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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 1st Session   (September 22, 1997 - September 18, 1999)  Latest Session
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St. James Lions see Basketball

St. John Ambulance

    >>115th year in Canada, Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 900th anniversary, tribute, S.O. 31, 14147-8(212:1400), 14314-5(215:1405)
    >>Millennium anniversary, community services, tribute, S.O. 31, 2866(46:1400)

St. John's, Nfld. see Harbours, wharves and breakwaters

St. John's Port Corporation see Ports

St. Joseph's Day

    >>March 19 feast day, S.O. 31, 13154(200:1055)

St-Julien, Guy (Lib.--Abitibi; Abitibi--Baie-James--Nunavikas of June 18, 1998)

St. Lawrence Marine Park see National parks/marine conservation areas--Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park; Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Act (Bill C-7)

St. Lawrence River

    >>Climate change/global warming, impact, 2333-4(38:2450-5)
    >>>o.q., 1050(19:1455)
    >>Dredging, environmental assessment, 5860-1(88:1845-50)
    >>>o.q., 5419-20(81:1450), 7814-5(118:1455)
    >>Management, federal government incompetence, etc., 4166(63:1505)
    >>Pollution, 15527(234:1640)
    >>St. Lawrence River Action Plan, environmental program
    >>>Federal-provincial co-operation, 9718(147:1620), 9720-1(147:1635-40), 9995(152:1250), 9999(152:1320), 10470(160:1025), 10479(160:1130), 10485-6(160:1215-20)
    >>>o.q., 7703(117:1440)
    >>See also Aircraft crashes--Pointe-Lebel; Bridges--Quebec City Bridge--Victoria Bridge; Empress of Ireland; Icebreaking--Eastern Canada; Marine transport--Pilotage; Oil spills; Water--Water levels

St. Lawrence River Action Plan see St. Lawrence River

St. Lawrence Seaway

    >>Administration, labour relations, o.q., 2500(41:1445-50)
    >>Capital expenditures, Canada port authorities contributions, 767(15:1015)
    >>Commercialization, St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation, not for profit corporation taking over, etc., 370(9:1025), 789(15:1215-20),2671-2(43:1650), 2818(45:1305)
    >>>Accountability, 2673-4(43:1655-700)
    >>>Audits and special examinations, 2673-4(43:1655-700), 2677(43:1720)
    >>>Code of conduct for board, officers, employees, conflict of interest factor, 2673(43:1655), 2677(43:1720)
    >>>Pensions, impact, etc., 2678-80(43:1720-35), 2790(45:1025), 2820(45:1320)
    >>>S.O. 31, 8568(129:1400)
    >>>United States seaway role factor, 2818(45:1305)
    >>>See also Canada Marine Act (Bill C-9)
    >>Locks system, operating costs, Canada paying majority, economic benefits favouring United States, re-balancing, 8415(126:1315)
    >>Profitability, 1% return on investment, grain transportation factor, 2669(43:1635)
    >>See also Ports--Commercialization, Canada port authorities

St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation see St. Lawrence Seaway--Commercialization

St-Louis, France see Hockey--Women's hockey

St. Mary's Children's Choir see Music

St. Mary's Indian Band see Indians/First Nations--Women

St. Norbert Foundation/Selkirk Healing Centre see Drug/substance abuse--Aboriginal peoples/communities

St. Patrick's Day

St. Paul University see Universities and colleges

St. Paul's constituency see Budget 1998--Public opinion

St. Pierre and Miquelon see Salmon--Atlantic

St. Thomas University se Universities and colleges

Stained glass windows see Canadian Armed Forces--CFB Cornwallis, N.S.

Stalin, Josef see Ukraine--Famine of 1932-1933


    >>Criminal harassment, Criminal Code amendments, effectiveness, etc., o.q., 2802(45:1130-5)
    >>Victims, new identities, providing, o.q., 2802(45:1135)

Standard of living

Standards, national see Health care system

Standing Orders

    >>Amending re
    >>>Committees, Ms. (Boudria), agreed to, 12(2:1555), 337(8:1525)
    >>>Gender reference, modernizing, 5880(89:1155)
    >>>Joint committees see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Twenty-second
    >>>Private Members' Business
    >>>>S.O. 95(2), M. (Adams), agreed to, 4693(70:1615)
    >>>>Speeches, time limit, M. (Boudria), agreed to, 786(15:1200)
    >>>Private Members' Hour, M. (Boudria), agreed to, 10620(162:1505)
    >>>Voting, pairing see House of Commons--Votes
    >>Reprinted copies
    >>>June 1997, tabled, 30(3:1505)
    >>>September 1998, with amended index, tabled, 9229(139:1500)
    >>S.O. 56(1), government use, undemocratic, 5873-4(89:1115-20), 5877(89:1135), 5891(89:1315)
    >>S.O. 57 and 78(3) see Procedure--Motions pursuant to;
    >>See also House of Commons

Stanley Cup see Hockey--National Hockey League

Stanley Theatre see Arts and Culture

Star-Phoenix see Newspapers--Hollinger Inc./Conrad Black purchase

Star Wars see Strategic Defence Initiative (Star Wars)

Starlight, Bruce see Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department--Privacy Act violations

Starr, Hon. Michael

    >>Former Member of Parliament, tribute, S.O. 31, 8047(120:1355-1400)

START see Strategic Arms Limitation Talks

State of the Environment reports see Environmental protection/management

State of the parks report see National parks/marine conservation areas

Statement of reconciliation see Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples--Report, Government response

Statements by Ministers

    >>Crime, organized crime, annual statement to Parliament
    >>>(MacAulay), 10867-71(165:1525-50)
    >>>(Scott, A.), 2344-51(39:1010-55)
    >>Murder, Lang, Jason, victim, Shane Christmas wounded, W.R. Myers High School, Taber, Alta., shootings (Chrétien, Jean), 14599-600(220:1500-10)
    >>National security (Scott, A.), 6325-8(96:1005-25)
    >>Social union, Prime Minister/First ministers meeting, Ottawa, Ont. February 4, 1999, agreement (Dion), 11701-8(178:1500-45)
    >>Swissair, Flight 111 (New York-Geneva), crash, Peggy's Cove, N.S., September 2, 1998, 227 fatalities, tributes/messages of condolence (J. Chrétien), 8163-5(122:1500-10)
    >>Veterans, Veterans Week/Remembrance Day, November 11, honouring (Mifflin), 1663-6(29:1505-25), 9786-9(148:1505-25)
    >>Violence/violent offences, women, victims, National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, École Polytechnique, Montreal, Que., December 6, 1989 massacre anniversary (Fry), 2811-3(45:1220-30)
    >>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, Kosovo province, conflict, human rights violations, etc.,
    >>>North Atlantic Treaty Organization intervention, air strikes, Canadian role, etc., Air strikes of March 1999 (Axworty, L., Eggleton), 13442-8(203:1505-45)
    >>>Peace agreement, G-8 countries proposal accepted (Chrétien, Jean), 16195-201(242:1500-35)

Statistics Act see Bank Act and Statistics Act (amdt.--equity in community reinvestment)(Bill C-289)

Statistics Canada

    >>French language, data interpretation, unacceptable, Charles Castonguay, testimony, o.q., 6673(101:1455-1500)
    >>Operations, efficiency, envy of the world, 8640-1(130:1330-40)
    >>See also Census; Employment Insurance--Recipients Income tax--Increase--Privacy of information; Job creation--Government record--Stalled; Labour--Overtime; Productivity--Increase/improvement; Standard of living--Decline

Status of Persons with Disabilities Subcommittee see Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee--Reports, Sixth

Status of Women see Women; United Nations Commission on the Status of Women

Status of Women Canada see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Commercial exploitation

Status of Women ministers see Violence/violent offences--Women, victims, National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Wometn

Statutes see Legislation--Plain language drafting

Statutes of Canada

    >>Electronic versions of statutes and regulations, official status, 9075(137:1205), 9629(146:1005)
    >>>See also Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-54)
    >>Proposals for a Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 1998 see Justice and Human Rights Standin Committee--Reports, Twenty-third
    >>Proposals to correct anomalies, inconsistencies and errors, etc., tabled, 9867(150:1005)
    >>See also Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 1999 (Bill C-84)

Statutory instruments

    >>Disallowance procedure, Scrutiny of Regulations Joint Standing Committee role, 973(18:1525)
    >>>See also Statutory Instruments Act (amdt.--disallowance procedure for statutory instruments)(Bill C-256)

Statutory Instruments Act (amdt.--disallowance procedure for statutory instruments)(Bill C-256)--Grewal

    >>First reading, 973(18:1525)
    >>References, sponsor change from White, T. to Grewal, 12186(185:1200)
    >>See also Statutory instruments--Disallowance procedure

Statutory Program Evaluation Act (Bill C-373)--Williams

Statutory release see Sentences (convicted criminals)

Stay-in-school programs see Education; Youth--Employment, Education

Steckle, Paul (Lib.--Huron--Bruce)

    >>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Keddy), 10667-8(162:2035-45)
    >>>S.O. 31, 10552(161:1100-5)
    >>Broomball, S.O. 31, 4975(75:1355)
    >>Budget, 4544-5(69:1335-40)
    >>Budget 1998, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4544-7(69:1335-55)
    >>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 4547(69:1355)
    >>Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO), S.O. 31, 8567(129:1400), 10424(159:1410)
    >>Canadian Wildlife Service, S.O. 31, 1402-3(25:1055-100)
    >>Child care, 4546(69:1350)
    >>Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20), 8275(123:1800)
    >>Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-393), 12705-6(193:1840-5)
    >>Competition Act (amdt.--protection of those who purchase products from vertically integrated suppliers who compete with them at retail) (Bill C-235), 7309-11(110:1830-45)
    >>Constitution, S.O. 31, 16183(242:1355)
    >>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, petitions, 5212(78:1505), 6784(103:1505), 15511(234:1505)
    >>>M. (Robinson), 5354-6(80:1740-5)
    >>>Petition, 7709(117:1510)
    >>Festivals, S.O. 31, 11051(168:1355)
    >>>M. (Stoffer), 10587-9(162:1145-55)
    >>>o.q., 8465(127:1445)
    >>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee
    >>>Reports, 9867(150:1005)
    >>Fishers' Bill of Rights (Bill C-302), 9370-2(142:1150-1200)
    >>Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act (Bill C-55), 12567(191:1710)
    >>Gasoline/automotive fuels, petitions, 4072(62:1530), 4408(67:1510), 4710(71:1520), 7125(108:1510), 9406(142:1515), 11176(171:1520), 13017(198:1510)
    >>Great Lakes, 7311-2(110:1850)
    >>>o.q., 5051(76:1450)
    >>Gun control/guns, petition, 15512(234:1505)
    >>Health, S.O. 31, 7694(117:1355), 9510(144:1410)
    >>Health care system, 4547(69:1355)
    >>Hockey, S.O. 31, 455(10:1055-1100), 5708(86:1410)
    >>Income tax, 4545(69:1345)
    >>Inflation, 4545(69:1345)
    >>Interest rates, 4545(69:1345)
    >>Library of Parliament, S.O. 31, 3725(57:1400)
    >>Millennium scholarship fund, 4545-6(69:1345-50)
    >>National debt, 4544-5(69:1340)
    >>Olympics, 1998 Winter Games (Nagano, Japan), S.O. 31, 4560(62:1410)
    >>Parolyn, Cindy, S.O. 31, 7002(106:1400)
    >>>Members' remarks, 12567(191:1710)
    >>Productivity, 4581(69:1740)
    >>Registered education savings plans, 4545(69:1345)
    >>Seals, o.q., 4219(64:1155)
    >>Student loans, 4545(69:1345)
    >>Sudan, S.O. 31, 12535(191:1400)
    >>Technology Partnerships Canada, S.O. 31, 5459(82:1100)
    >>Women, S.O. 31, 6024(91:1400)
    >>Young Offenders Act, petition, 7709(117:1510)
    >>Youth, 4545(69:1345)

Ste. Anne's Hospital see Hospitals

Steckling, Father Wilhelm see Universities and colleges--St. Paul University

Steel see Oil and gas pipelines--Sable Island, N.S.

Steel industry

    >>Exports to United States, 12568-9(191:1715-20)
    >>>United States investigation, effects, NAFTA protection, o.q., 9649(146:1155)
    >>Foreign imports, dumping prices, impact on Canadian steel industry
    >>>Government countermeasures, o.q., 8533(128:1445), 10388(158:1455), 10979(167:1440)
    >>>Grey, D., disparaging remarks, S.O. 31, 8569(129:1405)
    >>>France, Romania, Russia, and Slovak Republic dumping, Stelco Inc. complaint, National Revenue Department preliminary decision, impact, o.q., 12448(189:1450)
    >>>United States dumping, countervailing duties requested, 8387(126:1015-20)

Stephenville, Nfld. see Hazardous waste--United States military sites in Canada

Sterilization see Blood--Blood supply system, Hepatitis C victims, Alberta

Stevie Wonder Vision Award see Canadian National Institute for the Blind

Stewardship see Environmental protection/management; Wildlife--Endangered species

Stewart, Bill

    >>British Columbia city councillor, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 15303(231:1400)

Stewart, Hon. Christine (Lib.--Northumberland; Minister of the Environment until Aug. 2, 1999)

Stewart, Hugh see Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group--Vancouver, B.C., Summit, Security

Stewart, Hon. Jane (Lib.--Brant; Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development; Minister of Human Resources Development as of Aug. 3, 1999)

Stikine River, B.C. see Salmon--Pacific, catches

Stinson, Darrel (Ref.--Okanagan--Shuswap)

Stock exchange see New York Stock Exchange; Toronto Stock Exchange

Stock market see Economy

Stock options see Corporations--Taxation

Stocking, Lawrence see Penitentiaries--Inmates, Drug abuse/smuggling

Stocks see Capital gains tax--Shares

Stoffer, Peter (NDP--Sackville--Eastern Shore; Sackville--Musquodoboit Valley--Eastern Shore as of March 12, 1999)

Stoew, Emily see Women--Women's History Month

Stojko, Elvis see Olympics, 1998 Winter Games (Nagano, Japan)--canadian team, Figure skating

Stolen goods see Customs officers--Peace officer powers, Possession of stolen goods

Sto:lo Fisheries Authority (SFA) see Fisheries--Aboriginal

Stone, Bert see Violence/violent offences--Women, Provocation defence

Stonehaven productions see Atlantic Groundfish Strategy--Post-strategy review

Stoney Creek Citizens of the Year see Volunteers

Stoney Point First Nation

    >>Ipperwash Provincial Park occupation, death of Dudley George, Ontario Provincial Police role, etc.
    >>>Public inquiry, petitions, 1191(22:1005), 1801(32:1010), 3194(50:1525), 6480(98:1505), 7933(119:1515)
    >>>Reform Party position, o.q., 14675(221:1440)
    >>>S.O. 31, 95(4:1410), 7352-3(111:1410)
    >>>United Nations referring to as extrajudicial killing, S.O. 31, 14269(214:1115)
    >>Meeting between Chief Irvin George, Bosanquet, Ont. Mayor Bill Graham and Member of Parliament Rose-Marie Ur, S.O. 31, 5633-4(85:1400)

Stony Indian Reserve

    >>Financial mismanagement/abuse, inquiry proposed by judge, Coopers & Lybrand managing band operations, KPMG conducting forensic audit, etc., 234(6:1710), 1249(22:1615), 10498(160:1340), 10992(167:1600)
    >>>o.q., 731-2(14:1455), 2241(38:1450), 10917-8(166:1140)
    >>>Petition, 3223-4(51:1010)
    >>>S.O. 31, 8831(133:1410)
    >>Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department official Frod Jobin allegedly misleading and withholding information from M. Thompson, confidential financial information factor, Access to Information and Privacy Acts application, etc., 293-5(7:1500-10), 367-70(9:1000-20), 687-9(14:1000-15)

Stopford, Warrant Officer Matt see Canadian Armed Forces

Stormont--Dundas constituency

    >>Name, changing to Stormont--Dundas--Charlottenburgh, 9230(139:1510)
    >>>See also Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-445)
    >>See also Ice storm 1998--Assistance


    >>Open house, Reform Party holding, S.O. 31, 2026(35:1100)
    >>See also Manning--References

Story That Must be Told, A: The Canadian Merchant Navy and Its Veterans see National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth

Stoughton, Jeff see Curling--1999 Labatt Brier

Straddling fish stocks see Fisheries

Strahl, Chuck (Ref.--Fraser Valley)