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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 2nd Session   (February 27, 1996 - April 27, 1997)  Latest Session
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Senate Banking, Trade and Commerce Standing Committee see Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency--Future; Bankruptcy and insolvency--Legislation; Financial institutions--Legislation

Senate committees

    >>Role, studies, etc., 3063
    >>See also Senate--Expenditures ; Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation

Senate Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration Standing Committee see Government Operations Standing Committee--Reports, First

Senate Social Affairs, Science and Technology Committee see Employment insurance--Legislation

Senator Selection Act (Bill C-264)--Abbott

    >>First reading, 1505
    >>See also Senate--Appointments, Electors of province


    >>British Columbia, Senator Lawson remarks re Abbott statements, 3066
    >>Code of conduct see Code of Conduct Special Joint Committee
    >>Crimes, allegations, Senate jurisdiction, 3054
    >>Former see Manning, Hon. Ernest Charles; Olson, Hon. Bud; Tremblay, Hon. Arthur; Waters, Hon. Senator Stan
    >>Pensions, 3097
    >>Plaques see Parliament Buildings
    >>Political party "bagmen", travel expenses, etc., 3071-3
    >>Recognition by constituents, lack, 3053, 3060, 3107-8
    >>Retirement at age 75, 3048, 3053, 3108
    >>>Freeze at 1992 levels, continuing to January 1998, 1903
    >>>Non-taxable allowance, 3047
    >>See also Berntson, Hon. Senator Eric; Carstairs, Hon. Senator Sharon; Forest, Hon. Senator Jean; Gauthier, Hon. Senator Jean-Robert; Hastings, Hon. Senator Earl; Landry, Hon. Senator Joseph; Lavoie-Roux, Hon. Senator Thérèse; LeBreton, Hon. Senator Marjorie; Maheu, Hon. Senator Shirley; Marchand, Hon. Senator Len; Moore, Hon. Senator Wilfred; Parliament Buildings--Plaques; Rizzuto, Hon. Senator Pietro; Rompkey, Hon. Senator William; Senate; Taylor, Hon. Senator Nick; Throne Speech

Senegal see Canadian Executive Service Organization

Senior citizens

    >>Benefits, reduction, 6288
    >>Bill of Rights, drafting, M. (Chamberlain), 5437-45, dropped from Order Paper, 5445
    >>Budget 1997 measures, 9633
    >>Centre La Mosaique, LeMoyne, Que., volunteer library service, S.O. 31, 1164
    >>Chinese Golden Age Society, 25th anniversary, S.O. 31, 8900-1
    >>Guaranteed income supplement cheques, delay, departmental responsibility, o.q., 2309, 2359-60
    >>Income protection
    >>>Canada Assistance Plan, government withdrawal, 5899
    >>>Support, petition, 6193, 7278, 7432, 10144-6
    >>International Senior Citizens' Day, October 1, United Nations General Assembly designating, S.O. 31, 5108
    >>Pensions, adequacy, Evelyn and Les Browett example, S.O. 31, 6124
    >>Tribute, Salon des ainé(e)s du Québec, Coeur d'or awards, presenting, S.O. 31, 2134-5
    >>See also Caregivers--Income tax credit; Council of Canadians; Health care system--Ontario; Poverty; Taxation; Violent offences; Young offenders--Violent offences

Seniors Benefit

Sensory Motor Instructive Leadership Experience (SMILE) see Education

Sentences (convicted criminals)

    >>Aboriginal sentencing circles, use, 5065
    >>>Fort St. John, B.C., community justice group examining, 9676
    >>>Inadequate, police opinions, 1686
    >>>Inappropriate sentences, examples, violent offences, etc., 6839-41, 9710
    >>>Public opinion based on newspaper reports/all facts, study, 6062, 7679-80, 9428
    >>>See also Sentences (convicted criminals)--Judges discretion
    >>Concurrent sentences
    >>>Eliminating, replacing with consecutive sentences, 1923, 3450-8, 9611, 9675 9611
    >>>>Murderers and rapists, 3881, 3910, 4144
    >>>>>See also Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--cumulative sentences)(Bill C-321)
    >>>>See also Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--cumulative sentences)(Bill C-274)
    >>>See also Murderers--Olson, Clifford
    >>Conditional sentences, alternatives to incarceration, 4575-6, 4610, 5003-4, 7633, 7643, 9370-1
    >>>Criminal Code (amdt.--sentencing)(Bill C-41)(1st Sess., 35th Parl.), relationship, 3543-4, 4037, 6802-3, 6865
    >>>>Court challenges, 9468
    >>>>>o.q., 9381
    >>>>S.O. 31, 8585
    >>>Lenient sentences for spousal assaults/threats, etc., o.q., 6061-3
    >>>Violent/sexual offences, Criminal Code (amdt.--sentencing)(Bill C-41)(1st Sess., 35th Parl.), etc., 9370-1, 9401, 9419-30, 9434, 9437-8, 9462, 9590, 9596, 9612-3, 9615-6, 9618, 9643, 9661-7, 9673, 9675, 9677, 9710, 9717, 9979, 9984, 10000, 10007, 10021, 10051
    >>>>o.q., 6062-3, 6132, 9548-51, 9602-4, 9651-3, 9745, 10120
    >>>>Peace River region case, child support payments factor, 9591-2
    >>>>Petitions, 9658, 10146
    >>>>See also Criminal Law Improvement Act, 1996 (Bill C-17)
    >>>See also Criminals--Low-risk offenders; Dangerous/high-risk offenders--Sentences; Elizabeth Fry Societies; Sexual assault/offences--Sentences--Ursel, Darren Adam Young offenders--Non-violent offenders
    >>Consecutive sentences see Sentences (convicted criminals)--Concurrent sentences
    >>Indeterminate sentences see Violent offences--Personal injury offences
    >>Judges discretion
    >>>Inappropriate sentences, inability to fire judges, relationship, 9673
    >>>Reducing, 9462
    >>Legislation, Criminal Code (amdt.--sentencing)(Bill C-41)(1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 5040
    >>>Liberal Party Members opposing, discipline, 339
    >>>o.q., 1102
    >>>Reform Party position, 4284, 6865
    >>>See also Child pornography--Kirkland Lake, Ont. charges; Hate crimes--Sentences; Parole--Murderers; Sentences (convicted criminals)--Conditional sentences; Sexual assault/offences--Sentences; Victims of crime--Compensation--Victim impact statements
    >>Life sentences for second convictions for violent or sexual offences, 5172
    >>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--violent crimes or sexual offences)(Bill C-334)
    >>Life sentences see Parole; Dangerous/high-risk offenders; Violent offences
    >>Post-sentence detention see Dangerous/high-risk offenders;
    >>Post-sentence supervision see Sex offenders
    >>Probation, judges attaching to federal sentences, 9088
    >>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--probation order)(Bill C-386)
    >>Punishment/deterrence, relationship, 4586, 4588
    >>>Protection of society, 8860
    >>>Punishment/rehabilitation, 4547, 4572, 9613
    >>Statutory release/mandatory supervision
    >>>Detention provisions, Corrections and Correctional Release Act section 232, committee review, Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee designation, M. (Zed), agreed to, by unanimous consent, 6804-5
    >>>Eliminating, 1140, 5119, 9595
    >>>>Legislation, introducing, 3543
    >>>Martineau, Rod, violations of previous release conditions, 9712-3
    >>>Non-rehabilitated offenders, Peace River constituency case, 9465-6
    >>>See also Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Sex offenders/Pedophiles; Murder--McCauley, Ronald Richard; Parole--Violations of parole
    >>Victims/families, role, 4603, 4638
    >>See also Break and enter--Dual procedure offence--Watson, Darren; Capital punishment; Child prostitution; Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation; Dangerous/high-risk offenders; Drug trafficking--Schools; Family violence; Forcible confinement--Dual procedure offence; Forgery--Dual procedure offence; Gangs--Motorcycle gangs; Grain marketing--Canadian Wheat Board monopoly; Gun control/guns--Crimes--Smuggling; Hate crimes; Impaired driving; Justice system--Plea bargaining; Mandatory supervision (convicted criminals); Members of Parliament--Convicted of crimes; Murder; Parole--Murderers; Prostitution--Communicating for purposes of prostitution; Sexual assault/offences; Stalking--Criminal harassment; Young offenders

Sentinel fishing program see Fisheries, Atlantic--Groundfish

Separatism see British Columbia--Sovereignty Party; Labrador; Quebec separation/sovereignty

Serial killer cards see Murderers--Olson, Clifford

Serré, Benoît (L--Timiskaming--French River)

    >>Bloc Quebecois, 8226
    >>Budget, 1510-1
    >>Budget 1996, M. (P. Martin), 1508-11
    >>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 8226-7
    >>Canadian flag, 8221
    >>Canadian Heritage Department, M. on supply (G. Leroux), 8221, 8226-8, 8230
    >>Deficit, 1511
    >>Economic development/renewal, 1509-10
    >>>o.q., 6908
    >>Education, post-secondary, 1509
    >>Energy industries, 1509
    >>Falconbridge Limited, S.O. 31, 2428
    >>Francophones outside Quebec, S.O. 31, 2247-8, 9647
    >>Francophonie, S.O. 31, 915, 9271
    >>Goods and Services Tax, 1510
    >>Health care system, S.O. 31, 6953
    >>Hockey, S.O. 31, 9599
    >>House of Commons, 1508
    >>Information highway, 1509
    >>Job creation, 1509
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien), S.O. 31, 6056
    >>Members of Parliament, S.O. 31, 9322
    >>Mining industry, 1509-10
    >>>S.O. 31, 4933-4
    >>Official languages policy/bilingualism, o.q., 8312
    >>Ouellette, Rose, S.O. 31, 4300
    >>Peters, Arnold, S.O. 31, 4336
    >>Pickard, Franklin, S.O. 31, 4742
    >>Procedure, question and comment period, 8230
    >>Quebec, S.O. 31, 8831
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 8229
    >>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), 8221, 8228
    >>Seniors Benefit, 1509
    >>Social programs, 1508-9
    >>Training programs, S.O. 31, 7183-4

Service charges see Banks; Financial institutions

Service clubs

    >>Optimists in Action Day, June 1/96, S.O. 31, 2885
    >>Rotary Club, tribute, S.O. 31, 1837

Service d'entraide Bass-Ville see Volunteer organizations

Service industry see Exports

Seven-point plan see Underground economy--Combatting

Severance pay see Canada Labour Code (amdt.--severance pay)(Bill C-219)

Sewage treatment see Environment--Environmental assessment and review process

Sex education see Youth--Teen pregnancies

Sex offenders

    >>Calgary, Alta., released into community, 6847
    >>Cannon, Joe, temporary absence eligibility, Val-d'Or, Que. residents concerns, 1141
    >>Jones, Donald John, case, 5120
    >>Legislation, introducing, o.q., 2254-5
    >>Osborne, Douglas James, case, 5120
    >>Release, communities information rights, 2092
    >>>Return to victims neighbourhood, informing victims, etc., 2078-9
    >>Repeat offenders, never releasing, petition, 6378
    >>Sexual predators, 5100
    >>>Petition, 4448
    >>Subbiah, Selva, conviction, deportation, S.O. 31, 7651-2
    >>Transfer to mental health institutions at end of sentence if not rehabilitated, Liberal Party "red book" election promise, 9666-7
    >>Ursel, Darren Adam see Sexual assault/offences
    >>See also Child sex abuse/assault/exploitation; Criminals--Names; Dangerous/high-risk offenders; Murder--Kelly, Sarah; Parole; Penitentiaries--Inmates; Pornography--Consumers

Sex selection see Reproductive technologies--New reproductive, Prohibitions

Sex tourism see Child prostitution--Child sex tourism

Sexual abuse see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation

Sexual assault/offences

    >>Accused access to medical and therapeutic records
    >>>Defence counsel strategy, credibility factor, 7649-50, 7669, 7681, 9361, 9389, 9399, 9849
    >>>Doctors, therapists, hospitals, impact on victims seeking help, etc., 7650, 7677, 9363, 9850-2
    >>>Ease of access, 7650
    >>>Legislation, Criminal Code (amdt. production of records in sexual assault proceedings)(Bill C-46), 5040-1, 6865, 8848
    >>>>Bloc Québécois position, 7669, 7677, 9852
    >>>>Consultations, 7665-6, 9849
    >>>>Election timing factor, 9393, 9399
    >>>>Expediting, o.q., 7835
    >>>>Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee studying, 7664, 7666-7, 7669, 7672, 7678, 8882-3, 8910-2, 9281-2, 9359, 9851, 9853-4
    >>>>o.q., 7186, 9379, 9448
    >>>>Preamble, including, 7663-4, 9849-51, 9853
    >>>>Reform Party position, 7671-2, 7678, 9395, 9398, 9401, 9852-4
    >>>>Review in three years, 9852, 9854
    >>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt. production of records in sexual assault proceedings)(Bill C-46)
    >>>Other countries, legislation, 7663
    >>>Police records, excluding, 7664
    >>>Restricting, strengthening relevance requirement, procedures, judges role, etc., 7649-51, 7663-78, 7680-1, 9359-70, 9389-95, 9398-404, 9848-54
    >>>>Accused`s right to remain silent, relationship, 7669
    >>>>Appeal rights, 9391
    >>>>Assumption of innocence burden of proof beyond reasonable doubt factor, 9360-1, 9364
    >>>>Cost and time factors, 9854
    >>>>Definition of records, 9849, 9852
    >>>>False accusations factor, 9364-5, 9368, 9389-90, 9394, 9402, 9852-3
    >>>>False/repressed memory syndrome, relationship, 7672-5, 7678, 7680-1, 9359-61, 9364, 9367, 9390, 9402
    >>>>Rights of accused and victim, balancing, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, etc., 7663-72, 7676-8, 7680-1, 9363, 9365-9, 9389-93, 9395, 9399, 9402, 9848-50, 9852-4
    >>>>See also Sexual assault/offences--Accused access to medical and therapeutic records, Legislation
    >>>Supreme Court of Canada rulings, 4250, 7665-6, 7668, 7676, 9363, 9849
    >>>>o.q., 963-4, 7835
    >>>Victims, women and children, impact, 7650-1, 7663-6, 7671, 7678, 7681
    >>Degrading nature, war crimes, etc., 9402-3, 9848
    >>Fee, Tammy, victim, Rick White conviction, parole, 9466-7
    >>>S.O. 31, 9466
    >>Judges remarks, British Columbia Supreme Court Justice Sherman Hood, Northwest Territories circuit court Judge Michael Bourassa, 1690, 6840-1
    >>Number of cases, 7671
    >>Reporting, under-reported, 9848
    >>>Conditional sentences
    >>>>Criminal Code (amdt.--sentencing)(Bill C-41)(1st Sess., 35th Parl.), British Columbia case, 7678-80
    >>>>See also Sentences (convicted criminals)--Conditional sentences
    >>>Death penatly for rape, abolished in 1954, 9427
    >>>Lenient, 9403-4
    >>>Two/three years, 5045
    >>Shaw, Dawn, victim, raped by babysitter Jason Gamache, previous record unknown to parents, 2092
    >>Thwaites, Norma, killed by Larry Read, murder conviction, new trial, manslaughter conviction, re-offending, etc., 6249-50
    >>Trials, witnesses, protecting, etc., 245, 2202-10, 3933
    >>>Rape shield law re victim's sexual history, 7650-1, 7667-8, 7676, 9363, 9849-50
    >>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of witnesses)(Bill C-217); Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of witnesses)(Bill C-315); Sexual assault/offences--Accused access to medical and therapeutic records
    >>Ursel, Darren Adam, conviction, conditional sentence, Judge Harry Boyle conduct, 6839-40, 9370-1, 9403, 9437-8, 9591, 9663-5, 9710
    >>>o.q., 9483, 9548, 9551, 9602-4, 9652-3
    >>>Petition, 9658
    >>>S.O. 31, 6853-4
    >>>Programs, Waterloo, Ont. region, 2085-6
    >>>Stigmitization, 9848
    >>>Women and children, 9848
    >>>See also Sex offenders--Release; Sexual assault/offences--Accused access to medical and therapeutic records--Victims right to know
    >>Victims right to know if convicted offender has a sexually transmittable disease, 2043-4, 2078, 2084, 2089-90, 4602, 9372, 9439
    >>>Blackburn, Margot, victim, AIDS test request, 2057, 9846
    >>>HIV/AIDS tests, requiring, 9846
    >>>>See also Criminal Code, Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Immigration Act (amdt.--spread of HIV and AIDS)(Bill C-406)
    >>>Mendoza, Jose, case, 2044
    >>>Montreal, Que. woman AIDS test request, 8820
    >>Werbecky, Kim, rape by Clifford Olson, charges dropped, prostitution factor, 2071
    >>>Lack, 9848
    >>>See also Sexual assault/offences--Trials
    >>See also Bankruptcy and insolvency--Sexual/physical assault; Canadian International Development Agency--Somalia; Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation; Crime--Rate; Forcible confinement--Dual procedure offence; Murder--Williams Lake, B.C.; Sentences (convicted criminals)--Consecutive sentences for murderers and rapists--Life sentences for second convictions for violent or sexual offences; Sex offenders; Violence--Women, victims