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The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 2nd Session.

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36th Parliament, 2nd Session   (October 12, 1999 - October 22, 2000)  Current Session
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Auditor General Report (1998)

    >>Chapter 24 see National Revenue Department (Revenue Canada)--International Tax Directorate; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports from 36th Parl., Twenty-sixth
    >>Chapter 25 see Highways and roads--Transport Department; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports from 36th Parl., Twenty-seventh
    >>Chapter 26 see Government contracts--Professional services contracts; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports from 36th Parl., Twenty-eighth

Auditor General Report (1999)

    >>Chapter 1 see Offenders--Reintegration; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth
    >>Chapter 2 see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports from 36th Parl., Twenty-ninth; Underground economy--Tax evasion
    >>Chapter 4 see Atlantic shellfish fisheries (lobster, scallop, snow crab and shrimp)--Fisheries and Oceans Department; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports from 36th Parl., Thirtieth
    >>Chapter 6 see Canada Child Tax Benefit--Human Resources Development Department; Employability Assistance for People with Disabilities; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, First
    >>Chapter 10 see First Nations--Funding; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Second
    >>Chapter 14 see Disease--National health surveillance; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Ninth
    >>Chapter 15 see Disease--Food-borne disease; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Ninth
    >>Chapter 18 see Government buildings; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Tenth
    >>Chapter 17 see Canada Infrastructure Works Program; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Eleventh
    >>Chapter 21 see Government finances; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Seventh
    >>Chapter 23 see Government expenditures; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Thirteenth
    >>Chapter 24 see Canadian Adaptation and Rural Development Fund (CARD); Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Thirteenth
    >>Chapter 27 see National Defence Department (DND)--Alternative Service Delivery (ASD); Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Tenth
    >>Chapter 30 see Government contracts; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Twelfth
    >>Other Audit Observations see Mefloquine (anti-malaria drug); Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Third

Auditor General Report (2000)

    >>Chapter 3 see Immigrants--Economic component; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Sixteenth
    >>Chapter 4 see Indian bands/reserves--Education; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Fourteenth
    >>Chapter 6 see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Fifteenth; Scientific research and experimental development
    >>Chapter 7 see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Seventeenth; Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Services for law enforcement

Austria see Canada-Austria Tax Convention


    >>Crime, use of stolen vehicle see Criminal Code (amdt.--using or operating a stolen motor vehicle in the commission of an offence)(Bill C-254)
    >>Drivers, evading police and causing injury or death see Criminal Code (amdt.--flight)(Bill C-202)
    >>Wheelchair equipped/adapted, Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) rebate
    >>>Ways and Means No. 3
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Peterson), 910, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 684), 910-1
    >>>>Notice, tabled, 267-8 (8570-362-3)
    >>>>See also Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-24)

Automotive Pollution Reduction Act (Bill C-258)--Lincoln

    >>1st r, 69

Average Unemployment Rates for the Employment Insurance Economic Regions see Unemployment--Rates


Ballin Inc. see Canadian International Trade Tribunal

Banff National Park

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
    >>>Management Plan, 1998 amendments, 929 (8560-362-566-01)

Bangladesh see Estimates, 1999-2000, supplementary (A)--Finance, Vote 6a

Bank Act see Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act (Bill C-38); Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (Bill C-23)

Bank Act (amdt.--bank mergers)(Bill C-340)--Nystrom

Bank Act (amdt.--definition of infant)(Bill C-391)--Harb

Bank Act, Insurance Companies Act, Trust and Loan Companies Act (amdt.--repayment of a mortgage loan before the maturity of the loan)(Bill C-342)--Nystrom

Bank Act and Statistics Act (amdt.--equity in community reinvestment)(Bill C-478)--Ménard

Bank of Canada

    >>Reports, tabled and permanently referred to Finance Standing Committee
    >>>1999 report with statement of accounts, 1467 (8560-362-65-01)
    >>See also Access to Information Act; Privacy Act

Bank of Canada Act (amdt.--withdrawal of the thousand dollar note)(Bill C-210)--Marceau

    >>1st r, 20

Bankruptcy see Canada Pension Plan (CPP)--Contributions; Employment insurance--Premiums; Student loans

Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act

    >>Ways and Means No. 3
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Peterson), 910, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 684), 910-1
    >>>Notice, tabled, 267-8 (8570-362-3)
    >>>See also Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-24)
    >>See also Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (Bill C-23)

Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--student loans)(Bill C-274)--Davies

Bankruptcy and Insolvency Rules (SOR/99-416)

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Industry Standing Committee
    >>>Amendment, Order in Council P.C. 1999-1872, Oct. 21/99, 185 (8560-362-284-01)


    >>Community reinvestment see Bank Act and Statistics Act (amdt.--equity in community reinvestment)(Bill C-478)
    >>Credit, disadvantaged communities see Bank Act and Statistics Act (amdt.--equity in community reinvestment)(Bill C-478)
    >>Mergers see Bank Act (amdt.--bank mergers)(Bill C-340); Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act (Bill C-38)
    >>Ownership see Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act (Bill C-38)
    >>>(Coderre), (361-2336), gr, 174 (8545-362-10-02)
    >>>(Kerpan), (361-2533), gr, 30 (8545-362-10-01)
    >>>(Pankiw), (361-2509), gr, 30 (8545-362-10-01); (362-0249), 214, gr, 845 (8545-362-10-03)
    >>>(Robinson), (362-0243), 210, gr, 845 (8545-362-10-03)

Barter clubs

    >>Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
    >>>Ways and Means No. 3
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Peterson), 910, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 684), 910-1
    >>>>Notice, tabled, 267-8 (8570-362-3)
    >>>>See also Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-24)

Batoche National Historic Site of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
    >>>2000-2004 Management Plan, 1920 (8560-362-23-01)

B.C. Maritime Employers' Association see West coast ports--Work stoppage agreement

Bell Canada

    >>>(Gallaway), (362-0308), 249, gr, 1624 (8545-362-85-01)

Benoit, Leon (Ref.--Lakeland; CA--Lakeland as of March 27, 2000)

    >>References see Privilege, Parliamentary--Fontana

Beverage containers

    >>Refundable deposit/recycling, refillable bottles see Beverage Containers Act (Bill C-296)

Beverage Containers Act (Bill C-296)--Mahoney

Beverages see Charities--Food; Conventions (conferences)

Beyond the Numbers: The Future of the Social Insurance Number System in Canada see Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee--Reports from 36th Parl., Fourth

Bilingualism see Official languages policy/bilingualism

``Bill C-23, An Act to modernize the Statutes of Canada in relation to benefits and obligations: Proposed Amendments to the Judges Act (Canada)'' see Judicial Benefits and Compensation Commission

Bills, House of Commons see titles of particular bills (Royal Assent denoted by *)

    >>Reinstated from 1st Sess., 36th Parl.
    >>>C-48 see Marine Conservation Areas Act (Bill C-8)
    >>>C-54 see Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-6)
    >>>C-56 see Manitoba Claim Settlements Implementation Act (Bill C-14)
    >>>C-69 see Criminal Records Act (amdt.)(Bill C-7)
    >>>C-235 see Competition Act (amdt.--protection of those who purchase products from vertically integrated suppliers who compete with them at retail)(Bill C-201)
    >>>C-251 see Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--cumulative sentences)(Bill C-247)
    >>>C-260 see Young Offenders Act (amdt.)(Bill C-297)
    >>>C-393 see Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)(Bill C-276)
    >>>C-409 see Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)(Bill C-229)
    >>>C-440 see Criminal Code (amdt.--flight)(Bill C-202)
    >>>C-449 see Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--parental benefits)(Bill C-204)
    >>>C-454 see National Horse of Canada Act (Bill C-390)
    >>>C-461 see Criminal Code (amdt.--prohibit coercion in medical procedures that offend a person' religion or belief that human life is inviolable)(Bill C-207)
    >>>C-490 see Auditor General Act (amdt.--Poverty Commissioner)(Bill C-203)
    >>>C-502 see Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction of expenses incurred by mechanic for tools required in employment)(Bill C-205)
    >>Standing Committee referral prior to second reading
    >>>Canada Elections Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2)
    >>Government, Public
    >>>C-1.\Oaths of Office Act (pro forma)--Prime Minister (J. Chrétien)
    >>>*C-2.\Canada Elections Act (amdt.)--Leader of the Government in the House of Commons (Boudria)
    >>>C-3.\Youth Criminal Justice Act--Minister of Justice (McLellan)
    >>>*C-4.\Civil International Space Station Agreement Implementation Act--Minister of Industry (Manley)
    >>>*C-5.\Canadian Tourism Commission Act--Minister of Industry (Manley)
    >>>*C-6.\Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act--Minister of Industry (Manley)
    >>>*C-7.\Criminal Records Act (amdt.)--Solicitor General (MacAulay)
    >>>C-8.\Marine Conservation Areas Act--Minister of Canadian Heritage (Copps)
    >>>*C-9.\Nisga'a Final Agreement Act--Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Nault)
    >>>*C-10.\Municipal Grants Act (amdt.)--Minister of Public Works and Government Services (Gagliano)
    >>>*C-11.\Cape Breton Development Corporation Divestiture Authorization and Dissolution Act--Minister of Natural Resources (Goodale)
    >>>*C-12.\Canada Labour Code (amdt.)--Minister of Labour (Bradshaw)
    >>>*C-13.\Canadian Institutes of Health Research Act--Minister of Health (Rock)
    >>>*C-14.\Manitoba Claim Settlements Implementation Act--Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Nault)
    >>>C-15.\International Boundary Waters Treaty Act (amdt.)--Minister of Foreign Affairs (Axworthy, L.)
    >>>C-16.\Citizenship of Canada Act--Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (Caplan)
    >>>C-17.\Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals, disarming a peace officer and other amendments) and Firearms Act (amdt.--technical amendments)--Minister of Justice (McLellan)
    >>>*C-18.\Criminal Code (amdt.--impaired driving causing death and other matters)--Minister of Justice (McLellan)
    >>>*C-19.\Crimes Against Humanity Act--Minister of Foreign Affairs (Axworthy, L.)
    >>>*C-20.\Clarity Act (Bill C-20)--Minister for Intergovermental Affairs (Dion)
    >>>*C-21.\Appropriation Act No. 3, 1999-2000--President of the Treasury Board (Robillard)
    >>>*C-22.\Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act--Minister of Finance (Martin, Paul)
    >>>*C-23.\Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act--Minister of Justice (McLellan)
    >>>*C-24.\Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 1999--Minister of Finance (Martin, Paul)
    >>>*C-25.\Income Tax Amendments Act, 1999--Minister of Finance (Martin, Paul)
    >>>*C-26.\Canada Transportation Act, Competition Act, Competition Tribunal Act and Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)--Minister of Transport (Collenette)
    >>>*C-27.\Canada National Parks Act--Minister of Canadian Heritage (Copps)
    >>>C-28.\Motor Vehicle Transport Act (1987)(amdt.)--Minister of Transport (Collenette)
    >>>*C-29.\Appropriation Act No. 4, 1999-2000--President of the Treasury Board (Robillard)
    >>>*C-30.\Appropriation Act No. 1, 2000-2001--President of the Treasury Board (Robillard)
    >>>C-31.\Immigration and Refugee Protection Act--Minister of Citizenship and Immigration--Caplan
    >>>*C-32.\Budget Implementation Act, 2000--Minister of Finance (Martin, Paul)
    >>>C-33.\Species at Risk Act--Minister of the Environment (Anderson)
    >>>*C-34.\Canada Transportation Act (amdt.)--Minister of Transport (Collenette)
    >>>C-35.\Canada Shipping Act, 2000--Minister of Transport (Collenette)
    >>>C-36.\Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal harassment, home invasion, applications for ministerial review--miscarriage of justice, and criminal procedure)--Minister of Justice (McLellan)
    >>>*C-37.\Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.) and Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.)--Leader of the Government in the House of Commons (Boudria)
    >>>C-38.\Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act--Minister of Finance (Martin, Paul)
    >>>C-39.\Eldorado Nuclear Limited Reorganization and Divestiture Act--Minister of Natural Resources (Goodale)
    >>>C-40.\Courts Administration Service Act--Minister of Justice (McLellan)
    >>>*C-41.\Civilian War-Related Benefits Act--Minister of Veterans Affairs (Baker)
    >>>*C-42.\Appropriation Act No. 2, 2000-2001--President of the Treasury Board (Robillard)
    >>>C-43.\Income Tax Act and Income Tax Application Rules (amdt.)--Minister of Finance (Martin, Paul)
    >>>C-44.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.)--Minister of Human Resources Development (Stewart, J.)
    >>>*C-45.\Canada Health Care, Early Childhood Development and Other Social Services Funding Act--Minister of Finance (Martin, Paul)
    >>>C-46.\Canada Foundation For Sustainable Development Technology Act--Minister of Natural Resources (Goodale)
    >>Private Members' Public
    >>>C-201.\Competition Act (amdt.--protection of those who purchase products from vertically integrated suppliers who compete with them at retail)--McTeague
    >>>*C-202.\Criminal Code (amdt.--flight)--McTeague
    >>>C-203.\Auditor General Act (amdt.--Poverty Commissioner)--Gagnon
    >>>C-204.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--parental benefits)--Szabo
    >>>C-205.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction of expenses incurred by mechanic for tools required in employment)--Guimond
    >>>C-206.\Access to Information Act (amdt.)--Bryden
    >>>C-207.\Criminal Code (amdt.--prohibit coercion in medical procedures that offend a person's religion or belief that human life is inviolable)--Vellacott
    >>>C-208.\Crown Liability and Proceedings Act (amdt.)--Hanger
    >>>C-209.\Criminal Code (amdt--prohibited sexual acts)--Hanger
    >>>C-210.\Bank of Canada Act (amdt.--withdrawal of the thousand dollar note)--Marceau
    >>>C-211.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--travel expenses for a motor vehicle used by a forestry worker)--Crête
    >>>C-212.\Canada Labour Code, Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and Public Service Staff Relations Act (amdt.--prohibited provision in a collective agreement)--Guay
    >>>C-213.\Shipbuilding Act, 1999--Dubé, A.
    >>>C-214.\Treaties Act--Turp
    >>>C-215.\Tabling of Treaties Act--Turp
    >>>C-216.\Treaty Approval Act--Turp
    >>>C-217.\Treaty Publication Act--Turp
    >>>C-218.\Conclusion of Treaties Act--Turp
    >>>C-219.\Criminal Code (amdt.--breaking and entering)--Obhrai
    >>>C-220.\Cultural Grants Acknowledgement Act--Obhrai
    >>>C-221.\Prairie Grain Elevators Act--Morrison
    >>>C-222.\First Nations Ombudsman Act-Thompson, M.
    >>>C-223.\Witness and Spousal Protection Program Act--Hill, J.
    >>>C-224.\Recognition of Crimes Against Humanity Act--Assadourian
    >>>C-225.\Tobacco Act (amdt.--substances contained in a tobacco product)--Assadourian
    >>>C-226.\Parliamentarians' Code of Conduct Act--Earle
    >>>C-227.\Organ Donation Act--Sekora
    >>>C-228.\Canadian Transportatation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act and Canada Labour Code (amdt.)--Morrison
    >>>C-229.\Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--letter that cannot be transmitted by post)--Redman
    >>>C-230.\National Epidermolysis Bullosa Awareness Week Act--Bulte
    >>>C-231.\Internet Child Pornography Prevention Act--Stoffer
    >>>C-232.\Hepatitis Awareness Month Act--Stoffer
    >>>C-233.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--medical expenses)--Stoffer
    >>>C-234.\Criminal Code (amdt.--taking samples of bodily substances)--Thompson, M.
    >>>C-235.\Divorce Act (amdt.--marriage counselling required before divorce granted)--Szabo
    >>>C-236.\National Parks Act (amdt.--Stoltmann National Park)--Caccia
    >>>C-237.\Recognition and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Act and Constitution Act, 1867 (amdt.)--Breitkreuz, G.
    >>>C-238.\Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--mail contractors)--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-239.\Whistle Blowers Protection Act--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-240.\Labour Market Training Act--Martin, Pat
    >>>C-241.\Young Offenders Act (amdt.)--MacKay
    >>>C-242.\Criminal Code (amdt.--Order of prohibition)--MacKay
    >>>C-243.\Criminal Code (amdt.--dangerous offenders)--Thompson, M.
    >>>C-244.\Blood Samples Act--Strahl
    >>>C-245.\Criminal Code (amdt.--mandatory counselling for certain assaults)--Szabo
    >>>C-246.\Public Safety Officer Compensation Act--Szabo
    >>>C-247.\Criminal Code (amdt.--cumulative sentences)--Guarnieri
    >>>C-248.\Income Tax Act and Canada Pension Plan (amdt.--transfer of income of spouse)--Szabo
    >>>C-249.\Canada Water Export Prohibition Act--Riis
    >>>C-250.\Criminal Code (amdt.--bail in cases of assault with weapon or a criminal harassment)--Thompson, M.
    >>>C-251.\Criminal Code (amdt.)--Thompson, M.
    >>>C-252.\National Agriculture Industry Relief Co-ordination Act--Borotsik
    >>>C-253.\Young Offenders Act (amdt.)--Ramsay
    >>>C-254.\Criminal Code (admt.--using or operating a stolen motor vehicle in the commission of an offence)--Thompson, M.
    >>>C-255.\Criminal Code (amdt.--arrest without warrant)--Thompson, M.
    >>>C-256.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--qualifying for benefits)--Gagnon
    >>>C-257.\Louis Riel Act--Jennings
    >>>C-258.\Automotive Pollution Reduction Act--Lincoln
    >>>C-259.\Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal liability of corporations, directors and officers)--McDonough
    >>>C-260.\Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--warning labels regarding the consumption of alcohol)--Szabo
    >>>C-261.\Members of Parliament Superannuation Act--Gouk
    >>>C-262.\Criminal Code (amdt.--impaired driving causing death or injury)--MacKay
    >>>C-263.\Criminal Code (amdt.--hate propaganda)--Robinson
    >>>C-264.\Blood Samples Act--Martin, K.
    >>>C-265.\Criminal Code (amdt.--violent crimes)--Martin, K.
    >>>C-266.\Contraventions Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.--marijuana)--Martin, K.
    >>>C-267.\Canada Elections Act (amdt.--registration of political parties)--White, T.
    >>>C-268.\Canada Elections Act (amdt.--electronic voting)--White, T.
    >>>C-269.\Recall Act--White, T.
    >>>C-270.\Criminal Code (amdt.)--Pankiw
    >>>C-271.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--self-employed persons)--Crête
    >>>C-272.\Employment Insurancc Act (amdt.--waiting period)--Crête
    >>>C-273.\Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children)--Davies
    >>>C-274.\Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--student loan)--Davies
    >>>C-275.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--rate of beneftis)--Chrétien, J.G.
    >>>C-276.\Competition Act (amdt.--negative option marketing)--Gallaway
    >>>C-277.\Citizen-Initiated Referendum Act--White, T.
    >>>C-278.\Canada Elections Act (amdt.--appointment of election officers)--White, T.
    >>>C-279.\Canada Elections Act (amdt.--election expenses)--White, T.
    >>>C-280.\Copyright Act amdt)--Mahoney
    >>>C-281.\Divorce Act (amdt.--child of the marriage)--Gallaway
    >>>C-282.\Emancipation Day Act, 1999--Obhrai
    >>>C-283.\Canada Labour Code (amdt.--severance pay)--Morrison
    >>>C-284.\Canada Transportation Act (amdt.--discontinued railway lines)--Morrison
    >>>C-285.\Supreme Court Act (amdt.--approval of justices by committee)--Solberg
    >>>C-286.\User Fee Act--Solberg
    >>>C-287.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--removal of foreign investment limit for registered retirement savings plans and registered retirement income funds)--Solberg
    >>>C-288.\Criminal Code (amdt.--prostitution)--Lowther
    >>>C-289.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--child adoption expenses)--Lowther
    >>>C-290.\Canada Elections Act (amdt.--reimbursement of election expenses)--St. Hilaire
    >>>C-291.\Criminal Code 9amdt.--prohibited sexual acts)--Lowther
    >>>C-292.\Immigration Enforcement Improvement Act--Peric
    >>>C-293.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--political activities by charities receiving public funds)--White., T.
    >>>C-294.\Employment Equity Act and Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.--eliminating of designated groups and numerical goals)--T. White
    >>>C-295.\Fiscal Responsibility Act--White, T.
    >>>C-296.\Beverage Containers Act--Mahoney
    >>>C-297.\Young Offenders Act (amdt.)--Cadman
    >>>C-298.\National Defence Act (amdt.--Snowbirds)--Mark
    >>>C-299.\Family Farm Cost of Production Protection Act--Nystrom
    >>>C-300.\Canada Endangered Species Protection Act--Caccia
    >>>C-301.\Homeowners' Freedom from Double Taxation Act--Epp
    >>>C-302.\Criminal Code (amdt.--conditional sentencing)--Hill, J.
    >>>C-303.\Criminal Code and Young Offenders Act (amdt.--capital punishment)--Hill, J.
    >>>C-304.\Divorce Act (amdt.--joint custody)--Hill, J.
    >>>C-305.\Criminal Code (amdt.--prohibiting certain offenders from changing their names)--White, R.
    >>>C-306.\Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.--gifts to the Crown)--White, T.
    >>>C-307.\Broadcasting Act (amdt.--designation of cable channels)--White, T.
    >>>C-308.\Income Tax Act (amdt.)--Stoffer
    >>>C-309.\Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--mandatory labelling for genetically modified foods)--Alarie
    >>>C-310.\Statutory Instruments Act (amdt.--disallowance procedure for statutory instruments)--White, T.
    >>>C-311.\Plain Language Act (Bill C-311)--White, T.
    >>>C-312.\National Archives of Canada Act and Statistics Act (amdt.)--Harb
    >>>C-313.\VIA Rail Commercialization Act--Gouk
    >>>C-314.\Firearms Act and Criminal Code (amdt.--no registration of firearms that are not restricted or prohibited firearms)--Gouk
    >>>C-315.\Final Offer Arbitration in Respect of West Coast Ports Operations Act--Johnston
    >>>C-316.\Transfer of Offenders Act (amdt.--removal of foreign offenders)--Peric
    >>>C-317.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)--Tremblay, Stéphan
    >>>C-318.\Apprenticeship National Standards Act--Mahoney
    >>>C-319.\Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--nutrition information on foods)--Wappel
    >>>C-320.\Criminal Code (amdt.--offence committed outside Canada)--Wappel
    >>>C-321.\Criminal Code (amdt.--forfeiture of property relating to child pornography crime)--Casson
    >>>C-322.\Income Tax Act and National Defence Act (amdt.--rental of a residence)--Martin, K.
    >>>C-323.\Employment Insurance Act (Schedule 1)(amdt.)--Crête
    >>>C-324.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--determination of insurable employment)--Crête
    >>>C-325.\Statutory Instruments Act (amdt.--disallowance procedure for statutory instruments)--Grewal
    >>>C-326.\Reform's Territorial Protection Act--Grewal
    >>>C-327.\Farm Income Protection Act (amdt.--crop damage by gophers)--Benoit
    >>>C-328.\Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--withdrawal of applications for full parole by offenders serving two or more years)--Cadman
    >>>C-329.\Access to Information Act (amdt.)--Bailey
    >>>C-330.\Privacy Act (amdt.)--Reynolds
    >>>C-331.\Immigration Act (amdt.--persons without identification not to be allowed into Canada as immigrants or refugees or under a minister's permit)--Reynolds
    >>>C-332.\Immigration Act (amdt.--refugee or immigrant applicants convicted of an offence or indictment)--Reynolds
    >>>C-333.\Immigration Act (amdt.--removal of those convicted of serious offence)--Reynolds
    >>>C-334.\Criminal Code (amdt.--wearing of war decorations)--Reynolds
    >>>C-335.\Criminal Code, Young Offenders Act and Transfer of Offenders Act (amdt.--death penalty)--Reynolds
    >>>C-336.\Official Languages Act (amdt.--provision of bilingual services)--Pankiw
    >>>C-337.\Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--recognized political parties)--Pankiw
    >>>C-338.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--deductibility of expense of tools provided as a requirement of employment)--Nystrom
    >>>C-339.\Interest Act (amdt.--interest payable on repayment of a mortgage loan before maturity)--Nystrom
    >>>C-340.\Bank Act (amdt.--bank mergers)--Nystrom
    >>>C-341.\Pension Ombudsman Act--Nystrom
    >>>C-342.\Bank Act, Insurance Companies Act and Trust and Loan Companies Act (amdt.--repayment of a mortgage loan before the maturity of the loan)--Nystrom
    >>>C-343.\Credit Ombudsman Act (Bill C-343)--Nystrom
    >>>C-344.\Proportional Representation Review Act--Nystrom
    >>>C-345.\Canada Pension Plan (amdt.--early pension entitlement for police officers and firefighters)--Nystrom
    >>>C-346.\Federal Capital Act--de Savoye
    >>>C-347.\Criminal Code (amdt.--desecration of the flag)--Harris
    >>>C-348.\Canadian Forces Superannuation Act, Carriage by Air Act, Cree-Naskapi (of Quebec) Act, Criminal Code, Pension Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.)--Harb
    >>>C-349.\Competition Act (amdt.--vertically integrated gasoline suppliers)--Harb
    >>>C-350.\Maximum Speed Control Device Act--Harb
    >>>C-351.\Wages Liability Act (amdt.--definition of adult)--Harb
    >>>C-352.\Privacy Act (amdt.--definition of minor)--Harb
    >>>C-353.\Land Titles Act (amdt.--age of majority and definition of "infant")--Harb
    >>>C-354.\Pension Fund Societies Act (amdt.--definition of "minor child")--Harb
    >>>C-355.\Insurance Companies Act (amdt.--definition of "infant")--Harb
    >>>C-356.\Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (amdt.--definition of "child")--Harb
    >>>C-357.\Indian Act (amdt.--definition of "infant child")--Harb
    >>>C-358.\Hazardous Products Act (amdt.--definition of "child")--Harb
    >>>C-359.\Government Employees Compensation Act (amdt.--definition of "infant")--Harb
    >>>C-360.\Extradition Act(amdt.--definition of "child")--Harb
    >>>C-361.\Interpretation Act (amdt.--definition of child)--Harb
    >>>C-362.\Canadian Child Rights Act--Harb
    >>>C-363.\Territorial Lands Act (amdt.--definition of "adult")--harb
    >>>C-364.\Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.)--Harb
    >>>C-365.\Criminal Code (amdt.--definition of "child")--Harb
    >>>C-366.\Canada Transportation Act (amdt.--definition of "adult")--harb
    >>>C-367.\Divorce Act (amdt.--right of spouses' parents to access to or custody of child)--Harb
    >>>C-368.\Excise Tax Act (amdt.--definition of "child")--Harb
    >>>C-369.\Excise Act (amdt.--definition of "adult")--Harb
    >>>C-370.\Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--definition of "child")--Harb
    >>>C-371.\Canada-United Kingdom Civil and Commercial Judgments Convention Act (andt.--definition of "infant" in matters originating in Canada)---Harb
    >>>C-372.\Canada Co-operative Associations Act (amdt.)--Harb
    >>>C-373.\Canada Student Loans Act (amdt.--definition of full age)--Harb
    >>>C-374.\Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--definitions of child and infant)--Harb
    >>>C-375.\Canada Health Act (amdt.--definition of "child")--Harb
    >>>C-376.\Departmental Internal Audit Act--Harb
    >>>C-377.\Canada Pension Plan (amdt.--definition of "child")--Harb
    >>>C-378.\Divorce Act (amdt.--definition of "child")--Harb
    >>>C-379.\Canada Business Corporations Act (amdt.--definition of "infant" and "minor")--Harb
    >>>C-380.\Bills of Exchange Act (amdt.--definition of "infant" and "minor")--Harb
    >>>C-381.\Canadian Bill of Rights (amdt.--right to housing)--Harb
    >>>C-382.\Education Standards Act--Harb
    >>>C-383.\National Literacy Standards Act--Harb
    >>>C-384.\Canadian Bill of Rights (amdt.--right to literacy)--Harb
    >>>C-385.\Canadian Bill of Rights (amdt.--right to education)--Harb
    >>>C-386.\Immigration Act (amdt.--requirement to show evidence of identitiy)--K. Martin
    >>>C-387.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--elimination of the waiting period in a natural disaster)--C. Bachand
    >>>C-388.\Chemical Pesticides Use For Non-Essential Purposes Prohibition Act--Jennings
    >>>C-389.\Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--discharge of ballast waters)--Thompson, G.
    >>>C-390.\National Horse of Canada Act--Calder
    >>>C-391.\Bank Act (amdt.--definition of infant)--Harb
    >>>C-392.\Canada Seat Belt Act--Harb
    >>>C-393.\Consumer Credit Information Act--Harb
    >>>C-394.\Deficit Prevention Act--Harb
    >>>C-395.\Protection of Privacy (Social Insurance Numbers) Act--Harb
    >>>C-396.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--donors to food banks)--Harb
    >>>C-397.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)--Harvey
    >>>C-398.\First Nations Veterans' Compensation Act--Nystrom
    >>>C-399.\Conscientious Objection Act--Robinson
    >>>C-400.\Federal Public Service Pension Act--Grewal
    >>>C-401.\Criminal Code (amdt.--no parole when imprisoned for life)--Hanger
    >>>C-402.\Competition Act (amdt.--abuse of dominant position)--McTeague
    >>>C-403.\Nuclear Amendment Act, 1998--Chatters
    >>>C-404.\Employment Insurance Act and the Department of Human Resources Development Act, 1999 (amdt.)--Crete
    >>>C-405.\Employment Insurance Act and another Act in consequece, 1999 (amdt.--Employment Insurance Account and annual premium rate setting)--Crete
    >>>C-406.\Criminal Code (amdt.--proceeds of crime)--Forseth
    >>>C-407.\Criminal Code (amdt.--judicial review)--Forseth
    >>>C-408.\Criminal Code (amdt.--prostitution)--Forseth
    >>>C-409.\Gun Control Legislation Expiry Act--Breitkreuz, G.
    >>>C-410.\Canada Water Export Prohbition Act--Lincoln
    >>>C-411.\Taxpayers' Bill of Rights--Kenney
    >>>C-412.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--exemption from taxation of 50% of U.S. social security payments to Canadian residents)--Kenney
    >>>C-413.\Observance of Two Minutes of Silence on Remembrance Day Act--Kenney
    >>>C-414.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--allowances paid to elected officials)--Kenney
    >>>C-415.\Criminal Code (amdt.--wearing of war decorations)--Jennings
    >>>C-416.\Department of Health Act (amdt.--environmental illnesses, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and multiple chemical sensitivity)--Thompson, G.
    >>>C-417.\Patients' Bill of Rights Act--Thompson, G.
    >>>C-418.\Access to Information Act (amdt.--Crown corporations and the Canadian Wheat Board)--Borotsik
    >>>C-419.\Telecommunications Act (amdt.--restrictions on telemarketing)--Gilmour
    >>>C-420.\Organ Donation Act--Sekora
    >>>C-421.\Export Development Act (amdt.)--Caccia
    >>>C-422.\Criminal Code (amdt.--prohibit coercion in medical procedures that offend a person's religion or belief that human life is inviolable)--Vellacott
    >>>C-423.\Canada Elections Act (amdt.)--Riis
    >>>C-424.\Canada Labour Code (amdt.--scabs and essential services)--Fournier
    >>>C-425.\National Environmental Standards Act--Harb
    >>>C-426.\Criminal Code (amdt.)--Cadman
    >>>C-427.\Criminal Code (amdt.--abduction)--Cadman
    >>>C-428.\Samuel de Champlain Day Act--Thompson, G.
    >>>C-429.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction of mechanics' tool expenses)--Benoit
    >>>C-430.\Canada Health Act (amdt.--conditions for contributions)--Gouk
    >>>C-431.\Indian Act (amdt.--election of chiefs and councils)--Benoit
    >>>C-432.\Raoul Wallenberg Day Act--Lincoln
    >>>C-433.\Criminal Code (amdt.--search and seizure without warrant)--Benoit
    >>>C-434.\Department of Health Act (amdt.--genetically modified food)--Elley
    >>>C-435.\Referendum Act (amdt.)--Elley
    >>>C-436.\Right to Work Act--Pankiw
    >>>C-437.\Recognition and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Act and Constitution Act, 1867 (amdt.)--Breitkreuz, G.
    >>>C-438.\Competition Act (amdt.--game of chance)--Redman
    >>>C-439.\Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.--rights ceasing to accrue after the end of 2000)--Pankiw
    >>>C-440.\Medically Unnecessary Abortion Referendum Act--Pankiw
    >>>C-441.\Criminal Code (amdt.--consecutive sentence for use of firearm in commission of offence)--Pankiw
    >>>C-442.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--section 15)--Sauvageau
    >>>C-443.\Criminal Code (amdt.--reimbursement of cost following a free pardon)--Sauvageau
    >>>C-444.\Criminal Code (amdt.--judicial review)--Nunziata
    >>>*C-445.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)--Tremblay, Suzanne
    >>>C-446.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--insurable employment)--Guimond
    >>>C-447.\Criminal Code (amdt.--false documents, etc. respecting a franchise)--Guimond
    >>>C-448.\Access to Information Act (amdt.--Crown corporations)--Gilmour
    >>>C-449.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)--Goldring
    >>>C-450.\Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.)--Stoffer
    >>>C-451.\Oath of Allegiance to the Flag of Canada Act--Chamberlain
    >>>C-452.\Motor Vehicle Safety Act (amdt.--ignition security switches)--Chamberlain
    >>>C-453.\Criminal Code (amdt.--attempting to disarm a peace officer)--MacKay
    >>>C-454.\Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (amdt.--trafficking in a controlled drug or substance within five hundred metres of an elementary school or a high school)--Gilmour
    >>>C-455.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)--Marceau--withdrawn
    >>>C-456.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)--Desrochers--withdrawn
    >>>C-457.\Immigration Act (amdt.)--Leung
    >>>C-458.\Competition Act (amdt.--contest, lottery or game of chance)--Bernier, G.
    >>>C-459.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--withholding of tax by employers and others)--Pankiw
    >>>C-460.\Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Act (amdt.)--Pankiw
    >>>C-461.\Statutory Instruments Act (amdt.--regulatory accountability)--Pankiw
    >>>C-462.\Criminal Code (amdt.--exemption of long guns from registration)--Herron
    >>>C-463.\Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Act (amdt.) and Interpretation Act (amdt.)--Mahoney
    >>>C-464.\Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)--Epp
    >>>C-465.\Endangered Species Sanctuary Act--Martin, K.
    >>>C-466.\Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.)--Stoffer
    >>>C-467.\Income Tax Act (amdt.)--Stoffer
    >>>C-468.\Statistics Act (amdt.--ethnicity question)--Obhrai
    >>>C-469.\Canada Well-Being Measurement Act--Jordan
    >>>C-470.\Broadcasting Act (amdt.--reduction of violence in television broadcasts)--Bigras
    >>>C-471.\Competition Act (amdt.--international mutual assistance and references) and Competition Tribunal Act (amdt.--references)--Jennings
    >>>C-472.\Competition Act (amdt.--conspiracy agreements and the right to make private applications), Competition Tribunal Act (amdt.--costs and summary dispositions) and Criminal Code (amdt.)--McTeague
    >>>*C-473.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)--Kilger
    >>>C-474.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--percentage of gifts that may be deducted from tax)--Mark
    >>>C-475.\Endangered Species Sanctuaries Act--Martin, K.
    >>>C-476.\Fuel Price Posting Act--St. Julien
    >>>C-477.\Statutory Program Evaluation Act--Williams
    >>>C-478.\Bank Act and Statistics Act (amdt.--equity in community reinvestment)--Ménard
    >>>C-479.\Terry Fox Day Act--Beaumier
    >>>C-480.\Criminal Code (amdt.)--Harb
    >>>C-481.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--tax credit for mental or physical impairment)--Harb
    >>>C-482.\Oil and Gas Ombudsman Act--Harb
    >>>C-483.\Income Tax Act, Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act, Public Service Superannuation Act, Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.--dependent beneficiaries)--Harb
    >>>C-484.\Statistics Act and the National Archives of Canada Act (amdt.--census records)--Calder
    >>>C-485.\Copyright Act (amdt.--Minister)--de Savoye
    >>>C-486.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--expenses incurred by caregivers)(Bill C-486)--Stoffer
    >>>C-487.\Canada Student Financial Assistance Act (amdt.--financial assistance relating to Convention refugees and their education needs)--Graham
    >>>C-488.\Energy Price Commission Act--Solomon
    >>>C-489.\Access to Information Act (amdt.--cabinet confidences)--Breitkreuz, G.
    >>>C-490.\Referendum Act (amdt.--to permit a referendum and a general election to be conducted at the same time and on the same polling day)--Breitkreuz, C.
    >>>C-491.\Education Benefits Act--Peric
    >>>C-492.\A Day for Hearts: Congential Heart Defect Awareness Day Act--Thompson, G.
    >>>C-493.\Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--persons who leave employment to be caregivers to family members)--Stoffer
    >>>C-494.\Access to Information Act (amdt.)--Casey
    >>>C-495.\All-Numeric Dates Act--Adams
    >>>C-496.\Holidays Act (amdt.--Christmas Day)--Bryden
    >>>C-497.\Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act (amdt.--prevention of private hospitals)--Wasylycia-Leis
    >>>C-498.\Canada Labour Code (amdt.)--Guay
    >>>C-499.\Canada Labour Code, Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and Public Service Staff Relations Act (amdt.--prohibited provision in a collective agreement)--Guay
    >>>C-500.\Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--genetically modified food)--Caccia
    >>>C-501.\Marriage Capacity Act (Bill C-501)--Robinson
    >>>C-502.\Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangement Act (amdt.--work for welfare)--Pankiw
    >>>C-503.\Criminal Code and Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--to provide for judicial discretion to assign a security classification of maximum to high-risk violent offenders, to establish a Board of Management to oversee operations of Correctional Service of Canada and to establish an Office of Ombudsman for Victims)--Bonin
    >>>C-504.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--to provide for the deduction of funeral expenses)(Bil C-504)--Harb
    >>>C-505.\Criminal Code (amdt.--recruitment of children and swarming)--MacKay
    >>>C-506.\Hazardous Products Act (amdt.--fire-safe cigarettes)--McKay
    >>>C-507.\Clean Internet Act--Earle
    >>>C-508.\Whistle Blower Human Rights Act--Grewal
    >>>C-509.\Competition Act (amdt.)--McTeague
    >>>C-510.\Holocaust Memorial Day Act--Wasylycia-Leis
    >>>C-511.\Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal Act (amdt.--Book of Remembrance for peacekeepers)--Harb
    >>>C-512.\Canada Pension Plan, Government Annuities Act, Old Age Security Act (amdt.)--Nystrom