3rd Session, 40th Parliament |
3e session, 40e législature |
Standing Committee on Natural Resources |
Comité permanent des ressources naturelles |
Meeting No. 45 | | Séance no 45 |
Thursday, February 17, 2011 | | Le jeudi 17 février 2011 |
3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. | | 15 h 30 à 17 h 30 |
Room 7-52, 131 Queen Street |
Pièce 7-52, 131, rue Queen |
(613-943-9748) |
(613-943-9748) |
Orders of the Day |
Ordre du jour |
Energy Security in Canada | | Sécurité énergétique au Canada |
3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. | | 15 h 30 à 16 h 30 |
Panel 1 | | Groupe 1 |
Alberta Innovates - Energy and Environment Solutions | | Alberta Innovates - Energy and Environment Solutions |
Eddy Isaacs, Chief Executive Officer | | Eddy Isaacs, chef de la direction |
Mackenzie Valley Aboriginal Pipeline LP | | Mackenzie Valley Aboriginal Pipeline LP |
Robert Reid, President | | Robert Reid, président |
4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. | | 16 h 30 à 17 h 30 |
Panel 2 | | Groupe 2 |
Alberta Chamber of Resources | | Alberta Chamber of Resources |
Brad Anderson, Executive Director | | Brad Anderson, directeur exécutif |
Larry Staples, Project Manager Task Force on Resource Development and the Economy | | Larry Staples, gestionnaire de projet Groupe de travail sur l'exploitation des ressources et l'économie |
Town of Bay Bulls | | Ville de Bay Bulls |
Harold Mullowney, Mayor | | Harold Mullowney, maire |
Ted Lomond, Executive Director Newfoundland and Labrador Regional Economic Development Association | | Ted Lomond, directeur général Newfoundland and Labrador Regional Economic Development Association |
Le greffier du Comité |
Andrew Lauzon (613-995-0047) |
Clerk of the Committee |
2011/02/16 2:09 p.m. |
2011/02/16 14 h 9 |