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Board of Internal Economy meeting

The Agenda includes information about the items of business to be dealt with by the Board and date, time and place of the meeting. The Transcript is the edited and revised report of what is said during the meeting. The Minutes are the official record of decisions made by the Board at a meeting.

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Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A meeting of the Board of Internal Economy of the House of Commons was held on Wednesday, June 11, 2014 at 4:00 p.m., in Room 112-N, Centre Block.

In the Chair: The Honourable Andrew Scheer, Speaker of the House of Commons

Present: The Honourables Peter Van Loan, John Duncan, Rob Merrifield and Dominic LeBlanc; Mr. Philip Toone; Mrs. Nycole Turmel

Acting Secretary to the Board: Marc Bosc, Deputy Clerk of the House of Commons

Also Present: Richard Denis, Deputy Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel; Kevin Vickers, Sergeant-at-Arms; Mark Watters, Chief Financial Officer; Benoit Giroux, Director General, Members’ Services; Robin Kells, Secretariat

The Board discussed the manner in which its meetings are conducted.

Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the meeting of June 2, 2014 were adopted and approved for tabling.

Business Arising from Previous Meetings

The Board reviewed and discussed correspondence distributed since its last meeting on June 2, 2014.

Use of House Resources

Large-Volume Mailings

The Board discussed the scope of its investigation into large-volume mailings and reviewed an analysis of remedies available to the Board further to its finding that certain large-volume mailings did not comply with the Members By-law and policies. With Mr. Toone and Mrs. Turmel dissenting, the Board directed :

  • The Clerk to seek reimbursement of $36,309 to the Receiver General for Canada personally from 23 Members for the cost of House of Commons resources used in contravention of the Members By-law and policies;
  • That, in accordance with the provisions of the Members By-law, if a Member does not reimburse the amount owing by the deadline, the reimbursement of other expenses should be withheld until such time as the full amount is recovered;
  • That since the costs related to the use of the Members’ franking privileges under the Canada Post Act are paid to Canada Post by Transport Canada, Transport Canada be informed of the Board’s decision regarding the improper use and that the same information be provided to Elections Canada.

The Board discussed its examination of the use of House of Commons resources pertaining to satellite offices.

The meeting was adjourned.

Marc Bosc
Acting Secretary to the Board