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36th Parliament, 1st Session   (September 22, 1997 - September 18, 1999)  Current Session
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INDEX to the Status of House Business, 36th Parliament, first session


Abbott, Jim (Ref.-Kootenay-Columbia; CA-Kootenay-Columbia as of March 27, 2000)

    Arts and culture, C-204
    Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), P-40
    Dominion Day, C-263
    Government grants, C-359
    Justice system, C-262
    National Capital Commission (NCC), M-234
    Schmid, Niklaus, P-93
Abitibi constituency see Nuclear waste

Abitibi region

    Heritage, hundredth anniversary, M-446 (St-Julien)
    Regional development, bank reinvestment, M-576 (St-Julien)
Ablonczy, Diane (Ref.-Calgary-Nose Hill; CA-Calgary-Nose Hillas of March 27, 2000)

    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), P-53
    Employment, M-162
    Referendums, C-250
    Retirement savings, M-163
    Written questions, Q-40, Q-70
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee

    Travel, Other Business No. 7
Aboriginal Endowment Fund

    P-38 (Scott, M.)
Aboriginal governments

    See also Cowichan Tribes; Environment-National Advisory Committee; First Nations; Indian bands/reserves; Kamloops Indian Band; Mi'kmaq aboriginal communities; Nunavik; Nunavut; Sliammon First Nation; Westbank First Nation
Aboriginal land claims

    Natural resource development projects, M-12 (Chatters)
    See also Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement; James Bay Cree land claim; Mackenzie Valley; Nisga'a Agreement; Nunavik; Nunavut Water Board; Sahtu Dene and Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement; Voisey Bay Mine
Aboriginal lands

    Environmental protection, C-32
      Other Business No. 4
    Management, expropriation/matrimonial property, C-49
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 14
    See also Indian bands/reserves; Norway House Cree Nation
Aboriginal people

    Apology for maltreatment, M-86 (Earle)
    Economic and cultural basis, M-90 (Earle)
      Residential schools, M-235 (Bachand, C.)
      See also Mi'kmaq aboriginal communities
    Health concerns, M-88 (Earle)
    See also Coat of Arms; Forestry; Impaired driving; Indian Act; Indian bands/reserves; Kamloops Indian Band; Nunavut; Nunavut Court of Justice; Peltier, Leonard; Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples; Westbank First Nation
Aboriginal veterans

    M-463 (White, T.)

      C-515 (Pankiw)
      M-268 (Breitkreuz, G.)
Access to information see Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada (AECB); Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL); Canadian Wheat Board; Child sex offenders; Crown corporations; Government records; Information Commissioner; Members of Parliament-Constituency case documents; Parliament; Privy Council Office (PCO); Public opinion polls-Government departments

Access to Information Act

      Other Business No. 4
    C-208 (Beaumier)
    C-216 (Gilmour)
    C-217 (Mills, B.)
    C-253 (Mark)
    C-264 (Bryden)
    C-286 (Bellehumeur)
Accidents (marine, rail, pipeline and air)

    Investigation, S-2
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Highways and roads
Accountability see Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada (AECB); Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL); Government programs-Cost-Statutory programs; Government records-Destruction or falsification; Westray mine disaster

Accountants see Certified General Accountants Association of Canada

ACOA see instead Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)

Address in Reply to the Throne Speech

    Other Business No. 3
    Other Business No. 4

    Other Business No. 4
    Other Business No. 10
    See also Economy
Administrative tribunals

    Members, remedial and disciplinary measures, C-44
    See also National Parole Board; Nunavut Water Board; Patented Medicine Prices Review Board; Transportation Safety Board (TSB)
Administrative Tribunals (Remedial and Disciplinary Measures) Act


    Misleading, C-20
    See also Arts and culture-Tobacco industry sponsorship; Elections-Polling day-Third party advertising; Political parties; Split-run periodicals; Sports-Tobacco industry sponsorship; Television; Tobacco/cigarettes

    Expenses, income tax deduction, C-505 (Lowther)
    Foreign adoptions, expenses, income tax deduction, C-507 (Guimond)
AECB see instead Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada (AECB)

AECL see instead Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL)

Aerospace see Space station (aerospace)

Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks

      Other Business No. 4
Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act

    C-203 (Benoit)
Agricultural commodities

Agricultural Marketing Programs Act

      Ways and Means No. 24
Agricultural products

    Marketing, loan guarantees, C-71
      Ways and Means No. 24
    Trade, irritants/supply management, P-87 (Borotsik)
Agricultural research

    Kentville, N.S. station, M-191 (Brison)

    Emergencies/disasters, national committee, C-387 (Borotsik)
    Inputs, C-80
    Policy, M-532 (Solomon)
    Products, transportation policy, M-531 (Solomon)
    See also Agri-food policy; Farm income; Farmers; Farms; Gophers
Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act

      Other Business No. 4
Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee

    Travel, Other Business No. 7
Agriculture Income Disaster Assistance (AIDA) program

    P-96 (Borotsik)
Agriculture Minister

    United States Agriculture Secretary, correspondence, P-50 (Borotsik)
Agri-food policy

    M-288 (Laliberte)
Aid Effectiveness Advisory Committee see Foreign aid

AIDA see instead Agriculture Income Disaster Assistance (AIDA) program

AIDS see instead HIV/AIDS

Air cargo

    Liability/electronic transmission of documentation, S-23
Air India

    Flight 182, crash/bombing, June 23/85
      Extraditions, P-24 (Grewal)
      Royal Commission of Inquiry, M-320 (Robinson)
Air navigation services

    Continuation, Government Business No. 26
    International flights, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
Air transportation see Accidents (marine, rail, pipeline and air)

Air transportation tax

    Ways and Means No. 3
Airbus Industrie

    Settlement Agreement Regarding the Case of Brian Mulroney v. The Attorney General of Canada et al, Other Business No. 9

    Less than 30 passengers, access for disabled and handicapped persons, M-426 (Lill)
    See also Helicopters; North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

    Fares, subsidization, M-430 (Lill)
    Ticket sales to persons under age 16, prohibiting to combat child predators, M-328 (Elley)
    See also Air India
Airports see Pearson International Airport

Alarie, Hélène (BQ-Louis-Hébert)

    Farms, M-619
Alcock, Reg (Lib.-Winnipeg South; Parliamentary Secretary toPresident of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada until Sept. 1, 2000)

    Hearing impaired persons, M-325

    Taxation, Ways and Means No. 27
    See also Foetal alcohol syndrome; Impaired driving; Kamloops Indian Band; Westbank First Nation
Alcoholic beverage containers

    Pregnancy danger, notice
      C-383 (Robinson)
      M-105 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Warning label
      C-231 (Szabo)

    Human rights violations, M-343 (Robinson)
Allergies see Herbs-Herbal remedy

Alliance of Manufacturers & Exporters Canada

    S-18 (Godfrey)
Allotted days

    Deferred divisions, Supply Proceedings No. 9
    Expiration of proceedings, Other Business No. 4
    Government Business No. 2
    Other Business No. 4
    Supply Proceedings No. 2, No. 5
    Votable motions, Supply Proceedings No. 9
Alternative minimum tax see Pensions; Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs)

Alternative Service Delivery see National Defence Department

American Sign Language see Hearing impaired persons

Anders, Rob (Ref.-Calgary West; CA-Calgary West as of March27, 2000)

    Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), P-94
    Cabinet Ministers, M-411
    Calgary Declaration, P-22
    Canada Post Corporation, C-474
    Labour unions, C-469
    Option Canada, P-21
    Self-employed workers, C-457
    Written questions, Q-238
Animals see Canadian Horse; Wildlife

Anthem see Speaker-Members of Parliament

Anti-dumping duties see Imports

Anti-personnel mines see instead Land mines

Anti-Personnel Mines Convention Implementation Act

      Other Business No. 4
Antipoverty Act

    C-491 (Ménard)
APEC see instead Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC)


    National Aphasia Awareness Week in Canada, M-615 (Godfrey)

    National training and certification standards
      C-363 (Mahoney)
      M-304 (Martin, Pat)
    Wages, employer tax credit, C-414 (Myers)
Apprenticeship National Standards Act

    C-363 (Mahoney)
Appropriation see Supply


    Land-based, M-349 (Thompson, G.)
    See also Fish-farming industry; Salmon
Aquatic commodities

Aquatic environments see Marine conservation areas

Arctic pollution

    Canadian Arctic Contaminants Assessment Report, M-287 (Laliberte)
Argenteuil-Papineau constituency

    Name, change to Argenteuil-Papineau-Mirabel constituency, C-465 (Dumas)

    Genocide, April 24, 1915, commemoration
      M-329 (Karygiannis)
      M-385 (Robinson)
      M-502 (Assadourian)
      M-570 (Assadourian)

    New Glasgow, N.S./Shawinigan, Que., P-67 (MacKay)
Arms and armaments

    Exports, M-489 (Debien)

    Co-operatives, M-94 (Lill)
Arts and culture

    Public funding, acknowledgement
      C-204 (Abbott)
      C-222 (Obhrai)
    Regions, funding, M-96 (Lill)
    Tobacco industry sponsorship
      Foundation to provide replacement funding, M-120 (Wasylycia-Leis)
      Prohibition, transition period, C-42
    See also Canadian Council on the Status of the Artist; Exhibitions
Asbestos industry

    Chrysotile asbestos fibre, France ban, M-315 (Chrétien, J-G)
    See also British Canadian (BC) asbestos mine
Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC)

    Summit meeting, Vancouver, B.C.
      Honour guard, Seaforth Highlanders, M-311 (Elley)
      Indonesia, President Haji Mohamed Suharto, security, P-40 (Abbott)
      "Protesters", legal costs
        M-487 (White, R.)
        Supply Proceedings No. 11
      Taiwan, President Li Teng-hui, M-262 (Robinson)
Assad, Mark (Lib.-Gatineau; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Citizenship and Immigration as of Sept. 1, 2000)

    Written questions, Q-41, Q-45, Q-46
Assadourian, Sarkis (Lib.-Brampton Centre)

    Armenia, M-502, M-570
    Crimes against humanity, C-479
    Human rights, M-570
    Mortgages, C-380
    Tobacco/cigarettes, C-400
    See also Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)-Contracts
Assistant Deputy Chairman of Committees of the Whole see Chair

Association of Canada Lands Surveyors


    Scholarships, named after Canadian Gold Medal Olympic athletes, M-374 (Solomon)
Atlantic Canada

    Health conditions, M-103 (Mancini)
    See also Fisheries and Oceans Department; Job creation programs; Unemployment
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)

    Funding, M-196 (Power)
    Job creation, P-94 (Anders)
Atlantic groundfish industry

    Restructuring, early retirement formula, M-566 (MacKay)
Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada (AECB)

    Access to information, M-457 (Chatters)
    Accountability, C-443 (Chatters)
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL)

    Access to information, M-457 (Chatters)
    Accountability, C-443 (Chatters)
Audio recordings see Reading materials

Audiovisual productions

    Copyright, M-127 (Tremblay, Suzanne)
Auditor General Act

    C-490 (Gagnon)
    C-499 (Martin, Pat)
Auditor General of Canada

    Appointments, Public Accounts Standing Committee review, M-420 (Mayfield)
Auditor General of Canada Office see Canadian Wheat Board; Option Canada; Parliament; Patented Medicine Prices Review Board; Public Accounts Standing Committee-Reports

Auto racing

    Formula One champion, Jacques Villeneuve, Resolution, Other Business No. 8

    Crime, use while committing, C-219 (Thompson, M.)
    Defects, public notice/recall, C-367 (McTeague)
      Evading police and causing injury or death, C-440 (McTeague)
      Mandatory five year test, M-389 (Stoffer)
    Theft, joyriding, C-209 (Strahl)
    Wheelchair equipped/adapted, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) rebate
        Ways and Means No. 28
      Ways and Means No. 12
Automotive Pollution Reduction Act

    C-514 (Lincoln)
Automotive technicians see instead Mechanics

Awarding of the Organ Donation Medal Act

    C-498 (Elley)
Awards, honours see Athletes-Scholarships; Awarding of the Organ Donation Medal Act; Order of Canada; Victoria Cross medal

    Candy, M-284
    Telecommunications, M-519
    Ultrasound, M-484
    Written questions, Q-110, Q-111, Q-112

Bachand, Claude (BQ-Saint-Jean)

    Aboriginal people, M-235
    Employment insurance, C-471
Bahá'i community see Iran

Bail see Criminal harassement; Violent crime

Bailey, Roy (Ref.-Souris-Moose Mountain; CA-Souris-Moose Mountain as of March 27, 2000)

    Drug smuggling, M-336
    Elections, C-478
    Fuel, M-512
    High speed rail service, P-25
    Interest groups, C-310
    Sidloski, Natalie, P-88
Baker, Hon. George S. (Lib.-Gander-Grand Falls; Minister ofVeterans Affairs and Secretary of State (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) until Oct. 17, 2000)

    Elections, C-411
Balanced Budget Act

    C-375 (Loubier)
Balkans see Kosovo province (Yugoslavia)

Banff National Park

    Commercial development, P-42 (Thompson, M.)
    See also Ukrainian Canadians-Internment
Bank Act

      Ways and Means No. 20
    C-289 (Ménard)
    C-306 (Discepola)
      Other Business No. 4
    C-327 (Harb)
    C-407 (Nystrom)
    C-420 (Nystrom)
    C-428 (Ménard)
Bank notes see Currency

Bank of Canada Act

    C-435 (Marceau)

    Personal tax credits, C-28
      Ways and Means No. 4
    Repeated declarations, M-280 (Malhi)
    See also Employment insurance-Employer bankruptcy; Student loans
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act

      Ways and Means No. 4
    C-439 (Davies)
Banks and banking

    Community reinvestment
      C-289 (Ménard)
      C-428 (Ménard)
    Consumer Advocacy Board, establishing, M-166 (Gallaway)
    Mergers, C-407 (Nystrom)
    Products, prices, M-497 (St-Julien)
    Service-charge-free banking transactions to low income families/individuals
      M-219 (Lee)
      M-472 (Davies)
    Service charges, C-306 (Discepola)
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Abitibi region; European Bank; Foreign banks; Political parties-Donations
Barker, Lieutenant Colonel William ("Billy")

    World War I Victoria Cross medal, memorial
      M-251 (Mark)
      M-365 (Pratt)
Barter clubs

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
      Ways and Means No. 17
Beaumier, Colleen (Lib.-Brampton West-Mississauga)

    Fox, Terry, C-512
    Government records, C-208
Bélair, Réginald (Lib.-Timmins-James Bay)

    Veterans, C-453
Bélanger, Mauril (Lib.-Ottawa-Vanier; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Canadian Heritage until Sept. 1, 2000)

    Health care, C-282
    Written questions, Q-249, Q-250, Q-251, Q-252
Bellehumeur, Michel (BQ-Berthier-Montcalm)

    Commissions of inquiry, M-20
    Privy Council Office (PCO), C-286
Bellemare, Eugène (Lib.-Carleton-Gloucester; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister for International Cooperation; Lib.-Ottawa-Orléans; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister for International Cooperation)

    Food, C-389
    Land, C-303
    Members of Parliament, C-201
Bennett, Carolyn (Lib.-St. Paul's)

    Canadian Anti-Smoking Youth Foundation, S-13
Benoit, Leon (Ref.-Lakeland; CA-Lakeland as of March 27, 2000)

    Bison, M-179
    Employees, M-449
    Endangered and threatened species, P-12
    Indian Act, M-470
    Indian bands/reserves, M-469
    Individual security fund, M-453
    Inter-provincial trade, C-203
      M-264, M-449
    Organ procurement/transplant, M-178
    Refugees, P-101
    Tools, P-49
    Weapons, C-406
    Written questions, Q-52, Q-62, Q-66, Q-178, Q-179, Q-180, Q-253, Q-254
Bernier, Gilles (PC-Tobique-Mactaquac)

    Co-operative housing, M-193
    Written questions, Q-31, Q-37, Q-38, Q-206, Q-264
Bernier, Yvan (BQ-Bonaventure-Gaspé-Îles-de-la-Madeleine-Pabok)

    Written questions, Q-212
Bertrand, Robert (Lib.-Pontiac-Gatineau-Labelle; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of National Defence until Sept. 1, 2000)

    Dieticians, C-202
    National Defence Department, C-376
Beverage containers

    Refundable deposit/recycling, C-308 (Mahoney)
    See also Alcoholic beverage containers; Bottle return depots
Bicycle couriers

    Food expenses, income tax deduction, C-412 (Caccia)
Bigras, Bernard (BQ-Rosemont; BQ-Rosemont-Petite-Patrie)

    Marijuana, M-381
Bilingualism see instead Official languages policy/bilingualism

Bill C-68 (1st Sess., 35th Parl.) see Firearms Act

Bills of Exchange Act

    C-328 (Harb)
Biomass see Ethanol


      Other Business No. 4
Birch Grove, N.S. see Sewage waste


    Wood Buffalo National Park, brucellosis and tuberculosis, M-179 (Benoit)
Blaikie, Bill (NDP-Winnipeg-Transcona)

    Dollar, exchange rate, M-480
    Written questions, Q-83, Q-246
    Youth, M-306
Black Lake, Que. see British Canadian (BC) asbestos mine

Blood/blood supply system

    Canada Development Corporation/Connaught Laboratories, P-100 (Hill, G.)
    Samples, hepatitis B, hepatitis C or HIV/AIDS virus detection, protection of emergency personnel, C-483 (Martin, K.)
    von Willebrand's disease, M-273 (Thompson, G.)
    See also Hepatitis C; HIV/AIDS; Medical devices-PVC plastics
Blood Samples Act

    C-483 (Martin, K.)
Board of Internal Economy see House of Commons

Bonds see Financial transactions (stocks, bonds and money market trades)

Bonin, Ray (Lib.-Nickel Belt)

    Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), C-422
Bonwick, Paul (Lib.-Simcoe-Grey)

    Fishing, C-403
Borotsik, Rick (PC-Brandon-Souris)

    Agriculture Income Disaster Assistance (AIDA) program, P-96
    Agricultural products, P-87
    Agriculture, C-387
    Agriculture Minister, P-50
    Bovine growth hormone (rBST)
      M-226, M-227
    Canadian Wheat Board
    Crop insurance, M-230
    Farm income, M-229
    Farmers, M-231
    Food, M-250
    Fuel, M-628
    Grain transportation
    Gross Revenue Insurance Program (GRIP), M-594
    Highways and roads, M-232, M-323
    Riel, Louis David, C-417
    User fees, M-593
    Written questions, Q-25, Q-26, Q-27, Q-44, Q-219, Q-220, Q-221, Q-256, Q-257, Q-258
Borrowing Authority Act, 1996-97

      Ways and Means No. 24

    International Stabilization Force (SFOR), Canadian participation, Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
Bottle return depots

    Operated by charities, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
Bovine growth hormone (rBST)

    M-226 (Borotsik)
    M-227 (Borotsik)
    P-7 (Borotsik)
    Monsanto Inc., approval application, P-89 (Hill, G.)
    See also Milk
Botanicals see Natural health products (herbs, botanicals, vitamins and minerals)

Brain drain see Student loans-Interest

Break and enter offences see Offenders-Repeat offenders

Breast cancer

    Awareness, commemorative stamp, M-627 (Davies)
    See also Mammography facilities
Breitkreuz, Cliff (Ref.-Yellowhead; CA-Yellowhead as of March27, 2000)

    Members of Parliament, C-268
    Written questions, Q-169
Breitkreuz, Garry (Ref.-Yorkton-Melville; CA-Yorkton-Melville as of March 27, 2000)

    Abortion, M-268
    Children, M-478
    Family, M-33
    Government expenditures, C-214
    Gun control
    Income tax, C-214
    Members of Parliament, M-243
    Parliament, M-156
    Property rights, C-304, C-452
    User Group on Firearms, P-17
    Written questions, Q-18, Q-57, Q-84, Q-185, Q-218
Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act

Bribery see Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions; Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act; Trade

Bridges see Tolls (highways, bridges and tunnels)

Brien, Pierre (BQ-Témiscamingue)

    Customs tariff, C-374
    Toys, C-374
    Written questions, Q-29
Brison, Scott (PC-Kings-Hants; resigned July 24, 2000)

    Agricultural research, M-191
    Business, M-192
    Emergency response workers, M-552
    Forestry, M-550
    Regulations, M-491
    Trade, M-490
    Woodlots, M-551
British Canadian (BC) asbestos mine

    Black Lake/Thetford Mines, Que., closure, older worker claims, M-314 (Chrétien, J-G)
British Columbia see Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)-Contracts; Drainage ditches; Elections-Polls; Highways and roads; Infrastructure program; Lightkeepers; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP); Senate-Vacancies

British pensioners see Pensions

Broadcasting see Cable television; Committees, Parliamentary; House of Commons-Debates; Religion; Satellite broadcasting services

Broadcasting Act

    C-288 (Gallaway)
    C-398 (White, T.)
Brucellosis see Bison

Bryden, John (Lib.-Wentworth-Burlington; Lib.-Ancaster-Dundas-Flamborough-Aldershot)

    Government records, C-264

    Balanced, C-375 (Loubier)
    Pre-budget consultations, Finance Standing Committee Eleventh Report, Government Business No. 19
    See also Deficit-Prevention
Budget 1998

    Order of the Day designated, Ways and Means No. 5
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Economy-Adjournment motion
Budget 1999

    Order of the Day designated, Ways and Means No. 19
Budget Implementation Act, 1997

    Ways and Means No. 11
    Ways and Means No. 15
Budget Implementation Act, 1998

    Ways and Means No. 15
Budget Implementation Act, 1999

      Ways and Means No. 24
Buffalo see instead Bison

Bus transport (interprovincial)

    Safety/deregulation, C-77

    Business arrangements, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
    Publicly traded, records, M-192 (Brison)
    Restructuring, employee vote, Canada Labour Code, sec. 108.1, M-8 (Johnston)
    See also Electronic commerce; Foreign business
Business Development Bank of Canada see Les Entreprises Yvon Duhaime Inc.


Cabinet Ministers

    Ethics code, P-31 (Harris)
    Former Cabinet Ministers, lobbying, prohibition, M-411 (Anders)
    See also Agriculture Minister; House of Commons-Oral questions; Immigrants-Criminal background; Veterans Affairs Minister
Cable television

    Designation of channels on cable spectrum, C-398 (White, T.)
    Negative-option marketing, C-288 (Gallaway)
    Optional channels, regulation of pricing and marketing, M-331 (Robinson)
Caccia, Hon. Charles L. (Lib.-Davenport)

    Bicycle couriers, C-412
    Carbon dioxide emissions, M-38
    Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC), C-441
    Developing countries, M-569
    Elections, C-379
    Endangered and threatened species, C-441
    Exports, C-378
    Fish-farming industry, M-36
    Hazardous waste, M-34
    Murder, M-644
    Organic pollution, M-37
    Transportation, M-35
    Water, M-39
    Written questions, Q-248
Cadman, Chuck (Ref.-Surrey North; CA-Surrey North as of March27, 2000)

    Parole, C-388
    Sentences (convicted criminals), M-330
    Victims of crime, C-294
    Young offenders, C-260
      Other Business No. 4
Cadmium see Consumer products-Toxic contaminants

Calder, Murray (Lib.-Dufferin-Peel-Wellington-Grey)

    Canadian Horse, C-454
    Firefighters, C-249
Calgary Declaration

    P-22 (Anders)
    Supply Proceedings No. 2
Cambellton, N.B. see Parker, Gladys Marie

Camp-site rentals

    Visitor rebate, non-resident and cross-border transactions, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
Canada Business Corporations Act

    C-221 (Cullen)
    C-329 (Harb)
    See also Industry Standing Committee
Canada-Chile Income Tax Convention Act, 1998

Canada Cooperative Associations Act

    C-335 (Harb)
Canada Cooperatives Act

Canada-Croatia Income Tax Agreement Act, 1998

Canada Customs and Revenue Agency

Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act

Canada Development Corporation see Blood/blood supply system

Canada Development Investment Corporation

    Canada Hibernia Holding Corporation and other assets, C-36
Canada Education Savings Grants

    See also Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs)
Canada Elections Act

    C-230 (White, T.)
    C-265 (Scott, M.)
    C-274 (White, T.)
    C-280 (White, T.)
    C-379 (Caccia)
    C-399 (White, T.)
    C-405 (Lavigne)
    C-411 (Baker)
    C-437 (Riis)
    C-451 (Pankiw)
    C-478 (Bailey)
    C-497 (St-Hilaire)
    Sec. 31 see Communist Party of Canada
Canada Endangered Species Protection Act

    C-441 (Caccia)
Canada Evidence Act

Canada Food Safety and Inspection Act

Canada Gazette

    Electronic publishing, C-54
Canada Grain Act

      Other Business No. 4
Canada Health Act

    C-202 (Bertrand)
    C-267 (Gouk)
    C-282 (Bélanger)
    C-332 (Harb)
    C-515 (Pankiw)
Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST)

    Calculation, M-591 (Doyle)
    Funding cutbacks, Supply Proceedings No. 11
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Health care-Funding
Canada Hibernia Holding Corporation see Canada Development Investment Corporation

Canada Industrial Relations Board

Canada Labour Code

    C-364 (Fournier)
    C-429 (Morrison)
    C-447 (Marceau)
    C-470 (Marceau)
    C-477 (Morrison)
    Part I, C-19
    Sec. 70 see Labour unions-Dues
    Sec. 108.1 see Business-Restructuring
    Sec. 184 see Employees-Vacation
Canada Lands Surveyors Act

Canada Marine Act

      Other Business No. 4
Canada Millennium Scholarship Fund

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

    Housing assistance authority/international housing, C-66
Canada-Netherlands Income Tax Convention Act, 1986

      Other Business No. 4
Canada Parks see National parks-Name

Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 4
    C-331 (Harb)
    C-395 (Nystrom)
    Chief actuary, Bernard Dussault, dismissal, P-53 (Ablonczy)
    Disability program
      M-106 (Hill, J.)
      M-534 (Solomon)
    Housewives and part-time workers, M-154 (Dockrill)
    Parents who stay home, M-637 (Grewal)
    Same-sex couples, C-386 (Robinson)
    Solvency, P-90 (Solberg)
    Spousal eligibility
      C-244 (Szabo)
      C-386 (Robinson)
    See also Child care; Employees-Education and training; Firefighters; Individual security fund; Pension Ombudsman; Police
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act

      Other Business No. 4
Canada Port Authorities

      Other Business No. 4
Canada Ports Police

    Reinstatement, M-397 (Mancini)
Canada Post Commission

    Establishing, M-77 (Stoffer)
Canada Post Corporation

    Board of directors, C-290 (Crête)
    Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW), collective bargaining, M-82 (Stoffer)
    Competition, permitting, C-474 (Anders)
    Labour disputes, back-to-work legislation, M-80 (Stoffer)
    Pensions, C-78
    Profits, M-78 (Stoffer)
    Public ownership, M-298 (Stoffer)
    Strike, alternative delivery, M-81 (Stoffer)
    See also Contests, lotteries, games of chance; Government logos; Postal service
Canada Post Corporation Act

    C-290 (Crête)
    C-409 (Redman)
    C-431 (Martin, Pat)
    C-474 (Anders)
    Sec. 13(5) see Rural route mail carriers/contractors
Canada-Russia relations see Plutonium

Canada Shipping Act

      Other Business No. 4
    C-333 (Harb)
Canada Small Business Financing Act

      Other Business No. 4
Canada Social Transfer see Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST)

Canada Student Financial Assistance Act

Canada Student Loans Act

    C-334 (Harb)
Canada Transportation Act

    C-341 (Harb)
    C-430 (Morrison)
Canada Travelling Exhibition Indemnification Act

Canada-United Kingdom Civil and Commercial Judgements Convention Act

    C-336 (Harb)
Canada-United States Days of Peace and Friendship

    M-263 (Maloney)
Canada-United States relations see Customs-Preclearance; Immigration-Preclearance; Iraq; Plutonium; Torpedoes

Canada-United States Tax Convention (1980)

      Ways and Means No. 25
Canada-United States Tax Convention Act, 1984

      Other Business No. 4
Canada-Vietnam Income Tax Agreement Act, 1998

Canada Water Export Prohibition Act

    C-485 (Lincoln)
Canada-Yukon Oil and Gas Accord

Canadian Anti-Smoking Youth Foundation

    Incorporation/industry funding levy
      M-549 (Wasylycia-Leis)
      S-13 (Bennett)
Canadian Arctic Contaminants Assessment Report see Arctic pollution; Organic pollution

Canadian Armed Forces

    Housing, M-493 (Price)
    Justice system, Code of Service Discipline, C-25
      Other Business No. 4
    Military missions, Parliamentary approval, M-380 (Mills, B.)
    Parliamentary Commissioner for the Armed Forces, M-72 (Venne)
        Ways and Means No. 24
      C-270 (Grewal)
    Political leadership, failure, Supply Proceedings No. 9
    Procurement, parliamentary approval
      M-73 (Laurin)
        Other Business No. 4
      M-74 (Venne)
    Reserves, training, C-232 (Hart)
    Review, independent, Office of the Civilian Inspector General, M-364 (Venne)
    See also Armouries; Canadian Forces Day; Medak Pocket; Naval ships; Telephone service
Canadian Bill of Rights

    C-304 (Breitkreuz, G.)
    C-319 (Harb)
    C-320 (Harb)
    C-326 (Harb)
    C-452 (Breitkreuz, G.)
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)

    Autonomous corporations, establishing, M-125 (Tremblay, Suzanne)
      M-169 (Gallaway)
      M-432 (Lill)
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

    See also Education-Right to education; Elections-Right to vote; Family-Parental rights; Housing; Legislative assemblies-Membership; Literacy-Right to literacy; Property rights
Canadian Child Rights Act

    C-344 (Harb)
Canadian Council on the Status of the Artist

    Appointments, M-436 (Lill)
Canadian Environmental Assessment Act

    Review, M-526 (Lincoln)
Canadian Environmental Protection Act

    C-403 (Bonwick)
    Repeal, C-32
      Other Business No. 4
Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1998

      Other Business No. 4
Canadian flag see instead Flag

Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act

Canadian Forces Day

    M-368 (Pratt)
Canadian Forces Maritime Experimental and Test Ranges (CFMETR) see Torpedoes

Canadian Forces Superannuation Act

    C-345 (Harb)
Canadian Heritage Act

    M-109 (Tremblay, Suzanne)
Canadian Heritage Department

    M-110 (Tremblay, Suzanne)
    See also Canadian Parks Agency
Canadian Heritage Standing Committee

    Reports, sixth, Other Business No. 7
    Travel, Other Business No. 7
Canadian Horse

    National horse, C-454 (Calder)
Canadian Human Rights Act

    C-257 (White, T.)
    C-284 (Lowther)
    C-491 (Ménard)
    S-11 (St-Jacques)
Canadian Human Rights Commission

    Annual report, S-5
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

    Contracts, British Columbia firms, Assadourian remarks, M-419 (Grewal)
    Projects, auditors, M-271 (Grewal)
Canadian International Trade Tribunal see Imports-Anti-dumping

Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act

Canadian Manufacturers' Association see instead Alliance of Manufacturers & Exporters Canada

Canadian Museum of Civilization see Crimes against humanity; Titanic

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

    C-443 (Chatters)
Canadian Pacific Railroad see Chinese Canadians

Canadian Parks Agency see instead Parks Canada Agency

Canadian Parks Agency Act see instead Parks Canada Agency Act

Canadian Police Information Centre see Sex offenders-National registry

Canadian Public Safety Officer Compensation Fund

    M-409 (Davies)
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)

    Annual report, C-422 (Bonin)
    Board of commissioners
      Appointments, Parliamentary review, M-565 (Lowther)
      Consumer representation, C-381 (McTeague)
    Costs, P-45 (Lowther)
    See also Religion-Broadcasters
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Act

    C-381 (McTeague)
    C-422 (Bonin)
Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act

    C-293 (Marceau)
    C-436 (Wappel)
Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers Community Responsibility Foundation

    M-578 (Elley)
Canadian Tourism Commission

Canadian Tourism Commission Act

Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board

    C-477 (Morrison)
      Other Business No. 4
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act

      Other Business No. 4
Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) see Canada Post Corporation

Canadian War Museum

    Building construction, private sector lease-back, M-471 (Pratt)
    Veterans Affairs Minister responsibility, M-334 (Wayne)
Canadian Wheat Board

    Access to information, M-228 (Borotsik)
    Auditor General of Canada Office audits, C-283 (Hoeppner)
    Corporate governance and operational flexibility, C-4
      Other Business No. 4
    Managerial review, P-6 (Borotsik)
Canadian Wheat Board Act

      Other Business No. 4
    C-283 (Hoeppner)
Canadians with Disabilities Act

    Establishing, M-435 (Lill)

    Childhood Cancer Awareness Day, M-616 (Godfrey)
    See also Terry Fox Day Act
CANDU reactors

    China, sale
      P-32 (Gilmour)
      P-57 (Chatters)
    Environmental guidelines and assessment, M-445 (Gilmour)
    Moratorium, M-592 (Debien)
    Romania, sale, P-58 (Chatters)
    Sales to foreign countries, P-60 (Chatters)

    Children's toys resemblance, warning label
      M-284 (Axworthy, C.)
      M-635 (Stoffer)
Cannis, John (Lib.-Scarborough Centre; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Industry)

    Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, M-525
Cape Breton, N.S. see Coal industry

Capital gains tax

      Other Business No. 4
    M-626 (Kenney)
    See also Oil and gas industry; Woodlots
Capital property see Provincial Crown Agents

Capital punishment

      C-277 (Elley)
      M-30 (White, T.)
    Reinstatement, C-212 (Hill, J.)
    See also Murder-Death sentence
Carbon dioxide emissions

    Reduction, M-38 (Caccia)

    Mental or physical impairement, caregiver tax credit
        Ways and Means No. 25
      C-323 (Harb)
      Ways and Means No. 18

    Nunavik and other remote regions, NAV CANADA fees, M-598 (St-Julien)
Carriage by Air Act

    C-345 (Harb)
Casey, Bill (PC-Cumberland-Colchester)

    Highways and roads, M-180
Casinos see Cruise ships

Casson, Rick (Ref.-Lethbridge; CA-Lethbridge as of March 27,2000)

    Child pornography, C-489
    Employees, M-520
    Endangered and threatened species, P-91
    Written questions, Q-166, Q-167, Q-183
Catterall, Marlene (Lib.-Ottawa West-Nepean)

    Certified General Accountants Association of Canada, S-25
    Electoral districts, C-410
      Other Business No. 4
Cemeteries see Funerals


    1911 records, M-571 (Kenney)
Central African Republic

    Canadian peacekeeping, Government Business No. 20
      Other Business No. 4
Certified General Accountants Association of Canada

    S-25 (Catterall)
CFMETR see instead Canadian Forces Maritime Experimental and Test Ranges (CFMETR)


    Assistant Deputy Chairman of Committees of the Whole, appointment, Other Business No. 1
    Deputy Chairman of Committees of the Whole, appointment, Other Business No. 1
    Deputy Speaker and Chairman of Committees of the Whole, election, Other Business No. 1
Chandigarh, India see Visas-Canadian High Commission Office

Charitable donations

      Ways and Means No. 4
    Income tax deduction
      Gift designation, C-312 (Mark)
      No less than for contributions to political parties, M-318 (Strahl)
    See also Food banks

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
    Political activities, revocation of income tax status, C-273 (White, T.)
    See also Bottle return depots; Charitable donations
Charlotte County Ports quarry project

    Transport Department role, M-282 (Thompson, G.)
Chatters, Dave (Ref.-Athabasca; CA-Athabasca as of March 27,2000)

    Aboriginal land claims, M-12
    Atomic Energy Control Board of Canada (AECB)
    Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL)
    Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, C-443
    CANDU reactors, P-57, P-58, P-60
    Farmers, M-11
    Greenhouse gas emissions
    Hepatitis C, M-461
    Livestock, C-227
    Members of Parliament, M-15
    Natural resources, M-13
    Nuclear technology, C-443
    Nuclear waste, P-59
    Oil and gas industry, M-14, M-460
    Plutonium, P-72, P-73
    Written questions, Q-137
Chemical pesticides

    M-289 (Laliberte)
    See also Gophers
Chemical sensitivity see Environmental illness (multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia)

Chemicals see Tobacco/cigarettes; Toys-Phthalates

Cheque cashing services see Banks and banking-Service-charge-free banking transactions

Chief Electoral Officer

    Appointment, Parliamentary Standing Committee review, M-410 (White, R.)
Chief Electoral Officer Office (Elections Canada)

    Estimates, 1999-2000, main see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Reports, Seventy-second
    See also Indian bands/reserves-Elections
Child benefit see instead Child tax benefit

Child care

    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), parental benefits, M-557 (Szabo)
    Employment insurance, parental benefits, C-449 (Szabo)
    Expense deduction
        Ways and Means No. 25
      M-637 (Grewal)
      Ways and Means No. 18
    National program, M-128 (Davies)
    Parents who stay home
      C-244 (Szabo)
      M-223 (St-Julien)
      M-443 (Elley)
      M-486 (St-Julien)
      M-558 (St-Julien)
    Part-time students, child care expense deduction
        Ways and Means No. 25
      Ways and Means No. 18
    Post-secondary students, M-376 (Solomon)
    Special needs program, M-153 (Dockrill)
    Tax credit, M-561 (Lowther)
Child Custody and Access Special Joint Committee

    Deadline, extension, Other Business No. 7
    Membership, Other Business No. 7
Child labour

    Child-labour-free labels, M-407 (Davies)
    M-303 (Martin, Pat)
Child pornography

    Electronic publishing, C-245 (Finlay)
    Forfeiture of items used, C-489 (Casson)
    Internet distribution, C-424 (Stoffer)
      Other Business No. 4
    Supply Proceedings No. 13
Child poverty

    Reducing, M-544 (Doyle)
Child predators see Airlines-Ticket sales

Child prostitution

      Other Business No. 4
Child sex offenders

    Criminal records, access, C-284 (Lowther)
    Orders of prohibition, dwelling house of person under age 14, C-433 (MacKay)
    Penalties, C-245 (Finlay)
Child tax benefit

    Implementation, C-36
        Ways and Means No. 24
      M-544 (Doyle)
    Indexation, M-198 (St-Jacques)
    Ways and Means No. 21

    Definition, United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
      C-327 (Harb)
      C-328 (Harb)
      C-329 (Harb)
      C-330 (Harb)
      C-331 (Harb)
      C-332 (Harb)
      C-333 (Harb)
      C-334 (Harb)
      C-335 (Harb)
      C-336 (Harb)
      C-337 (Harb)
      C-338 (Harb)
      C-339 (Harb)
      C-341 (Harb)
      C-342 (Harb)
      C-343 (Harb)
      C-344 (Harb)
      C-345 (Harb)
      C-346 (Harb)
      C-347 (Harb)
      C-348 (Harb)
      C-349 (Harb)
      C-350 (Harb)
      C-351 (Harb)
      C-352 (Harb)
      C-353 (Harb)
      C-354 (Harb)
      C-355 (Harb)
      C-356 (Harb)
      C-357 (Harb)
    Head Start Program, education/hospitals, M-261 (Martin, K.)
    Parental leave during first two years, M-146 (Dockrill)
    Parents, rights/duties, M-478 (Breitkreuz, G.)
    Physical discipline/spanking, parental rights, Criminal Code, sec. 43
      C-276 (Davies)
      C-368 (Ianno)
      M-159 (Hayes)
      M-528 (Vellacott)
    Raising, equality for men and women, M-147 (Dockrill)
    Sexual acts, age limit
      C-255 (Hanger)
      C-504 (Lowther)
    Terminally ill, parents, employment leave, M-143 (Dockrill)
    See also Adoption; Airlines-Ticket sales; Cancer; Candy; Divorce; Family-One-income; Foetal alcohol syndrome; International Convention on the Rights of the Child; Justice system-Sentencing; Peace officers-Killed in the line of duty; Toys
Children's Special Allowances Act

      Ways and Means No. 4
Chile see Canada-Chile Income Tax Convention Act, 1998; Pinochet, Augusto

China see CANDU reactors; Indonesia; Taiwan

Chinese Canadians

    Canadian Pacific Railroad workers, memorial, M-253 (Mark)
Chrétien, Right Hon. Jean (Lib.-Saint-Maurice; Prime Minister)

    Travel, February 5, 6, 7 and 8, 1999, P-84 (McNally)
Chrétien, Jean-Guy (BQ-Frontenac-Mégantic)

    Asbestos industry, M-315
    British Canadian (BC) asbestos mine, M-314
    Employment insurance, C-296
    Lake Megantic Human Resources Development Centre, P-10
    Senate, M-236
    Thetford Mines Regional Industrial Development Fund Incorporated, P-41
    Written questions, Q-23, Q-61, Q-133, Q-134, Q-135, Q-228
Chronic fatigue syndrome see Environmental illness (multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia)

Chrysotile asbestos fibre see Asbestos industry

CHST see instead Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST)

Churchill Falls, Labrador see Electricity

CIDA see instead Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

Cigarettes see instead Tobacco/cigarettes

Circumpolar community

    Canadian boundary, M-291 (Laliberte)

    Hyphenated form/integration, M-24 (Grewal)

    See also Oath of Allegiance
Citizenship Act

Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee

    Travel, Other Business No. 7
Citizenship of Canada Act

Civil Code of Lower Canada (1866)

Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act

Civil law see Justice system-Quebec

Class action lawsuits see Competition-Criminal offences

Climate change

    Other Business No. 4
    See also Ozone depleting substances
Cloning see Genetics

Closure see House of Commons

CMHC see instead Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

Coal industry

    Cape Breton, employee adjustment program, M-543 (Dockrill)
Coastal Fisheries Protection Act

      Other Business No. 4
Coastal waters

    Protection, M-89 (Earle)
Coat of Arms

    Aboriginal people, reflecting, M-92 (Earle)
Cod food fishery

    M-488 (Doyle)
Code of Service Discipline see Canadian Armed Forces-Justice system

Coderre, Hon. Denis (Lib.-Bourassa; Secretary of State(Amateur Sport))

    Riel, Louis David, C-417
Codes of conduct see Code of Service Discipline; Members of Parliament; Parliamentarians' Code of Conduct; Senators

Coins see Currency

Collective bargaining

    Orphan clauses, C-470 (Marceau)
    See also Canada Post Corporation-Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW); Public Service; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP); Rural route mail carriers/contractors
Commerce see Electronic commerce

Commissioner for the Rights of Victims of Crime

    Establishing, M-386 (MacKay)
Commissions of inquiry

    Mandate, revocation, M-20 (Bellehumeur)
Committee of the Whole (House) see Petitions

Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC)

    C-441 (Caccia)
Committees, Parliamentary

    Broadcasting see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Reports, Forty-eighth
    Official languages policy, Official Languages Commissioner (1996) recommendation, M-412 (Martin, K.)
    See also Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee; Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee; Canadian Heritage Standing Committee; Chief Electoral Officer; Child Custody and Access Special Joint Committee; Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee; Committee of the Whole (House); Constitution Amendment Special Joint Committee; Corrections and Conditional Release Act Sub-Committee; Crown corporations; Economy-Globalization; Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee; Ethics (Members of Parliament/political parties); Finance Standing Committee; Fisheries and Oceans standing Committee; Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee; Health Standing Committee; Industry Standing Committee; Information Commissioner; International Trade, Trade Disputes and Investment Sub-Committee; Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee; Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee; National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee; National security; Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee; Newfoundland and Labrador-Education; Official Languages Commissioner; Official Languages Standing Joint Committee; Poverty-Globalization; Privacy Commissioner; Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee; Public Accounts Standing Committee; Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee; Standing Committees (House of Commons); Tax Equity for Canadian Families with Dependent Children Sub-Committee; Taxation-Reform; Transport Standing Committee; War criminals-And Nazis
Commodities see Agricultural commodities; Aquatic commodities

Commonlaw relationships see Conjugal relationships

Communal organizations

    Income tax, Ways and Means No. 21
Communication see Witnesses (Justice system)

Communist Party of Canada

    Registered party, Canada Elections Act, sec. 31, P-70 (White, T.)
Community reinvestment see Banks and banking

Community Re-investment Act see Economic development

Community revitalization

    National 'working holiday', Feb. 29, 2000, M-612 (Davies)
Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act

      Ways and Means No. 4

    Administration/enforcement, C-20
    Anti-competitive acts, C-472 (McTeague)
    Criminal offences, class action lawsuits, M-574 (Nystrom)
    Vertically integrated suppliers/retail sales, C-235 (McTeague)
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Canada Post Corporation
Competition Act

      Other Business No. 4
    C-235 (McTeague)
      Other Business No. 4
    C-393 (Gallaway)
    C-472 (McTeague)
Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Implementation Act

Computers (Year 2000 compliance)

    Government departments and agencies, M-249 (Power)
    National Program Office for the Year 200, establishing, M-405 (Riis)

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
Confederation see Riel, Louis David-Father of Confederation

Confidence motions see House of Commons

Conflict, international

    Prevention, multilateral plan, M-338 (Martin, K.)
Conflict of interest see Nuclear technology

Conjugal relationships

    Common law homosexual and lesbian couples, equal treatment
      C-309 (Ménard)
      C-481 (Ménard)
Connaught Laboratories see Blood/blood supply system-Canada Development Corporation


    Demonstration, April 01, 1918, government apology, M-406 (Gagnon)
Conservation see Fisheries

Constantinople see Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople

Constitution Act, 1867

    C-304 (Breitkreuz, G.)
    C-372 (O'Brien, P.)
    C-452 (Breitkreuz, G.)
Constitution Amendment Special Joint Committee

    Membership, Other Business No. 7
Constitution of Canada see Calgary Declaration; National unity; Newfoundland and Labrador-Education; Quebec-Education; Senate

Construction services

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) application
        Ways and Means No. 28
      Ways and Means No. 13
Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act

    C-239 (Hill, G.)
    C-389 (Bellemare)
Consumer products

    Toxic contaminants, phthalates, cadmium and lead, C-482 (Wasylycia-Leis)

    Ombudsman, establishing, M-533 (Solomon)
    See also Automobiles-Defects; Banks and banking; Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)-Board of commissioners; Marketing-Negative option marketing
Contests, lotteries, games of chance

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) regulations, Ways and Means No. 17
    Letter indicating prize conditional on prior payment, transmittal by Canada Post Corporation, C-409 (Redman)
Contraventions Act

    C-503 (Martin, K.)
Controlled Drugs and Substances Act

      Other Business No. 4
    C-458 (Gilmour)
    C-503 (Martin, K.)
Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions

Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969, Protocol of 1992

Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims, 1976

Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage

Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction

      Other Business No. 4
Conventions (conferences)

    Food and beverages, non-residents, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
Cooperative Credit Associations Act

Co-operative housing

      M-193 (Bernier, G.)
      M-605 (Davies)

    See also Artists; Education, post-secondary; Housing
Copyright see Audiovisual productions; Photocopies

Copyright Act

    C-220 (Wappel)
    C-358 (Mahoney)
Corporate taxation

    Interest on overpayment/underpayment, Ways and Means No. 21
      Ways and Means No. 4
    See also Apprenticeship-Wages; Corporations-Partnerships; Financial institutions; Forestry-Maintenance expenses; Mining industry-Exploration-Flow-through shares

    Boards of directors
      And executives see Westray mine disaster
      Due diligence defence, C-221 (Cullen)
    Criminal acts or omissions/unsafe working conditions, liability of officers and staff, C-468 (McDonough)
    Mergers, C-20
    Partnerships, intra-group transactions, taxation, Ways and Means No. 13
    See also Corporate taxation; Print media-Ownership
Corporations and Labour Unions Returns Act

Correctional Service of Canada

    Board of Investigation report, M-506 (MacKay)
Corrections and Conditional Release Act

      Other Business No. 4
    C-251 (Guarnieri)
    C-292 (Marceau)
    C-294 (Cadman)
    C-337 (Harb)
    C-388 (Cadman)
    C-416 (Marceau)
Corrections and Conditional Release Act Sub-Committee

    Travel, Other Business No. 7
Corrupt Practices Act

Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act

COSEWIC see instead Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC)

Countervailing duties see Imports

Courier services see Bicycle couriers

Court Challenges Program

      M-158 (Hayes)
      M-310 (Vellacott)
      M-327 (Vellacott)
Cowichan Tribes

    Tobacco tax
      Ways and Means No. 15
Credit see Education-Student credit amnesty

Credit cards

    Bad debt relief, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
    Interest rates, C-301 (de Savoye)
Credit Ombudsman Office

    Establishing, C-396 (Nystrom)
Cree-Naskapi (of Quebec) Act

    C-345 (Harb)
Crête, Paul (BQ-Kamouraska-Rivière-du-Loup-Témiscouata-Les Basques)

    Canada Post Corporation, C-290
    Currency, M-70
    Employment insurance
      C-377, C-500
    Marine policy, M-307
    Petitions, C-291
    Seasonal workers
    Self-employed workers, C-295, C-501
    Senate, M-68
    Unemployment, M-71

    Break and enter, minimum two year sentence, C-475 (Obhrai)
    Combatting, Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) funding, M-509 (MacKay)
    Firearm use, sentencing
      C-236 (Stinson)
      C-484 (Pankiw)
      C-516 (Pankiw)
    Investigation, national DNA data bank, C-3
      Other Business No. 4
    Offences committed outside Canada, C-224 (Wappel)
    Organized crime see Parole
      Seized, share to provincial and municipal governments, M-17 (Gilmour)
      See also Money laundering (proceeds of crime)
    Profits of crime, offence to sell or authorize sale of story
      C-220 (Wappel)
      M-447 (White, T.)
    See also Automobiles; Competition; Corporations; Currency-Thousand dollar note; Drug smuggling; Drug trafficking; Foreign business; Home invasion; Human rights; Immigrants; Marijuana; Minerals-Fraud and theft; Money laundering (proceeds of crime); Offenders-Multiple criminal offences; Victims of crime; Violent crime
Crimes against humanity

    Canadian Museum of Civilization, permanent exhibit, C-479 (Assadourian)
Criminal Code

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
    C-206 (Forseth)
    C-207 (Forseth)
    C-209 ((Strahl)
    C-211 (White, R.)
    C-212 (Hill, J.)
    C-215 (Thompson, M.)
    C-219 (Thompson, M.)
    C-220 (Wappel)
    C-224 (Wappel)
    C-226 (Venne)
      Other Business No. 4
    C-236 (Stinson)
    C-242 (Martin, K.)
    C-243 (Martin, K.)
    C-245 (Finlay)
    C-247 (Picard)
      Other Business No. 4
    C-251 (Guarnieri)
    C-252 (Nunziata)
    C-255 (Hanger)
    C-258 (Forseth)
    C-259 (Thompson, M.)
    C-261 (Reynolds)
    C-262 (Abbott)
    C-266 (Hill, J.)
    C-269 (Hanger)
    C-276 (Davies)
    C-294 (Cadman)
    C-305 (Meredith)
    C-311 (Sauvageau)
    C-342 (Harb)
    C-345 (Harb)
    C-362 (Gouk)
    C-365 (Harris)
    C-368 (Ianno)
    C-374 (Brien)
    C-391 (Reynolds)
    C-397 (Lowther)
    C-406 (Benoit)
    C-408 (Jennings)
    C-415 (Guimond)
    C-418 (Szabo)
    C-425 (Myers)
    C-426 (Myers)
    C-433 (MacKay)
    C-438 (Thompson, M.)
    C-440 (McTeague)
    C-444 (Thompson, M.)
    C-448 (Harris)
    C-450 (Thompson, M.)
    C-459 (White, R.)
    C-461 (Vellacott)
    C-467 (Reynolds)
    C-468 (Blaikie)
    C-473 (Hill, J.)
    C-475 (Obhrai)
    C-484 (Pankiw)
    C-489 (Casson)
    C-492 (Thompson, M.)
    C-504 (Lowther)
    C-513 (Hill, J.)
    C-516 (Pankiw)
    M-65 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    M-134 (Hill, J.)
    Part XXIII see Justice system-Sentencing
    Sec. 6(2) see Crime-Offences committed outside Canada
    Sec. 43 see Children-Physical discipline
    Sec. 151 and 152 see Children-Sexual acts
    Sec. 161 see Child sex offenders
    Sec. 163 see Obscenity
    Sec. 213 see Prostitution-Penalties
    Sec. 227 see Murder
    Sec. 232 see Murder-Provocation defence
    Sec. 335 see Automobiles-Theft
    Sec. 745, faint hope clause see Murder-Parole
    Sec. 753 see Offeders-Dangerous offenders
    See also Impaired driving; Marijuana
Criminal harassement

    Bail, C-450 (Thompson, M.)
Criminal records see Child sex offenders

Criminal Records Act

    C-284 (Lowther)
Croatia see Canada-Croatia Income Tax Agreement Act, 1998

Crop insurance

    M-230 (Borotsik)
    See also Gophers; Grain
Cross-border transactions see Camp-site rentals

Crown Agents see Provincial Crown Agents

Crown corporations

    Access to information
      C-216 (Gilmour)
      M-2 (Mills, B.)
    Parliamentary Standing Committee, M-535 (Solomon)
Crown land see Forestry-Aboriginal logging

Crown Liability and Proceedings Act

    C-234 (Hanger)
Cruise ships

    Casinos, gambling operations
      Other Business No. 4
      C-415 (Guimond)
      Other Business No. 4
Cullen, Roy (Lib.-Etobicoke North; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Finance)

    Corporations, C-221
Cultural Property Export and Import Act

      Ways and Means No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 28
Culture see Aboriginal people-Economic and cultural basis; Arts and culture; Quebec

Cummins, John (Ref.-Delta-South Richmond; CA-Delta-South Richmond as of March 27, 2000)

    Written questions, Q-16, Q-19, Q-33, Q-51, Q-56, Q-91, Q-103, Q-119, Q-132, Q-138, Q-189, Q-190, Q-226, Q-227, Q-240, Q-260
CUPW see instead Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW)


    Bank notes, forgery, C-51
      Other Business No. 4
    Coins, terminology/Royal Canadian Mint powers, C-41
    One-cent coin, elimination, M-70 (Crête)
    Thousand dollar note, elimination to combat crime/money laundering, C-435 (Marceau)
Currency Act

Currency trade

    Foreign currency transaction tax (Tobin tax), M-239 (Nystrom)

    Duty and tax-free exemption limit/wine, Ways and Means No. 29
    Preclearance, Canada-United States reciprocity, S-22
Customs Act

      Ways and Means No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 28
Customs officers

    Arrest/impaired driving offences powers, C-18
Customs tariff

    Administration and enforcement see Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
      Ways and Means No. 1
      Ways and Means No. 4
    C-374 (Brien)
    Ways and Means No. 29
Czech Republic see Hansard-Printing


Dairy products see Milk

Dalphond-Guiral, Madeleine (BQ-Laval Centre)

    Employment insurance, C-299
Daly Building site

    National park, M-211 (Muise)
Davies, Libby (NDP-Vancouver East)

    Banks and banking, M-472
    Breast cancer, M-627
    Canadian Public Safety Officer Compensation Fund, M-409
    Child care, M-128
    Child labour, M-407
    Children, C-276
    Community revitalization, M-612
    Co-operative housing, M-605
    Discrimination, M-382
    Financial institutions, M-473, M-474, M-475, M-476
    Heroin, M-454
    Highways and roads, M-521, M-522
    HIV/AIDS, M-130
    Housing, M-129, M-604, M-606, M-608
    Indonesia, M-511
    Poverty, M-133
    Public safety officers (police and firefighters), M-409
    Social programs, M-131
    Student loans
    Unemployment, M-133
    Workplace, M-408
    Written questions, Q-35, Q-36, Q-200, Q-236
Day care see instead Child care

de Savoye, Pierre (BQ-Portneuf)

    Credit cards, C-301
Deaf and hard-of-hearing persons see instead Hearing impaired persons

Debate see House of Commons

Debates see Hansard

Debien, Maud (BQ-Laval East)

    Arms and armaments, M-489
    CANDU reactors, M-592
Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act

    C-240 (White, T.)

    Low-level training flights, Labrador Innu land, M-91 (Earle)
Defence equipment see instead Military equipment

Defence expenditures see Income tax-Military/defence purposes

Defence Services Pension Continuation Act

Deferred income plans

    Foreign property, income tax, C-446 (Solberg)

    Prevention, balanced budget, C-375 (Loubier)
Dene see Sahtu Dene and Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement

Denmark see Income tax-Conventions

Department of Defence see National Defence Department-Name

Department of Health Act

    C-368 (Ianno)
Department of Human Resources Act

Department of National Revenue Act

Department of Veteran Affairs Act

Deportation see Drug trafficking

Depository Bills and Notes Act

      Other Business No. 4
Deputy Chairman of Committees of the Whole see Chair

Deputy Speaker and Chairman of Committees of the Whole see Chair

Desjarlais, Bev (NDP-Churchill)

    Highways and roads, M-208
    Knowles, Hon. Stanley, M-316
    Marine safety, M-207
    National Miners' Memorial Day, M-555
    Rail system, M-205, M-206
    Transportation, M-209
Developing countries

    Debt, cancellation
      Jubilee 2000 Campaign
        M-523 (Robinson)
        M-575 (Robinson)
      M-569 (Caccia)
Development assistance

    Audit/evaluation, M-200 (St-Jacques)
    Consultations, C-36
    Funding, M-299 (Martin, Pat)
    Human rights criteria, M-199 (St-Jacques)
    Priorities, M-201 (St-Jacques)
Devolution see Federal-provincial jurisdiction


    Provincial management, C-51
      Other Business No. 4

    "Nutritional services", definition, C-202 (Bertrand)
Dilatory motions see Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee-Reports; Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee-Reports

Direct sales marketing

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
Disability benefits

    Income tax, C-28
      Ways and Means No. 4
Disabled and handicapped persons

    Equality rights, S-5
    Home Buyers' Plan (HBP), Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) withdrawal
        Ways and Means No. 25
      Ways and Means No. 18
    Pensions, C-2
      Other Business No. 4
    Sexual exploitation, S-5
    Transportation, access, M-149 (Dockrill)
    See also Aircraft; Aphasia; Automobiles-Wheelchair equipped/adapted; Canada Pension Plan (CPP); Canadians with Disabilities Act; Caregivers; Child care-Special needs program; Disease; Elections; Environmental illness (multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia); Income tax-Returns; Justice system-Juries; Print media; Prisoners of war; Witnesses (Justice system)
Disarmament see Nuclear weapons

Disaster Relief Canada see Farmers-Hobby/junior farmers

Discepola, Nick (Lib.-Vaudreuil-Soulanges)

    Banks and banking, C-306
      Other Business No. 4

    Ethnocultural, National Redress Commission, M-50 (Solomon)
    "Social condition", including as prohibited ground
      C-491 (Ménard)
      M-382 (Davies)
      S-11 (St-Jacques)
    Systemic discrimination, review, M-427 (Lill)
Disease see Allergies; Aphasia; Cancer; Children-Terminally ill; Environmental illness (multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia); Foetal alcohol syndrome; Gulf War Syndrome; Hepatitis C; Infectious disease; von Willebrand's disease

Disfranchising Act

Distinct society see Provinces-Equality/distinct society

Ditches see Drainage ditches

Divisions, recorded

      C-208 (Beaumier)
      C-211 (White, R.)
      C-216 (Gilmour)
      C-219 (Thompson, M.)
      C-223 (Hoeppner)
      C-235 (McTeague)
      C-247 (Picard)
      C-260 (Cadman)
      C-284 (Lowther)
      C-302 (Thompson, G.)
      C-316 (Fontana)
      M-75 (Riis)
      M-85 (Godin, Y.)
      M-132 (Davies)
      M-198 (St-Jacques)
      M-222 (Martin, K.)
      M-261 (Martin, K.)
      M-300 (Martin, Pat)
      M-318 (Strahl)
      M-360 (Riis)
      M-380 (Mills, B.)
      Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee report
      Government Business No. 5
      Government Business No. 6
      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 7
      Supply Proceedings No. 2
      Supply Proceedings No. 5
      Supply Proceedings No. 9
      Supply Proceedings No. 11
      Supply Proceedings No. 13
      Supply Proceedings No. 17
      Ways and Means No. 23
      Ways and Means No. 24
      Ways and Means No. 25
    Rescinding of request, Other Business No. 4

      Grandparents, access rights, C-340 (Harb)
      Joint custody, C-285 (Hill, J.)
      Parental responsibilities, Special Joint Committee
        Government Business No. 7
        Other Business No. 4
      See also Child Custody and Access Special Joint Committee
    Marriage counselling required, C-218 (Szabo)
Divorce Act

    C-218 (Szabo)
    C-285 (Hill, J.)
    C-330 (Harb)
    C-340 (Harb)
DNA Identification Act

      Other Business No. 4
DNA testing see Crime-Investigation; Immigrants

Dockrill, Michelle (NDP-Bras d'Or-Cape Breton)

    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), M-154
    Child care, M-153
    Children, M-143, M-146, M-147
    Coal industry, M-543
    Disabled and handicapped persons, M-149
    Donkin Mine, M-136
    Drugs and pharmaceuticals, M-152
    Elder care, M-138
    Family, M-148
    Family violence, M-142
    Food, M-151
    Guaranteed Income Supplement, M-542
    Income tax, M-139, M-150
    Job creation programs, M-135
    Marine Atlantic Inc., M-140
    National Tartan Day, M-141
    Old Age Security, M-541
    Rail passenger service, M-540
    Sewage waste, M-157
    Water, M-137
    Water and sewage systems, M-441
    Women, M-144
    Written questions, Q-159, Q-160, Q-161, Q-217, Q-224
    Youth, M-145
Dollar, exchange rate

    Speculation, regulation, M-480 (Blaikie)
Domestic violence see instead Family violence

Dominion Controverted Elections Act

Dominion Day

    C-263 (Abbott)
Donkin Mine

    M-100 (Mancini)
    M-136 (Dockrill)
Doyle, Norman (PC-St. John's East)

    Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), M-591
    Child poverty, M-544
    Child tax benefit, M-544
    Cod food fishery, M-488
    Income tax, M-545
    Natural resources, M-424
    Newfoundland and Labrador, M-272
    Unemployment, M-177
Drainage ditches

    Cleaning, British Columbia Lower Mainland
      Fisheries and Oceans Department management, P-52 (Strahl)
      Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, Second Report, The West Coast Report, Recommendation 12, M-401 (Strahl)
Drinking Water Materials Safety Act

Dromisky, Stan (Lib.-Thunder Bay-Atikokan; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Transport)

    Immigrants, C-254
Drug abuse

    National strategy, M-624 (White, R.)
    See also Heroin; HIV/AIDS; Substance abuse
Drug smuggling

    Specialized squads to combat, M-336 (Bailey)
Drug trafficking

    Deportation, M-586 (McNally)
    Elementary/high schools, C-458 (Gilmour)
Drugs see Heroin; Marijuana; Narcotics; Penitentiaries; Substance abuse

Drugs and pharmaceuticals

    Evaluation information, duplication, M-182 (Thompson, G.)
    Ingredients, labelling, M-152 (Dockrill)
    Non-patented medicines/generics, prices, M-190 (Thompson, G.)
        Ways and Means No. 24
      Parliamentary review, P-2 (Thompson, G.)
      Time limit
        C-248 (Solomon)
        C-361 (Gouk)
      World Trade Organization review, M-58 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Pills or capsules, size, shape and colour, M-64 (Wasylycia-Leis)
        Ways and Means No. 24
      C-248 (Solomon)
      M-62 (Wasylycia-Leis)
      M-63 (Wasylycia-Leis)
      M-188 (Thompson, G.)
      Patented Medicines Review Board, P-54 (Jaffer)
    Utilisation, information, M-189 (Thompson, G.)
    See also Patented Medicine Prices Review Board
Dubé, Antoine (BQ-Lévis-et-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière)

    Written questions, Q-136
Dubé, Jean (PC-Madawaska-Restigouche)

    Employment insurance, M-518
    New Brunswick Court of Queen's Bench, P-65
    Seniors Benefit
      M-212, M-278
    Training programs, M-276
    Written questions, Q-164, Q-165, Q-166, Q-168
    Youth, M-213, M-277
Duhaime, Yvon see Les Entreprises Yvon Duhaime Inc.

Dumas, Maurice (BQ-Argenteuil-Papineau-Mirabel)

    Argenteuil-Papineau constituency, C-465
Duncan, John (Ref.-Vancouver Island North; CA-Vancouver Island North as of March 27, 2000)

    International Olympic Committee, M-596
    Woodlots, M-617
    Written questions, Q-39, Q-67, Q-82, Q-87, Q-104, Q-105, Q-117, Q-141, Q-215, Q-222, Q-232, Q-242
Dussault, Bernard see Canada Pension Plan (CPP)-Chief actuary


Eagleson, Alan R. see Order of Canada

Earle, Gordon (NDP-Halifax West)

    Aboriginal people, M-86, M-88, M-90
    Coastal waters, M-89
    Coat of Arms, M-92
    Defence, M-91
    Members of Parliament, C-488
    Parliamentarians' Code of Conduct, C-488
    Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, M-87
    Senators, C-488
    Written questions, Q-130, Q-131
Early Retirement Incentive Program (ERI)

    Separation benefits, C-36
Economic development

    Community Re-investment Act, M-54 (Nystrom)
    See also Banks and banking-Community reinvestment
Economic sanctions see Iraq


    Adjournment motion, Other Business No. 4
    Globalization, parliamentary committee, M-610 (Tremblay, Stéphan)
    See also Underground economy
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople

    Theological School of Halki, M-525 (Cannis)
Edmonton East constituency

    Name, change to Edmonton Centre-East, C-486 (Goldring)

    Costs, income tax treatment, M-498 (St-Julien)
    Federal-provincial jurisdiction, Supply Proceedings No. 5
      Other Business No. 4
    Lifelong learning plans, Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) withdrawals
        Ways and Means No. 25
      Ways and Means No. 18
    National standards
      C-325 (Harb)
      M-448 (Riis)
      M-618 (Grewal)
    Part-time, education tax credit
        Ways and Means No. 25
      Ways and Means No. 18
    Right to education, C-319 (Harb)
    Student credit amnesty, M-317 (Nystrom)
    Teachers' expenses, income tax deduction, M-363 (Riis)
    Tuition fees, funding, M-448 (Riis)
    See also Aboriginal people; Canada Education Savings Grants; Canada Millennium Scholarship Fund; Child care-Part-time students; Children-Head Start Program; Drug trafficking; Mi'kmaq aboriginal communities; Newfoundland and Labrador; Peace officers-Killed in the line of duty; Photocopies; Public Service Bodies (hospital and school authorities, universities, public colleges and municipalities); Quebec; Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs); Scholarships; Student loans
Education, post-secondary

    Co-op programs, M-373 (Solomon)
    Financial assistance
      M-370 (Solomon)
      M-371 (Solomon)
      M-372 (Solomon)
      M-440 (Lill)
    See also Athletes; Child care; Student loans
Education Standards Act

    C-325 (Harb)
Edwards, Henrietta see "Famous Five"

Elder care

    Employment leave, M-138 (Dockrill)

    Ballots, format, photograph of candidate, C-405 (Lavigne)
    Campaign contributors, disclosure, C-83
    Campaign workers, payment with public funds, M-467 (White, R.)
    Choice not to support any candidate, C-379 (Caccia)
    Compulsory voting, M-607 (Hill, J.)
    Contraventions, C-83
    Disabled and handicapped persons, polling station accessibility, M-434 (Lill)
    Electronic voting, C-274 (White, T.)
    Expenses, reimbursement
      C-230 (White, T.)
      C-411 (Baker)
      Women candidates, 30% of registered political party total, C-497 (St-Hilaire)
    Fixed dates, C-451 (Pankiw)
    Irregularities, C-83
    Multiple-residential buildings, campaigning hours, C-83
    Nomination deposits, refund, C-83
    Political parties, registration, C-280 (White, T.)
    Political tax credit, C-83
    Polls, elsewhere than British Columbia, closure, C-478 (Bailey)
    Polling day, advertising and public opinion polls blackout, C-83
    Public opinion polls, methodology, C-83
    Returning officers
      Appointment, C-399 (White, T.)
      Right to vote, C-83
    Right to vote, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, sec. 3, M-21 (Stinson)
    Signage, C-83
    Third party advertising, C-83
    Voting age, C-437 (Riis)
    Voting hours, C-83
    See also Chief Electoral Officer; Indian bands/reserves; Members of Parliament-Householder mailings; Political parties; Regional development-Funding; Senate-Vacancies
Elections Canada see instead Chief Electoral Officer Office (Elections Canada)

Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act

Electoral districts

    Name changes, C-410 (Catterall)
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Abitibi constituency; Argenteuil-Papineau constituency; Sackville-Eastern Shore constituency; Stormont-Dundas constituency

    Churchill Falls hydro-electricity project
      M-458 (Chatters)
      P-43 (Chatters)
    Manufacturing and processing profits tax rate, Ways and Means No. 21
Electricity industry

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
Electronic commerce

    Personal information, protection, C-54
    See also Air cargo
Elley, Reed (Ref.-Nanaimo-Cowichan; CA-Nanaimo-Cowichan as of March 27, 2000)

    Airlines, M-328
    Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), M-311
    Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers Community Responsibility Foundation, M-578
    Capital punishment, C-277
    Child care, M-443
    Hepatitis C, P-15
    Medical devices, P-83
    Organ Donation Medal, C-498
    Provinces, M-26
    Quebec sovereignty referendums, M-25
    Written questions, Q-54, Q-69, Q-126
Embassies and consulates see Passports; Visas-Canadian High Commission Office


    Employees, income protection, M-344 (Vautour)
    Municipalities, assistance, M-479 (Grewal)
    Profiteering, C-442 (Grewal)
    See also Agriculture; Air India; Employment insurance-Waiting period; Floods; Ice storm 1998; Nunavik; Plastimet Inc.; Titanic; Westray mine disaster
Emergency debate see Farm income; Grain transportation-Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) strike

Emergency response workers

      Income tax deduction
          Ways and Means No. 25
        Ways and Means No. 18
      Tax credit, M-552 (Brison)
    See also Blood/blood supply system-Samples; Infectious disease
Employer tax credit see Apprenticeship-Wages


    Education and training, employer deduction of employment insurance and Canada Pension Plan (CPP) costs, M-520 (Casson)
    Expenses, targeted tax relief, M-449 (Benoit)
    Vacation, M-638 (Nystrom)
    See also Business-Restructuring; Coal industry; Emergencies/disasters; House of Commons; Longshore employees; Moving expenses; Tools

    Older workers, re-training
      M-162 (Ablonczy)
      M-351 (Thompson, G.)
    Work week, length, M-643 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Children-Terminally ill; Elder care; Gross Domestic Product (GDP); Self-employed workers; Youth
Employment equity

    Designated groups and numerical goals, C-257 (White, T.)
    Reporting requirements, C-257 (White, T.)
Employment Equity Act

    Repeal, M-104 (Pankiw)
Employment insurance

      C-296 (Chrétien, J-G)
      C-297 (Sauvageau)
    Earned income amounts, fraud charges, M-554 (Vautour)
    Employer bankruptcy, C-520 (Patry)
      C-299 (Dalphond-Guiral)
      C-377 (Crête)
    Insurable earnings, C-377 (Crête)
    New workers, M-69 (Crête)
    Parents who stay home, M-637 (Grewal)
      C-299 (Dalphond-Guiral)
      C-377 (Crête)
      M-204 (Jones)
      M-518 (Dubé, J.)
      Youth, C-36
      C-298 (Gagnon)
      C-377 (Crête)
    Refunds, C-300 (Ménard)
    Small Weeks Adjustment Project, Supply Proceedings No. 11
    Surplus, M-304 (Martin, Pat)
    Unemployment insurance reform, impact, Supply Proceedings No. 9
    Waiting period
      Elimination, C-500 (Crête)
      Elimination in cases of natural disaster, C-471 (Bachand, C.)
    Women, access, M-304 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Child care; Employees-Education and training; Fishers; Individual security fund; Seasonal workers; Self-employed workers
Employment Insurance Act 1997

      Ways and Means No. 4
    C-295 (Crête)
    C-296 (Chrétien, J-G)
    C-297 (Sauvageau)
    C-298 (Gagnon)
    C-299 (Dalphond-Guiral)
    C-300 (Ménard)
    C-377 (Crête)
    C-449 (Szabo)
    C-457 (Anders)
    C-471 (Bachand, C.)
    C-500 (Crête)
    C-501 (Crête)
    C-520 (Patry)
Endangered and threatened species

      C-441 (Caccia)
      M-187 (Thompson, G.)
    Legislation, P-91 (Casson)
    Protection, incentives or voluntary approaches, P-12 (Benoit)
    See also Wildlife-Parts

    Demand, M-40 (Solomon)
    Efficiency strategy, M-300 (Martin, Pat)
    Planning, M-41 (Solomon)
    Policy, M-44 (Solomon)
    Prices, M-42 (Solomon)
    See also Gasoline; Natural gas; Renewable energy; Sable Offshore Energy Project
Energy Price Commission see Gasoline-Prices

Energy sector see Electricity industry; Oil and gas industry

Entertainment expenses

    Income tax deduction
        Ways and Means No. 25
        Ways and Means No. 28
      Ways and Means No. 13
      Ways and Means No. 18
    See also Conventions (conferences)-Food and beverages

    Citizen rights to participate/compel investigations, C-32
      Other Business No. 4
    Foreign business interest violations, M-346 (Thompson, G.)
    National Advisory Committee, aboriginal government representation, C-32
      Other Business No. 4
    Protection, information/enforcement, C-32
      Other Business No. 4
    Remedial projects, guidelines for federal resources, M-394 (Mancini)
    See also Aboriginal lands; CANDU reactors; Climate change; Coastal waters; Drainage ditches; Fish-farming industry; Fishing-Lead sinkers and jigs; Government lands; Hazardous products; Industrial projects; Marine conservation areas; Pollution; Recycling; Toxic substances; Transportation; Voisey Bay Mine; Water
Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee

    Reports, dilatory motion, Other Business No. 7
    Travel, Other Business No. 7
Environmental assessment

    Public input
      M-184 (Thompson, G.)
      M-186 (Thompson, G.)
    See also CANDU reactors
Environmental illness (multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia)

    Disability aspects
      M-468 (Harb)
      M-581 (Herron)
    See also Herbs-Herbal remedy
Epp, Ken (Ref.-Elk Island; CA-Elk Island as of March 27, 2000)

    Property taxes, C-518
    Royal Canadian Mint, P-16
    Written questions, Q-59, Q-116
Equal Treatment for Persons Cohabiting in a Relationship Similar to a Conjugal Relationship Act

    C-309 (Ménard)
    C-481 (Ménard)
Equality rights see Conjugal relationships; Disabled and handicapped persons

Equalization payments

      Other Business No. 4
    See also Natural resources; Newfoundland and Labrador
Equity shares see instead Stocks (equity shares)

ERI see instead Early Retirement Incentive Program (ERI)


      Main, Supply Proceedings No. 3
      Supplementary (A), Supply Proceedings No. 4
      Supplementary (B), Supply Proceedings No. 7
      Votes deemed reported, Supply Proceedings No. 3
      Interim, Supply Proceedings No. 8
        Supply Proceedings No. 6
      Supplementary (A)
        Supply Proceedings No. 10
      Supplementary (B)
        Supply Proceedings No. 11
        Supply Proceedings No. 12
      Supplementary (C)
        Supply Proceedings No. 15
        Supply Proceedings No. 16
        Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee consideration, deadline, M-629 (McKay)
        Supply Proceedings No. 14
        See also Health Ministry
      Supplementary (C), Supply Proceedings No. 15
Ethics (Members of Parliament/political parties)

    Standing Committee, establishing, M-308 (Jones)
    See also Cabinet Ministers; Code of Service Discipline; Codes of conduct; Parliament

    Biomass-based fuel industry, M-43 (Solomon)
European Common Market see Forest products

European Bank

    Capital stock shares, Canadian quota, C-71
      Ways and Means No. 24
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Agreement Act

      Ways and Means No. 24

    And doctor-assisted suicide, M-123 (Robinson)
Excise Act

      Ways and Means No. 28
Excise tax see Jewellery; Tobacco/cigarettes-Exports; Yukon First Nations

Excise Tax Act

      Ways and Means No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 24
      Ways and Means No. 28
    C-318 (Williams)
    C-338 (Harb)
    C-339 (Harb)
    Ways and Means No. 2
    Ways and Means No. 6
    Ways and Means No. 9
    Ways and Means No. 12
    Ways and Means No. 13
    Ways and Means No. 14
    Ways and Means No. 22
Excise taxes see Highways and roads-National system


    Travelling, indemnification, C-64
Export Development Act

    C-378 (Caccia)
Export Development Corporation (EDC)

    Privatization, C-392 (Penson)
Export Development Corporation Privatization Act

    C-392 (Penson)

    Common carrier, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
      Ways and Means No. 17
    Sustainable development principle, C-378 (Caccia)
    See also Arms and armaments; Housing; Tobacco/cigarettes; Water
Expropriation see Aboriginal lands; Land

Expropriation Act

    C-303 (Bellemare)

    Dual criminality principle/refugee claims, >>C-40
    See also Air India; Peltier, Leonard
Extradition Act

    C-348 (Harb)

Faint hope clause see Criminal Code-Sec. 745

Fair Wages and Hours of Labour Act see Wages


    Definition, M-160 (Hayes)
    Income, Supply Proceedings No. 5
    Legislation, evaluation
      M-216 (Hayes)
      M-466 (Lowther)
    One-income, with dependant children, equitable income tax treatment
      M-369 (Pankiw)
      Supply Proceedings No. 13
    Parental rights, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms recognition, M-33 (Breitkreuz, G.)
      M-148 (Dockrill)
      M-637 (Grewal)
Family Farm Cost of Production Protection Act

    C-510 (Nystrom)
Family violence

    National program, M-142 (Dockrill)
    Sexual assault, mandatory counselling, C-418 (Szabo)
"Famous Five" (Emily Murphy, Nellie Mooney McClung, Irene Marryat Parlby, Louis Crummy McKinney and Henrietta Muir Edwards)

    Women, Persons case, Parliament Hill commemorative statue, Resolution, Other Business No. 8
Farm income

    Compensation/European and American subsidies, M-530 (Solomon)
    Emergency debate, Other Business No. 13
    Net Income Stabilisation Account (NISA), M-229 (Borotsik)
    Safety net/unfair foreign subsidy and trade practices, Supply Proceedings No. 11
    See also Agriculture Income Disaster Assistance (AIDA) program; Gross Revenue Insurance Program (GRIP)
Farm Income Protection Act

    C-462 (Benoit)

    Hobby/junior farmers, Disaster Relief Canada definition, M-11 (Chatters)
    Sustainable farming practices, income tax measures, M-231 (Borotsik)

    Family farm, input costs of products, C-510 (Nystrom)
    Loans, interest rates, M-52 (Solomon)
    Small farms, M-619 (Alarie)
Federal Law-Civil Law Harmonization Act, No. 1

Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act

      Ways and Means No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 24
    C-343 (Harb)
Federal-provincial jurisdiction

    Devolution agreements, official languages guarantees, M-553 (Vautour)
Federal-provincial relations see Education; Equalization payments; Health care; Natural resources; Oil and gas industry-Offshore; Social programs; Social union; Young offenders

Federal Real Property Act


    Territorial integrity, C-271 (Grewal)
    See also Judges-Rulings
Ferndale Penitentiary

    Golf course/driving range
      P-26 (White, R.)
      P-27 (White, R.)
      P-28 (White, R.)
Ferry services see Marine Atlantic Inc.

Fibromyalgia see Environmental illness (multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia)

Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit

      Ways and Means No. 4
Finance Standing Committee

    Deadline, extension, Other Business No. 7
    Proceedings, televising, Other Business No. 7
      Second, Government Business No. 9
        Other Business No. 4
      Seventh, Other Business No. 7
      Eleventh, Government Business No. 19
    Travel, Other Business No. 7
    See also Budget-Pre-budget consultations
Financial Administration Act

      Other Business No. 4
Financial institutions

      Common basket of services, M-473 (Davies)
      "No-frills" minimum service accounts, M-475 (Davies)
    de minimis institutions, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), Ways and Means No. 17
    Loans, impaired (doubtful debts), C-28
      Ways and Means No. 4
    Low-income earners, access
      C-491 (Ménard)
      M-474 (Davies)
      M-476 (Davies)
    Service charges, ombudsman, M-238 (Nystrom)
    Surtax, Ways and Means No. 21
    See also Banks and banking
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada

Financial transactions (stocks, bonds and money market trades)

    Domestic financial transaction tax, M-240 (Nystrom)
    See also Currency trade
"Finding Room: Housing Solutions for the Future" see Housing-Liberal Cacus Task Force Report (1990)

Finlay, John (Lib.-Oxford)

    Child pornography, C-245
    Child sex offenders, C-245
Fire see Plastimet Inc.

Firearms see Crime; User Group on Firearms

Firearms Act

    Bill C-68 (1st Sess., 35th Parl.) provisions, Supply Proceedings No. 11
    C-236 (Stinson)
    C-362 (Gouk)
    C-406 (Benoit)
    M-176 (MacKay)

    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), early entitlement, C-395 (Nystrom)
    Volunteers, expenses, income tax deduction
        Ways and Means No. 25
      C-249 (Calder)
      Ways and Means No. 18
    See also Hazardous products-Operation Respond; Public safety officers (police and firefighters)
First Nations

    Income tax, Ways and Means No. 16
First Nations Land Management Act

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 14
First Nations Ombudsman

    C-480 (Thompson, M.)
First Nations Ombudsman Act

    C-480 (Thompson, M.)
Fish-farming industry

    Ecosystem health, study, M-36 (Caccia)
    See also Aquaculture; Salmon

    200 mile limit, foreign trawlers
      Ban, M-296 (Stoffer)
      Reports, P-14 (Duncan)
    Conservation, C-27
      Other Business No. 4
    Fundy Islands, economic hardship, M-350 (Thompson, G.)
    National policy, Supply Proceedings No. 2
      Other Business No. 4
    Provincial responsibility, M-421 (Duncan)
    Quotas, M-297 (Stoffer)
    Small fishing vessels, monitoring devices, M-274 (Thompson, G.)
    Small scale, international awareness week, M-390 (Stoffer)
    See also Atlantic groundfish industry; Cod food fishery; Drainage ditches
Fisheries and Oceans Department

    Atlantic Canada, judicial inquiry, M-76 (Stoffer)
    See also Drainage ditches
Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee

      Government Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 7
      Supply Proceedings No. 14
    Travel, Other Business No. 7
    See also Drainage ditches

    Employment insurance, non-eligibility, C-501 (Crête)
Fishers' Bill of Rights

    C-302 (Thompson, G.)

    Lead sinkers and jigs, C-403 (Bonwick)

    Desecration, C-365 (Harris)
    Display permitted, M-361 (Goldring)
    Flag Day national holiday, C-401 (Shepherd)
    House of Commons, display
      M-367 (Goldring)
      Supply Proceedings No. 5
    Provincial or territorial flag displayed beside, M-415 (Marceau)
    See also Speaker-Members of Parliament

    Provincial and territorial flags, availability to Members of Parliament, M-324 (Marceau)
Flahiff, *_Justice_* Robert see Judges


    Water monitoring/data collection, M-294 (Laliberte)
    See also Norway House Cree Nation
Flow-through shares see Mining industry

Flying Training in Canada Program see North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Foetal alcohol syndrome

    Consumption of harmful substances an offence, C-243 (Martin, K.)
    M-602 (Konrad)
    See also Alcoholic beverage containers-Pregnancy
Fontana, Joe (Lib.-London North Centre)

    Student loans, C-316

    Genetically altered, labelling, M-433 (Lill)
    Ingredients, listing, M-151 (Dockrill)
      M-250 (Borotsik)
    Nutritional value, listing
      C-389 (Bellemare)
      C-455 (Wappel)
      M-400 (Riis)
      M-413 (Riis)
    Safety, C-80
    See also Bicycle couriers; Conventions (conferences); Milk
Food and Drugs Act

    C-231 (Szabo)
    C-383 (Robinson)
    C-307 (Hill, G.)
    C-455 (Wappel)
    M-64 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Food banks

    Donations, income tax deduction, C-322 (Harb)
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee

      Seventh, dilatory motion, Other Business No. 7
      Government Business No. 17
    Travel, Other Business No. 7
Foreign aid

    Aid Effectiveness Advisory Committee, M-270 (Grewal)
    See also Human rights-Abuses
Foreign banks

    Canadian branches, C-67
      Ways and Means No. 20
Foreign business

    Background check, M-347 (Thompson, G.)
    Officers with criminal convictions, restricted entry, M-345 (Thompson, G.)
    See also Environment
Foreign policy

    Canadian representatives, disclosure of proposed positions, M-632 (Lowther)
Foreign property see Deferred income plans

Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act

Forest products

    European Common Market, non-tariff barriers, M-181 (Keddy)

    Aboriginal logging, crown land, P-37 (Konrad)
    Maintenance expenses, tax deduction, M-550 (Brison)
    See also Softwood lumber industry; Woodlots

    Management, M-45 (Solomon)
    Reforestation, M-46 (Solomon)
Forgery see Currency-Bank notes

Formula One see Auto racing

Forseth, Paul (Ref.-New Westminster-Coquitlam-Burnaby; CA-New Westminster-Coquitlam-Burnaby as of March 27, 2000)

    Murder, C-258
    Prostitution, C-206
    Trespass, C-207
    Written questions, Q-115, Q-143, Q-162, Q-203, Q-223
Fournier, Ghislain (BQ-Manicouagan)

    Labour disputes, C-364
    Port-Cartier Penitentiary, M-244
Fox, Terry

    National day, C-512 (Beaumier)
Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 14
France see Asbestos industry-Chrysotile asbestos fibre

Fraud see Employment insurance-Earned income amounts; Minerals

Fredericton, N.B. see Highways and roads

Freight transportation see Air cargo


    Sales tax
      Application to road maintenance and construction, M-628 (Borotsik)
      Display at outlets, M-512 (Bailey)
    See also Ethanol; Gasoline; Kamloops Indian Band; Sliammon First Nation; Westbank First Nation
Fugative Offenders Act

Fundy Islands see Fisheries


    And cemetery arrangements, Goods and Services Tax (GST), M-536 (Stoffer)

Gagnon, Christiane (BQ-Québec)

    Conscription, M-406
    Employment insurance, C-298
    Poverty Commissioner, C-490
Gallaway, Roger (Lib.-Sarnia-Lambton)

    Banks and banking, M-166
    Cable television, C-288
    Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), M-169
    Mammography facilities, M-167, M-168
    Negative option marketing, C-393
    Prime Ministers, former, M-450
    Senate, M-165

    Personal and social costs study/moratorium, M-601 (Konrad)
    See also Contests, lotteries, games of chance; Cruise ships; Dice-games; Provincial Gaming Authorities

    Additives, manganese-based (MMT), C-514 (Lincoln)
      C-235 (McTeague)
      Other Business No. 4
      Energy Price Commission
        C-384 (Solomon)
        M-48 (Solomon)
    Service stations, M-295 (Stoffer)
    See also Highways and roads-National system
GDP see instead Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

General Accountants Association see Certified General Accountants Association of Canada


    Cloning of human embryos, C-247 (Picard)
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Food; Milk-Labels

    Museum, M-609 (Goldring)
    See also Armenia; Suharto, Haji Mohamed
Gifts see Charitable donations-Income tax deduction

Gilmour, Bill (Ref.-Nanaimo-Alberni; CA-Nanaimo-Alberni as ofMarch 27, 2000)

    CANDU reactors
    Crime, M-17
    Crown corporations, C-216
    Drug trafficking, C-458
    Greenhouse gas emissions, M-19, M-546
    St. Lawrence River, P-61
    Water, M-16
    Written questions, Q-142, Q-176
GIS see instead Guaranteed income supplement (GIS)

Globalization see Poverty

Godfrey, John (Lib.-Don Valley West)

    Alliance of Manufacturers & Exporters Canada, S-18
    Aphasia, M-615
    Cancer, M-616
Godin, Yvon (NDP-Acadie-Bathurst)

    Seasonal workers, M-84
    Toys, M-85
    Written questions, Q-207, Q-208
Goldring, Peter (Ref.-Edmonton East; CA-Edmonton Eastas of March 27, 2000; CA-Edmonton Centre-East)

    Edmonton East constituency, C-486
    Flag, M-361, M-367
    Genocide, M-609
    Gulf War Syndrome, P-46
    Hong Kong
    Members of Parliament, M-221
    Merchant navy veterans, M-503, M-529
    Moro River Cemetary, M-603
    National unity, M-422
    Peacekeeping, M-621
    Veterans, M-464
    Veterans pensions, M-220
Golf see Ferndale Penitentiary

Goods and Services Tax (GST)

    Quebec, compensation, Supply Proceedings No. 2
      Other Business No. 4
        Ways and Means No. 28
      Ways and Means No. 17
        Ways and Means No. 28
      Ways and Means No. 2
      Ways and Means No. 13
      Ways and Means No. 17
    Supplement, Ways and Means No. 21
    See also Air navigation services; Automobiles-Wheelchair equipped/adapted; Barter clubs; Bottle return depots; Business-Business arrangements; Camp-site rentals; Charities; Condominiums; Construction services; Contests, lotteries, games of chance; Conventions (conferences); Credit cards-Bad debt relief; Direct sales marketing; Electricity industry; Exports-Common carrier; Financial institutions-de minimis; Funerals; Governor General; Hospital care; Housing-Rental and non-profit; Insurance-Segregated funds; Investment-Administrative services; Language training; Leased land; Literacy-Organizations; Medical devices; Oil and gas industry; Partnerships; Precious metals; Promotional allowances; Provincial Crown Agents; Provincial Gaming Authorities; Psychological services; Public Service Bodies (hospital and school authorities, universities, public colleges and municipalities); Reading materials; Real property; Respite care; Speech therapy; Suppliers; Trusts; Warranties
Goods and Services Tax (GST) Credit

      Ways and Means No. 24

    Agricultural pests, control, strychnine ban/compensation
      C-462 (Benoit)
      M-451 (Benoit)
      P-48 (Benoit)
Gouk, Jim (Ref.-Kootenay-Boundary-Okanagan;CA-Kootenay-Boundary-Okanagan as of March 27, 2000)

    Drugs and pharmaceuticals, C-361
    Gun control, C-362
    Infectious disease, C-267
    Members of Parliament, C-509
    VIA Rail Canada Inc., C-394
Government appointments see Auditor General of Canada; Canadian Council on the Status of the Artist; Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)-Board of commissioners; Chief Electoral Officer; Information Commissioner; Judges; National Parole Board; Official Languages Commissioner; Privacy Commissioner; Supreme Court of Canada

Government contracts see Canadian Armed Forces-Procurement; Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions

    Reorganization or dissolution, C-44
    Services see National Defence Department-Alternative Service Delivery
    See also Administrative tribunals; Computers (Year 2000 compliance); National Capital Commission (NCC); National Defence Department; National Parole Board; National Revenue Department (Revenue Canada); Public opinion polls; Transport Department
Government Employees Compensation Act

    C-349 (Harb)
Government expenditures

    Increase, Supply Proceedings No. 5
    Limits, M-255 (Mark)
    Public input, C-214 (Breitkreuz, G.)
Government finances

    Borrowing authority/debt and risk management, C-71
      Ways and Means No. 24
    Fiscal management principles, C-238 (White, T.)
    Surplus, public consultation, Supply Proceedings No. 2
    See also Supply
Government grants

    Report by receiving organization, C-359 (Abbott)
    See also Arts and culture
Government inquiries see Commissions of inquiry; Hayer, Tara Singh; Health Protection Branch; Port-Cartier Penitentiary; Print media-Ownership; Tobacco industry

Government lands

    Environmental protection, C-32
      Other Business No. 4
Government logos

    Letters bearing representation, transmittal by Canada Post Corporation, C-409 (Redman)
Government programs

    Cost, information, C-476 (Shepherd)
    Statutory programs, evaluation, C-373 (Williams)
Government purchases see Canadian Armed Forces-Procurement

Government records

    Access, C-264 (Bryden)
    Destruction or falsification, C-208 (Beaumier)
Government services

    Resumption, legislation
        Government Business No. 21
        Other Business No. 10
    See also Grain transportation
Government Services Act, 1999

        Government Business No. 21
        Other Business No. 10
Government subsidies see Airlines-Fares

Governor General

    Goods and Services Tax (GST) exemption, withdrawal, C-318 (Williams)
    Income tax exemption, withdrawal, C-317 (Williams)
    Schedule, visits, P-4 (Rocheleau)

    Special crops, insurance/licensing, C-26
      Other Business No. 4
Grain elevators

    Prairie provinces, discontinuance/sale, C-517 (Morrison)
Grain Futures Act

      Other Business No. 4
Grain transportation

    M-225 (Borotsik)
    P-5 (Borotsik)
    Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) strike, emergency debate, Other Business No. 13
Grandparents see Divorce-Children

Grant Expenditure Report Act

    C-359 (Abbott)
Greater Toronto Airport Authority see Pearson International Airport

Greenhouse gas emissions

    International agreements/national commission, M-290 (Laliberte)
    International standards
      M-19 (Gilmour)
      M-215 (Herron)
    Kyoto agreement
      M-459 (Chatters)
      M-546 (Gilmour)
      P-44 (Chatters)
Gretzky, Wayne

    Commemorative stamp, Resolution, Other Business No. 8
    Contribution to Canada's national sport, Resolution, Other Business No. 8
Grewal, Gurmant (Ref.-Surrey Centre; CA-Surrey Centre as of March 27, 2000)

    Air India, P-24
    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), M-637
    Canadian Armed Forces, C-270
    Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), M-271, M-419
    Child care, M-637
    Citizens, M-24
    Education, M-618
    Employment insurance, M-637
    Family, M-637
    Federalism, C-271
    Foreign aid, M-270
    Narcotics, M-611
    Offenders, M-23
    Public Service, C-270
    Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), C-270
    Speaker, P-92
    Statutory instruments, C-256
      Other Business No. 4
    Written questions, Q-174
Grey, Deborah (Ref.-Edmonton North; CA-Edmonton North as of March 27, 2000; Leader of the Opposition from March 27, 2000 until Sept. 19,2000)

    Written questions, Q-181
GRIP see instead Gross Revenue Insurance Program (GRIP)

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

    Unpaid work, including in calculation, M-404 (St-Julien)
Gross Revenue Insurance Program (GRIP)

    M-594 (Borotsik)
GST see instead Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Guadalajara Supplementary Convention

Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)

    Indexation, M-542 (Dockrill)
Guarnieri, Albina (Lib.-Mississauga East)

    Sentences (convicted criminals), C-251
Guimond, Michel (BQ-Beauport-Montmorency-Côte-de-Beaupré-Île d'Orléans)

    Adoption, C-507
    Cruise ships, C-415
      Other Business No. 4
    Mechanics, C-502
Gulf War Syndrome

    P-46 (Goldring)
Gully, N. S. see Marine conservation areas

Gun control

    Expiry, C-278 (Breitkreuz, G.)
    Implementation, P-86 (Breitkreuz, G.)
    Rifles and shotguns, no registration, C-362 (Gouk)
    Safety, M-176 (MacKay)
    See also Crime-Firearms use; Firearms; Firearms Act; User Group on Firearms
Gwaii Haanas, British Columbia see Marine conservation areas

Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement


Halifax Port Corporation

    Scotia Terminals Inc. lease/rental agreement, P-69 (Morrison)
Halifax Relief Commission Pension Continuation Act

Halki, Theological School see Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople

Halifax, N.S. see Rail passenger service

Hamilton, Ont. see Plastimet Inc.

Handicapped persons see instead Disabled and handicapped persons

Hanger, Art (Ref.-Calgary Northeast; CA-Calgary Northeastas of March 27, 2000)

    Children, C-255
    Parole, C-269
    Penitentiaries, C-234

    Printing Address by President of the Czech Republic, Other Business No. 9
    Printing Address by President of the Republic of South Africa
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 9
    Printing, appendices, Other Business No. 9
Harb, Mac (Lib.-Ottawa Centre)

    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), C-331
    Caregivers, C-323
    Children, C-327, C-328, C-329, C-330, C-331, C-332, C-333, C-334, C-335, C-336, C-337, C-338, C-339, C-341, C-342, C-343, C-344, C-345, C-346, C-347, C-348, C-349, C-350, C-351, C-352, C-353, C-354, C-355, C-356, C-357
    Environmental illness (multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia), M-468
    Divorce, C-340
    Education, C-319, C-325
    Food banks, C-322
    Housing, C-326
    Literacy, C-320, C-324
    Peace Nation, M-425
    Social Insurance Numbers (SIN), C-456
Harbours, wharves and breakwaters

    Repairs, funding/privatization, M-275 (Thompson, G.)
Hardy, Louise (NDP-Yukon)

    Murder, M-265
    Oath of Allegiance, M-640
    Refugees, M-402, M-403
Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)

        Ways and Means No. 28
      Ways and Means No. 17
        Ways and Means No. 28
      Ways and Means No. 2
      Ways and Means No. 13
      Ways and Means No. 17
    See also Air navigation services; Automobiles-Wheelchair equipped/adapted; Barter clubs; Bottle return depots; Business-Business arrangements; Camp-site rentals; Charities; Condominiums; Construction services; Contests, lotteries, games of chance; Conventions (conferences); Credit cards-Bad debt relief; Direct sales marketing; Electricity industry; Exports-Common carrier; Financial institutions-de minimis; Hospital care; Insurance-Segregated funds; Investment-Administrative services; Language training; Leased land; Literacy-Organizations; Medical devices; Oil and gas industry; Partnerships; Precious metals; Promotional allowances; Provincial Crown Agents; Provincial Gaming Authorities; Psychological services; Public Service Bodies (hospital and school authorities, universities, public colleges and municipalities); Reading materials; Real property; Respite care; Speech therapy; Suppliers; Trusts; Warranties
Harris, Richard M. (Ref.-Prince George-Bulkley Valley;CA-Prince George-Bulkley Valley as of March 27, 2000)

    Cabinet Ministers, P-31
    Flag, C-365
    Impaired driving, M-83
    Violent crime, C-448
    Written questions, Q-48, Q-49
Hart, Jim (Ref.-Okanagan-Coquihalla; CA-Okanagan-Coquihallaas of March 27, 2000; resigned July 19, 2000)

    Canadian Armed Forces, C-232
    Indian bands/reserves, C-402
    Marijuana, M-260
    Sentences (convicted criminals), M-444
    Written questions, Q-42, Q-43, Q-99, Q-100, Q-101, Q-102, Q-229, Q-230, Q-231, Q-239
    Young offenders, M-242, M-313
Hate propaganda

    See also Internet; Zundel, Ernst
Hayer, Tara Singh

    Sikh community leader, murder, public inquiry, M-527 (MacKay)

    Children, M-159
    Court Challenges Program, M-158
    Family, M-160, M-216
    United Nations (UN), M-161
Hazardous products

    Operation Respond, test site and database for firefighters, establishment
      M-124 (Robinson)
      M-258 (Robinson)
    Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) products, M-233 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    See also Medical devices-PVC plastics; Tobacco/cigarettes; Toys-Phthalates
Hazardous Products Act

    C-350 (Harb)
    C-482 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    M-233 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Hazardous waste

    Treatment plant, Swan Hills, Alta., M-34 (Caccia)
    See also Nuclear waste
HBP see instead Home Buyers' Plan (HBP)

Head Start Program see Children


    Protection, C-32
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Aboriginal people; Atlantic Canada; Blood/blood supply system; Disease; Plastimet Inc.; Research; Tobacco/cigarettes; Water and sewage systems
Health care

    Federal-provincial cost-sharing, M-354 (Thompson, G.)
      Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST) contributions
          Ways and Means No. 24
        Supply Proceedings No. 11
      Linguistic duality principle, C-282 (Bélanger)
    Transfers to provinces, Supply Proceedings No. 13
      Other Business No. 4
    P-1 (Thompson), G.)
    Medical procedures, health care workers non-participation/conscience rights, C-461 (Vellacott)
    National program, M-539 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    National standards, M-183 (Thompson, G.)
    National summit, M-538 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    See also Caregivers; Children-Terminally ill; Homecare; Hospital care; Mammography facilities; Marijuana; Medical devices; Natural health products (herbs, botanicals, vitamins and minerals); Nephrologists (kidney specialists); Nunavik; Organ Donation Medal; Organ procurement/transplant; Osteopathic services; Private Health Service Plans (PHSP); Psychological services; Respite care; Speech therapy; Veterans
Health of Animals Act

Health Protection Branch

    Public inquiry, M-537 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Health Standing Committee

    Reports, sixth, Supply Proceedings No. 14
    Travel, Other Business No. 7
Health Ministry

    Estimates, 1999-2000 see Health Standing Committee-Reports
Hearing impaired persons

    Communications tools, Resolution, Other Business No. 8
    Language, recognition of American Sign Language and Langue des Sourds du Québec, M-325 (Alcock)
Helicopters see Search and rescue

Hepatitis Awareness Month Act

    C-508 (Stoffer)
Hepatitis B see Blood/blood supply system-Samples

Hepatitis C

    Awareness, C-508 (Stoffer)
    Infection through blood supply system, compensation
      M-273 (Thompson, G.)
      M-461 (Chatters)
      P-15 (Elley)
      Reform Party position, public opinion poll, P-19 (White, R.)
      Supply Proceedings No. 9
        Other Business No. 4
    See also Blood/blood supply system-Samples

    Herbal remedy, drug substitute for severe allergies/environmental sensitivity, medical expense deduction, C-496 (Stoffer)
    See also Natural health products (herbs, botanicals, vitamins and minerals)

    Clinical prescription trials, M-454 (Davies)
Herron, John (PC-Fundy-Royal)

    Environmental illness (multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia), M-581
    Greenhouse gas emissions, M-215
    Shipbuilding, M-214, M-567, M-568
    Written questions, Q-197, Q-213, Q-247
High speed rail service

    P-25 (Bailey)
Highway Tolls Act

    C-519 (Vautour)
Highways and roads

    Accidents, interprovincial/international transport, investigation, C-477 (Morrison)
    British Columbia, M-522 (Davies)
    Fredericton/Moncton, N.B., tolls
      M-283 (Thompson, G.)
      P-68 (Vautour)
    National system
      Adopting, M-521 (Davies)
      Gasoline excise tax revenues, M-563 (Morrison)
      Upgrading, M-208 (Desjarlais)
    Policy, M-180 (Casey)
    Rural areas
      M-232 (Borotsik)
      M-323 (Borotsik)
    See also Fuel-Sales tax; Tolls (highways, bridges and tunnels)
Hill, Grant (Ref.-Macleod; CA-Macleod as of March 27, 2000)

    Bovine growth hormone (rBST), P-89
    Milk, C-239
    Monsanto Inc., P-64
    Natural health products (herbs, botanicals, vitamins and minerals)
Hill, Jay (Ref.-Prince George-Peace River; CA- Prince George-Peace River as of March 27, 2000)

    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), M-106
    Capital punishment, C-212
    Divorce, C-285
    Elections, M-607
    Impaired driving, C-266
    Justice system, M-134
    Members of Parliament, M-107
    Murder, C-473
    Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
    Sentences (convicted criminals)
    Violent crime
    Witnesses (Justice system), C-494
Hilstrom, Howard (Ref.-Selkirk-Interlake; CA-Selkirk-Interlake as of March 27, 2000)

    Written questions, Q-72, Q-81, Q-172, Q-241, Q-244
Historic sites see Canadian Parks Agency; Moro River Cemetary; Prime Ministers, former


    Drug users, intravenous, M-130 (Davies)
    See also Blood/blood supply system-Samples
Hockey see Eagleson, Alan R.; Gretzky, Wayne

Hoeppner, Jake E. (Ind.-Ref.-Portage-Lisgar; Ind.-Portage-Lisgar as of April 4, 2000)

    Canadian Wheat Board, C-283
    Mortgages, C-223
      Other Business No. 4
Holidays see Community revitalization; Dominion Day; Flag; Fox, Terry; Laurier, Sir Wilfrid; Macdonald, Sir John A.;

Holidays Act

    C-263 (Abbott)
    C-369 (Wilfert)
    C-370 (Wilfert)
    C-401 (Shepherd)
Holocaust see Zundel, Ernst

Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) see Disabled and handicapped persons

Home invasion

    Criminal offence, M-515 (MacKay)

    National program, M-620 (Pagtakhan)
Homeowners see Property taxes

Homicide see instead Murder

Homosexuals see Conjugal relationships

Hong Kong

    World War II prisoners of war, Japanese treatment, compensation
      C-463 (Goldring)
      M-333 (Goldring)
      P-33 (Goldring)
Hong Kong Veteran Prisoner Compensation Act

    C-463 (Goldring)
Horses see Canadian Horse

Hospital care

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), Ways and Means No. 17
Hospitals see Children-Head Start Program; Public Service Bodies (hospital and school authorities, universities, public colleges and municipalities)

House of Commons

    Board of Internal Economy
      C-423 (Solomon)
    Closure and time allocation
      Government Business No. 15
      Government Business No. 21
      Other Business No. 4
    Committee of the Whole (House) see Petitions
    Confidence motions, M-254 (Mark)
      First spokesperson, time limits, Other Business No. 4
      Question and comment period, M-613 (White, R.)
      Rebroadcast, FM radio frequency, M-500 (Marceau)
    Emergency debate, Other Business No. 4
    Employees, review of salaries and classification, M-357 (St-Julien)
    Oral questions, ministerial accountability, M-312 (White, R.)
    Proportional representation
      C-287 (Nystrom)
      M-547 (Nystrom)
    Question Period, maximum number/written answers, M-29 (White, T.)
    Routine motions, Other Business No. 10
    Royal Assent and extended hours of sitting, Other Business No. 4
    Sitting hours, M-27 (White, T.)
    Sittings and Business of the House
      Government Business No. 21
      Government Business No. 26
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 10
    Sittings and extended hours, Other Business No. 4
    Standing Orders
      43(1) and 74(1) see House of Commons-Debate, Question and comment period
      M-243 (Breitkreuz, G.)
      Government Business No. 1
      Government Business No. 15
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 5
      Other Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 14
    Vacancies with change of political affiliation, C-265 (Scott, M.)
    Voting, pairing/proxy voting, M-28 (White, T.)
    See also Flag; Members of Parliament-Number; Standing Committees (House of Commons); Zundel, Ernst
Housewives see Canada Pension Plan (CPP)


    Adequate and affordable, M-301 (Martin, Pat)
    Exports, C-66
    Financing, C-66
    Liberal Cacus Task Force Report (1990), "Finding Room: Housing Solutions for the Future", M-606 (Davies)
    National program, M-604 (Davies)
    Non-profit housing, M-608 (Davies)
    Rental and non-profit, Goods and Services Tax (GST) exemption, M-129 (Davies)
    Research and information, C-66
    Right to housing, C-326 (Harb)
    See also Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC); Canadian Armed Forces; Co-operative housing; Moving expenses; Social housing
HST see instead Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)

Human resources see Lake Megantic Human Resources Development Centre

Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee see Estimates-1999-2000

Human rights

    Abuses, foreign aid withdrawal, M-588 (Martin, K.)
    Compensation, pain and suffering awards, S-5
    International criminal court, M-245 (Robinson)
    Inhumanity, week of remembrance, M-570 (Assadourian)
    See also Aboriginal people-Apology; Algeria; Armenia; Conjugal relationships; Crimes against humanity; Development assistance; Discrimination; Indonesia; Iran-Bahá'i community; Iraq; Kosovo province (Yugoslavia); Kurdish People; Military equipment; Pinochet, Augusto; Suharto, Haji Mohamed; Ukrainian Canadians

Ianno, Tony (Lib.-Trinity-Spadina; Parliamentary Secretary to President of Treasury Board)

    Children, C-368
Ice storm 1998

    Other Business No. 4
Iceland see Income tax-Conventions

Igaliqtuuq, Northwest Territories see Marine conservation areas


    Criminal background/minister's permits, P-95 (McNally)
    DNA testing, M-302 (Martin, Pat)
    Identification, sufficent, C-314 (Reynolds)
    Offenders, removal
      C-261 (Reynolds)
      C-281 (Reynolds)
      C-321 (Peric)
      C-360 (Peric)
      See also Extradition
    Right of landing fee
      C-241 (Obhrai)
      C-254 (Dromisky)
    See also Refugees

    Legislative Review Advisory Group (LRAG), P-85 (McNally)
    Preclearance, Canada-United States reciprocity, S-22
    United States, documentation requirements for Canadian citizens, M-237 (Robinson)
    See also Drug trafficking-Deportation; Foreign business
Immigration Act

    C-241 (Obhrai)
    C-254 (Dromisky)
    C-261 (Reynolds)
    C-281 (Reynolds)
    C-314 (Reynolds)
    C-321 (Peric)
Immigration Enforcement Improvement Act

    C-321 (Peric)
Impaired driving

    Aboriginal offenders, sentencing, C-444 (Thompson, M.)
    Alcohol sensing ignition controls for automobiles, C-266 (Hill, J.)
    Combatting, national day, August 14th, C-487 (White, R.)
    Dangerous driving leading to death
      Life imprisonment, C-87
      Samples of bodily substances, C-438 (Thompson, M.)
        Other Business No. 4
      M-83 (Harris)
      Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee
        Order of Reference/Eighth report, Other Business No. 7
        Twenty-first report (Toward Eliminating Impaired Driving), Government Business No. 25
      Supply Proceedings No. 2
    See also Customs officers

    Anti-dumping and countervailing duties, Canadian International Trade Tribunal responsibilities
    See also Plutonium
Income see Emergencies/disasters; Employment insurance-Earned income amounts; Farm income

Income tax

    Age amount claim, M-545 (Doyle)
    Administration and enforcement see Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
    Assessments, C-72
      Ways and Means No. 25
    Basic personal exemption, Ways and Means No. 21
    Conventions, Denmark, Iceland, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Sweden
        Other Business No. 4
    Double taxation/fiscal evasion
        Other Business No. 4
    Forms, distribution through post offices, M-359 (St-Julien)
    Information, exchange, Ways and Means No. 21
    Lump-sum payments, Ways and Means No. 21
    Military/defence purposes, conscientious objection special account, C-272 (Robinson)
    Misrepresentation by third parties, civil penalties
      Ways and Means No. 21
      Ways and Means No. 22
    People's tax form, C-214 (Breitkreuz, G.)
    Personal tax credit, C-72
      Ways and Means No. 25
    Provincial personal income tax revenue guarantee payments
        Other Business No. 4
    Returns, assistance to seniors and disabled persons, M-139 (Dockrill)
    Rights of taxpayers, C-495 (Kenney)
    Spousal exemption, Ways and Means No. 21
      Definition, same-sex couples, Rosenberg case, Supply Proceedings No. 9
        C-244 (Szabo)
        Ways and Means No. 21
    Surtax, C-72
      Ways and Means No. 25
    Tax burden, reduction, M-150 (Dockrill)
    Tax shelters, C-28
      Ways and Means No. 4
    Supplementary personal tax credit, Ways and Means No. 18
      Ways and Means No. 18
      Ways and Means No. 21
    Ways and Means No. 7
    See also Adoption; Apprenticeship-Wages; Bicycle couriers; Caregivers; Charitable donations; Charities-Political activities; Child care-Expense deduction; Communal organizations; Deferred income plans; Disability benefits; Education-Costs-Teachers' expenses; Emergency response workers; Employees-Expenses; Entertainment expenses; Family-One-income; Farmers-Sustainable farming practices; Firefighters-Volunteers; First Nations; Food banks; Governor General; Investment-Foreign-based funds; Livestock; Marriage; Mechanics; Medical expenses; Members of Parliament; Mortgages; Mutual fund trusts; Politicians; Private Health Service Plans (PHSP)-Premiums; Property taxes; Retirement savings; Social security; Student loans; Tools; Trade; Transportation-Passes; Trusts-Non-resident; Woodlots; Workers' compensation
Income Tax Act

      Ways and Means No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 25
      Ways and Means No. 28
    C-223 (Hoeppner)
      Other Business No. 4
    C-227 (Chatters)
    C-244 (Szabo)
    C-249 (Calder)
    C-270 (Grewal)
    C-273 (White, T.)
    C-312 (Mark)
    C-315 (Nystrom)
    C-316 (Fontana)
    C-317 (Williams)
    C-322 (Harb)
    C-323 (Harb)
    C-366 (Benoit)
    C-386 (Robinson)
    C-390 (Kenney)
    C-412 (Caccia)
    C-414 (Myers)
    C-446 (Solberg)
    C-466 (Kenney)
    C-495 (Kenney)
    C-496 (Stoffer)
    C-505 (Lowther)
    C-507 (Guimond)
    C-518 (Epp)
    M-61 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    M-363 (Riis)
    M-369 (Pankiw)
    Sec. 120, Ways and Means No. 16
    Ways and Means No. 7
    Ways and Means No. 20
    Ways and Means No. 21
Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998

      Ways and Means No. 25
Income Tax and Conventions Interpretation Act

    Ways and Means No. 8
Income Tax Application Rules

      Ways and Means No. 4
Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1997

      Other Business No. 4
Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1998

Income Tax Conventions Interpretation Act

      Ways and Means No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 25
Indexation see Child tax benefit; Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS); Old Age Security

India see Air India; Jammu and Kashmir state (India); Visas-Canadian High Commission Office

Indian Act

    C-351 (Harb)
    C-402 (Hart)
    Repeal, M-470 (Benoit)
Indian bands/reserves

    Elections, Chief Electoral Officer Office (Elections Canada) supervision, M-469 (Benoit)
    Finances, defict/debt audits, P-39 (Scott, M.)
    Landlords/tenants, obligations, C-402 (Hart)
    Manitoba, C-56
Individual security fund

    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Employment insurance and Workers' compensation contribution option, M-453 (Benoit)

    Ethnic Chinese, human rights
      M-456 (Robinson)
      M-511 (Davies)
    President, former see Suharto, Haji Mohamed
    Religious and ethnic violence, Resolution, Other Business No. 8
    See also Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC)-Summit meeting
Industrial projects

    Environmental/heritage rivers restrictions, M-319 (Thompson, G.)
Industry Standing Committee

    Reports, Supply Proceedings No. 14
    Terms of Reference, Canada Business Corporations Act review, Other Business No. 7
    Travel, Other Business No. 7
    See also Shipbuilding
Infectious disease

    Emergency response workers, notification protocol, C-267 (Gouk)
    See also Hepatitis C
Information Commissioner

      Parliamentary Standing Committee review, M-410 (White, R.)
      Reid, Hon. John M., Government Business No. 14
Information technology see Child pornography-Electronic publishing-Internet; Computers (Year 2000 compliance); Elections-Electronic voting; Electronic commerce

Infrastructure program

    British Columbia, M-155 (Strahl)

    Intoxication use, sanctions, M-65 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Innu see Defence-Low-level training flights

Inquiries see instead Government inquiries


    Deductibles, M-358 (St-Julien)
    Foreign companies, policyholder lists/reinsurance transactions, C-59
      Other Business No. 4
    Segregated funds, trust relationship, Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) application, Ways and Means No. 26
    See also Mortgages; Mutual insurance companies
Insurance Companies Act

      Other Business No. 4
    C-353 (Harb)
    C-420 (Nystrom)
Interest Act

    C-380 (Assadourian)
    C-421 (Nystrom)
    M-218 (Lee)
Interest groups

    Publicly funded, report to Parliament, C-310 (Bailey)
Interest rates

    Policy, M-51 (Solomon)
    See also Credit cards; Farms-Loans; Mortgages; Small business-Loans; Student loans
Internal trade see instead Inter-provincial trade

International Convention on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System

      Ways and Means No. 1
International Convention on the Rights of the Child

    Second Report
      M-633 (Lowther)
      P-98 (Lowther)
International development see instead Development assistance

International Development (Financial Institutions) Assistance Act

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

    M-442 (Riis)
International Olympic Committee

    Reform, M-596 (Duncan)
International organizations

    Reform, M-338 (Martin, K.)
International relations see Conflict, international

International Stabilization Force (SFOR) see Bosnia-Herzegovina

International Trade, Trade Disputes and Investment Sub-Committee

    Travel, Other Business No. 7

    Hate propaganda, M-170 (MacKay)
    See also Child pornography
Interpretation Act

    C-225 (Wappel)
    C-347 (Harb)
Inter-provincial trade

    C-203 (Benoit)
    M-195 (Power)
Intoxication see Inhalants


    Administrative services, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
    Non-resident and foreign-based funds, income tax, Ways and Means No. 21
      Ways and Means No. 4
    See also Abitibi region; Business-Publicly traded; Currency trade; Labour-sponsored venture capital corporations; Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI); Securities; Stocks (equity shares)
Investment corporations

    Ways and Means No. 18
    See also Canada Development Investment Corporation

    Bahá'i community, Resolution, Other Business No. 8

    Crimes against humanity, international criminal tribunal, M-279 (Kenney)
    Economic sanctions, M-585 (Robinson)
    United States invitation to Canada, Other Business No. 4, No. 10
Israel see Passports

Issue of Ceremonial Statements of Service Act

    C-453 (Bélair)

Jack Davis Centre

    P-3 (Reynolds)
Jaffer, Rahim (Ref.-Edmonton-Strathcona; CA-Edmonton-Strathcona as of March 27, 2000)

    Drugs and phramaceuticals, P-54
    Notice of Compliance regulations, M-504
    Written questions, Q-147, Q-148, Q-149
James Bay Cree land claim

    M-630 (St-Julien)
Jammu and Kashmir state (India)

    Self-determination, M-384 (Robinson)
Japan see Hong Kong

Jennings, Marlene (Lib.-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce-Lachine)

    Veterans, C-408

    Excise tax, M-595 (Duncan)
Job creation programs

    Atlantic Canada, M-135 (Dockrill)
    Nova Scotia, M-483 (MacKay)
    Regional unemployment rate criteria, M-399 (Mancini)
    See also Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)
Johnston, Dale (Ref.-Wetaskiwin; CA-Wetaskiwin as of March 27, 2000)

    Business, M-8
    Labour, M-4
    Labour-management relations, M-3
    Labour unions, M-5, M-6, M-10
    Merit principle, M-7
    Order of Canada, P-34
    Ports, C-233
    Transportation, M-452
    Wages, M-9
Jones, Jim (PC-Markham; Ind.-Markham as of July 5, 2000; CA-Markham as of Sept. 15, 2000)

    Employment insurance, M-204
    Ethics (Members of Parliament/political parties), M-308
    National debt, M-203
    Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP), M-202
    Taxation, M-309
    User fees, M-583
    Written questions, Q-191, Q-192, Q-193, Q-243
Joyriding see Automobiles-Theft

Jubilee 2000 Campaign see Developing countries-Debt


    Appointments, C-37
      See also New Brunswick Court of Queen's Bench
    Flahiff, Justice Robert, Quebec Superior Court, removal, M-572 (Reynolds)
    Rulings, altering federal legislation, Supply Proceedings No. 9
    Salaries and annuities, C-37
    See also Pardons
Judges Act

Judicial Benefits and Compensation Commission

Juries see Justice system

Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee

      Government Business No. 22
      Other Business No. 7
    See also Corrections and Conditional Release Act Sub-Committee; Impaired driving-Penalties; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)-Compensation (salaries and benefits); Victims of crime
Justice Department see Peltier, Leonard; Schmid, Niklaus

Justice system

    Arrest/entry powers, C-16
    Bijural system, C-50
    Evidence, parliamentary privilege, M-53 (Solomon)
      Deliberative process, research, C-426 (Myers)
      Disabled and handicapped persons, S-5
    Mismanagement, Supply Proceedings No. 9
    Probation orders, C-262 (Abbott)
    Programs and laws, safety issues, Supply Proceedings No. 13
    Quebec civil law harmonization, C-50
    Restorative justice
      M-171 (MacKay)
      M-398 (Mancini)
    Verdicts, written, M-134 (Hill, J.)
    See also Canadian Armed Forces; Competition-Criminal offences; Court Challenges Program; Customs officers; Drug smuggling; Narcotics; New Brunswick Court of Queen's Bench; Nunavut Court of Justice; Pardons; Search and seizure powers; Sentences (convicted criminals); Sex offenders; Surveillance devices; Young offenders-Criminal justice; Weapons-Search and seizure powers; Witnesses (Justice system)

Kamloops Indian Band

    Alcohol, tobacco and fuels tax
      Ways and Means No. 10
      Ways and Means No. 15
Karygiannis, Jim (Lib.-Scarborough-Agincourt)

    Armenia, M-329
Kashmir see Jammu and Kashmir state (India)

Kazakhstan see Income tax-Conventions

Keddy, Gerald (PC-South Shore)

    Forest products, M-181
Kenney, Jason (Ref.-Calgary Southeast; CA-Calgary Southeast as of March 27, 2000)

    Capital gains tax, M-626
    Census, M-571
    Income tax, C-495
    Iraq, M-279
    Members of Parliament, C-390
    Office for Taxpayer Protection, C-495
    Politicians, C-390
    Remembrance Day, C-279, C-434
    Social security, C-466
    Taxpayers' Bill of Rights, C-495
    Written questions, Q-157, Q-158, Q-184, Q-186, Q-205
Kentville, N.S. see Agricultural research

Kenya see Sidloski, Natalie

Kidney disease see Nephrologists (kidney specialists)

Kilger, Bob (Lib.-Stormont-Dundas-Charlottenburgh)

    Stormont-Dundas constituency, C-445
Knowles, Hon. Stanley

    Commemorative day, M-316 (Desjarlais)
Konrad, Derrek (Ref.-Prince Albert; CA-Prince Albert as of March 27, 2000)

    Foetal alcohol syndrome, M-602
    Forestry, P-37
    Gambling, M-601
    Nunavut, P-36
    Written questions, Q-123, Q-124, Q-259
Kosovo province (Yugoslavia)

    Canadian peacekeeping
      Debate and vote, Supply Proceedings No. 17
      Government Business No. 20
        Other Business No. 4
    Diplomatic solution, involvement of Russia and United Nations, Supply Proceedings No. 17
    Human rights violations
      Government Business No. 16
        Other Business No. 4
      M-477 (Martin, K.)
    Refugees, human tragedy/political settlement
      Government Business No. 23
        Other Business No. 10
      Resolution, Other Business No. 8
Kurdish People

    Human rights violations by Turkish government, M-524 (Robinson)
    See also Zana, Leyla
Kyoto agreement see Greenhouse gas emissions


Labels see instead Packaging and labelling


    Work force, rights of all Canadians, especially youth, M-4 (Johnston)
    See also Child labour; Work; Workers' rights; Workplace
Labour disputes

    Scabs and essential services, C-364 (Fournier)
    See also Canada Post Corporation; Government services-Resumption; Parliament Hill; Ports-West coast; Postal service; Strikes and lockouts
Labour-management relations

    M-3 (Johnston)
    See also British Canadian (BC) asbestos mine; Canada Industrial Relations Board; Collective bargaining; Government services-Resumption; Public Service-Collective bargaining
Labour market training

    National standards, C-432 (Martin, Pat)
Labour-sponsored venture capital corporations

      Ways and Means No. 25
    Ways and Means No. 18
    Ways and Means No. 21
Labour unions

    And professional bodies, rights of qualified persons, M-5 (Johnston)
      Not obliged to pay, M-10 (Johnston)
      Political purposes, employee written consent, C-469 (Anders)
      Right to refuse, Canada Labour Code, sec. 70, M-6 (Johnston)
    See also Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC); Rural route mail carriers/contractors
Labrador see Defence-Low-level training flights; Newfoundland and Labrador; Unemployment-Newfoundland

Lake Megantic Human Resources Development Centre

    P-10 (Chrétien, J-G)
Laliberte, Rick (NDP-Churchill River; Lib.-Churchill River as of Sept. 27, 2000)

    Agri-food policy, M-288
    Arctic pollution, M-287
    Chemical pesticides, M-289
    Circumpolar community, M-291
    Floods, M-294
    Greenhouse gas emissions, M-290
    Natural gas, M-292
    Plastimet Inc., M-285
    Rail system, M-286
    Renewable energy, M-293

    Expropriation by crown, resale, right of first refusal, C-303 (Bellemare)
    See also Aboriginal lands; Mackenzie Valley
Land mines

      Other Business No. 4
    M-217 (Robinson)
Land Titles Act

    C-354 (Harb)
Landed immigrants see Refugees

Language see Hearing impaired persons

Language training

    Vocational schools, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
      Ways and Means No. 17
Langue des Sourds du Québec see Hearing impaired persons

Laurier, Sir Wilfrid

    Birthday, November 20th, national holiday, C-369 (Wilfert)
Laurin, René (BQ-Joliette)

    Canadian Armed Forces, M-73
      Other Business No. 4
    Written questions, Q-22, Q-30
Lavigne, Raymond (Lib.-Verdun-Saint-Henri; Lib.-Verdun-Saint-Henri-Saint-Paul-Pointe Saint-Charles)

    Elections, C-405
Laws (statutes and regulations)

    Amendments, minor, C-84
    Plain language, C-228 (White, T.)
Lead see Consumer products-Toxic contaminants; Fishing

Leased land

    Residential, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
      Ways and Means No. 17

    Tax exempt entities, Ways and Means No. 18

    United Nations (UN) Security Council Resolution 425, M-418 (Ménard)
Lee, Derek (Lib.-Scarborough-Rouge River; Parliamentary Secretary to Leader of the Government in the House of Commons)

    Banks and banking, M-219
    Mortgages, M-218
Legislation see Judges-Rulings; Private Members' Public Bills

Legislative assemblies

    Membership, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, sec. 3, M-21 (Stinson)
Legislative Review Advisory Group (LRAG) see Immigration; Refugees

Les Entreprises Yvon Duhaime Inc.

    Business Development Bank of Canada loan applications, P-71 (Solomon)
Lesbians see Conjugal relationships

Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee

    Reports, Other Business No. 7
Liberal Party

    Liberal Cacus Task Force Report (1990), "Finding Room: Housing Solutions for the Future" see Housing
    See also Regions-Alienation
Licences see Radio spectrum

Lifelong learning plans see Education


    British Columbia, M-256 (Robinson)
Lill, Wendy (NDP-Dartmouth)

    Aircraft, M-426
    Airlines, M-430
    Artists, M-94
    Arts and culture, M-96
    Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), M-432
    Canadian Council on the Status of the Artist, M-436
    Canadians with Disabilities Act, M-435
    Discrimination, M-427
    Education, post-secondary, M-440
    Elections, M-434
    Food, M-433
    Marriage, M-437
    Media, M-431
    Museums, M-95
    Print media, M-428
    Reading materials, M-93
    Telephone service, M-438
    Television, M-439
    Tobacco/cigarettes, M-429
    Written questions, Q-156
Lincoln, Clifford (Lib.-Lac-Saint-Louis)

    Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, M-526
    Gasoline, C-514
    Titanic, M-582
    Water, C-485

    National standards, C-324 (Harb)
    Organizations, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) rebate, Ways and Means No. 17
    Right to literacy, C-320 (Harb)
    See also Print media; Reading materials
Lithuania see Income tax-Conventions


    Forced destruction or sale, income, tax deferral, C-227 (Chatters)

    Fees/meetings, disclosure, M-126 (Tremblay, Suzanne)
    See also Cabinet Ministers-Former
Lobbyists Registration Act

    M-126 (Tremblay, Suzanne)
Logging see Forestry

Logos see Government logos

Longshore employees

    Multi-employer part-time workers, holiday pay and benefits, M-57 (Robinson)
Lotteries see Contests, lotteries, games of chance

Loubier, Yvan (BQ-Saint-Hyacinthe-Bagot)

    Deficit, C-375
    National debt, C-375
Louis Riel Act

      C-417 (Coderre; Meredith; Tremblay, Suzanne; Nystrom; Borotsik)
Louis Riel Day Act

    C-213 (Tremblay, Suzanne)
Lower Canada see Civil Code of Lower Canada (1866)

Low-income families/individuals see Banks and banking-Service-charge-free transactions; Financial institutions

Lowther, Eric (Ref.-Calgary Centre; CA-Calgary Centre as of March 27, 2000)

    Adoption, C-505
    Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)
    Child care, M-561
    Child sex offenders, C-284
    Children, C-504
    Family, M-466
    Foreign policy, M-632
    International Convention on the Rights of the Child
    Marriage, M-562, M-600
    Members of Parliament, M-67
    Prostitution, C-397
    Religion, M-392
    Supreme Court of Canada, M-414
    Underground economy, P-97
    Written questions, Q-96, Q-97, Q-98, Q-152, Q-163, Q-188, Q-204, Q-234, Q-235, Q-245, Q-261
LRAG see instead Legislative Review Advisory Group (LRAG)

LSD see instead Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)

Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) see Penitentiaries-Drugs


MMT see instead Manganese-based additives (MMT)

Macdonald, Sir John A.

    Birthday, January 11th, national holiday, C-370 (Wilfert)
Machell, Kevin see Parole

MacKay, Peter (PC-Pictou-Antigonish-Guysborough)

    Armouries, P-67
    Atlantic groundfish industry, M-566
    Child sex offenders, C-433
    Commissioner for the Rights of Victims of Crime, M-386
    Correctional Service of Canada, M-506
    Crime, M-509
    Estimates, M-629
    Gun control, M-176
    Hayer, Tara Singh, M-527
    Home invasion, M-515
    Internet, M-170
    Job creation programs, M-483
    Justice system, M-171
    Members of Parliament, M-505
    Murder, M-175
    Nova Scotia, M-482
    Offenders, M-516
    Parole, M-507
    Police and Peace Officer National Memorial Day, M-342
    Russell, Raymond, P-62
    Sable Offshore Energy Project, M-481
    Senators, M-505
    Sex offenders, M-514
    Victims of crime, M-172
    Westray mine disaster, M-455
    Written questions, Q-21, Q-73, Q-94, Q-107, Q-194, Q-262, Q-263
    Young offenders
      M-173, M-174, M-508
MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion see Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

Mackenzie Valley

    Land and waters, co-management, C-6
Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act

Magazines see Publishing-Foreign periodicals

Mahoney, Steve (Lib.-Mississauga West)

    Apprenticeship, C-363
    Beverage containers, C-308
    National parks, C-419
    Photocopies, C-358
MAI see instead Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI)

Malhi, Gurbax Singh (Lib.-Bramalea-Gore-Malton-Springdale)

    Bankruptcy, M-280
Maloney, John (Lib.-Erie-Lincoln; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada)

    Canada-United States Days of Peace and Friendship, M-263
Mammography facilities

    National quality assurance standards
      M-167 (Gallaway)
      M-168 (Gallaway)
Mancini, Peter (NDP-Sydney-Victoria)

    Atlantic Canada, M-103
    Canada Ports Police, M-397
    Donkin Mine, M-100
    Environment, M-394
    Job creation programs, M-399
    Justice system, M-398
    Marine Atlantic Inc., M-101
    Peltier, Leonard
    Pollution, M-102
    Rail passenger service, M-393
    Regional development, M-99
    Sydney Tar Ponds, M-98
    Women, M-396
    Written questions, Q-24
Manganese-based additives (MMT) see Gasoline

Manitoba see Indian bands/reserves; Riel, Louis David-Father of Confederation; Royal Canadian Mint-Coin plating plant

Manitoba Claim Settlements Implementation Act

Manufacturing and processing profits tax see Electricity

Marceau, Richard (BQ-Charlesbourg; BQ-Charlesbourg-Jacques-Cartier)

    Collective bargaining, C-470
    Currency, C-435
    Flag, M-415
    Flags, M-324
    House of Commons, M-500
    Monetary union (North America), M-573
    National Parole Board, C-292
    Naval ships, C-427
    Parole, C-416
    Penitentiaries, P-56
    Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), C-447
    Security Intelligence Review Committee, C-293

    Health and medical purposes, decriminalization
      M-260 (Hart)
      M-381 (Bigras)
    Simple possession, decriminalization, C-503 (Martin, K.)
Marine Atlantic Inc.

      M-101 (Mancini)
      M-140 (Dockrill)
Marine conservation areas

    Gully, Nova Scotia, Igaliqtuuq, Northwest Territories and Gwaii Haanas, British Columbia, establishing, M-391 (Stoffer)
    Regulation and sustainable management, C-48
Marine Conservation Areas Act

Marine policy

    M-307 (Crête)
Marine safety

    M-207 (Desjarlais)
Marine transport

    See also Accidents (marine, rail, pipeline and air)
Mark, Inky (Ref.-Dauphin-Swan River; CA-Dauphin-Swan Riveras of March 27, 2000)

    Barker, Lieutenant Colonel William ("Billy"), M-251
    Charitable donations, C-312
    Chinese Canadians, M-253
    Government expenditures, M-255
    House of Commons, M-254
    Public opinion polls, C-253
    Split-run periodicals, P-76, P-77, P-78, P-79, P-80, P-81, P-82
    Taiwan, M-560
    Trade, M-580
    Ukrainian Canadians, M-252

    Deceptive, C-20
    See also Agricultural products; Cable television; Competition-Vertically integrated suppliers/retail sales; Contests, lotteries, games of chance-Letter; Direct sales marketing; Negative option marketing; Telemarketing

    Income tax, discrimination against couples, M-437 (Lill)
    Legal union, one man and one women
      C-225 (Wappel)
      M-600 (Lowther)
      Supply Proceedings No. 17
    Married/equivalent to married credit, M-562 (Lowther)
    Quebec, C-50
    Same-sex, C-385 (Robinson)
    See also Divorce
Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Act

    C-225 (Wappel)
    C-385 (Robinson)
Martin, Keith (Ref.-Esquimalt-Juan de Fuca; CA-Esquimalt-Juan de Fuca as of March 27, 2000)

    Blood/blood supply system, C-483
    Children, M-261
    Committees, Parliamentary, M-412
    Conflict, international, M-338
    Foetal alcohol syndrome, C-243
    Human rights, M-588
    International organizations, M-338
    Kosovo province (Yugoslavia), M-477
    Marijuana, C-503
    Nephrologists (kidney specialists), M-587
    Organ procurement/transplant
    Standing Committees (House of Commons), M-634
    Suharto, Haji Mohamed, M-556
    Tobacco/cigarettes, M-337
    Violent crime, C-242
    Written questions, Q-58, Q-76, Q-80
    Zana, Leyla, M-584
Martin, Pat (NDP-Winnipeg Centre)

    Apprenticeship, M-304
    Child labour, M-303
    Development assistance, M-299
    Employment, M-643
    Employment insurance, M-304
    Energy, M-300
    Housing, M-301
    Immigrants, M-302
    Labour market training, C-432
    Rural route mail carriers/contractors, C-431
    Wages, M-305
    Whistle Blowers Protection Act, C-499
Matrimonial property see Aboriginal lands-Management

Mayfield, Philip (Ref.-Cariboo-Chilcotin; CA- Cariboo-Chilcotin as of March 27, 2000)

    Auditor General of Canada, M-420
    Ozone depleting substances, P-29, P-30, P-55
    Written questions, Q-114, Q-118, Q-146, Q-214
McClung, Nellie see "Famous Five"

McDonough, Alexa (NDP-Halifax)

    Corporations, C-468
McKinney, Louise see "Famous Five"

McNally, Grant (Ref.-Dewdney-Alouette; CA-Dewdney-Alouette as of March 27, 2000)

    Chrétien, Right Hon. Jean, P-84
    Drug trafficking, M-586
    Immigrants, P-95
    Immigration, P-85
    Written questions, Q-95, Q-106
McTeague, Dan (Lib.-Pickering-Ajax-Uxbridge)

    Automobiles, C-367, C-440
    Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), C-381
        Other Business No. 4
    Gasoline, C-235
      Other Business No. 4

    Tools, income tax deduction
      C-366 (Benoit)
      C-502 (Guimond)
      M-264 (Benoit)
      M-449 (Benoit)
Medak Pocket

    United Nations (UN) action, Canadian Armed Forces participation, recognition, M-379 (Pratt)

    Ownership, concentration, M-431 (Lill)
    See also Print media
Medical devices

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
      Ways and Means No. 17
    PVC plastics, blood bags, intravenous (IV) bags and tubing, P-83 (Elley)
Medical expenses

    Income tax deduction see Herbs-Herbal remedy
    Tax credit, Ways and Means No. 21
Medically Unnecessary Abortion Referendum Act

    C-515 (Pankiw)
Medicine see Nephrologists (kidney specialists); Research; Ultrasound

Members of Parliament

    Budgets, M-499 (St-Julien)
    Code of conduct
      C-488 (Earle)
      M-505 (MacKay)
    Compensation, M-465 (Meredith)
    Constituency case documents, defeated Members not permitted to destroy, M-15 (Chatters)
    Constituents, oath of allegiance to, M-107 (Hill, J.)
    Expense allowance, C-509 (Gouk)
    Householder mailings, prior to and during election campaigns, M-221 (Goldring)
    Income tax exemption, removal of special provisions, C-390 (Kenney)
    Legal advice, M-243 (Breitkreuz, G.)
    Molestation see Parliament Hill; Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Terms of reference
    Naming of a Member, Other Business No. 6
    Number, cap, C-372 (O'Brien, P.)
    Oath or solemn affirmation, C-201 (Bellemare)
        Other Business No. 4
      C-268 (Breitkreuz, C.)
      C-509 (Gouk)
      M-47 (Solomon)
    Recall, right of electors, C-371 (White, T.)
        Other Business No. 4
      M-67 (Lowther)
    See also Ethics (Members of Parliament/political parties); Flags-Provincial and territorial; Poverty-Globalization; Speaker
Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act

        Other Business No. 4
    C-268 (Breitkreuz, C.)
    C-509 (Gouk)
Members of Parliament Superannuation Act

    C-509 (Gouk)
Ménard, Réal (BQ-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve)

    Banks and banking, C-289, C-428
    Conjugal relationships, C-309, C-481
    Employment insurance, C-300
    Lebanon, M-418
    Poverty, C-491
    War criminals, M-267, M-417
Merchant navy veterans

    World War II service, equal treatment
      M-503 (Goldring)
      M-529 (Goldring)
Merchant Navy Veteran and Civilian War-related Benefits Act

Meredith, Val (Ref.-South Surrey-White Rock-Langley; CA-South Surrey-White Rock-Langley as of March 27, 2000)

    Members of Parliament, M-465
    Riel, Louis David, C-417
    Senators, M-465
    Wildlife, C-305
    Written questions, Q-20, Q-89, Q-90
Mergers see Banks and banking; Corporations

Merit principle

    Right, M-7 (Johnston)
Messenger services see Bicycle couriers

Metals see Lead; Precious metals

Métis see Sahtu Dene and Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement

Micmac see instead Mi'kmaq aboriginal communities

Mi'kmaq aboriginal communities

    Education, jurisdication, C-30
        Other Business No. 4
Mi'kmaq Education Act

      Other Business No. 4
Military see Income tax; Telephone service

Military decorations see Veterans-War decorations

Military equipment

    Sales/human rights practices, M-247 (Robinson)
    See also Naval ships

    Labels, identification of bovine growth hormone (rBST), C-239 (Hill, G.)
Millennium bug see Computers (Year 2000 compliance)

Mills, Bob (Ref.-Red Deer; CA-Red Deer as of March 27, 2000)

    Canadian Armed Forces, M-380
    Crown corporations, M-2
    Parliament, M-2
    Passports, P-63
    Public opinion polls, C-217
Migratory birds

    Habitat, M-187 (Thompson, G.)

    Fraud and theft, C-51
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Natural health products (herbs, botanicals, vitamins and minerals); Precious metals
Mining industry

      Expenditures, income tax eligibility, national coordinator, M-341 (St-Julien)
      Regulation, M-31 (Stinson)
    Flow-through shares, eligible income tax expenditures, national committee, establishing, M-340 (St-Julien)
    See also British Canadian (BC) asbestos mine; Coal industry; Donkin Mine; National Miners' Memorial Day; Voisey Bay Mine; Westray mine disaster
Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 1999

Moncton, N.B. see Highways and roads

Monetary union (North America)

    Marceau (M-573)
    Supply Proceedings No. 13
Money laundering (proceeds of crime)

    See also Currency-Thousand dollar note; Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada; Parole-Accelerated parole review
Money markets see Financial transactions (stocks, bonds and money market trades)

Monopolies see Media-Ownership; Print media-Ownership

Monsanto Inc.

    P-64 (Hill, G.)
    See also Bovine growth hormone (rBST)
Montreal Protocol No. 4

Moro River Cemetary

    National historic site, M-603 (Goldring)
Morrison, Lee (Ref.-Cypress Hills-Grasslands; CA-Cypress Hills-Grasslands as of March 27, 2000)

    Grain elevators, C-517
    Halifax Port Corporation, P-69
    Highways and roads
    Pearson International Airport, P-20
    Rail system, C-430
    Wages, C-429
    Written questions, Q-127, Q-128, Q-129, Q-175
Mortgage Investment Corporations

    Ways and Means No. 18

    Cancellation provision, repayment before maturity of the loan
      C-420 (Nystrom)
      C-421 (Nystrom)
    Interest rates
      M-52 (Solomon)
      Income tax deductability, C-223 (Hoeppner)
        Other Business No. 4
    Insurance/loan guarantees, C-66
      C-380 (Assadourian)
      M-218 (Lee)
      M-321 (Nystrom)
    See also Shipping
Motor Vehicle Safety Act

    C-367 (McTeague)
Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987

Motor vehicles see Automobiles; Bus transport; Truck transport

Moving expenses

    And relocation expenses
        Ways and Means No. 25
      Ways and Means No. 18
Muggah Creek, N.S. see Sydney Tar Ponds

Muise, Mark (PC-West Nova)

    Daly Building site, M-211
    West Nova constituency, M-210
    Written questions, Q-150, Q-151, Q-187
Mulroney, Right Hon. Brian see Airbus Industrie; Order of Canada

Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI)

    Government position, Supply Proceedings No. 5
Multiple chemical sensitivity see Environmental illness (multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia)

Municipalities see Crime-Proceeds; Emergencies/disasters; Property taxes; Public Service Bodies (hospital and school authorities, universities, public colleges and municipalities)


    Death sentence
      C-467 (Reynolds)
      C-473 (Hill, J.)
      C-252 (Nunziata)
      C-258 (Forseth)
      C-473 (Hill, J.)
      M-175 (MacKay)
      M-644 (Caccia)
    Provocation defence, M-265 (Hardy)
    Time of death, no limit on charges, C-215 (Thompson, M.)
    "Year and a day rule", C-51
      Other Business No. 4
    Young offenders, sentences, C-473 (Hill, J.)
    See also Hayer, Tara Singh; Russell, Raymond
Murphy, Emily see "Famous Five"


    Travelling exhibitions, funding, M-95 (Lill)
    See also Canadian Museum of Civilization; Canadian War Museum; Crimes against humanity; Genocide
Mutual fund trusts

    Taxation year end, Ways and Means No. 18
Mutual insurance companies

    Demutualization, C-59
      Other Business No. 4
Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act

Myers, Lynn (Lib.-Waterloo-Wellington)

    Apprenticeship, C-414
    Justice system, C-426
    National unity, C-413
    Print media, M-423
    Sex offenders, C-425

Nanoose Bay, B.C. see Torpedoes


    Simple possession offences, guilty statement/fine, M-611 (Grewal)
National Archives of Canada Act

    C-286 (Bellehumeur)
National Capital Commission (NCC)

    Meetings, M-234 (Abbott)
National Day Against Impaired Driving Act

    C-487 (White, R.)
National debt

    Monitoring, C-375 (Loubier)
    Reduction, M-203 (Jones)
    Reduction and servicing account, gifts to the crown, C-240 (White, T.)
National Defence Act

      Other Business No. 4
    C-376 (Bertrand)
    C-427 (Marceau)
National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee

    Travel, Other Business No. 7
National Defence Department

    Alternative Service Delivery, moratorium, M-387 (Stoffer)
    Name, change to Department of Defence, C-376 (Bertrand)
    Review, independent, Office of the Civilian Inspector General, M-364 (Venne)
National Film Board (NFB) see Speaker

National Horse of Canada Act

    C-454 (Calder)
National Housing Act

National Literacy Standards Act

    C-324 (Harb)
National Miners' Memorial Day

    M-555 (Desjarlais)
National Organ Donor Registry

    C-511 (Sekora)
National parks

    Community facilities and services/lands, taxation authorities, Ways and Means No. 23
    Name, replaced by term Canada Parks, C-419 (Mahoney)
    See also Banff National Park; Daly Building site; Marine conservation areas-Regulation; Parks Canada Agency; Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Act; Tuktut Nogait National Park; Wood Buffalo National Park
National Parks Act

    C-419 (Mahoney)
    Ways and Means No. 23
National Parole Board

    Appointments, C-292 (Marceau)
National Police Memorial Day

    Establishing, M-388 (Stoffer)
National Program Office for the Year 200 see Computers (Year 2000 compliance)

National Redress Commission see Discrimination-Ethnocultural

National Revenue Department (Revenue Canada)

    Assessments, alternative arguments
        Ways and Means No. 28
    Third-party, Crown in right of a province
        Ways and Means No. 28
    Third-party information
        Ways and Means No. 28
    See also Canada Customs and Revenue Agency; Patented Medicine Prices Review Board-Information; Workers' compensation-Income tax information
National security

    Joint Parliamentary Committee, establishing, M-492 (Price)
National standards see Apprenticeship; Education; Health care; Labour market training; Literacy; Mammography facilities; Social programs; Veterans

National Symbol of Canadian Unity Act

    C-413 (Myers)
National Tartan Day (St. Andrew's Day)

    Establishing, M-141 (Dockrill)
National Ultrasound Awareness Week

    M-484 (Axworthy, C.)
National unity

    Canada indivisible, alterable only by constitutional provision, M-422 (Goldring)
    Symbol, C-413 (Myers)
    See also Calgary Declaration
NATO see instead North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Natural gas

    Delivery to unserviced regions, M-292 (Laliberte)
    See Oil and gas industry
Natural health products (herbs, botanicals, vitamins and minerals)

    Regulation, Reform health freedom amendment, C-307 (Hill, G.)
    Restrictions, scientific evidence, M-22 (Hill, G.)
Natural resources

    Development projects
      Approval process, M-13 (Chatters)
      Equalization payment formula, clawback of provincial revenues, M-424 (Doyle)
    Federal-provincial agreements, equalization offset payments, M-266 (Power)
    See also Aboriginal land claims; Mackenzie Valley
Natural Resources and Government Operations Standing Committee

    Travel, Other Business No. 7

    Transport Department safety evaluations, P-9 (Williams)
    See also Air navigation services; Cargo
Naval ships

    HMCS designation, francization, C-427 (Marceau)
Nazis see War criminals-And Nazis

Negative option marketing

    Prohibiting, C-393 (Gallaway)
    See also Cable television
Nephrologists (kidney specialists)

    Training and education, M-587 (Martin, K.)
Net Income Stabilisation Account (NISA) see Farm income

Netherlands see Canada-Netherlands Income Tax Convention Act, 1986

New Brunswick Court of Queen's Bench

    Restigouche region, judicial appointment, P-65 (Dubé, J.)
New Glasgow, N.S. see Armouries

New Identities Act

    C-494 (Hill, J.)
Newfoundland and Labrador

    Education, religious denominational schools, Constitution, Term 17, amendment
      Government Business No. 6
      Special Joint Committee
        Establishing, Government Business No. 5
        Membership, Other Business No. 7
    Equalization payments, M-272 (Doyle)
    See also Public Service Bodies (hospital and school authorities, universities, public colleges and municipalities); Training programs; Unemployment
Newspapers see Print media

NFB see instead National Film Board (NFB)

Nickel industry see Voisey Bay Mine

Nisga'a Agreement

    M-579 (Scott, M.)
    P-75 (Scott, M.)
    Supply Proceedings No. 17
Noise see Television-Audio volume

Non-profit organizations see Housing-Rental; Youth

North American monetary union see instead Monetary union (North America)

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

    Aircraft, Flying Training in Canada Program, P-8 (Pankiw)
North Sydney, N.S. see Transportation

Northern Canada see Circumpolar community

Northwest Territories see Nunavut

Norway House Cree Nation

    Aboriginal lands, flooding, C-56
Notice of Compliance regulations

    M-504 (Jaffer)
Nova Scotia

    Budget, federal measures, M-482 (MacKay)
    See also Job creation
Nuclear Amendment Act, 1998

    C-443 (Chatters)
Nuclear Energy Act

    C-443 (Chatters)
Nuclear reactors see CANDU reactors

Nuclear Safety and Control Act

    C-443 (Chatters)
Nuclear technology

    Sales, regulation/conflict of interest, C-443 (Chatters)
Nuclear waste

    Abitibi constituency, storage prohibitied, M-339 (St-Julien)
    Storage, P-59 (Chatters)
    See also Plutonium
Nuclear weapons

    Elimination, M-332 (Robinson)
    Test ban, C-52

    Emergency medical care, M-636 (St-Julien)
    See also Cargo

      P-36 (Konrad)
Nunavut Act

Nunavut Court of Justice

Nunavut Water Board

Nunavut Waters and Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal Act

Nunziata, John (Ind.-York South-Weston)

    Murder, C-252
Nutrition see Food

Nutritional services see Dieticians

Nystrom, Hon. Lorne (NDP-Regina-Qu'Appelle)

    Banks and banking, C-407
    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), C-395
    Competiton, M-574
    Credit Ombudsman Office, C-396
    Currency trade, M-239
    Economic development, M-54
    Education, M-317
    Employees, M-638
    Farms, C-510
    Financial institutions, M-238
    Financial transactions (stocks, bonds and money market trades), M-240
    Firefighters, C-395
    House of Commons
      C-420, C-421
    Pension Ombudsman, C-460
    Police, C-395
    Political parties, M-322
    Riel, Louis David, C-417
    Senate, M-548
    Tools, C-315
    Wealth tax, M-241
    Written questions, Q-92, Q-93

Oath of Allegiance

    M-640 (Hardy)
Oaths of office

    See also Members of Parliament
Obhrai, Deepak (Ref.-Calgary East; CA-Calgary East as of March 27, 2000)

    Arts and culture, C-222
    Crime, C-475
    Immigrants, C-241
    Order of Canada, M-335
O'Brien, Pat (Lib.-London-Fanshawe)

    Members of Parliament, C-372

    Definition, M-362 (Szabo)
Occupational health and safety see Corporations-Criminal acts; Workplace

Oceans see Marine conservation areas


    Dangerous offenders, C-492 (Thompson, M.)
    Multiple criminal offences, consecutive sentences, M-23 (Grewal)
    Repeat offenders, break and enter offences, M-516 (MacKay)
    See also Child sex offenders; Sex offenders; Young offenders
Office for Taxpayer Protection

    C-495 (Kenney)
Office of the Canadian High Commission in Chandigarh see India

Office of the Civilian Inspector General see Canadian Armed Forces-Review; National Defence Department

Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Act

Official Languages Commissioner

      Government Business No. 18
      Parliamentary Standing Committee review, M-410 (White, R.)
    See also Committees, Parliamentary
Official languages policy/bilingualism see Committees, Parliamentary; Federal-provincial jurisdiction-Devolution agreements; Health care-Funding; Naval ships; Public Service-Bilingualism bonus

Official Languages Standing Joint Committee

      Other Business No. 7
      Supply Proceedings No. 14
    Travel, Other Business No. 7
Oil and gas industry

    Capital gains tax, M-14 (Chatters)
    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
    Offshore, federal-provincial jurisdiction, M-460 (Chatters)
    Yukon Territory, jurisdiction, C-8
Oil and gas pipelines see Accidents (marine, rail, pipeline and air); Sable Offshore Energy Project

Oil pollution

    Maritime damage, compensation/shipowner liability
    See also Accidents (marine, rail, pipeline and air)
Old Age Security

    Indexation, M-541 (Dockrill)
    Payment period/marital status change, C-36
    See also Pension Ombudsman
Old Age Security Act

      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 25
Olympics see Athletes-Scholarships; International Olympic Committee

Ombudsman see Consumers; Credit Ombudsman Office; Financial institutions-Service charges; First Nations Ombudsman; Pension Ombudsman

Operation Respond see Hazardous products

Open Government Act

    C-264 (Bryden)
Opposition days see instead Allotted days

Option Canada

    Funding, Auditor General of Canada Office investigation, M-111 (Tremblay, Suzanne)
    Privy Council Office (PCO) relationship, P-21 (Anders)
Order of Canada

    Eagleson, Alan R., appointment as Officer, revocation, M-335 (Obhrai)
    Mulroney, Brian, appointment, testimonial letters, P-34 (Johnston)
Orders of prohibition see Child sex offenders

Organ Donation Medal

    C-498 (Elley)
Organ Donation Act

    C-511 (Sekora)
Organ procurement/transplant

    National donor registry, C-511 (Sekora)
    Tissue transfer and supply system
      M-178 (Benoit)
      M-222 (Martin, K.)
      P-23 (Martin, K.)
Organic pollution

    Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) protocol, Canadian Arctic Contaminants Assessment Report, M-37 (Caccia)
Orphan clauses see Collective bargaining

Osteopathic services

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) exemption, Ways and Means No. 28
Ottawa River

    Navigation/administration, M-378 (Pratt)
Ottawa Sun see Speaker-Members of Parliament

Ouest Nova see West Nova constituency

Ozone depleting substances

    P-29 (Mayfield)
    P-30 (Mayfield)
    P-55 (Mayfield)

Packaging and labelling

    See also Alcoholic beverage containers; Candy; Child labour; Drugs and pharmaceuticals-Ingredients; Food; Milk; Tobacco/cigarettes; Toys
Pagtakhan, Rey D. (Lib.-Winnipeg North-St. Paul)

    Homecare, M-620
Pan-American monetary union see Monetary union (North America)

Pankiw, Jim (Ref.-Saskatoon-Humboldt; CA-Saskatoon-Humboldtas of March 27, 2000)

    Abortion, C-515
    Crime, C-484, C-516
    Elections, C-451
    Employment Equity Act, M-104
    Family, M-369
    North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), P-8
    Property rights, M-269
    Quebec sovereignty referendums, M-645
    Written questions, Q-78, Q-79, Q-139, Q-255

    Judicial error basis, reimbursement of legal costs, C-311 (Sauvageau)
Parental leave see Children

Parents see Child care; Children; Divorce-Children; Family; Young offenders

Parker, Gladys Marie

    Death at Cambellton, N.B., Royal Canadian Mounted Police Inspector H.J. Robichaud report, P-11 (Wayne)
Parks Canada Agency

    Establishment, C-29
Parks Canada Agency Act

Parlby, Irene see "Famous Five"


    Access to information, M-2 (Mills, B.)
    Auditor General of Canada Office audits, M-156 (Breitkreuz, G.)
    Ethics counsellor, C-488 (Earle)
    See also Canadian Armed Forces; Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)-Board of commissioners; Chief Electoral Officer; Committees, Parliamentary; Drugs and pharmaceuticals-Patents; Interest groups; Justice system-Evidence; Patented Medicine Prices Review Board-Report; Treaties; United Nations (UN); User fees
Parliament Buildings

    Renovation/restoration project, P-47 (Schmidt)
Parliament Hill

    Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) Feb. 17, 1999 pickets, molestation of a Member/access to the precincts of Parliament, question of privilege
      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 11
      See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Terms of reference
    See also "Famous Five"
Parliament of Canada Act

      Other Business No. 4
    C-201 (Bellemare)
    C-265 (Scott, M.)
    C-423 (Solomon)
    C-451 (Pankiw)
Parliamentarians' Code of Conduct

    C-488 (Earle)
Parliamentary Commissioner for the Armed Forces see Canadian Armed Forces

Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act

    C-470 (Marceau)
    C-499 (Martin, Pat)
Parliamentary privilege see Justice system-Evidence; Parliament Hill; Speaker-Members of Parliament

Parliamentary Secretaries see Standing Committees (House of Commons)


    Absence, late reporting, M-164 (Hart)
    Accelerated parole review, not available for convictions re laundering of proceeds of crime, C-416 (Marceau)
    Applications, withdrawal, C-388 (Cadman)
    Arrest without warrant, C-259 (Thompson, M.)
    Breaches, C-211 (White, R.)
    Life imprisonment, no parole, C-269 (Hanger)
    Machell, Kevin, disappearance, P-18 (Hart)
    Organized-crime offences, eligibility, C-51
      Other Business No. 4
    Policy, release of 50 per cent of offenders, M-507 (MacKay)
    See also Murder; National Parole Board; Russell, Raymond

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
Part-time employees see Canada Pension Plan (CPP)-Housewives; Longshore employees


    Canadian Embassy in Israel, P-63 (Mills, B.)
Patent Act

      Ways and Means No. 24
    C-248 (Solomon)
    C-361 (Gouk)
    M-62 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    P-2 (Thompson, G.)
Patented Medicine Prices Review Board

    Auditor General of Canada Office audit, M-59 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Information, National Revenue Department (Revenue Canada), M-61 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Proceedings, M-185 (Thompson, G.)
    Report to Parliament, M-60 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Statistics, M-63 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    See also Drugs and pharmaceuticals-Prices
Patents see Drugs and pharmaceuticals

Patronage see Elections-Returning officers

Patry, Bernard (Lib.-Pierrefonds-Dollard)

    Employment insurance, C-520
Payroll taxes see Individual security fund

PCO see instead Privy Council Office (PCO)

Peace Nation

    M-425 (Harb)
Peace officers

    Killed in the line of duty, scholarship fund for children, M-589 (MacKay)
    See also Police and Peace Officer National Memorial Day

    Certificate of recognition, M-621 (Goldring)
    See also Bosnia-Herzegovina-International Stabilization Force (SFOR); Central African Republic; Kosovo province (Yugoslavia); Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP); Telephone service
Pearson International Airport

    Terminal 3, Greater Toronto Airport Authority purchase, P-20 (Morrison)
Pedophiles see instead Children-Child sex offenders

Peltier, Leonard

      False information, M-395 (Mancini)
      Justice Department review, P-13 (Mancini)

    Drugs, hallucinogenic, LSD experiments, P-56 (Marceau)
    Escapes, C-459 (White, R.)
    Inmates, lawsuits filed against federal government or employees, C-234 (Hanger)
    See also Ferndale Penitentiary; Port-Cartier Penitentiary
Pension Act

    C-345 (Harb)
Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985

Pension Fund Societies Act

    C-355 (Harb)
Pension Ombudsman

    C-460 (Nystrom)
Pension Ombudsman Act

    C-460 (Nystrom)

    Alternative minimum tax
        Ways and Means No. 25
      Ways and Means No. 18
    British pensioners living in Canada
      M-1 (Robinson)
      Resolution, Other Business No. 8
    Superintendent of Financial Institutions authority, S-3
    See also Canada Post Corporation; Canadian Armed Forces; Disabled and handicapped persons; Members of Parliament; Pension Ombudsman; Public Service; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP); Same sex couples; Saskatchewan Pension Plan (SPP); Veterans pensions; Wages-Severance pay
Penson, Charlie (Ref.-Peace River; CA-Peace River as of March 27, 2000)

    Export Development Corporation (EDC), C-392
People's Tax Form Act

    C-214 (Breitkreuz, G.)
Peric, Janko (Lib.-Cambridge)

    Immigrants, C-321, C-360
Periodicals see Publishing

Persian Gulf War (1991) see Gulf War Syndrome

Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) see Organic pollution

Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act

Persons case see "Famous Five"

Pesticides see Chemical pesticides

Pests see Gophers


    Direct representations to Committee of the Whole (House), M-462 (White, T.)
    Prepared as bills
      C-291 (Crête)
      M-622 (White, R.)

    Peace negotiations, M-326 (Robinson)

    Educators, copies free of charge for classroom purposes, C-358 (Mahoney)
Photographs see Elections-Ballots

PHSP see instead Private Health Service Plans (PHSP)

Phthalates see Consumer products; Toys

Picard, Pauline (BQ-Drummond)

    Genetics, C-247
      Other Business No. 4
Pinochet, Augusto

    Chile, human rights crimes, arrest/extradition
      M-501 (Robinson)
      M-599 (Robinson)
Pipelines see Accidents (marine, rail, pipeline and air)

Plant Protection Act

Plant Breeders' Rights Act

Plastics see Medical devices-PVC plastics

Plastimet Inc.

    Hamilton, Ont. fire, July 1998, health impacts, M-285 (Laliberte)

      Canada-Russia agreement, P-73 (Chatters)
      Canada-United States agreement, P-72 (Chatters)

    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), early entitlement, C-395 (Nystrom)
    See also Automobiles-Evading police; Canada Ports Police; National Police Memorial Day; Police and Peace Officer National Memorial Day; Public safety officers (police and firefighters); Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
Police and Peace Officer National Memorial Day

    M-342 (MacKay)
Political parties

    Advertising, use of individual likeness, M-97 (Proctor)
    Donations by banks and affiliates, M-322 (Nystrom)
    Financing, reform, Supply Proceedings No. 2
    Nomination of less than 50 candidates, C-83
    Registration, P-35 (White, T.)
    See also Charitable donations-Income tax deduction; Communist Party of Canada; Elections; Ethics (Members of Parliament/political parties); House of Commons-Vacancies; Reform Party

    Income tax exemption, removal of special provisions, C-390 (Kenney)
Politics see Charities; Labour unions-Dues


    Clean-up, polluter-funded agency, M-102 (Mancini)
    See also Arctic pollution; Automotive Pollution Reduction Act; Carbon dioxide emissions; Fishing-Lead sinkers and jigs; Gasoline-Additives; Greenhouse gas emissions; Hazardous products; Oil pollution; Organic pollution; Ozone depleting substances; Plastimet Inc.; Sewage waste; Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund; St. Lawrence River; Sydney Tar Ponds; Toxic substances; Water; Water and sewage systems
Pollution prevention

      Other Business No. 4
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) see Hazardous products; Medical devices-PVC plastics

POPs see instead Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)

Pornography see Child pornography


      Other Business No. 4
    West coast, labour disputes, C-233 (Johnston)
    See also Canada Port Authorities; Canada Ports Police; Halifax Port Corporation
Port-aux-Basques, Nfld. see Transportation-North Sydney

Port-Cartier Penitentiary

    Administration, public inquiry, M-244 (Fournier)
Post offices see Income tax-Forms

Postage stamps see Breast cancer-Awareness; Gretzky, Wayne

Postal service

    Labour dispute, C-24
      Government Business No. 8
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 10
    See also Canada Post Commission; Canada Post Corporation; Contests, lotteries, games of chance; Government logos; Rural route mail carriers/contractors
Postal Services Continuation Act, 1997

      Government Business No. 8
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 10
Post-secondary education see instead Education, post-secondary


    C-491 (Ménard)
    Alleviating, Supply Proceedings No. 13
    Elimination, targets, M-133 (Davies)
    Globalization, effects, establishment of Parliamentary Committee to consider role of Members of Parliament, Supply Proceedings No. 9
    See also Child poverty
Poverty Commissioner

    C-490 (Gagnon)
Power, Charlie (PC-St. John's West; resigned Jan. 31, 2000)

    Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), M-196
    Computers (Year 2000 compliance), M-249
    Inter-provincial trade, M-195
    Natural resources, M-266
    Training programs, M-197
    Voisey Bay Mine, M-194
Prairie Grain Elevators Act

    C-517 (Morrison)
Prairie provinces see Grain elevators

Pratt, David (Lib.-Nepean-Carleton)

    Barker, Lieutenant Colonel William ("Billy"), M-365
    Canadian Forces Day, M-368
    Canadian War Museum, M-471
    Medak Pocket, M-379
    Ottawa River, M-378
Precious metals

    Refining, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), Ways and Means No. 28
Preclearance Act

Pregnancy see Alcoholic beverage containers-Warning label

Price, David (PC-Compton-Stanstead; Lib.-Compton-Stanstead as of Sept. 14, 2000)

    Canadian Armed Forces, M-493
    National security, M-492
    Search and rescue, M-494
Prime Ministers, former

    Burial place, National Historic Site designation, M-450 (Gallaway)
Print media

    Disabled and handicapped persons, access standards, M-428 (Lill)
    Ownership, commission of inquiry, M-423 (Myers)
Prisoners of war

    Disabled, benefits, C-61
    See also Hong Kong

    Disclosure by a government institution, C-275 (Reynolds)
    Improper disclosure, compensation/penalties, M-377 (Scott, M.)
    See also Electronic commerce; Social Insurance Numbers (SIN); Workers' compensation-Income tax information
Privacy Act

    C-275 (Reynolds)
    C-356 (Harb)
Privacy Commissioner

    Appointment, Parliamentary Standing Committee review, M-410 (White, R.)
Private Health Service Plans (PHSP)

    Premiums, income tax deduction
        Ways and Means No. 25
      Ways and Means No. 18
Private Members' Business

    Extended hours, Other Business No. 4
    Proceedings, Other Business No. 4
    Votable items, selection criteria see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Reports, Seventieth
Private Members' Public Bills

    Sponsorship, Other Business No. 4
Private sector see Canadian War Museum-Building construction

Privatization see Export Development Corporation (EDC); Harbours, wharves and breakwaters; Marine Atlantic Inc.; Student loans

Privilege see instead Parliamentary privilege

Privy Council Office (PCO)

    Documents, access, C-286 (Bellehumeur)
    See also Option Canada;
Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee

    Membership, Other Business No. 2
      Twenty-ninth (Integrity of the House of Commons and its Speaker)
        Government Business No. 13
        Other Business No. 2
        Other Business No. 4
      Forty-eighth (Broadcasting of Committee proceedings)
        Government Business No. 24
        Other Business No. 7
      Government Business No. 10
      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 7
      Supply Proceedings No. 14
    Terms of reference, molestation of a Member/access to the precincts of Parliament, Other Business No. 2
    See also Speaker-Members of Parliament
Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act

Proctor, Dick (NDP-Palliser)

    Political parties, M-97
    Written questions, Q-77
Professional associations see Labour unions-And professional bodies

Profiteering see Emergencies/disasters

Program Cost Declaration Act

    C-476 (Shepherd)
Promotional allowances

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
Property rights

    C-304 (Breitkreuz, G.)
    C-452 (Breitkreuz, G.)
    Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms recognition, M-269 (Pankiw)
    See also Quebec
Property taxes

    Principal residence, income tax deduction, C-518 (Epp)
Proportional representation see House of Commons


    Penalties, C-206 (Forseth)
    Summary or indictable conviction, C-397 (Lowther)
    See also Child prostitution
Protection of Privacy (Social Insurance Numbers) Act

    C-456 (Harb)
Provenzano, Carmen (Lib.-Sault Ste. Marie)

    Young offenders, M-366

    Equality/distinct society, M-26 (Elley)
    Separation, referendum, C-237 (Stinson)
    See also Crime-Proceeds; Dice-games; Fisheries; Flag; Flags; National Revenue Department (Revenue Canada)-Third-party; Natural resources-Development projects; Regional development-Funding; Wages
Provincial Crown Agents

    Capital property, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
Provincial Gaming Authorities

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
PSAC see instead Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC)

Psychological services

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) exemption
        Ways and Means No. 28
      Ways and Means No. 17
Public Accounts Standing Committee

    Reports, Supply Proceedings No. 14
    Travel, Other Business No. 7
    See also Auditor General of Canada
Public opinion polls

    Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions initiating, access to information
      C-217 (Mills, B.)
      C-253 (Mark)
    See also Elections-Polling day; Hepatitis C-Infection
Public safety officers (police and firefighters)

    Death in line of duty, compensation fund
      C-246 (Szabo)
      M-409 (Davies)
      See also Canadian Public Safety Officer Compensation Fund
Public Sector Pension Investment Board

Public Service

    Bilingualism bonus, M-614 (Strahl)
    Collective bargaining
        Government Business No. 21
        Other Business No. 10
      Binding arbitration, C-71
        Ways and Means No. 24
        Ways and Means No. 24
      C-270 (Grewal)
    Wrongdoing, allegations/retaliation, C-499 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Penitentiaries-Inmates
Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) see Grain transportation; Parliament Hill

Public Service Bodies (hospital and school authorities, universities, public colleges and municipalities)

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) rebates, Ways and Means No. 28
    Newfoundland and Labrador, Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) rebate, Ways and Means No. 28
Public Service Staff Relations Act

    C-364 (Fournier)
    C-470 (Marceau)
    C-499 (Martin, Pat)
Publishing see Canada Gazette; Child pornography-Electronic publishing; Split-run periodicals

Public Service Superannuation Act

PVC see instead Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)


Quarries see Charlotte County Ports quarry project


    Cultural identity, M-109 (Tremblay, Suzanne)
    Education, linguistic school boards, constitutional amendment
      Government Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
      Special Joint Committee, Government Business No. 3
    Property law, C-50
    See also Goods and Services Tax (GST); Justice system; Marriage
Quebec sovereignty

    Quebeckers to decide freely, Supply Proceedings No. 5
Quebec sovereignty referendums

    Concurrent referendum
      M-25 (Elley)
      M-645 (Pankiw)
Quebec Superior Court see Judges-Flahiff

Queen Elizabeth II

    Golden Wedding Anniversary, Resolution, Other Business no. 8

Radio see House of Commons-Debates

Radio spectrum

    Commercial licences, inquiry, M-623 (Riis)
Rail passenger service

    Sydney, N.S. and Halifax, N.S., M-540 (Dockrill)
    Sydney, N. S. and Truro, N.S., M-393 (Mancini)
    See also High speed rail service; VIA Rail Canada Inc.
Rail system

    Local authorities, first option, M-286 (Laliberte)
    Rail line abandonment, dismantlement moratorium, C-430 (Morrison)
      Other Business No. 4
      M-205 (Desjarlais)
      M-206 (Desjarlais)
    See also Accidents (marine, rail, pipeline and air)
Railway Safety Act

      Other Business No. 4
Ramsay, Jack (Ref.-Crowfoot; Ind.-CA-Crowfoot as of April 6, 2000)

    Young offenders, C-210
Reading materials

    Audio recordings, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) rebate, Ways and Means No. 17
    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
      M-93 (Lill)
      M-590 (Stoffer)
      Ways and Means No. 17
Real property

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
      Ways and Means No. 17
Recall legislation see Members of Parliament

Recognition and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Act see instead Canadian Bill of Rights

Recognition of Crimes Against Humanity Act

    C-479 (Assadourian)
Recycling see Beverage containers; Bottle return depots

Redman, Karen (Lib.-Kitchener Centre)

    Contests, lotteries, games of chance, C-409
    Government logos, C-409
    Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Mackenzie, S-20
Referendum Act

    C-250 (Ablonczy)
    C-277 (Elley)
    C-515 (Pankiw)

      C-229 (White, T.)
      C-250 (Ablonczy)
    See also Abortion; Capital punishment; Provinces-Separation; Quebec sovereignty referendums
Reform health freedom amendment see Natural health products (herbs, botanicals, vitamins and minerals)-Regulation

Reform Party see Hepatitis C-Infection; Natural health products (herbs, botanicals, vitamins and minerals)-Regulation

Reform's Anti-Profiteering Act

    C-442 (Grewal)
Reform's Territorial Protection Act

    C-271 (Grewal)

    Landed immigrant status after three years
      M-402 (Hardy)
      M-403 (Hardy)
    Landing fees/permanent resident application fees, M-625 (McNally)
    Legislative Review Advisory Group (LRAG), P-85 (McNally)
    Women, resettlement, Women at Risk program, Urgent Protection Pilot, P-101 (Benoit)
    See also Extradition; Kosovo province (Yugoslavia)
Regional development

    Agencies, M-224 (Schmidt)
    Funding, announcements prior to or during provincial elections, M-99 (Mancini)
    See also Abitibi region; Job creation programs; Thetford Mines Regional Industrial Development Fund Incorporated

    Alienation, "Liberal Alienation Committee", Supply Proceedings No. 17
Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs)

    Canada Education Savings Grant program, five-day time limit, M-639 (St-Julien)
      Ways and Means No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 25
    Ways and Means No. 18
Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIF)

    Alternative minimum tax
        Ways and Means No. 25
      Ways and Means No. 18
    Death proceeds, Ways and Means No. 21
    Foreign content rule
      C-446 (Solberg)
Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP)

    Death proceeds, Ways and Means No. 21
    Foreign content rule
      C-446 (Solberg)
      M-202 (Jones)
    See also Disabled and handicapped persons-Home Buyers' Plan (HBP); Education-Lifelong learning plans
Registrar of Organ Donors

    C-511 (Sekora)

    Costs, M-491 (Brison)
    See also Bus transport (interprovincial); Cable television-Optional channels; Disabled and handicapped persons-Home Buyers' Plan (HBP); Dollar, exchange rate; Education-Lifelong learning plans; Goods and Services Tax (GST); Harmonized Sales Tax (HST); Laws; Marine conservation areas; Mining industry-Exploration; Natural health products (herbs, botanicals, vitamins and minerals); Notice of Compliance regulations; Nuclear technology; Truck transport; User fees
Reid, Hon. John M. see Information Commissioner-Appointment


    Broadcasters, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) licensing practices, M-392 (Lowther)
    See also Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople; Newfoundland and Labrador-Education; Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Mackenzie
Remembrance Day

    C-279 (Kenney)
    C-434 (Kenney)
Remote regions see Cargo

Renewable energy

    Delivery to unserviced regions, M-293 (Laliberte)
Rent see Housing

Reproductive technologies see Genetics


    Science or medical research, scholarship fund, M-356 (Thompson, G.)
    See also Housing; Scientific Research and Experimental Development
Residential schools see Aboriginal people-Education

RESPs see instead Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs)

Respite care

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) exemption, Ways and Means No. 28
Restigouche, N.B. see New Brunswick Court of Queen's Bench

Retirement see Atlantic groundfish industry; Early Retirement Incentive Program (ERI)

Retirement savings

    Taxation, M-163 (Ablonczy)
    See also Deferred income plans; Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIF); Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP)
Returning officers see Elections

Revenue Canada see instead National Revenue Department (Revenue Canada)

Reynolds, John (Ref.-West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast; CA-West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast as of March 27, 2000)

    Immigrants, C-261, C-281, C-314
    Jack Davis Centre, P-3
    Judges, M-572
    Murder, C-467
    Privacy, C-275
    Veterans, C-391
    Written questions, Q-6, Q-9, Q-28, Q-55, Q-71, Q-85, Q-86
Riel, Louis David

    Commemorative day
      C-213 (Tremblay, Suzanne)
      C-417 (Coderre; Meredith; Tremblay, Suzanne; Nystrom; Borotsik)
      M-108 (Tremblay, Suzanne)
    Father of Confederation and Founder of the Province of Manitoba, C-417 (Coderre; Meredith; Tremblay, Suzanne; Nystrom; Borotsik)
    Treason, reversal of conviction, C-417 (Coderre; Meredith; Tremblay, Suzanne; Nystrom; Borotsik)
Right of landing fees see Immigrants

Riis, Nelson (NDP-Kamloops, Thompson and Highland Valleys)

    Computers (Year 2000 compliance), M-405
    Education, M-363, M-448
    Elections, C-437
    Food, M-400, M-413
    International Monetary Fund (IMF), M-442
    Radio spectrum, M-623
    Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), M-416
    Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), M-75
    Transportation, M-360
Rivers, heritage

    Protection, M-348 (Thompson, G.)
    See also Industrial projects; Ottawa River; St. Lawrence River
Robichaud, *_Inspector_* H.J. see Parker, Gladys Marie

Robinson, Svend J. (NDP-Burnaby-Douglas)

    Air India, M-320
    Alcoholic beverage containers, C-383
    Algeria, M-343
    Armenia, M-385
    Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), M-262
    Cable television, M-331
    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), C-386
    Developing countries, M-523, M-575
    Euthanasia, M-123
    Hazardous products, M-124, M-258
    Human rights, M-245
    Immigration, M-237
    Income tax, C-272
    Indonesia, M-456
    Iraq, M-585
    Jammu and Kashmir state (India), M-384
    Kurdish People, M-524
    Land mines, M-217
    Lightkeepers, M-256
    Longshore employees, M-57
    Marriage, C-385
    Military equipment, M-247
    Nuclear weapons, M-332
    Pensions, M-1
    Philippines, M-326
    Pinochet, Augusto, M-501, M-599
    Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), M-496
    Salmon, M-257
    Senate, M-56
    Strategic Defence Initiative ("Star Wars"), M-631
    Taiwan, M-513
    Tibet, M-248
    Torpedoes, M-32
    United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, M-246
    Visas, M-597
    Written questions, Q-32, Q-34, Q-153, Q-154, Q-155
Rocheleau, Yves (BQ-Trois-Rivières)

    Governor General, P-4
Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Mackenzie

    S-20 (Redman)
Romania see CANDU reactors

Rosenberg case see Income tax-Spouses

Royal Canadian Mint

    Coin plating plant, Manitoba, P-16 (Epp)
    See also Currency-Coins
Royal Canadian Mint Act

Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

    British Columbia, funding, M-485 (Hill, J.)
    Collective bargaining, C-447 (Marceau)
    Compensation (salaries and benefits), Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee review, M-416 (Riis)
    "E" Division, budget deficit
      M-496 (Robinson)
      P-51 (Hill, J.)
    Peacekeepers, pensions, C-12
        Ways and Means No. 24
      C-270 (Grewal)
    See also Crime-Combatting; Parker, Gladys Marie
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act

    C-352 (Harb)
    C-494 (Hill, J.)
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pension Continuation Act

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act

    C-345 (Harb)
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

    Recommendations, First Ministers' meeting, M-87 (Earle)
Royal Commissions of Inquiry see Air India

RRIFs see instead Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIF)

RRSPs see instead Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP)

Rural areas see Highways and roads; Telecommunications

Rural route mail carriers/contractors

    Collective bargaining/unionization
    C-431 (Martin, Pat)
    M-79 (Stoffer)
Russell, Raymond

    Conditional release, murder of Darlene Turnbull, P-62 (MacKay)
Russia see Canada-Russia relations; Kosovo province (Yugoslavia)-Diplomatic solution


Sable Offshore Energy Project

    M-481 (MacKay)
Sackville-Eastern Shore constituency

    Name, change to Sackville-Musquodoboit Valley-Eastern Shore, C-464 (Stoffer)
Safety see Accidents (marine, rail, pipeline and air); Bus transport (interprovincial); Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission; Canadian Public Safety Officer Compensation Fund; Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board; Drinking Water Materials Safety Act; Highways and roads-Accidents; Marine safety; NAV CANADA; Motor Vehicle Safety Act; Nuclear Safety and Control Act; Public safety officers (police and firefighters); Rail system; Transportation Safety Board (TSB); Truck transport; Water-Drinking water; Workplace-Occupational health and safety

Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Act

Sahtu Dene and Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement

Salaries Act

      Other Business No. 4
Sales tax see Fuel; Goods and Services Tax (GST); Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)

Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 1999


    Aquaculture operations, M-257 (Robinson)
Same sex couples

    Pensions, C-78
    See also Canada Pension Plan (CPP); Conjugal relationships; Income tax-Spouses; Marriage
Saskatchewan Pension Plan (SPP)

    Spousal provincial pension plans, Ways and Means No. 18
Satellite broadcasting services

    Equipment guarantees, M-112 (Tremblay, Suzanne)
Sauvageau, Benoît (BQ-Repentigny)

    Employment insurance, C-297
    Pardons, C-311
Scabs see Labour disputes

Schmid, Niklaus

    Justice Department communications, P-93 (Abbott)
Schmidt, Werner (Ref.-Kelowna; CA-Kelowna as of March 27, 2000)

    Parliament Buildings, P-47
    Regional development, M-224
Scholarships see Athletes; Peace officers-Killed in the line of duty; Research

Science see Research

Scientific Research and Experimental Development

    Tax credit
        Ways and Means No. 25
      Ways and Means No. 18
Scotia Terminals Inc. see Halifax Port Corporation

Scott, Mike (Ref.-Skeena; CA-Skeena as of March 27, 2000)

    Aboriginal Endowment Fund, P-38
    House of Commons, C-265
    Indian bands/reserves, P-39
    Nisga'a Agreement
    Privacy, M-377
    Written questions, Q-120, Q-121, Q-122
Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee

      Other Business No. 7
      Other Business No. 11
    Travel, Other Business No. 7
Seaforth Highlanders see Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC)

Search and rescue

    Helicopters, M-494 (Price)
Search and seizure powers

      Other Business No. 4
    See also Weapons
Seasonal workers

    Employment insurance
      C-295 (Crête)
      M-69 (Crête)
      M-84 (Godin, Y.)

    Depository bills/depository notes, S-9
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Business-Publicly traded
Security Intelligence Review Committee

    Appointments, C-293 (Marceau)
    Recommendations, implementation, C-436 (Wappel)
Sekora, Lou (Lib.-Port Moody-Coquitlam-Port Coquitlam)

    Organ procurement/transplant, C-511
Self-employed workers

    Employment insurance
      C-295 (Crête)
      C-457 (Anders)
      C-501 (Crête)

      M-68 (Crête)
      M-236 (Chrétien, J-G)
      M-548 (Nystrom)
    Constitutional amendment, M-56 (Robinson)
    Proceedings, televising, M-165 (Gallaway)
    Reform, M-236 (Chrétien, J-G)
    Selection, elector input, C-382 (Gilmour)
      British Columbia, M-18 (Gilmour)
      Election, M-55 (Stinson)
Senator Selection Act

    C-382 (Gilmour)

    Code of conduct
      C-488 (Earle)
      M-505 (MacKay)
    Compensation, M-465 (Meredith)
Senior citizens see Elder care; Employment-Older workers; Income tax-Age amount claim-Returns; Sentences (convicted criminals)-Double sentences; Old Age Security

Seniors Benefit

    M-212 (Dubé, J.)
    M-278 (Dubé, J.)
    P-66 (Dubé, J.)
Sentences (convicted criminals)

    Conditional sentences
        Other Business No. 4
      C-513 (Hill, J.)
      M-383 (Hill, J.)
      M-577 (Hill, J.)
    Consecutive sentences
      C-459 (White, R.)
      C-516 (Pankiw)
    Cumulative, C-251 (Guarnieri)
    Double sentence for crimes against children and elderly, M-444 (Hart)
    Non-violent-first-time offenders, conditional sentencing limits, M-330 (Cadman)
    Outstanding charges/ability to pay a fine, C-51
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Crime-Break and enter-Firearms; Impaired driving-Aboriginal offenders; Murder; Offenders-Multiple criminal offences; Pardons; Violent crime
Separatism see Provinces; Quebec sovereignty

Service charges see Banks and banking

Severance pay see Wages

Sewage waste

    Birch Grove, N.S., M-157 (Dockrill)
    See also Water and sewage systems
Sex offenders

    Names, public disclosure, C-425 (Myers)
    National registry/Canadian Police Information Centre system, M-514 (MacKay)
    See also Child sex offenders
Sexual acts see Children

Sexual assault see Family violence

Sexual exploitation see Disabled and handicapped persons

Sexual orientation see Conjugal relationships

SFOR see instead International Stabilization Force (SFOR)

Shawinigan, Que. see Armouries

Shepherd, Alex (Lib.-Durham)

    Flag, C-401
    Government programs, C-476
Ship-source Oil Pollution Fund


    Financial assistance
      C-493 (Dubé, A.)
      M-510 (Dubé, A.)
      M-568 (Herron)
    Industry Standing Committee review, M-567 (Herron)
      M-214 (Herron)
      Supply Proceedings No. 17
Shipbuilding Act, 1999

    C-493 (Dubé, A.)

    Registration/mortgages, C-15
    See also Oil pollution-Maritime damage
Ships see Naval ships; Titanic

Sidloski, Natalie

    Death in Kenya, October 25, 1996, P-88 (Bailey)
Sikh community see Hayer, Tara Singh

SIMA see instead Special Import Measures Act (SIMA)

Sliammon First Nation

    Fuel and tobacco products, value-added tax, C-71
      Ways and Means No. 24
Small business

    Financing, C-53
      Other Business No. 4
    Guaranteed business improvement loans, C-21
    Loans, interest rates, M-52 (Solomon)
Small Business Loans Act

      Other Business No. 4
Small Weeks Adjustment Project see Employment insurance

Smoking see Tobacco/cigarettes

Social housing

Social Insurance Numbers (SIN)

    Privacy, C-456 (Harb)
Social programs

    Federal-provincial jurisdiction, Supply Proceedings No. 11
      Other Business No. 4
    National standards, M-131 (Davies)
    See also Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)
Social security

      Other Business No. 4
    United States payments, income tax inclusion rate, C-466 (Kenney)
Social union

    Supply Proceedings No. 11
Softwood lumber industry

    M-495 (Stinson)
Solberg, Monte (Ref.-Medicine Hat; CA-Medicine Hat as of March 27, 2000)

    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), P-90
    Deferred income plans, C-446
    Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIF), C-446
    Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP), C-446
    User fees, C-205
Solomon, John (NDP-Regina-Lumsden-Lake Centre)

    Agriculture, M-531, M-532
    Athletes, M-374
    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), M-534
    Child care, M-376
    Consumers, M-533
    Crown corporations, M-535
    Discrimination, M-50
    Drugs and pharmaceuticals, C-248
    Education, post-secondary, M-370, M-371, M-372, M-373
    Energy, M-40, M-41, M-42, M-44
    Ethanol, M-43
    Farm income, M-530
    Farms, M-52
    Forests, M-45, M-46
    House of Commons, C-423
    Interest rates, M-51
    Justice system, M-53
    Les Entreprises Yvon Duhaime Inc., P-71
    Members of Parliament, M-47
    Mortgages, M-52
    National Redress Commission, M-50
    Small business, M-52
    Student loans, M-375
    Transportation, M-531
    Ukrainian Canadians, M-49
    Written questions, Q-216
Solvent abuse

    National program, M-66 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Son of Sam legislation

    C-220 (Wappel)
South Africa see Hansard-Printing

Space station (aerospace)

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

    MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion, veterans benefits, M-75 (Riis)

    Election, Other Business No. 1
    Members of Parliament, remarks attributed re ruling on flag/anthem, Ottawa Sun, Mar. 8/98 article, question of privilege
      Other Business No. 11
      Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee referral, Other Business No. 4
      See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Reports
    National Film Board (NFB) production, "The Guardian of the Hill", P-92 (Grewal)
Special Import Measures Act (SIMA)

Speech see Aphasia

Speech therapy

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) exemption
        Ways and Means No. 28
      Ways and Means No. 17
Split-run periodicals

        Ways and Means No. 14
        Ways and Means No. 28
      P-76 (Mark), P-77 (Mark), P-78 (Mark), P-79 (Mark), P-80 (Mark), P-81 (Mark), P-82 (Mark)

    Amateur sport, Supply Proceedings No. 17
    Tobacco industry sponsorship
      Foundation to provide replacement funding, M-120 (Wasylycia-Leis)
      Prohibition, transition period, C-42
    See also Auto racing; Golf; Hockey; Olympics

    Definition, C-386 (Robinson)
    See also Canada Pension Plan (CPP); Income tax; Witnesses (Justice system)-Protection and participation
SPP see instead Saskatchewan Pension Plan (SPP)

St. Andrew's Day see instead National Tartan Day (St. Andrew's Day)

St. Lawrence River

    Pollutants, P-61 (Gilmour)
St. Lawrence Seaway

      Other Business No. 4
Standing Committees (House of Commons)

    Parliamentary Secretaries, membership, M-634 (Martin, K.)
Standing Orders see House of Commons

"Star Wars" see Strategic Defence Initiative ("Star Wars")

Statistics Act

    C-289 (Ménard)
    C-428 (Ménard)
Statute Revisions Act

Statutes see Laws

Statutory instruments

    Disallowance procedure, C-256 (Grewal)
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Regulation
Statutory Instruments Act

    C-256 (Grewal)
      Other Business No. 4
Statutory Program Evaluation Act

    C-373 (Williams)
Statutory programs see Government programs

St-Hilaire, Caroline (BQ-Longueuil)

    Elections, C-497
    Written questions, Q-209, Q-210, Q-211, Q-233
Stinson, Darrel (Ref.-Okanagan-Shuswap; CA-Okanagan-Shuswap as of March 27, 2000)

    Crime, C-236
    Elections, M-21
    Legislative assemblies, M-21
    Mining industry, M-31
    Provinces, C-237
    Senate, M-55
    Softwood lumber industry, M-495
St-Jacques, Diane (PC-Shefford; Lib.-Shefford as of Sept. 12, 2000)

    Child tax benefit, M-198
    Development assistance, M-199, M-200, M-201
    Discrimination, S-11
    Written questions, Q-196
St-Julien, Guy (Lib.-Abitibi-Baie-James-Nunavik)

    Abitibi region, M-446, M-576
    Banks and banking, M-497
    Cargo, M-598
    Child care, M-223, M-486, M-558
    Education, M-498
    Gross Domestic Product (GDP), M-404
    House of Commons, M-357
    Income tax, M-359
    Insurance, M-358
    James Bay Cree land claim, M-630
    Members of Parliament, M-499
    Mining industry, M-340, M-341
    Nuclear waste, M-339
    Nunavik, M-636
    Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs), M-639
    Written questions, Q-50, Q-53, Q-63, Q-64, Q-68, Q-108, Q-109, Q-170, Q-182
Stocks (equity shares)

    Loss trading between affiliated persons, C-28
      Ways and Means No. 4
    See also Business-Publicly traded; Financial transactions (stocks, bonds and money market trades)
Stoffer, Peter (NDP-Sackville-Musquodoboit Valley-Eastern Shore)

    Automobiles, M-389
    Canada Post Commission, M-77
    Canada Post Corporation, M-78, M-80, M-81, M-82, M-298
    Candy, M-635
    Child pornography, C-424
      Other Business No. 4
    Fisheries, M-296, M-297, M-390
    Fisheries and Oceans Department, M-76
    Funerals, M-536
    Gasoline, M-295
    Hepatitis C, C-508
    Herbs, C-496
    Marine conservation areas, M-391
    National Defence Department, M-387
    National Police Memorial Day, M-388
    Reading materials, M-590
    Rural route mail carriers/contractors, M-79
    Sackville-Eastern Shore constituency, C-464
Stormont-Dundas constituency

    Name, change to Stormont-Dundas-Charlottenburgh, C-445 (Kilger)
Strahl, Chuck (Ref.-Fraser Valley; CA-Fraser Valley as of March 27, 2000)

    Automobiles, C-209
    Charitable donations, M-318
    Drainage ditches
    Infrastructure program, M-155
    Public Service, M-614
    Treaties, M-641, M-642
    Written questions, Q-5, Q-8, Q-65
Strategic Defence Initiative ("Star Wars")

    Canadian participation, M-631 (Robinson)
Strikes and lockouts see Canada Post Corporation; Government services-Resumption; Grain transportation-Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) strike; Parliament Hill; Transportation-North Sydney

Strychnine see Gophers

Student loans

      C-439 (Davies)
    Indebtedness, M-355 (Thompson, G.)
      Income tax deduction, C-316 (Fontana)
      Interest-free period, M-375 (Solomon)
      Relief (brain drain), Supply Proceedings No. 5
      Tax credit
        Ways and Means No. 25
      Ways and Means No. 18
    Principal reduction/repayment, C-36
    Privatization, M-132 (Davies)
    See also Canada Student Loans Act
Substance abuse see Inhalents; Solvent abuse

Suharto, Haji Mohamed

    Genocide and crimes against humanity, charges, M-556 (Martin, K.)
    See also Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC)-Summit meeting
Suicide see Euthanasia

Superintendent of Financial Institutions Office see Pensions


    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28

      Other Business No. 4
    Order for Supply No. 1
Supply day see instead Allotted day

Supply management see Agricultural products-Trade

Supreme Court Act

Supreme Court of Canada

    Appointments, M-414 (Lowther)
Surveillance devices

    Removal, C-51
      Other Business No. 4

    Self-governing association, C-31
Sustainable development

      Other Business No. 4
    See also Exports; Farmers; Marine conservation areas-Regulation; Transportation-Policy
Swan Hills, Alta. see Hazardous waste-Treatment plant

Sweden see Income tax-Conventions

Sydney, Nova Scotia see Rail passenger service

Sydney Tar Ponds

    Muggah Creek area, clean-up program, M-98 (Mancini)
Szabo, Paul (Lib.-Mississauga South)

    Alcoholic beverage containers, C-231
    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), C-244
    Child care
      C-244, C-449
    Divorce, C-218
    Family violence, C-418
    Income tax, C-244
    Obscenity, M-362
    Public safety officers (police and firefighters), C-246

Tabling of Treaties Act

    C-506 (Turp)

    United Nations (UN) participation, China relations, Canadian visas, M-513 (Robinson)
    World Trade Organization (WTO) membership, M-560 (Mark)
    See also Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC)
Tax Court of Canada Act

      Ways and Means No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 28
Tax credits see Apprenticeship-Wages; Bankruptcy-Personal tax credits; Caregivers; Child care; Emergency response workers-Volunteers; Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit; Marriage; Medical expenses; Scientific Research and Experimental Development; Student loans-Interest; Youth-Activities

Tax Equity for Canadian Families with Dependent Children Sub-Committee

    Travel, Other Business No. 7
Tax Rebate Discounting Act

      Ways and Means No. 4

    Administration and enforcement see Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
    Reform, Standing Committee, establishing, M-309 (Jones)
    See also Air transportation tax; Corporate taxation; Currency trade; Excise taxes; Financial transactions (stocks, bonds and money market trades); Kamloops Indian Band; Leasing; National parks-Community facilities and services; Natural resources-Development projects; Tobacco/cigarettes; Wealth tax
Taxpayers' Bill of Rights

    C-495 (Kenney)
Teachers see Education

Technology see Biotechnology; Nuclear technology

Teenagers see Young offenders


    International services, C-17
    Rural and remote service fund, M-519 (Axworthy, C.)
    See also Radio spectrum
Telecommunications Act

Teleglobe Canada Reorganization and Divestiture Act


      Other Business No. 4
Telephone service

    Military spouses/partners serving abroad, cost subsidization, M-438 (Lill)

    Audio volume, levels for advertising/programming, M-439 (Lill)
    See also Cable television
Teng-hui, Li see Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC)-Summit meeting

Term 17 (Terms of Union of Newfoundland with Canada) see Newfoundland and Labrador-Education

Territorial Lands Act

    C-346 (Harb)
Terry Fox Day Act

    C-512 (Beaumier)
"The Guardian of the Hill" see Speaker-National Film Board (NFB)

Theft see Automobiles; Minerals-Fraud and theft

Theological School of Halki see Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople

Thetford Mines, Que. see British Canadian (BC) asbestos mine

Thetford Mines Regional Industrial Development Fund Incorporated

    P-41 (Chrétien, J-G)
Thompson, Greg (PC-New Brunswick Southwest)

    Aquaculture, M-349
    Blood/blood supply system, M-273
    Charlotte County Ports quarry project, M-282
    Drugs and pharmaceuticals
    Employment, M-351
    Endangered and threatened species, M-187
    Environment, M-346
    Environmental assessment, M-184, M-186
    Fisheries, M-274, M-350
    Fishers' Bill of Rights, C-302
    Foreign business, M-345, M-347
    Harbours, wharves and breakwaters, M-275
    Health care
    Hepatitis C, M-273
    Highways and roads, M-283
    Industrial projects, M-319
    Migratory birds, M-187
    Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, M-185
    Research, M-356
    Rivers, heritage, M-348
    Student loans, M-355
    Unemployment, M-353
    Written questions, Q-13, Q-60
    Youth, M-281, M-352
Thompson, Myron (Ref.-Wild Rose; CA-Wild Rose as of March 27, 2000)

    Automobiles, C-219
    Banff National Park, P-42
    Criminal harassement, C-450
    First Nations Ombudsman, C-480
    Impaired driving
    Murder, C-215
    Offenders, C-492
    Parole, C-259
    Violent crime, C-450

    Self-determination, M-248 (Robinson)
Time allocation see House of Commons-Closure


    Wreck site, Canadian Museum of Civilization international meeting, M-582 (Lincoln)
Tobacco Act

    C-400 (Assadourian)

    Addiction, treatment costs, M-121 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Advertising, terminology, ban, M-119 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Chemical substances, list, C-400 (Assadourian)
    Costs to society/individuals, recovery, M-122 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Exports, excise tax
        Ways and Means No. 28
      Ways and Means No. 22
    Hazardous product designation, M-429 (Lill)
    Health warnings, M-115 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Less harmful and addictive, M-118 (Wasylycia-Leis)
      M-113 (Wasylycia-Leis)
      M-337 (Martin, K.)
      Ways and Means No. 6
      Ways and Means No. 27
    Toxic constituents, disclosure, M-116 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Youth under 18, sales, M-117 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    See also Canadian Anti-Smoking Youth Foundation; Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers Community Responsibility Foundation; Cowichan Tribes; Kamloops Indian Band; Sliammon First Nation; Westbank First Nation
Tobacco industry

    Inquiry, M-114 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    See also Arts and culture; Canadian Anti-Smoking Youth Foundation; Canadian Tobacco Manufacturers Community Responsibility Foundation; Sports
Tobacco Industry Responsibility Act

    S-13 (Bennett)
Tobin tax see Currency trade

Tolls (highways, bridges and tunnels)

    C-519 (Vautour)

    Employee income tax deduction
      C-315 (Nystrom)
      P-49 (Benoit)
    See also Mechanics

    Testing, Canadian Forces Maritime Experimental and Test Ranges (CFMETR), Nanoose Bay, B.C., Canada-United States agreement, termination, M-32 (Robinson)
Tourism see Camp-site rentals; Canadian Tourism Commission

Toxic substances

    Investigation and assessment, C-32
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Consumer products; Tobacco/cigarettes

    Labels, phthalates identified, M-85 (Godin, Y.)
    Phthalates, C-482 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Violence-inciting, C-374 (Brien)
    See also Candy

    Administration and enforcement see Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
    Bribery, S-21
    Inventory, income tax valuation, C-28
      Ways and Means No. 4
    Rules-based/retaliation, M-580 (Mark)
    Treaties, M-490 (Brison)
    See also Agricultural products; Currency trade; Exports; Farm income; Forest products; Imports; Inter-provincial trade
Training programs

    Evaluation, M-276 (Dubé, J.)
    Newfoundland and Labrador, M-197 (Power)
    See also Apprenticeship; Employees-Education and training; Employment-Older workers; Labour market training
Transfer of Offenders Act

    C-360 (Peric)
    C-467 (Reynolds)
Transfer pricing

    Arm's length prices, C-28
      Ways and Means No. 4
Transport Department see Charlotte County Ports quarry project; NAV CANADA

Transport Standing Committee

    Travel, Other Business No. 7

    North Sydney, N.S. to Port-aux-Basques, Nfld., strikes or lockouts, M-452 (Johnston)
    Passes, employer-provided, income tax-exempt benefit, M-360 (Riis)
    Environmentally friendly, M-209 (Desjarlais)
      National policy, M-531 (Solomon)
      Sustainable development principles, M-35 (Caccia)
    See also Accidents (marine, rail, pipeline and air); Agriculture-Products; Bus transport (interprovincial); Disabled and handicapped persons; Exports-Common carrier; Freight transportation; Grain transportation; High speed rail service; Highways and roads; NAV CANADA; Rail passenger service; Truck transport
Transportation Safety Board (TSB)

      Other Business No. 4
Treason see Riel, Louis David


    Parliamentary approval, M-641 (Strahl)
      C-506 (Turp)
      M-642 (Strahl)
    See also Trade
Tremblay, Stéphan (BQ-Lac-Saint-Jean; BQ-Lac-Saint-Jean-Saguenay))

    Economy, M-610
Tremblay, Suzanne (BQ-Rimouski-Mitis; BQ-Rimouski-Neigette-et-la Mitis)

    Audiovisual productions, M-127
    Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), M-125
    Canadian Heritage Department, M-110
    Lobbyists, M-126
    Option Canada, M-111
    Quebec, M-109
    Riel, Louis David
      C-213, C-417
    Satellite broadcasting services, M-112

    C-207 (Forseth)
Tribunals see instead Administrative tribunals

Truck transport

    Safety, regulation, C-77
Truro, Nova Scotia see Rail passenger service

Trust and Loan Companies Act

    C-420 (Nystrom)

    Deemed trusts, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), Ways and Means No. 17
    Non-resident, income tax, Ways and Means No. 21
    See also Mutual fund trusts
TSB see instead Transportation Safety Board (TSB)

Tuberculosis see Bison

Tuktut Nogait National Park

Tunnels see Tolls (highways, bridges and tunnels)

Turkey see Kurdish People; Zana, Leyla

Turnbull, Darlene see Russell, Raymond

Turp, Daniel (BQ-Beauharnois-Salaberry)

    Treaties, C-506
    Written questions, Q-201, Q-202, Q-225

Ukrainian Canadians

    Designated as "enemy aliens"
      M-49 (Solomon)
      M-517 (Wasylycia-Leis)
      M-559 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Internment during World War I, Banff National Park memorial, M-252 (Mark)

    M-484 (Axworthy, C.)
Underground economy

    P-97 (Lowther)

    Atlantic Canada, M-353 (Thompson, G.)
    Elimination, targets
      M-133 (Davies)
      Supply Proceedings No. 2
    Newfoundland and Labrador, M-177 (Doyle)
    Rate, reduction, M-71 (Crête)
    See also Coal industry-Cape Breton; Job creation programs-Regional unemployment rate criteria
Unemployment insurance see Employment insurance

Unemployment Insurance Act

      Ways and Means No. 4
United Kingdom see Canada-United Kingdom Civil and Commercial Judgements Convention Act

United Nations (UN)

    Conferences, report to Parliament, M-161 (Hayes)
    See also Kosovo province (Yugoslavia)-Diplomatic solution; Lebanon; Medak Pocket; Taiwan
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child see Children-Definition

United Nations Parliamentary Assembly

    M-246 (Robinson)
United States see Agriculture Minister; Canada-United States Days of Peace and Friendship; Canada-United States relations; Canada-United States Tax Convention Act, 1984; Immigration; Iraq; Social security

Universities see Public Service Bodies (hospital and school authorities, universities, public colleges and municipalities)

Urgent Protection Pilot see Refugees-Women

User fees

    Framework/review, M-583 (Jones)
    Moratorium, M-593 (Borotsik)
    Parliamentary approval, C-205 (Solberg)
User Group on Firearms

    P-17 (Breitkreuz, G.)

Vancouver, B.C. see Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC)

Vautour, Angela (PC-Beauséjour-Petitcodiac)

    Emergencies/disasters, M-344
    Employment insurance, M-554
    Federal-provincial jurisdiction, M-553
    Highways and roads, P-68
    Tolls (highways, bridges and tunnels), C-519
Vellacott, Maurice (Ref.-Wanuskewin; CA-Wanuskewin as of March 27, 2000; CA-Saskatoon-Wanuskewin)

    Children, M-528
    Court Challenges Program, M-310, M-327
    Health care, C-461
Venne, Pierrette (BQ-Saint-Bruno-Saint-Hubert)

    Canadian Armed Forces, M-72, M-74, M-364
    National Defence Department, M-364
    Witnesses (Justice system), C-226
      Other Business No. 4
    Written questions, Q-1, Q-2, Q-3, Q-4
Venture capital see Labour-sponsored venture capital corporations


    And civilian support groups, certificate of service and duty, C-453 (Bélair)
    Funerals, financial assistance, C-61
    Grave markers, C-61
    Health care, national standards, M-464 (Goldring)
    War decorations, wearing by relative of deceased veteran
      C-391 (Reynolds)
      C-408 (Jennings)
    See also Aboriginal veterans; Hong Kong; Merchant navy veterans; Moro River Cemetary; Remembrance Day; Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
Veterans Affairs Minister see Canadian War Museum

Veterans pensions

    Payment period, C-36
    Survivor benefits
      M-220 (Goldring)
Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act

VIA Rail Canada Inc.

    Commercialization, C-394 (Gouk)
Victims of crime

    Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee, fourteenth report
      Government Business No. 22
      Other Business No. 7
      C-294 (Cadman)
      M-172 (MacKay)
    See also Commissioner for the Rights of Victims of Crime
Victoria Cross medal see Barker, Lieutenant Colonel William ("Billy")

Video production see Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit

Vietnam see Canada-Vietnam Income Tax Agreement Act, 1998

Villeneuve, Jacques see Auto racing

Violence see Family violence; Toys

Violent crime

    Bail, C-450 (Thompson, M.)
      C-242 (Martin, K.)
      C-448 (Harris)
      M-383 (Hill, J.)
      P-74 (Hill, J.)
Viruses see Blood/blood supply system-Samples


    Canadian High Commission Office, Chandigarh, India, visa processing, M-597 (Robinson)
    See also Taiwan
Vitamins see Natural health products (herbs, botanicals, vitamins and minerals)

Vocational schools see Language training

Voisey Bay Mine

    Nickel project, native land claims/environmental studies, M-194 (Power)
Volunteers see Emergency response workers; Firefighters

von Willebrand's disease see Blood/blood supply system

Voting see Divisions, recorded; Elections-Compulsory voting-Right to vote-Voting age; House of Commons



    Federal minimum wage, M-305 (Martin, Pat)
    Fair Wages and Hours of Labour Act, provincial wages and hours to prevail, M-9 (Johnston)
    Severance pay, pension recipients eligibility, C-429 (Morrison)
    See also Apprenticeship; House of Commons-Employees; Judges; Members of Parliament-Compensation; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)-Compensation (salaries and benefits); Senators-Compensation
Wages Liability Act

    C-357 (Harb)
Wappel, Tom (Lib.-Scarborough Southwest)

    Crime, C-220, C-224
    Food, C-455
    Marriage, C-225
    Security Intelligence Review Committee, C-436
War see Canadian War Museum; Gulf War syndrome; Veterans

War criminals

    And Nazis, punishment, Parliamentary Sub-Committee, M-417 (Ménard)
    M-267 (Ménard)
War Veterans Allowance Act

      Ways and Means No. 25

    Non-resident warrantors, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
        Ways and Means No. 28
Warsaw Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air

Waste disposal

      Other Business No. 4
Wasylycia-Leis, Judy (NDP-Winnipeg North Centre)

    Alcoholic beverage containers, M-105
    Arts and culture, M-120
    Canadian Anti-Smoking Youth Foundation, M-549
    Consumer products, C-482
    Drugs and pharmaceuticals, M-58, M-62, M-63, M-64
    Hazardous products, M-233
    Health care, M-538, M-539
    Health Protection Branch, M-537
    Inhalants, M-65
    Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, M-59, M-60, M-61, M-63
    Solvent abuse, M-66
    Sports, M-120
    Tobacco/cigarettes, M-113, M-115, M-116, M-117, M-118, M-119, M-121, M-122
    Tobacco industry, M-114
    Toys, C-482
    Ukrainian Canadians, M-517, M-559
    Written questions, Q-14, Q-15, Q-17, Q-177

    Drinking water, safety
      M-137 (Dockrill)
    Exports, prohibition of interbasin transfers
      C-404 (Riis)
      C-485 (Lincoln)
      M-564 (Riis)
      Supply Proceedings No. 13
    Policy, M-39 (Caccia)
    Pollution, C-32
      Other Business No. 4
    Sovereignty, M-16 (Gilmour)
    See also Coastal waters; Floods; Industrial projects; Mackenzie Valley; Marine conservation areas; Nunavut Water Board; Rivers, heritage
Water and sewage systems

    Substandard, health threat, M-441 (Dockrill)
Wayne, Elsie (PC-Saint John)

    Canadian War Museum, M-334
    Parker, Gladys Marie, P-11
    Written questions, Q-75
Wealth tax

    M-241 (Nystrom)

    Search and seizure powers, C-406 (Benoit)
    See also Crime-Firearms use; Gun control; Land mines; Nuclear weapons; Strategic Defence Initiative ("Star Wars"); Torpedoes; User Group on Firearms
West Nova constituency

    Name, Ouest Nova, M-210 (Muise)
Westbank First Nation

    Alcohol, tobacco and fuels tax
        Ways and Means No. 24
      Ways and Means No. 15
Westbank First Nation Tobacco Products Tax

Western Grain Transition Payments Act

      Ways and Means No. 4
Westray mine disaster

    Accountability of corporate executives and directors, M-455 (MacKay)
    See also National Miners' Memorial Day
Wharves see instead Harbours, wharves and breakwaters

Wheelchairs see Automobiles

Whistle Blowers Protection Act

    C-499 (Martin, Pat)
White, Randy (Ref.-Langley-Abbotsford; CA-Langley-Abbotsford as of March 27, 2000)

    Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC), M-487
    Chief Electoral Officer, M-410
    Drug abuse, M-624
    Elections, M-467
    Ferndale Penitentiary, P-26, P-27, P-28
    Hepatitis C, P-19
    House of Commons, M-312, M-613
    Impaired driving, C-487
    Information Commissioner, M-410
    Official Languages Commissioner, M-410
    Parole, C-211
    Penitentiaries, C-459
    Petitions, M-622
    Privacy Commissioner, M-410
    Sentences (convicted criminals), C-459
    Written questions, Q-173, Q-237
White, Ted (Ref.-North Vancouver; CA-North Vancouver as of March 27, 2000)

    Aboriginal veterans, M-463
    Cable television, C-398
    Capital punishment, M-30
    Charities, C-273
    Communist Party of Canada, P-70
    Crime, M-447
    Elections, C-230, C-274, C-280, C-399
    Employment equity, C-257
    Government finances, C-238
    House of Commons, M-27, M-28, M-29
    Laws, C-228
    Members of Parliament, C-371
    National debt, C-240
    Petitions, M-462
    Political parties, P-35
    Referendums, C-229
    Written questions, Q-7, Q-10, Q-11, Q-12, Q-74, Q-88, Q-113, Q-125, Q-140, Q-144, Q-145, Q-171

    Parts, sale, C-305 (Meredith)
    See also Bison; Endangered and threatened species; Gophers; Migratory birds
Wilfert, Bryon (Lib.-Oak Ridges)

    Laurier, Sir Wilfrid, C-369
    Macdonald, Sir John A., C-370
Williams, John (Ref.-St. Albert; CA-St. Albert as of March 27, 2000)

    Government programs, C-373
    Governor General, C-317, C-318
    Written questions, Q-47, Q-198, Q-199
Winding-up and Restructuring Act

      Ways and Means No. 20
Wine see Customs-Duty and tax-free exemption limit/wine

Witness and Spousal Protection Program Act

    C-494 (Hill, J.)
Witness Protection Program Act

    C-494 (Hill, J.)
Witnesses (Justice system)

    Communication disabilities, identification of accused by sensory means/videotaped evidence, S-5
    Protection and participation
      C-226 (Venne)
        Other Business No. 4
      Spouses, C-494 (Hill, J.)

    Equality, funding, M-144 (Dockrill)
    Halfway houses and transition programs, M-396 (Mancini)
    See also Alcoholic beverage containers-Pregnancy; Elections-Expenses; Employment insurance; "Famous Five"; Pregnancy; Refugees; Witnesses (Justice system)-Protection and participation
Women at Risk program see Refugees-Women

Wood Buffalo National Park see Bison


    Capital gains tax exemption, M-551 (Brison)
    Income tax, M-617 (Duncan)
Work see Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Workers' compensation

    Income tax information, Revenue Canada authorization to share, C-71
      Ways and Means No. 24
    See also Individual security fund
Workers' rights see Labour-Work force; Labour unions-And professional bodies


    Occupational health and safety
      Investigation/enforcement, M-408 (Davies)
      See also Corporations-Criminal acts
World Trade Organization (WTO) see Drugs and pharmaceuticals-Patents; Taiwan

World War I see Barker, Lieutenant Colonel William ("Billy"); Conscription; Ukrainian Canadians-Internment

World War II see Hong Kong; Merchant navy veterans; Moro River Cemetary

WTO see instead World Trade Organization (WTO)


Year 2000 (Y2K) see Computers (Year 2000 compliance)

Young offenders

    Adult court, transfer
      C-210 (Ramsay)
      M-173 (MacKay)
      M-242 (Hart)
      M-313 (Hart)
    Age of application
      C-313 (MacKay)
      M-173 (MacKay)
      M-242 (Hart)
      M-313 (Hart)
    Criminal justice, C-68
    Detention prior to disposition, C-260 (Cadman)
      Other Business No. 4
    Federal-provincial cost-sharing, M-508 (MacKay)
    Mandatory treatment or therapy, M-173 (MacKay)
    Parents, financial responsibility, M-174 (MacKay)
    Publication of names
      M-242 (Hart)
      M-313 (Hart)
    Teenage group crime, M-366 (Provenzano)
    See also Murder
Young Offenders Act

    C-210 (Ramsay)
    C-212 (Hill, J.)
    C-260 (Cadman)
      Other Business No. 4
    C-313 (MacKay)
    C-467 (Reynolds)
    C-473 (Hill, J.)
    M-173 (MacKay)
    M-242 (Hart)

    Activities, parents' costs, tax credit compensation, M-306 (Blaikie)
      M-281 (Thompson, G.)
      M-352 (Thompson, G.)
    Non-profit community organizations, funding, M-145 (Dockrill)
      M-213 (Dubé, J.)
      M-277 (Dubé, J.)
    See also Airlines-Ticket sales; Canadian Anti-Smoking Youth Foundation; Employment insurance-Premiums; Labour-Work force; Tobacco/cigarettes
Youth Criminal Justice Act

Yugoslavia see Kosovo province (Yugoslavia)

Yukon Act

Yukon First Nations

    Excise tax, rebate, C-71
      Ways and Means No. 24
Yukon First Nations Self-Government Act

      Ways and Means No. 24
Yukon Territory see Canada-Yukon Oil and Gas Accord; Oil and gas industry


Zana, Leyla

    Kurdish Member of Parliament, release from prison by Turkish Government, M-584 (Martin, K.)
Zundel, Ernst

    Press conference, Room 130-S, access to House of Commons precincts denied, Resolution, Other Business No. 8