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Rochon, Stéphane see Skiing--Freestyle
Rock, Hon. Allan (L--Etobicoke Centre; Minister ofJustice and Attorney General of Canada)
- >>Access to information, o.q., 6667
>>Air Canada, 4158
>>>o.q., 3422, 3711, 3817-9, 3866-9, 3922-6, 4020-1, 7575, 7577, 7661, 7715, 8199-200, 8593
>>Blood, o.q., 1172, 1425-6, 1550, 1846, 6750
>>Canada, 4707
>>Canada Evidence Act, Criminal Code and Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.--persons with disabilities)(Bill C-98), 10124
>>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill C-33), 2070, 2104-7, 2519, 2526
>>Casinos, o.q., 6666, 6747-8, 8277, 9486
>>Child pornography, 2046
>>>o.q., 6131-2
>>Child prostitution, o.q., 6268, 8511
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, o.q., 5246, 5375, 8511, 9449-50
>>Child support payments, 6196-200
>>Child tax benefits, 6197, 6199-200
>>Constitution Act, 1982, 3244
>>Constitution, M., 3243-7
>>Contraventions Act (amdt.)(Bill C-16), 1407, 1409
>>Crime, 10010, 10015
>>>o.q., 5110
>>Crime prevention, o.q., 3315, 3424-5, 6450
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--child prostitution, child sex tourism, criminal harassment and female genital mutilation)(Bill C-27), 1625, 3546, 9639
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal organizations)(Bill C-95), 9845, 9902, 9968-84, 10000-15
>>Criminal Code (amdt--judicial review of parole ineligibility)(Bill C-45), 3640, 3855-8, 4412, 4462
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--production of records in sexual offence proceedings)(Bill C-46), 3719, 7649, 9848
>>Criminal Code, Corrections and Conditional Release Act, Criminal Records Act, Prisons and Reformatories Act and Department of the Solicitor General Act (amdt.--high risk offenders)(Bill C-55), 4267, 5037, 9730, 9757
>>Criminal law, 10009
>>Criminal Law Improvement Act, 1996 (Bill C-17), 491, 3536, 9592
>>Dangerous/high-risk offenders, 2046
>>>o.q., 2254-5, 4343-4, 5246, 9449-50
>>Discrimination and racism, o.q., 2142
>>Divorce, 6199
>>Divorce Act, Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act, Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and Canada Shipping Act (amdt.)(Bill C-41), 6196-200, 8121
>>Drug/substance abuse, 10009
>>Education, 3244-6
>>Extradition, o.q., 8905
>>Family violence, 2043
>>>o.q., 2065-6
>>Federal Court Act, Judges Act and Tax Court of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-48), 3875, 4039, 4042
>>Female genital mutilation (excision), o.q., 479
>>Foreign Extraterritorial Measures Act (amdt.)(Bill C-54), 4234, 4485
>>Fraud, o.q., 4943
>>Gangs, 9968-83, 10000-11, 10013-5
>>>o.q., 8906-7, 9080-1, 9171-2, 9213-4, 9377-9, 9549
>>Gun control/guns, 2045, 9976, 10007, 10009
>>>o.q., 185-6, 1102, 2252-3, 4805, 6131-2, 6315-6, 7388, 9087, 9379, 9381, 9447-9, 9992-4
>>>Statement by Minister, 6798-800
>>Human rights, o.q., 924
>>Immigration/immigrants, o.q., 5110
>>Judges, o.q., 483, 926, 5604, 6613-4, 6667-8, 7579
>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 93, 370
>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-42), 3168, 4033, 4039, 6431
>>Justice Department, o.q., 3634-5
>>Justice system, 2045-8, 9979, 10004
>>>o.q., 38, 184, 4505, 8905, 9448-9, 9548
>>Law Commission of Canada Act (Bill C-9), 365, 1298
>>Marine transport, o.q., 3087
>>Murder, o.q., 39, 1102. 1109
>>Murderers, o.q., 2482
>>National unity, 4708
>>Parole, 2045, 2047, 3855-8
>>>o.q., 38-9, 185, 1250, 3425, 3560-1, 3634, 3712-3, 3821, 3871, 4023-4, 4078, 4985-6, 8904-7, 9086-7, 9379-81
>>Pearson International Airport, o.q., 3925-6
>>Penitentiaries, o.q., 2186, 2312, 7838-9, 9448
>>Pornography, o.q., 5247
>>Private family trusts, o.q., 4671
>>>Documents, 4158
>>>Minister's/Prime Minister's remarks, 9748
>>Prostitution, o.q., 6268
>>Quebec distinct society status, 4710
>>Quebec, o.q., 6309
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty
>>>o.q., 2250-1, 2306-7, 2357-8, 2431-2, 2708-9, 2712, 3557, 4227, 4304, 4501, 4668, 4744-7, 4799-800, 4802, 6309-10, 6489-90, 8507-8, 9991
>>>Statement by Minister, 4707-10
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (post 1995), 4707-8
>>>o.q., 2432, 2709, 4227, 4304, 4668, 4746-7, 4799-800, 4802
>>Quebec Superior Court, o.q., 4500
>>References see Air Canada--Airbus A320 passenger jet; Capital punishment--Reinstating; Crime--Organized crime; Justice system--Liberal government/Chrétien; Parole--Murderers; Quebec distinct society status; Quebec separation/sovereignty--Legal right/constitutionality--Quebecers right to decide; Quebec sovereignty referendum (post 1995)--Legal status; Same-sex couples--Spousal status, benefits, Canadian Human Rights Act; Sexual orientation--Canadian Human Rights Act, Religion factor; Victims of crime--Bill of Rights--Rights--Rock, Justice Minister, meeting with; War crimes--Deportation
>>Regulations Act (Bill C-25), 1110, 3767
>>Same-sex couples, 2106-7
>>>o.q., 2479-80, 3868, 3870
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 10000
>>>o.q., 1102, 6061-2, 9548-51, 9602-4, 9651-3
>>Sex offenders, o.q., 2254-5, 5375
>>Sexual assault/offences, o.q., 7835, 9379, 9448, 9483, 9548, 9551, 9602-4, 9652-3
>>Sexual orientation, 2070, 2104-7
>>>o.q., 924, 2007, 2063-4, 2142
>>Singer Company, o.q., 9994
>>Smuggling, o.q., 5110-1
>>Somalia, o.q., 136, 358, 2138, 2140
>>Stalking, 2046
>>Suicide, o.q., 5809
>>Victims of crime, 9748, 10001
>>>M. on supply (R. White), 2044-8
>>>o.q., 184-5, 2064, 8905-7, 9379-80, 9446-50, 9481-2, 9548-50, 9602, 9650-1, 9653-4, 9745, 9802, 9994
>>Violent offences, 2045, 2048
>>War crimes
>>>o.q., 3087-8, 3128, 3204-6, 3255-6, 3316, 4940-2, 7579, 9218-9
>>>Statement by Minister, 3137-8
>>Young offenders, 2045, 2047, 9982-4
>>>o.q., 185, 3130-1, 3258-9, 3314-5, 3425, 4504, 6131-2, 8905, 9379, 9447, 9650
>>Young Offenders Act, o.q., 3130-1, 3258-9, 3314-5, 3425, 9219-20
Rocket launchers see Gun control/guns--Smuggling
Rocky Mountaineer Railtours see Rail passenger service
Rolling, Gord see Fire-fighters--Volunteer fire-fighters
Rollins, Clarke
Former Ontario MLA, death, tribute, 6741
Roman Catholic catechism see Sexual orientation--Canadian Human Rights Act, Religion factor
Ceausescu, Nicolae, regime, human rights violations, Canadian position,
nuclear reactor sale factor, 1816
>>See also Canadian Executive Service Organization;
Marine transport--Dubai
Romanow, Roy see Children--Importance
Rome Convention see Copyright--Rights
Rompkey, Hon. Senator William (L--Labrador)
- >>References, Senate appointment, 6674
Rooney, Dr. Gerald see Sports
Rose, Fred see Members of Parliament--Sedition
Rosedale constituency
Diversity of constituents, 9633
>>See also Sexual orientation--Homosexuality/homosexuals
Rosenfeldt family see Parole--Murderers, Victims
Ross, Sonia see Family violence--Deaths of women
Rotary Club see Service clubs
Rouge River Valley
Park, establishing, Toronto, Ont., 6237
Round table meetings see Agriculture--National policies
Rousseau, Jean Jacques see Sexual orientation--Canadian Human Rights Act, Equality factor
Roux, Elisabeth see Fraud
Roux-Jean-Louis see Quebec
Swayze, Craig, contribution, tribute, S.O. 31, 3078
>>See also Olympics, 1996 Summer Games--Canadian team
Roy, Jean-Robert
Former Member of Parliament, death, tribute, 7717-9
Roy, Pierre see Canadian Security Intelligence Service--Soviet Union/Russian Federation mole
Royal Academy of Dancing see Artists--Hale
Royal Air Force Ferry Command see Veterans
Royal Assent
Bills assented to, 1387, 3137, 4195-6, 5575, 6883-4, 7545, 8333, 9306
>>Communication from Governor General, 1386, 3133, 4195, 5566, 6868, 7545,
8326, 9287
Royal Bank of Canada see Small and medium business--Loans
Royal Canadian Air Force see Canadian Armed Forces
Royal Canadian Legion see Call to Remembrance Program
Royal Canadian Mint see Government advertising
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
Administrative reorganization, Quebec regional headquarters moved from
Montreal, Que. to London, Ont., o.q., 9173
>>Autonomy, removal from jurisdiction of Public Service Staff Relations Act,
3997, 4001, 4011
>>Bilingualism bonus, uniformed and civilian, Gingras case, Federal Court of
Canada ruling, 3996-8, 4003-7, 4032, 5011-2, 5015
>>Collective bargaining rights/unionization 3996-9, 4003-4, 4007-8, 4032,
5010-8, 8488-9, 8874
>>>Canada Labour Code Part I review, Sims task force, relationship, etc.,
3999-4000, 5010, 5012, 5014, 6415, 6421-2
>>>>o.q., 1250, 2311-2, 4984
>>>Delisle, Sergeant Gaétan, case, 3996-7, 4008
>>>>Discipline, suspension, etc., o.q., 8450-1
>>>Denial, legislation, Public Service Staff Relations Board Act and Royal
Canadian Mounted Police Act (amdt.)(Bill C-30), 3998-4000, 4004-5, 4011,
>>>M. (Ménard), 5010-8
>>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 5018
>>>Reform Party position, S.O. 31, 8267
>>>S.O. 31, 1240, 4624
>>E Division see Canadian Armed Forces--CFB Chilliwack, B.C.
>>Firearms disposal, destruction, qu., 4238-9
>>Grievance system, review, External Review Committee Chair Jennifer Lynch
conducting, conflict of interest possibility, o.q., 1769, 1844
>>Murray, Philip, Commissioner see Air Canada--Airbus A320 passenger jet
>>Occupational health and safety, protection, 4008-9
>>>Canada Labour Code, Part II, Public Service Staff Relations Board Act and
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (amdt.)(Bill C-30), removing, 3996, 4003,
>>Pensions, private sector management, need, 8452
>>Political activities, elected office, Sergeant Gaétan Délisle, Mayor,
Saint-Blaise-sur-Richelieu, Que., suspension, 3996-7, 4014
>>Provincial policing services, Ontario and Quebec paying 30% for other
provinces, compensation, 7769, 7972-3
>>Public Complaints Commission
>>>Annual report, 1989-1990, recommendations, implementing, 5333
>>>>See also Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (amdt.)(Bill C-336)
>>>See also Gun control/guns--Smuggling
>>Salaries, inadequate, 4013-4
>>Staff relations, 3996, 4000-3, 4007, 4012
>>>Legislation see Public Service Staff Relations Board Act and Royal Canadian
Mounted Police Act (amdt.)(Bill C-30)
>>Translator charged with crimes, member of Tamil Tigers terrorist group, 2726
>>Uniforms, turbans by Sikh officers, Reform Party position, 1489
>>See also Aboriginal peoples--Discrimination;
Air Canada--Airbus A320 passenger jet;
Air India--Flight 182;
Airports--Security services;
Blood--Blood management system;
Canadian Security Intelligence Service--Bilingualism bonus--Chamberland,
Fraud--Roux, Elisabeth;
Gun control/guns--Registration system--Seized firearms;
Irving Whale--Magdalen Islands;
Public Service;
Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation, Documents;
War crimes;
Witness Protection Program
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act see Public Service Staff Relations Board Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (amdt.)(Bill C-30)
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (amdt.)(Bill C-336)--Milliken
First reading, 5333
>>See also Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act--Public complaints commission
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (amdt.--definition of child)(Bill
First reading, 10039
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.)(Bill
C-52)--Solicitor General (H. Gray)
First reading, 3989
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
Expenditures, exceeding $60 million, 850-1
>>>S.O. 31, 6556
>>Recommendations, implementation
>>>Canadian Human Rights Commission 1976 annual report criticism, o.q., 9277
>>>>And length of time taken, 7848
>>>>o.q., 6557-8
>>>>S.O. 31, 6556
>>>Dependence, continuing, enlarging Indian industry, S.O. 31, 6605-6
>>>Equality principle, Reform Party position
>>>>o.q., 6560
>>>>S.O. 31, 7077-8
>>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction factor, o.q., 6557
>>>Government meeting with aboriginal leaders, refusal, o.q., 9801
>>>o.q., 7661, 9178
>>>Parliamentary-aboriginal committee, establishing
>>>>o.q., 6564
>>>>S.O. 31, 6554
>>>Royal proclamation, o.q., 6557
>>>Releasing to media, not Members of Parliament, 6505
>>>Tabled, 6520
>>See also Aboriginal self-government--Constitution--Distinct nations;
Indians/First Nations--Powers
Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism
Establishment in 1963, multiculturalism impact, etc., 2901
Royal Commission on Electoral Reform and Party Financing (Lortie) see Elections--Voters List, Permanent
Royal Commission on New Reproductive Technologies
Costs and length of time taken, 7848
>>See also Reproductive technologies
Royal Commission on Taxation (Carter) see Taxation--System, review/reform
Royal commissions see Air India, Flight 182
Royal Family
Visit, Prince Charles, cost, McClelland remark, S.O. 31, 1584
Royal Military College see Military colleges
Royal Newfoundland Constabulary
Anniversary, 125th, S.O. 31, 4624
Royal Newfoundland Regiment see World War I --ANZAC Day
Royal proclamation see Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples--Recommendations
Royal proclamation of 1763 see Indians/First Nations
Royal Society of Canada see Asbestos industry--Products
Royalties see Audio and video tapes--Blanks Copyright--Rights; Income tax--Conventions/protocols with other countries; Oil and gas industry
RRSPs see Registered retirement savings plans
Ru-486 see Abortion--Abortion drug
Rudy`s Bridge see Bridges
Rugs see Child labour
Rule of law see Canada--Constitution and justice system; China; International relations; Pearson International Airport--Terminals 1 and 2; Quebec separation/sovereignty--Legal right/constitutionality, Quebec legislation--Quebecers right to decide, Democracy/rule of law--Unilateral declaration
Rural Canada
Budget 1996 measures, impact, 845-6, 1558
>>Budget 1997 measures, impact, 9196-7, 9564
>>See also Agriculture--Adaptation and rural development fund;
Economic development/renewal;
Gun control/guns--Legislation;
Health care system;
Highways and roads;
Information highway--Access--Rural Canada--School Net program
Infrastructure program;
Posat offices;
Postal service;
Public Service--Downsizing;
Same-sex couples--Spousal status;
Sexual orientation--Canadian Human Rights Act;
Telephone service;
Unemployment insurance--Reform
Rural secretariat see Agriculture and Agri-Food Department
Russian Federation
Canada, relations with, 553
>>Chechnya, conflict, Canadian position, 1853
>>Katyn forest execution of Polish officers in 1940, acknowledgement of
responsibility, 1817
>>Presidential election, 3063
>>See also Arctic--Demilitarized zone;
Canada-Russia Income Tax Agreement Act, 1996;
Canadian Executive Service Organization;
Canadian Security Intelligence Service;
Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports--Canada-Europe Parliamentary
National security;
Nuclear power plants--Plutonium;
Nuclear radiation--Northern Russia/Arctic;
Nuclear waste
Civil war, genocide, 1815-6, 1820, 1822-4, 1832, 1851, 1855, 1866
>>>Canadian role, aid, peacekeeping, etc., 5994, 6352, 6387, 6390
>>>>Belgian troops under Canadian command murdered, 6356
>>>Economic costs, 7364
>>>International centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development 1992
report, 7362
>>>Political will, lack, factor, 6346
>>>United Nations role re civil rights, Canadian contribution, 1851
>>>War crimes tribunal, 1851, 1863
>>>>Canadian support, role, 6388
>>>>Montreal Urban Community Police role, S.O. 31, 6258
>>>>o.q., 6612-3
>>>>See also Judges--Leaves of absence
>>>Women, impact, victims, rape, etc., S.O. 31, 6658, 8774
>>Geographic description, etc., 6351
>>Justice system, establishing, punishment for genocide, Canadian role, etc.,
6391-2, 6395-6
>>National reconciliation, need, South African example, 6392
>>Pinard, Father Guy, Canadian priest killed, 7583-4
>>>S.O. 31, 7568-9
>>See also Africa--Great Lakes region;
Canadian International Development Agency;
Foreign aid;
Institut de développement Nord-Sud;
Ryerson Polytechnic University see Universities/colleges