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The Debates are the report—transcribed, edited, and corrected—of what is said in the House. The Journals are the official record of the decisions and other transactions of the House. The Order Paper and Notice Paper contains the listing of all items that may be brought forward on a particular sitting day, and notices for upcoming items.

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No. 73

Friday, February 3, 2012

10:00 a.m.

The Clerk informed the House of the unavoidable absence of the Speaker.

Whereupon, Ms. Savoie (Victoria), Deputy Speaker and Chair of Committees of the Whole, took the Chair, pursuant to subsection 43(1) of the Parliament of Canada Act.

Government Orders

The Order was read for the second reading and reference to the Standing Committee on Finance of Bill S-5, An Act to amend the law governing financial institutions and to provide for related and consequential matters.

Mr. Toews (Minister of Public Safety) for Mr. Flaherty (Minister of Finance), seconded by Mr. O'Connor (Minister of State), moved, — That the Bill be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance.

Debate arose thereon.

Statements By Members

Pursuant to Standing Order 31, Members made statements.

Oral Questions

Pursuant to Standing Order 30(5), the House proceeded to Oral Questions.

Daily Routine Of Business

Tabling of Documents
Pursuant to Standing Order 32(2), Mr. Van Loan (Leader of the Government in the House of Commons) laid upon the Table, — Certificate of Nomination and biographical notes of Anne-Marie Robinson, the nominee for the position of President of the Public Service Commission. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-4-06. (Pursuant to Standing Order 111.1(1), referred to the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates)

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(2), Mr. Obhrai (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs) laid upon the Table, — Copy of the Regulations amending the Special Economic Measures (Syria) Regulations (P.C. 2012-8), pursuant to the Special Economic Measures Act, S.C. 1992, c. 17, sbs. 7(1). — Sessional Paper No. 8560-411-495-10. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development)

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(2), Mr. Obhrai (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs) laid upon the Table, — Copy of the Regulations amending the Special Economic Measures (Iran) Regulations (P.C. 2012-10), pursuant to the Special Economic Measures Act, S.C. 1992, c. 17, sbs. 7(1). — Sessional Paper No. 8560-411-495-11. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development)

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(2), Mr. Duncan (Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development) laid upon the Table, — Annual Report on the Implementation of the Westbank First Nation Self-Government Agreement for 2008-2010. — Sessional Paper No. 8525-411-27.

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(2), Mr. Duncan (Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development) laid upon the Table, — Report on the State of Inuit Culture and Society for the fiscal year 2009-2010. — Sessional Paper No. 8525-411-28.

Presenting Petitions

Pursuant to Standing Order 36, petitions certified correct by the Clerk of Petitions were presented as follows:

— by Mr. Allen (Tobique—Mactaquac), one concerning climate change (No. 411-0381);
— by Mr. Scarpaleggia (Lac-Saint-Louis), one concerning hazardous products (No. 411-0382) and three concerning climate change (Nos. 411-0383 to 411-0385);
— by Mr. Reid (Lanark—Frontenac—Lennox and Addington), one concerning suicide prevention (No. 411-0386), one concerning the Criminal Code of Canada (No. 411-0387), four concerning gun control (Nos. 411-0388 to 411-0391), two concerning the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Nos. 411-0392 and 411-0393) and one concerning navigable waters (No. 411-0394);
— by Ms. May (Saanich—Gulf Islands), one concerning immigration (No. 411-0395) and one concerning the criminal justice system (No. 411-0396);
— by Mr. Albrecht (Kitchener—Conestoga), one concerning climate change (No. 411-0397);
— by Mr. Simms (Bonavista—Gander—Grand Falls—Windsor), one concerning the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (No. 411-0398);
— by Mr. Richards (Wild Rose), one concerning poverty (No. 411-0399).

Questions on the Order Paper

Pursuant to Standing Order 39(7), Mr. Lukiwski (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons) presented the revised returns to the following questions made into Orders for Return on January 30, 2012:

Q-342 — Mr. Byrne (Humber—St. Barbe—Baie Verte) — Since January 1, 2010, for each Minister, Minister of State and Parliamentary Secretary, how many times did he or she travel by government-owned or leased aircraft inside or outside of Canada, and for each trip: (a) what was the departure point and date; (b) what was the arrival point and date; (c) what type of aircraft was used; (d) who owned each aircraft; (e) who accompanied the Minister; (f) what was the purpose of the trip; (g) what is the source of funds and budget that was used to pay for each trip; (h) what was the total cost; and (i) what was the menu for in-flight meals made available to the Minister or other travelers? — Sessional Paper No. 8555-411-342-01.

Q-387 — Mr. Easter (Malpeque) — With regard to the Department of National Defence, since August 14, 2007: (a) how many times has the Minister of National Defence used military equipment for travel; (b) what type of equipment was used; (c) what is the detailed list of each trip; (d) what was the destination of each trip; and (e) what was the cost of each trip? — Sessional Paper No. 8555-411-387-01.
Government Orders

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Flaherty (Minister of Finance), seconded by Mr. O'Connor (Minister of State), — That Bill S-5, An Act to amend the law governing financial institutions and to provide for related and consequential matters, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance.

The debate continued.

Private Members' Business

At 1:30 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 30(6), the House proceeded to the consideration of Private Members' Business.

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Regan (Halifax West), seconded by Mr. Casey (Charlottetown), — That Bill C-278, An Act respecting a day to increase public awareness about epilepsy, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Health.

The debate continued.

At 2:30 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 93, the Deputy Speaker interrupted the proceedings.

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to.

Accordingly, Bill C-278, An Act respecting a day to increase public awareness about epilepsy, was read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Health.

Returns and Reports Deposited with the Clerk of the House

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(1), papers deposited with the Clerk of the House were laid upon the Table as follows:

— by Mr. Oliver (Minister of Natural Resources) — Report of the Northern Pipeline Agency, together with the Auditor General's Report, for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011, pursuant to the Northern Pipeline Act, R.S. 1985, c. N-26, ss. 13 and 14. — Sessional Paper No. 8560-411-43-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Natural Resources)
— by Mr. Van Loan (Leader of the Government in the House of Commons) — Orders in Council approving certain appointments made by the Governor General in Council, pursuant to Standing Order 110(1), as follows:
— P.C. 2011-1415 to P.C. 2011-1418, P.C. 2011-1527 and P.C. 2011-1569 to P.C. 2011-1572. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-1-05. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development)
— P.C. 2011-1657. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-2-03. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food)
— P.C. 2011-1487 to P.C. 2011-1494 and P.C. 2011-1649. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-3-05. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage)
— P.C. 2011-1466 to P.C. 2011-1469 and P.C. 2011-1629 to P.C. 2011-1642. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-14-06. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration)
— P.C. 2011-1643. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-7-04. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development)
— P.C. 2011-1507 to P.C. 2011-1511 and P.C. 2011-1625 to P.C. 2011-1628. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-9-06. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Finance)
— P.C. 2011-1560 and P.C. 2011-1565 to P.C. 2011-1568. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-10-03. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans)
— P.C. 2012-4. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-8-06. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development)
— P.C. 2011-1411, P.C. 2011-1412, P.C. 2011-1528, P.C. 2011-1701, P.C. 2011-1728 and P.C. 2012-2. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-4-05. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates)
— P.C. 2011-1563 and P.C. 2011-1564. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-18-04. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Health)
— P.C. 2011-1420 to P.C. 2011-1465, P.C. 2011-1503 to P.C. 2011-1506, P.C. 2011-1574 to P.C. 2011-1599, P.C. 2011-1601 to P.C. 2011-1624, P.C. 2011-1653 and P.C. 2011-1716 to P.C. 2011-1720. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-16-05. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities)
— P.C. 2011-1502. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-22-02. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology)
— P.C. 2011-1419 and P.C. 2011-1573. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-28-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on International Trade)
— P.C. 2011-1495. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-13-03. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights)
— P.C. 2011-1485, P.C. 2011-1486, P.C. 2011-1648 and P.C. 2012-3. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-17-02. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on National Defence)
— P.C. 2011-1496 to P.C. 2011-1501, P.C. 2011-1561, P.C. 2011-1651 and P.C. 2012-1. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-29-04. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Natural Resources)
— P.C. 2011-1512 to P.C. 2011-1514 and P.C. 2011-1562. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-30-05. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security)
— P.C. 2011-1470 to P.C. 2011-1484, P.C. 2011-1644 to P.C. 2011-1647 and P.C. 2011-1652. — Sessional Paper No. 8540-411-24-04. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(6), referred to the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities)
Petitions Filed with the Clerk of the House

Pursuant to Standing Order 36, a petition certified correct by the Clerk of Petitions was filed as follows:

— by Mr. Reid (Lanark—Frontenac—Lennox and Addington), one concerning cruelty to animals (No. 411-0400).

At 2:30 p.m., the Deputy Speaker adjourned the House until Monday at 11:00 a.m., pursuant to Standing Order 24(1).