February 13, 2001 |
Committees |
Evidence: extension of parliamentary privilege; termination of House staff following appearance before a committee
February 19, 2001 |
Rules of Debate |
Order and Decorum
References to Members
March 1, 2001 |
Rules of Debate |
Curtailment of Debate
Time allocation: appropriate use
March 15, 2001 |
The House and Its Members |
Standing Orders: Unprovided Cases; documents relevant to proposed amendments to the Standing Orders available in one official language only
March 19, 2001 |
Parliamentary Privilege |
Rights of the House
Contempt of the House: disclosure by a Minister of information regarding a bill prior to its introduction in the House; prima facie
March 20, 2001 |
The Daily Program |
Routine Proceedings
Tabling of Documents: Minister attempting to make a statement
March 20, 2001 |
Financial Procedures |
Business of Supply
Opposition motions: admissibility
March 21, 2001 |
The Legislative Process |
Report stage: power of the Speaker to select amendments; statement on the interpretation of the amended Standing Orders
March 21 and 22, 2001 |
The Daily Program |
Routine Proceedings
Questions on the Order Paper; questions from a previous Parliament; authority of the Speaker
March 27, 2001 |
The Daily Program |
Daily Proceedings
Oral Questions: administrative responsibility of the Government; question ruled out of order
March 29, 2001 |
Parliamentary Privilege |
Rights of the House
Contempt of the House: disclosure of a report before its tabling in the House; availability to Members
March 29, 2001 |
The Legislative Process |
Report stage: power of the Speaker to select amendments; grouping of motions; Speaker’s statement
April 24, 2001 |
Special Debates |
Take-note Debates
Chair’s statement: guidelines for the conduct of take-note debates
May 28, 2001 |
Parliamentary Privilege |
Rights of the House
Contempt of the House: Officers of Parliament; reflection by one Officer on another
June 12, 2001 |
The Legislative Process |
Senate Public Bills
Admissibility: taxation
June 12, 2001 |
Financial Procedures |
Business of Supply
Legislative phase: main estimates; admissibility of a Vote
September 18, 2001 |
The Daily Program |
Routine Proceedings
Motions: Standing Order 56.1; bypassing usual decision-making process of the House
September 20, 2001 |
The Legislative Process |
Form of Bills
Omnibus bills: request to divide
September 24, 2001 |
The House and Its Members |
Status in the House: Progressive Conservative Party/Democratic Representative Caucus Coalition
October 4, 2001 |
Special Debates |
Emergency Debates
Leave granted: softwood lumber
October 15, 2001 |
Parliamentary Privilege |
Rights of Members
Freedom from obstruction, interference, intimidation and molestation: Member denied access to computer files
October 18, 2001 |
The Decision-making Process |
Recorded divisions: unanimous consent required for Members seeking to record their votes after the voting took place
October 29, 2001 |
Parliamentary Privilege |
Procedure for dealing with matters of privilege: time of raising and notice requirements
November 1, 2001 |
Committees |
Committee Powers
Sending for persons: refusal by the Government to allow officials to appear before an ad hoc committee
November 21, 2001 |
Parliamentary Privilege |
Rights of the House
Contempt of the House: failure of the Ministry to table documents required by statute
November 22, 2001 |
Financial Procedures |
Business of Supply
Legislative phase: supplementary estimates; admissibility of a Vote
November 26, 2001 |
The House and Its Members |
Written committee proceedings on Bill C-36 (Anti-terrorism Act) unavailable: request for delay of consideration of report stage
November 27, 2001 |
The Legislative Process |
Senate Public Bills
Admissibility: taxation
December 4, 2001 |
Financial Procedures |
Business of Supply
Legislative phase: supplementary estimates; withdrawal of a Vote
January 28, 2002 |
The Daily Program |
Routine Proceedings
Questions on the Order Paper: failure of the Government to respond deemed referred to standing committees pursuant to Standing Order
January 29, 2002 |
Parliamentary Privilege |
Rights of Members
Freedom of speech: remarks made outside the House by a Minister about another Member
January 29, 2002 |
Rules of Debate |
Process of Debate
Moving a motion: seconder no longer a Member of Parliament
February 1, 2002 |
Parliamentary Privilege |
Rights of the House
Contempt of the House: Minister alleged to have deliberately misled the House; prima facie
February 4, 2002 |
The Legislative Process |
Passage of Senate amendments: alleged discrepancy between the French and English versions
February 4, 2002 |
Committees |
Committee Proceedings
Questions on the Order Paper: delay in reply deemed referred to committee; officials not questioned
February 18, 2002 |
Parliamentary Privilege |
Rights of Members
Freedom of speech: misuse; relationship between Minister and Crown corporations
February 18, 2002 |
Special Debates |
Emergency Debates
Leave refused: softwood lumber; other opportunities for debate available
March 11, 2002 |
Special Debates |
Emergency Debates
Leave refused: human embryo research; matter deemed not of sufficient urgency and another opportunity for debate available
March 11 and 12, 2002 |
Financial Procedures |
Business of Supply
Opposition motions: votable motions; allocation
March 18, 2002 |
Special Debates |
Emergency Debates
Leave refused: decision by the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans to deny a fisheries quota; matter deemed to be of an exclusively local or regional interest related to a specific community
March 22, 2002 |
Private Members’ Business |
Votable and Non-votable Items
Item not designated as votable
April 16, 2002 |
Parliamentary Privilege |
Rights of Members
Freedom of speech: limitations; content on a political party’s Web site and comments made by Members outside the House reflecting on the dignity of the House
April 18, 2002 |
Committees |
Committee Proceedings
Conduct of Chair: questions to witness ruled out of order; alleged breach of Member’s freedom of speech
April 22, 2002 |
Parliamentary Privilege |
Rights of the House
Power to discipline: censure, reprimand and the summoning of individuals to the Bar of the House; Member seizing the mace from the Table; prima facie
April 23, 2002 |
Committees |
Committee Staff
Retention of expert advisors: remuneration; role and neutrality
May 7, 2002 |
Financial Procedures |
Business of Supply
Legislative phase: main estimates; consideration in Committee of the Whole
May 9, 2002 |
Private Members’ Business |
Votable and Non-votable Items
Bill designated votable: adoption of an amendment to discharge the Order for second reading and refer the subject matter of the bill to committee
June 12, 2002 |
Special Debates |
Emergency Debates
Leave refused: fisheries; emergency debate already granted on the same subject a few months earlier