The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Language see Official languages policy/bilingualism
Language, inappropriate/improper see Procedure
Language police see Quebec--Language policy
Language rights see Court challenges program--Role
Laos see Immigration/immigrants--Criminals
Lap dancing
Banning, petition, 7524
L`Archer, Serge see Niger
Larose, Gérald see Quebec--Patriot of the year
Larose, Lynn see Murder
Last post fund see Veterans
Lastewka, Walt (L--St. Catharines)
- >>Aerospace industry, 6017
>>Banks, o.q., 2362
>>Biotechnology, 6017
>>Budget 1996, M. (P. Martin), 1527, 1530-1
>>Canada Foundation for Innovation, o.q., 8451
>>Canals, S.O. 31, 6901
>>CMC Technology Inc., 6018
>>Criminal Code and Copyright Act (amdt.--profit from authorship respecting a crime)(Bill C-205), 4660
>>Curling, S.O. 31, 579, 1582
>>Deficit, 1531
>>Education, post-secondary, 1531
>>Employment, 1531
>>Environmental technology, 6017
>>Filipowich, Magdalena, S.O. 31, 9598
>>Fire-fighters/emergency response personnel, o.q., 2714
>>Forestry, 1530
>>Government expenditures, 1527
>>Government programs and services, 1527
>>Health care system, S.O. 31, 6952
>>High technology industry, 6018
>>Income tax, o.q., 3928
>>Indexable Cutting Tools of Canada Limited, S.O. 31, 5676
>>Industrial Research Assistance Program, o.q., 8451
>>Information highway, 1531, 6017
>>>S.O. 31, 2059
>>JetForm Corporation, 6018
>>Job creation, 1530-1
>>Lincoln Fabrics Ltd., 1530
>>>S.O. 31, 1365
>>Multiculturalism, S.O. 31, 3417
>>National debt, 1531
>>Newbridge Networks Corporation, 6018
>>Research and development, 6018
>>>o.q., 8451
>>Rowing, S.O. 31, 3078
>>Science and technology, 6017
>>Small and medium business, 1530-1
>>Technology, 1531, 6017-8
>>Technology Partnerships Canada, 1531
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Sheridan), 6017-8
>>Tobacco industry, petition, 8514
>>Tobacco products, o.q., 7716
>>Unemployment, 1530
>>Vitana Corporation, 6018
>>Volunteer organizations, S.O. 31, 2472, 8944, 9984
Late Show see Procedure--Adjournment proceedings
Laterrière, Que.
Municipality, 150th founding anniversary, S.O. 31, 5364
>>See also Alcan Aluminium Ltd.--Quebec plants
Latimer, Robert see Euthanasia
Latimer, Tracy see Euthanasia
Latin America
Canada, relations with, 6228-30
>>Canadian investment, 6229
>>Economic conditions, poverty, continental economic integration,
relationship, 6230
>>Quebec, relations with, 6230
>>See also Immigration/immigrants--Visas, Visitors;
Inter-Parliamentary Delegations
Lau, Rabbi Israel Meir see Israel
Lauber, R. Michael see Banks--Banking ombudsman
Laughlin, Urban see National Farmers Union
Laundry contract see Penitentiaries--CORCAN
Laurentian University see Falconbridge Limited--Pickard
Laurier, Man. see Education--Minority language rights, Charter
Laurier, Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid see Canada--Twentieth century; Cycling--Bicycle paths; National unity
Laurin, René (BQ--Joliette)
- >>Agri-food industry
>>>o.q., 10183-4
>>>S.O. 31, 6440
>>Automobile leasing, petition, 1774
>>Budget 1996, M. (P. Martin), 452-4, 456
>>Canada Elections Act and Referendum Act (amdt.)(Bill C-63), 6602
>>Canada Employment Centres, S.O. 31, 1950
>>Canada Endangered Species Protection Act (Bill C-65), 10190
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 453
>>Canada Labour Code (amdt.--nuclear undertakings)(Bill C-3), 1267
>>Canadian Airlines International, o.q., 6609
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 561
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, o.q., 3869
>>Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act (Bill C-60), 8021-2
>>Canadian Securities Commission, 6500
>>Canadian Space Agency, o.q., 6909-10
>>Caregivers, M. (Szabo), 3158-9
>>Child care, 6532-3, 6535
>>>M. on supply (Hayes), 6532-6
>>Constitution, S.O. 31, 9879
>>Contraventions Act (amdt.)(Bill C-16), 1409
>>Corporations, 456
>>>M. on supply (Loubier), 929-33
>>Credit cards, petition, 8144-5, 8956
>>Cultural institutions, o.q., 2944
>>Deficit, 453
>>Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (Bill C-7), 1259-60, 1264
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, o.q., 7086
>>Economic development/renewal, M. on supply (Strahl), 773
>>Employment, o.q., 9328
>>Employment Insurance Act (Bill C-12), 2298-9, 2633-4
>>Estimates, M. (Massé), 4376, 4405-6
>>Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tax Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70), 7739-40
>>Excise taxes, o.q., 4803
>>Family, 6533-6
>>Fawcett, Norman, 7721
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Loubier), 6500
>>Gasoline taxes, o.q., 317-8
>>Goods and Services Tax, 7739-40
>>Government, 4376
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, M. (Williams), 1078-9
>>Government programs and services, 6500
>>Highways and roads, o.q., 318
>>Hong Kong, o.q., 9995
>>House of Commons, statement by Minister (Irwin), 8954-5
>>Hydro-electric power, 773
>>Immigration/immigrants, S.O. 31, 3250-1
>>Job creation
>>>o.q., 5109
>>>S.O. 31, 6001
>>Manganese-based Fuel Additives Act (Bill C-29), 6895
>>National debt, 452-3
>>Neary, Steve, 3827
>>Nuclear Safety and Control Act (Bill C-23), 8023
>>Penitentiaries, o.q., 8783
>>>Duceppe (contempt of Parliament), 8660
>>>Hart (contempt of Parliament), 561
>>Privilege, prima facie, contempt of Parliament, M. (Hart), 673
>>>Allotted days, 3876
>>>Bills, Government, 1259-60, 1264, 1267, 2962, 8154, 9689, 10190-1
>>>Debate, 6602, 6895, 8021-3
>>>Decorum, 7496
>>>Divisions, 6879
>>>Divisions, recorded, 1694, 1696-7, 2690-2, 4047, 4049-51, 4964, 8343, 9455-6, 9501, 9721-7, 9729-30, 9767-71, 9773-83, 9828, 10095-6, 10098
>>>Divisions, recorded, deferred, 945, 5356, 6937, 9540-1
>>>Documents, 3136
>>>Interparliamentary delegations, 4161
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 6899, 6912
>>>Members' remarks, 3773, 4424, 6899
>>>Petitions, 4418
>>>Points of order, 8017
>>>Private Members Business, 7852
>>>Private Members' Hour, 1410
>>>Quorum, 7162
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Zed), 4424-7
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 1242
>>>o.q., 4501
>>References see Board of Internal Economy--Members
>>Regulations Act (Bill C-25), 3773
>>Roy, Jean-Robert, 7719
>>Séminaire de Joliette, S.O. 31, 4795
>>Senate, 4376, 4405-6
>>Senior citizens, o.q., 2309
>>Softwood lumber industry, o.q., 1106
>>Standards Council of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 2962
>>Taxpayer Bill of Rights Act (Bill C-215), 2166-7
>>Tobacco Act (Bill C-71), 8464-5, 8612, 8715-7
>>Tobacco industry, 8464-5, 8660, 8612, 8715
>>Tobacco products, 8715-6
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 453
>>Transportation, M. on supply (Gouk), 8093
>>Turkey, S.O. 31, 7652
>>Unemployment insurance 454, 2299, 2633-4
>>Unemployment insurance account, 453-4
>>World School Championships, S.O. 31, 8128
>>Young, references see Immigration/immigrants--Political opinions re Quebec separation
Laval space camp (Cosmodome) see Infrastructure program
Laval University see Research and development--Projects
Lavallee, Marjorie see Canadian Executive Services Overseas--International services
Lavigne, Laurent (BQ--Beauharnois--Salaberry)
- >>Bourassa, Robert, S.O.31, 4980-1
>>Family violence, S.O. 31, 5286
>>Hazardous products, o.q., 2067
>>Hockey, S.O. 31, 581-2
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Zed), 4417
>>Rail transportation/railways, o.q., 2067
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Sheridan), 110
Lavigne, Raymond (L--Verdun--Saint-Paul)
- >>Aerospace industry, S.O. 31, 4017
>>Budget 1997, S.O. 31, 8269
>>Credit cards, S.O. 31, 6788-9
>>Cycling, S.O. 31, 2473
>>Deficit, S.O. 31, 8306
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, S.O. 31, 7032
>>Economic development/renewal, S.O. 31, 5677-8, 5880-1
>>Festivals, S.O. 31, 3122
>>Housing, S.O. 31, 7306-7
>>Job creation, S.O. 31, 7235-6
>>Lebanon, o.q., 1846
>>Mirabel International Airport, o.q., 361
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Zed), 4418
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty
>>>Petition, 3045
>>>S.O. 31, 4301
>>Telecommunications, S.O. 31, 7964
Lavoie-Roux, Hon. Senator Thérèse (PC--Québec)
- >>References see Fraud
Law Commission of Canada
Accountability, independence, Justice Minister role, etc., 1299, 1302, 1304,
>>Advisory council, 1299, 1302, 1304
>>Budget, $3 million annually, 1304-6, 1309
>>Commissioners, qualifications, patronage, etc., 1299-302, 1304-5, 1307-8
>>Cost-effectiveness, efficiency, 1298, 1300, 1303
>>Departmental corporation status, 1299, 1303-4
>>Establishing, legislation, Law Commission of Canada Act (Bill C-9), 6865
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 1303
>>>Consultations, 1298, 1300, 1303-4
>>>Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee study, amendments, 1298
>>>>Abbott non-attendance, 1308
>>>Law Commission of Canada Act (Bill C-106)(1st Sess., 35th Parl.),
reinstatement, closure use, 1306
>>>Reform Party position, 1303
>>>See also Law Commission of Canada Act (Bill C-9)
>>Information technology, utilizing, 1299-301
>>Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee role re appointments, 1304
>>Justice Department Law Reform Division alternative, 1300, 1303, 1305-6
>>Law Reform Commission of Canada, former, role, comparison, etc., 1298-300,
1302-3, 1305-6
>>>Auditor General 1985 study, 1302-3
>>Law reform role, 1298-300, 1303,
>>Liberal Party election promise, "red book", 1298
>>Mandate, philosophy, guidelines, 1298, 1300, 1303
>>Members of Parliament/committees law reform role, alternative, 1304-6, 1310
>>Propaganda role, 1302
>>Provinces, impact, jurisdiction encroachment, etc., 1300-3
>>Quebec civil law, role, 1299-302
>>Quebec representation, not guaranteed, 1301-2
>>Research role, 1299, 1301-3, 1305
>>Secretariat, staff, 1299
Law Commission of Canada Act (Bill C-9)--Minister of Justice (Rock)
First reading, 365
>>Deemed read second time, referred to Justice and Legal Affairs Standing
Committee and reported, with amdts. by House Order, 365
>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 1298
>>Third reading, 1298-311
>>>Agreed to, on recorded division, 1316-7, passed.
>>Royal Assent, 3127. Chap. 9, S.C. 1996
>>See also Law Commission of Canada--Establishing
Law Commission of Canada Act (Bill C-106)(1st Sess., 35th Parl.)
Reinstated as Law Commission of Canada Act (Bill C-9)
>>See also Law Commission of Canada--Establishment
Law making power see Supreme Court of Canada
Law of the Sea
United Nations convention, Canadian ratification
>>>o.q., 2069
>>>S.O. 31, 5802
Law reform see Law Commission of Canada
Law Reform Commission of Canada (former) see Law Commission of Canada
Law Society of Upper Canada see Judges--Desotti, John; War crimes--Deportation
Lawn bowling
Blind lawn bowling, world championships, Norm Green, Canadian representative,
S.O. 31, 6901
Lawn mowing see Legislation--Closure use
Lawrence, Judith see Education--Prime Minister's Award
Lawson, Hon. Senator Edward M. (IND--Vancouver)
- >>References see Senators--British Columbia
Lawsuits see Air Canada--Airbus A3209 passenger jet; Forestry--Stoney Indian Reserve; Penitentiaries--Prison for Women; Victims of crime--Compensation
Lawyers see Canadian Food Inspection Agency--Contracts; Victims of crime
Lay-offs see Air traffic control; Canadian Kenworth Company; Cape Breton Development Corporation--Privatization; Job losses; Newspapers--Saskatchewan
Layland and Beaulne case see Sexual orientation--Canadian Human Rights Act, Family
Le Devoir see Journalism/journalists--Canadian Journalism Hall of Fame
Le Fleuve see Newspapers
Le Hir, Richard see Quebec separation/sovereignty; Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--No side victory
Leadership and Management of the Canadian Forces see Canadian Armed Forces--Renewal
Leadley, Helen see Parole--Murderers, Thompson, Robert Paul
LEAF see Legal Education and Action Fund
League of Nations
Establishment, United States President Woodrow Wilson role, Fourteen
Points document, etc., 7372-3
Learning Disabilities Association of Canada see Health--Learning disabilities
Learning Disabilities Month see Health
Learning Partnerships program see Education--Sciences
Lease disclaimers see Bankruptcy and insolvency--Business reorganization
Leaves of absence see Judges
- >>Israeli attacks, retaliation for Hezbollah militia shelling, civilian
>>>Ceasefire agreement, o.q., 2006, 2009
>>>Moment of silence, S.O. 31, 1953-4
>>>o.q., 1468-9, 1713, 1846
>>>Reconstruction, Canadian aid, o.q., 2006
>>>S.O. 31, 1540
>>>United Nations refugee camp attacked, Canadian position, etc.
>>>>o.q., 1661, 1665
>>>>S.O. 31, 1655, 1704-5
>>Israeli occupation, United Nations resolution re territorial integrity and sovereignty, o.q., 1590, 1713, 1846, 2009
>>See also Canadian International Development Agency
Lebel, Ghislain (BQ--Chambly)
- >>Administrative Tribunals (Remedial and Disciplinary Measures) Act (Bill
C-49), 5572-6
>>Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-5), 5532-6
>>Beer, 7984-5
>>Bloc Québécois, 7985
>>Boats/boating, 3731
>>Borrowing Authority Act 1996-97 (Bill C-10), 1014
>>Budget 1996, M. (P. Martin), 412
>>Canada Elections Act and Referendum Act (amdt.)(Bill C-63), 6735
>>Canada Post Corporation, 3772
>>Canada Transportation Act (Bill C-14), 1232-5
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 100-1, 655-6
>>Canadian Coast Guard, 3679-80, 3731
>>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill C-33), 2117-8
>>Capital punishment, 4599
>>Chrétien, Jean, references, 5536
>>Conflict of interest, 4770-1
>>Corporations, M. on supply (Loubier), 901, 909, 913-4
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--judicial review of parole ineligibility)(Bill C-45), 4251-3, 4573, 4597-600
>>Dairy products, petition, 3497
>>Dangerous/high-risk offenders, 4598-9
>>Deficit, 412
>>Distilling industry, 7985
>>Economic development/renewal, 9246-7
>>Elections, 6735
>>Employment insurance, 7983, 9244-5
>>Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tax Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70), 7152-4, 7933, 7983-7, 9243-7
>>Exports, 281-2
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 3613-4
>>Forestry, 281
>>Francophones outside Quebec, 3837-9
>>>M. on supply (Marchand), 3833, 3835, 3837-9
>>Goods and Services Tax, 7152-4, 7983-4, 7986-7, 9243-6
>>Government appointments, 5572, 5575-6
>>Government contracts, 7984-5
>>Highways and roads, 8563
>>House of Commons, 44
>>Impaired driving, S.O. 31, 3122-3
>>Japanese Canadians, 4251-2
>>Justice system, 4573, 4598-600
>>Montreal, Que., 101
>>Murder, 4597, 4599
>>Murderers, 4253
>>National debt, 281, 412
>>Notaries, 5533
>>Oceans, 3607-8
>>Oceans Act (Bill C-26), 3607-8, 3613-4, 3625, 3679-80, 3733-4
>>Parliament Buildings, 7985
>>Parole, 4251-3, 4573, 4597-600
>>Pearson International Airport, 3057, 7984
>>>o.q., 5115
>>Police, 4598
>>Post offices, 3772
>>Private family trusts, 9227
>>>M. on supply (Loubier), 4767-8, 4770-1
>>Privilege, prima facie, contempt of Parliament, M. (Hart), 655-6, 659, 664-5
>>>Committee reports, 5891
>>>Members' remarks, 563
>>>Privilege questions, 44
>>>Speeches, 4253
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Zed), 4432-3
>>Public Accounts Standing Committee, M. (Williams), 9227
>>Public Service Staff Relations Board Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (amdt.)(Bill C-30), 4013-4
>>Quebec, 2898, 3833, 3838
>>>S.O. 31, 7233
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, M. on supply (Gauthier), 2897-8
>>Rail transportation/railways, 1232, 1234-5
>>Regulations Act (Bill C-25), 3769-73
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 4013-4
>>Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, 101
>>Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee, reports, 1898, 3168, 5891, 9281
>>Senate, M. on supply (Gilmour), 3057, 3059
>>Sexual orientation, 2117-8
>>Taxation, 281, 7153-4
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Sheridan), 100-1, 109-10, 281-2
>>Tobacco Act (Bill C-71), 8463-4, 8716-7
>>Tobacco industry, 4771, 8463-4, 8716-7
>>Tobacco products, 8463-4, 8716
>>Trade, 281
>>Transport Standing Committee, M. (Crete), 8563
>>Transportation, 1232-4, 8563
>>Underground economy, 7986
>>Unemployment, 412
>>Vietnam, 4597-8
>>Welfare, 412