The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Banks-Rosser, Toby
Singer, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 6474(100:1405)
Banting, Sir Frederick see Insulin
BAPE see Bureau d'audiences publiques sur l'environnement (BAPE)
Barbados see Income tax agreements, conventions and treaties --Tax havens
Barbot, Vivian see La Fédération des femmes du Québec
Barclay, Bill
Royal Canadian Legion dominion president, death, tributes, S.O. 31,
8914(143:1355), 8989(144:1405), 9021(145:1410)
Bard on the Beach
Vancouver, BC, 13th annual Shakespeare festival, S.O. 31, 12711(206:1105)
Baril, Gilles see Quebec
Baril, Gen Maurice see Canadian Armed Forces--Chief of Defence Staff
Barker, Cordell see Academy Awards--National Film Board
Barkway, David Michael
United States, September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, victim, death, tribute,
S.O. 31, 5341(82:1405)
Barlow, Maude see Free Trade Area of the Americas
Open continental barley market, 1993 Progressive Conservative government
(Mulroney) policy, cancellation, 2018(33:1830)
Barnes, Sue (Lib.--London West)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 76(4:1105-10), 1847-8(31:1615),
1852-3(31:1645-55), 6830(107:1340), 6832(107:1355)
>>Aboriginal self-government, 76(4:1105)
>>Afghanistan, o.q., 476(10:1140)
>>Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36), 6212-4(95:1620-35)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-56), 11616-8(189:1715-20)
>>Barnes, references, 75-6(4:1100-5)
>>Border, Canada-United States, 6830(107:1340)
>>Budget 2001, M. (Boudria), 6829-32(107:1335-55)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2001 (Bill C-49), 9303(150:1505)
>>Canada, 76(4:1105)
>>Canada Summer Games 2001, S.O. 31, 1973-4(33:1405)
>>Capital gains tax, 6830(107:1340)
>>Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity, S.O. 31, 3310(51:1410)
>>Child abduction, M. (Bigras), 4241-2(65:1335-40)
>>Commonwealth Day, S.O. 31, 9459(153:1405)
>>Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, S.O. 31, 7603(120:1405)
>>Economy/economic conditions, o.q., 11564(188:1520)
>>Education, 76(4:1110)
>>Education, post-secondary, 76(4:1110)
>>Environment, 77(4:1100)
>>Excise Act, 2001 (Bill C-47), 10770(175:1505)
>>Finance Standing Committee, 9303(150:1505), 9471(153:1515), 10770(175:1505)
>>Financial services legislation, 77(4:1110)
>>Fisheries, S.O. 31, 11756(192:1410)
>>Foot and mouth disease, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Borotsik), 2763-4(42:2245-50)
>>Foreign aid, 6831(107:1345)
>>G-20 Summit (Ottawa ON, November 2001), o.q., 6840(107:1440)
>>Government contracts, S.O. 31, 12389-90(202:1410)
>>Government finances, 6829(107:1335)
>>Heart Disease Awareness Month, S.O. 31, 688(13:1405)
>>Immigrants, 6214(95:1635)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--public transportation costs)(Bill C-209), 9471(153:1515)
>>Indian bands/reserves, M. on supply (Elley), 1818-9(31:1330), 1847-8(31:1615), 1852-4(31:1645-700)
>>Internet, 76-7(4:1110)
>>Interparliamentary delegations, 6163(95:1005), 8927(143:1505), 10094(163:1520)
>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-12), 2904(45:1050-5)
>>Labour force, 76(4:1105)
>>Lighthouses/lightstations, o.q., 12611(204:1500)
>>Milliken, references, 75(4:1100)
>>National debt, o.q., 11231(183:1450)
>>National parks, 6830(107:1340)
>>National security, 6831(107:1345)
>>References, 75-6(4:1100-5)
>>>See also Finance Standing Committee--Chair
>>Registered Individual Learning Accounts (RILAs), 76:4:1105)
>>Reproductive and genetic technologies, 11616-8(189:1715-20)
>>Research and development, 76(4:1105), 6830(107:1335), 6831-2(107:1350)
>>Sharing, 76(4:1105)
>>Sierra Leone, o.q., 4227(65:1155)
>>Single parents, 76(4:1105)
>>Taxation, 6831(107:1345)
>>Terrorism/terrorists, 6213-4(95:1620-5), 6214(95:1635)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Macklin), 75-7(4:1100-10)
>>Tobacco products, o.q., 2918(45:1200)
>>Tourism industry, 2764(42:2250)
>>>S.O. 31, 2301(37:1410)
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, S.O. 31, 5340(82:1400)
>>Women, S.O. 31, 7955(126:1400)
>>World No Tobacco Day, o.q., 11995(196:1155)
>>Zimbabwe, S.O. 31, 9880(160:1405)
Barnes, Rex (PC--Gander--Grand Falls; elected in by-election May 13, 2002)
- >>Barnes, Rex, references, 12575(203:2020)
>>Canada Health Act, 12575(203:2020)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, petitions, 11916(195:1010)
>>Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow), 12578(203:2035)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 12577(203:2025), 12578(203:2035)
>>Health care providers, 12575-8(203:2020-35)
>>Health care funding, 12577(203:2035)
>>Health care system, House take note, M. (Boudria), 12575-8(203:202-35)
>>Ports/harbours, o.q., 11671(11671)
>>>Background, former paramedic, 12575(203:2020)
>>>Introduction in House, 11666(190:1415)
>>>Maiden speech, 12578(203:2040)
>>Voisey's Bay nickel mining project (Inco Ltd.), S.O. 31, 12100-1(198:1410)
Barnewick, Percy see Globalization, global economy/marketplace--Autonomy
Barraute, QC see Drinking water--Awards
Barrett, Reverend Allison see International Women's Day-- Burlington, ON
Barrett commission see Housing--British Columbia, Port Moody-Coquitlam constituency
Barrhaven see VIA Rail Canada Inc.--Ottawa, ON
Barrie, ON
Communities in Bloom winner, congratulating, S.O. 31, 6020(93:1110)
>>See also VIA Rail Canada Inc.
Barritt, Private George Robert see World War II
Bartleman, James
Ontario Lieutenant Governor, first aboriginal appointed to position,
congratulations, S.O. 31, 8590(137:1110)
Bartoszek, Danuta see Marathon--National Capital Marathon
Basciano, Nick
Home builder, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 5766-7(89:1410)
Loewen, Adam, Surrey, BC, professional major league baseball draft selection,
congratulating, S.O. 31, 12342(201:1100)
CIAU basketball championships, St. Francis Xavier X-Men, men's champions,
S.O. 31, 1826(31:1410), 1904(32:1400)
>>Dewdney--Alouette constituency, high school basketball teams, tournament
success, S.O. 31, 2167-8(35:1110-5)
Basnicki, Ken see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks--Canadian victims
Faith in democratic system, tribute, S.O. 31, 4091-2(63:1410)
Battle of Beaverdams March see Thorold Reed Band--150th anniversary
Bathurst-Campbelton, NB see Canada Winter Games
Battle of the Atlantic see World War II
Baucus, Max see Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute--Expiry of agreement, United States Senate/Senators position
Baxter, Jim see Veterans' benefits/pensions--Application
Bayer Inc. see Cipro (anti-anthrax drug)--1 million tablets
Baytril see Egg and poultry industry
BBM Bureau of measurement see Canadian Association of Broadcasters
Beardy, Sandy
Aboriginal leader, veteran, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 8121(129:1410)
Beardy's-Okemasis Blackhawks see Hockey--AAA Midget Canada Cup
Killing for body parts, gall bladders, 11472-3(186:1730-5), 11476(186:1810)
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--selling wildlife)(Bill C-292);
Grizzly bears
Beaubassin, NS see Historic/heritage buildings, sites and monuments
Beaudoin, France see Jean Besré Award--CHUS Foundation
Beaudoin, Francois see Business Development Bank of Canada--Auberge Grand-Mère
Beaudry, Private Charles Joseph see World War II
Beaudry-Leduc, Denyse see Arts and culture
Beauharnois--Salaberry constituency
>>>Commitment, 361(8:1615)
>>>Constituents, thanking, 359(8:1605)
>>See also Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation--Excellence awards;
Economic growth;
Education--Dropout rate;
Employment rate;
Highways and roads--Quebec;
Senior citizens--Living alone;
Single parents;
Turp, Daniel
Beaulne, Guy
Dramatist, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 6019-20(93:1105)
Beauport Bay (St. Lawrence River)
Development, recreational/tourism vs. bulk carrier terminal, Quebec Port
Authority role, etc.
>>>o.q., 1461-2(25:1155)
>>>S.O. 31, 1238(22:1405)
>>Naturalization of banks, Quebec Port Authority and federal and provincial
government funding, S.O. 31, 4780(74:1410)
Beauport-Côte-de-Beaupré Chamber of Commerce see Entrepreneurship
Beaumier, Colleen (Lib.--Brampton West--Mississauga)
- >>Afghanistan, petitions, 8178(130:1515)
>>Air transportation, petitions, 9918(161:1010)
>>Broadcasting Act (amdt.)(Bill S-7), 7641-2(120:1840-5)
>>Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement, o.q., 3151(48:1500)
>>Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), 7641-2(120:1840-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15B), 12112(198:1510)
>>El Salvador, o.q., 775(14:1440)
>>Fox, Terry, 3262(50:1205)
>>Free Trade Area of the Americas, M. on supply (Paquette), 3073-4(47:1630-5)
>>Iraq, S.O. 31, 947-8(17:1355), 9945(161:1400)
>>Land mines (anti-personnel mines), S.O. 31, 6832(107:1355)
>>Latimer, Robert, petition, 3669(56:1500)
>>Middle East, o.q., 6664(104:1435)
>>Middle East conflict
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Lalonde), 10211(164:2405-10)
>>>S.O. 31, 9652(156:1405)
>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 12612(204:1505)
>>>Committees, Parliamentary, 12612(204:1505)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 12112(198:1510)
>>References see Sudan--Human rights violations
>>Remembrance Day (November 11), S.O. 31, 7157(112:1405)
>>Standing Orders, M. (Boudria), 1148(21:1300)
>>Terry Fox Day Act (Bill C-339), 3262(50:1205)
>>White Cane Week, S.O. 31, 468(10:1105)
Beauséjour--Petitcodiac constituency
Description, 375-6(8:1755-800)
>>Leblanc, thanking constituents, 375(8:1755)
>>See also Tourism industry--Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) role
Béchard, Albert
Former Member of Parliament, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 11041(180:1400)
Bed and breakfasts see Housing--Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) provisions
Brazilian beef, banning, mad cow disease, fears
>>>Aircraft industry dispute, relationship, 751(14:1215), 1662(28:1655),
>>>Dispute, settling quickly, 675(12:2245)
>>>>o.q., 474(10:1130-5)
>>>European imports, accepting, 674(12:2240)
>>>o.q., 600-1(12:1420)
>>>Exporting to Argentina, Uruguay, ending up in Canada, o.q., 600-1(12:1420)
>>>o.q., 162(5:1155)
>>>Government mishandling, 751-2(14:1215)
>>>Political decision/motives, 651(12:2000), 1697(29:1215-20), 1701(29:1240),
2345(37:1855), 2367-8(37:2125-30)
>>>>Canadian Food Inspection Agency decision, involvement, 755(14:1240)
>>>>>o.q., 533(11:1440-5)
>>>>>Undermining, S.O. 31, 598(12:1410)
>>>>o.q., 536(11:1455-500), 699(13:1500), 822(15:1125)
>>>>Scientist, Health Department, government intimidation, o.q.,
>>>>S.O. 31, 689(13:1410)
>>>Questionnaire, information, incomplete, 674(12:2240)
>>>>Argentina, Uruguay, questionnaires, differences, o.q., 601(12:1425)
>>>>o.q., 601(12:1425), 1165(21:1445)
>>>Retaliation, potash exports, threatening
>>>>Effects, S.O. 31, 872(16:1410-5)
>>>>o.q., 693(13:1430)
>>>Scientific grounds, o.q., 472(10:1120-5)
>>>Scientists, Canadian, American, Mexican, inspecting Brazilian regulatory
site, 674-5(12:2245)
>>>Trade regulations, defying, o.q., 472-4(10:1120-35)
>>European imports, accepting, numbers, o.q., 822(15:1130)
>>Government commitment to industry, 6565-6(102:1135)
>>Imports, safety, o.q., 162(5:1150-5)
>>Mad cow disease
>>>Import controls, 674(12:2240)
>>>Questionnaire sent to trading partners, 674(12:2240)
>>>Scientists, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, protecting food supply,
system, creating, necessity, 674(12:2240), 992-3(17:1900-5)
>>>>o.q., 604-5(12:1445)
>>>See also Beef--Brazilian beef
>>Supplementary import permits, issuing, o.q., 9660(156:1450)
>>United States, country of origin labelling policy, implementing, terminal
feedlot protocol, retaliatory implementation, requesting
>>>o.q., 8872-3(142:1155-200), 9660(156:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 8544(136:1400)
>>See also Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement--Agricultural products;
Drinking water--Safety
Beer see Breweries
Bees see Species at risk (endangered species)
Beet producers
Protecting, government commitment, o.q., 1328(23:1500)
Beetles see Forest industry--British Columbia, Mountain pine beetle infestation
Beijing, China see Olympic and paralympic games, 2008 summer games
Bélair, Réginald (Lib.--Timmins--James Bay; Deputy Chairman of Committees of the Whole House)
- >>Bills, Senate, 2786(43:1530), 3412(52:1625), 7043(110:1810)
>>Canadian Human Rights Commission, 731(14:1000)
>>Chairman and Deputy Chairman, rulings and statements, question and comment period, keeping brief, 5990(92:1605)
>>>Goodale (contempt of Parliament), Keith Martin attempt to removal Mace from Table, affront to dignity of House and Speaker, Member's apology accepted, Speaker may decide to pursue matter further, 10527(170:1850-5)
>>>Szabo (rights of Members breached), Szabo required to prepare and present response to question raised during adjournment proceedings, waiting in Chamber, unable to attend to other duties as Member of Parliament, Member not showing up to ask question, Table did not give Parliamentary Secretary notice of change, taking under advisement, 10800(176:1010-5)
>>>Williams (contempt of Parliament), Canadian Human Rights Commission special report on pay equity, early release to media prior to tabling in House of Commons, sufficient copies available for Members of Parliament unavailable, grievance, message passed on, not question of privilege, 741(14:1110)
>>>Williams (rights of Members breached), Canadian Human Rights Commission holding press conference on annual report, copies of tabled report not available to Members of Parliament, taking under advisement, 2503(39:1035), report available in distribution, misplaced, corrective steps taken, 2627(41:1525)
>>>Adjournments motions under S.O. 38 (Late Show), 1675(28:1825), 6288(96:1850), 6435(99:1625)
>>>Bills, Government, clause, striking from bill, 2789(43:1550)
>>>Bills, Government, report stage motions
>>>>Grouping together, 7302(115:1015), 7662(121:1225), 12198(199:1550)
>>>>Moving, 9216(148:1705)
>>>>Not selected, 7302(115:1015), 7662(121:1225), 12198(199:1550)
>>>>>Reinstating, 12797(207:1720)
>>>>Speaking rotation, 9071(146:1055-100)
>>>>Sponsor, 4108(63:1535)
>>>Bills, Government, second reading
>>>>Amdts., 5331(82:1050), 11746(192:1300), 12803(207:1805), 12806(207:1825)
>>>>Debate collapse, reverting to, by unanimous consent, 8802(141:1150)
>>>Bills, Government, Senate consideration, declaring null and void, House bill received by Senate in imperfect condition, taking under advisement, 7417(117:1040)
>>>Bills, Government, Senate message, referral to Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, unanimous consent denied, 7417(117:1045)
>>>Bills, Government, Senate amdt.
>>>>Concurrence, amdt., taking under advisement, 10631(173:1215)
>>>>English and French versions different, taking under advisement, 8499(135:1640)
>>>Bills, Government, third reading
>>>>Amdts., 7139(112:1150), 7391(116:1615), 12519(203:1320-5)
>>>>Reverting to, 4006(61:1625)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Private, all stages, 4557(71:1105)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public
>>>>Consideration, Chair designating day, 7635(120:1750)
>>>>Dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence, 4132(63:1855), 5941(91:1825), 6552(101:1805), 7125(111:1825), 7643(120:1850), 7742(123:1205), 8513(135:1830)
>>>>Introduction and first reading, 4948(77:1020)
>>>>Non-votable item, dropped from Order Paper, 1032(18:1825), 1494(26:1155), 1800(31:1200), 6288(96:1840), 6643(104:1200), 7001(110:1350), 7923(125:1735), 9575(154:1905), 9876(159:1910), 10175(164:1925), 10267(165:1815), 10368(168:1145), 10535(170:1955), 11626(189:1830), 11738(192:1200), 11869(193:1855)
>>>>Order of Precedence, item, substitution, 7271(114:1540)
>>>>Second reading, amdt., 8897(143:1155)
>>>>Second reading, order discharged, 9017-8(144:1755)
>>>>Second reading, order discharged, bill withdrawn and subject-matter referred to standing committee, 10525(170:1835)
>>>>Seconder, 1025(18:1745), 1027(18:1755)
>>>>Standing Committee, immediate referral, 1134(21:1120)
>>>>Subject-matter, referral to Standing Committee, 6643(104:1200)
>>>>Votable item, unanimous consent denied, 1027(18:1755), 1494(26:1155), 1800(31:1130), 6288(96:1840), 7001(110:1350), 9572(154:1835), 9876(159:1910), 10170(164:1845), 10172(164:1905), 10175(164:1925), 10263(165:1740), 10267(165:1815), 10535(170:1955), 11732(192:1110), 11738(192:1155)
>>>Bills, Senate, second reading, amdt., 5465(84:1205)
>>>Cellular telephones, use in Chamber, not in order, 4874(76:1115), 5952(92:1100), 11407(185:1800)
>>>Clock, calling it 6:30 p.m., 2340(37:1825), 12909(209:1820)
>>>Committee of the Whole, proceeding to, 3087(47:1835), 12142(198:1910)
>>>Committees, Parliamentary, reports
>>>>Concurrence, 1661(28:1650)
>>>>Presenting, 10740(174:1705)
>>>>Allotted time, 7633(120:1715)
>>>>Emotional time, Chair requesting Members remain calm, 2666(42:1020)
>>>>Member speaking second time, 1198(21:1825)
>>>>Or question and comment period, clarification, 12519(203:1330)
>>>Decorum, noise/heckling, 1489(26:1125), 2670(42:1055), 2681(42:1205), 7632(120:1705), 8112(129:1310), 11633(190:1020)
>>>Divisions, recorded
>>>>Chair calling null and void, in order, 10525-6(170:1835-50)
>>>>Deferred, 2631(41:1600), 3334(51:1640), 3342(51:1735), 3557(54:1350), 4013(61:1715), 4296(66:1720), 4562(71:1140), 4575-6(71:1330), 6229(95:1915), 6433(99:1625), 6648(104:1250), 6993-4(110:1250-5), 7385(116:1535), 7392(116:1620), 7474(118:1145), 7662(121:1220-5), 8802(141:1150), 9067-8(146:1030-5), 9214-5(148:1635-55), 9498-9(153:1845-50), 10074(163:1305), 10629(173:1115), 11781(192:1655)
>>>>Deferred, order discharged, 1661(28:1650)
>>>>Schedule, 624(12:1650)
>>>Documents, tabling
>>>>Brief statement only, 2081(34:1005)
>>>>Reverting to, agreed to, 7271(114:1540)
>>>>>Denied, 4320(67:1100)
>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 3752(57:1535), 4321(67:1105), 4326-7(67:1145-50), 6429(99:1535)
>>>Government Orders
>>>>Disposition, 4947(77:1015), 4948(77:1025)
>>>>Extending, 7272(114:1540), 74189117:1050), 9623(156:1015)
>>>>Proceeding to, 4561(71:1140)
>>>House business, 619(12:1620)
>>>Information Commissioner report, release to media and public, not tabled in House, deposited with Clerk of House by Chair, same as if tabled in House, available at distribution counters, 4962(77:1155)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper
>>>>"Lied", 1031(18:1825)
>>>>"Sellout", 7738(123:1125-30)
>>>>Humming inappropriate song, 3758(57:1620)
>>>>Improperly dressed, 7665(121:1250)
>>>Members' remarks
>>>>Addressing through Chair, 130(4:1705), 288(7:1310), 934(17:1230), 1492(26:1145), 1928(32:1620), 5009(77:1700), 9566(154:1725), 9628(156:1105), 10374(168:1250), 10804(176:1040), 11290(184:1325)
>>>>Chair cautioning Members to be more judicious in choice of words, 416(9:1350), 4641(72:1230), 8654(138:1555), 9520(154:1150)
>>>>Casting aspersions/reflecting on character of another Member, not in order, 4468(69:1350), 10479(169:1720)
>>>>False/misleading, correcting, 415(9:1345), 1031(18:1825), 3405(52:1525), 5234(80:1230), 6787(106:1720), 8656(138:1615), 8661(138:1655), 11425(186:1120)
>>>>Limiting to motions before House, 4107(63:1530)
>>>>Personal attacks, not in order, 1816(31:1315)
>>>>Picturesque, 2515(39:1200)
>>>>Reference to Members/Ministers by constituency or title, 616(12:1600), 734(14:1015), 1919(32:1520), 2667(42:1035), 6397(99:1155), 7422(117:1115), 7779(123:1620), 8105(129:1225), 8344(133:1615), 8981(144:1305), 9210(148:1605), 10077(163:1330)
>>>>Reference to Members/Ministers presence/absence from House, not in order, 1261(22:1705), 1566(27:1120), 1921(32:1535), 2402(37:2520), 2671(42:1100), 6433(99:1610), 7153(112:1335), 7932(126:1030), 9516(154:1120)
>>>>Relevancy to debate, 922(17:1115), 924(17:1125), 932(17:1215), 1387(24:1250), 1816(31:1310), 2636(41:1630), 2652(41:1820), 4280(66:1525), 4286(66:1610), 4763(74:1215), 6431(99:21555), 6433(99:1605), 6795(106:1815), 7423(117:1130), 7665(121:1255), 8623(138:1125), 8626(138:1150), 9015(144:1710), 9269-70(149:1550), 9516(154:1120), 9521-2(154:1200), 9927(161:1125), 9931(161:1155), 10629(173:1140), 12746(207:1130)
>>>>Amdt., taking under advisement, 8623(138:1120), 10068(163:1215), in order, 8625(138:1150), 10073(163:1255)
>>>>Leave to move, 737(14:1040), 2785(43:1525), 3069(47:1610), 4108(63:1535), 4300(66:1755), 5272(80:1710), 5957(92:1135), 5959(92:1150), 6788(106:1720), 6996(110:1315), 7853(124:1625-30), 8800(141:1115)
>>>>Member speaking second time, denied, 1568(27:1140)
>>>>Minister moving on behalf of another Minister, 2343(37:1840)
>>>Pages, dismissal, 2392(37:2410)
>>>Petitions, presenting, 12198(199:1550), 12916(210:1010)
>>>Points of order
>>>>Member making speech, 1568(27:1140)
>>>>Not point of order, 4327(67:1150), 11865(193:1825)
>>>Private Members' Business
>>>>Debate, extending, unanimous consent denied, 6229(95:1910-5)
>>>>Member moving replying, 851(16:1155), 1140(21:1200)
>>>>Member moving speaking few minutes, 9172(148:1135)
>>>>Member not present to move, 3174(48:1730)
>>>>Minister participation, 10789(175:1735)
>>>>Opportunity to participate, 6229(95:1910)
>>>>Order of Precedence, switching items, 4107(63:1530)
>>>Private Members' Hour, proceeding to, 6994(110:1255)
>>>Private Members' Motions
>>>>Adopting, unanimous consent denied, 10797(175:1825)
>>>>Amending, 10059(163:1110)
>>>>Committee referral, 5622(86:1810)
>>>>Dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence, 2208(36:1210), 2340(37:1825), 5464(84:1200), 5749(89:1200), 6398(99:1205), 7408(116:1840), 8747(139:1910), 10797(175:1825), 12138(198:1840)
>>>>Error in text on Order Paper, correcting, 9321(150:1730)
>>>>Immediate passage, unanimous consent denied, 5743(89:1120)
>>>>Non-votable item, dropped from Order Paper, 851(16:1200), 1675(28:1825), 2491(38:1915), 3833(58:1845), 4881(76:1200), 5282(80:1855), 6753(105:1725), 6796(106:1825), 6908(109:1200), 7240(114:1200), 8040(128:1205), 9061(145:1850), 9329(150:1825), 9731(158:1200), 10066(163:1155), 10488(169:1540), 10757(174:1925), 11410(185:1800), 12638(204:1825), 12750(207:1200), 12909(209:1820)
>>>>Question deemed put and recorded division requested and deferred, 11587(188:1850)
>>>>Referral to Standing Committee, unanimous consent denied, 7240(114:1200)
>>>>Votable item, denied, 2491(38:1915), 3833(58:1845), 4881(76:1200), 5003(77:1615), 5619(86:1745), 5621(86:1800), 5624(86:1825), 6752(105:1715), 6793(106:1800), 7233(114:1115), 8040(128:1205), 10065-6(163:1155), 10488(169:1840), 12368(202:1115), 12633(204:1740), 12638(204:1825)
>>>Private Members' Motion for Production of Papers, called and transferred for debate, 3496(53:1545)
>>>Props, use, not in order, 8431(134:1345)
>>>Question and comment period
>>>>Allotted time, 518(11:1310), 1665(28:1720), 8115(129:1335), 8139(129:1615), 8300(133:1125), 8301(133:1140), 8423(134:1250), 8426(134:1305), 8777(140:1650), 8795(141:1025)
>>>>Allowing Member/Minister opportunity to reply, 1561(27:1050), 6681(104:1635), 9522(154:1205), 11644(190:1145), 11651(190:1230), 11655(190:1300), 11662(190:1355), 11819(193:1240)
>>>>Chair dividing equally, 1385(24:1230)
>>>>Extending, unanimous consent denied, 11656(190:1310)
>>>>First three speakers, 3547(54:1235), 12860(208:1635)
>>>>Member putting question/making comment, 2796(43:1640)
>>>>Members' rotation, 745(14:1135)
>>>>Missed due to quorum call, 9516(154:1115)
>>>>Question, clarification, 1685(29:1100)
>>>>Relating to remarks of previous speaker only, 2667(42:1035), 11659(190:1330)
>>>>Replies, keeping brief, 1563(27:1100), 7854(124:1630)
>>>>Requesting, denied, 648(12:1940), 9599(155:1630), 12754(207:1225)
>>>Question be now put, denied, 2460(38:1730)
>>>Questions on the Order Paper
>>>>Delay in answering, 2083-4(34:1020-5)
>>>>Proceeding to, 12917(210:1015)
>>>>Call for, bells not working, 1566(27:1120)
>>>>Present, 4320(67:1055), 4322(67:1115), 4325(67:1135), 5952(92:1055), 7149(112:1300), 8771(140:1605), 9049(145:1715), 9051(145:1735), 9515(154:1115), 9924(161:1100), 10519(170:1725)
>>>Sittings of the House, suspending, 5336(82:1130), 6753(105:1725), 7923(125:1740), 9173-4(148:1135), 10368(168:1145), 10629(173:1145)
>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 7474(118:1145)
>>>Speeches, allotted time, 9328(150:1815), 9564(154:1710)
>>>>10 minutes, no question and comment period, unanimous consent denied, 5156(79:1620)
>>>>20 minutes, 2095(34:1145), 3342(51:1735), 5950(92:1035), 6564(102:1125), 7144(112:1230), 7773(123:1530), 10405(168:1635), 11534(188:1145), 12752(207:1210)
>>>>Expired, 256(6:1820), 2512(39:1140), 5152(79:1550), 5180(79:2030), 6302(97:1120), 7105(111:1550), 7817(124:1225), 9491(153:1750), 9873(159:1845), 12133(198:1805)
>>>>Extending, 12752(207:1210)
>>>>>Unanimous consent denied, 2506(39:1050), 4326(67:1140), 5940(91:1825), 9875(159:1905), 9930(161:1150)
>>>>Splitting, 504(11:1125), 732(14:1005), 2095(34:1145), 2788(43:1540), 3177(49:1020), 3502(53:1625), 4920(76:1600), 5003(77:1615), 6909(109:1205), 7392(116:1620), 10171(164:1855), 10789(175:1730), 12628(204:1705-10)
>>>>>M. (Saada), 3069(47:1610)
>>>Speeches, Members rotation, 4280-1(66:1530), 8802(141:1155)
>>>Statements by Minister, requesting, not point of order, 11738(192:1200)
>>>Supply bills, distribution, 4950(77:1030)
>>>Supply motions
>>>>>Consent of mover of motion requirement, 10699(174:1215-20)
>>>>>In order, 736(14:1030), 1559(27:1030), 1682(29:1040), 1809(31:1225), 2667(42:1035), 4142(64:1055), 6053(94:1150), 10740(174:1705)
>>>>>Not receivable, 10741(174:1710)
>>>>>Seconder, name change, unanimous consent denied, 10740(174:1710)
>>>>>Taking under advisement, 10699(174:1210)
>>>>>Wording, clarification, 4143(64:1105)
>>>>Chair informing House of text of motion, 6391(99:1055), 10625(173:1110), 11731(192:1100)
>>>>Question deemed put, 1679(29:1015), 2668(42:1040)
>>>>Sub-amendment, in order, 3755(57:1600)
>>>>Text, 1805(31:1200)
>>>Take not debate, amdt., in order, 6814(107:1140)
>>>Committees of the Whole House, Deputy Chairman, appointment, congratulating, 21(2:1615), 1683(29:1045)
>>>>See also Committees of the Whole House--Deputy Chairman
Bélanger-Campeau Commission see Quebec separation/sovereignty
Bélanger, Mauril (Lib.--Ottawa--Vanier)
- >>Acadians, 7465-6(117:1640-5)
>>Afghanistan, S.O. 31, 1452(25:1110)
>>Agriculture, 461(10:1020)
>>Air Canada, 5811-2(89:1945-50)
>>Air transportation, 5810-1(89:1945)
>>Air transportation security, 5810(89:1945)
>>Airbus affair, 6426(99:1520)
>>Airlines, Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 5810-2(89:1940-50)
>>Artificial intelligence, 461(10:1020)
>>Arts and culture, S.O. 31, 7604(120:1405)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-56), 11566(188:1540), 11574(188:1640), 11706-8(191:1045-55)
>>Astronomy, o.q., 7012(110:1455)
>>Beaulne, Guy, S.O. 31, 6019-20(93:1105)
>>Bélanger, references, 459(10:1005)
>>Board of Internal Economy, 5711-2(88:1200-10)
>>Canada Aviation Museum, S.O. 31, 1097(20:1100)
>>Canada Health Act (amdt.--linguistic duality)(Bill C-408), 6801(107:1010)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, o.q., 11304(184:1455)
>>Charpentier, Fulgence, 460(10:1010)
>>Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, S.O. 31, 11755(192:1405)
>>Corporations, 2390(37:2400)
>>Cunningham, Marion, S.O. 31, 10644(173:1405)
>>Diplomatic immunity, 459(10:1005)
>>Economy, 2390(37:2355)
>>Films, S.O. 31, 2220(36:1400)
>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--genetically modified food)(Bill C-287), 6224-5(95:1830-40)
>>Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act (amdt.)(Bill C-35), 6426(99:1515)
>>Francophones outside Quebec
>>>o.q., 1913(32:1440), 8717(139:1440)
>>>S.O. 31, 8002-3(127:1105), 8167(130:1410)
>>Francophonie, 9881-2(160:1415)
>>Free trade, 2390-1(37:2400-5)
>>Free Trade Area of the Americas, 2390-2(37:2400-10)
>>>o.q., 957(17:1440)
>>Genetically modified food (GMOs), 6224-5(95:1830-40)
>>Gray, references, S.O. 31, 8636-7(138:1405)
>>Health care system, 6801(107:1010)
>>>o.q., 9759(158:1500)
>>Highways and roads, 460(10:1010-5)
>>Hockey, S.O. 31, 4092(63:1410)
>>Hockey Night in Canada, o.q., 11764(192:1455), 11992(196:1140)
>>House of Commons proceedings, 3492(53:1530)
>>Human Rights Institute of Canada, qu., 12917(210:1015)
>>Iftody, David, 460(10:1010)
>>Immigration, ro., 12918(210:1015)
>>Impaired driving, 459(10:1005-10)
>>>S.O. 31, 9822(159:1400)
>>Income, 2390(37:2400)
>>International Space Station, S.O. 31, 870(16:1405), 2959(46:1355), 12709-10(206:1100)
>>Karsh, Malak, S.O. 31, 7208(113:1110)
>>La Vérendrye School, S.O. 31, 11830(193:1400)
>>Letheren, Carol Anne, 459(10:1010)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 460(10:1010)
>>Library of Parliament, 6757(105:1805), 6758(105:1815)
>>>o.q., 4400(68:1445)
>>Malboeuf, Michel, S.O. 31, 9749-50(158:1405)
>>Members of Parliament, 4808-10(74:1700-10)
>>Mir Space Station, S.O. 31, 2166(35:1105)
>>Mothers' Day, S.O. 31, 3925(60:1110)
>>Nanotechnology, 461(10:1020)
>>National capital region, o.q., 8998(144:1455)
>>National Gallery of Canada, o.q., 5089(78:1500)
>>Official languages policy (Bilingualism), S.O. 31, 1714-5(29:1405), 11122(181:1400)
>>Official Languages Standing Joint Committee, reports, 1776(30:1200), 3492(53:1530), 4435(69:1005), 4946(77:1010), 9064(146:1010), 10843(176:1500), 12722(206:1205)
>>Olympics, 2010 winter games, o.q., 6377(98:1200)
>>Ottawa, ON, 461(10:1020)
>>>S.O. 31, 3210(49:1410-5), 3872(59:1410)
>>Ottawa--Vanier constituency, 459(10:1005), 461-2(10:1020)
>>Para Transpo, o.q., 3991(61:1445)
>>Parliament of Canada Act, Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act and Salaries Act (amdt.)(Bill C-28), 4808-10(74:1700-10)
>>Parliamentary reform, 462-3(10:1030)
>>Payment Clearing and Settlement Act (amdt.)(Bill S-40), 11471(186:1725)
>>Private Members' Business, 9712(157:1200-5), 9762-4(158:1520-30)
>>>o.q., 10839(176:1440), 11380(185:1445)
>>>Bélanger (rights of Members breached), 5721-2(88:1200-10), 7714-5(122:1200), 9762-4(158:1520-30)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 10887(177:1200)
>>>Committees, Parliamentary, 10842(176:1505), 12733(206:1330)
>>>Members' remarks, 6426(99:1515-20)
>>>Private Members' Business, 9712(157:1200-5)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 7464(117:1630)
>>>Privilege questions, 9712(157:1205)
>>Public Service, o.q., 11132(181:1455)
>>Radio-Canada, o.q., 11596(189:1440)
>>>Re-election, supporters, thanking, 459(10:1005)
>>>See also Ottawa, ON--Official recognition; Ottawa--Vanier constituency; Parliamentary reform
>>Reproductive and genetic technologies, 461(10:1020), 11411(185:1825), 11412(185:1835), 11574(188:1640), 11707-8(191:1050-5)
>>>o.q., 9547(154:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 870(16:1405), 5589(86:1410)
>>Rideau River, 461(10:1015), 462(10:1030)
>>Rockcliffe air station, 460-1(10:1015)
>>Science and technology, 461-2(10:1020-5)
>>Social policies, 2390(37:2400)
>>Space exploration, S.O. 31, 870(16:1405)
>>Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC), M. (Boudria), 2389-92(37:2355-410)
>>Tanguay, Jean, S.O. 31, 7369(116:1410)
>>Terrorism/terrorists, Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 6148-9(94:2415-25)
>>Throne Speech, 460(10:1010)
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Macklin), 459-63(10:1005-30)
>>Trudeau, Right Hon. Pierre Elliott, S.O. 31, 9653(156:1415)
>>United States, o.q., 7710(122:1140)
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, S.O. 31, 5288(81:1410)
>>Watson, Bernard Michael, S.O. 31, 7369(116:1410)
>>Wealth, 2390(37:2400)
Belgrade, Yugoslavia see Air transportation--Yugoslavia
Chalillo dam project, environmental and social impact studies, Canadian
International Development Agency funding assistance, 9092(146:1350)
>>>o.q., 4224-5(65:1145), 8247(131:1445)
>>>qu., 8601(137:1205)
Bell, Alexander Graham
Telephone, inventor
>>>Affirming, M. (Copps), agreed to, 13006(211:1200-5)
>>>United States House of Representatives, denying, o.q., 13002(211:1140)
Bell, Beverlee
New Democratic Party staffer, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 4837(75:1110)
Bell Canada
Subcontracting work to United States, layoffs factor, petitions,
>>See also Canadian Human Rights Commission--Pay equity;
Telephone service
Bell ringing episode see Legislative process--Report stage, Abuse
Bell Walk for Kids see Kids Help Phone
Bella Bella, BC see Kelp industry--Herring spawn
Bellechasse--Etchemins--Montmagny--L'Islet constituency
Normand, thanking constituents, 270(7:1115)
Bellehumeur, Michel (BQ--Berthier--Montcalm; resignation effective May 18, 2002)
- >>Access to Information Act, 6190(95:1345), 6204(95:1515), 7527(118:1800-5),
>>>o.q., 6526(101:1450)
>>Aeronautics Act (amdt.)(Bill C-44), 7947-9(126:1300-15), 7950(126:1320), 7951(126:1330)
>>Afghanistan, 11148(181:1650)
>>Air transportation security, 7948-9(126:1300-15), 7950(126:1320), 7951(126:1330)
>>Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36), 6188-91(95:1330-55), 6203-4(95:1515), 7481-3(118:1240-50), 7526-7(118:1755-805), 7533(119:1020), 7630-1(120:1650-700), 7633(120:1715)
>>Bellehumeur, references, 283(7:1235)
>>Berthier--Montcalm constituency, 283(7:1235)
>>Bourgeois, references, 82(4:1155)
>>Breweries, 10994-5(179:1310-5)
>>Cabinet Ministers, 1648-9(28:1525-30), 1843-5(31:1550-600)
>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 1800-1(31:1130-40)
>>Canadian Police Association, S.O. 31, 9538(154:1410)
>>Child pornography, 3648(56:1305), 10694(174:1130), 10695-6(174:1140-5), 10697(174:1155)
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 3647(56:1300), 5380(82:1915), 6315-6(97:1335-45)
>>>M. on supply (Spencer), 10694-7(174:1130-55)
>>Children, 10695(174:1135-40)
>>Computer hackers, M. (Pankiw), 7471-2(118:1120-5)
>>Courts Administration Service Act (Bill C-30), 5799-800(89:1820-5)
>>Crime rate, 710(13:1615)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--forfeiture of property relating to child pornography crimes)(Bill C-247), 1626(27:1810)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--organized crime and law enforcement)(Bill C-24), 2974-9(46:1515-55), 2992-3(46:1735-40), 2995(46:1750), 2997-8(46:1815-20), 4933-7(76:1740-810), 7968(126:1510)
>>Criminal harassment (stalking), 6315(97:1335)
>>Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15), 3646-51(56:1255-330), 5353(82:1520), 5356-7(82:1555-600), 5377-8(82:1850), 5380(82:1915), 5385-6(82:1955-2005)
>>Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15A), 6315-6(97:1335-45)
>>Cruelty to animals, 3648-50(56:1310-20), 3651(56:1330), 5378(82:1850), 5386(82:2000)
>>Diplomatic immunity, 7948(126:1300)
>>Drugs/narcotics, o.q., 1984(33:1455)
>>Education, 283(7:1240)
>>Employment insurance, 83(4:1155), 95(4:1320)
>>Excise Act, 2001 (Bill C-47), 10994-5(179:1310-5)
>>Family allowance program, 83(4:1155)
>>Federal Law--Civil Law Harmonization Act, No. 1 (Bill S-4), 3641(56:1215)
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 81(4:1140), 283-4(7:1240)
>>Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act (amdt.)(Bill C-35), 7659-61(121:1150-210)
>>Gun control/guns, 3648(56:1300-5), 3650(56:1325), 5386(82:2000)
>>Harvey, references, 287-8(7:1305-10)
>>Health care funding, 284(7:1240)
>>Home invasion, 6315(97:1335)
>>Impaired driving, o.q., 4990(77:1450)
>>Income tax Act (amdt.--deduction of mechanics' tool expenses)(Bill C-244), 1135-6(21:1125-35)
>>International conferences, 7659-61(121:1150-1210)
>>Judges, 5799(89:1820)
>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-12), 1534-6(26:1600-15)
>>Justice system, 3647-8(56:1255-305), 3650(56:1320), 5328(82:1025), 5353(82:1515), 5356-7(82:1555-600), 5377(82:1850), 5380(82:1915), 5385-6(82:1955-200), 6315-6(97:1335-40)
>>Legal system, 3641(56:1215)
>>Legislative process, 1308-10(22:2245-2300), 7968(126:1510)
>>Mechanics, 1135-6(21:1125-35)
>>Members of Parliament, 94-5(4:1320)
>>Members of Parliament pensions, 95(4:1320)
>>Motorcycle (biker) gangs, 2976(46:1530), 7968(126:1510)
>>>S.O. 31, 2427-8(38:1410-5)
>>National security, 11116-7(181:1325), 11147-8(181:1645-55)
>>>M. on supply (Mackay), 9562-4(154:1655-710)
>>>o.q., 7562(119:1435)
>>Organized crime, 284(7:1240-5), 2974-9(46:1515-55), 2992-3(46:1735-40), 2997(46:1815), 4933-7(76:1740-810), 5356(82:1555)
>>>o.q., 698(13:1455), 2916(45:1150), 3795-6(58:1430), 3801(58:1500)
>>>Petitions, 1526-7(26:1505-10)
>>>S.O. 31, 1906-7(32:1410)
>>Paint ball players/operators, 3648(56:1300-5), 3651(56:1330)
>>Parental leave, 83(4:1155), 283(7:1240)
>>Pierre-de-Lestage High School, S.O. 31, 526-7(11:1410)
>>Police, 3647(56:1300), 6315(97:1335)
>>Poverty, 83(4:1155)
>>>Reynolds (rights of Members breached/contempt of Parliament),6084(94:1525)
>>>Toews (rights of Members breached), 5328(82:1025)
>>Privilege, prima facie, Toews (contempt of Parliament), M. (Toews), 1843-5(31:1550-600)
>>>Bills, Government, 4108(63:1535), 7476-7(118:1205), 8499(135:1640), 8648(138:1510), 9221(148:1720-5)
>>>Decisions/statements of the Chair, 8632(138:1320)
>>>Members' remarks, 8656(138:1615)
>>>Petitions, 1526-7(26:1510)
>>>Speeches, 7630(120:1650)
>>Proceeds of crime, 2995(46:1750), 4936(76:1800)
>>Program for Older Worker Adjustment (POWA), 83(4:1155)
>>Public safety, 7948(126:1300), 7950(126:1320), 11117(181:1325), 11147-8(181:1645-50)
>>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-55), 11116-7(181:1325), 11147-8(181:1645-55)
>>Quebec distinct society status, 81(4:1140)
>>>Election win, family, supporters, thanking, 283(7:1235)
>>>See also Berthier--Montcalm constituency; House of Commons vacancies--Berthier--Montcalm constituency
>>Saint-Côme Festival de sculptures sur glace, S.O. 31, 340(8:1410-5)
>>Speaker of the House of Commons, 1310(22:2255)
>>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-5), 9221(148:1720-5)
>>St-Julien, references, 1309-10(22:2255)
>>Standing Orders, M. (Boudria), 1141(21:1210), 1308-10(22:2245-300)
>>Stock exchanges, o.q., 5436(83:1200)
>>Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC), 7661(121:1205)
>>Supreme Court Act (amdt.)(Bill C-234), 1800-1(31:1130-40)
>>Television, 10694(174:1130)
>>Terrorism/terrorists, 6084(94:1525), 6188-91(95:1330-55), 6203-4(95:1515), 6316(97:1345), 7476-7(118:1205), 7481-3(118:1240-50), 7526-7(118:1755-1805), 7533(119:1020), 7630-1(120:1650-1700), 7659(121:1150), 7947-8(126:1300-5)
>>>o.q., 6076(94:1435-40), 6197(95:1430), 6322(97:1420-5), 6369-70(98:1120), 6417-8(99:1420), 6477(100:1425), 6526(101:1450), 6734(105:1455), 8249(131:1455)
>>>Statement by Minister (McLellan), 6048-9(94:1115)
>>Throne Speech, 283(7:1235-40)
>>>Address in Reply, M. (Macklin), 81(4:1140), 82-3(4:1155), 94-5(4:1320), 283-4(7:1235-45), 287-8(7:1305-10), 360(8:1615)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 95(4:1320), 283-4(7:1240)
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 5356-7(82:1555), 7948(126:1305-10), 7949(126:1315), 7950(126:1320)
>>Verbal Abuse Prevention Week Act (Bill C-414), 9572-3(154:1835-40)
>>Victims of crime, 4934(76:1745)
>>Water/freshwater, 284(7:1240)
>>Women, 82-3(4:1155)
>>Young Offenders Act, 95(4:1320), 710-1(13:1615-20), 724(13:1755), 3641(56:1215), 3647(56:1300), 3651(56:1325), 4321(67:1105-10), 8663(138:1715)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-7), 709-14(13:1605-45), 724(13:1755-800), 2239(36:1550), 2255(36:1740), 4110-1(63:1550-600), 4282-3(66:1545-50), 4286(66:1610), 4288-9(66:1625-30), 4319-26(67:1055-1140), 4360(67:1520), 4361-2(67:1530-5), 8495-8(135:1600-30), 8499(135:1640), 8628(138:1250), 8632(138:1320), 8648(138:1510), 8655-6(138:1610-5), 8659(138:1640), 8660(138:1650), 8663(138:1715), 8669(138:1755)
>>Youth justice system, 284(7:1245), 709-14(13:1610-45), 724(13:1755-800), 4110-1(63:1555-600), 4288-9(66:1625-30), 4319-26(67:1055-140), 4360(67:1520), 4361-2(67:1530-5), 5356(82:1555), 8495-8(135:1600-30), 8628(138:1250), 8660(138:1650), 8663(138:1715), 8669(138:1755), 10695(174:1135), 10696(174:1150)
>>>o.q., 6023-(12:1430-5), 3319(51:1500), 4268(66:1420-5), 4350(67:1420), 4396(68:1425), 4475(69:1425), 5775(89:1455), 8292(132:1200), 8327(133:1430-5), 8443(134:1450), 8480(135:1425), 8481(135:1435), 8655(138:1610), 10498(170:1435-40)
>>>S.O. 31, 8282(132:1105)
Bellemare, Eugène (Lib.--Ottawa--Orléans; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister for International Cooperation until Sept. 12, 2001)
- >>Afghanistan, 6683(104:1655)
>>>o.q., 476(10:1140)
>>Auberge Grand-Mère, M. on supply (Day), 2676(42:1130)
>>Belize, o.q., 4225(65:1145)
>>Campbell, Dean, S.O. 31, 8545(136:1405)
>>Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), 6682-3(104:1650-5)
>>Charpentier, Fulgence, S.O. 31, 338(8:1405)
>>Daudelin, Charles, S.O. 31, 2771(43:1405)
>>El Salvador, S.O. 31, 23(3:1400)
>>Foreign aid
>>>M. on supply (Tremblay, Stéphan), 6682-4(104:1650-700)
>>>o.q., 3485(53:1450)
>>Franco-Ontarian flag, S.O. 31, 5588-9(86:1410)
>>Francophone communities, S.O. 31, 1449(25:1100)
>>Francophones outside Quebec, S.O. 31, 8709(139:1400)
>>Francophonie, o.q., l8925(143:1455)
>>Gauthier, Robert, S.O. 31, 2697-8(42:1355)
>>Girl Guides, S.O. 31, 1037(19:1405)
>>Governor General's Performing Arts Awards, S.O. 31, 6834(107:1405)
>>India, S.O. 31, 23(3:1400)
>>Jeanne-Sauvé Elementary School, S.O. 31, 4217(65:1110)
>>Job creation, S.O. 31, 1098(20:1105)
>>Members of Parliament, 12915(210:1005)
>>Mozambique, o.q., 1497(27:1440)
>>Official languages policy (Bilingualism), S.0. 31, 1714(29:1405)
>>Organ donations/transplants, S.O. 31, 8752(140:1405)
>>Paralympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States), S.O. 31, 9407(152:1100)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--oath or solemn affirmation)(Bill C-480), 12915(210:1005)
>>Public Service, o.q., 7012(110:1450)
>>Regional development banks (international), 4848(75:1205)
>>St. Lawrence River, o.q., 10360(167:1200)
>>Trade, 6684(104:1700)
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, S.O. 31, 5285-6(81:1400)
>>Zimbabwe, o.q., 3570(54:1455)
Bellevue, WA see Extradition--Rafay
Belliveau, Michael
Maritime Fishermen's Union Executive Secretary, death, tribute, S.O. 31,
Beltran, Melinda-Sue
Member of Parliament for a Day, Longueuil constituency, S.O. 31,
Beluga whales
Gulf of St. Lawrence, pollution/cancer levels, 9236-7(149:1155-1200),
Ben-Menashe, Ari see Zimbabwe--2002 presidential election
Bennett, Carolyn (Lib.--St. Paul's)
- >>Afghanistan
>>>o.q., 7094(111:1440)
>>>S.O. 31, 5905-6(91:1410), 9191(148:1410)
>>Anderson, Doris, S.O. 31, 7207(113:1105)
>>Arts and culture, S.O. 31, 3981-2(61:1400)
>>Augustine, references, S.O. 31, 1452(25:1110)
>>Black History Month, S.O. 31, 817(15:1100)
>>Bulte, references, S.O. 31, 1452(25:1110)
>>Canada Health Act, 12578(203:2040)
>>Canada Pension Plan, S.O. 31, 12668(205:1400)
>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, S.O. 31, 10492(170:1405)
>>Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), o.q., 2971(46:1455)
>>Cardiovascular Disease Awareness Month, S.O. 31, 8589(137:1100)
>>Cigarettes, o.q., 7614(120:1500)
>>Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow), 12578(203:2040)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, 2023(33:1905)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons
>>>o.q., 3318(51:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 4700(73:1405)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, S.O. 31, 12601(204:1410)
>>Elections, 2023(33:1900)
>>Estimates, Ms. (Robillard), 7866(124:1750), 7869(124:1750)
>>Government, 2023(33:1905)
>>Government policies and programs, 2024(33:1905)
>>Hadassah-WIZO Organization of Canada, S.O. 31, 10383(168:1400)
>>Health care funding, 12580-1(203:2055)
>>Health care providers, 12581(203:2100)
>>Health care system, House take note, M. (Boudria), 12578-81(203:2040-2100)
>>Hepatitis Awareness Month
>>>M., 6747-8(105:1645-50)
>>>S.O. 31, 11754(192:1400)
>>Heritage, S.O. 31, 951(17:1410)
>>House of Commons proceedings, 2022-3(33:1855-900)
>>Marriage, 6641(104:1145)
>>Marriage Capacity Act (Bill C-264), 6641(104:1145)
>>MATCH International Centre, S.O. 31, 7367-8(116:1400)
>>Members of Parliament, 2024(33:1910)
>>Middle East conflict, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Lalonde), 10221-2(164:2530-5)
>>Multiculturalism, o.q., 12961(210:1455)
>>Modernization and Improvement of Procedures of House of Commons Special Committee, M. (Boudria), 2022-4(33:1855-910)
>>National Nursing Week, S.O. 31, 3476-7(53:1405)
>>National Palliative Care Week, S.O. 31, 3736(57:1405)
>>Osteoporosis Awareness Month, S.O. 31, 7706(122:1115)
>>Paralympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States), S.O. 31, 9457(153:1400)
>>Parliament, 2023-4(33:1900-5)
>>Parliamentary reform, 2022-3(33:1855-900)
>>Pharmacare, 12578(203:2040)
>>Procedure, divisions, recorded, 7866(124:1750)
>>References see Parliamentary reform--Alcock
>>Samar, Dr. Sima, S.O. 31, 8119(129:1400)
>>Social Union Framework Agreement, 12579(203:2045)
>>Spinal cord injuries, o.q., 11761(192:1440)
>>St. Paul's constituency, S.O. 31, 8863(142:1105)
>>Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC), o.q., 2971(46:1455)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 6160-1(94:2545-55)
>>>M. on supply (Sorenson), 5240-2(80:1320-30)
>>Tobacco products
>>>o.q., 4481(69:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 5766(89:1405)
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 5240-1(80:1325), 6160-1(94:2545-55)
>>Women, S.O. 31, 7956(126:1405)
>>World Water Day, S.O. 31, 2114(34:1355-400)
Bennett Jones law firm see Canadian Alliance--Political donations
Addiction, senior citizens, 12568(203:1930)
Benoit, Leon (CA--Lakeland)
- >>Afghanistan, 8519-20(136:1020-5), 9370(151:1500), 9841-2(159:1555-605)
>>>Committee take note, M. (Eggleton), 8360(133:1900), 8362-5(133:1910-30), 8369(133:2005), 8374(133:2040), 8378(133:2110)
>>>o.q., 7333(115:1420), 7447-8(117:1440), 8549(136:1430), 8592(137:1115-20), 8639(138:1420), 8715(139:1435), 8758(140:1440)
>>Air transportation security, 8148(129:1725), 8149(129:1730)
>>Anti-terrorism Act (Bill C-36), 7588-9(119:1750-5)
>>Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Bill C-56), 11550(188:1345)
>>Biological and chemical weapons/terrorism, o.q., 6028(93:1150)
>>Budget 2001, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 8140-1(129:1625), 8148-9(129:1725-35), 8150(129:1740)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2001 (Bill C-49), 8802(141:1155)
>>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, o.q., 3393(52:1430), 3481-2(53:1430-5)
>>Canadian Alliance, 1230(22:1315)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 1395-6(24:1340-45), 5156-8(79:1620-35), 5314-5(81:1715-25), 5398-9(82:2120-30), 5523(85:1050), 5527(85:1115-20), 6062(94:1255), 8149(129:1730-5), 8362-3(133:1910-5), 8369(133:2005), 10702-3(175:1745-50)
>>>o.q., 1984(33:1455), 3666(56:1450), 5294-5(81:1455), 5349(82:1455), 5555(85:1445), 5664-5(87:1445-50), 5913(91:1455), 6842-3(107:1445-50), 7161-2(112:1430), 7333(115:1420), 7836(124:1435), 7897(125:1420-5), 8126(129:1440), 8247-8(131:1445-50), 9827(159:1425-30), 10456(169:1430), 10717(174:1415), 10763(175:1420), 11128(181:1435), 11598(189:1450-5), 12109-10(198:1455), 12845(208:1455), 12883(209:1450-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 10554(171:1400), 10833(176:1405)
>>Canadian flag, M., 12631-3(204:1730-40), 12637-8(204:1815-20)
>>Canadian Forces Day, M. (Pratt), 10792-3(175:1745-50), 10830(176:1355)
>>Canadian sovereignty, 5314(81:1715)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals and firearms) and Firearms Act (amdt.)(Bill C-15B), 9908(160:1735), 10074-5(163:1305-10), 10326-8(166:1655-700), 11025-6(179:1700-10), 12027(197:1300), 12050(197:1610-5)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--search and seizure without warrant)(Bill C-245), 350(8:1510), 3624-6(55:1240-55), 3629-30(55:1315-20)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--theft over $100,000)(Bill C-328), 2784(43:1515)
>>Defence expenditures, 6061(94:1250)
>>>o.q., 12610(204:1455)
>>Defence policy
>>>o.q., 7333(115:1420)
>>>S.O. 31, 11043(180:1410)
>>Dollar exchange rate, 556-7(11:1725)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 3841(59:1025)
>>Eggleton, references, r.o., 11522(188:1010)
>>Employment Insurance Act and the Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 242(6;1645-50)
>>Excise Act, 2001 (Bill C-47), 10993(179:1300)
>>Excise taxes, 10993(179:1300)
>>Fair, Dana, 9893(160:1525), 10244(165:1515)
>>Farm income crisis
>>>M. on supply (Day), 1919(32:1515-20)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Borotsik), 677-8(12:2255-305)
>>>o.q., 1771(30:1135)
>>Farmers/farms, S.O. 31, 524(11:1400)
>>Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act (Bill C-8), 556-7(11:1725)
>>First Nations Governance Act (Bill C-61), 12784-6(207:1545-55)
>>Foot and mouth disease
>>>o.q., 2563(40:1150)
>>>S.O. 31, 2699(42:1400)
>>Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act (amdt.)(Bill C-35), 6429(99:1535)
>>Free trade, 2371(37:2155), 3841(59:1025)
>>Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), 3841(59:1025)
>>Government aircraft, 10440(169:1245)
>>>o.q., 10087(163:1435), 10138(164:1440), 10238(165:1435-40), 10307(166:1430), 10353(167:1115), 10456(169:1430), 12776(207:1445)
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, r.o., 5439(83:1205)
>>Government expenditures, 8140-1(129:1625), 8149(129:1725-30)
>>Government grants and contributions, 8141(129:1625), 8149(129:1725-30)
>>Gun control/guns, 350(8:1510), 557(11:1725), 3624-6(55:1240-55), 3629-30(55:1315-20)
>>Health care funding, 8148(129:1725), 8150(129:1740)
>>House of Commons proceedings, 1291(22:2045)
>>Immigrants, 1231(22:1315-20)
>>Immigration, o.q., 7708-9(122:1130)
>>Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Bill C-11), 1227-32(22:1255-325), 4601-2(71:1605-15)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction of expenses incurred by a mechanic for tools required in employment)(Bill C-222), 2736-7(42:1800-10)
>>Income tax Act (amdt.--deduction of mechanics' tool expenses)(Bill C-244), 350(8:1510), 1132-4(21:1105-20), 1140(21:1200-5)
>>Indian Act (amdt.--election of chiefs and councils)(Bill C-307), 1989(33:1530)
>>Indian bands/reserves, 1989(33:1530), 12785-6(207:1545-55)
>>Justice system, petitions, 9893(160:1525), 10244(165:1515), 10683(174:1005), 10771(175:1510), 10971(179:1010), 11264(184:1010)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 3841(59:1025)
>>Liberal Party, 8141(129:1625)
>>Mechanics, 350(8:1510), 1132-4(21:1105-20), 1140(21:1200-5), 2736-7(42:1800-10)
>>National debt, 8148(129:1725)
>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Clark), 5314-5(81:1715-25)
>>National Defence Department, 8149(129:1730)
>>>Estimates, Committee of the Whole consideration under S.O. 81(4)(a), 11333-6(184:1835-55)
>>National security, 8148-9(129:1725-30)
>>National Teachers Day, petitions, 7616(120:1515)
>>North American security, o.q., 10495(170:1420), 10558-9(171:1530)
>>Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness, 8149(129:1730)
>>Parliament of Canada Act, Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act and Salaries Act (amdt.)(Bill C-28), 4720-1(73:1605)
>>Patent Act (amdt.)(Bill S-17), 3841(59:1025)
>>Pest Control Products Act (Bill C-53), 10161(164:1740)
>>Pesticides, 10161(164:1740)
>>>Benoit (false/misleading statements), 11454-5(186:1500-5)
>>>Jordan (language, inappropriate/improper), 9841-2(159:1555-605)
>>>Pallister (false/misleading statements), 8519-20(136:1020-5)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 1134(21:1120), 1140(21:1205)
>>>Documents, tabling, 576(12:1145), 6424(99:1500), 6429(99:1535)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 638912:1850)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 7841-2(124:1505)
>>>Members' remarks, 1297(22:2125)
>>>Motions, 10830(176:1355)
>>>Oral questions, 9370(151:1500)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 5316(81:1740), 12633(204:1740), 12638(204:1820)
>>>Private Members Motions for Production of Papers, 1331(23:1515)
>>>Question and comment period, 5525(85:1100)
>>>Speeches, 8802(141:1155)
>>References see Farm income crisis
>>Refugees, 1227-32(22:1255-325), 4601-2(71:1605-15), 6424(99:1500), 6429(99:1535)
>>>o.q., 6327(97:1450), 6421(99:1440-5), 6664(104:1435), 6730-1(105:1435), 7708-9(122:1130), 8007(127:1130), 11009(179:1445)
>>Reproductive and genetic technologies, 11550(188:1345)
>>Rural/remote/natural resource communities/regions, M. on supply (Breitkreuz), 11259-60(183:1825-30)
>>Regional development, 8149(129:1730)
>>Sea King helicopters, 5314(81:1715), 6054(94:1155), 6061(94:1245), 11454-5(186:1500-5)
>>>M. on supply (Wayne), 1394-6(24:1330-45)
>>>o.q., 6073(94:1420), 10353(167:1120), 12883(209:1450-5)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 2784(43:1515)
>>Skilled trades and technology workforce, 1231(22:1315-20)
>>South Asian Heritage Month/Day, S.O. 31, 1121(181:1400)
>>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-5), 1758(30:1025), 1782-4(30:1245-300), 9211-2(148:1615-25), 10440-1(169:1245-50)
>>Species at risk (endangered species), 1758(30:1025), 1782-4(30:1245-300), 9211-2(148:1615-25), 10440-1(169:1245-50)
>>Standing Orders, M. (Boudria), 1291(22:2045), 1297(22:2125)
>>Strychnine, 2441(38:1525)
>>>M., 5315-6(81:1730-40), 5321-2(81:1815-20)
>>>M. for Production of Papers, 1331(23:1515), 6391-3(99:1105-20), 7693(121:1800-5)
>>Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC), M. (Boudria), 2371(37:2155)
>>Tax reductions, 8148(129:1725)
>>Terrorism/terrorists, 5314(81:1720), 5531(85:1150), 6055(94:1205), 6060(94:1240), 7588-9(119:1750-5)
>>>M. on supply (Sorenson), 5272(80:1710)
>>>o.q., 5142(79:1430), 5484(84:1435), 6769(106:1455)
>>Trade agreements, 3841(59:1025)
>>United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
>>>Committee take note, M. (Boudria), 5398-9(82:2120-30)
>>>M. (Chrétien), 5156-8(79:1620-35)
>>>M. on supply (Clark), 6054(94:1155), 6055(94:1205), 6059-62(94:1235-55)
>>>M. on supply (Gauthier), 5523(85:1050), 5526-8(85:1115-25), 5531(85:1150)
>>>o.q., 5294-5(81:1455), 5349(82:1455), 5431-2(83:1130), 5555(85:1445)
>>>Statement by Minister (Manley), 6263(96:1515)
>>Veterans Week, S.O. 31, 7003(110:1405)
>>World War II, S.O. 312, 4700(73:1405), 11374(185:1405), 12258(200:1405)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-7), 8564(136:1620)
>>Youth justice system, 8564(136:1620)
Berber tribemen see Algeria--Human rights violations
Bergeron, Catherine
Bravery, lifesaving, Frédérick and Karl Jobim, April 1, 2002 automobile
accident, S.O. 31, 10301(166:1405)
Bergeron, Stéphane (BQ--Verchères--Les-Patriotes)
- >>Acadians, 11195(182:1410-5)
>>>M., 2331-5(37:1730-50)
>>>Petitions, 7418(117:1050)
>>>S.O. 31, 3790-1(58:1405), 7557(119:1410), 12952-3(210:1410), 12996(211:1110)
>>Afghanistan, 8615-6(137:1355), 8617-9(137:1405-25)
>>Air Canada, o.q., 5716(88:1135)
>>Airlines, 8044(128:1235)
>>All-Numeric Dates Act (Bill C-327), 5897-9(90:1840-5)
>>Alternative energy, 12115(198:1530), 12118(198:1555-600)
>>Armenian genocide, M. (Dalphond-Guiral), 11194-5(182:1410-5)
>>Auberge Grand-Mère, 3263(50:1210), 3320(51:1500), 3399(52:1500), 3572(54:1505), 3668(56:1500), 3701(57:1005), 3802(58:1505), 3835(59:1000), 10528(170:1855), 10529(170:1905), 10535(170:1950)
>>>o.q., 2119(34:1420-5), 2230(36:1455), 2307(37:1435-40), 2536(39:1430-5), 2557(40:1120-5), 2703(42:1425), 2910-1(45:1120), 3055(47:1435-40), 3215(49:1435-40), 3259(50:1150), 3313-4(51:1430)
>>Automobile industry, 10847(176:1535)
>>>o.q., 5593(86:1435)
>>Beef, o.q., 472(10:1125)
>>Bombardier Inc., 10849(176:1550)
>>Borders, international, 6359-60(98:1005)
>>Boxing, S.O. 31, 5861(90:1405), 8167-8(130:1410)
>>Breweries, 10999-1000(179:13550-5), 11012(179:1510)
>>>o.q., 10837-8(176:1435)
>>Budget 2001, M. (Boudria), 6856-7(107:1640-5), 6858(107:1655)
>>Budget surplus, 6857-8(107:1645-55)
>>Business Development Bank of Canada, o.q., 1830(31:1430)
>>Cabinet Ministers, 399(9:1155), 1602(27:1510), 4947-8(77:1020), 10527-9(170:1855-1905), 10534-5(170:1950)
>>Calendar dates, 5897-9(90:1840-5)
>>Canada Elections Act, 928(17:1150)
>>Canada Elections Act (amdt.)(Bill C-213), 1269-70(22:1800-10)
>>Canada Elections Act and Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 1060-2(19:1610-30), 2829-30(44:1110-20), 3182-8(49:1100-40), 3422(52:1745)
>>Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology Act (Bill C-4), 983(17:1820), 2477-8(38:1815)
>>Canada-United States Softwood Lumber Agreement/dispute
>>>M. on supply (Paquette), 11310-1(184:1535-45)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Crête), 7083-4(110:2300-10)
>>>o.q., 11170-1(182:1120-5)
>>Canadian Armed Forces
>>>o.q., 6887(108:1145-50), 9142(147:1120), 10880(177:1125)
>>>S.O. 31, 10595(172:1105)
>>Canadian Security Intelligence Service, o.q., 6374(98:1145)
>>Casey, references, 6335(97:1550)
>>Census, 10171-2(164:1855-1905)
>>Charities Registration (Security Information) Act (Bill C-16), 3424(52:1750)
>>Chevalier de Lorimier, S.O. 31, 768(14:1405)
>>China, 10872-4(177:1035-45)
>>Chrétien, references, o.q., 2307(37:1440)
>>CINAR Corp., 400(9:1200-5)
>>>o.q., 300-1(7:1425), 342(8:1425), 425(9:1435-40), 7961(126:1435), 8830(141:1500)
>>Code of Ethics for Ministers Act (Bill C-388), 4947-8(77:1020)
>>Committees, Parliamentary, 2025(33:1915)
>>Competition, 8027(127:1355-400), 8043(128:1225), 8044-5(128:1235)
>>Competition Act, 8026-7(127:1350-5), 8043-4(128:1225-30), 8045(128:1240-5)
>>Competition Act and Competition Tribunal Act (amdt.)(Bill C-23), 8026-7(127:1350-400), 8043-5(128:1225-45)
>>Competition Tribunal, 8044(128:1230-5)
>>Council for Canadian Unity, S.O. 31, 4217(65:1110)
>>Credit cards, o.q., 7094(111:1435), 8010-1(127:1150)
>>Customs, 6359-60(98:1005-10)
>>Customs Act (amdt.)(Bill S-23), 6359-60(98:1005-10)
>>Diplomatic immunity, 6335-7(97:1550-1600), 6338-9(97:1610)
>>Economy/economic conditions, 6856-7(107:1640), 6858(107:1655)
>>>o.q., 5912-3(91:1435)
>>Eldorado Nuclear Limited Reorganization and Divestiture Act and Petro-Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 3423(52:1750)
>>Election promises, 399-400(9:1200-5)
>>Elections, 398-9(9:1155-200), 926-30(17:1135-200), 1060(19:1610-5), 1061-2(19:1625-30), 1269-70(22:1800-10), 1274(22:1835), 2829-30(44:1110-20), 3182-4(49:1110-15), 3185-7(49:1125-35), 10528(170:1855), 10534(170:1950)
>>>M. (Nystrom), 4383-5(67:1825-35)
>>Electoral reform, 928-9(17:1150-200), 1060-2(19:1615-30), 1274-5(22:1840-45)
>>>M. on supply (McDonough), 926-30(17:1135-205)
>>Employment insurance, o.q., 4589(71:1445-50)
>>Estimates, Ms. (Robillard), 1941(32:1805), 1949(32:1805), 1954(32:1805)
>>Ethics Commissioner, 4948(77:1020), 10528(170:1900)
>>Ethics Counsellor, 10529(170:1900-5)
>>>M. on supply (Day), 392(9:1120), 394(9:1125), 398-401(9:1155-1210)
>>>S.O. 31, 8989(144:1405)
>>Excise Act, 2001 (Bill C-47), 10999-1000(179:1350-5), 11011-2(179:1505-10)
>>Export Development Corporation (EDC), o.q., 7679(121:1435)
>>Farm Credit Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25), 3426(52:1755), 4815(74:1800)
>>Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act (Bill C-8), 335(7:1835), 639(12:1855), 2462(38:1805), 2464-6(38:1805-10), 2474-5(38:1810)
>>Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act (amdt.)(Bill C-35), 6335-9(97:1550-615)
>>Francophones outside Quebec, S.O. 31, 3790-1(58:1405), 10351(167:1110)
>>Free Trade Area of the Americas, 3183(49:1105)
>>Gagliano, references, 10528(170:1855)
>>Gasoline prices, 8044-5(128:1235-40)
>>General Motors of Canada Limited
>>>M. on supply (Guay), 10802-5(176:1030-45), 10806(176:1055), 10847(176:1535), 10849(176:1550), 10854(176:1635), 10855(176:1645)
>>>o.q., 5593(86:1435)
>>Government, 401(9:1210), 10535(170:1950)
>>Government contracts, 10529(170:1905)
>>>o.q., 3660(56:1420-5), 11713(191:1120), 12353(201:1155)
>>Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming), 12119(198:1600
>>Harvey, references, 11188-9(182:1315-25)
>>"Heritage Minutes", S.O. 31, 7443(117:1410)
>>House of Commons, 309-10(7:1515-20), 1062(19:1630)
>>House of Commons proceedings, 392(9:1110), 395(9:1125), 926(17:1140), 929(17:1200), 2024-7(33:1910-30)
>>Hydro-electric power, 12118(198:1600)
>>Impaired driving, 6335(97:1550)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--public transportation costs)(Bill C-209), 6041-3(93:1340-5)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 2000 (Bill C-22), 1960(32:1830)
>>Information and Communications Technology Week, S.O. 31, 7207(113:1105)
>>International agreements, treaties and conventions, 2026(33:1920)
>>International Boundary Waters Treaty Act (amdt.)(Bill C-6), 4622(71:1920)
>>International conferences, 6337-8(97:1600-5), 6339(97:1615)
>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-12), 2260(36:1840)
>>Legislation, 8045(128:1245)
>>Legislative process, 1273-4(22:1835), 1275-6(22:1845-55), 1301(22:2155), 1412-3(24:1515-20)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 480-1(10:1205), 10529(170:1905)
>>>S.O. 31, 11831(193:1405)
>>Marcil, references, 399(9:1200)
>>Members of Parliament, 2026(33:1920), 2027(33:1930)
>>>M. (MacKay), 1748-50(29:1745-55)
>>Middle East conflict, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (Lalonde), 10217-9(164:2500-515)
>>Milliken, references, 926(17:1135)
>>Modernization and Improvement of Procedures of House of Commons Special Committee, M. (Boudria), 2024-7(33:1910-30)
>>Money laundering, o.q., 6326(97:1450)
>>Montreal, QC, 6336(97:1555)
>>Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987 (amdt.)(Bill S-3), 4941(76:1900)
>>National security, 11189(182:1325)
>>>o.q., 6024-5(93:1130-5)
>>Nuclear energy, 8263-4(131:1705), 8266(131:1725), 12115(198:1530), 12118-9(198:1555-605)
>>Nuclear Fuel Waste Act (Bill C-27), 8263-5(131:1700-15), 8265-6(131:1725-30)
>>Nuclear fusion technology, 6355(97:1830), 6356(97:1835), 8264-5(131:1705-15), 8266(131:1725-30), 12119-20(198:1600-10), 12121-2(198:1625-30)
>>>o.q., 3668(56:1500)
>>Nuclear Safety and Control Act (amdt.)(Bill C-57), 12115(198:1530), 12118-20(198:1555-610), 12121-3(198:1625-35)
>>Nuclear waste, 8263(131:1700), 12118(198:1555), 12122-3(198:1635)
>>Nunavut, 6874(108:1025)
>>Nunavut Waters and Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal Act (Bill C-33), 6874(108:1025)
>>Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States), S.O. 31, 8591(137:1110), 9254(149:1410)
>>Parliament, 1274(22:1835-40)
>>Parliamentary privilege, 2026(33:1925)
>>Parliamentary reform, 1274(22:1840)
>>Patent Act (amdt.)(Bill S-17), 4609(71:1905), 4813(74:1755)
>>People's Republic of China Accession to Agreement Establishing World Trade Organization Act (Bill C-50), 10871-4(177:1030-50)
>>Pest Control Products Act (Bill C-53), 12341(201:1050)
>>Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, statement by Minister (Rock), 9035-6(145:1535-40)
>>Political parties, 928(17:1155), 1274(22:1840), 3184-5(49:1115-25)
>>Political process/system, 3183(49:1105), 3185(49:1120-5)
>>Politicians, 398(9:1155), 2024(33:1910), 10528(170:1855)
>>Postal workers, petitions, 11720(191:1200)
>>Private Members' Business, 2025-6(33:1920), 10528-9(170:1900-5)
>>>Gallaway (rights of Members breached), 309-10(7:1515-20)
>>>Ménard (rights of Members breached), 480-1(10:1205), 488(10:1250)
>>Privilege, prima facie, Pallister (false/misleading statements), M. (Pallister), 8615-9(137:1355-425)
>>>Bills, Government, 7458(117:1540)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 10535(170:1950)
>>>Decisions/statements of the Chair, 1727-8(29:1520)
>>>Decorum, 10855(176:1645)
>>>Divisions, 8030(127:1420)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 335(7:1835), 638-9(12:1850-5), 641(12:1855), 983(17:1800), 1311(22:2330), 1313-4(22:2335), 1939(32:1750), 1941(32:1805), 1949(32:1805), 1954(32:1805), 1960(32:1830), 2260(36:1840), 2462(38:1805), 2464-6(38:1805-10), 2474-5(38:1810), 2477-8(38:1815), 2803(43:1745), 3422-4(52:1745-50), 3426(52:1755), 4609-11(71:1905-10), 4613(71:1910), 4620-2(71:1915-20), 4813(74:1755), 4815(74:1800), 4941(76:1900)
>>>Documents, tabling, 3263(50:1210), 3320(51:1500), 3399(52:1500), 3487(53:1500), 3572(54:1505), 3668(56:1500), 3701(57:1005), 3802(58:1505), 3835(59:1000)
>>>Members' remarks, 4228(65:1200)
>>>Motions, 392(9:1110), 394(9:1125), 2265-6(37:1005)
>>>Private Members' Motions, 7458(117:1540), 7467(117:1650), 11195(182:1415)
>>>Speeches, 1060(19:1610)
>>>Standing Orders, 1412-3(24:1515-20)
>>>Statements by Ministers, 1602(27:1510)
>>Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act (amdt.)(Bill S-16), 4610(71:1905)
>>Public safety, 11180-1(182:1215-20), 11188-9(182:1325)
>>Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-55), 11180-1(182:1215-20), 11188-9(182:1315-25)
>>Public transit, 6041-3(93:1340-5)
>>Quebec, S.O. 31, 5079(78:1410)
>>Quebec flag, S.O. 31, 11710-1(191:1110)
>>Quebec National Assembly, 399(9:1155)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 400(9:1205)
>>>o.q., 4525-6(70:1120)
>>Queen Elizabeth II, o.q., 8762(140:1500)
>>References see Board of Internal Economy--Members
>>Renaud, Bernadette, S.O. 31, 4167-8(64:1405)
>>Senate, 930(17:1205), 2027(33:1930), 6360(98:1010)
>>Standing Orders, M. (Boudria), 1273-6(22:1835-55), 1301(22:2155)
>>Statistics Act and the National Archives of Canada Act (amdt.--census records)(Bill C-312), 10171-2(164:1855-1905)
>>Steel industry
>>>o.q., 8873(142:1200), 9661-2(156:1500)
>>>S.O. 31, 5658(87:1410)
>>Supply motions, 926(17:1135)
>>Tax havens, o.q., 6327(97:1450)
>>Technology, S.O. 31, 7207(113:1105)
>>Terrorism/terrorists, 6338(97:1605)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Macklin), 641(12:1855)
>>Trade, 10872-3(177:1035-40)
>>Turp, Daniel, 400(9:1205)
>>Ways and Means motions, 335(7:1830), 1960(32:1830)
>>Wine industry, 11011-2(179:1505-10)
>>World Book and Copyright Day, S.O. 31, 10715(174:1410)
>>World Trade Organization (WTO), 10872-4(177:1035-50)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-7), 4228(65:1200)