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37th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)  Current Session
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INDEX to the Status of House Business, 37th Parliament, first session


A Day for Hearts: Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day Act

    C-265 (Thompson, G.)
Abbott, Jim (CA-Kootenay-Columbia)

    Copyright, M-431
    Disability insurance, M-244
    Written questions, Q-87

    Deportation, official apology
      M-241 (Bergeron)
      M-495 (Bergeron)
Abduction see Child abduction

Abitibi, James Bay, Nunavik and Témiscamingue regions see Agriculture; Forestry; Mining industry

Abitibi-James Bay-Nunavik constituency see Airports; Banks; Nuclear waste

Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Lac-St-Jean-Saguenay, James Bay, Nunavik, North Shore, Gaspé and Îles de la Madeleine regions

    Economic development initiative
      M-217 (St-Julien)
      M-481 (St-Julien)
Abitibi-Témiscamingue region

    Business plan, M-489 (St-Julien)
Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing Committee

    Reports, Third, Main Estimates, 2001-2002, Indian Affairs and Northern Development Votes 1, 5, 10, 15, L20 and L25, L30, 35, 40, 45 and 50, Supply Proceedings No. 3
Aboriginal housing

    Construction program, M-487 (St-Julien)
    See also Chisasibi Cree community; James Bay Cree
Aboriginal land claims

    Specific claims, C-60
    See also Canadian Centre for the Independent Resolution of First Nations Specific Claims; Indian bands/reserves-Alberta; Kanesatake Mohawk community
Aboriginal offenders

    Sentencing, sanctions other than imprisonment, C-302 (Thompson, M.)
    See also Peltier, Leonard
Aboriginal people

    Urban areas
      Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (Erasmus-Dussault) Report, Chapter 7, recommendations, M-306 (Davies)
      Services, special committee, M-307 (Davies)
    See also Chisasibi Cree community; First Nations; First Nations Ombudsman; Indigenous people; Ipperwash Provincial Park, ON; James Bay Cree; Parents-Shared parenting; Residential schools; Virginia Fontaine Treatment Centre
Aboriginal self-government

    See also Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Self-Government Agreement; First Nations Ombudsman; Kanesatake Mohawk community
Aboriginal women's organizations

    Funding, M-310 (Davies)

    Medical necessity/health risks, study, M-523 (Breitkreuz)
    Public funding, referendum, C-452 (Pankiw)
    See also Children-Unborn child; Human being-Definition
Access to information see Cabinet confidences; Canadian Wheat Board; Census records; Child protection agencies; Crown corporations; Genetically modified plants; Infectious disease; Offenders; Treaties-Publication

Access to Information Act

      Other Business No. 10
    C-249 (Borotsik)
    C-341 (Breitkreuz
    C-438 (Hilstrom)
Accidents see Air transport; Shipping

Accountability see Auditor General reports; Business of Supply; Correctional Service of Canada-Board of Management; Crown corporations-Internal audits; Financial Information Strategy (FIS); First Nations Auditor; Foundations; Government departments-Internal audits; Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee; Indian bands/reserves-Funding-Governance; Occupational health and safety-Corporate executives and directors; Public Accounts Standing Committee-Reports, Fifteenth; Regulations

ACOA see Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)

Actors see Withholding tax

Adams, Peter (Lib.-Peterborough)

    All-Numeric Dates Act, C-327
    Calendar dates, C-327
    Written questions, Q-19, Q-56, Q-101
Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne

    Other Business No. 3
    Other Business No. 4
Address to both Houses of Parliament see United Kingdom

Addresses see Firearms-Prohibition; Sex offenders

Adoption (children)

    Expenses, income tax deduction
      C-272 (Hill, J.)
      C-461 (Hill, J.)
Adult basic education

    Income tax deduction
        Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 12
Advertising see Drugs and pharmaceuticals; Elections; Government advertising; Periodicals; Publishing

Advocacy see Canada Pension Plan (CPP)-Disability benefits

Aeronautics Act

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
    C-215 (Phinney)
Aerospace assets disposal (Government of Canada)

    Lancaster Aviation Inc./Airspares Network Inc., P-32 (Thompson, G.)
Aerospace industry see Sea King helicopters

Affirmation of Citizenship

    C-391 (Bryden)
Affirmative action see Employment equity


    Canadian Armed Forces personnel, deployment, Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Eggleton), Government Business No. 22
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee-Reports, Third; Parliamentary privilege-Pallister; Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Reports, Fiftieth-Terms of Reference

    Economic and social development contributions see Canada Fund for Africa Act
Agricultural Marketing Programs Act

      Other Business No. 10

    Abitibi, James Bay, Nunavik and Témiscamingue regions, economic benefits in Greater Montreal and Greater Quebec City regions, M-444 (St-Julien)
    Emergencies/disasters, national committee, C-263 (Borotsik)
    Emergency debate
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 6
    Government policy see Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee-Reports, Fifth
    Primary producers, transition or exit program
      M-395 (Borotsik)
      P-26 (Borotsik)
    "Producer", definition, C-11
      Other Business No. 10
    Terminator and traitor technologies, prohibition, M-420 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    See also Dairy products; Farmers; Farm income crisis; Farms; Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels); Grain transportation; Grain and oilseeds sector; Hoof and mouth disease; Versatile Tractor
Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act

Agriculture and Agri-Food Department

    Employees, Director General up to and including Deputy Minister, resumés, P-19 (Easter)
    Estimates, 2002-2003, Main
      Deemed reported, Supply Proceedings No. 11
      See also Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee
Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee

    Estimates, 2002-2003, Main, Agriculture and Agri-Food Votes 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40, extension of consideration, Supply Proceedings No. 11
      Second (The Future Role of the Government in the Grain and Oilseeds sector)
        Government Business No. 18
        Other Business No. 9
      Fifth (The Future Role of the Government in Agriculture)
        Government Business No. 31
        Other Business No. 9
    Travel, Other Business No. 9
Agriculture Minister

    United States Agriculture Secretary, correspondence, P-55 (Borotsik)
Aid to the civil power see Emergencies/disasters

Air Canada

    Individual shareholder ownership limit, C-38
Air Canada Public Participation Act

Air conditioners see Automobiles

Air quality

Air transport

    Accidents, unlimited liability for damages in the case of death or injury to passengers, S-33
    Legal action, electronic documents/place of domicile jurisdiction, S-33
    Ticketing requirements, S-33
    See also Child abduction; Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada
Air transportation security

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Air Travellers Security Charge; Airlines-Passengers Canadian Air Transport Security Authority
Air Travellers Security Charge

      Other Business No. 4
    Ways and Means No. 13
Air Travellers Security Charge Act

      Other Business No. 4

    Manufacturers, thin capitalization/debt-to-equity ratio, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    See also Defibrillators; Helicopters

      Government Business No. 13
      Other Business No. 4
    Foreign ownership, limits, M-121 (Hill, J.)
    Official languages policy/bilingualism, M-260 (St-Julien)
    Passengers, personal information, providing to foreign states, C-44
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Air Canada; Tobacco/cigarettes-Ships' stores
Airport Capital Assistance Program see Airports-Abitibi-James Bay-Nunavik constituency


    Abitibi-James Bay-Nunavik constituency, Airport Capital Assistance Program funding, M-280 (St-Julien)
    Firefighters, Canadian Aviation Regulations, M-74 (Davies)
    Regional airports, federal National Airports System lease revenues/aviation fuel and ticket tax revenues, M-126 (Hill, J.)
Airspares Network Inc. see Aerospace assets disposal (Government of Canada)

Alberta see Drought; Indian bands/reserves

Alcock, Reg (Lib.-Winnipeg South)

    Louis Riel Act, C-411
    Riel, Louis David, C-411

    Denatured alcohol, C-47
      Ways and Means No. 11
        Other Business No. 4
    See also Fetal alcohol syndrome; Impaired driving; Spirits; Wine
Alcoholic beverage containers

    Pregnancy, fetal alcohol syndrome danger, notice, M-155 (Wasylycia-Leis)
All-news television channel

    World-wide, collaboration of La Francophonie, M-515 (Marceau)
All-Numeric Dates Act

    C-327 (Adams)
Allergies see Herbal remedies-Drug substitute; Personal care and cosmetic products

Allotted days

    Allotment/votable status of opposition motions, Other Business No. 4
    Party allotment, M-476 (White, R.)
    Supply Proceedings No. 2
Alternate dispute resolution see Laws

Alternate Dispute Resolution Act

    C-422 (Harb)
Alternative energy

Alternative service delivery see Canadian Armed Forces

Altstrom consortium see VIA Rail Canada Inc.

Amateur sport

    Fees, income tax deduction, C-477 (Stoffer)
Ambulance technicians see Emergency volunteers (ambulance technician, firefighter, search or rescue)

Ammunition see Explosives

Anderson, David (CA-Cypress Hills-Grasslands)

    Canadian Wheat Board, P-38, P-39, P-40
Animal Pedigree Act

      Other Business No. 10

    Cruelty, offences/penalties, C-15B
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 9
    See also Cattle; Cetecceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises); Dogs; Hoof and mouth disease; Horses; Puppy mills; Transgenic animals; Wildlife
Anthem see O Canada

Anthrax see Bayer Inc.

Anti-Personnel Mines Convention Implementation Act

Antipoverty Act

    C-326 (Ménard)
Anti-terrorism Act

      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
      Ways and Means No. 8
        Other Business No. 4
Anti-tobacco strategy

      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 4

    National standards, M-39 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Employment insurance; Mechanics-Tools; National apprenticeship and training committee (NATAC)
Appropriation Act No. 3, 2000-2001

Appropriation Act No. 1, 2001-2002

Appropriation Act No. 2, 2001-2002

Appropriation Act No. 3, 2001-2002

Appropriation Act No. 4, 2001-2002

Appropriation Act No. 1, 2002-2003

Appropriation Act No. 2, 2002-2003

Aqua Terre Solutions Inc. see Sparks, Roderick Percy

Aquaculture see Fish farming industry; Genetically modified fish; Salmon farming

Aquatic environment see Marine conservation areas

Arabs see Visible minorities

Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act

Armenian genocide

    Commemoration, April 24th day of annual commemoration, M-93 (Robinson)
      M-285 (Assadourian)
        Other Business No. 4
      M-328 (Dalphond-Guiral)
      M-450 (Assadourian)
      M-482 (Dalphond-Guiral)

    Firefighter death, penalties
      M-359 (Martin, K.)
    See also Firefighters-Death in line of duty

    Treatment/funding, M-484 (McDonough)

    Income tax exemption, M-507 (Lill)
    Local Community Arts and Artists Sustainability Fund, M-371 (Davies)
Arts and culture

    Public funding, acknowledgement, C-348 (Obhrai)
    See also Actors; Parliamentary Poet Laureate
Assad, Mark (Lib.-Gatineau; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Citizenship and Immigration)

    Sparks, Roderick Percy, P-60, P-61
    Written questions, Q-166, Q-192
Assadourian, Sarkis (Lib.-Brampton Centre)

    Armenian genocide
        Other Business No. 4
    Genocide, M-285
      Other Business No. 4
    Tobacco industry, M-284
Assault see Sexual assault

Assistance dogs (seeing-eye, service, seizure response or seizure alert)

    Individual denied access to goods, services, facilities or accommodation, C-465 (Grey)
Assistant Deputy Chairman of Committees of the Whole

    Appointment, Other Business No. 1
Assisted Human Reproduction Act

Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada

Assisted Human Reproduction: Building Families see Health Standing Committee-Reports, Second

Association des prospecteurs du Québec see Mining industry-Exploration

Asthma see Windsor region

Athena see National Maritime Day

Atlantic Canada

    Natural resource revenues, equalization payment clawback, M-403 (Doyle)
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)

    Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation, agreements, C-43
    Meetings, C-43
    Provincial agreements, C-43
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Act

Attack on America see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks

Aubérge Grand-Mère

    Documents, Business Development Bank of Canada, Prime Minister's Office, François Beaudoin, Ethics Commissioner and Royal Canadian Mounted Police, P-5 (Lunn)
    See also Conflict of interest
Auditor General of Canada Office

    Estimates, 2001-2002, Main see see Public Accounts Standing Committee-Reports, Third
    Estimates, 2002-2003, Main see see Public Accounts Standing Committee-Reports, Nineteenth
    See also Canadian Wheat Board; First Nations Auditor; Foundations-External auditor
Auditor General Report (2000)

    Chapter 18 see Public Accounts Standing Committee-Reports, Fifteenth
Auditor General reports

    Government departments and agencies, failure to take satisfactory action, M-268 (Grewal)
Auditors see Corporations; Financial auditors

Augustine, Jean (Lib.-Etobicoke-Lakeshore; Secretary of State (Multiculturalism)(Status of Women) as of May 26, 2002)

    Micro credit, C-385

    Air conditioners, excise tax, C-13
      Ways and Means No. 2
        Other Business No. 4
    Imports, heavy automobiles, excise tax, C-13
      Ways and Means No. 2
        Other Business No. 4
    Mercury switches, M-341 (Comartin)
    See also Gasoline; Gasoline additives; Motor vehicles
Automotive fuels

    Oxygen content, C-350 (Lincoln)
    See also Gasoline; Gasoline additives
Automotive industry see General Motors of Canada Limited

Automotive mechanics see Mechanics

Automotive Pollution Reduction Act

    C-254 (Lincoln)
    C-350 (Lincoln)
Aviation fuel

    Excise tax, M-279 (St-Julien)
Awards and decorations see Golden Jubilee award; Military awards/decorations


Bachand, André (PC-Richmond-Arthabaska; PC/DR Coalition-Richmond-Arthabaska as of September 13, 2001 until April 9, 2002; PC-Richmond-Arthabaska as of April 10, 2002)

    Written questions, Q-137, Q-138
Backcountry Safety Day

    National day, M-355 (Owen)
Backpacking see Hiking and backpacking

Bail see Violent crime

Bailey, Roy (CA-Souris-Moose Mountain)

    Canadian War Museum, P-21
    Canadian Wheat Board, C-451
    Medical expenses, M-479
    National flag, C-426
    Remembrance Day (November 11), C-432
    Veterans, M-466
    Written questions, Q-47
Bank Act

      Ways and Means No. 1
      Other Business No. 10
    C-226 (Nystrom)
    C-384 (Harb)
Bank of Canada Act

      Ways and Means No. 1

    Workers wages, priority over other creditors
      C-203 (Martin, Pat)
      C-423 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Securities and derivatives clearing houses
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act

    C-203 (Martin, Pat)
    C-423 (Martin, Pat)

    Abitibi-James Bay-Nunavik constituency, regional development fund, M-250 (St-Julien)
    Community reinvestment, M-15 (Nystrom)
    Mergers, C-226 (Nystrom)
    See also Fishing vessels; Foreign bank branches; Political parties-Donations
Bard, Jean-Marc see Canada Lands Company

Bayer Inc.

    Government of Canada, communications, P-30 (Hill, G.)
Beaumier, Colleen (Lib.-Brampton West-Mississauga)

    Terry Fox Day Act, C-339
Bed-and-Breakfast establishments see Residential Rental Property

Bélanger, Mauril (Lib.-Ottawa-Vanier)

    Health care
    Written questions, Q-158, Q-165
Bélanger-Campeau Commission see Quebec sovereignty referendums-Referendum/offer of a new partnership

Bell, Alexander Graham see Telephones

Belle Isle Djandji

    Reports, January 1, 1997 to December 31, 2000, P-14 (Clark)
    See also Business Development Bank of Canada
Bellemare, Eugène (Lib.-Ottawa-Orléans; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister for International Cooperation until Sept. 12, 2001)

    Members of Parliament, C-480
Bennett, Carolyn (Lib.-St. Paul's)

    Hepatitis C Awareness Month, M-303
    O Canada, M-304
Bennett, Right Hon. Richard Bedford

    Statue, M-404 (Hearn)
Benoit, Leon (CA-Lakeland)

    Canadian flag, M-216
    Canadian Tobacco Youth Protection Foundation, M-9
    Employment, M-7
    Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels)
    Gun control, C-245
    Hazardous materials, M-531
    Indian Act, M-10
    Indian bands/reserves
    Individual security fund, M-14
    Mail, M-294
    Members of Parliament, M-11
    Organ procurement/transplant, M-12
    Search and seizure powers, C-245
    Strychnine, P-3
    Theft, C-328
    Written questions, Q-50, Q-132, Q-180
Beaudoin, François see Aubérge Grand-Mère

Bergeron, Stéphane (BQ-Verchères-Les-Patriotes)

    Acadians, M-241, M-495
    Cabinet Ministers, C-388
    Code of ethics for Ministers Act, C-388
Betancourt Ingrid

    Colombia, Senator and presidential election candidate, February 23, 2002 kidnapping/release, Resolution, Other Business No. 11
Beverage containers

    Returnable bottles, M-272 (St-Julien)
    Returnable containers, refundable deposit, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), reimbursement, Ways and Means No. 15
Beyond Bill C-2: A Review of Other Proposals to Reform Employment Insurance see Employment insurance-Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee

Bigras, Bernard (BQ-Rosemont-Petite-Patrie)

    Child abduction, M-219
    Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture, M-432
    Marijuana, C-335
    Television, C-420
Biker gangs see Motorcycle gangs

Bilingualism see Official languages policy/bilingualism

Bills of Exchange Act

    C-260 (Mark)
    C-384 (Harb)
Bills, Public

    Report Stage, "motions of a repetitive, frivolous or vexatious nature", Speaker not to select
      Government Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 5
Biological and Toxic Weapon Convention

    Legislation, introduction, Other Business No. 4
Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention Implementation Act

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
Biological diversity see Agriculture-Terminator and traitor technologies; Cartegena Protocol on Biosafety

Biotechnology see Agriculture-Terminator; Food biotechnoogy; Genetically modified fish; Genetically modified food; Genetically modified organisms; Genetically modified plants; Life forms; Transgenic organisms


      Other Business No. 4
    Biochemical protection drugs, C-473 (Nystrom)
Birds see Migratory birds

Black community see Emancipation Day

Blaikie, Bill (NDP-Winnipeg-Transcona)

    Motor vehicles, M-116
    Nuclear weapons, M-31
    Peltier, Leonard, M-28, M-29
    Sikh community, M-32
    Water, M-30
Blair, Right Hon. Tony see United Kingdom

Blood samples

    Disease testing, C-217 (Strahl)
      Other Business No. 4
    Viruses, hepatitis B, hepatitis C or HIV/AIDS virus detection, protection of emergency personnel, C-347 (Martin, K.)
    See also Impaired driving
Blood Samples Act

    C-217 (Strahl)
      Other Business No. 4
    C-347 (Martin, K.)
Blood supply system

    Tainted blood, victim compensation, no-fault insurance plan, Krever inquiry recommendation, M-150 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    See also Canadian Blood Service; Hepatitis C
Blue Water Bridge Authority

    Borrowing authority/issuance of bonds, S-5
Blue Water Bridge Authority Act

Bluenose see Coins-Ten-cent coin

Board of Internal Economy

    Spokesperson, questions raised during Adjournment Proceedings, Other Business No. 4
Boards of Trade Act


    Safety, C-14
Boisbriand, QC see General Motors of Canada Limited

Bonds see Financial transactions (stocks, bonds and money market trades)

Bonin, Ray (Lib.-Nickel Belt)

    Correctional Service of Canada, C-458
    Offenders, C-459
    Victims of crime, C-457
    Violent offenders, C-456
Bonwick, Paul (Lib.-Simcoe-Grey)

    Merchant Navy Veterans Day, C-374
Books of Remembrance see Peacekeeping

Border security

    Immigration and Customs officers/refugee claimants, Supply Proceedings No. 7
Borders see Canada-United States border

Borotsik, Rick (PC-Brandon-Souris; PC/DR Coalition-Brandon-Souris as of September 13, 2001;PC-Brandon-Souris as of April 10, 2002)

    Agriculture Minister, P-55
    Canadian Wheat Board, C-249
    Crown corporations, C-249
    Drought, P-29
    Farming, P-28
    Freight rail industry, M-396
    Genetically modified food, M-397, M-398
    Genetically modified organisms, M-400
    Genetically modified plants, M-399
    Grain and oilseeds sector, M-394
    Highways and roads, M-26
    National Agriculture Industry Relief Coordination Act, C-263
    Novel food products, M-398
    Regulatory fees, M-27
    Wheat, P-27
    Written questions, Q-68, Q-69, Q-70
Brantwood Communications Group Inc. see Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

Break and enter (crime)

    Repeat offenders, minimum two year sentence
      C-290 (Obhrai)
      C-386 (Obhrai)
        Other Business No. 4
      M-203 (MacKay)
Breathalyzers see Impaired driving

Breitkreuz, Garry (CA-Yorkton-Melville)

    Abortion, M-523
    Cabinet confidences, C-341
    Canadian Wheat Board, M-331
    Children, M-392
    Firearms, M-455, M-456, M-457
    Human being, M-228
    Property rights, M-426
    Sex offenders, M-456
    Written questions, Q-35, Q-80, Q-98, Q-131, Q-149, Q-151
Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act

Bristol Group Inc.

    Government contracts, P-64 (Lebel)
British Columbia see Fuel taxes; Highways and roads; Mountain Pine Beetle; Oil and gas exploration; Salmon farming

British pensioners

    M-85 (Robinson)
    M-292 (Harb)

    Redistribution, cable and satellite systems, copyright royalties, C-48
      Other Business No. 4
    Video programming, closed captioning technology, income tax deduction, C-306 (St-Hilaire)
    See also Cable television; Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC); Copyright; Deaf and hearing impaired persons; Government advertising; Television
Broadcasting Act

    C-306 (St-Hilaire)
    C-325 (White, T.)
    C-420 (Bigras)
    S-7 (Harvard)
      Other Business No. 9
Brownfields see Industrial pollution

Bryden, John (Lib.-Ancaster-Dundas-Flamborough-Aldershot)

    Affirmation of Citizenship, C-391
    Oath of Citizenship, C-391
    Supreme Court of Canada, C-234
Buccholz, Erhard see Canada Lands Company


    Pre-budget consultations, Government Business No. 17
    See also Finance Standing Committee-Reports, Tenth
Budget 2000 (February 28, 2000)

      Ways and Means No. 2
        Other Business No. 4
Budget 2001 (December 10, 2001)

    Order of the Day designated, Ways and Means No. 10
    Priorities, Supply Proceedings No. 7
      Other Business No. 4
Budget Implementation Act, 1997

Budget Implementation Act, 1998

      Other Business No. 10
Budget Implementation Act, 2001

      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 14
        Other Business No. 4
Budget surplus

    Fiscal stabilization fund, M-24 (Nystrom)
Budgetary policy

    New Democratic Party 12 Point Plan to Save Canada, Supply Proceedings No. 9

    Canada relations, review, M-409 (Robinson)
Bursaries see Scholarships, fellowships and bursaries

Burton, Andy (CA-Skeena)

    Groupaction Marketing, P-25
    Written questions, Q-53
Bus transport see Motor carriers, extra-provincial (truck and bus)

Bush, George W. see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks (World Trade Center, New York City, Pentagon, Washington, DC and Pennsylvania)-United States response

Business Development Bank of Canada

    Belle Isle Djandji reports, P-50 (Clark)
    Board of directors, June 2, 1999 meeting, P-8 (Clark)
    Egon Zehnder International reports, P-53 (Clark)
    Elan Pratzer and Partners Inc. reports, P-48 (Clark)
    Gestion Michel Lebeuf Ltée reports, P-51 (Clark)
    Gilles Tremblay and Associés reports, P-47 (Clark)
    Illsley Bourbonnais reports, P-49 (Clark)
    La Société Caldwell reports, P-52 (Clark)
    PricewaterhouseCoopers reports, P-46 (Clark)
    Rolland Groupe Conseil Inc. reports, P-45 (Clark)
    Spencer Stuart reports, P-54 (Clark)
    See also Aubérge Grand-Mère; Student loans
Business Development Bank of Canada Act

      Other Business No. 10
    C-230 (Nystrom)
Business expenses

    Fines, excluded from deductions, M-446 (Martin, Pat)
    Fines, levies or penalties, tax deduction
      C-447 (Martin, Pat)
      P-41 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Child care-Income tax deduction; Construction work camps; Matchable expenditure rules
Business of Supply

    Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee (1st Sess., 36th Parl.), Fifty-first Report, "The Business of Supply: Completing the Circle of Control", M-296 (Williams)
    See also Supply

Cabinet confidences

    Access to information, C-341 (Breitkreuz)
Cabinet Ministers

    Conflict of interest, C-388 (Bergeron)
    See also Agriculture Minister; International Cooperation Minister (Minna); National Revenue Minister
Cable television

    Channel allocation, C-325 (White, T.)
    See also Broadcasting-Redistribution
Caccia, Hon. Charles (Lib.-Davenport)

    Elections, C-319
    Endangered and threatened species, C-295
    Fish farming industry, M-119
    Genetically modified food, C-287
    Transportation, M-118
    Water, M-117
    Written questions, Q-23, Q-24
Cadman, Chuck (CA-Surrey North)

    Child abduction, C-251
    Impaired driving, C-464
    Motor vehicles, C-250
    Parole, C-233, C-405
    Refugees, M-422
      Other Business No. 4
    Visitors to Canada, C-434
    Young offenders, C-235

    Packaged products, labelling, regulations, M-153 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Calder, Murray (Lib.-Dufferin-Peel-Wellington-Grey)

    Canadien Horse, C-311
    Census records, C-312
    Firefighters, M-326
    National Horse of Canada Act, C-311
Calendar dates

    Numerical expression, year/month/day
      C-281 (Epp)
      C-327 (Adams)
Cameco Corporation (formerly Eldorado Nuclear Limited)

    Ownership, non-resident limits, C-3
Canada Business Corporations Act

      Other Business No. 10
    C-384 (Harb)
    C-448 (Martin, Pat)
    C-479 (Martin, Pat)
Canada Cooperatives Act

Canada Corporations Act

Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement

Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act

Canada Council Act

Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act

      Other Business No. 10
Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Act

      Ways and Means No. 1
Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions see Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec (Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions)

Canada Education Savings Grant program see Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs)

Canada Elections Act

      Other Business No. 10
    C-213 (Desjarlais)
    C-319 (Caccia)
    C-401 (Peric)
    C-418 (Peric)
    C-421 (Pankiw)
Canada Endangered Species Protection Act

    C-295 (Caccia)
Canada Evidence Act

      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
      Ways and Means No. 8
        Other Business No. 4
    C-281 (Epp)
Canada Foundation for Innovation

    Funding/borrowing powers, C-17
Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology

Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology Act

Canada Fund for Africa Act

      Other Business No. 4
Canada-Germany Tax Convention Act, 1982

Canada Grain Act

Canada Health Act

    C-280 (Gouk)
    C-384 (Harb)
    C-407 (Bélanger)
    C-452 (Pankiw)
Canada Health and Social Transfer see Hospitals-Private for profit hospitals; Welfare-Work for welfare

Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement

Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act

Canada Labour Code

      Other Business No. 10
    C-260 (Mark)
    C-340 (Guay)
    C-375 (Guay)
    C-413 (Fournier)
    C-453 (Pankiw)
    C-471 (Phinney)
    Section 108.1 see Collective bargaining-Employer restructuring offer
    Section 184 see Employees-Vacation
Canada Lands Company

    Chair, former, Jon Grant, complaint to Ethics Counsellor re Public Works Minister Alfonso Gagliano, P-37 (Pankiw)
    Employment, Vice-President Michel Couillard/President Erhard Buccholz correspondence re Public Works Minister Alfonso Gagliano and Chief of Staff Jean-Marc Bard, P-44 (Pankiw)
    See also Federal lands
Canada Lands Surveys Act

Canada Marine Act

    C-253 (Crête)
Canada Marriage Act

    C-266 (Pankiw)
Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act

Canada National Parks Act

Canada-Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation Act

Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act

Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act

Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

    Administration, ombudsman, C-227 (Nystrom)
    Disability benefits, national network of advocates, M-425 (Lill)
    Early retirement/self-employed earnings, police and firefighters, C-228 (Nystrom)
    Investment management, C-58
    "Pensionable employment", workers' compensation payments, including, M-102 (Desjarlais)
    Self-employed earnings, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    Survivor benefits, dependent children and spouses or common-law partners, eligibility, C-475 (Harb)
    See also Firefighters; Individual security fund
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act

Canada Ports Corporation Act

Canada Ports Police

      M-42 (Martin, Pat)
      M-508 (Lill)
Canada Post Corporation see Mail contractors (rural route and suburban service contractors); Postage stamps

Canada Post Corporation Act

    C-404 (Lebel)
Canada Research Chairs

    Funds, awards to granting councils, P-2 (Pankiw)
    Number awarded to Medical Research Council, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, P-1 (Pankiw)
Canada Seat Belt Act

    C-366 (Harb)
Canada Shipping Act

      Other Business No. 10
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
    C-384 (Harb)
Canada Shipping Act, 2001

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund Act

      Other Business No. 4
Canada Student Financial Assistance Act

      Other Business No. 10
Canada Student Loan program

    Parental contribution standard, M-533 (Herron)
Canada Student Loans Act

      Other Business No. 10
    C-230 (Nystrom)
Canada Transportation Act

      Other Business No. 10
    C-384 (Harb)
    C-436 (Casson)
Canada Transportation Act Review Panel see Freight rail industry

Canada-United Kingdom Civil and Commercial Judgments Convention Act

    C-384 (Harb)
Canada-United States border

    Common perimeter, M-424 (Solberg)
    Trans-border traffic, line-ups and delays, M-274 (St-Julien)
Canada-United States relations see Peltier, Leonard; Softwood lumber; Torpedo testing; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks; Water-Bulk water exports

Canada Water Act

Canada Water Export Prohibition Act

    C-205 (Martin, Pat)
Canada Well-Being Measurement Act

    C-268 (Thibeault)
      Other Business No. 4
Canada Wildlife Act

      Government Business No. 27
      Other Business No. 4
Canada-Yukon Oil and Gas Accord Implementation Act

Canadian Air Transport Security Authority

      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 14
        Other Business No. 4
Canadian Air Transport Security Authority Act

      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 14
        Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
Canadian Armed Forces

      Alternative service delivery, M-513 (Martin, Pat)
      Supply chain services, contracting out, M-516 (Martin, K.)
    Medical review/exposure to hazardous materials, M-227 (Goldring)
    Personnel, professional certification, provincial recognition, M-107 (Goldring)
    Reservists, protection of employment
      Other Business No. 4
      M-393 (Peric)
    See also Afghanistan; Canadian Forces Day; Court Martial Appeal Court; Golden Jubilee award; Parliamentary privilege-Pallister; Peacekeeping; Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Reports, Fiftieth-Terms of Reference; Remembrance Day (November 11); Reserve Military Judges Panel; Snowbirds Squadron (Canadian Armed Forces aerobatic team)
Canadian Aviation Regulations (CAR) see Airports-Firefighters

Canadian Bill of Rights

    C-362 (Harb)
    C-365 (Harb)
    C-371 (Harb)
Canadian Blood Service

    Restructuring, Saskatoon blood collection facility, relocation to Regina, P-63 (Skelton)
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Act

Canadian Centre for the Independent Resolution of First Nations Specific Claims

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms see Property rights; Supreme Court of Canada

Canadian Child Rights Act

    C-370 (Harb)
Canadian Citizenship Commission

    C-417 (Mark)
Canadian Citizenship Tribunal

    C-417 (Mark)
Canadian Commercial Corporation

    Borrowing, C-41
    Chairperson/President, roles, C-41
    Services, fees, C-41
Canadian Commercial Corporation Act

Canadian content see Sound recordings

Canadian Environmental Assessment Act

      Government Business No. 27
      Other Business No. 4
    C-305 (Keyes)
Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
Canadian Film Development Corporation see Telefilm Canada

Canadian Film Development Corporation Act

Canadian flag

      C-330 (Speller)
      M-216 (Benoit)
    Song, "Our Great Canadian Flag" (Canadian Flag Song), recogntion, M-237 (Gallant)
    See also Remembrance Day (November 11)
Canadian Food Inspection Agency

    Employees, C-43
Canadian Forces Day

    Proclaiming first Sunday in June, M-334 (Pratt)
      Other Business No. 4
Canadian Forces Maritime Experimental and Test Ranges (CFMETR) see Torpedo testing

Canadian Heritage Minister see Copyright Act-Administration

Canadian Heritage Ministry

    Estimates, 2001-2002, Main see Transport Standing Committee-Reports, Tenth
Canadian Heritage Standing Committee

      Fourth (Bill S-7), Other Business No. 9
    Travel, Other Business No. 9
Canadian Human Rights Act

    C-324 (White, T.)
    C-326 (Ménard)
    C-465 (Grey)
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

    Contract work, Ted Lojko and Doug Glynn/Brantwood Communications Group Inc., International Cooperation Minister (Minna), P-31 (Casey)
    Estimates, 2001-2002, Main see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee-Reports, First
Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act

Canadian Multiculturalism Act

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

    Employees, C-43
Canadian Payments Association Act

      Ways and Means No. 1
Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal Act

    C-356 (Harb)
Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal and Memorial Act

    C-356 (Harb)
Canadian Public Safety Officer Compensation Fund

    M-59 (Davies)
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Act

Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)

    Awarding of costs, S-7 (Harvard)
      Other Business No. 9
Canadian Safe Drinking Water Act

    C-462 (Herron)
Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act

      Other Business No. 10
Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)

      Other Business No. 10
Canadian Space Agency

    Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)/Electromagnetic Cleanliness (EMC) Test Facility, P-42 (Reid)
Canadian Tobacco Youth Protection Foundation

    M-9 (Benoit)
    S-15 (Lincoln)
Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act

Canadian War Museum

    Relocation, P-21 (Bailey)
Canadian Wheat Board

    Access to information, C-249 (Borotsik)
    Auditor General of Canada audit
      C-438 (Hilstrom)
      P-38 (Anderson, D.)
      P-39 (Anderson, D.)
      P-40 (Anderson, D.)
    Mandate/opting-out, M-331 (Breitkreuz)
    Name, change to Western Canadian Wheat Board, C-451 (Bailey)
    See also Grain and oilseeds sector-Marketing
Canadian Wheat Board Act

    C-438 (Hilstrom)
    C-451 (Bailey)
Canadien Horse

    National horse
      C-311 (Calder)
Cancer see Terry Fox Day Act; Windsor region


    Children's toys resemblance, warning label, M-3 (Stoffer)
Cannis, John (Lib.-Scarborough Centre; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Industry until September 12, 2001)

    National flag, C-429
    Parthenon marbles, M-452
Capital gains

    "Capital dividend account", C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    Rollover, investment in shares of small-and-medium-sized business corporations, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
Capital gains tax

    Inclusion rate, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    See also Ecological gifts; Securities (publicly traded); Segregated funds
Capital punishment see Murder

Capital tax see Life insurance corporations; Small business

CAR see Canadian Aviation Regulations (CAR)

Cardiac arrest see Defibrillators

Caregiver tax credit

      Ways and Means No. 3

    Medical expenses, income tax deduction, C-320 (Stoffer)
    See also Employment insurance

    Nunavik and other remote regions, NAV CANADA fees, M-233 (St-Julien)
Cariboo Diocese see Diocese of Cariboo

Carriage by Air Act

Carriage of Goods by Water Act

Carrie's Guardian Angel Law

    C-396 (Hanger)
Cartegena Protocol on Biosafety

    Biological diversity/"precautionary approach" principle, M-156 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Casey, Bill (PC-Cumberland-Colchester; PC/DR Coalition-Cumberland-Colchester as of September 13, 2001;PC-Cumberland-Colchester as of April 10, 2002)

    Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), P-31
    Crime, C-395
    National Crime Stoppers' Day Act, C-395
    Renous Prison, P-56
    Urbanization, M-520
    Written questions, Q-33, Q-79, Q-109, Q-110, Q-139, Q-156, Q-174
Casson, Rick (CA-Lethbridge)

    Child abduction, C-436
    Child pornography, C-247
Catterall, Marlene (Lib.-Ottawa West-Nepean)

    Electoral districts, C-441

    Cruelty, offences/penalties, C-15B
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 9
Cellular phones see Motor vehicles-Drivers

Cemetaries see Funerals


    Maintenance, funding
      M-383 (Wayne)
      M-384 (Herron)

    Ethnicity questions, C-301 (Obhrai)
Census records

      C-312 (Calder)
      M-238 (Gallant)
    Transfer from Statistics Canada to the National Archives of Canada
      C-312 (Calder)
      C-380 (Harb)
Certas Direct Insurance Company

    Quebec incorporation, S-28
Cetecceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises)

    Live-capture and trade, moratorium, M-75 (Davies)
CFMETR see Canadian Forces Maritime Experimental and Test Ranges (CFMETR)

Chair Occupants see Assistant Deputy Chairman of Committees of the Whole; Deputy Chairman of Committees of the Whole; Deputy Speaker and Chairman of Committees of the Whole; Speaker

Chambly constituency

    Name, change to Chambly-Borduas, C-441 (Catterall)
Champagne and Aishihik First Nations Self-Government Agreement

Charitable donations

    Income tax deduction, M-512 (Martin, Pat)
    Stock options, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    See also Ecological gifts; Food banks; Securities (publicly traded)

    Income tax registration, prevention of terrorist organizations
        Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
      Ways and Means No. 8
        Other Business No. 4
    Political activities, discretionary public funding/revocation of income tax status, C-323 (White, T.)
    See also Food banks
Charities Registration (Security Information) Act

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
      Ways and Means No. 8
        Other Business No. 4
Châteauguay constituency

    Name, change to Châteauguay-Saint-Constant, C-441 (Catterall)
Chelsea, QC see Sparks, Roderick Percy

Chemical pesticides

    Moratorium, C-267 (Lincoln)
      Other Business No. 4
    Registration, risk assessment/public participation, C-53
    See also Strychnine
Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act

      Other Business No. 10
Cheque cashing services

    Low-income earners, M-60 (Davies)
Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office (Elections Canada)

    Estimates, 2001-2002, Main see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Reports, Twentieth
    Estimates, 2002-2003, Main see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Reports, Fifty-sixth
    See also Indian bands/reserves-Elections
Child abduction

    Age limit, C-251 (Cadman)
    Air travel, adult passengers travelling with young persons, written proof of consent, C-436 (Casson)
    Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee (1st Sess., 36th Parl.), Fourth Report, "International Child Abduction: Issues for Reform", M-179 (Hill, J.)
    International leadership, M-219 (Bigras)
    National program, M-176 (Hill, J.)
    Warrants, application and enforcement, M-175 (Hill, J.)
Child abuse

      False accusations, M-188 (Hill, J.)
      Investigations in parenting disputes, statistics, M-182 (Hill, J.)
    "Child at risk", definition, provincial legislation, M-129 (Hill, J.)
Child care

    Income tax deduction, person carrying on active business on regular and continuous basis, C-430 (St-Hilaire)
    National program, M-52 (Davies)
    Parents who stay home, M-223 (St-Julien)
    See also Disability tax credit
Child custody

    "Custody and access"/"shared parenting"
      M-131 (Hill, J.)
      M-132 (Hill, J.)
    Grandparents, access rights
      C-383 (Harb)
      C-406 (MacKay)
      M-189 (Hill, J.)
    Joint custody
      C-237 (Hill, J.)
      C-469 (Hill, J.)
    Non-custodial parents, spousal benefit, M-458 (Martin, K.)
    "Tender years doctrine", M-134 (Hill, J.)
    Visits, parent imprisoned for sexual offences, C-400 (Mills, B.)
Child Custody and Access Special Joint Committee (1st Sess., 36th Parl.)

    Report (For the Sake of the Children), M-329 (Strahl)
Child development

    Information and records, parental receipt, M-135 (Hill, J.)
Child labour

    Child-labour-free labels, M-57 (Davies)
    M-38 (Martin, Pat)
Child pornography

    Internet access/distribution
        Other Business No. 9
      C-210 (Stoffer)
      C-212 (Stoffer)
    Legislation, M-120 (Hill, J.)
      Access, prevention, C-425 (MacKay)
      Forfeiture of property, C-247 (Casson)
    See also Child sex offenders-Protection of chilren
Child Predator Act

    C-437 (Pankiw)
Child protection agencies

    Investigations, disclosure of records, M-174 (Hill, J.)
Child sex offenders

    Orders of prohibition, dwelling house of person under age 14, C-274 (MacKay)
    Predators, sentences
      C-396 (Hanger)
      C-437 (Pankiw)
    Protection of children, legal age of consent/ sexually explicit materials, Supply Proceedings No. 13
    See also Sexual acts-Age of consent
Child support

    Income tax deduction, C-397 (Perron)
    See also Education, post-secondary-Expenses
Child Support Guidelines

    Review, M-143 (Hill, J.)

    Definition, United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, "child", "minor", "infant" and "adult" , C-384 (Harb)
    "Illegitimate child", elimination of expression
      C-378 (Harb)
      C-408 (Harb)
        Other Business No. 4
    Passports/identification in travel documents, M-164 (Hill, J.)
    Physical discipline/spanking, parental rights, Criminal Code, Section 43
      C-329 (Davies)
      M-84 (Robinson)
    Protection, legal counsel, appointment, M-130 (Hill, J.)
    Removal from family home
      M-177 (Hill, J.)
      M-178 (Hill, J.)
    Rights, United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
      C-370 (Harb)
      C-384 (Harb)
    Sexual exploitation, C-15A
      Other Business No. 9
    Unborn child, definition of "human being", Criminal Code, section 223(1), M-392 (Breitkreuz)
    See also Adoption (children); Canada Pension Plan (CPP)-Survivor benefits; Candy; Citizenship-Parent; Crime; Divorce; Family law; Occupational health and safety-Pregnant or nursing mother; Parent-child contact terms; Parenting orders; Parents-Separation; Peace officers; Pensions; Sexual acts-Age of consent; United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
Children in Law Act

    C-384 (Harb)
China see Imports-Anti-dumping-Safeguards; Taiwan; World Trade Organization (WTO)

Chinese Canadians

    Chinese Head Tax and Chinese Immigration (Exclusion) Act, apology/compensation, M-305 (Davies)
Chinese community see Indonesia

Chisasibi Cree community

    Housing, unhealthy conditions, M-325 (St-Julien)
Chrétien, Right Hon. Jean (Lib.-Saint-Maurice; Prime Minister)

    References see Conflict of interest; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks (World Trade Center, New York City, Pentagon, Washington, DC and Pennsylvania)-United States response
Chronic fatigue syndrome see Environmental illness (multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia)

Churches see Mennonite Church Canada; Residential schools

Churchill River constituency

    Name, change to Desnedthé-Missinipi-Churchill River, C-441 (Catterall)
CIDA see Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)


    Canadian citizen or permanent resident, C-11
      Other Business No. 10
    Parent acquiring citizenship or nationality of another country, child regaining Canadian citizenship, C-428 (Reynolds)
    Person born on a Canadian ship, C-14
    Revocation, notice/appeals, C-373 (Telegdi)
    Status, rights and obligations, C-417 (Mark)
    See also Affirmation of Citizenship; Emergencies/disasters; Income tax-Dependants; Mandela, Nelson; Oath of Citizenship; Publishing; Sound recordings
Citizenship Act

      Other Business No. 10
    C-373 (Telegdi)
    C-391 (Bryden)
    C-428 (Reynolds)
Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee

    Reports, First, Other Business No. 4
    Televising of meetings, Other Business No. 9
    Travel, Other Business No. 9
Civil Aviation Tribunal see Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada

Civil Code of Lower Canada (1866)

Civil liability see Air transport-Accidents; Maritime liability; Nuclear facilities

Claim Settlements (Alberta and Saskatchewan) Implementation Act

Clark, Right. Hon. Joe (PC-Calgary Centre; PC/DR Coalition-Calgary Centre as of September 13, 2001; PC-Calgary Centreas of April 10, 2002)

    Belle Isle Djandji, P-14
    Business Development Bank of Canada, P-8, P-45, P-46, P-47, P-48, P-49, P-50, P-51, P-52, P-53, P-54
    Egon Zehnder International, P-17
    Elan Pratzer and Partners Inc., P-12
    Gestion Michel Lebeuf Ltée, P-15
    Gilles Tremblay et Associés, P-11
    Illsley Bourbonnais, P-13
    La Société Caldwell, P-16
    PricewaterhouseCoopers, P-10
    Rolland Groupe Conseil Inc., P-9
    Spencer Stuart, P-18
    Written questions, Q-133, Q-134, Q-135, Q-136
Clean Internet Act

    C-210 (Stoffer)

    Residence, income tax deduction, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
Cloning see Human cloning

Closed captions see Broadcasting

Climate change

    M-381 (Mills, B.)
    See also Greenhouse gas emissions; Kyoto accord
Cluster bombs

    Ban, M-427 (Robinson)
Coastal Fisheries Protection Act

Coastal Protection Act

    Establishing, M-44 (Martin, Pat)
Coastal waters

    Environmental disasters, federal-provincial monitoring, M-44 (Martin, Pat)
Coasting trade

    Duties and taxes, C-14
Coasting Trade Act

Code of Canadian Citizenship

    C-417 (Mark)
Code of Conduct of Public Officials see Ethics Counsellor

Code of Conduct Special Joint Committee

    Establishment, Government Business No. 30
      Other Business No. 4
Code of ethics for Ministers Act

    C-388 (Bergeron)
Codes of conduct see Federal political system-Corruption; Members of Parliament; Parliamentarians' Code of Conduct; Senators


    One-cent coin, elimination, M-112 (Crête)
    Ten-cent coin, schooner Bluenose, restoration, M-385 (Keddy)
      Other Business No. 4
Collective agreements

    "Orphan clauses", new arrivals in labour market/young workers, wage discrimination, C-375 (Guay)
Collective bargaining

    Employer restructuring offer, employee vote, M-407 (Johnston)
    See also Members of Parliament-Staff

    Human rights see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee-Reports, Eighteenth
    See also Betancourt Ingrid
Comartin, Joe (NDP-Windsor-St. Clair)

    Automobiles, M-341
    Consumer packaging, M-339
    Drinking water, M-348
    Environment, M-336
    Environmental Bill of Rights, M-338
    Gasoline, M-335
    MOX (mixed oxide) fuels, M-349
    Pollution, M-340
    Social security payments (United States), M-343
    VIA Rail Canada Inc., M-342
    Water, M-347
    Water consumption, M-346
    Watersheds, M-344
    Wetfields, M-345
    Windsor region, M-337
    Written questions, Q-17
Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow) see Health care

Commissioner for the Rights of Victims of Crime

    Establishment, M-207 (MacKay)
Commissioner of Firearms

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 9
Committee of the Whole House

    Proceedings and hours of sitting
      Government Business No. 5
      Other Business No. 4
      Government Business No. 12
    See also Afghanistan; Health care; National Defence Ministry-Estimates; Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States); Public Works and Government Services Ministry; Standing Orders-Modernization; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC)

      Government Business No. 27
      Other Business No. 4
    C-295 (Caccia)
Committees, Special see Modernization and Improvement of the Procedures of the House of Commons Special Committee; Non-Medical Use of Drugs Special Committee

Committees, Special Joint see Child Custody and Access Special Joint Committee; Code of Conduct Special Joint Committee

Committees, Standing

    Broadcasting see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Reports, Forty-first-Reports, Fifty-eighth
      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 5
    Name, change, Other Business No. 5
    See also Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing Committee; Canadian Heritage Standing Committee; Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee; Committee of the Whole House; Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee; Estimates; Finance Standing Committee; Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee; Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee; Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee; Health Standing Committee; Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee; Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee; Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee; Legislation; Liaison Committee; National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee; Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee; Public Accounts Standing Committee; Transport and Government Operations Standing Committee
Committees, Standing Joint see Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee; Official Languages Standing Joint Committee; Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee

Committees, Sub-Committees see Human Rights and International Development Sub-Committee; International Trade, Trade Disputes and Investments Sub-Committee; National Security Sub-Committee; Veterans Affairs Sub-Committee

Common law relationships see Canada Pension Plan (CPP)-Survivor benefits

Communication et Stratégie Inc.

    Government contracts
      P-62 (Lebel)
      P-65 (Lebel)
Communications see Corporations-Shareholder participation

Community action

    National program, M-354 (St-Julien)
Community projects see Mortgages-Low-income individuals

Community reinvestment see Banks

Community service

    National "working holiday", February 29
      M-71 (Davies)
      M-258 (Davies)
Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act


    Anti-competitive acts/abuse of dominant position, C-276 (McTeague)
    Foreign competition authorities, cooperation/mutual legal assistance, C-23
      Other Business No. 4
    Conspiracy, Competition Act, term "unduly", section 45, Competition Bureau investigations, M-364 (Girard-Bujold) See also Corporations-Global competitiveness; Gasoline-Vertically integrated suppliers; Media; Mergers; Prizes
Competition Act

      Other Business No. 4
    C-248 (McTeague)
    C-276 (McTeague)
    C-358 (Harb)
    Section 45 see Competition-Conspiracy
    Section 78 see Competition-Anti-competitive acts
    Section 96 see Mergers-Gains in efficiency
Competition Bureau see Competition-Conspiracy

Competition Tribunal

    Cost awards, summary dispositions and references, C-23
      Other Business No. 4
    Temporary orders, C-23
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Mergers-Gains in efficiency
Competition Tribunal Act

      Other Business No. 4
Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Implementation Act

      Other Business No. 10

    Hackers/viruses, criminal offence, M-80 (Pankiw)
    See also Defence equipment; Government computer systems
Conclusion of Treaties Act

    C-317 (Lalonde)
Conditional release (convicted criminals)

    Indictable offences committed, additional sentence
      C-467 (Vellacott)
      C-470 (Sorenson)

    Vancouver, BC, building envelope failure
      Disaster, declaration, M-377 (Davies)
      Victim compensation, Goods and Services Tax (GST) relief, M-293 (Moore)
Confederation see Riel, Louis David

Conference of Mennonites in Canada

      Other Business No. 4
Conferences see Intergovernmental conferences

Conflict Diamonds Act

    C-402 (Pratt)
Conflict, Human Rights and Democracy in Colombia: A Canadian Agenda see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee-Reports, Eighteenth

Conflict of interest

    Prime Minister (Chrétien), involvement with Grand-Mère Golf Club and Auberge Grand-Mère, independent judicial inquiry, Supply Proceedings No. 6
    See also Cabinet Ministers
Congenital heart defects

    National day, C-265 (Thompson, G.)
Congo, Democratic Republic of

    Ugandan and Rwandan troops, withdrawal, United Nations Resolution 1234, M-283 (Robinson)
Conscience rights see Medical procedures

Conscientious objection see Defence expenditures

Conscientious Objection Act

    C-232 (Robinson)
Conservation see Marine conservation areas

Conspiracy see Competition

Constitution see National unity; Newfoundland and Labrador; Senate; Supreme Court of Canada

Construction work camps

    Semi-remote work sites, meals, business expense deduction
      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 12
Consultants see Bristol Group Inc.; Communication et Stratégie Inc.; Executive search firms; Groupaction Marketing; Groupe Cible (B.A.) Inc.; Groupe Everest; Tremblay Guittet Communications Inc.

Consumer credit

    Credit record information, C-367 (Harb)
Consumer Credit Information Act

    C-367 (Harb)
Consumer packaging

    Environmental impact, M-339 (Comartin)
Consumers see Condominiums-Vancouver, BC; Credit cards-Goods or services not received; Credit Ombudsman; Financial Consumer Agency; Financial institutions; Imports-Defective goods; Oil and Gas Ombudsman; Prizes

Contraventions Act

    C-256 (MacKay)
    C-344 (Martin, K.)
Controlled access military zones see Military security zones

Controlled Drugs and Substances Act

      Other Business No. 10
    C-255 (Hill, J.)
    C-335 (Bigras)
    C-344 (Martin, K.)
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air (Montreal Convention)

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

    P-23 (Martin, K.)
Cooperative Credit Associations Act

      Ways and Means No. 1
      Other Business No. 10
Co-operative housing

    Third sector agency, M-68 (Davies)
Cooperatives (non-financial)

    "Associate", S-11
    Corporate governance, S-11
    Financial assistance, S-11
    Insider trading, S-11
    Investment shares, S-11
    Shareholder proposals, S-11

    Ephemeral recordings/pre-recorded recordings, collective societies royalties, broadcasters exemption, M-431 (Abbott)
    See also Broadcasting-Redistribution
Copyright Act

    Administration, Minister of Canadian Heritage, C-337 (Gagnon, C.)
      Other Business No. 10
      Other Business No. 4
    C-337 (Gagnon, C.)
    Sections 30.8(8) and 30.9(6) see Copyright-Ephemeral recordings/pre-recorded recordings
    Section 31 see Broadcasting-Redistribution
Corporal punishment see Children-Physical discipline/spanking; Nigeria

Corporate governance see Cooperatives (non-financial); Corporations

Corporate taxation

    "Connected corporation", C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    Foreign affiliates, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    Rate, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    See also Business expenses-Fines; Construction work camps; Trusts

      Appointment, prohibited within two years of providing professional services, C-479 (Martin, Pat)
      Report to include other professional services provided, C-448 (Martin, Pat)
    Boards of directors
      Due diligence defence, S-11
      Members of Parliament and Senators, M-25 (Nystrom)
      Residency requirements, S-11
    Capital stock, replacement property rules, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    Capitalization, thin capitalization/debt-to-equity ratio, Ways and Means No. 3
    Chain of corporations, simultaneous control, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    Corporate governance, S-11
    Criminal acts or omissions/unsafe working conditions, liability of directors and officers
      C-242 (McDonough)
      C-284 (Desjarlais)
        Other Business No. 4
    Global competitiveness, S-11
    Going-private transactions, S-11
    Incorporation see Certas Direct Insurance Company
    Insider trading, S-11
    Property, corporate divisive reorganization rules, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    Shareholder participation/electronic communication, S-11
    Squeeze-out transactions, S-11
    See also Life insurance corporations; Occupational health and safety
Correctional Service of Canada

    Board of Investigation report, M-201 (MacKay)
    Board of Management, C-458 (Bonin)
Corrections and Conditional Release Act

      Other Business No. 10
    C-233 (Cadman)
    C-252 (Stinson)
    C-384 (Harb)
    C-405 (Cadman)
    C-412 (MacKay)
    C-437 (Pankiw)
    C-456 (Bonin)
    C-457 (Bonin)
    C-458 (Bonin)
    C-459 (Bonin)
    C-467 (Vellacott)
    C-470 (Sorenson)
Corrections system see Justice system-Public inquiry

Corruption see Elections-List of electors; Federal political system

Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act

      Other Business No. 10
Couillard, Michel see Canada Lands Company

Court Martial Appeal Court

    Administrative services, C-30
Courts Administration Service Act

COSEWIC see Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC)

Cosmetics see Personal care and cosmetic products

Costa Rica see Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement

CPP see Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

Credit see Consumer credit; Micro credit; Students

Credit Card Charge Adjustment Act

    C-427 (White, T.)
Credit cards

    Goods or services not received, unusable or ineffective, C-427 (White, T.)
Credit Ombudsman

    C-231 (Nystrom)
Credit Ombudsman Act

    C-231 (Nystrom)
Cree communities see Chisasibi Cree community; James Bay Cree

Cree-Naskapi (of Quebec) Act

Crête, Paul (BQ-Kamouraska-Rivière-du-Loup-Témiscouata-Les Basques)

    Coins, M-112
    Employment insurance
      M-111, M-113, M-115, M-243, M-413
    Lumber, M-252
    Marine policy, M-114
    Ports, C-253
    Senate, M-110
    Written questions, Q-144

    Children, recruitment, prohibition, C-275 (MacKay)
    Committed outside Canada, C-11
      Other Business No. 10
    Crime stoppers, C-395 (Casey)
    Offence-related property, C-24
      Other Business No. 10
    Peace officers, requirement to report, M-386 (MacKay)
    Proceeds of crime
      Other Business No. 10
      See also Immigrants-Smuggling
    See also Animals-Cruelty; Arson; Break and enter (crime); Child abduction; Child pornography; Computers; Corporations; Criminal harassment; Drug trafficking; Elections-List of electors; Family law-False statements; Firefighters; Home invasion; Impaired driving; Intoxicating products; Journalists; Marijuana; Money laundering; Motor vehicles-Drivers; Motorcycle gangs; Murder; Organized crime; Peace officers-Disarming; Prostitution; Sentences (convicted criminals); Sex offenders; Sex-trade workers; Space flights; Terrorism; Theft; Victims of crime; Violent crime; Swarming; White collar crime
Crimes against humanity see Armenian genocide; Holocaust Memorial Day (Yom ha-Shoah); Terrorism; Zimbabwe

Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act

      Other Business No. 10
Criminal Code

      Other Business No. 10
      Other Business No. 9
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 9
      Other Business No. 10
      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
      Ways and Means No. 8
        Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
    C-208 (Girard-Bujold)
    C-239 (Hill, J.)
    C-240 (White, R.)
    C-242 (McDonough)
    C-245 (Benoit)
    C-246 (Vellacott)
    C-247 (Casson)
    C-250 (Cadman)
    C-251 (Cadman)
    C-256 (MacKay)
    C-257 (MacKay)
    C-269 (Herron)
    C-274 (MacKay)
    C-275 (MacKay)
    C-278 (Hanger)
    C-284 (Desjarlais)
      Other Business No. 4
    C-285 (Hanger)
    C-288 (MacKay)
    C-290 (Obhrai)
    C-291 (Hanger)
    C-292 (Meredith)
    C-294 (Reynolds)
    C-300 (Dromisky)
      Other Business No. 4
    C-302 (Thompson, M.)
    C-303 (Forseth)
    C-304 (Forseth)
    C-328 (Benoit)
    C-336 (Picard)
    C-343 (Martin, K.)
    C-349 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    C-352 (Thompson, M.)
    C-353 (Thompson, M.)
    C-354 (Thompson, M.)
    C-368 (Harb)
    C-384 (Harb)
    C-386 (Obhrai)
      Other Business No. 4
    C-387 (Thompson, M.)
    C-392 (MacKay)
    C-393 (Venne)
    C-396 (Hanger)
    C-398 (Pankiw)
    C-408 (Harb)
      Other Business No. 4
    C-412 (MacKay)
    C-415 (Robinson)
      Other Business No. 4
    C-419 (Pratt)
    C-424 (MacKay)
    C-425 (MacKay)
    C-426 (Bailey)
    C-429 (Cannis)
    C-433 (MacKay)
    C-437 (Pankiw)
    C-445 (Martin, K.)
    C-450 (Lunn)
    C-456 (Bonin)
    C-464 (Cadman)
    C-467 (Vellacott)
    C-468 (Vellacott)
    Section 43 see Children-Physical discipline/spanking
    Section 56 see Canadian flag-Desecration; National flag-Desecration
    Section 161 see Child sex offenders-Orders of prohibition
    Section 213 see Prostitution-Street prostitution
    Section 223(1) see Children-Unborn child
    Section 231 see Murder-Criminal justice system
    Section 259(1.1) see Impaired driving-Repeat offenders
    Section 273 see Child sex offenders-Predators
    Section 281 see Child abduction-Age limit
    Section 318(4) see Hate propaganda
    Section 433 see Arson
    Section 515 see Gun control-Judicial Interim Release
    Section 718.2(e) see Aboriginal offenders
    Section 742.6(9) see Sentences (convicted criminals)-Conditional sentences, Breach
    Section 745, faint hope clause see Murder-Parole
    Section 753 see Dangerous offenders
    See also Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee-Order of reference; Motor vehicles-Drivers
Criminal harassment

      Other Business No. 9
Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001

      Other Business No. 9
    See also Parliamentary privilege
Criminal liability

    Law enforcement officers, protection, C-24
      Other Business No. 10
Cross-border transactions see Imports-Defective goods

Crown assets see Aerospace assets disposal (Government of Canada)

Crown corporations

    Access to information, C-249 (Borotsik)
    Internal audits, C-364 (Harb)
    See also Public Accounts Standing Committee-Reports, Fifteenth
Crown Liability and Proceedings Act

    C-277 (Hanger)
CRTC see Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)

Cruelty see Animals; Cattle; Puppy mills

Cruise ships see Tobacco/cigarettes-Ships' stores

CSIS see Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)


    Spies, "Wasp Network", Rene Gonzalez, Ramon Labanino, Gerardo Hernandez, Fernando Gonzalez, and Antonio Guerrero, United States arrest/imprisonment, M-474 (Robinson)
Cullen, Roy (Lib.-Etobicoke North; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Finance until September 12, 2001)

    User fees, C-455
Cultural Grants Acknowledgement Act

    C-348 (Obhrai)
Cultural Property Export and Import Act

Culture see Arts and culture

Cummins, John (CA-Delta-South Richmond)

    Written questions, Q-61, Q-62, Q-63, Q-64, Q-89, Q-157, Q-167, Q-186, Q-189
Curfews see Home invasion-Young offenders

Currency see Coins

Custody orders see Child custody


    Administration, S-23
    See also Border security
Customs Act

      Ways and Means No. 3
      Other Business No. 10
      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 4
    Ways and Means No. 7
Customs duties see Israel

Customs Tariff

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 9
      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 4
    Ways and Means No. 7
    Ways and Means No. 9
    Ways and Means No. 16
    See also Duty-free shops
Czech Republic see Income tax treaties


Dairy products

    Labelling, C-440 (Vellacott)
Dairy Terms Act

    C-440 (Vellacott)
Dalphond-Guiral, Madeleine (BQ-Laval Centre)

    Armenian genocide, M-328, M-482
Dangerous offenders

    Designation, applications, C-352 (Thompson, M.)
Dauphin-Swan River constituency

    Name, change to Dauphin-Swan River-Marquette, C-441 (Catterall)
Davies, Libby (NDP-Vancouver East)

    Aboriginal people, M-306, M-307
    Aboriginal women's organizations, M-310
    Airports, M-74
    Artists, M-371
    Canadian Public Safety Officer Compensation Fund, M-59
    Cetecceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises), M-75
    Cheque cashing services, M-60
    Child care, M-52
    Child labour, M-57
    Children, C-329
    Chinese Canadians, M-305
    Community service, M-71, M-258
    Condominiums, Vancouver, B.C., M-377
    Co-operative housing, M-68
    Discrimination and racism, M-56
    Employment insurance, M-311
    Family, M-378
    Financial institutions, M-61, M-62, M-63, M-64
    Food biotechnology, M-319
    Genetically modified fish, M-320
    Genetically modified food, M-316
    Genetically modified organisms, M-323
    Genetically modified plants, M-322
    Government contracts, M-76
    Highways and roads, M-66, M-67
    HIV/AIDS, M-54
    Housing, C-416
    Immigrants, M-312
    Immigration, M-312
    Indonesia, M-65
    International Monetary Fund (IMF), M-72
    Mortgages, M-308, M-309
    Non-profit housing, M-53, M-70
    Old Age Security, M-77
    Public safety officers (police and firefighters), M-59
    Refugees, M-312
    Rental housing, M-53
    Sex-trade workers, M-471
    Social housing, M-69
    Social programs, M-55
    Transgenic animals, M-321
    Transgenic organisms, M-317, M-318
    Violence against women, M-313
    Welfare, M-315
    Women, M-73
    Women's organizations, M-314
    Workplace, M-58
    Written questions, Q-90, Q-91, Q-92, Q-93, Q-185
Deaf and hearing impaired persons

    Communications, closed captioning research/broadcasting, M-367 (St-Hilaire)
    See also Broadcasting-Video programming
Death benefits see Federal enforcement officials; Firefighters; Shipping-Seaman

Death penalty see Capital punishment

Debt see Students

Defective goods see Imports

Defence equipment

    Computer systems and networks
        Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
    Procurement see National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee (2nd Sess., 36th Parl.)-Reports, Third
    Surplus weapons plutonium see MOX (mixed oxide) fuels
    See also Aerospace assets disposal (Government of Canada); Cluster bombs; National Missile Defense (NMD) System (United States); Nuclear weapons; Sea King helicopters; Torpedo testing
Defence expenditures

    Income tax payments, conscientious objection, C-232 (Robinson)

    Automated external defibrillators in case of cardiac arrest
      Aircraft, commercial passenger service, C-215 (Phinney)
      Public buildings, C-471 (Phinney)

    Prevention/contingency reserve, C-363 (Harb)
Deficit Prevention Act

    C-363 (Harb)
Department of Canadian Heritage Act

      Other Business No. 4
Department of Health Act

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Act

Department of Public Works and Government Services Act

Departmental Internal Audit Act

    C-364 (Harb)
Depleted uranium weapons (U-238)

    Ban, M-104 (Goldring)
Deportation see Acadians; Immigrants-Offenders; Refugees-Offenders; Terrorism-Extradition

Deputy Chairman of Committees of the Whole

    Appointment, Other Business No. 1
Deputy Speaker and Chairman of Committees of the Whole

    Appointment, Other Business No. 1
Desjarlais, Bev (NDP-Churchill)

    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), M-102
    Corporations, C-284
      Other Business No. 4
    Elections, C-213
    Employment insurance, M-297
    Energy Price Commission, C-283
    Residential schools, M-101
Desnedthé-Missinipi-Churchill River constituency see Churchill River constituency

Developing countries see Drugs and pharmaceuticals-Generic medications

Development assistance

    Funding, M-35 (Martin, Pat)

    Rough diamonds, import and export, C-402 (Pratt)
Dicle, Hatip see Turkey

Dieppe Raid (August 19, 1942)

    National holiday, M-210 (MacKay)
Diocese of Cariboo see Residential schools

Diplomatic immunity

    Act or omission that if committed in Canada would be an offence, C-15A
      Other Business No. 9
    Foreign nationals and diplomats employed in Canada, charged with an indictable offence, release of names, M-373 (Martin, K.)
    See also Impaired driving-Death/injury caused
Diplomatic service see Visas

Disability insurance

    Private disability insurers, ombudsman, M-244 (Abbott)
Disability tax credit

    Child care expenses, income tax deduction, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    Eligibility/rate, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    See also Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee-Reports, Seventh
Disabled and handicapped persons

    Education, funding, M-510 (Lill)
    Housekeeping activities/basic activity of daily living, remuneration paid to another person, tax credit, C-360 (Harb)
    Principal place of residence, construction, medical expense tax credit, Ways and Means No. 3
    See also Assistance dogs (seeing-eye, service, seizure response or seizure alert); Canada Pension Plan (CPP); Caregiver tax credit; Elections-Mentally incapacitated elector; Infirm dependant tax credit; Members of Parliament; Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States); Royal prerogative of mercy
Disarmament see Space

Discrimination and racism

    Internet material, C-210 (Stoffer)
    "Social condition", including as prohibited ground
      C-326 (Ménard)
      M-56 (Davies)
    See also Assistance dogs (seeing-eye, service, seizure response or seizure alert); Hate propaganda; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks-Condemnation
Disease see Allergies; Anthrax; Arthritis; Asthma; Bioterrorism; Blood samples; Cancer; Cardiac arrest; Chisasibi Cree community; Congenital heart defects; Environmental illness (multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia); Fetal alcohol syndrome; Firefighters/emergency response personnel; Hepatitis Awareness Month; Hepatitis C; HIV/AIDS; Hoof and mouth disease; Infectious disease; Mental disorders; Police; Tropical diseases; Viruses; Windsor region

Divisions, recorded

      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 3
      Other Business No. 4

      "Child of the marriage", definition, M-190 (Hill, J.)
      Impact, public awareness, increasing, M-166 (Hill, J.)
      Opportunity to be heard, M-186 (Hill, J.)
      Parents' relationship, M-127 (Hill, J.)
      See also Parenting plans (divorce)
    Ex parte proceedings, restriction, M-180 (Hill, J.)
    High-conflict families, identification, M-170 (Hill, J.)
    Proceedings, conducted in either official language, M-142 (Hill, J.)
    See also Child custody; Parenting plans (divorce)
Divorce Act

    C-334 (Gallaway)
    C-383 (Harb)
    C-384 (Harb)
    C-400 (Mills, B.)
    C-406 (MacKay)
    C-469 (Hill, J.)
    Sections 16 and 17 see Child custody-Grandparents; Parenting orders-Shared parenting
DNA testing see Immigrants

DND see National Defence Department (DND)

Dogan, Orhan see Turkey

Dogs see Assistance dogs (seeing-eye, service, seizure response or seizure alert); Puppy mills; Sled dogs

Dollar, exchange rate

    Weak currency debt, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
Dolphins see Cetecceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises)

Domestic workers see Immigrants

Dominion Water Power Act

Doncaster Reserve No. 17

Doré, Catherine see Impaired driving-Death/injury caused

Doyle, Norman (PC-St. John's East; PC/DR Coalition-St. John's East as of September 13, 2001; PC-St. John's East as of April 10, 2002)

    Atlantic Canada, M-403
    Fort Townsend (St. John's, Nfld.), P-4
    Newfoundland-Labrador tunnel, M-264
    St. John's harbour (Nfld.), M-302, M-366
    Written questions, Q-9
Drainage ditches see Fisheries, Pacific

Drinking water

    National guidelines, M-348 (Comartin)
    National standards
      C-462 (Herron)
      Safe Water Act, Supply Proceedings No. 6
Dromisky, Stan (Lib.-Thunder Bay-Atikokan)

    War decorations (military medal, ribbon, badge, chevron), C-300
      Other Business No. 4

    Alberta and Saskatchewan, P-29 (Borotsik)
Drug abuse see HIV/AIDS; Virginia Fontaine Treatment Centre

Drug Supply Act

    C-473 (Nystrom)
Drug trafficking

    International drug trade
      M-330 (Martin, K.)
      M-358 (Martin, K.)
    Within five hundred metres of an elementary school or a high school, minimun sentence, C-255 (Hill, J.)
    See also Intoxicating products
Drugs (narcotic)

    Non-medical use, Supply Proceedings No. 6
    See also Ecstacy (drug); Marijuana; Non-Medical Use of Drugs Special Committee
Drugs and pharmaceuticals

    Adverse reactions, mandatory reporting, M-350 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Advertising, direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs, M-152 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Approval process, C-338 (Thompson, G.)
    Bulk buying, national system, M-157 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Generic medications, importation by developing countries, Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), M-528 (Robinson)
        C-454 (McTeague)
        C-460 (Wasylycia-Leis)
      Stockpiling/20 year term, S-17
    See also Bioterrorism-Biochemical protection drugs; Herbal remedies; HIV/AIDS; Tropical diseases
Dubé, Antoine (BQ-Lévis-et-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière)

    Rail system, M-493
    Shipbuilding, C-389
Due diligence defence see Corporations-Boards of directors

Dugré, Jean see National Parole Board

Duncan, John (CA-Vancouver Island North)

    Employment insurance, M-500
    Jewellery, M-235
    Personal retirement account, M-357, M-496
    Woodlots, M-234
    Written questions, Q-8, Q-29, Q-30, Q-59, Q-60
Dussault, René see Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (Erasmus-Dussault) Report

Duty-free shops see Tobacco/cigarettes


East Timor

    Human rights abuses, International Criminal Tribunal, M-473 (Robinson)
Easter, Wayne (Lib.-Malpeque)

    Agriculture and Agri-Food Department, P-19
Eco-efficient technologies

Ecological gifts

    Capital gains tax, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
Economic sanctions see Iraq

Economy see Agriculture-Abitibi; Forestry-Abitibi; Mining industry-Abitibi; Primary industry; Resource regions; Well-being (economy, society and environment)

Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec (Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions)

    Val d'Or regional office, communications officer, M-486 (St-Julien)
Ecosystems see Fish farming industry

Ecstacy (drug)

    Regulation, M-436 (Mayfield)
Ecuador see Income tax treaties

EDC see Export Development Corporation (EDC)

Édifice Jubilee Building see Justice Building

Edmonton, AB see Urban Manor, Edmonton, AB


    Costs, income tax treatment, M-224 (St-Julien)
    Crisis, M-301 (Martin, K.)
    Immigrant foreign academic credentials, recognition, M-232 (Grewal)
    National standards
      C-379 (Harb)
      M-232 (Grewal)
    Right to education, C-362 (Harb)
    School-leaving age, C-382 (Harb)
    See also Adult basic education; Child development; Disabled and handicapped persons; Drug trafficking-Within five hundred metres; Literacy; Peace officers; Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs); Residential schools; Teachers; Vocational schools
Education Benefits Act

    C-271 (Peric)
Education, post-secondary

    Expenses, child support orders, C-334 (Gallaway)
    Funding, M-48 (Martin, Pat)
    National standards, M-48 (Martin, Pat)
    Tuition fees, elimination, M-48 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Federal enforcement officials; Scholarships, fellowships and bursaries; Student loans
Education Standards Act

    C-379 (Harb)
Education tax credit

      Ways and Means No. 3
      Other Business No. 4
    Ways and Means No. 12
    See also Scholarships, fellowships and bursaries
Eggleton, Hon. Art (Lib.-York Centre; Minister of National Defence until May 26, 2002)

    References see Parliamentary privilege-Pallister; Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Reports, Fiftieth-Terms of Reference
Egon Zehnder International

    Reports, January 1, 1997 to December 31, 2000, P-17 (Clark)
    See also Business Development Bank of Canada
Elan Pratzer and Partners Inc.

    Reports, January 1, 1997 to December 31, 2000, P-12 (Clark)
    See also Business Development Bank of Canada
Eldorado Nuclear Limited see Cameco Corporation (formerly Eldorado Nuclear Limited)

Elected officials

    Tax free allowance, incidental expenses
      C-296 (Kenney)
      M-526 (Kenney)

      Declined-vote ballot, C-319 (Caccia)
      Information, C-9
    By-elections see Members of Parliament-Party affilation
    Candidate expenses, C-9
    Candidates of registered or eligible parties, one in each electoral district, C-9
    "Election documents", definition, C-9
    Election officers, appointment, C-9
    Electronic voting, studies, C-9
    False statements re candidates, C-9
    Fixed date, C-421 (Pankiw)
    Fixed terms, M-211 (Martin, K.)
    Inducing electors to vote or refrain from voting, non-resident, C-11
      Other Business No. 10
    List of electors, use of personal information, inclusion as corrupt practice, M-370 (Goldring)
    Mentally incapacitated elector, voting by power of attorney, C-418 (Peric)
    Nomination papers, C-9
    Polling stations, campaign literature/loudspeaking device, C-9
    Proclamation/writs, C-9
    Proxy voting, C-401 (Peric)
    Register of Electors, information, C-9
    Right to vote, landed immigrants, M-122 (Hill, J.)
    Special ballots, C-9
    Third party election advertising, person who is not Canadian citizen or permanent resident, C-11
      Other Business No. 10
    Voting age, C-213 (Desjarlais)
    Voting secrecy, infringement, M-368 (Goldring)
    See also Indian bands/reserves; Proportional representation; Regional development; Senators
Elections Canada see Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office (Elections Canada)

Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act

Electoral districts

    Name changes, C-441 (Catterall)
    See also Abitibi-James Bay-Nunavik constituency; Chambly constituency; Châteauguay constituency; Churchill River constituency; Dauphin-Swan River constituency; Haliburton-Victoria-Brock constituency; James Bay Cree; Kelowna constituency; Lévis-et-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière constituency; Mercier constituency; Nunavik region; Prince George-Bulkley Valley constituency; Rimouski-Neigette-et-la Mitis constituency; Saskatoon-Rosetown-Biggar constituency; St. Albert constituency; West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast constituency; Windsor-St. Clair constituency
Electoral reform

    Referendum, C-478 (Nystrom)
    See also Proportional representation
Electricity see Energy-Pipelines

Electricity and Gas Inspection Act

Electromagnetic Cleanliness (EMC) see Canadian Space Agency

Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) see Canadian Space Agency

Electronic voting see Elections; House of Commons-Votes

Eldorado Nuclear Limited see Cameco Corporation (formerly Eldorado Nuclear Limited)

Eldorado Nuclear Limited Reorganization and Divestiture Act

Elley, Reed (CA-Nanaimo-Cowichan)

    Virginia Fontaine Treatment Centre, P-24
Emancipation Day

    Black community heritage and contributions, recognition, M-242 (Obhrai)

    Research purposes, use, C-56
    See also Human being-Definition; Human cloning
EMC see Electromagnetic Cleanliness (EMC)

Emergencies Act

      Other Business No. 10

    Aid to the civil power
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 4
    Detention, Canadian citizens or permanent residents, C-11
      Other Business No. 10
    See also Agriculture; Bioterrorism; Condominiums-Vancouver, BC; Drought; Good Samaritans; National Civil Defence Force
Emergency debates see Agriculture; Farm income crisis; Fisheries, Atlantic; Hoof and mouth disease; Middle East; Softwood lumber

    See also Take note debates
Emergency response personnel see Blood samples-Viruses; Firefighters/emergency response personnel; Hazardous materials; Infectious disease

Emergency volunteers (ambulance technician, firefighter, search or rescue)

    Income tax deduction, C-410 (Sorenson)
EMI see Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)


    Income tax, taxpayer migration, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
Employee benefit funds

    National standards, M-33 (Martin, Pat)

    Vacation, three week basic entitlement, Canada Labour Code, Section 184, M-23 (Nystrom)
    See also Bankruptcy-Workers wages; Collective agreements; Part-time workers; Tools; Workplace-Violence

    Expenses, income tax relief, M-7 (Benoit)
    Job applicants, evaluation on merit basis, M-406 (Johnston)
    Professional skills and licences see Canadian Armed Forces-Personnel
    See also Canadian Armed Forces-Reservists; Collective agreements; Public Service-Job postings; Seasonal workers; Self-employed workers; Work week
Employment equity

    Designated groups/numerical goals, C-324 (White, T.)
Employment Equity Act

    C-324 (White, T.)
    M-78 (Pankiw)
    Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee review
      Government Business No. 20
      Other Business No. 9
Employment insurance

    Apprentices, waiting period, M-297 (Desjarlais)
    Arm's length employees, eligibility, C-463 (Crête)
    Benefits, Quebec Lower Saint Lawrence and North Shore regions, M-243 (Crête)
    Caregivers, caring for family members, eligibility for benefits, C-219 (Stoffer)
    Entrants/re-entrants to labour force, exemptions, C-2
    Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee, Third Report, "Beyond Bill C-2: A Review of Other Proposals to Reform Employment Insurance", M-413 (Crête)
    Maximum yearly insurable earnings, calculation, C-2
    Part-time workers, eligibility, M-332 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Premium rate
      M-115 (Crête)
    Reform, C-442 (Godin)
    Repayment of benefits, C-2
    Seasonal workers/workers recently joining labour market, M-111 (Crête)
    Self-employed workers, M-113 (Crête)
      M-39 (Martin, Pat)
      M-311 (Davies)
    Weekly benefits rate, reduction, C-2
    Women, eligibility
      M-39 (Martin, Pat)
      M-332 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Yearly Basic Exemption (YBE), M-500 (Duncan)
    See also Individual security fund; Maternity benefits; Organ procurement/transplant
Employment Insurance Act

      Other Business No. 4
    C-219 (Stoffer)
    C-442 (Godin)
    C-463 (Crête)
Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations

      Other Business No. 4
Endangered and threatened species

        Government Business No. 27
        Other Business No. 4
      C-295 (Caccia)
      C-346 (Martin, K.)
    Protection, C-295 (Caccia)
    Public registry
        Government Business No. 27
        Other Business No. 4
      C-295 (Caccia)
    Sanctuaries, C-346 (Martin, K.)
        Government Business No. 27
        Other Business No. 4
      C-295 (Caccia)
    Trafficking, C-446 (Martin, K.)
    See also Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC); Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; Exotic pets; Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act
Endangered Species Sanctuaries Act

    C-346 (Martin, K.)
Enemy aliens see Ukrainian Canadians


    Innovation, C-4
    Pipelines and international power lines, security, National Energy Board (NEB) powers
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 4
    See also Alternative energy; Nuclear energy; Nuclear facilities; Renewable energy; Sable Offshore Energy Project
Energy Administration Act

Energy costs

    Residential properties, Goods and Services Tax (GST), M-289 (Grewal)
Energy Monitoring Act

Energy Price Commission

    C-207 (Martin, Pat)
    C-283 (Desjarlais)
Energy Price Commission Act

    C-283 (Desjarlais)
Energy Supplies Emergency Act

Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation see Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)


    National standards, C-372 (Harb)
    Remedial projects, guidelines for federal resources
      M-41 (Martin, Pat)
      M-336 (Comartin)
    Significant danger, interim orders, C-55
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Air quality; Automobiles-Mercury switches; Automotive fuels; Beverage containers; Cartegena Protocol on Biosafety; Chemical pesticides; Climate change; Coastal waters; Consumer packaging; Ecological gifts; Export Development Corporation (EDC); Federal Environmental Assessment Coordinator; Fishing-Lead fishing weights; Gasoline-Sulphur; Gasoline additives; Genetically modified plants; Government procurement; Kyoto accord; Marine conservation areas; Noise; Pensions-Investment, Securities of employer; Pollution; Rail system-Noise; St. John's harbour (Nfld.); Water; Water consumption; Watersheds; Well-being (economy, society and environment); Wetfields
Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee

    Travel, Other Business No. 9
Environment Department see Tulsequah Chief Mine

Environmental assessment

Environmental Bill of Rights

    M-338 (Comartin)
Environmental illness (multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia) see Herbal remedies

Ephemeral recordings see Copyright

Epp, Ken (CA-Elk Island)

    Calendar dates, C-281
    Homeowners' Freedom from Double Taxation Act, C-282
    Property taxes, C-282
Equalization payments

    1999-2000 fiscal year, ceiling, C-18
    See also Atlantic Canada-Natural resource revenues
Erasmus, Georges see Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (Erasmus-Dussault) Report

Espionage see Cuba


    Committee referral, S.O. 81(4), M-380 (MacKay)
    See also Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee
Estimates, 2000-2001, Supplementary (A)

    Supply Proceedings No. 4
Estimates, 2001-2002, Main

    Other Business No. 10
    Supply Proceedings No. 3
    See also Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing Committee; Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee; Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee; Health Standing Committee; Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee; Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee; Official Languages Standing Joint Committee-Reports, Third; Public Accounts Standing Committee; Transport and Government Operations Standing Committee-Reports, Tenth
Estimates, 2001-2002, Supplementary (A)

    Supply Proceedings No. 8
Estimates, 2001-2002, Supplementary (B)

    Supply Proceedings No. 10
Estimates, 2002-2003, Main

    Supply Proceedings No. 11
    See also Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee; Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office (Elections Canada); Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee-Reports; Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee-Reports; National Defence Ministry; Official Languages Standing Joint Committee-Reports, Ninth; Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Reports, Fifty-fourth-Reports, Fifty-sixth; Public Accounts Standing Committee-Reports, Nineteenth
Ethics see Canada Lands Company; Code of Conduct Special Joint Committee; Codes of conduct; Conflict of interest; Conscientious objection; Elections-List of electors; Federal political system-Corruption; Medical procedures; Pensions-Investment; Public Service-Wrongdoing

Ethics Commissioner

    C-388 (Bergeron)
    See also Aubérge Grand-Mère
Ethics Counsellor

    Appointment to advise in application of Code of Conduct of Public Officials, Liberal Red Book 1 policy, Supply Proceedings No. 2
    C-299 (McDonough)
    See also Canada Lands Company
Ethnicity see Census


    And physician-assisted suicide, special committee, M-87 (Robinson)
Executive search firms see Belle Isle Djandji; Egon Zehnder International; Elan Pratzer and Partners Inc.; Gestion Michel Lebeuf Ltée; Gilles Tremblay et Associés; Illsley Bourbonnais; La Société Caldwell; PricewaterhouseCoopers; Rolland Groupe Conseil Inc.; Spencer Stuart

Excise Act

      Other Business No. 10
      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 4
    C-384 (Harb)
Excise Act, 2001

    Ways and Means No. 16
Excise duty

      Ways and Means No. 11
        Other Business No. 4
    See also Tobacco/cigarettes
Excise tax

    Interest or penalties, Minister of National Revenue discretional powers, C-13
      Ways and Means No. 2
        Other Business No. 4
    See also Automobiles; Aviation fuel; Fuel taxes; Imports-Defective goods; Jewellery; Tobacco/cigarettes
Excise Tax Act

      Ways and Means No. 2
        Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 3
      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 4
    C-384 (Harb)
    Ways and Means No. 7
    Ways and Means No. 9
    Ways and Means No. 15
    Ways and Means No. 16
Excise warehouses

      Ways and Means No. 11
        Other Business No. 4
Exotic pets

    Illegal, list, M-352 (Martin, K.)

    Illicit manufacture/importation
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 4
Explosives Act

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
Export and Import Permits Act

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
Export Development Act

Export Development Canada

Export Development Corporation (EDC)

    Human rights/indigenous peoples agreements and environmental standards, regulation, M-267 (Robinson)
    Reorganization, C-31
Export Distribution Centres

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), tax-free basis, C-13
      Ways and Means No. 2
        Other Business No. 4
Export Trading Houses

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), tax-free basis, C-13
      Ways and Means No. 2
        Other Business No. 4
Exports see Diamonds; Lumber; Technology; Tobacco/cigarettes; Water-Bulk water exports

Expropriation Act


    Annual report, C-403 (MacKay)
    See also Peltier, Leonard; Refugees; Terrorism
Extradition Act

      Other Business No. 10

"Faint hope" clause see Criminal Code-Section 745


    Breakdown, national problem, M-185 (Hill, J.)
    Dissolution, continuation of parental rights and obligations, M-184 (Hill, J.)
    Funding, 1.5 per cent of projected Gross Domestic Product, M-378 (Davies)
    See also Children-Removal; Divorce-High-conflict families; Employment insurance-Caregivers
Family court (Unified Family Court)

      M-160 (Hill, J.)
      M-161 (Hill, J.)
    Non-litigation support services, M-162 (Hill, J.)
Family Farm Cost of Production Protection Act

    C-224 (Nystrom)
Family farms

    Cost of production protection, C-224 (Nystrom)
    Funding, $400 million emergency assistance, Supply Proceedings No. 2
Family law

    Child-centred approach, M-161 (Hill, J.)
    False statements, M-181 (Hill, J.)
    Terminology, M-133 (Hill, J.)
Family mediators

    Accreditation criteria, M-169 (Hill, J.)
Farm Credit Canada

Farm Credit Corporation

    Name, C-25
Farm Credit Corporation Act

Farm equipment see Versatile Tractor

Farm income crisis

    Emergency debate
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 6
Farm Income Protection Act

    C-321 (Benoit)
    Section 12 see Grain and oilseeds sector-Crisis
Farmers see Strychnine-Ban


    And farm support, polling data, P-28 (Borotsik)
Farms see Family farms

FEDE see Foreign Exploration and Development Expenses (FEDE)

Federal Court

    Administrative services, C-30
Federal Court Act

Federal Court of Appeal

    Administrative services, C-30
Federal enforcement officials

    Death from injuries received or illnesses contracted in the discharge of duties, post-secondary education benefits for surviving spouse and children, C-271 (Peric)
Federal Environmental Assessment Coordinator

Federal institutions see Auditor General reports; Blue Water Bridge Authority; Federal quasi-judicial bodies; Foundations

Federal lands

    Quebec, Canada Lands Company sales, P-36 (Pankiw)
Federal Law-Civil Law Harmonization Act, No. 1

Federal Law and Civil Law of the Province of Quebec Act

Federal political system

    Corruption, public opinion, Supply Proceedings No. 13
Federal-provincial agreements see Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)

Federal-provincial fiscal arrangements see Equalization payments; Taxation

Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act

    C-216 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    C-241 (Pankiw)
    C-261 (Thompson, G.)
    C-382 (Harb)
Federal-provincial jurisdiction

    See also Health care-Funding/provincial jurisdiction; Property and civil rights; Treaties
Federal-provincial relations

    Provincial civil servants, briefings or negotiations, exclusion of elected provincial government officials, M-360 (Toews)
    See also Coastal waters
Federal quasi-judicial bodies

    Appointments, parliamentary scrutiny, M-462 (Williams)
Federal Real Property Act

Federal Real Property and Federal Immovables Act

Feeds Act

Fellowships see Scholarships, fellowships and bursaries

Feminism see Violence against women

Fertilizers Act

Fetal alcohol syndrome

    Program, M-253 (St-Julien)
    Treatment during pregnancy, C-445 (Martin, K.)
    See also Alcoholic beverage containers-Pregnancy
Fibromyalgia see Environmental illness (multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia)

Film and video production see Withholding tax

Final Offer Arbitration in Respect of West Coast Ports Operations Act

    C-309 (Johnston)
Finance Ministry

    Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, Vote 20 see Auditor General of Canada Office
Finance Standing Committee

    Reports, Tenth (Securing Our Future)
      Government Business No. 21
      Other Business No. 9
    Travel, Other Business No. 9
Financial Administration Act

Financial auditors

    Independence, M-483 (Martin, Pat)
Financial Consumer Agency

    Establishment, C-8
      Ways and Means No. 1
    Expenses, assessments against financial institutions, C-8
      Ways and Means No. 1
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act

      Ways and Means No. 1
Financial Information Strategy (FIS)

    Implementation, M-437 (Mayfield)
Financial institutions

      "No frills" minimum service accounts, M-63 (Davies)
      Standard basic account/common basket of services, M-61 (Davies)
    Consumer protection see Financial Consumer Agency
    Low-income earners, access
      C-326 (Ménard)
      M-62 (Davies)
      M-64 (Davies)
    See also Banks; Cheque cashing services; Micro credit; Mortgages
Financial transactions (stocks, bonds and money market trades)

    Transaction tax, M-16 (Nystrom)
Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada

Finding Room: Housing Solutions for the Future see Social housing-Liberal Caucus Task Force Report (1990)

Fines see Business expenses


      Other Business No. 9
Fire see Arson; Sparks, Roderick Percy; Tobacco/cigarettes-Flammability


    Prohibition from owning, change of address, reporting
      M-456 (Breitkreuz)
      M-457 (Breitkreuz)
    Storage, firearms safe storage regulations, income tax deduction, M-455 (Breitkreuz)
    Use in commission of serious offences, additional sentence, C-398 (Pankiw)
    See also Commissioner of Firearms
Firearms Act

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 9
    C-245 (Benoit)
    C-269 (Herron)
    Repeal, M-197 (MacKay)

    Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
      Early entitlement, M-88 (Robinson)
      Early retirement/self-employed earnings, C-228 (Nystrom)
    Criminal acts
      Jeopardizing lives and safety of firefighters, punishment, M-448 (Martin, Pat)
      Victims when acting in line of duty, aggravated assault and first degree murder offences, C-419 (Pratt)
    Death benefit, additional payment, M-447 (Martin, Pat)
    Death in line of duty
      Definition, arson/first degree murder of peace officer, including, M-376 (Grewal)
      National Public Safety Officer Compensation Fund, establishing, M-494 (Martin, K.)
    Pensions, accrual rate, M-326 (Calder)
    See also Airports; Arson; Emergency volunteers (ambulance technician, firefighter, search or rescue); Public safety officers (police and firefighters)
Firefighters/emergency response personnel

    Infectious disease exposure, C-217 (Strahl)
      Other Business No. 4
First Nations see Stoney Point First Nation; Veterans

First Nations Auditor

    C-399 (Thompson, M.)
First Nations Governance Act

First Nations Governance Review Act

    C-399 (Thompson, M.)
First Nations Ombudsman

    C-399 (Thompson, M.)
First Nations Veterans Compensation Act

    C-229 (Nystrom)
FIS see Financial Information Strategy (FIS)

Fiscal stabilization fund see Budget surplus

Fish farming industry

    Ecosystem health, M-119 (Caccia)
    See also Genetically modified fish
Fisheries see Coins-Ten-cent coin; Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations; Fish farming industry; Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee-Reports, Tenth

Fisheries Act

Fisheries and Oceans Department

    Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, see Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee-Reports, Third
    Estimates, 2002-2003, Main, see Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee-Reports, Eighth
    See also Marine policy-Administration; Tulsequah Chief Mine
Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee

      First, Other Business No. 9
      Third, Main Estimates, 2001-2002, Fisheries and Oceans Votes 1, 5 and 10, Supply Proceedings No. 3
      Eighth, Main Estimates, 2002-2003, Fisheries and Oceans Votes 1, 5 and 10, Supply Proceedings No. 11
      Tenth (Foreign Overfishing: Its Impacts and Solutions)
        Government Business No. 32
        Other Business No. 9
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 9
Fisheries, Atlantic

    Stocks, decline/overfishing, government measures
      Emergency debate, Other Business No. 6
      M-485 (Hearn)
      See also Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee-Reports, Tenth
Fisheries, Pacific

    Drainage policy/ditch cleaning, West Coast Report, recommendation 12, M-517 (Strahl)
Fisheries Prices Support Act

Fishers' Bill of Rights

    C-262 (Thompson, G.)

    Lead fishing weights and baits, poisoning of migratory birds, M-414 (Venne)
    See also Hunting, fishing and recreation events
Fishing vessels

    "Canadian fishing vessel'', definition, C-14
    Security to a bank, C-14
Fitness and Amateur Sport Act

      Other Business No. 4
Fitzpatrick, Brian (CA-Prince Albert)

    Written questions, Q-147, Q-148
Flag see Canadian flag

Flow-through shares see Mining industry

Foetal alcohol syndrome see Fetal alcohol syndrome

Food see Genetically modified food; Novel food products

Food and Drugs Act

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
    C-287 (Caccia)
    C-310 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    C-338 (Thompson, G.)
Food banks

    Donations, income tax deduction, C-369 (Harb)
Food biotechnology

    Tests, burden of proof, M-319 (Davies)
    See also Genetically modified food
Foot and mouth disease see Hoof and mouth disease

For the Sake of the Children see Child Custody and Access Special Joint Committee (1st Sess., 36th Parl.)

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department see Tulsequah Chief Mine

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Ministry

    Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, Votes 20 and 25 see Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA); Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee-Reports
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee

      First, Main Estimates, 2001-2002, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Votes 20 and 25, Supply Proceedings No. 3
      Third (Afghanistan), Other Business No. 9
      Seventeenth (Resolution on Zimbabwe), Other Business No. 9
      Eighteenth (Conflict, Human Rights and Democracy in Colombia: A Canadian Agenda), Other Business No. 9
    Travel, Other Business No. 9
    See also International Trade, Trade Disputes and Investments Sub-Committee; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks-Military response
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee (1st Sess., 36th Parl.) see Child abduction

Foreign aid

    Improvement, M-529 (Robinson)
    See also Canada Fund for Africa Act; Development assistance; International aid policy
Foreign bank branches

    Conversion of Canadian subsidiary to branch, transition relief, Ways and Means No. 3
    Ongoing operations, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
Foreign Exploration and Development Expenses (FEDE)

      Ways and Means No. 3
Foreign investment

    Non-resident-owned investment corporations, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    See also Airlines; Cameco Corporation (formerly Eldorado Nuclear Limited); Partnerships; Petro-Canada Limited
Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act

Foreign Overfishing: Its Impacts and Solutions see Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee-Reports, Tenth

Foreign policy see Burma; Human rights-Violations

Foreign Publishers Advertising Services Act

      Other Business No. 10
Foreign tax credits see Oil and gas production


    Abitibi, James Bay, Nunavik and Témiscamingue regions, economic benefits in Greater Montreal and Greater Quebec City regions, M-443 (St-Julien)
    See also Mountain Pine Beetle; Lumber; Softwood lumber; Timber
Forfeiture orders

    Foreign jurisdiction orders, enforcement, C-24
      Other Business No. 10
Forseth, Paul (CA-New Westminster-Coquitlam-Burnaby)

    Immigrants, C-303
    Prostitution, C-304
    Written questions, Q-128
Fort Townsend (St. John's, Nfld.)

    Studies, P-4 (Doyle)

    External auditor, appointment of Auditor General, M-503 (Nystrom)
    Funding, accountability, M-463 (Williams)
Fournier, Ghislain (BQ-Manicouagan)

    Public Service, C-413
Fox, Terry see Terry Fox Day Act

Francophonie see All-news television channel

Free trade see Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement; Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement; Lumber; Softwood lumber

Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)

    Draft agreement, Parliamentary approval before Canadian ratification, Supply Proceedings No. 2
    Negotiations, Parliamentary consultation/debate, Supply Proceedings No. 6
    See also Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC)
Freedom of information see Access to information

Freedom of speech see Journalists

Freight rail industry

    Access and shipper protection, Canada Transportation Act Review Panel recommendations, M-396 (Borotsik)
FTAA see Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)

Fuel see Aviation fuel; Automotive fuel; Gasoline; Gasoline additives; Heating fuel; MOX (mixed oxide) fuels; Rail system

Fuel Price Posting Act

    C-220 (St-Julien)
    C-318 (St-Julien)
Fuel prices

    Price/litre, posting without including applicable federal and provincial taxes
      C-220 (St-Julien)
      C-318 (St-Julien)
    See also Energy Price Commission
Fuel taxes

    British Columbia Lower Mainland, revenue transfer to public transit, M-98 (Robinson)
    Excise tax, reduction, M-270 (St-Julien)
    Price/litre, posting without including applicable federal and provincial taxes, M-261 (St-Julien)
    See also Airports-Regional airports; Aviation fuel; Energy Price Commission; Fuel prices-Price/litre; Highways and roads-Maintenance-National program; Rail system; Shipping; Transportation-Provincial infrastructure
Fugitives see Extradition

Fugitives from justice in other countries Act

    C-403 (MacKay)

    And cemetary arrangements, Goods and Services Tax (GST), M-1 (Stoffer)
    Goods and Services Tax (GST), M-460 (Grewal)
    Expenses, income tax deduction, C-361 (Harb)
    See also Veterans
Future Role of the Government in Agriculture, The see Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee-Reports, Fifth

Future Role of the Government in the Grain and Oilseeds sector, The see Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee-Reports, Second


Gagliano, Hon. Alfonso (Lib.-Saint-Léonard-Saint-Michel; Minister of Public Works and Government Services; resignation as Member of Parliament effective January 14, 2002)

    References see Canada Lands Company
Gagnon, Christiane (BQ-Québec)

    Copyright Act, C-337
    Written questions, Q-44, Q-160, Q-161
Gagnon, Marcel (BQ-Champlain)

    Guaranteed Income Supplement, C-449
Gallant, Cheryl (CA-Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke)

    Canadian flag, M-237
    Census records, M-238
    Written questions, Q-52
Gallaway, Roger (Lib.-Sarnia-Lambton)

    Education, post-secondary, C-334
    Remembrance Day (November 11), M-298
Gangs see Motorcycle gangs


    Goods and Services Tax (GST), M-290 (Grewal)
    Sulphur levels, labelling, M-335 (Comartin)
    Vertically integrated suppliers, C-358 (Harb)
    See also Oil and Gas Ombudsman
Gasoline additives

    Manganese-based additives (MMT), oxygenation alternative, C-254 (Lincoln)
Gaspé region see Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Lac-St-Jean-Saguenay, James Bay, Nunavik, North Shore, Gaspé and Îles de la Madeleine regions

GDP see Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Gender equity see Refugees-Grounds

General Motors of Canada Limited

    Boisbriand, QC, plant, closure, Supply Proceedings No. 13
Genetic manipulation see Human cloning

Genetically modified fish

    Aquatic netpens, moratorium, M-320 (Davies)
Genetically modified food

    Decision documents, M-397 (Borotsik)
    Independent agency, M-316 (Davies)
      C-287 (Caccia)
      C-310 (Wasylycia-Leis)
      M-249 (Wasylycia-Leis)
      M-254 (St-Julien)
    Public record, M-398 (Borotsik)
Genetically modified organisms

    Long-term effects, national research program, M-323 (Davies)
    Research information, annual publication, M-400 (Borotsik)
Genetically modified plants

    Environmental impacts, research data, access, M-322 (Davies)
    Field studies, information to grain and oilseeds producers, M-399 (Borotsik)
    See also Wheat
Genetics see Life forms


    Museum, M-108 (Goldring)
    Research facility, M-285 (Assadourian)
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Armenian genocide; Holocaust Memorial Day (Yom ha-Shoah)
George, Dudley see Ipperwash Provincial Park, ON

Germany see Canada-Germany Tax Convention Act, 1982

Gestion Michel Lebeuf Ltée

    Reports, January 1, 1997 to December 31, 2000, P-15 (Clark)
    See also Business Development Bank of Canada
Getting it Right for Canadians: The Disability Tax Credit see Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee-Reports, Seventh

Gilles Tremblay et Associés

    Reports, January 1, 1997 to December 31, 2000, P-11 (Clark)
    See also Business Development Bank of Canada
Girard-Bujold, Jocelyne (BQ-Jonquière)

    Competition, M-364
    Public transit, C-209
      Other Business No. 4
    Sexual assault, C-208
    Written questions, Q-18, Q-20, Q-21, Q-55
Glynn, Doug see Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

Godfrey, John (Lib.-Don Valley West)

    Sir John A. Macdonald Day and the Sir Wilfrid Laurier Day Act, S-14
Godin, Yvon (NDP-Acadie-Bathurst)

    Employment insurance, C-442
    Tools, M-248
Goodale, Hon. Ralph (Lib.-Wascana; Minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board and Minister of Natural Resources;Leader of the Government in the House of Commons and Minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-StatusIndians as of January 15, 2002;Minister of Public Works and Government Services and Minister responsible forthe Canadian Wheat Board and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-StatusIndians as of May 26, 2002))

    References see Parliamentary privilege
Going-private transactions see Corporations

Gold mines

    Operating assistance
      M-295 (St-Julien)
      M-351 (St-Julien)
Golden Jubilee award

    Canadian Armed Forces personnel, presentation, M-480 (Martin, K.)
Goldring, Peter (CA-Edmonton Centre-East)

    Canadian Armed Forces, M-107, M-227
    Depleted uranium weapons (U-238), M-104
    Elections, M-368, M-370
    Genocide, M-108
    Groupaction Marketing, P-58
    Housing, M-245
    Marijuana, M-375
    National unity, M-109
    Non-profit organizations, M-492
    Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States), M-472
    Peacekeeping, M-105
    Snowbirds Squadron (Canadian Armed Forces aerobatic team), M-490
    Urban Manor, Edmonton, AB, P-66
    Vimy Ridge Memorial, M-106
    Written questions, Q-22, Q-57, Q-94
Gonzalez, Fernando see Cuba

Gonzalez, Rene see Cuba

Good Samaritans

    Infectious disease exposure, C-217 (Strahl)
      Other Business No. 4
Goods and Services Tax (GST)

    Administration, C-13
      Ways and Means No. 2
        Other Business No. 4
    Electronic filing, C-13
      Ways and Means No. 2
        Other Business No. 4
    See also Beverage containers-Returnable containers; Condominiums; Energy costs; Export Distribution Centres; Export Trading Houses; Funerals; Gasoline; Health care institutions; Hospitals; Non-profit housing; Reading materials; Rental housing; Residential Rental Property; Second-hand goods; Speech therapy services; Tools; Vocational schools
Goods and Services Tax Credit (GSTC)

        Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 12
Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels)

    Agricultural pests, poison control, strychnine ban/compensation
      C-321 (Benoit)
      M-13 (Benoit)
Gouk, Jim (CA-Kootenay-Boundary-Okanagan)

    Infectious disease, C-280
    Members of Parliament, C-270
    VIA Rail Canada Inc., C-279
Government advertising

    Broadcast ban, M-506 (Lill)
Government appointments see Federal quasi-judicial bodies; Supreme Court of Canada

Government assets see Aerospace assets disposal (Government of Canada)

Government assistance see Mining industry

Government computer systems

    Personal information, protection, M-504 (Mayfield)
Government contracts

    Bidders, travel costs, compensation, M-76 (Davies)
    See also Bristol Group Inc.; Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA); Communication et Stratégie Inc.; Groupaction Marketing; Groupe Cible (B.A.) Inc.; Sparks, Roderick Percy; Tremblay Guittet Communications Inc.
Government departments

    Internal audits, C-364 (Harb)
    See also Auditor General reports; Groupaction Marketing; Groupe Everest; Legal services (government departments and agencies)
Government Employees Compensation Act

    C-384 (Harb)
Government expenditures see Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee

Government finances see Budget surplus; Financial Information Strategy (FIS); Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee

Government grants see Arts and culture; Canada Research Chairs; Regional development

Government loans see General Motors of Canada Limited; General Motors of Canada Limited; Mining industry; Versatile Tractor

Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee

    Establishment, Other Business No. 5
    Order of reference (review of Seized Property Management Act), Other Business No. 9
Government procurement

    Equipment, "green" policy, M-271 (St-Julien)
    See also Defence equipment; Sea King helicopters
Government programs

    Cost-recovery see Legal services (government departments and agencies); Regulatory fees; User fees
    Statutory programs, evaluation, C-308 (Williams)
    See also Regional development; Resource regions
Government sponsorship see Groupaction Marketing

Governor General

    Estimates, 2002-2003, Main see Transport Standing Committee-Reports, Tenth
Grain and oilseeds sector

    Crisis, special committee, M-394 (Borotsik)
    Marketing, Canadian Wheat Board system, voluntary participation, C-438 (Hilstrom)
    See also Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee-Reports, Second; Genetically modified plants-Field studies
Grain transportation

    Shipment by a vessel, C-14
    See also West coast ports
Grandfather clauses see Gun control-Prohibited firearms

Grand-Mère Golf Club see Conflict of interest

Grandparents see Child custody; Parenting plans (divorce)-Relationships

Grant, Jon see Canada Lands Company

Great Lakes Fisheries Convention Act

Greece see Parthenon marbles

Greenhouse gas emissions

    See also Kyoto accord
Grewal, Gurmant (CA-Surrey Central)

    Auditor General reports, M-268
    Education, M-232
    Energy costs, M-289
    Firefighters, M-376
    Funerals, M-460
    Gasoline, M-290
    House of Commons, M-291
    Public Service, C-201
    Statutory instruments, C-202
    Terrorism, M-416
    Whistle Blower Human Rights Act, C-201
Grey, Deborah (CA-Edmonton North; PC/DR Coalition-Edmonton North as of September 13, 2001; Ind.-Edmonton North as of April 10, 2002; CA-Edmonton North as of April 16, 2002)

    Assistance dogs (seeing-eye, service, seizure response or seizure alert), C-465
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

    Unpaid work, including in calculation, M-251 (St-Julien)
    See also Family-Funding
Groupaction Marketing

    Government departments and agencies, communication, P-58 (Goldring)
    Government sponsorship of hunting, fishing and recreation events, study, P-25 (Burton)
Groupe Cible (B.A.) Inc.

    Government contracts
      P-62 (Lebel)
      P-65 (Lebel)
Groupe Everest

    Government departments and agencies, communication, P-59 (Ritz)
GST see Goods and Services Tax (GST)

GSTC see Goods and Services Tax Credit (GSTC)

Guaranteed annual income

    Conference/national program, C-377 (Harb)
Guaranteed Income Supplement

    Eligibility without application/retroactivity, C-449 (Gagnon, M.)
    Notification process, M-434 (St-Julien)
Guay, Monique (BQ-Laurentides)

    Collective agreements, C-375
    Labour disputes, C-472
    Occupational health and safety, C-340
Guerrero, Antonio see Cuba

Guimond, Michel (BQ-Beauport-Montmorency-Côte-de-Beaupré-Île-d'Orléans)

    Mechanics, C-222
    Volunteers, M-374
Gun control

    Firearms deemed not to be firearms, C-15B
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 9
    Judicial Interim Release, Criminal Code, section 515, no forfeiture, C-15B
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 9
    Importation of firearms, pre-approval, C-15B
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 9
    Licences, C-15B
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 9
    Long guns, registration, C-269 (Herron)
    Prohibited firearms, grandfathered clause, C-15B
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 9
    Safety, legislation, M-197 (MacKay)
    Search and seizure without warrant, compensation for lost or damaged property, C-245 (Benoit)
    See also Commissioner of Firearms; Firearms; Firearms Act; Organization of American States Inter-American Convention Against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials; Registrar of Firearms
Guysborough County, Nova Scotia see Small business

Gwich'in Land Claim Settlement Act


Hague-Visby Rules

Halfway houses see Women

Haliburton-Victoria-Brock constituency

    Name, change to Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock, C-441 (Catterall)
Hamburg Rules

Hanger, Art (CA-Calgary Northeast)

    Carrie's Guardian Angel Law, C-396
    Child sex offenders, C-396
    Parole, C-285
    Penitentiaries, C-277
    Sexual acts, C-278
    Violent crime, C-291
Hansard see House of Commons-Debates

Harassment see Criminal harassment

Harb, Mac (Lib.-Ottawa Centre)

    Alternate Dispute Resolution Act, C-422
    British pensioners, M-292
    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), C-475
    Canada Seat Belt Act, C-366
    Canadian Child Rights Act, C-370
    Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal and Memorial Act, C-356
    Census records, C-380
    Child custody, C-383
        Other Business No. 4
    Consumer credit, C-367
    Crown corporations, C-364
    Deficit, C-363
    Departmental Internal Audit Act, C-364
    Disabled and handicapped persons, C-360
    Environment, C-372
    Food banks, C-369
    Funerals, C-361
    Gasoline, C-358
    Government departments, C-364
    Guaranteed annual income, C-377
    Housing, C-371
    Laws, C-422
    Maximum Speed Control Device Act, C-381
    Motor vehicles, C-381
    National Civil Defence Force, C-476
    National Conference on Guaranteed Annual Income Act, C-377
    Oil and Gas Ombudsman, C-359
    Peacekeeping, C-356
    Pensions, C-378
    Prostitution, C-368
    Protection of Privacy (Social Insurance Numbers) Act, C-357
    Seat belts, C-366
    Social Insurance Number (SIN), C-357
    Standard of living, M-419
Harbours, wharves and breakwaters see St. John's harbour (Nfld.)

Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)

    Administration, C-13
      Ways and Means No. 2
        Other Business No. 4
    Electronic filing, C-13
      Ways and Means No. 2
        Other Business No. 4
    See also Beverage containers-Returnable containers; Export Distribution Centres; Export Trading Houses; Reading materials; Speech therapy services; Tools; Vocational schools
Harvard, John (Lib.-Charleswood St. James-Assiniboia)

    Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), S-7
      Other Business No. 9
Hate propaganda

    Sexual orientation, including as "identifiable group", C-415 (Robinson)
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Internet
Hazardous materials

    Training, "first responders", participation, M-531 (Benoit)
    See also Canadian Armed Forces-Medical review
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act

Hazardous Products Act

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
    C-236 (McKay)
    C-384 (Harb)
Hazardous waste see Industrial pollution; Nuclear facilities; Nuclear waste

Hazardous work sites see Workplace-Occupational health and safety

Hayer, Tara Singh

    Sikh community leader, murder, public inquiry, M-205 (MacKay)
"Head tax" see Immigrants-Right of Landing Fee (ROLF)


    Risk, interim orders, C-55
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Air quality; Anti-tobacco strategy; Chemical pesticides; Chisasibi Cree community; Gasoline additives; Noise; Occupational health and safety; Well-being (economy, society and environment)
Health care

    Access/portability, M-464 (Martin, K.)
    Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow) review, Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Boudria), Government Business No. 28
      Other Business No. 4
    Funding/provincial jurisdiction, Supply Proceedings No. 9
    Linguistic duality principle
      C-407 (Bélanger)
      M-423 (Bélanger)
    Medical manpower crisis, M-300 (Martin, K.)
    See also Abortion; Ambulance technicians; Blood supply system; Canada Health and Social Transfer; Canadian Armed Forces-Medical review; Caregiver tax credit; Defibrillators; Drugs and pharmaceuticals; Employment insurance-Caregivers; Herbal remedies; Infirm dependant tax credit; Marijuana; Medical procedures; Organ procurement/transplant; Paramedics; Patients' Bill of Rights; Shipping-Seaman; Speech therapy services; Vaccines; Veterans-"Special Duty Areas"
Health care institutions

    Goods and Services Tax (GST) exemption, M-356 (Martin, K.)
Health information

    Privacy, C-56
Health of Animals Act

Health Ministry

    Estimates, 2001-2002, Main see Health Standing Committee-Reports
Health Standing Committee

      First (Main Estimates, 2001-2002, Health Votes 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25), Supply Proceedings No. 3
      Second (Assisted Human Reproduction: Building Families), Other Business No. 9
Hearn, Loyola (PC-St. John's West; PC/DR Coalition-St. John's West as of September 13, 2001; PC-St. John's West as of April 10, 2002)

    Bennett, Right Hon. Richard Bedford, M-404
    Fisheries, Atlantic, M-485
    Written questions, Q-141, Q-142
Heart disease see Congenital heart defects

Heating fuel see Energy Price Commission

Helicopters see Sea King helicopters

Hepatitis Awareness Month

    C-243 (Stoffer)
Hepatitis Awareness Month Act

    C-243 (Stoffer)
Heptatis B see Blood samples-Viruses

Hepatitis C

    Infection through blood supply system, compensation, M-221 (Ménard)
    See also Blood samples-Viruses
Hepatitis C Awareness Month

    M-303 (Bennett)
Herbal remedies

    Drug substitute for severe allergies/environmental sensitivity, medical expense deduction, C-211 (Stoffer)
Hernandez, Gerardo see Cuba

Herron, John (PC-Fundy-Royal; PC/DR Coalition-Fundy-Royalas of September 13, 2001; PC-Fundy-Royal as of April 10, 2002)

    Canada Student Loan program, M-533
    Cenotaphs, M-384
    Drinking water, C-462
    Gun control, C-269
    Impaired driving, M-465
    Scholarships, fellowships and bursaries, M-477
    Student loans, M-478
    Written questions, Q-41, Q-65, Q-112, Q-120, Q-181, Q-187, Q-188, Q-191
Hibernia Development Project Act

Highways and roads

    British Columbia, M-67 (Davies)
    Maintenance, fuel tax revenues, M-26 (Borotsik)
    National program
      Establishing, M-66 (Davies)
      Financing, fuel tax revenues, M-124 (Hill, J.)
Hiking and backpacking see Backcountry Safety Day

Hill, Grant (CA-Macleod)

    Bayer Inc., P-30
Hill, Jay (CA-Prince George-Peace River; PC/DR Coalition-Prince George-Peace River as of September 13, 2001; Ind.-Prince George-Peace River as of April 10, 2002; CA-Prince George-Peace River as of April 16, 2002)

    Adoption (children), C-272, C-461
    Airlines, M-121
    Airports, M-126
    Child abduction, M-175, M-176, M-179
    Child abuse, M-129, M-188
    Child custody
      C-237, C-469
      M-131, M-132, M-134, M-189
    Child development, M-135
    Child pornography, M-120
    Child protection agencies, M-174
    Child Support Guidelines, M-143
    Children, M-130, M-164, M-177, M-178
    Divorce, M-127, M-142, M-166, M-170, M-180, M-186, M-190
    Drug trafficking, C-255
    Elections, M-122
    Family, M-184, M-185
    Family court (Unified Family Court), M-160, M-161, M-162
    Family law, M-133, M-161, M-181
    Family mediators, M-169
    Highways and roads, M-124
    Income tax, M-123
    Marriage, M-167
    Murder, C-239
    New Identities Act, C-258
    Parent-child contact terms, M-187
    Parenting orders, M-136, M-140, M-141, M-144, M-145, M-147, M-163, M-165, M-168, M-169, M-173
    Parenting plans (divorce), M-137, M-138, M-139, M-146
    Parenting programs, M-172
    Parents, M-171, M-183
    Sentences (convicted criminals), C-238
    Transportation, M-125
    Witness and Spousal Protection Program Act, C-258
    Witnesses (Justice system), C-258
    Written questions, Q-67
Hilstrom, Howard (CA-Selkirk-Interlake)

    Canadian Wheat Board, C-438
    Grain and oilseeds sector, C-438
    Written questions, Q-38, Q-77, Q-155
Historic sites and monuments see Bennett, Right Hon. Richard Beford; Fort Townsend (St. John's, Nfld.); Parthenon marbles; Vimy Ridge Memorial

Historic Sites and Monuments Act


    Drug users, intravenous, M-54 (Davies)
    Patented antiretroviral medicines, costs/distribution, M-275 (Nystrom)
    See also Blood samples-Viruses
Holding companies

      Ways and Means No. 1
Holidays Act

    C-260 (Mark)
Holidays/commemorative days see Armenian genocide; Backcountry Safety Day; Canadian Forces Day; Community service; Congenital heart defects; Dieppe Raid (August 19, 1942); Emancipation Day; Hepatitis Awareness Month; Hepatitis C Awareness Month; Holocaust Memorial Day (Yom ha-Shoah); Laurier, Sir Wilfrid; Macdonald, Sir John A.; Merchant Navy Veterans Day; National Crime Stoppers' Day Act; National Heritage Day; National Maritime Day; National Rivers Day; Remembrance Day (November 11); Senior citizens-Recognition; Terry Fox Day Act; United Empire Loyalists; Verbal Abuse Prevention Week; Vimy Ridge battle (April 9, 1917)

Holocaust Memorial Day (Yom ha-Shoah)

    C-214 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    M-499 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Holocaust Memorial Day Act

    C-214 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Home invasion

    Criminal offence designation
        Other Business No. 9
      M-204 (MacKay)
    Young offenders, mandatory curfew, C-444 (Lunn)
Homecare see Disabled and handicapped persons

Homeless persons see Housing-Terms

Homeowners' Freedom from Double Taxation Act

    C-282 (Epp)
Homosexuals see Murder; Same sex couples

Hoof and mouth disease

    Emergency debate, Other Business No. 6
    Transmission, education campaign, M-327 (Keddy)
Horses see Canadien Horse

Horticulture see Genetically modified plants

Hospitality industry see Bed-and-Breakfast establishments


    Goods and Services Tax (GST) exemption, M-356 (Martin, K.)
    Private for profit hospitals, Canada Health and Social Transfer deduction, C-216 (Wasylycia-Leis)
House of Commons

    Adjournment motion
      Government Business No. 7
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 10
    Adjournment Proceedings, Other Business No. 4
      November 23, 2001, Other Business No. 4
      See also Royal Assent
    Debates (Hansard), printing of Address to both Houses of Parliament, Other Business No. 7
    Decorum, Other Business No. 4
    Documents, tabling during Routine Proceedings, S.O. 32, M-362 (Martin, K.)
    Estimates, 2001-2002, Main (Parliament, Vote 5) see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Reports, Seventeenth
    Estimates, 2002-2003, Main (Parliament, Vote 5) see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Reports, Fifty-fourth
    Mace see Parliamentary privilege-Goodale
    Oral Question Period/Daily Question Period, term replaced by "Answers and Accountability Period", M-291 (Grewal)
    Political parties, official party status, C-273 (Pankiw)
    Sittings and Business of the House
      Other Business No. 3
      Other Business No. 4
    Telecommunications infrastructure, international virtual meetings, M-365 (Tremblay, Stéphan)
    Votes, electronic voting, M-213 (Martin, K.)
    See also Board of Internal Economy; Modernization and Improvement of the Procedures of the House of Commons Special Committee; Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States); Statements by Members; Supreme Court of Canada-Appointments; Treaties-Ratification

    Adequate and affordable, M-36 (Martin, Pat)
    Affordable housing, shortage, M-256 (St-Julien)
    National strategy and programs, C-416 (Davies)
    Right to proper housing
      C-371 (Harb)
      C-416 (Davies)
    Terms, "affordable housing", "poverty" and "homeless", definition, M-245 (Goldring)
    See also Aboriginal housing; Condominiums; Co-operative housing; Halfway houses; Mortgages; Non-profit housing; Rental housing; Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP); Urban Manor, Edmonton, AB
Housing Bill of Rights

    C-416 (Davies)
HST see Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)

Human being

    Definition, human fetus or embryo, M-228 (Breitkreuz)
    See also Children-Unborn child
Human cloning

    Genetic manipulation of a human cell, zygote or embryo, C-336 (Picard)
Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee

      Third, Other Business No. 9
      Second, Main Estimates, 2001-2002, Human Resources Development Votes 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20, Supply Proceedings No. 3
        Government Business No. 26
        Other Business No. 9
      Seventh (Getting it Right for Canadians: The Disability Tax Credit), Other Business No. 9
    See also Employment Equity Act; Employment insurance
Human Resources Development Ministry

    Estimates, 2001-2002, Main see Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee-Reports
Human rights

    Violations, economic measures against a foreign state, C-332 (Lalonde)
    See also Assistance dogs (seeing-eye, service, seizure response or seizure alert); Betancourt Ingrid; Canadian Bill of Rights; Child labour; Children-Rights; Chinese Canadians; Colombia; Discrimination and racism; East Timor; Education; Employment equity; Environmental Bill of Rights; Export Development Corporation (EDC); Fishers' Bill of Rights; Housing; Housing Bill of Rights; India; Indonesia; Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture; Literacy; Nigeria; Patients' Bill of Rights; Privacy; Refugees; Security-Accreditation; Sudan; Taxpayers' Bill of Rights; Tibet; Turkey; Ukrainian Canadians; Verbal Abuse Prevention Week; Victims' Bill of Rights; Visible minorities
Human Rights and International Development Sub-Committee

    Travel, Other Business No. 9
Humanitarian aid see International aid policy

Hunting, fishing and recreation events see Groupaction Marketing


Îles de la Madeleine region see Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Lac-St-Jean-Saguenay, James Bay, Nunavik, North Shore, Gaspé and Îles de la Madeleine regions

Illsley Bourbonnais

    Reports, January 1, 1997 to December 31, 2000, P-13 (Clark)
    See also Business Development Bank of Canada
IMF see International Monetary Fund (IMF)


    DNA testing, M-37 (Martin, Pat)
    Domestic workers, full status, M-312 (Davies)
    Identification, C-345 (Martin, K.)
    Offenders, deportation
      C-221 (Peric)
      C-431 (White, T.)
    Right of Landing Fee (ROLF), "head tax"
      M-231 (Martin, Pat)
      M-312 (Davies)
    Smuggling, proceeds of crime, C-303 (Forseth)
    See also Education; Elections-Right to vote; Old Age Security

    Identification, visitors, immigrants or refugees, C-345 (Martin, K.)
    Reform, M-312 (Davies)
    System, C-11
      Other Business No. 10
    See also Border security
Immigration Act

      Other Business No. 4
    C-345 (Martin, K.)
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act

      Other Business No. 10
    C-431 (White, T.)
    C-434 (Cadman)
Immunization see Vaccines

Impaired driving

    Blood alcohol level exceeding 0.05%
      C-464 (Cadman)
      M-465 (Herron)
    Breath, blood or urine samples in accidents causing death or serious injury
      C-288 (MacKay)
      C-354 (Thompson, M.)
    Death/injury caused, Catherine MacLean killed, Catherine Doré injured, Russian diplomat Andrei Knyazev charged
      P-6 (Lunn)
      P-7 (Lunn)
    Penalties, C-468 (Vellacott)
    Repeat offenders, provincial alcohol ignition interlock device program, C-46
Imperial Life Assurance Company

    Quebec incorporation, S-27
Importation of Intoxicating Liquors Act


    Anti-dumping, Chinese goods, C-50
    Defective goods, imported solely to be replaced under warranty, non-residents and cross-border transactions, C-13
      Ways and Means No. 2
        Other Business No. 4
    Safeguards, Chinese imports, C-50
    See also Automobiles; Diamonds; Drugs and pharmaceuticals-Generic medications; Gun control; MOX (mixed oxide) fuels
Income see Guaranteed annual income

Income tax

    Basic personal deduction
      Increase for taxpayers over age 69, M-81 (Pankiw)
      Increase for wage earner and dependant spouse, M-123 (Hill, J.)
    Dependants, Canadian citizen or permanent resident, C-11
      Other Business No. 10
    Five-Year-Tax Reduction Plan, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    Provincial income tax, $3.3 billion overpayment, Supply Proceedings No. 13
    Rate, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    Surtax, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    See also Adoption (children); Adult basic education; Amateur sport; Artists; Broadcasting; Business expenses; Charitable donations; Charities; Child care; Child custody-Non-custodial parents; Child support; Clergy; Construction work camps; Defence expenditures; Disability tax credit; Education-Costs; Elected officials; Emergency volunteers (ambulance technician, firefighter, search or rescue); Emigrants; Employment-Expenses; Firearms-Storage; Food banks; Funerals-Expenses; Herbal remedies-Drug substitute; Matchable expenditure rules; Mechanics-Tools; Medical expenses; Members of Parliament-Expense allowance; Mining industry; Paramedics; Property taxes; Public transit-Costs; Scholarships, fellowships and bursaries; Social security payments (United States); Stock options; Students-Debt; Teachers-Expenses; Tools; Trades people-Moving expenses; Volunteers
Income Tax Act

      Other Business No. 10
      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 3
      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 4
    C-209 (Girard-Bujold)
      Other Business No. 4
    C-211 (Stoffer)
    C-222 (Guimond)
    C-225 (Nystrom)
    C-244 (Benoit)
    C-272 (Hill, J.)
    C-282 (Epp)
    C-296 (Kenney)
    C-298 (Kenney)
    C-306 (St-Hilaire)
    C-320 (Stoffer)
    C-342 (Stoffer)
    C-360 (Harb)
    C-361 (Harb)
    C-369 (Harb)
    C-378 (Harb)
    C-390 (Peschisollido)
    C-397 (Perron)
    C-410 (Sorenson)
    C-430 (St-Hilaire)
    C-447 (Martin, Pat)
    C-461 (Hill, J.)
    C-477 (Stoffer)
    Ways and Means No. 6
    Ways and Means No. 8
      Other Business No. 4
    Ways and Means No. 12
Income Tax Amendments Act, 2000

      Ways and Means No. 3
Income Tax Application Rules

      Ways and Means No. 3
Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 2001

Income tax treaties

    Slovenia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru, Senegal, Czech Republic and Slovak Republic, S-31

    Muslims, minority rights, violation, M-524 (McDonough)
    See also Visas
India-Pakistan relations

    M-469 (Robinson)
Indian Act

    C-307 (Benoit)
    C-384 (Harb)
    M-10 (Benoit)
Indian Affairs and Northern Development Ministry

    Estimates, 2001-2002, Main see Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing Committee-Reports
Indian bands/reserves

    Alberta and Saskatchewan, C-37
      Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office (Elections Canada) supervision
        C-307 (Benoit)
        M-8 (Benoit)
    Funding, contribution agreements, audits
      Supply Proceedings No. 2
        Other Business No. 4
    Governance, administration, financial management, accountability, C-61
    See also Doncaster Reserve No. 17; Kanesatake Mohawk community;
Indigenous people see Export Development Corporation (EDC)

Individual security fund

    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Employment insurance and Workers' compensation contribution option, M-14 (Benoit)

    Ethnic Chinese, human rights violations, M-65 (Davies)
    See also East Timor
Industrial and Regional Development Act

Industrial Design Act

Industrial designs

    Rules, regulations and forms, C-40
Industrial pollution

    Contaminated sites, brownfields, C-305 (Keyes)
Industry see Natural resource industries; Primary industry

Industry Ministry

    Estimates, 2001-2002, Main see Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee-Reports, Second
    Estimates, 2002-2003, Main see Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee-Reports, Ninth
Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee

      Second, Main Estimates, 2001-2002, Industry Votes 1, 5, L10, L15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120 and 125, Supply Proceedings No. 3
      Ninth, Main Estimates, 2002-2003, Industry Votes 1, 5, L10, L15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120 and 125, Supply Proceedings No. 11
Infectious disease

    Emergency response workers, notification protocol, C-280 (Gouk)
    See also Blood samples-Viruses; Good Samaritans; Hepatitis B; Hepatitis C; HIV/AIDS
Infirm dependant tax credit

      Ways and Means No. 3
Information technology see Air transport-Legal action; Computers; Corporations-Shareholder participation; Elections-Electronic voting; Goods and Services Tax (GST)-Electronic filing; Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)-Electronic filing; Internet

Infrastructure see Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund Act

Inhalants see Intoxicating products

Inquiries see Public inquiries

Insects see Mountain Pine Beetle

Insider trading see Cooperatives (non-financial); Corporations

Insurance see Blood supply system; Certas Direct Insurance Company; Disability insurance; Life insurance corporations; Property and casualty insurance companies

Insurance Companies Act

      Ways and Means No. 1
      Other Business No. 10
    C-384 (Harb)
Intellectual property rights see Patents

Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture

    Ratification, M-432 (Bigras)
Interest Act

    C-223 (Nystrom)
Inter-generational transfers see Woodlots

Intergovernmental conferences

    Security, C-35
International agreements see Biological and Toxic Weapon Convention; Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement; Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement; Cartegena Protocol on Biosafety; Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air (Montreal Convention); Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA); Income tax treaties; Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture; International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; Kyoto accord; Organization of American States Inter-American Convention Against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials; Pollution; Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China to the World Trade Organization; Torpedo testing; Trade agreements

International aid policy

    Funding, humanitarian/development aid levels, increasing, Supply Proceedings No. 7
International Boundary Waters Treaty Act

International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development Act

      Other Business No. 10
International Child Abduction: Issues for Reform see Child abduction-Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee

International Cooperation Minister (Minna) see Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights see Nigeria

International Criminal Tribunal see East Timor

International development see Development assistance

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

    Canadian funding, M-72 (Davies)
International organizations

    Definition, C-35
International Trade, Trade Disputes and Investments Sub-Committee

    Travel, Other Business No. 9

    Hate propaganda, M-191 (MacKay)
    Regulation, international organization, M-299 (Mayfield)
    See also Child pornography; Clean Internet Act; Discrimination and racism
Internet Child Pornography Prevention Act

    C-212 (Stoffer)
Interpretation Act

    C-260 (Mark)
    C-384 (Harb)
Intoxicating products

    Sale of inhalants and other sniff products, C-349 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Inuit see Nunavik region; Sled dogs

Inventors see Telephones


    Canadian investment managers, services to partnerships, qualified non-resident, Ways and Means No. 12
    See also Air Canada; Aircraft-Manufacturers; Canada Pension Plan (CPP); Capital gains; Cooperatives (non-financial); Foreign investment; Mining industry-Flow-through shares; Partnerships; Pensions; Securities and derivatives clearing houses; Segregated funds; Stock options
Investment Canada Act

      Other Business No. 10
Investor-state provisions see Trade agreements

Ipperwash Provincial Park, ON

    Stoney Point First Nation occupation, September 6, 1995 shooting of Dudley George, inquiry, M-421 (Martin, Pat)

    Anti-terrorism military campaign, expansion, M-441 (Robinson)
    Economic sanctions, M-83 (Robinson)
Islam see Muslims; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks-Condemnation


    Products originating from settlements in occupied territories, customs duties, C-439 (Paquette)

James Bay Cree

    Electoral district, M-225 (St-Julien)
    Housing, M-218 (St-Julien)
James Bay region see Abitibi, James Bay, Nunavik and Témiscamingue regions; Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Lac-St-Jean-Saguenay, James Bay, Nunavik, North Shore, Gaspé and Îles de la Madeleine regions


    Excise tax, M-235 (Duncan)
    See also Diamonds
Job creation see Small business

Johnston, Dale (CA-Wetaskiwin)

    Collective bargaining, M-407
    Employment, M-406
    Final Offer Arbitration in Respect of West Coast Ports Operations Act, C-309
    Newfoundland and Labrador, M-405
    West coast ports, C-309

    Attacks/threats, criminalization, C-24
      Other Business No. 10

    Compensation and benefits, C-12
Judges Act

Judicial inquiries see Conflict of interest

Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee

    Instruction, Bill C-15, Other Business No. 9
    Order of reference (review of Criminal Code mental disorder provisions), Other Business No. 9
    Reports, First, Other Business No. 4
    Travel, Other Business No. 9
    See also Peltier, Leonard; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)-Remuneration
Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee (2nd Sess., 36th Parl.)

    Reports, Ninth (Combatting Organized Crime), Recommendation 11 see Murder-Criminal justice system
Justice Building

    Re-designation, Édifice Jubilee Building, Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee, commemoration
      M-449 (Thompson, G.)
      M-532 (Wayne)
Justice Department see Parliamentary privilege-Toews

Justice Minister see Parliamentary privilege

Justice system

    Administration, additional protection to members of the Senate and the House of Commons and persons who play a role in the administration of criminal justice from intimidation directed against them or their families, C-24
      Other Business No. 10
    Bijuralism, S-4
    Criminal procedure reform, preliminary inquiries, expert evidence, electronic documents, plea comprehension inquiry scheme, private prosecutions, selection of alternate jurors and restriction on use of agents, C-15A
      Other Business No. 9
    Miscarriage of justice, review process, C-15A
      Other Business No. 9
    Public inquiry re sentencing, corrections and parole systems, M-387 (Vellacott)
      Other Business No. 4
    Restorative justice
      M-43 (Martin, Pat)
      M-192 (MacKay)
    See also Air transport-Legal action; Bail; Court Martial Appeal Court; Courts Administration Service; Criminal liability; Extradition; Family court (Unified Family Court); Family law; Federal Court; Federal Court of Appeal; Fingerprinting; Forfeiture orders; Parole; Peace officers; Police; Quebec-Civil law; Restraint orders; Royal prerogative of mercy; Search and seizure powers; Search warrants; Sentences (convicted criminals); Statutory release; Tax Court of Canada; Warrants; Witnesses (Justice system); Youth justice system

Kanesatake Interim Land Base Governance Act

Kanesatake Mohawk community

Keddy, Gerald (PC-South Shore; PC/DR Coalition-South Shoreas of September 13, 2001; PC-South Shore as of April 10, 2002)

    Coins, M-385
      Other Business No. 4
    Hoof and mouth disease, M-327
    Written questions, Q-96, Q-121, Q-122, Q-123, Q-130, Q-146, Q-170
Kelowna constituency

    Name, change to Kelowna-Country, C-441 (Catterall)
Kenney, Jason (CA-Calgary Southeast)

    Elected officials
    Members of Parliament, C-296
    Observance of Two Minutes of Silence on Remembrance Day Act, C-297
    Remembrance Day (November 11), C-297
    Social security payments (United States)
    World Health Organization (WHO), M-501
Keyes, Stan (Lib.-Hamilton West)

    Industrial pollution, C-305
Kidnapping see Betancourt Ingrid; Child abduction

Kimberley Process see Diamonds

Knyazev, Andrei see Impaired driving-Death/injury caused

Kraft Sloan, Karen (Lib.-York North)

    National Rivers Day, M-382
      Other Business No. 4
Krever inquiry see Blood supply system

Kurdish self-determination movement see Turkey

Kyoto accord

    Supply Proceedings No. 9

La-Pointe-de-l'Ile constituency see Mercier constituency

La Société Caldwell

    Reports, January 1, 1997 to December 31, 2000, P-16 (Clark)
    See also Business Development Bank of Canada
Labanino, Ramon see Cuba

Labour Adjustment Benefits Act

      Other Business No. 10
Labour disputes

    Replacement workers (scabs), C-472 (Guay)
    See also Strikes and lockouts
Labour force see Child labour; Seasonal workers; Self-employed workers; Work week; Workers' compensation; Workplace

Labour market see Training programs

Labour Market Training Act

    C-204 (Martin, Pat)
Labour relations see Collective agreements; Collective bargaining; Strikes and lockouts

Labour unions see Trade unions

Labrador see Newfoundland and Labrador; Newfoundland-Labrador tunnel

Lac-St-Jean-Saguenay region see Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Lac-St-Jean-Saguenay, James Bay, Nunavik, North Shore, Gaspé and Îles de la Madeleine regions

Lalonde, Francine (BQ-Mercier)

    Human rights, C-332
    Treaties, C-313, C-314, C-315, C-316, C-317
Lancaster Aviation Inc. see Aerospace assets disposal (Government of Canada)

Land see Federal lands

Land Titles Repeal Act

Landfill gas emissions

Laurier, Sir Wilfrid

    Commemorative day, S-14 (Godfrey)
Law enforcement officers see Criminal liability

Law suits see Penitentiaries-Inmates

Lawyers see Children-Protection


    Application or administration, legal disputes, alternate dispute resolution, C-422 (Harb)
Lead see Fishing

Lebel, Ghislain (BQ-Chambly; Ind.-Chambly as of August 20, 2002)

    Bristol Group Inc., P-64
    Communication et Stratégie Inc., P-62, P-65
    Groupe Cible (B.A.) Inc., P-62, P-65
    Mail contractors (rural route and suburban service contractors), C-404
    Tremblay Guittet Communications Inc., P-62, P-65
    Written quesitons, Q-171, Q-177, Q-190
Lee, Derek (Lib.-Scarborough-Rouge River; Parliamentary Secretary to Leader of the Government in the House of Commons until September 12, 2001)

    Terrorism, M-408
Legal services (government departments and agencies)

    Actual cost recovery charge back basis, M-502 (MacKay)

    Draft bills, Standing Committee consideration, M-214 (Martin, K.)
    Drafting, unrelated departmental matters combined, M-412 (MacKay)
    Grandfather clauses see Gun control-Prohibited firearms
    Introduction, Other Business No. 4
    Plain language, M-417 (Nystrom)
    Tabling, briefing sessions see Parliamentary privilege
Legislative instruments

    Official languages re-enactment, S-41
      Other Business No. 4
Legislative Instruments Re-enactment Act

      Other Business No. 4
Legislative process see Bills, Public-Report stage; Royal Assent

Lévis-et-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière constituency

    Name, change to Lévis, C-441 (Catterall)
Liability see Civil liability; Criminal liability

Liaison Committee

    Associate Members
      Other Business No. 5
      See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Reports, Fifty-ninth
Liberal government (Chrétien) see Rural and remote areas

Liberal Party

    Liberal Caucus Task Force Report (1990), "Finding Room: Housing Solutions for the Future" see Social housing
    Red Book 1 see Ethics Counsellor
Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee

    Meetings, Other Business No. 9
    Reports, Other Business No. 9
Licences see Gun control

Lieutenant Governors

    Pensions, C-43
Lieutenant Governors Superannuation Act

Life forms

    Patenting, prohibition, M-148 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Life insurance corporations

    Capital tax, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    See also Imperial Life Assurance Company
Lill, Wendy (NDP-Dartmouth)

    Artists, M-507
    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), M-425
    Canada Ports Police, M-508
    Disabled and handicapped persons, M-510
    Government advertising, M-506
    Media, P-67
    National Maritime Day, M-505
    O Canada, M-411
      Other Business No. 4
    Regional development, M-509
    Royal prerogative of mercy, M-372
Lincoln, Clifford (Lib.-Lac-Saint-Louis)

    Automotive fuels, C-350
    Automotive Pollution Reduction Act
    Canadian Tobacco Youth Protection Foundation, S-15
    Chemical pesticides, C-267
      Other Business No. 4
    Gasoline additives, C-254
    Tobacco Youth Protection Act, S-15
Lisa's Law

    C-400 (Mills, B.)

    Individual right, C-365 (Harb)
    National standards, C-376 (Harb)
    See also Reading materials
Literature see Parliamentary Poet Laureate

Little Salmon/Carmacks Self-Government Agreement

Livestock Feed Assistance Act

Local Community Arts and Artists Sustainability Fund see Artists

Lojko, Ted see Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

Longshore employees see Part-time workers

Louis Riel Act

    C-411 (Alcock)
Low-income earners see Cheque cashing services; Financial institutions; Micro credit; Mortgages

Lower Canada see Civil Code of Lower Canada (1866)


    Exports, M-257 (St-Julien)
    Free trade, M-252 (Crête)
    See also Softwood lumber
Lunn, Gary (CA-Saanich-Gulf Islands; PC/DR Coalition-Saanich-Gulf Islands as of September 13, 2001; CA-Saanich-Gulf Islands as of November 19, 2001)

    Aubérge Grand-Mère, P-5
    Home invasion, C-444
    Impaired driving, Russian diplomat, Andrei Knyazev charged, P-6, P-7
    Murder, C-450

Macdonald, Sir John A.

    Commemorative day, S-14 (Godfrey)
Mace see House of Commons

MacKay, Peter (PC-Pictou-Antigonish-Guysborough; PC/DRCoalition-Pictou-Antigonish-Guysborough as of September 13, 2001; PC-Pictou-Antigonish-Guysborough as of April 10, 2002)

    Break and enter (crime), M-203
    Child custody, C-406
    Child pornography, C-425
    Child sex offenders, C-274
    Commissioner for the Rights of Victims of Crime, M-207
    Correctional Service of Canada, M-201
    Dieppe Raid (August 19, 1942), M-210
    Estimates, M-380
    Extradition, C-403
    Firearms Act, M-197
    Fugitives from justice in other countries Act, C-403
    Gun control, M-197
    Hayer, Tara Singh, M-205
    Home invasion, M-204
    Impaired driving, C-288
    Internet, M-191
    Justice system, M-192
    Legal services (government departments and agencies), M-502
    Legislation, M-412
    Mechanics, M-208
    Members of Parliament, M-200
    Murder, M-196
    Occupational health and safety, M-402
    Parental Responsibility Act, M-195
    Peace officers
    Puppy mills, C-433
    Residential schools, P-57
    Sable Offshore Energy Project, M-198
    Senators, M-200
    Sentences (convicted criminals), C-392, C-412, C-424
    Sex offenders, M-202
    Small business, M-199
    Swarming, C-275
    Trades people, M-209
    Victims' Bill of Rights, M-193
    Votable items, M-491
    Workplace, M-428
    Written questions, Q-27, Q-84, Q-95, Q-115, Q-116, Q-117, Q-145
    Young offenders
      M-194, M-195
MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion

    Spanish Civil War service, veterans benefits
      M-51 (Martin, Pat)
      M-128 (Robinson)
Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act

MacLean, Catherine see Impaired driving-Death/injury caused

Magazu, Bariya see Nigeria

Mahoney, Steve (Lib.-Mississauga West; Parliamentary Secretary to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Crown Corporations as of April 8, 2002;Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Transport (Crown Corporations) as of August 7, 2002)

    References see Urban Manor, Edmonton, AB

    And packages, random opening/scanning, M-294 (Benoit)
Mail contractors (rural route and suburban service contractors)

    C-404 (Lebel)
Mandela, Nelson

    Honorary citizen of Canada, M-379 (McCallum)
      Other Business No. 4
Manganese-based additives (MMT) see Gasoline additives

Manitoba Claim Settlements Implementation Act

Marceau, Richard (BQ-Charlesbourg-Jacques-Cartier)

    All-news television channel, M-515
    Written questions, Q-140, Q-154

    Legalization/decriminalization, opposition, M-375 (Goldring)
    Medical use, decriminalization, C-335 (Bigras)
    Simple possession, decriminalization, C-344 (Martin, K.)
Marine conservation areas

    Aquatic environment, protection, C-10
Marine Liability Act

Marine mammals see Cetecceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises)

Marine policy

    Administration, Transport Department/Fisheries and Oceans Department responsibilities, C-14
    M-114 (Crête)
    See also Ports
Marine transport

    Security, C-55
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada
Marine Transportation Security Act

      Other Business No. 4
Maritime Helicopter Procurement Project see Sea King helicopters

Maritime liability

    Civil liability of shipowners for loss of life, personal injuries and damage to property, S-2
Maritime oil pollution

Maritime pollution

Mark, Inky (CA-Dauphin-Swan River; PC/DR Coalition-Dauphin-Swan River as of September 13, 2001;Ind. Conservative-Dauphin-Swan River as of April 10, 2002; PC-Dauphin-Swan River as of August 27, 2002)

    Citizenship, C-417
    National Heritage Day, C-260
    Snowbirds Squadron (Canadian Armed Forces aerobatic team), C-259
    Ukrainian Canadians, C-331
Marketing see Gasoline-Vertically integrated suppliers; Grain and oilseeds sector; Prizes


    Definition, one man and one woman, C-266 (Pankiw)
    Marital relationship, financial support to community groups, M-167 (Hill, J.)
    Quebec, S-4
    Same sex parties, C-264 (Robinson)
    See also Canada Pension Plan (CPP)-Survivor benefits; Divorce
Marriage Capacity Act

    C-264 (Robinson)
Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Act

    C-264 (Robinson)
    C-266 (Pankiw)
Martin, Keith (CA-Esquimalt-Juan de Fuca)

    Arson, M-359
    Blood samples, C-347
    Canadian Armed Forces, M-516
    Child custody, M-458
    Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, P-23
    Diplomatic immunity, M-373
    Drug trafficking, M-330, M-358
    Education, M-301
    Elections, M-211
    Endangered and threatened species, C-346, C-446
    Exotic pets, M-352
    Fetal alcohol syndrome, C-445
    Firefighters, M-494
    Golden Jubilee award, M-480
    Health care, M-300, M-464
    Health care institutions, M-356
    Hospitals, M-356
    House of Commons, M-213, M-362
    Immigration, C-345
    Legislation, M-214
    Marijuana, C-344
    Organ procurement/transplant, M-497
    Private Members' Business, M-212, M-363
    References see Parliamentary privilege-Goodale
    Refugees, C-345
    Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), M-514
    Second-hand goods, M-410
    Supreme Court of Canada, M-215
    Tropical diseases, M-415
    Violent crime, C-343
    Visitors to Canada, C-345
    Water, M-521, M-522
    Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act
    Written questions, Q-48, Q-49, Q-86
    Zimbabwe, M-429, M-433
Martin, Pat (NDP-Winnipeg Centre)

    Apprenticeship, M-39
    Bankruptcy, C-203, C-423
    Business expenses
    Canada Ports Police, M-42
    Canada Water Export Prohibition Act, C-205
    Canadian Armed Forces, M-513
    Charitable donations, M-512
    Child labour, M-38
    Coastal waters, M-44
    Corporations, C-448, C-479
    Development assistance, M-35
    Education, post-secondary, M-48
    Employee benefit funds, M-33
    Employment insurance, M-39
    Energy Price Commission, C-207
    Environment, M-41
    Financial auditors, M-483
    Firefighters, M-447, M-448
    Housing, M-36
    Immigrants, M-37, M-231
    Ipperwash Provincial Park, ON, M-421
    Justice system, M-43
    Labour Market Training Act, C-204
    MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion, M-51
    National Apprenticeship and Training Committee (NATAC), C-204
    Pensions, M-401
    Pollution, M-45
    Public Service
    Residential schools, M-46
    Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), M-49
    Students, M-47
    Teachers, M-50
    Training programs
    Versatile Tractor, M-333
    Veterans, M-369
    Volunteers, M-453, M-454
    Wages and salaries, M-40
    Water, C-205
    Whistle Blowers Protection Act, C-206
    Work week, M-34
    Written questions, Q-32, Q-107, Q-111
Matchable expenditure rules

    Tax shelter benefits, 80-per-cent threshold, Ways and Means No. 6
Maternity benefits

      Other Business No. 4
    Employment insurance benefits, federal/Quebec programs, M-519 (St-Julien)
Maximum Speed Control Device Act

    C-381 (Harb)
Mayfield, Philip (CA-Cariboo-Chilcotin)

    Ecstacy (drug), M-436
    Financial Information Strategy (FIS), M-437
    Government computer systems, M-504
    Internet, M-299
    Mountain Pine Beetle, M-435
McCallum, Hon. John (Lib.-Markham; Parliamentary Secretary toMinister of Finance as of September 13, 2001; Secretary of State(International Financial Institutions) as of January 15, 2002;Minister of National Defence as of May 26, 2002)

    Mandela, Nelson, M-379
      Other Business No. 4
McDonough, Alexa (NDP-Halifax)

    Arthritis, M-484
    Corporations, C-242
    Ethics Counsellor, C-299
    India, M-524
    Members of Parliament, C-299, C-435
    Parliamentarians' Code of Conduct, C-299
McKay, John (Lib.-Scarborough East)

    Tobacco/cigarettes, C-236
McLellan, Hon. Anne (Lib.-Edmonton West; Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada until January 15, 2002; Minister ofHealth as of January 15, 2002)

    References see Parliamentary privilege-Toews
McNally, Grant (CA-Dewdney-Alouette; PC/DR Coalition-Dewdney-Alouette as of September 13, 2001; Ind.-Dewdney-Alouette as of April 10, 2002; CA-Dewdney-Alouette as of April 24, 2002)

    National Library of Canada, M-475
    Written questions, Q-118, Q-150
McTeague, Dan (Lib.-Pickering-Ajax-Uxbridge)

    Competition, C-276
    Drugs and pharmaceuticals, C-454
    Mergers, C-248
Meal expenses see Construction work camps


    Tools, income tax deduction
      Apprentice mechanics
          Other Business No. 4
        Ways and Means No. 12
      C-222 (Guimond)
      C-244 (Benoit)
      M-7 (Benoit)
      M-208 (MacKay)
Medals see Awards and decorations


    Ownership, corporate concentration, P-67 (Lill)
    See also Journalists
Mediators see Family mediators

Medical expenses

    Income tax deduction
      Long distance travel to see doctor or specialist, standardized tax form, M-479 (Bailey)
      See also Caregivers; Herbal remedies-Drug substitute
    See also Disabled and handicapped persons-Principal place of residence
Medical procedures

    Health care workers non-participation/conscience rights
      C-246 (Vellacott)
    See also Abortion
Medical Research Council see Canada Research Chairs

Medically Unnecessary Abortion Referendum Act

    C-452 (Pankiw)
Members of Parliament

    Budget, calculation, M-226 (St-Julien)
    Code of conduct
      C-299 (McDonough)
      M-200 (MacKay)
    Disability allowance, C-28
        Other Business No. 10
    Expense allowance
      Discontinued/added to taxable income, C-270 (Gouk)
      Tax free allowance, incidental expenses, C-296 (Kenny)
      West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast constituency, Schedule 3 riding, C-293 (Reynolds)
    Oath or solemn affirmation of loyalty to Canada, C-480 (Bellemare)
    Party affiliation, change/floor-crossing, Member to resign/by-election
      C-218 (Stoffer)
      M-11 (Benoit)
        Other Business No. 10
      C-270 (Gouk)
    Salaries, C-28
        Other Business No. 10
    Staff, collective bargaining rights, C-435 (McDonough)
    See also Corporations-Boards of directors; Justice system-Administration; Scientific issues; Tobacco industry-Political contributions
Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act

      Other Business No. 10
    C-270 (Gouk)
    C-378 (Harb)
Members of Parliament Superannuation Act

    C-270 (Gouk)
Ménard, Réal (BQ-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve)

    Antipoverty Act, C-326
    Discrimination and racism, C-326
    Financial institutions, C-326
    Hepatitis C, M-221
    Quebec sovereignty, M-222
    Quebec sovereignty referendums, M-220, M-470
Mennonite Church Canada

      Other Business No. 4
Mennonites see Conference of Mennonites in Canada

Mental disorders see Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee-Order of reference

Merchant navy veterans see Remembrance Day (November 11)

Merchant Navy Veterans Day

    C-374 (Bonwick)
Merchant Navy Veterans Day Act

    C-374 (Bonwick)
Merchant Seamen Compensation Act

Mercier constituency

    Name, change to La-Pointe-de-l'Ile, C-441 (Catterall)
Mercury switches see Automobiles

Meredith, Val (CA-South Surrey-White Rock-Langley; PC/DRCoalition-South Surrey-White Rock-Langley as of September 13, 2001; Ind.-South Surrey-White Rock-Langley as of April 10, 2002; CA-South Surrey-White Rock-Langley as of April 16, 2002)

    Wildlife, C-292

    Gains in efficiency, Competition Tribunal powers, C-248 (McTeague)
    See also Banks; Political parties
Metals see Mining and metals industry

Métis see Riel, Louis David

Miami Five see Cuba

Micro credit

    Low or unstable incomes, C-385 (Augustine)
Micro Credit Act

    C-385 (Augustine)
Middle East

    Emergency debate
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 6
Migratory birds see Fishing-Lead fishing weights

Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994

      Government Business No. 27
        Other Business No. 4
Mi'kmaq Education Act

Military awards/decorations see Peacekeeping-Nobel Peace Prize clasp; War decorations (military medal, ribbon, badge, chevron)

Military security zones

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
Mills, Bob (CA-Red Deer)

    Child custody, C-400
    Climate change, M-381
    Lisa's Law, C-400
    Written questions, Q-25
Mills, James see Renous Prison

Mining and metals industry

    Technology, Noranda Inc. brief, M-439 (St-Julien)
Mining industry

    Abitibi, James Bay, Nunavik and Témiscamingue regions, economic benefits in Greater Montreal and Greater Quebec City regions, M-442 (St-Julien)
    Exploration, Association des prospecteurs du Québec brief, M-440 (St-Julien)
    Flow-through shares
      National committee, M-263 (St-Julien)
        Ways and Means No. 3
    Government assistance, interest-free loans, M-269 (St-Julien)
    Income tax rate, reduction, M-445 (St-Julien)
    Quebec, financial assistance, M-288 (St-Julien)
    Remote communities, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue brief, M-438 (St-Julien)
    See also Gold mines; Tulsequah Chief Mine
Minister of National Revenue see Excise tax

Minna, Hon. Maria (Lib.-Beaches-East York; Minister for International Cooperation until January 15, 2002)

    References see Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)-Contract work
Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 2001

Missiles see National Missile Defense (NMD) System (United States)

MMT see Manganese-based additives (MMT)

Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act

      Ways and Means No. 3
    C-408 (Harb)
Modernization and Improvement of the Procedures of the House of Commons Special Committee

    Government Business No. 3
    Government Business No. 8
    Government Business No. 9
    Government Business No. 14
    Other Business No. 4
    Other Business No. 5
    Other Business No. 9
Money laundering

      Other Business No. 4
    See also Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada
Money markets see Financial transactions (stocks, bonds and money market trades)

Monopolies see Media-Ownership

Montreal Convention see Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air (Montreal Convention)

Montreal, QC see Agriculture-Abitibi; Forestry-Abitibi; Mining industry-Abitibi

Monuments see Cenotaphs; Historic sites and monuments

Moore, James (CA-Port Moody-Coquitlam-Port Coquitlam)

    Condominiums, M-293
    Senators, M-361
Moratoriums see Cetecceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises); Genetically modified fish


    Financial institutions, disclosure, M-308 (Davies)
    Low-income individuals
      And community projects, M-240 (St-Julien)
      Debt-to-income rule, M-309 (Davies)
      C-223 (Nystrom)
      M-19 (Nystrom)
Motor carriers, extra-provincial (truck and bus)

    Safety, S-3
Motor Vehicle Fuel Consumption Standards Act

Motor Vehicle Transport Act

Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987

Motor vehicles

    Drivers, use of cellular phones, Criminal Code offence, M-116 (Blaikie)
    Speed, maximum speed control device, C-381 (Harb)
    Theft, C-250 (Cadman)
    See also Seat belts
Motorcycle gangs

      Other Business No. 10
Mountain Pine Beetle

    British Columbia forests, infestation, M-435 (Mayfield)
Moving expenses

    Income tax deduction see Trades people
MOX (mixed oxide) fuels

    Imports, ban, M-349 (Comartin)
Mugabe, Robert see Zimbabwe

Multiple chemical sensitivity see Environmental illness (multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia)

Municipalities see Primary industry; Prostitution


    Capital punishment, C-239 (Hill, J.)
    Criminal justice system, murder of anyone involved in investigative or criminal proceedings, Criminal Code, section 231, Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee (2nd Sess., 36th Parl.), Ninth report, Recommendation 11, M-388 (Vellacott)
      Other Business No. 4
    "Homosexual panic" defence, M-468 (Robinson)
    Parole, Criminal Code, Section 745, faint hope clause
      C-450 (Lunn)
      M-196 (MacKay)
    See also Firefighters-Criminal acts-Death in line of duty; Hayer, Tara Singh;
Murphy, Shawn (Lib.-Hillsborough)

    Verbal Abuse Prevention Week, C-414
Museums see Genocide

Music see Sound recordings

Muslims see India; Visible minorities

Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act

      Other Business No. 10
      Other Business No. 10

Nacho Nyak Dun First Nation Self-Government Agreement

Nanoose Bay, B.C. see Torpedo testing

Narcotics see Drugs (narcotic)

NAS see National Airport System (NAS)

NATAC see National apprenticeship and training committee (NATAC)

National Agriculture Industry Relief Coordination Act

    C-263 (Borotsik)
National Airport System (NAS) see Airports-Regional airports

National anthem see O Canada

National Apprenticeship and Training Committee (NATAC)

    C-204 (Martin, Pat)
National Archives of Canada see Census records-Transfer

National Archives of Canada Act

    C-312 (Calder)
    C-380 (Harb)
National Arts Centre Act

National Capital Act

      Other Business No. 9
National Capital Commission (NCC)

    Membership, C-43
    See also Sparks, Roderick Percy
National Capital Region

    Boundaries, C-43
National Civil Defence Force

    Establishment, C-476 (Harb)
National Civil Defence Force Act

    C-476 (Harb)
National Conference Centre

    Finances, P-43 (Reid)
National Conference on Guaranteed Annual Income Act

    C-377 (Harb)
National Crime Stoppers' Day Act

    C-395 (Casey)
National Defence Act

      Other Business No. 9
      Other Business No. 10
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
    C-259 (Mark)
National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee

      Government Business No. 11
      Government Business No. 25
      Other Business No. 9
    See also National Defence Ministry-Estimates; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks-Military response
National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee (2nd Sess., 36th Parl.)

    Reports, Third, Procurement Study see National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee-Reports, First
National Defence Minister see Parliamentary privilege-Pallister; Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Reports, Fiftieth-Terms of Reference

National Defence Department (DND)

    Supply chain services see Canadian Armed Forces-Logistics/supply
National Defence Ministry

    Estimates, 2002-2003, Main
      Committee of the Whole, consideration/deemed reported, Supply Proceedings No. 11
      Withdrawn from National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, referred to Committee of the Whole, Supply Proceedings No. 11
National Energy Board (NEB) see Energy-Pipelines

National Energy Board Act

      Other Business No. 10
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
National Environmental Standards Act

    C-372 (Harb)
National Film Act

National Film Board (NFB)

    Salaries, C-43
National flag

      C-426 (Bailey)
      C-429 (Cannis)
    See also Canadian flag
National Heritage Day

    February 21, legal holiday, C-260 (Mark)
National Horse of Canada Act

    C-311 (Calder)
National Library of Canada

    New building, M-475 (McNally)
National Literacy Standards Act

    C-376 (Harb)
National Maritime Day

    September 3rd, remembrance of World War II loss of S.S. Athena, M-505 (Lill)
National Missile Defense (NMD) System (United States)

    M-86 (Robinson)
    M-259 (Robinson)
National parks see Marine conservation areas

National Parole Board

    Decision-making, Commissioner Jean Dugré allegations, inquiry, M-389 (Venne)
National Public Safety Officer Compensation Fund see Firefighters-Death in line of duty

National Revenue Minister see Excise tax-Interest

National Rivers Day

    M-382 (Kraft Sloan)
      Other Business No. 4
    M-467 (Robinson)
National security

    Investigations/legal recourse, M-390 (Venne)
    Policy, Supply Proceedings No. 9
    See also Air transportation security; Border security; Charities-Income tax registration; Energy-Pipelines; Intergovernmental conferences; Marine transportation; Military security zones; Parliamentary Precincts-Security
National Security Sub-Committee

    Travel, Other Business No. 9
National standards see Apprenticeship; Drinking water; Drugs and pharmaceuticals-Bulk buying; Education; Education, post-secondary; Employee benefit funds; Environment; Literacy; Non-profit housing; Organ procurement/transplant; Social programs; Trades people; Training programs; Welfare

National symbols see Canadian flag; Canadien Horse; Coins

National unity

    Canada indivisible, alterable only by constitutional provision, M-109 (Goldring)
Natural gas see Oil and gas exploration; Oil and Gas Ombudsman; Oil and gas pipelines; Oil and gas production; Oil and gas suppliers

Natural resource industries

    Government Business No. 5
    Other Business No. 4
Natural resources see Atlantic Canada; Nunavut Water Board; Resource regions; Sable Offshore Energy Project

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) see Canada Research Chairs

NAV CANADA see Cargo

Navigable Waters Protection Act

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
NCC see National Capital Commission (NCC)

NEB see National Energy Board (NEB)

Netting agreements see Securities and derivatives clearing houses

New Democratic Party 12 Point Plan to Save Canada see Budgetary policy

New Housing Rebate see Residential Rental Property

New Identities Act

    C-258 (Hill, J.)
New York City see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks

Newfoundland and Labrador

    Transportation, freight or passenger service, North Sydney, NS and Port-aux-Basques, NF, strikes and lockouts, Newfoundland Act, Schedule, Term 32, M-405 (Johnston)
Newfoundland and Labrador

    Provincial name, constitutional amendment, Government Business No. 16
Newfoundland-Labrador tunnel

    M-264 (Doyle)
News see All-news television channel

NFB see National Film Board (NFB)


    Magazu, Bariya, 100 lashes administered on January 22, 2001, violation of United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, condemnation as act of torture, M-103 (Robinson)
Nisga'a Final Agreement Act

NMD see National Missile Defense (NMD) System (United States)

Nobel Peace Prize see Peacekeeping

Noise see Rail system

Non-Medical Use of Drugs Special Committee

    Order of reference, Other Business No. 9
    Televising of meetings, Other Business No. 9
    Travel, Other Business No. 9
Non-profit housing

    Goods and Services Tax (GST) exemption, M-53 (Davies)
    National standards, M-70 (Davies)
Non-profit organizations

    Remuneration, annual and public listing, M-492 (Goldring)
    See also Canadian Tobacco Youth Protection Foundation; Food banks
Non-smokers' Health Act

Noranda Inc. see Mining and metals industry

North Shore region see Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Lac-St-Jean-Saguenay, James Bay, Nunavik, North Shore, Gaspé and Îles de la Madeleine regions

North Sydney, NS see Newfoundland and Labrador-Transportation

Northern Canada Power Commission (Share Issuance and Sale Authorization) Act

Northern Pipeline Act

Northwest Territories Act

Northwest Territories Waters Act

Novel food products

    Public record, M-398 (Borotsik)
NSERC see Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)

Nuclear energy see Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission; MOX (mixed oxide) fuels

Nuclear Energy Act

Nuclear facilities

    Lands, nuclear substance contamination, site remediation liabilities, C-57
Nuclear Fuel Waste Act

      Ways and Means No. 5
Nuclear Safety and Control Act

Nuclear waste

    Waste management organization (WMO), C-27
      Ways and Means No. 5
    Storage, Abitibi-James Bay-Nunavik constituency, M-230 (St-Julien)
    See also Nuclear facilities
Nuclear weapons

      M-31 (Blaikie)
      M-92 (Robinson)
    See also MOX (mixed oxide) fuels
Nunavik region

    Federal electoral constituency, M-236 (St-Julien)
    See also Abitibi, James Bay, Nunavik and Témiscamingue regions; Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Lac-St-Jean-Saguenay, James Bay, Nunavik, North Shore, Gaspé and Îles de la Madeleine regions; Cargo; Sled dogs
Nunavut Act

Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal

Nunavut Water Board

Nunavut Waters and Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal Act

Nystrom, Hon. Lorne (NDP-Regina-Qu'Appelle)

    Bioterrorism, C-473
    Budget surplus, M-24
    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), C-227, C-228
    Corporations, M-25
    Credit Ombudsman, C-231
    Drug Supply Act, C-473
    Electoral reform, C-478
    Employees, M-23
    Family farms, C-224
    Financial transactions (stocks, bonds and money market trades), M-16
    Firefighters, C-228
    First Nations Veterans Compensation Act, C-229
    Foundations, M-503
    HIV/AIDS, M-275
    Legislation, M-417
    Old Age Security, C-227
    Pensions, C-227, C-474
    Police, C-228
    Political parties, M-20
    Proportional representation
    Senate, M-22
    Student loans, C-230
    Students, M-18
    Tools, C-225
    Veterans, C-229
    Wealth tax, M-17

O Canada

    Bilingual version, M-304 (Bennett)
    English lyrics, "all thy sons command"/"all our youth command", M-411 (Lill)
      Other Business No. 4
Oath of Citizenship

    C-391 (Bryden)
Oaths of Office

    See also Members of Parliament
Obhrai, Deepak (CA-Calgary East)

    Arts and culture, C-348
    Break and enter (crime)
        Other Business No. 4
    Census, C-301
    Emancipation Day, M-242
Observance of Two Minutes of Silence on Remembrance Day Act

    C-297 (Kenney)
Occupational health and safety

    Corporate executives and directors, accountability, M-402 (MacKay)
    Pregnant or nursing mother, preventive withdrawal, C-340 (Guay)
    See also Corporations-Criminal acts; Workplace
Oceans Act


    Information re security classification/transfers, disclosure, C-459 (Bonin)
    See also Aboriginal offenders; Break and enter (crime); Conditional release (convicted criminals); Dangerous offenders; Diplomatic immunity; Immigrants; Impaired driving-Repeat offenders; Refugees; Sentences (convicted criminals); Sex offenders; Violent offenders
Office of Taxpayer Protection

    C-390 (Peschisollido)
Office of the Chief Scientist

    Establishment, M-498 (Rajotte)
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Act

      Ways and Means No. 1
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
Office of Victims Ombudsman of Canada

    C-457 (Bonin)
Official development assistance see Foreign aid

Official Languages Act

    C-286 (Pankiw)
Official Languages Commissioner

    Estimates, 2001-2002, Main see Official Languages Standing Joint Committee-Reports, Third;
    Estimates, 2002-2003, Main see Official Languages Standing Joint Committee-Reports, Ninth
Official languages minorities see Acadians

Official languages policy/bilingualism

    Services, criteria, C-286 (Pankiw)
    See also Airlines; Divorce-Proceedings; Health care-Linguistic duality principle; Legislative instruments; O Canada; Official Languages Standing Joint Committee-Reports, Second
Official Languages Standing Joint Committee

      Other Business No. 9
      Second, (broadcasting and availability of the debates and proceedings of Parliament in both official languages), Other Business No. 9
      Third, Main Estimates, 2001-2002, Privy Council Vote 25, Supply Proceedings No. 3
      Ninth, Main Estimates, 2002-2003, Privy Council Vote 35, Supply Proceedings No. 11
Official Secrets Act

      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
      Ways and Means No. 8
        Other Business No. 4
Oil and gas exploration

    British Columbia, moratorium, M-247 (Robinson)
Oil and Gas Ombudsman

    C-359 (Harb)
Oil and Gas Ombudsman Act

    C-359 (Harb)
Oil and gas pipelines see Energy-Pipelines

Oil and gas production

    Foreign tax credits, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
Oil and gas suppliers

    Business practices, complaints see Oil and Gas Ombudsman
    See also Petro-Canada Limited
Oil spills see Maritime oil pollution

Oilseeds industry see Grain and oilseeds industry

Old Age Security

    Administration, ombudsman, C-227 (Nystrom)
    Immigrants, sponsored immigrants, eligibility, M-77 (Davies)
    ``Specially qualified individual'', C-11
      Other Business No. 10
Old Age Security Act

      Other Business No. 10
    C-449 (Gagnon, M.)
Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States)

    Canadian Olympic and Para-Olympic athletes, Committee of the Whole House, tribute on floor of the House, April 15, 2002, Other Business No. 4
    Canadian team, commemorative stamp, M-472 (Goldring)
Ombudsman see Canada Pension Plan (CPP)-Administration; Credit Ombudsman; Disability insurance; First Nations Ombudsman; Oil and Gas Ombudsman; Old Age Security-Administration; Pensions-Administration; Public Interest Commissioner; Victims of crime

Ontario see Ipperwash Provincial Park, ON

Operation Infinite Justice see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks

Opposition days see Allotted days; Votable items

Order Paper see Questions on the Order Paper

Organ Donation Act

    C-443 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Organ procurement/transplant

    Employment insurance, donors eligible during recovery period, M-497 (Martin, K.)
    National registry
      C-443 (Wasylycia-Leis)
      M-149 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    National standards, M-12 (Benoit)
Organization of American States Inter-American Convention Against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
Organized crime

    Investigation and prosecution, C-24
      Other Business No. 10
    See also Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee (2nd Sess., 36th Parl.)-Reports, Ninth
Orphan clauses see Collective agreements

Our Great Canadian Flag (Canadian Flag Song) see Canadian flag

Owen, Hon. Stephen (Lib.-Vancouver Quadra; ParliamentarySecretary to Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada as ofSeptember 13, 2001; Secretary of State (Western Economic Diversification)(Indian Affairs and Northern Development) as of January 15, 2002)

    Backcountry Safety Day, M-355
Oxygenation see Automotive fuels; Gasoline additives


Packaging and labelling see Alcoholic beverage containers; Beverage containers; Caffeine; Candy; Child labour; Consumer packaging; Dairy products; Gasoline-Sulphur; Genetically modified food; Personal care and cosmetic products; Tobacco/cigarettes-Packages-Toxic materials

Pakistan see India-Pakistan relations

Pallister, Brian (CA-Portage-Lisgar)

    References see Parliamentary privilege
Pankiw, Jim (CA-Saskatoon-Humboldt; PC/DR Coalition-Saskatoon-Humboldt as of September 13, 2001; Ind.-Saskatoon-Humboldt as of April 10, 2002)

    Abortion, C-452
    Canada Lands Company, P-44
    Canada Research Chairs, P-1, P-2
    Child Predator Act, C-437
    Child sex offenders, C-437
    Computers, M-80
    Elections, C-421
    Employment Equity Act, M-78
    Federal lands, P-36
    Firearms, C-398
    House of Commons, C-273
    Income tax, M-81
    Marriage, C-266
    Medically Unnecessary Abortion Referendum Act, C-452
    Official languages policy/bilingualism, C-286
    Property rights, M-79
    Quebec sovereignty referendums, M-99, M-100
    Regulations, C-355
    Right to Work Act, C-453
    Trade unions, C-453
    Welfare, C-241
    Written questions, Q-3, Q-4, Q-5, Q-66, Q-102
Paquette, Pierre (BQ-Joliette)

    Israel, C-439

    Public safety occupation designation, income tax status, M-518 (Strahl)
Parent-child contact terms

    Enforcement, M-187 (Hill, J.)
Parental benefits see Maternity benefits

Parental Responsibility Act

    M-195 (MacKay)
Parenting orders

    Child relocation, judicial permission/notice, M-168 (Hill, J.)
    Education program, M-136 (Hill, J.)
    Failure, nation-wide co-ordinated response, M-144 (Hill, J.)
    Parenting plan, filing, M-147 (Hill, J.)
    Shared parenting
      Assessors, accreditation criteria, M-169 (Hill, J.)
      "Best interests of the child"
        M-140 (Hill, J.)
        M-141 (Hill, J.)
      Contents, more detailed, readable and intelligible, M-165 (Hill, J.)
      National registry, M-145 (Hill, J.)
      Priority, M-163 (Hill, J.)
    Supervision, M-173 (Hill, J.)
Parenting plans (divorce)

    Development, legislation, M-137 (Hill, J.)
    Mediation sessions, M-139 (Hill, J.)
    Relationships, grandparents, siblings and extended family
      M-138 (Hill, J.)
      M-146 (Hill, J.)
    See also Parenting orders
Parenting programs

    Availability, M-172 (Hill, J.)

    Separation, child's wish not to have contact/therapeutic intervention, M-171 (Hill, J.)
    Shared parenting
      Aboriginal communities, M-183 (Hill, J.)
      See also Child custody; Divorce; Parenting orders
    See also Child abuse-Allegations; Child care; Child custody; Child development; Children-Physical discipline/spanking; Citizenship; Divorce-Children; Young offenders
Parks see Ipperwash Provincial Park, ON

Parks Canada Agency Act


    Estimates, 2001-2002, Main, Vote 5 see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Reports, Seventeenth;
    Estimates, 2002-2003, Main
      Vote 1 see Transport Standing Committee-Reports, Tenth
      Vote 5 see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Reports, Fifty-fourth
    See also Official Languages Standing Joint Committee-Reports, Second; Regulations
Parliament of Canada Act

      Other Business No. 10
    C-218 (Stoffer)
    C-270 (Gouk)
    C-273 (Pankiw)
    C-293 (Reynolds)
    C-421 (Pankiw)
    C-480 (Bellemare)
    S-10 (Thibeault)
      Other Business No. 4
Parliamentarians' Code of Conduct

    C-299 (McDonough)
Parliamentary calendar

    Other Business No. 2
    Other Business No. 4
    Other Business No. 5
Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act

    C-375 (Guay)
    C-435 (McDonough)
Parliamentary Poet Laureate

    S-10 (Thibeault)
      Other Business No. 4
Parliamentary Precincts

    Security see Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Reports, Sixty-seventh
    See also Justice Building
Parliamentary privilege

    Disclosure of contents of Bill C-36
      Other Business No. 8
      See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Reports, Fortieth-Terms of reference
    Goodale (contempt of Parliament), Keith Martin attempt to removal Mace from Table, affront to dignity of House and Speaker, Member apology accepted, Other Business No. 8
    Pallister (false/misleading statements), Minister of National Defence Eggleton statement concerning Canadian Armed Forces troops taking prisoners in Afghanistan
      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
      See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Reports, Fiftieth-Terms of Reference
    Toews (contempt of Parliament), Justice Minister McLellan and Justice Department officials conducting media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15) prior to tabling legislation in House, Members of Parliament and staff denied access to briefing
      Other Business No. 8
      See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Terms of reference
Parliamentary procedure see Modernization and Improvement of the Procedures of the House of Commons Special Committee


    Hearings, victim impact statement, C-405 (Cadman)
    Life sentences, ineligibility, C-285 (Hanger)
    Violation of conditions of parole or probation, police arrest power, C-353 (Thompson, M.)
    Withdrawal of request, no consideration for two years, C-233 (Cadman)
    See also Conditional release; Justice system-Public inquiry; Murder; National Parole Board
Parthenon marbles

    Illegal removal, return by United Kingdom to Greece
      M-418 (Robinson)
      M-452 (Cannis)

    Limited liability partnerships, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    Qualified limited partnerships (QLP), foreign property limit
        Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 12
    See also Investment
Part-time workers

    Multi-employer part-time workers, including longshore employees, pro-rated holiday pay and benefits, M-96 (Robinson)
    See also Employment insurance
Passports see Children

Patent Act

    C-454 (McTeague)
    C-460 (Wasylycia-Leis)

    See also Drugs and pharmaceuticals; Life forms
Patients' Bill of Rights

    C-261 (Thompson, G.)
Payment Clearing and Settlement Act

Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act

Peace officers

    Death in line of duty, scholarship fund for children, M-206 (MacKay)
    Disarming, indictable offence
        Other Business No. 9
      C-257 (MacKay)
    See also Crime; Firefighters-Death in line of duty; Police

    Book of Remembrance, C-356 (Harb)
    Nobel Peace Prize clasp, M-105 (Goldring)
Pedophiles see Child pornography; Sexual assault-Person under the age of fourteen years

Peltier, Leonard

      False information, M-28 (Blaikie)
      Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee review, M-29 (Blaikie)

    Inmates, lawsuits filed against federal government or employees, C-277 (Hanger)
    See also Renous Prison
Pennsylvania see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks

Pension Benefits Division Act

Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985

    C-474 (Nystrom)
    Section 7.4, C-394 (Tremblay, Stéphan)
Pension Fund Societies Act

    C-384 (Harb)
Pension Ombudsman Act

    C-227 (Nystrom)

    Administration, ombudsman, C-227 (Nystrom)
    Assets, protection, C-474 (Nystrom)
    Boards of trustees, pension committees and pension councils, pension plan members and beneficiaries, representation, C-474 (Nystrom)
    Children of a contributor or designate, benefits, C-378 (Harb)
      Securities of employer, 10% limit, trading/information, C-474 (Nystrom)
      Social, ethical and environmental factors, annual report, C-394 (Tremblay, Stéphan)
    Retirement compensation arrangement, C-43
    Surplus, considered deferred wages and exclusive property of employees, M-401 (Martin, Pat)
    See also British pensioners; Firefighters; Lieutenant Governors; Members of Parliament; Personal retirement account; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)-Constables
Penson, Charlie (CA-Peace River)

    Written questions, Q-39, Q-40, Q-168, Q-169
Pentagon see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks

Peric, Janko (Lib.-Cambridge)

    Canadian Armed Forces, M-393
    Education Benefits Act, C-271
    Elections, C-401, C-418
    Federal enforcement officials, C-271
    Immigrants, C-221

    Advertising, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
Perron, Gilles-A. (BQ-Rivière-des-Mille-Îles)

    Child support, C-397
Personal care and cosmetic products

    Allergic reactions, content labels, M-451 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Personal information see Airlines-Passengers; Consumer credit; Elections-List of electors; Government computer systems; Offenders

Personal retirement account

    M-357 (Duncan)
    M-496 (Duncan)
Peru see Income tax treaties

Peschisolido, Joe (CA-Richmond; Lib.-Richmond as of January 28, 2002)

    Taxpayers' Bill of Rights, C-390
Pest Control Products Act

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
    C-267 (Lincoln)
      Other Business No. 4
Pesticide Residue Compensation Act

Pesticides see Chemical pesticides

Pests see Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels); Mountain Pine Beetle

Petro-Canada Limited

    Ownership, non-resident limits, C-3
Petro-Canada Public Participation Act

Petroleum Monitoring Agency

Pets see Exotic pets

Phinney, Beth (Lib.-Hamilton Mountain)

    Defibrillators, C-215, C-471
Physical activity

    Government policy, C-54
      Other Business No. 4
Physical Activity and Sport Act

      Other Business No. 4
Physical discipline see Children

Physician-assisted suicide see Euthanasia

Picard, Pauline (BQ-Drummond)

    Human cloning, C-336
Pilotage Act

      Other Business No. 10
Pilots see Shipping

Plants see Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora; Genetically modified plants; Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act

Plutonium see Defence equipment

Poaching see Wildlife

Poets see Parliamentary Poet Laureate

Poison see Fishing-Lead fishing weights; Strychnine


    Canada Pension Plan (CPP), early retirement/self-employed earnings, C-228 (Nystrom)
    Infectious disease exposure, C-217 (Strahl)
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Canada Ports Police; Parole-Violation; Public safety officers (police and firefighters)
Political parties

    Donations, banks, prohibition, M-20 (Nystrom)
    Mergers, C-9
    See also Allotted days; Elections-Candidates; House of Commons; Members of Parliament-Party affiliation; Tobacco industry-Political contributions
Politics see Charities


    Clean-up, polluter-funded agency
      M-45 (Martin, Pat)
      M-340 (Comartin)
    International agreements, M-255 (St-Julien)
    Technologies, C-4
    See also Air quality; Fishing-Lead fishing weights; Gasoline additives; Hazardous waste; Industrial pollution; Landfill gas emissions; Maritime oil pollution; Maritime pollution; Nuclear facilities; St. John's harbour (Nfld.)
Pornography see Child pornography; Child sex offenders-Protection of children

Porpoises see Cetecceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises)

Port-aux-Basques, NF see Newfoundland and Labrador-Transportation


    Local port councils, C-253 (Crête)
    Practices and procedures, C-14
    See also Canada Ports Police; West coast ports
Postage stamps see Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States)

Postal service see Mail; Mail contractors (rural route and suburban service contractors)

Potable water see Drinking water

Poverty see Antipoverty Act; Housing-Terms

Power of attorney see Elections-Mentally incapacitated elector

Pratt, David (Lib.-Nepean-Carleton)

    Canadian Forces Day, M-334
      Other Business No. 4
    Conflict Diamonds Act, C-402
    Diamonds, C-402
    Firefighters, C-419
Precautionary approach principle see Cartegena Protocol on Biosafety

Predators see Child sex offenders

Pregnancy see Alcoholic beverage containers; Fetal alcohol syndrome; Maternity benefits; Occupational health and safety


    Reports, January 1, 1997 to December 31, 2000, P-10 (Clark)
    See also Business Development Bank of Canada
Primary industry

    Federal policies and legislation, municipal government partnership, M-277 (St-Julien)
    See also Resource regions
Prime Minister see Conflict of interest

Prime Minister's Office see Aubérge Grand-Mère

Prime Ministers, former see Bennett, Right Hon. Richard Bedford; Laurier, Sir Wilfrid; Macdonald, Sir John A.

Prince George-Bulkley Valley constituency

    Name, change to Prince George-Bulkley and Robson Valleys, C-441 (Catterall)
Prisons see Penitentiaries

Privacy see Census records; Child protection agencies-Investigations; Elections-List of electors-Voting secrecy; Health information; Mail-And packages; Personal information; Social Insurance Number (SIN)

Privacy Act

      Other Business No. 10
    C-384 (Harb)
Private Members' Business

    List of 100 Members supporting an item, S.O. 87(6), suspension
      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 5
    Order of precedence, substitution, Other Business No. 4
    Schedule, additional hours/Members guaranteed of at least one private Member's bill every session, M-212 (Martin, K.)
    Schedule, additional hours, S.O. 30(6)/selection for debate, S.O. 87 and deemed votable, S.O. 92, M-363 (Martin, K.)
    See also Votable items
Privatization see Canadian Armed Forces-Logistics/supply; Hospitals; VIA Rail Canada Inc.

Privilege see Parliamentary privilege

Privy Council Ministry

    Estimates, 2001-2002, Main
      Vote 20 see Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office
      Vote 25 see Official Languages Commissioner
    Estimates, 2002-2003, Main
      Vote 30 see Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office (Elections Canada)
      Vote 35 see Official Languages Commissioner
      See also Transport Standing Committee-Reports, Tenth

    Deceptive prize notices, C-23
      Other Business No. 4
Procedure see Parliamentary procedure

Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee

    Establishment and membership appointed, Other Business No. 2
    Membership, Other Business No. 2
    Order of Reference, Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 8
      Seventeenth, (Main Estimates, 2001-2002, Parliament, Vote 5)
        Other Business No. 2
        Supply Proceedings No. 3
      Twentieth, (Main Estimates, 2001-2002, Privy Council, Vote 20)
        Other Business No. 2
        Supply Proceedings No. 3
      Thirty-eighth, Proposed Referendum Regulation, Other Business No. 2
      Fortieth, disclosure of contents of Bill C-36, Other Business No. 2
      Forty-first (Radio and television broadcasting of the proceedings of House committees), Other Business No. 2
      Fiftieth (charge against the Minister of National Defence of making misleading statements in the House) (Sessional Paper No. 8510-371-140)), Other Business No. 2
      Fifty-fourth (Main Estimates, 2002-2003, Parliament, Vote 5)
        Other Business No. 2
        Supply Proceedings No. 11
      Fifty-sixth (Main Estimates, 2002-2003, Privy Council, Vote 30)
        Other Business No. 2
        Supply Proceedings No. 11
      Fifty-seventh (Bill S-34), Other Business No. 2
      Fifty-eighth (radio and television broadcasting of the proceedings of House committees), Other Business No. 2
      Fifty-ninth (amendment to Standing Order 107(5)), Other Business No. 2
      Sixty-seventh (security within the parliamentary precincts), Other Business No. 2
    Terms of reference, privilege
      Disclosure of contents of Bill C-36, Other Business No. 2
      Pallister (false/misleading statements), Minister of National Defence Eggleton statement concerning Canadian Armed Forces troops taking prisoners in Afghanistan, Other Business No. 2
      Prima facie, Toews (contempt of Parliament), Justice Minister McLellan and Justice Department officials conducting media briefing session on Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001 (Bill C-15) prior to tabling legislation in House, Members of Parliament and staff denied access to briefing
        Other Business No. 2
        Other Business No. 8
Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee (1st Sess., 36th Parl.)

    Fifty-first Report, "The Business of Supply: Completing the Circle of Control" see Business of Supply
Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act

      Other Business No. 10
      Other Business No. 10
      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 8
      Ways and Means No. 8
        Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act

      Other Business No. 4
Proctor, Dick (NDP-Palliser)

    Written questions, Q-54
Professional certification see Canadian Armed Forces-Personnel

Property and casualty insurance companies see Certas Direct Insurance Company

Property and civil rights

    Federal/provincial law, S-4
Property rights

    Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms recognition
      M-79 (Pankiw)
      M-426 (Breitkreuz)
Property taxes

    Income tax deduction, C-282 (Epp)
    See also Rail system
Proportional representation

    And other electoral reforms, all-party committee/referendum
      C-322 (Nystrom)
      M-21 (Nystrom)
      Supply Proceedings No. 2
Proportional Representation Review Act

    C-322 (Nystrom)

    Municipally licensed establishments, C-368 (Harb)
    Street prostitution, indictable or summary conviction/hybrid offences, C-304 (Forseth)
    See also Sex-trade workers
Protection of Privacy (Social Insurance Numbers) Act

    C-357 (Harb)
Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China to the World Trade Organization

Provinces see Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA); Canadian Armed Forces-Personnel; Child abuse-"Child at risk"; Income tax; Newfoundland and Labrador; Regional development; Transportation; Welfare

Public Accounts Standing Committee

      Third, Main Estimates, 2001-2002, Finance, Vote 20 (Auditor General), Supply Proceedings No. 3
      Fifteenth, (Chapter 18 of the December 2000 Report of the Auditor General of Canada (Governance of Crown Corporations)), Other Business No. 9
      Nineteenth, Main Estimates, 2002-2003, Finance Vote 20 (Auditor General), Supply Proceedings No. 11
    Travel, Other Business No. 9
Public buildings see Defibrillators

Public inquiries see Blood supply system-Tainted blood; Conflict of interest-Prime Minister; Hayer, Tara Singh; Ipperwash Provincial Park, ON; Justice system; National Parole Board

Public Interest Commissioner

    C-351 (Thompson, G.)
Public opinion polls see Farming; Federal political system-Corruption

Public Safety Act

      Other Business No. 4
Public Safety Act, 2002

      Other Business No. 4
Public safety officers (police and firefighters)

    Death in line of duty, compensation fund, M-59 (Davies)
    See also Canadian Public Safety Officer Compensation Fund; Paramedics
Public Service

    Job postings, geographic restrictions, M-459 (Martin, Pat)
    Strikes or lockouts, replacement workers (scabs) and essential services, C-413 (Fournier)
    Wrongdoing, allegations/retaliation
    C-201 (Grewal)
    C-206 (Martin, Pat)
    C-351 (Thompson, G.)
    See also Federal enforcement officials
Public Service Employment Act

    C-453 (Pankiw)
Public Service Staff Relations Act

    C-375 (Guay)
    C-413 (Fournier)
    C-453 (Pankiw)
Public Service Superannuation Act

    C-270 (Gouk)
    C-378 (Harb)
Public Service Whistleblowing Act

    C-351 (Thompson, G.)
Public transit

    Costs, income tax deduction, C-209 (Girard-Bujold)
      Other Business No. 4
    Funding, M-271 (St-Julien)
    See also Fuel taxes-British Columbia Lower Mainland
Public Works and Government Services Ministry

    Estimates, 2002-2003, Main, withdrawn from Transport and Government Operations Standing Committee, referred to Committee of the Whole
      Consideration, allotment of time to recognized parties
        Other Business No. 4
        Supply Proceedings No. 11
      Supply Proceedings No. 11
      Other Business No. 4
Public Works Minister see Canada Lands Company


    Advertising, "Canadian", C-11
      Other Business No. 10
    See also Periodicals
Puppy mills

    Conviction/sentencing, C-433 (MacKay)

Qatar see World Trade Organization (WTO)

QLP see Qualified limited partnerships (QLP)

Qualified limited partnerships (QLP) see Partnerships

Quarantine Act

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4

    Civil law, harmonization, S-4
    See also Certas Direct Insurance Company; Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec (Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions); Employment insurance-Benefits; Federal lands; Imperial Life Assurance Company; Marriage; Maternity benefits-Employment insurance; Mining industry; Trucking industry
Quebec City see Agriculture-Abitibi; Forestry-Abitibi; Mining industry-Abitibi; Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC)

Quebec sovereignty

    Recognition, M-222 (Ménard)
Quebec sovereignty referendums

    Concurrent referendum, M-100 (Pankiw)
    Referendum Act (1978), honouring, M-470 (Ménard)
    Referendum/offer of a new partnership, Bélanger-Campeau Commission conclusion, M-220 (Ménard)
    Question, M-99 (Pankiw)
Queen Elizabeth II

    Golden Jubilee
      Government Business No. 23
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Golden Jubilee award; Justice Building
Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother

    Death, March 20, 2002, message of condolence, Government Business No. 24
Questions on the Order Paper

    Answers, letters since April 1, 2001, P-20 (Thompson, G.)

Racism see Discrimination and racism

Radiation Emitting Devices Act

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
Radioactive waste see Nuclear waste

Radio see Copyright

Radiocommunication Act

Rail system

    Excise tax on fuel, M-278 (St-Julien)
    Funding, M-271 (St-Julien)
    Noise, emissions and vibrations, M-493 (Dubé)
    Sales taxes on locomotive fuels and rolling stock/property taxes, M-276 (St-Julien)
    Shipment of goods, tax credit, M-324 (St-Julien)
    See also Freight rail industry; Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada; VIA Rail Canada Inc.
Railway Safety Act

Rajotte, James (CA-Edmonton Southwest)

    Office of the Chief Scientist, M-498
RCMP see Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

Reading materials

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), M-2 (Stoffer)
Real property see Yukon Territory

Recreation see Backcountry Safety Day; Boating; Hunting, fishing and recreation events; Physical activity

Recycling see Beverage containers

Referendum Act

    C-452 (Pankiw)
    C-478 (Nystrom)
Referendum Act (1978) see Quebec sovereignty referendums

Referendums see Abortion; Electoral reform; Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee-Reports, Thirty-eighth; Proportional representation; Quebec sovereignty referendums


    Assessment, C-11
      Other Business No. 10
    Extradition, C-11
      Other Business No. 10
    Grounds, gender and sexual orientation persecution, M-312 (Davies)
    Human rights claims, ineligible countries, M-422 (Cadman)
      Other Business No. 4
    Identification, C-345 (Martin, K.)
    Inadmissible classes, C-42
      Other Business No. 4
    Offenders, deportation, C-431 (White, T.)
    Protection, C-11
      Other Business No. 10
    See also Border security
Regina, SK see Canadian Blood Service

Regional development

    Government funding announcements, prior to or during provincial elections, M-509 (Lill)
    See also Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Lac-St-Jean-Saguenay, James Bay, Nunavik, North Shore, Gaspé and Îles de la Madeleine regions; Abitibi-Témiscamingue region; Airports; Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA); Banks-Abitibi-James Bay-Nunavik constituency; Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec (Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions)
Register of Electors see Elections

Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs)

    Canada Education Savings Grant program, five-day time limit, M-239 (St-Julien)
Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF)

    "Disposition", grandfathered transfers, fair market value or cost basis, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
Registrar of Firearms

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 9

    Accountability, laying of proposed regulations before Parliament, C-355 (Pankiw)
    See also Caffeine; Ecstacy (drug); Firearms-Storage; Industrial designs; Internet; Television-Violence
Regulatory fees

    Moratorium, M-27 (Borotsik)
Reid, Scott (CA-Lanark-Carleton)

    Canadian Space Agency, P-42
    National Conference Centre, P-43
    Written questions, Q-124, Q-129
Religion see Clergy; Mennonite Church Canada; Islam; Muslims; Residential schools; Sikh community

Remembrance Day (November 11)

    Canadian Armed Forces, merchant navy and civilian personnel, M-6 (Stoffer)
      Other Business No. 4
    Canadian flag, flown at half mast on federal premises, C-432 (Bailey)
    National holiday, M-298 (Gallaway)
    Two minutes of silence, C-297 (Kenney)
Remembrance Day National Flag Act

    C-432 (Bailey)
Remote regions see Cargo; Construction work camps; Mining industry

Renewable energy

Renous Prison

    Segregation unit, James Mills murder, P-56 (Casey)
Rental housing

    Goods and Services Tax (GST) exemption, M-53 (Davies)
    See also Residential Rental Property
Replacement workers see Labour disputes; Public Service-Strikes

Reproductive technology

    See also Health Standing Committee-Reports, Second; Human cloning
Research and development see Canada Research Chairs; Embryos; Genetically modified organisms; Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program

Reserve Military Judges Panel

      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
Residency requirements see Corporations-Boards of directors

Residential properties see Energy costs

Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) see Urban Manor, Edmonton, AB

Residential Rental Property

    New Housing Rebate, newly constructed or substantially renovated long-term residential rental accommodation and short-term public accommodation (Bed-and-Breakfast), Goods and Services Tax (GST) rebate, C-13
      Ways and Means No. 2
        Other Business No. 4
Residential schools

    Aboriginal students, abuse issues/churches financial compensation
      M-46 (Martin, Pat)
      M-101 (Desjarlais)
    Diocese of Cariboo, P-57 (MacKay)
Resource regions

    Government programs, rules, M-286 (St-Julien)
    National summit, M-353 (St-Julien)
    New economy, adaptation, M-282 (St-Julien)
    See also Mining industry-Quebec
RESP see Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs)

Responsible government see Yukon Territory

Restraint orders

    Foreign jurisdiction orders, enforcement, C-24
      Other Business No. 10

    Early retirement see Canada Pension Plan (CPP); Firefighters; Pensions; Police
    See also Personal retirement account
Reynolds, John (CA-West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast; Leader of the Opposition from December 12, 2001 until May 20, 2002)

    Citizenship, C-428
    Members of Parliament, C-293
    War decorations (military medal, ribbon, badge, chevron), C-294
    Written questions, Q-172, Q-173, Q-176
Richardson's ground squirrels see Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels)

Riel, Louis David

    Role in advancement of Confederation and rights and interests of Metis people and the people of Western Canada, C-411 (Alcock)
    Treason, reversal of conviction, C-411 (Alcock)
Right of Landing Fee (ROLF) see Immigrants

Right to Work Act

    C-453 (Pankiw)
Rimouski-Neigette-et-la Mitis constituency

    Name, change to Rimouski-Neigette-et-La Mitis, C-441 (Catterall)
Ritz, Gerry (CA-Battlefords-Lloydminster)

    Groupe Everest, P-59
Rivers see National Rivers Day

Robinson, Svend (NDP-Burnaby-Douglas)

    Armenian genocide, M-93
    British pensioners, M-85
    Burma, M-409
    Children, M-84
    Cluster bombs, M-427
    Congo, Democratic Republic of, M-283
    Conscientious Objection Act, C-232
    Cuba, M-474
    Defence expenditures, C-232
    Drugs and pharmaceuticals, M-528
    East Timor, M-473
    Euthanasia, M-87
    Export Development Corporation (EDC), M-267
    Firefighters, M-88
    Foreign aid, M-529
    Fuel taxes, M-98
    Hate propaganda, C-415
      Other Business No. 4
    India-Pakistan relations, M-469
    Iraq, M-83, M-441
    MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion, M-128
    Marriage, C-264
    Murder, M-468
    National Missile Defense (NMD) System (United States), M-86, M-259
    National Rivers Day, M-467
    Nigeria, M-103
    Nuclear weapons, M-92
    Oil and gas exploration, M-247
    Parthenon marbles, M-418
    Part-time workers, M-96
    Salmon farming, M-287
    Senate, M-95
    Space, M-527
    Sudan, M-281
    Taiwan, M-94
    Tibet, M-90
    Torpedo testing, M-91
    Turkey, M-530
    United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, M-89
    Visas, M-97
    World Health Organization (WHO), M-82
    Written questions, Q-11, Q-12, Q-13, Q-78
ROLF see Right of Landing Fee (ROLF)

Rolland Groupe Conseil Inc.

    Reports, January 1, 1997 to December 31, 2000, P-9 (Clark)
    See also Business Development Bank of Canada
Romanow, *_Hon._* Roy see Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada (Romanow)

Royal Assent

    Alternative procedure, S-34
    Declaration received during adjournment of House, deposit/publication
      Government Business No. 29
      Other Business No. 4
Royal Assent Act

Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

    Constables and non-commissioned officers, survivor pensions, M-514 (Martin, K.)
    Independence, M-391 (Venne)
    Remuneration, Justice and Human Rights Standing Committee review, M-49 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Aubérge Grand-Mère; Peacekeeping
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act

    C-258 (Hill, J.)
    C-384 (Harb)
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act

    C-378 (Harb)
Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (Erasmus-Dussault) Report

    Chapter 7 see Aboriginal people-Urban areas
Royal prerogative of mercy

    Disabled persons, equal treatment, M-372 (Lill)
Royalties see Copyright

RRAP see Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP)

RRIF see Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF)

Rural and remote areas

    Liberal government (Chrétien) role, Supply Proceedings No. 13
    See also Construction work camps; Urbanization
Rural route mail carriers see Mail contractors (rural route and suburban service contractors)

Russia see Impaired driving-Death/injury caused

Rwanda see Congo, Democratic Republic of


Sable Offshore Energy Project

    M-198 (MacKay)
Sadak, Selim see Turkey

Safe Water Act see Drinking water

Safety see Backcountry Safety Day; Boating; Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission; Candy; Firefighters-Criminal acts; Gun control; Motor carriers, extra-provincial (truck and bus); Motor vehicles-Speed; Occupational health and safety; Seat belts; Shipping; Tobacco/cigarettes-Flammability standard

Salaries Act

      Other Business No. 10
Sales tax see Goods and Services Tax (GST); Harmonized Sales Tax (HST); Rail system

Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 2001

      Ways and Means No. 2
        Other Business No. 4
Salmon farming

    British Columbia, review/moratorium, M-287 (Robinson)
Salt Lake City, UT see Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States)

Salvage see Shipping

Same sex couples see Marriage

Sanctions see Human rights-Violations

Saskatchewan see Drought; Indian bands/reserves-Alberta

Saskatchewan Treaty Land Entitlement Act

Saskatoon, SK see Canadian Blood Service

Saskatoon-Rosetown-Biggar constituency

    Name, change to Saskatoon-Eagle Creek, C-441 (Catterall)
Satellite television see Broadcasting-Redistribution

Scabs see Labour disputes-Replacement workers; Public Service-Strikes

Schmidt, Werner (CA-Kelowna)

    Written questions, Q-42, Q-105, Q-106
Scholarships, fellowships and bursaries

    Education tax credit, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    Income tax, taxable status, M-477 (Herron)
    See also Peace officers
Scientific issues

    Information for Members of Parliament see Office of the Chief Scientist
Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program

      Ways and Means No. 3
Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee

    Reports, Other Business No. 9
    Travel, Other Business No. 9
Sea King helicopters

    Replacement program, Maritime Helicopter Procurement Project, "Best value to the Canadian taxpayers" basis, Supply Proceedings No. 2
Search and rescue see Emergency volunteers (ambulance technician, firefighter, search or rescue)

Search and seizure powers

    Compensation for lost or damaged property, C-245 (Benoit)
    See also Forfeiture orders; Gun control; Search warrants
Search warrants

    Foreign jurisdiction orders, enforcement, C-24
      Other Business No. 10
Seasonal workers see Employment insurance

Seat belts

    Vehicles under federal jurisdiction, C-366 (Harb)
Sechelt Indian Band Self-Government Act

Second-hand goods

    Goods and Services Tax (GST), M-410 (Martin, K.)
Securing Our Future see Finance Standing Committee-Reports, Tenth

Securities and derivatives clearing houses

    Netting agreements/member collateral in event of bankruptcy, S-40
Securities (publicly traded)

    Charitable donation, capital gains inclusion rate
        Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 12
    See also Pensions-Investment
Security see National security

Segregated funds

    Capital gains inclusion rate, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
Seized Property Management Act

      Other Business No. 10
    See also Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee-Order of reference
Self-employed workers see Canada Pension Plan (CPP); Employment insurance

Selkirk First Nation Self-Government Agreement


      M-22 (Nystrom)
      M-110 (Crête)
    Constitutional amendment, M-95 (Robinson)

    Code of conduct
      C-299 (McDonough)
      M-200 (MacKay)
    Election, M-361 (Moore)
    See also Corporations-Boards of directors; Justice system-Administration; Tobacco industry-Political contributions
Senegal see Income tax treaties

Senior citizens

    Recognition, national day, June 1st, M-5 (Stoffer)
    See also Income tax-Basic personal deduction
Sentences (convicted criminals)

    Conditional sentences
      Breach, C-424 (MacKay)
      Excluded offences, C-238 (Hill, J.)
      Sex offences and offences involving violence, precluded, C-392 (MacKay)
    Life sentences see Parole
    Minimum security level of incarceration for first third of sentence, C-412 (MacKay)
    See also Aboriginal offenders; Arson; Break and enter (crime); Cattle-Cruelty; Child sex offenders-Predators; Conditional release (convicted criminals); Drug trafficking-Within five hundred metres; Firearms-Use in commission of serious offences; Home invasion-Young offenders; Impaired driving-Penalties; Justice system-Public inquiry; Puppy mills; Theft-Over $100,000; Violent crime
Sex Offender Registry Act

    C-333 (White, R.)
Sex offenders

    Address, change, reporting within thirty days, M-456 (Breitkreuz)
    National registry
      C-333 (White, R.)
      M-202 (MacKay)
      Supply Proceedings No. 2
      Supply Proceedings No. 9
    See also Child custody-Visits; Child sex offenders; Pedophiles; Sentences (convicted criminals)-Conditional sentences; Witnesses (Justice system)-Protection
Sex-trade workers

    Solicitation laws, M-471 (Davies)
Sexual acts

    Age of consent, C-278 (Hanger)
    See also Child sex offenders-Protection of children
Sexual assault

    Person under the age of fourteen years, pedophiles, treatment/punishment, C-208 (Girard-Bujold)
    See also Witnesses (Justice system)-Protection, Sexual offence
Sexual exploitation see Children

Sexual orientation see Hate propaganda; Refugees-Grounds

Shareholders see Air Canada; Cooperatives (non-financial); Corporations

Shawinigate see Conflict of interest


    Promotion, C-389 (Dubé)
    See also Currency-Ten-cent coin
Shipbuilding Act, 2001

    C-389 (Dubé)
Shipment of goods see Rail system


    Accidents, investigation, C-14
    Conferences, documents, C-14
    "Engines", definition, C-14
    Fuel tax rebate, Ways and Means No. 7
    Good order and discipline, C-14
    Pilots, C-14
    Safety and economic performance, C-14
    Salvage, C-14
    Seaman, injury/death, compensation, C-14
    Smoking/non-smoking, C-14
    Wrecks, C-14
    See also Citizenship-Person born on a Canadian ship; Coasting trade; Grain transportation; Maritime liability; National Maritime Day; Ships' stores
Shipping Conferences Exemption Act, 1987

Ships see Bluenose

Ships' stores

    Ways and Means No. 7
      Ways and Means No. 11
        Other Business No. 4
    See also Tobacco/cigarettes
Sikh community

    Recognition, M-32 (Blaikie)
    See also Hayer, Tara Singh
SIN see Social Insurance Number (SIN)

Sir John A. Macdonald Day and the Sir Wilfrid Laurier Day Act

    S-14 (Godfrey)
Skelton, Carol (CA-Saskatoon-Rosetown-Biggar)

    Canadian Blood Service, P-63
    Written questions, Q-99, Q-108, Q-178, Q-179
Sled dogs

    Nunavik region, 1950 to 1975 extermination program, public enquiry, M-488 (St-Julien)
Slovak Republic see Income tax treaties

Slovenia see Income tax treaties

Small business

    Capital tax, deferral
        Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 12
    Job creation, Guysborough County, Nova Scotia, M-199 (MacKay)
    See also Capital gains
Smoking see Shipping; Tobacco/cigarettes

Smuggling see Immigrants; Tobacco/cigarettes

Sniff products see Intoxicating products

Snowbirds Squadron (Canadian Armed Forces aerobatic team)

    Air demonstration team
      C-259 (Mark)
      M-490 (Goldring)
Social conditions see Well-being (economy, society and environment)

Social housing

    Liberal Caucus Task Force Report (1990), "Finding Room: Housing Solutions for the Future", M-69 (Davies)
Social Insurance Number (SIN)

    Disclosure/privacy, C-357 (Harb)
Social programs

    Fiscal imbalance, Supply Proceedings No. 9
    National standards, M-55 (Davies)
    See also Guaranteed Income Supplement; Welfare
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) see Canada Research Chairs

Social security payments (United States)

    Inclusion rate, income tax
      C-298 (Kenney)
      M-525 (Kenney)
    Recipients living in Canada, M-343 (Comartin)
Softwood lumber

    Assistance program, Supply Proceedings No. 13
    Emergency debate
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 6
    Free trade, Canada-United States agreement
      Supply Proceedings No. 2
      Supply Proceedings No. 9
        Other Business No. 4
Solberg, Monte (CA-Medicine Hat)

    Canada-United States border, M-424
Sorenson, Kevin (CA-Crowfoot)

    Conditional release (convicted criminals), C-470
    Emergency volunteers (ambulance technician, firefighter, search or rescue), C-410
    Young offenders, C-289
Sound recordings

    Performers, Canadian citizens, C-11
      Other Business No. 10

    Weaponization, M-527 (Robinson)
    See also Canadian Space Agency
Space flights

    Crew member of a Partner State, indictable offence deemed committed in Canada, C-15A
      Other Business No. 9
Spanish Civil War see MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion

Spanking see Children-Physical discipline/spanking

Sparks, Roderick Percy

    Home, 420 chemin du lac Meech, Chelsea, QC
      Fire, July 15, 2001, P-61 (Assad)
      Site excavation, National Capital Commission contract with Aqua Terre Solutions Inc., P-60 (Assad)

    Election, Other Business No. 1
    See also Bills, Public-Report Stage; Parliamentary privilege-Goodale
Special Economic Measures Act

    C-332 (Lalonde)
Special Import Measures Act

Special Retirement Arrangements Act

Species at Risk Act

      Government Business No. 27
      Other Business No. 4
Specific Claims Resolution Act

Speech from the Throne see Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne

Speech therapy services

    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) exemption, Ways and Means No. 2
Speller, Bob (Lib.-Haldimand-Norfolk-Brant)

    Canadian flag, C-330
Spencer Stuart

    Reports, January 1, 1997 to December 31, 2000, P-18 (Clark)
    See also Business Development Bank of Canada

    Production levy, C-47
      Ways and Means No. 11
        Other Business No. 4
    Taxation, C-47
      Ways and Means No. 11
        Other Business No. 4

    Government policy, C-54
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Amateur sport; Olympics, 2002 Winter Games (Salt Lake City, United States)
Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada

      Other Business No. 4
Spouses see Child custody-Non-custodial parents; Witnesses (Justice system)

Squeeze-out transactions see Corporations

SR & ED see Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program

SSHRC see Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

St. Albert constituency

    Name, change to St. Albert-Parkland-Sturgeon, C-441 (Catterall)
St. Denis, Brent (Lib.-Algoma-Manitoulin; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Transport until September 12, 2001)

    Vimy Ridge battle (April 9, 1917), C-409
St. John's harbour (Nfld.)

      M-302 (Doyle)
      M-366 (Doyle)
St. John's, Nfld. see Fort Townsend (St. John's, Nfld.)

St-Hilaire, Caroline (BQ-Longueuil)

    Broadcasting, C-306
    Child care, C-430
    Deaf and hearing impaired persons, M-367
St-Julien, Guy (Lib.-Abitibi-Baie James-Nunavik)

    Abitibi-Témiscaminue, Lac-St-Jean-Saguenay, James Bay, Nunavik, North Shore, Gaspé and Îles de la Madeleine regions, M-217, M-481
    Abitibi-Témiscamingue region, M-489
    Aboriginal housing, M-487
    Agriculture, M-444
    Airlines, M-260
    Airports, M-280
    Aviation fuel, M-279
    Banks, M-250
    Beverage containers, M-272
    Canada-United States border, M-274
    Cargo, M-233
    Child care, M-223
    Chisasibi Cree community, M-325
    Community action, M-354
    Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec (Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions), M-486
    Education, M-224
    Fetal alcohol syndrome, M-253
    Forestry, M-443
    Fuel prices, C-220, C-318
    Fuel taxes, M-261, M-270
    Genetically modified food, M-254
    Gold mines, M-295, M-351
    Government procurement, M-271
    Gross Domestic Product (GDP), M-251
    Guaranteed Income Supplement, M-434
    Housing, M-256
    James Bay Cree, M-218, M-225
    Lumber, M-257
    Maternity benefits, M-519
    Members of Parliament, M-226
    Mining and metals industry, M-439
    Mining industry, M-263, M-269, M-288, M-438, M-440, M-442, M-445
    Mortgages, M-240
    Nuclear waste, M-230
    Nunavik region, M-236
    Pollution, M-255
    Primary industry, M-277
    Public transit, M-271
    Rail system, M-271, M-276, M-278, M-324
    Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs), M-239
    Resource regions, M-282, M-286, M-353
    Sled dogs, M-488
    Tobacco/cigarettes, M-229
    Trades people, M-265
    Training programs, M-273
    Trucking industry, M-262, M-266
    Written questions, Q-6, Q-7, Q-14, Q-28, Q-43, Q-45, Q-71, Q-72, Q-73, Q-81, Q-82, Q-153, Q-162, Q-163, Q-164, Q-175
Standard of living

    International minimum standard, M-419 (Harb)
Standing Orders

      Government Business No. 29
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 5
    Modernization, Committee of the Whole proceedings
      Government Business No. 6
      Other Business No. 4
    28(2), Other Business No. 4
    30(5) and 37(3) see House of Commons-Oral Question Period/Daily Question Period
    30(6) see Private Members' Business
    32 see House of Commons-Documents
    38 see Board of Internal Economy
    56.1, Other Business No. 10
    76(5) and 76.1(5) see Bills, Public-Report Stage
    81(4) see Estimates
    87 see Private Members' Business
    87(6), suspension
      Other Business No. 2
      Other Business No. 5
    92 see Private Members' Business
    107(5), Other Business No. 5
      See also Liaison Committee
Statements by Members

    Other Business No. 4
Statistics Act

    C-301 (Obhrai)
    C-312 (Calder)
    C-380 (Harb)
Statistics Canada see Census records-Transfer

Statues see Bennett, Right Hon. Richard Bedford

Statutes of Canada

    Minor amendments
Statutory instruments

    Review/disallowance, C-202 (Grewal)
Statutory Instruments Act

    C-202 (Grewal)
    C-355 (Pankiw)
Statutory Program Evaluation Act

    C-308 (Williams)
Statutory release

    Rehabilitation/mandatory supervision, C-252 (Stinson)
Stinson, Darrel (CA-Okanagan-Shuswap)

    Statutory release, C-252
Stock options

    Income tax, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    See also Charitable donations
Stockpiling see Drugs and pharmaceuticals-Patents

Stocks (equity shares) see Air Canada; Cooperatives (non-financial); Corporations-Insider trading; Financial transactions (stocks, bonds and money market trades); Securities and derivatives clearing houses; Securities (publicly traded)

Stoffer, Peter (NDP-Sackville-Musquodoboit Valley-Eastern Shore)

    Amateur sport, C-477
    Candy, M-3
    Caregivers, C-320
    Child pornography, C-210, C-212
    Clean Internet Act, C-210
    Discrimination and racism, C-210
    Employment insurance, C-219
    Funerals, M-1
    Hepatitis Awareness Month, C-243
    Herbal remedies, C-211
    Internet Child Pornography Prevention Act, C-212
    Members of Parliament, C-218
    Reading materials, M-2
    Remembrance Day (November 11), M-6
      Other Business No. 4
    Senior citizens, M-5
    Tulsequah Chief Mine, P-33, P-34, P-35
    Veterans, M-4
    Volunteers, C-342
    Written questions, Q-97
Stoney Point First Nation see Ipperwash Provincial Park, ON

Stop-loss rule

    Depreciable property, transfer, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    See also Trusts
Strahl, Chuck (CA-Fraser Valley; PC/DR Coalition-Fraser Valley as of September 13, 2001; Ind.-Fraser Valley as of April 10, 2002; CA-Fraser Valley as of April 16, 2002)

    Blood samples, C-217
      Other Business No. 4
    Child Custody and Access Special Joint Committee, M-329
    Firefighters/emergency response personnel, C-217
      Other Business No. 4
    Fisheries, Pacific, M-517
    Good Samaritans, C-217
      Other Business No. 4
    Paramedics, M-518
    Police, C-217
      Other Business No. 4
Strikes and lockouts see Newfoundland and Labrador-Transportation; Public Service; West coast ports


    Ban, effect on farmers, P-3 (Benoit)
    See also Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels)
Student loans

    Business Development Bank of Canada, established as guaranteed lender, C-230 (Nystrom)
    Tax credit, based on repayment of principal, M-478 (Herron)
    See also Canada Student Loan program

    Credit amnesty, M-18 (Nystrom)
    Debt, income tax write-off, M-47 (Martin, Pat)
Sub-Committees see Committees, Sub-Committees


    Human rights violations
      M-246 (Vellacott)
      M-281 (Robinson)
Suicide see Euthanasia

Sulphur see Gasoline

Summit of the Americas (April 2001, Quebec City, QC)

    Government Business No. 4

    Consideration at the next sitting, Supply Proceedings No. 1
    Interim Supply, 2001-2002
      Supply Proceedings No. 5
    Interim Supply, 2002-2003
      Supply Proceedings No. 12
Supply days see Allotted days

Supreme Court Act

    C-234 (Bryden)
    C-466 (Vellacott)
Supreme Court of Canada

    Appointments, House of Commons approval
      C-466 (Vellacott)
      M-215 (Martin, K.)
      M-461 (Williams)
    Constitutional/Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms issues, C-234 (Bryden)
Survivor benefits see Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

Sustainable development see Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology; Transportation


    C-275 (MacKay)

Ta'an Kwach'an Council Self-Government Agreement

Tabling of Treaties Act

    C-314 (Lalonde)

    United Nations (UN) participation, China relations, Canadian visas, M-94 (Robinson)
    See also World Health Organization (WHO)
Take note debates see Afghanistan; Health care-Committee of the Whole; Terrorism-Combatting; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks-United States response

Tax Court of Canada

    Administrative services, C-30
Tax Court of Canada Act

Tax credits see Caregiver tax credit; Disability tax credit; Disabled and handicapped persons-Housekeeping activities-Principal place of residence; Disability tax credit; Education tax credit; Foreign tax credits; Goods and Services Tax Credit (GSTC); Infirm dependant tax credit; Rail system-Shipment of goods; Student loans; Volunteers

Tax Prepaid Savings Plans (TPSP) see Personal retirement account

Tax shelters see Matchable expenditure rules


    Tax points, transferring to provinces, first ministers conference, Supply Proceedings No. 6
    Taxpayer rights, C-390 (Peschisollido)
    See also Capital gains tax; Capital tax; Coasting trade; Corporate taxation; Excise tax; Financial transactions (stocks, bonds and money market trades); Fuel taxes; Income tax; Property taxes; Sales tax; Spirits; Tobacco/cigarettes; Tobacco industry-Profits; Wealth tax; Wine; Withholding tax; Woodlots
Taxpayers' Bill of Rights

    C-390 (Peschisollido)

    Expenses, income tax deduction, M-50 (Martin, Pat)
Technical Amendments Bill


        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 4
    See also Broadcasting; Eco-efficient technologies; Mining and metals industry; Pollution; Reproductive technology
Telecommunications see Cellular phones; House of Commons

Telecommunications Act

Telefilm Canada

Telegdi, Andrew (Lib.-Kitchener-Waterloo)

    Citizenship, C-373

    Inventor, Alexander Graham Bell, Resolution, Other Business No. 11
    See also Cellular phones

    Violence, regulation, C-420 (Bigras)
    See also All-news television channel; Cable television; Satellite television
Témiscamingue region see Abitibi, James Bay, Nunavik and Témiscamingue regions; Abitibi-Témiscamingue, James Bay, Nunavik and Témiscamingue regions; Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Lac-St-Jean-Saguenay, James Bay, Nunavik, North Shore, Gaspé and Îles de la Madeleine regions; Abitibi-Témiscamingue region

Tender years doctrine see Child custody

Territorial Lands Act


    Anti-terrorism legislation
        Other Business No. 2
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 8
        Ways and Means No. 8
          Other Business No. 4
      Supply Proceedings No. 7
        Other Business No. 2
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 8
        Ways and Means No. 8
          Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 4
      United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001), Supply Proceedings No. 7
      International actions, Committee take note, Government Business No. 15
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 2
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 8
        Ways and Means No. 8
          Other Business No. 4
    Extradition, deportation or other removals, M-408 (Lee)
        Other Business No. 2
        Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 8
        Ways and Means No. 8
          Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 4
        Other Business No. 4
      United Nations Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism, M-416 (Grewal)
    Threats, communicating, C-55
      Other Business No. 4
    See also Air transportation security; Anthrax; Biological and Toxic Weapon Convention; Bioterrorism; Charities-Income tax registration; Iraq; Mail-And packages; Parliamentary Precincts-Security; United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
Terry Fox Day Act

    C-339 (Beaumier)
Teslin Tlingit Council Self-Government Agreement


    Over $100,000, punishment, C-328 (Benoit)
    Property obtained by theft, bringing into Canada, C-328 (Benoit)
    See also Motor vehicles
Thibeault, Yolande (Lib.-Saint-Lambert)

    Canada Well-Being Measurement Act, C-268
      Other Business No. 4
    Parliamentary Poet Laureate, S-10
    Well-being (economy, society and environment), C-268
      Other Business No. 4
Thompson, Greg (PC-New Brunswick Southwest; PC/DR Coalition-New Brunswick Southwest as of September 13, 2001; PC-New Brunswick Southwest as of April 10, 2002)

    A Day for Hearts: Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day Act, C-265
    Aerospace assets disposal (Government of Canada), P-32
    Congenital heart defects, C-265
    Drugs and pharmaceuticals, C-338
    Fishers' Bill of Rights, C-262
    Justice Building, M-449
    Patients' Bill of Rights, C-261
    Public Interest Commissioner, C-351
    Public Service, C-351
    Questions on the Order Paper, P-20
    Written questions, Q-1, Q-2, Q-15, Q-16, Q-103
Thompson, Myron (CA-Wild Rose)

    Aboriginal offenders, C-302
    Dangerous offenders, C-352
    First Nations Auditor, C-399
    First Nations Ombudsman, C-399
    Impaired driving, C-354
    Parole, C-353
    Violent crime, C-387
Throne Speech see Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne


    Human rights/self-determination, M-90 (Robinson)

    Cutting, C-39
Tissue transfer see Organ procurement/transplant


    Anti-smoking strategy, C-26
      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 4
    Costs to society/individuals, recovery, M-154 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Duty-free shops, C-26
      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 4
    Excise duty, C-47
      Ways and Means No. 11
        Other Business No. 4
    Excise tax
        Ways and Means No. 11
          Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 16
    Export tax, C-26
      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 4
    Flammability standard, fire-safe cigarettes, C-236 (McKay)
    Packages, descriptors "light", "mild" and "smooth", ban, M-511 (Wasylycia-Leis)
    Production levy, C-47
      Ways and Means No. 11
        Other Business No. 4
    Ships' stores, C-26
      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 4
    Smuggling, C-26
      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 4
        Other Business No. 4
        Ways and Means No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 9
        Ways and Means No. 11
          Other Business No. 4
    Toxic materials
      Labelling, M-159 (Wasylycia-Leis)
      Sale, prohibition, M-229 (St-Julien)
    Traveller's exemption, C-26
      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 4
    See also Canadian Tobacco Youth Protection Foundation
Tobacco industry

    Political contributions, parliamentarians and political parties, M-284 (Assadourian)
    Profits, taxation, C-26
      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 4
    See also Canadian Tobacco Youth Protection Foundation
Tobacco Tax Amendments Act, 2001

      Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 4
Tobacco Youth Protection Act

    S-15 (Lincoln)
Toews, Vic (CA-Provencher)

    Federal-provincial relations, M-360
    References see Parliamentary privilege
    Written questions, Q-113

    Employee income tax deduction, C-225 (Nystrom)
    Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), M-248 (Godin)
    See also Mechanics
Torpedo testing

    Canadian Forces Maritime Experimental and Test Ranges (CFMETR), Nanoose Bay, B.C., Canada-United States agreement, termination, M-91 (Robinson)
Torture see Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture; Nigeria

Tourism see Cruise ships

Toxic substances see Lead; Tobacco/cigarettes

Toys see Candy

TPSP see Tax Prepaid Savings Plans (TPSP)


    United States protectionist policies, government response, Supply Proceedings No. 13
    See also Coasting trade; Diamonds; Exports; Free trade; Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA); Gun control-Importation; Imports
Trade agreements

    Investor-state provisions, Supply Proceedings No. 6
Trade-marks Act

      Other Business No. 10
Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) see Drugs and pharmaceuticals-Generic medications

Trade unions

    Membership/dues, optional, C-453 (Pankiw)
Trades people

    Moving expenses, income tax deduction, M-209 (MacKay)
    Training, national standards, M-265 (St-Julien)
Training programs

    Funding, M-39 (Martin, Pat)
    Labour market, discrepancy, M-273 (St-Julien)
    National standards, C-204 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Apprenticehip; Trades people
Trafficking see Drug trafficking; Endangered and threatened species; Organization of American States Inter-American Convention Against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials

Transfer of Offenders Act

    C-221 (Peric)
Transgenic animals

    Approval/testing, M-321 (Davies)
Transgenic organisms

      M-317 (Davies)
      M-318 (Davies)
    See also Genetically modified fish; Genetically modified food; Genetically modified plants; Transgenic animals
Transition programs see Women

Transport and Government Operations Standing Committee

    Travel, Other Business No. 9
    See also Public Works and Government Services Ministry-Estimates; Transport Standing Committee
Transport Department see Marine policy-Administration

Transport Ministry

    Estimates, 2002-2003, Main see Transport Standing Committee-Reports, Tenth
Transport Standing Committee

    Reports, Tenth, Main Estimates, 2001-2002, Treasury Board Votes 1, 5, 10, and 20; Privy Council Votes 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 55, 60 and 65; Governor General Vote 1; Parliament Vote 1; Canadian Heritage Vote 120; Transport Votes 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35, Supply Proceedings No. 11

    Provincial infrastructure, federal fuel tax revenues, M-125 (Hill, J.)
    Sustainable development principles, M-118 (Caccia)
    See also Air transport; Airlines; Airports; Blue Water Bridge Authority; Bus transport; Freight rail industry; Grain transportation; Grain transportation; Highways and roads; Marine transport; Motor carriers, extra-provincial (truck and bus); NAV CANADA; Newfoundland and Labrador; Public transit; Rail system; Shipping; Trucking industry
Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada

Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada Act

Travel see Children-Passports

Traveller's exemption see Tobacco/cigarettes

Treason see Riel, Louis David

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

    Estimates, 2002-2003, Main see Transport Standing Committee-Reports, Tenth

    Federal-provincial jurisdiction
      C-313 (Lalonde)
      C-317 (Lalonde)
      C-313 (Lalonde)
      C-316 (Lalonde)
    Ratification, House of Commons public hearings, C-315 (Lalonde)
    Tabling, C-314 (Lalonde)
    See also Income tax treaties
Treaties Act

    C-313 (Lalonde)
Treaty Approval Act

    C-315 (Lalonde)
Treaty Publication Act

    C-316 (Lalonde)
Tremblay Guittet Communications Inc.

    Government contracts
      P-62 (Lebel)
      P-65 (Lebel)
Tremblay, Stéphan (BQ-Lac-Saint-Jean-Saguenay; resignation effective May 7, 2002)

    House of Commons, M-365
    Pensions, C-394
Tribunals see Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC); Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal; Zimbabwe

TRIPS see Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)

Tr'ondek Hwech'in Self-Government Agreement

Tropical diseases

    Pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical treatments, M-415 (Martin, K.)
Trucking industry

    Independent truckers in the province of Quebec
      M-262 (St-Julien)
      M-266 (St-Julien)
    See also Motor carriers, extra-provincial (truck and bus)
Trust and Loan Companies Act

      Ways and Means No. 1
      Other Business No. 10

    Corporations, capital dividend account, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    Non-resident beneficiary, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    Reversionary trusts, transfer of property, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    Rollovers, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
    Stop-loss rules, "grandfathering", C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
Tuition fees see Education, post-secondary

Tulsequah Chief Mine

    Environment Department documents, P-34 (Stoffer)
    Fisheries and Oceans Department documents, P-33 (Stoffer)
    Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department documents, P-35 (Stoffer)
Tunnels see Newfoundland-Labrador tunnel


    Kurdish members of Parliament, Leyla Zana, Hatip Dicle, Orhan Dogan, and Selim Sadak, prisoners of conscience, release, M-530 (Robinson)

Uganda see Congo, Democratic Republic of

Ukrainian Canadians

    Designated as "enemy aliens"
      C-331 (Mark)
      M-158 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Ukrainian Canadian Restitution Act

    C-331 (Mark)
Unborn child see Children

Unified Family Court see Family court (Unified Family Court)

United Empire Loyalists

    Commemoration, M-430 (Wayne)
United Kingdom

    Blair, Right Hon. Tony, Prime Minister, Address to both Houses of Parliament, February 22, 2001
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 7
    See also British pensioners; Parthenon marbles
United Nations

    Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001) see Terrorism-Combatting
    See also Congo, Democratic Republic of; Taiwan; Zimbabwe
United Nations Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism see Terrorism-Financing

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child see Children-Definition-Rights; Nigeria

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change see Kyoto accord

United Nations Parliamentary Assembly

    M-89 (Robinson)
United States

    United States Agriculture Secretary see Agriculture Minister
    See also Cuba; National Missile Defense (NMD) System (United States); Social security payments (United States); Trade
United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks (World Trade Center, New York City, Pentagon, Washington, DC and Pennsylvania)

    Condemnation/backlash against Islamic community, Supply Proceedings No. 7
    Government Business No. 10
      Other Business No. 4
    Military response, Canadian participation, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee/National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee joint meetings, Supply Proceedings No. 7
      Division No. 148, Other Business No. 4
    United States response "Operation Infinite Justice", Canadian participation, Chrétien, Prime Minister-President George W. Bush September 24, 2001 meeting, Committee of the Whole take note, M. (Boudria)
      Government Business No. 12
      Other Business No. 4
      Other Business No. 11
Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue see Mining industry-Remote communities

Uranium see Depleted uranium weapons (U-238)

Urban Manor, Edmonton, AB

    Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) grant application, refusal, Mahoney remarks, P-66 (Goldring)

    Small and rural communities, impact/government measures, M-520 (Casey)
    See also Aboriginal people
Used goods see Second-hand goods

User fees

    Parliamentary scrutiny and approval, C-455 (Cullen)
    See also Regulatory fees
User Fees Act

    C-455 (Cullen)

Vacation see Employees


    Adverse reactions, mandatory reporting, M-151 (Wasylycia-Leis)
Val d'Or, QC see Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec (Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions)

Valeri, Tony (Lib.-Stoney Creek)

    Written questions, Q-83
Vancouver, BC see Condominiums

Vehicle mechanics see Mechanics

Vellacott, Maurice (CA-Saskatoon-Wanuskewin)

    Conditional release (convicted criminals), C-467
    Dairy products, C-440
    Impaired driving, C-468
    Justice system, M-387
      Other Business No. 4
    Medical procedures, C-246
    Murder, M-388
      Other Business No. 4
    Sudan, M-246
    Supreme Court of Canada, C-466
    Written questions, Q-51
Venezuela see Income tax treaties

Venne, Pierrette (BQ-Saint-Bruno-Saint-Hubert)

    Fishing, M-414
    National Parole Board, M-389
    National security, M-390
    Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), M-391
    Witnesses (Justice system), C-393
Verbal Abuse Prevention Week

    C-414 (Murphy)
Verbal Abuse Prevention Week Act

    C-414 (Murphy)
Versatile Tractor

    Business development loan, recovery of funds, M-333 (Martin, Pat)
Vertical integration see Gasoline


    First Nations veterans, compensation/recognition, C-229 (Nystrom)
    Funeral and burial benefits, M-369 (Martin, Pat)
    "Special Duty Areas", long-term care, access, M-466 (Bailey)
    Women, recognition, M-4 (Stoffer)
    See also Cenotaphs; MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion; Merchant navy veterans; Remembrance Day (November 11); War decorations (military medal, ribbon, badge, chevron)
Veterans Affairs Department see Veterans-Funeral

Veterans Affairs Sub-Committee

    Travel, Other Business No. 9
Veterans' benefits see MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion; Veterans-Funeral

VIA Rail Canada Inc.

    Privatization, C-279 (Gouk)
    Rail cars, Altstrom consortium purchase, M-342 (Comartin)
VIA Rail Commercialization Act

    C-279 (Gouk)
Victim compensation see Blood supply system; Condominiums

Victims' Bill of Rights

    M-193 (MacKay)
Victims of crime

    Ombudsman, C-457 (Bonin)
    See also Commissioner for the Rights of Victims of Crime; Parole-Hearings; Firefighters; Victim's Bill of Rights
Video production see Broadcasting; Film and video production

Vimy Ridge battle (April 9, 1917)

    National day, C-409 (St. Denis)
Vimy Ridge Memorial

    M-106 (Goldring)
Vimy Ridge Day Act

    C-409 (St. Denis)
Violence see Television; Visible minorities; Workplace; Young offenders

Violence against women

    Feminist groups, funding, M-313 (Davies)
Violent crime

    Bail, C-387 (Thompson, M.)
    Second offence, life imprisonment, C-291 (Hanger)
    Third offence, life imprisonment, C-343 (Martin, K.)
Violent offenders

    Classification, C-456 (Bonin)
    Identity/name change, prohibiting, C-240 (White, R.)
    See also Sentences (convicted criminals)-Conditional sentences; Witnesses (Justice system)-Protection
Virginia Fontaine Treatment Centre

    P-24 (Elley)
Viruses see Blood samples


    Canadian High Commission Office, Chandigarh, India, visa processing, M-97 (Robinson)
    See also Taiwan; Visitors to Canada
Visible minorities

    Muslims, Arabs and others, violence, intolerance or hatred, Resolution, Other Business No. 11
    See also Black community
Visitors to Canada

    Identification, C-345 (Martin, K.)
    Visas, security, C-434 (Cadman)
Vocational schools

    Tuition or examination fees, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), C-13
      Ways and Means No. 2
        Other Business No. 4

    Income tax deduction
      C-342 (Stoffer)
      M-374 (Guimond)
    Tax credit, M-453 (Martin, Pat)
    Time off with pay, M-454 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Emergency volunteers (ambulance technician, firefighter, search or rescue)
Votable items

    Opposition motions and Private Members' Business, M-491 (MacKay)
    Private Members' Business, Supply Proceedings No. 6
Voting see Elections; House of Commons

Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Self-Government Agreement


Wages and salaries

    Minimum wage, M-40 (Martin, Pat)
    See also Bankruptcy-Workers wages; Collective agreements; Judges; Memberse of Parliament-Salaries; National Film Board (NFB); Volunteers-Time off with pay
War see Canadian War Museum; Cenotaphs; MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion; World War I

War decorations (military medal, ribbon, badge, chevron)

    Wearing by relative of deceased or incapacitated veteran
      C-294 (Reynolds)
      C-300 (Dromisky)
        Other Business No. 4
Warranties see Imports-Defective goods

Warrants see Child abduction

Washington, D.C. see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks

Wasp Network see Cuba

Waste deposits see Nunavut Water Board

Waste Management Organization (WMO) see Nuclear waste

Wasylycia-Leis, Judy (NDP-Winnipeg North Centre)

    Agriculture, M-420
    Alcoholic beverage containers, M-155
    Blood supply system, M-150
    Caffeine, M-153
    Cartegena Protocol on Biosafety, M-156
    Drugs and pharmaceuticals
      M-152, M-157, M-350
    Employment insurance, M-332
    Genetically modified food
    Holocaust Memorial Day (Yom ha-Shoah)
    Hospitals, C-216
    Intoxicating products, C-349
    Life forms, M-148
    Organ procurement/transplant
    Personal care and cosmetic products, M-451
    Tobacco/cigarettes, M-154, M-159, M-511
    Ukrainian Canadians, M-158
    Vaccines, M-151
    Written questions, Q-100, Q-126, Q-127

    Bulk water exports, prohibition
      C-205 (Martin, Pat)
      M-30 (Blaikie)
    Policy, M-117 (Caccia)
    Quality guidelines, M-522 (Martin, K.)
      M-347 (Comartin)
      M-521 (Martin, K.)
    See also Coastal waters; Drinking water; Drought; Nunavut Water Board; Rivers; Yukon Territory
Water consumption

    Report requirements/right-to-know provisions, M-346 (Comartin)
Waterfowl see Fishing-Lead fishing weights


    Protection, M-344 (Comartin)
Wayne, Elsie (PC-Saint John; PC/DR Coalition-Saint John as of September 13, 2001; PC-Saint John as of April 10, 2002)

    Cenotaphs, M-383
    Justice Building, M-532
    United Empire Loyalists, M-430
    Written questions, Q-31, Q-119, Q-143, Q-152
Wealth tax

    M-17 (Nystrom)
Weapons see Biological and Toxic Weapon Convention; Cluster bombs; Depleted uranium weapons (U-238); Nuclear weapons; Space; Torpedo testing

Weights and Measures Act


    National standards, M-315 (Davies)
    Work for welfare
      Ban, M-315 (Davies)
      Provincial programs, Canada Health and Social Transfer payment eligibility, C-241 (Pankiw)
Well-being (economy, society and environment)

    Measurement, sustainable indicators, C-268 (Thibeault)
      Other Business No. 4
West coast ports

    Strikes and lockouts, arbitration, C-309 (Johnston)
West Coast Report see Fisheries, Pacific

West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast constituency

    Name, change to West Vancouver-Sea to Sky Country-Sunshine Coast, C-441 (Catterall)
    See also Members of Parliament-Expense allowance
Western Arctic (Inuvialuit) Claims Settlement Act

Western Canada see Riel, Louis David

Western Canadian Wheat Board see Canadian Wheat Board-Name


    Protection, M-345 (Comartin)
Whales see Cetecceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises)


    Genetically modified wheat, ban, P-27 (Borotsik)
Whistle Blower Human Rights Act

    C-201 (Grewal)
Whistle Blowers Protection Act

    C-206 (Martin, Pat)
Whistle blowing see Public Service-Wrongdoing

White collar crime see Theft-Over $100,000

White, Randy (CA-Langley-Abbotsford)

    Allotted days, M-476
    Sex offenders, C-333
    Violent offenders, C-240
White, Ted (CA-North Vancouver)

    Cable television, C-325
    Charites, C-323
    Credit cards, C-427
    Employment equity, C-324
    Immigrants, C-431
    Refugees, C-431
    Written questions, Q-10, Q-26, Q-46, Q-58, Q-85, Q-88, Q-114, Q-125
WHO see World Health Organization (WHO)

Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act

      Government Business No. 27
      Other Business No. 4
    C-446 (Martin, K.)
    P-22 (Martin, K.)

    Selling of wildlife and wildlife parts, C-292 (Meredith)
    See also Cetecceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises); Endangered and threatened species; Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels); Marine conservation areas; Migratory birds; Nunavut Water Board; Waterfowl
Williams, John (CA-St. Albert)

    Business of Supply, M-296
    Federal quasi-judicial bodies, M-462
    Foundations, M-463
    Government programs, C-308
    Statutory Program Evaluation Act, C-308
    Supreme Court of Canada, M-461
    Written questions, Q-34, Q-36, Q-37, Q-74, Q-75, Q-76, Q-104, Q-159, Q-182, Q-183, Q-184
Winding-up and Restructuring Act

Windsor region

    Death rates, cancer, asthma and other conditions, M-337 (Comartin)
Windsor-St. Clair constituency

    Name, change to Windsor-Tecumseh, C-441 (Catterall)

    Production levy, C-47
      Ways and Means No. 11
        Other Business No. 4
    Taxation, C-47
      Ways and Means No. 11
        Other Business No. 4
Withholding tax

    Non-resident film and video actors, C-22
      Ways and Means No. 3
Witness and Spousal Protection Program Act

    C-258 (Hill, J.)
Witness Protection Program Act

    C-258 (Hill, J.)
Witnesses (Justice system)

      Sexual offence, sexual assault or violence against the person proceedings, accused not to cross-examine, C-393 (Venne)
      Spousal eligibility, C-258 (Hill, J.)
WMO see Waste management organization (WMO)


    Halfway houses and transition programs, M-73 (Davies)
    See also Aboriginal women's organizations; Employment insurance; Occupational health and safety; Pregnancy; Veterans; Violence against women
Women's organizations

    Funding, M-314 (Davies)
    See also Aboriginal women's organizations

    Inter-generational transfers
        Other Business No. 4
      Ways and Means No. 12
    Taxation, M-234 (Duncan)
Work see Employment; Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Work camps see Construction work camps

Work week

    Length, M-34 (Martin, Pat)
Workers' compensation see Canada Pension Plan (CPP)-"Pensionable employment"; Individual security fund

Workfare see Welfare-work for welfare


    Occupational health and safety, investigation/enforcement, M-58 (Davies)
    Violence and danger, employee protection, M-428 (MacKay)
World Health Organization (WHO)

      Membership, M-82 (Robinson)
      Observer status, M-501 (Kenney)
World Trade Center see United States, September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks

World Trade Organization (WTO)

    China, membership, Canadian rights, C-50
    Dispute Settlement Body cases WT/DS114 and WT/DS170, S-17
    Meeting, Doha, Qatar
      Government Business No. 19
      Other Business No. 4
World War I see Ukrainian Canadians; Vimy Ridge battle (April 9, 1917); Vimy Ridge Memorial

World War II see Dieppe Raid (August 19, 1942); National Maritime Day

Wrecks see Shipping

Written questions see Questions on the Order Paper

WTO see World Trade Organization (WTO)


YBE see Yearly Basic Exemption (YBE)

Yearly Basic Exemption (YBE) see Employment insurance

Yom ha-Shoah see Holocaust Memorial Day (Yom ha-Shoah)

Young offenders

    Adult court, transfer
      C-256 (MacKay)
      C-289 (Sorenson)
    Age of criminal accountability
      C-256 (MacKay)
      C-289 (Sorenson)
      M-194 (MacKay)
    Detention prior to disposition, sec. 7.2, hybrid offence, C-235 (Cadman)
    Parents, financial responsibility, M-195 (MacKay)
    Violent offenders, publishing of names, C-289 (Sorenson)
    See also Home invasion
Young Offenders Act

      Other Business No. 9
    C-235 (Cadman)
    C-239 (Hill, J.)
    C-256 (MacKay)
    C-289 (Sorenson)
    Section 7.2 see Young offenders-Detention
Youth see Canadian Tobacco Youth Protection Foundation; Collective agreements; Drug trafficking-Within five hundred metres; Sexual assault

Youth Criminal Justice Act

    C-444 (Lunn)
Youth justice system

    Fundamental values, C-7
Yukon Act

Yukon First Nations Land Claims Settlement Act

Yukon First Nations Self-Government Act

Yukon Northern Affairs Program Devolution Transfer Agreement

Yukon Placer Mining Act

Yukon Quartz Mining Act

Yukon Surface Rights Board Act

Yukon Territory

    Public real property and water rights, administration, C-39
    Responsible government, C-39
Yukon Waters Act


Zana, Leyla see Turkey


    Crimes against humanity, President Robert Mugabe and others, United Nations crime tribunal, M-433 (Martin, K.)
    President Robert Mugabe/arms embargo, M-429 (Martin, K.)
    See also Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee-Reports, Seventeenth
Zygotes see Human cloning