Selected Decisions of Speaker Peter Milliken 2001 - 2011

Appendix — 37th Parliament Chronological Table

37th Parliament, 1st Session
Date Chapter Decision
February 13, 2001 Committees Witnesses
Evidence: extension of parliamentary privilege; termination of House staff following appearance before a committee
February 19, 2001 Rules of Debate Order and Decorum
References to Members
March 1, 2001 Rules of Debate Curtailment of Debate
Time allocation: appropriate use
March 15, 2001 The House and Its Members Miscellaneous
Standing Orders: Unprovided Cases; documents relevant to proposed amendments to the Standing Orders available in one official language only
March 19, 2001 Parliamentary Privilege Rights of the House
Contempt of the House: disclosure by a Minister of information regarding a bill prior to its introduction in the House; prima facie
March 20, 2001 The Daily Program Routine Proceedings
Tabling of Documents: Minister attempting to make a statement
March 20, 2001 Financial Procedures Business of Supply
Opposition motions: admissibility
March 21, 2001 The Legislative Process Stages
Report stage: power of the Speaker to select amendments; statement on the interpretation of the amended Standing Orders
March 21 and 22, 2001 The Daily Program Routine Proceedings
Questions on the Order Paper; questions from a previous Parliament; authority of the Speaker
March 27, 2001 The Daily Program Daily Proceedings
Oral Questions: administrative responsibility of the Government; question ruled out of order
March 29, 2001 Parliamentary Privilege Rights of the House
Contempt of the House: disclosure of a report before its tabling in the House; availability to Members
March 29, 2001 The Legislative Process Stages
Report stage: power of the Speaker to select amendments; grouping of motions; Speaker’s statement
April 24, 2001 Special Debates Take-note Debates
Chair’s statement: guidelines for the conduct of take-note debates
May 28, 2001 Parliamentary Privilege Rights of the House
Contempt of the House: Officers of Parliament; reflection by one Officer on another
June 12, 2001 The Legislative Process Senate Public Bills
Admissibility: taxation
June 12, 2001 Financial Procedures Business of Supply
Legislative phase: main estimates; admissibility of a Vote
September 18, 2001 The Daily Program Routine Proceedings
Motions: Standing Order 56.1; bypassing usual decision-making process of the House
September 20, 2001 The Legislative Process Form of Bills
Omnibus bills: request to divide
September 24, 2001 The House and Its Members Miscellaneous
Status in the House: Progressive Conservative Party/Democratic Representative Caucus Coalition
October 4, 2001 Special Debates Emergency Debates
Leave granted: softwood lumber
October 15, 2001 Parliamentary Privilege Rights of Members
Freedom from obstruction, interference, intimidation and molestation: Member denied access to computer files
October 18, 2001 The Decision-making Process Miscellaneous
Recorded divisions: unanimous consent required for Members seeking to record their votes after the voting took place
October 29, 2001 Parliamentary Privilege Procedure
Procedure for dealing with matters of privilege: time of raising and notice requirements
November 1, 2001 Committees Committee Powers
Sending for persons: refusal by the Government to allow officials to appear before an ad hoc committee
November 21, 2001 Parliamentary Privilege Rights of the House
Contempt of the House: failure of the Ministry to table documents required by statute
November 22, 2001 Financial Procedures Business of Supply
Legislative phase: supplementary estimates; admissibility of a Vote
November 26, 2001 The House and Its Members Miscellaneous
Written committee proceedings on Bill C-36 (Anti-terrorism Act) unavailable: request for delay of consideration of report stage
November 27, 2001 The Legislative Process Senate Public Bills
Admissibility: taxation
December 4, 2001 Financial Procedures Business of Supply
Legislative phase: supplementary estimates; withdrawal of a Vote
January 28, 2002 The Daily Program Routine Proceedings
Questions on the Order Paper: failure of the Government to respond deemed referred to standing committees pursuant to Standing Order
January 29, 2002 Parliamentary Privilege Rights of Members
Freedom of speech: remarks made outside the House by a Minister about another Member
January 29, 2002 Rules of Debate Process of Debate
Moving a motion: seconder no longer a Member of Parliament
February 1, 2002 Parliamentary Privilege Rights of the House
Contempt of the House: Minister alleged to have deliberately misled the House; prima facie
February 4, 2002 The Legislative Process Stages
Passage of Senate amendments: alleged discrepancy between the French and English versions
February 4, 2002 Committees Committee Proceedings
Questions on the Order Paper: delay in reply deemed referred to committee; officials not questioned
February 18, 2002 Parliamentary Privilege Rights of Members
Freedom of speech: misuse; relationship between Minister and Crown corporations
February 18, 2002 Special Debates Emergency Debates
Leave refused: softwood lumber; other opportunities for debate available
March 11, 2002 Special Debates Emergency Debates
Leave refused: human embryo research; matter deemed not of sufficient urgency and another opportunity for debate available
March 11 and 12, 2002 Financial Procedures Business of Supply
Opposition motions: votable motions; allocation
March 18, 2002 Special Debates Emergency Debates
Leave refused: decision by the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans to deny a fisheries quota; matter deemed to be of an exclusively local or regional interest related to a specific community
March 22, 2002 Private Members’ Business Votable and Non-votable Items
Item not designated as votable
April 16, 2002 Parliamentary Privilege Rights of Members
Freedom of speech: limitations; content on a political party’s Web site and comments made by Members outside the House reflecting on the dignity of the House
April 18, 2002 Committees Committee Proceedings
Conduct of Chair: questions to witness ruled out of order; alleged breach of Member’s freedom of speech
April 22, 2002 Parliamentary Privilege Rights of the House
Power to discipline: censure, reprimand and the summoning of individuals to the Bar of the House; Member seizing the mace from the Table; prima facie
April 23, 2002 Committees Committee Staff
Retention of expert advisors: remuneration; role and neutrality
May 7, 2002 Financial Procedures Business of Supply
Legislative phase: main estimates; consideration in Committee of the Whole
May 9, 2002 Private Members’ Business Votable and Non-votable Items
Bill designated votable: adoption of an amendment to discharge the Order for second reading and refer the subject matter of the bill to committee
June 12, 2002 Special Debates Emergency Debates
Leave refused: fisheries; emergency debate already granted on the same subject a few months earlier
37th Parliament, 2nd Session
Date Chapter Decision
October 4, 2002 The House and Its Members Miscellaneous
Government motion relating to the reinstatement of business from the previous session: dividing complicated questions
October 24, 2002 The Daily Program Routine Proceedings
Motions: Standing Order 56.1; concurrence in a striking committee report
October 31, 2002 Financial Procedures Business of Supply
Opposition motions: admissibility; similar to recommendation contained in a committee report
November 5, 2002 Committees Committee Proceedings
Organization meeting: notice requirement not respected
November 25, 2002 Parliamentary Privilege Rights of the House
Contempt of the House: Government advertising allegedly used to influence deliberations of Parliament and public opinion
November 25, 2002 Financial Procedures Business of Supply
Opposition motions: admissibility of subsequent motions
November 27, 2002 Rules of Debate Order and Decorum
Unparliamentary language: expression “modern-day Klansmen”
November 27, 2002 Committees Committee Proceedings
Conduct of Chair: interrupting a member of a committee to allow the previous question
November 28, 2002 The House and Its Members Miscellaneous
Ratification of international treaties
December 5, 2002 The Legislative Process Stages
Passage of Senate amendments: request to divide a bill
December 12, 2002 Parliamentary Privilege Rights of the House
Contempt of the House: accountability of Ministers to Parliament
January 28, 2003 The Legislative Process Stages
Report stage: power of the Speaker to select amendments; accuracy, selection and grouping of motions
January 30, 2003 The Decision-making Process Miscellaneous
Recorded divisions: Members rising to request a deferred recorded division not in their assigned seats
February 6, 2003 The Daily Program Routine Proceedings
Questions on the Order Paper: admissibility questioned due to the amount of information sought
February 12, 2003 Parliamentary Privilege Rights of Members
Freedom from obstruction, interference, intimidation and molestation: senior departmental officials allegedly directing employees not to reply to a Member’s electronic survey
February 13, 2003 Committees Reports
Disclosure of committee report: Members accused of divulging contents prior to presentation in the House
February 17, 2003 Financial Procedures Business of Supply
Legislative phase: supplementary estimates; additional funding
February 27, 2003 The Daily Program Routine Proceedings
Statements by Ministers: Member accused of disclosing content of a ministerial statement under embargo
March 18, 2003 Financial Procedures Business of ways and means
Budget: announcements made outside the House
March 20, 2003 Financial Procedures Business of Supply
Legislative phase: main estimates; Report on Plans and Priorities; disclosure prior to tabling in the House
April 10, 2003 The Legislative Process Stages
Passage of Senate amendments: motion to concur in Senate’s message to divide a bill not considered a stage; time allocation
May 8, 2003 Committees Reports
Conduct of Chair: signature on a report viewed as a conflict of interest
May 26, 2003 Parliamentary Privilege Rights of Members; Rights of the House
Exemption from being subpoenaed to attend court as a witness: parliamentary privilege invoked as a reason for non-attendance at a court hearing; prima facie
May 27, 2003 Committees Committee of the Whole House
Appeal of the Chair’s ruling
June 3, 2003 Committees Reports
Report adopted during meeting held in Parliamentary Restaurant; procedural acceptability
June 9, 2003 Financial Procedures Business of Supply
Legislative phase: main estimates; effect of motion to restore Vote
June 12, 2003 The Daily Program Routine Proceedings
Motions: concurrence in committee reports; mover alleged to have a pecuniary interest in the report
June 12, 2003 Financial Procedures Governor General’s Special Warrants
Operating expenditures
October 7, 2003 Financial Procedures Business of Supply
Legislative phase: supplementary estimates; allegedly misleading statements
October 9, 2003 The Legislative Process Stages
Third reading: Member requesting a reprint of a bill
October 21, 2003 Rules of Debate Process of Debate
Unanimous consent: splitting speaking time in the first round
October 24, 2003 Financial Procedures The Accounts of Canada
Public Accounts of Canada: Officers of Parliament; funds spent without the authorization of Parliament
October 29, 2003 Financial Procedures Royal recommendation
Financial initiative of the Crown: Senate bill argued to require the expenditure of funds; right of the House to grant supply
November 6, 2003 Parliamentary Privilege Rights of the House
Contempt of the House: Officers of Parliament; alleged false testimony at a committee meeting; prima facie
37th Parliament, 3rd Session
Date Chapter Decision
February 2, 2004 Private Members’ Business Reinstatement Following Prorogation
Reinstatement of Private Members’ Business following prorogation
February 6, 2004 The Legislative Process Stages
Reinstatement of Government bills from previous session
February 9, 2004 Special Debates Emergency Debates
Leave refused: softwood lumber: matter deemed not of sufficient urgency and another opportunity for debate available
February 23, 2004 The Legislative Process Stages
Reinstatement of Government bills from the previous session: discrepancy in the electronic versions of a bill
March 9, 2004 The House and Its Members Miscellaneous
Failure to table Order in Council appointments in the House following their publication in the Canada Gazette; Members prevented from carrying out parliamentary duties
March 11, 2004 Private Members’ Business Financial Limitation
Business of ways and means: infringement on the financial initiative of the Crown
March 22, 2004 Financial Procedures Business of Supply
Legislative phase: main estimates; content brought into question
March 25, 2004 Parliamentary Privilege Rights of Members
Freedom from obstruction, interference, intimidation and molestation: violation of caucus confidentiality; prima facie
April 1, 2004 Committees Committee Proceedings
Transcripts of in camera proceedings: motion to render transcript public argued to exceed authority of committee
May 4, 2004 Committees Committee Proceedings
In camera meetings: disclosure of confidential information; Member accused of anticipating a decision of a committee by discussing contents of transcript with the media prior to its being made public

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