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The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 38th Parliament, 1st Session.

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38th Parliament, 1st Session   (October 4, 2004 - November 29, 2005)  Latest Session
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Canadian Forces Superannuation Act and Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act (amdt.--elimination of deduction from annuity)(Bill C-441)--Stoffer

Canadian Grain Commission

    >>Administration, reports, P-9 (Ritz), ordered, 1048 (8550-381-9)
    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>2003-2004, tabled, 160 (8563-381-14)
    >>>2004-2005, tabled, 1229 (8563-381-106)
    >>See also Estimates, 2004-2005, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Estimates, 2005-2006, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities

Canadian Heritage Department

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>2003-2004, tabled, 160 (8563-381-15)
    >>>2004-2005, tabled, 1229 (8563-381-107)
    >>Estimates, 2004-2005, Main
    >>>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee referral, 65
    >>>Committee of the Whole
    >>>>Referral, M., deemed adopted, 177-8
    >>>>Votes deemed reported, 226
    >>>Vote 100 (Public Service Commission), Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee referral, 66
    >>>Vote 105 (Public Service Staff Relations Board), Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee referral, 66
    >>>Votes 110 and 115 (Status of Women), Status of Women Standing Committee referral, 66-7
    >>Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (A)
    >>>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
    >>>>Referral, 194
    >>>>Report, 293
    >>>Vote 100a (Public Service Commission), Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee
    >>>>Referral, 194
    >>>>Report, 299
    >>>Vote 105a (Public Service Staff Relations Board), Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee
    >>>>Referral, 194
    >>>>Report, 299
    >>>Vote 107a (Public Service Staffing Tribunal), Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee
    >>>>Referral, 194
    >>>>Report, 299
    >>>Vote 110a (Status of Women), Status of Women Standing Committee referral, 195
    >>Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (B)
    >>>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee referral, 484
    >>>Vote 115b (Status of Women), Status of Women Standing Committee referral, 485
    >>Estimates, 2005-2006, Main
    >>>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee referral, 486
    >>>Vote 95 (Public Service Commission), Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee
    >>>>Referral, 486
    >>>>Report, 808
    >>>Vote 100 (Public Service Staff Relations Board), Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee
    >>>>Referral, 486
    >>>>Report, 808
    >>>Vote 105 (Public Service Staffing Tribunal), Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee
    >>>>Referral, 486
    >>>>Report, 808
    >>>Votes 110 and 115 (Status of Women), Status of Women Standing Committee referral, 487-8
    >>Estimates, 2005-2006, Supplementary (A)
    >>>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee referral, 1220
    >>>Vote 95a (Public Service Commission), Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee referral, 1220
    >>>Vote 100a (Public Service Labour Relations Board), Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee referral, 1220
    >>>Votes 110a and 115a (Status of Women), Status of Women Standing Committee referral, 1221
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2004-2005, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Estimates, 2005-2006, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act

Canadian Heritage Minister see Official languages policy/bilingualism;Parks Canada Agency

Canadian Heritage Standing Committee

    >>Bills referred
    >>>Chinese Canadian Recognition and Restitution Act (Bill C-333), 641
    >>>Criminal Code and Cultural Property Export and Import Act (amdt.)(Bill S-37), 1200
    >>>Telefilm Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-18), 215
    >>>Ukrainian Canadian Restitution Act (Bill C-331), 569
    >>Estimates, 2004-2005, Main, referred
    >>>Canadian Heritage, 65
    >>Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (A), referred
    >>>Canadian Heritage, 194
    >>Estimates, 2004-2005, Supplementary (B), referred
    >>>Canadian Heritage, 484
    >>Estimates, 2005-2006, Main, referred
    >>>Canadian Heritage, 486
    >>Estimates, 2005-2006, Supplementary (A), referred
    >>>Canadian Heritage, 1220
    >>Membership, 38-9, 118, 269, 401, 1129-30
    >>>First (Second Report of the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage presented to the House during the Second Session of the 37th Parliament), 196 (8510-381-20)
    >>>>gr, 572 (8512-381-20)
    >>>Second (First Report of the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage presented to the House during the Third Session of the 37th Parliament), 196-7 (8510-381-21)
    >>>Third (Order in Council appointment of Robert Rabinovitch to the position of President and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), 236 (8510-381-27)
    >>>Fourth (Supplementary Estimates (A) 2004-2005 -- Votes 1a, 5a, 35a, 45a, 46a, 55a, 60a, 75a and 95a under Canadian Heritage), 293 (8510-381-40)
    >>>Fifth (Telefilm Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-18)), 293 (8510-381-41)
    >>>Sixth (Certificate of nomination of S. Wayne Clarkson to the position of Executive Director of Telefilm Canada), 293 (8510-381-42)
    >>>Seventh (CBC/Radio-Canada V Programming goals and objectives), 394 (8510-381-63)
    >>>Eighth (Chapter 6 of the November 2003 Report of the Auditor General of Canada), 636 (8510-381-108)
    >>>Ninth (study of the Canadian Feature Film Industry), 777 (8510-381-139)
    >>>Tenth (Interim Report on the Canadian Feature Film Industry), 932 (8510-381-176)
    >>>Eleventh (extension of time to consider Bill C-331, An Act to recognize the injustice that was done to persons of Ukrainian descent and other Europeans who were interned at the time of the First World War and to provide for public commemoration and for restitution which is to be devoted to public education and the promotion of tolerance), 1084 (8510-381-191)
    >>>>Concurrence (Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 23), M., deemed deferred, 1084, deemed concurred in, 1102
    >>>Twelfth (extension of time to consider Bill C-333, An Act to recognize the injustices done to Chinese immigrants by head taxes and exclusion legislation, to provide for recognition of the extraordinary contribution they made to Canada, to provide for redress and to promote education on Chinese Canadian history and racial harmony), 1084 ( 8510-381-192)
    >>>>Concurrence (Concurrence in Committee Reports No. 24), M., deemed deferred, 1084, deemed concurred in 1102
    >>>Thirteenth (Certificate of Nomination of Guy Fournier to the position of Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), 1106 (8510-381-196)
    >>>Fourteenth (Ukrainian Canadian Restitution Act (Bill C-331)), 1247-8 (8510-381-210)
    >>>Fifteenth (Chinese Canadian Recognition and Restitution Act (Bill C-333)), 1254 (8510-381-212)
    >>>Sixteenth (Criminal Code and Cultural Property Export and Import Act (amdt.)(Bill S-37)), 1278 (8510-381-214)
    >>>Seventeenth (CBC/Radio-Canada), 1279 (8510-381-218)
    >>>Eighteenth (CBC/Radio-Canada), 1331 (8510-381-238)
    >>>Nineteenth (Scripts, Screens and Audiences: A New Feature Film Policy for the 21st Century), 1331 (8510-381-239)
    >>Reports from 3rd Session, 37th Parliament
    >>>First (Interim Report on Copyright Reform)
    >>>>gr, 570 (8512-381-49)
    >>>See also Canadian Heritage Standing Committee--Reports, Second
    >>Reports from 2nd Session, 37th Parliament
    >>>Second (Our Cultural Sovereignty: The Second Century of Canadian Broadcasting) see Canadian Heritage Standing Committee--Reports, First
    >>Reports permanently referred see Cable Public Affairs Channel (CPAC);Canada Council for the Arts;Canada Science and Technology Museum Corporation;Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC);Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board;Canadian Multiculturalism Act;Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation;Canadian Museum of Nature;Canadian Race Relations Foundation;National Arts Centre (NAC);National Capital Commission (NCC);National Film Board of Canada (NFB);National Gallery of Canada (and Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography);Order in Council appointments;Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada;Telefilm Canada
    >>Travel, authorization, 399-400, 519-20, 827

Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.--gender identity)(Bill C-392)--Siksay

Canadian Human Rights Commission

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>2003-2004, tabled, 160 (8563-381-16)
    >>>2004-2005, tabled, 1229 (8563-381-108)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Standing Committee
    >>>2004 annual report, 559 (8560-381-123-01)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2004-2005, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Estimates, 2005-2006, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act

Canadian Human Rights Tribunal

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>2003-2004, tabled, 160 (8563-381-17)
    >>>2004-2005, tabled, 1229 (8563-381-109)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Standing Committee
    >>>2004 annual report, 572 (8560-381-661-01)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2004-2005, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Estimates, 2005-2006, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act

Canadian Hydrographic Service see Marine transportation--Electronic nautical charts

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>2003-2004, tabled, 160 (8563-381-18)
    >>>2004-2005, tabled, 1229 (8563-381-110)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Health Standing Committee
    >>>2003-2004 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 356 (8560-381-782-01)
    >>>President, Alan Bernstein, certificate of nomination, 671 (8540-381-18-06)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2004-2005, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Estimates, 2005-2006, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act

Canadian Intellectual Property Office

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Industry, Natural Resources, Science and Technology Standing Committee
    >>>2003-2004 annual report, 837 (8560-381-330-01)

Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>2003-2004, tabled, 160 (8563-381-19)
    >>>2004-2005, tabled, 1229 (8563-381-111)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee
    >>>Secretary, André McArdle, certificate of nomination, 719 (8540-381-4-13)
    >>See also Estimates, 2004-2005, Main--Privy Council, Vote 15--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Estimates, 2005-2006, Main--Privy Council, Vote 5--Reports on Plans and Priorities

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>2003-2004, tabled, 160 (8563-381-20)
    >>>2004-2005, tabled, 1229 (8563-381-112)
    >>Official Development Assistance Program
    >>>Budget plan, r.o. Q-133 (Desjarlais), 763 (8555-381-133)
    >>>Document, "Canadian International Development Agency -- Statistical Report on Official Development Assistance for the fiscal year 2003-2004" (English text only), tabled, 863 (8530-381-24)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2004-2005, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Estimates, 2005-2006, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act

Canadian International Development Agency -- Statistical Report on Official Development Assistance for the fiscal year 2003-2004 see Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)--Official Development Assistance Program

Canadian International Trade Tribunal

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>2003-2004, tabled, 160 (8563-381-21)
    >>>2004-2005, tabled, 1229 (8563-381-113)
    >>Membership, appointment process/composition see Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act and Special Import Measures Act (amdt.)(Bill C-430)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Finance Standing Committee
    >>>2003-2004 annual report, 22 (8560-381-553-01)
    >>>2004-2005 annual report, 1029 (8560-381-553-02)
    >>>Ballin Inc., 22 (8560-381-572-04)
    >>>December 2004 report, "An Inquiry into the Availability of Domestic Textiles for the Production of Apparel in Canada", 385 (8560-381-876-01)
    >>>June 2005 report, "Report of the Production in Canada of Certain Fibres, Yarns and Apparel Fabrics", 1029 (8560-381-876-02)
    >>>"Global Safeguard Inquiry Into the Importation of Bicycles and Finished Painted Bicycle Frames", 1123 (8560-381-572-05)
    >>>"Market Disruption Safety Inquiry into Barbecues Originating in the People's Republic of China", (Safeguard Inquiry No. CS-2005-001), 1235 (8560-381-894-01)
    >>>Peerless Clothing Inc., 22 (8560-381-572-01); 22 (8560-381-572-02)
    >>>Sunshine Mills Inc., 22 (8560-381-572-03)
    >>Membership, labour organization representation see Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (amdt.--appointment of permanent members)(Bill C-386)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2004-2005, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Estimates, 2005-2006, Main--Finance, Vote 25--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act

Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act (amdt.--appointment of permanent members)(Bill C-386)--Martin, Pat

Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act and Special Import Measures Act (amdt.)(Bill C-430)--Bellavance

Canadian Landmine Fund

    >>2003-2004 annual report, tabled, 505 (8525-381-14)

Canadian Multiculturalism Act

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
    >>>2003-2004 annual report, 395 (8560-381-577-01)

Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
    >>>2003-2004 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 146 (8560-381-467-01)
    >>>2004-2005 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1034-5 (8560-381-467-02)
    >>>2005-2006 to 2009-2010 corporate plan summaries and 2005-2006 operating and capital budgets, 775 (8562-381-858-01)
    >>>Director, Victor Rabinovitch, certificate of nomination, 505 (8540-381-3-15)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Alternative Fuels Act;Privacy Act

Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography see National Gallery of Canada (and Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography)

Canadian Museum of Nature

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
    >>>2003-2004 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 146 (8560-381-469-01)
    >>>2004-2005 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1035 (8560-381-469-02)
    >>>2005-2006 to 2009-2010 corporate plan summaries and 2005-2006 operating and capital budgets, 775 (8562-381-856-01)
    >>>Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, Robert Kenneth Armstrong, certificate of nomination, 377 (8540-381-3-09)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Alternative Fuels Act;Privacy Act

Canadian National Railway Company (CNR)

    >>Biggar, SK, terminal, closure
    >>>>(Skelton), 1017 (381-1464), gr, 1254 (8545-381-19-4); (381-1613), 1223; (381-1632), 1243; (381-1793), 1342
    >>Milton, ON, intermodal terminal facility
    >>>>(Carr), (381-0055), 203, gr, 370 (8545-381-19-01); (381-0157), 379, gr, 512 (8545-381-19-02)

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

    >>"Creative manager" position, r.o. Q-3 (Chatters), 241 (8555-381-3)
    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>2003-2004, tabled, 160 (8563-381-22)
    >>>2004-2005, tabled, 1229 (8563-381-114)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities Standing Committee
    >>>2003-2004 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 18 (8560-381-771-01)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Industry, Natural Resources, Science and Technology Standing Committee
    >>>2004-2005 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1040 (8560-381-771-02)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Employment Equity Act;Estimates, 2004-2005, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Estimates, 2005-2006, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act
    >>See also Nuclear energy

Canadian Older Adult Justice Agency

    >>Establishment see Older Adult Justice Act (Bill C-348)

Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal

    >>Establishing see Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal and Book of Remembrance Act (Bill C-202)

Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal and Book of Remembrance Act (Bill C-202)--Stoffer

    >>1st r, 75

Canadian Polar Commission

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>2003-2004, tabled, 161 (8563-381-43)
    >>>2004-2005, tabled, 1230 (8563-381-136)
    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee
    >>>2003-2004 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 178 (8560-381-498-01)
    >>>Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Thomas C. Hutchinson, certificate of nomination, 932 (8540-381-1-10)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2004-2005, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Estimates, 2005-2006, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act

Canadian Products Promotion Act (Bill C-440)--Guay

Canadian Race Relations Foundation

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
    >>>2003-2004 annual report, with Auditor's Report, 145-6 (8560-381-285-01)
    >>>2004-2005 annual report, with Auditor's Report, 1183-4 (8560-381-285-02)

Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)

    >>Decisions and orders within six months after a public hearing see Broadcasting Act (amdt.-decisions and orders)(Bill C-322)
    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>2003-2004, tabled, 160 (8563-381-23)
    >>>2004-2005, tabled, 1229 (8563-381-115)
    >>Direct fining authority, administrative monetary penalty scheme/Competition Commissioner access to commercially confidential information see Telecommunications Act (No. 2) (amdt.)(Bill C-73)
    >>Document, tabled, 93 (8530-381-02)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Cable Public Affairs Channel (CPAC)--Reports;Estimates, 2004-2005, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Estimates, 2005-2006, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act

Canadian Safe Drinking Water Act (Bill C-209)--Stoffer

    >>1st r, 96

Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)

    >>Document, "Canadian Security Intelligence Service: 2003 Public Report", tabled, 163 (8525-381-03)
    >>See also Employment Equity Act

Canadian Space Agency

    >>Departmental Performance Report
    >>>2003-2004, tabled, 160 (8563-381-24)
    >>>2004-2005, tabled, 1229 (8563-381-116)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2004-2005, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Estimates, 2005-2006, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act

Canadian Tourism Commission

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Industry, Natural Resources, Science and Technology Standing Committee
    >>>2004 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 683 (8560-381-87-01)
    >>>2005-2009 corporate plan summaries, 577 (8562-381-861-01)
    >>See also Access to Information Act;Alternative Fuels Act;Privacy Act