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The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 39th Parliament, 2nd Session.

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39th Parliament, 2nd Session   (October 16, 2007 - September 7, 2008)  Latest Session
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    >>Foreign countries, allocations, r.o. Q-155 (McGuire), 342 (8555-392-155)
    >>Sustainable development, establishing see Fisheries Act, 2007 (Bill C-32)
    >>See also Canada Fisheries Tribunal;Eelgrass beds (James Bay region);National Fish and Wildlife Heritage Commission;Pacific Hake/Whiting Agreement (November 21, 2003);Survey on the Importance of Nature to Canadians

Fisheries Act

    >>Repeal see Fisheries Act, 2007 (Bill C-32)

Fisheries Act, 2007 (Bill C-32)--Minister of Fisheries and Oceans (Hearn)

    >>1st r, 233-4
    >>Committee referral before second reading, proposal see Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee--Reports, First

Fisheries Act (amdt.--deposit in lakes)(Bill C-504)--Stoffer

Fisheries Act (fish habitat protection and pollution prevention administration and enforcement provisions)

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee
    >>>2006-2007 annual report, 163 (8560-392-325-01)

Fisheries and Oceans Department

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>2006-2007, tabled, 126 (8563-392-36)
    >>Estimates, 2007-2008, Supplementary (A)
    >>>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee referral, 82
    >>Estimates, 2007-2008, Supplementary (B)
    >>>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee referral, 442
    >>Estimates, 2008-2009, Main
    >>>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 482
    >>>Report, 818
    >>Estimates, 2008-2009, Supplementary (A)
    >>>Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee referral, 812
    >>Fishing organizations or groups of fishing licence holders contributions, r.o. Q-64 (Cummins), 412-3 (8555-392-64)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Canadian Coast Guard;Estimates, 2008-2009, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act;Small Craft Harbours Program

Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee

    >>Bills referred
    >>>Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act (Bill S-215), 562
    >>Estimates, 2007-2008, Supplementary (A), referred
    >>>Fisheries and Oceans, 82
    >>Estimates, 2007-2008, Supplementary (B), referred
    >>>Fisheries and Oceans, 442
    >>Estimates, 2008-2009, Main, referred
    >>>Fisheries and Oceans, 482
    >>Estimates, 2008-2009, Supplementary (A), referred
    >>>Fisheries and Oceans, 812
    >>Membership, 91-2, 645
    >>>First (reference of Bill C-32, An Act respecting the sustainable development of Canada's seacoast and inland fisheries, to Committee before second reading), 270 (8510-392-24)
    >>>>Concurrence (Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 3), M. (Stoffer), 302
    >>>>>Procedure, "That the debate be now adjourned", M. (Kamp), 302, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 26), 302-3
    >>>Second (Safe and Well-Funded Small Craft Harbours: a Necessary Priority), 301 (8510-392-36)
    >>>>Concurrence (Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 6), M. (Blais), 444, agreed to on division, 444
    >>>Third (Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act (Bill S-215)), 696 (8510-392-97)
    >>>Fourth (Main Estimates 2008-2009 - Votes 1, 5 and 10 under Fisheries and Oceans), 818 (8510-392-121)
    >>>Fifth (condition of eelgrass beds in James Bay), 979 (8510-392-146)
    >>Reports permanently referred see Atlantic Fisheries Restructuring Act;Fisheries Act (fish habitat protection and pollution prevention administration and enforcement provisions);Fisheries Development Act;Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation;Order in Council appointments
    >>Travel, authorization, 513-4, 767, 1014

Fisheries Development Act

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee
    >>>2006-2007 annual report, 146 (8560-392-292-01)

Flag see Canadian flag


    >>>Country-of-origin labelling see Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee--Reports, Seventh
    >>>Meat or poultry products produced using hormones, antibiotics or rendered slaughterhouse waste/food product using pesticides or genetically modified organisms see Food Products Labelling Act (Bill C-510)
    >>See also Food biotechnology;Genetically modified food;Pet food

Food and Drug Regulations

    >>Legislation see Food and Drugs Act and Food and Drug Regulations (amdt.--drug export restrictions)(Bill C-378)
    >>See also Bottled water--Standards

Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51)--Minister of Health (Clement)

Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--durable life date)(Bill C-529)--Gagnon

Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--food obtained from cloned animals)(Bill C-516)--Silva

Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--mandatory labelling for genetically modified foods)(Bill C-517)--Perron

    >>1st r, 492
    >>2nd r, 641, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 641, division deferred, 761, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 106), 786-8

Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--warning labels regarding the consumption of alcohol)(Bill C-251)--Szabo

    >>2nd r, after reinstatement under S.O. 86.1, 173, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 173, 280, division deferred, 280, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 29), 310-2

Food and Drugs Act and Food and Drug Regulations (amdt.--drug export restrictions)(Bill C-378)--Bennett

    >>2nd r, after reinstatement under S.O. 86.1, 138, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 138, 220, division deferred, 220, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 18), 229-30

Food biotechnology

    >>Cloned animal sources, sale and importation, ban see Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--food obtained from cloned animals)(Bill C-516)

Food Products Labelling Act (Bill C-510)--Dewar

Food safety

    >>Durable life date, prepackaged or canned food see Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--durable life date)(Bill C-529)
    >>>(Charlton), (392-0659), 807, gr, 1023 (8545-392-43-06)
    >>>(Dewar), (392-0459), 593, gr, 721 (8545-392-3-02); (392-0580), 701, gr, 807 (8545-392-3-03)
    >>See also Bottled water--Standards;Food--Labels;Pet food
    >>Regulation see Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-51)

Foreign affairs see Afghanistan;Betancourt, Ingrid;Burma;Canada-Colombia free trade;Canada-South Korea free trade negotiations;Cohen, Eli;Comfort women;Darfur (Sudan);Democracy--International development;Iran;Iraq;Iraq war;Israel;Kambaksh, Sayed Pervez;Kenya;Khadr, Omar;Kohail, Mohamed;Kyoto Protocol;Peace and security;Peace initiatives;Sudan;Talal, Prince El Hassan bin;Terrorism--Japan;Torture;Zhao, Wei Amanda

Foreign Affairs and International Development Standing Committee

    >>Bills referred
    >>>Settlement of International Investment Disputes Act (Bill C-9), 74-5
    >>Estimates, 2007-2008, Supplementary (A), referred
    >>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 82
    >>Estimates, 2007-2008, Supplementary (B), referred
    >>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 442
    >>Estimates, 2008-2009, Main, referred
    >>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 482
    >>Estimates, 2008-2009, Supplementary (A), referred
    >>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 812
    >>Membership, 92-3, 357, 467, 631, 645
    >>>First (Supplementary Estimates (A), 2007-2008 - Votes 1a, 5a, 10a, 20a, 25a, L40a, 45a and 50a under Foreign Affairs and International Trade), 222 (8510-392-07)
    >>>Second (Settlement of International Investment Disputes Act (Bill C-9)), 222 (8510-392-08)
    >>>Third (Canada's International Policy Put to the Test in Afghanistan: a Preliminary Report), 334 (8510-392-41)
    >>>>Concurrence (Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 27), M. (Dewar), 1032
    >>>Fourth (violation of human rights in Kenya), 399 (8510-392-48)
    >>>Fifth (sale of MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. (MDA) including the RADARSAT-2 satellite), 728 (8510-392-103)
    >>>Sixth (Report of the Advisory Group on corporate social responsibility), 917 (8510-392-140)
    >>>>Concurrence (Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 23), M. (Dewar), 981-2
    >>>>>Procedure, "That the debate be now adjourned", M. (Obhrai), 981, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 156), 981-2
    >>>Seventh (Omar Khadr), 1000 (8510-392-158)
    >>>>Concurrence (Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 26), M. (Marston), 1024
    >>>>>Procedure, "That the House do now proceed to the Orders of the Day", M. (Lukiwski), 1025, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 161), 1025-6
    >>>Eighth (question of privilege relating to the disclosure of a confidential draft report), 1000 (8510-392-159)
    >>>Ninth (filing of reports by the Committee during the period of June and July 2008), 1000 (8510-392-160)
    >>>Tenth (Canada in Afghanistan), 1048-9 (8510-392-168)
    >>Reports from 1st Session, 39th Parliament
    >>>Eighth (Advancing Canada's Role in International Support for Democratic Development), (8510-391-295)
    >>>>gr, 136 (8512-392-295)
    >>Reports permanently referred see Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada;Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions and Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act;International Development Research Centre;Order in Council appointments;Roosevelt Campobello International Park Commission;Special Economic Measures (Burma) Regulations;United Nations Resolution on Iran;United Nations Resolution on Lebanon

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>2006-2007, tabled, 126 (8563-392-37)
    >>Estimates, 2007-2008, Supplementary (A)
    >>>Foreign Affairs and International Development Standing Committee
    >>>>Referral, 82
    >>>>Report, 222
    >>>Vote 12a (Export Development Canada), International Trade Standing Committee referral, 83
    >>Estimates, 2007-2008, Supplementary (B)
    >>>Foreign Affairs and International Development Standing Committee referral, 442
    >>Estimates, 2008-2009, Main
    >>>Committee of the Whole
    >>>>Referral, 759
    >>>>Votes deemed reported, 878
    >>>Foreign Affairs and International Development Standing Committee referral, 482
    >>>Vote 15 (Canadian Commercial Corporation), International Trade Standing Committee referral, 482
    >>>Vote 45 (NAFTA Secretariat, Canadian Section), International Trade Standing Committee referral, 482
    >>Estimates, 2008-2009, Supplementary (A)
    >>>Foreign Affairs and International Development Standing Committee referral, 812
    >>Report, "Afghanistan 2006: Good Governance, Democratic Development and Human Rights" see Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth
    >>Spousal employment, Auditor General Report (2007), Chp. 3, r.o. Q-148 (Casey), 341 (8555-392-148)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Canada's State of Trade;Estimates, 2008-2009, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act

Foreign Affairs Minister see Peace and security--Promotion

Foreign affiliates

    >>Interest expenses, double deduction
    >>>Ways and Means No. 4
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Flaherty), 152, division deferred, 153, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 9), 154-6
    >>>>Notice, tabled, 144 (8570-392-04)
    >>>>See also Budget and Economic Statement Implementation Act, 2007 (Bill C-28)

Foreign aid

    >>>Allocation criteria see Development Assistance Accountability Act (Bill C-293)
    >>>Statistics, r.o. Q-176 (Dykstra), 432 (8555-392-176)
    >>>(Scott), (392-0747), 887
    >>>(Steckle), (392-0217), 319, gr, 334 (8545-392-65-01)
    >>See also Afghanistan--Development;Bangladesh;Burma--Cyclone Nargis;Hamas (terrorist organization);Iran--Canadian government funding;Iraq--Reconstruction funding;Sudan--Canadian government funding

Foreign corporate takeovers

    >>Statistics, r.o. Q-37 (Charlton), 202 (8555-392-37)

Foreign investment see Foreign corporate takeovers

Foreign workers see Strippers

Forensic Laboratory Services

    >>Management/services see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Tenth

Forest industry

    >>Government measures, M-414 (Guimond), 375, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 375, agreed to on division, 611
    >>See also Log exports;Manufacturing and forestry sectors;Natural Resources Standing Committee--Reports, Third

Forests see Mountain pine beetle;State of Canada's Forests

Forgery see Counterfeit goods;Identity theft

Forges du Saint-Maurice National Historic Site of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>>Management Plan, 38 (8560-392-951-01)

Fort Battleford National Historic Site of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>>Management Plan, 36 (8560-392-758-01)

Fort Chambly National Historic Site of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>>Management Plan, 37 (8560-392-945-01)

Fort Espérance National Historic Site of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>>Management Plan, 37 (8560-392-943-01)

Fort George National Historic Site of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>>Management Plan, 39 (8560-392-961-01)

Fort Henry National Historic Site of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>>Management Plan, 40 (8560-392-970-01)

Fort Lennox National Historic Site of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>>Management Plan, 40 (8560-392-972-01)

Fort Livingstone National Historic Site of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>>Management Plan, 37 (8560-392-943-01)

Fort Mississauga National Historic Site of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>>Management Plan, 39 (8560-392-961-01)

Fort Pelly National Historic Site of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>>Management Plan, 37 (8560-392-943-01)

Fort Témiscamingue National Historic Site of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>>Management Plan, 39 (8560-392-962-01)

Fortifications of Québec National Historic Site of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>>Management Plan, 38 (8560-392-955-01)

Foundations see Aboriginal Healing Foundation;Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada;Canada Foundation for Innovation;Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology;Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation;Canadian Race Relations Foundation;Charitable organizations/foundations;Gairdner Foundation;Medical devices and equipment;Private foundations

Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management see First Nations Lands Advisory Board

Fraser River Port Authority see Access to Information Act;Privacy Act

Fraud see Counterfeit goods;Identity theft

Free trade see Agreement Between the Government of the Republic of Chile and the Government of Canada to Amend the Free Trade Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of Chile;Canada-Colombia free trade;Canada-European Free Trade Association agreement;Canada-Peru Free Trade Agreement;Canada-South Korea free trade negotiations;North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Freedom of expression see Film industry--Tax incentives

Freedom of information see Access to information

Freedom of speech see Privilege, prima facie

Freedom of the press see Journalists

Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee
    >>>2006-2007 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 139 (8560-392-294-01)
    >>>2007-2008 to 2011-2012 corporate plan summaries and 2007-2008 operating and capital budgets, 30 (8562-392-826-01)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Alternative Fuels Act;Privacy Act

Fromm, Paul see Parliament Buildings--Admittance denied

Fruit see Pesticides and herbicides

Fuel see Automobiles/motor vehicles;Petroleum products;Renewable fuels

Fuel taxes

    >>Renewable fuels, excise tax exemption, repeal
    >>>Ways and Means No. 4
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Flaherty), 152, division deferred, 153, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 9), 154-6
    >>>>Notice, tabled, 144 (8570-392-04)
    >>>>See also Budget and Economic Statement Implementation Act, 2007 (Bill C-28)
    >>See also Gasoline taxes

Functional currency

    >>>Ways and Means No. 4
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Flaherty), 152, division deferred, 153, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 9), 154-6
    >>>>Notice, tabled, 144 (8570-392-04)
    >>>>See also Budget and Economic Statement Implementation Act, 2007 (Bill C-28)

Funerals see Cohen, Eli;World Trade Center Families for Proper Burial

Fur Trade at Lachine National Historic Site of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>>Management Plan, 36 (8560-392-938-01)


Gairdner Foundation

    >>Government payments
    >>>Ways and Means No. 10
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Flaherty), 598, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 74), 598-9
    >>>>Notice, tabled, 560 (8570-392-12)

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