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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 2nd Session   (February 27, 1996 - April 27, 1997)  Latest Session
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Sherridon Subdivision see Rail transportation/railways--Rail line, Abandonment


    >>Decline, 8097
    >>Quebec, competitiveness, contracts, lack, federal government responsibility, 9688
    >>Saint John Shipyard, National Defence Minister Young and Michael Wilson lobbying for contracts with Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, S.O. 31, 5879
    >>Summit, holding, Liberal Party election promise, "red book", 8097
    >>United States Jones Act, comparison, 8097
    >>See also Defence equipment--Ships; St. Lawrence Seaway--Commercialization

Shippers see Rail transportation/railways--Competition

Ships see Defence equipment; Marine transport--Dubai

Shoa see Holocaust

Shopping malls see Trespassing--Return to place of trespass

Short line railways see Canadian National Railways--Privatization/commercialization

Sica, Dr. Bob see UNiversities and colleges--University of Western Ontario;

Sierra Club of Canada see Environment--Protection, Leadership; Wildlife--Endangered species, Legislation

Sifton, Sgt Ellis see World War I--Battle of Vimy Ridge

Signs see Francophones outside Quebec--Ontario

Sikh religion

    >>Founder, Guru Nanak, tribute, S.O. 31, 6657


    >>Vaisakhi, 297 anniversary of Sikk nation, S.O. 31, 1953
    >>See also Air India, Flight 182; India

Silver Cross Mother see Veterans--Veterans Week

Silver Seven see Hockey--Ottawa Silver Seven

Silye, Jim (REF--Calgary Centre)

Simcoe Centre constituency see Liberal government (Chrétien)--Public opinion

Simmons, Hon. Roger (L--Burin--St. George's)

    >>AIDS, qu., 8844
    >>Air transportation, petition, 8453
    >>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, qu., 4240
    >>Budget 1997, M. (P. Martin), 9145-7
    >>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 298
    >>Child poverty, 9145
    >>Child tax benefit, 9145
    >>Children, 9145
    >>>M. (Rock), 3304-6
    >>>M. (Rock), 6938-42
    >>Cuba, 4514
    >>Cultural industries, 298
    >>Deficit, 7399, 9146-7
    >>Department of Health Act (Bill C-18), 1752-5
    >>Department of Human Resources Development Act (Bill C-11), 1626-30
    >>Disabled and handicapped persons, 9145
    >>Drug/substance abuse, qu., 4238, 8020
    >>Economic development/renewal, 7399
    >>Economy, 297
    >>Education, 3305-6, 6939-42
    >>>Petition, 3934
    >>Education, post-secondary, 9145
    >>Elections, S.O. 31, 1243
    >>Employment, 1629-30, 7399
    >>Employment Insurance Act (Bill C-12), 2392-4
    >>Family violence, qu., 8020
    >>Finance Standing Committee, M. (H. Gray), 7398-400
    >>Fisheries, 296-7
    >>>S.O. 31, 4336-7
    >>Fisheries, Atlantic, 9146
    >>Foreign Extraterritorial Measures Act (amdt.)(Bill C-54), 4514-5
    >>Goods and Services Tax, 297, 1628
    >>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, M. (Williams), 2963-4
    >>Hazardous waste, qu., 7110-1
    >>Health, 1754
    >>Health care system, 1753, 9145
    >>Health Department, 1752-3
    >>Health Standing Committee, reports, 3933, 6411, 7390, 7423, 9845
    >>House of Commons, 7398-9
    >>Job creation, 297-8, 7399, 9145
    >>Neary, Steve, 3827-8
    >>>S.O. 31, 3628
    >>Newfoundland, 1627
    >>>Committee reports, 9845
    >>>Debate, 1629
    >>>Members' remarks, 7399
    >>Ringuette-Maltais, references, 296
    >>Seniors Benefit, 7399
    >>Small Business Loans Act, 7399
    >>Smallwood, Clara Isabelle, S.O. 31, 1838-9
    >>Social programs, 9145
    >>Special olympics, S.O. 31, 7879
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Sheridan), 296-8
    >>Tobacco Act (Bill C-71), 8604-5
    >>Tobacco industry, 8604-5
    >>Tobacco products, 1754
    >>>qu., 4238
    >>Trade, 297, 4514-5
    >>Unemployment, 297-8, 1629
    >>Unemployment insurance, 1627, 2392-3
    >>>S.O. 31, 230
    >>United States, 4514
    >>Veterans benefits, petition, 2951
    >>Workplace, M. (Taylor), 1989-90

Simon Fraser University Pipe Band see Burnaby, B.C.; Music

Sims task force see Canada Labour Code--Part I

Simser, Brad see Mining industry--New faces in mining

Sinclair Secondary School see Schools

Singapore see Hanger--References

Singer Company

Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs see Drug/substance abuse--Drug strategy

Single parents see Child care--Expense deduction; Employment insurance--Benefits; Family; Poverty; Welfare

SIRC see Security Intelligence Review Committee

Sister Sainte-Hermine see Chenel, Sister Marie-Anne

Sisters of St. Joseph Orphanage see Volunteers

"Sitting Comfortabull" advertising campaign see Air Canada

SIU see Special Investigation Unit


    >>Freestyle, World Championships, Jean-Luc Brossard, Stéphane Rochon, Nicolas Fontaine, winners, S.O. 31, 7962
    >>Whistler Mountain, B.C., touris attraction, World Cup site, S.O. 31, 7232

Skoke, Roseanne (L--Central Nova)

    >>Borrowing Authority Act 1996-97 (Bill C-10), 870-3
    >>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill C-33), 2453-4, 2575
    >>Constitution, M. (Rock), 3301-2
    >>Copyright, petition, 6193
    >>Education, 3301-2
    >>Employment Insurance Act (Bill C-12), 2765-7
    >>Goods and Services Tax, petition, 8045
    >>Health care system, petition, 1899-900
    >>Impaired driving, petition, 4350
    >>Nuclear weapons, petition, 8045
    >>References Sexual orientation--Homosexuality/homosexuals
    >>Sexual orientation, 2453-4, 2575
    >>>Petitions, 276, 2485
    >>Training programs, 2766
    >>Unemployment insurance, 2766-7
    >>Veterans, S.O. 31, 6259
    >>Westray coal mine disaster, S.O. 31, 2557

Sky Hawks see Canadian Armed Forces

Sky's the Limit Snow Challenge see Volunteer organizations--New Brunswick Association for Community Living

Slander see Francis, Diane

Slasher films see Violence--Women

Slate mine see Carrière Glendyne


    >>Saint-Esprit, Que., re-opening, job creation, 7508
    >>See also Canadian Food Inspection Agency, 7447

Slavery see Sexual orientation--Canadian Human Rights Act, Racial discrimination

SLORC see Myanmar (Burma)--Military dictatorship

Smailovic, Vedran see Immigration/immigrants--Visitors, Visas

Small and medium business

    >>Access centres, 440
    >>Banks and financial institutions, relationships
    >>>Alternative dispute resolution system, 9109
    >>>Canadian Bankers Association report, value, o.q., 3563
    >>>Code of conduct, 9109
    >>>Ombudsman, 9109
    >>Budget 1997 measures, 9143, 9179-80, 9564
    >>>Impact, S.O. 31, 8443
    >>>See also Small and medium business--Business Improvement Associations--Capital access, Foreign branch banking--Payroll taxes, Deductions
    >>Business Improvement Associations, Budget 1997 measures assisting, 9629
    >>Capital access, 7221, 8763
    >>>$2 million, Community Credit Project, rural Ontario, Bank of Nova Scotia and Ontario Association of Community Development Corporation partnership, S.O. 31, 4299
    >>>Canada Community Investment Program, 1530-1, 6247
    >>>Consumer credit cards, use, 5541
    >>>Financial institutions role, etc., 291, 305-7, 346, 438, 6247-8, 9109, 9115
    >>>Foreign branch banking, permitting, opportunities, Budget 1997 measure, 8292
    >>>Labour sponsored venture capital funds, 7221
    >>>Micro-lending, small entrepreneurs assistance, 7221
    >>>Northern Ontario, FedNor budget, $60 million increase, 1880-1, 8763
    >>>>o.q., 1423
    >>>Petition, 4349, 4900, 5892
    >>>Quebec, Federal Office of Regional Development--Quebec-financial institution agreement, S.O. 31, 7707
    >>>Small business loans program, expansion, 7246
    >>>S.O. 31, 4741-2
    >>Capital gains, $500,000 life time exemption, 7247
    >>Competitiveness, 9252
    >>Conferences and information fairs, Industry Department organizing role, S.O. 31, 8006
    >>Congrès International francophone sur la PME, Oct., 23/96 francophone summit, Trois-Rivières, Que., S.O. 31, 5473-4
    >>Credit lines, applications, financial institution actions, national banking ombudsman, role, o.q., 3427
    >>Development, National Revenue Small Business Advisory Committee, role, S.O. 31, 5675
    >>Entrepreneurs, competitors, government-sponsored, fairness, Sylvia Schneider example, S.O. 31, 1045
    >>Export and knowledge-based business, financing, government-financial institutions partnership, Budget 1996 statement, 379
    >>Federal Office for Regional Development-Quebec, role
    >>>Mandate changed, 8958
    >>>See also Small and medium business--Capital access
    >>Goods and Services Tax, provincial sales tax harmonization, impact, 1803, 1805, 1807
    >>>o.q., 3713
    >>Government economic policy, benefits, 6247-8
    >>Government programs, one stop delivery, Canada-Ontario Business Centre, pilot project, 334
    >>Government role, support, 346, 8762-3
    >>Government taxation policies, impact, 3019
    >>High tech health care industries, new business expansion, $500,000 subsidy, training, Centre d'entreprise et d'innovation de Montréal, S.O. 31, 5594
    >>IDEE-PME program, Quebec, 8958, 8963, 8974
    >>Labour sponsored venture capital funds, investing 50% of funds, 797
    >>Loans, $50,000 - $500,000 range, Business Finance Program, Royal Bank of Canada and Business Development Bank of Canada joint program, S.O. 31, 353
    >>Marketing strategies, Sales and Marketing Resource Network monitoring group, S.O. 31, 8007
    >>Montreal, Que., development, promotion, 5651-2
    >>Notional input tax credit, elimination, impact, 4724
    >>Payroll taxes
    >>>Deductions, filing quarterly instead of monthly, Budget 1997 measure, 8293, 9564
    >>>Impact, 6247, 8368
    >>Regulations, paperburden, reducing, 6247, 8293, 8763
    >>>o.q., 8277-8
    >>>S.O. 31, 7961
    >>Skilled workers, need, 6247-8
    >>Small Business Info Fair, Dauphin--Swan River constituency, S.O. 31, 9927
    >>Small business tax rate
    >>>Earnings under $200,000, lowering, 7247
    >>>Maintaining, 859
    >>Small Business Week, S.O. 31, 5473, 5554, 5594-5, 5675-6, 5679
    >>Tax reductions, impact, o.q., 5480
    >>Tax returns, simplification, paper burden, reducing, o.q., 5562
    >>Women proprietors
    >>>S.O. 31, 5675, 9927
    >>>Success rate, 8787
    >>>Women`s enterprise centres assisting, 88771
    >>See also 2000 Plus; Canada Pension Plan--Premiums, increasing; Corporations--Taxation, Tax expenditures; Economy; Employment insurance; Exports; Goods and Services Tax--Harmonization; Government contracts; Information highway; Interprovincial trade--Internal Trade Agreement; Job creation; Postal service--Direct mail advertising; Telephone service--Bell Canada