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The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 40th Parliament, 1st Session.

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40th Parliament, 1st Session   (November 18, 2008 - December 4, 2008)  Latest Session
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Abattoirs see Slaughterhouses

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee

    >>Estimates, 2008-2009, Supplementary (B) referred
    >>>Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 30-1
    >>Membership, 46, 61-2
    >>Reports permanently referred see Cree-Naskapi Commission;Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Implementation;Order in Council appointments;Statutes of the Northwest Territories

Aboriginal child health care

    >>Costs, timely payment, Jordan's Principle see First Nations Childrens Health Protection Act (Bill C-249)

Aboriginal land claims see British Columbia Treaty Commission;Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement Implementation Committee;Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement;Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Implementation

Aboriginal people see Oil and gas industry--First Nations lands

Aboriginal women see National Violence Against Women Prevention Week

Access to Information Act

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
    >>>Auditor General of Canada Office
    >>>>2007-2008, 32 (8561-401-627-01)
    >>>British Columbia Treaty Commission
    >>>>2007-2008, 15 (8561-401-858-01)
    >>>Canada Emission Reduction Incentives Agency
    >>>>2007-2008, 59 (8561-401-910-01)
    >>>Canada School of Public Service
    >>>>2007-2008, 39-40 (8561-401-500-01)
    >>>Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
    >>>>2007-2008, 58 (8561-401-693-01)
    >>>Canadian Food Inspection Agency
    >>>>2007-2008, 20 (8561-401-855-01)
    >>>Canadian Heritage Department
    >>>>2007-2008, 19 (8561-401-849-01)
    >>>Canadian Human Rights Commission
    >>>>2007-2008, 49 (8561-401-680-01)
    >>>Canadian International Development Agency
    >>>>2007-2008, 49 (8561-401-631-01)
    >>>Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office
    >>>>2007-2008, 51-2 (8561-401-645-01)
    >>>Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation
    >>>>2007-2008, 93 (8561-401-914-01)
    >>>Environment Department
    >>>>2007-2008, 58 (8561-401-698-01)
    >>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department
    >>>>2007-2008, 53 (8561-401-638-01)
    >>>Gwich'in Land Use Planning Board
    >>>>2007-2008, 16 (8561-401-874-01)
    >>>Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada
    >>>>2007-2008, 58 (8561-401-562-01)
    >>>Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada
    >>>>2007-2008, 59 (8561-401-868-01)
    >>>International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development
    >>>>2007-2008, 49 (8561-401-619-01)
    >>>Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board
    >>>>2007-2008, 15-6 (8561-401-871-01)
    >>>National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy
    >>>>2007-2008, 58 (8561-401-699-01)
    >>>Official Languages Commissioner Office
    >>>>2007-2008, 51 (8561-401-728-01)
    >>>Parks Canada Agency
    >>>>2007-2008, 58 (8561-401-616-01)
    >>>Privacy Commissioner of Canada Office
    >>>>2007-2008, 55 (8561-401-937-01)
    >>>Public Health Agency of Canada
    >>>>2007-2008, 53 (8561-401-936-01)
    >>>Public Prosecution Service of Canada
    >>>>2007-2008, 27 (8561-401-917-01)
    >>>Public Service Commission of Canada
    >>>>2007-2008, 94 (8561-401-659-01)
    >>>Sahtu Land Use Planning Board
    >>>>2007-2008, 16 (8561-401-872-01)
    >>>Veterans Affairs Department
    >>>>2007-2008, 100 (8561-401-708-01)
    >>>Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board
    >>>>2007-2008, 16 (8561-401-911-01)

Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee

    >>Estimates, 2008-2009, Supplementary (B) referred
    >>>Justice, Vote 45b (Privacy Commissioner of Canada Office), 31
    >>Membership, 46, 62-3
    >>Reports permanently referred see Privacy Commissioner of Canada Office

Accountability see Not-for-profit corporations--Governance

Accounting see Financial institutions

ACOA see Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)

Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne

    >>Engrossed and presented to Governor General by the Speaker, M. agreed to, by unanimous consent, 52
    >>Presentation to Governor General, M. (Hoeppner), 13, 17-9, 22, 27, 29-30, 33, 38-9, 44, 47-8, as amended, agreed to on division, 48
    >>>Amdt. (Dion), 18, agreed to, 39
    >>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Duceppe), 18, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 1), 33-5
    >>>Procedure, "That the debate be now adjourned", M. (Dion), 13, agreed to, 13


    >>>(Bezan), (401-0017 and 401-0018), 38


    >>Canadian mission
    >>>Document, "Canada's Engagement in Afghanistan - September 2008", tabled, 41 (8525-401-3)

Agreement on Agriculture between Canada and the Kingdom of Norway

    >>Legislation see Canada-EFTA Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-2)

Agreement on Agriculture between Canada and the Republic of Iceland

    >>Legislation see Canada-EFTA Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-2)

Agreement on Agriculture between Canada and the Swiss Confederation

    >>Legislation see Canada-EFTA Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-2)


    >>International agreements see Canada-EFTA Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-2)
    >>See also Seasonal farm workers

Agriculture and Agri-Food Department

    >>Estimates, 2008-2009, Supplementary (B)
    >>>Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee referral, 31

Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee

    >>Estimates, 2008-2009, Supplementary (B) referred
    >>>Agriculture and Agri-Food, 31
    >>Membership, 46, 63-4
    >>Reports permanently referred see Canadian Dairy Commission;Order in Council appointments

Air transportation see Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport

Airports see Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport

Alberta see Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Reports, Agreements for RCMP policing services

Allotted days see Supply days

Alternative Fuels Act

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>>Canada Development Investment Corporation
    >>>>2007-2008, 15 (8560-401-1005-01)
    >>>Canadian Commercial Corporation
    >>>>2007-2008, 14 (8560-401-781-01)
    >>>Canadian Dairy Commission
    >>>>2007-2008, 20 (8560-401-699-01)
    >>>Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation
    >>>>2007-2008, 57 (8560-401-161-01)
    >>>Canadian Museum of Nature
    >>>>2007-2008, 57 (8560-401-166-01)
    >>>Export Development Canada
    >>>>2007-2008, 14 (8560-401-662-01)
    >>>Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation
    >>>>2007-2008, 94 (8560-401-769-01)
    >>>National Gallery of Canada
    >>>>2007-2008, 58 (8560-401-167-01)
    >>>National Museum of Science and Technology
    >>>>2007-2008, 58 (8560-401-170-01)
    >>>Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
    >>>>2007-2008, 100 (8560-401-648-01)

Amateur sport see Physical activity

An Act respecting the administration of oaths of office see Oaths of Office

Animal transportation

    >>>(McTeague), (401-0024), 43

Animals see Cruelty to animals

Antibiotics see Food--Labels

Anti-Semitism see Holocaust Monument

Apprentices see Construction industry

Arctic sovereignty see Arctic waters

Arctic waters

    >>Definition, application extended to 200 nautical miles/pollution prevention see Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3)

Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3)--Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities (Baird)

    >>1st r, 96

Arts and culture see CBC Radio Orchestra


    >>>(Martin, Pat), (401-0004), 17; (401-0028), 43

Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International Development Standing Committee
    >>>2007-2008 annual report, with Auditors' Report, 14 (8560-401-916-01)

Assault see Peace officers

Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie see Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports

Assistance to Students Visiting Military Memorial Sites Abroad Act (Bill C-226)--Stoffer

    >>1st r, 26

Assistant Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole

    >>Devolin, Barry, appointment, M., agreed to, 21

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)

    >>Estimates, 2008-2009, Supplementary (B)
    >>>Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee referral, 31
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee
    >>>Five-year Report, 2003 to 2008, 102 (8560-401-204-01)

Auditor General of Canada Office see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Auto theft

    >>Judicial proceedings, first, second or subsequent time see Criminal Code (amdt.--motor vehicle theft)(C-237)

Awards, decorations, medals

    >>Medals, Canadian Forces, Royal Canadian Mounted Police or police officer service outside Canada, sale or export for sale, prohibition see Sale of Medals Prohibition Act (Bill C-208)
    >>See also Governor General's Volunteer Service Medal


Bilingualism see Official languages policy/bilingualism

Bills, House of Commons (Royal Assent denoted by *)(See also individual bills by title)

    >>Government, Public
    >>>C-1.\Oaths of Office (Pro Forma)--Prime Minister (Harper)
    >>>C-2.\Canada-EFTA Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act--Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway (Day)
    >>>C-3.\Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act (amdt.)--Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities (Baird)
    >>>C-4.\Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act--Minister of State (Small Business and Tourism) (Ablonczy)
    >>>C-5.\Indian Oil and Gas Act (amdt.)--Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians (Strahl)
    >>Private Members' Bills
    >>>C-201.\Canadian Forces Superannuation Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.--deletion of deduction from annuity)--Stoffer
    >>>C-202.\Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--members who cross the floor)--Stoffer
    >>>C-203.\Excise Tax Act (amdt.--no GST on the sale of home heating fuels)--Stoffer
    >>>C-204.\Sudan Accountability Act--Cotler
    >>>C-205.\Food Products Labelling Act--Dewar
    >>>C-206.\Excise Tax Act (amdt.--no GST on books or pamphlets)--Dewar
    >>>C-207.\National Capital Act (amdt.--appointments and meetings)--Dewar
    >>>C-208.\Sale of Medals Prohibition Act--Stoffer
    >>>C-209.\Internet Child Pornography Prevention Act--Stoffer
    >>>C-210.\Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (amdt.--marriage after the age of sixty years)--Stoffer
    >>>C-211.\Seniors' Day Act--Stoffer
    >>>C-212.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--in-home care of relatives)--Stoffer
    >>>C-213.\Financial Administration Act and Passport Services Fees Regulations (amdt.--passports for veterans, members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and their spouses or common-law partners, and seniors)--Stoffer
    >>>C-214.\Tartan Day Act--Stoffer
    >>>C-215.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act--Stoffer
    >>>C-216.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--services to a charity or public authority)--Stoffer
    >>>C-217.\Employment Insurance Act and Canada Labour Code (amdt.--compassionate care benefits for caregivers)--Stoffer
    >>>C-218.\Canadian Forces Superannuation Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.--increase of allowance for surviving spouse and children)--Stoffer
    >>>C-219.\Fisheries Act (amdt.--deposit in lakes)--Stoffer
    >>>C-220.\Excise Tax Act (amdt.--no GST on funeral arrangements)--Stoffer
    >>>C-221.\Criminal Code (amdt.--peace officers)--Stoffer
    >>>C-222.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--physical activity and amateur sport fees)--Stoffer
    >>>C-223.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--community service group membership dues)--Stoffer
    >>>C-224.\Canadian Bill of Rights (amdt.--right to housing)--Stoffer
    >>>C-225.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--expenses incurred by caregivers)--Stoffer
    >>>C-226.\Assistance to Students Visiting Military Memorial Sites Abroad Act--Stoffer
    >>>C-227.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--travel and accommodation deduction for tradespersons)--Charlton
    >>>C-228.\Canada Water Preservation Act--Scarpaleggia
    >>>C-229.\Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals)--Holland
    >>>C-230.\Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals)--Holland
    >>>C-231.\Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--consecutive sentences)--Guarnieri
    >>>C-232.\Supreme Court Act (amdt.--understanding the official languages)--Godin
    >>>C-233.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--benefit period increase for regional rate of unemployment)--Godin
    >>>C-234.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--length of benefit period)--Godin
    >>>C-235.\Canada Labour Code (amdt.--occupational disease registry)--Martin, T.
    >>>C-236.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act--Martin, T.
    >>>C-237.\Criminal Code (amdt.--motor vehicle theft)--Neville
    >>>C-238.\Holocaust Monument Act--Neville
    >>>C-239.\National Ecosystems Council of Canada Act--Neville
    >>>C-240.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction for volunteer emergency service)--Easter
    >>>C-241.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--removal of waiting period)--Ouellet
    >>>C-242.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--percentage of insurable earnings payable to claimant)--Godin
    >>>C-243.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--change of title)--Godin
    >>>C-244.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--removal of waiting period)--Gravelle
    >>>C-245.\Canada Evidence Act (amdt.--interpretation of numerical dates)--Kramp
    >>>C-246.\Criminal Code (amdt.--child sexual predators)--Kramp
    >>>C-247.\Criminal Code (amdt.--bail for persons charged with violent offences), Extradition Act and Youth Criminal Justice Act (amdt.)--Kramp
    >>>C-248.\Louis Riel Act--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-249.\First Nations Childrens Health Protection Act--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-250.\Canada Water Export Prohibition Act--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-251.\Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--trans fatty acids)--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-252.\Currency Act and Royal Canadian Mint Act (amdt.--abolition of the cent)--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-253.\Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--mail free of postage to members of the Canadian Forces)--Martin, Pat

Biotechnology see Genetically modified organisms

Board of Internal Economy

    >>Members, appointment, 12

Books and pamphlets

    >>Goods and Services Tax (GST), elimination see Excise Tax Act (amdt.--no GST on books or pamphlets)(Bill C-206)

Bribery see Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act

Bridges see Interprovincial bridges

British Columbia see Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Reports, Agreements for RCMP policing services

British Columbia Treaty Commission see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Broadcasting see CBC Radio Orchestra;CFCY 95.1 FM radio

Budget 2008 (February 26, 2008)

    >>Implementation, Ways and Means No. 1, notice, tabled, 52 (8570-401-1)

Business expenses see Construction industry

Business Number-related information

    >>Government programs and services, Ways and Means No. 1, notice, tabled, 52 (8570-401-1)

By-elections see Members of Parliament--Party affiliation


Calendar dates

    >>Numerical expression, year/month/day see Canada Evidence Act (amdt.--interpretation of numerical dates)(Bill C-245)

Canada Business Corporations Act

    >>Legislation see Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (Bill C-4)

Canada Corporations Act

    >>Legislation see Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (Bill C-4)

Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Finance Standing Committee
    >>>2007-2008 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 14 (8560-401-78-01)

Canada Development Investment Corporation see Alternative Fuels Act

Canada-EFTA Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-2)--Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway (Day)

    >>1st r, 56

Canada Emission Reduction Incentives Agency see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association see Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports

Canada-European Free Trade Association agreement

    >>Legislation see Canada-EFTA Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-2)

Canada Evidence Act (amdt.--interpretation of numerical dates)(Bill C-245)--Kramp

    >>1st r, 97

Canada Labour Code

    >>Legislation see Employment Insurance Act and Canada Labour Code (amdt.--compassionate care benefits for caregivers)(Bill C-217)

Canada Labour Code (amdt.--occupational disease registry)(Bill C-235)--Martin, T.

    >>1st r, 43

Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act (Bill C-4)--Minister of State (Small Business and Tourism) (Ablonczy)

    >>1st r, 96

Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

    >>Clawback, military and Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) pensions, independent panel see Canadian Forces Superannuation Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.--deletion of deduction from annuity)(Bill C-201)

Canada Post Corporation see Postal service

Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--mail free of postage to members of the Canadian Forces)(Bill C-253)--Martin, Pat

    >>1st r, 98

Canada Revenue Agency

    >>Estimates, 2008-2009, Supplementary (B)
    >>>Finance Standing Committee referral, 31
    >>See also Business Number-related information

Canada School of Public Service see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Canada Water Export Prohibition Act (Bill C-250)--Martin, Pat

    >>1st r, 98

Canada Water Preservation Act (Bill C-228)--Scarpaleggia

    >>1st r, 37

Canada's Engagement in Afghanistan - September 2008 see Afganistan--Canadian mission

Canadian Armed Forces see Afghanistan;Awards, decorations, medals;Canada Pension Plan (CPP)--Clawback;Governor General's Volunteer Service Medal;Military memorial sites;Postal service;Survivor benefits;Veterans;Veterans' benefits/pensions

Canadian Association of Technical Outerwear Manufacturers see Canadian International Trade Tribunal

Canadian Bill of Rights (amdt.--right to housing)(Bill C-224)--Stoffer

    >>1st r, 26

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) see CBC Radio Orchestra

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee
    >>>2007-2008 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 19 (8560-401-38-01)

Canadian Commercial Corporation see Alternative Fuels Act

Canadian Dairy Commission

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee
    >>>2007-2008 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 19-20 (8560-401-90-01)
    >>>2008-2009 to 2012-2013 corporate plan summaries and 2008-2009 operating and capital budgets, 20 (8562-401-836-01)
    >>See also Alternative Fuels Act

Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Canadian Food Inspection Agency see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Canadian Forces Superannuation Act

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to National Defence Standing Committee

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