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38th Parliament, 1st Session   (October 4, 2004 - November 29, 2005)  Current Session
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INDEX to the Status of House Business, 38th Parliament, first session


A New Deal for Cities and Communities see Municipalities

ABA see Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA)

Abbott, Jim (CPC-Kootenay-Columbia)

    Taiwan, C-357
      Other Business No. 4
Ablonczy, Diane (CPC-Calgary-Nose Hill)

    Chief Actuary of Canada Office, C-404
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee

      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 3
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 14
        Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
Aboriginal and treaty rights see Atikamekw First Nations (Manawan, Wemotaci and Opitciwan)

Aboriginal families

    On-reserve marital breakdown and/or domestic violence, measures, M-245 (Skelton)
Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy

    Savoie, Donald, reports and studies for Fisheries and Oceans Department, P-6 (Thompson, G.)
    See also Fraser River sockeye salmon fishery
Aboriginal land claims see Innu First Nations; Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement; Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Agreement

Aboriginal Languages Day

    March 31, establishing, M-143 (Martin, Pat)
Aboriginal offenders

    Sentences, requirement to consider sanctions other than imprisonment, C-299 (Thompson, M.)
Aboriginal people

    Churchill constituency, living conditions, P-24 (Desjarlais)
    Education, health care and social services, government action, Supply Proceedings No. 9
    Urban areas
      Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (Erasmus-Dussault) Report, Chapter 7, recommendations, M-103 (Davies)
      Services, special committee, M-104 (Davies)
    See also First Nations; Residential schools; Veterans-First Nations
Aboriginal self-government see Income tax sharing agreements; Oil and gas revenues; Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Agreement

Aboriginal women`s organizations

    Funding, M-107 (Davies)

    Medical necessity/health risks, informed consent
      M-70 (Breitkreuz)
        Other Business No. 4
      M-204 (Breitkreuz)
        Other Business No. 4
Abusive relationships

    Rural areas, access to safe houses and recovery programs, M-242 (Skelton)
Acadie-Bathurst constituency

    Boundaries, C-36
      Other Business No. 4
Access to information

    Crown corporations and Canadian Wheat Board, C-276 (Harrison)
    Government agencies and crown corporations, C-201 (Martin, Pat)
    Reform, general public interest priority
      Supply Proceedings No. 9
      Supply Proceedings No. 10
Access to Information Act

    C-201 (Martin, Pat)
    C-276 (Harrison)
Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee

      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 17
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 20
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
      Supply Proceedings No. 4
Accidents see Traffic accidents

Accountability see Financial institutions-Governance; First Nations-Fiscal management; Foundations; Regulations

Addendum to Management Submission for Moisture Induced Problems in Housing see Housing-Moisture damage, Documents

Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne

    Other Business No. 4
    Other Business No. 5
Addresses to Parliament see Mexico

Adoption see Child adoption expenses; Citizenship; Pregnancy

Advance Payment Program see Agriculture-Cash advance programs

Adventure tourism

    Insurance, compulsory, C-314 (Gallant)

    False advertising, consumer restitution, C-19
    See also Display hooks; Election advertising; Government advertising
AECL see Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL)

Aerodrome Surveys

    Whitecourt, AB, 1930s and 1940s, National Archives restricted designation, National Defence, Series E-1-b, Reel C-5036, File 925-2-347, P-13 (Merrifield)
Aeronautics Act

Aerospace industry

    Government policy, M-161 (St-Hilaire)

    Operation Athena, Canadian Armed Forces participation
      Military spouses medal, M-140 (Gallant)
      Recognition of military service medal, M-139 (Gallant)
    Take note debate, Government Business No. 21
      Other Business No. 4
Age discrimination

    Public education campaign, M-55 (Szabo)
Age of consent (sexual relations)

    C-267 (Thompson, M.)
    C-313 (Casson)
      Other Business No. 4
    M-221 (Grewal, N.)
    See also Child sex offenders; Sexual exploitation-Young persons
Agent Orange (herbicide)

    Exposure, CFB Gagetown in 1966, Health Awareness Program, establishing, Supply Proceedings No. 10
    See also Chemical defoliants
Agent Purple (herbicide) see Chemical defoliants

Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act

    C-376 (Benoit)
Agricultural cooperatives

    Shares, patronage dividends, income tax deferral
      Ways and Means No. 5
      Ways and Means No. 13
Agricultural Marketing Programs Act

Agricultural pest control products

    Ban, equally effective alternative/scientific evidence, C-381 (Benoit)
    See also Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels)
Agricultural Pest Control Products Replacement Act

    C-381 (Benoit)
Agricultural products

    Definition, C-69
Agricultural Supply Management Recognition and Promotion Act

    C-264 (Myers)

    Cash advance programs, Advance Payment Program/Spring Credit Advance Program, accessibility, C-69
    See also Biosolids; Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE); Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS); Family farms; Fuel taxes (gasoline and diesel fuel); Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels); Grain transportation; Livestock industry; Supply management
Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act

Agriculture and Agri-Food Department

    Estimates, 2004-2005, Main, Supply Proceedings No. 3
    Estimates, 2005-2006, Main, Supply Proceedings No. 7
Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee

      Third (From a Management Crisis, to Becoming Better Crisis Managers: The 2004 Avian Influenza Outbreak in British Columbia)
        Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 6
        Other Business No. 8
      Supply Proceedings No. 7
    Travel, Other Business No. 8
Air Canada

    Restructuring, official language obligations, maintaining, C-47
Air Canada and Its Affiliates Act

Air Canada Public Participation Act

Air fares

    Regulation, C-44
Air India

    Flight 182, June 23, 1985 terrorist attack
      20th anniversary, tribute, Other Business No. 4
      Concerns re investigation, public inquiry request, Supply Proceedings No. 9
Air traffic controllers see Public safety occupations (police officers, corrections officers, air traffic controllers and commercial airline pilots)

Air transportation

    Flight attendants, number on Canadian flights, P-25 (Desjarlais)
    Night flights over the Greater Toronto Area, suspension, M-234 (Wrzesnewskyj)
    Regulation, air liberalization, P-23 (Desjarlais)
    Safety and security, C-62
Air transportation security

    Confiscated items, mailing mechanism, Canadian address, M-246 (Skelton)
    Safety and security, C-62
Air Travellers Security Charge

    Payments, reduction
        Ways and Means No. 2
        Government Business No. 12
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 17
        Other Business No. 18
        Ways and Means No. 7
          Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 4
Air Travellers Security Charge Act

      Ways and Means No. 2
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
      Ways and Means No. 7
        Other Business No. 4
    Ways and Means No. 4

    Purchase and financing, asset-based framework/international registry, C-4
      Other Business No. 4
Airline pilots see Public safety occupations (police officers, corrections officers, air traffic controllers and commercial airline pilots)


    Competition, C-19
    See also Air Canada; Air India; Canadian Transportation Agency

    Firefighters, Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs), M-98 (Davies)
    See also Aerodrome Surveys; Mirabel International Airport

    Elections, June 2005, Canada Corps obervers, M-260 (Wrzesnewskyj)
Albo, Vivian see Canada Post Corporation

Alcohol see Impaired driving; Parole

Alcoholic beverages

    Impairment/health dangers, warning labels on containers, C-206 (Szabo)
    See also Spirit drinks; Wine industry
Allergies see Herbal remedies

Allison, Dean (CPC-Niagara West-Glanbrook)

    Wine industry, C-451
    Written questions, Q-122, Q-123
Allotted days

    January 4, 2006, Supply Proceedings No. 10
    Period ending December 10, 2004, Supply Proceedings No. 2
      First sitting day of 2006, amendment to Standing Order 81(10), Supply Proceedings No. 10
      Period ending not later than June 23, 2005, amendment to Standing Order 81(10), Supply Proceedings No. 9
ALS see Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

ALS Month Act

    C-384 (Tilson)
Alternative energy

    Motor vehicles, alternative fuel capability, government vehicles/Goods and Services Tax (GST) rebate, C-450 (Silva)
    See also Hybrid motor vehicles
Alternative Fuels Act

    C-450 (Silva)
Alzheimer's Disease

    National strategy, M-170 (Kadis)
      Other Business No. 4
    National Alzheimers Day, September 21st, designating, M-293 (McDonough)
Amateur sport

    And physical activity, fees, income tax deduction, C-252 (Stoffer)
Ambrose, Rona (CPC-Edmonton-Spruce Grove)

    Written questions, Q-36
Ambulances see Emergency medical services vehicles

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

    June, designating as ALS month, C-384 (Tilson)
Anders, Rob (CPC-Calgary West)

    Written questions, Q-40, Q-68, Q-75, Q-76, Q-77, Q-115
Anderson, David (CPC-Cypress Hills-Grasslands)

    Athletes, C-285
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 26
      Other Business No. 4
    Written questions, Q-110, Q-111, Q-112
Anderson, Hon. David (Lib.-Victoria)

    Anglican Church of Canada, S-25
Anglican Church of Canada

    Investments, S-25 (Anderson, D.)
Animals see Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE); Cruelty to animals; Transgenic animals; Veterinarian fees; Wildlife

Anti-Racism Secretariat

    Establishing, M-232 (Davies)
Anti-Semitism see Holocaust; Iran

Anti-terrorism Act see Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Standing Committee-Orders of reference

Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) see Autism-Treatment


    National standards
      C-227 (Martin, Pat)
      M-19 (Martin, Pat)
Appropriation Act No. 2, 2004-2005

      Other Business No. 4
      Supply Proceedings No. 3
Appropriation Act No. 3, 2004-2005

      Other Business No. 4
    Supply Proceedings No. 4
Appropriation Act No. 4, 2004-2005

      Other Business No. 4
    Suppply Proceedings No. 6
Appropriation Act No. 1, 2005-2006

      Other Business No. 4
    Supply Proceedings No. 8
Appropriation Act No. 2, 2005-2006

    Supply Proceedings No. 7
Aquaculture see Genetically modified fish

Aquatic invasive species see Ballast water (ships)

Armenia see Tax treaties


    Cultural industries workers, income tax exemption, M-180 (Davies)
    Local Community Arts and Artists Sustainability Fund, M-121 (Davies)
    Sale of creative work, income tax exemption, M-179 (Davies)
    See also Child pornography
Arts and culture see Cultural property; Multiculturalism; Museums; Music instruction; Writers


    Mining, production, sale, and export, health concerns, M-226 (Martin, Pat)
    See also West Block (Parliament Buildings); Zonolite (vermiculite insulation)
Asia see Tsunami (Asia, December 2004)

Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada

    Mandate, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada Act

      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
Asia-Pacific trade


    And sexual assault by person in trust relationship, such as spouses and family members, separate criminal offence, M-241 (Skelton)
    See also Police; Sexual assault
Asselin, Gérard (NDP-Manicouagan)

    Canada Employment Insurance Commission, C-280
    Employment insurance, C-280
    Employment Insurance Account, C-280
Assistant Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole see Chair Occupants

Assisted human reproduction see Stem cell research

Assisted suicide see Euthanasia


    Income from non-profit club, society or association, income tax exclusion, C-285 (Anderson, D.)
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 26
      Other Business No. 4
Atikamekw First Nations (Manawan, Wemotaci and Opitciwan)

    Aboriginal rights treaty, M-251 (Paquette)
ATMs see Automated teller machines (ATMs)

Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) see Nuclear energy

Audio and video recordings see Literacy; Telefilm Canada

Auditor General Act

      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
    C-277 (Sauvageau)
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 25
Auditor General of Canada Office

    Estimates, 2004-2005, Main, Supply Proceedings No. 3
    Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (A), Supply Proceedings No. 4
    See also Corporate interests of Canada (Crown corporations, mixed enterprises, joint enterprises and shared-governance corporations); Foundations-Accountability; Government grants and contributions

    Annual financial statements, including information regarding other professional services, C-222 (Martin, Pat)
    Independence, no professional services within two years of appointment, C-219 (Martin, Pat)

    Canadian Autism Day, April 23rd, establishing, C-454 (Stoffer)
    Treatment, Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) and Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI), health insurance coverage, C-459 (Stoffer)
Auto theft

    Anti-theft measures in new automobiles, M-243 (Skelton)
    Penalties, minimum sentences, fines and imprisonment, C-293 (Warawa)
    See also Automobiles/motor vehicles-Vehicle identification numbers
Automated teller machines (ATMs)

    Private ATMs, service charges, regulation, M-151 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Automobiles/motor vehicles

    Emission standards, light duty vehicles, Supply Proceedings No. 5
    Energy efficiency, State of California, U.S.A. manufacturing standards, harmonization, M-310 (Bigras)
    Independant automotive aftermarket installers, access to diagnostic and repair software and information, M-305 (Benoit)
    Vehicle identification numbers, tampering
      C-287 (Cadman)
    Vehicle immobilizers, standards, C-355 (Warawa)
    See also Alternative energy; Auto theft; Cellular phones; Drug-impaired driving; Emergency medical services vehicles; Hybrid motor vehicles; Seat belts; Street racing
Avian flu (Asian bird flu) see Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee-Reports, Third

Aviation see Air transportation

Awards, decorations, medals

    Medals, Canadian Forces, Royal Canadian Mounted Police or police officer service outside Canada, sale or export for sale, prohibition, C-415 (Stoffer)
    Purchase, Government of Canada, right of first refusal, C-428 (Hinton)
    See also Afghanistan-Operation Athena; Canadian Armed Forces-Uniforms; Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal; Community Harmony Week/Community Harmony Award; Memorial Cross
Azerbaijan see Tax treaties


Bail (interim release)

    Violent crime, bail not permitted, C-327 (Thompson, M.)
Bains, Navdeep (Lib.-Mississauga-Brampton South)

    Sikhism, M-237
Ballast water (ships)

    Management controls, protection against aquatic invasive species, C-434 (Van Loan)
Bank Act

      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 2
      Other Business No. 4
    C-249 (Martin, Pat)
    C-316 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    C-375 (Paradis)

    Employees, wages and pensions, priority/protection
      Other Business No. 4
      C-223 (Martin, Pat)
      C-281 (Martin, Pat)
        Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 29
          Other Business No. 4
          Other Business No. 8
      C-442 (Desjarlais)
      M-68 (Desjarlais)
      Supply Proceedings No. 9
    Reform, C-55
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Student loans
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
    C-223 (Martin, Pat)
    C-236 (McDonough)
    C-281 (Martin, Pat)
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 29
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 8
    C-442 (Desjarlais)

    Branch closures, public consultations, C-316 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Fees, detailed statement/limits, C-375 (Paradis)
    Mergers, C-249 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Community reinvestment; Foreign banks

    Canadian business subsidiaries, tax avoidance, M-273 (Côté)
Barkerville, BC see Chinese Canadians-Heritage sites

Battle River constituency

    Name, change to Westlock-St. Paul, C-304 (Reynolds)
      Other Business No. 4
Beauharnois Canal see Highways and roads-Quebec

Beauharnois-Salaberry constituency see Privilege

Bellavance, André (BQ-Richmond-Arthabaska)

    Canadian International Trade Tribunal, C-430
    Dumping and subsidization (trade), C-430
Bennett, Right Hon. Richard Bedford

    Statue, Parliament Hill, M-219 (Grewal, N.)
Benoit, Leon (CPC-Vegreville-Wainwright)

    Agricultural pest control products, C-381
    Automobiles/motor vehicles, M-305
    Canadian flag, M-256
    Canadian Tobacco Youth Protection Foundation, M-257
    Employment, M-254
    Firearms, C-382
    Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels)
    Hazardous materials, M-255
    Indian bands/reserves, M-252
    Interprovincial trade, C-376
    Livestock industry, M-258
    Mechanics, M-276
Betsiamites First Nation see Innu First Nations

Bezan, James (CPC-Selkirk-Interlake)

    Fuel taxes (gasoline and diesel fuel), C-458
    Motor vehicle fuels, C-448
    Palliative care, M-309
    Written questions, Q-84, Q-120, Q-121
Bigras, Bernard (BQ-Rosemont-Petite-Patrie)

    Automobiles/motor vehicles, M-310
    Written questions, Q-116
Bilingualism see Official languages policy/bilingualism

Bill of Rights for Seniors

    Establishing, M-56 (Szabo)

    Government, Public, C-43 and C-48, motion for second reading under S.O. 56.1, Other Business No. 16
    Private Senator Public Bills
      Other Business No. 9
Biochemical protection drugs

    Supply, protections, C-284 (Stoffer)

    And other human and industrial waste products, agricultural use, national standards, M-209 (Casey)
Biospheres see UNESCO-designated Biosphere Reserves

Biotechnology see Food biotechnology; Genetically modified fish; Genetically modified food; Genetically modified organisms; Genetically modified plants; Transgenic animals; Transgenic organisms

Bioterrorism see Biochemical protection drugs

Bird flu see Avian flu (Asian bird flu)

Birds see Migratory birds

Blaikie, Hon. Bill (NDP-Elmwood-Transcona)

    Cellular phones, M-167
    Tartan Day, M-155
    Veterans, M-168
Bliss symbol boards see Speech impairment

Blood diamonds see Conflict diamonds

Blood samples

    Hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus or human immunodeficiency virus tests, judicial warrants, C-452 (Kamp)
    See also Impaired driving
Blood Samples Act

    C-452 (Kamp)
Blood system see Hepatitis C

Boivin, Françoise (Lib.-Gatineau)

    Interest rates, S-19
      Other Business No. 9
Bonavista-Gander-Grand Falls-Windsor constituency

    Name, change to Bonavista-Exploits, C-366 (Simms)
      Other Business No. 4
Bonin, Raymond (Lib.-Nickel Belt)

    Nickel Belt constituency, C-416
    Victims Ombudsman of Canada Office, C-243
      Other Business No. 4
Bonsant, France (BQ-Compton-Stanstead)

    Written questions, Q-98
Books and pamphlets

    Goods and Services Tax (GST), elimination, C-435 (McDonough)
    See also Literacy
Books of Remembrance see Peacekeeping

Border, Canadian

    Security, C-26
    See also Canadian Food Inspection Agency; Citizenship and Immigration Department; Livestock industry; Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network); Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative; Windsor-Essex Border Development and Protection Authority
Boshcoff, Ken (Lib.-Thunder Bay-Rainy River)

    House of Commons, M-224, M-278
Bosnia and Herzegovena see Srebrenica massacre

Botany see Genetically modified plants

Boudria, Hon. Don (Lib.-Glengarry-Prescott-Russell)

    Drugs and pharmaceuticals, M-136
    Official languages policy/bilingualism, S-3
    Trudeau, Right Hon. Pierre Elliott, M-137
    West Block (Parliament Buildings), P-10
Boulianne, Marc (BQ-Mégantic-L'Érable)

    Furniture industry, M-311
Bourgeois, Diane (BQ-Terrebonne-Blainville)

    Public Service, C-360
    Workplace Psychological Harassment Prevention Act, C-360
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)

    Animal testing, Supply Proceedings No. 9
    Cull cattle, compensation rate, federal assistance, Supply Proceedings No. 2
    Take note debate, Government Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 7
Brain tumours

    Data, national guidelines, M-284 (Casey)
Brand names see Spirit drinks

Break and enter crimes see Gun violence

Breast Implant Registry

    Establishing, C-419 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Breast Implant Registry Act

    C-419 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Breitkreuz, Garry (CPC-Yorkton-Melville)

    Abortion, M-70, M-204
      Other Business No. 4
    Gun control, M-69
    Handguns, C-433
    Personal or private property, M-227
    Property rights, C-235
    Written questions, Q-16, Q-17, Q-18, Q-19, Q-51, Q-52, Q-53, Q-54, Q-81, Q-82, Q-88, Q-136, Q-137, Q-144, Q-150, Q-176, Q-177, Q-178, Q-223
Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act

    Human rights, including in terms of reference, M-166 (Deschamps)
Bridges and tunnels

    Canada-United States projects, government funding/ownership, M-271 (Masse)
    Regulation, C-44
    See also Highways and roads-Quebec
British Columbia see Highways and roads; Housing-Moisture damage

Broadbent, Hon. Ed (NDP-Ottawa Centre)

    Child poverty, M-142
    Elections, M-173
    Electoral system, M-141
    Gatineau Park, C-444
    Occupational health and safety, C-369
    Talisman Energy Inc., P-27
    Written questions, Q-203, Q-204, Q-220

    Video programming, closed captioning technology, income tax deduction, C-396 (St-Hilaire)
Broadcasting Act

    C-322 (Pacetti)
    C-396 (St-Hilaire)
Brown, Gord (CPC-Leeds-Grenville)

    Weapons, C-393
Brunelle, Paule (BQ-Trois-Rivières)

    Employment insurance, C-278
BSE see Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)

Budget 2004 (March 23, 2004)

      Ways and Means No. 2
Budget 2005 (February 23, 2005)

      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
      Ways and Means No. 7
        Other Business No. 4
    Order of the Day designated, Ways and Means No. 3
    Pre-budget consultations
      Government Business No. 8
      See also Finance Standing Committee-Reports, Third
    Ways and Means No. 13
Budget Implementation Act, 1998

      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
Budget Implementation Act, 2003

      Ways and Means No. 2
Budget Implementation Act, 2004, No. 2

      Ways and Means No. 2
Budget Implementation Act, 2005

      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
      Ways and Means No. 7
        Other Business No. 4
Budget surplus

    Allocation, C-67
Budgetary policy

    Finance Standing Committee report, deadline extension
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8

    Military regime, democratic reform measures/humanitarian assistance, M-307 (Kilgour)
Business Development Bank of Canada see Student loans

Business Development Bank of Canada Act

    C-225 (Martin, Pat)
Business expenses

    Restrictions, allowing expenses incurred in Canada only, M-36 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Fines, levies or penalties; Food and beverage expenses; Government contracts-Bidders

Cabinet Ministers see Citizenship-Foreign criminal charges; Fairclough, Right Hon. Ellen; Foreign Affairs Department; Government procurement; Grewal, Gurmant-References; Human Resources and Skills Development Canada; Income Security Minister of State; International Trade Canada (ITCan); Marine safety; Nuclear energy; Parks Canada Agency; Secretary of State for Seniors; Social Development Canada-Establishment; Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Cadman, Chuck (Ind.-Surrey North; deceased July 9, 2005)

    Automobiles/motor vehicles, C-287
    Elections, C-297
    Street racing, C-230
CAIS see Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS)

Calendar dates

    Numerical expression, year/month/day, C-347 (Epp)
California, U.S.A. see Automobiles/motor vehicles-Energy efficiency

Cambridge constituency

    Name, change to Cambridge-North Dumfries, C-406 (Goodyear)
Canada Border Services Agency

    Establishment, C-26
    See also Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)-Funds
Canada Border Services Agency Act

Canada Business Corporations Act

      Other Business No. 4
    C-219 (Martin, Pat)
    C-222 (Martin, Pat)
    C-281 (Martin, Pat)
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 29
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 8
Canada Child Tax Benefit

    Child Disability Benefit supplement, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
      Ways and Means No. 7
        Other Business No. 4
    Payments, female recipient presumed/gender neutrality, C-445 (Chatters)
Canada Cooperatives Act

      Other Business No. 4
Canada Corps see Albania; Lebanon

Canada Customs and Revenue Agency

    Border services, C-26
    Name, change to Canada Revenue Agency, C-26
Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Act

      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
Canada Economic Development see Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec

Canada Education Savings Act

Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG)

Canada Elections Act

    C-261 (Holland)
    C-297 (Cadman)
    C-312 (Guimond)
    C-318 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    C-324 (Chatters)
    C-337 (Chatters)
    C-443 (Hearn)
Canada Emission Reduction Incentives Agency

    Establishment, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
Canada Employment Insurance Commission

    Membership, C-280 (Asselin)
Canada Evidence Act

      Other Business No. 4
    C-347 (Epp)
Canada Grain Act

      Other Business No. 4
Canada Health Act

    C-459 (Stoffer)
Canada Health Transfer

Canada Industrial Relations Board see Replacement workers

Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act

    C-326 (Paquette)
Canada Labour Code

    C-256 (Stoffer)
    C-263 (Clavet)
      Other Business No. 4
    C-360 (Bourgeois)
    C-380 (Vincent)
    C-437 (Ritz)
    C-461 (Kamp)
Canada Learning Bond

Canada Marine Act

Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation

    Grants, eligibility, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

    Profits, allocation
      C-363 (Simard, C.)
      M-134 (Davies)
    See also Housing-Moisture damage
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act

    C-363 (Simard)
Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act

Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act

Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

    C-353 (Casey)
    Caregivers, "dropout" or exemption period, M-296 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Clawback, military and Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) pensions, C-441 (Stoffer)
    Firefighters and police, early retirement/self-employed earnings, C-217 (Martin, Pat)
    Retroactive payments, C-432 (Martin, T.)
    Workers' compensation payments, including as "pensionable employment", M-176 (Masse)
    See also Caregivers; Employee contributions; Pension Ombudsman
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board

    Investment policy
      Ethical screening, M-34 (Martin, Pat)
      Tobacco industry holdings, prohibition, M-215 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Canada Pension Plan Regulations

    C-353 (Casey)
Canada Port Authorities

    Government funding/boards of directors, C-61
Canada Ports Police

    Reinstatement, M-8 (Martin, Pat)
Canada Post Corporation

    Chairman of the Board, Vivian Albo, September 21, 2004 letter to André Ouellet re expense receipts , P-2 (Pallister)
Canada Revenue Agency see Canada Customs and Revenue Agency

Canada School of Public Service Act

Canada Seat Belt Act

    C-311 (Chatters)
Canada Shipping Act

Canada Shipping Act, 2001

Canada Student Financial Assistance Act

      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
    C-237 (McDonough)
Canada Student Loan program see Medical residents

Canada Student Loans Act

    C-225 (Martin, Pat)
Canada Transportation Act

      Other Business No. 4
Canada-United States relations see Bridges and tunnels; Devil's Lake, North Dakota; Livestock industry; Titan IVB rocket; Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative; Windsor-Essex Border Development and Protection Authority

Canada Water Export Prohibition Act

    C-221 (Martin, Pat)
Canada's Pacific Gateway Council

Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS)

    Deposit requirement, Supply Proceedings No. 5
Canadian Apparel and Textile Industry Program (CATIP) see Textile and clothing industry

Canadian Armed Forces

    Personnel, disability benefits, injuries sustained in line of duty, accidental dismemberment, role of Major (Retired) Bruce Henwood, C-330 (Hanger)
    Uniforms, insignia and decorations, unauthorized wearing, M-73 (Hill)
    See also Afghanistan; Agent Orange (herbicide); Awards, decorations, medals; Canada Pension Plan (CPP)-Clawback; Chemical defoliants; Chicoutimi, HMCS; Elections; Memorial Cross; National Appreciation Day; Peacekeeping
Canadian Arts and Heritage Sustainability Program see Museums

Canadian Autism Day Act

    C-454 (Stoffer)
Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) see Airports-Firefighters

Canadian Ballast Water Management Act

    C-434 (Van Loan)
Canadian Bill of Rights

    C-235 (Breitkreuz)
    C-279 (Reid)
    See also Housing-Rights
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms see Property rights

Canadian Coast Guard see Melina and Keith II

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
    See also Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee-Orders of reference
Canadian Firearms Centre see Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)

Canadian flag

      C-294 (Warawa)
      M-256 (Benoit)
    See also Chicoutimi, HMCS; Remembrance Day (November 11)
Canadian Food Inspection Agency

    Border services, C-26
    See also Food safety
Canadian Food Inspection Agency Enforcement Act

Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act

      Ways and Means No. 8
        Other Business No. 4
Canadian Forces Superannuation Act

    C-362 (Schmidt)
    C-441 (Stoffer)
Canadian Grain Commission

    Reports, P-9 (Ritz)
Canadian Heritage Department

    Estimates, 2004-2005, Main
      Other Business No. 4
      Supply Proceedings No. 3
    Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (A), Supply Proceedings No. 4
Canadian Heritage Minister see Official languages policy/bilingualism; Parks Canada Agency

Canadian Heritage Standing Committee

      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 23
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 24
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
Canadian Human Rights Act

    C-392 (Siksay)
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Act

    Review, M-58 (Szabo)
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) see TransFair Canada licensed coffee

Canadian International Trade Tribunal

      Appointment process/composition, C-430 (Bellavance)
      Labour organization representation, C-386 (Martin, Pat)
Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act

    C-386 (Martin, Pat)
    C-430 (Bellavance)
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission see Nuclear energy

Canadian Older Adult Justice Agency

    C-348 (St. Amand)
Canadian Pacific Railway see Chinese railway labourers

Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal

    C-202 (Stoffer)
Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal Act

    C-202 (Stoffer)
Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal and Book of Remembrance Act

    C-202 (Stoffer)
Canadian Products Promotion Act

    C-440 (Guay)
Canadian Professional Police Association see Police-Assault/murder

Canadian Public Safety Officer Compensation Fund

    Establishing, M-84 (Davies)
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)

    Decisions and orders within six months after a public hearing, C-322 (Pacetti)
    Direct fining authority, administrative monetary penalty scheme/Competition Commissioner access to commercially confidential information, C-73
Canadian Safe Drinking Water Act

    C-209 (Stoffer)
Canadian symbolic and promotional materials

    Purchase and distribution, "made-in-Canada" policy, M-213 (Julian)
Canadian Tobacco Youth Protection Foundation

    Establishing, M-257 (Benoit)
Canadian Transportation Agency

    Membership/air travel complaints process, C-44
Canadian Wheat Board see Access to information-Crown corporations

Cancer see Brain tumours; Disease-National strategy; Ovarian cancer


    Children's toys resemblance, warning label, M-39 (Stoffer)
Cannabis see Marijuana

Cape Town Convention and Protocol

      Other Business No. 4
Capital gains tax see Fishing property

Capital punishment see Death penalty

Carbon dioxide

    Environmental impact studies, P-30 (Mills)
Caregiver Tax Credit

    Equivalent value to nursing home per patient subsidy, M-43 (Szabo)

    Canada Pension Plan (CPP) participation, M-46 (Szabo)
    Employment insurance benefits, eligibility
      C-256 (Stoffer)
      M-44 (Szabo)
    Medical expenses, income tax deduction
        Ways and Means No. 2
      C-253 (Stoffer)
      Ways and Means No. 5
      Ways and Means No. 13
    See also Canada Pension Plan (CPP); Compassionate Care Benefit; National Caregiver Awareness Week; Palliative care; Veterans' benefits/pensions
Caribbean rim

    Canada, political, commercial and cultural relations, M-319 (Goldring)
Carley's Law

    C-275 (Harris)
    C-427 (White)
Carrie, Colin (CPC-Oshawa)

    Natural health products, C-420
Carrie's Guardian Angel Law

    C-286 (Hanger)
CARs see Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs)

Casey, Bill (CPC-Cumberland-Colchester-Musquodoboit Valley)

    Biosolids, M-209
    Brain tumours, M-284
    Chicoutimi, HMCS, P-1
    Disability benefits, C-353
    Public Service, C-417
    Public Works and Government Services Department, P-22
    Written questions, Q-12, Q-27, Q-64, Q-65, Q-66, Q-85, Q-128, Q-143, Q-149, Q-152, Q-166, Q-184, Q-190, Q-245
Cash advance programs see Agriculture

Casson, Rick (CPC-Lethbridge)

    Age of consent (sexual relations), C-313
      Other Business No. 4
    Volunteer emergency workers, C-241
Casting votes see Divisions, recorded

CATIP see Canadian Apparel and Textile Industry Program (CATIP)

Catterall, Marlene (Lib.-Ottawa West-Nepean)

    Pesticides and herbicides, C-370
Cattle see Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)

Cellular phones

    Motor vehicle, operating while talking on cell phone, Criminal Code offence, establishing
      C-447 (Pacetti)
      M-167 (Blaikie)
    See also Telecommunications-Lawful intercept-capable technologies
Cemeteries see Funerals

Cenotaphs see War memorials and cenotaphs

Census records

    Release, records made between 1910 and 2005/consent requirement starting in 2006, S-18
      Other Business No. 4
CESG see Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG)

Chair Occupants

      Other Business No. 1
Chamberlain, Hon. Brenda (Lib.-Guelph)

    Marijuana, C-426
Charitable donations see Tsunami (Asia, December 2004)

Charitable donations tax credits

    Sale, C-33
      Ways and Means No. 2

    Regulatory regime, C-33
      Ways and Means No. 2
    See also Volunteers
Charlottetown, PE see Public Works and Government Services Department

Chatters, Dave (CPC-Battle River; CPC-Westlock-St.Paul)

    Canada Child Tax Benefit, C-445
    Canada Seat Belt Act, C-311
    Child custody, C-325
    Constitution, C-269
    Elections, C-324, C-337
    Marriage, C-213
    Murder, C-310
    Music instruction, C-271
      Other Business No. 4
    Northern Pipeline Act, M-157
    Nuclear energy
        Other Business No. 4
    Public safety occupations (police officers, corrections officers, air traffic controllers and commercial airline pilots), C-214
    Royal LePage Relocation Services, P-5, P-21
    Seat belts, C-311
    Written questions, Q-2, Q-3, Q-15, Q-44, Q-175, Q-193, Q-194, Q-230, Q-232
Chemical defoliants

    Agent Orange and Agent Purple, CFB Gagetown
      Inquiry/victim compensation, M-280 (Thompson, G.)
      Studies, P-16 (Thompson, G.)
      Sellar, Gordon, CFB Gagetown Commanding Officer or his widow, correspondence, P-17 (Thompson, G.)
    Public inquiry, M-282 (Gallant)
    Studies, P-19 (Gallant)
    See also Agent Orange (herbicide)
Chemicals see Biochemical protection drugs; Pesticides and herbicides

Cheque cashing services

    Low-income earners, M-85 (Davies)
    See also Financial services-Fringe financial services
Chickens see Avian flu (Asian bird flu)

Chicoutimi, HMCS

    Submarine, October 2-6, 2004, fire, injuries, damage, adrift in North Atlantic
      P-1 (Casey)
      Saunders, Lt Chris, death, Canadian flags, flying at half-mast on government buildings, Resolution, Other Business No. 6
Chief Actuary Act

    C-404 (Ablonczy)
Chief Actuary of Canada Office

    Social insurance program or public pension plan oversight, C-404 (Ablonczy)
Chief Dental Health Office

    Establishing, M-199 (Skelton)
Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office (Elections Canada)

    Estimates, 2005-2006, Main
      Other Business No. 2
      Supply Proceedings No. 7
    See also Indian bands/reserves
Child abuse

    Sentences, C-2
      Other Business No. 4
Child adoption expenses

      Adoption expense tax credit
        Ways and Means No. 5
        Ways and Means No. 13
      Income tax deduction, C-246 (Hill, J.)
Child care

    And early learning, funding, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
    Expenses, income tax deduction, person carrying on active business on regular and continuous basis, C-395 (St-Hilaire)
    Funding, low and modest income families, tax reduction/funds provided directly to parents, Supply Proceedings No. 5
    National program, M-77 (Davies)
    Two-tier system, Supply Proceedings No. 9
Child custody

    Grandparents, access rights
      C-309 (MacKay)
      C-325 (Chatters)
    Shared parenting
      C-245 (Hill)
      Supply Proceedings No. 9
Child labour

    Child-labour-free labels, M-82 (Davies)
    Human rights, Canadian commitment, M-5 (Martin, Pat)
Child pornography

    Access by others, responsibility for prevention, C-412 (MacKay)
    Artistic merit exemption, C-238 (Thompson, M.)
    Combatting, C-2
      Other Business No. 4
    Internet access/distribution, C-254 (Stoffer)
    Sentences, minimum punishment
      C-292 (Moore, J.)
      C-303 (Marceau)
Child poverty

      M-32 (Martin, Pat)
      M-142 (Broadbent)
Child prostitution

    Sentences, minimum punishment
      C-303 (Marceau)
      M-244 (Skelton)
Child sex offenders

    Dangerous offender designation, C-401 (Sorenson)
    Orders of prohibition, dwelling house of person under age 14, C-339 (MacKay)
Child sexual predators

    Sentences/parole, C-286 (Hanger)
Child support

    Age of majority, "adult child"/"child of the marriage", cases of illness or disability, C-334 (Gallaway)
Childbirth see Stem cell research


    Corruption, sentences, minimum punishment, C-303 (Marceau)
    See also Canada Child Tax Benefit; Candy; Citizenship; Diapers; Divorce-Parenting decisions; Emergency service workers-Death in line of duty; Families; Federal enforcement officers-Death in line of duty; National Child Benefit; Palliative care; Sexual exploitation-Young persons; Swarming
Childrens Special Allowances Act


    Human rights violations, Canadian government policy, M-231 (McDonough)
Chinese Canadian Recognition and Restitution Act

    C-333 (Mark)
      Other Business No. 4
Chinese Canadians

    Chinese Head Tax and Chinese Immigration Act, 1923, apology/compensation
      C-333 (Mark)
        Other Business No. 4
      C-333 (Oda)
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 24
      M-102 (Davies)
      M-146 (McDonough)
    Heritage sites, Barkerville and Quesnel Forks, BC, preservation, M-218 (Siksay)
Chinese community see Indonesia

Chinese Exclusion Act see Chinese Immigration Act, 1923

Chinese Head Tax see Chinese Canadians

Chinese Immigration Act, 1923 see Chinese Canadians

Chinese railway labourers

    Canadian Pacific Railway construction, role, recognition, M-211 (Julian)
Churchill constituency see Aboriginal people

CIDA see Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

Cigarettes see Canadian Tobacco Youth Protection Foundation

Citizens' engagement

    Take note debate, Government Business No. 11
      Other Business No. 4

    Adopted foreign-born children, citizenship eligibility, C-76
    Children, 1946-1977, loss of citzenship after parental renunciation, S-2 (Reynolds)
      Other Business No. 9
    Foreign criminal charges, convictions or incarceration, citizenship prohibition/ministerial waiver, C-77
    Legislation, introducting, Supply Proceedings No. 10
    See also Passports
Citizenship Act

    S-2 (Reynolds)
Citizenship and Immigration Department

    Border services, C-26
    Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (A), Supply Proceedings No. 4
    Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (B), Supply Proceedings No. 6
    Estimates, 2005-2006, Main, Supply Proceedings No. 7
      Other Business No. 4
Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee

      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 12
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 16
      Concurrence in Comittee Reports No. 18
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
      Supply Proceedings No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
Civil Marriage Act

      Other Business No. 4
Civil unions see Marriage-Same sex couples

Civilian War-related Benefits Act

      Other Business No. 4
Class action proceedings see Competition; Talisman Energy Inc.

Clavet, Roger (BQ-Louis-Hébert)

    Replacement workers, C-263
      Other Business No. 4
Cleary, Bernard (BQ-Louis-Saint-Laurent)

    Innu First Nations, M-248
Clerk of the House

    O`Brien, Audrey Elizabeth, proposed appointee, Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee referral/ratification
      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 19
    See also Corbett, William
Climate see Weather stations

Climate change

      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
    See also Canada Emission Reduction Incentive Agency; Greenhouse gas emissions; Greenhouse Gas Technology Investment Fund; Highways and roads-British Columbia, Vancouver; Kyoto accord
Cline Mining Corporation see Ridley Terminals Inc.

Closed captioning technology see Broadcasting-Video programming

Clothing industry see Textile and clothing industry

CMHC see Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

Coal see Ridley Terminals Inc.

Coastal waters

    Environmental disasters, federal-provincial monitoring/legislation, M-10 (Martin, Pat)
    Exclusive economic zone of Canada, C-15
Coffee see TransFair Canada licensed coffee

Cohen, Mickey see Housing-Moisture damage

Commission of Inquiry into the Sponsorship Program and Advertising Activities see Gomery Commission

Committees, Parliamentary see Estimates; National Security Committee of Parliamentarians

Committees, Standing

    Mandate, S.O. 108
      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 3
    Reports, filing in December 2004
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
    See also Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee; Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee; Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee; Canadian Heritage Standing Committee; Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee; Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee; Finance Standing Committee; Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee; Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee; Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee; Health Standing Committee; Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee; Industry, Natural Resources, Science and Technology Standing Committee; Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Standing Committee; National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee; Official Languages Standing Committee; Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee; Proportional representation; Public Accounts Standing Committee; Transport Standing Committee; Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat-Guidelines; Veterans Affairs Standing Committee
Committees, Standing Joint see Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee; Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee

Committees, Subcommittees see Fiscal Imbalance Subcommittee; Solicitation Laws Subcommittee

Communicable disease see Infectious disease

Community Harmony Week/Community Harmony Award

    Week of October coinciding with Thanksgiving, establishing, M-202 (Kilgour)
Community reinvestment

    Banks, requirement/legislation, M-59 (Desjarlais)
Community service

    National "working holiday", leap-year-day, February 29, M-101 (Davies)
    See also Sentences (convicted criminals)-Conditional sentences
Community service groups

    Membership dues, income tax deduction, C-233 (Stoffer)
Companies Creditors Arrangement Act

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
Compassionate Care Benefit

    Criteria, Supply Proceedings No. 9
Compassionate leave

    "Family member", definition, M-223 (Wasylycia-Leis)

    Abuse of dominance, monetary penalties, C-19
    Class action proceedings, C-387 (Martin, Pat)
    Legislation, modernization, C-19
    Pricing practices, C-19
    See also Airlines; Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)-Direct fining authority; Energy Price Commission; Gasoline prices; Newspapers
Competition Act

    C-387 (Martin, Pat)
Competition Commissioner see Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)-Direct fining authority

Computers see Internet

Conditional release (convicted criminals)

    Conditions, breaches, C-399 (Sorenson)
    Indictable offences committed, additional sentence
      C-308 (Vellacott)
      C-402 (Sorenson)
    See also Parole; Statutory release (penitentiary inmates); Temporary absences (convicted criminals)
Conditional sentences see Sentences (convicted criminals)


    Vancouver, BC, building envelope failure, M-122 (Davies)
Confederation see Riel, Louis David

Confidence convention see Liberal government (Martin)

Conflict diamonds

    Rough diamonds, import and export, Kimberley Process certification, S-36
Conflict of interest see Grewal, Gurmant-References; Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Orders of reference

Conscientious objection

    Income tax, use for military purposes, equivalent amount directed to special account, C-397 (Siksay)
Conscientious Objection Act

    C-397 (Siksay)

    Supreme Court of Canada, parliamentary evidence/split decision not taken as precedent, C-269 (Chatters)
    See also Legislation; Property rights
Constitution Act, 1867

    C-235 (Breitkreuz)
Construction industry see Condominiums

Consumer credit see Credit cards; Credit Ombudsman Office; Financial Consumer Agency of Canada; Financial services-Fringe financial services; Mortgages-Low-income individuals; Student debt

Consumers see Advertising-False advertising; Automated teller machines (ATMs); Banks-Fees; Competition; Condominiums; Energy Price Commission; Financial Consumer Agency of Canada; Financial services; Gasoline prices; Housing-Moisture damage; Telemarketing; Voice over Internet Protocol

Contraventions Act

Controlled Drugs and Substances Act

      Other Business No. 4
    C-248 (Hill)
    C-349 (Merrifield)
    C-426 (Chamberlain)
    C-431 (Merrifield)
Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment

      Other Business No. 4
Cooperative corporations see Patronage dividends

Cooperative Credit Associations Act

      Ways and Means No. 2
      Other Business No. 4
Co-operative housing

    Third sector agency, M-93 (Davies)
Cooperatives see Agricultural cooperatives

Coordination sponsorship matter group see Sponsorship program


    Internet material, C-60
    See also Drugs and pharmaceuticals-Generic medications; Spirit drinks
Copyright Act

Corbett, William

    Honorary Officer of the House of Commons, designating, Resolution, Other Business No. 6
Corporate governance see Corporate interests of Canada (Crown corporations, mixed enterprises, joint enterprises and shared-governance corporations); Not-for-profit corporations

Corporate income tax

    Business losss, carry-forward period, C-33
      Ways and Means No. 2
    Expenditures, tax credit or deduction, limited to amount actually disbursed, Ways and Means No. 12
    Rate reduction
      Government Business No. 12
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 17
        Other Business No. 18
        Ways and Means No. 7
          Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 5
        Government Business No. 12
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 17
        Other Business No. 18
        Ways and Means No. 7
          Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 5
    See also Barbados; Business expenses; Oil companies; Scientific research and experimental development tax credit; Small business
Corporate interests of Canada (Crown corporations, mixed enterprises, joint enterprises and shared-governance corporations)

    Auditor, appointment of Auditor General of Canada, M-235 (Wrzesnewskyj)

    Accountability of corporate executives and directors see Occupational health and safety
    Closely related groups, supplies of goods and services, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), Ways and Means No. 11
    See also Air Canada; Canada Post Corporation; Dividends; Goods and Services Tax (GST); Harmonized Sales Tax (HST); Oil companies; Talisman Energy Inc.; Terasen Gas
Correctional institutions see Prisons

Corrections and Conditional Release Act

    C-204 (Gouk)
    C-243 (Bonin)
      Other Business No. 4
    C-308 (Vellacott)
    C-328 (Thompson, M.)
    C-393 (Brown, G.)
    C-399 (Sorenson)
    C-401 (Sorenson)
    C-402 (Sorenson)
    C-411 (MacKay)
Corrections officers see Public safety occupations (police officers, corrections officers, air traffic controllers and commercial airline pilots)

Côté, Guy (BQ-Portneuf-Jacques Cartier)

    Barbados, M-273
CPP see Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

Credit see Consumer credit

Credit cards

    Take note debate, Government Business No. 6
      Other Business No. 4
Credit Ombudsman Act

    C-389 (Martin, Pat)
Credit Ombudsman Office

    Establishing, C-389 (Martin, Pat)
Credit unions see Patronage dividends

Crête, Paul (BQ-Montmagny-L'Islet-Kamouraska-Rivière-du-Loup)

    Investment tax credit, C-460
    Oil companies, M-206
    Taxi operators, M-191, M-192
    Textile and clothing industry, M-164

    Criminal responsibility, mental disorder provisions, C-10
    See also Assault; Auto theft; Automobiles/motor vehicles-Vehicle identification numbers; Canadian flag-Desecration; Cellular phones; Child abuse; Child pornography; Children-Corruption; Citizenship-Foreign criminal charges; Cruelty to animals; Cultural property; Date-rape drugs; Drug-impaired driving; Drug trafficking; Elder abuse; Euthanasia; Firearms; Firefighters; Fraud; Gun violence; Hate propaganda; Interest rates; Marijuana-Grow operations-Possession; Murder; Obscenity; Peace officers; Personal identity theft; Proceeds of crime; Sexual assault; Sexual exploitation; Street racing; Swarming; Traffic accidents-Failure to stop; Trafficking in persons; Victims of crime; Victims Ombudsman of Canada Office; Violence against women; Violent crime; Voyeurism offences; Weapons; Weapons trafficking; Young offenders
Crimes against humanity see Holocaust; Srebrenica massacre

Criminal Code

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
    C-205 (Gouk)
    C-215 (Kramp)
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 28
    C-230 (Cadman)
    C-238 (Thompson, M.)
    C-242 (Marceau)
    C-257 (Hill)
    C-267 (Thompson, M.)
    C-275 (Harris)
    C-286 (Hanger)
    C-287 (Cadman)
    C-290 (Moore, J.)
    C-291 (Moore, J.)
    C-293 (Warawa)
    C-294 (Warawa)
    C-298 (Thompson, M.)
    C-299 (Thompson, M.)
    C-303 (Marceau)
    C-307 (Vellacott)
    C-308 (Vellacott)
    C-310 (Chatters)
    C-313 (Casson)
      Other Business No. 4
    C-327 (Thompson, M.)
    C-329 (Thompson, M.)
    C-339 (MacKay)
    C-340 (MacKay)
    C-341 (MacKay)
    C-342 (MacKay)
    C-344 (MacKay)
    C-348 (St. Amand)
    C-359 (Lukiwski)
    C-361 (Julian)
    C-367 (Day)
      Other Business No. 4
    C-369 (Broadbent)
    C-378 (Hanger)
    C-382 (Benoit)
    C-385 (Wrzesnewskyj)
    C-393 (Brown, G.)
    C-394 (Day)
    C-400 (Sorenson)
    C-401 (Sorenson)
    C-407 (Lalonde)
    C-410 (MacKay)
    C-411 (MacKay)
    C-412 (MacKay)
    C-427 (White)
    C-438 (MacKay)
    C-447 (Pacetti)
    C-452 (Kamp)
    C-455 (Warawa)
    C-456 (Poilievre)
    S-19 (Boivin)
      Other Business No. 9
    Part XX.1 see Crime-Criminal responsibility
    Section 117.04(2) see Firearms-Search and seizure powers/restitution
    Section 161 see Child sex offenders
    Section 163 see Obscenity
    Section 231(4) see Murder-Parole officers
    Section 347 see Interest rates-Criminal interest rate
    Sections 742 and 742.1 see Violent crime-Conditional sentences
    Sections 742 to 742.7 see Sentences (convicted criminals)-Conditional sentences, Community service
    Section 742.6(9) see Sentences (convicted criminals)-Conditional sentences, Breach
    Section 745, faint hope clause see Parole-Murder
    Section 753 see Dangerous offenders-Applications
Criminal Records Act

    C-267 (Thompson, M.)
Crowder, Jean (NDP-Nanaimo-Cowichan)

    Pay Equity Task Force, M-210
    Written questions, Q-41, Q-156, Q-205
Crown corporations

    Financial management and control provisions, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
    See also Access to information; Corporate interests of Canada (Crown corporations, mixed enterprises, joint enterprises and shared-governance corporations)
Crown Liability and Proceedings Act

    C-332 (Hanger)
CRTC see Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)

Cruelty to animals

    Offences/penalties, C-50
Crystal meth see Methamphetamine (crystal meth)

Cullen, Nathan (NDP-Skeena-Bulkley Valley)

    Written questions, Q-55, Q-164
Cultural industries see Artists

Cultural property

    Armed conflict, cultural property in occupied territories, export/removal, protection, S-37
Cultural Property Export and Import Act

Cummins, John (CPC-Delta-Richmond East)

    Housing, P-37, P-38, P-39, P-40, P-41, P-42, P-43, P-44, P-45
    Malachite Green, P-55, P-56
    Ridley Terminals Inc., P-46, P-47, P-48, P-49, P-50, P-51, P-52, P-53
    Written questions, Q-5, Q-6, Q-7, Q-14, Q-61, Q-78, Q-138, Q-151, Q-174, Q-179, Q-253, Q-259, Q-260

    Foreign exchange reserves, manaagement, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
Currency Act

      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
Customs tariff see Israel; Textile and clothing industry

Cuzner, Rodger (Lib.-Cape Breton-Canso)

    Volunteer emergency workers, C-273
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 22
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
Cyberpharmacies see Drugs and pharmaceuticals-Internet sales


Danforth-East York-Riverdale consituency see Toronto-Danforth constituency

Dangerous offenders

    Applications, Criminal Code, Section 753, C-298 (Thompson, M.)
    See also Child sex offenders
Date-rape drugs

    Sexual assault, drug-facilitated, M-189 (Moore, J.)
Davies, Libby (NDP-Vancouver East)

    Aboriginal people, M-103, M-104
    Aboriginal women`s organizations, M-107
    Airports, M-98
    Anti-Racism Secretariat, M-232
    Artists, M-121, M-179, M-180
    Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, M-134
    Canadian Public Safety Officer Compensation Fund, M-84
    Cheque cashing services, M-85
    Child care, M-77
    Child labour, M-82
    Chinese Canadians, M-102
    Community service, M-101
    Condominiums, M-122
    Co-operative housing, M-93
    Discrimination and racism, M-81
    Drug trafficking, M-129
    Drugs (narcotic), M-127, M-128
    Elimination of Racial Profiling Act, C-296
    Employment Insurance Account, M-108
    Families, M-123
    Financial institutions, M-86, M-88
    Financial services, M-87, M-89
    Fire statistics, M-261
    Food biotechnology, M-116
    Genetically modified fish, M-117
    Genetically modified food, M-113
    Genetically modified organisms, M-120
    Genetically modified plants, M-119
    Government contracts, M-99
    Highways and roads, M-91, M-92, M-323
    HIV/AIDS, M-79
    Housing, M-78, M-125, M-126
    Immigration, M-109
    Indonesia, M-90
    Internatonal Monetary Fund (IMF), M-96
    Mortgages, M-105, M-106
    National Missile Defense (NMD) System (United States), petitions, Other Business No. 13
    Non-profit housing, M-95
    Old Age Security, M-100, M-132
    Police, M-124
    Postage stamps, M-130
    Public school districts, M-131
    Racial profiling, C-296
    Social housing, M-94
    Social programs, M-80
    TransFair Canada licensed coffee, M-133
    Transgenic animals, M-118
    Transgenic organisms, M-114, M-115
    Transit passes, M-264
    Veterinarian fees, M-272
    Violence against women, M-110
    Volunteers, M-233
    Welfare, M-112
    Women, M-97
    Women's organizations, M-111
    Workplace, M-83
Day, Stockwell (CPC-Okanagan-Coquihalla)

        Other Business No. 4
    Written questions, Q-254
Deaf and hearing impaired persons see Broadcasting-Video programming

Death benefits see Firefighters-Death in line of duty

Death penalty

    Abolition, M-158 (McDonough)
Death with dignity see Euthanasia

Debt collection services

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), Ways and Means No. 11
Dechi Laot'i First Nations band

      Ways and Means No. 1
Defence expenditures

    Five year defence funding plan, accelerating, Supply Proceedings No. 9
    See also Conscientious objection
Defence policy

    Maintenance of air, land and sea combat capability, Supply Proceedings No. 2
Definition of Marriage Act

    C-268 (Moore, R.)
Dementia see Alzheimer's Disease

Democracy see Citizens' engagement

Democratic deficit

    Government commitment, failure to honour, Supply Proceedings No. 10
Democratic reform

    Principles, Supply Proceedings No. 10
Dental care see Chief Dental Health Office; Vision and oral care

Department of Canadian Heritage Act

Department of Foreign Affairs Act

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Act

Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act

Department of Human Resources Development Act

      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
Department of International Trade Act

Department of Peace see Foreign Affairs Department-Name

Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Act

Department of Public Works and Government Services Act

      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
Department of Social Development Act

Deportation see Refugees

Deposit insurance see Financial institutions

Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole see Chair Occupants

Deputy Speaker and Chair of Committees of the Whole see Chair Occupants

Deschamps, Johanne (BQ-Laurentides-Labelle)

    Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act, M-166
Desjarlais, Bev (NDP-Churchill; Ind.-Churchill effective October 18, 2005)

    Aboriginal people, P-24
    Air transportation, P-23, P-25
    Community reinvestment, M-59
    Development Assistance Conditions and Accountability Act, C-446
    Divorce, M-263
    Elections, M-65
    Foreign aid, C-446
    Foundations, M-62
    Grain transportation, M-66
    Hazardous materials, M-67
    Legislation, M-61
    Police, M-64
    Railway workers, P-14
    Residential schools, P-26
    Student debt, M-60
    Taxation, M-63
    Written questions, Q-129, Q-132, Q-133, Q-134, Q-157, Q-158, Q-162, Q-172, Q-215, Q-216, Q-217
Desrochers, Odina (BQ-Lotbinière-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière)

    Foreign aid, M-308
    Written questions, Q-8
Developing countries see Drugs and pharmaceuticals-Generic medications

Development assistance

    Funding, M-2 (Martin, Pat)
Development Assistance Conditions and Accountability Act

    C-446 (Desjarlais)
Devil's Lake, North Dakota

    Inter-basin transfer, Red River and Lake Winnipeg, impact, International Joint Commission (IJC) referral
      Emergency debate
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 11
      Resolution, Other Business No. 6
      Supply Proceedings No. 10
Devolin, Barry (CPC-Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock)

    Food, M-304
Dhalla, Ruby (Lib.-Brampton-Springdale)

    Foreign Credential Recognition Program, M-195
Diagnostic and Medical Equipment Funding Act

Diamonds see Conflict diamonds; Jewellery


    Goods and Services Tax (GST) exemption, C-305 (St-Hilaire)
Diesel fuel see Fuel taxes (gasoline and diesel fuel)


    Letters of credence and recall presented by high commissioners and ambassadors to Canada, P-8 (Kenney)
Disability benefits

    Appeal panels, membership, trained medical doctors, C-353 (Casey)
    See also Canadian Armed Forces-Personnel
Disability supports deductions see Disabled and handicapped persons; Speech impairment

Disability Tax Credit

    Ways and Means No. 5
    Ways and Means No. 13
Disabled and handicapped persons

    Income tax, disability supports deduction
        Ways and Means No. 2
        Government Business No. 12
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 17
        Other Business No. 18
      Ways and Means No. 5
    See also Canada Child Tax Benefit; Canadian Armed Forces-Personnel; Child support-Age of majority; Disability benefits; National Disability Act; Olympics and Para-Olympics, 2004 Summer Games (Athens, Greece); Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP); Speech impairment; Student loans
Discrimination and racism

    "Social condition", including as prohibited ground, M-81 (Davies)
    See also Anti-Racism Secretariat; Gender equality; Racial profiling

    National strategy on cancer, mental illness/health and heart disease, Supply Proceedings No. 9
    See also Alzheimer's Disease; Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS); Autism; Avian flu (Asian bird flu); Blood samples; Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE); Brain tumours; Endometriosis; Hepatitis C; HIV/AIDS; Infectious disease; Ovarian cancer; Sick leave
Disease prevention see Blood samples; Fire retardants

Display hooks

    Elongated single-pronged display hooks, safety hazard/ban
      C-436 (McDonough)
      M-230 (McDonough)

    Income tax, Ways and Means No. 14
Divisions, recorded

    Casting vote by Speaker, Other Business No. 15
    Deferred, Other Business No. 4
    October 12, 13, 14 and 15, 2004, Other Business No. 4

      Other Business No. 4
    Mandatory counselling, C-208 (Szabo)
    Parenting decisions, modernization, M-263 (Desjarlais)
    See also Judges-Salaries
Divorce Act

      Other Business No. 4
    C-208 (Szabo)
    C-245 (Hill)
    C-300 (Siksay)
    C-309 (MacKay)
    C-325 (Chatters)
    C-334 (Gallaway)
DNA Identification Act

      Other Business No. 4
    C-240 (Lunn)
DNA testing

    Designated offences/samples from convicted offenders, C-13
      Other Business No. 4
    Procedures/use of information, C-72
    See also Immigrants; Missing persons
Do not call lists see Telemarketing

Do-Not-Call Registry Act

    C-321 (Pacetti)
Doctors see Disability benefits; Emergency response training; Physician General of Canada

Dogrib Rae band

      Ways and Means No. 1
Dogrib Treaty 11 Council

      Ways and Means No. 1
Domestic violence see Aboriginal families; Abusive relationships; Assault

Domestic workers see Immigration-Reform

Dosanjh, Hon. Ujjal (Lib.-Vancouver South; Minister of Health)

    References see Grewal, Gurmant
Drinking water

    National standards, C-209 (Stoffer)
Drought see Livestock industry

Drug and substance abuse see Date-rape drugs; HIV/AIDS; Marijuana; Methamphetamine (crystal meth); Parole-Alcohol

Drug-impaired driving

    Authorized tests and samples of bodily fluids, C-16
Drug Supply Act

    C-284 (Stoffer)
Drug trafficking

    Combatting, M-129 (Davies)
    Schools, near, penalties, C-248 (Hill)
    Sentences, minimum sentence/trafficking in or near private dwelling usually frequented by persons under age eighteen years, aggravating factor, C-431 (Merrifield)
    See also Marijuana; Methamphetamine (crystal meth)
Drugs and pharmaceuticals

    Export restriction scheme, C-83
    Generic medications
      Developing countries, importation, Jean Chrétien Pledge to Africa expert advisory committee, appointments, Senate participation, C-29
      Patent infringement regulations, C-274 (Masse)
    Internet sales, cyberpharmacies, ban
      C-282 (Khan)
        Other Business No. 4
      M-136 (Boudria)
      Take note debate, Government Business No. 20
        Other Business No. 4
    See also Biochemical protection drugs; Herbal remedies; HIV/AIDS; Medical expenses; Natural health products; Pharmacare; Vitamins and supplements
Drugs (narcotic)

    Harm and risk reduction programs, substitute substances, M-128 (Davies)
    United Nations conventions, M-127 (Davies)
Duceppe, Gilles (BQ-Laurier-Sainte-Marie)

    Written questions, Q-181
Dumping and subsidization (trade)

    Trade unions, right to request inquiry, C-430 (Bellavance)
Duncan, John (CPC-Vancouver Island North)

    Jewellery, C-259
Dussault, René see Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (Erasmus-Dussault) Report


Eastport, Maine, USA see Liquid natural gas

Economic development see Community reinvestment; First Nations; Regional development

Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec

    Establishment, C-9
Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec Act


    Royal Commission on the future of education, establishing, M-269 (Yelich)
    See also Aboriginal people; Apprenticeship; Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation; Child care-And early learning; Drug trafficking; Emergency service workers-Death in line of duty; Federal enforcement officers-Death in line of duty; Literacy; Military memorial sites; Music instruction; Public safety officers; Public school districts; Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP); Residential schools; Teachers
Education Benefits Act

    C-398 (Wrzesnewskyj)
Education, post-secondary

    Funding, national standards, tuition fees, M-14 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Canada Learning Bond; Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation; Employment insurance-Students; Government surplus funds; Student debt; Student loans
Education Tax Credit

    Course taken in connection with office or employment, C-33
      Ways and Means No. 2
Elder abuse

    Prevention/detection, C-348 (St. Amand)
    Sentences, M-51 (Szabo)
Election advertising

    Third party contribution limits, C-79

    39th General Election, Monday, February 13, 2006 date set, Supply Proceedings No. 10
    By-elections see House of Commons-Vacancy; Members of Parliament-Party affiliation
    Campaign offices, provision of telephone, fax or Internet service, C-337 (Chatters)
    Canadian Armed Forces, spouses and other dependents, statement of ordinary residence, C-318 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Candidates, selection process
      C-297 (Cadman)
      M-184 (Grewal, G.)
    Fixed terms, M-65 (Desjarlais)
    Irregularities, sponsorship program funds for staffing and candidate activities, Supply Proceedings No. 9
    Returning officers, appointment
      C-312 (Guimond)
      M-173 (Broadbent)
    Public information programs, limited to single electoral district, prohibition, C-324 (Chatters)
    Youth voter and candidate age, C-261 (Holland)
    See also Albania; Indian bands/reserves; Lebanon; Privilege; Ukraine; Voting
Elections Canada see Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office (Elections Canada)

Electoral boundaries see Acadie-Bathurst constituency; Miramichi constituency

Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act

      Other Business No. 4
Electoral districts see Acadie-Bathurst constituency; Battle River constituency; Beauharnois-Salaberry constituency; Bonavista-Gander-Grand Falls-Windsor constituency; Cambridge constituency; Churchill constituency; Kitchener-Wilmot-Wellesley-Woolwich constituency; Miramichi constituency; New Westminster-Coquitlam constituency; Nickel Belt constituency; Saanich-Gulf Islands constituency; Sackville-Eastern Shore constituency; Simcoe-Grey constituency; Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry constituency; Toronto-Danforth constituency; Welland constituency

Electoral reform

    Referendum, C-224 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Orders of reference; Proportional representation
Electoral system

    Citizens' Assembly/referendum, M-141 (Broadbent)
Elimination of Racial Profiling Act

    C-296 (Davies)
Embassies and consulates see Diplomats

Emergencies Act

    C-331 (Mark)
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 23

    Emergency management system, establishing, C-78
    See also Chicoutimi, HMCS; Coastal waters; Fire statistics; Hazardous materials; Infectious disease; Melina and Keith II; Tsunami (Asia, December 2004); Volunteer emergency workers
Emergency debates see Devil's Lake, North Dakota; Gasoline prices; Livestock industry; Ukraine-Elections

Emergency Management Act

Emergency medical services vehicles

    Standby charges, income tax treatment, "automobile", definition
        Government Business No. 12
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 17
        Other Business No. 18
        Ways and Means No. 7
          Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 5
Emergency response training

    Medical students, eligibility, M-154 (Skelton)
Emergency service workers

    Death in line of duty, education scholarship fund for minor children, M-240 (Skelton)
    Medical personnel and first responders, portable licencing, malpractice insurance and benefits coverage, M-290 (Skelton)
    See also National Appreciation Day
Employee benefit funds

    National standards, M-1 (Martin, Pat)
Employee contributions

    Employment Insurance and Canada Pension Plan, April 1 collection date, M-28 (Martin, Pat)

    Income tax, targeted tax relief for large employment expenses, M-254 (Benoit)
    See also Bankruptcy; Compassionate leave; Education Tax Credit; Foreign Credential Recognition Program; Occupational health and safety; Older workers; Pregnancy; Public Service-Job postings-Psychological harassment; Railway workers; Tools; Training programs; Transit passes; Wage Earner Protection Program
Employment insurance

    Benefit periods
      Based on regional rates of unemployment, C-371 (Godin)
      Length, C-421 (Godin)
      Calculation, high unemployment areas, Supply Proceedings No. 9
      Increase, C-390 (Mark)
      Percentage of insurable earnings, C-374 (Godin)
    Earnings, pension benefits, vacation pay and severance payments excluded, C-350 (Godin)
    Eligibility, rules, C-373 (Godin)
    Interest or other penalties for late benefit repayments or violations, C-351 (Godin)
        Government Business No. 12
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 17
        Other Business No. 18
      C-280 (Asselin)
    Qualification period, C-421 (Godin)
    Women, eligibility, M-20 (Martin, Pat)
    Work week, definition, C-422 (Godin)
    Reform, C-278 (Brunelle)
    Students, repayment of premiums, C-346 (Epp)
    Waiting period, C-423 (Godin)
    See also Caregivers; Compassionate leave; Employee contributions; Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee; Pregnancy; Sick leave
Employment Insurance Account

    Management, C-280 (Asselin)
      M-20 (Martin, Pat)
      M-108 (Davies)
    See also Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund
Employment Insurance Act

      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
    C-256 (Stoffer)
    C-278 (Brunelle)
    C-280 (Asselin)
    C-281 (Martin, Pat)
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 29
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 8
    C-346 (Epp)
    C-350 (Godin)
    C-351 (Godin)
    C-352 (Godin)
    C-371 (Godin)
    C-373 (Godin)
    C-374 (Godin)
    C-390 (Mark)
    C-421 (Godin)
    C-422 (Godin)
    C-423 (Godin)
    C-424 (Godin)
    C-425 (Godin)
    C-437 (Ritz)
    Title, change to Unemployment Insurance Act
      C-372 (Godin)
      C-424 (Godin)
Employment Insurance Regulations

    C-281 (Martin, Pat)
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 29
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 8

    Research, M-286 (Yelich)
EnerGuide for Houses Retrofit Incentive Program see Housing-Energy efficiency

Energy see Alternative energy; Automobiles/motor vehicles; Gasoline prices; Government surplus funds; Housing; Northern Pipeline Act; Nuclear energy

Energy conservation see Housing-Moisture damage

Energy costs

    Low-income seniors and low-income families with children, financial assistance, C-66
      Other Business No. 4
Energy Costs Assistance Measures Act

      Other Business No. 4
Energy Price Commission

    Establishing, C-229 (Martin, Pat)
Energy Price Commission Act

    C-229 (Martin, Pat)

    Policy, comphrehensive environmental vision, developing, Supply Proceedings No. 9
    Remedial projects, guidelines for federal resources, M-7 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Automobiles/motor vehicles-Emission standards; Ballast water (ships); Carbon dioxide; Coastal waters; Devil's Lake, North Dakota; Fire retardants; Garbage disposal; Genetically modified plants; Green Municipal Fund; Greenhouse gas emissions; Hazardous materials; Hybrid motor vehicles; Kyoto accord; Marine pollution; Migratory birds; Pesticides and herbicides; Pollution; Public transit; Railways-Noise; Roofs; Ships-Oil spills; Sustainable development; UNESCO-designated Biosphere Reserves; Weather stations; West Block (Parliament Buildings)
Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee

    Orders of reference, Canadian Environmental Protection Act review, Other Business No. 8
        Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 2
        Other Business No. 8
      Sixth, Supply Proceedings No. 7
Epp, Ken (CPC-Edmonton-Sherwood Park)

    Calendar dates, C-347
    Employment insurance, C-346
    Homeowners Freedom from Double Taxation Act, C-345
    Property taxes, C-345
    Written questions, Q-99, Q-163, Q-206
Equalization payments

    Non-renewable resources, Supply Proceedings No. 5
      Other Business No. 4
    Renewal, protection/continuation of payments, C-24
Erasmus, Georges see Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (Erasmus-Dussault) Report

Erikson, Leif see Leif Erikson Day

Essipit First Nation see Innu First Nations


    Committee, Parliamentary, requirement for consideration, M-25 (Martin, Pat)
    Opposed items, notice requirement, Other Business No. 4
Estimates, 2004-2005, Main

      Other Business No. 4
    Supply Proceedings No. 3
    See also Agriculture and Agri-Food Department; Auditor General of Canada Office; Canadian Heritage Department; Finance Department; Governor General; Health Canada; Justice Department; Privy Council Office
Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (A)

      Other Business No. 4
    Supply Proceedings No. 4
    See also Auditor General of Canada Office; Canadian Heritage Department; Citizenship and Immigration Department; Finance Department; Justice Department; Privacy Commissioner Office
Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (B)

    Supply Proceedings No. 6
    See also Citizenship and Immigration Department; Foreign Affairs Department; Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee-Reports, Sixth; Parliament; Privy Council Office (PCO); Public Works and Government Services Department; Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Estimates, 2005-2006, Main

    Supply Proceedings No. 7
    See also Agriculture and Agri-Food Department; Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office (Elections Canada); Citizenship and Immigration Department; Finance Department; Foreign Affairs Department; Health Canada; Human Resources and Skills Development Canada; Privy Council Office; Social Development Canada
Estimates, 2005-2006, Supplementary (A)

    Supply Proceedings No. 11
Ethics see Canada Pension Plan Investment Board; Government procurement-Sustainable and ethical procurement policy; Grewal, Gurmant-References; Public Service-Wrongdoing

Ethics Commissioner see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Orders of reference, Conflict of Interest Code for Members

European Union see Visitors to Canada


    And physician-assisted suicide, Criminal Code amendment, C-407 (Lalonde)
Excise tax see Fuel taxes (gasoline and diesel fuel); Jewellery; Literacy; Taxi operators-Gasoline; Wine industry

Excise Tax Act

      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
      Ways and Means No. 7
        Other Business No. 4
    C-239 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    C-259 (Duncan)
    C-305 (St-Hilaire)
    C-319 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    C-435 (McDonough)
    C-448 (Bezan)
    C-450 (Silva)
    C-458 (Bezan)
    C-463 (Hiebert)
    Section 154 see Motor vehicle fuels
    Ways and Means No. 6
    Ways and Means No. 11
Excise Tax Act, 2001

    C-451 (Allison)
Expense allowances (government appointees) see Canada Post Corporation

Export and Import of Rough Diamonds Act

Exports see Drugs and pharmaceuticals-Export restriction scheme-Internet sales; Water-Bulk water exports

Expropriation see Mirabel International Airport; Personal or private property

Extradition Act

    C-327 (Thompson, M.)
Extradition requests

    Annual report, C-409 (MacKay)

Faille, Meili (BQ-Vaudreuil-Soulanges)

    Kyoto accord, M-162
Faint hope clause see Criminal Code-Section 745

Fair trade see TransFair Canada licensed coffee

Fairclough, *_Right Hon._* Ellen

    First female federal cabinet minister, death, tribute, Other Business No. 4

    "Family member", siblings and in-laws, including, C-437 (Ritz)
    With children, funding, 1.5 per cent of projected Gross Domestic Product, M-123 (Davies)
    See also Aboriginal families; Compassionate leave; Immigration; Temporary resident visas; Unified Family Courts
Family Farm Cost-of-Production Protection Act

    C-250 (Martin, Pat)
Family farms

    Cost of production protection, C-250 (Martin, Pat)
    Intergenerational transfer, measures, M-225 (Poirier-Rivard)
Family justice system see Divorce

Family violence see Aboriginal families; Abusive relationships; Assault

Famine see Ukrainian Famine (1932-1933)

Farm Income Protection Act

    C-377 (Benoit)
Farmers see Fuel taxes (gasoline and diesel fuel)

Farms see Family farms

Fax services see Elections-Campaign offices

Federal buildings see Government buildings

Federal Buildings Initiative see Roofs

Federal Courts Act

Federal enforcement officers

    Death in line of duty, education scholarship fund for minor children, C-398 (Wrzesnewskyj)
Federal institutions see Official languages policy/bilingualism

Federal Law and Civil Law of the Province of Quebec Act

      Other Business No. 4
Federal Law-Civil Law Harmonization Act, No. 2

      Other Business No. 4
Federal-provincial fiscal arrangements

    Provinces, direct funding, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
    See also Territorial Formula Financing (TFF)
Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act

      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
Federal-provincial fiscal relations see Equalization payments; Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental); Offshore oil and gas revenues; Social programs; Territorial Formula Financing (TFF)

Federal-provincial relations see Interprovincial trade; Treaties-Ratification

Federal White Cement see Ridley Terminals Inc.

Federation of Canadian Municipalities

    Funding, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
Feminine hygiene products

    Goods and Services Tax (GST) exemption, C-319 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Feminism see Violence against women; Women's organizations

Fertilizers see Biosolids

Fetal alcohol syndrome see Alcoholic beverages

Filipino Canadians

    Contribution/anniversary of Philippine independence, M-150 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Film industry see Telefilm Canada

Finance Department

    Estimates, 2004-2005, Main, Supply Proceedings No. 3
    Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (A), Supply Proceedings No. 4
    Estimates, 2005-2006, Main, Supply Proceedings No. 7
Finance Standing Committee

    Chair and Vice-Chairs, election, Other Business No. 8
    Orders of reference, fiscal forecasting advice for parliamentarians, Other Business No. 8
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 7
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 22
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 26
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 27
      Government Business No. 5
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
      Supply Proceedings No. 7
    Travel, Other Business No. 8
    See also Budgetary policy; Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental); Fiscal Imbalance Subcommittee
Financial Administration Act

      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

    Mandate, M-281 (Lavallée)
Financial institutions

      "No frills" minimum service accounts, M-88 (Davies)
      Standard basic account/common basket of services, M-86 (Davies)
    Deposit insurance, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
    Governance, C-57
      Other Business No. 4
    Notices, C-33
      Ways and Means No. 2
    See also Banks; Mortgages
Financial Institutions Legislation Amendment Act

      Other Business No. 4
Financial services

    Fringe financial services, cheque cashers and pay-day lenders
      Industry Department, Consumer Measures Committee documents, P-12 (Wasylycia-Leis)
      Licensing and control, M-152 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), Ways and Means No. 11
    Low-income earners, access
      M-87 (Davies)
      M-89 (Davies)
    See also Auditors; Automated teller machines (ATMs); Banks-Branch closures; Cheque cashing services; Credit cards; Debt collection services; Mortgages
Finding Room: Housing Solutions for the Future see Social housing

Fines, levies or penalties

    Income tax, business expense deduction
        Ways and Means No. 2
      M-24 (Martin, Pat)
Finley, Diane (CPC-Haldimand-Norfolk)

    Written questions, Q-160
Fire retardants

    Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) products, ban, M-275 (Julian)
Fire statistics

    National office, establishing, M-261 (Davies)

    Licences, lifetime ban for violent crime conviction, C-289 (Moore, J.)
    Search and seizure powers/restitution, C-382 (Benoit)
    Use in commission of serious offences, additional sentence, C-215 (Kramp)
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 28
    See also Gun control; Gun violence; Handguns; Weapons trafficking
Firearms Act

    C-289 (Moore, J.)
    C-433 (Breitkreuz)
Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)

    Cancellation, diversion of funding to violent crime programs, M-205 (Ur)
    Funds, redirected to Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and Canada Border Services Agency, Supply Proceedings No. 9
    See also Handguns

    Criminal acts jeopardizing lives and safety of firefighters, offences/punishment, M-22 (Martin, Pat)
    Death in line of duty
      Death benefits, M-21 (Martin, Pat)
      Monument in the Parliamentary Precinct, M-153 (Julian)
    See also Airports; Canada Pension Plan (CPP); Hazardous materials; Murder-Parole officer; Public safety officers
First Nations

    Economic development
      Commercial and industrial projects, reserve lands, regulation, C-71
        Other Business No. 4
    Fiscal management, C-20
    Property taxes, C-20
    Quebec, taxation, C-33
      Ways and Means No. 2
    See also Aboriginal people; Oil and gas revenues; Veterans
First Nations Commercial and Industrial Development Act

      Other Business No. 4
First Nations Finance Authority (FNFA)

First Nations Financial Management Board (FMB)

First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act

First Nations Goods and Services Tax Act

      Ways and Means No. 2
First Nations Land Management Act

First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Act

      Other Business No. 4
First Nations Statistics (FNS)

First Nations Tax Commission (FNTC)

First Nations Veterans Compensation Act

    C-247 (Martin, Pat)
"First responders" see Hazardous materials

Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental)

    Martin, Prime Minister, attitude at October 26, 2005 federal-provincial meeting/Finance Standing Committee special subcommittee, establishing, Supply Proceedings No. 2
      Other Business No. 8
Fiscal Imbalance Subcommittee

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8

    Leases and licences/term or condition of a permission, breaches, C-52
    See also Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy; Fishing property; Fraser River sockeye salmon fishery; Fuel taxes (gasoline and diesel fuel); Genetically modified fish; Malachite Green; Melina and Keith II; Ontario Fishery Regulations, 1989
Fisheries Act

Fisheries and Oceans Department see Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy; Ontario Fishery Regulations, 1989; Small craft harbours

Fisheries and Oceans Minister see Marine safety

Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee

      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 19
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
    Travel, Other Business No. 8
Fisheries, Pacific see Fraser River sockeye salmon fishery

Fishing see Hunting and fishing

Fishing property

    Transfer, capital gains tax, "qualified farm property" exemption
      C-343 (MacAulay)
      C-354 (Keddy)
Fitzpatrick, Brian (CPC-Prince Albert)

    Written questions, Q-125, Q-218, Q-248, Q-249
Flag see Canadian flag

Flow-through entities see Income trusts

FMB see First Nations Financial Management Board (FMB)

FNFA see First Nations Finance Authority (FNFA)

FNS see First Nations Statistics (FNS)

FNTC see First Nations Tax Commission (FNTC)


    Labels, mandatory information, C-379 (Wappel)
    Quality, consultations/strategy, M-304 (Devolin)
    See also Genetically modified food; Trans fats (trans fatty acids)
Food and beverage expenses

    Income tax deduction, Ways and Means No. 13
Food and Drugs Act

    C-206 (Szabo)
    C-220 (Martin, Pat)
    C-282 (Khan)
      Other Business No. 4
    C-379 (Wappel)
    C-420 (Carrie)
Food biotechnology

    Tests, burden of proof, M-116 (Davies)
    See also Genetically modified fish; Genetically modified food
Food safety

    Inspection system, Canadian Food Inspection Agency powers, C-27
    Non-compliant foods, sale, interim marketing authorizations, C-28
    See also Canadian Food Inspection Agency; Food-Quality
Foreign affairs see Caribbean rim; China; Diplomats; International forums; Internatonal Monetary Fund (IMF); Israel; Taiwan; Talisman Energy Inc.; Terrorism-Victims of crime; Treaties; Turks and Caicos Islands; Ukraine

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee

      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 10
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
      Supply Proceedings No. 7
    Travel, Other Business No. 8
Foreign Affairs Department

    Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (B), Supply Proceedings No. 6
    Estimates, 2005-2006, Main, Supply Proceedings No. 7
    Ministerial powers, duties and functions, C-32
    Name, change to Department of Peace, M-160 (Martin, Pat)
Foreign aid

    Criteria, C-446 (Desjarlais)
    Gross Domestic Product (GDP) percentage target/poverty reduction mandate, M-308 (Desrochers)
    See also Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA); Development assistance; Government surplus funds
Foreign banks

    Restructuring, initial transfer of assets, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), Ways and Means No. 11
Foreign Credential Recognition Program

    Secretariat, establishing, M-195 (Dhalla)
Foreign investment

    National security review, C-59
    Public hearings, M-175 (Masse)
    See also Pensions-Foreign property rule limit; Retirement savings plans (tax-deferred)
Foreign ownership see Newspapers

Foreign Property Rule see Pensions

Forest producers

    Taxation, sustainable development factors, M-302 (Thibault, L.)
    See also Softwood lumber
Forests see Mountain pine beetle

Forseth, Paul (CPC-New Westminster-Coquitlam)

    New Westminster-Coquitlam constituency, C-336
Fortune Minerals see Ridley Terminals Inc.


    Accountability, external auditor, appointment of Auditor General
      C-277 (Sauvageau)
        Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 25
      M-62 (Desjarlais)
      M-181 (Julian)
      Supply Proceedings No. 5
    Funding, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
    See also Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada; Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation; Canadian Tobacco Youth Protection Foundation; Green Municipal Fund
Fox, Vicente see Mexico

Franking privilege see Members of Parliament-Householder mailings/franking privilege

Fraser River sockeye salmon fishery

    Mismanagement, independent judicial enquiry, Supply Proceedings No. 2

    Senior citizens, defrauding, sentences, M-52 (Szabo)
Freedom of information see Access to information

From a Management Crisis, to Becoming Better Crisis Managers: The 2004 Avian Influenza Outbreak in British Columbia see Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee-Reports, Third

Fuel taxes (gasoline and diesel fuel)

    Farming and fishing, bulk deliveries, excise tax, elimination, C-458 (Bezan)
Fuels see Gasoline prices; Home heating fuels; Motor vehicle fuels

Fugitives see Extradition requests

Fugitives from Justice in Other Countries Act

    C-409 (MacKay)

    And cemetary arrangements, Goods and Services Tax (GST), M-37 (Stoffer)
    See also Veterans
Furniture industry

    Assistance package, M-311 (Boulianne)

Gabon see Tax treaties

Gagetown, CFB see Agent Orange (herbicide); Chemical defoliants-Agent Orange

Gagnon, Christiane (BQ-Québec)

    Pay equity, M-322
Gagnon, Marcel (BQ-Saint-Maurice-Champlain)

    Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), C-301
    Written questions, Q-73, Q-74
Gagnon, Sébastien (BQ-Jonquière-Alma)

    Written questions, Q-229
Gallant, Cheryl (CPC-Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke)

    Adventure tourism, C-314
    Afghanistan, M-139, M-140
    Chemical defoliants
    Marriage, M-138
    National Veterans Funeral Honours Act, C-262
    Veterans, C-262
    Written questions, Q-21, Q-38, Q-168, Q-171
Gallaway, Hon. Roger (Lib.-Sarnia-Lambton)

    Child support, C-334

    Social impact, study, M-72 (Hill)
    See also Video lottery terminals and slot machines
Gameti First Nation band

      Ways and Means No. 1
Gangs see Gun violence

Garbage disposal

    Alternative techniques, research, M-317 (Mills)
Gasoline prices

    Emergency debate
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 11
    Monitoring agency/competition measures, M-165 (Lévesque)
    See also Petroleum monitoring agency; Taxi operators
Gasoline taxes see Fuel taxes (gasoline and diesel fuel)

Gaspé Peninsula, QC see Investment tax credit

Gatineau Park

    Boundaries/acquisition of privately owned real properties, C-444 (Broadbent)
Gaudet, Roger (BQ-Montcalm)

    Supply management, M-163
Gauthier, Hon. Senator Jean-Robert (Lib.-Ontario)

    Tribute, October 22, 2004, Other Business No. 4
GDP see Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Gender equality

    Transsexual and transgendered persons, gender identity or expression, discrimination, prohibited grounds, C-392 (Siksay)
    See also Canada Child Tax Benefit-Payments; Hate propaganda; Immigration-Reform; Pay equity
General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada see Anglican Church of Canada

Genetically modified fish

    Aquatic netpens, moratorium, M-117 (Davies)
Genetically modified food

    Independent agency, M-113 (Davies)
      C-317 (Wasylycia-Leis)
      M-33 (Martin, Pat)
Genetically modified organisms

    Long-term effects, national research program, M-120 (Davies)
Genetically modified plants

    Environmental impacts, research data, access, M-119 (Davies)
Genocide see Holocaust; Srebrenica massacre; Ukrainian Famine (1932-1933)

GIS see Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)

Godin, Yvon (NDP-Acadie-Bathurst)

    Employment insurance, C-350, C-351, C-371, C-373, C-374, C-421, C-422, C-423
    Employment Insurance Act, C-372, C-424
    Pregnancy, C-425
    Training programs, C-352
    Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund, C-424
    Written questions, Q-47, Q-92, Q-169, Q-189
Goldring, Peter (CPC-Edmonton East)

    Caribbean rim, M-319
    Home heating fuels, M-285
    Marriage, M-279
    Turks and Caicos Islands, M-207
    Ukraine, M-320
Gomery Commission

    Terms of reference, section k, amendment to allow naming of names and assignment of responsibility
      Government Business No. 13
      Supply Proceedings No. 9
    See also Sponsorship program
Goods and Services Tax (GST)

    Corporations, remittance/refund, liability
        Government Business No. 12
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 17
        Other Business No. 18
      Ways and Means No. 6
    Web registry, information disclosure
        Government Business No. 12
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 17
        Other Business No. 18
      Ways and Means No. 6
    See also Alternative energy; Books and pamphlets; Corporations-Closely related groups; Debt collection services; Diapers; Feminine hygiene products; Financial services; Foreign banks; Funerals; Health care-Government-funded non-profit entities; Home heating fuels; Housing-Affordable housing-New housing; Intangible property and services; Medical supplies; Motor vehicle fuels; Public school districts; Reading materials
Goodyear, Gary (CPC-Cambridge)

    Cambridge constituency, C-406
Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels)

    Agricultural pests, poison control, strychnine ban
      2% solution, availability, M-253 (Benoit)
      Crop damage, compensation, C-377 (Benoit)
Gouk, Jim (CPC-British Columbia Southern Interior)

    Statutory release (penitentiary inmates), C-204
    VIA Rail Canada Inc., C-203
    Violent crime, C-205
Governance see Financial institutions; Insurance

Government advertising see Sponsorship program

Government appointments see Canada Post Corporation-Chairman; Canadian International Trade Tribunal-Membership; Drugs and pharmaceuticals-Generic medications, Developing countries; Elections-Returning officers; Governor General; Judges; Library of Parliament; National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy

Government buildings see Chicoutimi, HMCS; Public Works and Government Services Department-Charlottetown, PE building; Remembrance Day (November 11)-Canadian flag; Workers-Lives lost on job

Government contracts

    Bidders, travel costs, compensation, M-99 (Davies)
    See also Royal LePage Relocation Services; Sponsorship program
Government departments, boards, agencies and commisssions see Access to information; Agriculture and Agri-Food Department; Canada Border Services Agency; Canada Emission Reduction Incentives Agency; Canada Employment Insurance Commission; Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation; Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC); Canada's Pacific Gateway Council; Canadian Heritage Department; Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC); Canadian Transportation Agency; Citizenship and Immigration Department; Finance Department; Fisheries and Oceans Department; Foreign Affairs Department; Health Canada; Human Resources and Skills Development Canada; Industry Department; International Trade Canada (ITCan); Justice Department; National Defence Department; Parks Canada Agency; Public Health Agency of Canada; Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Department; Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada; Public Works and Government Services Department; Refugee Appeal Division; Secretary of State for Seniors; Small craft harbours; Social Development Canada

Government expenditures see Defence expenditures

Government finances see Finance Standing Committee-Orders of reference; Government surplus funds

Government grants and contributions

    Auditor General Office inquiries, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
    See also Canada Port Authorities; Publishing industry
Government information see Access to information

Government leases see Ottawa District Parole Office

Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee

      Sixth (time allowed for the study of the Supplementary Estimates (B))
        Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 5
          Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 8
      Supply Proceedings No. 4
      Supply Proceedings No. 7
Government procurement

    Canadian products, preference, C-440 (Guay)
    Ministerial responsibility, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
    Sustainable and ethical procurement policy, implementing, M-214 (Julian)
    See also Canadian symbolic and promotional materials
Government programs

    Administration see Pension Ombudsman
    See also Foreign Credential Recognition Program; Sponsorship program
Government surplus funds

    Affordable housing, post-secondary education and support training, public transit and a low-income housing energy retrofit program and foreign aid payments, C-48
      Other Business No. 4
Government vehicles see Alternative energy; Seat belts

Governor General

    Appointment and dismissal procedure, C-464 (Reid)
    Estimates, 2004-2005, Main, Supply Proceedings No. 3
    See also House of Commons-Debates
Governor General Appointment and Dismissal Act

    C-464 (Reid)
Grain industry

    Imports, regulations, C-40
      Other Business No. 4
Grain transportation

    Hopper cars, availability, M-66 (Desjarlais)
    See also Canadian Grain Commission; Ridley Terminals Inc.
Grandfather clauses see Handguns

Grandparents see Child custody

Greece see Olympics and Para-Olympics, 2004 Summer Games (Athens, Greece)

Green Municipal Fund

    Funding, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
"Green roofs" see Roofs

Greenhouse gas emissions

    Large Final Emitter credit trading system, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
      See also Canada Emission Reduction Incentive Agency; Greenhouse Gas Technology Investment Fund;
    Kyoto accord, international emission trading scheme/"Made in Canada" solution, Supply Proceedings No. 10
    See also Kyoto accord
Greenhouse Gas Technology Investment Fund

      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
Greenhouse Gas Technology Investment Fund Act

      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
Grewal, Gurmant (CPC-Newton-North Delta)

    Elections, M-184
    Old Age Security, M-187
    Public Service, C-288
    References, Liberal government (Martin), attempt to "buy" vote, offer of cabinet post/Senate seat, Health Minister Dosanjh and Tim Murphy, Prime Minister Chief of Staff conversations, tape recording
      Other Business No. 20
      Supply Proceedings No. 9
    Regulations, M-183, M-188
    Religious articles of faith, M-186
    Temporary resident visas, C-283
    Voting, M-185
    Whistle Blower Rights and Protection Act, C-288
    Written questions, Q-23
Grewal, Nina (CPC-Fleetwood-Port Kells)

    Age of consent (sexual relations), M-221
    Bennett, Right Hon. Richard Bedford, M-219
    Property rights, M-220
    Sexual assault, M-222
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) see Families; Foreign aid

GST see Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Guaranteed Annual Income for Seniors

    Establishment, M-41 (Szabo)
Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)

    Application process/retroacivity, C-301 (Gagnon, M.)
    Increase, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
Guay, Monique (BQ-Rivière-du-Nord)

    Canadian Products Promotion Act, C-440
    Government procurement, C-440
Guergis, Helena (CPC-Simcoe-Grey)

    Simcoe-Grey constituency, C-457
Guimond, Michel (BQ-Montmorency-Charlevoix-Haute-Côte-Nord)

    Elections, C-312
Gun control

    Cost-effectiveness, review, M-69 (Breitkreuz)
    See also Firearms-Search and seizure powers/restitution; Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program); Weapons trafficking
Gun violence

    Firearm trafficking, smuggling and illegal possession in public places/break and enter and robbery offences, C-82

Hague Convention see Cultural property


    Firearms registration, February 14, 1995 to December 1, 1998 period, grandfathering privileges, C-433 (Breitkreuz)
Hanger, Art (CPC-Calgary Northeast)

    Age of consent (sexual relations), C-313
      Other Business No. 4
    Canadian Armed Forces, C-330
    Carrie's Guardian Angel Law, C-286
    Child sexual predators, C-286
    Injured Military Members (Major Bruce Henwood) Compensation Act, C-330
    Penitentiary inmates, C-332 (Hanger)
    Violent crime, C-378
Hansard see House of Commons-Debates

Harbours, wharves and breakwaters see Small craft harbours

Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)

    Corporations, remittance/refund, liability
        Government Business No. 12
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 17
        Other Business No. 18
      Ways and Means No. 6
    Web registry, information disclosure
        Government Business No. 12
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 17
        Other Business No. 18
      Ways and Means No. 6
    See also Corporations-Closely related groups; Debt collection services; Financial services; Foreign banks; Health care-Government-funded non-profit entities; Intangible property and services; Medical supplies; Reading materials
Harris, Richard (CPC-Cariboo-Prince George)

    Carley's Law, C-275
    Traffic accidents, C-275
Harrison, Jeremy (CPC-Desnethé-Missinippi-Churchill River)

    Access to information, C-276
    National Hockey League (NHL), M-171
    Northern Strategy, M-283
    Veterans, M-193
Hate propaganda

    Gender distinction, including as "identifiable group", C-385 (Wrzesnewskyj)
Hazardous materials

    Firefighters, training, M-67 (Desjarlais)
    Information, confidential business information/material safety data sheet or label compliance, S-40
    Training, "first responders", participation
      M-217 (Siksay)
      M-255 (Benoit)
    See also Agent Orange (herbicide); Agricultural pest control products; Asbestos; Chemical defoliants; Display hooks; Fire retardants; Malachite Green; Zonolite (vermiculite insulation)
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act

Hazardous Products Act

    C-436 (McDonough)
Head Harbour Passage see Liquid natural gas

Head taxes see Chinese Canadians; Immigrants; Immigration-Reform

Health see Agent Orange (herbicide); Alcoholic beverages; Asbestos; Breast Implant Registry; Candy; Chief Dental Health Office; Feminine hygiene products; Fire retardants; Genetically modified organisms; Mental health; Pesticides and herbicides; Trans fats (trans fatty acids); Zonolite (vermiculite insulation)

Health Canada

    Estimates, 2004-2005, Main
      Other Business No. 4
      Supply Proceedings No. 3
    Estimates, 2005-2006, Main, Supply Proceedings No. 7
Health care

    10-Year Plan to Strengthen Health Care, C-39
    Government-funded non-profit entities, services traditionally performed in hospitals, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) rebate, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
      Ways and Means No. 7
        Other Business No. 4
    See also Aboriginal people-Education; Autism-Treatment; Caregiver Tax Credit; Caregivers; Chief Dental Health Office; Disease-National strategy; Emergency medical services vehicles; Home care; Hospitals; Medical and diagnostic equipment; Medical expenses; Medical procedures; Medical research; Medical residents; Medical supplies; Nursing homes; Palliative care; Paramedics; Physician General of Canada; Pregnancy; Public Health Agency of Canada; Vision and oral care; Wait Times Reduction Transfer
Health care funding see Canada Health Transfer

Health care providers see Medical residents

Health information

    Collection and disclosure, C-12
    See also Public health information
Health Standing Committee

      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 1
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 4
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 18
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 31
      Government Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
      Supply Proceedings No. 7
Hearn, Loyola (CPC-St. John's South-Mount Pearl)

    House of Commons, C-443
    Melina and Keith II, P-35
    Search and rescue, P-34
    Titan IVB rocket, P-18
    Written questions, Q-37, Q-104, Q-105, Q-106, Q-119, Q-142, Q-180, Q-208
Heart disease see Disease-National strategy

Heating see Home heating fuels

Henwood, *_Major_* Bruce see Canadian Armed Forces-Personnel

Hepatitis B see Blood samples

Hepatitis C

    Tainted blood recipients, compensation
      M-169 (Wasylycia-Leis)
      Take note debate, Government Business No. 3
        Other Business No. 4
    See also Blood samples
Herbal remedies

    Drug substitute for severe allergies/sensitivity, medical expense deduction, C-232 (Stoffer)
Herbicides see Agent Orange (herbicide); Chemical defoliants; Pesticides and herbicides

Heritage Hunting and Fishing Protection Act

    C-391 (Mark)
Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act

    S-14 (Keddy)
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 9
Hession, R.V. see Housing-Moisture damage

Hiebert, Russ (CPC-South Surrey-White Rock-Cloverdale)

    Housing, C-463
    Retirement savings plans (tax-deferred), C-405
Highway 30 Completion Bridges Act

      Other Business No. 4
Highways and roads

    British Columbia
      Federal funding, M-92 (Davies)
      Vancouver, Highway 1 expansion, climate change commitments, relationship, M-323 (Davies)
    National program, establishing, M-91 (Davies)
    Quebec, Highway 30, completion, St. Lawrence River and Beauharnois Canal bridges, S-31
      Other Business No. 4
Hill, Jay (CPC-Prince George-Peace River)

    Canadian Armed Forces, M-73
    Child adoption expenses, C-246
    Child custody, C-245
    Drug trafficking, C-248
    Gambling, M-72
    Mountain pine beetle, M-315
    Prayer of thanksgiving, M-71
    Sentences (convicted criminals), C-257
    Witnesses (justice system), C-270
    Written questions, Q-185, Q-186, Q-187, Q-188
Hinton, Betty (CPC-Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo)

    Awards, decorations, medals, C-428
Historic sites and monuments see Bennett, Right Hon. Richard Bedford; Chinese Canadians; Firefighters-Death in line of duty; Lighthouses; Military memorial sites; Public Service-Recognition; War memorials and cenotaphs


    Drug users, intravenous, M-79 (Davies)
    Patented antiretroviral medicines, costs/distribution, M-182 (Julian)
    See also Blood samples
Hockey see National Hockey League (NHL)

Holidays Act

    C-295 (Mark)
Holidays/commemorative days see Aboriginal Languages Day; Alzheimer's Disease; Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS); Autism; Community Harmony Week/Community Harmony Award; Community service; Leif Erikson Day; Marriage-Definition; National Appreciation Day; National Caregiver Awareness Week; Ovarian cancer; Prayer of thanksgiving; Remembrance Day (November 11); Srebrenica massacre; Tartan Day; Workers-Lives lost on job

Holland, Mark (Lib.-Ajax-Pickering)

    Elections, C-261

    60th anniversary, Resolution, Other Business No. 6
Home care

    Senior citizens, access, M-47 (Szabo)
    See also Medical supplies; Palliative care
Home heating fuels

    Goods and Services Tax (GST) exemption, M-285 (Goldring)
Homeowners Freedom from Double Taxation Act

    C-345 (Epp)
Homosexuals see Marriage-Same sex couples

Hooks see Display hooks

Hopper cars see Grain transportation


    Non-profit/community hospitals, government not to charge rent, C-414 (Poilievre)
    See also Queensway-Carleton Hospital
House of Commons

      December 14, 2004, Other Business No. 4
      October 28, 2005, Other Business No. 4
    Adjournment motions, Other Business No. 4
    Debates (Hansard), printing of September 27, 2005 speeches of Governor General and Prime Minister, Other Business No. 7
    Decorum, enforcement by Speaker
      M-224 (Boshcoff)
      M-268 (Yelich)
      M-278 (Boshcoff)
    Institutional symbol, adopting, M-228 (Lee)
    Sittings and Business of the House
      Government Business No. 16
      Government Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 4
    Vacancy, by-election within 90 days, C-443 (Hearn)
    See also International forums; Proportional representation; Treaties-Ratification
House of Commons proceedings

    Notice deadline, November 12, 2004, Other Business No. 4
Householder mailings see Members of Parliament


    Affordable housing
      Goods and Services Tax (GST) exemption
        M-78 (Davies)
        M-292 (Skelton)
      Government comitment, M-3 (Martin, Pat)
      Senior citizens, access, M-49 (Szabo)
    Energy efficiency, EnerGuide for Houses Retrofit Incentive Program funding, C-66
      Other Business No. 4
    Moisture damage, exterior walls, energy conservation measures, relationship
      Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) President, R.V. Hession correspondence
        Deputy Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources, Mickey Cohen
          August 27, 1981 letter, P-37 (Cummins)
          September 29, 1981 letter, P-38 (Cummins)
          November 13, 1981 letter, P-42 (Cummins)
        British Columbia Deputy Minister of Lands, Parks and Housing, John Johnston, August 27, 1981 letter, P-44 (Cummins)
        National Research Council, Associate Committee on the National Building Code, A.G. Wilson, August 27, 1981 letter, P-45 (Cummins)
        "Addendum to Management Submission for Moisture Induced Problems in Housing", P-40 (Cummins)
        "Moisture Induced Problems in Housing", August 4, 1981, P-41 (Cummins)
        "Moisture Induced Problems in NHA Housing - Summary Report", October 1984, P-43 (Cummins)
        "Moisture Induced Structural Damage in Housing: Terms of Reference for a Research Program", P-39 (Cummins)
      See also Condominiums
    New housing, Goods and Services Tax (GST) rebate, C-463 (Hiebert)
      Canadian Bill of Rights, C-211 (Stoffer)
      M-125 (Davies)
      M-126 (Davies)
    See also Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation; Condominiums; Co-operative housing; Government surplus funds; Mortgages; Non-profit housing; Property taxes; Roofs; Social housing; Zonolite (vermiculite insulation)
HST see Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)

Human immunodeficiency virus see Blood samples; HIV/AIDS

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada

    Establishment, ministerial powers/personal information rules, C-23
    Estimates, 2005-2006, Main, Supply Proceedings No. 7
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Social Development Canada
Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee

    Orders of reference, employment insurance, Other Business No. 8
Human rights see Age discrimination; Bill of Rights for Seniors; Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act; Burma; Child labour; China; Chinese Canadians; Death penalty; Elder abuse; Gender equality; Hate propaganda; Housing; Immigration-Reform; Indonesia; Italian Canadians; Medical procedures; Property rights; Religious articles of faith; Residential schools; Security certificates; Seniors Charter; Talisman Energy Inc.; Trafficking in persons; Ukrainian Canadians

Human trafficking see Trafficking in persons

Hunting and fishing

    Protection, C-391 (Mark)
Hybrid motor vehicles

    Alternative energy source design, mandatory 25% of sales within ten years, M-277 (Silva)
Hydrogenation see Trans fats (trans fatty acids)


IBI see Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI)

Identity theft see Personal identity theft

IJC see International Joint Commission (IJC)

IMF see International Monetary Fund (IMF)


    DNA testing, M-4 (Martin, Pat)
    Head tax/Right of Landing Fee (ROLF), abolition, M-208 (Julian)
    See also Chinese Canadians; Foreign Credential Recognition Program; Old Age Security
Immigrants of Chinese Origin Exclusionary Measures Recognition Act

    C-333 (Oda)
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 24

    Family class sponsorship
      Relative not a member of family class, once-in-a-lifetime sponsorship
        C-272 (Siksay)
        C-449 (Siksay)
      Sponsor's siblings' income, including, M-236 (Neville)
    Obhrai activities, Ethics Commissioner inquiry see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Orders of reference, Conflict of Interest Code for Members
    Reform, domestic workers, full status/Right of Landing Fee (ROLF), head tax, abolition/refugees, grounds, including gender and sexual orientation persecution, M-109 (Davies)
    See also Security certificates; Temporary resident visas; Visitors to Canada
Immigration Advocate Office

    Establishing, M-300 (Siksay)
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act

    C-272 (Siksay)
    C-283 (Grewal, G.)
    C-315 (Lunn)
    C-449 (Siksay)
Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations

    C-283 (Grewal, G.)
Impaired driving

    Blood alcohol level exceeding 0.05%, C-455 (Warawa)
    Zero tolerance/penalties, M-197 (Julian)
    See also Alcoholic beverages; Drug-impaired driving
Imports see Grain industry

Income Security Minister of State

    Establishing, M-76 (Stoffer)
Income support payments see Palliative care

Income tax

    Avoidance, C-33
      Ways and Means No. 2
    Basic personal deduction
        Government Business No. 12
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 17
        Other Business No. 18
        Ways and Means No. 7
          Other Business No. 4
        Ways and Means No. 10
      Supply Proceedings No. 10
      Ways and Means No. 5
    Double taxation, S-17
    Rate, reduction
        Ways and Means No. 10
    Returns, opening up, 10-year time limit, C-33
      Ways and Means No. 2
    See also Agricultural cooperatives; Amateur sport-Fees; Artists-Cultural industries workers-Sale of creative work; Athletes; Broadcasting-Video programming; Business expenses; Caregivers-Medical expenses; Child adoption expenses; Child care-Expenses; Community service groups; Conscientious objection; Disabled and handicapped persons; Dividends; Emergency medical services vehicles; Employment; Fines, levies or penalties; Food and beverage expenses; Income trusts; Livestock industry-Drought regions; Mechanics; Medical expenses; Mountain pine beetle-Woodlot owners; Music instruction; Mutual fund trusts; Palliative care; Patronage dividends; Peacekeeping; Property taxes-principal residence; Public transit; Retirement savings plans (tax-deferred); Social security payments (United States); Speech impairment; Student debt; Tax havens; Teachers; Tools; Transit passes; Travel expenses; Tsunami (Asia, December 2004); Vitamins and supplements; Volunteer emergency workers; Volunteers
Income Tax Act

      Ways and Means No. 2
      Other Business No. 4
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
      Ways and Means No. 7
        Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
    C-214 (Chatters)
    C-218 (Martin, Pat)
    C-232 (Stoffer)
    C-233 (Stoffer)
    C-241 (Casson)
    C-246 (Hill)
    C-252 (Stoffer)
    C-253 (Stoffer)
    C-255 (Stoffer)
    C-265 (Watson)
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 27
      Other Business No. 4
    C-271 (Chatters)
      Other Business No. 4
    C-273 (Cuzner)
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 22
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
    C-285 (Anderson, D.)
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 26
      Other Business No. 4
    C-343 (MacAulay)
    C-345 (Epp)
    C-354 (Keddy)
    C-395 (St-Hilaire)
    C-396 (St-Hilaire)
    C-405 (Hiebert)
    C-418 (Jaffer)
    C-445 (Chatters)
    C-460 (Crête)
    C-462 (Pacetti)
    Section 127(9) see Investment tax credit-"Gaspé Peninsula"
    Section 147.2 see Pensions-Defined benefit pension plans
    Ways and Means No. 5
    Ways and Means No. 12
    Ways and Means No. 13
    Ways and Means No. 14
Income Tax Application Rules

      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
      Ways and Means No. 7
        Other Business No. 4
Income Tax Conventions Interpretation Act

      Ways and Means No. 2
Income Tax Regulations

    C-214 (Chatters)
Income tax sharing agreements

    Aboriginal governments, penalties, based on federal tax liability, C-33
      Ways and Means No. 2
Income trusts

    Tax avoidance, prohibiting, M-274 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Dividends
Indian Act

Indian bands/reserves

    Elections, Elections Canada to oversee, M-252 (Benoit)
    See also Aboriginal families; Dechi Laot'i First Nations band; Dogrib Rae band; Dogrib Treaty 11 Council; Gameti First Nation band; Wha Ti First Nation band
Indian Oil and Gas Canada

      Other Business No. 4

    Ethnic Chinese, human rights violations, M-90 (Davies)
Industry Department see Financial services-Fringe financial services

Industry, Natural Resources, Science and Technology Standing Committee

      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 29
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 8
Infectious disease

    Prevention, C-12
Information technology see Automobiles/motor vehicles-Independant automotive aftermarket installers; Copyright-Internet material; Drugs and pharmaceuticals-Internet sales; Internet; Telecommunications-Lawful intercept-capable technologies


    Winnipeg, MB, project funding, P-20 (Smith, J.)
    See also Bridges and tunnels; Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network); Public transit
Injured Military Members Compensation Act

    C-330 (Hanger)
Injured Military Members (Major Bruce Henwood) Compensation Act

    C-330 (Hanger)
Innu First Nations

    Mashteuiatsh, Betsiamites, Essipit and Nutakuan First Nations, March 31, 2004 agreement, constitutionally-protected treaty, M-248 (Cleary)
Insects see Mountain pine beetle

Insolvency see Bankruptcy

Insulation see Zonolite (vermiculite insulation)


    Shared-governance corporate entity, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
    See also Adventure tourism; Emergency service workers-portable licencing; Interest rates-Criminal interest rate
Insurance Companies Act

      Other Business No. 4
Intangible property and services

    Imports, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), Ways and Means No. 11
Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI) see Autism-Treatment

Interest Act

    C-244 (Martin, Pat)
Interest rates

    Criminal interest rate, calculation/hidden insurance charges
      C-361 (Julian)
      S-19 (Boivin)
        Other Business No. 9
    Regulation, M-30 (Martin, Pat)
Interim release see Bail (interim release)

International agreements see Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act; Cape Town Convention and Protocol; Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment; Hague Convention; Kimberley Process Certification Scheme; Kyoto accord; Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment; Tax treaties; Treaties

International assistance see Foreign aid

International forums

    Votes, delegates to vote in accordance with House of Commons, Supply Proceedings No. 9
International Interests in Mobile Equipment (aircraft equipment) Act

      Other Business No. 4
International Joint Commission (IJC) see Devil's Lake, North Dakota

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

    Canadian funding, M-96 (Davies)
International peace see Foreign Affairs Department-Name

International Trade Canada (ITCan)

    Estimates, 2005-2006, Main, Supply Proceedings No. 7
    Ministerial powers, duties and functions, C-31

    And computer workplace usage policies, federal government employees, P-28 (Skelton)
    See also Child pornography; Copyright; Drugs and pharmaceuticals; Elections-Campaign offices; Goods and Services Tax (GST)-Web registry; Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)-Web registry; Elections-Campaign offices; Telecommunications-Lawful intercept-capable technologies; Voice over Internet Protocol
Internet Child Pornography Prevention Act

    C-254 (Stoffer)
Internment of Persons of Ukrainian Origin Recognition Act

    C-331 (Mark)
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 23
Interprovincial trade

    Implementation, C-376 (Benoit)
Inuit see Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement; Labrador Inuit Tax Treatment Agreement; Veterans-First Nations

Investment see Agricultural cooperatives; Anglican Church of Canada; Canada Pension Plan Investment Board; Dividends; Foreign investment; Income trusts; Mutual fund trusts

Investment Canada Act

Investment tax credit

    "Gaspé Peninsula", definition, C-460 (Crête)

    President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, anti-Semitic statements re State of Israel, Resolution, Other Business No. 6
Ireland see Tax treaties


    Trade with Canada, goods originating in occupied settlements, customs duties, C-326 (Paquette)
    See also Iran
Italian-Canadian Recognition and Restitution Act

Italian Canadians

    Enemy alien designation and internment during World War II, restitution, C-368 (Pacetti)
ITCan see International Trade Canada (ITCan)


Jaffer, Rahim (CPC-Edmonton-Strathcona)

    Vitamins and supplements, C-418
Jean, Brian (CPC-Fort McMurray-Athabasca)

    Trade, C-364
Jean Chrétien Pledge to Africa see Drugs and pharmaceuticals-Generic medications, Developing countries


    Excise tax
        Government Business No. 12
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 17
        Other Business No. 18
        Ways and Means No. 7
          Other Business No. 4
      C-259 (Duncan)
      Ways and Means No. 6
Job losses see Older workers

Johnston, Dale (CPC-Wetaskiwin)

    Navigable waterways, M-212
Johnston, John see Housing-Moisture damage

Judaism see Holocaust


    Appointments, discrimination on basis of political opinion, Mr. Justice Michel Robert remarks, Supply Proceedings No. 9
    Salaries and benefits/pensions, division upon breakdown of conjugal relationship, C-51
    See also Unified Family Courts
Judges Act

Julian, Peter (NDP-Burnaby-New Westminster)

    Canadian symbolic and promotional materials, M-213
    Chinese railway labourers, M-211
    Fire retardants, M-275
    Firefighters, M-153
    Foundations, M-181
    Government procurement, M-214
    HIV/AIDS, M-182
    Immigrants, M-208
    Impaired driving, M-197
    Interest rates, C-361
    Leif Erikson Day, M-262
    Terasen Gas, M-321
    Toronto Port Authority, P-33
    Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, M-198
    Written questions, Q-239
Justice Department

    Estimates, 2004-2005, Main, Supply Proceedings No. 3
    Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (A), Supply Proceedings No. 4
Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Standing Committee

    Orders of reference, Anti-terrorism Act, Other Business No. 8
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 9
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 21
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 28
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
    Travel, Other Business No. 8
    See also Solicitation Laws Subcommittee
Justice system

    Orders of prohibition see Child sex offenders
    Restorative justice, M-9 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Bail (interim release); Conditional release (convicted criminals); DNA testing; Extradition requests; Firearms-Search and seizure powers/restitution; Missing persons; Parole; Penitentiary inmates; Prisons; Quebec-Civil law; Racial profiling; Sentences (convicted criminals) Statutory release (penitentiary inmates); Telecommunications-Lawful intercept-capable technologies; Terrorism; Unified Family Courts; Witnesses (justice system)

Kadis, Susan (Lib.-Thornhill)

    Alzheimer's Disease, M-170
      Other Business No. 4
Kamp, Randy (CPC-Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge-Mission)

    Blood samples, C-452
    Methamphetamine (crystal meth), M-259
    Replacement workers, C-461
Keddy, Gerald (CPC-South Shore-St. Margaret's)

    Fishing property, C-354
    Lighthouses, S-14
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 9
Kenney, Jason (CPC-Calgary Southeast)

    Diplomats, P-8
Khan, Wajid (Lib.-Mississauga-Streetsville)

    Drugs and pharmaceuticals, C-282
      Other Business No. 4
Kilgour, Hon. David (Lib.-Edmonton-Mill Woods-Beaumont; Ind.-Edmonton-Mill Woods-Beaumont effective April 13, 2005)

    Burma, M-307
    Community Harmony Week/Community Harmony Award, M-202
Kimberley Process Certification Scheme see Conflict diamonds

Kinder Morgan Inc. see Terasen Gas

Kitchener-Wilmot-Wellesley-Woolwich constituency

    Name, change to Kitchener-Conestoga, C-302 (Myers)
      Other Business No. 4
Kotto, Maka (BQ-Saint-Lambert)

    Writers, M-301
Kramp, Daryl (CPC-Prince Edward-Hastings)

    Firearms, C-215
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 28
    National Appreciation Day, C-439
    Written questions, Q-124
Kyoto accord

    Implementation, Quebec, financial compensation/responsibility, M-162 (Faille)
    See also Canada Emission Reduction Incentives Agency; Green Municipal Fund; Greenhouse gas emissions; Greenhouse Gas Technology Investment Fund

Labour disputes see National Hockey League (NHL); Replacement workers

Labour force see Apprenticeship; Child labour; Chinese railway labourers; Foreign Credential Recognition Program; Minimum wage

Labour Market Training Act

    C-227 (Martin, Pat)
Labour organizations see Canadian International Trade Tribunal; Dumping and subsidization (trade)

Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement

      Ways and Means No. 9
        Other Business No. 4
Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement Act

      Ways and Means No. 9
        Other Business No. 4
Labrador Inuit Tax Treatment Agreement

      Ways and Means No. 9
        Other Business No. 4
Lake Winnipeg see Devil's Lake, North Dakota

Lalonde, Francine (BQ-La Pointe-de-l'Île)

    Euthanasia, C-407
Languages see Aboriginal Languages Day

Lapel pins see Veterans

Large Final Emitters (LFE) see Greenhouse gas emissions

Lauzon, Guy (CPC-Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry)

    Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry constituency, C-429
Lavallée, Carole (BQ-Saint-Bruno-Saint-Hubert)

    Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, M-281
Lawncare see Pesticides and herbicides

Laws see Quebec-Civil law

Lawsuits see Penitentiary inmates; Toronto Port Authority

Layton, Hon. Jack (NDP-Toronto-Danforth)

    Toronto-Danforth constituency, C-403
    Written questions, Q-231
Leap year see Community service


    Elections, Canada Corps observers, M-239 (Wrzesnewskyj)
Lee, Derek (Lib.-Scarborough-Rouge River)

    House of Commons, M-228

    Constitutional disallowance powers, amendment, M-194 (Reid)
    Plain language standard, M-61 (Desjarlais)
Legislative process see Regulations-Accountability

Leif Erikson Day

    First European exploraton of North America/contributions of Scandinavian peoples, October 9th, commemorating, M-262 (Julian)
Lesbians see Marriage-Same sex couples

Lévesque, Yvon (BQ-Abitibi-Baie-James-Nunavik-Eeyou)

    Gasoline prices, M-165
LFE see Large Final Emitters (LFE)

Liberal government (Martin)

    Non-confidence in Government
      Supply Proceedings No. 9
      Supply Proceedings No. 10
        Other Business No. 4
    See also Grewal, Gurmant; Offshore oil and gas revenues
Liberal Party see Social housing; Sponsorship program


    Inter-library loans see Copyright-Internet material
Library and Archives of Canada see Aerodrome Surveys

Library of Parliament

    Parliamentary Librarian, William Robert Young, proposed appointee, Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee referral, Other Business No. 19
Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee

    Reports, Other Business No. 8
    See also Library of Parliament

    Heritage lighthouses, designation/protection, S-14 (Keddy)
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 9
Lindsey's Law

    C-240 (Lunn)
Liquid natural gas

    Eastport, Maine, proposed liquified gas terminal, oil tankers, use of Head Harbour Passage
      M-203 (Thompson, G.)
      P-4 (Thompson, G.)
      P-31 (Thompson, G.)
      P-32 (Thompson, G.)

    Teaching materials, books and audio and video recordings, zero taxation rating, C-239 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    See also Books and pamphlets; Reading materials; Writers
Livestock industry

    Crisis, Canada-United States border, re-opening, R-CALF legal action, March 3, 2005 injunction, emergency debate
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 11
    Drought regions, livestock sale, income tax deferral, M-258 (Benoit)
Local Community Arts and Artists Sustainability Fund see Artists

Lotteries see Video lottery terminals and slot machines

Lou Gehrig`s disease see Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

Louis Riel Act

    C-216 (Martin, Pat)
Low-income earners see Cheque cashing services; Child care-Funding; Energy costs; Financial services; Government surplus funds; Mortgages

Lukiwski, Tom (CPC-Regina-Lumsden-Lake Centre)

    Personal identity theft, C-359
    Written questions, Q-243, Q-244
Lunn, Gary (CPC-Saanich-Gulf Islands)

    Lindsey's Law, C-240
    Missing persons, C-240
    References see Sponsorship program
    Refugees, C-315
    Sponsorship program, P-3
    Young offenders, C-258
Lunney, James (CPC-Nanaimo-Alberni)

    Stem cell research, M-250
    UNESCO-designated Biosphere Reserves, M-249

MacAulay, Hon. Lawrence (Lib.-Cardigan)

    Fishing property, C-343
MacKay, Peter (CPC-Central Nova)

    Child custody, C-309
    Child pornography, C-412
    Child sex offenders, C-339
    Extradition requests, C-409
    Fugitives from Justice in Other Countries Act, C-409
    Murder, C-438
    Ottawa District Parole Office, P-36
    Parole, C-344
    Peace officers, C-342
    Public safety officers, C-413
    Sentences (convicted criminals)
    Survivor Education Benefits Act, C-413
    Swarming, C-341
    Written questions, Q-31, Q-32, Q-250, Q-251
MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion

    Spanish Civil War service, M-17 (Martin, Pat)
Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act

      Ways and Means No. 1
Mad cow disease see Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)

Malachite Green

    Fish disease, anti-parasite treatment
      P-55 (Cummins)
      P-56 (Cummins)
Maloney, John (Lib.-Welland)

    Welland constituency, C-323
Manawan First Nation see Atikamekw First Nations (Manawan, Wemotaci and Opitciwan)

Manitoba see Northern Strategy

Marceau, Richard (BQ-Charlesbourg-Haute-Saint-Charles)

    Child pornography, C-303
    Child prostitution, C-303
    Children, C-303
    Proceeds of crime, C-242
Marcil, Serge see Privilege


    Grow operations, sentences
      C-426 (Chamberlain)
    Possession, decriminalization, C-17
Marine infrastructure see Small craft harbours

Marine Liability Act

    C-314 (Gallant)
Marine navigation see Lighthouses

Marine pollution

    Penalties/enforcement, C-15
    See also Coastal waters; Liquid natural gas
Marine safety

    Fisheries and Oceans Minister responsibilities, transfer to Transport Minister, C-3
    See also Personal watercraft
Marine transportation see Lighthouses; Liquid natural gas; Navigable waterways

Mark, Inky (CPC-Dauphin-Swan River-Marquette)

    Chinese Canadians, C-333
      Other Business No. 4
    Employment insurance, C-390
    Heritage Hunting and Fishing Protection Act, C-391
    Hunting and fishing, C-391
    Internment of Persons of Ukrainian Origin Recognition Act, C-331
    Remembrance Day (November 11), C-295
    Ukrainian Canadians, C-331
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 23
    Written questions, Q-199, Q-200, Q-201

    Deceptive marketing, C-19
    See also Advertising; Display hooks; Food safety-Non-compliant foods; Supply management; Telemarketing

    Definition, lawful union of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others
      C-213 (Chatters)
      C-268 (Moore, R.)
      National Marriage Day, August 22, M-138 (Gallant)
      Referendum, holding, M-279 (Goldring)
    Same sex couples
        Other Business No. 4
      C-300 (Siksay)
    See also Aboriginal families; Divorce; Judges-Salaries; Veterans' benefits/pensions-Survivor benefits
Marriage Act

    C-213 (Chatters)
Marriage Capacity Act

    C-300 (Siksay)
Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Act

Marshall, David see National Defence Department

Martin, Pat (NDP-Winnipeg Centre)

    Aboriginal Languages Day, M-143
    Access to information, C-201
    Asbestos, M-226
    Auditors, C-219, C-222
        Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 29
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 8
    Banks, C-249
    Business expenses, M-36
    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), C-217
    Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, M-34
    Canada Ports Police, M-8
    Canada Water Export Prohibition Act, C-221
    Canadian International Trade Tribunal, C-386
    Child labour, M-5
    Child poverty, M-32
    Coastal waters, M-10
    Competition, C-387
    Credit Ombudsman Office, C-389
    Development assistance, M-2
    Education, post-secondary, M-14
    Electoral reform, C-224
    Employee benefit funds, M-1
    Employee contributions, M-28
    Employment insurance, M-20
    Employment Insurance Account, M-20
    Energy Price Commission, C-229
    Environment, M-7
    Estimates, M-25
    Family farms, C-250
    Fines, levies or penalties, M-24
    Firefighters, M-21, M-22
    First Nations Veterans Compensation Act, C-247
    Foreign Affairs Department, M-160
    Genetically modified food, M-33
    Housing, M-3
    Immigrants, M-4
    Income trusts, M-274
    Interest rates, M-30
    Justice system, M-9
    Labour Market Training Act, C-227
    Louis Riel Act, C-216
    MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion, M-17
    Minimum wage, M-6
    Mortgages, C-244
    Open Government Act, C-201
    Pension Ombudsman, C-228
    Pensions, C-388
    Pesticides and herbicides, M-31
    Pollution, M-11
    Proportional representation, C-226
    Public Service, M-23, M-29
    Residential schools, M-12
    Riel, Louis David, C-216
    Roofs, M-27
    Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), M-15
    Sick leave, M-26
    Student debt, M-13
    Student loans, C-225
    Tax havens, M-35
    Teachers, M-16
    Tools, C-218
    Trans fats (trans fatty acids), C-220
    Water, C-221
    Written questions, Q-213
    Zonolite (vermiculite insulation), M-172
Martin, Right Hon. Paul (Lib.-LaSalle-Émard; Prime Minister)

    References see Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental)
Martin, Tony (NDP-Sault Ste. Marie)

    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), C-432
    Written questions, Q-87, Q-140, Q-159, Q-212
Mashteuiatsh First Nation see Innu First Nations

Masse, Brian (NDP-Windsor West)

    Bridges and tunnels, M-271
    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), M-176
    Drugs and pharmaceuticals, C-274
    Foreign investment, M-175
    Passports, M-229, M-313, M-314
    Petroleum monitoring agency, M-177
    Privacy, M-174
    Windsor-Essex Border Development and Protection Authority, M-270
    Written questions, Q-22, Q-113, Q-114, Q-170, Q-214, Q-246
McDonough, Alexa (NDP-Halifax)

    Alzheimer's Disease, M-293
    Books and pamphlets, C-435
    China, M-231
    Chinese Canadians, M-146
    Death penalty, M-158
    Display hooks
    Security certificates, M-216
    Seniors Charter, M-291
    Social programs, M-145
    Srebrenica massacre, M-295
    Student loans, C-236, C-237
    United Nations, M-294
    World Health Organization (WHO), M-144
    Written questions, Q-127, Q-135, Q-236, Q-240, Q-241

    Tools, income tax deduction, M-276 (Benoit)
Medals see Awards, decorations, medals

Medical and diagnostic equipment

    Funding, C-39
    See also Medical expenses-Drugs or devices
Medical Expense Tax Credit

    Eligible expenses
      Ways and Means No. 5
      Ways and Means No. 13
Medical expenses

    Drugs or devices not yet approved for sale in Canada, Special Access Program purchase, Ways and Means No. 13
    Refundable Medical Expense Supplement
      M-45 (Szabo)
        Government Business No. 12
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 17
        Other Business No. 18
        Ways and Means No. 7
          Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 5
    See also Caregivers; Herbal remedies; Vitamins and supplements
Medical practitioners see Disability benefits-Appeal panels; Emergency service workers; Medical residents; Paramedics; Physician General of Canada

Medical procedures

    Health care providers, non-participation/conscience rights, C-307 (Vellacott)
    See also Abortion; Breast Implant Registry
Medical research see Canadian Institutes of Health Research Act; Endometriosis; Stem cell research

Medical residents

    Canada Student Loan Program, interest relief and debt repayment postponement, M-306 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Medical students see Emergency response training

Medical supplies

    Home medical supplies, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) health care rebate, Ways and Means No. 6
Melina and Keith II

    Fishing vessel, sinking, Canadian Coast Guard search and rescue operation, P-35 (Hearn)
Members of Parliament

    Householder mailings/franking privilege
      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 10
    Party affiliation, change/floor-crossing, Member to resign/sit as independent, by-election
      C-251 (Stoffer)
      C-408 (Preston)
      M-265 (Skelton)
    Recall, C-383 (Poilievre)
    Salaries and allowances, indexation, C-30
    See also Elections-Campaign offices; Fairclough, Right Hon. Ellen; Finance Standing Committee-Orders of reference; Grewal, Gurmant; House of Commons-Vacancy; Marcil, Serge; National Security Committee of Parliamentarians; Oaths of Office; Privilege; Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Orders of reference, Conflict of Interest Code for Members; Public Health Agency of Canada; Sponsorship program-Funding
Members of the House of Commons Recall Act

    C-383 (Poilievre)
Memorial Cross

    Canadian Armed Forces personnel, death in line of duty, commemorative cross issued to surviving parent, spouse or common-law partner, C-266 (Stoffer)
Memorial Cross Act

    C-266 (Stoffer)
Mental health see Autism; Crime-Criminal responsibility; Disease-National strategy

Mergers see Banks; Transportation

Merrifield, Rob (CPC-Yellowhead)

    Aerodrome Surveys, P-13
    Drug trafficking, C-431
    Methamphetamine (crystal meth), C-349
    Written questions, Q-89, Q-90, Q-145, Q-146, Q-147
Methamphetamine (crystal meth)

    National strategy, M-259 (Kamp)
    Production, regulation, C-349 (Merrifield)
Metis see Riel, Louis David; Veterans-First Nations


    President, Vicente Fox, Address to both Houses of Parliament, October 26, 2004, Other Business No. 4
Migratory birds

    Protection from oil and other harmful deposits, C-15
Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994

Military decorations see Awards, decorations, medals; Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal

Military expenditures see Conscientious objection

Military memorial sites

    Overseas, high school student visits, financial assistance, C-234 (Stoffer)
Mills, Bob (CPC-Red Deer)

    Carbon dioxide, P-30
    Garbage disposal, M-317
    Written questions, Q-107, Q-108, Q-109
Mineral exploration tax credit

    Expiry date, C-33
      Ways and Means No. 2
Minerals see Asbestos

Minimum wage

    Federal minimum wage, M-6 (Martin, Pat)
Mining industry see Asbestos; Mineral exploration tax credit

Mirabel International Airport

    Land, expropriated, sale back to previous owners, Supply Proceedings No. 2
Miramichi constituency

    Boundaries, C-36
      Other Business No. 4
Missing persons

    DNA identification, human remains index and missing persons index, C-240 (Lunn)
Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act

      Other Business No. 4
    C-300 (Siksay)
Modernization of Investigative Techniques Act

Moisture Induced Problems in Housing see Housing-Moisture damage

Moisture Induced Problems in NHA Housing - Summary Report see Housing-Moisture damage

Moisture Induced Structural Damage in Housing: Terms of Reference for a Research Program see Housing-Moisture damage

Monuments see Historic sites and monuments

Moore, James (CPC-Port Moody-Westwood-Port Coquitlam)

    Child pornography, C-292
    Date-rape drugs, M-189
    Firearms, C-289
    Personal watercraft, S-12
    Violent crime, C-290
    Weapons trafficking, C-291
Moore, Rob (CPC-Fundy Royal)

    Definition of Marriage Act, C-268
    Marriage, C-268

    Financial institutions, disclosure, M-105 (Davies)
    Low-income individuals, credit worthiness, debt-to-income rule, M-106 (Davies)
    Prepayment, C-244 (Martin, Pat)
Motor vehicle fuels

    Goods and Services Tax (GST), elimination, C-448 (Bezan)
    See also Alternative energy
Motor Vehicle Safety Act

    C-355 (Warawa)
Motor vehicles see Alternative energy; Automobiles/motor vehicles; Hybrid motor vehicles

Mountain pine beetle

    Take note debate, Government Business No. 7
      Other Business No. 4
    Woodlot owners, timber harvested prematurely, income tax treatment, M-315 (Hill)
Multiculturalism see Filipino Canadians; Leif Erikson Day; Sikhism

Municipal waste see Garbage disposal


    "A New Deal for Cities and Communities", funding, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
    See also Federation of Canadian Municipalities; Green Municipal Fund

    Parole officer or a firefighter, first degree murder, C-438 (MacKay)
    Public safety officers, victim of murder or aggravated assault, criminal offence, C-310 (Chatters)
    See also Parole; Police-Assault/murder
Murphy, Tim see Grewal, Gurmant-References

Murray, Glen see National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy


    Funding, Canadian Arts and Heritage Sustainability Program, Supply Proceedings No. 9
Music instruction

    Tuition/education credit, C-271 (Chatters)
      Other Business No. 4
Mutual fund trusts

    Canadian property, disposition, tax liability, C-33
      Ways and Means No. 2
Myanmar see Burma

Myers, Lynn (Lib.-Kitchener-Wilmot-Wellesley-Woolwich;Lib.-Kitchener-Conestoga)

    Agricultural Supply Management Recognition and Promotion Act, C-264
    Kitchener-Wilmot-Wellesley-Woolwich constituency, C-302
      Other Business No. 4
    Supply management, C-264

National Appreciation Day

    Canadian Forces members and emergency response professionals, recognition, March 3rd, designating, C-439 (Kramp)
National Appreciation Day Act

    C-439 (Kramp)
National Archives of Canada see Library and Archives of Canada

National Capital Act

    C-444 (Broadbent)
National Capital Commission (NCC) see Gatineau Park; Queensway-Carleton Hospital

National Capital Region see Public Service

National Caregiver Awareness Week

    Establishing, M-289 (Yelich)
National Child Benefit

    Administration, M-201 (Skelton)
National Defence Act

      Other Business No. 4
National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee

    Chair and Vice-Chairs, election, Other Business No. 8
    Travel, Other Business No. 8
    See also National Missile Defense (NMD) System (United States)-Petitions
National Defence Department

    Headquarters, potential relocation, David Marshall, July 14, 2004 letter, P-7 (Poilievre)
    See also Aerodrome Surveys
National Disability Act

    Introducing, Supply Proceedings No. 9
National Hockey League (NHL)

    Labour dispute, resolution, M-171 (Harrison)
National Marriage Day see Marriage-Definition

National Missile Defense (NMD) System (United States)

    Petitions, (Davies), (381-0241 to 381-0244), National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee referral, Other Business No. 13
National Ovarian Cancer Month Act

    C-358 (Skelton)
National parks see Gatineau Park

National Research Council see Housing-Moisture damage

National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy

    Chairperson, Glen Murray, Certificate of Nomination see Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee-Reports, Fourth
National security see Aerodrome Surveys; Air transportation security; Air Travellers Security Charge; Border, Canadian; Canada Border Services Agency; Foreign investment; National Security Committee of Parliamentarians; Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Department; Satellite remote sensing technology; Security certificates; Telecommunications-Lawful intercept-capable technologies; Transportation

National Security Committee of Parliamentarians

    Establishing, C-81
National Security Committee of Parliamentarians Act

National standards see Apprenticeship; Biosolids; Drinking water; Education, post-secondary; Employee benefit funds; Non-profit housing; Social programs; Welfare

National Veterans Funeral Honours Act

    C-262 (Gallant)
Natural gas see Liquid natural gas; Northern Pipeline Act; Offshore oil and gas revenues; Oil and gas revenues; Terasen Gas

Natural health products

    Definition, "food"/"drug", C-420 (Carrie)
Natural resources see Equalization payments; Offshore oil and gas revenues; Water; Wekeezhii Renewable Resources Board

Navigable waterways

    Definition, M-212 (Johnston)
NCC see National Capital Commission (NCC)

Neville, Anita (Lib.-Winnipeg South Centre)

    Immigration, M-236
New Westminster-Coquitlam constituency

    Name, change to New Westminister-Coquitlam-Port Moody, C-336 (Forseth)
Newfoundland and Labrador see Offshore oil and gas revenues; Search and rescue; Titan IVB rocket


    Competition/non-Canadian ownership, M-196 (Thompson, G.)
NHL see National Hockey League (NHL)

Niagara South-Centre constituency see Welland constituency

Nickel Belt constituency

    Name, change to Sudbury-Nipissing, C-416 (Bonin)
NMD see National Missile Defense (NMD) System (United States)

Noise see Air transportation-Night flights; Railways

Non-profit housing

    National standards, M-95 (Davies)
Non-profit organizations see Athletes; Health care-Government-funded non-profit entities; Hospitals; Not-for-profit corporations; Volunteers

Northern Pipeline Act

    Review, M-157 (Chatters)
Northern Strategy

    Northern Saskatchewan and northern Manitoba, including, M-283 (Harrison)
    Trust fund, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
Northwest Territories see Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act

Not-for-profit corporations

    Corporate governance, C-21
    See also Volunteers
Nova Scotia see Offshore oil and gas revenues

Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador Additional Fiscal Equalization Offset Payments Act

      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
Nuclear Amendment Act, 2004

    C-212 (Chatters)
      Other Business No. 4
Nuclear energy

    Ministerial responsibility, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL)/Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
      C-212 (Chatters)
        Other Business No. 4
      C-338 (Chatters)
Nuclear Energy Act

    C-212 (Chatters)
      Other Business No. 4
    C-338 (Chatters)
Nuclear Safety and Control Act

    C-212 (Chatters)
      Other Business No. 4
Nursing homes

    Regulation, M-50 (Szabo)
    See also Caregiver Tax Credit
Nutakuan First Nation see Innu First Nations

Nutrition see Trans fats (trans fatty acids)


Oaths of Office

    Members of Parliament, oath or solemn affirmation of loyalty to Canada, C-335 (Preston)
Obhrai, Deepak (CPC-Calgary East)

    References see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Orders of reference, Conflict of Interest Code for Members
O`Brien, Audrey Elizabeth see Clerk of the House


    Definition, M-57 (Szabo)
Occupational health and safety

    Foreign workers of Canadian companies, protection, C-369 (Broadbent)
    See also Asbestos; Pregnancy; Public Service-Psychological harassment; Railway workers; West Block (Parliament Buildings); Workers-Lives lost on job; Workplace
Oceans Act

O'Connor, Gordon (CPC-Carleton-Mississippi Mills)

    Written questions, Q-43, Q-63, Q-131
Oda, Bev (CPC-Durham)

    Chinese Canadians, C-333
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 24
    Immigrants of Chinese Origin Exclusionary Measures Recognition Act, C-333
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 24
    Written questions, Q-256, Q-257, Q-258
Offenders see Aboriginal offenders; Conditional release (convicted criminals); Dangerous offenders; DNA testing; Young offenders

Office of the Immigration Advocate see Immigration Advocate Office

Officers of Parliament see Clerk of the House; Corbett, William; Library of Parliament

Official Languages Act

    S-3 (Boudria)
Official languages policy/bilingualism

    Federal institutions/Canadian Heritage Minister, obligations, S-3 (Boudria)
    See also Air Canada
Official Languages Standing Committee

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
Offshore oil and gas revenues

    Newfoundland and Labrador and Nova Scotia receiving 100%
        Government Business No. 12
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 17
        Other Business No. 18
      Liberal government (Martin), commitment, Supply Proceedings No. 2
Oil and gas revenues

    First Nations jurisdiction and control, C-54
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Offshore oil and gas revenues
Oil and oil products see Migratory birds; Offshore oil and gas revenues; Ships

Oil companies

    Profits, surtax, M-206 (Crête)
    See also Petroleum monitoring agency; Talisman Energy Inc.
Oil tankers see Liquid natural gas

Old Age Security

    Immigrants, sponsored immigrants, eligibility, M-100 (Davies)
    Indexation formula, M-297 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Residency requirement
      M-132 (Davies)
      M-187 (Grewal, G.)
    See also Pension Ombudsman
Old Age Security Act

      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
      Other Business No. 4
    C-301 (Gagnon, M.)
Older Adult Justice Act

    C-348 (St. Amand)
Older workers

    Job loss due to globalization, support measures, Supply Proceedings No. 9
Olympics and Para-Olympics, 2004 Summer Games (Athens, Greece)

    Canadian team, tribute, November 1, 2004, Other Business No. 4
Oman see Tax treaties

Ombudsman for Older Adult Justice

    C-348 (St. Amand)
Ombudsmen see Credit Ombudsman Office; Immigration Advocate Office; Pension Ombudsman; Victims Ombudsman of Canada Office

Ontario Fishery Regulations, 1989

    Subsection 36(2), as enacted by SOR/89-93, Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee, Second Report, Fisheries and Oceans Department rejection, Government Business No. 15
      Other Business No. 8
Open Government Act

    C-201 (Martin, Pat)
Operation Athena see Afghanistan

Opitciwan First Nation see Atikamekw First Nations (Manawan, Wemotaci and Opitciwan)

Opposition days see Allotted days

Oral health see Chief Dental Health Office; Vision and oral care

Order in Council appointments see Government appointments

Orders in Council see Ridley Terminals Inc.-Coal contracts

Ottawa District Parole Office

    Relocation, leases, P-36 (MacKay)
Ouellet, André see Canada Post Corporation

Outsourcing see Privacy

Ovarian cancer

    National Ovarian Cancer Month, September, designating, C-358 (Skelton)
Overseas Memorial Sites Student Visits Assistance Act

    C-234 (Stoffer)

Pacetti, Massimo (Lib.-Saint-Léonard-Saint-Michel)

    Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), C-322
    Cellular phones, C-447
    Do-Not-Call Registry Act, C-321
    Italian Canadians, C-368
    Telemarketing, C-321
    Travel expenses, C-462
    Voice over Internet Protocol, C-365
Pacific Gateway Act

Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network)

    Establishment, C-68
Packaging and labelling see Alcoholic beverages; Candy; Child labour; Food; Genetically modified food; Hazardous materials-Information; Spirit drinks

Palliative care

    Children, critical and terminally ill, home care, caregiver income support payments, expanded parental leave and tax relief, M-309 (Bezan)
Pallister, Brian (CPC-Portage-Lisgar)

    Canada Post Corporation, P-2
    Written questions, Q-9, Q-10, Q-11, Q-93, Q-94, Q-153, Q-154, Q-155, Q-161, Q-210, Q-234, Q-235
Pamphlets see Books and pamphlets

Paquette, Pierre (BQ-Joliette)

    Atikamekw First Nations (Manawan, Wemotaci and Opitciwan), M-251
    Israel, C-326
    Written questions, Q-118
Paradis, Hon. Denis (Lib.-Brome-Missisquoi)

    Banks, C-375
Paramedics see Emergency medical services vehicles; Public safety occupations (police officers, corrections officers, air traffic controllers and commercial airline pilots)

Parasites see Malachite Green

Parental leave see Palliative care

Parents see Child adoption expenses; Child custody; Citizenship; Diapers; Divorce; Young offenders

Parks Canada Agency

    Canadian Heritage Minister, transfer of responsibility, C-7
Parks Canada Agency Act


    Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (B), Supply Proceedings No. 6
    See also Addresses to Parliament; Privilege
Parliament Buildings see West Block (Parliament Buildings)

Parliament Hill see Bennett, Right Hon. Richard Bedford; Public Service-Recognition; Trudeau, Right Hon. Pierre Elliott

Parliament of Canada Act

    C-251 (Stoffer)
    C-335 (Preston)
    C-408 (Preston)
    C-443 (Hearn)
Parliamentary Precincts see Firefighters-Death in line of duty; Privilege; Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Orders of reference-Reports, Twenty-first


    Accelerated parole review, ineligibility, C-46
    Alcohol, drug or other dependency, ineligibility, C-328 (Thompson, M.)
    Murder and treason convictions, early release, review, Criminal Code, Section 745, C-344 (MacKay)
    New custodial sentence, automatic suspension and review, C-46
    Victim rights, C-46
    Violation of conditions of parole or probation, police arrest power, C-329 (Thompson, M.)
    See also Child sexual predators; Conditional release (convicted criminals); Ottawa District Parole Office; Statutory release (penitentiary inmates); Temporary absences (convicted criminals)
Parole officers see Murder

Parrish, Carolyn (Lib.-Mississauga-Erindale; Ind.-Mississauga-Erindale, effective Nov. 22, 2004)

    Written questions, Q-45

    Processing fees, M-229 (Masse)
    Senior citizens, half-price passports, availability, M-313 (Masse)
    Veterans, free passports, availability, M-314 (Masse)
Patent Act

    C-274 (Masse)
    C-284 (Stoffer)
Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations

    C-274 (Masse)

    Fees, incorrect payments, C-29
    See also Drugs and pharmaceuticals-Generic medications; HIV/AIDS
Patronage dividends

    Income tax deduction, limited to cooperative corporations and credit unions, C-33
      Ways and Means No. 2
    See also Agricultural cooperatives
Patry, Bernard (Lib.-Pierrefonds-Dollard)

    Written questions, Q-211
Pay-day lenders see Financial services-Fringe financial services

Pay equity

    Legislation, introducing, M-322 (Gagnon, C.)
Pay Equity: A New Approach to a Fundamental Right see Pay Equity Task Force

Pay Equity Task Force

    Final report, Pay Equity: A New Approach to a Fundamental Right, implementation, M-210 (Crowder)
PBDEs see Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)

PCO see Privy Council Office (PCO)

Peace officers

    Disarming or interference with protective equipment, C-342 (MacKay)
    See also Police

    Book of Remembrance, C-202 (Stoffer)
    Income tax relief, Canadian Forces personnel and police, C-33
      Ways and Means No. 2
    See also Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal; Foreign Affairs Department-Name
Penitentiaries see Prisons

Penitentiary inmates

    Lawsuits filed against federal government or employees, C-332 (Hanger)
    See also Statutory release (penitentiary inmates)
Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985

    C-388 (Martin, Pat)
Pension Ombudsman

    Canada Pension Plan or Old Age Security Act complaints
      C-228 (Martin, Pat)
      C-320 (Wasylycia-Leis)
        Other Business No. 4
Pension Ombudsman Act

    C-228 (Martin, Pat)
    C-320 (Wasylycia-Leis)
      Other Business No. 4

    Defined benefit pension plans
      Employer contributions, M-298 (Wasylycia-Leis)
      Funding policy, formal statement requirement, M-299 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Foreign property rule limit
        Government Business No. 12
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 17
        Other Business No. 18
        Ways and Means No. 7
          Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 5
    Pension plan members and beneficiaries, protection of assets, C-388 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Bankruptcy-Employees; Canada Pension Plan (CPP); Chief Actuary of Canada Office; Employment insurance-Earnings; Judges-Salaries; Police; Public safety occupations (police officers, corrections officers, air traffic controllers and commercial airline pilots)
Personal identity theft

    Definition/illegality, C-359 (Lukiwski)
Personal information see Census records; Goods and Services Tax (GST)-Web registry; Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)-Web registry; Health information; Human Resources and Skills Development Canada; Privacy; Public health information; Security certificates; Social Development Canada; Young offenders-Publication

Personal or private property

    Loss in value due to government initiative, policy, process, regulation or legislation, compensation, M-227 (Breitkreuz)
Personal watercraft

    Regulations, S-12 (Moore, J.)
Personal Watercraft Act

    S-12 (Moore, J.)
Pest Control Products Act

    C-370 (Catterall)
Pesticides and herbicides

    Cosmetic use
      C-370 (Catterall)
      M-31 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Agricultural pest control products; Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels)
Pests see Agricultural pest control products; Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels)


    Deemed referred to Committee, Other Business No. 13
Petroleum monitoring agency

    Establishing, M-177 (Masse)
Pets see Veterinarian fees


    Senior citizens, drug availability/dispensing fees, M-48 (Szabo)
Phillipines see Filipino Canadians

Physical activity see Amateur sport

Physician General of Canada

    Establishing, M-53 (Szabo)
Pine beetle see Mountain pine beetle

Plants see Genetically modified plants

Poilievre, Pierre (CPC-Nepean-Carleton)

    Hospitals, C-414
    Members of Parliament, C-383
    National Defence Department, P-7
    Queensway-Carleton Hospital, M-135
    Written questions, Q-56, Q-57
    Young offenders, C-456
Poirier-Rivard, Denise (BQ-Châteauguay-Saint-Constant)

    Family farms, M-225
Poison see Strychnine


    Assault/murder, penalties, Canadian Professional Police Association recommendations, M-247 (Skelton)
    Pension accrual rate, M-64 (Desjarlais)
    Vancouver, BC, Downtown Eastside neighbourhood, policing methods, inquiry, M-124 (Davies)
    See also Awards, decorations, medals; Canada Pension Plan (CPP)-Firefighters; Canada Ports Police; Peacekeeping-Income tax relief; Public safety occupations (police officers, corrections officers, air traffic controllers and commercial airline pilots); Public safety officers; Railways; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
Political parties

    Registration, sunset clause/mandatory review, C-63
    See also Elections-Candidates; Members of Parliament-Party affiliation

    Clean-up, polluter-funded agency, M-11 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Automobiles/motor vehicles-Emission standards; Devil's Lake, North Dakota; Garbage disposal; Greenhouse gas emissions; Hybrid motor vehicles; Marine pollution; Migratory birds
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) see Fire retardants

Pornography see Child pornography; Prisons-Contraband

Ports and harbours see Canada Port Authorities; Canada Ports Police; Toronto Port Authority

Postage stamps

    Country of printing, requirement to print within Canada, M-130 (Davies)
    See also Ukrainian Canadians
Postal service

    Rural and remote areas, M-288 (Yelich)
    See also Air transportation security-Confiscated items; Members of Parliament-Householder mailings
Poultry industry see Avian flu (Asian bird flu)


    Regional poverty lines, establishment, M-40 (Szabo)
    See also Child poverty; Foreign aid-Gross Domestic Product (GDP) percentage target
Prairie dogs see Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels)

Prayer of thanksgiving

    National day/week, M-71 (Hill)

    And caring for a new born or adoptee, illness or injury, employment insurance benefits, C-425 (Godin)
    Pregnant or nursing employee, preventive withdrawal, C-380 (Vincent)
    See also Abortion
Prentice, Jim (CPC-Calgary Centre-North)

    Written questions, Q-48, Q-49, Q-50, Q-91
Presbyterian Church of Sudan see Talisman Energy Inc.

Preston, Joe(CPC-Elgin-Middlesex-London)

    Members of Parliament, C-408
    Oaths of Office, C-335
    Sponsorship program, P-15
    Written questions, Q-70, Q-71, Q-72
Prime Minister see House of Commons-Debates

Prime Ministers, former see Bennett, Right Hon. Richard Bedford; Trudeau, Right Hon. Pierre Elliott


    Contraband, sexually explicit materials, including, M-287 (Yelich)
Prisons and Reformatories Act

    C-399 (Sorenson)

    Public and private sector, outsourcing of work, privacy concerns, M-174 (Masse)
    See also Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)-Direct fining authority; Census records; Hazardous materials-Information; Health information; Personal information; Public health information; Social Development Canada-Establishment; Telecommunications-Lawful intercept-capable technologies; Telemarketing
Privacy Commissioner Office

    Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (A), Supply Proceedings No. 4
Private Members' Business

      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 3
      Other Business No. 4
Private Members' Business Subcommittee

    Composition, amendment to S.O. 91.1(1)
      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 3
Private Members' Public Bills

    Public bills sponsored by private Members which originated in Senate, Other Business No. 9
Privatization see VIA Rail Canada Inc.


    Householder mailings/franking privilege, misuse
      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 10
    Member of Parliament, former, Serge Marcil, usurpation of title of Member of Parliament for Beauharnois-Salaberry constituency following electoral defeat
      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 10
    Parliamentary Precincts, access, Other Business No. 10
    See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Orders of reference
Privy Council Office (PCO)

    Estimates, 2004-2005, Main, Supply Proceedings No. 3
    Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (B), Supply Proceedings No. 6
    Estimates, 2005-2006, Main, Vote 15 (Chief Electoral Officer)
      Other Business No. 2
      Supply Proceedings No. 7
Probation orders see Parole-Violation; Young offenders

Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee

    Established and membership appointed, Other Business No. 2
    Membership, Other Business No. 2
    Orders of reference
      Access to Parliamentary Precincts, Other Business No. 2
      Conflict of Interest Code for Members, Ethics Commissioner inquiries, Obhrai privilege case
        Other Business No. 2
        Other Business No. 10
      Electoral reform, Other Business No. 2
      Franking privileges, misuse
        Other Business No. 2
        Other Business No. 10
      Government Business No. 1
      Householder mailings
        Other Business No. 2
        Other Business No. 10
      Marcil, Serge, usurping title of Member of Parliament, Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 2
      Privileges, powers and immunities of the House of Commons/Public Accounts Standing Committee, Third Report, Other Business No. 2
      See also Clerk of the House
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 15
      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 10
      Supply Proceedings No. 7
      Twenty-first (access to the parliamentary precinct)
        Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 8
          Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 2
    Travel, Other Business No. 2
    See also Private Members' Business Subcommittee
Proceeds of crime

    Assets, proof of legal source, C-242 (Marceau)
    Burden of proof
      Reverse onus, C-53
        Other Business No. 4
      Supply Proceedings No. 5
        Other Business No. 4
Property rights

    Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms recognition, M-220 (Grewal, N.)
    Constitutional entrenchment, C-235 (Breitkreuz)
    Protection, C-279 (Reid)
    See also Fishing property; Personal or private property
Property taxes

    Principal residence, income tax deduction, C-345 (Epp)
    See also First Nations
Proportional representation

    House of Commons Standing Committee hearings/referendum, C-226 (Martin, Pat)
Proportional Representation Review Act

    C-226 (Martin, Pat)
Prostitution see Child prostitution; Solicitation Laws Subcommittee

Protocol to the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment

      Other Business No. 4
Proulx, Marcel (Lib.-Hull-Aylmer; Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole)

    Public Service, M-316
Provinces see Federal-provincial fiscal arrangements; Federal-provincial fiscal relations; Security certificates; Treaties

Public Accounts of Canada see Greenhouse Gas Technology Investment Fund

Public Accounts Standing Committee

      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 11
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 13
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 25
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 30
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
      Supply Proceedings No. 3
      Supply Proceedings No. 4
      Supply Proceedings No. 20
    Travel, Other Business No. 8
    See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Orders of reference
Public Health Agency of Canada

    Establishment, C-75
    Members of Parliament inquiries, P-11 (Skelton)
Public Health Agency of Canada Act

Public health information

    Collection, management and protection of confidential information, C-75
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Department

    Establishment, C-6
Public safety occupations (police officers, corrections officers, air traffic controllers and commercial airline pilots)

    Paramedics, including, M-178 (Skelton)
    Pension accrual rate, C-214 (Chatters)
    See also Emergency service workers; Federal enforcement officers
Public safety officers

    Death in line duty or in connection with duties
      Compensation, C-207 (Szabo)
      Education scholarship for surviving spouse and children, C-413 (MacKay)
    See also Canadian Public Safety Officer Compensation Fund; Federal enforcement officers; Firefighters; Murder; Police
Public Safety Officers Compensation Act

    C-207 (Szabo)
Public school districts

    Goods and Services Tax (GST) exemption, M-131 (Davies)
Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act

      Other Business No. 4
Public Service

    Job postings, geographic restrictions
      C-417 (Casey)
      M-23 (Martin, Pat)
    National Capital Region, staff positions, distribution between Ontario and Quebec, M-316 (Proulx)
    Psychological harassment and abuse of power, prevention/recourse, C-360 (Bourgeois)
    Recognition, statue on Parliament Hill, M-29 (Martin, Pat)
    Wrongdoing, allegations/retaliation, whistleblower protection
        Other Business No. 4
      C-288 (Grewal, G.)
    See also Internet-And computer workplace usage policies; Penitentiary inmates-Lawsuits
Public Service Employment Act

    C-417 (Casey)
Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada

    President, establishment, C-8
Public transit

    Income tax deduction, C-306 (St-Hilaire)
    Infrastructure, funding, C-66
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Government surplus funds; Transit passes
Public Works and Government Services Department

    Charlottetown, PE, building, construction, P-22 (Casey)
    Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (B), Supply Proceedings No. 6
Publishing industry

    Government grants, contracts, subsidies or loans, only when work done in Canada, M-266 (Skelton)

Quarantine Act


    Civil law, harmonization, S-10
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec; First Nations; Highways and roads; Kyoto accord
Queensway-Carleton Hospital

    Land, National Capital Commission (NCC) lease, M-135 (Poilievre)
Quesnel Forks, BC see Chinese Canadians-Heritage sites


R-CALF see Livestock industry

Racetracks see Video lottery terminals and slot machines

Racial profiling

    Prohibition, C-296 (Davies)
Racism see Anti-Racism Secretariat; Discrimination and racism

Rail passenger service

    Policy, C-44
Rail transport

    Rates, C-44
    See also Railway workers
Railway Safety Act

Railway workers

    Work/rest hours, impact on safety, P-14 (Desjarlais)
    See also Chinese railway labourers

    Noise, complaints process, C-44
    Police, C-44
    See also Chinese railway labourers; VIA Rail Canada Inc.
Rajotte, James (CPC-Edmonton-Leduc)

    Written questions, Q-33, Q-34, Q-35, Q-60, Q-221, Q-222
RCMP see Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

Reading materials

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), M-38 (Stoffer)
Real estate see Gatineau Park; Queensway-Carleton Hospital

Recreation see Personal watercraft

Red River see Devil's Lake, North Dakota

Referendum Act

    C-224 (Martin, Pat)
Referendums see Electoral reform; Electoral system; Marriage-Definition; Proportional representation

Refugee Appeal Division

    Implementation, M-312 (Siksay)

    Deportation, false claimants, C-315 (Lunn)
    See also Immigration-Reform
Refundable Medical Expense Supplement see Medical expenses

Regan, Carley see Carley's Law

Regional development see Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec; Investment tax credit; Northern Strategy

Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)

    Disabled and handicapped persons, contributions, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
      Ways and Means No. 7
        Other Business No. 4
    Time limits, Ways and Means No. 5
Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP)

    Contribution limits, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
      Ways and Means No. 7
        Other Business No. 4

    Accountability, inclusion in legislation/parliamentary scrutiny, M-183 (Grewal, G.)
    Efficiency, M-188 (Grewal, G.)
    See also Air fares; Air transportation; Automated teller machines (ATMs); Bridges and tunnels; Canada Pension Plan Regulations; Charities; Drugs and pharmaceuticals-Generic medications; First Nations-Economic development; Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations; Interest rates; Nursing homes; Ontario Fishery Regulations, 1989; Personal watercraft; Satellite remote sensing technology; Voice over Internet Protocol
Reid, Scott (CPC-Lanark-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington)

    Governor General, C-464
    Legislation, M-194
    Property rights, C-279
    Written questions, Q-20, Q-42, Q-46, Q-62, Q-69, Q-182, Q-183, Q-219
Religion see Anglican Church of Canada; Judaism; Prayer of thanksgiving; Presbyterian Church of Sudan; Residential schools; Sikhism

Religious articles of faith

    Wearing without restriction, M-186 (Grewal, G.)
Religious freedom see Marriage-Same sex couples

Remembrance Day National Flag Act

    C-210 (Stoffer)
Remembrance Day (November 11)

    Canadian flag, flown at half mast on federal premises, C-210 (Stoffer)
    Legal holiday, establishing, C-295 (Mark)
Remote Sensing Space Systems Act

Rent see Hospitals

Replacement workers

    Ban, C-263 (Clavet)
      Other Business No. 4
    Canada Industrial Relations Board authorization, C-461 (Kamp)
Reproductive technology see Canadian Institutes of Health Research Act; Stem cell research

Research and development see Canadian Institutes of Health Research Act; Scientific research and experimental development tax credit; Stem cell research

Residential schools

    Aboriginal students, abuse issues/churches financial compensation, M-12 (Martin, Pat)
    Studies, P-26 (Desjarlais)
RESP see Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)


    Mandatory retirement, elimination, M-42 (Szabo)
    See also Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
Retirement savings plans (tax-deferred)

    Contribution limits
        Government Business No. 12
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 17
        Other Business No. 18
        Ways and Means No. 7
          Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 5
    Foreign investment limits, C-405 (Hiebert)
    See also Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP)
Returning officers see Elections

Reynolds, John (CPC-West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky Country)

    Battle River constituency, C-304
      Other Business No. 4
    Citzenship, S-2
      Other Business No. 9
    Written questions, Q-24, Q-67, Q-198
Richardson's ground squirrels see Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels)

Ridley Terminals Inc.

    2004 Corporate Plan, P-53 (Cummins)
    2005 Corporate Plan, P-52 (Cummins)
    2006 Corporate Plan, P-51 (Cummins)
    Cline Mining Corporation purchase offer, P-47 (Cummins)
    Coal contracts, September 29, 2005 Order in Council, P-49 (Cummins)
    Fortune Minerals and Federal White Cement purchase offer, P-48 (Cummins)
    Western Canadian Coal purchase offers
      September 30, 2003 offer, P-46 (Cummins)
      March 30, 2004, revised offer, P-50 (Cummins)
Riel, Louis David

    Role in advancement of Confederation and rights and interests of Metis people and the people of Western Canada/reversal of treason conviction, C-216 (Martin, Pat)
Right of Landing Fee (ROLF) see Immigrants-Head tax; Immigration-Reform

Ritz, Gerry (CPC-Battlefords-Lloydminster)

    Canadian Grain Commission, P-9
    Families, C-437
    Written questions, Q-228
Robbery see Gun violence

Robert, *_Justice_* Michel see Judges-Appointments

Rockets see Titan IVB rocket

Rodents see Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels)

ROLF see Right of Landing Fee (ROLF)


    Environmentally friendly, "green roofs", Federal Buildings Initiative, M-27 (Martin, Pat)
Roy, Jean-Yves (BQ-Haute Gaspésie-La Mitis-Matane-Matapédia)

    Small craft harbours, M-159
    Treaties, C-260
Royal Canadian Mint Act

Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

    And law enforcement in Canada, take note debate, Government Business No. 10
      Other Business No. 4
    Remuneration, M-15 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Awards, decorations, medals; Canada Pension Plan (CPP)-Clawback; Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)-Funds
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act

    C-441 (Stoffer)
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (Erasmus-Dussault) Report see Aboriginal people-Urban areas

Royal commissions see Education; Gomery Commission

Royal LePage Relocation Services

    Relocation contracts
      P-5 (Chatters)
      P-21 (Chatters)
      P-54 (Sauvageau)
RRSP see Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP)

Rural and remote areas see Abusive relationships; Postal service


Saanich-Gulf Islands constituency see Sponsorship program-Funding

Sackville-Eastern Shore constituency

    Name, change to Sackville-Preston-Eastern Shore, C-356 (Stoffer)
Safe houses see Abusive relationships

Safety see Air transportation; Display hooks; Drinking water-National standards; Food safety; Marine safety; Occupational health and safety; Railway workers; Seat belts

Salaries Act

Sale of Medals Prohibition Act

    C-415 (Stoffer)
Salmon, Pacific see Fraser River sockeye salmon fishery

Same-sex couples see Marriage

Saskatchewan see Northern Strategy

Satellite remote sensing technology

    Regulation, C-25
Satellites see Titan IVB rocket

Saunders, *_Lt_* Chris see Chicoutimi, HMCS

Sauvageau, Benoît (BQ-Repentigny)

    Foundations, C-277
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 25
    Royal LePage Relocation Services, P-54
    Written questions, Q-83, Q-148
Savoie, Donald see Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy

Savoy, Andy (Lib.-Tobique-Mactaquac)

    War memorials and cenotaphs, M-190
Scabs see Replacement workers

Scandanavian Canadians see Leif Erikson Day

Schmidt, Werner (CPC-Kelowna-Lake Country)

    Veterans' benefits/pensions, C-362
    Written questions, Q-79
Scientific research and experimental development tax credit

    Exclusive economic zone, "in Canada"
        Government Business No. 12
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 17
        Other Business No. 18
        Ways and Means No. 7
          Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 5
    Late claims, Ways and Means No. 12
    Small business access, C-33
      Ways and Means No. 2
Scotland see Tartan Day

Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee

    Reports, Other Business No. 8
    See also Ontario Fishery Regulations, 1989
Search and rescue

    Newfoundland and Labrador, coastal search and rescue, standards for turn around times, P-34 (Hearn)
    See also Melina and Keith II
Search and seizure powers see Firearms

Seat belts

    Vehicles under federal jurisdiction, C-311 (Chatters)
Secretary of State for Seniors

      M-54 (Szabo)
      M-75 (Stoffer)
Security certificates

    Government use, M-216 (McDonough)
    Provinces, sole responsibility for permanent residents and of personal information, abolition/repeal, M-303 (Siksay)
Self-employed workers see Canada Pension Plan (CPP)-Firefighters

Sellar, Gordon see Chemical defoliants

Senate see Drugs and pharmaceuticals-Generic medications, Developing countries

Senators see Bills-Private Senator Public Bills; Gauthier, Hon. Senator Jean-Robert; Grewal, Gurmant-References; National Security Committee of Parliamentarians

Senior citizens see Age discrimination; Bill of Rights for Seniors; Elder abuse; Fraud; Guaranteed Annual Income for Seniors; Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS); Home care; Housing-Affordable housing; Medical expenses; Older workers; Passports; Pharmacare; Secretary of State for Seniors; Seniors Charter; Vision and oral care

Seniors Charter

    Establishing, M-291 (Masse)
Sentences (convicted criminals)

    Conditional sentences
      Breach, C-340 (MacKay)
      Community service, repeal, C-400 (Sorenson)
      Excluded offences
        C-257 (Hill)
        C-410 (MacKay)
      Restrictions, C-70
    Incarceration, minimum security level, C-411 (MacKay)
    See also Aboriginal offenders; Auto theft-Penalties; Child abuse; Child pornography; Child prostitution; Child sexual predators; Children-Corruption; Conditional release (convicted criminals); Cruelty to animals; Drug trafficking; Elder abuse; Firearms-Use in commission of serious offences; Firefighters-Criminal acts; Fraud; Impaired driving; Marijuana; Parole-New custodial sentence; Police-Assault/murder; Sexual assault; Statutory release (penitentiary inmates)-New custodial sentence; Street racing; Traffic accidents-Failure to stop; Violent crime; Weapons
Serbia see Srebrenica massacre

Sewage see Biosolids

Sex offender registry

    Mandatory and retroactive, Supply Proceedings No. 9
Sex offenders see Child sex offenders; Child sexual predators

Sexual assault

    Sentences, M-222 (Grewal, N.)
    See also Assault; Date-rape drugs
Sexual exploitation

    Young persons between 14 and 18 years of age, C-2
      Other Business No. 4
Sexual offences see Voyeurism offences

Sexual orientation see Immigration-Reform

Sexual relations see Age of consent (sexual relations)


    Oil spills, damage to birds, C-15
    See also Ballast water (ships)
Sick leave

    Employment insurance provisions, M-26 (Martin, Pat)

    Five Ks, importance, affirming
      M-149 (Wasylycia-Leis)
      M-237 (Bains)
Siksay, Bill (NDP-Burnaby-Douglas)

    Chinese Canadians, M-218
    Conscientious objection, C-397
    Gender equality, C-392
    Hazardous materials, M-217
    Immigration Advocate Office, M-300
    Marriage, C-300
    Refugee Appeal Division, M-312
    Security certificates, M-303
    Temporary resident visas, M-318
Silva, Mario (Lib.-Davenport)

    Alternative energy, C-450
    Hybrid motor vehicles, M-277
Simard, Christian (BQ-Beauport-Limoilou)

    Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, C-363
Simcoe-Grey constituency

    Name, change to Simcoe-Town of The Blue Mountains, C-457 (Guergis)
Simms, Scott (Lib.-Bonavista-Gander-Grand Falls-Windsor)

    Bonavista-Gander-Grand Falls-Windsor constituency, C-366
      Other Business No. 4
Skelton, Carol (CPC-Saskatoon-Rosetown-Biggar)

    Aboriginal families, M-245
    Abusive relationships, M-242
    Air transportation security, M-246
    Assault, M-241
    Auto theft, M-243
    Chief Dental Health Office, M-199
    Child prostitution, M-244
    Emergency response training, M-154
    Emergency service workers, M-240, M-290
    Housing, M-292
    Internet, P-28
    Members of Parliament, M-265
    National Child Benefit, M-201
    National Ovarian Cancer Month Act, C-358
    Ovarian cancer, C-358
    Police, M-247
    Public Health Agency of Canada, P-11
    Public safety occupations (police officers, corrections officers, air traffic controllers and commercial airline pilots), M-178
    Publishing industry, M-266
    Vision and oral care, M-200
    Written questions, Q-4, Q-25, Q-80, Q-86, Q-130, Q-233
Slavery see Trafficking in persons

Slot machines see Video lottery terminals and slot machines

Small business

    Income tax deduction limit, C-33
      Ways and Means No. 2
    See also Scientific research and experimental development tax credit
Small craft harbours

    Fisheries and Oceans Department resources, M-159 (Roy)
Smith, Joy (CPC-Kildonan-St. Paul)

    Infrastructure, P-20
    Written questions, Q-191, Q-192
Smog see Automobiles/motor vehicles-Emission standards

Smoking see Canadian Tobacco Youth Protection Foundation

Smuggling see Gun violence

Social conditions see Discrimination and racism; Gambling

Social Development Canada

    Establishment, ministerial powers/personal information rules, C-22
    Estimates, 2005-2006, Main, Supply Proceedings No. 7
Social economy enterprises see Not-for-profit corporations

Social housing

    Liberal Caucus Task Force Report (1990), "Finding Room: Housing Solutions for the Future", M-94 (Davies)
Social issues see Gambling

Social programs

    Federal-provincial funding, M-145 (McDonough)
    National standards, M-80 (Davies)
    See also Aboriginal people-Education; Chief Actuary of Canada Office; Child care; Community reinvestment; National Child Benefit; Old Age Security; Welfare; Women-Halfway houses
Social security payments (United States)

    Income tax, C-265 (Watson)
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 27
      Other Business No. 4
Sockeye salmon see Fraser River sockeye salmon fishery

Softwood lumber

    Take note debate, Government Business No. 19
      Other Business No. 4
Solicitation Laws Subcommittee

    Travel, Other Business No. 8
Sorenson, Kevin (CPC-Crowfoot)

    Child sex offenders, C-401
    Conditional release (convicted criminals), C-399, C-402
    Sentences (convicted criminals), C-400
Sovereignty see Coastal waters-Exclusive economic zone

Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) see MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion

Speaker see Chair Occupants; Divisions, recorded-Casting vote; House of Commons-Decorum

Special Access Program see Medical expenses-Drugs or devices

Special debates see Emergency debates; Take note debates

Special Import Measures Act

    C-430 (Bellavance)
Speech from the Throne see Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne

Speech impairment

    Bliss symbol boards or similar devices, income tax, disability supports deduction, Ways and Means No. 13
Spirit drinks

    Names, country of origin exclusivity, protection, S-38
      Other Business No. 4
Spirit Drinks Trade Act

      Other Business No. 4
Sponsorship program

    Coordination sponsorship matter group, P-15 (Preston)
    Funding, Members of Parliament awareness, Gary Lunn, Saanich-Gulf Islands constituency, phone calls/call log, P-3 (Lunn)
    Liberal Party of Canada funds, trust account, establishing, Supply Proceedings No. 9
    See also Elections-Irregularities; Gomery Commission
Sports see Amateur sport; Athletes; National Hockey League (NHL); Olympics and Para-Olympics, 2004 Summer Games (Athens, Greece)

Spouses see Afghanistan-Operation Athena; Assault; Canadian Armed Forces-Personnel; Elections-Canadian Armed Forces; Memorial Cross; Public safety officers; Veterans' benefits/pensions; Witnesses (justice system)-Protection

Spring Credit Advance Program see Agriculture-Cash advance programs

Srebrenica massacre

    July 1995 killing of over 7,000 Bosniak males by Serbian forces, day of remembrance, establishing, M-295 (McDonough)
St. Amand, Lloyd (Lib.-Brant)

    Canadian Older Adult Justice Agency, C-348
    Elder abuse, C-348
    Older Adult Justice Act, C-348
    Ombudsman for Older Adult Justice, C-348
St-Hilaire, Caroline (BQ-Longueuil-Pierre-Boucher)

    Aerospace industry, M-161
    Broadcasting, C-396
    Child care, C-395
    Diapers, C-305
    Public transit, C-306
St. Lawrence River see Highways and roads-Quebec

Standby charges see Emergency medical services vehicles

Standing Orders

      Government Business No. 1
      Government Business No. 9
      Other Business No. 3
      Take note debate, Other Business No. 14
    56.1 see Bills-Government, Public
    81(10) see Allotted days-Scheduling
    83.1 see Budgetary policy
    91.1(1) see Private Members` Business Subcommittee
    108 see Committees, Standing-Mandate
State Immunity Act

    C-367 (Day)
      Other Business No. 4
    C-394 (Day)
Statistics Act

      Other Business No. 4
Statues see Bennett, Right Hon. Richard Bedford; Public Service-Recognition; Trudeau, Right Hon. Pierre Elliott

Statutory release (penitentiary inmates)

    Elimination, C-204 (Gouk)
    New custodial sentence, automatic suspension and review, C-46
    Review process, C-46
Stem cell research

    Adult (non-embryonic) stem cells/human umbilical cord and placenta, recognition, M-250 (Lunney)
Stoffer, Peter (NDP-Sackville-Eastern Shore)

    Amateur sport, C-252
    Autism, C-454, C-459
    Awards, decorations, medals, C-415
    Biochemical protection drugs, C-284
    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), C-441
    Canadian Autism Day Act, C-454
    Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal, C-202
    Canadian Safe Drinking Water Act, C-209
    Candy, M-39
    Caregivers, C-253, C-256
    Child pornography, C-254
    Community service groups, C-233
    Drinking water, C-209
    Drug Supply Act, C-284
    Funerals, M-37
    Herbal remedies, C-232
    Housing, C-211
    Income Security Minister of State, M-76
    Internet Child Pornography Prevention Act, C-254
    Members of Parliament, C-251
    Memorial Cross, C-266
    Military memorial sites, C-234
    Overseas Memorial Sites Student Visits Assistance Act, C-234
    Peacekeeping, C-202
    Reading materials, M-38
    Remembrance Day (November 11), C-210
    Sackville-Eastern Shore constituency, C-356
    Sale of Medals Prohibition Act, C-415
    Secretary of State for Seniors, M-75
    Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, M-74
    Volunteers, C-255
    Workers, C-231
Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry constituency

    Name, change to Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry Sud, C-429 (Lauzon)
Street racing

        Other Business No. 4
      C-230 (Cadman)
Strikes and lockouts see National Hockey League (NHL); Replacement workers

Strychnine see Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels)

Student debt

    Credit amnesty, M-60 (Desjarlais)
    Income tax write-off, M-13 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Medical residents
Student loans

    Bankruptcy, time period, C-236 (McDonough)
    Business Development Bank of Canada, established as guaranteed lender, C-225 (Martin, Pat)
    Death or permanent disability, termination of obligations, C-43
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
    Disabled and handicapped persons, loan repayment relief qualifying period, C-237 (McDonough)
    See also Medical residents
Students see Emergency response training-Medical students; Employment insurance; Medical residents

Submarines see Chicoutimi, HMCS

Subsidies see Dumping and subsidization (trade)

Sudan see Talisman Energy Inc.

Sudbury-Nipissing constituency see Nickel Belt constituency

Sunset clauses see Political parties-Registration


    Consideration of Business of Supply, Supply Proceedings No. 1
    Interim supply, 2005-2006
      Supply Proceedings No. 8
Supply days see Allotted days

Supply management

    Government Business No. 14
      Other Business No. 4
    Government policy, C-264 (Myers)
    World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations
      M-163 (Gaudet)
      Supply Proceedings No. 10
Supreme Court Act

    C-269 (Chatters)
Supreme Court of Canada see Constitution

Survivor benefits see Veterans' benefits/pensions

Survivor Education Benefits Act

    C-413 (MacKay)
Sustainable development

      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 17
      Other Business No. 18
    See also Forest producers-Taxation; Government procurement

    And recruitment of children, criminal offence, establishing, C-341 (MacKay)
Szabo, Paul (Lib.-Mississauga South)

    Age discrimination, M-55
    Alcoholic beverages, C-206
    Bill of Rights for Seniors, M-56
    Canadian Institutes of Health Research Act, M-58
    Caregiver Tax Credit, M-43
    Caregivers, M-44, M-46
    Divorce, C-208
    Elder abuse, M-51
    Fraud, M-52
    Guaranteed Annual Income for Seniors, M-41
    Home care, M-47
    Housing, M-49
    Medical expenses, M-45
    Nursing homes, M-50
    Obscenity, M-57
    Pharmacare, M-48
    Physician General of Canada, M-53
    Poverty, M-40
    Public safety officers, C-207
    Retirement, M-42
    Secretary of State for Seniors, M-54


    Canada, economic, trade, cultural and other initiatives, C-357 (Abbott)
      Other Business No. 4
    See also World Health Organization (WHO)
Taiwan Affairs Act

    C-357 (Abbott)
      Other Business No. 4
Take note debates see Afghanistan; Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE); Citizens' engagement; Credit cards; Drugs and pharmaceuticals-Internet sales; Hepatitis C; Mountain pine beetle; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP); Softwood lumber; Standing Orders-Amendments; Textile and clothing industry; Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative

Talisman Energy Inc.

    Sudan, international law violation, class action lawsuit, diplomatic notes, P-27 (Broadbent)
Tartan Day

    Scottish independence declaration, commemoration, April 6 national day, M-155 (Blaikie)
Task forces see Pay Equity Task Force

Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2004

Tax Court of Canada Act

      Ways and Means No. 2
Tax credits see Caregiver Tax Credit; Charitable donations tax credits; Child adoption expenses; Disability Tax Credit; Education Tax Credit; Investment tax credit; Medical Expense Tax Credit; Mineral exploration tax credit; Music instruction; Scientific research and experimental development tax credit; Taxi operators; Veterinarian fees

Tax havens

    Access, limiting, M-35 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Barbados
Tax treaties

    Armenia, Azerbaijan, Gabon, Ireland, Oman, S-17

    Tax obligations, presumption of innocence, M-63 (Desjarlais)
    See also Caregivers; Chinese Canadians; Corporate income tax; Disabled and handicapped persons; First Nations-Property taxes-Quebec; Fiscal imbalance (intergovernmental); Fishing property; Forest producers; Fuel taxes (gasoline and diesel fuel); Goods and Services Tax (GST); Harmonized Sales Tax (HST); Head taxes; Income tax; Jewellery; Labrador Inuit Tax Treatment Agreement; Literacy; Oil companies-Profits; Property taxes; Tlicho Tax Treatment Agreement
Taxi operators

    Gasoline, excise tax exemption, M-192 (Crête)
    Tax credit, M-191 (Crête)

    Expenses, income tax deduction, M-16 (Martin, Pat)
Technology see Aerospace industry; Biotechnology; Satellite remote sensing technology


    Lawful intercept-capable technologies/subscriber information, telephone and Internet service providers, requirement to ensure, C-74
    See also Broadcasting-Video programming; Cellular phones; Elections-Campaign offices; Voice over Internet Protocol
Telecommunications Act

      Other Business No. 4
    C-365 (Pacetti)
Telecommunications Act (No. 2)

Telefilm Canada

    Mandate, C-18
Telefilm Canada Act


    Do Not Call List
        Other Business No. 4
      C-321 (Pacetti)
Telephones see Cellular phones; Elections-Campaign offices; Telecommunications-Lawful intercept-capable technologies

Temporary absences (convicted criminals)

    Authority/purpose, C-46
Temporary resident visas

    Family, definition, humanitarian and compassionate consideration, M-318 (Siksay)
    Sponsorship, C-283 (Grewal, G.)
Terasen Gas

    Kinder Morgan Inc. purchase, public hearings, M-321 (Julian)
Territorial Formula Financing (TFF)

    Implementation, C-24

    Victim compensation, foreign states, no claim of immunity from Canadian courts
      C-367 (Day)
      Other Business No. 4
      C-394 (Day)
    See also Air India; Bioterrorism; Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Standing Committee-Orders of reference; Security certificates; Telecommunications-Lawful intercept-capable technologies
Testimonial aids see Witnesses (justice system)

Textile and clothing industry

    Canadian Apparel and Textile Industry Program (CATIP), adequacy, Supply Proceedings No. 5
    Customs tariff see Finance Standing Committee-Reports, First
    Government policy, M-164 (Crête)
    Take note debate, Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
TFF see Territorial Formula Financing (TFF)

Thanksgiving see Community Harmony Week/Community Harmony Award

Theft see Auto theft; Personal identity theft

Thibault, Louise (BQ-Rimouski-Neigette-Témiscouata-Les Basques)

    Forest producers, M-302
    Written questions, Q-139
Thompson, Greg (CPC-New Brunswick Southwest)

    Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy, P-6
    Chemical defoliants
      P-16, P-17
    Liquid natural gas
      P-4, P-31, P-32
    Newspapers, M-196
    Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative, P-29
    Written questions, Q-1, Q-26, Q-28, Q-29, Q-30, Q-167, Q-237, Q-238, Q-242
Thompson, Myron (CPC-Wild Rose)

    Aboriginal offenders, C-299
    Age of consent (sexual relations), C-267
    Bail (interim release), C-327
    Child pornography, C-238
    Dangerous offenders, C-298
    Parole, C-328, C-329
    Written questions, Q-202
Throne Speech see Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne

Tilson, David (CPC-Dufferin-Caledon)

    ALS Month Act, C-384
    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), C-384
    Written questions, Q-226, Q-247
    Young offenders, C-453
Titan IVB rocket

    United States Air Force, May 2005 launch, Newfoundland and Labrador, danger of debris, P-18 (Hearn)
Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act

      Ways and Means No. 1
Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Agreement

      Ways and Means No. 1
Tlicho Tax Treatment Agreement

      Ways and Means No. 1
Tobacco/cigarettes see Canadian Tobacco Youth Protection Foundation

Tobacco industry see Canada Pension Plan Investment Board-Investment policy


    Employee income tax deduction, C-218 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Mechanics
Toronto-Danforth constituency

    Name, change to Danforth-East York-Riverdale, C-403 (Layton)
Toronto, ON see Air transportation-Night flights

Toronto Port Authority

    Lawsuits/settlement agreements, P-33 (Julian)
Tourism see Adventure tourism

Toxic substances see Agent Orange (herbicide); Fire retardants; Zonolite (vermiculite insulation)

Toys see Candy


    Restrictive trade actions by foreign governments, compensation to Canadian exporters, C-364 (Jean)
    See also Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada; Asia-Pacific trade; Conflict diamonds; Dumping and subsidization (trade); Interprovincial trade; Israel; Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network)
Trade Compensation Act

    C-364 (Jean)
Trade disputes see Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE); Livestock industry

Trade unions see Dumping and subsidization (trade)

Trades people see Tools

Traffic accidents

    Failure to stop at scene of accident/hit and run, penalties
      C-275 (Harris)
      C-427 (White)
    See also Cellular phones
Trafficking in persons

      Other Business No. 4
Training programs

    Employee eligibility, five weeks/year, C-352 (Godin)
    See also Apprenticeship; Emergency response training; Government surplus funds
Trans fats (trans fatty acids)

      C-220 (Martin, Pat)
      Supply Proceedings No. 2
TransFair Canada licensed coffee

    Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) providing, M-133 (Davies)
Transgenic animals

    Approval/testing, M-118 (Davies)
    See also Genetically modified fish
Transgenic organisms

      M-114 (Davies)
      M-115 (Davies)
    See also Genetically modified food
Transit passes

    Employer-provided transit passes, income tax-exempt benefit, M-264 (Davies)
Transport Minister see Marine safety

Transport Standing Committee

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8

    Mergers and acquisitions, review process, C-44
    National security, data collection, C-44
    Policy, C-44
    See also Air fares; Air transportation; Airlines; Airports; Bridges and tunnels; Grain transportation; Highways and roads; Lighthouses; Navigable waters; Pacific Gateway Strategy (multimodal transportation network); Public transit; Rail passenger service; Rail transport; Seat belts; Ships; VIA Rail Canada Inc.
Transportation Amendment Act

Transsexual and transgendered persons see Gender equality

Travel expenses

    Canadian destinations, non-business travel, tickets, income tax deduction, C-462 (Pacetti)
    See also Government contracts-Bidders
Treason see Parole-Murder; Riel, Louis David

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

    Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (B), Supply Proceedings No. 6
    Guidelines, Standing Committee review, M-198 (Julian)
    President, responsibilities, C-8

    Ratification, provincial government consultation/House of Commons public hearings, C-260 (Roy)
    See also Tax treaties; World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Treaties
Treaties Act

    C-260 (Roy)
Trost, Bradley (CPC-Saskatoon-Humboldt)

    Written questions, Q-209
Trudeau, Right Hon. Pierre Elliott

    Statue, Parliament Hill, M-137 (Boudria)
Trust and Loan Companies Act

      Ways and Means No. 2
      Other Business No. 4
Trust funds

    Affiliated persons transactions, C-33
      Ways and Means No. 2
    See also Mutual fund trusts
Tsunami (Asia, December 2004)

    Charitable donations
      Government Business No. 12
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 17
        Other Business No. 18
        Ways and Means No. 7
          Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 5
Tuition fees see Education, post-secondary

Tunnels see Bridges and tunnels

Turks and Caicos Islands

    Union with Canada, M-207 (Goldring)
Tweed, Merv (CPC-Brandon-Souris)

    Written questions, Q-100, Q-101, Q-102


    Canada, political, commercial and cultural relations, M-320 (Goldring)
    Elections, transparency
      Emergency debate
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 11
      M-156 (Wrzesnewskyj)
        Other Business No. 4
      Resolution, Other Business No. 6
Ukrainian Canadian Restitution Act see Internment of Persons of Ukrainian Origin Recognition Act

Ukrainian Canadians

    Designated as "enemy aliens" during World War I, commemoration/restitution/postage stamp, C-331 (Mark)
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 23
Ukrainian Famine (1932-1933)

    Genocide, recognition/commemoration, M-148 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Unanticipated Surpluses Act

Unemployment see Employment insurance-Benefit periods-Benefits

Unemployment Insurance Act see Employment Insurance Act-Title

Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund

    Establishing, C-424 (Godin)
UNESCO-designated Biosphere Reserves

    Recognition/support, M-249 (Lunney)
Unified Family Courts

    Judges, additional, C-51
United Nations

    Reform, M-294 (McDonough)
    See also Drugs (narcotic)
United States see National Missile Defense (NMD) System (United States); Social security payments (United States); Titan IVB rocket

Ur, Rose-Marie (Lib.-Lambton-Kent-Middlesex)

    Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program), M-205
Urbanization see Aboriginal people


Van Loan, Peter (CPC-York-Simcoe)

    Ballast water (ships), C-434
    Canadian Ballast Water Management Act, C-434
Vancouver, BC see Condominiums; Highways and roads-British Columbia; Police

Vellacott, Maurice (CPC-Saskatoon-Wanuskewin)

    Conditional release (convicted criminals), C-308
    Medical procedures, C-307
Vermiculite see Zonolite (vermiculite insulation)


    First Nations, Métis and Inuit veterans, compensation/recognition
      C-247 (Martin, Pat)
      M-193 (Harrison)
    Funeral and burial benefits/honours
      C-262 (Gallant)
      M-18 (Martin, Pat)
    Lapel pin, recognition of service, M-168 (Blaikie)
    See also MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion; Military memorial sites; Passports; Remembrance Day (November 11)
Veterans Affairs Standing Committee

    Establishing, M-74 (Stoffer)
Veterans' benefits/pensions

    Civilian life, transition programs and services, C-45
      Ways and Means No. 8
        Other Busienss No. 4
    Survivor benefits, marriage after age 60, C-362 (Schmidt)
    Veterans independence program, widows/caregivers, eligibility, M-147 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Veterans' Charter

      Ways and Means No. 8
        Other Business No. 4
Veterinarian fees

    Tax credit, M-272 (Davies)
VIA Rail Canada Act

VIA Rail Canada Inc.

    Mandate, C-44
    Privatization, C-203 (Gouk)
VIA Rail Commercialization Act

    C-203 (Gouk)
Victim compensation see Chemical defoliants; Hepatitis C

Victims of crime

    Services/information, C-46
    See also Elder abuse; Parole; Terrorism; Victims Ombudsman of Canada Office; Weapons
Victims Ombudsman of Canada Office

    Establishing, C-243 (Bonin)
      Other Business No. 4
Video lottery terminals and slot machines

    Locations, restricted to racetracks and premises dedicated to gaming, S-11
Video production see Audio and video recordings; Broadcasting; Telefilm Canada

Vincent, Robert (BQ-Shefford)

    Pregnancy, C-380
Violence see Family violence

Violence against women

    Feminist groups, funding, M-110 (Davies)
    See also Abusive relationships
Violent crime

    Conditional sentences, prohibition, C-205 (Gouk)
    Consecutive sentences, C-290 (Moore, J.)
    Second offence, life imprisonment, C-378 (Hanger)
    See also Bail (interim release); Firearms-Licences; Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program)-Cancellation; Gun violence
Visas see Temporary resident visas; Visitors to Canada

Vision and oral care

    Senior citizens, access, M-200 (Skelton)
Visitors to Canada

    Visitor visas, European Union countries, M-238 (Wrzesnewskyj)
    See also Temporary resident visas
Vitamins and supplements

    Medical expense deduction, Income Tax Act, Section 118.2(2)(n), C-418 (Jaffer)
Vocational Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons Act

Voice over Internet Protocol

    Price regulation of communication services, C-365 (Pacetti)
Voluntary organizations see Not-for-profit corporations

Volunteer emergency workers

    Income tax deduction
      C-241 (Casson)
      C-273 (Cuzner)
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 22
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8

    Income tax deduction
      Minimum of 250 hours of volunteer service, C-255 (Stoffer)
      Not-for-profit organizations and charitable organizations, M-233 (Davies)
    See also Community service groups

    Mandatory voting law, M-185 (Grewal, G.)
    See also Divisions, recorded; International forums
Voyeurism offences

      Other Business No. 4

Wage Earner Protection Program

      Other Business No. 4
Wage Earner Protection Program Act

      Other Business No. 4
Wages and salaries see Bankruptcy-Employees; Employee contributions; Employment insurance-Earnings; Judges; Members of Parliament-Salaries; Minimum wage; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)-Remuneration

Wait Times Reduction Transfer

    Establishing, C-39
Wappel, Tom (Lib.-Scarborough Southwest)

    Food, C-379
War see Conflict diamonds; Conscientious objection; Cultural property; Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) Talisman Energy Inc.; World War I; World War II

War memorials and cenotaphs

    Construction, maintenance and preservation, national endowment fund, M-190 (Savoy)
    See also Military memorial sites
Warawa, Mark (CPC-Langley)

    Auto theft, C-293
    Automobiles/motor vehicles, C-355
    Canadian flag, C-294
    Impaired driving, C-455
Waste see Biosolids; Garbage disposal

Wasylycia-Leis, Judy (NDP-Winnipeg North)

    Automated teller machines (ATMs), M-151
    Banks, C-316
    Breast Implant Registry, C-419
    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), M-296
    Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, M-215
    Compassionate leave, M-223
    Elections, C-318
    Feminine hygiene products, C-319
    Filipino Canadians, M-150
    Financial services
    Genetically modified food, C-317
    Hepatitis C, M-169
    Literacy, C-239
    Medical residents, M-306
    Old Age Security, M-297
    Pension Ombudsman, C-320
      Other Business No. 4
    Pensions, M-298, M-299
    Sikhism, M-149
    Ukrainian Famine (1932-1933), M-148
    Veterans' benefits/pensions, M-147
    Written questions, Q-103, Q-117, Q-141, Q-255

    Bulk water exports, prohibition, C-221 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Ballast water (ships); Coastal waters; Devil's Lake, North Dakota; Drinking water; Navigable waterways
Watson, Jeff (CPC-Essex)

    Social security payments (United States), C-265
      Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 27
      Other Business No. 4

    Offence committed with a concealed weapon, punishment/victims` rights, C-393 (Brown, G.)
    See also Firearms; Gun control
Weapons trafficking

    Criminal offence, C-291 (Moore, J.)
Weather stations

    Local weather stations, closure, M-267 (Yelich)
Wekeezhii Renewable Resources Board

      Ways and Means No. 1

    Access, national standards, M-112 (Davies)
Welland constituency

    Name, change to Niagara South-Centre, C-323 (Maloney)
Wemotaci First Nation see Atikamekw First Nations (Manawan, Wemotaci and Opitciwan)

West Block (Parliament Buildings)

    Air quality reports, P-10 (Boudria)
Western Canada see Riel, Louis David

Western Canadian Coal see Ridley Terminals Inc.

Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative

    United States border security measure
      Canadian government representations, P-29 (Thompson, G.)
      Impact, Take note debate, Government Business No. 18
        Other Business No. 4
      Resolution, Other Business No. 6
Westlock-St. Paul constituency see Battle River constituency

Westray Bill see Occupational health and safety

Wha Ti First Nation band

      Ways and Means No. 1
Whistle Blower Rights and Protection Act

    C-288 (Grewal, G.)
Whistle blowing see Public Service-Wrongdoing

White, Randy (CPC-Abbotsford)

    Carley's Law, C-427
    Traffic accidents, C-427
    Written questions, Q-165, Q-173, Q-207
Whitecourt, AB see Aerodrome Surveys

WHO see World Health Organization (WHO)

Wildlife see Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels); Migratory birds

Williams, John (CPC-Edmonton-St. Albert)

    Written questions, Q-13, Q-39, Q-58, Q-59, Q-95, Q-96, Q-97, Q-224, Q-225, Q-227
Wilson, A.G. see Housing-Moisture damage

Winding-up and Restructuring Act

      Other Business No. 4
Windsor-Essex Border Development and Protection Authority

    Establishing, M-270 (Masse)
Wine industry

    Excise tax, C-451 (Allison)
Winnipeg, MB see Infrastructure

WIPO see World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Treaties

Wiretaps see Telecommunications-Lawful intercept-capable technologies

Witness Protection Program Act

    C-270 (Hill)
Witnesses (justice system)

    Protection, spousal eligibility, C-270 (Hill)
    Testimonial aids, C-2
      Other Business No. 4

    Halfway houses and transition programs, M-97 (Davies)
    See also Aboriginal women`s organizations; Breast Implant Registry; Employment insurance; Fairclough, Right Hon. Ellen; Feminine hygiene products; Gender equality; Pay equity; Pregnancy; Violence against women
Women's organizations

    Funding, M-111 (Davies)
Woodlots see Mountain pine beetle


    Lives lost on job, April 28th, flags flown at half-mast on federal premises, C-231 (Stoffer)
    See also Domestic workers; Emergency service workers; Foreign Credential Recognition Program; Older workers; Railway workers; Replacement workers; Volunteer emergency workers
Workers' compensation see Canada Pension Plan (CPP); Firefighters-Death in line of duty; Public safety officers-Death in line duty

Workers Mourning Day Act

    C-231 (Stoffer)

    Occupational health and safety, investigation/enforcement, M-83 (Davies)
    See also Public Service-Psychological harassment
Workplace Psychological Harassment Prevention Act

    C-360 (Bourgeois)
World Health Organization (WHO)

    Taiwan, observer status/participation, M-144 (McDonough)
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Treaties

World Trade Organization (WTO) see Supply management

World War I see Ukrainian Canadians

World War II see Aerodrome Surveys; Holocaust; Italian Canadians


    Government strategy, implementing, M-301 (Kotto)
Wrzesnewskyj, Borys (Lib.-Etobicoke Centre)

    Air transportation, M-234
    Albania, M-260
    Corporate interests of Canada (Crown corporations, mixed enterprises, joint enterprises and shared-governance corporations), M-235
    Education Benefits Act, C-398
    Federal enforcement officers, C-398
    Hate propaganda, C-385
    Lebanon, M-239
    Ukraine, M-156
      Other Business No. 4
    Visitors to Canada, M-238

Yelich, Lynne (CPC-Blackstrap)

    Education, M-269
    Endometriosis, M-286
    House of Commons, M-268
    National Caregiver Awareness Week, M-289
    Postal service, M-288
    Prisons, M-287
    Weather stations, M-267
    Written questions, Q-126, Q-195, Q-196, Q-197, Q-252
Young offenders

    Parental responsibility, C-456 (Poilievre)
    Probation orders, reporting of breaches, C-258 (Lunn)
    Publication of information, person charged as an adult, C-453 (Tilson)
Young, William Robert see Library of Parliament

Youth see Canadian Tobacco Youth Protection Foundation; Drug trafficking; Elections; Sexual exploitation

Youth Criminal Justice Act

    C-258 (Lunn)
    C-299 (Thompson, M.)
    C-327 (Thompson, M.)
    C-453 (Tilson)

Zonolite (vermiculite insulation)

    Asbestos danger/health hazard, removal program, M-172 (Martin, Pat)