The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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E-filing see Income tax returns
E-H 101 helicopters see Defence equipment--Helicopters
E-mail see Air navigation services--Commercialization, Notices; Martin. P.--References
Eagle feather see House of Commons--Public gallery
Eagleson, Alan
Former National Hockey League Players Association head, United States
racketeering and embezzlement charges, government investigation, Rich Winter,
private citizen, role, S.O. 31, 177
Early departure incentive see Public Service--Reduction
Early retirement see Public Service--Reduction
Earth Day see Environment
Earthquakes see Armenia; Iran
East Africa see Trade
East Montreal see Oil refineries
East Timor
Indonesian occupation, human rights violations, etc., 1816
>>>Arms/defence equipment exports to Indonesia, 3986
>>>>o.q., 3210
>>>Nobel Prize winners Bishop Carlos Filipe Ximenes and José Ramos-Horta
concerns, etc., S.O. 31, 5474-5, 5555-6
>>>Petition, 2525
>>See also Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group;
Easter, Wayne (L--Malpeque)
- >>Agricultural products, 846
>>>o.q., 2309
>>Agriculture, 846, 3962, 6222
>>>o.q., 5886
>>Bridges, S.O. 31, 4934
>>Broadcasting Act (amdt.--broadcasting policy)(Bill), 4534-5
>>Budget 1996, M. (P. Martin), 845-7
>>Canada Post Corporation, S.O. 31, 523
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, S.O. 31, 7779
>>Canadian Wheat Board, 3961-2
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-72), 10154-5
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, S.O. 31, 7459-60
>>Child tax benefit, 845
>>Children, S.O. 31, 8131
>>Committees of the Whole House, M. (H. Gray), 5844
>>Dairy products, petition, 4089
>>Deficit, 845-6
>>Discrimination and racism, o.q., 5426
>>Economic development/renewal, 846
>>Employment Insurance Act (Bill C-12), 2231-2, 2325-6, 2390-1, 2600-2, 2627-8, 2744-6, 2765
>>Employment Insurance, o.q., 6265
>>Exports, 846
>>Farm Debt Mediation Act (Bill C-38), 3961-3
>>Fisheries, Atlantic, o.q., 9024
>>Freight rates, 846-7
>>Grain marketing, 3962, 10154
>>>M. on supply (Hermanson), 4095-6, 4113
>>Grain transportation, 846
>>>M. for Papers, 5612
>>>qu., 3045
>>Gross Domestic Product, 846
>>Health, petition, 2615-6
>>Hogs, o.q., 5293
>>Irving Whale, S.O. 31, 4550
>>Job creation, 847
>>National Farmers Union, S.O. 31, 1656
>>National Parks, S.O. 31, 4665
>>National unity, S.O. 31, 9739
>>Pay equity, 8829
>>PEI Potato Board, 6222
>>Pest Management Review Agency, 6222
>>>Divisions, recorded, 4964
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 5844
>>>Members' remarks, 4310, 8426
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 4310
>>Rural Canada, 845-6
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Sheridan), 153
>>Tourism, 845
>>>o.q., 3874
>>Training programs, 2390-1
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 846
>>Unemployment, 845
>>Unemployment insurance, 2325, 2390-1, 2600-2, 2627-8, 2744-6, 2765
>>Unemployment insurance account, 847
Eastern Canada see National Revenue Department--Appeal centre
Eastern Europe see North Atlantic Treaty Organization--Membership
Eastern Kings Memorial Community Health Centre see Health care--Nova Scotia
Eastern Passage, N.S. see Oil refineries--Ultramar Canada
Eastern Quebec Development Plan
Abolition, 334-5
Eastglen High School see Crime prevention--Partners for Youth
École L'Odyssée see Schools
École nationale d'aérotechnique see Schools
École Polytechnique see Violence--Women
Ecologically sensitive land see Environment
Economic and Regional Development Agreements see Economic development/renewal--Quebec
Economic and social conditions see Aboriginal peoples; Amerindians; Crime; Developing countries; Human rights; Indians/First Nations--Powers; International security; Violence--Women; Women
Economic and social union see Canada
Economic conditions
Budget 1996 masking situation, 1483-4
>>Canadians concerns, uncertainty, 10085
>>Decline since 1970s under Liberal and Progressive Conservative governments,
Reform Party alternative, S.O. 31, 9877
>>Decline under Liberal government (Chrétien), 6288
>>>o..q, 7885, 8084-5, 9648-9, 9989-90
>>>Indicators, 378, 1479
>>>Liberal government (Chrétien) initiatives, impact
>>>>o.q., 8390
>>>>S.O. 31, 8441
>>International comparison, o.q., 8085
>>Liberal government (Chrétien) misrepresenting, 9632, 10090, 10093-4
>>Liberal government (Chrétien) policies, 1438, 1477, 1507, 4384, 7397
>>Lower Laurentian Region, Que., S.O. 31, 5283
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty threat, 1995 referendum close vote, etc,
335-6, 348, 350, 4384-5 , 6015-6, 6254, 6279-80, 9142, 9246
>>>Chile, comparison, 350
>>>o.q., 2711
>>>Real estate values, 9142
>>>S.O. 31, 4743, 5239, 5286
>>Recession, continuing, public opinion, 811, 6255
>>Taxation policies, impact, S.O. 31, 7653
>>York North constituency town hall meeting, S.O. 31, 8773-4
>>See also Bankruptcy and insolvency;
Job creation
Economic development/renewal
Abbotsford air show, role, 9953
>>Alberta, balanced budget approach, S.O. 31, 31
>>Asbestos region, Que., S.O. 31, 580
>>Atlantic provinces, 846, 7396
>>>S.O. 31, 6126-7
>>>User fees, ceiling, o.q., 7787
>>Banks, profitable corporations, role, S.O. 31, 32
>>British Columbia, tiger of the Pacific Rim, S.O. 31, 6363
>>Brome-Missisquoi constituency, S.O. 31, 7079
>>Bromptonville, Que., initiatives, S.O. 31, 758
>>Budget 1996 measures, government strategy, impact, 372-3, 405-6, 412, 437,
440-1, 810, 7246
>>>o.q., 425
>>Budget 1997 measures, o.q., 9019
>>>See also Economic development/renewal--Government strategy--Rural Canada
>>Business contacts, development, international matchmaking session, Société
de développement économique de Roussillon organizing, S.O. 31, 4015-6
>>Consumer confidence, need, 7260
>>Deficit reduction, impact, 1518
>>Deflation, impact, 7227
>>des Moulins region, Que., Lise Brouillette, winner, 1996 Prix
Professionnelle en développement économiqu du Québec, tribute, S.O. 31, 6123
>>Drummondville, Que. initiatives, S.O. 31, 1884
>>Elliot Lake, Ont., S.O. 31, 6853
>>Environmental concerns, barriers, income tax changes, relationship, 380
>>Exports, role, 8346-7
>>Federal-provincial-municipal co-operation, requirement, 347
>>Finance Standing Committee report, recommendations, 7400
>>First Ministers' Conference, enhancing process, S.O. 31, 4017
>>Framework laws, 3030
>>Funds, $350,000 grant, Placentia, Nfld., Payne threat to withhold/withdraw
funds unless surplus firetrucks sold to other community at minimal cost,
Ethics Counsellor investigation, request, o.q., 4458
>>Gaspé region, $150,000 FORD-Q grant, S.O. 31, 7079
>>Government grants, S.O. 31, 1886-7
>>Government policy, priority, o.q., 36
>>Government recovery program, S.O. 31, 7382
>>Government role, 372
>>>Redefining, o.q., 3636
>>Government strategy, Budget 1997 statement, 8298
>>Hamilton, Ont. region, Canada Community Investment Program, S.O. 31, 6442
>>Hastings--Frontenac--Lennox and Addington constituency, S.O. 31, 6658-9
>>High technology industries, foreign investment, Partners for Investment in
Canada Bureau, role, S.O. 31, 5106
>>Interest rate decline, impact, 7399
>>Investor confidence, 3024
>>>Funding, priorities, 416, 782-3, 788-9
>>>>See also Economic development/renewal--Regional agencies, Funded projects
>>>Government neglect, condemning, 751-3, 776, 780-1, 784
>>>>M. on supply (Strahl), 749-57, 770-89, negatived, on recorded division,
>>Liberal government (Chrétien) record, 437, 809, 7263, 9539
>>>Failure, 7273-4
>>Liberal Party "red book" election promises, implementation, 20-1
>>>o.q., 40
>>Lotbinière investment association role, S.O. 31, 636
>>Mimico-by-the-Lake Business Association, role, S.O. 31, 6902
>>Mismanagement, Liberal government (Chrétien) policies, o.q., 5882, 5884
>>Montreal, Que., 1519
>>>Business opportunity fair, southwest Montreal, S.O. 31, 5880-1
>>>Employment insurance, reforms, impact, 5659-60, 5693
>>>Government action, lack, S.O. 31, 1286
>>>Government initiatives, o.q., 5683
>>>Government support, Prime Minister Chrétien speech outlining, o.q., 5597-8,
5601, 6005
>>>Joint Action Committee, establishing, Liberal "red book" election promise,
o.q., 5683
>>>M. on supply (Gauthier), 5646-75, 5687-705, negatived, on recorded
division, 5872-3
>>>>Amdt. (Duceppe), 5649, negatived, on recorded division, 5872
>>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Ménard), 5662, negatived, on recorded division, 5871-2
>>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (S. Harper), 5656, not receivable, 5659
>>>Montreal International, role, S.O. 31, 6363, 6557
>>>Montréal-Nord Corporation de développement économique et communautaire and
Montréal-Nord Chamber of Commerce roles, 9635
>>>o.q., 8508-9
>>>Quebec separation/sovereignty threat factor, 292, 347, 1519, 5654-7,
5663-4, 5673-5, 5703-4, 5999, 6015-6, 6020, 9254
>>>>o.q., 5601
>>>>S.O. 31, 4165-6, 5595-6
>>>Sock factory, $63.7 million government expenditure, 10050
>>>S.O. 31, 5677-8
>>>See also Iris Inc.
>>National Capital Region, Hull casino, role, S.O. 31, 759
>>National debt, impact, 433
>>New Brunswick, 7397-8
>>>Round Table meetings, S.O. 31, 4494-5
>>>S.O. 31, 1099
>>New Zealand, comparisons, 3019-20, 10089-90
>>Northern Canada, alabaster deposits, Victoria Island, discovery, Natural
Resources Department role, o.q., 6908
>>One agency, reporting through one minister, accountable to public, using
national standards, Reform Party position, 417
>>Outaouais region, Que., Quebec cabinet minister Simard statement, S.O. 31,
>>Programs, amalgamation, 437
>>Quebec, 7250-1, 9246-7
>>>Coastal Quebec program for the North Shore, $13.5 million, 8964
>>>Community Futures Development Corporations, competition with Quebec
government regional development corporations, 8958, 8965
>>>Department of Industry Act (Bill C-46)(1st Sess., 35th Parl.),
relationship, 8972
>>>Economic and Regional Development Agreement, expiry, 8958-60, 8965, 8972-3
>>>>o.q., 8654-5
>>>Expansion, S.O. 31, 5593, 5803
>>>Federal government expenditures, 9955
>>>>Montreal, Que. and Quebec City, Que., concentrating in, 8972
>>>Federal government strategy, 8959-60, 8962-5
>>>Federal-provincial collaboration, Throne Speech statement, 5
>>>>o.q., 35, 179-80
>>>>S.O. 31, 310
>>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction factor, 8958-60, 8965-6, 8970-3
>>>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, relationship, 8970, 8974-5
>>>Federalism, failure, 8970, 8974
>>>Foreign investors, confidence, S.O. 31, 6257
>>>Investor confidence, 4777
>>>M. on supply (Rocheleau), 8958-76, negatived, on recorded division, 8975-6
>>>Manley, Industry Minister, responsibility, 8972
>>>Quebec separation/sovereignty threat factor, 9254
>>>Socio-economic Summit, S.O. 31, 5880, 6124, 6126
>>>Transportation, relationship, 8974
>>>Wholesale and retail sales industry, role, S.O. 31, 1705
>>>See also Economic development/renewal passim
Federal Office of Regional Development--Quebec
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty threat factor, 1533-5
>>>Federal government cut-backs, 8966
>>>Government policies, 1516
>>>See also Government contracts--Procurement process;
Research and development;
>>Regional agencies
>>>Accountability, lack, 416-7
>>>Client confidentiality, 416-7
>>>Co-operation with Industry Department sectors and Business Development Bank
of Canada, o.q., 7315
>>>Elimination, Reform Party position, 416-7
>>>Expenditures, increase/decrease, 9951-2
>>>>o.q., 9172
>>>Funded projects, failure-success rates, financial losses, etc., 416-7, 9290
>>>>Labrador, 417
>>>Provincial agencies, duplication of services, etc., 416-7
>>>See also Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency;
Economic development/renewal--Rural Canada;
Job creation;
Western Economic Diversification Program
>>Rural Canada, 378, 846, 1509-10
>>>Agricultural Adaptation and Rural Development Fund role, 303, 333
>>>Budget 1997 measures, 8429-30, 9539
>>>>S.O. 31, 8386, 9445
>>>Committee study, 2897
>>>Community Futures Program role, 333-4
>>>Employment insurance $300 million fund, utilizing, 333
>>>Financial institutions roles, loans, 333
>>>Government commitment, Throne Speech statement, 3, 286-8, 303, 332-4
>>>Government initiatives, 8430
>>>Growth and diversification, Farm Credit Corporation support, $50 million
new capital, Budget 1997 measure, 8292
>>>Infrastructure, tourism or high technology programs, 8292
>>>Initiatives, Business Connections 96, Napanee, Ont., S.O. 31, 1161
>>>Local, Saint-Germain-de-Kamouraska forum, S.O. 31, 4450
>>>Natural Resources Standing Committee recommendations, 8955
>>>>S.O. 31, 9014
>>>Regional economic development agencies roles, 333-4
>>>Throne Speech commitment, maintaining, o.q., 7786
>>Saguenay--Lac-Sain-Jean region, Que., local initiatives, 8970
>>Science and technology strategy, role, o.q., 590-1
>>Slowdown, 7228
>>Stakeholders, co-operation, encouraging, S.O. 31, 231
>>Tax burden, impact, 7064
>>Tax relief, $15 billion, Reform Party proposals, 7398
>>>o.q., 5882-4
>>>See also Job creation
>>Team Canada trade missions, importance, S.O. 31, 8191
>>Team Cornwall efforts, S.O. 31, 9375-6
>>Throne speech measures
>>>Lack, 348
>>>See also Economic development/renewal--Quebec--Rural Canada
>>Trois-Rivières constituency, $7 million investment since 1993, 8960
>>Western Economic Diversification Department role, 9953-4
>>See also Casinos--St. Lawrence River
Economic forum
Francophone communities within Canada, Beauce region, summer 1996, 99
Economic policies
Keynesian economics, 1635-6
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), failure, S.O. 31, 9076-7
>>Reform Party platform, government adopting, 836
>>See also Highways and roads;
Social programs
Economic renewal see Economic development/renewal
Economic Research Provincial Handbook see Economy--Growth, Projections
Canadian economic union, strengthening, 56-7
>>>Throne Speech statement, 5, 299
>>Central Intelligence Agency analysis, 802-3
>>Centralizing in Ontario, 1609
>>Competitiveness, 9252
>>>Liberal government (Chrétien) policies, impact
>>>>o.q., 5478
>>>>S.O. 31, 3199
>>Consumer spending driven, 7285
>>Economic miracle of western world, European Union position, etc., 10083
>>Exports sector, importance, 379, 5337-8
>>Federal government role, redefining, 1536
>>Future confidence, 8290-1
>>Future, worries and anxieties, eliminating, Budget 1996 role, 372, 381, 399,
403-4, 461-2
>>>o.q., 425
>>G-7 countries, comparison
>>>o.q., 7464
>>>See also Economy--Growth
>>Government role, defining, 9921
>>Growth, 4775, 7400, 8290, 8797, 9523, 9535
>>>1%, 6255
>>>2.5% for 1996, Budget 1996 statement, 812
>>>2.9%, International Monetary Fund projections, 2874
>>>>S.O. 31, 1656-7
>>>Benefits, poor not receiving, o.q., 6367
>>>Budget 1996 measures, impact, 1450, 1472, 1481, 1536, 1901
>>>Business-government partnership, 8293
>>>Canada leading, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
report, 4775
>>>>o.q., 4181
>>>>S.O. 31, 4173
>>>Confidence, regaining
>>>>o.q., 8832, 9081
>>>>S.O. 31, 7654-5
>>>Exports, role, 5312, 7222, 9251
>>>>International Monetary Fund report
>>>>>o.q., 10115
>>>>>S.O. 31, 10226
>>>>Private sector, o.q., 8085
>>>>S.O. 31, 6363-4
>>>G-7 countries, comparison, 297, 1434,
1488, 4399-400, 5846-7, 5859, 6016,
6248, 6254, 6286, 7218, 7246, 7280-1, 8331, 8333, 10082
>>>>o.q., 8592, 10115
>>>Government policies, impact, 3, 4373-7,
>>>>o.q., 9990
>>>>S.O. 31, 3863, 4337, 4934-5
>>>Government priority, 6284, 6292
>>>Government role, 2
>>>Indicators, o.q., 40
>>>Interest rate level factor, 9536
>>>Liberal government (Chrétien) vision, 1487-9, 4368, 4373
>>>Long-term planning, 8293
>>>Petition, 4807, 4899-900
>>>Projections, Economic Research Provincial Handbook, Nesbitt Burns,
>>>Quebec, S.O. 31, 4742
>>>Regulations, burden, lessening, impact, S.O. 31, 7380
>>>Slow pace, national debt/deficit, relationship, 802
>>>Small and medium business role, recognition
>>>>o.q., 9178-9
>>>>Petition, 4714
>>>Throne Speech, Budget 1996 proposals, 1446-7, 5993
>>>See also Job creation;
Unemployment--Economic growth
>>Intellectual-based, rather than natural resource-based, 1795-6
>>International comparison, 6875
>>Knowledge-based economy, government role, Quebec, etc., 8963-4
>>Mismanagement, Liberal governments, 1475
>>>Accountability, 805-7
>>Personal futures, Canadians pessimistic, Conference Board of Canada survey,
o.q., 40
>>Restructuring, government role, 8291-2
>>Small business role, 6247
>>>S.O. 31, 6362-3
>>Stabilizing, government initiatives, 7254
>>See also Bloc Québécois--Mandate;
National unity--Government priority;
Quebec separation/sovereignty;
Underground economy;