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Air Canada
>>British Columbia, service personnel job losses
>>>>(Dhaliwal), (391-1657), 1503
>>Official language obligations see Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-29);Official Languages Standing
Committee--Reports, First
Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-29)--Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities (Cannon)
>>1st r, 538
>>2nd r, 1430, 1435
Air fares
>>Advertisement, regulation see Canada Transportation Act and Railway Safety Act (amdt.)(Bill C-11)
Air India
>>Flight 182, June 23, 1985, terrorist attack, public inquiry
>>>Commissioner, Honourable John C. Major, Q.C, appointment, Order in Council P.C. 2006-293 dated May 1, 2006, tabled, 112 (8530-391-04)
>>>Statement by Minister (Harper), 112
Air pollution
>>Regulation see Canada's Clean Air Act (Bill C-30)
Air quality
>>Indoor air quality, Canadian Lung Association document, tabled, 571 (8530-391-17)
Air transportation
>>Montreal-Beirut direct air route
>>>>(Mourani), (391-0793), 881, gr, 923 (8545-391-28-08)
>>Safety and security, Canadian Armed Forces investigative powers see Aeronautics Act (amdt.)(Bill C-6)
>>See also ACE Aviation Holdings Inc.
Air Travellers Security Charge
>>Relief provisions/schedule of listed airports
>>>Ways and Means No. 12
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Flaherty), 841, agreed to on division, 841
>>>>Notice, tabled, 808 (8570-391-15)
>>>>See also Excise Tax Act, Excise Act, 2001 and Air Travellers Security Charge Act (amdt.)(Bill C-40)
Air Travellers Security Charge Act
>>Ways and Means No. 2, notice, tabled, 119 (8570-391-01)
>>Ways and Means No. 3, notice, tabled, 119 (8570-391-02)
>>Ways and Means No. 12
>>>Concurrence, M. (Flaherty), 841, agreed to on division, 841
>>>Notice, tabled, 808 (8570-391-15)
>>>See also Excise Tax Act, Excise Act, 2001 and Air Travellers Security Charge Act (amdt.)(Bill C-40)
>>And air navigation equipment and computer software, withholding tax
>>>Ways and Means No. 11
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Flaherty), 754, agreed to, 754
>>>>Notice, tabled, 672 (8570-391-14)
>>>>See also Income Tax Amendments Act, 2006 (Bill C-33)
>>See also Boeing Company;Canadian Armed Forces;Transport Department
Airlines see Air Canada;Air India
>>Economic framework/policy see Canada Airports Act (Bill C-20)
>>See also Air Travellers Security Charge--Relief provisions;Toronto Island Airport
Al Gore praises Canada see Environment--Government policy
Alaska Highway
>>>(Hill), (391-0184), 263, gr, 377
Alberta see Athabasca Oil Sands;Farm Income Protection Act;Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Reports, Agreements for RCMP policing services
Alcoholic beverages
>>Excise tax
>>>Ways and Means No. 2, notice, tabled, 119 (8570-391-01)
>>>Ways and Means No. 5
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Flaherty), 159, agreed to on division, 159
>>>>Notice, tabled, 151 (8570-391-08)
>>>>See also Budget Implementation Act, 2006 (Bill C-13)
>>Impairment/health dangers, warning labels on containers see Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--warning labels regarding the consumption of
alcohol)(Bill C-251)
>>Pregnancy, consumption during, fetal alcohol syndrome/fetal alcohol effects, warning labels on containers
>>>>(Wasylycia-Leis), (391-0088), 164, gr, 288 (8545-391-22-01); (391-0154), 245, gr, 377 (8545-391-22-02); (391-0310), 359, gr, 555 (8545-391-22-03); (391-1060 and 391-1061), 912, gr,
924 (8545-391-22-04); (391-1100), 925, gr, 1096 (8545-391-22-05); (391-1303), 1162, gr, 1307 (8545-391-22-06); (391-1505), 1378, gr, 1459 (8545-391-22-07)
>>Stills or similar equipment, possession
>>>Ways and Means No. 12
>>>>Concurrence, M. (Flaherty), 841, agreed to on division, 841
>>>>Notice, tabled, 808 (8570-391-15)
>>>>See also Excise Tax Act, Excise Act, 2001 and Air Travellers Security Charge Act (amdt.)(Bill C-40)
>>See also Beer;Impaired driving;Wine industry
Allergies see Herbal remedies
Almrei, Hassan see Public Safety and National Security Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth
ALS see Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
ALS Month Act (Bill C-244)--Tilson
>>1st r, 121
Alternative energy
>>>(Stanton), (391-1539), 1425
>>See also Government vehicles;Wind Power Production Incentive Program
Alternative Fuels Act
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee
>>>Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL)
>>>>2005-2006, 477 (8560-391-649-01)
>>>Blue Water Bridge Authority
>>>>2005-2006, 510 (8560-391-866-01)
>>>Business Development Bank of Canada
>>>>2005-2006, 484 (8560-391-152-01)
>>>Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
>>>>2005-2006, 447 (8560-391-646-01)
>>>>2006-2007, 1426 (8560-391-646-02)
>>>Canada Lands Company Limited
>>>>2005-2006, 503 (8560-391-630-01)
>>>Canada Post Corporation
>>>>2005, 372 (8560-391-635-01)
>>>>2006, 1588-9 (8560-391-635-02)
>>>Canada Science and Technology Museum
>>>>2005-2006, 886-7 (8560-391-170-01)
>>>Canadian Air Transport Security Authority
>>>>2005-2006, 529 (8560-391-897-01)
>>>Canadian Commercial Corporation
>>>>2005-2006, 472 (8560-391-781-01)
>>>Canadian Dairy Commission
>>>>2005-2006, 547-8 (8560-391-699-01)
>>>Canadian Museum of Civilization
>>>>2005-2006, 858 (8560-391-161-01)
>>>Canadian Museum of Nature
>>>>2005-2006, 886 (8560-391-166-01)
>>>Canadian Tourism Commission
>>>>2005, 371 (8560-391-794-01)
>>>>2006, 1588 (8560-391-794-02)
>>>Cape Breton Development Corporation
>>>>2005-2006, 390 (8560-391-151-01)
>>>>2006-2007, 1602 (8560-391-151-02)
>>>Defence Construction (1951) Limited
>>>>2005-2006, 522 (8560-391-633-01)
>>>>2006-2007, 1202 (8560-391-633-02)
>>>Export Development Canada
>>>>2005-2006, 472 (8560-391-662-01)
>>>Farm Credit Canada
>>>>2005-2006, 241-2 (8560-391-647-01)
>>>>2006-2007, 1413 (8560-391-647-02)
>>>Federal Bridge Corporation Limited
>>>>2005, 372 (8560-391-806-01)
>>>>2007, 1600 (8560-391-806-02)
>>>Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation
>>>>2005-2006, 493 (8560-391-769-01)
>>>National Capital Commission
>>>>2005-2006, 397 (8560-391-160-01)
>>>>2006-2007, 1598 (8560-391-160-02)
>>>National Gallery of Canada
>>>>2005-2006, 886 (8560-391-167-01)
>>>Ridley Terminals Inc.
>>>>2004-2005, 160 (8560-391-793-01)
>>>>2006-2007, 1599 (8560-391-793-02)
>>>Royal Canadian Mint
>>>>2005, 372 (8560-391-659-01)
>>>>2006, 1599 (8560-391-659-02)
>>>Standards Council of Canada
>>>>2005-2006, 484 (8560-391-122-01)
>>>Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
>>>>2005-2006, 477 (8560-391-648-01)
Alternative Fuels Act and Excise Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-314)--Silva
>>1st r, 208
Amateur sport see Physical activity
Amik see Project Amik
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
>>June, designating as ALS month see ALS Month Act (Bill C-244)
An Inquiry into the Availability of Certain Apparel Fabrics Produced in Canada see Canadian International Trade Tribunal--Reports
Anal intercourse
>>Criminal Code provision, removal see Criminal Code (amdt.--consent)(Bill C-438)
Animals see Cruelty to animals;Dog or cat fur products;Law enforcement animals;Pet food
Annual Report on the RCMP's use of the Law Enforcement Justification Provisions, pursuant to Section 25.3 of the Criminal Code see Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)--Document
Antipoverty Act (amendments to the Canadian Human Rights Act and Criminal Code) (Bill C-322)--Ménard, Réal
>>1st r, 265
Anti-terrorism Act (2001)
>>Parliamentary review
>>>Public Safety and National Security Standing Committee designated, M., agreed to on division, 201; final report no later than December 22, 2006, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 349; extension of deliberations beyond December 22, 2006, and final report no later than February 28,
2007, M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 911; authorization to continue beyond February 28, 2007,
M., agreed to, by unanimous consent, 1066
>>>See also Public Safety and National Security Standing Committee--Reports, Third--Reports, Seventh
>>See also Statutes--Parliamentary review
Apparel industry see Textile and clothing industry
Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) see Autism--Treatment
>>Grant/job creation tax credit
>>>Ways and Means No. 4, notice, tabled, 119 (8570-391-03)
>>National standards see Labour Market Training, Apprenticeship and Certification Act (Bill C-267)
>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Soldier Apprentice Training Program;Construction industry
Apprenticeship Job Creation Tax Credit
>>Ways and Means No. 8
>>>Concurrence, M. (Flaherty), 532, agreed to on division, 532
>>>Notice, tabled, 523 (8570-391-11)
>>>See also Budget Implementation Act, 2006, No. 2 (Bill C-28)
Appropriation Act No. 1, 2006-2007 (Bill C-8)--President of the Treasury Board (Baird)
>>1st r, 125
>>2nd r, agreed to on division, 125
>>Committee of the Whole
>>>Referral, 125
>>>Report, without amdt., 125
>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Baird), 125, agreed to on division, 125
>>3rd r, 125, agreed to on division, 125, passed
>>Senate passage, without amdt., 160
>>Royal Assent, 166 (Chap. 2, S.C. 2006)
Appropriation Act No. 2, 2006-2007 (Bill C-38)--President of the Treasury Board (Baird)
>>1st r, 826
>>2nd r, agreed to on division, 826
>>Committee of the Whole
>>>Referral, 826
>>>Report, without amdt., 826
>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Baird), 826, agreed to on division, 826
>>3rd r, 826, agreed to on division, 826, passed
>>Senate passage, without amdt., 877
>>Royal Assent, 905 (Chap. 6, S.C. 2006)
Appropriation Act No. 3, 2006-2007 (Bill C-39)--President of the Treasury Board (Baird)
>>1st r, 827
>>2nd r, agreed to on division, 827
>>Committee of the Whole
>>>Referral, 827
>>>Report, without amdt., 827
>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Baird), 827, agreed to on division, 827
>>3rd r, 827, agreed to on division, 827, passed
>>Senate passage, without amdt., 878
>>Royal Assent, 905 (Chap. 7, S.C. 2006)
Appropriation Act No. 4, 2006-2007 (Bill C-49)--President of the Treasury Board (Toews)
>>1st r, 1145
>>2nd r, agreed to on division, 1145
>>Committee of the Whole
>>>Referral, 1145
>>>Report, without amdt., 1145
>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Toews), 1145, agreed to on division, 1145
>>3rd r, 1145, agreed to on division, 1145, passed
>>Senate passage, without amdt., 1181
>>Royal Assent, 1192 (Chap. 3, S.C. 2007)
Appropriation Act No. 1, 2007-2008 (Bill C-50)--President of the Treasury Board (Toews)
>>1st r, 1146
>>2nd r, agreed to on division, 1147
>>Committee of the Whole
>>>Referral, 1147
>>>Report, without amdt., 1147
>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Toews), 1147, agreed to on division, 1147
>>3rd r, 1147, agreed to on division, 1147, passed
>>Senate passage, without amdt., 1181
>>Royal Assent, 1192 (Chap. 4, S.C. 2007)
Appropriation Act No. 2, 2007-2008 (Bill C-60)--President of the Treasury Board (Toews)
>>1st r, 1493
>>2nd r, agreed to on division, 1493
>>Committee of the Whole
>>>Referral, 1493
>>>Report, without amdt., 1493
>>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Toews), 1493, agreed to on division, 1493
>>3rd r, 1493, agreed to on division, 1493, passed
>>Senate passage, without amdt., 1582
>>Royal Assent, 1585 (Chap. 23, S.C. 2007)
Aquaculture see Salmon, Pacific
Arar Commission see Commission of Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian Officials in Relation to Maher Arar
Arar, Maher
>>Arrest and deportation of Canadian citizen to Syria, imprisonment, torture, House of Commons apology
>>>Resolution, 403
>>>See also Commission of Inquiry into the Actions of Canadian Officials in Relation to Maher Arar;Public Safety and National Security
Standing Committee--Reports, Second;Zaccardelli, Giuliano
Arctic areas see Marine Service Fees;Northwest passage
Arms trade see Foreign Affairs and International Development Standing Committee--Reports, Third
Arrest without warrant
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Public Safety and National Security Standing Committee
>>>December 24, 2005 to December 23, 2006, 1601 (8560-391-819-01)
>>>December 24, 2006 to March 1, 2007, 1601 (8560-391-819-02)
Artists see Employment insurance--Self-employed artists and authors
Arts and culture see Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences;Broadcasting--Canadian Content;Canada Post Corporation;Canadian Television Fund;Child pornography--Education;Children's Fitness Tax Credit;Exhibitions;Film industry;Tomorrow Starts Today program
>>>(Martin, Pat), (391-1499), 1378, gr, 1566 (8545-391-105-01); (391-1534), 1416, gr, 1566 (8545-391-105-01); (391-1556), 1429, gr, 1595 (8545-391-105-02); (391-1752), 1550, gr, 1605 (8545-391-105-03); (391-1789), 1568, gr, 1605 (8545-391-105-03)
>>See also Zonolite Attic Insulation (vermiculite insulation)
Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Foreign Affairs and International Development Standing Committee
>>>2005-2006 annual report, with Auditors' Report, 485 (8560-391-916-01)
Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate
>>Report, "The Climate Institute - First Progress Report on the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate", dated April
2006, tabled, 251 (8530-391-12)
Assassination see Hariri, Rafiq
Assault see Peace officers
Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie see Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports
Assembly of First Nations see Aboriginal matrimonial property law
Assistant Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole
>>Scheer, Andrew, appointment, 22
Assisted Human Reproduction Act
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Health Standing Committee
>>>Proposed Regulations under Section 8, 592 (8560-391-919-01)
>>Section 8 see Stem cell research--Reproductive material
Assisted Human Reproduction Agency of Canada see Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Estimates, 2007-2008, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities
Assisted suicide see Euthanasia
Association of Canada Lands Surveyors
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Natural Resources Standing Committee
>>>2005-2006 annual report, 886 (8560-391-799-01)
Astronomy see Radio astronomy
Asylum see Refugees
Athabasca Oil Sands
>>Sustainable development see Natural Resources Standing Committee--Reports, Fourth--Reports, Fifth
>>Income from non-profit club, society or association, income tax exclusion see Income Tax Act (amdt.--exclusion of income received by
an athlete from a non-profit club, society or association)(Bill C-339)
>>See also Sports and recreation programs
Atlantic Accords see Equalization payments--And Atlantic Accords
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)
>>Departmental Performance Report
>>>2005-2006, tabled, 795 (8563-391-03)
>>Estimates, 2006-2007, Main
>>>Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee referral, 58
>>Estimates, 2006-2007, Supplementary (A)
>>>Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee referral, 595
>>Estimates, 2007-2008, Main
>>>Industry, Science and Technology Standing Committee referral, 1072
>>Program funding, r.o. Q-61 (Scott), 365 (8555-391-61)
>>See also Access to Information Act;Estimates, 2006-2007, Main--Reports on Plans and Priorities;Estimates, 2007-2008, Main--Reports on
Plans and Priorities;Privacy Act;Sustainable development strategies
Atlantic Fisheries Restructuring Act
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Fisheries and Oceans Standing Committee
>>>2005-2006 annual report, 241 (8560-391-457-01)
>>>2006-2007 annual report, 1500 (8560-391-457-02)
Atlantic Pilotage Authority
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Transport, Infrastructure and Communities Standing Committee
>>>2005 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 94 (8560-391-415-01)
>>>2006 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1304 (8560-391-415-02)
>>>2006-2010 corporate plan summaries, 127 (8562-391-842-01)
>>>2007-2011 corporate plan summaries, 1305 (8562-391-842-02)
ATMs see Automated teller machines (ATMs)
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL)
>>Ministerial responsibility see Nuclear Energy Act (amdt.--change of responsible minister)(Bill C-205)
>>Reports tabled and permanently referred to Natural Resources Standing Committee
>>>2005-2006 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 389 (8560-391-62-01)
>>>2006-2007 annual report, with Auditor General's report, 1591-2 (8560-391-62-02)
>>>2006-2007 to 2010-2011 corporate plan summaries and 2006-2007 operating and capital budgets, 605 (8562-391-824-01)