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The Debates are the report—transcribed, edited, and corrected—of what is said in the House. The Journals are the official record of the decisions and other transactions of the House. The Order Paper and Notice Paper contains the listing of all items that may be brought forward on a particular sitting day, and notices for upcoming items.

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Journals (No. 069)



No. 069

Thursday, May 31, 2001

10:00 a.m.



Tabling of Documents

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(2), Mr. Lee (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons) laid upon the Table, -- Government responses, pursuant to Standing Order 36(8), to the following petitions:

-- Nos. 371-0075, 371-0076, 371-0077, 371-0152, 371-0163, 371-0172, 371-0179 and 371-0188 concerning Canada's railways. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-371-38-02;

-- No. 371-0159 concerning the Employment Insurance program. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-371-4-03.

Presenting Reports from Inter-parliamentary Delegations

Pursuant to Standing Order 34(1), Mr. Plamondon (Bas- Richelieu -- Nicolet -- Bécancour) presented the Report of the Canadian parliamentary delegation of the Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie (APF) respecting its participation at the meeting of the APF Committee on Education, Communication and Cultural Affairs, held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on April 2 and 3, 2001. -- Sessional Paper No. 8565-371-52-04.

Presenting Reports from Committees

Mr. Bélanger (Ottawa -- Vanier), from the Standing Joint Committee on Official Languages, presented the Third Report of the Committee (Main Estimates 2001-2002 -- Vote 25 under PRIVY COUNCIL). -- Sessional Paper No. 8510-371-51.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meeting No. 12) was tabled.

Mr. Bélanger (Ottawa -- Vanier), from the Standing Joint Committee on Official Languages, presented the Fourth Report of the Committee (funding for the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages). -- Sessional Paper No. 8510-371-52.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meeting No. 12) was tabled.

Mr. Adams (Peterborough), from the Standing Committee on Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities, presented the Third Report of the Committee (Beyond Bill C-2: A Review of other Proposals to Reform Employment Insurance). -- Sessional Paper No. 8510- 371-53.

Pursuant to Standing Order 109, the Committee requested that the government table a comprehensive response.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meetings Nos. 2 to 17, 19, 21, 22, 24 and 26) was tabled.

Mr. Lee (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), from the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, presented the 21st Report of the Committee, which was as follows:

      In accordance with its mandate under Standing Order 92(1), your Committee has selected from among the items for which an order of precedence was established on or after Tuesday, March 20, 2001, the following as votable items:
      Bill C-284 -- Mrs. Desjarlais (Churchill)
      Motion M-296 -- Mr. Williams (St. Albert)

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meeting No. 22) was tabled.

Pursuant to Standing Order 92(2), the report was deemed adopted.

Mr. Lee (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), from the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, presented the 22nd Report of the Committee (deletion of Standing Order 87(6)). -- Sessional Paper No. 8510-371-54.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meetings Nos. 19 and 22) was tabled.

Presenting Petitions

Pursuant to Standing Order 36, a petition certified correct by the Clerk of Petitions was presented as follows:

-- by Ms. Wasylycia-Leis (Winnipeg North Centre), concerning international trade (No. 371-0262).


The Order was read for the consideration of the Business of Supply.

By unanimous consent, Mr. Dubé (Lévis-et-Chutes-de-la- Chaudière), seconded by Mr. Crête (Kamouraska -- Rivière-du- Loup -- Témiscouata -- Les Basques), moved, -- That, in the opinion of this House, the government should call a federal-provincial first ministers' conference for the purpose of reapportioning the tax base among the federal and provincial governments through the transfer of tax points.

Debate arose thereon.

Mr. Paquette (Joliette), seconded by Mr. Perron (Rivière-des-Mille-Îles), moved the following amendment, -- That the motion be amended by adding after the word ``conference'' the following:

    ``as soon as possible''.

Debate arose thereon.


Pursuant to Standing Order 31, Members made statements.


Pursuant to Standing Order 30(5), the House proceeded to Oral Questions.


By unanimous consent, it was ordered, -- That seven members of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts and three staff persons of the Committee be authorized to travel to Regina, Saskatchewan, to attend the 22nd Annual Conférence of the Canadian Council of Public Accounts Committees from September 16 to 18, 2001.

By unanimous consent, it was ordered, -- That, in relation to its examination of the softwood lumber question, six members of the Sub-committee on International Trade, Trade Disputes and Investment of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade be authorized to travel to Washington, D.C., for two days, with travel taking place between June 1 to July 31, 200l; and that the necessary staff do accompany the members of the Sub-committee.

By unanimous consent, it was ordered, -- That at the conclusion of the debate on the motion presented today in relation to the Business of Supply, all questions necessary to dispose of the motion be deemed put and a recorded division be deemed requested and deferred until Monday, June 4, 2001, at the ordinary hour of daily adjournment.


The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Dubé (Lévis-et-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière), seconded by Mr. Crête (Kamouraska -- Rivière-du-Loup -- Témiscouata -- Les Basques), in relation to the Business of Supply;

And of the amendment of Mr. Paquette (Joliette), seconded by Mr. Perron (Rivière-des-Mille-Îles).

The debate continued.

At 5:15 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 81(16), the Speaker interrupted the proceedings.

Pursuant to Order made earlier today, the question was deemed put on the amendment and a recorded division was deemed demanded and deferred to Monday, June 4, 2001, at the ordinary hour of daily adjournment.


Messages were received from the Senate informing this House that the Senate has passed the following Bills to which the concurrence of the House is desired:

    Bill S-27, An Act to authorize the Imperial Life Assurance Company of Canada to apply to be continued as a company under the laws of the Province of Quebec;
    Bill S-28, An Act to authorize Certas Direct Insurance Company to apply to be continued as a company under the laws of the Province of Quebec.

Pursuant to Standing Order 135(2), the Bills were deemed to have been read the first time and ordered for a second reading at the next sitting of the House.


At 5:17 p.m., by unanimous consent, the House proceeded to the consideration of Private Members' Business.

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Pankiw (Saskatoon -- Humboldt), seconded by Mr. Grewal (Surrey Central), -- That, in the opinion of this House, the government should immediately amend the Criminal Code to create a separate category of offences and punishments for computer hackers and persons who wilfully or maliciously export computer viruses, both of whose activities disrupt the normal conduct of electronic business in Canada. (Private Members' Business M-80)

The debate continued.

Pursuant to Standing Order 93, the Order was dropped to the bottom of the order of precedence on the Order Paper.


Pursuant to Standing Order 32(1), papers deposited with the Clerk of the House were laid upon the Table as follows:

-- by Ms. Copps (Minister of Canadian Heritage) -- Summaries of the Corporate Plan for the period 2001-02 to 2005-06 and of the Operating and Capital Budgets for 2001-02 of the Canadian Museum of Nature, pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, R.S. 1985, c. F-11, sbs. 125(4). -- Sessional Paper No. 8562-371-856-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage)

-- by Ms. Copps (Minister of Canadian Heritage) -- Summaries of the Corporate Plan for the period 2001-02 to 2005-06 and of the Operating and Capital Budgets for 2001-02 of the National Museum of Science and Technology Corporation, pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, R. S. 1985, c. F-11, sbs. 125(4). -- Sessional Paper No. 8562-371-857- 01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage)

-- by Ms. Copps (Minister of Canadian Heritage) -- Summaries of the Corporate Plan for the period 2001-02 to 2005-06 and of the Operating and Capital Budgets for 2001-02 of the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation, pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, R.S. 1985, c. F-11, sbs. 125(4). -- Sessional Paper No. 8562-371-858-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage)

-- by Ms. Copps (Minister of Canadian Heritage) -- Summaries of the Corporate Plan and of the Operating and Capital Budgets for the period 2001-02 to 2005-06 of the National Gallery of Canada and its affiliate the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, R.S. 1985, c. F-11, sbs. 125(4). -- Sessional Paper No. 8562-371-859-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage)

-- by Mr. Nault (Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development) -- Statutes of Nunavut for the Fifth Session of the First Legislative Assembly, pursuant to the Nunavut Act, R.S. 1999, c. N-28, sbs. 28(1). -- Sessional Paper No. 8560-371-300-02. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources)

-- by Mr. Vanclief (Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food) -- Report of the Chicken Farmers of Canada, together with the Auditors' Report, for the year ended December 31, 2000, pursuant to the Farm Products Marketing Agencies Act, R.S. 1985, c. F-4, s. 30. -- Sessional Paper No. 8560-371-42-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food)

-- by Mr. Vanclief (Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food) -- Report of the Canadian Egg Marketing Agency together with the Auditors' Report, for the year ended December 31, 2000, pursuant to the Farm Products Marketing Agencies Act, R. S. 1985, c. F-4, s. 30. -- Sessional Paper No. 8560-371-433-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food)

-- by Mr. Vanclief (Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food) -- Report of the Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency together with the Auditors' Report, for the year ended December 31, 2000, pursuant to the Farm Products Marketing Agencies Act, R. S. 1985, c. F-4, s. 30.. -- Sessional Paper No. 8560-371- 434-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri- Food)

-- by Mr. Vanclief (Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food) -- Report of the Canadian Broiler Hatching Egg Marketing Agency together with the Auditors' Report, for the year ended December 31, 2000, pursuant to the Farm Products Marketing Agencies Act, R. S. 1985, c. F-4, s. 30. -- Sessional Paper No. 8560-371-523-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food)


At 6:17 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 38(1), the question ``That this House do now adjourn'' was deemed to have been proposed.

After debate, the question was deemed to have been adopted.

Accordingly, at 6:23 p.m., the Speaker adjourned the House until tomorrow at 10:00 a.m., pursuant to Standing Order 24(1).