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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 1st Session   (September 22, 1997 - September 18, 1999)  Latest Session
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Social values see Public safety

Société de développement Angus see Economic development/renewal--Quebec

Socété de l'autisme et des troubles envahissants du dévéloppement de Laval see Volunteer organizations

Société des Acadiens et Acadiennes du Nouveau-Brunswick see Francophones outside Quebec

Société nationale de l'Acadie

    >>Acadian heritage, promoting, S.O. 31, 6712(102:1110)
    >>Acadians, Sommet de la Francophonie, representing, S.O. 31, 16089(241:1410-5)

Society for Children and Youth of British Columbia see Vancouver--Kingsway constituency

Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers (SOCAN) see Copyright Board of Canada--Appointments

Society of Educational Visits and Exchanges in Canada (SEVEC) see Education

SOEP see instead Sable Offshore Energy Project

Soft power see Forein policy

Software see Theft--Computer software

Software development see Information technologies

Software engineers see High technology industries

Softwood lumber industry

    >>1995 Canada-United States export agreement, 10082(153:1325)
    >>>Further restrictions, United States threats, government reaction
    >>>>o.q., 13090-1(199:1450), 15860-1(238:1130-5)
    >>>>Petition, 13831(207:1520)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 16087(241:1400)
    >>>>See also Forest products--Painted and manufactured wood product--Rough headed lumber--Specialty wood products
    >>>Job losses, etc., 5607(84:1600), 8387(126:1020)
    >>>Not renegotiating, o.q., 13507(204:1435)
    >>>Quotas, assignment process, etc., 8414-5(126:1305-10), 8417(126:1325), 10280(157:1300), 11729-30(178:1805-10)
    >>>Renewal, negotiating better terms, government ability, industry position, o.q., 12499(190:1145)
    >>British Columbia 70% stumpage fee, reduction, United States viewing as subsidy, 8413(126:1255)
    >>>Non-tariff barriers, 8388(126:1025)
    >>>To Europe, insistence on kiln-dried softwood products, killing non-threatening pinewood nematode, non-tariff barrier, filing complaint with World Trade Organization, 8389(126:1030)
    >>Pre-drilled building lumber, exports to United States, tariff rules, United States Commerce Department amending, reclassifying as ordinary lumber, Canadian government reaction, o.q., 5908(89:1450), 6034(91:1455), 6857(104:1450-5), 8057(120:1450)


    >>Environmental factors, pesticide reduction, Quebec, etc., 15641-2(235:1110-5)
    >>See also Agriculture--Subsidies; Canadian Rural Partnership Program; Conservation; Hazardous waste--Highway transport

Soirée des Masques see Arts and culture

Solberg, Monte (Ref.--Medicine Hat)

Solicitor General

    >>1998-99 program operating expenditures, 7859(118:2005)
    >>Estimates, 1998-1999, main see Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee--Reports, Eleventh
    >>See also Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Sex offenders/pedophiles, Screening/flagging system; Estimates--1998-1999, main; Parole--Independence of system

Solidarity see Ice storm 1998--Canadians throughout country providing assistance--Quebec solidarity factor

Solomon, John (NDP--Regina--Lumsden--Lake Centre)

Solomon, Kevin see Murder

Solvent abuse see Drug/substance abuse--Aboriginal peoples/communities


Somalia inquiry see Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation, Public inquiry

Sommet de la Francophonie see Francophonie Summit

Son of Sam legislation see Crime--Proceeds of, Authorship profits

Song for the Millennium see New Millennium--Celebrations

Sonier Centre see Youth

Sons of Italy see Italian Canadians

Sopinka, Justice John

Sorel, Que., see Bloc Québécois--Youth forum

Soueracher case see Canadian Armed Forces--Health problems, Compensation

Soulpepper Theatre Company see Arts and culture

Souris River see Emergencies/disasters--Floods

South Africa

    >>Apartheid policy, previous governments, 7693(117:1355), 7709(117:1515)
    >>>Elimination, Canadian role, 8953(134:2325), 9185(138:1540)
    >>Mandela, Nelson, President
    >>>Accomplishments, etc., 8334-6(125:1405-15)
    >>>Address to both Houses of Parliament, September 24, 1998, 8379-84(125:1040-1125)
    >>>>M. (Boudria), agreed to, 8109(121:1205)
    >>>Companion of Order of Canada recipient, etc.
    >>>>o.q., 8299-300(124:1440-5)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 8396(126:1110)
    >>>Remarks, Canadian aboriginal peoples, government policies, etc., relationship, 9881(150:1135-40)
    >>>Retirement, tribute, S.O. 31, 15718(236:1405)
    >>>See also Discrimination and racism--March 21 Anti-Racism Campaign; Nisga'a land claim--Agreement; Nuclear weapons--Abolishing
    >>Mbeki, Thobo, President, election, etc., S.O. 31, 16246(243:1105-10)
    >>See also Nuclear weapons; Wildlife--Endangered species, Habitat protection

South Alberta Regiment see Canadian Armed Forces

South Dakota, U.S. see Agriculture--Trade

South Korea see instead Korea, Republic of

South Moresby see National parks/marine conservation areas--Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve--Marine conservation areas, Gwaii Haanas National Marine Conservation Area Reserve

South Shore constituency see Environment--Earth schools

South Slave Métis see Mackenzie Valley--Land and water management, Legislation

South Surrey Eagles see Hockey

Southbrook Winery see Wine industry

Southeast Asia see Trade--Asia

Sovereignty see Aboriginal self-government; Quebec separation/sovereignty

sovereignty association see Nisga'a land claim--Agreement

Soviet Union see Democracy--Historical background

Sowden, Diane see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation


    >>Black holes, discovery, Dr. Tom Bolton, David Dunlap Observatory, University of Toronto, 25th anniversary, S.O. 31, 93(4:1400)
    >>CAPE Project, student experiments going to Mir station, importance, S.O. 31, 94(4:1400)
    >>Cassini mission to Saturn, plutonium cargo, environmental risk, petition, 15264(230:1505)
    >>Cleanup, broken equipment, S.O. 31, 9343(141:1100)
    >>Exploration, experiments, Canadian rocket launch, Churchill, Man., o.q., 6215(94:1450)
    >>NASA space shuttles
    >>>Columbia mission, Canadian astronaut, Dr. Dafydd Williams, neurological disease/injury research
    >>>>o.q., 5908(89:1450)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 4210(64:1110)
    >>>Discovery mission, May 1999 launch, international space station construction, Canadian astronaut Julie Payette role, S.O. 31, 15134(228:1405), 15253(230:1405-10), 15387-8(232:1405-10), 15438(233:1100-5), 15719(236:1405), 15911-3(239:1400-10)
    >>>Discovery mission, October 29, 1998 launch, U.S. Senator John Glenn role
    >>>>Allelix Biopharmaceuticals Inc., Canadian firm, role, S.O. 31, 10607(162:1355)
    >>>>Forkheim, Dr. Kevin, Canadian researcher, aging project chosen, S.O. 31, 9585(145:1400)
    >>>>Student Signatures in Space Program, S.O. 31, 9586(145:1400)
    >>>Wheaton, Sarah, contest winner, Julie Payette, Canadian Space Agency astronaut, shuttle launch, witnessing, S.O. 31, 11558(176:1400)
    >>National Space Day, S.O. 31, 9217(139:1400)
    >>RADARSAT, role, 9077(137:1220)
    >>>Government loan, $305 million, 4528(69:1150)
    >>>Satellite construction/management contract award, MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Limited, Richmond, BC, 5419(81:1445)
    >>>>o.q., 6369(96:1455)
    >>>>S.O. 31, 5179-80(79:1410)
    >>Space station see Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-85)
    >>Weapons, international convention banning, negotiations, 8809(133:1135)
    >>See also Medical research; Spar Aerospace

SpaceBridge Networks Corporation see Telecommunications

Spain see Chile--Pinochet; Mining industry--Environmental regulations

Spanish see Members of Parliament--Language other than official language

Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue

    >>Montreal, Que., S.O. 31, 15853(238:1055)

Spanish Civil War see Veterans--Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion

Spar Aerospace

    >>Sale to MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Limited (Richmond, B.C.), subsidiary of Orbital Sciences Corp., Dulles, Virginia, foreign control, etc., o.q., 13224(201:1425)

Sparks, Corrine see Judges

Sparrow, Chief Gail see Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group--Vancouver, B.C. Summit

Sparwood program see Young offenders--Sentences, Alternatives to incarceration

Spawn-on-kelp fishery see Fisheries, Pacific

Speaker of the House of Commons

    >>Candidates, 1-3(1:1135-1430)
    >>Deputy Speaker see Committees of the Whole House
    >>Election, 1-4(1:1110-1515)
    >>>Process, improving, 5868-9(89:1035-40), 5876(89:1130)
    >>>Unanimous support, M. (Nunziata), agreed to, 4(1:1525)
    >>Presiding Officer (Caccia), 1(1:1130)
    >>Voting procedures, ballots, 1-3(1:1110-1450)
    >>See also Parent; Procedure

Special crops see Grain

Special crops rural initiative program (SCRIP) see Special crops

Special debates see Budget 1998--Economic affairs, M. to adjourn; Government motions; Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--M. to adjourn; House of Commons--Emergency/special debates; Ice storm 1998--M. to adjourn; Iraq--United States led proposed military intervention, M. to adjourn

Special Import Measures Act

    >>International trade agreements negotiations, amending, 10965(167:1315)
    >>Parliamentary 1996 review, report, Reform Party dissenting report, 8408-9(126:1225-30), 8411(126:1245), 8418(126:1330)
    >>Updating/streamlining, 8409(126:1230), 10962(167:1255)
    >>See also Imports--Anti-dumping and countervailing duties; Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (amdt.)(Bill C-35); Trade--Disputes--United States; World Trade Organization--Subsidies and anti-dumping agreements

Special Import Measures Act (amdt.) and Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (amdt.)(Bill C-35)--Minister of Finance (Martin, Paul)

    >>First reading, 5091(77:1000)
    >>Second reading, 8385-93(126:1000-55), 8406-19(126:12101340), agreed to, 8419(126:1340)
    >>Finance Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, agreed to, 8419(126:1340)
    >>>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee instead, by unanimous consent, 8420(126:1345)
    >>>Report, without amdt., 9836(149:1505)
    >>Report stage, 10524-32(160:1635-1725)
    >>>>(Sauvageau), 10525(160:1640), 10527(160:1655), 10529(160:1705-10), 10531(160:1715-20), negatived, on recorded divisions, 10764-9(163:2005-55)
    >>>>(Martin, Paul), 10529(160:1705), agreed to, on recorded division, 10766-7(163:2035)
    >>>>Concurrence, with further amdts., agreed to, on recorded divisions, 10769-70(163:2100-10)
    >>Third reading, 10957-67(167:1225-1330), agreed to, on division, 10966-7(167:1330), passed.
    >>Royal Assent, 13531(204:1715). Chap. 12, S.C. 1999
    >>See also Imports--Anti-dumping and countervailing duties

Special Interest Groups Funding Accountability Act (Bill C-310)--Bailey

    >>First reading, 3500(54:1205)
    >>Second reading, 8215-34(122:1100-1200)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 8134(122:1200)
    >>See also Government grants

Special Joint Committees see Child Custody and Access Arrangements Special Joint Committee; Quebec School System Special Joint Committee; Terms of Union of Newfoundland with Canada Special Joint Committee (Newfoundland school system, Term 17)

Special needs see Universities and colleges--Cambrian College

Special Olympics

    >>2000 national winter games, National Capital Region, bid, S.O. 31, 5948(90:1400)
    >>Canadian Special Olympics Organization, tribute, S.O. 31, 7271(110:1405)

Special status see Quebec distinct society status--Uniqueness of Quebec, Distinct society

Spector, Norman see Israel--Israeli Mossad agents

Speech and Hearing Awareness Month see Deaf persons

Speed skating

    >>Perrault, Annie, athletic awards, congratulating, 11282-3(172:1405)
    >>World Cup Sprints, Calgary, Alta., Catriona LeMay Doan, two world records, congratulating, 2084(36:1355-1400)
    >>See also Olympics, 1998 Winter Games (Nagano, Japan)

Speller, Bob (Lib.--Haldimand--Norfolk--Brant; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister for International Trade as of July 18, 1998)

Spencer, David see Brazil--Canadians imprisoned

Spending Control Act see Government expenditures--Controlling, Statutory targets

Spending power see Federal-provincial jurisiction--Federal spending power

Spengler Cup see Hockey

Spexel Inc. see Canadian passports

Spigariol, Céline see Immigration/immigrants

Spinal cord injury see Disabled and handicapped persons--Shannon, David; Health

Spinal health see Health

Spirit of Columbus see Marine transport--Pilotage; Shipbuilding--Lévis, Que. shipyard

Spirits see Alcoholic beverages; Wines and spirits

Split run see Magazines--Foreign split run

Sponsorship see Canadian Armed Forces; Radio--Commercials

Sport fishing lodges see Fisheries

"Sport in Canada: Leadership, Partnership and Accountability: Everybody's Business" see Canadian Heritage Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth

Sport shooting see Gun control/guns--Registration system, Recreational use


    >>Amateur sports, government assistance
    >>>$50 million additional funding, over five years, o.q., 14548(219:1200)
    >>>Lack, o.q., 14444(217:1440)
    >>>M. on supply (St. Hilaire), 15897-910(239:1235-1355), 15927-53(239:1520-1830)
    >>>Subcommittee on the State of Sport in Canada recommendation, government position, o.q., 14547-8(219:1155-1200)
    >>Athletes and coaches, $50 million government assistance, 4669(70:1910)
    >>Charest role as Minister of Amateur Sport, disabled and handicapped athletes, francophone games, etc., 5718-9(86:1505)
    >>Federal government assistance, $10 million increase, o.q., 14398(216:1440)
    >>International Amateur Athletic Federation, Luigi Giordano, class 3 olympic official, designation, S.O. 31, 6915(105:1400)
    >>National Sports Centre, nation-wide network, establishment
    >>>Atlantic Canada, Halifax, N.S., opening, s.O. 31, 15013-4(226:1400)
    >>>Vancouver, B.C., S.O. 31, 9090(137:1400)
    >>North American Indigenous Games, summer 1997, Victoria, B.C., S.O. 31, 776(15:1110)
    >>Olympics, Commonwealth Games, athletes, coaches and officials, expenses, funding shortage, 4678-9(70:2015-20)
    >>Professional sports, tax concessions, 10933(166:1315), 11072-3(168:1605-10), 14452(217:1530-5)
    >>>Budget 1999 measures, lack, 12111(184:1255)
    >>>>o.q., 12008(183:1500)
    >>>Opposing, petition, 15316-7(231:1510)
    >>>Subcommittee on the Study of Sport in Canada, recommendations
    >>>>Bloc Quebecois position, S.O. 31, 10910-1(166:1105)
    >>>>Government position, o.q., 10858-9(165:1435-40), 10914-5(166:1120-5), 10916(166:1130), 10978(167:1435), 12183(185:1140-5)
    >>>See also Hockey--National Hockey League
    >>Quebec atheletes, discrimination against
    >>>o.q., 14273(214:1135)
    >>>S.O. 31, 14314(215:1400)
    >>>See also Hockey--Canadian Hockey Association Women's National Team
    >>Study, parliamentary subcommittee, usefulness, S.O. 31, 1571(28:1400)
    >>See also Culture; Young offenders--Crime prevention

Sports and cultural events

    >>>Tobacco companies withdrawal, federal government replacement measures, lack, 5559(84:1045)
    >>>Tobacco tax increase, Quebec handing over portion, 4490(68:1345), 5559(84:1045)

Sports fishery see Fisheries

Spousal abuse see Divorce--Child Custody, Shared parenting


    >>Definition, Parliament, not courts, deciding, 7683-4(117:1245-50)
    >>>See also Canada Pension Plan Act; Income Tax Act; Income Tax Act and Canada Pension Plan Act (amdt.--definition of spouse)(Bill C-386); Judges--Pensions; Legislation--Judicial rulings altering; Same sex couples

Spouse's allowance see Senior citizens--Guaranteed Income Supplement

Spring see Nowrooz

Squamish, B.C. see Harbours, wharves and breakwaters

Squamish First Nation see Indians/First Nations--Land management

Squid see Fisheries

Sri Chinmoy Peace Blossoms Project see Peace

Sri Lanka

    >>Independence, 50th anniversary, S.O. 31, 3435(53:1355-400)
    >>See also Tamil Eelam Society

St-André, Jean-Claude see Quebec--Provincial election of 1998, L'Assomption constituency

St. Andrew's Society

    >>200th anniversary, S.O. 31, 10503-4(160:1415)

St. Bernard-de-Beauce, Québec see Les Éboulements, Québec bus accident

St. Catherines Collegiate Institute and Vocational School

St. Denis, Brent (Lib.--Algoma--Manitoulin; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Natural Resources as of Sept. 1, 1999)

St-François-de-Sales Parish, Laval, Québec

    >>150th anniversary, S.O. 31, 1461(26:1405)

St-Hilaire, Caroline (BQ--Longueuil)

St-Jacques, Diane (PC--Shefford)