I call this meeting to order.
Welcome, everyone, to meeting number 32 of the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics. Pursuant to Standing Order 108(3)(h) and the motion adopted by the committee on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, the committee is meeting to study device investigation tools used by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format, pursuant to the House order of Thursday, June 23, 2022.
I've just discovered in the notice that this morning we have two witnesses for this meeting. I am going to run the meeting in two separate panels. These are the witnesses who were contained in the motion we adopted. In our meeting this afternoon, we will have, in one panel, all three of the witnesses who were provided by the parties.
We'll begin with Mr. Therrien for the first hour, and then in the second hour we will have Ms. Polsky.
With that, I welcome former commissioner Therrien, who is no stranger to our committee. We've had many committee meetings together. I welcome him back and invite him to begin this first panel with his opening statement.
Mr. Therrien, you have up to five minutes.
Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
It's a pleasure to be here.
Thank you for inviting me to testify as part of the important study you are conducting further to the June 22 publication of the government's response to a question that MP Tako Van Popta asked regarding mobile device surveillance.
In that response, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the RCMP, revealed that it had secretly used device investigation tools to collect data from mobile and other electronic devices of Canadians, always with judicial authorization pursuant to the Criminal Code.
I have no knowledge of facts beyond what was reported by the RCMP in response to . My remarks, therefore, will focus on the content of the applicable law. I know that the RCMP reiterated yesterday that it does not use what it calls ODITs without judicial authorization as this would be an offence under the Criminal Code.
There is no doubt that the covert collection by the state of personal and other information residing on the digital devices of Canadians is an extremely intrusive practice. However, such level of intrusiveness can still be lawful and consistent with privacy principles if the collection of information is authorized by law and is necessary and proportional to the achievement of compelling government objectives.
The RCMP says that its use of on-device investigative tools always follows judicial authorization, pursuant to the Criminal Code. These provisions include several privacy safeguards. They can be invoked only for serious crimes. They require judicial authorization, often on a high standard of reasonable grounds to believe that a crime has been or will be committed and that evidence related to the crime will be found on the device to be searched. Judges can subject the collection of information to terms and conditions, including conditions designed to limit the invasion of privacy.
I believe that these provisions are reasonable or, at least, that they constitute a good starting point for protecting privacy in the context of criminal investigations in which the state has compelling grounds to act and in which its actions are governed by judicial authorization.
Can those provisions be improved? Possibly, and the government seems receptive to the idea. However, to conclude that statutory changes are necessary, I think it would be important to determine how the current provisions have been applied and, where possible, to identify grounds for concern. You questioned the RCMP about this, particularly regarding the content of warrants obtained.
Your study ultimately concerns the fundamental conditions that must exist so that Canadians can be confident that their rights are protected when law enforcement agencies employ intrusive methods. And central to that issue of confidence is the existence of a sound legal framework and independent oversight. The balance between the transparency and protection of police methods is also an issue. I will be pleased to address those themes at greater length in response to your questions.
Lastly, the RCMP supports the use of device investigation tools and other intrusive methods in addressing the issues raised by data encryption, for example. I think that's acceptable provided the use of those methods is subject to judicial authorization on a case‑by‑case basis and the protection that encryption affords the general public is not otherwise compromised. On that point, I refer you to the brief published by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner on December 5, 2016, as part of a government consultation on Canada's national security framework.
I will be pleased to answer your questions.
I think what's at play is the balancing of privacy and other public interests. There is no question that this particular tool is extremely intrusive. It's more intrusive than traditional wiretap tools. It does not just record communications on the phone between person A and person B. It sits on the phone, on the digital device of the individual, and the state—the police—has access to everything on that phone. It is extremely intrusive.
When you look at the balancing, therefore, there needs to be an extremely compelling public interest to justify the state being able to have that kind of information and use these tools. The Criminal Code sets out a limited list of offences, serious offences, where the police, with judicial authorization, are able to use the technology in question—things like murder, terrorism, drug trafficking and the like.
I think by and large the list of offences in question does fit the definition of “compelling state imperatives”.
I accept that. I accept that encryption, although it has many benefits for society protecting the privacy of communications of ordinary Canadians, commercial transactions and the like, can pose serious challenges for law enforcement. I accept that.
As I said in my opening statement, I think that to have technology to address the challenges of encryption with judicial authorization on a case-by-case basis does not impede others from benefiting from encryption. I think that's acceptable.
I'll say that part of my surprise was that there has been an ongoing public debate in the context of lawful access about this specific issue and to what extent the police can use means to overcome challenges of encryption, and it never came about in public debate that ODITs were used to that effect.
I'm not saying that it is unacceptable for ODITs to be used, but it was surprising that, in the context of many debates in the public about the challenges of encryption when I was Privacy Commissioner, I was not told that a tool was used to overcome encryption.
Mr. Therrien, thank you for testifying before us once again.
We always appreciate your informed comments.
Yesterday, Commissioner Dufresne said he was surprised to learn the facts, and, unless I'm mistaken, I believe you were too.
The aim of our debate is to preserve the public's trust in our institutions. I believe the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada is one of the leading institutions, one of the preferred institutions, in achieving that end.
RCMP representatives told us they had consulted you. In other studies, we also learned that you had been consulted but were unable to look under the hood, as it were. It seems to me the RCMP consults you on trivial matters so it can say it consulted you but refrains from doing so on other matters.
Am I wrong in saying so?
I think that's a central issue in your study. It may be more complicated than it seems.
Yesterday, you discussed the possibility of amending the act to provide for the conduct of privacy impact assessments, PIAs. That's a legal obligation, and I think it's a very good idea. This obligation currently derives from a Treasury Board standard or policy. It's somewhat vague on when assessments are to be conducted and when the commissioner must be consulted.
Going back to what I said a little earlier, I repeat that the fundamental conditions for confidence are clear legal rules, high legal standards and independent oversight.
Part VI of the Criminal Code provides for all that. It's not as though there aren't any rules; there are rules. Can those rules be improved? Probably.
Yesterday, you discussed a potential improvement: that the RCMP or other federal institutions be required to consult the Office of the Privacy Commissioner and that they have a legal duty to do so. That's a good idea, but if you recommend that it should be a legal obligation, I encourage you to specify the circumstances in which assessments must be conducted. Under the Treasury Board standard, an assessment must be conducted where a new or deeply altered program has an impact on privacy. The RCMP told you yesterday that the fact that it uses this technology in particular is nothing new. You shouldn't focus on the technology, but rather on the violation of privacy. According to the RCMP, there are supporting arguments in this matter. I don't personally agree with that, but I don't think it's an unreasonable position.
I think that, in addition to saying there's a legal obligation to conduct assessments, you also have a responsibility to state in general terms when they must be conducted and for what purpose. That way you can ensure proactively that the act is being complied with. There wouldn't simply be an ex post facto review but also a preliminary examination to ensure statutory compliance. Ideally, you should also recognize privacy as a fundamental right, as Mr. Dufresne suggested yesterday.
I'd like to continue on getting to the heart of the matter for me, which is about strengthening legal frameworks.
We heard from the Privacy Commissioner earlier in testimony the suggestion that privacy impact assessments should be part of the process. We heard from the deputy commissioner, at least in the documents that we received, that they have a process for onboarding new technology.
Given your past experience in this, and understanding that much of our work as an ethics committee has been chasing situations after the fact in a very reactionary way, what points of legal framework would you recommend to this committee to help close the gap that clearly exists with what is legal, ethical and technological in terms of the rate of advancement of the technology versus the existing legislation?
I'm going to follow a different line now. We've gone from the policy directives and hopefully the recommendations for legislation to what I believe to be an existing gap in oversight, which is what my colleagues have talked about—the police policing the police.
In the sample warrant that was provided, there was a section on interceptions by on-device investigative tools that talked about oral communications intercepted using an ODIT. The monitor who subsequently reviews the communication “must cease reviewing the communication as soon as the monitor determines that no person in paragraph 3a is a party to the communication”.
Essentially, we have the situation set up where this is placed on a device; it's being monitored and we're supposed to take their word for it even though, as described by the RCMP, they have no processes in place for auditing or performance evaluation of the sort. My concern is that, left unchecked, without explicit guardrails as to when and how this can be used, the comprehensive nature of the capture of data seems to be susceptible to unlawful search and seizure of subjects and materials outside of the purview of the warrant.
Do you have any comment on that and the ways we might be able to provide oversight?
With respect, I don't think that's an example of “trust us” when they say courts only give the authorizations after review and therefore this is lawful. You say, "trust us". The question of trust depends on two things: a clear and rigorous legal framework and independent oversight. The courts provide independent oversight.
We have a good starting point with part VI of the Criminal Code. Can it be improved? Probably.
The OPC certainly has particular expertise in privacy to bring to bear, and proceeding with privacy impact assessments is most likely a good idea in the circumstances. There is also the the National Security and Intelligence Review Agency, NSIRA, that plays a role and is also an independent oversight body.
You have at least three institutions in total providing a measure of trust: the courts, the OPC and NSIRA, which are independent from the executive branch.
Your study is about, given the intrusiveness of this technology, whether the safeguards should be improved. It may well be that the answer is yes.
Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Therrien, it's good to have you back before the ethics committee.
I'll try to get into a bit more detail in what has been an interesting discussion. In particular, we see the responses that the gave yesterday. He refused to disclose whether or not.... In a roundabout way, he did acknowledge that when other agencies do, in fact, use ODITs.... In a sense, he indirectly admitted that this type of technology is used by other agencies under the Minister of Public Safety's purview.
If you had a chance to listen to his testimony yesterday, are you concerned about the lack of forthcomingness that the minister displayed before this committee yesterday?
I would again encourage you to clarify the law. If you want more transparency, make it a legal requirement and define the concept. Speaking about the RCMP for instance, the RCMP's premise, and perhaps that was behind the minister's answer yesterday, is to try to be transparent but to protect its methods of operation so that criminals do not know how they function, because of course investigations would be impeded. This question of protecting methods of operation is always in the minds of police and government officials answering questions like this.
I heard yesterday something that looked like a standard to me, which you might wish to consider. It would be that the government and the police would have an obligation of transparency, subject only to what is necessary to protect police methods and the integrity of investigations. In other words, the standard would be transparency.
The exception would be limited only to what is necessary. Perhaps if that was clearer—not perhaps. It is clear to me because I've had many occasions—and I'm not speaking about the minister; I'm talking about conversations over the years with law enforcement and national security, and it's not their starting point to say things that might impede their investigations. Sometimes they're overly cautious in assessing the balance between transparency and the protection of methods.
If the law was clearer that transparency is the rule and only when necessary to protect police methods is it acceptable to not be transparent, there might be progress.
Good morning from here in Calgary.
To you and members of the committee, thank you for inviting me to appear before you today.
In 1964, Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”
In 1992, our Supreme Court said, “The very efficacy of electronic surveillance is such that it has the potential, if left unregulated, to annihilate any expectation that our communications will remain private.” The Supreme Court also said that we have a right to know when the state intrudes on our privacy.
The need for this study tells us that the court has been ignored.
As we saw with Clearview AI, police sometimes sampled data-oriented policing tools with no procurement paper trail, tools they say are needed for public safety to guard against perceived threats or, as Bill allows, to provide for societal benefits. Put another way, technology itself is morally neutral. How its use is justified makes all the difference, which is why it is so very important that this study is not hidden behind closed doors shielded from full public view.
We know that the Stasi secretly spied on its citizenry, but we don't expect democratic governments to spy on theirs, yet it's now happening in Canada and around the world with journalists, executives, social activists and elected representatives whose views differ from the ruling party being spied on.
Until recently, though, Dudley Do-Right and Sergeant Preston were what people thought of when they thought of the RCMP, defenders of justice and fair play in their relentless pursuit of lawbreakers, respecting the intent in the letter of the law, the charter and Canadian's privacy, not using an unreported surveillance program to spy on Canadians' social media accounts.
Granted, spyware can help police do their work. More often, though, it's downloaded by the hundreds of thousands and used by human traffickers to control sex slaves and, in domestic conflicts, to terrorize partners.
It's also part of a lucrative new sector that's made our privacy, our freedom and our democracy only a crisis or an election away from extinction. How can any MP or bureaucrat be certain that cabinet confidences, military strategies, election plans or anything can be discussed privately when there's a very real chance that a hidden app is letting someone somewhere in the world listen, watch and record your every text, email and photo, siphon your contacts and your passwords and silently turn on the microphone and camera to watch and listen to you and your surroundings undetected?
As for the question of whether there are any social benefits in spyware, the answer is a perverse but resounding yes. It's the Ford Pinto of technology, a danger hidden to the public in general and to certain people in particular with lots of socially beneficial spinoff jobs, commerce and taxes.
The global cybercrime industry generates more than $1.5 trillion U.S. annually. The global cybersecurity industry is at $1.7 trillion and in Canada, it accounts for $3.5 billion U.S. right now.
Pegasus is just the latest spyware to make the headlines. It reminds us that spyware is a non-partisan, equal opportunity endeavour and that the post-911 tools to combat terrorism have made us all fair game to be targeted and our words used against us. Maybe they already have been.
Disrupting the mercenary surveillance industry will require multi-partisan political will, a coordinated domestic and international effort and a shift in approach to prevent the damage from being done in the first place by regulating the exploitation of privacy. Put the onus where it belongs.
Spyware developers, producers, distributors, investors and the inherently faulty technology make the risk greater than the reward, because regulating Internet content won't stop spyware or child predators, and laws banning hacking-for-hire companies and occasionally catching a criminal haven't made a dent.
Using spyware needs to be made unlawful except in specific exceptional situations and for the shortest possible duration necessary to accomplish a specific investigatory goal with its use approved in advance by a genuinely independent, knowledgeable, apolitical third party so that Canadians can regain trust in government and the public sector and have reason to think of Mounties as Dudley Do-Right, not Snidely Whiplash.
I think it's a broader problem than that, because it's not just a matter of banning the police use of a tool that can be used for legitimate purposes, whether by police or other law enforcement agencies. The problem is that these tools, however technically advanced they might be, each one of them, they're available commercially to anybody who has an Internet connection and wants to download them. That is what is the problem, because otherwise, we're all just working after the fact to try to catch whoever is using it.
Our Criminal Code, as far as I'm aware, does not speak to somebody putting spyware on my phone or yours—a spouse, an intimate partner, a stranger. If they take the intimate photos and distribute them without my consent, that's addressed in the Criminal Code, but not spyware itself. Nobody is talking about preventing the spyware from being used in the first place. Nobody is talking about how the spyware is able to take advantage of the shortcomings, the deficiencies in so many software programs.
Google just introduced 27 fixes, including critical fixes, last week in one day. They and others keep introducing fixes for faulty software. Require that software be tested properly to minimize the opportunity for spyware to be able to take advantage right now of the built-in deficiencies.
Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Good afternoon, Ms. Polsky, and welcome to the committee. We are very pleased to see you today.
We've been discussing privacy and trust from the start. We want to establish and maintain trust.
Many fellow citizens in my riding tell me they have nothing to hide and therefore wonder why we have to address these issues. I'm not sure people understand the intrusive nature of spyware, for example.
Would you be able to explain to us what our fellow citizens are dealing with so we can explain it to them?
Well, they're saying, “I don't have anything to hide”, but people have said that to me and I've said, “Show me your bank statement” and they get weirded out by it. People do have things to hide, but it's more a matter of the idea that when I wish to share a particular bit of information about me, I should have a choice.
For those who want to display their life online, the minutiae of their lives, that's their choice, but, to paraphrase Senator Simons, governments aren't always benevolent. I look to Hungary and Poland, but to Hungary in particular, which has changed in recent years to become rather authoritarian. Its data protection authority, which you would expect to have a role similar to that of our Privacy Commissioner, has ruled that the use of Pegasus against the country's journalists does not violate the law because there is a national security component.
Things that are okay today can be changed on a whim these days, used against you and taken out of context. That's nothing new; that's gone on from time immemorial, but we need to have the choice. Having our information or information about us gathered, taken, assembled, assessed and analyzed by someone we don't know, we've never met and we've never given permission to—what are they going to do with it?—means we're looking at McCarthy hearings again. It's frightening.
I've been around a long time and there's not a lot that scares me. What's going on now is frightening, and that's what people need to realize. It's not just benevolence.
I would agree. In my position, having been on public services and procurement and public accounts and now this committee, we have a government that is really great at writing good policy. They actually write some decent policy. The challenge is that we never have the outcomes. We never have the measurables. We never have the deliverables when it comes to taking something like the directives of the Treasury Board president and watching them actually be implemented in government.
From that perspective, what I'm hearing today, and we can get into distinctions between whether or not it's prescriptive or non-prescriptive or whether or not it's preamble, I'm a firm believer that if we don't direct law enforcement to improve, to increase their transparency, and to provide clear measures of accountability and privacy by design, it won't happen.
Would you agree with that, that if we don't provide those guidelines, it just won't happen?
First of all, I think if the spyware is regulated in the hands of RCMP and federal agencies, that doesn't address the municipal and the provincial law enforcement agencies, so it has to be all encompassing.
I think it's a matter of crafting laws—again, without the direct or indirect influence of industry—that put the liability first on the hardware and software companies and their executives who sell products that are full of vulnerabilities that allow spyware, ransomware and malware attacks. Ban federal procurement or use, directly or indirectly, of spyware by legislation, regulation or order in council, with equivalent bans in each province and territory, and work with foreign governments to ban the sale, export, distribution, use of and investment in commercial spyware.
We already have international free trade agreements that have mandatory cross-border information-sharing provisions and all sorts of other provisions. They need to include provisions where signatories agree to criminalize and prosecute the individuals and the organizations that create, test, market, fund and distribute spyware—and the executives and the investors. There have to be penalties because, otherwise, it's like policy: It's on the books, but if someone in another country can use these products against us, their own governments have to be involved in stopping it because that's in that country, of course. It's out of our reach.
One of the most important differences, I think—a distinction—that the GDPR in Europe brought to bear is that when a privacy impact assessment is conducted, when an organization has a data protection officer, which they must, their focus under the GDPR is the risk to the individual whose information is being collected, used, etc. It's not the risk to the organization. In my experience, that is all too often how Canadian organizations look at it.
First of all, if they have a preliminary PIA—because we're busy; we're a large organization—the few people who actually understand it are too busy to do a PIA for everybody, so they ship it back to the department and say, “Here, you do a preliminary PIA, and you tell me if you think we need to do a PIA.” They don't know what they're looking at, so of course it's easy to say, “Nah, it doesn't affect personal information, so we don't need a PIA.” That's where it ends. That's a flawed system.
When they do do a PIA, some of them are just so cursory. It talks about the benefits of a product or a new system or something, but it doesn't talk about the risk to the individual. It's as if their role is to protect the risk of the organization. That has to change.
Thanks, Pat. It's good to be back. It's good to see you.
It's especially good to see you, Mr. Therrien. I have appreciated your advice and guidance over the years when I did sit on this committee.
I want to start with what I took to be the RCMP's view around “We can't disclose the vendor because of national security.” Yet, from a government procurement basis, it's quite concerning to me, because I see some of this technology—and I know the RCMP has said it doesn't use Pegasus, but Pegasus is an example—has been used to seriously undermine human rights around the world, attacking journalists and other human rights advocates.
As a matter of public interest, shouldn't we know who the vendor is so that we can conduct some level of due diligence around government procurement?
Let's talk about that oversight in the remaining time I have.
I'm comforted that the RCMP has said that they've only used this technology via judicial oversight, but of course, it would have been nice if they were more proactive in their disclosure of the use of this. We now have a pattern, I think, when we look at stingrays, Clearview AI and now this spyware technology, and again, we don't know who the vendor is.
Don't you think the Privacy Commissioner ought to be involved? When I look at the RCMP telling us nine out of 10 requests did not receive internal approval, I don't know what that internal approval framework is, quite frankly. I would think if I were responsible for the RCMP, I would proactively engage with the Privacy Commissioner in establishing that internal framework. Would that make sense to you?
Thank you very much, Chair.
Thank you again to the witnesses.
Monsieur Therrien, if you don't mind, I'll continue with you.
Now, we've heard the scope of the spyware and its use and its intrusive nature on not just Canadians but people in general. The European Union has been involved in, for example, putting Pegasus...saying that it is violating rights. Do you think Canadians should be able to sell spyware like Pegasus to anyone at all? For example, I mentioned the Awz group in my previous questioning. Should organizations like those be able to sell this extremely intrusive technology? Should the government be regulating not only the use of that within our country but also the sale of that abroad?
The meeting is back in session, so I invite everyone to get back to their seats.
I just have some notes here about this study that may even affect how we proceed with the rest of our day today.
The analysts have informed me of what the production constraints are around completing a report in order to comply with the timelines set out in the motion that we adopted in July, so we will conclude the study today. This will be the last day of testimony for this study.
The quickest that we are likely to get a draft report for the committee's consideration is September 12. We have committed in our motion to table the report the following week.
The week of September 12 is a very difficult week for at least four members of this committee in terms of time availability. Otherwise, it would be an excellent week for us, I'm sure. The point is that I think we are heading toward a very limited possibility of tabling this report within the constraints of the motion. It would be my intention, as the chair, to call the appropriate meetings at my discretion to do our best to table this report in Parliament as soon as possible, given the constraints that both the analysts and the production team will have, translation services as well, and perhaps the limitations of some of our committee members that week.
We may have to have a meeting in that week of the 12th, before Parliament resumes. We'll see.
As far as drafting instructions go, I'm going to ask that members communicate with the analysts through the clerk any particular instructions they might have. That way maybe we can dispense with a meeting dedicated to the production of documents.
I'm not sure how much debate we can have about this. I know that members may want the floor to deal with motions as well.
I see Mr. Green and Ms. Khalid.
Go ahead, Matthew.
I think we're getting some really good information here. In fact, in the testimony yesterday, the deputy commissioner of the RCMP volunteered to provide us with the privacy impact assessment, and there was even conversation from the testimony yesterday that they would be willing to be more forthcoming with us in camera.
You'll note in my response to that yesterday that it might be of value to this study to allow for the impact assessment to come back with the potential for an opportunity to revisit the conversation in camera to get the full disclosure and candour of the decisions that were made and how they arrived at those decisions.
I think, absent of that, Mr. Chair, we're going to be missing a significant component of this study, and we'd only then have to come back with some kind of amendment or to reopen it. I think it would be easier, procedurally, if we found a way to adjourn, pause, recess the meeting, whatever the correct procedural language is, until such time that we receive that information and are able to conclude our final thoughts on the drafting of the final report.
Thanks, Mr. Chair. I appreciate it.
I agree with you on the timing piece. I realize the challenges that our analysts will have. I realize also just how much effort they put into making sure that we're well supported in the work that we do.
I'm wondering if it would be feasible that we carry on with this additional meeting and extension of document submissions perhaps by the first week that we get back, the week of September 19. I think it would be very practical, and it would work with all of our schedules, as well as give the analysts enough time to put it all together.
I'd love your thoughts on this, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Chair, I'll just say that based upon the testimony that we have heard and based upon conversations that Mr. Green had with the RCMP, I think there is value in having some in camera meetings to get more detail. I also think that based upon yesterday's testimony, there's the potential that CSIS and other policing agencies across this country, the CSE and National Defence, may be employing this technology as well, and we may want to hear from them.
Rather than function under a time constraint, and I'll leave it to Monsieur Villemure who brought forward the motion, potentially we should look at extending this study rather than getting in a rush to table the report. I think this is something that we need to delve into in more detail, especially as we start talking about privacy impact statements, updating the Criminal Code to make sure the warrants are sufficient or need to be improved to deal with ODIT.
We also need to be talking to the commercial application of this technology and whether or not, based upon the various vendors that are out there, perhaps we should be hearing from some of them as well, and who is making use of their technology and if it is being downloaded by nefarious actors, whether they be at the state level, or whether they be in the private sector, and how that could potentially impact our privacy as Canadians.
Thank you very much, Chair.
While I understand the importance of this motion, I would like to move an amendment. The amendment has been emailed to all the P9s of members. I'll read into the record:
That the motion be amended by adding after the words “original motion” the following: “with the exception of sealed warrants”.
The reason for that, Mr. Chair, is that the seal order is made by a judge. If a judge made a decision to seal a warrant, the RCMP won't have the ability to contradict that or to provide us with that information. Therefore, it just doesn't make sense for us to try to hold the RCMP to account for something that they just are not able to do.
It's a practical motion. Obviously, all of the documents as listed out by Mr. Bezan still apply. I just think that this amendment is a technicality to ensure that we're not asking the RCMP to do something they're not able to do.
Okay, then, I will ask the clerk to conduct a vote on the motion.
There is a tie. I vote in favour of the motion.
(Motion agreed to: yeas 6; nays 5 [See Minutes of Proceedings])
The Chair: We have a couple of minutes, but I think, or I hope, we're done for now. We will be back this afternoon.
Actually, let me be clear about this afternoon. We have three witnesses who will be run together in a single panel. Depending on our timing and whether or not we exhaust members' desire to ask questions, we may have a bit of time at the end. I will put a hard stop on this at five o'clock, if I may, in case anybody has travel arrangements and whatnot and needs to be on their way by five.
With that, the meeting is adjourned.