columbia, longshoremen, o.q., 939
    >>>Minister's remarks, 11411
    >>>Points of order/questions of privilege, 12543
    >>Quebec, separation/sovereignty, o.q., 15527
    >>>o.q., 10834
    >>>Strikes/lock-outs, 11450
    >>References, 672, 3617, 4094, 4139, 4189, 6100, 6485, 6488-9
    >>>Agricultural community, farmers, etc., letters, failure to reply, S.O. 31, 15639
    >>>See also Constitution--Federal-provincial powers; Grain Transportation Subcommittee
    >>Regina--Wascana constituency, references, 72
    >>Rural Canada, renewal, 4099
    >>Soil conservation, 4098
    >>Sugar industry, o.q., 9148
    >>Supply management/marketing boards, protecting, o.q., 232-3
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jackson), 72-7
    >>Tobacco/cigarettes, exports, growers, o.q., 11760
    >>>Job creation, 4094
    >>>Latin America, 74
    >>>Pacific Rim, 74, 4094
    >>>>o.q., 4002
    >>Unemployment, rate, o.q., 16482
    >>United States, negotiations, 4095-6
    >>Western Grain Transportation Act, amending, 4995
    >>Western Grain Transportation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-66), 9545-9
    >>Western Grains Foundation
    >>>Advisory committees, 6186
    >>>Establishment, role, 6186
    >>Western Grains Research Foundation, role, 6186-7
    >>>Durum wheat, 74
    >>>>o.q., 1921, 2486, 3956, 7692
    >>>European Union pasta subsidies, o.q., 13008-9
    >>>Exports, o.q., 4347-8, 5900, 6140, 14723, 15294
    >>>Organically grown, o.q., 13531
    >>>Plant breeding research, 6185, 6187-8, 7573-5, 7578-81
    >>>Prices, o.q., 14725
    >>World Trade Organization, 73, 76

Goode, Tom

    >>Member of Parliament, former, death, S.O. 31, 4855-6, 5091

Goodman Family

    >>Osoyoos, B.C., Pioneer Award, S.O. 31, 1097

Goodridge, Scott Edward see Governor General's Medal of Bravery

Goods and Services Tax see GST

Goodwill Industries see Training programs

Gorazde see Bosnia--Herzegovina

Gordon, Albert see Quebec--Separation/sovereignty, Economic impact

Gordon Capital see Petro-Canada--Privatization

Gore, Vice President Al see United States

Gorecki brothers see Olympics, 1994 Winter Games--Arts and culture

GOSAP Energy Incorporated

    >>Funding, federal government grants, o.q., 8343-4

Gosman, Measha see YTV--Young Achievers Award

Gough, Stephen see Olympics, 1994 Winter Games--Speed skating

Gouk, Jim, (REF--Kootenay West--Revelstoke)

Gouzenko, Igor see Witness protection program
