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The Debates are the report—transcribed, edited, and corrected—of what is said in the House. The Journals are the official record of the decisions and other transactions of the House. The Order Paper and Notice Paper contains the listing of all items that may be brought forward on a particular sitting day, and notices for upcoming items.

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No. 014

Friday, October 29, 1999

10:00 a.m.



The Order was read for the second reading and reference to the Standing Committee on Industry of Bill C-4, An Act to implement the Agreement among the Government of Canada, Governments of Member States of the European Space Agency, the Government of Japan, the Government of the Russian Federation, and the Government of the United States of America concerning Cooperation on the Civil International Space Station and to make related amendments to other Acts.

Mr. Gagliano (Minister of Public Works and Government Services) for Mr. Manley (Minister of Industry), seconded by Ms. Robillard (President of the Treasury Board), moved, -- That the Bill be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Industry.

Debate arose thereon.


Pursuant to Standing Order 31, Members made statements.


Pursuant to Standing Order 30(5), the House proceeded to Oral Questions.


Tabling of Documents

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(2), Mr. Lee (Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons) laid upon the Table, -- Government responses, pursuant to Standing Order 36(8), to the following petitions:

-- No. 361-2527 concerning the debts of the poorest countries. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-362-20-02;

-- No. 361-2534 concerning immigration. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-362-19-02;

-- Nos. 361-2677 and 361-2678 concerning the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-362-18-02.

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(2), Mr. O'Brien (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans) laid upon the Table, -- Response of the government, pursuant to Standing Order 109, to the 30th Report of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, "Chapter 4 of the April 1999 report of the Auditor General of Canada" (Sessional paper No. 8510-361-187), presented to the House on Wednesday, June 2, 1999. -- Sessional Paper No. 8512-362-187-01.

Presenting Reports from Committees

Mr. Paradis (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs) laid upon the Table, -- The First Report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade (The Free Trade Area of the Americas: Towards a Hemispheric Agreement in the Canadian Interest). -- Sessional Paper No. 8510- 362-1.

Pursuant to Standing Order 109, the Committee requested that the government table a comprehensive response.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meetings Nos. 2 and 3) was tabled.

Mr. Lee (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), from the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, presented the Fifth Report of the Committee, which was as follows:

      The Committee recommends, pursuant to Standing Orders 104 and 114, the following change in the membership of the Standing Commmittee on Transport:

Dale Johnston for Gerry Ritz

      The Committee further recommends that where a Member is appointed as permanent member to a Committee in accordance with this report and to which he was previously appointed Associate Member, the name of the Member be struck from the list of Associate Members of the said Committee.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings was tabled.

Introduction of Private Members' Bills

Pursuant to Standing Orders 68(2) and 69(1), on motion of Mr. Obhrai (Calgary East), seconded by Mr. Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca), Bill C-282, An Act proclaiming Emancipation Day, was introduced, read the first time, ordered to be printed and ordered for a second reading at the next sitting of the House.


By unanimous consent, it was resolved, -- That the Fifth Report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, presented earlier today, be concurred in.

Mr. Boudria (Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), seconded by Mr. Lee (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), moved, -- That, during its consideration of matters pursuant to Standing Order 83.1, the Standing Committee on Finance be authorized to adjourn from place to place within Canada and to permit the television broadcasting of its proceedings thereon; and that the said Committee be permitted in 1999 to make its report pursuant to the said Standing Order on or before December 10, 1999.

Debate arose thereon.

Mr. Gagliano (Minister of Public Works and Government Services), seconded by Mr. Kilger (Stormont -- Dundas -- Charlottenburgh), moved, -- That this question be now put.

Debate arose thereon.

Mr. Duncan (Vancouver Island North), seconded by Mr. Elley (Nanaimo -- Cowichan), moved, -- That the debate be now adjourned.

The question was put on the motion and it was negatived on the following division:

(Division--Vote No 46)



-- Cadman -- Duncan -- Elley -- Epp -- Gilmour -- Gouk -- Grewal -- Harris -- Hill --  (Prince George -- Peace River) -- Kerpan -- Martin --  (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Mayfield -- McNally -- Obhrai -- Penson -- Ritz -- Stinson -- 17



-- Assad -- Bachand --  (Richmond -- Arthabaska) -- Baker -- Bélanger -- Bellemare -- Bertrand -- Bevilacqua -- Blaikie -- Boudria -- Brien -- Brison -- Cannis -- Casey -- Clouthier -- Copps -- Davies -- Dion -- Dromisky -- Dumas -- Earle -- Fournier -- Gagliano -- Girard-Bujold -- Goodale -- Gray --  (Windsor West) -- Guay -- Harb -- Ianno -- Iftody -- Jones -- Karetak-Lindell -- Keddy --  (South Shore) -- Kilger --  (Stormont -- Dundas -- Charlottenburgh) -- Kraft Sloan -- Lalonde -- Lee -- Lill -- Limoges --  (Windsor -- St. Clair) -- Lincoln -- Mahoney -- Maloney -- Marceau -- Marleau -- Martin --  (LaSalle -- Émard) -- Mifflin -- Murray -- Normand -- Nystrom -- O'Brien --  (Labrador) -- Pagtakhan -- Perron -- Phinney -- Riis -- Robillard -- Saada -- Stewart --  (Northumberland) -- Tremblay --  (Rimouski -- Mitis) -- Wappel -- 58

Paired Members--Députés Pairés

-- Alarie -- Anderson -- Asselin -- Axworthy --  (Winnipeg South Centre) -- Bachand --  (Saint-Jean) -- Bakopanos -- Bellehumeur -- Bergeron -- Bernier --  (Bonaventure -- Gaspé -- Îles-de-la-Madeleine -- Pabok) -- Bigras -- Bonin -- Brown -- Bulte -- Caplan -- Cardin -- Chamberlain -- Chrétien --  (Frontenac -- Mégantic) -- Coderre -- Crête -- Dalphond-Guiral -- de Savoye -- Debien -- Desrochers -- Dhaliwal -- Discepola -- Drouin -- Duceppe -- Duhamel -- Fontana -- Fry -- Gagnon -- Gallaway -- Gauthier -- Guarnieri -- Guimond -- Jordan -- Lebel -- Leung -- Loubier -- Manley -- Marchand -- McLellan --  (Edmonton West) -- McWhinney -- Ménard -- Mercier -- Minna -- Picard --  (Drummond) -- Plamondon -- Rocheleau -- Sauvageau -- Sekora -- Speller -- St-Hilaire -- Steckle -- Torsney -- Turp -- Vanclief -- Venne -- Wilfert -- Wood


Mr. Boudria (Leader of the Government in the House of Commons) gave notice of intention to move at the next sitting of the House, pursuant to Standing Order 57, that, in relation to the consideration of his motion regarding the proceedings in the Standing Committee on Finance on matters pursuant to Standing Order 83.1, the debate not be further adjourned.

Mr. Boudria (Leader of the Government in the House of Commons) gave notice of the intention to move a motion at the next sitting of the House, pursuant to Standing Order 78(3), for the purpose of allotting a specified number of days or hours for the consideration and disposal of the second reading of Bill C-9, An Act to give effect to the Nisga'a Final Agreement.



The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Boudria (Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), seconded by Mr. Lee (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons);

And of the motion of Mr. Gagliano (Minister of Public Works and Government Services), seconded by Mr. Kilger (Stormont -- Dundas -- Charlottenburgh), -- That this question be now put.

The debate continued.

Pursuant to Standing Order 26(1), Mr. Mahoney (Mississauga West), seconded by Ms. Karetak-Lindell (Nunavut), moved, -- That the House continue to sit beyond the ordinary hour of daily adjournment for the purpose of considering the motion of the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons respecting proceedings in the Standing Committee on Finance pursuant to Standing Order 83.1.

The question was put on the motion and, more than 15 Members having risen to object, pursuant to Standing Order 26(2), the motion was deemed withdrawn.

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Boudria (Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), seconded by Mr. Lee (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons);

And of the motion of Mr. Gagliano (Minister of Public Works and Government Services), seconded by Mr. Kilger (Stormont -- Dundas -- Charlottenburgh), -- That this question be now put.

The debate continued.


At 2:30 p.m., the Speaker adjourned the House until Monday at 11:00 a.m., pursuant to Standing Order 24(1).