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Board of Internal Economy meeting

The Agenda includes information about the items of business to be dealt with by the Board and date, time and place of the meeting. The Transcript is the edited and revised report of what is said during the meeting. The Minutes are the official record of decisions made by the Board at a meeting.

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Meeting Minutes

Thursday, June 16, 2022

A meeting of the Board of Internal Economy of the House of Commons was held on Thursday, June 16, 2022, at 11:01 a.m., in Room 225-A, West Block.

In the Chair: The Honourable Anthony Rota, Speaker of the House of Commons

Present: The Honourables Mark Holland, Steven MacKinnon and Dominic LeBlanc; Ms. Ruby Sahota, Mr. John Brassard, Mr. Blaine Calkins, Ms. Claude DeBellefeuille, and Mr. Peter Julian

Secretary to the Board: Charles Robert, Clerk of the House of Commons

Also Present: Michel Patrice, Deputy Clerk, Administration; Michel Bédard, Deputy Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel, Legal Services; Eric Janse, Deputy Clerk, Procedure; Ian McDonald, Clerk Assistant, Committees and Legislative Services Directorate; Scott Lemoine, Principle Clerk, Committees and Legislative Services Directorate; Michelle Laframboise, Chief Human Resources Officer; Robyn Daigle, Director, Members’ HR and Business Partner Services; Paul St George, Chief Financial Officer; José Fernandez, Deputy Chief Financial Officer; Stéphan Aubé, Chief Information Officer; Pat McDonell, Sergeant-at-Arms; and Michelle Tittley, Secretariat


The minutes of the meeting of June 9, 2022, were approved for tabling.


The Board noted correspondence distributed since its last meeting.

At the request of the Board, the Administration will provide a report about the communication of security alerts at the House of Commons at its next meeting.


Paul St George, Chief Financial Officer (CFO), presented a submission describing the different cost pressures on Member’s Office Budget (MOB) due to inflation, supply chain disruptions and real estate increase as well as the Travel Status Expenses Account (TSEA), and with José Fernandez, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, answered questions.

The Board approved the following proposals:

A. Constituency offices:

• Allow each Member to charge to the central budget the equivalent of $3,000 per month, up to a maximum of $36,000 (for the twelve-month period) per fiscal year (for a total of $12,168,000 to be included in the 2023-2024 Main Estimates), in constituency office lease costs referred to under subparagraphs 57(1)(a) (v), (vi) and (vii) of the Members By-law, retroactive to April 1, 2022;

• Authorize the CFO to review and adjust annually the maximum threshold based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI), with the requirement that the CFO inform the Board of any such adjustments;

• Instruct the Administration to monitor the impact of the additional cost resulting from this new mechanism and, if required, to submit a request for funding through the 2022-2023 Supplementary Estimates, and through the 2023-2024 Main Estimates; and

• Amend the Governance and Administration By-law and the Members By-law to reflect these changes accordingly.

B. Secondary residences:

• Approve a one-time increase of 10% to the TSEA for the current fiscal year, increasing the TSEA from $32,750 to $36,030, for a total of $1,105,360 to be included in the 2023-2024 Main Estimates.

C. Advertising limit:

• Set the Advertising Expenses Account limit to 20% of the MOB permanently.

The Administration will provide the Board with a report to address other cost pressures in the coming months.


Robyn Daigle, Director, Members’ HR and Business Partner Services presented a submission on the professional development pilot project and training for Members’ employees, and with Michelle Laframboise, Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), answered questions.

The Board approved to:

1. Extend the professional development pilot project period for Members’ employees until March 31, 2023, so they may use the balance of the $5,000 allocated in June 2021.

2. Broaden the scope of the pilot project to include employees of House Officers and national caucus research offices with commensurate limits established based on their respective employee counts.

3. Charge to the central fund the costs related to retirement planning seminars and health and safety training provided to employees of Members, House Officers and national caucus research offices.

The Administration will provide the Board with a progress and status report on the pilot for review and discussion before the end of the year 2022.

At 11:43 a.m., the sitting was suspended.

At 11:45 a.m., the sitting resumed in camera.


The Board agreed to lift the requirement for individuals to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to allow unvaccinated individuals access to the House of Commons Precinct. This decision is effective as of June 20, 2022.

The Board approved the provision of N95 masks for the use of MPs, their employees and House Administration employees where they are requested.


The Board approved an increase of 15% to the maximum annual salary for Members’ employees, increasing it to $106,720, which will also increase the maximum contract limit. It also approved for the current fiscal year only, that Members may, at their discretion, grant a maximum of two annual salary increases to their regular employees.

The Board confirmed that the CHRO would continue to establish and review, on an annual basis, the maximum rate of remuneration for Members’ employees based on the index of the average percentage increase in base-rate wages for a calendar year in Canada.

At 12:17 p.m., the meeting was suspended.

At 12:19 p.m., the meeting resumed in public.


Paul St George, Chief Financial Officer, presented the Board with the submission on the 2021-2022 Year-end Financial Report and carry-forward to 2022-2023, and answered questions.

The Board approved the inclusion of the carry-forward of $19,175,093 in the 2022-2023 Supplementary Estimates (B).


Ian McDonald, Clerk Assistant, and Scott Lemoine, Principal Clerk, Committees and Legislative Services Directorate presented the 2021-2022 annual report on committee activities, and answered questions.

The Board approved the report for tabling by the Speaker in the House, as required by the Standing Orders.


The Board took note of the virtual committee dashboard. Ian McDonald, Clerk Assistant, and Scott Lemoine, Principal Clerk, Committees and Legislative Services Directorate, and Stéphan Aubé, Chief Information Officer, answered questions.

The Administration will provide the Board a copy of a new report regarding the sound system of the House of Commons, which includes information on sound quality and interpretation.


Charles Robert, Clerk of the House of Commons, presented the Report to Canadians 2022, and answered questions.

The Board approved the report for tabling by the Speaker in the House.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:53 p.m.

Charles Robert
Secretary to the Board of Internal Economy