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Nunavut Territory see Farm Income Protection Act
Nunavut Water Board see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act
Nutrition see Trans fats (trans fatty acids)
Oaths of Office
>>Members of Parliament, oath or solemn affirmation of loyalty to Canada see Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--oath or solemn
affirmation)(Bill C-335)
Oaths of Office (Pro Forma)(Bill C-1)--Prime Minister (Paul Martin)
>>1st r, 12
Obhrai, Deepak (CPC--Calgary East)
- >>References see Privilege, prima facie--Contempt of Parliament
O`Brien, Audrey Elizabeth see Clerk of the House of Commons
O'Brien, Lawrence (Lib.--Labrador; deceased Dec. 16, 2004)
- >>References see House of Commons--Vacancies
Occupational health and safety
>>Foreign workers of Canadian companies, protection see Criminal Code (amdt.--legal duty oustide Canada)(Bill C-369)
>>See also Agent Orange (herbicide);Agent Purple (herbicide);Display hooks;Pregnancy;Public Service--Psychological harassment;Railway
workers;Truck operators;Workers--Lives lost on job
Oceans Act
>>Legislation see Canada Shipping Act, Canada Shipping Act, 2001, Canada National Marine Conservation Act and Oceans Act (amdt.)(Bill
Offenders see Aboriginal offenders;Dangerous offenders;Sex offenders;Young offenders
Office of Indian Residential Schools Resolution of Canada see Indian Residential Schools Resolution Canada Office
Office of the Auditor General of Canada see Auditor General of Canada Office
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer see Chief Electoral Officer of CanadaOffice (Elections Canada)
Office of the Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs see Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs Office
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages see Official Languages Commissioner Office
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions see Superintendent ofFinancial Institutions Office
Officers of Parliament see Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth;Auditor General of Canada Office;Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office (Elections Canada);Clerk of the House of Commons;Corbett, William, C., Esq.;Information Commissioner of Canada;Official Languages Commissioner Office;Privacy Commissioner of Canada Office
Offices of the Information and Privacy Commissioners see Information Commissioner of Canada Office;Privacy Commissioner of Canada Office
Official Development Assistance Program see Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
Official Languages Act
>>Legislation see Financial Administration Act, Canada School of Public Service Act and Official Languages Act (amdt.)(Bill C-8)
Official Languages Act (amdt.--promotion of English and French)(Bill S-3)--Boudria
>>Senate passage, 141
>>1st r, 176
>>2nd r, 449, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 449, 599, division deferred, 599, division further deferred, 609, agreed to on
recorded division (Division No. 63), 622-3
>>Official Languages Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 623
>>>Report, with amdts., 1188
>>>Senate concurrence, without amdt., 1309
>>Report stage, 1224
>>>Concurrence, M. (Boudria), 1224, agreed to on division, 1224
>>3rd r, 1225, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 1225, 1286, agreed to on division, 1286, passed
>>Royal Assent, 1336 (Chap. 41, S.C. 2005)
Official Languages Commissioner Office
>>Departmental Performance Report
>>>2003-2004, tabled, 162 (8563-381-64)
>>>2004-2005, tabled, 1231 (8563-381-156)
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Official Languages Standing Committee
>>>2003-2004 annual report, 111 (8560-381-301-01)
>>>2004-2005 annual report, 807 (8560-381-301-02)
>>See also Estimates, 2004-2005, Main, Privy Council, Vote 30--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary
(A)--Privy Council, Vote 30a;Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (B)--Privy Council, Vote 30b;Estimates, 2005-2006, Main--Privy Council, Vote
20--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Estimates, 2005-2006, Supplementary (A)--Privy Council, Vote 20a
Official Languages (Communication with and Services to the Public) Regulations
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Official Languages Standing Committee
>>>Regulations amending (JUS-607874), 1235 (8560-381-895-01)
Official Languages in Federal Institutions
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Official Languages Standing Committee
>>>2003-2004 annual report, 296 (8560-381-570-01)
Official languages minorities see Government advertising
Official languages policy/bilingualism
>>>"Canada's Linguistic Duality: A Framework to Manage the Official Languages Program", tabled, 1221 (8525-381-32)
>>>"Update on the Implementation of the Action Plan for Official Languages: Midterm Report", tabled, 1221 (8525-381-31)
>>Federal institutions/Canadian Heritage Minister, obligations see Official Languages Act (amdt.--promotion of English and French)(Bill
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Official Languages Standing Committee
>>>2003-2004 official languages activities, 334 (8560-381-565-01)
>>Second Language Evaluation Test, pass and failure rate, 1990 to present, r.o. Q-42 (Reid), 364 (8555-381-42)
>>See also Air Canada;Public Service
Official Languages Standing Committee
>>Bills referred
>>>Official Languages Act (amdt.--promotion of English and French)(Bill S-3), 623
>>Estimates, 2004-2005, Main, referred
>>>Privy Council, Vote 30 (Official Languages Commissioner), 66
>>Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (A), referred
>>>Privy Council, Vote 30a (Official Languages Commissioner), 195
>>Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (B), referred
>>>Privy Council, Vote 30b (Official Languages Commissioner), 485
>>Estimates, 2005-2006, Main
>>>Privy Council, Vote 20 (Official Languages Commissioner), 487
>>Estimates, 2005-2006, Supplementary (A), referred
>>>Privy Council, Vote 20a (Official Languages Commissioner), 1221
>>Membership, 51-2, 82, 121, 643, 1143-4
>>>First (Third Report of the Standing Committee on Official Languages presented to the House during the Third Session of the 37th
Parliament), 174 (8510-381-17)
>>>>gr, 528 (8512-381-17)
>>>Second (Bilingualism in Public Service of Canada), 781 (8510-381-141)
>>>>gr, 1216 (8512-381-141)
>>>Third (CBC/Radio-Canada lockout), 1084-5 (8510-381-193)
>>>Fourth (Official Languages Act (amdt.--promotion of English and French)(Bill S-3)), 1188 (8510-381-199)
>>>Fifth (Supplementary Estimates (A), 2005-2006 - Vote 20a under Privy Council), 1314
>>Reports from 3rd Session, 37th Parliament
>>>Third (Impact of the Plan to Strengthen Management of Government of Canada Advertising on the Official-Language Minority Media) see
Official Languages Standing Committee--Reports, First
>>Reports permanently referred see Official Languages Commissioner Office;Official Languages (Communication with and Services to the
Public) Regulations;Official Languages in Federal Institutions;Official languages policy/bilingualism
>>Travel, authorization, 520, 657-8, 990
Offshore oil and gas revenues
>>Newfoundland and Labrador and Nova Scotia receiving 100%
>>>Liberal government (Martin), commitment, M. on supply (Harper), 198-9, division
deferred, 199, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 10), 216-7
>>>See also Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43)
Oil and gas exploration see Talisman Energy Inc.
Oil and gas revenues
>>First Nations jurisdiction and control see First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Act (Bill C-54)
Oil and oil products see Migratory birds;Offshore oil and gas revenues;Ships
Oil for food program see Iraq
Oil tankers see Liquid natural gas
Old Age Security
>>Guaranteed Income Supplement, survivor's allowance and spouse's allowance
>>>Eligible recipients, identification/contact, r.o. Q-74 (Gagnon, M.), 527 (8555-381-74)
>>>Quebec recipients, r.o. Q-73 (Gagnon, M.), 513 (8555-381-73)
>>>(Bains), (381-1648), 1262
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and the Status of Persons with
Disabilities Standing Committee
>>>2003 Actuarial Report, 805 (8560-381-596-02)
>>>Actuarial Report supplementing December 31, 2000 Actuarial Report, 597
>>Residence requirement, international bilateral agreements, r.o. Q-103 (Wasylycia-Leis), 659 (8555-381-103)
>>See also Canada Pension Plan/Old Age Security Review Tribunals;Pension Ombudsman
Old Age Security Act
>>Legislation see Budget Implementation Act, 2005 (Bill C-43);Energy Costs Assistance Measures Act (Bill C-66)
Old Age Security Act (amdt.--monthly guaranteed income supplement)(Bill C-301)--Gagnon, M.
>>1st r, 270
>>2nd r, 1193, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 1193, 1291, division deferred, 1291, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 187), 1321-2
>>Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 1322
Old Port of Montreal Corporation Inc.
>>Contracts, specified companies, r.o. Q-102 (Tweed), 679 (8555-381-102)
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
>>>2003-2004 annual report, with Auditors' Report, 149 (8560-381-618-01)
>>>2004-2005 annual report, with Auditors' Report, 1041 (8560-381-618-02)
>>>2004-2005 corporate plan summaries and 2004-2005 operating and capital budgets, 172
>>>2005-2006 corporate plan summaries and 2005-2006 operating and capital budgets, 1087
Older Adult Justice Act (Bill C-348)--St. Amand
>>1st r, 525
Older workers
>>Job loss due to globalization, support measures
>>>M. on supply (Lessard), 859-60, division deferred, 860, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 103), 882-4
>>>>(Marceau), (381-1546), 1158, gr, 1296 (8545-381-36-02)
Olympics and Para-Olympics, 2004 Summer Games (Athens, Greece)
>>Canadian team, November 1, 2004, presence in Chamber, Committee of the Whole House recognizing, 173
Oman see Tax treaties
Ombudsman for Older Adult Justice
>>Establishment see Older Adult Justice Act (Bill C-348)
Ombudsmen see Credit Ombudsman Office;National Defence and Canadian Forces Ombudsman;Pension Ombudsman;Victims Ombudsman of Canada Office
Ontario see Farm Income Protection Act;Federal-Provincial Crop Insurance Agreements
Ontario Fishery Regulations, 1989
>>Subsection 36(2), as enacted by SOR/89-93, Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee, Second Report, Fisheries and Oceans
Department rejection (Government Business No. 15), M. (Regan), 849, division deferred, 850, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 100), 853-4
>>See also Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee--Reports, Second
Open Government Act
>>Introducing see Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-201);Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee--Reports,
Operation Athena see Canadian Armed Forces--Foreign operations
Opposition days see Supply days
Orca whales
>>>>(Barnes), (381-1605), 1208
Order in Council appointments
>>Tabled and referred to Committee
>>>Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee, 72 (8540-381-1-01);
350 (8540-381-1-02); 392 (8540-381-1-03); 424 (8540-381-1-04); 441 (8540-381-1-05); 460 (8540-381-1-06); 600 (8540-381-1-07); 761 (8540-381-1-08); 813 (8540-381-1-09); 973 (8540-381-1-11); 1037 (8540-381-1-12); 1042 (8540-381-1-13); 1061 (8540-381-1-14); 1151 (8540-381-1-15); 1165 (8540-381-1-16); 1222 (8540-381-1-17)
>>>Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee, 71 (8540-381-25-01); 1042 (8540-381-25-02)
>>>Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, 71 (8540-381-2-01); 195 (8540-381-2-02); 301 (8540-381-2-03); 350 (8540-381-2-04); 369 (8540-381-2-05); 460 (8540-381-2-06); 511 (8540-381-2-07); 543 (8540-381-2-08); 761 (8540-381-2-09); 924 (8540-381-2-10); 1038 (8540-381-2-11); 1062 (8540-381-2-12); 1222 (8540-381-2-16); 1312 (8540-381-2-18)
>>>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, 72 (8540-381-3-01); 195 (8540-381-3-02); 219 (8540-381-3-04); 273 (8540-381-3-06); 301 (8540-381-3-07); 350 (8540-381-3-08); 392 (8540-381-3-11); 441 (8540-381-3-12); 460 (8540-381-3-13); 488 (8540-381-3-14); 511 (8540-381-3-16); 544 (8540-381-3-17); 600 (8540-381-3-18); 642 (8540-381-3-19); 719 (8540-381-3-20); 761 (8540-381-3-21); 798 (8540-381-3-22); 879 (8540-381-3-23); 924 (8540-381-3-24); 1038 (8540-381-3-26); 1062 (8540-381-3-28); 1151 (8540-381-3-29); 1165 (8540-381-3-30); 1222 (8540-381-3-31); 1260 (8540-381-3-32); 1312 (8540-381-3-34)
>>>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee, 71 (8540-381-14-01); 85 (8540-381-14-02); 153 (8540-381-14-03); 195 (8540-381-14-04); 219 (8540-381-14-05); 273 (8540-381-14-06); 350 (8540-381-14-07); 461 (8540-381-14-08); 544 (8540-381-14-09); 600 (8540-381-14-10); 642 (8540-381-14-11); 672 (8540-381-14-12); 719 (8540-381-14-13); 761 (8540-381-14-14); 798 (8540-381-14-15); 813 (8540-381-14-16); 879 (8540-381-14-17); 924 (8540-381-14-18); 973 (8540-381-14-19); 1038 (8540-381-14-20); 1042 (8540-381-14-21); 1062 (8540-381-14-22); 1151 (8540-381-14-23); 1222 (8540-381-14-24); 1260 (8540-381-14-25); 1312 (8540-381-14-26)
>>>Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee, 72 (8540-381-7-01); 85 (8540-381-7-02); 392 (8540-381-7-04); 488 (8540-381-7-06); 544 (8540-381-7-07); 600 (8540-381-7-09); 642 (8540-381-7-10); 814 (8540-381-7-11); 1038 (8540-381-7-12); 1260 (8540-381-7-13); 1312 (8540-381-7-14)
>>>Finance Standing Committee, 71 (8540-381-9-01); 85 (8540-381-9-02); 153 (8540-381-9-03); 196 (8540-381-9-04); 219 (8540-381-9-05); 350 (8540-381-9-06); 393 (8540-381-9-08); 441 (8540-381-9-09); 461 (8540-381-9-10); 488 (8540-381-9-11); 544 (8540-381-9-12); 600 (8540-381-9-13); 761 (8540-381-9-15); 798 (8540-381-9-16); 814 (8540-381-9-17); 1038 (8540-381-9-18); 1062 (8540-381-9-19); 1222 (8540-381-9-21)
>>>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee, 72 (8540-381-10-01); 196 (8540-381-10-02); 273 (8540-381-10-03); 424 (8540-381-10-04); 441 (8540-381-10-05); 461 (8540-381-10-06); 600 (8540-381-10-07); 642 (8540-381-10-08); 798 (8540-381-10-10); 814 (8540-381-10-11); 1062 (8540-381-10-12); 1165 (8540-381-10-13); 1222 (8540-381-10-14)
>>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, 71 (8540-381-8-01); 153 (8540-381-8-02); 196 (8540-381-8-03); 273 (8540-381-8-05); 301 (8540-381-8-06); 369 (8540-381-8-07); 424 (8540-381-8-10); 442 (8540-381-8-11); 488 (8540-381-8-13); 511 (8540-381-8-14); 600 (8540-381-8-15); 672 (8540-381-8-16); 719 (8540-381-8-17); 761 (8540-381-8-18); 798 (8540-381-8-19); 1038 (8540-381-8-20); 1042 (8540-381-8-21); 1062 (8540-381-8-22); 1151 (8540-381-8-23); 1165 (8540-381-8-24); 1222 (8540-381-8-25); 1260 (8540-381-8-27); 1312 (8540-381-8-28)
>>>Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee, 71 (8540-381-4-01); 86 (8540-381-4-02); 196 (8540-381-4-03); 219 (8540-381-4-04); 301 (8540-381-4-05); 350 (8540-381-4-06); 544 (8540-381-4-08); 600 (8540-381-4-10); 643 (8540-381-4-11); 672 (8540-381-4-12); 719 (8540-381-4-14); 761 (8540-381-4-15); 798 (8540-381-4-17); 814 (8540-381-4-18); 879 (8540-381-4-19); 973 (8540-381-4-20); 1038 (8540-381-4-21); 1062 (8540-381-4-24); 1260 (8540-381-4-25); 1312 (8540-381-4-26)
>>>Health Standing Committee, 86 (8540-381-18-01); 301 (8540-381-18-02); 350 (8540-381-18-03); 544 (8540-381-18-05); 719 (8540-381-18-07); 761 (8540-381-18-08); 798 (8540-381-18-09); 814 (8540-381-18-10); 879 (8540-381-18-11); 924 (8540-381-18-12); 973 (8540-381-18-13); 1038 (8540-381-18-14); 1062 (8540-381-18-15); 1222 (8540-381-18-16)
>>>Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee, 71 (8540-381-16-01); 86 (8540-381-16-02); 153 (8540-381-16-03); 219 (8540-381-16-04); 273 (8540-381-16-05); 301 (8540-381-16-06); 350 (8540-381-16-07); 369 (8540-381-16-08); 393 (8540-381-16-09); 442 (8540-381-16-10); 461 (8540-381-16-12); 511 (8540-381-16-13); 544 (8540-381-16-14); 601 (8540-381-16-15); 643 (8540-381-16-16); 672 (8540-381-16-17); 719 (8540-381-16-18); 762 (8540-381-16-19); 798 (8540-381-16-20); 814 (8540-381-16-21); 879 (8540-381-16-22); 924 (8540-381-16-23); 1038 (8540-381-16-24); 1062 (8540-381-16-25); 1151 (8540-381-16-26); 1165 (8540-381-16-27); 1222 (8540-381-16-28); 1260 (8540-381-16-29); 1312 (8540-381-16-30)
>>>Industry, Natural Resources, Science and Technology Standing Committee, 71
(8540-381-22-01); 154 (8540-381-22-02); 196
(8540-381-22-03); 219 (8540-381-22-04); 273
(8540-381-22-05); 350 (8540-381-22-07); 393
(8540-381-22-08); 424 (8540-381-22-09); 461
(8540-381-22-10); 488 (8540-381-22-11); 601
(8540-381-22-13); 643 (8540-381-22-14); 672
(8540-381-22-16); 719 (8540-381-22-17); 762
(8540-381-22-18); 798 (8540-381-22-19); 814
(8540-381-22-20); 879 (8540-381-22-21); 924
(8540-381-22-22); 1038 (8540-381-22-23); 1062
(8540-381-22-24); 1151 (8540-381-22-25); 1222
(8540-381-22-28); 1312 (8540-381-22-30)
>>>Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Standing Committee, 72 (8540-381-13-01); 154 (8540-381-13-02); 196 (8540-381-13-03); 220 (8540-381-13-04); 243 (8540-381-13-05); 273 (8540-381-13-06); 301 (8540-381-13-07); 350 (8540-381-13-08); 393 (8540-381-13-09); 461 (8540-381-13-10); 488 (8540-381-13-11); 511 (8540-381-13-12); 544 (8540-381-13-13); 601 (8540-381-13-15); 643 (8540-381-13-16); 672 (8540-381-13-17); 719 (8540-381-13-18); 762 (8540-381-13-19); 799 (8540-381-13-20); 814 (8540-381-13-21); 924 (8540-381-13-22); 1038 (8540-381-13-23); 1043 (8540-381-13-24); 1062 (8540-381-13-26); 1222 (8540-381-13-27); 1260 (8540-381-13-28); 1312 (8540-381-13-29)
>>>Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee, 1340 (8540-381-27-02)
>>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 72 (8540-381-17-01); 369 (8540-381-17-02); 424 (8540-381-17-03); 798 (8540-381-17-05); 799 (8540-381-17-05); 879 (8540-381-17-06); 1043 (8540-381-17-08); 1062 (8540-381-17-09); 1151 (8540-381-17-10); 1312 (8540-381-17-11)
>>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, 71 (8540-381-5-01); 393 (8540-381-5-02); 442 (8540-381-5-03); 511 (8540-381-5-04); 643 (8540-381-5-05); 719 (8540-381-5-06); 762 (8540-381-5-07); 799 (8540-381-5-08); 814 (8540-381-5-09); 880 (8540-381-5-10); 924 (8540-381-5-11); 1038 (8540-381-5-12); 1063 (8540-381-5-13); 1222 (8540-381-5-14); 1312 (8540-381-5-15)
>>>Transport Standing Committee, 71 (8540-381-24-01); 86 (8540-381-24-02); 196 (8540-381-24-03); 243 (8540-381-24-04); 302 (8540-381-24-05); 350 (8540-381-24-06); 393 (8540-381-24-08); 442 (8540-381-24-09); 461 (8540-381-24-10); 511 (8540-381-24-11); 544 (8540-381-24-12); 601 (8540-381-24-15); 672 (8540-381-24-19); 719 (8540-381-24-21); 762 (8540-381-24-22); 799 (8540-381-24-24); 814 (8540-381-24-25); 880 (8540-381-24-26); 924 (8540-381-24-27); 973 (8540-381-24-28); 1038 (8540-381-24-29); 1043 (8540-381-24-30); 1063 (8540-381-24-31); 1151 (8540-381-24-32); 1165 (8540-381-24-33); 1222 (8540-381-24-34); 1261 (8540-381-24-35); 1312 (8540-381-24-37)
>>See also Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth;Government appointments
Orders in Council
>>P.C. 1946-3264 see Veterans' benefits/pensions
>>P.C. 2004-956 see Income tax conventions
>>P.C. 2004-1100 see James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement
>>P.C. 2005-380 see Cable Public Affairs Channel (CPAC)
>>P.C. 2005-1356 see Vancouver Port (and British Columbia Lower Mainland)
>>P.C. 2005-1365 see Vancouver Port (and British Columbia Lower Mainland)
>>P.C. 2005-1561 see Bankruptcy and Insolvency Rules
>>P.C. 2005-1609 see Service Canada
>>P.C. 2005-1688 see Ridley Terminals Inc.
>>P.C. 2005-2112 see Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations
>>See also Farm Income Protection Act