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40th Parliament, 1st Session   (November 18, 2008 - December 4, 2008)  Latest Session
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INDEX to the Status of House Business, 40th Parliament, first session


5 Wing Goose Bay

Expenditures, rapid reaction battalion and unmanned aerial vehicle squadron/marketing initiatives, Q-29 (Russell)



Abattoirs see Slaughterhouses

ABMs see Automated banking machines (ABMs)

Aboriginal child health care

            Costs, timely payment, Jordan’s Principle, C-249 (Martin, Pat)

Aboriginal people

            Urban areas

Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (Erasmus-Dussault) Report, Chapter 7, recommendations, M-204 (Davies, L.)

Services, special committee, M-205 (Davies, L.)

See also First Nations; First Nations and Inuit Tobacco Control Strategy; Île-à-la-Crosse Residential School; Indian Act; Mobile homes; National Parole Board; Oil and gas industry—First Nations lands; Paramount Resources Ltd.

Aboriginal women’s organizations

            Funding, M-208 (Davies, L.)

Access to information see Genetically modified plants

Accountability see Afghanistan—International development assistance; Corporate interests of Canada (Crown corporations, mixed enterprises, joint enterprises and shared-governance corporations); Foundations; Whistleblowers

Accounting see Financial institutions

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome see HIV/AIDS

Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne

            Other Business No. 2

Advocacy see Immigration Advocate Office

AECL see Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL)


            Canadian Armed Forces

Detainees, transfer

Q-26 (Dewar)

Q-38 (Black)

See also Claymore munitions

Human rights, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department report, P-1 (Dewar)

International development assistance, Auditor General evaluation, M-154 (Martin, K.)

See also Cluster bombs—Canadian Armed Forces

African Union/United Nations hybrid force (UNAMID) see Darfur (Sudan)

Agreement on Agriculture between Canada and the Kingdom of Norway


Agreement on Agriculture between Canada and the Republic of Iceland


Agreement on Agriculture between Canada and the Swiss Confederation



            International agreements, C-2

See also Farmer’s Day


Air transportation

Night flights

Greater Toronto Area, suspension, M-243 (Wrzesnewskyj)

See also Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport

Airport authorities

            Auditor General of Canada special examination, M-244 (Wrzesnewskyj)


            Firefighters, Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs), M-201 (Davies, L.)

            Government funding, statistics by electoral district, Q-34 (Murphy, S.)

See also Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport


            Government hospitality expenditures, Q-42 (Julian)

See also Impaired driving

Alcoholic beverage containers

            Warning labels, impairment/health dangers and pregnancy/fetal alcohol syndrome danger

M-58 (Wasylycia-Leis)

M-62 (Wasylycia-Leis)

Allotted days

            Period ending

December 10, 2008, Supply Proceedings No. 2

                        March 26, 2009, Supply Proceedings No. 4

Alzheimer’s disease

            National Alzheimer’s Day, September 21st, designating, M-11 (Julian)

Amateur sport see Physical activity

Angus, Charlie (NDP—Timmins—James Bay)

            Fires, M-249

Animals see Cruelty to animals; Dog or cat fur products; Pet food; Transgenic animals; Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare

Antibiotics see Food—Labels

Anti-personnel mines see Claymore munitions

Anti-Semitism see Holocaust Monument

Apprentices see Construction industry

Aquaculture see Genetically modified fish

Arctic sovereignty see Arctic waters—Definition; Canadian Arctic Passage; Canadian Northwest Passage

Arctic waters

            Definition, application extended to 200 nautical miles/pollution prevention, C-3

            Vessels, waste, dumping regulations, M-113 (Bagnell)

See also Canadian Arctic Passage; Canadian Northwest Passage

Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act



            Income tax

Exemption, M-109 (Martin, Pat)

National tax policy, M-180 (Davies, L.)

            Local Community Arts and Artists Sustainability Fund, establishing, M-222 (Davies, L.)

Arts and culture

            British Columbia, including 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games,  government funding

Q-15 (Fry)

Q-21 (Fry)

See also ‘Made in Canada’


            Ban, M-102 (Martin, Pat)

            Vermiculite insulation, asbestos-laden, real estate agents, disclosure responsibility, M-242 (Martin, Pat)

Assault see Bus drivers and transit operators; Peace officers

Assistance to Students Visiting Military Memorial Sites Abroad Act

            C-226 (Stoffer)

Atlantic Fisheries Groundfish Retirement Package

            Lump-sum payment, income tax, Q-27 (Russell)

Atlantic Ocean see Canadian Northwest Passage

ATMs see Automated teller machines (ATMs)

Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) see Nuclear Safety and Control Act—Ministerial responsibility

Auditor General of Canada see Afghanistan—International development assistance; Airport authorities; Corporate interests of Canada (Crown corporations, mixed enterprises, joint enterprises and shared-governance corporations); Foundations—Accountability

Auto theft

            Combatting, M-104 (Martin, Pat)

            Judicial proceedings, first, second or subsequent time, C-237 (Neville)

Automated banking machines (ABMs) see Automated teller machines (ATMs)

Automated teller machines (ATMs)

            Private ATMs, service charges, regulation, M-55 (Wasylycia-Leis)

Automobile industry

Canadian production, equivalent dollar requirement/ proportional share of environmentally-advanced vehicles and components, M-41 (Julian)

Government measures, impact of United States action, analysis, Supply Proceedings No. 2 (Kennedy)

See also Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited

Automobiles/motor vehicles see Car sharing co-operatives and programs

Aviation see Air transportation

Awards, decorations, medals

Medals, Canadian Forces, Royal Canadian Mounted Police or police officer service outside Canada, sale or export for sale, prohibition, C-208 (Stoffer)

See also Governor General’s Volunteer Service Medal; Wallenburg, Raoul



Bagnell, Hon. Larry (Lib.—Yukon)

            Arctic waters, M-113

            Building Canada Fund, Q-35

Canadian Arctic Passage, M-115

            Dental care, M-117

            Environmental Immigrant and Refugee, M-114

            Mongolia, M-116

            Written questions, Q-35

Bagotville model see Canadian Armed Forces—Health care

Bank fees see Automated teller machines (ATMs)

BC Ferries

            Trans-Canada Highway system transportation link/funding, M-148 (Martin, K.)

Bevington, Dennis (NDP—Western Arctic)

            Canada Coat of Arms, M-110

            Paramount Resources Ltd., Q-12

            Written questions, Q-12

Bicycles see Cycling

Bilingualism see Official languages policy/bilingualism

Biotechnology see Food biotechnology; Genetically modified fish; Genetically modified food; Genetically modified organisms; Genetically modified plants; Transgenic animals; Transgenic organisms

Black, Dawn (NDP—New Westminster—Coquitlam)

            Afghanistan, Q-38

            Claymore munitions, Q-33

            Written questions, Q-33, Q-38

Black History Month see Da Costa, Mathieu (-1607)

Blood samples see Impaired driving

Boards of education

            Goods and Services Tax (GST) exemption, M-147 (Martin, K.)

            See also Public school districts

Bombs see Cluster bombs

Bonsant, France (BQ—Compton—Stanstead)

            Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Q-13

            Written questions, Q-13

Books and pamphlets

            Goods and Services Tax (GST), elimination, C-206 (Dewar)

Border, Canadian see Windsor-Essex Border Development and Protection Authority

Bottled water

            Regulation, M-177 (Dewar)

Bridges and tunnels

            Canada-United States projects, government funding/ownership, M-75 (Masse)

Brison, Hon. Scott (Lib.—Kings—Hants)

            Government assets, Supply Proceedings No. 2

British Columbia see Arts and culture; Forest industry; Health care workers—Collective bargaining rights;  Highways and roads; Salmon fisheries industry

Budget 2008 (February 26, 2008)

            Implementation, Ways and Means No. 1

Building Canada Fund


                        Analysis, Q-35 (Bagnell)

Funding, Q-28 (Russell)

Bulgaria see Visitor visas


            Human rights violations/sanctions, M-15 (Julian)

Burnaby, BC see World Police and Firefighters Games, Burnaby, 2009

Bus drivers and transit operators

            Assault while performing duties, penalties, M-354 (Julian)

Business expenses see Alcohol—Government hospitality expenditures; Construction industry; Government contracts

Business Number-related information

            Government programs and services, Ways and Means No. 1

By-elections see Members of Parliament—Party affiliation



Cabinet Ministers see Khadr, Omar; Nuclear Safety and Control Act; Safe Injection Site (SIS)

Cadets Canada

            National policy, implementing, M-164 (Martin, K.)

Calendar dates

            Numerical expression, year/month/day, C-245 (Kramp)

Cameron Hills, NT see Paramount Resources Ltd.

Canada Access Grants

            Improvements, M-90 (Savoie)

Canada Business Corporations Act


Canada Coat of Arms

            Motto, coasts on three oceans, reflecting, M-110 (Bevington)

Canada Corporations Act


Canada–EFTA Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act


Canada-European Free Trade Association agreement


Canada Evidence Act

            C-245 (Kramp)

Canada Labour Code

            C-217 (Stoffer)

            C-235 (Martin, T.)

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

            Profits, allocation, M-181 (Davies, L.)

            See also Mortgages

Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act


Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act

            Section 5.2 see Paramount Resources Ltd.

Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

            Clawback, military and Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) pensions, independent panel

                        C-201 (Stoffer)

M-174 (Casey)

Disability benefits, waiting period, terminal illness cases, M-63 (Wasylycia-Leis)

            Workers' compensation payments, including as "pensionable employment", M-68 (Masse)

See also Caregivers—Family caregivers

Canada Pension Plan Investment Board see Tobacco industry

Canada Post Corporation see Postage stamps; Postal service

Canada Post Corporation Act

            C-253 (Martin, Pat)

Canada Revenue Agency see Business Number-related information

Canada Student Loans Program

            Health professionals working in underserviced areas, loan forgiveness, M-157 (Martin, K.)

See also Medical residents

Canada-United States relations see Bridges and tunnels

Canada Water Export Prohibition Act

            C-250 (Martin, Pat)

Canada Water Preservation Act

            C-228 (Scarpaleggia)

Canadian Arctic Passage

            Arctic sovereignty policy/renaming Northwest Passage, M-115 (Bagnell)

Canadian Armed Forces

            CFB Goose Bay see 5 Wing Goose Bay

Disability pensions

                        Lump sum payment/pension, M-138 (Martin, K.)

                        Premiums, payment, M-137 (Martin, K.)

Health care

Centre for Excellence in Health, Victoria, BC, establishing, M-166 (Martin, K.)

Primary health care clinics and daycare facilities, Bagotville model, M-129 (Martin, K.)

See also Veterans Charter


                        Job protection, M-139 (Martin, K.)

Regular Force members, former, reintroduction, M-125 (Martin, K.)

See also 5 Wing Goose Bay; Afghanistan; Awards, decorations, medals; Cadets Canada; Canada Pension Plan (CPP)—Clawback; Claymore munitions; Cluster bombs; Governor General’s Volunteer Service Medal; Military memorial sites; Post-traumatic stress disorder; Postal service; Survivor benefits; Veterans’ benefits/pensions; Veterans Charter

Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) see Airports—Firefighters

Canadian Bill of Rights

            C-224 (Stoffer)

Canadian content see Canadian symbolic and promotional materials;  ‘Made in Canada’; Postage stamps

Canadian Forces Superannuation Act

            C-201 (Stoffer)

            C-210 (Stoffer)

            C-218 (Stoffer)

Canadian Human Rights Act

            Section 13(1) see Hate messages

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) see Orphans; TransFair Canada licensed coffee

Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act


Canadian made products and services see ‘Made in Canada’

Canadian Northwest Passage

            Water passage between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, renaming, M-67 (Kramp)

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission see Nuclear Safety and Control Act—Ministerial responsibility

Canadian Pacific Railway see Chinese railway labourers

Canadian symbolic and promotional materials

Purchase and distribution, "Made-in-Canada" policy, M-23 (Julian)

Cancer see Colorectal cancer; Prostate cancer

Capital gains tax see Mergers and acquisitions; Real estate

Car sharing co-operatives and programs

            Tax incentives, M-240 (Davies, L.)

Caregiver Tax Credit

            Equivalent value of the government subsidy per patient provided to nursing homes, M-51 (Charlton)


            Family caregivers

Canada Pension Plan (CPP), "dropout" or exemption period, M-47 (Charlton)

Medical expenses, income tax deduction, C-225 (Stoffer)

Live-in relative 65 years of age or older, or who has mental or physical infirmity, personal tax credit equivalent to long-term residential care facility subsidy, C-212 (Stoffer)

            See also Compassionate care leave; Homecare

CARs see Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs)

Casey, Bill (Ind.Cumberland—Colchester—Musquodoboit Valley)

            Canada Pension Plan (CPP), M-174

            Firefighting equipment, Q-24

Governor General’s Volunteer Service Medal, M-111

            Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), M-112

            Written questions, Q-24

Cats see Dog or cat fur products

CEDAW see United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

Cenotaphs see War memorials and cenotaphs

Centre for Best Health Care Practices

Establishing, M-122 (Martin, K.)

Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation

            Government funding, M-248 (Thibeault)

Centres for Excellence in Health see Canadian Armed Forces—Health care

CFB Goose Bay see 5 Wing Goose Bay

Chair occupants

            Other Business No. 1

Chance for Life Fund see Disease—Rare diseases

Charitable donations

            Income tax deduction, equivalent to tax deductions for donations made to political parties, M-162 (Martin, K.)

Charitable organizations see Not-for-profit organizations

Charlton, Chris (NDP—Hamilton Mountain)

            Caregiver Tax Credit, M-51

Caregivers, M-47

Construction industry, C-227

            Elder Abuse Awareness Day, M-50

            Government grants and contributions, Q-2, Q-3, Q-4, Q-5

            Homecare, M-52

Pensions, M-46

Senior citizens, M-45, M-49

Seniors ministry, M-48

Written questions, Q-2, Q-3, Q-4, Q-5

Chemicals see Antibiotics; Fire retardants; Pesticides and herbicides

Cheque cashing services see Financial services—Low-income earners

Child care see Canadian Armed Forces—Health care; Universal Child Care Benefit

Child development

            National Head Start or Early Learning Program, implementing, M-165 (Martin, K.)

Child first principle see Aboriginal child health care

Child fitness tax credit see Fiscal policy

Child labour

            Child-labour-free labels, M-186 (Davies, L.)

Child pornography

            Internet access/distribution, C-209 (Stoffer)

Child poverty

            Elimination, M-106 (Martin, Pat)

Child sexual predators

            Definition/sentences, C-246 (Kramp)

Children see Aboriginal child health care; Families; Orphans; Parental Alienation Awareness Day; Pregnancy; Survivor benefits; Type 1 (Juvenile) diabetes


            Human rights violations, Canadian government policy, M-44 (Julian)

Chinese Canadians

Chinese Head Tax and Chinese Immigration Act, 1923, apology/compensation, government measures, M-203 (Davies, L.)

Chinese community see Indonesia

Chinese Head Tax see Chinese Canadians

Chinese Immigration Act, 1923 see Chinese Canadians

Chinese railway labourers

            Canadian Pacific Railway construction, role, recognition, M-22 (Julian)

Chronic disease see Homecare

CIDA see Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)


            Application and processing fees, elimination, M-254 (Siksay)

See also Wallenburg, Raoul

Claymore munitions

Canadian Armed Forces, Afghanistan mission, use, Q-33 (Black)

Climate change see Environmental Immigrant and Refugee; Nuclear weapons—And climate change

Cluster bombs

            Ban, M-132 (Martin, K.)

            Canadian Armed Forces, Afghanistan mission, use, Q-17 (Dewar)

            See also Convention on Cluster Munitions

CMHC see Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

Coalition government see Economic conditions—Conservative government

Coats of arms see Canada Coat of Arms

Coffee see TransFair Canada licensed coffee

Coinage see One cent coin

Collective bargaining see Health care workers; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

Colon cancer see Colorectal cancer

Colorecal cancer

            National strategy/screening, M-133 (Martin, K.)

Committees of the House see Proportional representation

Committees, Special see Aboriginal people—Urban areas, Services; Manufacturing industry

Committees, Standing

            Membership/mandate, Other Business No. 5

See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee; Transport, Infrastructure and Communities Standing Committee; Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat—Guidelines

Commodities and securities trading

            Regulation, M-163 (Martin, K.)

Common-law partners see Passports—Processing fees, Veterans

Community service

            National "working holiday",  leap-year-day, February 29, M-202 (Davies, L.)

Community service groups

            Membership dues, tax credit, C-223 (Stoffer)

Commuters see Car sharing co-operatives and programs

Compassionate care leave

            Benefit period, C-217 (Stoffer)

            “Family member”, definition, M-59 (Wasylycia-Leis)


            Vancouver, BC, building envelope failure, moisture damage/disaster relief, M-223 (Davies, L.)

Confederation see Riel, Louis David

Conjugal relationships see Veterans’ benefits/pensions

Conscientious objectors

            Residency and work in Canada, permitting, M-250 (Siksay)

Conservative government (Harper) see Economic conditions

Construction industry

Tradespersons and indentured apprentices, travel and accommodation expenses, income tax deduction, C-227 (Charlton)

See also Condominiums—Vancouver, BC

Consultants see First Nations—Economic development; Hugh MacPhie and Associates

Consumer credit see Mortgages

Consumer loans

            Regulation, M-10 (Julian)

Consumers see Asbestos—Vermiculite insulation; Automated teller machines (ATMs); Condominiums—Vancouver, BC; Food—Labels; Gasoline and diesel prices; One cent coin

Contracting-out see Privacy

Contracts see Government contracts

Controlled Drugs and Substances Act

            Section 56 see Safe Injection Site (SIS)—Recogntion/ministerial exemption

Convention on Cluster Munitions

            Ratification, M-167 (Martin, K.)

Co-operatives see Car sharing co-operatives and programs

Copyright Act see Textbooks

Corporate assets see Government assets

Corporate income tax see Mergers and acquisitions

Corporate interests of Canada (Crown corporations, mixed enterprises, joint enterprises and shared-governance corporations)

            Auditor, appointment of Auditor General of Canada, M-245 (Wrzesnewskyj)

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) see National Roundtables on Corporate Social Responsibility and the Canadian Extractive Industry in Developing Countries

Corporations see Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited; Not-for-profit corporations; Pandemic influenza—Businesses; Specified investment flow-through partnerships (SIFT)

Corrections and Conditional Release Act

            C-231 (Guarnieri)

Corrections system see Justice system—Sentencing

Cost-of-living see Disability Tax Credit

Cotler, Hon. Irwin (Lib.—Mount Royal)

            Khadr, Omar, Q-23

Sudan, C-204

Written questions, Q-23

CPP see Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

Crime see Auto theft; Bus drivers and transit operators—Assault; Child pornography; Child sexual predators; Cruelty to animals; Drug trafficking; Judicial interim release—Serious crimes; Peace officers—Assault; Prostitution; Violence against women

Crime prevention see National Crime Prevention Centre

Crimes against humanity see Genocide; Holocaust Monument; Mugabe, Robert

Criminal Code

            C-221 (Stoffer)

            C-229 (Holland)

            C-230 (Holland)

            C-231 (Guarnieri)

            C-237 (Neville)

            C-246 (Kramp)

            C-247 (Kramp)

            Section 163.1 see Child pornography

            Sections 469 and 522 see Judicial interim release

Croatia see Visitor visas

Crown corporations see Corporate interests of Canada (Crown corporations, mixed enterprises, joint enterprises and shared-governance corporations)

Cruelty to animals


C-229 (Holland)

C-230 (Holland)

See also Dog or cat fur products

Cruise ships

            Environmental impact, regulation, M-89 (Savoie)

CSR see Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Cuba see Khadr, Omar

Culture see Arts and culture

Currency see One cent coin

Currency Act


Customs Act


Customs Tariff


See also Textbooks


            Safety, Transport, Infrastructure and Communities Standing Committee hearings/legislation, M-264 (Siksay)



Da Costa, Mathieu (-1607)

            Black navigator and interpreter, commemorative day, M-84 (Jennings)

Darfur (Sudan)


United Nations peacekeeping force, deployment, M-118 (Martin, K.)

United Nations Resolution 1556 (2004)/ African Union/United Nations hybrid force (UNAMID), M-151 (Martin, K.)

Davies, Libby (NDP—Vancouver East)

            Aboriginal people, M-204, M-205

            Aboriginal women’s organizations, M-208

Airports, M-201

Artists, M-180, M-222

            Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), M-181

Car sharing co-operatives and programs, M-240

            Child labour, M-186

            Chinese Canadians, M-203

            Community service, M-202

            Condominiums, M-223

            Discrimination and racism, M-185

            Disease, M-241

            Drug and substance abuse, M-238

            Drug trafficking, M-230

            Drugs (narcotic), M-228, M-229

            Employment Insurance Account, M-209

            Families, M-224

            Financial institutions, M-190, M-192

            Financial services, M-189, M-191, M-193

            Food biotechnology, M-217

            Gender equality, M-212

            Genetically modified fish, M-218

            Genetically modified food, M-214

            Genetically modified organisms, M-221

            Genetically modified plants, M-220

            Government contracts, M-200

            Health care workers, M-239

            Highways and roads, M-195, M-196

            HIV/AIDS, M-183

            Housing, M-182, M-226, M-227

            Immigration, M-210

            Indonesia, M-194

            International Monetary Fund (IMF), M-199

            Job Protection Commissioner, M-235

            Mortgages, M-206, M-207

            National Crime Prevention Centre, M-236

            Non-profit housing, M-198

            Old Age Security, M-233

            Police, M-225

            Postage stamps, M-231

            Public safety officers, M-188

            Public school districts, M-232

            Safe Injection Site (SIS), M-237

            Social housing, M-197

            Social programs, M-184

            TransFair Canada licensed coffee, M-234

            Transgenic animals, M-219

            Transgenic organisms, M-215, M-216

            Violence against women, M-211

            Welfare, M-213

            Workplace, M-187

Day care see Canadian Armed Forces—Health care

Declaration of Montreal on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Rights

            Government implementation, M-256 (Siksay)

Dementia see Alzheimer’s disease

Democracy see Proportional representation

Dental care

            National health care program, establishing, M-117 (Bagnell)

Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act

            C-243 (Godin)

Department of Peace see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department—Name

Depleted uranium (DU) weapons

            Imports, Q-19 (Dewar)

Developing countries see National Roundtables on Corporate Social Responsibility and the Canadian Extractive Industry in Developing Countries; Orphans

Dewar, Paul (NDP—Ottawa Centre)




Books and pamphlets, C-206

Bottled water, M-177

            Cluster bombs, Q-17

            Depleted uranium (DU) weapons, Q-19

            Food, C-205

            Foreign credentials, M-179

            National Capital Commission (NCC), C-207

            Ottawa River, M-178

            Whistleblowers, Q-18

            Written questions, Q-17, Q-18, Q-19, Q-26

Diabetes see Type 1 (Juvenile) diabetes

Dion, Hon. Stéphane (Lib.—Saint-Laurent—Cartierville; Leader of the Opposition)

            Economic conditions, Supply Proceedings No. 2

Diesel fuel see Gasoline and diesel prices

Diplomats see Wallenburg, Raoul

Disability Tax Credit

            Refund, equal to the maximum current credit value with full indexation for cost-of-living increases, M-65 (Wasylycia-Leis)

Disabled and handicapped persons

            Employment, National Awareness Program, establishing, M-158 (Martin, K.)

See also Canada Pension Plan (CPP); Canadian Armed Forces; Caregivers—Live-in relative; Disability Tax Credit; Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP); Wheelchairs

Discrimination and racism

            "Social condition", including as prohibited ground, M-185 (Davies, L.)

See also Financial services—Low-income earners; Hate messages; Komagata Maru incident (1914); United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)


            Rare diseases and disorders, “Chance for Life Fund”, establishing, M-241 (Davies, L.)

See also Alzheimer’s disease; Canada Pension Plan (CPP)—Disability benefits; Chronic disease; Colorectal cancer; Fetal alcohol syndrome; HIV/AIDS; Infectious disease; Lyme disease; Occupational disease registry; Post-traumatic stress disorder; Prostate cancer; Type 1 (Juvenile) diabetes

Dishwasher detergent

            Phosphates/phosphorus content, M-61 (Wasylycia-Leis)

DND see National Defence Department (DND)

Doctors/physicians see Canada Student Loans Program—Health professionals; Medical residents

Dog or cat fur products

            Imports, ban, M-42 (Julian)

Dollar exchange rate see Mergers and acquisitions

Domestic violence see Violence against women

Domestic workers see Immigration—Reform

Doomsday Clock see Nuclear weapons—And climate change

Drinking water see Bottled water

Drug and substance abuse

            Harm reduction programs, M-238 (Davies, L.)

See also Fetal alcohol syndrome; HIV/AIDS; Impaired driving; Safe Injection Site (SIS)

Drug trafficking

Combatting, regulatory system, establishing, M-230 (Davies, L.)

Drugs and pharmaceuticals

            Access, human right, M-2 (Julian)

            See also Food—Labels; HIV/AIDS; Pandemic influenza—Vaccines

Drugs (narcotic)

            Harm and risk reduction programs, substitute substances, M-229 (Davies, L.)

            United Nations conventions, M-228 (Davies, L.)

            See also Safe Injection Site (SIS)

Duceppe, Gilles (BQ—Laurier—Sainte-Marie)

            Economic conditions, Supply Proceedings No. 2

Duncan, Kirsty (Lib.—Etobicoke North)

            Pandemic influenza, Q-44, Q-45, Q-46, Q-47

            Written questions, Q-44, Q-45, Q-46, Q-47

Dussault, René see Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (Erasmus-Dussault) Report



Easter, Hon. Wayne (Lib.—Malpeque)

            Volunteer emergency workers, C-240

Economic and Fiscal Statement (November 27, 2008)

            Government Business No. 1

            Revision, inclusion of opposition parties’ policies and priorities, Supply Proceedings No. 2 (McCallum)

Economic conditions

            Conservative government failure to plan/alternative government, Supply Proceedings No. 2 (Dion)

            Conservative government failure to put forward concrete measures, Supply Proceedings No. 2 (Duceppe)

See also ‘Made in Canada’; Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP)

Economic development see First Nations

Ecosystems see National Ecosystems Council of Canada

Education see Boards of education; Books and pamphlets; Child development; Foreign credentials; Île-à-la-Crosse Residential School; Military memorial sites; Public school districts; Reading materials; Teachers

Education, post-secondary

            Funding/national accountability and access standards, M-14 (Julian)

            See also Canada Access Grants; Canada Student Loans Program; Medical residents; Textbooks; Tuition

Elder Abuse Awareness Day

            June 15th, establishing, M-50 (Charlton)


            By-elections see Members of Parliament—Party affiliation

Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act

            C-215 (Stoffer)

            C-236 (Martin, T.)

Electoral districts see Airports—Government funding; Hamilton Mountain constituency; Sackville—Eastern Shore constituency; Sault Ste. Marie constituency; Vancouver Quadra constituency

Electoral reform see Proportional representation

Electricity see Electromagnetic fields; Transmission towers (electricity pylons)

Electromagnetic fields

Health and safety, Limits of Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields, scientific review, M-160 (Martin, K.)

See also Transmission towers (electricity pylons)

Electronic voting see House of Commons—Votes

Embassies and consulates see Mongolia; Whistleblowers—Guenette

Emergencies/disasters see Condominiums—Vancouver, BC; Firefighting equipment; Mountain pine beetle

Emergency service workers see Volunteer emergency workers

Employment see Canadian Armed Forces—Reserves, Disabled and handicapped persons; Foreign credentials; Job protection; Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited; Job Protection Commissioner; Public Service—National Capital Region

Employment insurance

            Benefit period

Based on regional rates of unemployment, C-233 (Godin)

Length, C-234 (Godin)

            Benefits, percentage of insurable earnings, C-242 (Godin)

Premiums, workers over age 65, elimination of payment, M-82 (Neville)

            Waiting period

C-241 (Ouellet)

C-244 (Gravelle)

See also Compassionate care leave

Employment Insurance Account

            Surplus, M-209 (Davies, L.)

Employment Insurance Act

            C-217 (Stoffer)

            C-233 (Godin)

            C-234 (Godin)

            C-241 (Ouellet)

            C-242 (Godin)

            C-243 (Godin)

            C-244 (Gravelle)

Title, change to Unemployment Insurance Act, C-243 (Godin)

Employment Insurance Board of Referees

            Chairpersons, appointment, Q-25 (Martin, Pat)

Energy see Home heating fuels; House of Commons—Environmentally friendly designs

Environment see Arctic waters; Automobile industry—Canadian production; Bottled water; Car sharing co-operatives and programs; Cruise ships; Dishwasher detergent; Fire retardants; Gasoline—Ethanol content; Genetically modified plants; Groundfish bottom trawling; House of Commons; National Ecosystems Council of Canada; National Roundtables on Corporate Social Responsibility and the Canadian Extractive Industry in Developing Countries; Oil and gas industry—First Nations lands; Oil spills; Ottawa River; Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area (PNCIMA); Phosphates/phosphorus; Toxic waste sites; Water; Wildlife—National wildlife areas

Environment Minister see Nuclear Safety and Control Act

Environmental Immigrant and Refugee

            Climate change impact category, creating, M-114 (Bagnell)

Erasmus, Georges see Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (Erasmus-Dussault) Report

Erikson, Leif see Leif Erikson Day

Estimates, 2008-2009, Supplementary (B)

            Supply Proceedings No. 3

Ethanol see Gasoline

European Union see Canada-European Free Trade Association agreement; Visitor visas

Excise Tax Act

            C-203 (Stoffer)

            C-206 (Dewar)

            C-220 (Stoffer)

Excise taxes see Gasoline taxes

Exclusion laws see Komagata Maru incident (1914)

Explosive devices see Cluster bombs

Exports see Awards, decorations, medals; Forest industry—British Columbia—Raw log exports; Water

Extradition Act

            C-247 (Kramp)



Fair trade see TransFair Canada licensed coffee


            With children, funding, 1.5 per cent of projected Gross Domestic Product, M-224 (Davies, L.)

See also Caregivers; Compassionate care leave

Famine see Ukrainian Famine (1932-1933)

Farmer’s Day

            March 21st, establishing, M-40 (Julian)

Federal-provincial relations see Inter-provincial trade barriers; Water—Bulk water exports

Federal-provincial-teritorial fiscal relations see Social programs—Government funding

Federal-provincial-teritorial relations see United Nations conventions and treaties

Feminist groups see Violence against women

Ferry services see BC Ferries

Fetal alcohol syndrome see Alcoholic beverage containers

Filipino Canadians

            Contribution/anniversary of Philippine independence, recognition, M-54 (Wasylycia-Leis)

Financial Administration Act

            C-213 (Stoffer)

            Part X see Airport authorities—Auditor General of Canada

Financial institutions

            Accounting, technical aspects, Ways and Means No. 1


“No frills” minimum service accounts, M-192 (Davies, L.)

Standard basic account/common basket of services, M-190 (Davies, L.)

            See also Mortgages

Financial services

            Low-income earners

                        Access, survey, M-191 (Davies, L.)

Account access and cheque cashing services, M-189 (Davies, L.)

Denial of access, change of attitude/legislation, M-193 (Davies, L.)

See also Automated teller machines (ATMs); Consumer loans; Mortgages

Financial transactions see One cent coin

Finding Room: Housing Solutions for the Future see Social housing

Fire retardants

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) products, ban, M-26 (Julian)

Firefighters see Airports; World Police and Firefighters Games, Burnaby, 2009

Firefighting equipment

            Government funding, including Joint Emergency Preparedness Program (JEPP), Q-24 (Casey)


            Statistics, national office, establishing

M-96 (Mathyssen)

M-249 (Angus)

First Nations

Economic development

Database of aboriginal and non-aboriginal consultants and band managers, establishing, M-159 (Martin, K.)

Investment fund, establishing, M-169 (Martin, K.)

            See also Oil and gas industry

First Nations and Inuit Tobacco Control Strategy

            Funding cessation/revised strategy, Q-6 (Wasylycia-Leis)

First Nations Children’s Health Protection Act

            C-249 (Martin, Pat)

Fiscal policy

            Tax cuts, tax “leakage”, foreign tax havens, public transit tax credit, child fitness tax credit, analysis, Q-30 (Mulcair)

Fisheries see Atlantic Fisheries Groundfish Retirement Package; Genetically modified fish; Groundfish bottom trawling; Salmon fisheries industry

Fisheries Act

            C-219 (Stoffer)

Flame retardants see Fire retardants


            Labels, meat or poultry products produced using hormones, antibiotics or rendered slaughterhouse waste/food      product using pesticides or genetically modified organisms, C-205 (Dewar)

See also Trans fats (trans fatty acids)

Food and Drugs Act

            C-251 (Martin, Pat)

Food biotechnology

            Tests, burden of proof, M-217 (Davies, L.)

            See also Genetically modified fish; Genetically modified food

Food Products Labelling Act

            C-205 (Dewar)

Food safety see Food—Labels; Pet food—Regulation

Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited

            Talbotville, ON plant, cutbacks, M-98 (Mathyssen)

Foreign affairs see Burma; Canada-United States relations; China; Darfur (Sudan); Indonesia; International Monetary Fund (IMF); Iran; Khadr, Omar; Mongolia; Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP); Sudan; Visitor visas; World Health Organization (WHO)—Taiwan

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department

            Name, change to Department of Peace, M-107 (Martin, Pat)

            See also Afghanistan—Human rights; Mongolia; Whistlebowers

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Minister see Khadr, Omar

Foreign aid see Afghanistan—International development assistance

Foreign credentials

            Internationally trained professionals, integration into workforce, M-179 (Dewar)

Foreign exchange rate see Mergers and acquisitions

Foreign investment

            Public hearings, M-69 (Masse)

Forest industry

            British Columbia, exports, mountain pine beetle impact, government measures

Q-14 (Fry)

Q-20 (Fry)

            Raw log exports, curtailment, M-3 (Julian)


            Accountability, external auditor, appointment of Auditor General, M-18 (Julian)

            See also Private foundations; Tzu Chi Foundation

Free trade see Canada-European Free Trade Association agreement; North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Freedom of information see Access to information

Fry, Hon. Hedy (Lib.—Vancouver Centre)

            Arts and culture, Q-15, Q-21

Forest industry, Q-14, Q-20

Salmon fisheries industry, Q-16, Q-22

            Written questions, Q-14, Q-15, Q-16, Q-20, Q-21, Q-22

Fuel taxes see Gasoline taxes; Home heating fuels

Fuels see Gasoline; Gasoline and diesel prices; Home heating fuels


            Goods and Services Tax (GST) exemption

                        C-220 (Stoffer)

M-60 (Wasylycia-Leis)

Fur trade see Dog or cat fur products




Ethanol content, 10 % requirement, M-27 (Julian)

Gasoline and diesel prices

            Government measures, Q-40 (Sgro)

Gasoline prices see Petroleum monitoring agency

Gasoline taxes

            Excise tax, zero when cost of crude oil exceeds $60 per barrel, M-146 (Martin, K.)

            Municipalities’ share, increase, M-149 (Martin, K.)

GDP see Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Gender equality

            Equality-seeking women's organizations, funding, M-212 (Davies, L.)

See also Immigration—Reform; Pay equity; Ski jumping; United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

Gender identity see Yogyakarta Principles on the Application of International Human Rights Law in relation to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Genetically modified fish

            Aquatic netpens, moratorium, M-218 (Davies, L.)

Genetically modified food

            Independent agency, establishing, M-214 (Davies, L.)

Genetically modified organisms

            Long-term effects, national research program, M-221 (Davies, L.)

            See also Food—Labels

Genetically modified plants

            Environmental impacts, research data, access, M-220 (Davies, L.)

Genocide see Darfur (Sudan); Holocaust; Holocaust Monument; Sudan; Ukrainian Famine (1932-1933)

Godin, Yvon (NDP—Acadie—Bathurst)

            Employment insurance, C-233, C-234, C-242

            Employment Insurance Act, C-243

            Supreme Court of Canada, C-232

Goods and Services Tax (GST) see Boards of education; Books and pamphlets; Funerals; Home heating fuels; Housing—Affordable housing; Poverty—Reduction; Public school districts; Reading materials

Goose Bay,  NL see 5 Wing Goose Bay

Government appointments see Employment Insurance Board of Referees; National Capital Commission (NCC)

Government assets

            Disposal, criteria, Supply Proceedings No. 2 (Brison)

Government buildings and properties

            Square footage usage, National Capital Region, Ottawa/Outaouais regions, Q-11 (Proulx)

Government contracts

            Bidders, travel costs, compensation, Treasury Board Contracting Policy, M-200 (Davies, L.)

See also Hugh MacPhie and Associates; Privacy

Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions see Airport authorities; Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC); Corporate interests of Canada (Crown corporations, mixed enterprises, joint enterprises and shared-governance corporations); Employment Insurance Board of Referees; Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department; Housing—National strategy; Human Resources and Skills Development Department; National Capital Commission (NCC); National Ecosystems Council of Canada; National Parole Board; Seniors ministry; Sudan—Businesses; Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

Government expenditures see 5 Wing Goose Bay; Aboriginal child health care—Costs; Alcohol—Government hospitality expenditures; Mortgages—Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC); Mountain pine beetle; Whistleblowers—Guenette

Government fees see Citizenship—Application and processing fees; Immigrants—Head tax; Immigration—Reform; Passport Fees Regulations; Passports—Processing fees; Right of Permanent Residence Fee

Government finances see Economic and Fiscal Statement (November 27, 2008)

Government grants and contributions

            Hamilton Mountain constituency

                        Q-2 (Charlton)

                        Q-4 (Charlton)

            Hamilton, ON

                        Q-3 (Charlton)

                        Q-5 (Charlton)

            Vancouver Quadra constituency, Q-37 (Murray)

See also Aboriginal women’s organizations; Airports; Arts and culture—British Columbia; Automobile industry; BC Ferries; Building Canada Fund; Canada Access Grants; Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation; Education, post-secondary—Funding; Firefighting equipment; First Nations and Inuit Tobacco Control Strategy; Gender equality; Highways and roads—British Columbia; International Monetary Fund (IMF); National Crime Prevention Centre; Social programs; Tuition; Violence against women; Wildlife—National wildlife areas; World Police and Firefighters Games, Burnaby, 2009

Government investment see Sudan—Businesses

Government policy see Cadets Canada; China—Human rights violations; Physical fitness—National fitness initiative; Public transit—National strategy; Water

Government procurement

            Sustainable and ethical procurement policy, implementing, M-24 (Julian)

See also Canadian symbolic and promotional materials; Postage stamps; Sudan—Businesses

Government programs see Atlantic Fisheries Groundfish Retirement Package; Building Canada Fund; Business Number-related information; Canada Access Grants; Canada Student Loans Program; Child development; Dental care; Disabled and handicapped persons—Employment; Drug and substance abuse—Harm reduction programs; First Nations and Inuit Tobacco Control Strategy; Joint Emergency Preparedness Program (JEPP); Social programs

Government subsidies see Caregiver Tax Credit

Governor General’s Volunteer Service Medal

            Establishing, veterans since 1947, M-111 (Casey)

Gravelle, Claude (NDP—Nickel Belt)

            Employment insurance, C-244

Greenhouse gas emissions see Gasoline—Ethanol content; Nuclear weapons—And climate change

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) see Families—With children

Groundfish bottom trawling

            Moratorium, M-88 (Savoie)

GST see Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Gualtieri, Joanna see Whistleblowers—Guenette

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba see Khadr, Omar

Guarnieri, Hon. Albina (Lib.—Mississauga East—Cooksville)

            Sentences (convicted criminals), C-231

Guenette, John see Whistleblowers



Halfway houses see Women

Hamilton Mountain constituency see Government grants and contributions

Hamilton, ON see Government grants and contributions

Handicapped persons see Disabled and handicapped persons

Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) see Reading materials

Harper, Right Hon. Stephen (CPC—Calgary Southwest; Prime Minister)

            References see Conservative government (Harper)

Hate messages

            Telephone communications, Canadian Human Rights Act, section 13(1), M-153 (Martin, K.)

Hazardous materials see Asbestos; Depleted uranium (DU) weapons; Fire retardants; Nuclear weapons; Toxic waste sites

Head start programs see Child development

Head taxes see Chinesse Canadians; Immigrants; Immigration—Reform

Health and safety see Alcoholic beverage containers; Bottled water; Electromagnetic fields; Food—Labels; Food safety; Genetically modified organisms; Mobile homes; Occupational health and safety; Parents-to-Children Play Campaign; Physical activity; Physical fitness; Transgenic animals; Trans fats (trans fatty acids); Transmission towers (electricity pylons)

Health care see Aboriginal child health care; Canada Student Loans Program—Health professionals; Canadian Armed Forces; Caregiver Tax Credit; Caregivers; Centre for Best Health Care Practices; Colorectal cancer; Dental care; Drugs and pharmaceuticals; Homecare; Immigrants—Inadmissibility; Infectious disease; Lyme disease—Government measures; Medical residents; Occupational disease registry; Pandemic influenza; Prostate cancer

Health care workers

            Collective bargaining rights, British Columbia, Health and Social Services Delivery Improvement Act, Bill 29, Supreme Court of Canada decision, M-239 (Davies, L.)

See also Canada Student Loans Program—Health professionals

Health professionals see Canada Student Loans Program

Heraldry see Canada Coat of Arms

Herbicides see Pesticides and herbicides

Highways and roads

            British Columbia, federal funding, M-196 (Davies, L.)

            National Highway System, establishing, M-195 (Davies, L.)

Historic sites and monuments see Holocaust Monument; Military memorial sites


            Drug users, intravenous, M-183 (Davies, L.)

Patented antiretroviral medicines, costs/distribution, M-19 (Julian)

Holidays/commemorative days see Alzheimer’s disease; Community service; Da Costa, Mathieu (-1607); Elder Abuse Awareness Day; Farmer’s Day; Leif Erikson Day; Marriage—National Healthy Marriage Week; Parental Alienation Awareness Day; Seniors’ Day; Tartan Day; Tzu Chi Foundation; Ukrainian Famine (1932-1933)

Holland, Mark (Lib.—AjaxPickering)

            Cruelty to animals, C-229, C-230

Holocaust see Wallenburg, Raoul

Holocaust Monument

            National Capital Region location, establishing, C-238 (Neville)

Holocaust Monument Act

            C-238 (Neville)

Holodomor see Ukrainian Famine (1932-1933)

Home heating fuels

            Goods and Services Tax (GST) exemption, C-203 (Stoffer)


            Accessibility, guidelines, inclusion of chronic care, M-52 (Charlton)

Homosexuals see Yogyakarta Principles on the Application of International Human Rights Law in relation to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Hormones see Food—Labels

House of Commons

            Environmentally friendly designs, maintenance, and energy systems, integrating, M-30 (Julian)

            Representation see Proportional representation

            Sittings and Business of the House, Other Business No. 3

            Votes, electronic voting, implementing, M-170 (Martin, K.)


            Affordable housing, Goods and Services Tax (GST) exemption, M-182 (Davies, L.)

First home purchase, Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) borrowing, M-141 (Martin, K.)

            National strategy/Ministry of Housing, establishing, M-95 (Mathyssen)

            Rights, establishing

Definition, M-226 (Davies, L.)

Legislation, M-227 (Davies, L.)

Proper housing at reasonable cost and free of unreasonable barriers, C-224 (Stoffer)

            See also Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC); Condominiums; Mobile homes; Mortgages; Non-profit housing; Social housing

HST see Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)

Hugh MacPhie and Associates

            Government contracts, Q-31 (Mulcair)

Human Resources and Skills Development Department

            Name, change to include term “social development”, M-176 (Martin, T.)

Human rights

            Review, public hearings, M-156 (Martin, K.)

See also Afghanistan; Burma; Child labour; China; Chinese Canadians; Discrimination and racism; Drugs and pharmaceuticals—Access; Elder Abuse Awareness Day; Government procurement—Sustainable and ethical procurement policy; Hate messages; Health care workers—Collective bargaining rights; Housing; Indonesia; Iran; Khadr, Omar; Komagata Maru incident (1914); Pay equity; Permanent residents; Religious freedom; Ukrainian Famine (1932-1933); United Nations conventions and treaties; Yogyakarta Principles on the Application of International Human Rights Law in relation to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Humanitarian aid see Tzu Chi Foundation; Wallenburg, Raoul

Hydrogenation see Trans fats (trans fatty acids)



Iceland see Agreement on Agriculture between Canada and the Republic of Iceland

Iceland Tariff


Île-à-la-Crosse Residential School

            Survivors, compensation, Q-8 (Neville)

IMF see International Monetary Fund (IMF)


            Head tax/Right of Landing Fee (ROLF), abolition, M-21 (Julian)

            Inadmissibility, health grounds exception, provincial nominee programs, including, M-66 (Wasylycia-Leis)

            See also Chinese Canadians; Chinese railway labourers; Conscientious objectors; Environmental Immigrant and Refugee; Komagata Maru incident (1914); Permanent residents


Reform, domestic workers, full status/ head tax, abolition/refugees, grounds, including gender and sexual orientation persecution, M-210 (Davies, L.)

See also Environmental Immigrant and Refugee; Komagata Maru incident (1914); Permanent residents; Right of Permanent Residence Fee

Immigration Advocate Office

            Establishing, M-253 (Siksay)

Immigration and Refugee Protection Act

            Sections 9 and 76-87 see Security certificates—Abolition

            Section 38(2) see Immigrants—Inadmissibility

Impaired driving

            Blood alcohol level, 0.03%, exceeding, M-87 (Savoie)

Zero tolerance/penalties, M-17 (Julian)

            See also Alcoholic beverage containers

Imports see Depleted uranium (DU) weapons; Dog or cat fur products; Textbooks

Income see Low-income earners; Senior citizens

Income tax see Artists; Atlantic Fisheries Groundfish Retirement Package; Caregivers—Family caregivers; Charitable donations; Community service groups; Construction industry; Low-income earners; Not-for-profit organizations; Physical activity; Real estate; Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP); Specified investment flow-through partnerships (SIFT); Teachers; Tuition; Volunteer emergency workers; Volunteers

Income Tax Act

            C-212 (Stoffer)

            C-216 (Stoffer)

            C-222 (Stoffer)

            C-223 (Stoffer)

            C-225 (Stoffer)

            C-227 (Charlton)

            C-240 (Easter)

Income trusts see Specified investment flow-through partnerships (SIFT)

Indian Act

            Modernization/repeal, consultations, M-161 (Martin, K.)

Indian bands/reserves see Mobile homes; Oil and gas industry—First Nations lands

Indian Oil and Gas Act


Indian Residential Schools Settlement see Île-à-la-Crosse Residential School

Indigenous people see Aboriginal people

Indo-Canadians see Komagata Maru incident (1914)


            Ethnic Chinese, human rights violations, M-194 (Davies, L.)

Industry see Automobile industry; Construction industry; ‘Made in Canada’; Manufacturing industry; Mining industry; Oil and gas industry; Salmon fisheries industry; Tobacco industry

Infectious disease

            National strategy, implementing, M-64 (Wasylycia-Leis)

            See also Pandemic influenza

Influenza see Pandemic influenza

Information technology see House of Commons—Votes; Internet

Infrastructure see Building Canada Fund; Highways and roads

Insects see Mountain pine beetle

Insite see Safe Injection Site (SIS)

Interest rates see Medical residents

Interim release see Judicial interim release

International agreements see Agriculture; Canada-European Free Trade Association agreement; Convention on Cluster Munitions; International trade—Treaties; North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP); United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW); United Nations conventions and treaties

International Conference on LGBT Human Rights see Declaration of Montreal on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Rights

International development see Afghanistan

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

            Canadian funding, M-199 (Davies, L.)

International sanctions see Burma

International trade

            Treaties, agreements and investment policies, principles, M-32 (Julian)

Internet see Child pornography

Internet Child Pornography Prevention Act

            C-209 (Stoffer)

Inter-provincial trade barriers

                        Reduction, M-168 (Martin, K.)

Inuit see First Nations and Inuit Tobacco Control Strategy

Investment see Commodities and securities trading; Foreign investment; Government investment; International trade—Treaties; Real estate; Life Income Funds; Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP); Tobacco industry—Canada Pension Plan Investment Board

Investment tax credits

            Carry-forward, Ways and Means No. 1


            Human rights abuses/political prisoners, M-16 (Julian)



Jennings, Hon. Marlene (Lib.—Notre-Dame-de-Grâce—Lachine)

            Da Costa, Mathieu (-1607), M-84

Marriage, M-83

Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport, M-85

National Roundtables on Corporate Social Responsibility and the Canadian Extractive Industry in Developing Countries, M-86

JEPP see Joint Emergency Preparedness Program (JEPP)

Job losses see Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited

Job protection see Canadian Armed Forces—Reserves

Job Protection Commissioner

            Establishing, M-235 (Davies, L.)

Joint Emergency Preparedness Program (JEPP) see Firefighting equipment—Government funding

Jordan's Principle see Aboriginal child health care

Judaism see Holocaust Monument

Judicial interim release

            Serious crimes, repeal of judicial power to grant interim release, C-247 (Kramp)

Julian, Peter (NDP—BurnabyNew Westminster)

            Alcohol, Q-42

Alzheimer’s disease, M-11

            Automobile industry, M-41

            Burma, M-15

            Bus drivers and transit operators, M-34

Canadian symbolic and promotional materials, M-23

            China, M-44

Chinese railway labourers, M-22

Consumer loans, M-10

Dog or cat fur products, M-42

Drugs and pharmaceuticals, M-2

Education, post-secondary, M-14

Farmer’s Day, M-40

Fire retardants, M-26

            Forest industry, M-3

            Foundations, M-18

            Gasoline, M-27

            Government procurement, M-24

            HIV/AIDS, M-19

            House of Commons, M-30

            Immigrants, M-21

            Impaired driving, M-17

            International trade, M-32

            Iran, M-16

            Komagata Maru incident (1914), M-43

            Leif Erikson Day, M-25

            ‘Made in Canada’, M-8

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), M-38

            Nuclear Safety and Control Act, M-4

            Oil and gas industry, M-35

Old Age Security, M-1

Pet food, M-31

Physical fitness, M-7

Public transit, M-6

Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), M-36, M-39

Security certificates, M-12

Ski jumping, M-37

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, M-20

Tzu Chi Foundation, M-33

Vietnamese boat people, M-28

Wallenburg, Raoul, M-9

Water, M-5

Wheelchairs, M-29

World Health Organization (WHO), M-13

Written questions, Q-42

Justice system

            Sentencing, correction, and parole systems, independent review, M-143 (Martin, K.)

See also Auto theft—Judicial proceedings; Judicial interim release; National Parole Board; Parole; Police; Riel, Louis David; Security certificates; Sentences (convicted criminals); Supreme Court of Canada

Juvenile diabetes see Type 1 (Juvenile) diabetes



Karygiannis, Hon. Jim (Lib.—Scarborough—Agincourt)

Parental Alienation Awareness Day, M-267

Kennedy, Gerard (Lib.—Parkdale—High Park)

            Automobile industry, Supply Proceedings No. 2

Khadr, Omar

War crime/terrorism charges, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, detention, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Minister, June 3, 2008 question, security risk/human rights breaches, Q-23 (Cotler)

Komagata Maru incident (1914)

            Official apology, M-43 (Julian)

Kramp, Daryl (CPC—Prince Edward—Hastings)

            Calendar dates, C-245

Canadian Northwest Passage, M-67

Child sexual predators, C-246

Judicial interim release, C-247



Labels see Packaging and labelling

Labour force

            Fair wages and working standards, M-81 (Martin, T.)

See also Child labour; Chinese railway labourers

Labour relations see Health care workers—Collective bargaining rights; Job Protection Commissioner; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)—Collective bargaining rights

Labour unions see Health care workers—Collective bargaining rights

Lakes see Toxic waste sites

Landmines see Claymore munitions

Laws see Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act; Canadian Human Rights Act; Exclusion laws; Indian Act

Leap year see Community service

Leases see Oil and gas industry—First Nations lands

Legal fees see Whistleblowers—Guenette

Legislation see Cycling; Housing—Rights; Life-work balance; Pay equity

Leif Erikson Day

First European exploraton of North America/contributions of Scandinavian peoples, October 9th, commemorating, M-25 (Julian)

LGBT see Declaration of Montreal on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Rights

Liberal Party see Social housing

Life Income Funds

            Regulation, M-172 (Martin, K.)

Life-work balance

            Choices, regulations/legislation, introducing, M-94 (Mathyssen)

Limits of Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields see Electromagnetic fields

Literacy see Books and pamphlets; Reading materials

Local Community Arts and Artists Sustainability Fund see Artists

Log exports see Forest industry—Raw log exports

Long-term residential care facilities see Caregivers—Live-in relative

Louis Riel Act

            C-248 (Martin, Pat)

Low-income earners

            Income tax-free supplement, M-121 (Martin, K.)

            See also Financial services; Mortgages

Loyalty see Oaths of Office

Lyme disease

                        Government measues, Q-7 (Wasylycia-Leis)



‘Made in Canada’

            Economic importance, manufacturing, natural resources processing, services and arts sectors, M-8 (Julian)

See also Canadian symbolic and promotional materials; Postage stamps

Malhi, Hon. Gurbax (Lib.—Bramalea—Gore—Malton)

Visa bonds, M-175

Mandatory retirement see Retirement

Manufacturing industry

            Special committee, establishing, M-78 (Masse)

See also ‘Made in Canada’

Marine protected areas see Arctic waters—Definition; Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area (PNCIMA)

Marine transportation see Arctic waters; BC Ferries; Canadian Arctic Passage; Canadian Northwest Passage; Cruise ships

Marketing see 5 Wing Goose Bay


            National Healthy Marriage Week, February 7 to 14, establishing, M-83 (Jennings)

            See also Survivor benefits; Veterans’ benefits/pensions

Martin, Hon. Keith (Lib.—Esquimalt—Juan de Fuca)

            Afghanistan, M-154

BC Ferries, M-148

Boards of eduction, M-147

Cadets Canada, M-164

Canada Student Loans Program, M-157

Canadian Armed Forces, M-125, M-129, M-137, M-138, M-139, M-166

Centre for Best Health Care Practices, M-122

Charitable donations, M-162

Child development, M-165

Cluster bombs, M-132

Colorectal cancer, M-133

Commodities and securities trading, M-163

Convention on Cluster Munitions, M-167

Darfur (Sudan), M-118, M-151

Disabled and handicapped persons, M-158

Electromagnetic fields, M-160

First Nations, M-159, M-169

Gasoline taxes, M-146, M-149

Hate messages, M-153

House of Commons, M-170

Housing, M-141

Human rights, M-156

Indian Act, M-161

Inter-provincial trade barriers, M-168

Justice system, M-143

Life Income Funds, M-172

            Low-income earners, M-121

            Mobile homes, M-130

            Mugabe, Robert, M-119

            Orphans, M-126

            Parents-to-Children Play Campaign, M-127

            Parole, M-144

            Passports, M-120

            Police, M-142

            Post-traumatic stress disorder, M-150

            Prostate cancer, M-134

            Prostitution, M-136

            Real estate, M-140

            Retirement, M-135

            Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), M-145

            Textbooks, M-171

            Tobacco industry, M-152

            Transmission towers (electricity pylons), M-155

            Tuition, M-123

            Type 1 (Juvenile) diabetes, M-124

            Veterans Charter, M-173

            Volunteer emergency workers, M-128

            Wildlife, M-131

Martin, Pat (NDP—Winnipeg Centre)

            Aboriginal child health care, C-249

Artists, M-109

Asbestos, M-102, M-242

            Auto theft, M-104

            Canada Water Export Prohibition Act, C-250

Child poverty, M-106

            Employment Insurance Board of Referees, Q-25

First Nations Children’s Health Protection Act, C-249

            Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department, M-107

            Louis Riel Act, C-248

            Oaths of Office, M-103

            One cent coin, C-252

            Phosphates/phosphorus, M-105

            Postal service, C-253

            Riel, Louis David, C-248

Trans fats (trans fatty acids), C-251

            Veterans’ benefits/pensions, M-108

            Water, C-250

            Written questions, Q-25

Martin, Tony (NDP—Sault Ste. Marie)

            Human Resources and Skills Development Department, M-176

Labour force, M-81

Occupational disease registry, C-235




Sault Ste. Marie constituency, C-236

            Social programs, M-80

            Written questions, Q-43

Masse, Brian (NDP—Windsor West)

            Bridges and tunnels, M-75

Canada Pension Plan (CPP), M-68

            Foreign investment, M-69

            Manufacturing industry, M-78

Not-for-profit organizations, M-77

Passports, M-70, M-72, M-76

            Petroleum monitoring agency, M-71

            Privacy, M-73

            Windsor-Essex Border Development and Protection Authority, M-74

Mathieu Da Costa Day see Da Costa, Mathieu (-1607)

Mathyssen, Irene (NDP—London—Fanshawe)

            Fires, M-96

            Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, M-98

Housing, M-95

Life-work balance, M-94

Pay equity, M-93

Proportional representation, M-97

Reading materials, M-99

Senate, M-101

Teachers, M-100

United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), M-92

Women, M-91

McCallum, Hon. John (Lib.—Markham—Unionville)

            Economic and Fiscal Statement (November 27, 2008), Supply Proceedings No. 2

Meal and beverage expenses see Alcohol—Government hospitality expenditures

Meat see Food—Labels

Medals see Awards, decorations, medals

Medical devices and equipment see Wheelchairs

Medical doctors see Canada Student Loans Program—Health professionals

Medical expenses see Caregivers—Family caregivers

Medical research see Type 1 (Juvenile) diabetes

Medical residents

            Canada Student Loans Program, interest relief and debt repayment postponement, M-56 (Wasylycia-Leis)

            See also Canada Student Loans Program—Health professionals

Members of Parliament

            Party affiliation, change/floor-crossing, by-election,  C-202 (Stoffer)

See also Oaths of Office

Membership dues see Community service groups

Mergers and acquisitions

            Capital gains tax/foreign exchange rates, Ways and Means No. 1

Métis see Riel, Louis David

Metric system see Calendar dates

Migratory birds see Oil spills—Wildlife; Wildlife

Military equipment see Depleted uranium (DU) weapons

Military memorial sites

            Overseas, high school student visits, financial assistance, C-226 (Stoffer)

Mining industry see Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation; National Roundtables on Corporate Social Responsibility and the Canadian Extractive Industry in Developing Countries; Toxic waste sites

Mobile homes

            Indian reserves, owner rights/health and safety standards, M-130 (Martin, K.)

Money see One cent coin


            Consul office, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department establishing, M-116 (Bagnell)

Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport

            Night flights, suspension, M-85 (Jennings)

Montreal, QC see Declaration of Montreal on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Rights


Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) purchase of $75 billion in mortgage securities, Q-32 (Mulcair)

            Financial institutions, disclosure, M-206 (Davies, L.)

            Low-income individuals, credit worthiness, debt-to-income rule, M-207 (Davies, L.)

Motor vehicles see Auto theft; Automobiles/motor vehicles

Mountain pine beetle

            Government expenditures, Q-36 (Murray)

See also Forest industry—British Columbia

Mugabe, Robert

            Zimbabwe President, crimes against humanity, indictment, M-119 (Martin, K.)

Mulcair, Thomas (NDP—Outremont)

            Fiscal policy, Q-30

            Hugh MacPhie and Associates, Q-31

            Mortgages, Q-32

            Written questions, Q-30, Q-31, Q-32

Multiculturalism see Da Costa, Mathieu (-1607); Filipino Canadians; Leif Erikson Day; Tartan Day

Municipalities see Aboriginal people—Urban areas; Building Canada Fund; Gasoline taxes

Murder see Peace officers—Assault; Sentences (convicted criminals)—Multiple murderers

Murphy, Hon. Shawn (Lib.—Charlottetown)

            Airports, Q-34

            Written questions, Q-34

Murray, Joyce (Lib.—Vancouver Quadra)

            Government grants and contributions, Q-37

            Mountain pine beetle, Q-36

            Written questions, Q-36, Q-37



NAFTA see North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

National Capital Act

            C-207 (Dewar)

National Capital Commission (NCC)

            Appointments/meetings, C-207 (Dewar)

National Capital Region see Government buildings and properties—Square footage usage; Holocaust Monument; Public Service

National Crime Prevention Centre

            Funding, M-236 (Davies, L.)

National Defence Department (DND) see 5 Wing Goose Bay

National Ecosystems Council of Canada

            Establishing, C-239 (Neville)

National Ecosystems Council of Canada Act

            C-239 (Neville)

National Parental Alienation Awareness Day see Parental Alienation Awareness Day

National Parole Board

            Aboriginal representation/cultural responsiveness, Q-9 (Neville)

National Roundtables on Corporate Social Responsibility and the Canadian Extractive Industry in Developing Countries

            Report, implementation, M-86 (Jennings)

National security see Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP); Security certificates

National sovereignty see Arctic sovereignty

National standards see Education, post-secondary—Funding; Non-profit housing; Social programs; Welfare; Wheelchairs

National symbols see Canada Coat of Arms

Natural gas see Oil and gas industry

Natural resources see ‘Made in Canada’

NCC see National Capital Commission (NCC)

Neville, Hon. Anita (Lib.—Winnipeg South Centre)

            Auto theft, C-237

Employment insurance, M-82

Holocaust Monument, C-238

            Île-à-la-Crosse Residential School, Q-8

National Ecosystems Council of Canada, C-239

            National Parole Board, Q-9

            Written questions, Q-8, Q-9

Noise see Air transportation—Night flights; Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport

Non-profit housing

            National standards, M-198 (Davies, L.)

Non-profit organizations see Not-for-profit corporations; Not-for-profit organizations

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

            Renegotiation, M-38 (Julian)

Northwest Passage see Canadian Arctic Passage; Canadian Northwest Passage

Northwest Territories see Paramount Resources Ltd.

Norway see Agreement on Agriculture between Canada and the Kingdom of Norway

Norway Tariff


Not-for-profit corporations

            Governance, C-4

Not-for-profit organizations

            Charitable purpose, volunteers, income tax deduction, M-77 (Masse)

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

            Canada, recommitment, M-261 (Siksay)

Nuclear Safety and Control Act

            Ministerial responsibility, designation of Environment Minister, M-4 (Julian)

Nuclear weapons

            And climate change, Doomsday Clock, government response, M-262 (Siksay)

            Ban, M-260 (Siksay)

            See also Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

Numeric dates see Calendar dates

Nurses see Canada Student Loans Program—Health professionals

Nursing homes see Caregiver Tax Credit; Long-term residential care facilities

Nutrition see Trans fats (trans fatty acids)



Oaths of Office


            Members of Parliament, oath or solemn affirmation of loyalty to Canada, M-103 (Martin, Pat)

Occupational disease registry

            Establishing, C-235 (Martin, T.)

Occupational health and safety see Asbestos; Life-work balance; Occupational disease registry; Public safety officers—Death or permanent disability; Workplace

Oceans see Arctic waters; Canada Coat of Arms; Canadian Northwest Passage

Office of the Immigration Advocate see Immigration Advocate Office

Official languages policy/bilingualism see Supreme Court of Canada

Oil and gas industry

            First Nations lands, regulation, licences, permits and leases, environmental protection, royalties, C-5

            National strategic oil reserve, establishing, M-35 (Julian)

            See also Gasoline; Gasoline and diesel prices; National Roundtables on Corporate Social Responsibility and the Canadian Extractive Industry in Developing Countries; Paramount Resources Ltd.; Petroleum monitoring agency

Oil spills

            Wildlife affected, including migratory birds and endangered species; capture, cleaning and rehabilitation process, M-258 (Siksay)

Old Age Security

            Eligibility/ten-year waiting period, M-1 (Julian)

            Residency requirement, M-233 (Davies, L.)

Olympics and Paralympics, 2010 Winter Games (Vancouver) see Arts and culture—British Columbia; Ski jumping

Ombudsmen see Immigration Advocate Office

One cent coin

            Elimination, C-252 (Martin, Pat)

Opposition parties see Economic and Fiscal Statement (November 27, 2008)

Orders in Council

            P.C. 1946-3264 see Veterans' benefits/pensions


            Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) role, M-126 (Martin, K.)

Ottawa, ON see Government buildings and properties—Square footage usage; Public Service—National Capital Region

Ottawa River

            Environmental protection regulations, M-178 (Dewar)

Ouellet, Christian (BQ—Brome—Missisquoi)

            Employment insurance, C-241

Outaouais region see Government buildings and properties—Square footage usage; Public Service—National Capital Region

Outgames Montreal 2006 see Declaration of Montreal on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Rights



Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area (PNCIMA)


            Process/mandate, M-266 (Siksay)

Pacific Ocean see Canadian Northwest Passage

Packaging and labelling see Alcoholic beverage containers; Child labour; Food

Pamphlets see Books and pamphlets

Pandemic influenza

            Businesses, preparations/legal duties, Q-47 (Duncan, K.)

            Government measures, Q-44 (Duncan, K.)

            Vaccines, Tamiflu stockpiles

Q-45 (Duncan, K.)

Q-46 (Duncan, K.)

Paramount Resources Ltd.

Oil and gas licenses, Cameron Hills region, Northwest Territories, aboriginal people benefits agreement, Q-12 (Bevington)

Parental Alienation Awareness Day

            April 25th, establishing, M-267 (Karygiannis)

Parents-to-Children Play Campaign

            Physical activity promotion, establishing, M-127 (Martin, K.)

Parliament of Canada Act

            C-202 (Stoffer)

Parliamentary Precinct see House of Commons—Environmentally friendly designs

Parliamentary review see Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP)


            And early release, criteria, M-144 (Martin, K.)

See also Justice system—Sentencing; National Parole Board; Peace officers—Assault; Sentences (convicted criminals—Multiple murderers

Passport Fees Regulations

            C-213 (Stoffer)


            Lifespan, increase from five to ten years, M-120 (Martin, K.)

Processing fees

                        Costs, M-76 (Masse)

                        Senior citizens, half-price passports, availability, M-72 (Masse)

Veterans, free passports, availability, M-70 (Masse)

                        Veterans, Royal Canadian Mounted Police members and spouses or common-law partners, free                            passports/seniors, 50% discount, C-213 (Stoffer)

Patents see HIV/AIDS

Pay equity

            Legislation/human rights approach, M-93 (Mathyssen)

See also Labour force—Fair wages

PBDEs see Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs)

Peace Department see Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department

Peace officers

            Assault or murder, penalties/parole, C-221 (Stoffer)

            See also Police

Pedophiles see Child sexual predators

Penitentiary inmates see Parole

Penny see One cent coin


            Defined benefit pension plans, formal statement of pension funding policy, M-46 (Charlton)

            See also Canada Pension Plan (CPP); Life Income Funds; Survivor benefits; Veterans’ benefits/pensions

Permanent residents

            Humanitarian or compassionate grounds, moratoria countries, regulator class, adopting, M-257 (Siksay)

See also Right of Permanent Residence Fee

Pesticides and herbicides see Food—Labels

Pet food

            Regulation, M-31 (Julian)

Petroleum monitoring agency

            Establishing, M-71 (Masse)

Petroleum products see Gasoline

Pharmaceuticals see Drugs and pharmaceuticals

Philippines see Filipino Canadians


            Environmental impact/regulation, M-105 (Martin, Pat)

See also Dishwasher detergent

Physical activity

            And amateur sport, fees, income tax deduction, C-222 (Stoffer)

See also Child fitness tax credit; Parents-to-Children Play Campaign

Physical fitness

            National fitness initiative, introducing, M-7 (Julian)

            See also Child fitness tax credit; Parents-to-Children Play Campaign

Physicians see Medical residents

Pine beetle see Mountain pine beetle

Plants see Genetically modified plants

PNCIMA see Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area (PNCIMA)


            Staffing, financial resources to hire 2,500 police officers across the country, M-142 (Martin, K.)

            Vancouver, BC, Downtown Eastside neighbourhood, policing methods, inquiry, M-225 (Davies, L.)

            See also Awards, decorations, medals; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP); World Police and Firefighters Games, Burnaby, 2009

Political parties see Charitable donations; Members of Parliament—Party affiliation; Opposition parties

Political prisoners see Iran—Human rights abuses

Pollution see Arctic waters—Definition—Vessels; Cruise ships; Dishwasher detergent; Oil spills; Toxic waste sites

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) see Fire retardants

Pornography see Child pornography

Post-traumatic stress disorder

            Canadian Armed Forces members, assessment, M-150 (Martin, K.)

Postage stamps

            Country of printing, requirement to print within Canada, M-231 (Davies, L.)

See also Wallenburg, Raoul

Postal service

            Canadian Forces member serving outside Canada, free postage, C-253 (Martin, Pat)

Poultry see Food—Labels


            Combatting, M-79 (Martin, T.)

            Reduction, Goods and Services Tax (GST) cuts/Universal Child Care Benefit, impact, Q-43 (Martin, T.)

            See also Child poverty

Pregnancy see Alcoholic beverage containers

Preston, NS see Sackville—Eastern Shore constituency

Prisoners see Political prisoners

Prisoners of war see Afghanistan—Canadian Armed Forces


            Public and private sector, outsourcing of work, privacy concerns, M-73 (Masse)

Private foundations

            Corporate holdings, Ways and Means No. 1

Private sector see Automated teller machines (ATMs); Privacy

Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee

            Membership, Business Respecting Committees—Standing Committees

Reports, Business Respecting Committees—Standing Committees

Promotional materials see Canadian symbolic and promotional materials

Property rights see Mobile homes

Proportional representation

            All-party committee/referendum, M-97 (Mathyssen)

Prostate cancer

            National strategy/screening, M-134 (Martin, K.)


            Legalization and regulation, M-136 (Martin, K.)

Proulx, Marcel (Lib.—Hull—Aylmer)

            Government buildings and properties, Q-11

Public Service, Q-10

            Written questions, Q-10, Q-11

Provinces see Immigrants—Inadmissibility

Public inquiries see Human rights—Review; Police—Vancouver, BC; Transmission towers (electricity pylons)

Public safety officers

            Death or permanent disability in line duty, survivor compensation fund, establishing, M-188 (Davies, L.)

See also Firefighters; Police

Public school districts

            Goods and Services Tax (GST) exemption, M-232 (Davies, L.)

            See also Boards of education

Public Service

            National Capital Region, Ottawa/Outaouais regions, employees, Q-10 (Proulx)

            See also Whistleblowers

Public transit

            National strategy, establishing, M-6 (Julian)

            See also Bus drivers and transit operators

Public transit tax credit see Fiscal policy



Quality of life see Life-work balance

Quebec see Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)



Racism see Discrimination and racism

Rail transportation see Chinese railway labourers

Rape see Sexual assault

RCMP see Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

RDSP see Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)

Reading materials

            Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), elimination, M-99 (Mathyssen)

Real estate

            Investments, capital gains/capital costs, tax treatment, M-140 (Martin, K.)

            See also Asbestos—Vermiculite insulation; Government buildings and properties; Mortgages

Referendums see Proportional representation—All-party committee

Refugee Appeal Division

            Implementation, M-251 (Siksay)

Refugees see Environmental Immigrant and Refugee; Immigration—Reform; Vietnamese boat people

Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)

            Administrative mechanisms, Q-39 (Sgro)      

Registered Income Funds see Life Income Funds

Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs)

            Withdrawals, minimum amount, Ways and Means No. 1

Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) see Housing—First home purchase

Regulation see Arctic waters—Vessels; Automated teller machines (ATMs); Bottled water; Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs); Commodities and securities trading; Consumer loans; Cruise ships; Drug trafficking; Life Income Funds; Life-work balance; Oil and gas industry—First Nations lands; Ottawa River; Passport Fees Regulations; Pet food; Phosphates/phosphorus; Prostitution

Religious freedom

            Government measures, Q-41 (Sgro)

Replacement workers see Labour force—Fair wages

Research and development see Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation; Genetically modified organisms; Medical research

Resolutions of the House see Violence against women


            Mandatory retirement, elimination, M-135 (Martin, K.)

See also Atlantic Fisheries Groundfish Retirement Package; Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs);

Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP); Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

Riel, Louis David

            Role in advancement of Confederation and rights and interests of Métis people and the people of Western             Canada/reversal of treason conviction, C-248 (Martin, Pat)

Right of Landing Fee (ROLF) see Immigrants—Head tax

Right of Permanent Residence Fee

Elimination, M-255 (Siksay)

Rivers see Ottawa River

Roads see Highways and roads

ROLF see Right of Landing Fee (ROLF)

Romania see Visitor visas—Bulgaria

Roundtables see National Roundtables on Corporate Social Responsibility and the Canadian Extractive Industry in Developing Countries

Royal Canadian Mint Act


Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

            Collective bargaining rights and third party arbitration, M-145 (Martin, K.)

            Quebec detachments, closure, Q-13 (Bonsant)

Retirees, Veterans Independence Program, eligibility, M-112 (Casey)

See also Awards, decorations, medals; Canada Pension Plan (CPP)—Clawback; Passports—Processing fees, Survivor benefits; Veterans

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act

            C-201 (Stoffer)

            C-218 (Stoffer)

Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (Erasmus-Dussault) Report see Aboriginal people—Urban areas

Royalties see Oil and gas industry—First Nations lands

RRIFs see Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs)

RRSP see Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)

Russell, Todd Norman (Lib.—Labrador)

5 Wing Goose Bay, Q-29

Atlantic Fisheries Groundfish Retirement Package, Q-27

Building Canada Fund, Q-28

Written questions, Q-27, Q-28, Q-29



Sackville—Eastern Shore constituency

            Name, change to Sackville—Preston—Eastern shore, C-215 (Stoffer)

Safe Injection Site (SIS)

            Recognition/ministerial exemption, M-237 (Davies, L.)

Safety see Airports—Firefighters; Cycling; Fire retardants

Sale of Medals Prohibition Act

            C-208 (Stoffer)

Salmon fisheries industry

            British Columbia, government measures

Q-16 (Fry)

Q-22 (Fry)

Sanctions see Burma

Sault Ste. Marie constituency

            Name, change to Sault Ste. Marie—Algoma, C-236 (Martin, T.)

Savoie, Denise (NDP—Victoria; Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole)

            Canada Access Grants, M-90

Cruise ships, M-89

Groundfish bottom trawling, M-88

Impaired driving, M-87

Scandanavian Canadians see Leif Erikson Day

Scarpaleggia, Francis (Lib.—Lac-Saint-Louis)

Canada Water Preservation Act, C-228

Water, C-228

Scotland see Tartan Day

Securities see Commodities and securities trading

Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP)

            Review/public debate, M-39 (Julian)

Working groups, reports to Parliament, M-36 (Julian)

Security certificates

            Abolition, M-252 (Siksay)

            Government use, M-12 (Julian)


            Abolition, M-101 (Mathyssen)

Senior citizens

            Income needs, annual review, M-45 (Charlton)

            Income security, guarantee, M-49 (Charlton)

See also Caregivers—Live-in relative; Elder Abuse Awareness Day; Employment insurance—Premiums; Homecare; Old Age Security; Passports—Processing fees, Veterans; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)—Retirees; Veterans’ benefits/pensions

Seniors’ Day

            First Sunday of February, establishing, C-211 (Stoffer)

Seniors’ Day Act

            C-211 (Stoffer)

Seniors ministry

            Establishing, M-48 (Charlton)

Sentences (convicted criminals)

            Multiple murderers and rapists, concurrent sentences, replacing with consecutive/cumulative sentences and parole ineligibility, C-231 (Guarnieri)

See also Bus drivers and transit operators—Assault; Child sexual predators; Cruelty to animals—Offences/penalties; Impaired driving—Zero tolerance; Justice system; Peace officers—Assault

Service industry see ‘Made in Canada’

Sexual assault see Child sexual predators; Sentences (convicted crimnals)—Multiple murderers

Sexual offenders see Child sexual predators

Sexual orientation see Declaration of Montreal on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Rights; Immigration—Reform; Yogyakarta Principles on the Application of International Human Rights Law in relation to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Sexual predators see Child sexual predators

Sgro, Hon. Judy (Lib.—York West)

            Gasoline and diesel prices, Q-40

Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), Q-39

Religious freedom, Q-41

Written questions, Q-39, Q-40, Q-41

Ship source pollution see Arctic waters—Vessels

Ships see Arctic waters—Vessels; Cruise ships

SIFT see Specified investment flow-through partnerships (SIFT)

Siksay, Bill (NDP—BurnabyDouglas)

            Citizenship, M-254

Conscientious objectors, M-250

Cycling, M-264

Declaration of Montreal on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Rights, M-256

            Immigration Advocate Office, M-253

            Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, M-261

            Nuclear weapons, M-260, M-262

            Oil spills, M-258

Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area (PNCIMA), M-266

            Permanent residents, M-257

            Refugee Appeal Division, M-251

            Right of Permanent Residence Fee, M-255

            Security certificates, M-252

Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare, M-265

World Police and Firefighters Games, Burnaby, 2009, M-259

Yogyakarta Principles on the Application of International Human Rights Law in relation to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, M-263

SIS see Safe Injection Site (SIS)

Ski jumping

            Women’s ski jumping, 2010 Vancouver-Whistler Olympic Games event, M-37 (Julian)

Skills training see Foreign credentials

Slaughterhouses see Food—Labels

Smoking see First Nations and Inuit Tobacco Control Strategy

Social conditions see Discrimination and racism

Social housing

Liberal Caucus Task Force Report (1990), "Finding Room: Housing Solutions for the Future", M-197 (Davies, L.)

Social programs

            Government funding, federal/provincial/territorial contributions, M-80 (Martin, T.)

            National standards, M-184 (Davies, L.)

            See also Life-work balance; Welfare; Women—Halfway houses

Souvenirs see Canadian symbolic and promotional materials

Sovereignty see Actic sovereignty

Speaker see Chair occupants

Specified investment flow-through partnerships (SIFT)

            Converstion into corporations/taxation, Ways and Means No. 1

Sport see Physical activity; Ski jumping; World Police and Firefighters Games, Burnaby, 2009

Spouses see Passports—Processing fees, Survivor benefits; Veterans’ benefits/pensions

SPP see Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP)

Standing Orders

            S.O. 104 and 108 see Committees, Standing—Membership/mandate

Stoffer, Peter (NDP—Sackville—Eastern Shore)

            Assistance to Students Visiting Military Memorial Sites Abroad Act, C-226

Awards, decorations, medals, C-208 (Stoffer)

Canada Pension Plan (CPP), C-201

Caregivers, C-212, C-225

Child pornography, C-209

Community service groups, C-223

Compassionate care leave, C-217

Funerals, C-220

            Home heating fuels, C-203

            Housing, C-224

Internet Child Pornography Prevention Act, C-209

            Members of Parliament, C-202

            Military memorial sites, C-226

            Passports, C-213

            Peace officers, C-221

            Physical activity, C-222

            Sackville—Eastern Shore constituency, C-215

Sale of Medals Prohibition Act, C-208

Seniors’ Day, C-211

Survivor benefits, C-218

Tartan Day, C-214

Toxic waste sites, C-219

Veterans’ benefits/pensions, C-210

Volunteers, C-216

Student loans see Canada Student Loans Program; Medical residents


Businesses, Canadian government departments and agencies, investments, deposits, purchases and procurements, C-204 (Cotler)

See also Darfur (Sudan)

Sudan Accountability Act

            C-204 (Cotler)

Sudbury, ON see Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation


            Consideration of Business of Supply, Supply Proceedings No. 1

Supply days see Allotted days

Supply motions

            Automobile industry

            Government measures, impact of United States action, analysis, Supply Proceedings No. 2 (Kennedy)

Economic and Fiscal Statement (November 27, 2008)

                        Revision, inclusion of opposition parties’ policies and priorities, Supply Proceedings No. 2 (McCallum)

            Economic conditions

Conservative government failure to plan/alternative government, Supply Proceedings No. 2 (Dion)

Conservative government failure to put forward concrete measures, Supply Proceedings No. 2 (Duceppe)

Government assets

Disposal, criteria, Supply Proceedings No. 2 (Brison)

Supreme Court Act

            C-232 (Godin)

Supreme Court of Canada

            Judges, duty to understand official languages, C-232 (Godin)

See also Health care workers—Collective bargaining rights

Survivor benefits

Canadian Armed Forces and Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), increase from 50% to 60%, C-218 (Stoffer)

See also Public safety officers—Death or permanent disability; Veterans’ benefits/pensions

Sustainable development see Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area (PNCIMA)

Switzerland see Agreement on Agriculture between Canada and the Swiss Confederation

Switzerland-Liechtenstein Tariff



Symbols see Canada Coat of Arms; Canadian symbolic and promotional materials



Taiwan see Tzu Chi Foundation; World Health Organization (WHO)

Talbotville, ON see Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited

Tartan Day

            Scottish independence declaration/Scots Canadians, commemoration, April 6 national day, C-214 (Stoffer)

Tartan Day Act

            C-214 (Stoffer)

Tax credits see Caregiver Tax Credit; Caregivers—Live-in relative; Community service groups; Disability Tax Credit; Fiscal policy; Investment tax credits

Tax havens see Fiscal policy

Taxation see Car sharing co-operatives and programs; Fiscal policy; Gasoline taxes; Goods and Services Tax (GST); Head taxes


            Monies spent to support work as educators, income tax treatment, M-100 (Mathyssen)

Telecommunications see Hate messages

Telephones see Hate messages

Temporary Resident Visas see Visitor Visas

Terminal illness see Canada Pension Plan (CPP)—Disability benefits

Terrorism see Khadr, Omar


            Import tariff, Copyright Act removal for post-secondary education, M-171

Theft see Auto theft

Thibeault, Glenn (NDP—Sudbury)

            Centre for Excellence in Mining Innovation, M-248

Throne Speech see Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne

Tick-borne disease see Lyme disease

Tobacco industry

            Canada Pension Plan Investment Board investment holdings, prohibition, M-57 (Wasylycia-Leis)

            Illegal manufacturers, government measures, M-152 (Martin, K.)

Tobacco products see First Nations and Inuit Tobacco Control Strategy

Toronto, ON see Air transportation—Night flights

Tourism see Cruise ships

Toxic substances see Fire retardants

Toxic waste sites

            Lakes, use for deposits prohibited, C-219 (Stoffer)

Trade see Dog or cat fur products; International trade; Inter-provincial trade barriers; Mongolia; North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP); TransFair Canada licensed coffee

Tradespeople see Construction industry

Training programs see Apprentices; Foreign credentials

Trans-Canada Highway see BC Ferries

Trans fats (trans fatty acids)

            Ban, C-251 (Martin, Pat)

TransFair Canada licensed coffee

            Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) providing, M-234 (Davies, L.)

Transgenic animals

            Approval/testing, M-219 (Davies, L.)

            See also Genetically modified fish

Transgenic organisms


                        Criteria, “substantial equivalence” decision threshold, replacing, M-215 (Davies, L.)

                        Expert scientific community, consultation, M-216 (Davies, L.)

            See also Food biotechnology; Genetically modified fish; Genetically modified food

Transit operators see Bus drivers and transit operators

Transition programs see Women—Halfway houses

Transmission towers (electricity pylons)

                        Health effects, public hearings, M-155 (Martin, K.)

                        See also Electromagnetic fields

Transport, Infrastructure and Communities Standing Committee see Cycling

Transportation see Air transportation; Airport authorities; BC Ferries; Bridges and tunnels; Bus drivers and transit operators; Car sharing co-operatives and programs; Cycling; Highways and roads; Marine transportation; Public transit; Rail transportation

Travel expenses see Construction industry; Government contracts

Trawlers see Groundfish bottom trawling

Treason see Riel, Louis David

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

            Guidelines, review, standing committee, appointing, M-20 (Julian)

            See also Government contracts

Treaties see International trade; Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty; United Nations conventions and treaties


            Government grants, non-taxable income, M-123 (Martin, K.)

Tunnels see Bridges and tunnels

Type 1 (Juvenile) diabetes

            Research funding, M-124 (Martin, K.)

Tzu Chi Foundation

            Humanitarian efforts/May 13 as Tzu Chi Day in Canada, M-33 (Julian)



Ukrainian Famine (1932-1933)

            Genocide, recognition/commemoration, M-53 (Wasylycia-Leis)

UN see United Nations (UN)

UNAMID see African Union/United Nations hybrid force (UNAMID)

Unemployment see Employment insurance—Benefit period

Unemployment Insurance Act see Employment Insurance Act—Title

United Nations (UN) see Darfur (Sudan); Drugs (narcotic)

United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

            Government commitment, M-92 (Mathyssen)

United Nations conventions and treaties

            Ratification, federal-provincial-territorial endorsement, Q-1 (Wasylycia-Leis)

United States see Automobile industry—Government measures; Canada-United States relations

Universal Child Care Benefit see Poverty—Reduction

Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare

            Endorsation/promotion, M-265 (Siksay)

Uranium see Depleted uranium (DU) weapons

User fees see Passports—Processing fees



Vancouver, BC see Condominiums; Olympics and Paralympics, 2010 Winter Games (Vancouver); Police; Safe Injection Site (SIS)

Vancouver Quadra constituency see Government grants and contributions

Vermiculite insulation see Asbestos

Veterans see Governor General’s Volunteer Service Medal; Military memorial sites; Passports—Processing fees

Veterans’ benefits/pensions

            Benefits denied to veterans without discharge papers, Order in Council 1946-3264, M-108 (Martin, Pat)

            Survivor benefits, marriage or conjugal relationship after age 60, C-210 (Stoffer)

            See also Canada Pension Plan (CPP)—Clawback; Survivor benefits

Veterans Charter

            Review, care for injured Canadian Forces Members, M-173 (Martin, K.)

Veterans Independence Program see Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

Victoria, BC see Canadian Armed Forces—Health care, Centre for Excellence in Health

Vietnamese boat people

Refugees, "country of asylum class" recognition, M-28 (Julian)

Vikings see Leif Erikson Day

Violence against women

            Front-line, independent, feminist, women-controlled groups, funding, M-211 (Davies, L.)

            Prevention strategy, Resolution, Other Business No. 4

Visa bonds

            Guidelines/applicability, M-175 (Malhi)

Visas see Visitor visas

Visitor visas

            Bulgaria and Romania, lifting requirement, M-246 (Wrzesnewskyj)

            Croatia nationals, six month requirement, M-247 (Wrzesnewskyj)

Volunteer emergency workers

            Income tax deduction

                        C-240 (Easter)

M-128 (Martin, K.)


            Income tax deduction, minimum of 250 hours of volunteer service, C-216 (Stoffer)

See also Community service; Community service groups; Not-for-profit organizations

Voting see House of Commons



Wages and salaries see Labour force—Fair wages; Pay equity

Wallenburg, Raoul

            Honorary Canadian citizen, commemorative postage stamp, M-9 (Julian)

War see Conscientious objectors; World War II

War memorials and cenotaphs see Military memorial sites

Wasylycia-Leis, Judy (NDP—Winnipeg North)

            Alcoholic beverage containers, M-58, M-62

Automated teller machines (ATMs), M-55

Canada Pension Plan (CPP), M-63

Compassionate care leave, M-59

Disability Tax Credit, M-65

Dishwasher detergent, M-61

Filipino Canadians, M-54

First Nations and Inuit Tobacco Control Strategy, Q-6

Funerals, M-60

Immigrants, M-66

Infectious disease, M-64

Lyme disease, Q-7

Medical residents, M-56

Tobacco industry, M-57

Ukrainian Famine (1932-1933), M-53

United Nations conventions and treaties, Q-1

Written questions, Q-1, Q-6, Q-7


            Bulk water exports, interbasin transfer ban

C-228 (Scarpaleggia)

C-250 (Martin, Pat)

Policy, developing, M-5 (Julian)

            See also Arctic waters; Bottled water; National Ecosystems Council of Canada; Oil spills; Toxic waste sites

Weapons see Claymore munitions; Cluster bombs; Depleted uranium (DU) weapons; Nuclear weapons

Weapons of mass destruction see Nuclear weapons


            Access, national standards, M-213 (Davies, L.)

Western Canada see Riel, Louis David


Accessibility/national standards, M-29 (Julian)


Guenette, John and Joanna Gualtieri, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department employees, allegations re foreign service workers overseas expenditures/harassment allegations, legal fees, Q-18 (Dewar)

WHO see World Health Organization (WHO)


            National wildlife areas and migratory bird sanctuaries, government funding, M-131 (Martin, K.)

            See also Oil spills

Windsor-Essex Border Development and Protection Authority

            Establishing, M-74 (Masse)


            Halfway houses and transition programs, M-91 (Mathyssen)

See also Pay equity; Pregnancy; Ski jumping; United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW); Violence against women

Women’s organizations see Aboriginal women’s organizations; Gender equality; Violence against women

Work permits see Conscientious objectors

Workers see Child labour; Chinese railway labourers; Domestic workers; Employment insurance; Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited; Foreign credentials; Health care workers; Life-work balance; Replacement workers; Retirement; Volunteer emergency workers

Workers' compensation see Canada Pension Plan (CPP)


            Occupational health and safety, investigation/enforcement, M-187 (Davies, L.)

Workplace skills see Foreign credentials

World Health Organization (WHO)

            Taiwan, observer status/participation, M-13 (Julian)

World Police and Firefighters Games, Burnaby, 2009

Government funding M-259 (Siksay)

World War II see Holocaust Monument; Veterans’ benefits/pensions—Benefits denied; Wallenburg, Raoul

Wrzesnewskyj, Borys (Lib.—Etobicoke Centre)

            Air transportation, M-243

            Airport authorities, M-244

Corporate interests of Canada (Crown corporations, mixed enterprises, joint enterprises and shared-governance corporations), M-245

            Visitor visas, M-246, M-247



Yogyakarta Principles on the Application of International Human Rights Law in relation to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

            Implementation, M-263 (Siksay)

Youth see Cadets Canada

Youth Criminal Justice Act

            C-247 (Kramp)



Zimbabwe see Mugabe, Robert