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Board of Internal Economy meeting

The Agenda includes information about the items of business to be dealt with by the Board and date, time and place of the meeting. The Transcript is the edited and revised report of what is said during the meeting. The Minutes are the official record of decisions made by the Board at a meeting.

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Meeting Minutes

Thursday, June 14, 2018

A meeting of the Board of Internal Economy of the House of Commons was held on Thursday, June 14, 2018, at 11:19 a.m., in Room 237-C, Centre Block.

In the Chair: The Honourable Geoff Regan, Speaker of the House of Commons

Present: The Honourables Bardish Chagger, Dominic LeBlanc, Pablo Rodriguez and Candice Bergen; Mr. Mark Strahl; Ms. Ruth Ellen Brosseau

Secretary to the Board: Charles Robert, Clerk of the House of Commons

Also Present: Michel Patrice, Deputy Clerk, Administration; Philippe Dufresne, Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel; Daniel Paquette, Chief Financial Officer; José Fernandez, Deputy Chief Financial Officer; Catherine MacLeod, Assistant Parliamentary Librarian; Benoit Morin, Senior Director, Public Education Programs; Stéphan Aubé, Chief Information Officer; Susan Kulba, Senior Director, A&LTVP Program Management Directorate; Pierre Parent, Chief Human Resources Officer; Guillaume La Perrière Marcoux, Secretariat


Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the meeting of May 24, 2018, were adopted and approved for tabling

Business Arising from Previous Meetings

The minutes of the meeting of May 24, 2018, were adopted and approved for tabling

2017-2018 Year-End Financial Report

Daniel Paquette presented the 2017–2018 Year-end Financial Report and answered questions.

The Board approved the inclusion of the carry-forward of $15,906,585 in the Supplementary Estimates (A) for fiscal year 2018–2019.

Guided tours of West Block by the Library of Parliament

Catherine MacLeod and Benoit Morin presented the plan for the visitor experience at West Block and the Visitor Welcome Centre and, with Michel Patrice, answered questions.

Parliamentary Precinct Long-Term Vision and Plan

Michel Patrice presented an update on the status of the West Block rehabilitation and the Visitor Welcome Centre (Phase 1), with a recommendation that operations be moved out of Centre Block during the winter adjournment period and that the transition of some Members’ offices from Centre Block to the Justice, Confederation and Wellington buildings begin this summer.

At 11:55 a.m., the meeting was suspended.

At 11:56 a.m., the meeting resumed in camera.

The current status of the West Block rehabilitation in terms of security was discussed.

At 12:15 p.m., the meeting resumed in public.

Michel Patrice and Susan Kulba answered questions.

The Board approved the recommendation for the timeline of the move.

Committees Annual Report

The Board took note of the 2017–2018 annual report entitled Committee Activities and Expenditures. In accordance with the provision of Standing Order 121(4), the Board agreed that the Speaker proceed with the tabling of the report in the House of Commons as soon as practicable.

Annual Report on the House of Commons Policy on Addressing and Preventing Harassment for 2017-2018

Pierre Parent presented the 2017–2018 Annual Report on the House of Commons Policy on Preventing and Addressing Harassment.

At 12:38 p.m., the meeting was suspended.

At 12:41 p.m., the meeting resumed in camera.


Employment Documents for Employees of Members of Parliament

The Board approved changes to the employment documents for employees of Members of Parliament.

The meeting was adjourned.

Charles Robert
Secretary to the Board of Internal Economy