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The Journals Index is the key to information contained in the minutes of meetings of the House of Commons during the 37th Parliament, 3rd Session.

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37th Parliament, 3rd Session   (February 2, 2004 - May 23, 2004)  Latest Session
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Sweatships see Clothing articles


Take note debates

    >>Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
    >>>Committee of the Whole take note (Government Business No. 1)
    >>>>Committee shall consider a motion, agreed to, by unanimous consent, 11
    >>>>Motion, 18
    >>>House take note (Government Business No. 4)
    >>>>House shall consider a motion, agreed to, by unanimous consent, 78
    >>>>M. (Bélanger), 78
    >>Haiti, civil unrest, impact, Canadian Armed Forces role
    >>>Committee of the Whole take note (Government Business No. 4)
    >>>>Committee shall consider a motion, agreed to, by unanimous consent, 146
    >>>>Motion, 165
    >>National Missile Defense (NMD) System (United States)
    >>>Committee of the Whole take note (Government Business No. 3)
    >>>>Committee shall consider a motion, M. (Saada), 72, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 7), 72-3
    >>>>Motion, 94

Tancook Island, NS see Canada Post Corporation--Rural communities

Tax Court of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Justice, Human Rights, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Standing Committee
    >>>Amendments to the Rules of Practice and Procedure, together with Orders in Council P.C. 2004-495 to P.C. 2004-501, dated April 27, 2004, 420 (8560-373-864-01)


    >>Collection of amounts payable or remittable, uniform 10-year limitation period
    >>>Ways and Means No. 4, notice, tabled, 202 (8570-373-03)
    >>>Ways and Means No. 5, notice, tabled, 202 (8570-373-04)
    >>>Ways and Means No. 7
    >>>>Concurrence, M. (Goodale), 239, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 40), 239-40
    >>>>Notice, tabled, 226 (8570-373-09)
    >>>>See also Budget Implementation Act, 2004 (Bill C-30)
    >>Crime, Canada Revenue Agency, presumption of innocence
    >>>>(Nystrom), (373-0551), 208, gr, 369 (8545-373-66-01); (373-0915), 417
    >>See also Corporate income tax;Goods and Services Tax (GST);Income tax

Team Canada Inc.

    >>2003 annual report, tabled, 425 (8560-373-786-01)

Technology see Biotechnology;Reproductive technology;Sustainable Development Technology Canada

Technology Partnerships Canada

    >>Loans, Q-20 (Rajotte), deemed referred to Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee, 188, r.o., 208 (8555-373-20)

Telecommunications see Satellite piracy


    >>Restrictions, no telemarketing list/registry see Do-Not-Call Registry Act (Bill C-520)


    >>Violence, broadcasting restrictions, children's programming/violent programming after 10 p.m.
    >>>>(Allard), (373-0608), 248, gr, 392 (8545-373-72-01)
    >>See also Official Languages Standing Committee--Reports from 2nd Session, Eighth;RAI International television channel (Radiotelevisione Italiana);Satellite piracy

Témiscamingue constituency see Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Office (Elections Canada)--Reports;Sponsorship program--Abitibi--Baie-James--Nunavik constituency


    >>Combatting see Public Safety Act, 2002 (Bill C-7)
    >>See also Jaballah. Mahmoud

Terrorist groups see Hezbollah terrorist group

Textile and clothing industry see Apparel industry;Clothing articles

Textile Labelling Act (Bill C-527)--Jennings

Theft see Canadian Armed Forces--Military equipment

Throne Speech

    >>Address in Reply
    >>>Engrossed and presented to Governor General by the Speaker, M. (Saada), 91, agreed to on division, 91
    >>>Presentation to Governor General, M. (Jobin), 4, 10-2, 16-8, 22-3, 64, 71-2, 73, 79-80, 82, division deferred, 82, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 10), 90-1
    >>>>Amdt. (Hill, G.), 10-1, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 6), 64-5
    >>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Duceppe), 11, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 1), 17-8
    >>>>Procedure, "That the debate be now adjourned", M. (Hill, G.), agreed to, 5
    >>Appendix to official report of debates, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 1
    >>Consideration later this day, M. (Martin, Paul), 2, agreed to, 2
    >>Reported by Speaker, 1
    >>Tabled, 1 (8525-373-1)


    >>China, human rights violations
    >>>>(Anders), (373-0893), 407

Tlicho Land Claim and Self-Government Act (Bill C-31)--Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Mitchell)

    >>Ways and Means No. 8
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Mitchell), 240, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 41), 240-1
    >>>Notice, tabled, 233 (8570-373-10)
    >>1st r, 246-7
    >>2nd r, 276, 283, 289, division deferred, 289, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 51), 295-6
    >>Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 296-7


    >>Flammability standard, fire-safe cigarettes see Hazardous Products Act(amdt)--fire-safe cigarettes)(Bill C-260)
    >>>(Martin, Pat), (373-0929), 428

Toronto Disaster Relief Committee see Homelessness

Toronto, ON see Anti-Semitism

Tourism see Adventure tourism industry

Trade see Asia-Pacific region;Customs tariff;Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA);Team Canada Inc.

Traffic accidents

    >>Failure to stop at scene of accident/hit and run, penalties, Carley's Law, petitions
    >>>(White, R.), (373-0189), 82, gr, 226 (8545-373-34-03); (373-0389), 154, gr, 226 (8545-373-34-03); (373-0554), 214, gr, 272 (8545-373-34-05)

Trans fats (trans fatty acids)

    >>>>(Martin, Pat), (373-0094), 26, gr, 182 (8545-373-33-02); (373-0260), 106, gr, 182 (8545-373-33-02); (373-0746), 304
    >>>>(Wasylycia-Leis), (373-0869), 401
    >>>See also Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--trans fatty acids)(Bill C-473)

Transport Department

    >>Estimates, 2003-2004, Supplementary (B)
    >>>Referred to Transport Standing Committee, 101
    >>Estimates, 2004-2005, Main
    >>>Referred to Transport Standing Committee, 117
    >>See also Sustainable development strategies

Transport Standing Committee

    >>Estimates referred
    >>>2003-2004, Supplementary (B)
    >>>>Transport, 101
    >>>2004-2005, Main
    >>>>Transport, 117
    >>Membership, 59-60, 132
    >>Reports permanently referred see Atlantic Pilotage Authority;Blue Water Bridge Authority;Canada Shipping Act;Great Lakes Pilotage Authority Ltd.;Laurentian Pilotage Authority;Marine Atlantic Inc.;Order in Council appointments;Pacific Pilotage Authority;Ridley Terminals Inc.;Transportation;VIA Rail Canada Inc.


    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
    >>>2003 annual report, 420 (8560-373-79-01)
    >>See also Gasoline additives (manganese-based additives (MMT));Gasoline prices;Grain transportation;Public transit;Rail system;St. Lawrence Seaway;Voyageur Colonial Limited

Transportation and Climate Change: Options for Action see Gasoline prices

Travel expenses see Forestry workers

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

    >>Estimates, 2003-2004, Supplementary (B)
    >>>Referred to Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee, 100
    >>>Votes 1b, 10b, 15b, 20b and 21b see Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee--Reports, First
    >>Estimates, 2004-2005, Main
    >>>Referred Government Operations and Estimates Standing Committee, 116
    >>See also Sustainable development strategies

Tremblay, Pierre see Sponsorship program--Cabinet Ministers

Tribal Sportswear Inc. see Canadian International Trade Tribunal

Truscott, Steven

    >>Wrongful conviction for murder of 12 year old Lynn Harper
    >>>>(Chamberlain), (373-0404 to 373-0418), 162, gr, 263 (8545-373-41-02)
    >>>>(Reid), (373-0748), 304
    >>>>(Steckle), (373-0380), 154, gr, 263 (8545-373-41-02)
    >>>>(Ur), (373-0005), 10, gr, 183 (8545-373-41-01)

Trusts see Cabinet Ministers--Blind trusts


Ukraine see Radio Canada International

Ukrainian Canadians

    >>Internment, World War I, redress
    >>>>(Mark), (372-2265), gr, 9 (8545-373-23-01)

Unemployment see Employment insurance--Benefit period

Unemployment Insurance Account see Employment Insurance Account--Name

Unemployment Insurance Act (Bill C-477)--Godin

    >>1st r, 70

Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund

    >>Employment Insurance Account, replacing see Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--establishment of Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund)(Bill C-485)

United Nations

    >>Annan, Kofi, Secretary General see House of Commons proceedings--Address

United Nations Eritrea Regulations

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
    >>>Regulations repealing (SOR/JUS-604313), 140 (8560-373-592-01)

United Nations Ethiopia Regulations

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
    >>>Regulations repealing (SOR/JUS-604315), 140 (8560-373-592-02)

United Nations Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Regulations

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
    >>>Regulations repealing (SOR/JUS-605069), 250 (8560-373-592-03)

United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia Regulations

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee
    >>>Regulations repealing (SOR/JUS-604334), 250 (8560-373-592-04)

United States see Canada-United States relations;Cuba;Electricity;Iraq, United States pre-emptive attack;National Missile Defense (NMD) System (United States)

User fees

    >>Parliamentary scrutiny and approval see User Fees Act (Bill C-212)
    >>See also National parks

User Fees Act (Bill C-212)--Cullen

    >>Reinstated after prorogation under S.O. 86.1, deemed read the second time and referred to a committee, reported with amendments, concurred in at report stage and read the third time and passed, 3
    >>Senate passage, with amdt., 170-3
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Cullen), 222, agreed to on division, 222
    >>Royal Assent, 243 (Chap. 6, S.C. 2004)


Value-for-money (VFM) audit practice see Auditor General of Canada Office

Vancouver, BC see Olympics and paralympics, 2010 Winter Games (Vancouver-Whistler, Canada)

Veterans Affairs Department

    >>Estimates, 2003-2004, Supplementary (B)
    >>>Referred to National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 101
    >>Estimates, 2004-2005, Main
    >>>Referred to National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 117
    >>Funeral and burial benefits/honours see National Veterans Funeral Honours Act (Bill C-499)
    >>See also Sustainable development strategies

Veterans' benefits/pensions see Canadian Armed Forces--Personnel;Chemical Warfare Agent Testing Recognition Program

VFM see Value-for-money (VFM) audit practice

VIA Rail Canada Inc.

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport Standing Committee
    >>>2003 annual report, with Auditor's Report, 427-8 (8560-373-128-01)

Victims of crime see Guatemala

Video recordings see Literacy

Violence see Television

Vitamins and supplements

    >>Medical expense deduction, Income Tax Act, Section 118.2(2)(n)/Goods and Services Tax (GST) exemption
    >>>>(Borotsik), (372-2181), gr, 8 (8545-373-11-01)
    >>>>(Grey), (372-2148 to 372-2151), gr, 8 (8545-373-11-01); (373-0095), 26, gr, 183 (8545-373-11-02); (373-0555), 214, gr, 299 (8545-373-11-03); (373-0879), 407

Volunteers see Emergency volunteers

Voting see Elections;Youth voting initiatives

Voting Counts: Electoral Reform for Canada see Law Commission of Canada--Reports

Voyageur Colonial Limited

    >>Pension plan failure, Paul Martin chief of staff Terrie O'Leary, May 30, 1994 letter to Superintendent of Financial Institutions Office deputy superintendent, Nick LePan, tabled, 95 (8530-373-03), 98 (8530-373-04)


    >>Legislation see Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children and othervulnerable persons) and Canada Evidence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-12)

Vuntut National Park of Canada

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>>2004-2008 management plan, 316 (8560-373-848-01)


Wages and salaries see Bankruptcy--Workers' wages;Pay equity;Public Service--Performance pay


    >>Peaceful resolutions
    >>>>(McNally), (373-0617), 249
    >>See also World War I

War crimes see Guatemala

Wasp Network see Cuba

Water see Coastal waters

Waterways see St. Lawrence Seaway

Ways and Means (notice of motions), tabled

    >>1. Budget 2004 (March 23, 2004), approval, M. (Goodale), 201, 208-9, 215, 225-6, 233, division deferred, 233, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 39), 238-9
    >>>Amdt. (Harper), 208-9, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 38), 228-30
    >>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Paquette), 209, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 37), 216-7
    >>>Procedure, "That the debate be now adjourned", M. (Harper), 202, deemed adopted, 202
    >>2.Excise Tax Act
    >>>Notice, tabled, 151 (8570-373-01)
    >>3.Air Travellers Security Charge Act
    >>>Notice, tabled, 201 (8570-373-02)
    >>4.Income Tax Act
    >>>Notice, tabled, 202 (8570-373-03)
    >>5.Excise Tax Act
    >>>Notice, tabled, 202 (8570-373-04)
    >>6.Income Tax Conventions Interpretation Act
    >>>Notice, tabled, 202 (8570-373-05)
    >>7.Budget 2004, implementation
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Goodale), 239, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 40), 239-40
    >>>Notice, tabled, 226 (8570-373-09)
    >>>See also Budget Implementation Act, 2004 (Bill C-30)
    >>8.Tlicho Land Claims and Self-Government Act
    >>>Concurrence, M. (Mitchell), 240, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 41), 240-1
    >>>Notice, tabled, 233 (8570-373-10)
    >>>See also Tlicho Land Claim and Self-Government Act (Bill C-31)

Weapons see Biological and chemical weapons;Firearms;Firearms registry (Canadian Firearms Program);National Missile Defense (NMD) System (United States);Space Preservation Treaty

West coast ports

    >>Strikes and lockouts, arbitration see Final Offer Arbitration in Respect of West Coast Ports Operations Act (Bill C-312)

West Vancouver--Sunshine Coast constituency

    >>Name, change to West Vancouver--Sea to Sky Country-Sunshine Coastsee Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-300)
    >>Name, change to West Vancouver--Sunshine Coast--Sea to Sky Countrysee Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-20)
    >>See also Government grants and contributions

Westbank First Nation Self-Government Act (Bill C-11)--Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Mitchell)

    >>1st r, 67-8
    >>Deemed read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources, 68
    >>Aboriginal Affairs, Northern Development and Natural Resources Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 68
    >>>Report, with amdts., 177
    >>Report stage, 277-8, 282-3, 293
    >>>Concurrence, as amended, M. (Mitchell), 294, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 50), 294-5
    >>>Motion No. 1 (Clause 3), (Cummins), 278, division deferred, 282, further deferred, 283, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 49), 293-4
    >>>Motion No. 3 (new clause, 4.1), (Duncan), 278, division deferred, 282, further deferred, 283, negatived on division, 294
    >>3rd r, 299-301, division deferred, 301, division further deferred, 310, agreed to on recorded division (Division No. 55), 323-4, passed
    >>Senate passage, without amdt., 385
    >>Royal Assent, 389 (Chap. 17, S.C. 2004)

Westbank First Nation Self-Government Act (Bill C-57)(2nd Sess., 37th Parl.)

    >>Reinstated as Westbank First Nation Self-Government Act (Bill C-11)

Westbank First Nation self-government agreement

    >>Legislation see Westbank First Nation Self-Government Act (Bill C-11)

Western Economic Diversification Department

    >>Estimates, 2004-2005, Main
    >>>Referred to Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee, 116
    >>See also Community Futures Development Corporations (CFDCs);Sustainable development strategies

Westlock--St. Paul constituency

    >>Name, change to Battle River see Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act(Bill C-20)

Wheat see Genetically modified wheat

Whistle blowing see Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, First--Reports, Second;Public Service--Wrongdoing

Whistler, BC see Olympics and paralympics, 2010 Winter Games (Vancouver-Whistler, Canada)

White Head Island, NB see Income tax--Northern zone

Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act

    >>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
    >>>2001 annual report, 12 (8560-373-104-01)

Wildlife see Gophers (Richardson's ground squirrels);Migratory birds;Sonar

Windsor, ON see Border, Canadian

Windsor-St. Clair constituency

    >>Name, change to Windsor-Tecumseh see Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act(amdt.)(Bill C-300)

Windsor West constituency see Sponsorship program

Witnesses (Justice system) see Members of Parliament

Women see Abortion;Alcoholic beverages--Pregnancy;Child custody;Feminine hygiene products;Pay equity;Penitentiary inmates


    >>Lives lost on job, April 28th, flags flown at half-mast on federal premises see Workers Mourning Day Act (amdt.)(Bill C-498)
    >>See also Bankruptcy;Forestry workers;Seasonal workers

Workers Mourning Day Act (amdt.)(Bill C-498)--Easter


    >>Psychological harassment, prevention see Public Service--Psychological harassment

Workplace Psychological Harassment Prevention Act (Bill C-451)--Bourgeois

    >>Reinstated after prorogation under S.O. 86.1
    >>2nd r, 139, dropped to bottom of Order of Precedence list under S.O. 93, 139, 344, division deferred, 344, negatived on recorded division (Division No. 71), 382-3

World War I see Ukrainian Canadians

Women see Feminine hygiene products;Ovarian cancer;Penitentiary inmates


Yellowhead constituency see Government grants and contributions

Young offenders see Home invasion

Youth see Age of consent (sexual relations)

Youth Criminal Justice Act

    >>Legislation see Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-14);Criminal Code (amdt.--mental disorder)(Bill C-29)

Youth Criminal Justice Act (amdt.--home invasion offfence)(Bill C-492)--Lunn

Youth voting initiatives

    >>Developing, M-398 (Grewal), 92-3, agreed to, 93
    >>>Amdt., M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 93
    >>>Document, "References: Motion 398", tabled, 93 (8530-373-2)
    >>>Sponsor, change, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 93

Yugoslavia see United Nations Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Regulations;United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia Regulations